Gofreta REST API server
The project is still in very early stage of development and is not recommended to be used in production environment, unless you really know what you are doing!
"Go + Mongo" REST API server implementation for Gofreta.
Install MongoDB 3.2+ and after that apply the following command to insert an initial user and language items (you can change them later):
mongo localhost/gofreta --eval '
var nowTimestamp = Date.now() / 1000 << 0;
// insert user "admin" with password "123456"
var adminUser = {"username": "admin", "email": "admin@example.com", "status": "active", "password_hash": "$2a$12$rdX7N6gpAzKJ/7DzCMyVdeRaTUv6faL6GxhTODzlJcuDHRf4hedoO", "reset_password_hash": "", "access": {"user": ["index", "view", "create", "update", "delete"], "key": ["index", "view", "create", "update", "delete"], "language": ["create", "update", "delete"], "media": ["index", "view", "upload", "update", "delete", "replace"], "collection": ["index", "view", "create", "update", "delete"]}, "created": nowTimestamp, "modified": nowTimestamp};
// insert English(en) language
var language = {"title": "English", "locale": "en", "created": nowTimestamp, "modified": nowTimestamp};
Download the latest Gofreta binary release and place it on your server.
Execute the binary and specify the environment configuration file (see Configurations):
./gofreta -config="/path/to/config.yaml"
That's it :). Check the API Reference documentation for info how to use the API.
To download and install the package, execute the following command:
# install the application
go get github.com/gofreta/gofreta-api
# install glide (a vendoring and dependency management tool), if you don't have it yet
go get -u github.com/Masterminds/glide
# fetch the dependent packages
cd $GOPATH/gofreta/gofreta-api
$GOPATH/bin/glide install
Now you can build and run the application by running the following command:
# navigate to the applicatin directory
cd $GOPATH/gofreta/gofreta-api
# run the application with the default configurations
go run server.go
# run the application with user specified configuration file
go run server.go -config="/path/to/config.yaml"
Here is a yaml config file with the default application configurations:
You can extend it by using the -config
flag (eg. -config="/path/to/config.yaml"
# the API base http server address
host: "http://localhost:8090"
# the Data Source Name for the database
dsn: "localhost/gofreta"
# mail server settings (if `host` is empty no emails will be send)
host: ""
username: ""
password: ""
port: 25
# these are secret keys used for JWT signing and verification
verificationKey: "__your_key__"
signingKey: "__your_key__"
signingMethod: "HS256"
# user auth token session duration (in hours)
userTokenExpire: 72
# reset password settings
# user reset password token secret
secret: "__your_secret__"
# user reset password token valid duration time (in hours)
expire: 2
# if not empty, the link will be included in the reset password email
# (use `<hash>` as a placeholder for the reset password token, eg. `http://example.com/reset-password/<hash>`)
pageLink: ""
# pagination settings
defaultLimit: 15
maxLimit: 100
# upload settings
maxSize: 5
thumbs: ["100x100", "300x300"]
dir: "./uploads"
url: "http://localhost:8090/upload"
# system email addresses
noreply: "noreply@example.com"
support: "support@example.com"
I recommend you to double check the following parameters: host
, dsn
, mailer
, jwt
, resetPassword.secret
and upload
API Reference
Detailed info and response examples are available at the offical Gofreta docs - https://gofreta.com/docs
Gofreta REST API is part from Gofreta - an Open Source project licensed under the BSD3-License.
Help us improve and continue the project development - https://gofreta.com/support-us