
v1.148.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 17, 2021 License: MPL-2.0 Imports: 98 Imported by: 0



Package alicloud common functions used by datahub



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const (
	ClassicNet = InstanceNetWork("classic")
	VpcNet     = InstanceNetWork("vpc")
View Source
const (
	PrePaid  = PayType("PrePaid")
	PostPaid = PayType("PostPaid")
	Prepaid  = PayType("Prepaid")
	Postpaid = PayType("Postpaid")
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const (
	NormalMode = "normal"
	SafetyMode = "safety"
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const (
	Enterprise   = DdosbgpInsatnceType("Enterprise")
	Professional = DdosbgpInsatnceType("Professional")
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const (
	IPv4 = DdosbgpInstanceIpType("IPv4")
	IPv6 = DdosbgpInstanceIpType("IPv6")
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const (
	Internet = NetType("Internet")
	Intranet = NetType("Intranet")
View Source
const (
	Classic         = NetworkType("Classic")
	Vpc             = NetworkType("Vpc")
	ClassicInternet = NetworkType("classic_internet")
	ClassicIntranet = NetworkType("classic_intranet")
	PUBLIC          = NetworkType("PUBLIC")
	PRIVATE         = NetworkType("PRIVATE")
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const (
	WORKER = NodeType("WORKER")
	KIBANA = NodeType("KIBANA")
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const (
	OPEN  = ActionType("OPEN")
	CLOSE = ActionType("CLOSE")
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const (
	Hour  = TimeType("Hour")
	Day   = TimeType("Day")
	Week  = TimeType("Week")
	Month = TimeType("Month")
	Year  = TimeType("Year")
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const (
	IPV4 = IpVersion("ipv4")
	IPV6 = IpVersion("ipv6")
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const (
	Pending     = Status("Pending")
	Creating    = Status("Creating")
	Running     = Status("Running")
	Available   = Status("Available")
	Unavailable = Status("Unavailable")
	Modifying   = Status("Modifying")
	Deleting    = Status("Deleting")
	Starting    = Status("Starting")
	Stopping    = Status("Stopping")
	Stopped     = Status("Stopped")
	Normal      = Status("Normal")
	Changing    = Status("Changing")
	Online      = Status("online")
	Configuring = Status("configuring")

	Associating   = Status("Associating")
	Unassociating = Status("Unassociating")
	InUse         = Status("InUse")
	DiskInUse     = Status("In_use")

	Active   = Status("Active")
	Inactive = Status("Inactive")
	Idle     = Status("Idle")

	SoldOut = Status("SoldOut")

	InService      = Status("InService")
	Removing       = Status("Removing")
	DisabledStatus = Status("Disabled")

	Init            = Status("Init")
	Provisioning    = Status("Provisioning")
	Updating        = Status("Updating")
	FinancialLocked = Status("FinancialLocked")

	PUBLISHED   = Status("Published")
	NOPUBLISHED = Status("NonPublished")

	Deleted = Status("Deleted")
	Null    = Status("Null")

	Enable = Status("Enable")
	BINDED = Status("BINDED")
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const (
	Inner   = IPType("Inner")
	Private = IPType("Private")
	Public  = IPType("Public")
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const (
	ResourceTypeInstance      = ResourceType("Instance")
	ResourceTypeDisk          = ResourceType("Disk")
	ResourceTypeVSwitch       = ResourceType("VSwitch")
	ResourceTypeRds           = ResourceType("Rds")
	ResourceTypePolarDB       = ResourceType("PolarDB")
	IoOptimized               = ResourceType("IoOptimized")
	ResourceTypeRkv           = ResourceType("KVStore")
	ResourceTypeFC            = ResourceType("FunctionCompute")
	ResourceTypeElasticsearch = ResourceType("Elasticsearch")
	ResourceTypeSlb           = ResourceType("Slb")
	ResourceTypeMongoDB       = ResourceType("MongoDB")
	ResourceTypeGpdb          = ResourceType("Gpdb")
	ResourceTypeHBase         = ResourceType("HBase")
	ResourceTypeAdb           = ResourceType("ADB")
	ResourceTypeCassandra     = ResourceType("Cassandra")
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const (
	PayByBandwidth = InternetChargeType("PayByBandwidth")
	PayByTraffic   = InternetChargeType("PayByTraffic")
	PayBy95        = InternetChargeType("PayBy95")
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const (
	DomesticSite = AccountSite("Domestic")
	IntlSite     = AccountSite("International")
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const (
	SnapshotCreatingInProcessing = Status("progressing")
	SnapshotCreatingAccomplished = Status("accomplished")
	SnapshotCreatingFailed       = Status("failed")

	SnapshotPolicyCreating  = Status("Creating")
	SnapshotPolicyAvailable = Status("available")
	SnapshotPolicyNormal    = Status("Normal")
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const (
	PageSizeSmall  = 10
	PageSizeMedium = 20
	PageSizeLarge  = 50
	PageSizeXLarge = 100
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const (
	Http  = Protocol("http")
	Https = Protocol("https")
	Tcp   = Protocol("tcp")
	Udp   = Protocol("udp")
	All   = Protocol("all")
	Icmp  = Protocol("icmp")
	Gre   = Protocol("gre")

Constants of protocol definition

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const (
	IOOptimized   = OptimizedType("optimized")
	NoneOptimized = OptimizedType("none")
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const (
	TagResourceImage         = TagResourceType("image")
	TagResourceInstance      = TagResourceType("instance")
	TagResourceAcl           = TagResourceType("acl")
	TagResourceCertificate   = TagResourceType("certificate")
	TagResourceSnapshot      = TagResourceType("snapshot")
	TagResourceKeypair       = TagResourceType("keypair")
	TagResourceDisk          = TagResourceType("disk")
	TagResourceSecurityGroup = TagResourceType("securitygroup")
	TagResourceEni           = TagResourceType("eni")
	TagResourceCdn           = TagResourceType("DOMAIN")
	TagResourceVpc           = TagResourceType("VPC")
	TagResourceVSwitch       = TagResourceType("VSWITCH")
	TagResourceRouteTable    = TagResourceType("ROUTETABLE")
	TagResourceEip           = TagResourceType("EIP")
	TagResourcePlugin        = TagResourceType("plugin")
	TagResourceApiGroup      = TagResourceType("apiGroup")
	TagResourceApp           = TagResourceType("app")
	TagResourceTopic         = TagResourceType("topic")
	TagResourceConsumerGroup = TagResourceType("consumergroup")
	TagResourceCluster       = TagResourceType("cluster")
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const (
	KubernetesNodeMaster = ResourceType("Master")
	KubernetesNodeWorker = ResourceType("Worker")
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const (
	// common
	NotFound                = "NotFound"
	ResourceNotfound        = "ResourceNotfound"
	ServiceUnavailable      = "ServiceUnavailable"
	InstanceNotFound        = "Instance.Notfound"
	ForbiddenInstance       = "Forbidden.InstanceNotFound"
	MessageInstanceNotFound = "instance is not found"
	Throttling              = "Throttling"
	ThrottlingUser          = "Throttling.User"

	// RAM Instance Not Found
	RamInstanceNotFound   = "Forbidden.InstanceNotFound"
	AliyunGoClientFailure = "AliyunGoClientFailure"

	LogClientTimeout = "Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers"

	InvalidFileSystemStatus_Ordering = "InvalidFileSystemStatus.Ordering"
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const (
	AlibabaCloudSdkGoERROR = ErrorSource("[SDK alibaba-cloud-sdk-go ERROR]")
	AliyunLogGoSdkERROR    = ErrorSource("[SDK aliyun-log-go-sdk ERROR]")
	AliyunDatahubSdkGo     = ErrorSource("[SDK aliyun-datahub-sdk-go ERROR]")
	AliyunMaxComputeSdkGo  = ErrorSource("[SDK aliyun-maxcompute-sdk-go ERROR]")
	AliyunOssGoSdk         = ErrorSource("[SDK aliyun-oss-go-sdk ERROR]")
	FcGoSdk                = ErrorSource("[SDK fc-go-sdk ERROR]")
	DenverdinoAliyungo     = ErrorSource("[SDK denverdino/aliyungo ERROR]")
	AliyunTablestoreGoSdk  = ErrorSource("[SDK aliyun-tablestore-go-sdk ERROR]")
	AliMnsERROR            = ErrorSource("[SDK ali_mns ERROR]")
	ProviderERROR          = ErrorSource("[Provider ERROR]")
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const (
	CatalogRequest           = "REQUEST"
	CatalogConstant          = "CONSTANT"
	CatalogSystem            = "SYSTEM"
	ResultType               = "JSON"
	ResultSample             = "Result Sample"
	Visibility               = "PRIVATE"
	AllowSignatureMethod     = "HmacSHA256"
	WebSocketApiType         = "COMMON"
	DeployCommonDescription  = "Terraform Deploy"
	StageNamePre             = "PRE"
	StageNameRelease         = "RELEASE"
	StageNameTest            = "TEST"
	AuthorizationDone        = "DONE"
	ApigatewayDefaultAddress = ""
	ApigatewayDefaultTimeout = 30
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const (
	Average          = "Average"
	Minimum          = "Minimum"
	Maximum          = "Maximum"
	ErrorCodeMaximum = "ErrorCodeMaximum"
	Value            = "Value"
	Sum              = "Sum"
	Count            = "Count"
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const (
	MoreThan        = ">"
	MoreThanOrEqual = ">="
	LessThan        = "<"
	LessThanOrEqual = "<="
	Equal           = "=="
	NotEqual        = "!="
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const (
	SiteMonitorHTTP = "HTTP"
	SiteMonitorPing = "Ping"
	SiteMonitorTCP  = "TCP"
	SiteMonitorUDP  = "UDP"
	SiteMonitorDNS  = "DNS"
	SiteMonitorSMTP = "SMTP"
	SiteMonitorPOP3 = "POP3"
	SiteMonitorFTP  = "FTP"
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const (
	GroupRuleInternet = GroupRuleNicType("internet")
	GroupRuleIntranet = GroupRuleNicType("intranet")
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const (
	DirectionIngress = Direction("ingress")
	DirectionEgress  = Direction("egress")
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const (
	GroupRulePolicyAccept = GroupRulePolicy("accept")
	GroupRulePolicyDrop   = GroupRulePolicy("drop")
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const (
	GroupInnerAccept = GroupInnerAccessPolicy("Accept")
	GroupInnerDrop   = GroupInnerAccessPolicy("Drop")
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const (
	NoSpot             = SpotStrategyType("NoSpot")
	SpotWithPriceLimit = SpotStrategyType("SpotWithPriceLimit")
	SpotAsPriceGo      = SpotStrategyType("SpotAsPriceGo")

Constants of SpotStrategyType

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const (
	ZoneResource         = DestinationResource("Zone")
	IoOptimizedResource  = DestinationResource("IoOptimized")
	InstanceTypeResource = DestinationResource("InstanceType")
	SystemDiskResource   = DestinationResource("SystemDisk")
	DataDiskResource     = DestinationResource("DataDisk")
	NetworkResource      = DestinationResource("Network")
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const (
	RenewAutoRenewal = RenewalStatus("AutoRenewal")
	RenewNormal      = RenewalStatus("Normal")
	RenewNotRenewal  = RenewalStatus("NotRenewal")
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const (
	DiskTypeAll    = DiskType("all")
	DiskTypeSystem = DiskType("system")
	DiskTypeData   = DiskType("data")
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const (
	DiskAll             = DiskCategory("all") //Default
	DiskCloud           = DiskCategory("cloud")
	DiskEphemeralSSD    = DiskCategory("ephemeral_ssd")
	DiskCloudESSD       = DiskCategory("cloud_essd")
	DiskCloudEfficiency = DiskCategory("cloud_efficiency")
	DiskCloudSSD        = DiskCategory("cloud_ssd")
	DiskLocalDisk       = DiskCategory("local_disk")
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const (
	DiskResizeTypeOffline = DiskResizeType("offline")
	DiskResizeTypeOnline  = DiskResizeType("online")
View Source
const (
	ImageOwnerSystem      = ImageOwnerAlias("system")
	ImageOwnerSelf        = ImageOwnerAlias("self")
	ImageOwnerOthers      = ImageOwnerAlias("others")
	ImageOwnerMarketplace = ImageOwnerAlias("marketplace")
	ImageOwnerDefault     = ImageOwnerAlias("") //Return the values for system, self, and others
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const (
	ActiveSecurityEnhancementStrategy   = SecurityEnhancementStrategy("Active")
	DeactiveSecurityEnhancementStrategy = SecurityEnhancementStrategy("Deactive")
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const (
	CreditSpecificationStandard  = CreditSpecification("Standard")
	CreditSpecificationUnlimited = CreditSpecification("Unlimited")
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const (
	SimpleScalingRule         = ScalingRuleType("SimpleScalingRule")
	TargetTrackingScalingRule = ScalingRuleType("TargetTrackingScalingRule")
	StepScalingRule           = ScalingRuleType("StepScalingRule")
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const (
	AttachDetachLoadbalancersBatchsize = BatchSize(5)
	AttachDetachDbinstancesBatchsize   = BatchSize(5)
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const (
	Enabled         = KeyState("Enabled")
	Disabled        = KeyState("Disabled")
	PendingDeletion = KeyState("PendingDeletion")
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const (
	MongoDBShardingNodeMongos = MongoDBShardingNodeType("mongos")
	MongoDBShardingNodeShard  = MongoDBShardingNodeType("shard")
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const (
	ExpirationStatusEnabled  = LifecycleRuleStatus("Enabled")
	ExpirationStatusDisabled = LifecycleRuleStatus("Disabled")
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const (
	IntegerType = PrimaryKeyTypeString("Integer")
	StringType  = PrimaryKeyTypeString("String")
	BinaryType  = PrimaryKeyTypeString("Binary")
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const (
	AnyNetwork   = InstanceAccessedByType("Any")
	VpcOnly      = InstanceAccessedByType("Vpc")
	VpcOrConsole = InstanceAccessedByType("ConsoleOrVpc")
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const (
	OtsCapacity        = OtsInstanceType("Capacity")
	OtsHighPerformance = OtsInstanceType("HighPerformance")
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const (
	MySQL      = Engine("MySQL")
	SQLServer  = Engine("SQLServer")
	PPAS       = Engine("PPAS")
	PostgreSQL = Engine("PostgreSQL")
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const (
	KVStoreRedis    = KVStoreInstanceType("Redis")
	KVStoreMemcache = KVStoreInstanceType("Memcache")
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const (
	KVStore2Dot8 = KVStoreEngineVersion("2.8")
	KVStore4Dot0 = KVStoreEngineVersion("4.0")
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const (
	WRRScheduler = SchedulerType("wrr")
	WLCScheduler = SchedulerType("wlc")
	RRScheduler  = SchedulerType("rr")
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const (
	OnFlag  = FlagType("on")
	OffFlag = FlagType("off")
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const (
	ENI = FlagType("eni")
	ECS = FlagType("ecs")
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const (
	AclTypeBlack = AclType("black")
	AclTypeWhite = AclType("white")
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const (
	InsertStickySessionType = StickySessionType("insert")
	ServerStickySessionType = StickySessionType("server")
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const (
	HTTP_2XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_2xx")
	HTTP_3XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_3xx")
	HTTP_4XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_4xx")
	HTTP_5XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_5xx")
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const (
	TCPHealthCheckType  = HealthCheckType("tcp")
	HTTPHealthCheckType = HealthCheckType("http")
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const (
	S1Small  = "slb.s1.small"
	S2Small  = "slb.s2.small"
	S2Medium = "slb.s2.medium"
	S3Small  = "slb.s3.small"
	S3Medium = "slb.s3.medium"
	S3Large  = "slb.s3.large"
	S4Large  = "slb.s4.large"
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const (
	EcsInstance = "EcsInstance"
	SlbInstance = "SlbInstance"
	Nat         = "Nat"
	HaVip       = "HaVip"
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const (
	VRouter = RouterType("VRouter")
	VBR     = RouterType("VBR")

	InitiatingSide = Role("InitiatingSide")
	AcceptingSide  = Role("AcceptingSide")

	Mini2   = Spec("Mini.2")
	Mini5   = Spec("Mini.5")
	Small1  = Spec("Small.1")
	Small2  = Spec("Small.2")
	Small5  = Spec("Small.5")
	Middle1 = Spec("Middle.1")
	Middle2 = Spec("Middle.2")
	Middle5 = Spec("Middle.5")
	Large1  = Spec("Large.1")
	Large2  = Spec("Large.2")
	Large5  = Spec("Large.5")
	Xlarge1 = Spec("Xlarge.1")

	Negative = Spec(("Negative"))
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const (
	Ssl_Cert_Expiring = Status("expiring-soon")
	Ssl_Cert_Normal   = Status("normal")
	Ssl_Cert_Expired  = Status("expired")
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const (
	IKE_VERSION_1       = string("ikev1")
	IKE_VERSION_2       = string("ikev2")
	IKE_MODE_MAIN       = string("main")
	IKE_MODE_AGGRESSIVE = string("aggressive")
	VPN_ENC_AES         = string("aes")
	VPN_ENC_AES_192     = string("aes192")
	VPN_ENC_AES_256     = string("aes256")
	VPN_ENC_AES_DES     = string("des")
	VPN_ENC_AES_3DES    = string("3des")
	VPN_AUTH_MD5        = string("md5")
	VPN_AUTH_SHA        = string("sha1")
	VPN_AUTH_SHA256     = string("sha256")
	VPN_AUTH_SHA386     = string("sha386")
	VPN_AUTH_SHA512     = string("sha512")
	VPN_PFS_DISABLED    = string("disabled")
	VPN_PFS_G1          = string("group1")
	VPN_PFS_G2          = string("group2")
	VPN_PFS_G5          = string("group5")
	VPN_PFS_G14         = string("group14")
	VPN_PFS_G24         = string("group24")
	VPN_UDP_PROTO       = string("UDP")
	VPN_TCP_PROTO       = string("TCP")
	SSL_VPN_ENC_AES_128 = string("AES-128-CBC")
	SSL_VPN_ENC_AES_192 = string("AES-192-CBC")
	SSL_VPN_ENC_AES_256 = string("AES-256-CBC")
	SSL_VPN_ENC_NONE    = string("none")
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const (
	EdgeKubernetesDefaultTimeoutInMinutes = 60
	EdgeProfile                           = "Edge"
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const (
	KubernetesClusterNetworkTypeFlannel = "flannel"
	KubernetesClusterNetworkTypeTerway  = "terway"

	KubernetesClusterLoggingTypeSLS = "SLS"
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const (
	LabelPattern = ""
	TaintPattern = ""
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const (
	RepoTypePublic  = "PUBLIC"
	RepoTypePrivate = "PRIVATE"
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const (
	COMPONENT_AUTO_SCALER      = "cluster-autoscaler"
	SCALING_CONFIGURATION_NAME = "kubernetes_autoscaler_autogen"
	DefaultECSTag              = ""
	DefaultClusterTag          = ""
	RECYCLE_MODE_LABEL         = ""
	DefaultAutoscalerTag       = ""
	SCALING_GROUP_NAME         = "sg-%s-%s"
	RELEASE_MODE               = "release"
	RECYCLE_MODE               = "recycle"


	UpgradeClusterTimeout = 30 * time.Minute
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const (
	Hb_LAUNCHING            = "LAUNCHING"
	Hb_CREATING             = "CREATING"
	Hb_DELETING             = "DELETING"
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const (
	BastionhostRoleDefaultDescription = "Bastionhost will access other cloud resources by playing this role by default"
	BastionhostRoleName               = "AliyunBastionHostDefaultRole"
	BastionhostAssumeRolePolicy       = `` /* 191-byte string literal not displayed */

	BastionhostResourceType = "INSTANCE"
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const (
	RoleDefaultDescription = "DbAudit perform the default role to access your other cloud resources"
	RoleName               = "AliyunDbAuditDefaultRole"
	AssumeRolePolicy       = `` /* 187-byte string literal not displayed */

	DBauditResourceType = "INSTANCE"
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const AllPortRange = "-1/-1"
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const BackendServerPort = -520
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const CharityPageUrl = ""
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const ChildInstanceTypeCcn = "CCN"
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const ChildInstanceTypeVbr = "VBR"
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const ChildInstanceTypeVpc = "VPC"
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const DEFAULT_REGION = "cn-beijing"

default region for all resource

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const DataDefaultErrorMsg = "Datasource %s %s Failed!!! %s"
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const DefaultCenTimeout = 60
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const DefaultCenTimeoutLong = 180
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const DefaultDebugMsg = "\n*************** %s Response *************** \n%s\n%s******************************\n\n"
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const DefaultErrorMsg = "Resource %s %s Failed!!! %s"

A default message of ComplexError's Err. It is format to Resource <resource-id> <operation> Failed!!! <error source>

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const DefaultIntervalLong = 20
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const DefaultIntervalMedium = 10
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const DefaultIntervalMini = 2
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const DefaultIntervalShort = 5
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const DefaultLongTimeout = 1000

timeout for long time progerss product, rds e.g.

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const DefaultTimeout = 120

timeout for common product, ecs e.g.

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const DefaultTimeoutMedium = 500
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const DefaultTimeoutMsg = "Resource %s %s Timeout!!! %s"
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const DeleteTimeoutMsg = "Resource %s Still Exists. %s Timeout!!! %s"
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const (
	DoesNotExist = "does not exist"

It is proactive defense to the case that SDK extends new datahub objects.

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const FailedGetAttributeMsg = "Getting resource %s attribute by path %s failed!!! Body: %v."
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const FailedToReachTargetAttribute = "Failed to reach value for target attribute. Current value is %s."
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const FailedToReachTargetStatus = "Failed to reach target status. Current status is %s."
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const GenerationFour = "ecs-4"
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const GenerationOne = "ecs-1"
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const GenerationThree = "ecs-3"
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const GenerationTwo = "ecs-2"
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const GroupId = "groupId"
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const INT_MAX = 2147483647
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const IdMsg = "Resource id:%s "
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const (
	KubernetesMasterNumber = 3
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const LOCAL_HOST_IP = ""
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symbol of multiIZ

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const (
	MaxScalingConfigurationInstanceTypes = MaxItems(10)
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const ModulesSizeLimit = 50
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const NotFoundMsg = ResourceNotfound + "!!! %s"
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const NotFoundWithResponse = ResourceNotfound + "!!! Response: %v"
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const (
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const RequestIdMsg = "RequestId: %s"
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const RequiredWhenMsg = "attribute '%s' is required when '%s' is %v"
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const ResourceName = "resource_alicloud_cs_kubernetes_permissions"
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const ResponseCodeMsg = "Resource %s %s Failed!!! %v"
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const ScalingGroup = "scaling_group"
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const ServerSideEncryptionAes256 = "AES256"
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const ServerSideEncryptionKMS = "KMS"
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const SweepDefaultErrorMsg = "Sweep %s %s Failed!!!"
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const Timeout5Minute = 300
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const UserId = "userId"
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const WaitTimeoutMsg = "Resource %s %s Timeout In %d Seconds. Got: %s Expected: %s !!! %s"


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var (
	ATTACH_SCRIPT_WITH_VERSION = `` /* 139-byte string literal not displayed */

	NETWORK_ADDON_NAMES = []string{"terway", "kube-flannel-ds", "terway-eni", "terway-eniip"}
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var BACKUP_TIME = []string{
	"00:00Z-01:00Z", "01:00Z-02:00Z", "02:00Z-03:00Z", "03:00Z-04:00Z", "04:00Z-05:00Z",
	"05:00Z-06:00Z", "06:00Z-07:00Z", "07:00Z-08:00Z", "08:00Z-09:00Z", "09:00Z-10:00Z",
	"10:00Z-11:00Z", "11:00Z-12:00Z", "12:00Z-13:00Z", "13:00Z-14:00Z", "14:00Z-15:00Z",
	"15:00Z-16:00Z", "16:00Z-17:00Z", "17:00Z-18:00Z", "18:00Z-19:00Z", "19:00Z-20:00Z",
	"20:00Z-21:00Z", "21:00Z-22:00Z", "22:00Z-23:00Z", "23:00Z-24:00Z",
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var ClientErrorCatcher = Catcher{AliyunGoClientFailure, 10, 5}
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var DBInstanceStatusCatcher = Catcher{"OperationDenied.DBInstanceStatus", 60, 5}
_______________                      _______________                       _______________
|              | ______param______\  |              |  _____request_____\  |              |
|   Business   |                     |    Service   |                      |    SDK/API   |
|              | __________________  |              |  __________________  |              |
|______________| \    (obj, err)     |______________|  \ (status, cont)    |______________|
                    |                                    |
                    |A. {instance, nil}                  |a. {200, content}
                    |B. {nil, error}                     |b. {200, nil}
               					  |c. {4xx, nil}

The API return 200 for resource not found. When getInstance is empty, then throw InstanceNotfound error. That the business layer only need to check error.

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var DBReadInstanceNotReadyStatus = []string{"OperationDenied.ReadDBInstanceStatus", "OperationDenied.MasterDBInstanceState", "ReadDBInstance.Mismatch"}
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var DiskInvalidOperation = []string{"IncorrectDiskStatus", "IncorrectInstanceStatus", "OperationConflict", "InternalError", "InvalidOperation.Conflict", "IncorrectDiskStatus.Initializing"}
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var DiskNotSupportOnlineChangeErrors = []string{"InvalidDiskCategory.NotSupported", "InvalidRegion.NotSupport", "IncorrectInstanceStatus", "IncorrectDiskStatus", "InvalidOperation.InstanceTypeNotSupport"}
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var EcsNotFound = []string{"InvalidInstanceId.NotFound", "Forbidden.InstanceNotFound"}
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var HalfIoOptimizedFamily = map[string]string{"ecs.s2": "", "ecs.s3": "", "ecs.m1": "", "ecs.m2": "", "ecs.c1": "", "ecs.c2": ""}
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var KVstoreInstanceStatusCatcher = Catcher{"OperationDenied.KVstoreInstanceStatus", 60, 5}
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var (
	KubernetesClusterNodeCIDRMasksByDefault = 24
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var NasNotFound = []string{"InvalidMountTarget.NotFound", "InvalidFileSystem.NotFound", "Forbidden.NasNotFound", "InvalidLBid.NotFound", "VolumeUnavailable"}
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var NetworkInterfaceInvalidOperations = []string{"InvalidOperation.InvalidEniState", "InvalidOperation.InvalidEcsState", "OperationConflict", "ServiceUnavailable", "InternalError"}
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var NoneIoOptimizedFamily = map[string]string{"ecs.t1": "", "ecs.t2": "", "ecs.s1": ""}
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var NoneIoOptimizedInstanceType = map[string]string{"ecs.s2.small": ""}
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var OperationDeniedDBStatus = []string{"OperationDenied.DBStatus", "OperationDenied.DBInstanceStatus", "OperationDenied.DBClusterStatus", "InternalError", "OperationDenied.OutofUsage", "IncorrectDBInstanceState"}
View Source
var OtsTableIsTemporarilyUnavailable = []string{"no such host", "OTSServerBusy", "OTSPartitionUnavailable", "OTSInternalServerError",
	"OTSTimeout", "OTSServerUnavailable", "OTSRowOperationConflict", "OTSTableNotReady", "OTSNotEnoughCapacityUnit", "Too frequent table operations."}

details at:

View Source
var OutdatedDiskCategory = map[DiskCategory]DiskCategory{
	DiskCloud: DiskCloud}
View Source
var PvtzSystemBusyCatcher = Catcher{"System.Busy", 30, 5}
View Source
var PvtzThrottlingUserCatcher = Catcher{ThrottlingUser, 30, 2}
View Source
var ServiceBusyCatcher = Catcher{"ServiceUnavailable", 10, 5}
View Source
var SlbIsBusy = []string{"SystemBusy", "OperationBusy", "ServiceIsStopping", "BackendServer.configuring", "ServiceIsConfiguring"}
View Source
var SlsClientTimeoutCatcher = Catcher{LogClientTimeout, 15, 5}
View Source
var SnapshotInvalidOperations = []string{"OperationConflict", "ServiceUnavailable", "InternalError", "SnapshotCreatedDisk", "SnapshotCreatedImage"}
View Source
var SupportedDiskCategory = map[DiskCategory]DiskCategory{
	DiskCloudSSD:        DiskCloudSSD,
	DiskCloudEfficiency: DiskCloudEfficiency,
	DiskEphemeralSSD:    DiskEphemeralSSD,
	DiskCloudESSD:       DiskCloudESSD,
	DiskCloud:           DiskCloud,
View Source
var ThrottlingCatcher = Catcher{Throttling, 50, 2}
View Source
var ValidProtocols = []Protocol{Http, Https, Tcp, Udp}

ValidProtocols network protocol list

View Source
var WEEK_ENUM = []string{"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"}


func AddTags

func AddTags(client *ecs.Client, args *AddTagsArgs) error

func BoolPointer added in v1.10.0

func BoolPointer(b bool) *bool

func BuildStateConf added in v1.49.0

func BuildStateConf(pending, target []string, timeout, delay time.Duration, f resource.StateRefreshFunc) *resource.StateChangeConf

func Case2Camel added in v1.144.0

func Case2Camel(name string) string

func ConvertCsTags added in v1.144.0

func ConvertCsTags(d *schema.ResourceData) ([]cs.Tag, error)

func ConvertDataWorksBackEndFolderPathToFrontEndFolderPath added in v1.144.0

func ConvertDataWorksBackEndFolderPathToFrontEndFolderPath(source string) string

func ConvertDataWorksFrontEndFolderPathToBackEndFolderPath added in v1.144.0

func ConvertDataWorksFrontEndFolderPathToBackEndFolderPath(source string) string

func ConvertIntegerToInt added in v1.9.4

func ConvertIntegerToInt(value requests.Integer) (v int, err error)

func ConvertNasFileSystemStringToUnix added in v1.144.0

func ConvertNasFileSystemStringToUnix(v string) int64

func ConvertNasFileSystemUnixToString added in v1.144.0

func ConvertNasFileSystemUnixToString(v string, t int64) string

func CreateDashboard added in v1.144.0

func CreateDashboard(project, name string, client *sls.Client) error

func DeleteAutoscaler added in v1.144.0

func DeleteAutoscaler(kubeconf string) error

delete autoscaler component

func DeployAutoscaler added in v1.144.0

func DeployAutoscaler(options autoscalerOptions, clientSet *kubernetes.Clientset) error

deploy cluster-autoscaler to kubernetes cluster

func DescribeDomainDetail added in v1.22.0

func DescribeDomainDetail(Id string, meta interface{}) (domain cdn.DomainDetail, err error)

func DownloadUserKubeConf added in v1.144.0

func DownloadUserKubeConf(client *connectivity.AliyunClient, clusterId string) (string, error)

prepare kubeconf of kubernetes clsuter

func Error added in v1.29.0

func Error(msg string, args ...interface{}) error

func FirstLower added in v1.144.0

func FirstLower(s string) string

func FlattenImageDiskDeviceMappings added in v1.144.0

func FlattenImageDiskDeviceMappings(list []ecs.DiskDeviceMapping) []map[string]interface{}

func FlattenImageImportDiskDeviceMappings added in v1.144.0

func FlattenImageImportDiskDeviceMappings(list []ecs.DiskDeviceMapping) []map[string]interface{}

func GetAllRouterInterfaceSpec added in v0.1.1

func GetAllRouterInterfaceSpec() (specifications []string)

func GetCenChildInstanceType added in v1.37.0

func GetCenChildInstanceType(id string) (c string, e error)

func GetCharTitile added in v1.144.0

func GetCharTitile(project, dashboard, char string, client *sls.Client) string

func GetFunc added in v1.35.0

func GetFunc(level int) string

Return a ComplexError which including extra error message, error occurred file and path

func GetKubernetesNetworkName added in v1.144.0

func GetKubernetesNetworkName(cluster *cs.KubernetesClusterDetail) (network string, err error)

func GetNotFoundErrorFromString

func GetNotFoundErrorFromString(str string) error

func GetNotFoundMessage added in v1.8.1

func GetNotFoundMessage(product, id string) string

func GetScalingGroupSizeRange added in v1.144.0

func GetScalingGroupSizeRange(client *connectivity.AliyunClient, groupId string) (min, max int, err error)

func GetTimeErrorFromString added in v1.8.1

func GetTimeErrorFromString(str string) error

func GetTimeoutMessage added in v1.8.1

func GetTimeoutMessage(product, status string) string

func GetUserHomeDir added in v1.9.4

func GetUserHomeDir() (string, error)

func Int32Pointer added in v1.10.0

func Int32Pointer(i int32) *int32

func Int64Pointer added in v1.144.0

func Int64Pointer(i int64) *int64

func IntMin added in v1.144.0

func IntMin(x, y int) int

func IsExpectedErrorCodes added in v1.144.0

func IsExpectedErrorCodes(code string, errorCodes []string) bool

func IsExpectedErrors added in v1.144.0

func IsExpectedErrors(err error, expectCodes []string) bool

func IsThrottling added in v1.144.0

func IsThrottling(err error) bool

func NeedRetry added in v1.144.0

func NeedRetry(err error) bool

func NotFoundError added in v0.1.1

func NotFoundError(err error) bool

func ParseResourceId added in v1.36.0

func ParseResourceId(id string, length int) (parts []string, err error)

func ParseSlbListenerId added in v1.144.0

func ParseSlbListenerId(id string) (parts []string, err error)

func PostPaidAndRenewDiffSuppressFunc added in v1.144.0

func PostPaidAndRenewDiffSuppressFunc(k, old, new string, d *schema.ResourceData) bool

func PostPaidAndRenewalDiffSuppressFunc added in v1.144.0

func PostPaidAndRenewalDiffSuppressFunc(k, old, new string, d *schema.ResourceData) bool

func PostPaidDiffSuppressFunc added in v1.144.0

func PostPaidDiffSuppressFunc(k, old, new string, d *schema.ResourceData) bool

func Provider

func Provider() terraform.ResourceProvider

Provider returns a schema.Provider for alicloud

func RemoveTags

func RemoveTags(client *ecs.Client, args *RemoveTagsArgs) error

func RouteEntriesDecriptionAttributes added in v1.37.0

func RouteEntriesDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, entries []vpc.RouteEntry, meta interface{}) error

func StorageAutoScaleDiffSuppressFunc added in v1.144.0

func StorageAutoScaleDiffSuppressFunc(k, old, new string, d *schema.ResourceData) bool

func String

func String(v string) *string

func StringPointer added in v1.10.0

func StringPointer(s string) *string

func TimestampToStr added in v1.144.0

func TimestampToStr(timestamp int64) string

func Trim added in v1.7.2

func Trim(v string) string

Remove useless blank in the string.

func UpdateScalingGroupConfiguration added in v1.144.0

func UpdateScalingGroupConfiguration(client *connectivity.AliyunClient, groupId, userData string, labels string, taints string) (err error)

update scaling group config

func UpgradeAlicloudKubernetesCluster added in v1.144.0

func UpgradeAlicloudKubernetesCluster(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error

func WaitForDomainStatus added in v1.22.0

func WaitForDomainStatus(Id string, status Status, timeout int, meta interface{}) error

func WaitForServerCertificate added in v1.28.0

func WaitForServerCertificate(client *connectivity.AliyunClient, Id string, serverCertificate string, timeout int) error

func WrapComplexError added in v1.29.0

func WrapComplexError(cause, err error, filepath string, fileline int) error

func WrapError added in v1.28.0

func WrapError(cause error) error

Return a ComplexError which including error occurred file and path

func WrapErrorf added in v1.29.0

func WrapErrorf(cause error, msg string, args ...interface{}) error

Return a ComplexError which including extra error message, error occurred file and path


type AccountSite added in v1.32.0

type AccountSite string

type AclType added in v1.20.0

type AclType string

type ActionType added in v1.144.0

type ActionType string

type ActiontrailService added in v1.144.0

type ActiontrailService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ActiontrailService) ActiontrailHistoryDeliveryJobStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *ActiontrailService) ActiontrailHistoryDeliveryJobStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*ActiontrailService) ActiontrailTrailStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *ActiontrailService) ActiontrailTrailStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*ActiontrailService) DescribeActiontrailHistoryDeliveryJob added in v1.144.0

func (s *ActiontrailService) DescribeActiontrailHistoryDeliveryJob(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ActiontrailService) DescribeActiontrailTrail added in v1.144.0

func (s *ActiontrailService) DescribeActiontrailTrail(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type AdbService added in v1.144.0

type AdbService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AdbService) AdbClusterStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) AdbClusterStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*AdbService) AdbDbClusterStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) AdbDbClusterStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*AdbService) AdbTaskStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) AdbTaskStateRefreshFunc(id, taskId string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*AdbService) DescribeAdbAccount added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) DescribeAdbAccount(id string) (ds *adb.DBAccount, err error)

func (*AdbService) DescribeAdbAutoRenewAttribute added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) DescribeAdbAutoRenewAttribute(id string) (instance *adb.AutoRenewAttribute, err error)

func (*AdbService) DescribeAdbBackupPolicy added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) DescribeAdbBackupPolicy(id string) (policy *adb.DescribeBackupPolicyResponse, err error)

func (*AdbService) DescribeAdbCluster added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) DescribeAdbCluster(id string) (instance *adb.DBClusterInDescribeDBClusters, err error)

func (*AdbService) DescribeAdbClusterAttribute added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) DescribeAdbClusterAttribute(id string) (instance *adb.DBCluster, err error)

func (*AdbService) DescribeAdbClusterNetInfo added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) DescribeAdbClusterNetInfo(id string) ([]adb.Address, error)

func (*AdbService) DescribeAdbConnection added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) DescribeAdbConnection(id string) (*adb.Address, error)

func (*AdbService) DescribeAdbDbCluster added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) DescribeAdbDbCluster(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*AdbService) DescribeAutoRenewAttribute added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) DescribeAutoRenewAttribute(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*AdbService) DescribeDBClusterAccessWhiteList added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) DescribeDBClusterAccessWhiteList(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*AdbService) DescribeDBClusters added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) DescribeDBClusters(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*AdbService) DescribeDBSecurityIps added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) DescribeDBSecurityIps(clusterId string) (ips []string, err error)

func (*AdbService) DescribeTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) DescribeTags(resourceId string, resourceType TagResourceType) (tags []adb.TagResource, err error)

func (*AdbService) DescribeTask added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) DescribeTask(id, taskId string) (*adb.DescribeTaskInfoResponse, error)

func (*AdbService) ModifyAdbBackupPolicy added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) ModifyAdbBackupPolicy(clusterId, backupTime, backupPeriod string) error

func (*AdbService) ModifyDBSecurityIps added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) ModifyDBSecurityIps(clusterId, ips string) error

func (*AdbService) SetResourceTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) SetResourceTags(d *schema.ResourceData, resourceType string) error

func (*AdbService) WaitForAdbAccount added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) WaitForAdbAccount(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*AdbService) WaitForAdbConnection added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) WaitForAdbConnection(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*AdbService) WaitForAdbInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) WaitForAdbInstance(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

WaitForInstance waits for instance to given status

func (*AdbService) WaitForCluster added in v1.144.0

func (s *AdbService) WaitForCluster(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

WaitForCluster waits for cluster to given status

type AddTagsArgs

type AddTagsArgs struct {
	ResourceId   string
	ResourceType ecs.TagResourceType //image, instance, snapshot or disk
	RegionId     common.Region
	Tag          []Tag

type AlbService added in v1.144.0

type AlbService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AlbService) AlbAclStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlbService) AlbAclStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*AlbService) AlbListenerStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlbService) AlbListenerStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*AlbService) AlbLoadBalancerStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlbService) AlbLoadBalancerStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*AlbService) AlbRuleStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlbService) AlbRuleStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*AlbService) AlbSecurityPolicyStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlbService) AlbSecurityPolicyStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*AlbService) AlbServerGroupStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlbService) AlbServerGroupStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*AlbService) DescribeAlbAcl added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlbService) DescribeAlbAcl(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*AlbService) DescribeAlbHealthCheckTemplate added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlbService) DescribeAlbHealthCheckTemplate(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*AlbService) DescribeAlbListener added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlbService) DescribeAlbListener(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*AlbService) DescribeAlbLoadBalancer added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlbService) DescribeAlbLoadBalancer(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*AlbService) DescribeAlbRule added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlbService) DescribeAlbRule(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*AlbService) DescribeAlbSecurityPolicy added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlbService) DescribeAlbSecurityPolicy(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*AlbService) DescribeAlbServerGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlbService) DescribeAlbServerGroup(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*AlbService) GetLoadBalancerAttribute added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlbService) GetLoadBalancerAttribute(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*AlbService) ListAclEntries added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlbService) ListAclEntries(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*AlbService) ListServerGroupServers added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlbService) ListServerGroupServers(id string) (object []interface{}, err error)

func (*AlbService) ListSystemSecurityPolicies added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlbService) ListSystemSecurityPolicies(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*AlbService) ListTagResources added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlbService) ListTagResources(id string, resourceType string) (object interface{}, err error)

func (*AlbService) SetResourceTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlbService) SetResourceTags(d *schema.ResourceData, resourceType string) error

type AlidnsService added in v1.144.0

type AlidnsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AlidnsService) DescribeAlidnsDomain added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlidnsService) DescribeAlidnsDomain(id string) (object alidns.DescribeDomainInfoResponse, err error)

func (*AlidnsService) DescribeAlidnsDomainGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlidnsService) DescribeAlidnsDomainGroup(id string) (object alidns.DomainGroup, err error)

func (*AlidnsService) DescribeAlidnsInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlidnsService) DescribeAlidnsInstance(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*AlidnsService) DescribeAlidnsRecord added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlidnsService) DescribeAlidnsRecord(id string) (object alidns.DescribeDomainRecordInfoResponse, err error)

func (*AlidnsService) ListTagResources added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlidnsService) ListTagResources(id string) (object alidns.ListTagResourcesResponse, err error)

func (*AlidnsService) QueryAvailableInstances added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlidnsService) QueryAvailableInstances(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*AlidnsService) SetResourceTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlidnsService) SetResourceTags(d *schema.ResourceData, resourceType string) error

type AlikafkaService added in v1.144.0

type AlikafkaService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AlikafkaService) DescribeAlikafkaConsumerGroup added in v1.144.0

func (alikafkaService *AlikafkaService) DescribeAlikafkaConsumerGroup(id string) (*alikafka.ConsumerVO, error)

func (*AlikafkaService) DescribeAlikafkaInstance added in v1.144.0

func (alikafkaService *AlikafkaService) DescribeAlikafkaInstance(instanceId string) (*alikafka.InstanceVO, error)

func (*AlikafkaService) DescribeAlikafkaInstanceByOrderId added in v1.144.0

func (alikafkaService *AlikafkaService) DescribeAlikafkaInstanceByOrderId(orderId string, timeout int) (*alikafka.InstanceVO, error)

func (*AlikafkaService) DescribeAlikafkaNodeStatus added in v1.144.0

func (alikafkaService *AlikafkaService) DescribeAlikafkaNodeStatus(instanceId string) (*alikafka.StatusList, error)

func (*AlikafkaService) DescribeAlikafkaSaslAcl added in v1.144.0

func (alikafkaService *AlikafkaService) DescribeAlikafkaSaslAcl(id string) (*alikafka.KafkaAclVO, error)

func (*AlikafkaService) DescribeAlikafkaSaslUser added in v1.144.0

func (alikafkaService *AlikafkaService) DescribeAlikafkaSaslUser(id string) (*alikafka.SaslUserVO, error)

func (*AlikafkaService) DescribeAlikafkaTopic added in v1.144.0

func (alikafkaService *AlikafkaService) DescribeAlikafkaTopic(id string) (*alikafka.TopicVO, error)

func (*AlikafkaService) DescribeAlikafkaTopicStatus added in v1.144.0

func (alikafkaService *AlikafkaService) DescribeAlikafkaTopicStatus(id string) (*alikafka.TopicStatus, error)

func (*AlikafkaService) DescribeTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlikafkaService) DescribeTags(resourceId string, resourceTags map[string]interface{}, resourceType TagResourceType) (tags []alikafka.TagResource, err error)

func (*AlikafkaService) KafkaTopicStatusRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlikafkaService) KafkaTopicStatusRefreshFunc(id string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*AlikafkaService) WaitForAlikafkaConsumerGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlikafkaService) WaitForAlikafkaConsumerGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*AlikafkaService) WaitForAlikafkaInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlikafkaService) WaitForAlikafkaInstance(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*AlikafkaService) WaitForAlikafkaInstanceUpdated added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlikafkaService) WaitForAlikafkaInstanceUpdated(id string, topicQuota int, diskSize int, ioMax int,
	eipMax int, paidType int, specType string, timeout int) error

func (*AlikafkaService) WaitForAlikafkaSaslAcl added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlikafkaService) WaitForAlikafkaSaslAcl(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*AlikafkaService) WaitForAlikafkaSaslUser added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlikafkaService) WaitForAlikafkaSaslUser(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*AlikafkaService) WaitForAlikafkaTopic added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlikafkaService) WaitForAlikafkaTopic(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*AlikafkaService) WaitForAllAlikafkaNodeRelease added in v1.144.0

func (s *AlikafkaService) WaitForAllAlikafkaNodeRelease(id string, status string, timeout int) error

type AmqpOpenService added in v1.144.0

type AmqpOpenService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AmqpOpenService) AmqpInstanceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *AmqpOpenService) AmqpInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*AmqpOpenService) DescribeAmqpBinding added in v1.144.0

func (s *AmqpOpenService) DescribeAmqpBinding(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*AmqpOpenService) DescribeAmqpExchange added in v1.144.0

func (s *AmqpOpenService) DescribeAmqpExchange(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*AmqpOpenService) DescribeAmqpInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *AmqpOpenService) DescribeAmqpInstance(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*AmqpOpenService) DescribeAmqpQueue added in v1.144.0

func (s *AmqpOpenService) DescribeAmqpQueue(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*AmqpOpenService) DescribeAmqpVirtualHost added in v1.144.0

func (s *AmqpOpenService) DescribeAmqpVirtualHost(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type ApiGatewayFunctionComputeConfig added in v1.22.0

type ApiGatewayFunctionComputeConfig struct {
	Region       string `json:"fcRegionId"`
	ServiceName  string `json:"serviceName"`
	FunctionName string `json:"functionName"`
	Arn          string `json:"roleArn"`

type ApiGatewayParameterMap added in v1.22.0

type ApiGatewayParameterMap struct {
	RequestParamName string `json:"requestParameterName"`
	ServiceParamName string `json:"serviceParameterName"`

type ApiGatewayRequestConfig added in v1.22.0

type ApiGatewayRequestConfig struct {
	Protocol   string `json:"requestProtocol"`
	Method     string `json:"requestHttpMethod"`
	Path       string `json:"requestPath"`
	Mode       string `json:"requestMode"`
	BodyFormat string `json:"bodyFormat"`

type ApiGatewayRequestParam added in v1.22.0

type ApiGatewayRequestParam struct {
	Type             string `json:"parameterType"`
	Name             string `json:"name"`
	ApiParameterName string `json:"apiParameterName"`
	Description      string `json:"description"`
	In               string `json:"location"`
	Required         string `json:"required"`
	DefualtValue     string `json:"defaultValue"`

type ApiGatewayServiceConfig added in v1.22.0

type ApiGatewayServiceConfig struct {
	Protocol            string                          `json:"serviceProtocol"`
	Address             string                          `json:"serviceAddress"`
	Method              string                          `json:"serviceHttpMethod"`
	Path                string                          `json:"servicePath"`
	Timeout             int                             `json:"serviceTimeout"`
	ContentTypeCategory string                          `json:"contentTypeCatagory"`
	ContentTypeValue    string                          `json:"contentTypeValue"`
	MockEnable          string                          `json:"mock"`
	MockResult          string                          `json:"mockResult"`
	VpcEnable           string                          `json:"serviceVpcEnable"`
	FcConfig            ApiGatewayFunctionComputeConfig `json:"functionComputeConfig"`
	VpcConfig           ApiGatewayVpcConfig             `json:"vpcConfig"`
	AoneName            string                          `json:"aoneAppName"`

type ApiGatewayServiceParam added in v1.22.0

type ApiGatewayServiceParam struct {
	Name    string `json:"serviceParameterName"`
	In      string `json:"location"`
	Type    string `json:"parameterType"`
	Catalog string `json:"parameterCatalog"`

type ApiGatewayVpcConfig added in v1.22.0

type ApiGatewayVpcConfig struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`

type ArmsService added in v1.144.0

type ArmsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ArmsService) DescribeArmsAlertContact added in v1.144.0

func (s *ArmsService) DescribeArmsAlertContact(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ArmsService) DescribeArmsAlertContactGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *ArmsService) DescribeArmsAlertContactGroup(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ArmsService) DescribeArmsDispatchRule added in v1.144.0

func (s *ArmsService) DescribeArmsDispatchRule(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ArmsService) DescribeArmsPrometheusAlertRule added in v1.144.0

func (s *ArmsService) DescribeArmsPrometheusAlertRule(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type BastionhostPolicyRequired added in v1.144.0

type BastionhostPolicyRequired struct {
	PolicyName string
	PolicyType string

type BatchSize added in v1.49.0

type BatchSize int

type Brain_industrialService added in v1.144.0

type Brain_industrialService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Brain_industrialService) DescribeBrainIndustrialPidLoop added in v1.144.0

func (s *Brain_industrialService) DescribeBrainIndustrialPidLoop(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*Brain_industrialService) DescribeBrainIndustrialPidOrganization added in v1.144.0

func (s *Brain_industrialService) DescribeBrainIndustrialPidOrganization(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*Brain_industrialService) DescribeBrainIndustrialPidProject added in v1.144.0

func (s *Brain_industrialService) DescribeBrainIndustrialPidProject(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type BssOpenApiService added in v1.144.0

type BssOpenApiService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*BssOpenApiService) QueryAvailableInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *BssOpenApiService) QueryAvailableInstance(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*BssOpenApiService) QueryAvailableInstances added in v1.144.0

func (s *BssOpenApiService) QueryAvailableInstances(id, productCode, productType string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type BssopenapiService added in v1.144.0

type BssopenapiService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*BssopenapiService) GetInstanceTypePrice added in v1.144.0

func (b *BssopenapiService) GetInstanceTypePrice(productCode, productType string, modules interface{}) ([]float64, error)

type CasService added in v1.36.0

type CasService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CasService) DescribeSslCertificatesServiceCertificate added in v1.144.0

func (s *CasService) DescribeSslCertificatesServiceCertificate(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type CassandraService added in v1.144.0

type CassandraService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CassandraService) CassandraClusterStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CassandraService) CassandraClusterStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CassandraService) CassandraDataCenterStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CassandraService) CassandraDataCenterStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CassandraService) DescribeAccounts added in v1.144.0

func (s *CassandraService) DescribeAccounts(id string) (object cassandra.DescribeAccountsResponse, err error)

func (*CassandraService) DescribeCassandraBackupPlan added in v1.144.0

func (s *CassandraService) DescribeCassandraBackupPlan(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CassandraService) DescribeCassandraCluster added in v1.144.0

func (s *CassandraService) DescribeCassandraCluster(id string) (object cassandra.Cluster, err error)

func (*CassandraService) DescribeCassandraDataCenter added in v1.144.0

func (s *CassandraService) DescribeCassandraDataCenter(id string) (object cassandra.DescribeDataCenterResponse, err error)

func (*CassandraService) DescribeCassandraEndpoints added in v1.144.0

func (s *CassandraService) DescribeCassandraEndpoints(id string) (object cassandra.DescribeContactPointsResponse, err error)

func (*CassandraService) DescribeClusterDataCenter added in v1.144.0

func (s *CassandraService) DescribeClusterDataCenter(id string) (object cassandra.DataCenter, err error)

func (*CassandraService) DescribeIpWhitelist added in v1.144.0

func (s *CassandraService) DescribeIpWhitelist(id string) (object cassandra.DescribeIpWhitelistResponse, err error)

func (*CassandraService) DescribeSecurityGroups added in v1.144.0

func (s *CassandraService) DescribeSecurityGroups(id string) (object cassandra.DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)

type Catcher added in v1.9.6

type Catcher struct {
	Reason           string
	RetryCount       int
	RetryWaitSeconds int

type CbnService added in v1.144.0

type CbnService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CbnService) CenBandwidthPackageStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) CenBandwidthPackageStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CbnService) CenInstanceAttachmentStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) CenInstanceAttachmentStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CbnService) CenInstanceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) CenInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CbnService) CenPrivateZoneStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) CenPrivateZoneStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CbnService) CenRouteMapStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) CenRouteMapStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CbnService) CenRouteServiceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) CenRouteServiceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CbnService) CenTransitRouterPeerAttachmentStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) CenTransitRouterPeerAttachmentStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CbnService) CenTransitRouterRouteEntryStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) CenTransitRouterRouteEntryStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CbnService) CenTransitRouterRouteTableAssociationStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) CenTransitRouterRouteTableAssociationStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CbnService) CenTransitRouterRouteTablePropagationStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) CenTransitRouterRouteTablePropagationStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CbnService) CenTransitRouterRouteTableStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) CenTransitRouterRouteTableStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CbnService) CenTransitRouterStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) CenTransitRouterStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CbnService) CenTransitRouterVbrAttachmentStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) CenTransitRouterVbrAttachmentStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CbnService) CenTransitRouterVpcAttachmentStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) CenTransitRouterVpcAttachmentStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CbnService) DescribeCenBandwidthPackage added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) DescribeCenBandwidthPackage(id string) (object cbn.CenBandwidthPackage, err error)

func (*CbnService) DescribeCenFlowlog added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) DescribeCenFlowlog(id string) (object cbn.FlowLog, err error)

func (*CbnService) DescribeCenInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) DescribeCenInstance(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CbnService) DescribeCenInstanceAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) DescribeCenInstanceAttachment(id string) (object cbn.DescribeCenAttachedChildInstanceAttributeResponse, err error)

func (*CbnService) DescribeCenPrivateZone added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) DescribeCenPrivateZone(id string) (object cbn.PrivateZoneInfo, err error)

func (*CbnService) DescribeCenRouteMap added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) DescribeCenRouteMap(id string) (object cbn.RouteMap, err error)

func (*CbnService) DescribeCenRouteService added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) DescribeCenRouteService(id string) (object cbn.RouteServiceEntry, err error)

func (*CbnService) DescribeCenTransitRouter added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) DescribeCenTransitRouter(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CbnService) DescribeCenTransitRouterPeerAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) DescribeCenTransitRouterPeerAttachment(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CbnService) DescribeCenTransitRouterRouteEntry added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) DescribeCenTransitRouterRouteEntry(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CbnService) DescribeCenTransitRouterRouteTable added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) DescribeCenTransitRouterRouteTable(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CbnService) DescribeCenTransitRouterRouteTableAssociation added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) DescribeCenTransitRouterRouteTableAssociation(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CbnService) DescribeCenTransitRouterRouteTablePropagation added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) DescribeCenTransitRouterRouteTablePropagation(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CbnService) DescribeCenTransitRouterVbrAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) DescribeCenTransitRouterVbrAttachment(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CbnService) DescribeCenTransitRouterVpcAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) DescribeCenTransitRouterVpcAttachment(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CbnService) DescribeCenVbrHealthCheck added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) DescribeCenVbrHealthCheck(id string) (object cbn.VbrHealthCheck, err error)

func (*CbnService) SetResourceTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) SetResourceTags(d *schema.ResourceData, resourceType string) error

func (*CbnService) WaitForCenFlowlog added in v1.144.0

func (s *CbnService) WaitForCenFlowlog(id string, expected map[string]interface{}, isDelete bool, timeout int) error

type CddcService added in v1.144.0

type CddcService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CddcService) DescribeCddcDedicatedHostGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *CddcService) DescribeCddcDedicatedHostGroup(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type CdnService added in v1.34.0

type CdnService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CdnService) CdnDomainConfigRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (c *CdnService) CdnDomainConfigRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CdnService) CdnRealTimeLogDeliveryStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CdnService) CdnRealTimeLogDeliveryStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CdnService) DescribeCdnDomainConfig added in v1.144.0

func (c *CdnService) DescribeCdnDomainConfig(id string) (object interface{}, err error)

func (*CdnService) DescribeCdnDomainNew added in v1.144.0

func (c *CdnService) DescribeCdnDomainNew(id string) (*cdn.GetDomainDetailModel, error)

func (*CdnService) DescribeCdnRealTimeLogDelivery added in v1.144.0

func (s *CdnService) DescribeCdnRealTimeLogDelivery(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CdnService) DescribeDomainCertificateInfo added in v1.144.0

func (c *CdnService) DescribeDomainCertificateInfo(id string) (certInfo cdn.CertInfo, err error)

func (*CdnService) DescribeTags added in v1.144.0

func (c *CdnService) DescribeTags(resourceId string, resourceType TagResourceType) (tags []cdn.TagItem, err error)

func (*CdnService) WaitForCdnDomain added in v1.34.0

func (c *CdnService) WaitForCdnDomain(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*CdnService) WaitForServerCertificateNew added in v1.144.0

func (c *CdnService) WaitForServerCertificateNew(id string, serverCertificate string, timeout int) error

type CenService added in v1.20.0

type CenService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CenService) CenBandwidthLimitStateRefreshFunc added in v1.48.0

func (s *CenService) CenBandwidthLimitStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CenService) CenInstanceAttachmentStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CenService) CenInstanceAttachmentStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CenService) CreateCenRouteEntryParas added in v1.20.0

func (s *CenService) CreateCenRouteEntryParas(vtbId string) (childInstanceId string, instanceType string, err error)

func (*CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthLimit added in v1.20.0

func (s *CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthLimit(id string) (c cbn.CenInterRegionBandwidthLimit, err error)

func (*CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthPackage added in v1.20.0

func (s *CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthPackage(id string) (c cbn.CenBandwidthPackage, err error)

func (*CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthPackageAttachment added in v1.47.0

func (s *CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthPackageAttachment(id string) (c cbn.CenBandwidthPackage, err error)

func (*CenService) DescribeCenInstanceAttachment added in v1.46.0

func (s *CenService) DescribeCenInstanceAttachment(id string) (*cbn.ChildInstance, error)

func (*CenService) DescribeCenRouteEntry added in v1.47.0

func (s *CenService) DescribeCenRouteEntry(id string) (c cbn.PublishedRouteEntry, err error)

func (*CenService) GetCenAndRegionIds added in v1.20.0

func (s *CenService) GetCenAndRegionIds(id string) (retString []string, err error)

func (*CenService) GetCenIdAndAnotherId added in v1.20.0

func (s *CenService) GetCenIdAndAnotherId(id string) (string, string, error)

func (*CenService) SetCenInterRegionBandwidthLimit added in v1.20.0

func (s *CenService) SetCenInterRegionBandwidthLimit(cenId, localRegionId, oppositeRegionId string, bandwidthLimit int) (err error)

func (*CenService) WaitForCenBandwidthPackage added in v1.20.0

func (s *CenService) WaitForCenBandwidthPackage(id string, status Status, bandwidth, timeout int) error

func (*CenService) WaitForCenBandwidthPackageAttachment added in v1.20.0

func (s *CenService) WaitForCenBandwidthPackageAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*CenService) WaitForCenInstanceAttachment added in v1.46.0

func (s *CenService) WaitForCenInstanceAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*CenService) WaitForCenRouterEntry added in v1.47.0

func (s *CenService) WaitForCenRouterEntry(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

type ClickhouseService added in v1.144.0

type ClickhouseService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ClickhouseService) ClickHouseDbClusterStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *ClickhouseService) ClickHouseDbClusterStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*ClickhouseService) ClickhouseStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *ClickhouseService) ClickhouseStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*ClickhouseService) DescribeClickHouseAccount added in v1.144.0

func (s *ClickhouseService) DescribeClickHouseAccount(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ClickhouseService) DescribeClickHouseDbCluster added in v1.144.0

func (s *ClickhouseService) DescribeClickHouseDbCluster(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type CloudApiService added in v1.20.0

type CloudApiService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudApiService) AbolishApi added in v1.24.0

func (s *CloudApiService) AbolishApi(id string, stageName string) (err error)

func (*CloudApiService) DeployedApi added in v1.24.0

func (s *CloudApiService) DeployedApi(id string, stageName string) (err error)

func (*CloudApiService) DescribeApiGatewayApi added in v1.48.0

func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeApiGatewayApi(id string) (*cloudapi.DescribeApiResponse, error)

func (*CloudApiService) DescribeApiGatewayApp added in v1.49.0

func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeApiGatewayApp(id string) (*cloudapi.DescribeAppResponse, error)

func (*CloudApiService) DescribeApiGatewayAppAttachment added in v1.49.0

func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeApiGatewayAppAttachment(id string) (*cloudapi.AuthorizedApp, error)

func (*CloudApiService) DescribeApiGatewayGroup added in v1.49.0

func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeApiGatewayGroup(id string) (*cloudapi.DescribeApiGroupResponse, error)

func (*CloudApiService) DescribeApiGatewayVpcAccess added in v1.49.0

func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeApiGatewayVpcAccess(id string) (*cloudapi.VpcAccessAttribute, error)

func (*CloudApiService) DescribeDeployedApi added in v1.24.0

func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeDeployedApi(id string, stageName string) (*cloudapi.DescribeDeployedApiResponse, error)

func (*CloudApiService) DescribeTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeTags(resourceId string, resourceTags map[string]interface{}, resourceType TagResourceType) (tags []cloudapi.TagResource, err error)

func (*CloudApiService) WaitForApiGatewayApi added in v1.48.0

func (s *CloudApiService) WaitForApiGatewayApi(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*CloudApiService) WaitForApiGatewayApp added in v1.49.0

func (s *CloudApiService) WaitForApiGatewayApp(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*CloudApiService) WaitForApiGatewayAppAttachment added in v1.49.0

func (s *CloudApiService) WaitForApiGatewayAppAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) (err error)

func (*CloudApiService) WaitForApiGatewayGroup added in v1.49.0

func (s *CloudApiService) WaitForApiGatewayGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

type CloudauthService added in v1.144.0

type CloudauthService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudauthService) DescribeCloudauthFaceConfig added in v1.144.0

func (s *CloudauthService) DescribeCloudauthFaceConfig(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type CloudfwService added in v1.144.0

type CloudfwService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudfwService) DescribeCloudFirewallControlPolicy added in v1.144.0

func (s *CloudfwService) DescribeCloudFirewallControlPolicy(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type CloudphoneService added in v1.144.0

type CloudphoneService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudphoneService) DescribeEcpKeyPair added in v1.144.0

func (s *CloudphoneService) DescribeEcpKeyPair(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type CloudssoService added in v1.144.0

type CloudssoService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloudssoService) CloudssoServiceAccessAssignmentStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CloudssoService) CloudssoServiceAccessAssignmentStateRefreshFunc(directoryId, taskId string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CloudssoService) DescribeCloudSsoAccessAssignment added in v1.144.0

func (s *CloudssoService) DescribeCloudSsoAccessAssignment(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CloudssoService) DescribeCloudSsoAccessConfiguration added in v1.144.0

func (s *CloudssoService) DescribeCloudSsoAccessConfiguration(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CloudssoService) DescribeCloudSsoDirectory added in v1.144.0

func (s *CloudssoService) DescribeCloudSsoDirectory(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CloudssoService) DescribeCloudSsoGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *CloudssoService) DescribeCloudSsoGroup(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CloudssoService) DescribeCloudSsoScimServerCredential added in v1.144.0

func (s *CloudssoService) DescribeCloudSsoScimServerCredential(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CloudssoService) DescribeCloudSsoUser added in v1.144.0

func (s *CloudssoService) DescribeCloudSsoUser(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CloudssoService) DescribeCloudSsoUserAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *CloudssoService) DescribeCloudSsoUserAttachment(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CloudssoService) GetDirectory added in v1.144.0

func (s *CloudssoService) GetDirectory(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CloudssoService) GetDirectoryTasks added in v1.144.0

func (s *CloudssoService) GetDirectoryTasks(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CloudssoService) GetExternalSAMLIdentityProvider added in v1.144.0

func (s *CloudssoService) GetExternalSAMLIdentityProvider(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CloudssoService) GetMFAAuthenticationStatus added in v1.144.0

func (s *CloudssoService) GetMFAAuthenticationStatus(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CloudssoService) GetSCIMSynchronizationStatus added in v1.144.0

func (s *CloudssoService) GetSCIMSynchronizationStatus(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CloudssoService) GetTaskStatus added in v1.144.0

func (s *CloudssoService) GetTaskStatus(directoryId, taskId string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CloudssoService) ListMFADevicesForUser added in v1.144.0

func (s *CloudssoService) ListMFADevicesForUser(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CloudssoService) ListPermissionPoliciesInAccessConfiguration added in v1.144.0

func (s *CloudssoService) ListPermissionPoliciesInAccessConfiguration(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type CmsService added in v1.20.0

type CmsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CmsService) BuildCmsAlarmRequest added in v1.20.0

func (s *CmsService) BuildCmsAlarmRequest(id string) *requests.CommonRequest

func (*CmsService) BuildCmsCommonRequest added in v1.20.0

func (s *CmsService) BuildCmsCommonRequest(region string) *requests.CommonRequest

func (*CmsService) BuildJsonWebhook added in v1.46.0

func (s *CmsService) BuildJsonWebhook(webhook string) string

func (*CmsService) DescribeAlarm added in v1.20.0

func (s *CmsService) DescribeAlarm(id string) (alarm cms.AlarmInDescribeMetricRuleList, err error)

func (*CmsService) DescribeCmsAlarmContact added in v1.144.0

func (s *CmsService) DescribeCmsAlarmContact(id string) (object cms.Contact, err error)

func (*CmsService) DescribeCmsAlarmContactGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *CmsService) DescribeCmsAlarmContactGroup(id string) (object cms.ContactGroup, err error)

func (*CmsService) DescribeCmsDynamicTagGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *CmsService) DescribeCmsDynamicTagGroup(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CmsService) DescribeCmsGroupMetricRule added in v1.144.0

func (s *CmsService) DescribeCmsGroupMetricRule(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CmsService) DescribeCmsMetricRuleTemplate added in v1.144.0

func (s *CmsService) DescribeCmsMetricRuleTemplate(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CmsService) DescribeCmsMonitorGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *CmsService) DescribeCmsMonitorGroup(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CmsService) DescribeCmsMonitorGroupInstances added in v1.144.0

func (s *CmsService) DescribeCmsMonitorGroupInstances(id string) (object []map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CmsService) DescribeSiteMonitor added in v1.144.0

func (s *CmsService) DescribeSiteMonitor(id, keyword string) (siteMonitor cms.SiteMonitor, err error)

func (*CmsService) ExtractWebhookFromJson added in v1.46.0

func (s *CmsService) ExtractWebhookFromJson(webhookJson string) (string, error)

func (*CmsService) GetIspCities added in v1.144.0

func (s *CmsService) GetIspCities(id string) (ispCities IspCities, err error)

func (*CmsService) SetResourceTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *CmsService) SetResourceTags(d *schema.ResourceData, resourceType string) error

func (*CmsService) WaitForCmsAlarm added in v1.20.0

func (s *CmsService) WaitForCmsAlarm(id string, enabled bool, timeout int) error

type CommandArg added in v1.144.0

type CommandArg struct {
	Argument string `json:"argument" xml:"argument"`

type ComplexError added in v1.29.0

type ComplexError struct {
	Cause error
	Err   error
	Path  string
	Line  int

ComplexError is a format error which including origin error, extra error message, error occurred file and line Cause: a error is a origin error that comes from SDK, some exceptions and so on Err: a new error is built from extra message Path: the file path of error occurred Line: the file line of error occurred

func (ComplexError) Error added in v1.29.0

func (e ComplexError) Error() string

type ConfigService added in v1.144.0

type ConfigService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ConfigService) ConfigAggregateCompliancePackStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *ConfigService) ConfigAggregateCompliancePackStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*ConfigService) ConfigAggregateConfigRuleStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *ConfigService) ConfigAggregateConfigRuleStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*ConfigService) ConfigAggregatorStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *ConfigService) ConfigAggregatorStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*ConfigService) ConfigCompliancePackStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *ConfigService) ConfigCompliancePackStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*ConfigService) ConfigConfigurationRecorderStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *ConfigService) ConfigConfigurationRecorderStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*ConfigService) ConfigRuleStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *ConfigService) ConfigRuleStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*ConfigService) DescribeConfigAggregateCompliancePack added in v1.144.0

func (s *ConfigService) DescribeConfigAggregateCompliancePack(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ConfigService) DescribeConfigAggregateConfigRule added in v1.144.0

func (s *ConfigService) DescribeConfigAggregateConfigRule(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ConfigService) DescribeConfigAggregator added in v1.144.0

func (s *ConfigService) DescribeConfigAggregator(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ConfigService) DescribeConfigCompliancePack added in v1.144.0

func (s *ConfigService) DescribeConfigCompliancePack(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ConfigService) DescribeConfigConfigurationRecorder added in v1.144.0

func (s *ConfigService) DescribeConfigConfigurationRecorder(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ConfigService) DescribeConfigDeliveryChannel added in v1.144.0

func (s *ConfigService) DescribeConfigDeliveryChannel(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ConfigService) DescribeConfigRule added in v1.144.0

func (s *ConfigService) DescribeConfigRule(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type CrService added in v1.34.0

type CrService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CrService) CrEndpointAclServiceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CrService) CrEndpointAclServiceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CrService) DeleteCrEENamespace added in v1.144.0

func (c *CrService) DeleteCrEENamespace(id string) (*cr_ee.DeleteNamespaceResponse, error)

func (*CrService) DeleteCrEERepo added in v1.144.0

func (c *CrService) DeleteCrEERepo(id, repoId string) (*cr_ee.DeleteRepositoryResponse, error)

func (*CrService) DescribeCrEEInstance added in v1.144.0

func (c *CrService) DescribeCrEEInstance(instanceId string) (*cr_ee.GetInstanceResponse, error)

func (*CrService) DescribeCrEENamespace added in v1.144.0

func (c *CrService) DescribeCrEENamespace(id string) (*cr_ee.GetNamespaceResponse, error)

func (*CrService) DescribeCrEERepo added in v1.144.0

func (c *CrService) DescribeCrEERepo(id string) (*cr_ee.GetRepositoryResponse, error)

func (*CrService) DescribeCrEESyncRule added in v1.144.0

func (c *CrService) DescribeCrEESyncRule(id string) (*cr_ee.SyncRulesItem, error)

func (*CrService) DescribeCrEndpointAclPolicy added in v1.144.0

func (s *CrService) DescribeCrEndpointAclPolicy(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CrService) DescribeCrEndpointAclService added in v1.144.0

func (s *CrService) DescribeCrEndpointAclService(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*CrService) DescribeCrNamespace added in v1.144.0

func (c *CrService) DescribeCrNamespace(id string) (*cr.GetNamespaceResponse, error)

func (*CrService) DescribeCrRepo added in v1.144.0

func (c *CrService) DescribeCrRepo(id string) (*cr.GetRepoResponse, error)

func (*CrService) GetCrEEInstanceUsage added in v1.144.0

func (c *CrService) GetCrEEInstanceUsage(instanceId string) (*cr_ee.GetInstanceUsageResponse, error)

func (*CrService) InstanceStatusRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (c *CrService) InstanceStatusRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CrService) ListCrEEInstanceEndpoint added in v1.144.0

func (c *CrService) ListCrEEInstanceEndpoint(instanceId string) (*cr_ee.ListInstanceEndpointResponse, error)

func (*CrService) ListCrEEInstances added in v1.144.0

func (c *CrService) ListCrEEInstances(pageNo int, pageSize int) (*cr_ee.ListInstanceResponse, error)

func (*CrService) ListCrEENamespaces added in v1.144.0

func (c *CrService) ListCrEENamespaces(instanceId string, pageNo int, pageSize int) (*cr_ee.ListNamespaceResponse, error)

func (*CrService) ListCrEERepoTags added in v1.144.0

func (c *CrService) ListCrEERepoTags(instanceId string, repoId string, pageNo int, pageSize int) (*cr_ee.ListRepoTagResponse, error)

func (*CrService) ListCrEERepos added in v1.144.0

func (c *CrService) ListCrEERepos(instanceId string, namespace string, pageNo int, pageSize int) (*cr_ee.ListRepositoryResponse, error)

func (*CrService) WaitForCRNamespace added in v1.144.0

func (c *CrService) WaitForCRNamespace(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*CrService) WaitForCrEENamespace added in v1.144.0

func (c *CrService) WaitForCrEENamespace(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*CrService) WaitForCrEERepo added in v1.144.0

func (c *CrService) WaitForCrEERepo(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*CrService) WaitForCrRepo added in v1.144.0

func (c *CrService) WaitForCrRepo(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

type CredentialsURIResponse added in v1.144.0

type CredentialsURIResponse struct {
	Code            string
	AccessKeyId     string
	AccessKeySecret string
	SecurityToken   string
	Expiration      string

type CreditSpecification added in v1.144.0

type CreditSpecification string

type CsClient added in v1.144.0

type CsClient struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CsClient) DescribeCsAutoscalingConfig added in v1.144.0

func (s *CsClient) DescribeCsAutoscalingConfig(id string) (*client.CreateAutoscalingConfigRequest, error)

func (*CsClient) DescribeUserPermission added in v1.144.0

func (s *CsClient) DescribeUserPermission(uid string) ([]*client.DescribeUserPermissionResponseBody, error)

type CsService added in v1.20.0

type CsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CsService) CsKubernetesInstanceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CsService) CsKubernetesInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CsService) CsKubernetesNodePoolStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CsService) CsKubernetesNodePoolStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CsService) CsManagedKubernetesInstanceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CsService) CsManagedKubernetesInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CsService) CsServerlessKubernetesInstanceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *CsService) CsServerlessKubernetesInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CsService) DescribeContainerApplication added in v1.20.0

func (s *CsService) DescribeContainerApplication(clusterName, appName string) (app cs.GetProjectResponse, err error)

func (*CsService) DescribeCsKubernetes added in v1.144.0

func (s *CsService) DescribeCsKubernetes(id string) (cluster *cs.KubernetesClusterDetail, err error)

func (*CsService) DescribeCsKubernetesNodePool added in v1.144.0

func (s *CsService) DescribeCsKubernetesNodePool(id string) (nodePool *cs.NodePoolDetail, err error)

func (*CsService) DescribeCsManagedKubernetes added in v1.144.0

func (s *CsService) DescribeCsManagedKubernetes(id string) (cluster *cs.KubernetesClusterDetail, err error)

func (*CsService) DescribeCsServerlessKubernetes added in v1.144.0

func (s *CsService) DescribeCsServerlessKubernetes(id string) (*cs.ServerlessClusterResponse, error)

func (*CsService) GetContainerClusterAndCertsByName added in v1.20.0

func (s *CsService) GetContainerClusterAndCertsByName(name string) (*cs.ClusterType, *cs.ClusterCerts, error)

func (*CsService) GetContainerClusterByName added in v1.20.0

func (s *CsService) GetContainerClusterByName(name string) (cluster cs.ClusterType, err error)

func (*CsService) GetPermanentToken added in v1.144.0

func (s *CsService) GetPermanentToken(clusterId string) (string, error)

func (*CsService) GetUserData added in v1.144.0

func (s *CsService) GetUserData(clusterId string, labels string, taints string) (string, error)

GetUserData of cluster

func (*CsService) UpgradeCluster added in v1.144.0

func (s *CsService) UpgradeCluster(clusterId string, args *cs.UpgradeClusterArgs) error

func (*CsService) WaitForCSManagedKubernetes added in v1.144.0

func (s *CsService) WaitForCSManagedKubernetes(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*CsService) WaitForCSServerlessKubernetes added in v1.144.0

func (s *CsService) WaitForCSServerlessKubernetes(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*CsService) WaitForContainerApplication added in v1.20.0

func (s *CsService) WaitForContainerApplication(clusterName, appName string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*CsService) WaitForCsKubernetes added in v1.144.0

func (s *CsService) WaitForCsKubernetes(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*CsService) WaitForUpgradeCluster added in v1.144.0

func (s *CsService) WaitForUpgradeCluster(clusterId string, action string) (string, error)

type DatahubService added in v1.144.0

type DatahubService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DatahubService) DescribeDatahubProject added in v1.144.0

func (s *DatahubService) DescribeDatahubProject(id string) (*datahub.GetProjectResult, error)

func (*DatahubService) DescribeDatahubSubscription added in v1.144.0

func (s *DatahubService) DescribeDatahubSubscription(id string) (*datahub.GetSubscriptionResult, error)

func (*DatahubService) DescribeDatahubTopic added in v1.144.0

func (s *DatahubService) DescribeDatahubTopic(id string) (*datahub.GetTopicResult, error)

func (*DatahubService) WaitForDatahubProject added in v1.144.0

func (s *DatahubService) WaitForDatahubProject(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*DatahubService) WaitForDatahubSubscription added in v1.144.0

func (s *DatahubService) WaitForDatahubSubscription(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*DatahubService) WaitForDatahubTopic added in v1.144.0

func (s *DatahubService) WaitForDatahubTopic(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

type DataworksPublicService added in v1.144.0

type DataworksPublicService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DataworksPublicService) DescribeDataWorksFolder added in v1.144.0

func (s *DataworksPublicService) DescribeDataWorksFolder(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*DataworksPublicService) GetFolder added in v1.144.0

func (s *DataworksPublicService) GetFolder(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type DbauditService added in v1.144.0

type DbauditService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DbauditService) DbauditInstanceRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *DbauditService) DbauditInstanceRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*DbauditService) DescribeDbauditInstanceAttribute added in v1.144.0

func (s *DbauditService) DescribeDbauditInstanceAttribute(id string) (v yundun_dbaudit.InstanceAttribute, err error)

func (*DbauditService) DescribeTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *DbauditService) DescribeTags(resourceId string, resourceTags map[string]interface{}, resourceType TagResourceType) (tags []yundun_dbaudit.TagResource, err error)

func (*DbauditService) DescribeYundunDbauditInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *DbauditService) DescribeYundunDbauditInstance(id string) (v yundun_dbaudit.Instance, err error)

func (*DbauditService) ProcessRolePolicy added in v1.144.0

func (s *DbauditService) ProcessRolePolicy() error

func (*DbauditService) StartDbauditInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *DbauditService) StartDbauditInstance(instanceId string, vSwitchId string) error

func (*DbauditService) UpdateDbauditInstanceDescription added in v1.144.0

func (s *DbauditService) UpdateDbauditInstanceDescription(instanceId string, description string) error

func (*DbauditService) UpdateInstanceSpec added in v1.144.0

func (s *DbauditService) UpdateInstanceSpec(schemaName string, specName string, d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error

func (*DbauditService) UpdateResourceGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *DbauditService) UpdateResourceGroup(resourceId, resourceGroupId string) error

func (*DbauditService) WaitForYundunDbauditInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *DbauditService) WaitForYundunDbauditInstance(instanceId string, status Status, timeoutSenconds time.Duration) error

type DbfsService added in v1.144.0

type DbfsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DbfsService) DbfsInstanceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *DbfsService) DbfsInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*DbfsService) DescribeDbfsInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *DbfsService) DescribeDbfsInstance(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type DcdnService added in v1.144.0

type DcdnService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DcdnService) DcdnDomainConfigStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *DcdnService) DcdnDomainConfigStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*DcdnService) DcdnDomainStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *DcdnService) DcdnDomainStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*DcdnService) DescribeDcdnDomain added in v1.144.0

func (s *DcdnService) DescribeDcdnDomain(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*DcdnService) DescribeDcdnDomainCertificateInfo added in v1.144.0

func (s *DcdnService) DescribeDcdnDomainCertificateInfo(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*DcdnService) DescribeDcdnDomainConfig added in v1.144.0

func (s *DcdnService) DescribeDcdnDomainConfig(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type DdosbgpInsatnceType added in v1.144.0

type DdosbgpInsatnceType string

type DdosbgpInstanceIpType added in v1.144.0

type DdosbgpInstanceIpType string

type DdosbgpService added in v1.144.0

type DdosbgpService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DdosbgpService) DescribeDdosbgpInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *DdosbgpService) DescribeDdosbgpInstance(id string) (v ddosbgp.Instance, err error)

func (*DdosbgpService) DescribeDdosbgpInstanceSpec added in v1.144.0

func (s *DdosbgpService) DescribeDdosbgpInstanceSpec(id string, region string) (v ddosbgp.InstanceSpec, err error)

func (*DdosbgpService) WaitForDdosbgpInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *DdosbgpService) WaitForDdosbgpInstance(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

type DdoscooService added in v1.38.0

type DdoscooService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DdoscooService) DdosStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *DdoscooService) DdosStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc


func (*DdoscooService) DescribeDdoscooDomainResource added in v1.144.0

func (s *DdoscooService) DescribeDdoscooDomainResource(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*DdoscooService) DescribeDdoscooInstance added in v1.38.0

func (s *DdoscooService) DescribeDdoscooInstance(id string) (v ddoscoo.Instance, err error)

func (*DdoscooService) DescribeDdoscooInstanceSpec added in v1.38.0

func (s *DdoscooService) DescribeDdoscooInstanceSpec(d *schema.ResourceData) (v ddoscoo.InstanceSpec, err error)

func (*DdoscooService) DescribeDdoscooPort added in v1.144.0

func (s *DdoscooService) DescribeDdoscooPort(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*DdoscooService) DescribeDdoscooSchedulerRule added in v1.144.0

func (s *DdoscooService) DescribeDdoscooSchedulerRule(id string) (object ddoscoo.SchedulerRule, err error)

func (*DdoscooService) UpdateDdoscooInstanceName added in v1.38.0

func (s *DdoscooService) UpdateDdoscooInstanceName(instanceId string, name string) error

func (*DdoscooService) UpdateInstanceSpec added in v1.38.0

func (s *DdoscooService) UpdateInstanceSpec(schemaName string, specName string, d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error

type DestinationResource added in v1.9.3

type DestinationResource string

type DevopsRdcService added in v1.144.0

type DevopsRdcService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DevopsRdcService) DescribeRdcOrganization added in v1.144.0

func (s *DevopsRdcService) DescribeRdcOrganization(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*DevopsRdcService) ListUserOrganization added in v1.144.0

func (s *DevopsRdcService) ListUserOrganization(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type DfsService added in v1.144.0

type DfsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DfsService) DescribeDfsAccessGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *DfsService) DescribeDfsAccessGroup(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*DfsService) DescribeDfsAccessRule added in v1.144.0

func (s *DfsService) DescribeDfsAccessRule(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*DfsService) DescribeDfsFileSystem added in v1.144.0

func (s *DfsService) DescribeDfsFileSystem(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*DfsService) DescribeDfsMountPoint added in v1.144.0

func (s *DfsService) DescribeDfsMountPoint(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*DfsService) GetAccessGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *DfsService) GetAccessGroup(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type DgService added in v1.144.0

type DgService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DgService) DescribeDatabaseGatewayGateway added in v1.144.0

func (s *DgService) DescribeDatabaseGatewayGateway(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*DgService) GetUserGatewayInstances added in v1.144.0

func (s *DgService) GetUserGatewayInstances(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type Direction added in v1.9.4

type Direction string

type DiskCategory added in v1.9.4

type DiskCategory string

type DiskResizeType added in v1.144.0

type DiskResizeType string

type DiskType added in v1.9.4

type DiskType string

type DmService added in v1.144.0

type DmService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DmService) DescDomain added in v1.144.0

func (s *DmService) DescDomain(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*DmService) DescribeDirectMailDomain added in v1.144.0

func (s *DmService) DescribeDirectMailDomain(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*DmService) DescribeDirectMailMailAddress added in v1.144.0

func (s *DmService) DescribeDirectMailMailAddress(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*DmService) DescribeDirectMailReceivers added in v1.144.0

func (s *DmService) DescribeDirectMailReceivers(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type Dms_enterpriseService added in v1.144.0

type Dms_enterpriseService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Dms_enterpriseService) DescribeDmsEnterpriseInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *Dms_enterpriseService) DescribeDmsEnterpriseInstance(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*Dms_enterpriseService) DescribeDmsEnterpriseUser added in v1.144.0

func (s *Dms_enterpriseService) DescribeDmsEnterpriseUser(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type DnsService added in v1.31.0

type DnsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DnsService) DescribeAlidnsDomainAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *DnsService) DescribeAlidnsDomainAttachment(id string) (object alidns.DescribeInstanceDomainsResponse, err error)

func (*DnsService) DescribeDns added in v1.31.0

func (s *DnsService) DescribeDns(id string) (*alidns.DescribeDomainInfoResponse, error)

func (*DnsService) DescribeDnsDomain added in v1.144.0

func (s *DnsService) DescribeDnsDomain(id string) (object alidns.DescribeDomainInfoResponse, err error)

func (*DnsService) DescribeDnsGroup added in v1.31.0

func (dns *DnsService) DescribeDnsGroup(id string) (alidns.DomainGroup, error)

func (*DnsService) DescribeDnsInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *DnsService) DescribeDnsInstance(id string) (object alidns.DescribeDnsProductInstanceResponse, err error)

func (*DnsService) DescribeDnsRecord added in v1.31.0

func (dns *DnsService) DescribeDnsRecord(id string) (*alidns.DescribeDomainRecordInfoResponse, error)

func (*DnsService) ListTagResources added in v1.144.0

func (s *DnsService) ListTagResources(id string) (object alidns.ListTagResourcesResponse, err error)

func (*DnsService) SetResourceTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *DnsService) SetResourceTags(d *schema.ResourceData, resourceType string) error

func (*DnsService) WaitForAlidnsDomainAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *DnsService) WaitForAlidnsDomainAttachment(id string, expected map[string]interface{}, isDelete bool, timeout int) error

type DrdsService added in v1.24.0

type DrdsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DrdsService) DescribeDrdsInstance added in v1.24.0

func (s *DrdsService) DescribeDrdsInstance(id string) (*drds.DescribeDrdsInstanceResponse, error)

func (*DrdsService) DrdsInstanceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.49.0

func (s *DrdsService) DrdsInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*DrdsService) WaitDrdsInstanceConfigEffect added in v1.144.0

func (s *DrdsService) WaitDrdsInstanceConfigEffect(id string, item map[string]string, timeout time.Duration) error

type DtsService added in v1.144.0

type DtsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DtsService) DescribeDtsJobDetail added in v1.144.0

func (s *DtsService) DescribeDtsJobDetail(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*DtsService) DescribeDtsJobMonitorRule added in v1.144.0

func (s *DtsService) DescribeDtsJobMonitorRule(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*DtsService) DescribeDtsSubscriptionJob added in v1.144.0

func (s *DtsService) DescribeDtsSubscriptionJob(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*DtsService) DescribeDtsSynchronizationInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *DtsService) DescribeDtsSynchronizationInstance(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*DtsService) DescribeDtsSynchronizationJob added in v1.144.0

func (s *DtsService) DescribeDtsSynchronizationJob(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*DtsService) DtsSubscriptionJobStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *DtsService) DtsSubscriptionJobStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*DtsService) DtsSynchronizationJobStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *DtsService) DtsSynchronizationJobStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*DtsService) ListTagResources added in v1.144.0

func (s *DtsService) ListTagResources(id string, resourceType string) (object interface{}, err error)

func (*DtsService) SetResourceTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *DtsService) SetResourceTags(d *schema.ResourceData, resourceType string) error

type EaisService added in v1.144.0

type EaisService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EaisService) DescribeEaisInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *EaisService) DescribeEaisInstance(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EaisService) EaisInstanceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *EaisService) EaisInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type EcdService added in v1.144.0

type EcdService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EcdService) DescribeEcdNasFileSystem added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcdService) DescribeEcdNasFileSystem(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EcdService) DescribeEcdNetworkPackage added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcdService) DescribeEcdNetworkPackage(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EcdService) DescribeEcdPolicyGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcdService) DescribeEcdPolicyGroup(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EcdService) DescribeEcdSimpleOfficeSite added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcdService) DescribeEcdSimpleOfficeSite(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EcdService) EcdNasFileSystemStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcdService) EcdNasFileSystemStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*EcdService) EcdNetworkPackageRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcdService) EcdNetworkPackageRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*EcdService) EcdSimpleOfficeSiteStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcdService) EcdSimpleOfficeSiteStateRefreshFunc(id string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type EciService added in v1.144.0

type EciService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EciService) DescribeEciContainerGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *EciService) DescribeEciContainerGroup(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EciService) DescribeEciImageCache added in v1.144.0

func (s *EciService) DescribeEciImageCache(id string) (object eci.DescribeImageCachesImageCache0, err error)

func (*EciService) EciContainerGroupStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *EciService) EciContainerGroupStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*EciService) EciImageCacheStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *EciService) EciImageCacheStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type EcsService added in v1.20.0

type EcsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EcsService) AttachKeyPair added in v1.20.0

func (s *EcsService) AttachKeyPair(keyName string, instanceIds []interface{}) error

func (*EcsService) DescribeAutoProvisioningGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeAutoProvisioningGroup(id string) (group ecs.AutoProvisioningGroup, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeAvailableResources added in v1.20.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeAvailableResources(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}, destination DestinationResource) (zoneId string, validZones []ecs.AvailableZone, requestId string, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeDisk added in v1.36.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeDisk(id string) (disk ecs.Disk, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeDisksByType added in v1.20.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeDisksByType(instanceId string, diskType DiskType) (disk []ecs.Disk, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeEcsAutoSnapshotPolicy added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeEcsAutoSnapshotPolicy(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeEcsAutoSnapshotPolicyAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeEcsAutoSnapshotPolicyAttachment(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeEcsCommand added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeEcsCommand(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeEcsDedicatedHost added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeEcsDedicatedHost(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeEcsDeploymentSet added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeEcsDeploymentSet(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeEcsDisk added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeEcsDisk(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeEcsDiskAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeEcsDiskAttachment(id string) (disk map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeEcsHpcCluster added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeEcsHpcCluster(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeEcsKeyPair added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeEcsKeyPair(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeEcsKeyPairAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeEcsKeyPairAttachment(id string) (keyPair ecs.KeyPair, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeEcsLaunchTemplate added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeEcsLaunchTemplate(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeEcsNetworkInterface added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeEcsNetworkInterface(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeEcsNetworkInterfaceAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeEcsNetworkInterfaceAttachment(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeEcsSnapshot added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeEcsSnapshot(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeImageById added in v1.20.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeImageById(id string) (image ecs.Image, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeImageShareByImageId added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeImageShareByImageId(id string) (imageShare *ecs.DescribeImageSharePermissionResponse, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeInstance added in v1.40.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeInstance(id string) (instance ecs.Instance, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeInstanceAttribute added in v1.20.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeInstanceAttribute(id string) (instance ecs.DescribeInstanceAttributeResponse, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeInstanceSystemDisk added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeInstanceSystemDisk(id, rg string) (disk ecs.Disk, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeKeyPair added in v1.20.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeKeyPair(id string) (keyPair ecs.KeyPair, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeLaunchTemplate added in v1.41.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeLaunchTemplate(id string) (set ecs.LaunchTemplateSet, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeLaunchTemplateVersion added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeLaunchTemplateVersion(id string, version int) (set ecs.LaunchTemplateVersionSet, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeLaunchTemplateVersions added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeLaunchTemplateVersions(id string) (object []interface{}, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeNetworkInterface added in v1.40.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeNetworkInterface(id string) (networkInterface ecs.NetworkInterfaceSet, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeReservedInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeReservedInstance(id string) (reservedInstance ecs.ReservedInstance, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeSecurityGroup added in v1.40.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeSecurityGroup(id string) (group ecs.DescribeSecurityGroupAttributeResponse, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeSecurityGroupRule added in v1.20.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeSecurityGroupRule(id string) (rule ecs.Permission, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeSnapshot added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeSnapshot(id string) (*ecs.Snapshot, error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeSnapshotPolicy added in v1.42.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeSnapshotPolicy(id string) (*ecs.AutoSnapshotPolicy, error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeTags added in v1.20.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeTags(resourceId string, resourceType TagResourceType) (tags []ecs.Tag, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeTaskById added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeTaskById(id string) (task *ecs.DescribeTaskAttributeResponse, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeZone added in v1.20.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeZone(id string) (zone map[string]interface{}, err error)

DescribeZone validate zoneId is valid in region

func (*EcsService) DescribeZones added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) DescribeZones(d *schema.ResourceData) (zones []ecs.Zone, err error)

func (*EcsService) DiskAvailable added in v1.20.0

func (s *EcsService) DiskAvailable(zone map[string]interface{}, diskCategory DiskCategory) error

func (*EcsService) EcsAutoSnapshotPolicyStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) EcsAutoSnapshotPolicyStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*EcsService) EcsDedicatedHostStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) EcsDedicatedHostStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*EcsService) EcsDiskStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) EcsDiskStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*EcsService) EcsNetworkInterfaceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) EcsNetworkInterfaceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*EcsService) EcsSnapshotStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) EcsSnapshotStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*EcsService) ImageStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) ImageStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*EcsService) InstanceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.46.0

func (s *EcsService) InstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

WaitForInstance waits for instance to given status

func (*EcsService) InstanceTypeValidation added in v1.20.0

func (s *EcsService) InstanceTypeValidation(targetType, zoneId string, validZones []ecs.AvailableZone) error

func (*EcsService) JoinSecurityGroups added in v1.20.0

func (s *EcsService) JoinSecurityGroups(instanceId string, securityGroupIds []string) error

func (*EcsService) JudgeRegionValidation added in v1.20.0

func (s *EcsService) JudgeRegionValidation(key, region string) error

func (*EcsService) LeaveSecurityGroups added in v1.20.0

func (s *EcsService) LeaveSecurityGroups(instanceId string, securityGroupIds []string) error

func (*EcsService) ListTagResources added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) ListTagResources(id string, resourceType string) (object interface{}, err error)

func (*EcsService) QueryInstancesWithKeyPair added in v1.20.0

func (s *EcsService) QueryInstancesWithKeyPair(instanceIdsStr, keyPair string) (instanceIds []string, err error)

func (*EcsService) QueryPrivateIps added in v1.23.0

func (s *EcsService) QueryPrivateIps(eniId string) ([]string, error)

func (*EcsService) ResourceAvailable added in v1.20.0

func (s *EcsService) ResourceAvailable(zone ecs.Zone, resourceType ResourceType) error

ResourceAvailable check resource available for zone

func (*EcsService) SetResourceTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) SetResourceTags(d *schema.ResourceData, resourceType string) error

func (*EcsService) SetResourceTemplateTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) SetResourceTemplateTags(d *schema.ResourceData, resourceType string) error

func (*EcsService) SnapshotStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) SnapshotStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*EcsService) TaskStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) TaskStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*EcsService) WaitForAutoProvisioningGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) WaitForAutoProvisioningGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EcsService) WaitForDisk added in v1.36.0

func (s *EcsService) WaitForDisk(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EcsService) WaitForEcsInstance added in v1.20.0

func (s *EcsService) WaitForEcsInstance(instanceId string, status Status, timeout int) error

WaitForInstance waits for instance to given status

func (*EcsService) WaitForKeyPair added in v1.40.0

func (s *EcsService) WaitForKeyPair(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EcsService) WaitForLaunchTemplate added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) WaitForLaunchTemplate(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EcsService) WaitForModifySecurityGroupPolicy added in v1.35.0

func (s *EcsService) WaitForModifySecurityGroupPolicy(id, target string, timeout int) error

func (*EcsService) WaitForNetworkInterface added in v1.40.0

func (s *EcsService) WaitForNetworkInterface(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EcsService) WaitForPrivateIpsCountChanged added in v1.23.0

func (s *EcsService) WaitForPrivateIpsCountChanged(eniId string, count int) error

func (*EcsService) WaitForPrivateIpsListChanged added in v1.23.0

func (s *EcsService) WaitForPrivateIpsListChanged(eniId string, ipList []string) error

func (*EcsService) WaitForReservedInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *EcsService) WaitForReservedInstance(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EcsService) WaitForSecurityGroup added in v1.40.0

func (s *EcsService) WaitForSecurityGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EcsService) WaitForVpcAttributesChanged added in v1.30.0

func (s *EcsService) WaitForVpcAttributesChanged(instanceId, vswitchId, privateIp string) error

type EdasService added in v1.144.0

type EdasService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EdasService) CheckEcsStatus added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) CheckEcsStatus(instanceIds string, count int) error

func (*EdasService) DescribeEdasApplication added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) DescribeEdasApplication(appId string) (*edas.Applcation, error)

func (*EdasService) DescribeEdasApplicationDeployment added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) DescribeEdasApplicationDeployment(id string) (*edas.Applcation, error)

func (*EdasService) DescribeEdasApplicationScale added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) DescribeEdasApplicationScale(id string) (*edas.Applcation, error)

func (*EdasService) DescribeEdasCluster added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) DescribeEdasCluster(clusterId string) (*edas.Cluster, error)

func (*EdasService) DescribeEdasDeployGroup added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) DescribeEdasDeployGroup(id string) (*edas.DeployGroup, error)

func (*EdasService) DescribeEdasInstanceClusterAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) DescribeEdasInstanceClusterAttachment(id string) (*edas.Cluster, error)

func (*EdasService) DescribeEdasK8sApplication added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) DescribeEdasK8sApplication(appId string) (*edas.Applcation, error)

func (*EdasService) DescribeEdasK8sCluster added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) DescribeEdasK8sCluster(clusterId string) (*edas.Cluster, error)

func (*EdasService) DescribeEdasSlbAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) DescribeEdasSlbAttachment(id string) (*edas.Applcation, error)

func (*EdasService) EdasChangeOrderStatusRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) EdasChangeOrderStatusRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*EdasService) GetChangeOrderStatus added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) GetChangeOrderStatus(id string) (info *edas.ChangeOrderInfo, err error)

func (*EdasService) GetDeployGroup added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) GetDeployGroup(appId, groupId string) (groupInfo *edas.DeployGroup, err error)

func (*EdasService) GetK8sCommandArgs added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) GetK8sCommandArgs(args []interface{}) (string, error)

func (*EdasService) GetK8sCommandArgsForDeploy added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) GetK8sCommandArgsForDeploy(args []interface{}) (string, error)

func (*EdasService) GetK8sEnvs added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) GetK8sEnvs(envs map[string]interface{}) (string, error)

func (*EdasService) GetLastPackgeVersion added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) GetLastPackgeVersion(appId, groupId string) (string, error)

func (*EdasService) LivenessEqual added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) LivenessEqual(old, new interface{}) bool

func (*EdasService) PostStartEqual added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) PostStartEqual(old, new interface{}) bool

func (*EdasService) PreStopEqual added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) PreStopEqual(old, new interface{}) bool

func (*EdasService) QueryK8sAppPackageType added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) QueryK8sAppPackageType(appId string) (string, error)

func (*EdasService) ReadinessEqual added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) ReadinessEqual(old, new interface{}) bool

func (*EdasService) SyncResource added in v1.144.0

func (e *EdasService) SyncResource(resourceType string) error

type EdsUserService added in v1.144.0

type EdsUserService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EdsUserService) DescribeEcdUser added in v1.144.0

func (s *EdsUserService) DescribeEcdUser(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EdsUserService) EcdUserStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *EdsUserService) EcdUserStateRefreshFunc(id string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type Effect added in v1.2.0

type Effect string
const (
	Allow Effect = "Allow"
	Deny  Effect = "Deny"

type EhpcService added in v1.144.0

type EhpcService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EhpcService) DescribeEhpcJobTemplate added in v1.144.0

func (s *EhpcService) DescribeEhpcJobTemplate(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type EipanycastService added in v1.144.0

type EipanycastService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EipanycastService) DescribeEipanycastAnycastEipAddress added in v1.144.0

func (s *EipanycastService) DescribeEipanycastAnycastEipAddress(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EipanycastService) DescribeEipanycastAnycastEipAddressAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *EipanycastService) DescribeEipanycastAnycastEipAddressAttachment(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EipanycastService) EipanycastAnycastEipAddressAttachmentStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *EipanycastService) EipanycastAnycastEipAddressAttachmentStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*EipanycastService) EipanycastAnycastEipAddressStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *EipanycastService) EipanycastAnycastEipAddressStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type ElasticsearchService added in v1.30.0

type ElasticsearchService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ElasticsearchService) DescribeElasticsearchInstance added in v1.30.0

func (s *ElasticsearchService) DescribeElasticsearchInstance(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ElasticsearchService) DescribeElasticsearchTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *ElasticsearchService) DescribeElasticsearchTags(id string) (tags map[string]string, err error)

func (*ElasticsearchService) ElasticsearchRetryFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *ElasticsearchService) ElasticsearchRetryFunc(wait func(), errorCodeList []string, do func(*elasticsearch.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*ElasticsearchService) ElasticsearchStateRefreshFunc added in v1.48.0

func (s *ElasticsearchService) ElasticsearchStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*ElasticsearchService) ModifyWhiteIps added in v1.144.0

func (s *ElasticsearchService) ModifyWhiteIps(d *schema.ResourceData, content map[string]interface{}, meta interface{}) error

func (*ElasticsearchService) TriggerNetwork added in v1.144.0

func (s *ElasticsearchService) TriggerNetwork(d *schema.ResourceData, content map[string]interface{}, meta interface{}) error

type EmrService added in v1.144.0

type EmrService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EmrService) DescribeEmrCluster added in v1.144.0

func (s *EmrService) DescribeEmrCluster(id string) (*emr.DescribeClusterV2Response, error)

func (*EmrService) DescribeEmrClusterTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *EmrService) DescribeEmrClusterTags(resourceId string, resourceType TagResourceType) (tags []emr.TagResource, err error)

func (*EmrService) EmrClusterStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *EmrService) EmrClusterStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*EmrService) WaitForEmrCluster added in v1.144.0

func (s *EmrService) WaitForEmrCluster(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

type Engine added in v1.8.0

type Engine string

type EnsService added in v1.144.0

type EnsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EnsService) DescribeEnsKeyPair added in v1.144.0

func (s *EnsService) DescribeEnsKeyPair(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type ErrorSource added in v1.28.0

type ErrorSource string

type EssService added in v1.20.0

type EssService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EssService) ActiveEssScalingConfiguration added in v1.46.0

func (s *EssService) ActiveEssScalingConfiguration(sgId, id string) error

func (*EssService) DescribeEssAlarm added in v1.46.0

func (s *EssService) DescribeEssAlarm(id string) (alarm ess.Alarm, err error)

func (*EssService) DescribeEssAttachment added in v1.46.0

func (srv *EssService) DescribeEssAttachment(id string, instanceIds []string) (instances []ess.ScalingInstance, err error)

func (*EssService) DescribeEssLifecycleHook added in v1.45.0

func (s *EssService) DescribeEssLifecycleHook(id string) (hook ess.LifecycleHook, err error)

func (*EssService) DescribeEssNotification added in v1.144.0

func (s *EssService) DescribeEssNotification(id string) (notification ess.NotificationConfigurationModel, err error)

func (*EssService) DescribeEssScalingConfifurations added in v1.46.0

func (s *EssService) DescribeEssScalingConfifurations(id string) (configs []ess.ScalingConfiguration, err error)

func (*EssService) DescribeEssScalingConfiguration added in v1.46.0

func (s *EssService) DescribeEssScalingConfiguration(id string) (config ess.ScalingConfiguration, err error)

func (*EssService) DescribeEssScalingGroup added in v1.45.0

func (s *EssService) DescribeEssScalingGroup(id string) (group ess.ScalingGroup, err error)

func (*EssService) DescribeEssScalingRule added in v1.44.0

func (s *EssService) DescribeEssScalingRule(id string) (rule ess.ScalingRule, err error)

func (*EssService) DescribeEssScheduledTask added in v1.45.0

func (s *EssService) DescribeEssScheduledTask(id string) (task ess.ScheduledTask, err error)

func (*EssService) EssRemoveInstances added in v1.20.0

func (srv *EssService) EssRemoveInstances(id string, instanceIds []string) error

func (*EssService) WaitForEssAlarm added in v1.46.0

func (s *EssService) WaitForEssAlarm(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EssService) WaitForEssAttachment added in v1.46.0

func (s *EssService) WaitForEssAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EssService) WaitForEssLifecycleHook added in v1.45.0

func (s *EssService) WaitForEssLifecycleHook(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EssService) WaitForEssNotification added in v1.144.0

func (s *EssService) WaitForEssNotification(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EssService) WaitForEssScalingGroup added in v1.45.0

func (s *EssService) WaitForEssScalingGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

WaitForScalingGroup waits for group to given status

func (*EssService) WaitForEssScalingRule added in v1.44.0

func (s *EssService) WaitForEssScalingRule(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EssService) WaitForEssScheduledTask added in v1.45.0

func (s *EssService) WaitForEssScheduledTask(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EssService) WaitForScalingConfiguration added in v1.46.0

func (s *EssService) WaitForScalingConfiguration(id string, status Status, timeout int) (err error)

type EventbridgeService added in v1.144.0

type EventbridgeService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EventbridgeService) CheckRoleForProductRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *EventbridgeService) CheckRoleForProductRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*EventbridgeService) DescribeEventBridgeEventBus added in v1.144.0

func (s *EventbridgeService) DescribeEventBridgeEventBus(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EventbridgeService) DescribeEventBridgeEventSource added in v1.144.0

func (s *EventbridgeService) DescribeEventBridgeEventSource(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EventbridgeService) DescribeEventBridgeRule added in v1.144.0

func (s *EventbridgeService) DescribeEventBridgeRule(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EventbridgeService) DescribeEventBridgeServiceLinkedRole added in v1.144.0

func (s *EventbridgeService) DescribeEventBridgeServiceLinkedRole(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*EventbridgeService) EventBridgeRuleStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *EventbridgeService) EventBridgeRuleStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type Exec added in v1.144.0

type Exec struct {
	Command []string `json:"command"`

type FcService added in v1.20.0

type FcService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*FcService) DescribeFcAlias added in v1.144.0

func (s *FcService) DescribeFcAlias(id string) (*fc.GetAliasOutput, error)

func (*FcService) DescribeFcCustomDomain added in v1.144.0

func (s *FcService) DescribeFcCustomDomain(id string) (*fc.GetCustomDomainOutput, error)

func (*FcService) DescribeFcFunction added in v1.20.0

func (s *FcService) DescribeFcFunction(id string) (*fc.GetFunctionOutput, error)

func (*FcService) DescribeFcFunctionAsyncInvokeConfig added in v1.144.0

func (s *FcService) DescribeFcFunctionAsyncInvokeConfig(id string) (*fc.GetFunctionAsyncInvokeConfigOutput, error)

func (*FcService) DescribeFcService added in v1.20.0

func (s *FcService) DescribeFcService(id string) (*fc.GetServiceOutput, error)

func (*FcService) DescribeFcTrigger added in v1.20.0

func (s *FcService) DescribeFcTrigger(id string) (*fc.GetTriggerOutput, error)

func (*FcService) WaitForFcCustomDomain added in v1.144.0

func (s *FcService) WaitForFcCustomDomain(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*FcService) WaitForFcFunction added in v1.47.0

func (s *FcService) WaitForFcFunction(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*FcService) WaitForFcFunctionAsyncInvokeConfig added in v1.144.0

func (s *FcService) WaitForFcFunctionAsyncInvokeConfig(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*FcService) WaitForFcService added in v1.47.0

func (s *FcService) WaitForFcService(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*FcService) WaitForFcTrigger added in v1.41.0

func (s *FcService) WaitForFcTrigger(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

type FlagType added in v1.11.0

type FlagType string

type FnfService added in v1.144.0

type FnfService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*FnfService) DescribeFnfFlow added in v1.144.0

func (s *FnfService) DescribeFnfFlow(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*FnfService) DescribeFnfSchedule added in v1.144.0

func (s *FnfService) DescribeFnfSchedule(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type GaService added in v1.144.0

type GaService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GaService) DescribeGaAccelerator added in v1.144.0

func (s *GaService) DescribeGaAccelerator(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*GaService) DescribeGaBandwidthPackage added in v1.144.0

func (s *GaService) DescribeGaBandwidthPackage(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*GaService) DescribeGaBandwidthPackageAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *GaService) DescribeGaBandwidthPackageAttachment(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*GaService) DescribeGaEndpointGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *GaService) DescribeGaEndpointGroup(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*GaService) DescribeGaForwardingRule added in v1.144.0

func (s *GaService) DescribeGaForwardingRule(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*GaService) DescribeGaIpSet added in v1.144.0

func (s *GaService) DescribeGaIpSet(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*GaService) DescribeGaListener added in v1.144.0

func (s *GaService) DescribeGaListener(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*GaService) GaAcceleratorStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *GaService) GaAcceleratorStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*GaService) GaBandwidthPackageAttachmentStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *GaService) GaBandwidthPackageAttachmentStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*GaService) GaBandwidthPackageStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *GaService) GaBandwidthPackageStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*GaService) GaEndpointGroupStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *GaService) GaEndpointGroupStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*GaService) GaForwardingRuleStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *GaService) GaForwardingRuleStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*GaService) GaIpSetStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *GaService) GaIpSetStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*GaService) GaListenerStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *GaService) GaListenerStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type GdbService added in v1.144.0

type GdbService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GdbService) DescribeDBInstanceAttribute added in v1.144.0

func (s *GdbService) DescribeDBInstanceAttribute(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*GdbService) DescribeGraphDatabaseDbInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *GdbService) DescribeGraphDatabaseDbInstance(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*GdbService) GetDBInstanceAccessWhiteList added in v1.144.0

func (s *GdbService) GetDBInstanceAccessWhiteList(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*GdbService) GraphDatabaseDbInstanceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *GdbService) GraphDatabaseDbInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type GpdbService added in v1.47.0

type GpdbService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GpdbService) DescribeGpdbAccount added in v1.144.0

func (s *GpdbService) DescribeGpdbAccount(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*GpdbService) DescribeGpdbConnection added in v1.48.0

func (s *GpdbService) DescribeGpdbConnection(id string) (*gpdb.DBInstanceNetInfo, error)

func (*GpdbService) DescribeGpdbElasticInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *GpdbService) DescribeGpdbElasticInstance(id string) (map[string]interface{}, error)

func (*GpdbService) DescribeGpdbInstance added in v1.47.0

func (s *GpdbService) DescribeGpdbInstance(id string) (instanceAttribute gpdb.DBInstanceAttribute, err error)

func (*GpdbService) DescribeGpdbSecurityIps added in v1.47.0

func (s *GpdbService) DescribeGpdbSecurityIps(id string) (ips []string, err error)

func (*GpdbService) GpdbAccountStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *GpdbService) GpdbAccountStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*GpdbService) GpdbElasticInstanceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *GpdbService) GpdbElasticInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*GpdbService) GpdbInstanceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *GpdbService) GpdbInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*GpdbService) ModifyGpdbSecurityIps added in v1.47.0

func (s *GpdbService) ModifyGpdbSecurityIps(id, ips string) error

func (*GpdbService) WaitForGpdbConnection added in v1.48.0

func (s *GpdbService) WaitForGpdbConnection(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

type GroupInnerAccessPolicy added in v1.9.4

type GroupInnerAccessPolicy string

type GroupRuleNicType

type GroupRuleNicType string

type GroupRulePolicy

type GroupRulePolicy string

type HBaseService added in v1.144.0

type HBaseService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*HBaseService) DescribeClusterConnection added in v1.144.0

func (s *HBaseService) DescribeClusterConnection(id string) (object hbase.DescribeClusterConnectionResponse, err error)

func (*HBaseService) DescribeEndpoints added in v1.144.0

func (s *HBaseService) DescribeEndpoints(id string) (object hbase.DescribeEndpointsResponse, err error)

func (*HBaseService) DescribeHBaseInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *HBaseService) DescribeHBaseInstance(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*HBaseService) DescribeIpWhitelist added in v1.144.0

func (s *HBaseService) DescribeIpWhitelist(id string) (instance hbase.DescribeIpWhitelistResponse, err error)

pop has limit, support next.

func (*HBaseService) DescribeSecurityGroups added in v1.144.0

func (s *HBaseService) DescribeSecurityGroups(id string) (object hbase.DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse, err error)

func (*HBaseService) HBaseClusterStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *HBaseService) HBaseClusterStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*HBaseService) ModifyClusterDeletionProtection added in v1.144.0

func (s *HBaseService) ModifyClusterDeletionProtection(clusterId string, protection bool) error

type HaVipService added in v1.20.0

type HaVipService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*HaVipService) DescribeHaVip added in v1.20.0

func (s *HaVipService) DescribeHaVip(haVipId string) (v vpc.HaVip, err error)

func (*HaVipService) DescribeHaVipAttachment added in v1.20.0

func (s *HaVipService) DescribeHaVipAttachment(haVipId string, instanceId string) (err error)

func (*HaVipService) WaitForHaVip added in v1.20.0

func (s *HaVipService) WaitForHaVip(haVipId string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*HaVipService) WaitForHaVipAttachment added in v1.20.0

func (s *HaVipService) WaitForHaVipAttachment(haVipId string, instanceId string, timeout int) error

type HbrService added in v1.144.0

type HbrService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*HbrService) DescribeHbrEcsBackupClient added in v1.144.0

func (s *HbrService) DescribeHbrEcsBackupClient(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*HbrService) DescribeHbrEcsBackupPlan added in v1.144.0

func (s *HbrService) DescribeHbrEcsBackupPlan(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*HbrService) DescribeHbrNasBackupPlan added in v1.144.0

func (s *HbrService) DescribeHbrNasBackupPlan(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*HbrService) DescribeHbrOssBackupPlan added in v1.144.0

func (s *HbrService) DescribeHbrOssBackupPlan(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*HbrService) DescribeHbrRestoreJob added in v1.144.0

func (s *HbrService) DescribeHbrRestoreJob(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*HbrService) DescribeHbrServerBackupPlan added in v1.144.0

func (s *HbrService) DescribeHbrServerBackupPlan(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*HbrService) DescribeHbrTask added in v1.144.0

func (s *HbrService) DescribeHbrTask(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*HbrService) DescribeHbrVault added in v1.144.0

func (s *HbrService) DescribeHbrVault(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*HbrService) HbrEcsBackupClientStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *HbrService) HbrEcsBackupClientStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*HbrService) HbrRestoreJobStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *HbrService) HbrRestoreJobStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*HbrService) HbrTaskRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *HbrService) HbrTaskRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*HbrService) HbrVaultStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *HbrService) HbrVaultStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type HealthCheckHttpCodeType added in v1.11.0

type HealthCheckHttpCodeType string

type HealthCheckType added in v1.11.0

type HealthCheckType string

type HitsdbService added in v1.144.0

type HitsdbService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*HitsdbService) DescribeLindormInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *HitsdbService) DescribeLindormInstance(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*HitsdbService) DescribeTsdbInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *HitsdbService) DescribeTsdbInstance(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*HitsdbService) GetInstanceIpWhiteList added in v1.144.0

func (s *HitsdbService) GetInstanceIpWhiteList(id string) (object []interface{}, err error)

func (*HitsdbService) GetLindormInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *HitsdbService) GetLindormInstance(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*HitsdbService) GetLindormInstanceEngineInfo added in v1.144.0

func (s *HitsdbService) GetLindormInstanceEngineInfo(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*HitsdbService) LindormInstanceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *HitsdbService) LindormInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*HitsdbService) TsdbInstanceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *HitsdbService) TsdbInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type Hook added in v1.144.0

type Hook struct {
	Exec      *Exec      `json:"exec,omitempty"`
	HttpGet   *HttpGet   `json:"httpGet,omitempty"`
	TcpSocket *TcpSocket `json:"tcpSocket,omitempty"`

type HttpGet added in v1.144.0

type HttpGet struct {
	Path        string       `json:"path"`
	Port        int          `json:"port"`
	Scheme      string       `json:"scheme"`
	HttpHeaders []HttpHeader `json:"httpHeaders"`

type HttpHeader added in v1.144.0

type HttpHeader struct {
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Value string `json:"value"`

type IPType added in v1.8.0

type IPType string

type IkeConfig added in v1.14.0

type IkeConfig struct {
	IkeAuthAlg  string
	IkeEncAlg   string
	IkeLifetime int
	IkeMode     string
	IkePfs      string
	IkeVersion  string
	LocalId     string
	RemoteId    string
	Psk         string

type ImageOwnerAlias added in v1.9.4

type ImageOwnerAlias string

type ImmService added in v1.144.0

type ImmService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ImmService) DescribeImmProject added in v1.144.0

func (s *ImmService) DescribeImmProject(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type ImpService added in v1.144.0

type ImpService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ImpService) DescribeImpAppTemplate added in v1.144.0

func (s *ImpService) DescribeImpAppTemplate(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type ImsService added in v1.144.0

type ImsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ImsService) DescribeRamSamlProvider added in v1.144.0

func (s *ImsService) DescribeRamSamlProvider(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type InstallClientTaskStatus added in v1.144.0

type InstallClientTaskStatus struct {
	InstanceId   string `json:"instanceId"`
	ClientId     string `json:"clientId"`
	ClientStatus string `json:"clientStatus"`
	ErrorCode    string `json:"errorCode"`

type InstanceAccessedByType added in v1.10.0

type InstanceAccessedByType string

type InstanceNetWork

type InstanceNetWork string

type InternetChargeType added in v1.8.1

type InternetChargeType string

type Invoker added in v1.9.6

type Invoker struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewInvoker added in v1.9.6

func NewInvoker() Invoker

func PvtzInvoker added in v1.28.0

func PvtzInvoker() Invoker

func (*Invoker) AddCatcher added in v1.9.6

func (a *Invoker) AddCatcher(catcher Catcher)

func (*Invoker) Run added in v1.9.6

func (a *Invoker) Run(f func() error) error

type IotService added in v1.144.0

type IotService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IotService) DescribeIotDeviceGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *IotService) DescribeIotDeviceGroup(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type IpVersion added in v1.45.0

type IpVersion string

type IpsecConfig added in v1.14.0

type IpsecConfig struct {
	IpsecAuthAlg  string
	IpsecEncAlg   string
	IpsecLifetime int
	IpsecPfs      string

type IspCities added in v1.144.0

type IspCities []map[string]string

type JsonObject added in v1.144.0

type JsonObject struct {
	Code    string `json:"Code"`
	Message string `json:"Message"`

type JsonTag added in v1.144.0

type JsonTag struct {
	TagKey   string
	TagValue string

type K8sEnv added in v1.144.0

type K8sEnv struct {
	Name  string `json:"name" xml:"name"`
	Value string `json:"value" xml:"value"`

type KVStoreEngineVersion added in v1.26.0

type KVStoreEngineVersion string

type KVStoreInstanceType added in v1.26.0

type KVStoreInstanceType string

type KeyState added in v1.7.0

type KeyState string

type KmsService added in v1.32.0

type KmsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*KmsService) Decrypt added in v1.144.0

func (s *KmsService) Decrypt(ciphertextBlob string, encryptionContext map[string]interface{}) (plaintext string, err error)

func (*KmsService) DescribeKmsAlias added in v1.144.0

func (s *KmsService) DescribeKmsAlias(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*KmsService) DescribeKmsKey added in v1.32.0

func (s *KmsService) DescribeKmsKey(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*KmsService) DescribeKmsKeyVersion added in v1.144.0

func (s *KmsService) DescribeKmsKeyVersion(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*KmsService) DescribeKmsSecret added in v1.144.0

func (s *KmsService) DescribeKmsSecret(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*KmsService) GetSecretValue added in v1.144.0

func (s *KmsService) GetSecretValue(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*KmsService) SetResourceTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *KmsService) SetResourceTags(d *schema.ResourceData, resourceType string) error

type KubernetesNodeType added in v1.30.0

type KubernetesNodeType string

type KvstoreService added in v1.20.0

type KvstoreService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*KvstoreService) DescribeDBInstanceNetInfo added in v1.144.0

func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeDBInstanceNetInfo(id string) (*r_kvstore.NetInfoItemsInDescribeDBInstanceNetInfo, error)

func (*KvstoreService) DescribeKVstoreAccount added in v1.144.0

func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeKVstoreAccount(id string) (*r_kvstore.Account, error)

func (*KvstoreService) DescribeKVstoreBackupPolicy added in v1.41.0

func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeKVstoreBackupPolicy(id string) (*r_kvstore.DescribeBackupPolicyResponse, error)

func (*KvstoreService) DescribeKVstoreInstance added in v1.41.0

func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeKVstoreInstance(id string) (*r_kvstore.DBInstanceAttribute, error)

func (*KvstoreService) DescribeKVstoreSecurityGroupId added in v1.144.0

func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeKVstoreSecurityGroupId(id string) (*r_kvstore.DescribeSecurityGroupConfigurationResponse, error)

func (*KvstoreService) DescribeParameters added in v1.32.0

func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeParameters(id string) (*r_kvstore.DescribeParametersResponse, error)

func (*KvstoreService) DescribeTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeTags(resourceId string, resourceType TagResourceType) (tags []r_kvstore.TagResource, err error)

func (*KvstoreService) ModifyInstanceConfig added in v1.32.0

func (s *KvstoreService) ModifyInstanceConfig(id string, config string) error

func (*KvstoreService) RdsKvstoreInstanceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *KvstoreService) RdsKvstoreInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*KvstoreService) WaitForKVstoreAccount added in v1.144.0

func (s *KvstoreService) WaitForKVstoreAccount(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*KvstoreService) WaitForKVstoreInstance added in v1.41.0

func (s *KvstoreService) WaitForKVstoreInstance(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*KvstoreService) WaitForKVstoreInstanceVpcAuthMode added in v1.41.0

func (s *KvstoreService) WaitForKVstoreInstanceVpcAuthMode(id string, status string, timeout int) error

type LifecycleRuleStatus added in v0.1.1

type LifecycleRuleStatus string

type ListenerErr

type ListenerErr struct {
	ErrType string
	Err     error

func (*ListenerErr) Error

func (e *ListenerErr) Error() string

type LoadBalancerSpecType added in v1.11.0

type LoadBalancerSpecType string

type LogService added in v1.20.0

type LogService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*LogService) CreateLogDashboard added in v1.144.0

func (s *LogService) CreateLogDashboard(project, name string) error

func (*LogService) DescribeLogAlert added in v1.144.0

func (s *LogService) DescribeLogAlert(id string) (*sls.Alert, error)

func (*LogService) DescribeLogAudit added in v1.144.0

func (s *LogService) DescribeLogAudit(id string) (*slsPop.DescribeAppResponse, error)

func (*LogService) DescribeLogDashboard added in v1.144.0

func (s *LogService) DescribeLogDashboard(id string) (*sls.Dashboard, error)

func (*LogService) DescribeLogEtl added in v1.144.0

func (s *LogService) DescribeLogEtl(id string) (*sls.ETL, error)

func (*LogService) DescribeLogMachineGroup added in v1.20.0

func (s *LogService) DescribeLogMachineGroup(id string) (*sls.MachineGroup, error)

func (*LogService) DescribeLogOssShipper added in v1.144.0

func (s *LogService) DescribeLogOssShipper(id string) (*sls.Shipper, error)

func (*LogService) DescribeLogProject added in v1.20.0

func (s *LogService) DescribeLogProject(id string) (*sls.LogProject, error)

func (*LogService) DescribeLogProjectTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *LogService) DescribeLogProjectTags(project_name string) ([]*sls.ResourceTagResponse, error)

func (*LogService) DescribeLogStore added in v1.20.0

func (s *LogService) DescribeLogStore(id string) (*sls.LogStore, error)

func (*LogService) DescribeLogStoreIndex added in v1.20.0

func (s *LogService) DescribeLogStoreIndex(id string) (*sls.Index, error)

func (*LogService) DescribeLogtailAttachment added in v1.30.0

func (s *LogService) DescribeLogtailAttachment(id string) (groupName string, err error)

func (*LogService) DescribeLogtailConfig added in v1.144.0

func (s *LogService) DescribeLogtailConfig(id string) (*sls.LogConfig, error)

func (*LogService) LogOssShipperStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *LogService) LogOssShipperStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*LogService) LogProjectStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *LogService) LogProjectStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*LogService) WaitForLogDashboard added in v1.144.0

func (s *LogService) WaitForLogDashboard(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*LogService) WaitForLogETL added in v1.144.0

func (s *LogService) WaitForLogETL(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*LogService) WaitForLogMachineGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *LogService) WaitForLogMachineGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*LogService) WaitForLogOssShipper added in v1.144.0

func (s *LogService) WaitForLogOssShipper(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*LogService) WaitForLogProject added in v1.144.0

func (s *LogService) WaitForLogProject(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*LogService) WaitForLogStore added in v1.144.0

func (s *LogService) WaitForLogStore(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*LogService) WaitForLogstoreAlert added in v1.144.0

func (s *LogService) WaitForLogstoreAlert(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*LogService) WaitForLogtailAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *LogService) WaitForLogtailAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*LogService) WaitForLogtailConfig added in v1.144.0

func (s *LogService) WaitForLogtailConfig(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

type MarketService added in v1.144.0

type MarketService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MarketService) DescribeMarketOrder added in v1.144.0

func (s *MarketService) DescribeMarketOrder(id string) (order *market.DescribeOrderResponse, err error)

type MaxItems added in v1.46.0

type MaxItems int

type MaxcomputeService added in v1.144.0

type MaxcomputeService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MaxcomputeService) DescribeMaxcomputeProject added in v1.144.0

func (s *MaxcomputeService) DescribeMaxcomputeProject(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type MhubService added in v1.144.0

type MhubService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MhubService) DescribeMhubApp added in v1.144.0

func (s *MhubService) DescribeMhubApp(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*MhubService) DescribeMhubProduct added in v1.144.0

func (s *MhubService) DescribeMhubProduct(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type MnsService added in v1.20.0

type MnsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MnsService) DescribeMnsQueue added in v1.144.0

func (s *MnsService) DescribeMnsQueue(id string) (response ali_mns.QueueAttribute, err error)

func (*MnsService) DescribeMnsTopic added in v1.144.0

func (s *MnsService) DescribeMnsTopic(id string) (*ali_mns.TopicAttribute, error)

func (*MnsService) DescribeMnsTopicSubscription added in v1.144.0

func (s *MnsService) DescribeMnsTopicSubscription(id string) (*ali_mns.SubscriptionAttribute, error)

func (*MnsService) QueueNotExistFunc added in v1.20.0

func (s *MnsService) QueueNotExistFunc(err error) bool

func (*MnsService) SubscriptionNotExistFunc added in v1.20.0

func (s *MnsService) SubscriptionNotExistFunc(err error) bool

func (*MnsService) TopicNotExistFunc added in v1.20.0

func (s *MnsService) TopicNotExistFunc(err error) bool

func (*MnsService) WaitForMnsQueue added in v1.144.0

func (s *MnsService) WaitForMnsQueue(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*MnsService) WaitForMnsTopic added in v1.144.0

func (s *MnsService) WaitForMnsTopic(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*MnsService) WaitForMnsTopicSubscription added in v1.144.0

func (s *MnsService) WaitForMnsTopicSubscription(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

type MongoDBService added in v1.37.0

type MongoDBService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MongoDBService) DescribeDBInstanceSSL added in v1.144.0

func (s *MongoDBService) DescribeDBInstanceSSL(id string) (*dds.DescribeDBInstanceSSLResponse, error)

func (*MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBBackupPolicy added in v1.42.0

func (s *MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBBackupPolicy(id string) (*dds.DescribeBackupPolicyResponse, error)

func (*MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBInstance added in v1.37.0

func (s *MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBInstance(id string) (instance dds.DBInstance, err error)

func (*MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBSecurityGroupId added in v1.144.0

func (s *MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBSecurityGroupId(id string) (*dds.DescribeSecurityGroupConfigurationResponse, error)

func (*MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBSecurityIps added in v1.37.0

func (s *MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBSecurityIps(instanceId string) (ips []string, err error)

func (*MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBTDEInfo added in v1.144.0

func (s *MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBTDEInfo(id string) (*dds.DescribeDBInstanceTDEInfoResponse, error)

func (*MongoDBService) ModifyMongoDBSecurityIps added in v1.37.0

func (s *MongoDBService) ModifyMongoDBSecurityIps(d *schema.ResourceData, ips string) error

func (*MongoDBService) ModifyMongodbShardingInstanceNode added in v1.40.0

func (server *MongoDBService) ModifyMongodbShardingInstanceNode(
	d *schema.ResourceData, nodeType MongoDBShardingNodeType, stateList, diffList []interface{}) error

func (*MongoDBService) MotifyMongoDBBackupPolicy added in v1.42.0

func (s *MongoDBService) MotifyMongoDBBackupPolicy(d *schema.ResourceData) error

func (*MongoDBService) RdsMongodbDBInstanceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *MongoDBService) RdsMongodbDBInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*MongoDBService) ResetAccountPassword added in v1.46.0

func (s *MongoDBService) ResetAccountPassword(d *schema.ResourceData, password string) error

type MongoDBShardingNodeType added in v1.40.0

type MongoDBShardingNodeType string

type MscOpenSubscriptionService added in v1.144.0

type MscOpenSubscriptionService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MscOpenSubscriptionService) DescribeMscSubContact added in v1.144.0

func (s *MscOpenSubscriptionService) DescribeMscSubContact(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*MscOpenSubscriptionService) DescribeMscSubSubscription added in v1.144.0

func (s *MscOpenSubscriptionService) DescribeMscSubSubscription(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*MscOpenSubscriptionService) DescribeMscSubWebhook added in v1.144.0

func (s *MscOpenSubscriptionService) DescribeMscSubWebhook(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*MscOpenSubscriptionService) GetContact added in v1.144.0

func (s *MscOpenSubscriptionService) GetContact(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type MseService added in v1.144.0

type MseService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MseService) DescribeMseCluster added in v1.144.0

func (s *MseService) DescribeMseCluster(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*MseService) MseClusterStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *MseService) MseClusterStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type NasService added in v1.33.0

type NasService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*NasService) DescribeNasAccessGroup added in v1.33.0

func (s *NasService) DescribeNasAccessGroup(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*NasService) DescribeNasAccessRule added in v1.33.0

func (s *NasService) DescribeNasAccessRule(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*NasService) DescribeNasFileSystem added in v1.33.0

func (s *NasService) DescribeNasFileSystem(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*NasService) DescribeNasFileSystemStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *NasService) DescribeNasFileSystemStateRefreshFunc(id string, defaultRetryState string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*NasService) DescribeNasMountTarget added in v1.33.0

func (s *NasService) DescribeNasMountTarget(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*NasService) NasMountTargetStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *NasService) NasMountTargetStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type NetType added in v1.8.0

type NetType string

type NetworkType added in v1.8.0

type NetworkType string

type NodeType added in v1.144.0

type NodeType string

type OnsService added in v1.144.0

type OnsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*OnsService) DescribeOnsGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *OnsService) DescribeOnsGroup(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*OnsService) DescribeOnsInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *OnsService) DescribeOnsInstance(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*OnsService) DescribeOnsTopic added in v1.144.0

func (s *OnsService) DescribeOnsTopic(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*OnsService) ListTagResources added in v1.144.0

func (s *OnsService) ListTagResources(id string, resourceType string) (object interface{}, err error)

func (*OnsService) OnsTopicStatus added in v1.144.0

func (s *OnsService) OnsTopicStatus(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*OnsService) SetResourceTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *OnsService) SetResourceTags(d *schema.ResourceData, resourceType string) error

type OosService added in v1.144.0

type OosService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*OosService) DescribeOosExecution added in v1.144.0

func (s *OosService) DescribeOosExecution(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*OosService) DescribeOosTemplate added in v1.144.0

func (s *OosService) DescribeOosTemplate(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*OosService) OosExecutionStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *OosService) OosExecutionStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type OpenSearchService added in v1.144.0

type OpenSearchService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*OpenSearchService) DescribeOpenSearchAppGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *OpenSearchService) DescribeOpenSearchAppGroup(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*OpenSearchService) OpenSearchAppStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *OpenSearchService) OpenSearchAppStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type OptimizedType added in v1.9.3

type OptimizedType string

type OssService added in v1.20.0

type OssService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

OssService *connectivity.AliyunClient

func (*OssService) DescribeOssBucket added in v1.144.0

func (s *OssService) DescribeOssBucket(id string) (response oss.GetBucketInfoResult, err error)

func (*OssService) WaitForOssBucket added in v1.144.0

func (s *OssService) WaitForOssBucket(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*OssService) WaitForOssBucketObject added in v1.144.0

func (s *OssService) WaitForOssBucketObject(bucket *oss.Bucket, id string, status Status, timeout int) error

type OtsInstanceType added in v1.10.0

type OtsInstanceType string

type OtsService added in v1.20.0

type OtsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*OtsService) DescribeOtsInstance added in v1.20.0

func (s *OtsService) DescribeOtsInstance(id string) (inst ots.InstanceInfo, err error)

func (*OtsService) DescribeOtsInstanceAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *OtsService) DescribeOtsInstanceAttachment(id string) (inst ots.VpcInfo, err error)

func (*OtsService) DescribeOtsInstanceTypes added in v1.26.0

func (s *OtsService) DescribeOtsInstanceTypes() (types []string, err error)

func (*OtsService) DescribeOtsTable added in v1.20.0

func (s *OtsService) DescribeOtsTable(id string) (*tablestore.DescribeTableResponse, error)

func (*OtsService) ListOtsInstance added in v1.39.0

func (s *OtsService) ListOtsInstance(pageSize int, pageNum int) ([]string, error)

func (*OtsService) ListOtsInstanceVpc added in v1.39.0

func (s *OtsService) ListOtsInstanceVpc(id string) (inst []ots.VpcInfo, err error)

func (*OtsService) ListOtsTable added in v1.39.0

func (s *OtsService) ListOtsTable(instanceName string) (table *tablestore.ListTableResponse, err error)

func (*OtsService) WaitForOtsInstance added in v1.20.0

func (s *OtsService) WaitForOtsInstance(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*OtsService) WaitForOtsInstanceVpc added in v1.144.0

func (s *OtsService) WaitForOtsInstanceVpc(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*OtsService) WaitForOtsTable added in v1.144.0

func (s *OtsService) WaitForOtsTable(instanceName, tableName string, status Status, timeout int) error

type OtsTableInfo added in v1.40.0

type OtsTableInfo struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type PayType added in v1.8.0

type PayType string

type PolarDBService added in v1.144.0

type PolarDBService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PolarDBService) DBClusterIPArrays added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) DBClusterIPArrays(d *schema.ResourceData, attribute string) error

func (*PolarDBService) DescribeBackupPolicy added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) DescribeBackupPolicy(id string) (policy *polardb.DescribeBackupPolicyResponse, err error)

func (*PolarDBService) DescribeDBAuditLogCollectorStatus added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) DescribeDBAuditLogCollectorStatus(id string) (collectorStatus string, err error)

func (*PolarDBService) DescribeDBClusterTDE added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) DescribeDBClusterTDE(id string) (map[string]interface{}, error)

func (*PolarDBService) DescribeDBSecurityGroups added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) DescribeDBSecurityGroups(clusterId string) ([]string, error)

func (*PolarDBService) DescribeDBSecurityIps added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) DescribeDBSecurityIps(clusterId string) (ips []string, err error)

func (*PolarDBService) DescribeParameters added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) DescribeParameters(id string) (ds *polardb.DescribeDBClusterParametersResponse, err error)

func (*PolarDBService) DescribePolarDBAccount added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) DescribePolarDBAccount(id string) (ds *polardb.DBAccount, err error)

func (*PolarDBService) DescribePolarDBAccountPrivilege added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) DescribePolarDBAccountPrivilege(id string) (account *polardb.DBAccount, err error)

func (*PolarDBService) DescribePolarDBAutoRenewAttribute added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) DescribePolarDBAutoRenewAttribute(id string) (instance *polardb.AutoRenewAttribute, err error)

func (*PolarDBService) DescribePolarDBCluster added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) DescribePolarDBCluster(id string) (instance *polardb.DBCluster, err error)

func (*PolarDBService) DescribePolarDBClusterAttribute added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) DescribePolarDBClusterAttribute(id string) (instance *polardb.DescribeDBClusterAttributeResponse, err error)

func (*PolarDBService) DescribePolarDBClusterEndpoint added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) DescribePolarDBClusterEndpoint(id string) (*polardb.DBEndpoint, error)

func (*PolarDBService) DescribePolarDBClusterSSL added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) DescribePolarDBClusterSSL(d *schema.ResourceData) (ssl *polardb.DescribeDBClusterSSLResponse, err error)

func (*PolarDBService) DescribePolarDBConnection added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) DescribePolarDBConnection(id string) (*polardb.Address, error)

func (*PolarDBService) DescribePolarDBDatabase added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) DescribePolarDBDatabase(id string) (ds *polardb.Database, err error)

func (*PolarDBService) DescribePolarDBInstanceNetInfo added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) DescribePolarDBInstanceNetInfo(id string) ([]polardb.DBEndpoint, error)

func (*PolarDBService) DescribeTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) DescribeTags(resourceId string, resourceType TagResourceType) (tags []polardb.TagResource, err error)

func (*PolarDBService) GrantPolarDBAccountPrivilege added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) GrantPolarDBAccountPrivilege(id, dbName string) error

func (*PolarDBService) ModifyDBAccessWhitelistSecurityIps added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) ModifyDBAccessWhitelistSecurityIps(d *schema.ResourceData) error

func (*PolarDBService) ModifyDBBackupPolicy added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) ModifyDBBackupPolicy(clusterId, backupTime, backupPeriod string) error

func (*PolarDBService) ModifyDBSecurityIps added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) ModifyDBSecurityIps(clusterId, ips string) error

func (*PolarDBService) ModifyParameters added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) ModifyParameters(d *schema.ResourceData) error

func (*PolarDBService) PolarDBClusterStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) PolarDBClusterStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*PolarDBService) PolarDBClusterTDEStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) PolarDBClusterTDEStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*PolarDBService) RefreshEndpointConfig added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) RefreshEndpointConfig(d *schema.ResourceData) error

func (*PolarDBService) RefreshParameters added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) RefreshParameters(d *schema.ResourceData) error

func (*PolarDBService) RevokePolarDBAccountPrivilege added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) RevokePolarDBAccountPrivilege(id, dbName string) error

func (*PolarDBService) WaitForCluster added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) WaitForCluster(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

WaitForCluster waits for cluster to given status

func (*PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBAccount added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBAccount(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBAccountPrivilege added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBAccountPrivilege(id, dbName string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBAccountPrivilegeRevoked added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBAccountPrivilegeRevoked(id, dbName string, timeout int) error

func (*PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBConnection added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBConnection(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBConnectionPrefix added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBConnectionPrefix(id, prefix string, timeout int) error

func (*PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBDatabase added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBDatabase(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBEndpoints added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBEndpoints(d *schema.ResourceData, status Status, endpointIds *schema.Set, timeout int) (string, error)

func (*PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBInstance(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

WaitForInstance waits for instance to given status

func (*PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBNodeClass added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBNodeClass(id string, timeout int) error

func (*PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBParameter added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBParameter(clusterId string, timeout int, expects map[string]string) error

WaitForDBParameter waits for instance parameter to given value. Status of DB instance is Running after ModifyParameters API was call, so we can not just wait for instance status become Running, we should wait until parameters have expected values.

func (*PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBPayType added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBPayType(id string, status string, timeout int) error

func (*PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBTDEStatus added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) WaitForPolarDBTDEStatus(id string, status string, timeout int) error

func (*PolarDBService) WaitPolardbEndpointConfigEffect added in v1.144.0

func (s *PolarDBService) WaitPolardbEndpointConfigEffect(id string, item map[string]string, timeout int) error

type Policy added in v1.2.0

type Policy struct {
	Statement []PolicyStatement
	Version   string

type PolicyRequired added in v1.144.0

type PolicyRequired struct {
	PolicyName string
	PolicyType string

type PolicyStatement added in v1.2.0

type PolicyStatement struct {
	Effect   Effect
	Action   interface{}
	Resource interface{}

type PrimaryKeyTypeString added in v1.9.2

type PrimaryKeyTypeString string

type Principal added in v1.2.0

type Principal struct {
	Service []string
	RAM     []string

type PrivatelinkService added in v1.144.0

type PrivatelinkService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PrivatelinkService) DescribePrivatelinkVpcEndpoint added in v1.144.0

func (s *PrivatelinkService) DescribePrivatelinkVpcEndpoint(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*PrivatelinkService) DescribePrivatelinkVpcEndpointConnection added in v1.144.0

func (s *PrivatelinkService) DescribePrivatelinkVpcEndpointConnection(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*PrivatelinkService) DescribePrivatelinkVpcEndpointService added in v1.144.0

func (s *PrivatelinkService) DescribePrivatelinkVpcEndpointService(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*PrivatelinkService) DescribePrivatelinkVpcEndpointServiceResource added in v1.144.0

func (s *PrivatelinkService) DescribePrivatelinkVpcEndpointServiceResource(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*PrivatelinkService) DescribePrivatelinkVpcEndpointServiceUser added in v1.144.0

func (s *PrivatelinkService) DescribePrivatelinkVpcEndpointServiceUser(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*PrivatelinkService) DescribePrivatelinkVpcEndpointZone added in v1.144.0

func (s *PrivatelinkService) DescribePrivatelinkVpcEndpointZone(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*PrivatelinkService) ListVpcEndpointSecurityGroups added in v1.144.0

func (s *PrivatelinkService) ListVpcEndpointSecurityGroups(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*PrivatelinkService) ListVpcEndpointServiceResources added in v1.144.0

func (s *PrivatelinkService) ListVpcEndpointServiceResources(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*PrivatelinkService) ListVpcEndpointZones added in v1.144.0

func (s *PrivatelinkService) ListVpcEndpointZones(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*PrivatelinkService) PrivatelinkVpcEndpointConnectionStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *PrivatelinkService) PrivatelinkVpcEndpointConnectionStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*PrivatelinkService) PrivatelinkVpcEndpointServiceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *PrivatelinkService) PrivatelinkVpcEndpointServiceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*PrivatelinkService) PrivatelinkVpcEndpointStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *PrivatelinkService) PrivatelinkVpcEndpointStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*PrivatelinkService) PrivatelinkVpcEndpointZoneStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *PrivatelinkService) PrivatelinkVpcEndpointZoneStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type Prober added in v1.144.0

type Prober struct {
	FailureThreshold    int `json:"failureThreshold"`
	InitialDelaySeconds int `json:"initialDelaySeconds"`
	SuccessThreshold    int `json:"successThreshold"`
	TimeoutSeconds      int `json:"timeoutSeconds"`
	Hook                `json:",inline"`

type Protocol

type Protocol string

Protocol represents network protocol

type ProviderError added in v1.8.1

type ProviderError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

An Error represents a custom error for Terraform failure response

func (*ProviderError) Error added in v1.8.1

func (e *ProviderError) Error() string

func (*ProviderError) ErrorCode added in v1.8.1

func (err *ProviderError) ErrorCode() string

func (*ProviderError) Message added in v1.8.1

func (err *ProviderError) Message() string

type PvtzService added in v1.20.0

type PvtzService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PvtzService) DescribePvtzEndpoint added in v1.144.0

func (s *PvtzService) DescribePvtzEndpoint(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*PvtzService) DescribePvtzRule added in v1.144.0

func (s *PvtzService) DescribePvtzRule(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*PvtzService) DescribePvtzRuleAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *PvtzService) DescribePvtzRuleAttachment(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*PvtzService) DescribePvtzUserVpcAuthorization added in v1.144.0

func (s *PvtzService) DescribePvtzUserVpcAuthorization(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*PvtzService) DescribePvtzZone added in v1.37.0

func (s *PvtzService) DescribePvtzZone(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*PvtzService) DescribePvtzZoneAttachment added in v1.29.0

func (s *PvtzService) DescribePvtzZoneAttachment(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*PvtzService) DescribePvtzZoneRecord added in v1.144.0

func (s *PvtzService) DescribePvtzZoneRecord(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*PvtzService) PvtzEndpointStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *PvtzService) PvtzEndpointStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*PvtzService) WaitForPvtzZone added in v1.37.0

func (s *PvtzService) WaitForPvtzZone(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*PvtzService) WaitForPvtzZoneAttachment added in v1.37.0

func (s *PvtzService) WaitForPvtzZoneAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*PvtzService) WaitForPvtzZoneRecord added in v1.37.0

func (s *PvtzService) WaitForPvtzZoneRecord(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*PvtzService) WaitForZoneAttachment added in v1.37.0

func (s *PvtzService) WaitForZoneAttachment(id string, vpcIdMap map[string]string, timeout int) error

type QueryField added in v1.144.0

type QueryField struct {
	Field     string `json:"field"`
	Value     string `json:"value"`
	Operation string `json:"operation"`

type QuickbiPublicService added in v1.144.0

type QuickbiPublicService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*QuickbiPublicService) DescribeQuickBiUser added in v1.144.0

func (s *QuickbiPublicService) DescribeQuickBiUser(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*QuickbiPublicService) QueryUserInfoByUserId added in v1.144.0

func (s *QuickbiPublicService) QueryUserInfoByUserId(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type QuotasService added in v1.144.0

type QuotasService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*QuotasService) DescribeQuotasQuotaAlarm added in v1.144.0

func (s *QuotasService) DescribeQuotasQuotaAlarm(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*QuotasService) DescribeQuotasQuotaApplication added in v1.144.0

func (s *QuotasService) DescribeQuotasQuotaApplication(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type RKvstoreService added in v1.144.0

type RKvstoreService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RKvstoreService) DescribeInstanceAttribute added in v1.144.0

func (s *RKvstoreService) DescribeInstanceAttribute(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*RKvstoreService) DescribeKvstoreAuditLogConfig added in v1.144.0

func (s *RKvstoreService) DescribeKvstoreAuditLogConfig(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*RKvstoreService) KvstoreAuditLogConfigStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *RKvstoreService) KvstoreAuditLogConfigStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type R_kvstoreService added in v1.144.0

type R_kvstoreService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*R_kvstoreService) DescribeBackupPolicy added in v1.144.0

func (s *R_kvstoreService) DescribeBackupPolicy(id string) (object r_kvstore.DescribeBackupPolicyResponse, err error)

func (*R_kvstoreService) DescribeInstanceAutoRenewalAttribute added in v1.144.0

func (s *R_kvstoreService) DescribeInstanceAutoRenewalAttribute(id string) (object r_kvstore.Item, err error)

func (*R_kvstoreService) DescribeInstanceSSL added in v1.144.0

func (s *R_kvstoreService) DescribeInstanceSSL(id string) (object r_kvstore.DescribeInstanceSSLResponse, err error)

func (*R_kvstoreService) DescribeKvstoreAccount added in v1.144.0

func (s *R_kvstoreService) DescribeKvstoreAccount(id string) (object r_kvstore.Account, err error)

func (*R_kvstoreService) DescribeKvstoreConnection added in v1.144.0

func (s *R_kvstoreService) DescribeKvstoreConnection(id string) (object []r_kvstore.InstanceNetInfo, err error)

func (*R_kvstoreService) DescribeKvstoreInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *R_kvstoreService) DescribeKvstoreInstance(id string) (object r_kvstore.DBInstanceAttribute, err error)

func (*R_kvstoreService) DescribeSecurityGroupConfiguration added in v1.144.0

func (s *R_kvstoreService) DescribeSecurityGroupConfiguration(id string) (object r_kvstore.ItemsInDescribeSecurityGroupConfiguration, err error)

func (*R_kvstoreService) DescribeSecurityIps added in v1.144.0

func (s *R_kvstoreService) DescribeSecurityIps(id string) (object r_kvstore.SecurityIpGroup, err error)

func (*R_kvstoreService) KvstoreAccountStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *R_kvstoreService) KvstoreAccountStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*R_kvstoreService) KvstoreInstanceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *R_kvstoreService) KvstoreInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*R_kvstoreService) SetResourceTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *R_kvstoreService) SetResourceTags(d *schema.ResourceData, resourceType string) error

type RamService added in v1.20.0

type RamService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RamService) AssemblePolicyDocument added in v1.20.0

func (s *RamService) AssemblePolicyDocument(document []interface{}, version string) (string, error)

func (*RamService) AssembleRolePolicyDocument added in v1.20.0

func (s *RamService) AssembleRolePolicyDocument(ramUser, service []interface{}, version string) (string, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamAccessKey added in v1.44.0

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamAccessKey(id, userName string) (*ram.AccessKeyInListAccessKeys, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamAccountAlias added in v1.43.0

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamAccountAlias(id string) (*ram.GetAccountAliasResponse, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamAccountPasswordPolicy added in v1.46.0

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamAccountPasswordPolicy(id string) (*ram.GetPasswordPolicyResponse, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamGroup added in v1.44.0

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamGroup(id string) (*ram.GetGroupResponse, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamGroupMembership added in v1.44.0

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamGroupMembership(id string) (*ram.ListUsersForGroupResponse, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamGroupPolicyAttachment added in v1.44.0

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamGroupPolicyAttachment(id string) (*ram.PolicyInListPoliciesForGroup, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamLoginProfile added in v1.44.0

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamLoginProfile(id string) (*ram.GetLoginProfileResponse, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamPolicy added in v1.44.0

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamPolicy(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamRole added in v1.44.0

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamRole(id string) (*ram.GetRoleResponse, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamRoleAttachment added in v1.44.0

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamRoleAttachment(id string) (*ecs.DescribeInstanceRamRoleResponse, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamRolePolicyAttachment added in v1.44.0

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamRolePolicyAttachment(id string) (*ram.PolicyInListPoliciesForRole, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamUser added in v1.44.0

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamUser(id string) (*ram.UserInGetUser, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamUserPolicyAttachment added in v1.44.0

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamUserPolicyAttachment(id string) (*ram.PolicyInListPoliciesForUser, error)

func (*RamService) GetIntersection added in v1.20.0

func (s *RamService) GetIntersection(dataMap []map[string]interface{}, allDataMap map[string]interface{}) (allData []interface{})

func (*RamService) JudgeRolePolicyPrincipal added in v1.20.0

func (s *RamService) JudgeRolePolicyPrincipal(roleName string) error

Judge whether the role policy contains service ""

func (*RamService) ParsePolicyDocument added in v1.20.0

func (s *RamService) ParsePolicyDocument(policyDocument string) (statement []map[string]interface{}, version string, err error)

func (*RamService) ParseRolePolicyDocument added in v1.20.0

func (s *RamService) ParseRolePolicyDocument(policyDocument string) (RolePolicy, error)

func (*RamService) WaitForRamAccessKey added in v1.44.0

func (s *RamService) WaitForRamAccessKey(id, useName string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RamService) WaitForRamGroup added in v1.44.0

func (s *RamService) WaitForRamGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RamService) WaitForRamGroupMembership added in v1.44.0

func (s *RamService) WaitForRamGroupMembership(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RamService) WaitForRamGroupPolicyAttachment added in v1.44.0

func (s *RamService) WaitForRamGroupPolicyAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RamService) WaitForRamLoginProfile added in v1.44.0

func (s *RamService) WaitForRamLoginProfile(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RamService) WaitForRamRole added in v1.44.0

func (s *RamService) WaitForRamRole(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RamService) WaitForRamRoleAttachment added in v1.44.0

func (s *RamService) WaitForRamRoleAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RamService) WaitForRamRolePolicyAttachment added in v1.44.0

func (s *RamService) WaitForRamRolePolicyAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RamService) WaitForRamUser added in v1.44.0

func (s *RamService) WaitForRamUser(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RamService) WaitForRamUserPolicyAttachment added in v1.44.0

func (s *RamService) WaitForRamUserPolicyAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

type RdsService added in v1.20.0

type RdsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RdsService) DescribeBackupPolicy added in v1.20.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeBackupPolicy(id string) (map[string]interface{}, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDBAccountPrivilege added in v1.39.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBAccountPrivilege(id string) (map[string]interface{}, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDBConnection added in v1.36.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBConnection(id string) (map[string]interface{}, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDBDatabase added in v1.40.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBDatabase(id string) (map[string]interface{}, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDBInstance added in v1.40.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBInstance(id string) (map[string]interface{}, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDBInstanceEncryptionKey added in v1.144.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBInstanceEncryptionKey(id string) (map[string]interface{}, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDBInstanceNetInfo added in v1.36.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBInstanceNetInfo(id string) ([]interface{}, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDBInstanceSSL added in v1.144.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBInstanceSSL(id string) (map[string]interface{}, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDBProxy added in v1.144.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBProxy(id string) (map[string]interface{}, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDBProxyEndpoint added in v1.144.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBProxyEndpoint(id string, endpointName string) (map[string]interface{}, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDBReadWriteSplittingConnection added in v1.40.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBReadWriteSplittingConnection(id string) (map[string]interface{}, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDBReadonlyInstance added in v1.40.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBReadonlyInstance(id string) (map[string]interface{}, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDBSecurityIps added in v1.20.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBSecurityIps(instanceId string) ([]interface{}, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDbInstanceMonitor added in v1.40.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDbInstanceMonitor(id string) (monitoringPeriod int, err error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeHASwitchConfig added in v1.144.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeHASwitchConfig(id string) (map[string]interface{}, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeMultiIZByRegion added in v1.20.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeMultiIZByRegion() (izs []string, err error)

return multiIZ list of current region

func (*RdsService) DescribeParameterTemplates added in v1.144.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeParameterTemplates(instanceId, engine, engineVersion string) ([]interface{}, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeParameters added in v1.31.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeParameters(id string) (map[string]interface{}, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeRdsAccount added in v1.144.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeRdsAccount(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeRdsParameterGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeRdsParameterGroup(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeRdsTDEInfo added in v1.144.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeRdsTDEInfo(id string) (map[string]interface{}, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeSQLCollectorPolicy added in v1.144.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeSQLCollectorPolicy(id string) (map[string]interface{}, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeSQLCollectorRetention added in v1.144.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeSQLCollectorRetention(id string) (map[string]interface{}, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeSecurityGroupConfiguration added in v1.37.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeSecurityGroupConfiguration(id string) ([]string, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeTasks added in v1.144.0

func (s *RdsService) DescribeTasks(id string) (map[string]interface{}, error)

func (*RdsService) GetSecurityIps added in v1.20.0

func (s *RdsService) GetSecurityIps(instanceId string, dbInstanceIpArrayName string) ([]string, error)

func (*RdsService) GrantAccountPrivilege added in v1.20.0

func (s *RdsService) GrantAccountPrivilege(id, dbName string) error

func (*RdsService) ModifyDBBackupPolicy added in v1.20.0

func (s *RdsService) ModifyDBBackupPolicy(d *schema.ResourceData, updateForData, updateForLog bool) error

func (*RdsService) ModifyDBSecurityIps added in v1.20.0

func (s *RdsService) ModifyDBSecurityIps(instanceId, ips string) error

func (*RdsService) ModifyParameters added in v1.31.0

func (s *RdsService) ModifyParameters(d *schema.ResourceData, attribute string) error

func (*RdsService) ModifySecurityGroupConfiguration added in v1.37.0

func (s *RdsService) ModifySecurityGroupConfiguration(id string, groupid string) error

func (*RdsService) RdsAccountStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *RdsService) RdsAccountStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*RdsService) RdsDBInstanceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *RdsService) RdsDBInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*RdsService) RdsTaskStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *RdsService) RdsTaskStateRefreshFunc(id string, taskAction string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*RdsService) RefreshParameters added in v1.31.0

func (s *RdsService) RefreshParameters(d *schema.ResourceData, attribute string) error

func (*RdsService) ReleaseDBPublicConnection added in v1.20.0

func (s *RdsService) ReleaseDBPublicConnection(instanceId, connection string) error

func (*RdsService) RevokeAccountPrivilege added in v1.20.0

func (s *RdsService) RevokeAccountPrivilege(id, dbName string) error

func (*RdsService) SetTimeZone added in v1.144.0

func (s *RdsService) SetTimeZone(d *schema.ResourceData) error

func (*RdsService) TransformPeriod2Time added in v1.20.0

func (s *RdsService) TransformPeriod2Time(period int, chargeType string) (ut int, tt common.TimeType)

turn period to TimeType

func (*RdsService) TransformTime2Period added in v1.20.0

func (s *RdsService) TransformTime2Period(ut int, tt common.TimeType) (period int)

turn TimeType to Period

func (*RdsService) WaitForAccountPrivilege added in v1.20.0

func (s *RdsService) WaitForAccountPrivilege(id, dbName string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RdsService) WaitForAccountPrivilegeRevoked added in v1.20.0

func (s *RdsService) WaitForAccountPrivilegeRevoked(id, dbName string, timeout int) error

func (*RdsService) WaitForDBConnection added in v1.20.0

func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBConnection(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RdsService) WaitForDBDatabase added in v1.40.0

func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBDatabase(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RdsService) WaitForDBInstance added in v1.20.0

func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBInstance(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

WaitForInstance waits for instance to given status

func (*RdsService) WaitForDBParameter added in v1.32.0

func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBParameter(instanceId string, timeout int, expects map[string]string) error

WaitForDBParameter waits for instance parameter to given value. Status of DB instance is Running after ModifyParameters API was call, so we can not just wait for instance status become Running, we should wait until parameters have expected values.

func (*RdsService) WaitForDBReadWriteSplitting added in v1.32.0

func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBReadWriteSplitting(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

type RemoveTagsArgs

type RemoveTagsArgs struct {
	ResourceId   string
	ResourceType ecs.TagResourceType //image, instance, snapshot or disk
	RegionId     common.Region
	Tag          []Tag

type RenewalStatus added in v1.9.3

type RenewalStatus string

type ResourceType added in v1.8.0

type ResourceType string

type ResourcemanagerService added in v1.144.0

type ResourcemanagerService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ResourcemanagerService) DescribeResourceManagerAccount added in v1.144.0

func (s *ResourcemanagerService) DescribeResourceManagerAccount(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ResourcemanagerService) DescribeResourceManagerControlPolicy added in v1.144.0

func (s *ResourcemanagerService) DescribeResourceManagerControlPolicy(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ResourcemanagerService) DescribeResourceManagerControlPolicyAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *ResourcemanagerService) DescribeResourceManagerControlPolicyAttachment(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ResourcemanagerService) DescribeResourceManagerFolder added in v1.144.0

func (s *ResourcemanagerService) DescribeResourceManagerFolder(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ResourcemanagerService) DescribeResourceManagerHandshake added in v1.144.0

func (s *ResourcemanagerService) DescribeResourceManagerHandshake(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ResourcemanagerService) DescribeResourceManagerPolicy added in v1.144.0

func (s *ResourcemanagerService) DescribeResourceManagerPolicy(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ResourcemanagerService) DescribeResourceManagerPolicyAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *ResourcemanagerService) DescribeResourceManagerPolicyAttachment(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ResourcemanagerService) DescribeResourceManagerPolicyVersion added in v1.144.0

func (s *ResourcemanagerService) DescribeResourceManagerPolicyVersion(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ResourcemanagerService) DescribeResourceManagerResourceDirectory added in v1.144.0

func (s *ResourcemanagerService) DescribeResourceManagerResourceDirectory(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ResourcemanagerService) DescribeResourceManagerResourceGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *ResourcemanagerService) DescribeResourceManagerResourceGroup(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ResourcemanagerService) DescribeResourceManagerRole added in v1.144.0

func (s *ResourcemanagerService) DescribeResourceManagerRole(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ResourcemanagerService) GetPayerForAccount added in v1.144.0

func (s *ResourcemanagerService) GetPayerForAccount(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ResourcemanagerService) GetPolicyVersion added in v1.144.0

func (s *ResourcemanagerService) GetPolicyVersion(id string, d *schema.ResourceData) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ResourcemanagerService) ResourceManagerResourceDirectoryStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *ResourcemanagerService) ResourceManagerResourceDirectoryStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*ResourcemanagerService) ResourceManagerResourceGroupStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *ResourcemanagerService) ResourceManagerResourceGroupStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type ResourcesharingService added in v1.144.0

type ResourcesharingService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ResourcesharingService) DescribeResourceManagerResourceShare added in v1.144.0

func (s *ResourcesharingService) DescribeResourceManagerResourceShare(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ResourcesharingService) DescribeResourceManagerSharedResource added in v1.144.0

func (s *ResourcesharingService) DescribeResourceManagerSharedResource(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ResourcesharingService) DescribeResourceManagerSharedTarget added in v1.144.0

func (s *ResourcesharingService) DescribeResourceManagerSharedTarget(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ResourcesharingService) ResourceManagerResourceShareStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *ResourcesharingService) ResourceManagerResourceShareStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*ResourcesharingService) ResourceManagerSharedResourceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *ResourcesharingService) ResourceManagerSharedResourceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*ResourcesharingService) ResourceManagerSharedTargetStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *ResourcesharingService) ResourceManagerSharedTargetStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type Role added in v1.8.1

type Role string

type RolePolicy added in v1.2.0

type RolePolicy struct {
	Statement []RolePolicyStatement
	Version   string

type RolePolicyStatement added in v1.2.0

type RolePolicyStatement struct {
	Effect    Effect
	Action    string
	Principal Principal

type RosService added in v1.144.0

type RosService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RosService) DescribeRosChangeSet added in v1.144.0

func (s *RosService) DescribeRosChangeSet(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*RosService) DescribeRosStack added in v1.144.0

func (s *RosService) DescribeRosStack(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*RosService) DescribeRosStackGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *RosService) DescribeRosStackGroup(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*RosService) DescribeRosTemplate added in v1.144.0

func (s *RosService) DescribeRosTemplate(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*RosService) GetStackPolicy added in v1.144.0

func (s *RosService) GetStackPolicy(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*RosService) ListTagResources added in v1.144.0

func (s *RosService) ListTagResources(id string, resourceType string) (object interface{}, err error)

func (*RosService) RosChangeSetStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *RosService) RosChangeSetStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*RosService) RosStackGroupStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *RosService) RosStackGroupStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*RosService) RosStackStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *RosService) RosStackStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*RosService) SetResourceTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *RosService) SetResourceTags(d *schema.ResourceData, resourceType string) error

type RouterType added in v1.8.1

type RouterType string

type RsType added in v1.144.0

type RsType string

type SaeService added in v1.144.0

type SaeService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SaeService) DescribeApplicationImage added in v1.144.0

func (s *SaeService) DescribeApplicationImage(id, imageUrl string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SaeService) DescribeApplicationSlb added in v1.144.0

func (s *SaeService) DescribeApplicationSlb(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SaeService) DescribeApplicationStatus added in v1.144.0

func (s *SaeService) DescribeApplicationStatus(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SaeService) DescribeIngress added in v1.144.0

func (s *SaeService) DescribeIngress(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SaeService) DescribeSaeApplication added in v1.144.0

func (s *SaeService) DescribeSaeApplication(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SaeService) DescribeSaeConfigMap added in v1.144.0

func (s *SaeService) DescribeSaeConfigMap(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SaeService) DescribeSaeIngress added in v1.144.0

func (s *SaeService) DescribeSaeIngress(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SaeService) DescribeSaeNamespace added in v1.144.0

func (s *SaeService) DescribeSaeNamespace(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SaeService) UpdateSlb added in v1.144.0

func (s *SaeService) UpdateSlb(d *schema.ResourceData) error

type SagService added in v1.144.0

type SagService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SagService) DescribeCloudConnectNetwork added in v1.144.0

func (s *SagService) DescribeCloudConnectNetwork(id string) (c smartag.CloudConnectNetwork, err error)

func (*SagService) DescribeCloudConnectNetworkAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *SagService) DescribeCloudConnectNetworkAttachment(id string) (c smartag.SmartAccessGateway, err error)

func (*SagService) DescribeCloudConnectNetworkGrant added in v1.144.0

func (s *SagService) DescribeCloudConnectNetworkGrant(id string) (c smartag.GrantRule, err error)

func (*SagService) DescribeSagAcl added in v1.144.0

func (s *SagService) DescribeSagAcl(id string) (c smartag.Acl, err error)

func (*SagService) DescribeSagAclRule added in v1.144.0

func (s *SagService) DescribeSagAclRule(id string) (c smartag.Acr, err error)

func (*SagService) DescribeSagClientUser added in v1.144.0

func (s *SagService) DescribeSagClientUser(id string) (c smartag.User, err error)

func (*SagService) DescribeSagDnatEntry added in v1.144.0

func (s *SagService) DescribeSagDnatEntry(id string) (c smartag.DnatEntry, err error)

func (*SagService) DescribeSagQos added in v1.144.0

func (s *SagService) DescribeSagQos(id string) (c smartag.Qos, err error)

func (*SagService) DescribeSagQosCar added in v1.144.0

func (s *SagService) DescribeSagQosCar(id string) (c smartag.QosCar, err error)

func (*SagService) DescribeSagQosPolicy added in v1.144.0

func (s *SagService) DescribeSagQosPolicy(id string) (c smartag.QosPolicy, err error)

func (*SagService) DescribeSagSnatEntry added in v1.144.0

func (s *SagService) DescribeSagSnatEntry(id string) (c smartag.SnatEntry, err error)

func (*SagService) WaitForCloudConnectNetwork added in v1.144.0

func (s *SagService) WaitForCloudConnectNetwork(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SagService) WaitForCloudConnectNetworkAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *SagService) WaitForCloudConnectNetworkAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SagService) WaitForCloudConnectNetworkGrant added in v1.144.0

func (s *SagService) WaitForCloudConnectNetworkGrant(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SagService) WaitForSagAcl added in v1.144.0

func (s *SagService) WaitForSagAcl(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SagService) WaitForSagAclRule added in v1.144.0

func (s *SagService) WaitForSagAclRule(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SagService) WaitForSagClientUser added in v1.144.0

func (s *SagService) WaitForSagClientUser(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SagService) WaitForSagDnatEntry added in v1.144.0

func (s *SagService) WaitForSagDnatEntry(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SagService) WaitForSagQos added in v1.144.0

func (s *SagService) WaitForSagQos(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SagService) WaitForSagQosCar added in v1.144.0

func (s *SagService) WaitForSagQosCar(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SagService) WaitForSagQosPolicy added in v1.144.0

func (s *SagService) WaitForSagQosPolicy(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SagService) WaitForSagSnatEntry added in v1.144.0

func (s *SagService) WaitForSagSnatEntry(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

type SasService added in v1.144.0

type SasService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SasService) DescribeAllGroups added in v1.144.0

func (s *SasService) DescribeAllGroups(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SasService) DescribeSecurityCenterServiceLinkedRole added in v1.144.0

func (s *SasService) DescribeSecurityCenterServiceLinkedRole(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SasService) SecurityCenterServiceLinkedRoleStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *SasService) SecurityCenterServiceLinkedRoleStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type ScalingRuleType added in v1.144.0

type ScalingRuleType string

type ScdnService added in v1.144.0

type ScdnService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ScdnService) DescribeScdnCertificateList added in v1.144.0

func (s *ScdnService) DescribeScdnCertificateList(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ScdnService) DescribeScdnDomain added in v1.144.0

func (s *ScdnService) DescribeScdnDomain(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ScdnService) DescribeScdnDomainCertificateInfo added in v1.144.0

func (s *ScdnService) DescribeScdnDomainCertificateInfo(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ScdnService) DescribeScdnDomainCname added in v1.144.0

func (s *ScdnService) DescribeScdnDomainCname(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ScdnService) DescribeScdnDomainConfig added in v1.144.0

func (s *ScdnService) DescribeScdnDomainConfig(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ScdnService) DescribeScdnDomainConfigs added in v1.144.0

func (s *ScdnService) DescribeScdnDomainConfigs(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ScdnService) DescribeScdnDomainDetail added in v1.144.0

func (s *ScdnService) DescribeScdnDomainDetail(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ScdnService) ScdnDomainConfigStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *ScdnService) ScdnDomainConfigStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*ScdnService) ScdnDomainStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *ScdnService) ScdnDomainStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type SchedulerType added in v1.11.0

type SchedulerType string

type SddpService added in v1.144.0

type SddpService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SddpService) DescribeSddpConfig added in v1.144.0

func (s *SddpService) DescribeSddpConfig(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SddpService) DescribeSddpInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *SddpService) DescribeSddpInstance(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SddpService) DescribeSddpRule added in v1.144.0

func (s *SddpService) DescribeSddpRule(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type SecurityEnhancementStrategy added in v1.23.0

type SecurityEnhancementStrategy string

type SecurityGroup added in v1.9.0

type SecurityGroup struct {
	Attributes        ecs.DescribeSecurityGroupAttributeResponse
	CreationTime      string
	SecurityGroupType string
	ResourceGroupId   string
	Tags              ecs.TagsInDescribeSecurityGroups

type ServicemeshService added in v1.144.0

type ServicemeshService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ServicemeshService) DescribeServiceMeshDetail added in v1.144.0

func (s *ServicemeshService) DescribeServiceMeshDetail(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ServicemeshService) DescribeServiceMeshServiceMesh added in v1.144.0

func (s *ServicemeshService) DescribeServiceMeshServiceMesh(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*ServicemeshService) ServiceMeshServiceMeshStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *ServicemeshService) ServiceMeshServiceMeshStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type SgwService added in v1.144.0

type SgwService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SgwService) CloudStorageGatewayTaskStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *SgwService) CloudStorageGatewayTaskStateRefreshFunc(id, taskId string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*SgwService) DescribeCloudStorageGatewayGateway added in v1.144.0

func (s *SgwService) DescribeCloudStorageGatewayGateway(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SgwService) DescribeCloudStorageGatewayGatewaySmbUser added in v1.144.0

func (s *SgwService) DescribeCloudStorageGatewayGatewaySmbUser(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SgwService) DescribeCloudStorageGatewayStorageBundle added in v1.144.0

func (s *SgwService) DescribeCloudStorageGatewayStorageBundle(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SgwService) DescribeGateway added in v1.144.0

func (s *SgwService) DescribeGateway(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SgwService) DescribeTasks added in v1.144.0

func (s *SgwService) DescribeTasks(id, taskId string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type SlbService added in v1.20.0

type SlbService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SlbService) BuildSlbCommonRequest added in v1.20.0

func (s *SlbService) BuildSlbCommonRequest() (*requests.CommonRequest, error)

func (*SlbService) DescribeDomainExtensionAttribute added in v1.144.0

func (s *SlbService) DescribeDomainExtensionAttribute(domainExtensionId string) (*slb.DescribeDomainExtensionAttributeResponse, error)

func (*SlbService) DescribeSlb added in v1.43.0

func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbAcl added in v1.42.0

func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbBackendServer added in v1.144.0

func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbBackendServer(id string) (*slb.DescribeLoadBalancerAttributeResponse, error)

func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbCACertificate added in v1.42.0

func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbCACertificate(id string) (*slb.CACertificate, error)

func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbCaCertificate added in v1.144.0

func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbCaCertificate(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbListener added in v1.42.0

func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbListener(id string) (listener map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbLoadBalancer added in v1.144.0

func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbLoadBalancer(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbMasterSlaveServerGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbMasterSlaveServerGroup(id string) (*slb.DescribeMasterSlaveServerGroupAttributeResponse, error)

func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbRule added in v1.43.0

func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbRule(id string) (*slb.DescribeRuleAttributeResponse, error)

func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbServerCertificate added in v1.43.0

func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbServerCertificate(id string) (*slb.ServerCertificate, error)

func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbServerGroup added in v1.43.0

func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbServerGroup(id string) (*slb.DescribeVServerGroupAttributeResponse, error)

func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbTlsCipherPolicy added in v1.144.0

func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbTlsCipherPolicy(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SlbService) DescribeTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *SlbService) DescribeTags(resourceId string, resourceTags map[string]interface{}, resourceType TagResourceType) (tags []slb.TagResource, err error)

func (*SlbService) FlattenSlbAclEntryMappings added in v1.20.0

func (s *SlbService) FlattenSlbAclEntryMappings(list []slb.AclEntry) []map[string]interface{}

Flattens an array of slb.AclEntry into a []map[string]string

func (*SlbService) ListTagResources added in v1.144.0

func (s *SlbService) ListTagResources(id string, resourceType string) (object interface{}, err error)

func (*SlbService) SetResourceTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *SlbService) SetResourceTags(d *schema.ResourceData, resourceType string) error

func (*SlbService) SlbAddAccessControlListEntry added in v1.20.0

func (s *SlbService) SlbAddAccessControlListEntry(list []interface{}, aclId string) error

func (*SlbService) SlbLoadBalancerStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *SlbService) SlbLoadBalancerStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*SlbService) SlbRemoveAccessControlListEntry added in v1.20.0

func (s *SlbService) SlbRemoveAccessControlListEntry(list []interface{}, aclId string) error

func (*SlbService) WaitForSlb added in v1.43.0

func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlb(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SlbService) WaitForSlbAcl added in v1.42.0

func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbAcl(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SlbService) WaitForSlbCACertificate added in v1.42.0

func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbCACertificate(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SlbService) WaitForSlbDomainExtension added in v1.144.0

func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbDomainExtension(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SlbService) WaitForSlbListener added in v1.42.0

func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbListener(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SlbService) WaitForSlbMasterSlaveServerGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbMasterSlaveServerGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SlbService) WaitForSlbRule added in v1.43.0

func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbRule(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SlbService) WaitForSlbServerCertificate added in v1.43.0

func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbServerCertificate(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SlbService) WaitForSlbServerGroup added in v1.43.0

func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbServerGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SlbService) WaitSlbAttribute added in v1.43.0

func (s *SlbService) WaitSlbAttribute(id string, instanceSet *schema.Set, timeout int) error

type SlbTag added in v1.25.0

type SlbTag struct {
	TagKey   string
	TagValue string

type Spec added in v1.8.1

type Spec string

type SpotStrategyType added in v1.9.4

type SpotStrategyType string

type Status added in v1.8.0

type Status string

type StickySessionType added in v1.11.0

type StickySessionType string

type SwasOpenService added in v1.144.0

type SwasOpenService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SwasOpenService) DescribeSimpleApplicationServerCustomImage added in v1.144.0

func (s *SwasOpenService) DescribeSimpleApplicationServerCustomImage(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SwasOpenService) DescribeSimpleApplicationServerFirewallRule added in v1.144.0

func (s *SwasOpenService) DescribeSimpleApplicationServerFirewallRule(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SwasOpenService) DescribeSimpleApplicationServerInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *SwasOpenService) DescribeSimpleApplicationServerInstance(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SwasOpenService) DescribeSimpleApplicationServerSnapshot added in v1.144.0

func (s *SwasOpenService) DescribeSimpleApplicationServerSnapshot(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SwasOpenService) SimpleApplicationServerInstanceStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *SwasOpenService) SimpleApplicationServerInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*SwasOpenService) SimpleApplicationServerSnapshotStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *SwasOpenService) SimpleApplicationServerSnapshotStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type Tag

type Tag struct {
	Key   string
	Value string

type TagResourceType added in v1.9.4

type TagResourceType string

type TcpSocket added in v1.144.0

type TcpSocket struct {
	Host string `json:"host"`
	Port int    `json:"port"`

type TimeType added in v1.8.0

type TimeType string

type VodService added in v1.144.0

type VodService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*VodService) DescribeVodDomain added in v1.144.0

func (s *VodService) DescribeVodDomain(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VodService) SetResourceTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *VodService) SetResourceTags(d *schema.ResourceData, resourceType string) error

func (*VodService) VodStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VodService) VodStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

type VpcService added in v1.20.0

type VpcService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*VpcService) ActivateRouterInterface added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpcService) ActivateRouterInterface(interfaceId string) error

func (*VpcService) CommonBandwidthPackageStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) CommonBandwidthPackageStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) DeactivateRouterInterface added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpcService) DeactivateRouterInterface(interfaceId string) error

func (*VpcService) DeleteAclResources added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) DeleteAclResources(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeCenInstanceGrant added in v1.46.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeCenInstanceGrant(id string) (rule vpc.CbnGrantRule, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeCommonBandwidthPackage added in v1.43.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeCommonBandwidthPackage(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeCommonBandwidthPackageAttachment added in v1.43.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeCommonBandwidthPackageAttachment(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeEip added in v1.41.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeEip(id string) (eip vpc.EipAddress, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeEipAddress added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeEipAddress(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeEipAssociation added in v1.41.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeEipAssociation(id string) (object vpc.EipAddress, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeExpressConnectPhysicalConnection added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeExpressConnectPhysicalConnection(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeExpressConnectVirtualBorderRouter added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeExpressConnectVirtualBorderRouter(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeForwardEntry added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeForwardEntry(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeHavip added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeHavip(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeNatGateway added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeNatGateway(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeNatGatewayTransform added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeNatGatewayTransform(id string) ([]interface{}, error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeNetworkAcl added in v1.45.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeNetworkAcl(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeNetworkAclAttachment added in v1.45.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeNetworkAclAttachment(id string, resource []vpc.Resource) (err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeRouteEntry added in v1.45.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouteEntry(id string) (*vpc.RouteEntry, error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeRouteTable added in v1.45.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouteTable(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeRouteTableAttachment added in v1.45.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouteTableAttachment(id string) (v map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeRouteTableList added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouteTableList(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeRouterInterface added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouterInterface(id, regionId string) (ri vpc.RouterInterfaceType, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeRouterInterfaceConnection added in v1.44.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouterInterfaceConnection(id, regionId string) (ri vpc.RouterInterfaceType, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeSnatEntry added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeSnatEntry(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeTags(resourceId string, resourceTags map[string]interface{}, resourceType TagResourceType) (tags []vpc.TagResource, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeVSwitch added in v1.41.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeVSwitch(id string) (v vpc.DescribeVSwitchAttributesResponse, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeVSwitchWithTeadsl added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeVSwitchWithTeadsl(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeVpc added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeVpc(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeVpcDhcpOptionsSet added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeVpcDhcpOptionsSet(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeVpcFlowLog added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeVpcFlowLog(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeVpcIpv6EgressRule added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeVpcIpv6EgressRule(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeVpcIpv6Gateway added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeVpcIpv6Gateway(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeVpcIpv6InternetBandwidth added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeVpcIpv6InternetBandwidth(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeVpcNatIp added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeVpcNatIp(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeVpcNatIpCidr added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeVpcNatIpCidr(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeVpcTrafficMirrorFilter added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeVpcTrafficMirrorFilter(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeVpcTrafficMirrorFilterEgressRule added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeVpcTrafficMirrorFilterEgressRule(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeVpcTrafficMirrorFilterIngressRule added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeVpcTrafficMirrorFilterIngressRule(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeVpcTrafficMirrorSession added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeVpcTrafficMirrorSession(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeVpcWithTeadsl added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeVpcWithTeadsl(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeVswitch added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpcService) DescribeVswitch(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) EipAddressStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) EipAddressStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) ExpressConnectPhysicalConnectionStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) ExpressConnectPhysicalConnectionStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) ExpressConnectVirtualBorderRouterStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) ExpressConnectVirtualBorderRouterStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) FlattenPublicIpAddressesMappings added in v1.36.0

func (s *VpcService) FlattenPublicIpAddressesMappings(list []vpc.PublicIpAddresse) []map[string]interface{}

Flattens an array of vpc.public_ip_addresses into a []map[string]string

func (*VpcService) ForwardEntryStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) ForwardEntryStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) HavipStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) HavipStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) ListTagResources added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) ListTagResources(id string, resourceType string) (object interface{}, err error)

func (*VpcService) NatGatewayStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) NatGatewayStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) NetworkAclStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) NetworkAclStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) QueryRouteTableById added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpcService) QueryRouteTableById(routeTableId string) (rt vpc.RouteTable, err error)

func (*VpcService) RouteTableStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) RouteTableStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) SetResourceTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) SetResourceTags(d *schema.ResourceData, resourceType string) error

func (*VpcService) SnatEntryStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) SnatEntryStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) VSwitchStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) VSwitchStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) VpcDhcpOptionsSetStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) VpcDhcpOptionsSetStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) VpcFlowLogStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) VpcFlowLogStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) VpcIpv6EgressRuleStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) VpcIpv6EgressRuleStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) VpcIpv6GatewayStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) VpcIpv6GatewayStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) VpcNatIpStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) VpcNatIpStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) VpcStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) VpcStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) VpcTrafficMirrorFilterEgressRuleStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) VpcTrafficMirrorFilterEgressRuleStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) VpcTrafficMirrorFilterIngressRuleStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) VpcTrafficMirrorFilterIngressRuleStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) VpcTrafficMirrorFilterStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) VpcTrafficMirrorFilterStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) VpcTrafficMirrorSessionStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) VpcTrafficMirrorSessionStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) VswitchStateRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) VswitchStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) WaitForAllRouteEntriesAvailable added in v1.45.0

func (s *VpcService) WaitForAllRouteEntriesAvailable(routeTableId string, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForCenInstanceGrant added in v1.46.0

func (s *VpcService) WaitForCenInstanceGrant(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForCommonBandwidthPackageAttachment added in v1.43.0

func (s *VpcService) WaitForCommonBandwidthPackageAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForEip added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpcService) WaitForEip(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForEipAssociation added in v1.41.0

func (s *VpcService) WaitForEipAssociation(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForNatGatewayTransform added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpcService) WaitForNatGatewayTransform(id string, timeout int64) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForNetworkAcl added in v1.45.0

func (s *VpcService) WaitForNetworkAcl(networkAclId string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForNetworkAclAttachment added in v1.45.0

func (s *VpcService) WaitForNetworkAclAttachment(id string, resource []vpc.Resource, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForRouteEntry added in v1.45.0

func (s *VpcService) WaitForRouteEntry(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForRouteTableAttachment added in v1.45.0

func (s *VpcService) WaitForRouteTableAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForRouterInterface added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpcService) WaitForRouterInterface(id, regionId string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForRouterInterfaceConnection added in v1.44.0

func (s *VpcService) WaitForRouterInterfaceConnection(id, regionId string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForVSwitch added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpcService) WaitForVSwitch(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

type VpnGatewayService added in v1.20.0

type VpnGatewayService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*VpnGatewayService) AssembleIkeConfig added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpnGatewayService) AssembleIkeConfig(ikeCfgParam []interface{}) (string, error)

func (*VpnGatewayService) AssembleIpsecConfig added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpnGatewayService) AssembleIpsecConfig(ipsecCfgParam []interface{}) (string, error)

func (*VpnGatewayService) AssembleNetworkSubnetToString added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpnGatewayService) AssembleNetworkSubnetToString(list []interface{}) string

func (*VpnGatewayService) DescribeSslVpnClientCert added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeSslVpnClientCert(id string) (v vpc.DescribeSslVpnClientCertResponse, err error)

func (*VpnGatewayService) DescribeSslVpnServer added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeSslVpnServer(id string) (v vpc.SslVpnServer, err error)

func (*VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnConnection added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnConnection(id string) (v vpc.DescribeVpnConnectionResponse, err error)

func (*VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnCustomerGateway added in v1.46.0

func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnCustomerGateway(id string) (v vpc.DescribeCustomerGatewayResponse, err error)

func (*VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnGateway added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnGateway(id string) (v vpc.DescribeVpnGatewayResponse, err error)

func (*VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnRouteEntry added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnRouteEntry(id string) (v vpc.VpnRouteEntry, err error)

func (*VpnGatewayService) ParseIkeConfig added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpnGatewayService) ParseIkeConfig(ike vpc.IkeConfig) (ikeConfigs []map[string]interface{})

func (*VpnGatewayService) ParseIpsecConfig added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpnGatewayService) ParseIpsecConfig(ipsec vpc.IpsecConfig) (ipsecConfigs []map[string]interface{})

func (*VpnGatewayService) WaitForSslVpnClientCert added in v1.20.0

func (s *VpnGatewayService) WaitForSslVpnClientCert(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpnGatewayService) WaitForSslVpnServer added in v1.46.0

func (s *VpnGatewayService) WaitForSslVpnServer(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpnGatewayService) WaitForVpnConnection added in v1.47.0

func (s *VpnGatewayService) WaitForVpnConnection(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpnGatewayService) WaitForVpnCustomerGateway added in v1.46.0

func (s *VpnGatewayService) WaitForVpnCustomerGateway(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpnGatewayService) WaitForVpnGateway added in v1.46.0

func (s *VpnGatewayService) WaitForVpnGateway(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpnGatewayService) WaitForVpnRouteEntry added in v1.144.0

func (s *VpnGatewayService) WaitForVpnRouteEntry(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

type VsService added in v1.144.0

type VsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*VsService) DescribeVideoSurveillanceSystemGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *VsService) DescribeVideoSurveillanceSystemGroup(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type Waf_openapiService added in v1.144.0

type Waf_openapiService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Waf_openapiService) DescribeProtectionModuleStatus added in v1.144.0

func (s *Waf_openapiService) DescribeProtectionModuleStatus(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*Waf_openapiService) DescribeWafCertificate added in v1.144.0

func (s *Waf_openapiService) DescribeWafCertificate(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*Waf_openapiService) DescribeWafDomain added in v1.144.0

func (s *Waf_openapiService) DescribeWafDomain(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*Waf_openapiService) DescribeWafInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *Waf_openapiService) DescribeWafInstance(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*Waf_openapiService) DescribeWafProtectionModule added in v1.144.0

func (s *Waf_openapiService) DescribeWafProtectionModule(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

type YundunBastionhostService added in v1.144.0

type YundunBastionhostService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*YundunBastionhostService) BastionhostInstanceRefreshFunc added in v1.144.0

func (s *YundunBastionhostService) BastionhostInstanceRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostHost added in v1.144.0

func (s *YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostHost(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostHostAccount added in v1.144.0

func (s *YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostHostAccount(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostHostAccountUserAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostHostAccountUserAttachment(id string) (object []interface{}, err error)

func (*YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostHostAccountUserGroupAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostHostAccountUserGroupAttachment(id string) (object []interface{}, err error)

func (*YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostHostAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostHostAttachment(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostHostGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostHostGroup(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostHostGroupAccountUserAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostHostGroupAccountUserAttachment(id string) (object []interface{}, err error)

func (*YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostHostGroupAccountUserGroupAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostHostGroupAccountUserGroupAttachment(id string) (object []interface{}, err error)

func (*YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostInstance(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostUser added in v1.144.0

func (s *YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostUser(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostUserAttachment added in v1.144.0

func (s *YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostUserAttachment(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostUserGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *YundunBastionhostService) DescribeBastionhostUserGroup(id string) (object map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*YundunBastionhostService) DescribeTags added in v1.144.0

func (s *YundunBastionhostService) DescribeTags(resourceId string, resourceTags map[string]interface{}, resourceType TagResourceType) (tags []yundun_bastionhost.TagResource, err error)

func (*YundunBastionhostService) DisableInstancePublicAccess added in v1.144.0

func (s *YundunBastionhostService) DisableInstancePublicAccess(id string) (err error)

func (*YundunBastionhostService) EnableInstancePublicAccess added in v1.144.0

func (s *YundunBastionhostService) EnableInstancePublicAccess(id string) (err error)

func (*YundunBastionhostService) ProcessRolePolicy added in v1.144.0

func (s *YundunBastionhostService) ProcessRolePolicy() error

func (*YundunBastionhostService) StartBastionhostInstance added in v1.144.0

func (s *YundunBastionhostService) StartBastionhostInstance(instanceId string, vSwitchId string, securityGroupIds []string) error

func (*YundunBastionhostService) UpdateBastionhostInstanceDescription added in v1.144.0

func (s *YundunBastionhostService) UpdateBastionhostInstanceDescription(instanceId string, description string) error

func (*YundunBastionhostService) UpdateBastionhostSecurityGroups added in v1.144.0

func (s *YundunBastionhostService) UpdateBastionhostSecurityGroups(instanceId string, securityGroups []string) error

func (*YundunBastionhostService) UpdateInstanceSpec added in v1.144.0

func (s *YundunBastionhostService) UpdateInstanceSpec(schemaSpecMap map[string]string, d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error

func (*YundunBastionhostService) UpdateResourceGroup added in v1.144.0

func (s *YundunBastionhostService) UpdateResourceGroup(resourceId, resourceGroupId string) error

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