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Published: Nov 13, 2019 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 5 Imported by: 0


Command micro

A deployment tools for TP-Micro micro service framework.


  • Quickly create a tp-micro project
  • Run tp-micro project with hot compilation


go install

Generate project

microv6 gen command help:

     micro gen - Generate a tp-micro project

     micro gen [command options] [arguments...]

     --template value, -t value    The template for code generation(relative/absolute)
     --app_path value, -p value  The path(relative/absolute) of the project

example: micro gen -p ./myapp or default micro gen myapp

  • The initial template file __tp-micro__tpl__.go:
// package __TPL__ is the project template
package __TPL__

// __API_CALL__ register CALL router:
//  /home
//  /math/divide
type __API_CALL__ interface {
    Home(*struct{}) *HomeResult

// __API_PUSH__ register PUSH router:
//  /stat
type __API_PUSH__ interface {

// __MYSQL_MODEL__ create mysql model
type __MYSQL_MODEL__ struct {

// __MONGO_MODEL__ create mongodb model
type __MONGO_MODEL__ struct {

// Math controller
type Math interface {
    // Divide handler
    Divide(*DivideArg) *DivideResult

// HomeResult home result
type HomeResult struct {
    Content string // text

type (
    // DivideArg divide api arg
    DivideArg struct {
        // dividend
        A float64
        // divisor
        B float64 `param:"<range: 0.01:100000>"`
    // DivideResult divide api result
    DivideResult struct {
        // quotient
        C float64

// StatArg stat handler arg
type StatArg struct {
    Ts int64 // timestamps

// User user info
type User struct {
    Id   int64  `key:"pri"`
    Name string `key:"uni"`
    Age  int32

type Log struct {
    Text string

type Device struct {
    UUID string `key:"pri"`

type Meta struct {
    Hobby []string
    Tags  []string
  • The template generated by micro gen command.
├── README.md
├── __tp-micro__gen__.lock
├── __tp-micro__tpl__.go
├── api
│   ├── handler.go
│   ├── pull_handler.gen.go
│   ├── push_handler.gen.go
│   ├── router.gen.go
│   └── router.go
├── args
│   ├── const.gen.go
│   ├── const.go
│   ├── type.gen.go
│   ├── type.go
│   └── var.go
├── config
│   └── config.yaml
├── config.go
├── doc
│   ├── APIDoc.md
│   ├── README.md
│   └── databases.md
├── log
│   └── PID
├── logic
│   ├── model
│   │   ├── init.go
│   │   ├── mongo_meta.gen.go
│   │   ├── mysql_device.gen.go
│   │   ├── mysql_log.gen.go
│   │   └── mysql_user.gen.go
│   └── tmp_code.gen.go
├── main.go
├── rerrs
│   └── rerrs.go
└── sdk
    ├── rpc.gen.go
    ├── rpc.gen_test.go
    ├── rpc.go
    └── rpc_test.go


  • This microv6 gen command only covers files with the ".gen.go" suffix if the __tp-micro__gen__.lock file exists
  • Add .gen suffix to the file name of the automatically generated file
  • .tmp is temporary code used to ensure successful compilation!
    When the project is completed, it should be removed!
  • The type of handler's parameter and result must be struct!
  • You can modify the created template file __tp-micro__tpl__.go, and run the microv6 gen command again to update the project

Generated Default Sample

Create README.md(only)

microv6 newdoc command help:

   microv6 newdoc - Generate a tp-micro project README.md

   microv6 newdoc [command options] [arguments...]

   --app_path value, -p value  The path(relative/absolute) of the project

Run project

microv6 run command help:

     microv6 run - Compile and run gracefully (monitor changes) an any existing go project

     microv6 run [options] [arguments...]
     microv6 run [options except -app_path] [arguments...] {app_path}

     --watch_exts value, -x value  Specified to increase the listening file suffix (default: ".go", ".ini", ".yaml", ".toml", ".xml")
     --notwatch value, -n value    Not watch files or directories
     --app_path value, -p value    The path(relative/absolute) of the project

example: microv6 run -x .yaml -p myapp or microv6 run

Add model

Add mysql model struct code to project template.

microv6 tpl command help:

  microv6 tpl - Add mysql model struct code to project template

  microv6 tpl [command options] [arguments...]

  --app_path value, -p value      The path(relative/absolute) of the project
  --host value                    mysql host ip (default: "localhost")
  --port value                    mysql host port (default: "3306")
  --username value, --user value  mysql username (default: "root")
  --password value, --pwd value   mysql password
  --db value                      mysql database (default: "test")
  --table value                   mysql table
  --ssh_user value                ssh user
  --ssh_host value                ssh host ip
  --ssh_port value                ssh host port



Command micro is a deployment tools of tp-micro frameware.

Copyright 2018 HenryLee. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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