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Published: Jan 27, 2021 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 23 Imported by: 0


迅雷链BaaS平台 SDK说明文档

迅雷链提供 Go-SDK 以方便开发者与区块链系统(BaaS接入层)进行通信和交互。

1 SDK功能

  1. 封装区块链接口,实现账户管理、普通交易和合约交易等功能;
  2. 集成多个账户的账户信息,作为钱包账户服务中心;
  3. 与Baas接入层交互。


2 SDK目录结构

├── sdk.go              // SDK接口的结构体实例
├── sdkapi.go           // SDK实例的所有接口实现
├── args.go             // SDK使用的消息结构
├── account.go          // SDK账户管理
├── config.go           // SDK包所需的所有配置信息
├── log.go              // SDK包日志接口
├── dnscache.go         // BaaS接入层的DNS解析缓存
├── client.go           // 封装与BaaS接入层交互的客户端
├── httpcli.go          // 封装简易HTTP请求方法
├── util.go             // 通用函数
└── errors.go           // 错误码

3 SDK使用


3.1 设置SDK全局配置。


// AuthInfo 负责通过认证与BaaS交互
type AuthInfo struct {
	ChainID string `json:"chainid"`          // 链ID
	ID      string `json:"id"`               // BaaS为开发者分配的ID
	Key     string `json:"key"`              // BaaS为开发者分配的Key

// Config SDK配置信息
type Config struct {
	Keystore               string            // Keystore目录 保存用户账户秘钥
	UnlockAccounts         map[string]string
	RPCProtocal            string            // BaaS接入层 协议
	XHost                  string            // BaaS接入层 Host
	Namespace              string            // 区块链名称空间 tcapi
	ChainID                int64             // 链ID
	GetGasPrice            bool              // 是否从BaaS获取GasPrice
	AuthInfo               AuthInfo

开发者需构造SDK包内的Config类型,填充其信息并将构造的Config作为入参构造SDK。 需要注意的是,UnlockAccountsAuthInfo 需开发者自行解析。 构造过程如本目录下的Server示例所示:

  // 1. 构造基础配置
  sdkConf := &sdk.Config{
    Keystore:               conf.Keystore,
    UnlockAccounts:         make(map[string]string),
    RPCProtocal:            conf.RPCProtocal,
    XHost:                  conf.XHost,
    Namespace:              conf.Namespace,
    ChainID:                conf.ChainID,
    GetGasPrice:            conf.GetGasPrice,
  // 2. 解析得到 AuthInfo
  authInfoJSON, err := ioutil.ReadFile(authInfoFilePath)
  err = json.Unmarshal(authInfoJSON, &sdkConf.AuthInfo)
  // 3. 解析得到 UnlockAccounts
  passwdsJSON, err := ioutil.ReadFile(passwdFile)
  err = json.Unmarshal(passwdsJSON, &sdkConf.UnlockAccounts)
  // 4. 返回构造的sdkConf
  return sdkConf
3.2 获取SDK实例


需要注意的是,获取SDK实例时需传入 Config 和满足 sdk.Logger 接口的log实现,该log将在SDK内部提供日志功能。


func NewSDK(cfg *Config, log Logger) (*SDKImpl, error)



func foobar() {
  // ------- INIT -------
  // 1. get sdk Config
  sdkConf := &sdk.Config{
  // 2. init log
  logger := log.NewLogger()
  // 3. init sdk
  mySDK := sdk.NewSDK(sdkConf, logger)

  // ------- USE -------
  // encode params
  resp, xerr := mySDK.GetBalance(params...)
  if xerr != nil || xerr.Code != 0 {
    // handle error
  // parse resp

4 SDK接口


type SDK interface {
  // 新建用户账户
  NewAccount(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)
  // 获取SDK管理的所有用户账户
  Accounts(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)
  // 获取某账户地址的余额
  GetBalance(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)
  // 获取某账户地址的Nonce
  GetTransactionCount(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)
  // 获取当前区块高度
  BlockNumber() (interface{}, *Error)
  // 获取指定交易的信息
  GetTransactionByHash(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)
  // 获取指定交易收据
  GetTransactionReceipt(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)
  // 根据区块高度获取区块详情
  GetBlockByNumber(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)
  // 根据区块hash获取区块详情
	GetBlockByHash(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)
  // 发送交易
  SendTransaction(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)
  // 发送合约交易
  SendContractTransaction(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)
  // 执行消息调用(无需创建交易)
  Call(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)

5 接口详细说明

SDK接口的输入和输出参数均以JSON格式编码,该格式定义于 args.go。如有需要,开发者可以在源码中看到更底层的内容。


5.1 accounts

功能描述: 获取钱包管理的全部账户地址

参数: none

返回结果: 账户地址数组


 "0x33d4fcb75ce608920c7e5755304c282141dfc4dc", "0x7a4877494b59c0bd929747800ab86a8b89380ac5", "0x36419474a02a507e236dc473648197f07ab4722e", "0x7fc423bd7ed1f5d17a92bdb8c39ed620f48f7559", "0x8f470d7f2b2db7b83accd008ddabc5423c06044b", 

5.2 NewAccount

功能描述: 创建新的账户

参数: 账户密码

返回结果: 新账户地址




5.3 GetBalance

功能描述: 查询账户余额

参数: 账户地址

返回结果: 账户地址余额



5.4 GetTransactionCount

功能描述: 查询账户nonce值

参数: 账户地址

返回结果: 账户地址当前nonce值




5.5 BlockNumber

功能描述: 查询当前区块链高度

参数: 无

返回结果: 当前链已同步的区块高度



5.6 SendTransaction

功能描述: 普通转账交易


  • Object: 交易对象
    • from: 转出账户地址
    • to: 转入账户地址
    • value: 转账金额 (推荐使用十进制)
    • nonce: (可选) from地址nonce值
  • from账户密码(可选)


  "from": "0x622bc0938fae8b028fcf124f9ba8580719009fdc",
  "to": "0x33d4fcb75ce608920c7e5755304c282141dfc4dc",
  "value": "0x10", // 16 wei


返回结果: 交易hash


  "from": "0x622bc0938fae8b028fcf124f9ba8580719009fdc",
  "to": "0x33d4fcb75ce608920c7e5755304c282141dfc4dc",

5.7 SendContractTransaction



  • 1个参数则只穿交易对象
  • 2个参数则传交易对象和扩展对象
  • 3个参数则传交易对象、账户密码、扩展对象


  • Object: 交易对象
    • from: 转出账户地址
    • to: 转入账户地址
    • gas:(可选,默认90000)手续费
    • gasPrice:(可选,默认1e11)
    • value: 转账金额
    • data:执行合约code
    • nonce: (可选) from地址nonce值
  • from账户密码(可选)


  "from": "0x622bc0938fae8b028fcf124f9ba8580719009fdc",
  "to": "0x7f7f7dbf351d4272eb282f16091c96b4819007f5",
  "data": "0x49f3870b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"


返回结果: 交易hash


  "from": "0x622bc0938fae8b028fcf124f9ba8580719009fdc",
  "to": "0x7f7f7dbf351d4272eb282f16091c96b4819007f5",
  "data": "0x49f3870b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"

5.8 GetTransactionByHash

功能描述: 根据交易hash获取交易详情


  • hash 交易hash

返回结果: 交易详情


  "blockHash": "0xbeab0aa2411b7ab17f30a99d3cb9c6ef2fc5426d6ad6fd9e2a26a6aed1d1055b",
  "blockNumber": "0x15df", // 5599
  "transactionIndex":  "0x1", // 1
  "value":"0x7f110", // 520464
  "gas": "0x7f110", // 520464

5.9 GetTransactionReceipt

功能描述: 根据交易hash获取交易回执


  • hash 交易hash

返回结果: 交易receipt


  "from": "0x3fc2c8dc5831d1ac43be0ba45bdc5b780b277fe8",
  "signHash": "0x85841d70bde75b4e582e97012a92cd043e75ed37f64d0bb233d39b64054ab572",
  "tx": {
    "type": "tx",
    "value": {
      "gas": "0x186a0",
      "gasPrice": "0x0",
      "hash": "0x114631dad58102d7b8b9dcdc06e6ae49a9d1f72fa359a56bad8e0b0ff4baf11e",
      "input": "0x",
      "nonce": "0xb17",
      "r": "0x1b0588746fff89d56cedf5bdd97048cbefc361b8c682f681d6ffffa7793eaa0f",
      "s": "0x54f72eb8bcfcb6b6a34df243940ed85604c837217fe26e50f3b219e802377e15",
      "to": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "v": "0x64606886",
      "value": "0x0"
  "txEntry": {
    "blockHash": "0x8f349e245b2bd898a201296795fc856ec4a81de57e224d337b9af7a98a1dc100",
    "blockHeight": "4377",
    "txIndex": "1895",
    "txRole": "0",
    "zoneID": "0"
  "txHash": "0x114631dad58102d7b8b9dcdc06e6ae49a9d1f72fa359a56bad8e0b0ff4baf11e",
  "txType": "tx"

5.10 GetBlockByNumber

功能描述: 根据区块高度获取区块详情


  • string blockNumber区块高度
  • bool true返回完整交易对象,false只返回交易hash

返回结果: 区块详情


  "0x1b4", // 436
  "crossIn": [],
  "gasLimit": "0x12a05f200",
  "gasUsed": "0x0",
  "hash": "0x82da6d77db11887ad6432cd62f10f181b3e2c2e1592d6d5c91ab475acb5bd54a",
  "lenCrossIn": 0,
  "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "miner": "0x54fb1c7d0f011dd63b08f85ed7b518ab82028100",
  "number": "0x1122",
  "parentHash": "0xdd7edf3051b0b8fe34ef97fbfc5bef90a675a937ca27a9d045cc92c405da59f2",
  "receiptsRoot": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "stateRoot": "0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470",
  "timestamp": "0x5ff2d4fa",
  "transactions": [{},],
  "transactionsRoot": "0x3db59484ce80cd3a09e2d05e2df6c3ef357b11cf1c4f094097e4e8811f059355"

6 错误码说明

错误码 错误信息 说明
0 success 请求成功
-1000 invalid method 接口请求方法错误
-1001 params err 参数错误, 一般由Params参数个数不一致导致
-1002 find account err 账号查找错误
-1003 rpc getBalance err 查看余额 rpc调用失败
-1004 ks.NewAccount err 新建账号错误
-1005 rpc getNonce err 获取Nonce值 rpc调用失败
-1006 SDK SignTx err 交易签名错误
-1007 bal EncodeToBytes err RLP编码错误
-1008 rpc sendTransaction err 发送交易 rpc调用失败
-1009 SDK SignTxWithPassphrase err 钱包签名交易错误
-1012 ContractExtension err 合约交易参数解析错误
-1013 rpc sendContractTransaction err 发送合约交易 rpc调用失败
-1018 json unmarshal err json解析错误
-1019 rpc getTransactionByHash err 查询交易 rpc调用失败
-1020 rpc getTransactionReceipt err 查询收据 rpc调用失败
-1021 SendTxArgs err 发送交易参数解析错误 或 获取Nonce值错误





This section is empty.


View Source
var (
	ErrSuccess = &Error{
		Code: 0,
		Msg:  "success",

	ErrMethod = &Error{
		Code: -1000,
		Msg:  "invalid method",

	ErrParams = &Error{
		Code: -1001,
		Msg:  "params err",

	ErrAccountFind = &Error{
		Code: -1002,
		Msg:  "find account err",

	ErrRpcGetBalance = &Error{
		Code: -1003,
		Msg:  "rpc getBalance err",

	ErrNewAccount = &Error{
		Code: -1004,
		Msg:  "ks.NewAccount err",

	ErrRpcGetNonce = &Error{
		Code: -1005,
		Msg:  "rpc getNonce err",

	ErrSDKSignTx = &Error{
		Code: -1006,
		Msg:  "SDK SignTx err",

	ErrBalEncodeToBytes = &Error{
		Code: -1007,
		Msg:  "bal EncodeToBytes err",

	ErrRpcSendTransaction = &Error{
		Code: -1008,
		Msg:  "rpc sendTransaction err",

	ErrSDKSignTxWithPassphrase = &Error{
		Code: -1009,
		Msg:  "SDK SignTxWithPassphrase err",

	ErrContractExtension = &Error{
		Code: -1012,
		Msg:  "ContractExtension err",

	ErrRpcSendContractTransaction = &Error{
		Code: -1013,
		Msg:  "rpc sendContractTransaction err",

	ErrJsonUnmarshal = &Error{
		Code: -1018,
		Msg:  "json unmarshal err",
	ErrRpcGetTransactionByHash = &Error{
		Code: -1019,
		Msg:  "rpc getTransactionByHash err",
	ErrRpcGetTransactionReceipt = &Error{
		Code: -1020,
		Msg:  "rpc getTransactionReceipt err",

	ErrSendTxArgs = &Error{
		Code: -1021,
		Msg:  "SendTxArgs err",
	ErrRpcGetGasPrice = &Error{
		Code: -1022,
		Msg:  "rpc getGasPrice err",
	ErrCall = &Error{
		Code: -1023,
		Msg:  "rpc call err",
	ErrRpcEstimateGas = &Error{
		Code: -1024,
		Msg:  "rpc EstimateGas err",

	ErrRpcBlockNumber = &Error{
		Code: -1025,
		Msg:  "rpc BlockNumber err",

	ErrRpcgetBlockByHash = &Error{
		Code: -1026,
		Msg:  "rpc getBlockByHash err",

	ErrRpcgetBlockByNumber = &Error{
		Code: -1027,
		Msg:  "rpc getBlockByNumber err",

	ErrSignTxArgs = &Error{
		Code: -1028,
		Msg:  "SignTx args err",

	ErrSendRawTransaction = &Error{
		Code: -1029,
		Msg:  "SendRawTransaction error",


This section is empty.


type AuthInfo

type AuthInfo struct {
	ChainID string `json:"chainid"` // 链ID
	ID      string `json:"id"`      // BaaS为开发者分配的ID
	Key     string `json:"key"`     // BaaS为开发者分配的Key

type CallArgs

type CallArgs struct {
	From string `json:"from"`
	To   string `json:"to"`
	Data string `json:"data"`

type ChainIDData

type ChainIDData struct {
	ChainID int64 `json:"chainid"`

------------------------------ getChainID ------------------------------

type ChainIDReply

type ChainIDReply struct {
	Code uint64      `json:"code"`
	Msg  string      `json:"msg"`
	Data ChainIDData `json:"data"`

type Config

type Config struct {
	Keystore       string            // Keystore目录 保存用户账户秘钥
	UnlockAccounts map[string]string // 预解锁账户 从passwd.json中解析得到
	Retry          int               // 请求失败的至多重复次数
	RPCProtocal    string            // BaaS接入层 协议
	XHost          string            // BaaS接入层 Host
	Namespace      string            // 区块链名称空间 tcapi
	ChainID        int64             // 链ID
	GetGasPrice    bool              // 是否从BaaS获取GasPrice
	AuthInfo       AuthInfo          // 与BaaS通信凭证 从auth.json中解析得到

type ContractExtension

type ContractExtension struct {
	Callback  string `json:"callback"`
	PrepayID  string `json:"prepay_id"`
	ServiceID string `json:"service_id"`
	TxType    string `json:"tx_type"`
	Sign      string `json:"sign"`
	Title     string `json:"title"`
	Desc      string `json:"desc"`

type Error

type Error struct {
	Code int    `json:"code"`
	Msg  string `json:"message"`

func (*Error) Error

func (e *Error) Error() string

func (*Error) Join

func (e *Error) Join(err error) *Error

type Logger

type Logger interface {
	Info(string, ...interface{})
	Warn(string, ...interface{})
	Error(string, ...interface{})

Logger interface

type SDK

type SDK interface {
	NewAccount(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)
	Accounts(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)
	GetBalance(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)
	GetTransactionCount(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)
	BlockNumber() (interface{}, *Error)
	GetTransactionByHash(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)
	GetTransactionReceipt(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)
	GetBlockByNumber(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)
	GetBlockByHash(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)
	SendTransaction(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)
	SendContractTransaction(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)
	Call(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)
	SignTx(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)
	SendRawTransaction(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)

SDK interface defination

type SDKImpl

type SDKImpl struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

------------------------------- SDK Impl -------------------------------

func NewSDK

func NewSDK(cfg *Config, log Logger) (*SDKImpl, error)

NewSDK return a pointer to SDKImpl

func (*SDKImpl) Accounts

func (sdk *SDKImpl) Accounts(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)

func (*SDKImpl) BlockNumber

func (sdk *SDKImpl) BlockNumber() (interface{}, *Error)

func (*SDKImpl) Call

func (sdk *SDKImpl) Call(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)

func (*SDKImpl) GetBalance

func (sdk *SDKImpl) GetBalance(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)

func (*SDKImpl) GetBlockByHash

func (sdk *SDKImpl) GetBlockByHash(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)

func (*SDKImpl) GetBlockByNumber

func (sdk *SDKImpl) GetBlockByNumber(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)

func (*SDKImpl) GetTransactionByHash

func (sdk *SDKImpl) GetTransactionByHash(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)

func (*SDKImpl) GetTransactionCount

func (sdk *SDKImpl) GetTransactionCount(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)

func (*SDKImpl) GetTransactionReceipt

func (sdk *SDKImpl) GetTransactionReceipt(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)

func (*SDKImpl) NewAccount

func (sdk *SDKImpl) NewAccount(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)

func (*SDKImpl) SendContractTransaction

func (sdk *SDKImpl) SendContractTransaction(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)

func (*SDKImpl) SendRawTransaction

func (sdk *SDKImpl) SendRawTransaction(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)

SendRawTransaction send raw and returns hash

func (*SDKImpl) SendTransaction

func (sdk *SDKImpl) SendTransaction(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)

func (*SDKImpl) SignTx

func (sdk *SDKImpl) SignTx(params interface{}) (interface{}, *Error)

SignTx sign tx with unlocked account and returns raw

type SendTxArgs

type SendTxArgs struct {
	From     common.Address  `json:"from"`
	To       *common.Address `json:"to"`
	Gas      *big.Int        `json:"gas"`
	GasPrice *big.Int        `json:"gasPrice"`
	Value    *big.Int        `json:"value"`
	Data     []byte          `json:"data"`
	Nonce    *uint64         `json:"nonce"`


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