Index ¶
- Constants
- func AppExists(t *testing.T, appName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
- func AppExistsE(appName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
- func AvailabilitySetExists(t testing.TestingT, avsName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
- func AvailabilitySetExistsE(t testing.TestingT, avsName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
- func BuildNamespaceIdsList(sbNamespace []servicebus.SBNamespace) []string
- func BuildNamespaceNamesList(sbNamespace []servicebus.SBNamespace) []string
- func CheckAvailabilitySetContainsVM(t testing.TestingT, vmName string, avsName string, resGroupName string, ...) bool
- func CheckAvailabilitySetContainsVME(t testing.TestingT, vmName string, avsName string, resGroupName string, ...) (bool, error)
- func CheckPublicDNSNameAvailability(t testing.TestingT, location string, domainNameLabel string, ...) bool
- func CheckPublicDNSNameAvailabilityE(location string, domainNameLabel string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
- func CheckSubnetContainsIP(t testing.TestingT, IP string, subnetName string, vnetName string, ...) bool
- func CheckSubnetContainsIPE(ipAddress string, subnetName string, vnetName string, resGroupName string, ...) (bool, error)
- func ContainerInstanceExists(t *testing.T, instanceName string, resourceGroupName string, ...) bool
- func ContainerInstanceExistsE(instanceName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
- func ContainerRegistryExists(t *testing.T, registryName string, resourceGroupName string, ...) bool
- func ContainerRegistryExistsE(registryName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
- func CreateActionGroupClient(subscriptionID string) (*insights.ActionGroupsClient, error)
- func CreateActivityLogAlertsClientE(subscriptionID string) (*insights.ActivityLogAlertsClient, error)
- func CreateAppServiceClientE(subscriptionID string) (*web.AppsClient, error)
- func CreateAvailabilitySetClientE(subscriptionID string) (*compute.AvailabilitySetsClient, error)
- func CreateContainerInstanceClientE(subscriptionID string) (*containerinstance.ContainerGroupsClient, error)
- func CreateContainerRegistryClientE(subscriptionID string) (*containerregistry.RegistriesClient, error)
- func CreateCosmosDBAccountClientE(subscriptionID string) (*documentdb.DatabaseAccountsClient, error)
- func CreateCosmosDBSQLClientE(subscriptionID string) (*documentdb.SQLResourcesClient, error)
- func CreateDataFactoriesClientE(subscriptionID string) (*datafactory.FactoriesClient, error)
- func CreateDatabaseClient(subscriptionID string) (*sql.DatabasesClient, error)
- func CreateDiagnosticsSettingsClientE(subscriptionID string) (*insights.DiagnosticSettingsClient, error)
- func CreateDisksClientE(subscriptionID string) (*compute.DisksClient, error)
- func CreateFrontDoorClientE(subscriptionID string) (*frontdoor.FrontDoorsClient, error)
- func CreateFrontDoorFrontendEndpointClientE(subscriptionID string) (*frontdoor.FrontendEndpointsClient, error)
- func CreateKeyVaultManagementClientE(subscriptionID string) (*kvmng.VaultsClient, error)
- func CreateLoadBalancerClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.LoadBalancersClient, error)
- func CreateManagedClustersClientE(subscriptionID string) (containerservice.ManagedClustersClient, error)
- func CreateMySQLServerClientE(subscriptionID string) (*mysql.ServersClient, error)
- func CreateNewNetworkInterfaceIPConfigurationClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.InterfaceIPConfigurationsClient, error)
- func CreateNewNetworkInterfacesClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.InterfacesClient, error)
- func CreateNewSubnetClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.SubnetsClient, error)
- func CreateNewVirtualNetworkClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.VirtualNetworksClient, error)
- func CreateNsgCustomRulesClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.SecurityRulesClient, error)
- func CreateNsgDefaultRulesClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.DefaultSecurityRulesClient, error)
- func CreatePublicIPAddressesClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.PublicIPAddressesClient, error)
- func CreateResourceGroupClientE(subscriptionID string) (*resources.GroupsClient, error)
- func CreateSQLMangedDatabasesClient(subscriptionID string) (*sqlmi.ManagedDatabasesClient, error)
- func CreateSQLMangedInstanceClient(subscriptionID string) (*sqlmi.ManagedInstancesClient, error)
- func CreateSQLServerClient(subscriptionID string) (*sql.ServersClient, error)
- func CreateStorageAccountClientE(subscriptionID string) (*storage.AccountsClient, error)
- func CreateStorageBlobContainerClientE(subscriptionID string) (*storage.BlobContainersClient, error)
- func CreateStorageFileSharesClientE(subscriptionID string) (*storage.FileSharesClient, error)
- func CreateSubscriptionsClientE() (subscriptions.Client, error)
- func CreateSynapseSqlPoolClientE(subscriptionID string) (*synapse.SQLPoolsClient, error)
- func CreateSynapseWorkspaceClientE(subscriptionID string) (*synapse.WorkspacesClient, error)
- func CreateVMInsightsClientE(subscriptionID string) (*insights.VMInsightsClient, error)
- func CreateVirtualMachinesClientE(subscriptionID string) (*compute.VirtualMachinesClient, error)
- func DataFactoryExists(t testing.TestingT, dataFactoryName string, resourceGroupName string, ...) bool
- func DataFactoryExistsE(dataFactoryName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
- func DiagnosticSettingsResourceExists(t testing.TestingT, diagnosticSettingsResourceName string, resourceURI string, ...) bool
- func DiagnosticSettingsResourceExistsE(diagnosticSettingsResourceName string, resourceURI string, ...) (bool, error)
- func DiskExists(t testing.TestingT, diskName string, resGroupName string, ...) bool
- func DiskExistsE(diskName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
- func FrontDoorExists(t testing.TestingT, frontDoorName string, resourceGroupName string, ...) bool
- func FrontDoorExistsE(frontDoorName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
- func FrontDoorFrontendEndpointExists(t testing.TestingT, endpointName string, frontDoorName string, ...) bool
- func FrontDoorFrontendEndpointExistsE(endpointName string, frontDoorName string, resourceGroupName string, ...) (bool, error)
- func GetAResourceGroup(t *testing.T, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) *resources.Group
- func GetAResourceGroupE(resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (*resources.Group, error)
- func GetActionGroupResource(t *testing.T, ruleName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) *insights.ActionGroupResource
- func GetActionGroupResourceE(ruleName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*insights.ActionGroupResource, error)
- func GetActivityLogAlertResource(t testing.TestingT, activityLogAlertName string, resGroupName string, ...) *insights.ActivityLogAlertResource
- func GetActivityLogAlertResourceE(activityLogAlertName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*insights.ActivityLogAlertResource, error)
- func GetActivityLogAlertsClientE(subscriptionID string) (*insights.ActivityLogAlertsClient, error)
- func GetAllAzureRegions(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string) []string
- func GetAllAzureRegionsE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string) ([]string, error)
- func GetAppService(t *testing.T, appName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) *web.Site
- func GetAppServiceClientE(subscriptionID string) (*web.AppsClient, error)
- func GetAppServiceE(appName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*web.Site, error)
- func GetAvailabilitySetClientE(subscriptionID string) (*compute.AvailabilitySetsClient, error)
- func GetAvailabilitySetE(t testing.TestingT, avsName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*compute.AvailabilitySet, error)
- func GetAvailabilitySetFaultDomainCount(t testing.TestingT, avsName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) int32
- func GetAvailabilitySetFaultDomainCountE(t testing.TestingT, avsName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (int32, error)
- func GetAvailabilitySetVMNamesInCaps(t testing.TestingT, avsName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) []string
- func GetAvailabilitySetVMNamesInCapsE(t testing.TestingT, avsName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) ([]string, error)
- func GetContainerInstance(t *testing.T, instanceName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) *containerinstance.ContainerGroup
- func GetContainerInstanceClientE(subscriptionID string) (*containerinstance.ContainerGroupsClient, error)
- func GetContainerInstanceE(instanceName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*containerinstance.ContainerGroup, error)
- func GetContainerRegistry(t *testing.T, registryName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) *containerregistry.Registry
- func GetContainerRegistryClientE(subscriptionID string) (*containerregistry.RegistriesClient, error)
- func GetContainerRegistryE(registryName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*containerregistry.Registry, error)
- func GetCosmosDBAccount(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resourceGroupName string, ...) *documentdb.DatabaseAccountGetResults
- func GetCosmosDBAccountClient(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string) *documentdb.DatabaseAccountsClient
- func GetCosmosDBAccountClientE(subscriptionID string) (*documentdb.DatabaseAccountsClient, error)
- func GetCosmosDBAccountE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resourceGroupName string, ...) (*documentdb.DatabaseAccountGetResults, error)
- func GetCosmosDBSQLClient(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string) *documentdb.SQLResourcesClient
- func GetCosmosDBSQLClientE(subscriptionID string) (*documentdb.SQLResourcesClient, error)
- func GetCosmosDBSQLContainer(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resourceGroupName string, ...) *documentdb.SQLContainerGetResults
- func GetCosmosDBSQLContainerE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resourceGroupName string, ...) (*documentdb.SQLContainerGetResults, error)
- func GetCosmosDBSQLContainerThroughput(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resourceGroupName string, ...) *documentdb.ThroughputSettingsGetResults
- func GetCosmosDBSQLContainerThroughputE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resourceGroupName string, ...) (*documentdb.ThroughputSettingsGetResults, error)
- func GetCosmosDBSQLDatabase(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resourceGroupName string, ...) *documentdb.SQLDatabaseGetResults
- func GetCosmosDBSQLDatabaseE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resourceGroupName string, ...) (*documentdb.SQLDatabaseGetResults, error)
- func GetCosmosDBSQLDatabaseThroughput(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resourceGroupName string, ...) *documentdb.ThroughputSettingsGetResults
- func GetCosmosDBSQLDatabaseThroughputE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resourceGroupName string, ...) (*documentdb.ThroughputSettingsGetResults, error)
- func GetCustomNsgRulesClient(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string) network.SecurityRulesClient
- func GetCustomNsgRulesClientE(subscriptionID string) (network.SecurityRulesClient, error)
- func GetDataFactory(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, factoryName string, ...) *datafactory.Factory
- func GetDataFactoryE(subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, factoryName string) (*datafactory.Factory, error)
- func GetDatabaseClient(subscriptionID string) (*sql.DatabasesClient, error)
- func GetDefaultNsgRulesClient(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string) network.DefaultSecurityRulesClient
- func GetDefaultNsgRulesClientE(subscriptionID string) (network.DefaultSecurityRulesClient, error)
- func GetDiagnosticsSettingsClientE(subscriptionID string) (*insights.DiagnosticSettingsClient, error)
- func GetDiagnosticsSettingsResource(t testing.TestingT, name string, resourceURI string, subscriptionID string) *insights.DiagnosticSettingsResource
- func GetDiagnosticsSettingsResourceE(name string, resourceURI string, subscriptionID string) (*insights.DiagnosticSettingsResource, error)
- func GetDisk(t testing.TestingT, diskName string, resGroupName string, ...) *compute.Disk
- func GetDiskClientE(subscriptionID string) (*compute.DisksClient, error)
- func GetDiskE(diskName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*compute.Disk, error)
- func GetFrontDoor(t testing.TestingT, frontDoorName string, resourceGroupName string, ...) *frontdoor.FrontDoor
- func GetFrontDoorClientE(subscriptionID string) (*frontdoor.FrontDoorsClient, error)
- func GetFrontDoorE(frontDoorName, resoureGroupName, subscriptionID string) (*frontdoor.FrontDoor, error)
- func GetFrontDoorFrontendEndpoint(t testing.TestingT, endpointName string, frontDoorName string, ...) *frontdoor.FrontendEndpoint
- func GetFrontDoorFrontendEndpointClientE(subscriptionID string) (*frontdoor.FrontendEndpointsClient, error)
- func GetFrontDoorFrontendEndpointE(endpointName, frontDoorName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (*frontdoor.FrontendEndpoint, error)
- func GetIPOfPublicIPAddressByName(t testing.TestingT, publicAddressName string, resGroupName string, ...) string
- func GetIPOfPublicIPAddressByNameE(publicAddressName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (string, error)
- func GetKeyVault(t *testing.T, resGroupName string, keyVaultName string, subscriptionID string) *kvmng.Vault
- func GetKeyVaultClientE() (*keyvault.BaseClient, error)
- func GetKeyVaultE(t *testing.T, resGroupName string, keyVaultName string, subscriptionID string) (*kvmng.Vault, error)
- func GetKeyVaultManagementClientE(subscriptionID string) (*kvmng.VaultsClient, error)
- func GetKeyVaultURISuffixE() (string, error)
- func GetLoadBalancer(t testing.TestingT, loadBalancerName string, resourceGroupName string, ...) *network.LoadBalancer
- func GetLoadBalancerClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.LoadBalancersClient, error)
- func GetLoadBalancerE(loadBalancerName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*network.LoadBalancer, error)
- func GetLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfig(t testing.TestingT, feConfigName string, loadBalancerName string, ...) *network.FrontendIPConfiguration
- func GetLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationsClient, error)
- func GetLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigE(feConfigName string, loadBalancerName string, resourceGroupName string, ...) (*network.FrontendIPConfiguration, error)
- func GetLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigNames(t testing.TestingT, loadBalancerName string, resourceGroupName string, ...) []string
- func GetLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigNamesE(loadBalancerName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) ([]string, error)
- func GetLogAnalyticsWorkspace(t testing.TestingT, workspaceName string, resourceGroupName string, ...) *operationalinsights.Workspace
- func GetLogAnalyticsWorkspaceE(workspaceName, resoureGroupName, subscriptionID string) (*operationalinsights.Workspace, error)
- func GetLogAnalyticsWorkspacesClientE(subscriptionID string) (*operationalinsights.WorkspacesClient, error)
- func GetMYSQLDB(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, serverName string, dbName string, ...) *mysql.Database
- func GetMYSQLDBClientE(subscriptionID string) (*mysql.DatabasesClient, error)
- func GetMYSQLDBE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, ...) (*mysql.Database, error)
- func GetMYSQLServer(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, serverName string, ...) *mysql.Server
- func GetMYSQLServerClientE(subscriptionID string) (*mysql.ServersClient, error)
- func GetMYSQLServerE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, ...) (*mysql.Server, error)
- func GetManagedClusterE(t testing.TestingT, resourceGroupName, clusterName, subscriptionID string) (*containerservice.ManagedCluster, error)
- func GetManagedClustersClientE(subscriptionID string) (*containerservice.ManagedClustersClient, error)
- func GetManagedInstance(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, managedInstanceName string, ...) *sql.ManagedInstance
- func GetManagedInstanceDatabase(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, managedInstanceName string, ...) *sql.ManagedDatabase
- func GetManagedInstanceDatabaseE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, ...) (*sql.ManagedDatabase, error)
- func GetManagedInstanceE(subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, managedInstanceName string) (*sql.ManagedInstance, error)
- func GetNameFromResourceID(resourceID string) string
- func GetNameFromResourceIDE(resourceID string) (string, error)
- func GetNetworkInterfaceClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.InterfacesClient, error)
- func GetNetworkInterfaceConfigurationClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.InterfaceIPConfigurationsClient, error)
- func GetNetworkInterfaceConfigurationE(nicName string, nicConfigName string, resGroupName string, ...) (*network.InterfaceIPConfiguration, error)
- func GetNetworkInterfaceE(nicName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*network.Interface, error)
- func GetNetworkInterfacePrivateIPs(t testing.TestingT, nicName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) []string
- func GetNetworkInterfacePrivateIPsE(nicName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) ([]string, error)
- func GetNetworkInterfacePublicIPs(t testing.TestingT, nicName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) []string
- func GetNetworkInterfacePublicIPsE(nicName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) ([]string, error)
- func GetPostgreSQLDB(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, serverName string, dbName string, ...) *postgresql.Database
- func GetPostgreSQLDBClientE(subscriptionID string) (*postgresql.DatabasesClient, error)
- func GetPostgreSQLDBE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, ...) (*postgresql.Database, error)
- func GetPostgreSQLServer(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, serverName string, ...) *postgresql.Server
- func GetPostgreSQLServerClientE(subscriptionID string) (*postgresql.ServersClient, error)
- func GetPostgreSQLServerE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, ...) (*postgresql.Server, error)
- func GetPublicIPAddressClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.PublicIPAddressesClient, error)
- func GetPublicIPAddressE(publicIPAddressName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*network.PublicIPAddress, error)
- func GetRandomRegion(t testing.TestingT, approvedRegions []string, forbiddenRegions []string, ...) string
- func GetRandomRegionE(t testing.TestingT, approvedRegions []string, forbiddenRegions []string, ...) (string, error)
- func GetRandomStableRegion(t testing.TestingT, approvedRegions []string, forbiddenRegions []string, ...) string
- func GetRecoveryServicesVaultBackupPolicyList(t *testing.T, vaultName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) map[string]backup.ProtectionPolicyResource
- func GetRecoveryServicesVaultBackupPolicyListE(vaultName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (map[string]backup.ProtectionPolicyResource, error)
- func GetRecoveryServicesVaultBackupProtectedVMList(t *testing.T, policyName, vaultName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) map[string]backup.AzureIaaSComputeVMProtectedItem
- func GetRecoveryServicesVaultBackupProtectedVMListE(policyName, vaultName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (map[string]backup.AzureIaaSComputeVMProtectedItem, error)
- func GetRecoveryServicesVaultE(vaultName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (*recoveryservices.Vault, error)
- func GetResourceGroupClientE(subscriptionID string) (*resources.GroupsClient, error)
- func GetResourceGroupE(resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
- func GetSQLDatabase(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, serverName string, dbName string, ...) *sql.Database
- func GetSQLDatabaseE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, ...) (*sql.Database, error)
- func GetSQLServer(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, serverName string, ...) *sql.Server
- func GetSQLServerClient(subscriptionID string) (*sql.ServersClient, error)
- func GetSQLServerE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, ...) (*sql.Server, error)
- func GetSizeOfVirtualMachine(t testing.TestingT, vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) compute.VirtualMachineSizeTypes
- func GetSizeOfVirtualMachineE(vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (compute.VirtualMachineSizeTypes, error)
- func GetStorageAccountClientE(subscriptionID string) (*storage.AccountsClient, error)
- func GetStorageAccountE(storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (*storage.Account, error)
- func GetStorageAccountKind(t *testing.T, storageAccountName string, resourceGroupName string, ...) string
- func GetStorageAccountKindE(storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (string, error)
- func GetStorageAccountPrimaryBlobEndpointE(storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (string, error)
- func GetStorageAccountPropertyE(storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (*storage.Account, error)
- func GetStorageAccountSkuTier(t *testing.T, storageAccountName string, resourceGroupName string, ...) string
- func GetStorageAccountSkuTierE(storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (string, error)
- func GetStorageBlobContainerClientE(subscriptionID string) (*storage.BlobContainersClient, error)
- func GetStorageBlobContainerE(containerName, storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (*storage.BlobContainer, error)
- func GetStorageBlobContainerPublicAccess(t *testing.T, containerName string, storageAccountName string, ...) bool
- func GetStorageBlobContainerPublicAccessE(containerName, storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
- func GetStorageDNSString(t *testing.T, storageAccountName string, resourceGroupName string, ...) string
- func GetStorageDNSStringE(storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (string, error)
- func GetStorageFileShare(t *testing.T, ...) *storage.FileShare
- func GetStorageFileShareE(fileShareName, storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (*storage.FileShare, error)
- func GetStorageURISuffixE() (string, error)
- func GetSubnetClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.SubnetsClient, error)
- func GetSubnetE(subnetName string, vnetName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*network.Subnet, error)
- func GetSubscriptionClientE() (*subscriptions.Client, error)
- func GetSynapseSqlPool(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, workspaceName string, ...) *synapse.SQLPool
- func GetSynapseSqlPoolE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, ...) (*synapse.SQLPool, error)
- func GetSynapseWorkspace(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, workspaceName string, ...) *synapse.Workspace
- func GetSynapseWorkspaceE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, ...) (*synapse.Workspace, error)
- func GetTargetAzureResourceGroupName(resourceGroupName string) (string, error)
- func GetTargetAzureSubscription(subscriptionID string) (string, error)
- func GetVMInsightsClientE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string) (*insights.VMInsightsClient, error)
- func GetVMInsightsOnboardingStatus(t testing.TestingT, resourceURI string, subscriptionID string) *insights.VMInsightsOnboardingStatus
- func GetVMInsightsOnboardingStatusE(t testing.TestingT, resourceURI string, subscriptionID string) (*insights.VMInsightsOnboardingStatus, error)
- func GetVirtualMachine(t testing.TestingT, vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) *compute.VirtualMachine
- func GetVirtualMachineAvailabilitySetID(t testing.TestingT, vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) string
- func GetVirtualMachineAvailabilitySetIDE(vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (string, error)
- func GetVirtualMachineClient(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string) *compute.VirtualMachinesClient
- func GetVirtualMachineClientE(subscriptionID string) (*compute.VirtualMachinesClient, error)
- func GetVirtualMachineE(vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*compute.VirtualMachine, error)
- func GetVirtualMachineManagedDisks(t testing.TestingT, vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) []string
- func GetVirtualMachineManagedDisksE(vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) ([]string, error)
- func GetVirtualMachineNics(t testing.TestingT, vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) []string
- func GetVirtualMachineNicsE(vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) ([]string, error)
- func GetVirtualMachineOSDiskName(t testing.TestingT, vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) string
- func GetVirtualMachineOSDiskNameE(vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (string, error)
- func GetVirtualMachineTags(t testing.TestingT, vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) map[string]string
- func GetVirtualMachineTagsE(vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (map[string]string, error)
- func GetVirtualMachinesForResourceGroup(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) map[string]compute.VirtualMachineProperties
- func GetVirtualMachinesForResourceGroupE(resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (map[string]compute.VirtualMachineProperties, error)
- func GetVirtualNetworkDNSServerIPs(t testing.TestingT, vnetName string, resGroupName string, ...) []string
- func GetVirtualNetworkDNSServerIPsE(vnetName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) ([]string, error)
- func GetVirtualNetworkE(vnetName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*network.VirtualNetwork, error)
- func GetVirtualNetworkSubnets(t testing.TestingT, vnetName string, resGroupName string, ...) map[string]string
- func GetVirtualNetworkSubnetsE(vnetName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (map[string]string, error)
- func GetVirtualNetworksClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.VirtualNetworksClient, error)
- func KeyVaultCertificateExists(t *testing.T, keyVaultName string, certificateName string) bool
- func KeyVaultCertificateExistsE(keyVaultName, certificateName string) (bool, error)
- func KeyVaultKeyExists(t *testing.T, keyVaultName string, keyName string) bool
- func KeyVaultKeyExistsE(keyVaultName, keyName string) (bool, error)
- func KeyVaultSecretExists(t *testing.T, keyVaultName string, secretName string) bool
- func KeyVaultSecretExistsE(keyVaultName, secretName string) (bool, error)
- func ListMySQLDB(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, serverName string, ...) []mysql.Database
- func ListMySQLDBE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, ...) ([]mysql.Database, error)
- func ListNamespaceAuthRules(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string, namespace string, resourceGroup string) []string
- func ListNamespaceAuthRulesE(subscriptionID string, namespace string, resourceGroup string) ([]string, error)
- func ListNamespaceTopics(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string, namespace string, resourceGroup string) []servicebus.SBTopic
- func ListNamespaceTopicsE(subscriptionID string, namespace string, resourceGroup string) ([]servicebus.SBTopic, error)
- func ListPostgreSQLDB(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, ...) []postgresql.Database
- func ListPostgreSQLDBE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, ...) ([]postgresql.Database, error)
- func ListResourceGroupsByTag(t *testing.T, tag, subscriptionID string) []resources.Group
- func ListResourceGroupsByTagE(tag string, subscriptionID string) ([]resources.Group, error)
- func ListSQLServerDatabases(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, serverName string, ...) *[]sql.Database
- func ListSQLServerDatabasesE(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, serverName string, ...) (*[]sql.Database, error)
- func ListServiceBusNamespace(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string) []servicebus.SBNamespace
- func ListServiceBusNamespaceByResourceGroup(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string, resourceGroup string) []servicebus.SBNamespace
- func ListServiceBusNamespaceByResourceGroupE(subscriptionID string, resourceGroup string) ([]servicebus.SBNamespace, error)
- func ListServiceBusNamespaceE(subscriptionID string) ([]servicebus.SBNamespace, error)
- func ListServiceBusNamespaceIDs(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string) []string
- func ListServiceBusNamespaceIDsByResourceGroup(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string, resourceGroup string) []string
- func ListServiceBusNamespaceIDsByResourceGroupE(subscriptionID string, resourceGroup string) ([]string, error)
- func ListServiceBusNamespaceIDsE(subscriptionID string) ([]string, error)
- func ListServiceBusNamespaceNames(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string) []string
- func ListServiceBusNamespaceNamesByResourceGroup(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string, resourceGroup string) []string
- func ListServiceBusNamespaceNamesByResourceGroupE(subscriptionID string, resourceGroup string) ([]string, error)
- func ListServiceBusNamespaceNamesE(subscriptionID string) ([]string, error)
- func ListTopicAuthRules(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string, namespace string, resourceGroup string, ...) []string
- func ListTopicAuthRulesE(subscriptionID string, namespace string, resourceGroup string, ...) ([]string, error)
- func ListTopicSubscriptions(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string, namespace string, resourceGroup string, ...) []servicebus.SBSubscription
- func ListTopicSubscriptionsE(subscriptionID string, namespace string, resourceGroup string, ...) ([]servicebus.SBSubscription, error)
- func ListTopicSubscriptionsName(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string, namespace string, resourceGroup string, ...) []string
- func ListTopicSubscriptionsNameE(subscriptionID string, namespace string, resourceGroup string, ...) ([]string, error)
- func ListVirtualMachinesForResourceGroup(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) []string
- func ListVirtualMachinesForResourceGroupE(resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) ([]string, error)
- func LoadBalancerExists(t testing.TestingT, loadBalancerName string, resourceGroupName string, ...) bool
- func LoadBalancerExistsE(loadBalancerName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
- func LogAnalyticsWorkspaceExists(t testing.TestingT, workspaceName string, resourceGroupName string, ...) bool
- func LogAnalyticsWorkspaceExistsE(workspaceName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
- func NetworkInterfaceExists(t testing.TestingT, nicName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
- func NetworkInterfaceExistsE(nicName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
- func NewAuthorizer() (*autorest.Authorizer, error)
- func NewKeyVaultAuthorizerE() (*autorest.Authorizer, error)
- func PublicAddressExists(t testing.TestingT, publicAddressName string, resGroupName string, ...) bool
- func PublicAddressExistsE(publicAddressName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
- func RecoveryServicesVaultExists(t *testing.T, vaultName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) bool
- func RecoveryServicesVaultExistsE(vaultName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
- func ResourceGroupExists(t *testing.T, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
- func ResourceGroupExistsE(resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
- func ResourceNotFoundErrorExists(err error) bool
- func SQLManagedInstanceExists(t testing.TestingT, managedInstanceName string, resourceGroupName string, ...) bool
- func SQLManagedInstanceExistsE(managedInstanceName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
- func StorageAccountExists(t *testing.T, storageAccountName string, resourceGroupName string, ...) bool
- func StorageAccountExistsE(storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
- func StorageBlobContainerExists(t *testing.T, containerName string, storageAccountName string, ...) bool
- func StorageBlobContainerExistsE(containerName, storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
- func StorageFileShareExists(t *testing.T, fileSahreName string, storageAccountName string, ...) bool
- func StorageFileShareExistsE(t *testing.T, fileSahreName string, storageAccountName string, ...) (bool, error)
- func SubnetExists(t testing.TestingT, subnetName string, vnetName string, resGroupName string, ...) bool
- func SubnetExistsE(subnetName string, vnetName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
- func VirtualMachineExists(t testing.TestingT, vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
- func VirtualMachineExistsE(vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
- func VirtualNetworkExists(t testing.TestingT, vnetName string, resGroupName string, ...) bool
- func VirtualNetworkExistsE(vnetName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
- type ClientType
- type FailedToParseError
- type Instance
- type LoadBalancerIPType
- func GetIPOfLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfig(t testing.TestingT, feConfigName string, loadBalancerName string, ...) (ipAddress string, publicOrPrivate LoadBalancerIPType)
- func GetIPOfLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigE(feConfigName string, loadBalancerName string, resourceGroupName string, ...) (ipAddress string, publicOrPrivate LoadBalancerIPType, err1 error)
- type NotFoundError
- type NsgRuleSummary
- type NsgRuleSummaryList
- type ResourceGroupNameNotFound
- type SubscriptionIDNotFound
- type VMImage
Constants ¶
const ( // AuthFromEnvClient is an env variable supported by the Azure SDK AuthFromEnvClient = "AZURE_CLIENT_ID" // AuthFromEnvTenant is an env variable supported by the Azure SDK AuthFromEnvTenant = "AZURE_TENANT_ID" // AuthFromFile is an env variable supported by the Azure SDK AuthFromFile = "AZURE_AUTH_LOCATION" )
const ( // AzureEnvironmentEnvName is the name of the Azure environment to use. Set to one of the following: // // "AzureChinaCloud": ChinaCloud // "AzureGermanCloud": GermanCloud // "AzurePublicCloud": PublicCloud // "AzureUSGovernmentCloud": USGovernmentCloud // "AzureStackCloud": Azure stack AzureEnvironmentEnvName = "AZURE_ENVIRONMENT" // ResourceManagerEndpointName is the name of the ResourceManagerEndpoint field in the Environment struct. ResourceManagerEndpointName = "ResourceManagerEndpoint" )
const ( // AzureSubscriptionID is an optional env variable supported by the `azurerm` Terraform provider to // designate a target Azure subscription ID AzureSubscriptionID = "ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" // AzureResGroupName is an optional env variable custom to Terratest to designate a target Azure resource group AzureResGroupName = "AZURE_RES_GROUP_NAME" )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AppExists ¶ added in v0.36.8
AppExists indicates whether the specified application exists. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func AppExistsE ¶ added in v0.36.8
AppExistsE indicates whether the specified application exists.
func AvailabilitySetExists ¶ added in v0.30.3
func AvailabilitySetExists(t testing.TestingT, avsName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
AvailabilitySetExists indicates whether the specified Azure Availability Set exists. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func AvailabilitySetExistsE ¶ added in v0.30.3
func AvailabilitySetExistsE(t testing.TestingT, avsName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
AvailabilitySetExistsE indicates whether the specified Azure Availability Set exists
func BuildNamespaceIdsList ¶ added in v0.37.11
func BuildNamespaceIdsList(sbNamespace []servicebus.SBNamespace) []string
BuildNamespaceIdsList helper method to build namespace id list
func BuildNamespaceNamesList ¶ added in v0.37.11
func BuildNamespaceNamesList(sbNamespace []servicebus.SBNamespace) []string
BuildNamespaceNamesList helper method to build namespace name list
func CheckAvailabilitySetContainsVM ¶ added in v0.30.3
func CheckAvailabilitySetContainsVM(t testing.TestingT, vmName string, avsName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
CheckAvailabilitySetContainsVM checks if the Virtual Machine is contained in the Availability Set VMs. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func CheckAvailabilitySetContainsVME ¶ added in v0.30.3
func CheckAvailabilitySetContainsVME(t testing.TestingT, vmName string, avsName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
CheckAvailabilitySetContainsVME checks if the Virtual Machine is contained in the Availability Set VMs
func CheckPublicDNSNameAvailability ¶ added in v0.30.6
func CheckPublicDNSNameAvailability(t testing.TestingT, location string, domainNameLabel string, subscriptionID string) bool
CheckPublicDNSNameAvailability checks whether a Domain Name in the zone is available for use. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func CheckPublicDNSNameAvailabilityE ¶ added in v0.30.6
func CheckPublicDNSNameAvailabilityE(location string, domainNameLabel string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
CheckPublicDNSNameAvailabilityE checks whether a Domain Name in the zone is available for use.
func CheckSubnetContainsIP ¶ added in v0.30.6
func CheckSubnetContainsIP(t testing.TestingT, IP string, subnetName string, vnetName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
CheckSubnetContainsIP checks if the Private IP is contined in the Subnet Address Range. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func CheckSubnetContainsIPE ¶ added in v0.30.6
func CheckSubnetContainsIPE(ipAddress string, subnetName string, vnetName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
CheckSubnetContainsIPE checks if the Private IP is contined in the Subnet Address Range.
func ContainerInstanceExists ¶ added in v0.37.5
func ContainerInstanceExists(t *testing.T, instanceName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
ContainerInstanceExists indicates whether the specified container instance exists. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func ContainerInstanceExistsE ¶ added in v0.37.5
func ContainerInstanceExistsE(instanceName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
ContainerInstanceExistsE indicates whether the specified container instance exists.
func ContainerRegistryExists ¶ added in v0.37.5
func ContainerRegistryExists(t *testing.T, registryName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
ContainerRegistryExists indicates whether the specified container registry exists. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func ContainerRegistryExistsE ¶ added in v0.37.5
func ContainerRegistryExistsE(registryName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
ContainerRegistryExistsE indicates whether the specified container registry exists.
func CreateActionGroupClient ¶ added in v0.34.4
func CreateActionGroupClient(subscriptionID string) (*insights.ActionGroupsClient, error)
func CreateActivityLogAlertsClientE ¶ added in v0.34.2
func CreateActivityLogAlertsClientE(subscriptionID string) (*insights.ActivityLogAlertsClient, error)
CreateActivityLogAlertsClientE gets an Action Groups client in the specified Azure Subscription
func CreateAppServiceClientE ¶ added in v0.36.8
func CreateAppServiceClientE(subscriptionID string) (*web.AppsClient, error)
CreateAppServiceClientE returns an App service client instance configured with the correct BaseURI depending on the Azure environment that is currently setup (or "Public", if none is setup).
func CreateAvailabilitySetClientE ¶ added in v0.34.2
func CreateAvailabilitySetClientE(subscriptionID string) (*compute.AvailabilitySetsClient, error)
CreateAvailabilitySetClientE creates a new Availability Set client in the specified Azure Subscription
func CreateContainerInstanceClientE ¶ added in v0.37.5
func CreateContainerInstanceClientE(subscriptionID string) (*containerinstance.ContainerGroupsClient, error)
CreateContainerInstanceClientE returns an ACI client instance configured with the correct BaseURI depending on the Azure environment that is currently setup (or "Public", if none is setup).
func CreateContainerRegistryClientE ¶ added in v0.37.5
func CreateContainerRegistryClientE(subscriptionID string) (*containerregistry.RegistriesClient, error)
CreateContainerRegistryClientE returns an ACR client instance configured with the correct BaseURI depending on the Azure environment that is currently setup (or "Public", if none is setup).
func CreateCosmosDBAccountClientE ¶ added in v0.31.3
func CreateCosmosDBAccountClientE(subscriptionID string) (*documentdb.DatabaseAccountsClient, error)
CreateCosmosDBAccountClientE is a helper function that will setup a CosmosDB account client with the correct BaseURI depending on the Azure environment that is currently setup (or "Public", if none is setup).
func CreateCosmosDBSQLClientE ¶ added in v0.31.3
func CreateCosmosDBSQLClientE(subscriptionID string) (*documentdb.SQLResourcesClient, error)
CreateCosmosDBSQLClientE is a helper function that will setup a CosmosDB SQL client with the correct BaseURI depending on the Azure environment that is currently setup (or "Public", if none is setup).
func CreateDataFactoriesClientE ¶ added in v0.43.3
func CreateDataFactoriesClientE(subscriptionID string) (*datafactory.FactoriesClient, error)
CreateDataFactoriesClientE is a helper function that will setup a synapse client.
func CreateDatabaseClient ¶ added in v0.34.4
func CreateDatabaseClient(subscriptionID string) (*sql.DatabasesClient, error)
CreateDatabaseClient is a helper function that will create and setup a SQL DB client
func CreateDiagnosticsSettingsClientE ¶ added in v0.34.2
func CreateDiagnosticsSettingsClientE(subscriptionID string) (*insights.DiagnosticSettingsClient, error)
CreateDiagnosticsSettingsClientE returns a diagnostics settings client
func CreateDisksClientE ¶ added in v0.34.4
func CreateDisksClientE(subscriptionID string) (*compute.DisksClient, error)
CreateDisksClientE returns a new Disks client in the specified Azure Subscription
func CreateFrontDoorClientE ¶ added in v0.38.5
func CreateFrontDoorClientE(subscriptionID string) (*frontdoor.FrontDoorsClient, error)
CreateFrontDoorClientE returns an AFD client instance configured with the correct BaseURI depending on the Azure environment that is currently setup (or "Public", if none is setup).
func CreateFrontDoorFrontendEndpointClientE ¶ added in v0.38.5
func CreateFrontDoorFrontendEndpointClientE(subscriptionID string) (*frontdoor.FrontendEndpointsClient, error)
CreateFrontDoorFrontendEndpointClientE returns an AFD Frontend Endpoints client instance configured with the correct BaseURI depending on the Azure environment that is currently setup (or "Public", if none is setup).
func CreateKeyVaultManagementClientE ¶ added in v0.31.5
func CreateKeyVaultManagementClientE(subscriptionID string) (*kvmng.VaultsClient, error)
CreateKeyVaultManagementClientE is a helper function that will setup a key vault management client with the correct BaseURI depending on the Azure environment that is currently setup (or "Public", if none is setup).
func CreateLoadBalancerClientE ¶ added in v0.34.6
func CreateLoadBalancerClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.LoadBalancersClient, error)
CreateLoadBalancerClientE returns a load balancer client instance configured with the correct BaseURI depending on the Azure environment that is currently setup (or "Public", if none is setup).
func CreateManagedClustersClientE ¶ added in v0.31.1
func CreateManagedClustersClientE(subscriptionID string) (containerservice.ManagedClustersClient, error)
CreateManagedClustersClientE returns a virtual machines client instance configured with the correct BaseURI depending on the Azure environment that is currently setup (or "Public", if none is setup).
func CreateMySQLServerClientE ¶ added in v0.34.4
func CreateMySQLServerClientE(subscriptionID string) (*mysql.ServersClient, error)
CreateMySQLServerClientE is a helper function that will setup a mysql server client.
func CreateNewNetworkInterfaceIPConfigurationClientE ¶ added in v0.34.6
func CreateNewNetworkInterfaceIPConfigurationClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.InterfaceIPConfigurationsClient, error)
CreateNewNetworkInterfaceIPConfigurationClientE returns an NIC IP configuration client instance configured with the correct BaseURI depending on the Azure environment that is currently setup (or "Public", if none is setup).
func CreateNewNetworkInterfacesClientE ¶ added in v0.34.6
func CreateNewNetworkInterfacesClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.InterfacesClient, error)
CreateNewNetworkInterfacesClientE returns an NIC client instance configured with the correct BaseURI depending on the Azure environment that is currently setup (or "Public", if none is setup).
func CreateNewSubnetClientE ¶ added in v0.34.6
func CreateNewSubnetClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.SubnetsClient, error)
CreateNewSubnetClientE returns a Subnet client instance configured with the correct BaseURI depending on the Azure environment that is currently setup (or "Public", if none is setup).
func CreateNewVirtualNetworkClientE ¶ added in v0.34.6
func CreateNewVirtualNetworkClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.VirtualNetworksClient, error)
CreateNewVirtualNetworkClientE returns a Virtual Network client instance configured with the correct BaseURI depending on the Azure environment that is currently setup (or "Public", if none is setup).
func CreateNsgCustomRulesClientE ¶ added in v0.34.6
func CreateNsgCustomRulesClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.SecurityRulesClient, error)
CreateNsgCustomRulesClientE returns an NSG custom (user) rules client instance configured with the correct BaseURI depending on the Azure environment that is currently setup (or "Public", if none is setup).
func CreateNsgDefaultRulesClientE ¶ added in v0.34.6
func CreateNsgDefaultRulesClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.DefaultSecurityRulesClient, error)
CreateNsgDefaultRulesClientE returns an NSG default (platform) rules client instance configured with the correct BaseURI depending on the Azure environment that is currently setup (or "Public", if none is setup).
func CreatePublicIPAddressesClientE ¶ added in v0.34.6
func CreatePublicIPAddressesClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.PublicIPAddressesClient, error)
CreatePublicIPAddressesClientE returns a public IP address client instance configured with the correct BaseURI depending on the Azure environment that is currently setup (or "Public", if none is setup).
func CreateResourceGroupClientE ¶ added in v0.34.4
func CreateResourceGroupClientE(subscriptionID string) (*resources.GroupsClient, error)
CreateResourceGroupClientE gets a resource group client in a subscription
func CreateSQLMangedDatabasesClient ¶ added in v0.43.7
func CreateSQLMangedDatabasesClient(subscriptionID string) (*sqlmi.ManagedDatabasesClient, error)
CreateSQLMangedDatabasesClient is a helper function that will create and setup a sql server client
func CreateSQLMangedInstanceClient ¶ added in v0.43.7
func CreateSQLMangedInstanceClient(subscriptionID string) (*sqlmi.ManagedInstancesClient, error)
CreateSQLMangedInstanceClient is a helper function that will create and setup a sql server client
func CreateSQLServerClient ¶ added in v0.34.4
func CreateSQLServerClient(subscriptionID string) (*sql.ServersClient, error)
CreateSQLServerClient is a helper function that will create and setup a sql server client
func CreateStorageAccountClientE ¶ added in v0.32.24
func CreateStorageAccountClientE(subscriptionID string) (*storage.AccountsClient, error)
CreateStorageAccountClientE creates a storage account client.
func CreateStorageBlobContainerClientE ¶ added in v0.32.24
func CreateStorageBlobContainerClientE(subscriptionID string) (*storage.BlobContainersClient, error)
CreateStorageBlobContainerClientE creates a storage container client.
func CreateStorageFileSharesClientE ¶ added in v0.38.5
func CreateStorageFileSharesClientE(subscriptionID string) (*storage.FileSharesClient, error)
CreateStorageFileSharesClientE creates a storage file share client.
func CreateSubscriptionsClientE ¶ added in v0.31.1
func CreateSubscriptionsClientE() (subscriptions.Client, error)
CreateSubscriptionsClientE returns a virtual machines client instance configured with the correct BaseURI depending on the Azure environment that is currently setup (or "Public", if none is setup).
func CreateSynapseSqlPoolClientE ¶ added in v0.43.2
func CreateSynapseSqlPoolClientE(subscriptionID string) (*synapse.SQLPoolsClient, error)
CreateSynapseSqlPoolClientE is a helper function that will setup a synapse client.
func CreateSynapseWorkspaceClientE ¶ added in v0.43.2
func CreateSynapseWorkspaceClientE(subscriptionID string) (*synapse.WorkspacesClient, error)
CreateSynapseWorkspaceClientE is a helper function that will setup a synapse client.
func CreateVMInsightsClientE ¶ added in v0.34.2
func CreateVMInsightsClientE(subscriptionID string) (*insights.VMInsightsClient, error)
CreateVMInsightsClientE gets a VM Insights client
func CreateVirtualMachinesClientE ¶ added in v0.31.1
func CreateVirtualMachinesClientE(subscriptionID string) (*compute.VirtualMachinesClient, error)
CreateVirtualMachinesClientE returns a virtual machines client instance configured with the correct BaseURI depending on the Azure environment that is currently setup (or "Public", if none is setup).
func DataFactoryExists ¶ added in v0.43.3
func DataFactoryExists(t testing.TestingT, dataFactoryName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
DataFactoryExists indicates whether the Data Factory exists for the subscription. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func DataFactoryExistsE ¶ added in v0.43.3
func DataFactoryExistsE(dataFactoryName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
DataFactoryExistsE indicates whether the specified Data Factory exists and may return an error.
func DiagnosticSettingsResourceExists ¶ added in v0.30.26
func DiagnosticSettingsResourceExists(t testing.TestingT, diagnosticSettingsResourceName string, resourceURI string, subscriptionID string) bool
DiagnosticSettingsResourceExists indicates whether the diagnostic settings resource exists This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func DiagnosticSettingsResourceExistsE ¶ added in v0.30.26
func DiagnosticSettingsResourceExistsE(diagnosticSettingsResourceName string, resourceURI string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
DiagnosticSettingsResourceExistsE indicates whether the diagnostic settings resource exists
func DiskExists ¶ added in v0.30.12
func DiskExists(t testing.TestingT, diskName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
DiskExists indicates whether the specified Azure Managed Disk exists This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func DiskExistsE ¶ added in v0.30.12
DiskExistsE indicates whether the specified Azure Managed Disk exists in the specified Azure Resource Group
func FrontDoorExists ¶ added in v0.38.5
func FrontDoorExists(t testing.TestingT, frontDoorName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
FrontDoorExists indicates whether the Front Door exists for the subscription. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func FrontDoorExistsE ¶ added in v0.38.5
func FrontDoorExistsE(frontDoorName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
FrontDoorExistsE indicates whether the specified Front Door exists and may return an error.
func FrontDoorFrontendEndpointExists ¶ added in v0.38.5
func FrontDoorFrontendEndpointExists(t testing.TestingT, endpointName string, frontDoorName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
FrontDoorFrontendEndpointExists indicates whether the frontend endpoint exists for the provided Front Door. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func FrontDoorFrontendEndpointExistsE ¶ added in v0.38.5
func FrontDoorFrontendEndpointExistsE(endpointName string, frontDoorName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
FrontDoorFrontendEndpointExistsE indicates whether the specified endpoint exists for the provided Front Door and may return an error.
func GetAResourceGroup ¶ added in v0.35.4
func GetAResourceGroup(t *testing.T, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) *resources.Group
GetAResourceGroup returns a resource group within a subscription This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetAResourceGroupE ¶ added in v0.35.4
GetAResourceGroupE gets a resource group within a subscription
func GetActionGroupResource ¶ added in v0.30.2
func GetActionGroupResource(t *testing.T, ruleName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) *insights.ActionGroupResource
GetActionGroupResource gets the ActionGroupResource. ruleName - required to find the ActionGroupResource. resGroupName - use an empty string if you have the AZURE_RES_GROUP_NAME environment variable set subscriptionId - use an empty string if you have the ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID environment variable set
func GetActionGroupResourceE ¶ added in v0.30.2
func GetActionGroupResourceE(ruleName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*insights.ActionGroupResource, error)
GetActionGroupResourceE gets the ActionGroupResource with Error details on error. ruleName - required to find the ActionGroupResource. resGroupName - use an empty string if you have the AZURE_RES_GROUP_NAME environment variable set subscriptionId - use an empty string if you have the ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID environment variable set
func GetActivityLogAlertResource ¶ added in v0.30.26
func GetActivityLogAlertResource(t testing.TestingT, activityLogAlertName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) *insights.ActivityLogAlertResource
GetActivityLogAlertResource gets a Action Group in the specified Azure Resource Group This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetActivityLogAlertResourceE ¶ added in v0.30.26
func GetActivityLogAlertResourceE(activityLogAlertName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*insights.ActivityLogAlertResource, error)
GetActivityLogAlertResourceE gets a Action Group in the specified Azure Resource Group
func GetActivityLogAlertsClientE ¶ added in v0.30.26
func GetActivityLogAlertsClientE(subscriptionID string) (*insights.ActivityLogAlertsClient, error)
GetActivityLogAlertsClientE gets an Action Groups client in the specified Azure Subscription TODO: delete in next version
func GetAllAzureRegions ¶
GetAllAzureRegions gets the list of Azure regions available in this subscription.
func GetAllAzureRegionsE ¶
GetAllAzureRegionsE gets the list of Azure regions available in this subscription
func GetAppService ¶ added in v0.36.8
func GetAppService(t *testing.T, appName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) *web.Site
GetAppService gets the App service object This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetAppServiceClientE ¶ added in v0.36.8
func GetAppServiceClientE(subscriptionID string) (*web.AppsClient, error)
func GetAppServiceE ¶ added in v0.36.8
GetAppServiceE gets the App service object
func GetAvailabilitySetClientE ¶ added in v0.30.3
func GetAvailabilitySetClientE(subscriptionID string) (*compute.AvailabilitySetsClient, error)
GetAvailabilitySetClientE gets a new Availability Set client in the specified Azure Subscription TODO: remove in next version
func GetAvailabilitySetE ¶ added in v0.30.3
func GetAvailabilitySetE(t testing.TestingT, avsName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*compute.AvailabilitySet, error)
GetAvailabilitySetE gets an Availability Set in the specified Azure Resource Group
func GetAvailabilitySetFaultDomainCount ¶ added in v0.30.3
func GetAvailabilitySetFaultDomainCount(t testing.TestingT, avsName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) int32
GetAvailabilitySetFaultDomainCount gets the Fault Domain Count for the specified Azure Availability Set. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetAvailabilitySetFaultDomainCountE ¶ added in v0.30.3
func GetAvailabilitySetFaultDomainCountE(t testing.TestingT, avsName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (int32, error)
GetAvailabilitySetFaultDomainCountE gets the Fault Domain Count for the specified Azure Availability Set
func GetAvailabilitySetVMNamesInCaps ¶ added in v0.30.3
func GetAvailabilitySetVMNamesInCaps(t testing.TestingT, avsName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) []string
GetAvailabilitySetVMNamesInCaps gets a list of VM names in the specified Azure Availability Set. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetAvailabilitySetVMNamesInCapsE ¶ added in v0.30.3
func GetAvailabilitySetVMNamesInCapsE(t testing.TestingT, avsName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) ([]string, error)
GetAvailabilitySetVMNamesInCapsE gets a list of VM names in the specified Azure Availability Set
func GetContainerInstance ¶ added in v0.37.5
func GetContainerInstance(t *testing.T, instanceName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) *containerinstance.ContainerGroup
GetContainerInstance gets the container instance object This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetContainerInstanceClientE ¶ added in v0.37.5
func GetContainerInstanceClientE(subscriptionID string) (*containerinstance.ContainerGroupsClient, error)
GetContainerInstanceClientE is a helper function that will setup an Azure Container Instance client on your behalf
func GetContainerInstanceE ¶ added in v0.37.5
func GetContainerInstanceE(instanceName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*containerinstance.ContainerGroup, error)
GetContainerInstanceE gets the container instance object
func GetContainerRegistry ¶ added in v0.37.5
func GetContainerRegistry(t *testing.T, registryName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) *containerregistry.Registry
GetContainerRegistry gets the container registry object This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetContainerRegistryClientE ¶ added in v0.37.5
func GetContainerRegistryClientE(subscriptionID string) (*containerregistry.RegistriesClient, error)
GetContainerRegistryClientE is a helper function that will setup an Azure Container Registry client on your behalf
func GetContainerRegistryE ¶ added in v0.37.5
func GetContainerRegistryE(registryName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*containerregistry.Registry, error)
GetContainerRegistryE gets the container registry object
func GetCosmosDBAccount ¶ added in v0.31.3
func GetCosmosDBAccount(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resourceGroupName string, accountName string) *documentdb.DatabaseAccountGetResults
GetCosmosDBAccount is a helper function that gets the database account. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetCosmosDBAccountClient ¶ added in v0.31.3
func GetCosmosDBAccountClient(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string) *documentdb.DatabaseAccountsClient
GetCosmosDBAccountClient is a helper function that will setup a CosmosDB account client. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetCosmosDBAccountClientE ¶ added in v0.31.3
func GetCosmosDBAccountClientE(subscriptionID string) (*documentdb.DatabaseAccountsClient, error)
GetCosmosDBAccountClientE is a helper function that will setup a CosmosDB account client.
func GetCosmosDBAccountE ¶ added in v0.31.3
func GetCosmosDBAccountE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resourceGroupName string, accountName string) (*documentdb.DatabaseAccountGetResults, error)
GetCosmosDBAccountE is a helper function that gets the database account.
func GetCosmosDBSQLClient ¶ added in v0.31.3
func GetCosmosDBSQLClient(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string) *documentdb.SQLResourcesClient
GetCosmosDBSQLClient is a helper function that will setup a CosmosDB SQL client. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetCosmosDBSQLClientE ¶ added in v0.31.3
func GetCosmosDBSQLClientE(subscriptionID string) (*documentdb.SQLResourcesClient, error)
GetCosmosDBSQLClientE is a helper function that will setup a CosmosDB SQL client.
func GetCosmosDBSQLContainer ¶ added in v0.31.3
func GetCosmosDBSQLContainer(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resourceGroupName string, accountName string, databaseName string, containerName string) *documentdb.SQLContainerGetResults
GetCosmosDBSQLContainer is a helper function that gets a SQL container. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetCosmosDBSQLContainerE ¶ added in v0.31.3
func GetCosmosDBSQLContainerE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resourceGroupName string, accountName string, databaseName string, containerName string) (*documentdb.SQLContainerGetResults, error)
GetCosmosDBSQLContainerE is a helper function that gets a SQL container.
func GetCosmosDBSQLContainerThroughput ¶ added in v0.31.3
func GetCosmosDBSQLContainerThroughput(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resourceGroupName string, accountName string, databaseName string, containerName string) *documentdb.ThroughputSettingsGetResults
GetCosmosDBSQLContainerThroughput is a helper function that gets a SQL container throughput configuration. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetCosmosDBSQLContainerThroughputE ¶ added in v0.31.3
func GetCosmosDBSQLContainerThroughputE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resourceGroupName string, accountName string, databaseName string, containerName string) (*documentdb.ThroughputSettingsGetResults, error)
GetCosmosDBSQLContainerThroughputE is a helper function that gets a SQL container throughput configuration.
func GetCosmosDBSQLDatabase ¶ added in v0.31.3
func GetCosmosDBSQLDatabase(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resourceGroupName string, accountName string, databaseName string) *documentdb.SQLDatabaseGetResults
GetCosmosDBSQLDatabase is a helper function that gets a SQL database. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetCosmosDBSQLDatabaseE ¶ added in v0.31.3
func GetCosmosDBSQLDatabaseE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resourceGroupName string, accountName string, databaseName string) (*documentdb.SQLDatabaseGetResults, error)
GetCosmosDBSQLDatabaseE is a helper function that gets a SQL database.
func GetCosmosDBSQLDatabaseThroughput ¶ added in v0.31.3
func GetCosmosDBSQLDatabaseThroughput(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resourceGroupName string, accountName string, databaseName string) *documentdb.ThroughputSettingsGetResults
GetCosmosDBSQLDatabaseThroughput is a helper function that gets a SQL database throughput configuration. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetCosmosDBSQLDatabaseThroughputE ¶ added in v0.31.3
func GetCosmosDBSQLDatabaseThroughputE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resourceGroupName string, accountName string, databaseName string) (*documentdb.ThroughputSettingsGetResults, error)
GetCosmosDBSQLDatabaseThroughputE is a helper function that gets a SQL database throughput configuration.
func GetCustomNsgRulesClient ¶ added in v0.30.4
func GetCustomNsgRulesClient(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string) network.SecurityRulesClient
GetCustomNsgRulesClient returns a rules client which can be used to read the list of *custom* security rules defined on an network security group. Note that the "custom" rules are those defined by end users. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetCustomNsgRulesClientE ¶ added in v0.30.4
func GetCustomNsgRulesClientE(subscriptionID string) (network.SecurityRulesClient, error)
GetCustomNsgRulesClientE returns a rules client which can be used to read the list of *custom* security rules defined on an network security group. Note that the "custom" rules are those defined by end users.
func GetDataFactory ¶ added in v0.43.3
func GetDataFactory(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, factoryName string, subscriptionID string) *datafactory.Factory
GetDataFactory is a helper function that gets the synapse workspace. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetDataFactoryE ¶ added in v0.43.3
func GetDataFactoryE(subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, factoryName string) (*datafactory.Factory, error)
GetDataFactoryE is a helper function that gets the workspace.
func GetDatabaseClient ¶ added in v0.30.9
func GetDatabaseClient(subscriptionID string) (*sql.DatabasesClient, error)
GetDatabaseClient is a helper function that will setup a sql DB client TODO: remove in next version
func GetDefaultNsgRulesClient ¶ added in v0.30.4
func GetDefaultNsgRulesClient(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string) network.DefaultSecurityRulesClient
GetDefaultNsgRulesClient returns a rules client which can be used to read the list of *default* security rules defined on an network security group. Note that the "default" rules are those provided implicitly by the Azure platform. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetDefaultNsgRulesClientE ¶ added in v0.30.4
func GetDefaultNsgRulesClientE(subscriptionID string) (network.DefaultSecurityRulesClient, error)
GetDefaultNsgRulesClientE returns a rules client which can be used to read the list of *default* security rules defined on an network security group. Note that the "default" rules are those provided implicitly by the Azure platform.
func GetDiagnosticsSettingsClientE ¶ added in v0.30.26
func GetDiagnosticsSettingsClientE(subscriptionID string) (*insights.DiagnosticSettingsClient, error)
GetDiagnosticsSettingsClientE returns a diagnostics settings client TODO: delete in next version
func GetDiagnosticsSettingsResource ¶ added in v0.30.26
func GetDiagnosticsSettingsResource(t testing.TestingT, name string, resourceURI string, subscriptionID string) *insights.DiagnosticSettingsResource
GetDiagnosticsSettingsResource gets the diagnostics settings for a specified resource This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetDiagnosticsSettingsResourceE ¶ added in v0.30.26
func GetDiagnosticsSettingsResourceE(name string, resourceURI string, subscriptionID string) (*insights.DiagnosticSettingsResource, error)
GetDiagnosticsSettingsResourceE gets the diagnostics settings for a specified resource
func GetDisk ¶ added in v0.30.12
func GetDisk(t testing.TestingT, diskName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) *compute.Disk
GetDisk returns a Disk in the specified Azure Resource Group This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetDiskClientE ¶ added in v0.30.12
func GetDiskClientE(subscriptionID string) (*compute.DisksClient, error)
GetDiskClientE returns a new Disk client in the specified Azure Subscription TODO: remove in next major/minor version
func GetFrontDoor ¶ added in v0.38.5
func GetFrontDoor(t testing.TestingT, frontDoorName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) *frontdoor.FrontDoor
GetFrontDoor gets a Front Door by name if it exists for the subscription. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetFrontDoorClientE ¶ added in v0.38.5
func GetFrontDoorClientE(subscriptionID string) (*frontdoor.FrontDoorsClient, error)
GetFrontDoorClientE return a front door client; otherwise error.
func GetFrontDoorE ¶ added in v0.38.5
func GetFrontDoorE(frontDoorName, resoureGroupName, subscriptionID string) (*frontdoor.FrontDoor, error)
GetFrontDoorE gets the specified Front Door if it exists and may return an error.
func GetFrontDoorFrontendEndpoint ¶ added in v0.38.5
func GetFrontDoorFrontendEndpoint(t testing.TestingT, endpointName string, frontDoorName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) *frontdoor.FrontendEndpoint
GetFrontDoorFrontendEndpoint gets a frontend endpoint by name for the provided Front Door if it exists for the subscription. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetFrontDoorFrontendEndpointClientE ¶ added in v0.38.5
func GetFrontDoorFrontendEndpointClientE(subscriptionID string) (*frontdoor.FrontendEndpointsClient, error)
GetFrontDoorFrontendEndpointClientE returns a front door frontend endpoints client; otherwise error.
func GetFrontDoorFrontendEndpointE ¶ added in v0.38.5
func GetFrontDoorFrontendEndpointE(endpointName, frontDoorName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (*frontdoor.FrontendEndpoint, error)
GetFrontDoorFrontendEndpointE gets the specified Frontend Endpoint for the provided Front Door if it exists and may return an error.
func GetIPOfPublicIPAddressByName ¶ added in v0.30.6
func GetIPOfPublicIPAddressByName(t testing.TestingT, publicAddressName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) string
GetIPOfPublicIPAddressByName gets the Public IP of the Public IP Address specified. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetIPOfPublicIPAddressByNameE ¶ added in v0.30.6
func GetIPOfPublicIPAddressByNameE(publicAddressName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (string, error)
GetIPOfPublicIPAddressByNameE gets the Public IP of the Public IP Address specified.
func GetKeyVault ¶ added in v0.31.5
func GetKeyVault(t *testing.T, resGroupName string, keyVaultName string, subscriptionID string) *kvmng.Vault
GetKeyVault is a helper function that gets the keyvault management object. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetKeyVaultClientE ¶ added in v0.31.5
func GetKeyVaultClientE() (*keyvault.BaseClient, error)
GetKeyVaultClientE creates a KeyVault client.
func GetKeyVaultE ¶ added in v0.31.5
func GetKeyVaultE(t *testing.T, resGroupName string, keyVaultName string, subscriptionID string) (*kvmng.Vault, error)
GetKeyVaultE is a helper function that gets the keyvault management object.
func GetKeyVaultManagementClientE ¶ added in v0.31.5
func GetKeyVaultManagementClientE(subscriptionID string) (*kvmng.VaultsClient, error)
GetKeyVaultManagementClientE is a helper function that will setup a key vault management client
func GetKeyVaultURISuffixE ¶ added in v0.31.5
GetKeyVaultURISuffixE returns the proper KeyVault URI suffix for the configured Azure environment. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetLoadBalancer ¶ added in v0.30.13
func GetLoadBalancer(t testing.TestingT, loadBalancerName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) *network.LoadBalancer
GetLoadBalancer gets a Load Balancer network resource in the specified Azure Resource Group. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetLoadBalancerClientE ¶ added in v0.30.13
func GetLoadBalancerClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.LoadBalancersClient, error)
GetLoadBalancerClientE gets a new Load Balancer client in the specified Azure Subscription.
func GetLoadBalancerE ¶ added in v0.30.13
func GetLoadBalancerE(loadBalancerName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*network.LoadBalancer, error)
GetLoadBalancerE gets a Load Balancer network resource in the specified Azure Resource Group.
func GetLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfig ¶ added in v0.30.13
func GetLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfig(t testing.TestingT, feConfigName string, loadBalancerName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) *network.FrontendIPConfiguration
GetLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfig gets the specified Load Balancer Frontend IP Configuration network resource. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigClientE ¶ added in v0.30.13
func GetLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationsClient, error)
GetLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigClientE gets a new Load Balancer Frontend IP Configuration client in the specified Azure Subscription.
func GetLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigE ¶ added in v0.30.13
func GetLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigE(feConfigName string, loadBalancerName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*network.FrontendIPConfiguration, error)
GetLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigE gets the specified Load Balancer Frontend IP Configuration network resource.
func GetLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigNames ¶ added in v0.30.13
func GetLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigNames(t testing.TestingT, loadBalancerName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) []string
GetLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigNames gets a list of the Frontend IP Configuration Names for the Load Balancer. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigNamesE ¶ added in v0.30.13
func GetLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigNamesE(loadBalancerName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) ([]string, error)
GetLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigNamesE ConfigNamesE gets a list of the Frontend IP Configuration Names for the Load Balancer.
func GetLogAnalyticsWorkspace ¶ added in v0.32.7
func GetLogAnalyticsWorkspace(t testing.TestingT, workspaceName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) *operationalinsights.Workspace
GetLogAnalyticsWorkspace gets an operational insights workspace if it exists in a subscription. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetLogAnalyticsWorkspaceE ¶ added in v0.32.7
func GetLogAnalyticsWorkspaceE(workspaceName, resoureGroupName, subscriptionID string) (*operationalinsights.Workspace, error)
GetLogAnalyticsWorkspaceE gets an operational insights workspace if it exists in a subscription.
func GetLogAnalyticsWorkspacesClientE ¶ added in v0.32.7
func GetLogAnalyticsWorkspacesClientE(subscriptionID string) (*operationalinsights.WorkspacesClient, error)
GetLogAnalyticsWorkspacesClientE return workspaces client; otherwise error.
func GetMYSQLDB ¶ added in v0.30.20
func GetMYSQLDB(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, serverName string, dbName string, subscriptionID string) *mysql.Database
GetMYSQLDB is a helper function that gets the database. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetMYSQLDBClientE ¶ added in v0.30.20
func GetMYSQLDBClientE(subscriptionID string) (*mysql.DatabasesClient, error)
GetMYSQLDBClientE is a helper function that will setup a mysql DB client.
func GetMYSQLDBE ¶ added in v0.30.20
func GetMYSQLDBE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, serverName string, dbName string) (*mysql.Database, error)
GetMYSQLDBE is a helper function that gets the database.
func GetMYSQLServer ¶ added in v0.30.20
func GetMYSQLServer(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, serverName string, subscriptionID string) *mysql.Server
GetMYSQLServer is a helper function that gets the server. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetMYSQLServerClientE ¶ added in v0.30.20
func GetMYSQLServerClientE(subscriptionID string) (*mysql.ServersClient, error)
GetMYSQLServerClientE is a helper function that will setup a mysql server client. TODO: remove in next version
func GetMYSQLServerE ¶ added in v0.30.20
func GetMYSQLServerE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, serverName string) (*mysql.Server, error)
GetMYSQLServerE is a helper function that gets the server.
func GetManagedClusterE ¶ added in v0.24.2
func GetManagedClusterE(t testing.TestingT, resourceGroupName, clusterName, subscriptionID string) (*containerservice.ManagedCluster, error)
GetManagedClusterE will return ManagedCluster
func GetManagedClustersClientE ¶ added in v0.24.2
func GetManagedClustersClientE(subscriptionID string) (*containerservice.ManagedClustersClient, error)
GetManagedClustersClientE is a helper function that will setup an Azure ManagedClusters client on your behalf
func GetManagedInstance ¶ added in v0.43.7
func GetManagedInstance(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, managedInstanceName string, subscriptionID string) *sql.ManagedInstance
GetManagedInstance is a helper function that gets the sql server object. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetManagedInstanceDatabase ¶ added in v0.43.7
func GetManagedInstanceDatabase(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, managedInstanceName string, databaseName string, subscriptionID string) *sql.ManagedDatabase
GetManagedInstanceDatabase is a helper function that gets the sql server object. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetManagedInstanceDatabaseE ¶ added in v0.43.7
func GetManagedInstanceDatabaseE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, managedInstanceName string, databaseName string) (*sql.ManagedDatabase, error)
GetManagedInstanceDatabaseE is a helper function that gets the sql server object.
func GetManagedInstanceE ¶ added in v0.43.7
func GetManagedInstanceE(subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, managedInstanceName string) (*sql.ManagedInstance, error)
GetManagedInstanceE is a helper function that gets the sql server object.
func GetNameFromResourceID ¶ added in v0.30.3
GetNameFromResourceID gets the Name from an Azure Resource ID.
func GetNameFromResourceIDE ¶ added in v0.30.12
GetNameFromResourceIDE gets the Name from an Azure Resource ID. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetNetworkInterfaceClientE ¶ added in v0.30.6
func GetNetworkInterfaceClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.InterfacesClient, error)
GetNetworkInterfaceClientE creates a new Network Interface client in the specified Azure Subscription.
func GetNetworkInterfaceConfigurationClientE ¶ added in v0.30.6
func GetNetworkInterfaceConfigurationClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.InterfaceIPConfigurationsClient, error)
GetNetworkInterfaceConfigurationClientE creates a new Network Interface Configuration client in the specified Azure Subscription.
func GetNetworkInterfaceConfigurationE ¶ added in v0.30.6
func GetNetworkInterfaceConfigurationE(nicName string, nicConfigName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*network.InterfaceIPConfiguration, error)
GetNetworkInterfaceConfigurationE gets a Network Interface Configuration in the specified Azure Resource Group.
func GetNetworkInterfaceE ¶ added in v0.30.6
func GetNetworkInterfaceE(nicName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*network.Interface, error)
GetNetworkInterfaceE gets a Network Interface in the specified Azure Resource Group.
func GetNetworkInterfacePrivateIPs ¶ added in v0.30.6
func GetNetworkInterfacePrivateIPs(t testing.TestingT, nicName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) []string
GetNetworkInterfacePrivateIPs gets a list of the Private IPs of a Network Interface configs. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetNetworkInterfacePrivateIPsE ¶ added in v0.30.6
func GetNetworkInterfacePrivateIPsE(nicName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) ([]string, error)
GetNetworkInterfacePrivateIPsE gets a list of the Private IPs of a Network Interface configs.
func GetNetworkInterfacePublicIPs ¶ added in v0.30.6
func GetNetworkInterfacePublicIPs(t testing.TestingT, nicName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) []string
GetNetworkInterfacePublicIPs returns a list of all the Public IPs found in the Network Interface configurations. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetNetworkInterfacePublicIPsE ¶ added in v0.30.6
func GetNetworkInterfacePublicIPsE(nicName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) ([]string, error)
GetNetworkInterfacePublicIPsE returns a list of all the Public IPs found in the Network Interface configurations.
func GetPostgreSQLDB ¶ added in v0.32.22
func GetPostgreSQLDB(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, serverName string, dbName string, subscriptionID string) *postgresql.Database
GetPostgreSQLDB is a helper function that gets the database. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetPostgreSQLDBClientE ¶ added in v0.32.22
func GetPostgreSQLDBClientE(subscriptionID string) (*postgresql.DatabasesClient, error)
GetPostgreSQLDBClientE is a helper function that will setup a postgresql DB client.
func GetPostgreSQLDBE ¶ added in v0.32.22
func GetPostgreSQLDBE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, serverName string, dbName string) (*postgresql.Database, error)
GetPostgreSQLDBE is a helper function that gets the database.
func GetPostgreSQLServer ¶ added in v0.32.22
func GetPostgreSQLServer(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, serverName string, subscriptionID string) *postgresql.Server
GetPostgreSQLServer is a helper function that gets the server. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetPostgreSQLServerClientE ¶ added in v0.32.22
func GetPostgreSQLServerClientE(subscriptionID string) (*postgresql.ServersClient, error)
GetPostgreSQLServerClientE is a helper function that will setup a postgresql server client.
func GetPostgreSQLServerE ¶ added in v0.32.22
func GetPostgreSQLServerE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, serverName string) (*postgresql.Server, error)
GetPostgreSQLServerE is a helper function that gets the server.
func GetPublicIPAddressClientE ¶ added in v0.30.6
func GetPublicIPAddressClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.PublicIPAddressesClient, error)
GetPublicIPAddressClientE creates a Public IP Addresses client in the specified Azure Subscription.
func GetPublicIPAddressE ¶ added in v0.30.6
func GetPublicIPAddressE(publicIPAddressName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*network.PublicIPAddress, error)
GetPublicIPAddressE gets a Public IP Addresses in the specified Azure Resource Group.
func GetRandomRegion ¶
func GetRandomRegion(t testing.TestingT, approvedRegions []string, forbiddenRegions []string, subscriptionID string) string
GetRandomRegion gets a randomly chosen Azure region. If approvedRegions is not empty, this will be a region from the approvedRegions list; otherwise, this method will fetch the latest list of regions from the Azure APIs and pick one of those. If forbiddenRegions is not empty, this method will make sure the returned region is not in the forbiddenRegions list.
func GetRandomRegionE ¶
func GetRandomRegionE(t testing.TestingT, approvedRegions []string, forbiddenRegions []string, subscriptionID string) (string, error)
GetRandomRegionE gets a randomly chosen Azure region. If approvedRegions is not empty, this will be a region from the approvedRegions list; otherwise, this method will fetch the latest list of regions from the Azure APIs and pick one of those. If forbiddenRegions is not empty, this method will make sure the returned region is not in the forbiddenRegions list
func GetRandomStableRegion ¶
func GetRandomStableRegion(t testing.TestingT, approvedRegions []string, forbiddenRegions []string, subscriptionID string) string
GetRandomStableRegion gets a randomly chosen Azure region that is considered stable. Like GetRandomRegion, you can further restrict the stable region list using approvedRegions and forbiddenRegions. We consider stable regions to be those that have been around for at least 1 year. Note that regions in the approvedRegions list that are not considered stable are ignored.
func GetRecoveryServicesVaultBackupPolicyList ¶ added in v0.31.2
func GetRecoveryServicesVaultBackupPolicyList(t *testing.T, vaultName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) map[string]backup.ProtectionPolicyResource
GetRecoveryServicesVaultBackupPolicyList returns a list of backup policies for the given vault. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetRecoveryServicesVaultBackupPolicyListE ¶ added in v0.31.2
func GetRecoveryServicesVaultBackupPolicyListE(vaultName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (map[string]backup.ProtectionPolicyResource, error)
GetRecoveryServicesVaultBackupPolicyListE returns a list of backup policies for the given vault.
func GetRecoveryServicesVaultBackupProtectedVMList ¶ added in v0.31.2
func GetRecoveryServicesVaultBackupProtectedVMList(t *testing.T, policyName, vaultName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) map[string]backup.AzureIaaSComputeVMProtectedItem
GetRecoveryServicesVaultBackupProtectedVMList returns a list of protected VM's on the given vault/policy. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetRecoveryServicesVaultBackupProtectedVMListE ¶ added in v0.31.2
func GetRecoveryServicesVaultBackupProtectedVMListE(policyName, vaultName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (map[string]backup.AzureIaaSComputeVMProtectedItem, error)
GetRecoveryServicesVaultBackupProtectedVMListE returns a list of protected VM's on the given vault/policy.
func GetRecoveryServicesVaultE ¶ added in v0.31.2
func GetRecoveryServicesVaultE(vaultName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (*recoveryservices.Vault, error)
GetRecoveryServicesVaultE returns a vault instance.
func GetResourceGroupClientE ¶ added in v0.30.12
func GetResourceGroupClientE(subscriptionID string) (*resources.GroupsClient, error)
GetResourceGroupClientE gets a resource group client in a subscription TODO: remove in next version
func GetResourceGroupE ¶ added in v0.30.12
GetResourceGroupE gets a resource group within a subscription
func GetSQLDatabase ¶ added in v0.30.9
func GetSQLDatabase(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, serverName string, dbName string, subscriptionID string) *sql.Database
GetSQLDatabase is a helper function that gets the sql db. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetSQLDatabaseE ¶ added in v0.30.9
func GetSQLDatabaseE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, serverName string, dbName string) (*sql.Database, error)
GetSQLDatabaseE is a helper function that gets the sql db.
func GetSQLServer ¶ added in v0.30.9
func GetSQLServer(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, serverName string, subscriptionID string) *sql.Server
GetSQLServer is a helper function that gets the sql server object. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetSQLServerClient ¶ added in v0.30.9
func GetSQLServerClient(subscriptionID string) (*sql.ServersClient, error)
GetSQLServerClient is a helper function that will setup a sql server client TODO: remove in next version
func GetSQLServerE ¶ added in v0.30.9
func GetSQLServerE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, serverName string) (*sql.Server, error)
GetSQLServerE is a helper function that gets the sql server object.
func GetSizeOfVirtualMachine ¶
func GetSizeOfVirtualMachine(t testing.TestingT, vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) compute.VirtualMachineSizeTypes
GetSizeOfVirtualMachine gets the Size Type of the specified Azure Virtual Machine. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetSizeOfVirtualMachineE ¶
func GetSizeOfVirtualMachineE(vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (compute.VirtualMachineSizeTypes, error)
GetSizeOfVirtualMachineE gets the Size Type of the specified Azure Virtual Machine.
func GetStorageAccountClientE ¶ added in v0.32.5
func GetStorageAccountClientE(subscriptionID string) (*storage.AccountsClient, error)
GetStorageAccountClientE creates a storage account client. TODO: remove in next version
func GetStorageAccountE ¶ added in v0.32.5
func GetStorageAccountE(storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (*storage.Account, error)
GetStorageAccountE gets a storage account; otherwise error. See for more information.
func GetStorageAccountKind ¶ added in v0.32.5
func GetStorageAccountKind(t *testing.T, storageAccountName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) string
GetStorageAccountKind returns one of Storage, StorageV2, BlobStorage, FileStorage, or BlockBlobStorage. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetStorageAccountKindE ¶ added in v0.32.5
func GetStorageAccountKindE(storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (string, error)
GetStorageAccountKindE returns one of Storage, StorageV2, BlobStorage, FileStorage, or BlockBlobStorage.
func GetStorageAccountPrimaryBlobEndpointE ¶ added in v0.32.5
func GetStorageAccountPrimaryBlobEndpointE(storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (string, error)
GetStorageAccountPrimaryBlobEndpointE gets the storage account blob endpoint as URI string.
func GetStorageAccountPropertyE ¶ added in v0.32.5
func GetStorageAccountPropertyE(storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (*storage.Account, error)
GetStorageAccountPropertyE returns StorageAccount properties.
func GetStorageAccountSkuTier ¶ added in v0.32.5
func GetStorageAccountSkuTier(t *testing.T, storageAccountName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) string
GetStorageAccountSkuTier returns the storage account sku tier as Standard or Premium. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetStorageAccountSkuTierE ¶ added in v0.32.5
func GetStorageAccountSkuTierE(storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (string, error)
GetStorageAccountSkuTierE returns the storage account sku tier as Standard or Premium.
func GetStorageBlobContainerClientE ¶ added in v0.32.5
func GetStorageBlobContainerClientE(subscriptionID string) (*storage.BlobContainersClient, error)
GetStorageBlobContainerClientE creates a storage container client. TODO: remove in next version
func GetStorageBlobContainerE ¶ added in v0.32.5
func GetStorageBlobContainerE(containerName, storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (*storage.BlobContainer, error)
GetStorageBlobContainerE returns Blob container client.
func GetStorageBlobContainerPublicAccess ¶ added in v0.32.5
func GetStorageBlobContainerPublicAccess(t *testing.T, containerName string, storageAccountName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
GetStorageBlobContainerPublicAccess indicates whether a storage container has public access; otherwise false. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetStorageBlobContainerPublicAccessE ¶ added in v0.32.5
func GetStorageBlobContainerPublicAccessE(containerName, storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
GetStorageBlobContainerPublicAccessE indicates whether a storage container has public access; otherwise false.
func GetStorageDNSString ¶ added in v0.32.5
func GetStorageDNSString(t *testing.T, storageAccountName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) string
GetStorageDNSString builds and returns the storage account dns string if the storage account exists. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetStorageDNSStringE ¶ added in v0.32.5
func GetStorageDNSStringE(storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (string, error)
GetStorageDNSStringE builds and returns the storage account dns string if the storage account exists.
func GetStorageFileShare ¶ added in v0.38.5
func GetStorageFileShare(t *testing.T, fileShareName, storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) *storage.FileShare
GetStorageFileShare returns specified file share. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetStorageFileShareE ¶ added in v0.38.5
func GetStorageFileShareE(fileShareName, storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (*storage.FileShare, error)
GetStorageFileSharesE returns specified file share.
func GetStorageURISuffixE ¶ added in v0.32.5
GetStorageURISuffixE returns the proper storage URI suffix for the configured Azure environment.
func GetSubnetClientE ¶ added in v0.30.6
func GetSubnetClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.SubnetsClient, error)
GetSubnetClientE creates a subnet client.
func GetSubnetE ¶ added in v0.30.6
func GetSubnetE(subnetName string, vnetName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*network.Subnet, error)
GetSubnetE gets a subnet.
func GetSubscriptionClientE ¶ added in v0.31.1
func GetSubscriptionClientE() (*subscriptions.Client, error)
GetSubscriptionClientE is a helper function that will setup an Azure Subscription client on your behalf
func GetSynapseSqlPool ¶ added in v0.43.2
func GetSynapseSqlPool(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, workspaceName string, sqlPoolName string, subscriptionID string) *synapse.SQLPool
GetSynapseSqlPool is a helper function that gets the synapse workspace. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetSynapseSqlPoolE ¶ added in v0.43.2
func GetSynapseSqlPoolE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, workspaceName string, sqlPoolName string) (*synapse.SQLPool, error)
GetSynapseSqlPoolE is a helper function that gets the synapse sql pool.
func GetSynapseWorkspace ¶ added in v0.43.2
func GetSynapseWorkspace(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, workspaceName string, subscriptionID string) *synapse.Workspace
GetSynapseWorkspace is a helper function that gets the synapse workspace. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetSynapseWorkspaceE ¶ added in v0.43.2
func GetSynapseWorkspaceE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, workspaceName string) (*synapse.Workspace, error)
GetSynapseWorkspaceE is a helper function that gets the workspace.
func GetTargetAzureResourceGroupName ¶ added in v0.29.1
GetTargetAzureResourceGroupName is a helper function to find the correct target Azure Resource Group name, with provided arguments taking precedence over environment variables
func GetTargetAzureSubscription ¶ added in v0.29.1
GetTargetAzureSubscription is a helper function to find the correct target Azure Subscription ID, with provided arguments taking precedence over environment variables
func GetVMInsightsClientE ¶ added in v0.30.26
func GetVMInsightsClientE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string) (*insights.VMInsightsClient, error)
GetVMInsightsClientE gets a VM Insights client TODO: delete in next version
func GetVMInsightsOnboardingStatus ¶ added in v0.30.26
func GetVMInsightsOnboardingStatus(t testing.TestingT, resourceURI string, subscriptionID string) *insights.VMInsightsOnboardingStatus
GetVMInsightsOnboardingStatus get diagnostics VM onboarding status This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetVMInsightsOnboardingStatusE ¶ added in v0.30.26
func GetVMInsightsOnboardingStatusE(t testing.TestingT, resourceURI string, subscriptionID string) (*insights.VMInsightsOnboardingStatus, error)
GetVMInsightsOnboardingStatusE get diagnostics VM onboarding status
func GetVirtualMachine ¶ added in v0.30.12
func GetVirtualMachine(t testing.TestingT, vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) *compute.VirtualMachine
GetVirtualMachine gets a Virtual Machine in the specified Azure Resource Group. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetVirtualMachineAvailabilitySetID ¶ added in v0.30.12
func GetVirtualMachineAvailabilitySetID(t testing.TestingT, vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) string
GetVirtualMachineAvailabilitySetID gets the Availability Set ID of the specified Azure Virtual Machine. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetVirtualMachineAvailabilitySetIDE ¶ added in v0.30.12
func GetVirtualMachineAvailabilitySetIDE(vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (string, error)
GetVirtualMachineAvailabilitySetIDE gets the Availability Set ID of the specified Azure Virtual Machine.
func GetVirtualMachineClient ¶
func GetVirtualMachineClient(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string) *compute.VirtualMachinesClient
GetVirtualMachineClient is a helper function that will setup an Azure Virtual Machine client on your behalf.
func GetVirtualMachineClientE ¶ added in v0.30.3
func GetVirtualMachineClientE(subscriptionID string) (*compute.VirtualMachinesClient, error)
GetVirtualMachineClientE is a helper function that will setup an Azure Virtual Machine client on your behalf.
func GetVirtualMachineE ¶ added in v0.30.12
func GetVirtualMachineE(vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*compute.VirtualMachine, error)
GetVirtualMachineE gets a Virtual Machine in the specified Azure Resource Group.
func GetVirtualMachineManagedDisks ¶ added in v0.30.12
func GetVirtualMachineManagedDisks(t testing.TestingT, vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) []string
GetVirtualMachineManagedDisks gets the list of Managed Disk names of the specified Azure Virtual Machine. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetVirtualMachineManagedDisksE ¶ added in v0.30.12
func GetVirtualMachineManagedDisksE(vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) ([]string, error)
GetVirtualMachineManagedDisksE gets the list of Managed Disk names of the specified Azure Virtual Machine.
func GetVirtualMachineNics ¶ added in v0.30.12
func GetVirtualMachineNics(t testing.TestingT, vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) []string
GetVirtualMachineNics gets a list of Network Interface names for a specifcied Azure Virtual Machine. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetVirtualMachineNicsE ¶ added in v0.30.12
func GetVirtualMachineNicsE(vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) ([]string, error)
GetVirtualMachineNicsE gets a list of Network Interface names for a specified Azure Virtual Machine.
func GetVirtualMachineOSDiskName ¶ added in v0.30.12
func GetVirtualMachineOSDiskName(t testing.TestingT, vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) string
GetVirtualMachineOSDiskName gets the OS Disk name of the specified Azure Virtual Machine. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetVirtualMachineOSDiskNameE ¶ added in v0.30.12
func GetVirtualMachineOSDiskNameE(vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (string, error)
GetVirtualMachineOSDiskNameE gets the OS Disk name of the specified Azure Virtual Machine.
func GetVirtualMachineTags ¶ added in v0.30.12
func GetVirtualMachineTags(t testing.TestingT, vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) map[string]string
GetVirtualMachineTags gets the Tags of the specified Virtual Machine as a map. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetVirtualMachineTagsE ¶ added in v0.30.12
func GetVirtualMachineTagsE(vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (map[string]string, error)
GetVirtualMachineTagsE gets the Tags of the specified Virtual Machine as a map.
func GetVirtualMachinesForResourceGroup ¶ added in v0.30.12
func GetVirtualMachinesForResourceGroup(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) map[string]compute.VirtualMachineProperties
GetVirtualMachinesForResourceGroup gets all Virtual Machine objects in the specified Resource Group. Each VM Object represents the entire set of VM compute properties accessible by using the VM name as the map key. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetVirtualMachinesForResourceGroupE ¶ added in v0.30.12
func GetVirtualMachinesForResourceGroupE(resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (map[string]compute.VirtualMachineProperties, error)
GetVirtualMachinesForResourceGroupE gets all Virtual Machine objects in the specified Resource Group. Each VM Object represents the entire set of VM compute properties accessible by using the VM name as the map key.
func GetVirtualNetworkDNSServerIPs ¶ added in v0.30.6
func GetVirtualNetworkDNSServerIPs(t testing.TestingT, vnetName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) []string
GetVirtualNetworkDNSServerIPs gets a list of all Virtual Network DNS server IPs. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetVirtualNetworkDNSServerIPsE ¶ added in v0.30.6
func GetVirtualNetworkDNSServerIPsE(vnetName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) ([]string, error)
GetVirtualNetworkDNSServerIPsE gets a list of all Virtual Network DNS server IPs with Error.
func GetVirtualNetworkE ¶ added in v0.30.6
func GetVirtualNetworkE(vnetName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (*network.VirtualNetwork, error)
GetVirtualNetworkE gets Virtual Network in the specified Azure Resource Group.
func GetVirtualNetworkSubnets ¶ added in v0.30.6
func GetVirtualNetworkSubnets(t testing.TestingT, vnetName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) map[string]string
GetVirtualNetworkSubnets gets all Subnet names and their respective address prefixes in the specified Virtual Network. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetVirtualNetworkSubnetsE ¶ added in v0.30.6
func GetVirtualNetworkSubnetsE(vnetName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (map[string]string, error)
GetVirtualNetworkSubnetsE gets all Subnet names and their respective address prefixes in the specified Virtual Network. Returning both the name and prefix together helps reduce calls for these frequently accessed properties.
func GetVirtualNetworksClientE ¶ added in v0.30.6
func GetVirtualNetworksClientE(subscriptionID string) (*network.VirtualNetworksClient, error)
GetVirtualNetworksClientE creates a virtual network client in the specified Azure Subscription.
func KeyVaultCertificateExists ¶ added in v0.31.5
KeyVaultCertificateExists indicates whether a key vault certificate exists; otherwise false. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func KeyVaultCertificateExistsE ¶ added in v0.31.5
KeyVaultCertificateExistsE indicates whether a certificate exists in key vault; otherwise false.
func KeyVaultKeyExists ¶ added in v0.31.5
KeyVaultKeyExists indicates whether a key vault key exists; otherwise false. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func KeyVaultKeyExistsE ¶ added in v0.31.5
KeyVaultKeyExistsE indicates whether a key exists in the key vault; otherwise false.
func KeyVaultSecretExists ¶ added in v0.31.5
KeyVaultSecretExists indicates whether a key vault secret exists; otherwise false This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func KeyVaultSecretExistsE ¶ added in v0.31.5
KeyVaultSecretExistsE indicates whether a secret exists in the key vault; otherwise false.
func ListMySQLDB ¶ added in v0.30.20
func ListMySQLDB(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, serverName string, subscriptionID string) []mysql.Database
ListMySQLDB is a helper function that gets all databases per server.
func ListMySQLDBE ¶ added in v0.30.20
func ListMySQLDBE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, serverName string) ([]mysql.Database, error)
ListMySQLDBE is a helper function that gets all databases per server.
func ListNamespaceAuthRules ¶ added in v0.37.11
func ListNamespaceAuthRules(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string, namespace string, resourceGroup string) []string
ListNamespaceAuthRules - authenticate namespace client and enumerates all values to get list of authorization rules for the given namespace name, automatically crossing page boundaries as required. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func ListNamespaceAuthRulesE ¶ added in v0.37.11
func ListNamespaceAuthRulesE(subscriptionID string, namespace string, resourceGroup string) ([]string, error)
ListNamespaceAuthRulesE - authenticate namespace client and enumerates all values to get list of authorization rules for the given namespace name, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.
func ListNamespaceTopics ¶ added in v0.37.11
func ListNamespaceTopics(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string, namespace string, resourceGroup string) []servicebus.SBTopic
ListNamespaceTopics - authenticate topic client and enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func ListNamespaceTopicsE ¶ added in v0.37.11
func ListNamespaceTopicsE(subscriptionID string, namespace string, resourceGroup string) ([]servicebus.SBTopic, error)
ListNamespaceTopicsE - authenticate topic client and enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.
func ListPostgreSQLDB ¶ added in v0.32.22
func ListPostgreSQLDB(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, serverName string) []postgresql.Database
ListPostgreSQLDB is a helper function that gets all databases per server.
func ListPostgreSQLDBE ¶ added in v0.32.22
func ListPostgreSQLDBE(t testing.TestingT, subscriptionID string, resGroupName string, serverName string) ([]postgresql.Database, error)
ListPostgreSQLDBE is a helper function that gets all databases per server.
func ListResourceGroupsByTag ¶ added in v0.35.4
ListResourceGroupsByTag returns a resource group list within a subscription based on a tag key This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func ListResourceGroupsByTagE ¶ added in v0.35.4
ListResourceGroupsByTagE returns a resource group list within a subscription based on a tag key
func ListSQLServerDatabases ¶ added in v0.30.9
func ListSQLServerDatabases(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, serverName string, subscriptionID string) *[]sql.Database
ListSQLServerDatabases is a helper function that gets a list of databases on a sql server
func ListSQLServerDatabasesE ¶ added in v0.30.9
func ListSQLServerDatabasesE(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, serverName string, subscriptionID string) (*[]sql.Database, error)
ListSQLServerDatabasesE is a helper function that gets a list of databases on a sql server
func ListServiceBusNamespace ¶ added in v0.37.11
func ListServiceBusNamespace(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string) []servicebus.SBNamespace
ListServiceBusNamespace - list all SB namespaces in all resource groups in the given subscription ID. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func ListServiceBusNamespaceByResourceGroup ¶ added in v0.37.11
func ListServiceBusNamespaceByResourceGroup(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string, resourceGroup string) []servicebus.SBNamespace
ListServiceBusNamespaceByResourceGroup list all SB namespaces in the given resource group. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func ListServiceBusNamespaceByResourceGroupE ¶ added in v0.37.11
func ListServiceBusNamespaceByResourceGroupE(subscriptionID string, resourceGroup string) ([]servicebus.SBNamespace, error)
ListServiceBusNamespaceByResourceGroupE list all SB namespaces in the given resource group.
func ListServiceBusNamespaceE ¶ added in v0.37.11
func ListServiceBusNamespaceE(subscriptionID string) ([]servicebus.SBNamespace, error)
ListServiceBusNamespaceE list all SB namespaces in all resource groups in the given subscription ID.
func ListServiceBusNamespaceIDs ¶ added in v0.37.11
ListServiceBusNamespaceIDs list IDs of all SB namespaces in all resource groups in the given subscription ID. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func ListServiceBusNamespaceIDsByResourceGroup ¶ added in v0.37.11
func ListServiceBusNamespaceIDsByResourceGroup(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string, resourceGroup string) []string
ListServiceBusNamespaceIDsByResourceGroup list IDs of all SB namespaces in the given resource group. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func ListServiceBusNamespaceIDsByResourceGroupE ¶ added in v0.37.11
func ListServiceBusNamespaceIDsByResourceGroupE(subscriptionID string, resourceGroup string) ([]string, error)
ListServiceBusNamespaceIDsByResourceGroupE list IDs of all SB namespaces in the given resource group.
func ListServiceBusNamespaceIDsE ¶ added in v0.37.11
ListServiceBusNamespaceIDsE list IDs of all SB namespaces in all resource groups in the given subscription ID.
func ListServiceBusNamespaceNames ¶ added in v0.37.11
ListServiceBusNamespaceNames list names of all SB namespaces in all resource groups in the given subscription ID. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func ListServiceBusNamespaceNamesByResourceGroup ¶ added in v0.37.11
func ListServiceBusNamespaceNamesByResourceGroup(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string, resourceGroup string) []string
ListServiceBusNamespaceNamesByResourceGroup list names of all SB namespaces in the given resource group.
func ListServiceBusNamespaceNamesByResourceGroupE ¶ added in v0.37.11
func ListServiceBusNamespaceNamesByResourceGroupE(subscriptionID string, resourceGroup string) ([]string, error)
ListServiceBusNamespaceNamesByResourceGroupE list names of all SB namespaces in the given resource group. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func ListServiceBusNamespaceNamesE ¶ added in v0.37.11
ListServiceBusNamespaceNamesE list names of all SB namespaces in all resource groups in the given subscription ID.
func ListTopicAuthRules ¶ added in v0.37.11
func ListTopicAuthRules(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string, namespace string, resourceGroup string, topicName string) []string
ListTopicAuthRules - authenticate topic client and enumerates all values to get list of authorization rules for the given topic name, automatically crossing page boundaries as required. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func ListTopicAuthRulesE ¶ added in v0.37.11
func ListTopicAuthRulesE(subscriptionID string, namespace string, resourceGroup string, topicName string) ([]string, error)
ListTopicAuthRulesE - authenticate topic client and enumerates all values to get list of authorization rules for the given topic name, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.
func ListTopicSubscriptions ¶ added in v0.37.11
func ListTopicSubscriptions(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string, namespace string, resourceGroup string, topicName string) []servicebus.SBSubscription
ListTopicSubscriptions - authenticate subscriptions client and enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func ListTopicSubscriptionsE ¶ added in v0.37.11
func ListTopicSubscriptionsE(subscriptionID string, namespace string, resourceGroup string, topicName string) ([]servicebus.SBSubscription, error)
ListTopicSubscriptionsE - authenticate subscriptions client and enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.
func ListTopicSubscriptionsName ¶ added in v0.37.11
func ListTopicSubscriptionsName(t *testing.T, subscriptionID string, namespace string, resourceGroup string, topicName string) []string
ListTopicSubscriptionsName - authenticate subscriptions client and enumerates all values to get list of subscriptions for the given topic name, automatically crossing page boundaries as required. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func ListTopicSubscriptionsNameE ¶ added in v0.37.11
func ListTopicSubscriptionsNameE(subscriptionID string, namespace string, resourceGroup string, topicName string) ([]string, error)
ListTopicSubscriptionsNameE - authenticate subscriptions client and enumerates all values to get list of subscriptions for the given topic name, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.
func ListVirtualMachinesForResourceGroup ¶ added in v0.30.12
func ListVirtualMachinesForResourceGroup(t testing.TestingT, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) []string
ListVirtualMachinesForResourceGroup gets a list of all Virtual Machine names in the specified Resource Group. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func ListVirtualMachinesForResourceGroupE ¶ added in v0.30.12
func ListVirtualMachinesForResourceGroupE(resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) ([]string, error)
ListVirtualMachinesForResourceGroupE gets a list of all Virtual Machine names in the specified Resource Group.
func LoadBalancerExists ¶ added in v0.30.13
func LoadBalancerExists(t testing.TestingT, loadBalancerName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
LoadBalancerExists indicates whether the specified Load Balancer exists. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func LoadBalancerExistsE ¶ added in v0.30.13
func LoadBalancerExistsE(loadBalancerName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
LoadBalancerExistsE indicates whether the specified Load Balancer exists.
func LogAnalyticsWorkspaceExists ¶ added in v0.32.7
func LogAnalyticsWorkspaceExists(t testing.TestingT, workspaceName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
LogAnalyticsWorkspaceExists indicates whether the operatonal insights workspaces exists. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func LogAnalyticsWorkspaceExistsE ¶ added in v0.32.7
func LogAnalyticsWorkspaceExistsE(workspaceName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
LogAnalyticsWorkspaceExistsE indicates whether the operatonal insights workspaces exists and may return an error.
func NetworkInterfaceExists ¶ added in v0.30.6
func NetworkInterfaceExists(t testing.TestingT, nicName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
NetworkInterfaceExists indicates whether the specified Azure Network Interface exists. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func NetworkInterfaceExistsE ¶ added in v0.30.6
func NetworkInterfaceExistsE(nicName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
NetworkInterfaceExistsE indicates whether the specified Azure Network Interface exists.
func NewAuthorizer ¶
func NewAuthorizer() (*autorest.Authorizer, error)
NewAuthorizer creates an Azure authorizer adhering to standard auth mechanisms provided by the Azure Go SDK See Azure Go Auth docs here:
func NewKeyVaultAuthorizerE ¶ added in v0.31.5
func NewKeyVaultAuthorizerE() (*autorest.Authorizer, error)
NewKeyVaultAuthorizerE will return dataplane Authorizer for KeyVault.
func PublicAddressExists ¶ added in v0.30.6
func PublicAddressExists(t testing.TestingT, publicAddressName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
PublicAddressExists indicates whether the specified AzurePublic Address exists. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func PublicAddressExistsE ¶ added in v0.30.6
func PublicAddressExistsE(publicAddressName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
PublicAddressExistsE indicates whether the specified AzurePublic Address exists.
func RecoveryServicesVaultExists ¶ added in v0.31.2
func RecoveryServicesVaultExists(t *testing.T, vaultName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) bool
RecoveryServicesVaultExists indicates whether a recovery services vault exists; otherwise false. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func RecoveryServicesVaultExistsE ¶ added in v0.31.2
func RecoveryServicesVaultExistsE(vaultName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
RecoveryServicesVaultExistsE indicates whether a recovery services vault exists; otherwise false or error.
func ResourceGroupExists ¶ added in v0.30.12
ResourceGroupExists indicates whether a resource group exists within a subscription; otherwise false This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func ResourceGroupExistsE ¶ added in v0.30.12
ResourceGroupExistsE indicates whether a resource group exists within a subscription
func ResourceNotFoundErrorExists ¶ added in v0.30.6
ResourceNotFoundErrorExists checks the Service Error Code for the 'Resource Not Found' error
func SQLManagedInstanceExists ¶ added in v0.43.7
func SQLManagedInstanceExists(t testing.TestingT, managedInstanceName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
SQLManagedInstanceExists indicates whether the SQL Managed Instance exists for the subscription. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func SQLManagedInstanceExistsE ¶ added in v0.43.7
func SQLManagedInstanceExistsE(managedInstanceName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
SQLManagedInstanceExistsE indicates whether the specified SQL Managed Instance exists and may return an error.
func StorageAccountExists ¶ added in v0.32.5
func StorageAccountExists(t *testing.T, storageAccountName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
StorageAccountExists indicates whether the storage account name exactly matches; otherwise false. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func StorageAccountExistsE ¶ added in v0.32.5
func StorageAccountExistsE(storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
StorageAccountExistsE indicates whether the storage account name exists; otherwise false.
func StorageBlobContainerExists ¶ added in v0.32.5
func StorageBlobContainerExists(t *testing.T, containerName string, storageAccountName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
StorageBlobContainerExists returns true if the container name exactly matches; otherwise false This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func StorageBlobContainerExistsE ¶ added in v0.32.5
func StorageBlobContainerExistsE(containerName, storageAccountName, resourceGroupName, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
StorageBlobContainerExistsE returns true if the container name exists; otherwise false.
func StorageFileShareExists ¶ added in v0.38.5
func StorageFileShareExists(t *testing.T, fileSahreName string, storageAccountName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
StorageFileShareExists returns true if the file share name exactly matches; otherwise false This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func StorageFileShareExistsE ¶ added in v0.38.5
func StorageFileShareExistsE(t *testing.T, fileSahreName string, storageAccountName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
StorageFileShareExists returns true if the file share name exactly matches; otherwise false
func SubnetExists ¶ added in v0.30.6
func SubnetExists(t testing.TestingT, subnetName string, vnetName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
SubnetExists indicates whether the specified Azure Virtual Network Subnet exists. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func SubnetExistsE ¶ added in v0.30.6
func SubnetExistsE(subnetName string, vnetName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (bool, error)
SubnetExistsE indicates whether the specified Azure Virtual Network Subnet exists.
func VirtualMachineExists ¶ added in v0.30.12
func VirtualMachineExists(t testing.TestingT, vmName string, resGroupName string, subscriptionID string) bool
VirtualMachineExists indicates whether the specifcied Azure Virtual Machine exists. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func VirtualMachineExistsE ¶ added in v0.30.12
VirtualMachineExistsE indicates whether the specifcied Azure Virtual Machine exists.
Types ¶
type ClientType ¶ added in v0.31.1
type ClientType int
ClientType describes the type of client a module can create.
type FailedToParseError ¶ added in v0.30.6
type FailedToParseError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FailedToParseError is returned when an object cannot be parsed
func NewFailedToParseError ¶ added in v0.30.6
func NewFailedToParseError(objectType string, objectID string) FailedToParseError
NewFailedToParseError creates a new not found error when an expected object is not found in the search space
func (FailedToParseError) Error ¶ added in v0.30.6
func (err FailedToParseError) Error() string
type Instance ¶ added in v0.30.12
type Instance struct {
Instance of the VM
func (*Instance) GetVirtualMachineInstanceSize ¶ added in v0.30.12
func (vm *Instance) GetVirtualMachineInstanceSize() compute.VirtualMachineSizeTypes
GetVirtualMachineInstanceSize gets the size of the Virtual Machine.
type LoadBalancerIPType ¶ added in v0.30.13
type LoadBalancerIPType string
LoadBalancerIPType enumerator for types Public, Private or No IP.
const ( PublicIP LoadBalancerIPType = "PublicIP" PrivateIP LoadBalancerIPType = "PrivateIP" NoIP LoadBalancerIPType = "NoIP" )
LoadBalancerIPType values
func GetIPOfLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfig ¶ added in v0.30.13
func GetIPOfLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfig(t testing.TestingT, feConfigName string, loadBalancerName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (ipAddress string, publicOrPrivate LoadBalancerIPType)
GetIPOfLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfig gets the IP and LoadBalancerIPType for the specified Load Balancer Frontend IP Configuration. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetIPOfLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigE ¶ added in v0.30.13
func GetIPOfLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigE(feConfigName string, loadBalancerName string, resourceGroupName string, subscriptionID string) (ipAddress string, publicOrPrivate LoadBalancerIPType, err1 error)
GetIPOfLoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigE gets the IP and LoadBalancerIPType for the specified Load Balancer Frontend IP Configuration.
type NotFoundError ¶ added in v0.30.3
type NotFoundError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NotFoundError is returned when an expected object is not found in the search spa
func NewNotFoundError ¶ added in v0.30.3
func NewNotFoundError(objectType string, objectID string, region string) NotFoundError
NewNotFoundError creates a new not found error when an expected object is not found in the search space
func (NotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v0.30.3
func (err NotFoundError) Error() string
type NsgRuleSummary ¶ added in v0.30.4
type NsgRuleSummary struct { Name string Description string Protocol string SourcePortRange string SourcePortRanges []string DestinationPortRange string DestinationPortRanges []string SourceAddressPrefix string SourceAdresssPrefixes []string DestinationAddressPrefix string DestinationAddressPrefixes []string Access string Priority int32 Direction string }
NsgRuleSummary is a string-based (non-pointer) summary of an NSG rule with several helper methods attached to help with verification of rule configuratoin.
func (*NsgRuleSummary) AllowsDestinationPort ¶ added in v0.30.4
func (summarizedRule *NsgRuleSummary) AllowsDestinationPort(t *testing.T, port string) bool
AllowsDestinationPort checks to see if the rule allows a specific destination port. This is helpful when verifying that a given rule is configured properly for a given port.
func (*NsgRuleSummary) AllowsSourcePort ¶ added in v0.30.4
func (summarizedRule *NsgRuleSummary) AllowsSourcePort(t *testing.T, port string) bool
AllowsSourcePort checks to see if the rule allows a specific source port. This is helpful when verifying that a given rule is configured properly for a given port.
type NsgRuleSummaryList ¶ added in v0.30.4
type NsgRuleSummaryList struct {
SummarizedRules []NsgRuleSummary
NsgRuleSummaryList holds a colleciton of NsgRuleSummary rules
func GetAllNSGRules ¶ added in v0.30.4
func GetAllNSGRules(t *testing.T, resourceGroupName, nsgName, subscriptionID string) NsgRuleSummaryList
GetAllNSGRules returns an NsgRuleSummaryList instance containing the combined "default" and "custom" rules from a network security group. This function would fail the test if there is an error.
func GetAllNSGRulesE ¶ added in v0.30.4
func GetAllNSGRulesE(resourceGroupName, nsgName, subscriptionID string) (NsgRuleSummaryList, error)
GetAllNSGRulesE returns an NsgRuleSummaryList instance containing the combined "default" and "custom" rules from a network security group.
func (*NsgRuleSummaryList) FindRuleByName ¶ added in v0.30.4
func (summarizedRules *NsgRuleSummaryList) FindRuleByName(name string) NsgRuleSummary
FindRuleByName looks for a matching rule by name within the current collection of rules.
type ResourceGroupNameNotFound ¶
type ResourceGroupNameNotFound struct{}
ResourceGroupNameNotFound is an error that occurs when the target Azure Resource Group name could not be found or was not provided
func (ResourceGroupNameNotFound) Error ¶
func (err ResourceGroupNameNotFound) Error() string
type SubscriptionIDNotFound ¶
type SubscriptionIDNotFound struct{}
SubscriptionIDNotFound is an error that occurs when the Azure Subscription ID could not be found or was not provided
func (SubscriptionIDNotFound) Error ¶
func (err SubscriptionIDNotFound) Error() string
type VMImage ¶ added in v0.30.12
VMImage represents the storage image for the specified Azure Virtual Machine.
Source Files
- actiongroup.go
- aks.go
- appService.go
- authorizer.go
- availabilityset.go
- azure.go
- client_factory.go
- common.go
- compute.go
- containers.go
- cosmosdb.go
- datafactory.go
- disk.go
- enums.go
- errors.go
- frontdoor.go
- keyvault.go
- loadbalancer.go
- loganalytics.go
- monitor.go
- mysql.go
- networkinterface.go
- nsg.go
- postgresql.go
- publicaddress.go
- recoveryservices.go
- region.go
- resourcegroup.go
- resourceid.go
- servicebus.go
- sql.go
- sql_managedinstance.go
- storage.go
- subscription.go
- synapse.go
- virtualnetwork.go