
package module
v0.0.0-...-7db3f9b Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 20, 2023 License: BSD-2-Clause Imports: 3 Imported by: 83




Go bindings to the PC/SC API.


go get -u


- Memory layouts/GC/cgo rules needs a thorough review.



Package scard provides bindings to the PC/SC API.

package main

import (

func die(err error) {

func waitUntilCardPresent(ctx *scard.Context, readers []string) (int, error) {
	rs := make([]scard.ReaderState, len(readers))
	for i := range rs {
		rs[i].Reader = readers[i]
		rs[i].CurrentState = scard.StateUnaware

	for {
		for i := range rs {
			if rs[i].EventState&scard.StatePresent != 0 {
				return i, nil
			rs[i].CurrentState = rs[i].EventState
		err := ctx.GetStatusChange(rs, -1)
		if err != nil {
			return -1, err

func main() {

	// Establish a context
	ctx, err := scard.EstablishContext()
	if err != nil {
	defer ctx.Release()

	// List available readers
	readers, err := ctx.ListReaders()
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Printf("Found %d readers:\n", len(readers))
	for i, reader := range readers {
		fmt.Printf("[%d] %s\n", i, reader)

	if len(readers) > 0 {

		fmt.Println("Waiting for a Card")
		index, err := waitUntilCardPresent(ctx, readers)
		if err != nil {

		// Connect to card
		fmt.Println("Connecting to card in ", readers[index])
		card, err := ctx.Connect(readers[index], scard.ShareExclusive, scard.ProtocolAny)
		if err != nil {
		defer card.Disconnect(scard.ResetCard)

		fmt.Println("Card status:")
		status, err := card.Status()
		if err != nil {

		fmt.Printf("\treader: %s\n\tstate: %x\n\tactive protocol: %x\n\tatr: % x\n",
			status.Reader, status.State, status.ActiveProtocol, status.Atr)

		var cmd = []byte{0x00, 0xa4, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x02, 0x3f, 0x00} // SELECT MF

		fmt.Printf("\tc-apdu: % x\n", cmd)
		rsp, err := card.Transmit(cmd)
		if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("\tr-apdu: % x\n", rsp)




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func CtlCode

func CtlCode(code uint16) uint32

C macro SCARD_CTL_CODE() equivalent to Compute IOCTL codes to be used with Control()

func Version

func Version() string

Version returns the libpcsclite version string


type Attrib

type Attrib uint32
const (
	AttrVendorName           Attrib = 0x10100
	AttrVendorIfdType        Attrib = 0x10101
	AttrVendorIfdVersion     Attrib = 0x10102
	AttrVendorIfdSerialNo    Attrib = 0x10103
	AttrChannelId            Attrib = 0x20110
	AttrAsyncProtocolTypes   Attrib = 0x30120
	AttrDefaultClk           Attrib = 0x30121
	AttrMaxClk               Attrib = 0x30122
	AttrDefaultDataRate      Attrib = 0x30123
	AttrMaxDataRate          Attrib = 0x30124
	AttrMaxIfsd              Attrib = 0x30125
	AttrSyncProtocolTypes    Attrib = 0x30126
	AttrPowerMgmtSupport     Attrib = 0x40131
	AttrUserToCardAuthDevice Attrib = 0x50140
	AttrUserAuthInputDevice  Attrib = 0x50142
	AttrCharacteristics      Attrib = 0x60150
	AttrCurrentProtocolType  Attrib = 0x80201
	AttrCurrentClk           Attrib = 0x80202
	AttrCurrentF             Attrib = 0x80203
	AttrCurrentD             Attrib = 0x80204
	AttrCurrentN             Attrib = 0x80205
	AttrCurrentW             Attrib = 0x80206
	AttrCurrentIfsc          Attrib = 0x80207
	AttrCurrentIfsd          Attrib = 0x80208
	AttrCurrentBwt           Attrib = 0x80209
	AttrCurrentCwt           Attrib = 0x8020a
	AttrCurrentEbcEncoding   Attrib = 0x8020b
	AttrExtendedBwt          Attrib = 0x8020c
	AttrIccPresence          Attrib = 0x90300
	AttrIccInterfaceStatus   Attrib = 0x90301
	AttrCurrentIoState       Attrib = 0x90302
	AttrAtrString            Attrib = 0x90303
	AttrIccTypePerAtr        Attrib = 0x90304
	AttrEscReset             Attrib = 0x7a000
	AttrEscCancel            Attrib = 0x7a003
	AttrEscAuthrequest       Attrib = 0x7a005
	AttrMaxinput             Attrib = 0x7a007
	AttrDeviceUnit           Attrib = 0x7fff0001
	AttrDeviceInUse          Attrib = 0x7fff0002
	AttrDeviceFriendlyName   Attrib = 0x7fff0003
	AttrDeviceSystemName     Attrib = 0x7fff0004
	AttrSupressT1IfsRequest  Attrib = 0x7fff0007

type Card

type Card struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Card) ActiveProtocol

func (card *Card) ActiveProtocol() Protocol

the protocol being used

func (*Card) BeginTransaction

func (card *Card) BeginTransaction() error

wraps SCardBeginTransaction

func (*Card) Control

func (card *Card) Control(ioctl uint32, in []byte) ([]byte, error)

wraps SCardControl

func (*Card) Disconnect

func (card *Card) Disconnect(d Disposition) error

wraps SCardDisconnect

func (*Card) EndTransaction

func (card *Card) EndTransaction(disp Disposition) error

wraps SCardEndTransaction

func (*Card) GetAttrib

func (card *Card) GetAttrib(id Attrib) ([]byte, error)

wraps SCardGetAttrib

func (*Card) Reconnect

func (card *Card) Reconnect(mode ShareMode, proto Protocol, disp Disposition) error

wraps SCardReconnect

func (*Card) SetAttrib

func (card *Card) SetAttrib(id Attrib, data []byte) error

wraps SCardSetAttrib

func (*Card) Status

func (card *Card) Status() (*CardStatus, error)

wraps SCardStatus

func (*Card) Transmit

func (card *Card) Transmit(cmd []byte) ([]byte, error)

wraps SCardTransmit

type CardStatus

type CardStatus struct {
	Reader         string
	State          State
	ActiveProtocol Protocol
	Atr            []byte

type Context

type Context struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func EstablishContext

func EstablishContext() (*Context, error)

wraps SCardEstablishContext

func (*Context) Cancel

func (ctx *Context) Cancel() error

wraps SCardCancel

func (*Context) Connect

func (ctx *Context) Connect(reader string, mode ShareMode, proto Protocol) (*Card, error)

wraps SCardConnect

func (*Context) GetStatusChange

func (ctx *Context) GetStatusChange(readerStates []ReaderState, timeout time.Duration) error

wraps SCardGetStatusChange

func (*Context) IsValid

func (ctx *Context) IsValid() (bool, error)

wraps SCardIsValidContext

func (*Context) ListReaderGroups

func (ctx *Context) ListReaderGroups() ([]string, error)

wraps SCardListReaderGroups

func (*Context) ListReaders

func (ctx *Context) ListReaders() ([]string, error)

wraps SCardListReaders

func (*Context) Release

func (ctx *Context) Release() error

wraps SCardReleaseContext

type Disposition

type Disposition uint32
const (
	LeaveCard   Disposition = 0x0
	ResetCard   Disposition = 0x1
	UnpowerCard Disposition = 0x2
	EjectCard   Disposition = 0x3

type Error

type Error uint32
const (
	ErrSuccess                Error = 0x0
	ErrInternalError          Error = 0x80100001
	ErrCancelled              Error = 0x80100002
	ErrInvalidHandle          Error = 0x80100003
	ErrInvalidParameter       Error = 0x80100004
	ErrInvalidTarget          Error = 0x80100005
	ErrNoMemory               Error = 0x80100006
	ErrWaitedTooLong          Error = 0x80100007
	ErrInsufficientBuffer     Error = 0x80100008
	ErrUnknownReader          Error = 0x80100009
	ErrTimeout                Error = 0x8010000a
	ErrSharingViolation       Error = 0x8010000b
	ErrNoSmartcard            Error = 0x8010000c
	ErrUnknownCard            Error = 0x8010000d
	ErrCantDispose            Error = 0x8010000e
	ErrProtoMismatch          Error = 0x8010000f
	ErrNotReady               Error = 0x80100010
	ErrInvalidValue           Error = 0x80100011
	ErrSystemCancelled        Error = 0x80100012
	ErrCommError              Error = 0x80100013
	ErrUnknownError           Error = 0x80100014
	ErrInvalidAtr             Error = 0x80100015
	ErrNotTransacted          Error = 0x80100016
	ErrReaderUnavailable      Error = 0x80100017
	ErrShutdown               Error = 0x80100018
	ErrPciTooSmall            Error = 0x80100019
	ErrReaderUnsupported      Error = 0x8010001a
	ErrDuplicateReader        Error = 0x8010001b
	ErrCardUnsupported        Error = 0x8010001c
	ErrNoService              Error = 0x8010001d
	ErrServiceStopped         Error = 0x8010001e
	ErrUnexpected             Error = 0x8010001f
	ErrUnsupportedFeature     Error = 0x8010001f
	ErrIccInstallation        Error = 0x80100020
	ErrIccCreateorder         Error = 0x80100021
	ErrFileNotFound           Error = 0x80100024
	ErrNoDir                  Error = 0x80100025
	ErrNoFile                 Error = 0x80100026
	ErrNoAccess               Error = 0x80100027
	ErrWriteTooMany           Error = 0x80100028
	ErrBadSeek                Error = 0x80100029
	ErrInvalidChv             Error = 0x8010002a
	ErrUnknownResMng          Error = 0x8010002b
	ErrNoSuchCertificate      Error = 0x8010002c
	ErrCertificateUnavailable Error = 0x8010002d
	ErrNoReadersAvailable     Error = 0x8010002e
	ErrCommDataLost           Error = 0x8010002f
	ErrNoKeyContainer         Error = 0x80100030
	ErrServerTooBusy          Error = 0x80100031
	ErrUnsupportedCard        Error = 0x80100065
	ErrUnresponsiveCard       Error = 0x80100066
	ErrUnpoweredCard          Error = 0x80100067
	ErrResetCard              Error = 0x80100068
	ErrRemovedCard            Error = 0x80100069
	ErrSecurityViolation      Error = 0x8010006a
	ErrWrongChv               Error = 0x8010006b
	ErrChvBlocked             Error = 0x8010006c
	ErrEof                    Error = 0x8010006d
	ErrCancelledByUser        Error = 0x8010006e
	ErrCardNotAuthenticated   Error = 0x8010006f

func (Error) Error

func (e Error) Error() string

type Protocol

type Protocol uint32
const (
	ProtocolUndefined Protocol = 0x0
	ProtocolT0        Protocol = 0x1
	ProtocolT1        Protocol = 0x2
	ProtocolAny       Protocol = ProtocolT0 | ProtocolT1

type ReaderState

type ReaderState struct {
	Reader       string
	UserData     interface{}
	CurrentState StateFlag
	EventState   StateFlag
	Atr          []byte

type Scope

type Scope uint32
const (
	ScopeUser     Scope = 0x0
	ScopeTerminal Scope = 0x1
	ScopeSystem   Scope = 0x2

type ShareMode

type ShareMode uint32
const (
	ShareExclusive ShareMode = 0x1
	ShareShared    ShareMode = 0x2
	ShareDirect    ShareMode = 0x3

type State

type State uint32
const (
	Unknown    State = 0x1
	Absent     State = 0x2
	Present    State = 0x4
	Swallowed  State = 0x8
	Powered    State = 0x10
	Negotiable State = 0x20
	Specific   State = 0x40

type StateFlag

type StateFlag uint32
const (
	StateUnaware     StateFlag = 0x0
	StateIgnore      StateFlag = 0x1
	StateChanged     StateFlag = 0x2
	StateUnknown     StateFlag = 0x4
	StateUnavailable StateFlag = 0x8
	StateEmpty       StateFlag = 0x10
	StatePresent     StateFlag = 0x20
	StateAtrmatch    StateFlag = 0x40
	StateExclusive   StateFlag = 0x80
	StateInuse       StateFlag = 0x100
	StateMute        StateFlag = 0x200
	StateUnpowered   StateFlag = 0x400

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