FeConnector - Backend for the Next 1.0 logging application
Version: Proof of concept
This application is written in golang and based on the serial-json-server implementation. Most of it has been stripped away but the core connection mechanics remained mostly the same.
This application when started starts a webserver that's listening on a random open port unless specified differently. It tries to serve the html files from the public folder unless specified differently.
The main purpose of the application is connecting to the connected Next 1.0 device and reading the incoming serial data from it parsing that and sending it to the connected websocket connections.
To use it as a fully fledged application you need to download a release from the Fefrontend repository. And place the extracted content into the public folder.
To use the feconnector executable there are is the standard way of just executing it but if you want more fine grain control of the port or folder it selects you can use flags to define those variables.
-port string
http service address. example 8800 to run on port 8800
address (default ":8989")
Allow terminal commands to be executed (default false)
-bufflowdebug string
off = (default) We do not send back any debug JSON, on = We will send back a
JSON response with debug info based on the configuration of the buffer flow
that the user picked (default "off")
Create an /etc/init.d/serial-port-json-server startup script. Available only
on Linux.
-d string
the directory of static file to host (default "./public")
Disable loading of Cayenn TCP/UDP server on port 8988
-gc string
Type of garbage collection. std = Normal garbage collection allowing system to
decide (this has been known to cause a stop the world in the middle of a CNC
job which can cause lost responses from the CNC controller and thus stalled
jobs. use max instead to solve.), off = let memory grow unbounded (you have to
send in the gc command manually to garbage collect or you will run out of RAM
eventually), max = Force garbage collection on each recv or send on a serial
port (this minimizes stop the world events and thus lost serial responses, but
increases CPU usage) (default "std")
start hibernated
-hostname string
Override the hostname we get from the OS (default "unknown-hostname")
Launch self 5 seconds later. This flag is used when you ask for a restart from
a websocket client.
-regex string
Regular expression to filter serial port list, i.e. -regex usb|acm
-saddr string
https service address. example :8801 to run https on port 8801 (default ":8990")
-scert string
https certificate file (default "cert.pem")
-skey string
https key file (default "key.pem")
-v show debug logging
- GO v10.0
- go dep
- Go path configured
Build Setup
External dependencies
- github.com/3devo/feconnector/icon
- github.com/bob-thomas/go-serial
- github.com/facchinm/go-serial
- github.com/getlantern/systray
- github.com/go-ole/go-ole
- github.com/go-ole/go-ole/oleutil
- github.com/gorilla/websocket
- github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter
- github.com/kardianos/osext
- github.com/rs/cors
- github.com/skratchdot/open-golang/open
- github.com/tidwall/gjson
- github.com/gobuffalo/packr2/v2
- github.com/bob-thomas/configdir
To build the golang application you can run go build
or use the build.sh utility.
If you want to build and deploy you will need to use and install packr2 and build with packr2 build
this will package the assets into executable.
The build utility can build the application and also generate + upload releases
usage: ./build.sh [-c || -f || -r 0.1 \"cool release\" || -h
-c | --connector : Build connector
-r tag message | --release tag message : Build and upload release with tag and message
-h | --help : This help message