Package conveyz extends the package convey with additional functionality and make it work with gomega. See the original blog post.
go get -u ezpkg.io/conveyz@v0.1.2
- Convey functions to group tests. SConvey to skip and FConvey to focus on a test.
- Tests can be nested, and will be executed in nested order. In the example below, it will print:
[0] → [1] → [1.1]
[0] → [1] → [1.2]
[0] → [2] → [2.1]
[0] → [2] → [2.2]
Differences to the original package
- This package ezpkg.io/conveyz uses gomega for assertions. To me, gomega is more powerful and easier to use.
- With this package, we only need to set FConvey at a single block level. The original package requires to set FocusConvey at every nested level.
- FConvey and SConvey will make
go test
fail. This is to avoid accidentally skipping tests. To skip tests but not make go test
fail, use SkipConveyAsTODO.
- Output looks better with more colors. Stacktrace is nicer.
See conveyz/examples/conveyz_test.go or stringz/stringz_test.go for more examples.
import (
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
. "ezpkg.io/conveyz"
func Test(t *testing.T) {
Ω := GomegaExpect // 👈 make Ω as alias for GomegaExpect
Convey("Start", t, func() {
s := "[0]"
defer func() { fmt.Printf("\n%s\n", s) }()
add := func(part string) {
s = AppendStr(s, part)
Convey("Test 1:", func() {
add(" → [1]")
Ω(s).To(Equal("[0] → [1]"))
Convey("Test 1.1:", func() {
add(" → [1.1]")
Ω(s).To(Equal("[0] → [1] → [1.1]"))
Convey("Test 1.2:", func() {
add(" → [1.2]")
Ω(s).To(Equal("[0] → [1] → [1.2]"))
// 👇change to FConvey to focus on this block and all children
// 👇change to SConvey to skip the block
// 👇change to SkipConveyAsTODO to mark as TODO
Convey("Test 2:", func() {
add(" → [2]")
Ω(s).To(Equal("[0] → [2]"))
Convey("Test 2.1:", func() {
add(" → [2.1]")
Ω(s).To(Equal("[0] → [2] → [2.1]"))
Convey("Test 2.2:", func() {
add(" → [2.2]")
Ω(s).To(Equal("[0] → [2] → [2.2]"))
SkipConvey("failure message", func() {
// 👆change SkipConvey to Convey to see failure messages
// 👆change SkipConvey to SkipConveyAsTODO to mark as TODO
Convey("fail", func() {
// Expected
// <string>: [0] → [2]
// to equal
// <string>: this test will fail
Ω(s).To(Equal("this test will fail"))
Convey("UNEXPECTED", func() {
// UNEXPECTED: Refusing to compare <nil> to <nil>.
// Be explicit and use BeNil() instead. This is to avoid mistakes where both sides of an assertion are erroneously uninitialized.
func AppendStr(s, part string) string { return s + part }
func WillPanic() { panic("let's panic! 💥") }
func CallFunc(fn func()) { fn() }
The output will look like this:
About ezpkg.io
As I work on various Go projects, I often find myself creating utility functions, extending existing packages, or developing packages to solve specific problems. Moving from one project to another, I usually have to copy or rewrite these solutions. So I created this repository to have all these utilities and packages in one place. Hopefully, you'll find them useful as well.
For more information, see the main repository.