Kubernetes webhook certificate generator and patcher
This is repo is a fork from jet/kube-webhook-certgen as the original project is no longer maintained.
This project will diverge from jet/kube-webhook-certgen and kubernetes/ingress-nginx
as it has a roadmap of its own.
Generates a CA and leaf certificate with a long (100y) expiration, then patches Kubernetes Admission Webhooks
by setting the caBundle
field with the generated CA.
Can optionally patch the hooks failurePolicy
setting - useful in cases where a single Helm chart needs to provision resources
and hooks at the same time as patching.
The utility works in two parts, optimized to work better with the Helm provisioning process that leverages pre-install and post-install hooks to execute this as a Kubernetes job.
Security Considerations
This tool may not be adequate in all security environments. If a more complete solution is required, you may want to
seek alternatives such as jetstack/cert-manager
Command line options
Use this to create a ca and signed certificates and patch admission webhooks to allow for quick
installation and configuration of validating and admission webhooks.
kube-webhook-certgen [flags]
kube-webhook-certgen [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
create Generate a ca and server cert+key and store the results in a secret 'secret-name' in 'namespace'
help Help about any command
patch Patch a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration, MutatingWebhookConfiguration and CustomResourceDefinition
version Prints the CLI version information
-h, --help help for kube-webhook-certgen
--kubeconfig string Path to kubeconfig file: e.g. ~/.kube/kind-config-kind
--log-format string Log format: text|json (default "json")
--log-level string Log level: panic|fatal|error|warn|info|debug|trace (default "info")
Use "kube-webhook-certgen [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Generate a ca and server cert+key and store the results in a secret 'secret-name' in 'namespace'
kube-webhook-certgen create [flags]
--ca-name string Name of ca file in the secret (default "ca.crt")
--cert-name string Name of cert file in the secret (default "cert")
-h, --help help for create
--host string Comma-separated hostnames and IPs to generate a certificate for
--key-name string Name of key file in the secret (default "key")
--namespace string Namespace of the secret where certificate information will be written
--secret-name string Name of the secret where certificate information will be written
Global Flags:
--kubeconfig string Path to kubeconfig file: e.g. ~/.kube/kind-config-kind
--log-format string Log format: text|json (default "json")
--log-level string Log level: panic|fatal|error|warn|info|debug|trace (default "info")
Patch a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration and MutatingWebhookConfiguration 'webhook-name' and CustomResourceDefinitions by using the ca from 'secret-name' in 'namespace'
kube-webhook-certgen patch [flags]
--admission-registration-version string admissionregistration.k8s.io api version (default "v1")
--crd-api-groups string Comma-separated CustomResourceDefinition API Groups for which to patch the conversion webhook caBundle
--crds string Comma-separated CustomResourceDefinition names for which to patch the conversion webhook caBundle
-h, --help help for patch
--namespace string Namespace of the secret where certificate information will be read from
--patch-failure-policy string If set, patch the webhooks with this failure policy. Valid options are Ignore or Fail
--patch-mutating If true, patch MutatingWebhookConfiguration (default true)
--patch-validating If true, patch ValidatingWebhookConfiguration (default true)
--secret-name string Name of the secret where certificate information will be read from
--webhook-name string Name of ValidatingWebhookConfiguration and MutatingWebhookConfiguration that will be updated
Global Flags:
--kubeconfig string Path to kubeconfig file: e.g. ~/.kube/kind-config-kind
--log-format string Log format: text|json (default "json")
--log-level string Log level: panic|fatal|error|warn|info|debug|trace (default "info")
Recent changes
- added support for CRDs
- Updated go version to v1.19
- Added support for
flag which allows users to select which version of admissionregistration.k8s.io they want to use (v1 or v1beta1)