Longest String Chain
Given a list of strings, write a function that returns the longest string chain that can be built from those strings.
A string chain is defined as follows: let string A be a string in the initial array; if removing any single character from string A yields a new string B that's contained in the initial array of strings, then strings A and B form a string chain of length 2. Similarly, if removing any single character from string B yields a new string C that's contained in the initial array of strings, then strings A, B, and C form a string chain of length 3.
The function should return the string chain in descending order (i.e., from the longest string to the shortest one). Note that string chains of length 1 don't exist; if the list of strings doesn't contain any string chain formed by two or more strings, the function should return an empty array.
You can assume that there will only be one longest string chain.
strings = ["abde", "abc", "abd", "abcde", "ade", "ae", "1abde", "abcdef"]
Sample Output
["abcdef", "abcde", "abde", "ade", "ae"]
Hint 1
For each string, you will have to remove every letter one at a time to see if the resulting strings are contained in the input list of strings. What data structure lends itself to quickly checking if these strings are located in the list of input strings?
Hint 2
Realize that every string in the input list of strings potentially has a string chain (and therefore a longest string chain) that starts with itself. Compute all of these string chains and store them so that you don't have to compute them more than once.
Hint 3
Sort the input list of strings (from shortest to longest string) in order to simplify the problem. Iterate through the list of sorted strings, and for each string, compute the longest string chain that starts with itself. To do so, try removing every letter from each string and seeing if the resulting strings are in the input list of strings; you can do so in constant time by dumping every string in a hash table. In the hash table, store the longest string chain of every string as you compute them. As you iterate through longer strings, whenever you find a shorter string for which you've already computed the longest string chain, you can very quickly append the longer string to that already-computed string chain. Do this for every string, and you'll eventually find the longest string chain that you're looking for.
Hint 4
Do you need to store every string's longest string chain mentioned in Hint #3, or can you store less information per string so as to take up less auxiliary space?
Optimal Space & Time Complexity
O(n * m^2 + nlog(n)) time | O(nm) space - where n is the number of strings and m is the length of the longest string