convention based, argument/flag for awesome urfave/cli
Not thoroughly tested, for anyone interested!
in less fun words; WIP, tests, etc etc
quick peek
We can define a config struct as (sample):
type CouchDBInfo struct {
URL string
User string
Password string
DBName string
// ConfPile sample conf struct
type ConfPile struct {
Version1 string `name:"v1" usage:"--v1 0.0.1" hidden:"false" envvar:"V1" value:"0.0.1"`
Version2 string `name:"v2" usage:"--v2 0.0.1" hidden:"false" value:"0.0.1"`
FBool bool
FDuration time.Duration
FFloat64 float64
FInt64 int64
FInt int `value:"33"`
FString string
FUint uint `value:"2"`
FUint64 uint64 `value:"66"`
// embedded structs would produce arguments with names like --<field name>-<embedded field name>
App struct {
LogDir string
PostponeExit time.Duration
Env string
Version1 string
// one object for each database
PrimaryDB CouchDBInfo
// we have a command named 'start', so these would get added as it's arguments
Start struct {
Path string `name:"path,p" usage:"-p ~/C" hidden:"false" value:"/tmp"`
Interval int
And then load it from a file. It's fields would get bind to cli's flags. If there is a non-zero vlue, it will be used as default value. Also values can get defined using Go struct tags.
Having an instance of *cli.App
, after commands and subcommands are defined all we have to do is argify.NewArgify().Build(app, &cnf)