Scan any file & URL from your terminal!
virusgotal is a simple CLI client to a famous VirusTotal service. No more hassle with URL and file scans ever.
Yes, it is yet another wrapper. However it's a crossplatform CLI tool which runs on Linux/macOS/Windows/*BSD and even on Android.
It's also requires zero runtime dependency.
Option 1. The easiest way is to grab package from Github Releases page and place it (preferably) in your $PATH.
For more convenient usage rename virusgotal-$OS-$ARCH
to virusgotal
Option 2. If you want to build it manually then you are welcome:
go get -u
go install -u
NOTE: make sure you have included $GOPATH/bin to $PATH
You will need VirusTotal API key. You can obtain it from your profile at VT.
After obtaining it export the key to env variable:
export VT_API_KEY=<your key>
At the moment virusgotal
supports files/URLs scan and search results by file hash (SHA1/SHA256/MD5).
To scan a file:
virusgotal file <FILE>
- To rescan a file:
virusgotal file <FILE> --force
- To wait for file scan results in a loop:
virusgotal file <FILE> --wait
- To get JSON formatted result:
virusgotal file <FILE> --json
To scan a URL:
virusgotal url <URL>
- To rescan a URL:
virusgotal url <URL> --force
- To wait for URL scan results in a loop:
virusgotal url <URL> --wait
- To get JSON formatted result:
virusgotal url <FILE> --json
To lookup a file hash in VirusTotal database:
virusgotal hash <HASH>
- Get JSON formatted result:
virustotal hash <HASH> --json
You also can combine options: virusgotal file --wait --json --force <FILE>
All kinds of contribution are welcome! Please send your PRs, bug reports, ideas, suggestions.
MIT License