Path | Synopsis |
Package api contains the latest (or "internal") version of the Kubernetes API objects.
Package api contains the latest (or "internal") version of the Kubernetes API objects. |
Package errors provides detailed error types for api field validation.
Package errors provides detailed error types for api field validation. |
Package etcd provides conversion of etcd errors to API errors.
Package etcd provides conversion of etcd errors to API errors. |
Package latest defines the default output serializations that code should use and imports the required schemas.
Package latest defines the default output serializations that code should use and imports the required schemas. |
Package meta provides functions for retrieving API metadata from objects belonging to the Kubernetes API
Package meta provides functions for retrieving API metadata from objects belonging to the Kubernetes API |
Package testapi provides a helper for retrieving the KUBE_API_VERSION environment variable.
Package testapi provides a helper for retrieving the KUBE_API_VERSION environment variable. |
Package v1beta1 is the v1beta1 version of the API.
Package v1beta1 is the v1beta1 version of the API. |
Package v1beta2 is the v1beta2 version of the API.
Package v1beta2 is the v1beta2 version of the API. |
Package v1beta3 is the v1beta3 version of the API.
Package v1beta3 is the v1beta3 version of the API. |
Package validation has functions for validating the correctness of api objects and explaining what is wrong with them when they aren't valid.
Package validation has functions for validating the correctness of api objects and explaining what is wrong with them when they aren't valid. |
Package apiserver contains the code that provides a RESTful api service.
Package apiserver contains the code that provides a RESTful api service. |
Package user contains utilities for dealing with simple user exchange in the auth packages.
Package user contains utilities for dealing with simple user exchange in the auth packages. |
package capbabilities manages system level capabilities
package capbabilities manages system level capabilities |
Package client contains the implementation of the client side communication with the Kubernetes master.
Package client contains the implementation of the client side communication with the Kubernetes master. |
Package cache is a client-side caching mechanism.
Package cache is a client-side caching mechanism. |
Package clientcmd provides one stop shopping for building a working client from a fixed config, from a .kubeconfig file, from command line flags, or from any merged combination.
Package clientcmd provides one stop shopping for building a working client from a fixed config, from a .kubeconfig file, from command line flags, or from any merged combination. |
Package record has all client logic for recording and reporting events.
Package record has all client logic for recording and reporting events. |
Package authcfg defines a file format for holding authentication information needed by clients of Kubernetes.
Package authcfg defines a file format for holding authentication information needed by clients of Kubernetes. |
Package cloudprovider supplies interfaces and implementations for cloud service providers.
Package cloudprovider supplies interfaces and implementations for cloud service providers. |
Package controller contains code for syncing cloud instances with minion registry
Package controller contains code for syncing cloud instances with minion registry |
Package fake_cloud is a test-double implementation of cloudprovider Interface, TCPLoadBalancer and Instances.
Package fake_cloud is a test-double implementation of cloudprovider Interface, TCPLoadBalancer and Instances. |
Package gce_cloud is an implementation of Interface, TCPLoadBalancer and Instances for Google Compute Engine.
Package gce_cloud is an implementation of Interface, TCPLoadBalancer and Instances for Google Compute Engine. |
Package vagrant_cloud is an implementation of Interface, TCPLoadBalancer and Instances for developer managed Vagrant cluster.
Package vagrant_cloud is an implementation of Interface, TCPLoadBalancer and Instances for developer managed Vagrant cluster. |
Package constraint has functions for ensuring that collections of containers are allowed to run together on a single host.
Package constraint has functions for ensuring that collections of containers are allowed to run together on a single host. |
Package controller contains logic for watching and synchronizing replicationControllers.
Package controller contains logic for watching and synchronizing replicationControllers. |
Package conversion provides go object versioning and encoding/decoding mechanisms.
Package conversion provides go object versioning and encoding/decoding mechanisms. |
Package credentialprovider supplies interfaces and implementations for docker registry providers to expose their authentication scheme.
Package credentialprovider supplies interfaces and implementations for docker registry providers to expose their authentication scheme. |
Package gcp_credentials contains implementations of DockerConfigProvider for Google Cloud Platform.
Package gcp_credentials contains implementations of DockerConfigProvider for Google Cloud Platform. |
Package healthz implements basic http server health checking.
Package healthz implements basic http server health checking. |
Package httplog contains a helper object and functions to maintain a log along with an http response.
Package httplog contains a helper object and functions to maintain a log along with an http response. |
Package kubecfg is a set of libraries that are used by the kubecfg command line tool.
Package kubecfg is a set of libraries that are used by the kubecfg command line tool. |
Package kubectl is a set of libraries that are used by the kubectl command line tool.
Package kubectl is a set of libraries that are used by the kubectl command line tool. |
Package resource assists clients in dealing with RESTful objects that match the Kubernetes API conventions.
Package resource assists clients in dealing with RESTful objects that match the Kubernetes API conventions. |
Package kubelet is the package that contains the libraries that drive the Kubelet binary.
Package kubelet is the package that contains the libraries that drive the Kubelet binary. |
Reads the pod configuration from the Kubernetes apiserver.
Reads the pod configuration from the Kubernetes apiserver. |
Package envvars is the package that build the environment variables that kubernetes provides to the containers run by it.
Package envvars is the package that build the environment variables that kubernetes provides to the containers run by it. |
Package leaky holds bits of kubelet that should be internal but have leaked out through bad abstractions.
Package leaky holds bits of kubelet that should be internal but have leaked out through bad abstractions. |
Package volume includes internal representations of external volume types as well as utility methods required to mount/unmount volumes to kubelets.
Package volume includes internal representations of external volume types as well as utility methods required to mount/unmount volumes to kubelets. |
Package labels implements a simple label system, parsing and matching selectors with sets of labels.
Package labels implements a simple label system, parsing and matching selectors with sets of labels. |
Package master contains code for setting up and running a Kubernetes cluster master.
Package master contains code for setting up and running a Kubernetes cluster master. |
Package ports defines ports used by various pieces of the kubernetes infrastructure.
Package ports defines ports used by various pieces of the kubernetes infrastructure. |
Package server does all of the work necessary to create a Kubernetes APIServer by binding together the API, master and APIServer infrastructure.
Package server does all of the work necessary to create a Kubernetes APIServer by binding together the API, master and APIServer infrastructure. |
Package probe contains utilities for health probing, as well as health status information.
Package probe contains utilities for health probing, as well as health status information. |
Package proxy implements the layer-3 network proxy.
Package proxy implements the layer-3 network proxy. |
Package config provides decoupling between various configuration sources (etcd, files,...) and the pieces that actually care about them (loadbalancer, proxy).
Package config provides decoupling between various configuration sources (etcd, files,...) and the pieces that actually care about them (loadbalancer, proxy). |
Package binding contains the middle layer logic for bindings.
Package binding contains the middle layer logic for bindings. |
Package controller provides Registry interface and it's RESTStorage implementation for storing ReplicationController api objects.
Package controller provides Registry interface and it's RESTStorage implementation for storing ReplicationController api objects. |
Package endpoint provides Registry interface and it's RESTStorage implementation for storing Endpoint api objects.
Package endpoint provides Registry interface and it's RESTStorage implementation for storing Endpoint api objects. |
Package etcd provides etcd backend implementation for storing PodRegistry, ControllerRegistry and ServiceRegistry api objects.
Package etcd provides etcd backend implementation for storing PodRegistry, ControllerRegistry and ServiceRegistry api objects. |
Package event provides Registry interface and it's REST implementation for storing Event api objects.
Package event provides Registry interface and it's REST implementation for storing Event api objects. |
Package generic provides a generic object store interface and a generic label/field matching type.
Package generic provides a generic object store interface and a generic label/field matching type. |
Package etcd has a generic implementation of a registry that stores things in etcd.
Package etcd has a generic implementation of a registry that stores things in etcd. |
Package limitrange provides Registry interface and it's REST implementation for storing LimitRange api objects.
Package limitrange provides Registry interface and it's REST implementation for storing LimitRange api objects. |
Package minion provides Registry interface and implementation for storing Minions.
Package minion provides Registry interface and implementation for storing Minions. |
Package pod provides Registry interface and it's RESTStorage implementation for storing Pod api objects.
Package pod provides Registry interface and it's RESTStorage implementation for storing Pod api objects. |
Package resourcequota provides Registry interface and it's REST implementation for storing ResourceQuota api objects.
Package resourcequota provides Registry interface and it's REST implementation for storing ResourceQuota api objects. |
Package resourcequotausage provides Registry interface and it's REST implementation for storing ResourceQuotaUsage api objects.
Package resourcequotausage provides Registry interface and it's REST implementation for storing ResourceQuotaUsage api objects. |
Package service provides Registry interface and it's RESTStorage implementation for storing Service api objects.
Package service provides Registry interface and it's RESTStorage implementation for storing Service api objects. |
Package runtime includes helper functions for working with API objects that follow the kubernetes API object conventions, which are: 0.
Package runtime includes helper functions for working with API objects that follow the kubernetes API object conventions, which are: 0. |
Package scheduler contains a generic Scheduler interface and several implementations.
Package scheduler contains a generic Scheduler interface and several implementations. |
Package service provides EndpointController implementation to manage and sync service endpoints.
Package service provides EndpointController implementation to manage and sync service endpoints. |
Package tools implements general tools which depend on the api package.
Package tools implements general tools which depend on the api package. |
Package types implements various generic types used throughout kubernetes.
Package types implements various generic types used throughout kubernetes. |
package ui contains static data files compiled to go, and utilities for accessing them.
package ui contains static data files compiled to go, and utilities for accessing them. |
Package util implements various utility functions used in both testing and implementation of Kubernetes.
Package util implements various utility functions used in both testing and implementation of Kubernetes. |
Package config provides utility objects for decoupling sources of configuration and the actual configuration state.
Package config provides utility objects for decoupling sources of configuration and the actual configuration state. |
Package errors implements various utility functions and types around errors.
Package errors implements various utility functions and types around errors. |
Package exec provides an injectable interface and implementations for running commands.
Package exec provides an injectable interface and implementations for running commands. |
Package iptables provides an interface and implementations for running iptables commands.
Package iptables provides an interface and implementations for running iptables commands. |
Package mount defines an interface to mounting filesystems.
Package mount defines an interface to mounting filesystems. |
Package slice provides utility methods for common operations on slices.
Package slice provides utility methods for common operations on slices. |
Package wait provides tools for polling or listening for changes to a condition.
Package wait provides tools for polling or listening for changes to a condition. |
Package version supplies version information collected at build time to kubernetes components.
Package version supplies version information collected at build time to kubernetes components. |
Package verflag defines utility functions to handle command line flags related to version of Kubernetes.
Package verflag defines utility functions to handle command line flags related to version of Kubernetes. |
Package watch contains a generic watchable interface, and a fake for testing code that uses the watch interface.
Package watch contains a generic watchable interface, and a fake for testing code that uses the watch interface. |
Package json implements a simple encoder and decoder for streams of watch events over io.Writer/Readers
Package json implements a simple encoder and decoder for streams of watch events over io.Writer/Readers |
This package is used to register algorithm provider plugins.
This package is used to register algorithm provider plugins. |
This algorithm provider has predicates and priorities related to affinity/anti-affinity for the scheduler.
This algorithm provider has predicates and priorities related to affinity/anti-affinity for the scheduler. |
This is the default algorithm provider for the scheduler.
This is the default algorithm provider for the scheduler. |
Package factory can set up a scheduler.
Package factory can set up a scheduler. |
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.