
package module
v0.7.2 Latest Latest

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Published: Aug 11, 2024 License: BSD-3-Clause Imports: 9 Imported by: 196



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Go package to make lightweight ASCII line graphs ╭┈╯.



go get -u


Basic graph
package main

import (

func main() {
    data := []float64{3, 4, 9, 6, 2, 4, 5, 8, 5, 10, 2, 7, 2, 5, 6}
    graph := asciigraph.Plot(data)


Running this example would render the following graph:

  10.00 ┤        ╭╮
   9.00 ┤ ╭╮     ││
   8.00 ┤ ││   ╭╮││
   7.00 ┤ ││   ││││╭╮
   6.00 ┤ │╰╮  ││││││ ╭
   5.00 ┤ │ │ ╭╯╰╯│││╭╯
   4.00 ┤╭╯ │╭╯   ││││
   3.00 ┼╯  ││    ││││
   2.00 ┤   ╰╯    ╰╯╰╯
Multiple Series
package main

import (

func main() {
	data := [][]float64{{0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 0}, {5, 4, 2, 1, 4, 6, 6}}
	graph := asciigraph.PlotMany(data)


Running this example would render the following graph:

 6.00 ┤    ╭─
 5.00 ┼╮   │
 4.00 ┤╰╮ ╭╯
 3.00 ┤ │╭│─╮
 2.00 ┤ ╰╮│ ╰╮
 1.00 ┤╭╯╰╯  │
 0.00 ┼╯     ╰
Colored graphs
package main

import (

func main() {
	data := make([][]float64, 4)

	for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
		for x := -20; x <= 20; x++ {
			v := math.NaN()
			if r := 20 - i; x >= -r && x <= r {
				v = math.Sqrt(math.Pow(float64(r), 2)-math.Pow(float64(x), 2)) / 2
			data[i] = append(data[i], v)
	graph := asciigraph.PlotMany(data, asciigraph.Precision(0), asciigraph.SeriesColors(


Running this example would render the following graph:


Legends for colored graphs

The graph can include legends for each series, making it easier to interpret.

package main

import (

func main() {
	data := make([][]float64, 3)
	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		for x := -12; x <= 12; x++ {
			v := math.NaN()
			if r := 12 - i; x >= -r && x <= r {
				v = math.Sqrt(math.Pow(float64(r), 2)-math.Pow(float64(x), 2)) / 2
			data[i] = append(data[i], v)
	graph := asciigraph.PlotMany(data,
		asciigraph.SeriesColors(asciigraph.Red, asciigraph.Green, asciigraph.Blue),
		asciigraph.SeriesLegends("Red", "Green", "Blue"),
		asciigraph.Caption("Series with legends"))

Running this example would render the following graph:


CLI Installation

This package also brings a small utility for command line usage.

Assuming $GOPATH/bin is in your $PATH, install CLI with following command:

go install

or pull Docker image:

docker pull

or download binaries from the releases page.

CLI Usage

> asciigraph --help
Usage of asciigraph:
  asciigraph [options]
  -ac axis color
    	y-axis color of the plot
  -b buffer
    	data points buffer when realtime graph enabled, default equal to `width`
  -c caption
    	caption for the graph
  -cc caption color
    	caption color of the plot
  -d delimiter
    	data delimiter for splitting data points in the input stream (default ",")
  -f fps
    	set fps to control how frequently graph to be rendered when realtime graph enabled (default 24)
  -h height
    	height in text rows, 0 for auto-scaling
  -lb lower bound
    	lower bound set the minimum value for the vertical axis (ignored if series contains lower values) (default +Inf)
  -lc label color
    	y-axis label color of the plot
  -o offset
    	offset in columns, for the label (default 3)
  -p precision
    	precision of data point labels along the y-axis (default 2)
  -r realtime
    	enables realtime graph for data stream
  -sc series colors
    	comma-separated series colors corresponding to each series
  -sl series legends
    	comma-separated series legends corresponding to each series
  -sn number of series
    	number of series (columns) in the input data (default 1)
  -ub upper bound
    	upper bound set the maximum value for the vertical axis (ignored if series contains larger values) (default -Inf)
  -w width
    	width in columns, 0 for auto-scaling
asciigraph expects data points from stdin. Invalid values are logged to stderr.

Feed it data points via stdin:

seq 1 72 | asciigraph -h 10 -c "plot data from stdin"

or use Docker image:

seq 1 72 | docker run -i --rm -h 10 -c "plot data from stdin"


 72.00 ┤                                                                  ╭────
 64.90 ┤                                                           ╭──────╯
 57.80 ┤                                                    ╭──────╯
 50.70 ┤                                             ╭──────╯
 43.60 ┤                                      ╭──────╯
 36.50 ┤                              ╭───────╯
 29.40 ┤                       ╭──────╯
 22.30 ┤                ╭──────╯
 15.20 ┤         ╭──────╯
  8.10 ┤  ╭──────╯
  1.00 ┼──╯
                                  plot data from stdin

Example of real-time graph for data points stream via stdin:

Realtime graph for data points via stdin (google ping) using asciigraph

command for above graph
ping -i.2 | grep -oP '(?<=time=).*(?=ms)' --line-buffered | asciigraph -r -h 10 -w 40 -c "realtime plot data (google ping in ms) from stdin"

Example of multi-series real-time graph for data points stream via stdin:

command for above graph
{unbuffer paste -d, <(ping -i 0.4 | sed -u -n -E 's/.*time=(.*)ms.*/\1/p') <(ping -i 0.4 | sed -u -n -E 's/.*time=(.*)ms.*/\1/p') } | asciigraph -r -h 15 -w 60 -sn 2 -sc "blue,red" -c "Ping Latency Comparison" -sl "Google, DuckDuckGo"


This package started as golang port of asciichart.


Feel free to make a pull request! :octocat:




This section is empty.


View Source
var Clear func()

clear terminal screen

View Source
var ColorNames = map[string]AnsiColor{}/* 141 elements not displayed */


func Plot

func Plot(series []float64, options ...Option) string

Plot returns ascii graph for a series.

func PlotMany added in v0.5.4

func PlotMany(data [][]float64, options ...Option) string

PlotMany returns ascii graph for multiple series.


type AnsiColor added in v0.5.5

type AnsiColor byte
var (
	Default              AnsiColor = 0
	AliceBlue            AnsiColor = 255
	AntiqueWhite         AnsiColor = 255
	Aqua                 AnsiColor = 14
	Aquamarine           AnsiColor = 122
	Azure                AnsiColor = 15
	Beige                AnsiColor = 230
	Bisque               AnsiColor = 224
	Black                AnsiColor = 188 // dummy value
	BlanchedAlmond       AnsiColor = 230
	Blue                 AnsiColor = 12
	BlueViolet           AnsiColor = 92
	Brown                AnsiColor = 88
	BurlyWood            AnsiColor = 180
	CadetBlue            AnsiColor = 73
	Chartreuse           AnsiColor = 118
	Chocolate            AnsiColor = 166
	Coral                AnsiColor = 209
	CornflowerBlue       AnsiColor = 68
	Cornsilk             AnsiColor = 230
	Crimson              AnsiColor = 161
	Cyan                 AnsiColor = 14
	DarkBlue             AnsiColor = 18
	DarkCyan             AnsiColor = 30
	DarkGoldenrod        AnsiColor = 136
	DarkGray             AnsiColor = 248
	DarkGreen            AnsiColor = 22
	DarkKhaki            AnsiColor = 143
	DarkMagenta          AnsiColor = 90
	DarkOliveGreen       AnsiColor = 59
	DarkOrange           AnsiColor = 208
	DarkOrchid           AnsiColor = 134
	DarkRed              AnsiColor = 88
	DarkSalmon           AnsiColor = 173
	DarkSeaGreen         AnsiColor = 108
	DarkSlateBlue        AnsiColor = 60
	DarkSlateGray        AnsiColor = 238
	DarkTurquoise        AnsiColor = 44
	DarkViolet           AnsiColor = 92
	DeepPink             AnsiColor = 198
	DeepSkyBlue          AnsiColor = 39
	DimGray              AnsiColor = 242
	DodgerBlue           AnsiColor = 33
	Firebrick            AnsiColor = 124
	FloralWhite          AnsiColor = 15
	ForestGreen          AnsiColor = 28
	Fuchsia              AnsiColor = 13
	Gainsboro            AnsiColor = 253
	GhostWhite           AnsiColor = 15
	Gold                 AnsiColor = 220
	Goldenrod            AnsiColor = 178
	Gray                 AnsiColor = 8
	Green                AnsiColor = 2
	GreenYellow          AnsiColor = 155
	Honeydew             AnsiColor = 15
	HotPink              AnsiColor = 205
	IndianRed            AnsiColor = 167
	Indigo               AnsiColor = 54
	Ivory                AnsiColor = 15
	Khaki                AnsiColor = 222
	Lavender             AnsiColor = 254
	LavenderBlush        AnsiColor = 255
	LawnGreen            AnsiColor = 118
	LemonChiffon         AnsiColor = 230
	LightBlue            AnsiColor = 152
	LightCoral           AnsiColor = 210
	LightCyan            AnsiColor = 195
	LightGoldenrodYellow AnsiColor = 230
	LightGray            AnsiColor = 252
	LightGreen           AnsiColor = 120
	LightPink            AnsiColor = 217
	LightSalmon          AnsiColor = 216
	LightSeaGreen        AnsiColor = 37
	LightSkyBlue         AnsiColor = 117
	LightSlateGray       AnsiColor = 103
	LightSteelBlue       AnsiColor = 152
	LightYellow          AnsiColor = 230
	Lime                 AnsiColor = 10
	LimeGreen            AnsiColor = 77
	Linen                AnsiColor = 255
	Magenta              AnsiColor = 13
	Maroon               AnsiColor = 1
	MediumAquamarine     AnsiColor = 79
	MediumBlue           AnsiColor = 20
	MediumOrchid         AnsiColor = 134
	MediumPurple         AnsiColor = 98
	MediumSeaGreen       AnsiColor = 72
	MediumSlateBlue      AnsiColor = 99
	MediumSpringGreen    AnsiColor = 48
	MediumTurquoise      AnsiColor = 80
	MediumVioletRed      AnsiColor = 162
	MidnightBlue         AnsiColor = 17
	MintCream            AnsiColor = 15
	MistyRose            AnsiColor = 224
	Moccasin             AnsiColor = 223
	NavajoWhite          AnsiColor = 223
	Navy                 AnsiColor = 4
	OldLace              AnsiColor = 230
	Olive                AnsiColor = 3
	OliveDrab            AnsiColor = 64
	Orange               AnsiColor = 214
	OrangeRed            AnsiColor = 202
	Orchid               AnsiColor = 170
	PaleGoldenrod        AnsiColor = 223
	PaleGreen            AnsiColor = 120
	PaleTurquoise        AnsiColor = 159
	PaleVioletRed        AnsiColor = 168
	PapayaWhip           AnsiColor = 230
	PeachPuff            AnsiColor = 223
	Peru                 AnsiColor = 173
	Pink                 AnsiColor = 218
	Plum                 AnsiColor = 182
	PowderBlue           AnsiColor = 152
	Purple               AnsiColor = 5
	Red                  AnsiColor = 9
	RosyBrown            AnsiColor = 138
	RoyalBlue            AnsiColor = 63
	SaddleBrown          AnsiColor = 94
	Salmon               AnsiColor = 210
	SandyBrown           AnsiColor = 215
	SeaGreen             AnsiColor = 29
	SeaShell             AnsiColor = 15
	Sienna               AnsiColor = 131
	Silver               AnsiColor = 7
	SkyBlue              AnsiColor = 117
	SlateBlue            AnsiColor = 62
	SlateGray            AnsiColor = 66
	Snow                 AnsiColor = 15
	SpringGreen          AnsiColor = 48
	SteelBlue            AnsiColor = 67
	Tan                  AnsiColor = 180
	Teal                 AnsiColor = 6
	Thistle              AnsiColor = 182
	Tomato               AnsiColor = 203
	Turquoise            AnsiColor = 80
	Violet               AnsiColor = 213
	Wheat                AnsiColor = 223
	White                AnsiColor = 15
	WhiteSmoke           AnsiColor = 255
	Yellow               AnsiColor = 11
	YellowGreen          AnsiColor = 149

func (AnsiColor) String added in v0.5.5

func (c AnsiColor) String() string

type Option added in v0.3.0

type Option interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

Option represents a configuration setting.

func AxisColor added in v0.5.5

func AxisColor(ac AnsiColor) Option

AxisColor sets the axis color.

func Caption added in v0.3.0

func Caption(caption string) Option

Caption sets the graphs caption.

func CaptionColor added in v0.5.5

func CaptionColor(ac AnsiColor) Option

CaptionColor sets the caption color.

func Height added in v0.3.0

func Height(h int) Option

Height sets the graphs height.

func LabelColor added in v0.5.5

func LabelColor(ac AnsiColor) Option

LabelColor sets the axis label color.

func LowerBound added in v0.5.6

func LowerBound(min float64) Option

LowerBound sets the graph's minimum value for the vertical axis. It will be ignored if the series contains a lower value.

func Offset added in v0.3.0

func Offset(o int) Option

Offset sets the graphs offset.

func Precision added in v0.5.2

func Precision(p uint) Option

Precision sets the graphs precision.

func SeriesColors added in v0.5.5

func SeriesColors(ac ...AnsiColor) Option

SeriesColors sets the series colors.

func SeriesLegends added in v0.6.0

func SeriesLegends(text ...string) Option

SeriesLegends sets the legend text for the corresponding series.

func UpperBound added in v0.5.6

func UpperBound(max float64) Option

UpperBound sets the graph's maximum value for the vertical axis. It will be ignored if the series contains a bigger value.

func Width added in v0.3.0

func Width(w int) Option

Width sets the graphs width. By default, the width of the graph is determined by the number of data points. If the value given is a positive number, the data points are interpolated on the x axis. Values <= 0 reset the width to the default value.


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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL