
v0.1.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 12, 2018 License: Apache-2.0



Multicluster-service-account makes it easy to use Kubernetes service accounts as multicluster identities. It imports and automounts remote service account tokens inside pods, for them to call the Kubernetes APIs of other clusters. Multicluster-service-account works well with multicluster-controller, but any cross-cluster Kubernetes client can benefit from it.

Why? Check out Admiralty's blog post introducing multicluster-service-account.

How it Works

Multicluster-service-account consists of:

  1. a ServiceAccountImport custom resource definition (CRD) and controller to import remote service accounts (and their secrets);
  2. a dynamic admission webhook to automount service account import secrets inside annotated pods, the same way regular service accounts are automounted inside pods;
  3. helper methods to generate client-go configurations from service account imports (as well as generic methods to fall back to kubeconfig contexts and regular service accounts).

Getting Started

In this getting started guide, we're going to install multicluster-service-account symmetrically in two clusters (asymmetric setups are possible). Then, we're going to run a multicluster client example. We assume that you are a cluster admin on two clusters, associated with the contexts "cluster1" and "cluster2" in your kubeconfig.

Step 1: Installation

Install multicluster-service-account in cluster1 and cluster2:

kubectl apply -f $MANIFEST_URL --context cluster1
kubectl apply -f $MANIFEST_URL --context cluster2

Cluster1 and cluster2 are now able to import service accounts, but they haven't been given permission to import from each other yet. This is a chicken-and-egg problem: cluster1 and cluster2 each need a token from the other (for the service-account-import-controller-remote service account), before they can import more service accounts from each other. To bootstrap them, we're temporarily going to run a service account import controller out-of-cluster, using your kubeconfig, and create service account imports.

First, get the service-account-import-controller binary for your operating system and architecture:

OS=linux # or darwin (i.e., OS X) or windows
ARCH=amd64 # if you're on a different platform, you must know how to build from source
curl -Lo service-account-import-controller $BINARY_URL
chmod +x service-account-import-controller
sudo mv service-account-import-controller /usr/local/bin

Then, for each cluster, set the current context, run service-account-import-controller, import the service-account-import-controller-remote service account of the other cluster, and annotate the in-cluster service account import controller to automount the imported secret:

kubectl config use-context $LOCAL_CLUSTER

# in another terminal:

cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
kind: ServiceAccountImport
  namespace: $NAMESPACE
  clusterName: $REMOTE_CLUSTER
  namespace: $NAMESPACE
  name: service-account-import-controller-remote

kubectl patch deployment service-account-import-controller -n $NAMESPACE -p '{

# Stop service-account-import-controller in the first terminal (Ctrl+C).

Run the snippet above again, switching cluster1 and cluster2. Tokens have now been exchanged between the two clusters, and the admission controllers installed in-cluster have mounted those inside the in-cluster service account import controllers. cluster1 and cluster2 can now import service accounts from each other without outside help.

Step 2: Example

The multicluster-client example includes:

  • in cluster2:
    • a service account named pod-lister in the default namespace, bound to a role that can only list pods in its namespace;
    • a dummy NGINX deployment (to have pods to list);
  • in cluster1:
    • a service account import named cluster2-default-pod-lister, importing pod-lister from the default namespace of cluster2;
    • a pod running multicluster-client, annotated to automount cluster2-default-pod-lister's secret—it will list the pods in the default namespace of cluster2, and stop without restarting (we'll check the logs).
kubectl config use-context $REMOTE_CLUSTER
kubectl create serviceaccount pod-lister
kubectl create role pod-lister --verb=list --resource=pods
kubectl create rolebinding pod-lister --role=pod-lister \
kubectl run nginx --image nginx

kubectl config use-context $LOCAL_CLUSTER
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
kind: ServiceAccountImport
  name: $REMOTE_CLUSTER-default-pod-lister
  clusterName: $REMOTE_CLUSTER
  namespace: default
  name: pod-lister

# Wait until the service account import controller has created the corresponding secret.
sleep 1
while [$(kubectl get secret -l --no-headers | wc -l) -eq 0]
  sleep 1

cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: multicluster-client
  annotations: $REMOTE_CLUSTER-default-pod-lister
  restartPolicy: Never
  - name: multicluster-client

In cluster1, check that:

  1. The service account import controller created a secret for the cluster2-default-pod-lister service account import, containing the token and namespace of the remote service account, and the URL and root certificate of the remote Kubernetes API:
    kubectl get secret -l -o yaml
    # the data is base64-encoded
  2. The service account import secret was mounted inside the multicluster-client pod by the service account import admission controller:
    kubectl get pod multicluster-client -o yaml
    # look at volumes and volume mounts
  3. The multicluster-client pod was able to list pods in the default namespace of cluster2:
    kubectl logs multicluster-client

You can run the symmetrical example if you want.

Service Account Imports

Service account imports tell the service account import controller to maintain a secret in the same namespace, containing the remote service account's namespace and token, as well as the URL and root certificate of the remote Kubernetes API, which are all necessary data to configure a Kubernetes client. If a pod needs to call several clusters, it will use several service account imports, e.g.:

kind: ServiceAccountImport
  name: cluster2-default-pod-lister
  clusterName: cluster2
  namespace: default
  name: pod-lister
kind: ServiceAccountImport
  name: cluster3-default-pod-lister
  clusterName: cluster3
  namespace: default
  name: pod-lister

Creating service account imports should be reserved to multicluster admins!


The annotation on a pod (or pod template) tells the service account import admission controller to automount the corresponding secrets inside it. If a pod needs several service account imports, separate their names with commas, e.g.:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: multicluster-client
  annotations: cluster2-default-pod-lister,cluster3-default-pod-lister
  # ...

Client Configuration

Multicluster-service-account includes a Go library (cf. pkg/config) to facilitate the creation of client-go rest.Config instances from service account imports. From there, you can create kubernetes.Clientset instances as usual. The namespaces of the remote service accounts are also provided:

cfg, ns, err := NamedServiceAccountImportConfigAndNamespace("cluster2-default-pod-lister")
// ...
clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(cfg)
// ...
pods, err := clientset.CoreV1().Pods(ns).List(metav1.ListOptions{})

Usually, however, you don't want to hardcode the name of the mounted service account import. If you only expect one, you can get a Config for it and its remote namespace like this:

cfg, ns, err := ServiceAccountImportConfigAndNamespace()

If several service account imports are mounted, you can get Configs and namespaces for all of them by name as a map[string]ConfigAndNamespaceTuple:

all, err := AllServiceAccountImportConfigsAndNamespaces()
// ...
for name, cfgAndNs := range all {
  cfg := cfgAndNs.Config
  ns := cfgAndNs.Namespace
  // ...
Generic Client Configuration

The true power of multicluster-service-account's config package is in its generic functions, that can fall back to kubeconfig contexts or regular service accounts when no service account import is mounted:

cfg, ns, err := ConfigAndNamespace()
all, err := AllNamedConfigsAndNamespaces()

The service account import controller uses AllNamedConfigsAndNamespaces() internally. That's how we were able to bootstrap in the getting started guide: the same binary was used with a kubeconfig out-of-cluster and with service account imports in-cluster. The generic client example uses ConfigAndNamespace().

API Reference

For more details on the config package, or to better understand how the service account import controller and admission control work, please refer to the API documentation:


go get
godoc -http=:6060

then http://localhost:6060/pkg/


Path Synopsis
Package apis contains Kubernetes API groups.
Package apis contains Kubernetes API groups.
Package multicluster contains multicluster API versions
Package multicluster contains multicluster API versions
Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the multicluster v1alpha1 API group +k8s:openapi-gen=true +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register +k8s:defaulter-gen=TypeMeta Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the multicluster v1alpha1 API group +k8s:openapi-gen=true +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register +k8s:defaulter-gen=TypeMeta
Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the multicluster v1alpha1 API group +k8s:openapi-gen=true +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register +k8s:defaulter-gen=TypeMeta Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the multicluster v1alpha1 API group +k8s:openapi-gen=true +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register +k8s:defaulter-gen=TypeMeta

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