
v5.4.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 9, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 24 Imported by: 328



Package neo4j provides required functionality to connect and execute statements against a Neo4j Database.

Package neo4j provides required functionality to connect and execute statements against a Neo4j Database.




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const (
	// ERROR is the level that error messages are written
	ERROR LogLevel = 1
	// WARNING is the level that warning messages are written
	// INFO is the level that info messages are written
	INFO = 3
	// DEBUG is the level that debug messages are written
	DEBUG = 4
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const FetchAll = -1

FetchAll turns off fetching records in batches.

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const FetchDefault = 0

FetchDefault lets the driver decide fetch size

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const UserAgent = "Go Driver/5.0"


This section is empty.


func BookmarksToRawValues

func BookmarksToRawValues(bookmarks Bookmarks) []string

BookmarksToRawValues exposes the raw server-side bookmarks. You should not need to use this method unless you want to serialize bookmarks. See Session.LastBookmarks and CombineBookmarks for alternatives.

func CollectT

func CollectT[T any](result Result, mapper func(*Record) (T, error)) ([]T, error)

CollectT is like Collect but maps each record with the provided mapper. Deprecated: use CollectTWithContext instead (the entry point of context-aware APIs is NewDriverWithContext)

func CollectTWithContext

func CollectTWithContext[T any](ctx context.Context, result ResultWithContext, mapper func(*Record) (T, error)) ([]T, error)

CollectTWithContext is like CollectT. It accepts a context.Context parameter

func ConsoleBoltLogger

func ConsoleBoltLogger() *log.ConsoleBoltLogger

func ConsoleLogger

func ConsoleLogger(level LogLevel) *log.Console

func ExecuteRead added in v5.4.0

func ExecuteRead[T any](ctx context.Context, session SessionWithContext,
	work ManagedTransactionWorkT[T],
	configurers ...func(config *TransactionConfig)) (T, error)

ExecuteRead executes the given unit of work in a read transaction with retry logic in place, via the provided session.

This is the generic variant of SessionWithContext.ExecuteRead.

If an error occurs, the zero value of T is returned.

package main

import (

type Person struct {
	Name  string
	Login string

func (p *Person) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("name: %s, login: %s", p.Name, p.Login)

func (p *Person) asNodeProps() map[string]any {
	return map[string]any{
		"name":  p.Name,
		"login": p.Login,

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	driver, err := createDriver()
	defer handleClose(ctx, driver)
	session := driver.NewSession(ctx, neo4j.SessionConfig{})
	defer handleClose(ctx, session)

	personLogin := readPersonLoginFromRequest()

	// with neo4j.ExecuteRead, `person` is guaranteed to be of the declared type if no error occurs
	// note: if an error occurs, the default value (sometimes called "zero value") of the type is returned
	person, err := neo4j.ExecuteRead[*Person](ctx, session, func(tx neo4j.ManagedTransaction) (*Person, error) {
		result, err := tx.Run(ctx, "MATCH (p:Person) WHERE p.login = $login RETURN p AS person", map[string]any{
			"login": personLogin,
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		record, err := result.Single(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		key := "person"
		rawPerson, found := record.Get(key)
		if !found {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("record %q not found", key)
		personNode, ok := rawPerson.(neo4j.Node)
		if !ok {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected result to be a map but was %T", rawPerson)
		name, err := getPropertyValue[string](personNode, "name")
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		login, err := getPropertyValue[string](personNode, "login")
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return &Person{
			Name:  name,
			Login: login,
		}, nil
	fmt.Printf("Found person %v in the database\n", person)

func getPropertyValue[T any](node neo4j.Node, key string) (T, error) {
	zeroValue := *new(T)
	rawValue, found := node.Props[key]
	if !found {
		return zeroValue, fmt.Errorf("could not find property named %q", key)
	value, ok := rawValue.(T)
	if !ok {
		return zeroValue, fmt.Errorf("expected property to be of type %T but was %T", zeroValue, rawValue)
	return value, nil

// readPersonLoginFromRequest returns a hardcoded login
// imagine instead an implementation reading the data from an HTTP payload for instance
func readPersonLoginFromRequest() string {
	return "fbiville"

func createDriver() (neo4j.DriverWithContext, error) {
	credentials := neo4j.BasicAuth(os.Getenv("USERNAME"), os.Getenv("PASSWORD"), "")
	return neo4j.NewDriverWithContext(os.Getenv("URL"), credentials)

type ctxCloser interface {
	Close(context.Context) error

func handleClose(ctx context.Context, closer ctxCloser) {

func handleError(err error) {

	if err != nil {


func ExecuteWrite added in v5.4.0

func ExecuteWrite[T any](ctx context.Context, session SessionWithContext,
	work ManagedTransactionWorkT[T],
	configurers ...func(config *TransactionConfig)) (T, error)

ExecuteWrite executes the given unit of work in a write transaction with retry logic in place, via the provided session.

This is the generic variant of SessionWithContext.ExecuteWrite.

If an error occurs, the zero value of T is returned.

package main

import (

type Person struct {
	Name  string
	Login string

func (p *Person) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("name: %s, login: %s", p.Name, p.Login)

func (p *Person) asNodeProps() map[string]any {
	return map[string]any{
		"name":  p.Name,
		"login": p.Login,

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	driver, err := createDriver()
	defer handleClose(ctx, driver)
	session := driver.NewSession(ctx, neo4j.SessionConfig{})
	defer handleClose(ctx, session)

	person := readPersonFromRequest()

	// with neo4j.ExecuteWrite, `count` is guaranteed to be of the declared type if no error occurs
	// note: if an error occurs, the default value (sometimes called "zero value") of the type is returned
	count, err := neo4j.ExecuteWrite[int64](ctx, session, func(tx neo4j.ManagedTransaction) (int64, error) {
		if err := insertPerson(ctx, tx, person); err != nil {
			return 0, err
		result, err := tx.Run(ctx, "MATCH (p:Person) RETURN count(p) AS count", nil)
		if err != nil {
			return 0, err
		record, err := result.Single(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return 0, err
		key := "count"
		rawCount, found := record.Get(key)
		if !found {
			return 0, fmt.Errorf("record %q not found", key)
		count, ok := rawCount.(int64)
		if !ok {
			return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected result to be an int64 but was %T", rawCount)
		return count, nil
	fmt.Printf("There are %d people in the database\n", count)

// readPersonFromRequest returns a hardcoded user
// imagine instead an implementation reading the data from an HTTP payload for instance
func readPersonFromRequest() *Person {
	return &Person{
		Name:  "Jane Doe",
		Login: "@janedoe",

func insertPerson(ctx context.Context, tx neo4j.ManagedTransaction, newPerson *Person) error {
	result, err := tx.Run(ctx, "CREATE (p:Person) SET p = $props", map[string]any{
		"props": newPerson.asNodeProps(),
	if err != nil {
		return err
	_, err = result.Consume(ctx)
	return err

func createDriver() (neo4j.DriverWithContext, error) {
	credentials := neo4j.BasicAuth(os.Getenv("USERNAME"), os.Getenv("PASSWORD"), "")
	return neo4j.NewDriverWithContext(os.Getenv("URL"), credentials)

type ctxCloser interface {
	Close(context.Context) error

func handleClose(ctx context.Context, closer ctxCloser) {

func handleError(err error) {

	if err != nil {


func GetProperty added in v5.4.0

func GetProperty[T PropertyValue](entity Entity, key string) (T, error)

GetProperty returns the value matching the property of the given neo4j.Node or neo4j.Relationship The property type T must adhere to neo4j.PropertyValue If the property does not exist, an error is returned If the property type does not match the type specification, an error is returned

 * Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
 * Neo4j Sweden AB []
 * This file is part of Neo4j.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

package main

import (

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	driver, err := createDriver()
	defer handleClose(ctx, driver)
	session := driver.NewSession(ctx, neo4j.SessionConfig{})
	defer handleClose(ctx, session)

	result, err := session.Run(ctx, "MATCH (p:Person) RETURN p LIMIT 1", nil)
	personNode, err := getPersonNode(ctx, result)

	// GetProperty extracts the node's or relationship's property by the specified name
	// it also makes sure it matches the specified type parameter
	name, err := neo4j.GetProperty[string](personNode, "name")
	login, err := neo4j.GetProperty[string](personNode, "login")
	person := Person{
		Name:  name,
		Login: login,

func getPersonNode(ctx context.Context, result neo4j.ResultWithContext) (neo4j.Node, error) {
	record, err := result.Single(ctx)

	rawPersonNode, found := record.Get("p")
	if !found {
		return neo4j.Node{}, fmt.Errorf("person record not found")
	personNode, ok := rawPersonNode.(neo4j.Node)
	if !ok {
		return neo4j.Node{}, fmt.Errorf("expected person record to be a node, but was %T", rawPersonNode)
	return personNode, nil

func GetRecordValue added in v5.4.0

func GetRecordValue[T RecordValue](record *Record, key string) (T, bool, error)

GetRecordValue returns the value of the current provided record named by the specified key The value type T must adhere to neo4j.RecordValue If the key specified for the value does not exist, an error is returned If the value is not defined for the provided existing key, the returned boolean is true If the value type does not match the type specification, an error is returned

Take this simple graph made of three nodes: `(:Person {name: "Arya"})`, `(:Person {name: ""})`, `(:Person)` and the query: `MATCH (p:Person) RETURN AS name`. The following code illustrates when an error is returned vs. when the nil flag is set to true:

// the above query has been executed, `result` holds the cursor over the person nodes
for result.Next() {
	record := result.Record()
	name, isNil, err := neo4j.GetRecordValue[string](record, "name")
	// for the person with the non-blank name, name == "Arya", isNil == false, err == nil
	// for the person with the blank name, name == "", isNil == false, err == nil
	// for the node without name, name == "", isNil == true, err == nil

	_, _, err := neo4j.GetRecordValue[string](record, "invalid-key")
	// this results in an error, since "invalid-key" is not part of the query result keys
ctx := context.Background()
driver, err := createDriver()
defer handleClose(ctx, driver)
session := driver.NewSession(ctx, neo4j.SessionConfig{})
defer handleClose(ctx, session)

result, err := session.Run(ctx, "MATCH (p:Person) RETURN p LIMIT 1", nil)
record, err := result.Single(ctx)

// GetRecordValue extracts the record value by the specified name
// it also makes sure the value conforms to the specified type parameter
// if a particular value is not present for the current record, isNil will be true
personNode, isNil, err := neo4j.GetRecordValue[neo4j.Node](record, "p")
if isNil {
	fmt.Println("no person found")
} else {

func IsConnectivityError

func IsConnectivityError(err error) bool

IsConnectivityError returns true if the provided error is an instance of ConnectivityError.

func IsNeo4jError

func IsNeo4jError(err error) bool

IsNeo4jError returns true if the provided error is an instance of Neo4jError.

func IsRetryable

func IsRetryable(err error) bool

IsRetryable determines whether an operation can be retried based on the error it triggered. This API is meant for use in scenarios where users want to implement their own retry mechanism. A similar logic is used by the driver for transaction functions.

func IsTransactionExecutionLimit

func IsTransactionExecutionLimit(err error) bool

IsTransactionExecutionLimit returns true if the provided error is an instance of TransactionExecutionLimit.

func IsUsageError

func IsUsageError(err error) bool

IsUsageError returns true if the provided error is an instance of UsageError.

func SingleT

func SingleT[T any](result Result, mapper func(*Record) (T, error)) (T, error)

SingleT is like Single but maps the single Record with the provided mapper. Deprecated: use SingleTWithContext instead (the entry point of context-aware APIs is NewDriverWithContext)

func SingleTWithContext

func SingleTWithContext[T any](ctx context.Context, result ResultWithContext, mapper func(*Record) (T, error)) (T, error)

SingleTWithContext is like SingleT. It accepts a context.Context parameter

func WithTxMetadata

func WithTxMetadata(metadata map[string]any) func(*TransactionConfig)

WithTxMetadata returns a transaction configuration function that attaches metadata to a transaction.

To attach a metadata to an explicit transaction:

session.BeginTransaction(WithTxMetadata(map[string)any{"work-id": 1}))

To attach a metadata to an auto-commit transaction:

session.Run("RETURN 1", nil, WithTxMetadata(map[string)any{"work-id": 1}))

To attach a metadata to a read transaction function:

session.ExecuteRead(DoWork, WithTxMetadata(map[string)any{"work-id": 1}))

To attach a metadata to a write transaction function:

session.ExecuteWrite(DoWork, WithTxMetadata(map[string)any{"work-id": 1}))

func WithTxTimeout

func WithTxTimeout(timeout time.Duration) func(*TransactionConfig)

WithTxTimeout returns a transaction configuration function that applies a timeout to a transaction.

To apply a transaction timeout to an explicit transaction:


To apply a transaction timeout to an auto-commit transaction:

session.Run("RETURN 1", nil, WithTxTimeout(5*time.Second))

To apply a transaction timeout to a read transaction function:

session.ExecuteRead(DoWork, WithTxTimeout(5*time.Second))

To apply a transaction timeout to a write transaction function:

session.ExecuteWrite(DoWork, WithTxTimeout(5*time.Second))


type AccessMode

type AccessMode int

AccessMode defines modes that routing driver decides to which cluster member a connection should be opened.

const (
	// AccessModeWrite tells the driver to use a connection to 'Leader'
	AccessModeWrite AccessMode = 0
	// AccessModeRead tells the driver to use a connection to one of the 'Follower' or 'Read Replica'.
	AccessModeRead AccessMode = 1

type AuthToken

type AuthToken struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AuthToken contains credentials to be sent over to the neo4j server.

func BasicAuth

func BasicAuth(username string, password string, realm string) AuthToken

BasicAuth generates a basic authentication token with provided username, password and realm

func BearerAuth

func BearerAuth(token string) AuthToken

BearerAuth generates an authentication token with the provided base-64 value generated by a Single Sign-On provider

func CustomAuth

func CustomAuth(scheme string, username string, password string, realm string, parameters map[string]any) AuthToken

CustomAuth generates a custom authentication token with provided parameters

func KerberosAuth

func KerberosAuth(ticket string) AuthToken

KerberosAuth generates a kerberos authentication token with provided base-64 encoded kerberos ticket

func NoAuth

func NoAuth() AuthToken

NoAuth generates an empty authentication token

type BookmarkManager

type BookmarkManager interface {
	// UpdateBookmarks updates the bookmark tracked by this bookmark manager
	// previousBookmarks are the initial bookmarks of the bookmark holder (like a Session)
	// newBookmarks are the bookmarks that are received after completion of the bookmark holder operation (like the end of a Session)
	UpdateBookmarks(ctx context.Context, previousBookmarks, newBookmarks Bookmarks) error

	// GetBookmarks returns all the bookmarks tracked by this bookmark manager
	// Note: the order of the returned bookmark slice does not need to be deterministic
	GetBookmarks(ctx context.Context) (Bookmarks, error)

BookmarkManager centralizes bookmark manager supply and notification This API is experimental and may be changed or removed without prior notice

func NewBookmarkManager

func NewBookmarkManager(config BookmarkManagerConfig) BookmarkManager

type BookmarkManagerConfig

type BookmarkManagerConfig struct {
	// Initial bookmarks per database
	InitialBookmarks Bookmarks

	// Supplier providing external bookmarks
	BookmarkSupplier func(context.Context) (Bookmarks, error)

	// Hook called whenever bookmarks get updated
	// The hook is called with the database and the new bookmarks
	// Note: the order of the supplied bookmark slice is not guaranteed
	BookmarkConsumer func(ctx context.Context, bookmarks Bookmarks) error

BookmarkManagerConfig is an experimental API and may be changed or removed without prior notice

type Bookmarks

type Bookmarks = []string

Bookmarks is a holder for server-side bookmarks which are used for causally-chained sessions. See also CombineBookmarks. Note: this will be changed from being a type alias to being a struct in 6.0. Please use BookmarksFromRawValues for construction from raw values and BookmarksToRawValues for accessing the raw values.

func BookmarksFromRawValues

func BookmarksFromRawValues(values ...string) Bookmarks

BookmarksFromRawValues creates Bookmarks from raw server-side bookmarks. You should not need to use this method unless you want to de-serialize bookmarks. See Session.LastBookmarks and CombineBookmarks for alternatives.

func CombineBookmarks

func CombineBookmarks(bookmarks ...Bookmarks) Bookmarks

CombineBookmarks is a helper method to combine []Bookmarks into a single Bookmarks instance. Let s1, s2, s3 be Session interfaces. You can easily causally chain the sessions like so: ```go

s4 := driver.NewSession(neo4j.SessionConfig{
	Bookmarks: neo4j.CombineBookmarks(s1.LastBookmarks(), s2.LastBookmarks(), s3.LastBookmarks()),

``` The server will then make sure to execute all transactions in s4 after any that were already executed in s1, s2, or s3 at the time of calling LastBookmarks.

type Config

type Config struct {
	// RootCAs defines the set of certificate authorities that the driver trusts. If set
	// to nil, the driver uses hosts system certificates.
	// The trusted certificates are used to validate connections for URI schemes 'bolt+s'
	// and 'neo4j+s'.
	// Deprecated: RootCAs will be removed in 6.0.
	// Please rely on TlsConfig's RootCAs attribute instead.
	// RootCAs is ignored if TlsConfig is set.
	RootCAs *x509.CertPool
	// TlsConfig defines the TLS configuration of the driver.
	// The configuration is only used for URI schemes 'bolt+s', 'bolt+ssc',
	// 'neo4j+s' and 'neo4j+ssc'.
	// The MinVersion attribute is always set to VersionTLS11
	// The InsecureSkipVerify attribute of TlsConfig is always derived from the initial URI scheme.
	// The ServerName attribute of TlsConfig is always derived from the initial URI host.
	// This is considered an advanced setting, use it at your own risk.
	// Introduced in 5.0.
	TlsConfig *tls.Config

	// Logging target the driver will send its log outputs
	// Possible to use custom logger (implement log.Logger interface) or
	// use neo4j.ConsoleLogger.
	// default: No Op Logger (log.Void)
	Log log.Logger
	// Resolver that would be used to resolve initial router address. This may
	// be useful if you want to provide more than one URL for initial router.
	// If not specified, the URL provided to NewDriver or NewDriverWithContext
	// is used as the initial router.
	// default: nil
	AddressResolver ServerAddressResolver
	// Maximum amount of time a retryable operation would continue retrying. It
	// cannot be specified as a negative value.
	// default: 30 * time.Second
	MaxTransactionRetryTime time.Duration
	// Maximum number of connections per URL to allow on this driver. It
	// cannot be specified as 0 and negative values are interpreted as
	// math.MaxInt32.
	// default: 100
	MaxConnectionPoolSize int
	// Maximum connection lifetime on pooled connections. Values less than
	// or equal to 0 disables the lifetime check.
	// default: 1 * time.Hour
	MaxConnectionLifetime time.Duration
	// Maximum amount of time to either acquire an idle connection from the pool
	// or create a new connection (when the pool is not full). Negative values
	// result in an infinite wait time, whereas a 0 value results in no timeout.
	// If no timeout is set, an immediate failure follows when there are no
	// available connections.
	// Since 4.3, this setting competes with connection read timeout hints, if
	// the server-side option called
	// "dbms.connector.bolt.connection_keep_alive_for_requests" is enabled.
	// The read timeout is automatically applied and may result in connections
	// being dropped if they are idle beyond the corresponding period.
	// Since 5.0, this setting competes with the context-aware APIs. These APIs
	// are discoverable through NewDriverWithContext.
	// When a connection needs to be acquired from the internal driver
	// connection pool and the user-provided context.Context carries a deadline
	// (through context.WithTimeout or context.WithDeadline), the earliest
	// deadline wins. Connections are still subject to early terminations if a read timeout
	// hint is received.
	// default: 1 * time.Minute
	ConnectionAcquisitionTimeout time.Duration
	// Connect timeout that will be set on underlying sockets. Values less than
	// or equal to 0 results in no timeout being applied.
	// Since 5.0, this setting competes with the context-aware APIs. These APIs
	// are discoverable through NewDriverWithContext.
	// If a connection needs to be created when one of these APIs is called
	// and the user-provided context.Context carries a deadline (through
	// context.WithTimeout or context.WithDeadline), the TCP dialer will pick
	// the earliest between this setting and the context deadline.
	// default: 5 * time.Second
	SocketConnectTimeout time.Duration
	// Whether to enable TCP keep alive on underlying sockets.
	// default: true
	SocketKeepalive bool
	// Optionally override the user agent string sent to Neo4j server.
	// default: neo4j.UserAgent
	UserAgent string
	// FetchSize defines how many records to pull from server in each batch.
	// From Bolt protocol v4 (Neo4j 4+) records can be fetched in batches as
	// compared to fetching all in previous versions.
	// If FetchSize is set to FetchDefault, the driver decides the appropriate
	// size. If set to a positive value that size is used if the underlying
	// protocol supports it otherwise it is ignored.
	// To turn off fetching in batches and always fetch everything, set
	// FetchSize to FetchAll.
	// If a single large result is to be retrieved, this is the most performant
	// setting.
	FetchSize int

A Config contains options that can be used to customize certain aspects of the driver

type ConnectivityError

type ConnectivityError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ConnectivityError represent errors caused by the driver not being able to connect to Neo4j services, or lost connections.

func (*ConnectivityError) Error

func (e *ConnectivityError) Error() string

type Counters

type Counters interface {
	// Whether there were any updates at all, eg. any of the counters are greater than 0.
	ContainsUpdates() bool
	// The number of nodes created.
	NodesCreated() int
	// The number of nodes deleted.
	NodesDeleted() int
	// The number of relationships created.
	RelationshipsCreated() int
	// The number of relationships deleted.
	RelationshipsDeleted() int
	PropertiesSet() int
	// The number of labels added to nodes.
	LabelsAdded() int
	// The number of labels removed from nodes.
	LabelsRemoved() int
	// The number of indexes added to the schema.
	IndexesAdded() int
	// The number of indexes removed from the schema.
	IndexesRemoved() int
	// The number of constraints added to the schema.
	ConstraintsAdded() int
	// The number of constraints removed from the schema.
	ConstraintsRemoved() int
	// The number of system updates
	SystemUpdates() int
	// ContainsSystemUpdates indicates whether the query contains system updates
	ContainsSystemUpdates() bool

Counters contains statistics about the changes made to the database made as part of the statement execution.

type DatabaseInfo

type DatabaseInfo interface {
	Name() string

DatabaseInfo contains basic information of the database the query result has been obtained from.

type Date

type Date = dbtype.Date

Aliases to simplify client usage (fewer imports) and to provide some backwards compatibility with 1.x driver.

A separate dbtype package is needed to avoid circular package references and to avoid unnecessary copying/conversions between structs since serializing/deserializing is handled within bolt package and bolt package is used from this package.

func DateOf

func DateOf(t time.Time) Date

DateOf creates a neo4j.Date from time.Time. Hour, minute, second and nanoseconds are set to zero and location is set to UTC.

Conversion can also be done by casting a time.Time to neo4j.Date but beware that time components and location will be left as is but ignored when used as query parameter.

type Driver

type Driver interface {
	// Target returns the url this driver is bootstrapped
	Target() url.URL
	// NewSession creates a new session based on the specified session configuration.
	NewSession(config SessionConfig) Session
	// VerifyConnectivity checks that the driver can connect to a remote server or cluster by
	// establishing a network connection with the remote. Returns nil if succesful
	// or error describing the problem.
	VerifyConnectivity() error
	// Close the driver and all underlying connections
	Close() error
	// IsEncrypted determines whether the driver communication with the server
	// is encrypted. This is a static check. The function can also be called on
	// a closed Driver.
	IsEncrypted() bool

Driver represents a pool(s) of connections to a neo4j server or cluster. It's safe for concurrent use. Deprecated: please use DriverWithContext instead. This interface will be removed in 6.0.

func NewDriver deprecated

func NewDriver(target string, auth AuthToken, configurers ...func(*Config)) (Driver, error)

NewDriver is the entry point to the neo4j driver to create an instance of a Driver. It is the first function to be called in order to establish a connection to a neo4j database. It requires a Bolt URI and an authentication token as parameters and can also take optional configuration function(s) as variadic parameters.

In order to connect to a single instance database, you need to pass a URI with scheme 'bolt', 'bolt+s' or 'bolt+ssc'.

driver, err = NewDriver("bolt://db.server:7687", BasicAuth(username, password))

In order to connect to a causal cluster database, you need to pass a URI with scheme 'neo4j', 'neo4j+s' or 'neo4j+ssc' and its host part set to be one of the core cluster members.

driver, err = NewDriver("neo4j://core.db.server:7687", BasicAuth(username, password))

You can override default configuration options by providing a configuration function(s)

driver, err = NewDriver(uri, BasicAuth(username, password), function (config *Config) {
	config.MaxConnectionPoolSize = 10

Deprecated: please use NewDriverWithContext instead. This function will be removed in 6.0.

type DriverWithContext

type DriverWithContext interface {
	// Target returns the url this driver is bootstrapped
	Target() url.URL
	// NewSession creates a new session based on the specified session configuration.
	NewSession(ctx context.Context, config SessionConfig) SessionWithContext
	// VerifyConnectivity checks that the driver can connect to a remote server or cluster by
	// establishing a network connection with the remote. Returns nil if successful
	// or error describing the problem.
	VerifyConnectivity(ctx context.Context) error
	// Close the driver and all underlying connections
	Close(ctx context.Context) error
	// IsEncrypted determines whether the driver communication with the server
	// is encrypted. This is a static check. The function can also be called on
	// a closed Driver.
	IsEncrypted() bool
	// GetServerInfo attempts to obtain server information from the target Neo4j
	// deployment
	GetServerInfo(ctx context.Context) (ServerInfo, error)

DriverWithContext represents a pool(s) of connections to a neo4j server or cluster. It's safe for concurrent use.

func NewDriverWithContext

func NewDriverWithContext(target string, auth AuthToken, configurers ...func(*Config)) (DriverWithContext, error)

NewDriverWithContext is the entry point to the neo4j driver to create an instance of a Driver. It is the first function to be called in order to establish a connection to a neo4j database. It requires a Bolt URI and an authentication token as parameters and can also take optional configuration function(s) as variadic parameters.

In order to connect to a single instance database, you need to pass a URI with scheme 'bolt', 'bolt+s' or 'bolt+ssc'.

driver, err = NewDriverWithContext("bolt://db.server:7687", BasicAuth(username, password))

In order to connect to a causal cluster database, you need to pass a URI with scheme 'neo4j', 'neo4j+s' or 'neo4j+ssc' and its host part set to be one of the core cluster members.

driver, err = NewDriverWithContext("neo4j://core.db.server:7687", BasicAuth(username, password))

You can override default configuration options by providing a configuration function(s)

driver, err = NewDriverWithContext(uri, BasicAuth(username, password), function (config *Config) {
	config.MaxConnectionPoolSize = 10

type Duration

type Duration = dbtype.Duration

Aliases to simplify client usage (fewer imports) and to provide some backwards compatibility with 1.x driver.

A separate dbtype package is needed to avoid circular package references and to avoid unnecessary copying/conversions between structs since serializing/deserializing is handled within bolt package and bolt package is used from this package.

func DurationOf

func DurationOf(months, days, seconds int64, nanos int) Duration

DurationOf creates neo4j.Duration from specified time parts.

type Entity added in v5.4.0

type Entity = dbtype.Entity

Aliases to simplify client usage (fewer imports) and to provide some backwards compatibility with 1.x driver.

A separate dbtype package is needed to avoid circular package references and to avoid unnecessary copying/conversions between structs since serializing/deserializing is handled within bolt package and bolt package is used from this package.

type ExplicitTransaction

type ExplicitTransaction interface {
	// Run executes a statement on this transaction and returns a result
	Run(ctx context.Context, cypher string, params map[string]any) (ResultWithContext, error)
	// Commit commits the transaction
	Commit(ctx context.Context) error
	// Rollback rolls back the transaction
	Rollback(ctx context.Context) error
	// Close rolls back the actual transaction if it's not already committed/rolled back
	// and closes all resources associated with this transaction
	Close(ctx context.Context) error
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

ExplicitTransaction represents a transaction in the Neo4j database

type InputPosition

type InputPosition interface {
	// Offset returns the character offset referred to by this position; offset numbers start at 0.
	Offset() int
	// Line returns the line number referred to by this position; line numbers start at 1.
	Line() int
	// Column returns the column number referred to by this position; column numbers start at 1.
	Column() int

InputPosition contains information about a specific position in a statement

type InvalidValue

type InvalidValue = dbtype.InvalidValue

Aliases to simplify client usage (fewer imports) and to provide some backwards compatibility with 1.x driver.

A separate dbtype package is needed to avoid circular package references and to avoid unnecessary copying/conversions between structs since serializing/deserializing is handled within bolt package and bolt package is used from this package.

type LocalDateTime

type LocalDateTime = dbtype.LocalDateTime

Aliases to simplify client usage (fewer imports) and to provide some backwards compatibility with 1.x driver.

A separate dbtype package is needed to avoid circular package references and to avoid unnecessary copying/conversions between structs since serializing/deserializing is handled within bolt package and bolt package is used from this package.

func LocalDateTimeOf

func LocalDateTimeOf(t time.Time) LocalDateTime

LocalDateTimeOf creates a neo4j.Local from time.Time.

Conversion can also be done by casting a time.Time to neo4j.LocalTime but beware that location will be left as is but interpreted as local when used as query parameter.

type LocalTime

type LocalTime = dbtype.LocalTime

Aliases to simplify client usage (fewer imports) and to provide some backwards compatibility with 1.x driver.

A separate dbtype package is needed to avoid circular package references and to avoid unnecessary copying/conversions between structs since serializing/deserializing is handled within bolt package and bolt package is used from this package.

func LocalTimeOf

func LocalTimeOf(t time.Time) LocalTime

LocalTimeOf creates a neo4j.LocalTime from time.Time. Year, month and day are set to zero and location is set to local.

Conversion can also be done by casting a time.Time to neo4j.LocalTime but beware that date components and location will be left as is but ignored when used as query parameter.

type LogLevel

type LogLevel int

LogLevel is the type that default logging implementations use for available log levels

type ManagedTransaction

type ManagedTransaction interface {
	// Run executes a statement on this transaction and returns a result
	Run(ctx context.Context, cypher string, params map[string]any) (ResultWithContext, error)
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

ManagedTransaction represents a transaction managed by the driver and operated on by the user, via transaction functions

type ManagedTransactionWork

type ManagedTransactionWork func(tx ManagedTransaction) (any, error)

ManagedTransactionWork represents a unit of work that will be executed against the provided transaction

type ManagedTransactionWorkT added in v5.4.0

type ManagedTransactionWorkT[T any] func(tx ManagedTransaction) (T, error)

type Neo4jError

type Neo4jError = db.Neo4jError

Neo4jError represents errors originating from Neo4j service. Alias for convenience. This error is defined in db package and used internally.

type Node

type Node = dbtype.Node

Aliases to simplify client usage (fewer imports) and to provide some backwards compatibility with 1.x driver.

A separate dbtype package is needed to avoid circular package references and to avoid unnecessary copying/conversions between structs since serializing/deserializing is handled within bolt package and bolt package is used from this package.

type Notification

type Notification interface {
	// Code returns a notification code for the discovered issue of this notification.
	Code() string
	// Title returns a short summary of this notification.
	Title() string
	// Description returns a longer description of this notification.
	Description() string
	// Position returns the position in the statement where this notification points to.
	// Not all notifications have a unique position to point to and in that case the position would be set to nil.
	Position() InputPosition
	// Severity returns the severity level of this notification.
	Severity() string

Notification represents notifications generated when executing a statement. A notification can be visualized in a client pinpointing problems or other information about the statement.

type OffsetTime

type OffsetTime = dbtype.Time

Aliases to simplify client usage (fewer imports) and to provide some backwards compatibility with 1.x driver.

A separate dbtype package is needed to avoid circular package references and to avoid unnecessary copying/conversions between structs since serializing/deserializing is handled within bolt package and bolt package is used from this package.

func OffsetTimeOf

func OffsetTimeOf(t time.Time) OffsetTime

OffsetTimeOf creates a neo4j.OffsetTime from time.Time. Year, month and day are set to zero and location is set to "Offset" using zone offset from time.Time.

Conversion can also be done by casting a time.Time to neo4j.OffsetTime but beware that date components and location will be left as is but ignored when used as query parameter. Since location will contain the original value, the value "offset" will not be used by the driver but the actual name of the location in time.Time and that offset.

type Path

type Path = dbtype.Path

Aliases to simplify client usage (fewer imports) and to provide some backwards compatibility with 1.x driver.

A separate dbtype package is needed to avoid circular package references and to avoid unnecessary copying/conversions between structs since serializing/deserializing is handled within bolt package and bolt package is used from this package.

type Plan

type Plan interface {
	// Operator returns the operation this plan is performing.
	Operator() string
	// Arguments returns the arguments for the operator used.
	// Many operators have arguments defining their specific behavior. This map contains those arguments.
	Arguments() map[string]any
	// Identifiers returns a list of identifiers used by this plan. Identifiers used by this part of the plan.
	// These can be both identifiers introduced by you, or automatically generated.
	Identifiers() []string
	// Children returns zero or more child plans. A plan is a tree, where each child is another plan.
	// The children are where this part of the plan gets its input records - unless this is an operator that
	// introduces new records on its own.
	Children() []Plan

Plan describes the actual plan that the database planner produced and used (or will use) to execute your statement. This can be extremely helpful in understanding what a statement is doing, and how to optimize it. For more details, see the Neo4j Manual. The plan for the statement is a tree of plans - each sub-tree containing zero or more child plans. The statement starts with the root plan. Each sub-plan is of a specific operator, which describes what that part of the plan does - for instance, perform an index lookup or filter results. The Neo4j Manual contains a reference of the available operator types, and these may differ across Neo4j versions.

type Point2D

type Point2D = dbtype.Point2D

Aliases to simplify client usage (fewer imports) and to provide some backwards compatibility with 1.x driver.

A separate dbtype package is needed to avoid circular package references and to avoid unnecessary copying/conversions between structs since serializing/deserializing is handled within bolt package and bolt package is used from this package.

type Point3D

type Point3D = dbtype.Point3D

Aliases to simplify client usage (fewer imports) and to provide some backwards compatibility with 1.x driver.

A separate dbtype package is needed to avoid circular package references and to avoid unnecessary copying/conversions between structs since serializing/deserializing is handled within bolt package and bolt package is used from this package.

type ProfiledPlan

type ProfiledPlan interface {
	// Operator returns the operation this plan is performing.
	Operator() string
	// Arguments returns the arguments for the operator used.
	// Many operators have arguments defining their specific behavior. This map contains those arguments.
	Arguments() map[string]any
	// Identifiers returns a list of identifiers used by this plan. Identifiers used by this part of the plan.
	// These can be both identifiers introduced by you, or automatically generated.
	Identifiers() []string
	// DbHits returns the number of times this part of the plan touched the underlying data stores/
	DbHits() int64
	// Records returns the number of records this part of the plan produced.
	Records() int64
	// Children returns zero or more child plans. A plan is a tree, where each child is another plan.
	// The children are where this part of the plan gets its input records - unless this is an operator that
	// introduces new records on its own.
	Children() []ProfiledPlan
	PageCacheMisses() int64
	PageCacheHits() int64
	PageCacheHitRatio() float64
	Time() int64

ProfiledPlan is the same as a regular Plan - except this plan has been executed, meaning it also contains detailed information about how much work each step of the plan incurred on the database.

type PropertyValue added in v5.4.0

type PropertyValue interface {
	bool | int64 | float64 | string |
		Point2D | Point3D |
		Date | LocalTime | LocalDateTime | Time | Duration |
		[]byte | []any

type Query

type Query interface {
	// Text returns the statement's text.
	Text() string
	// Parameters returns the statement's parameters.
	Parameters() map[string]any

type Record

type Record = db.Record

Aliases to simplify client usage (fewer imports) and to provide some backwards compatibility with 1.x driver.

A separate dbtype package is needed to avoid circular package references and to avoid unnecessary copying/conversions between structs since serializing/deserializing is handled within bolt package and bolt package is used from this package.

func AsRecord

func AsRecord(from any, err error) (*Record, error)

AsRecord passes any existing error or casts from to a record. Use in combination with Single and transactional functions:

record, err := neo4j.AsRecord(session.ExecuteRead(func (tx neo4j.Transaction) {
    return neo4j.Single(tx.Run(...))

func AsRecords

func AsRecords(from any, err error) ([]*Record, error)

AsRecords passes any existing error or casts from to a slice of records. Use in combination with Collect and transactional functions:

records, err := neo4j.AsRecords(session.ExecuteRead(func (tx neo4j.Transaction) {
    return neo4j.Collect(tx.Run(...))

func Collect deprecated

func Collect(result Result, err error) ([]*Record, error)

Collect behaves similarly to CollectWithContext

records, err := neo4j.Collect(session.Run(...))

Deprecated: use CollectWithContext instead (the entry point of context-aware APIs is NewDriverWithContext)

func CollectWithContext added in v5.0.1

func CollectWithContext(ctx context.Context, result ResultWithContext, err error) ([]*Record, error)

CollectWithContext loops through the result stream, collects records into a slice and returns the resulting slice. Any error passed in or reported while navigating the result stream is returned without any conversion.

result, err := session.Run(...)
records, err := neo4j.CollectWithContext(ctx, result, err)

Note, you cannot write neo4j.CollectWithContext(ctx, session.Run(...)) due to Go limitations

func Single

func Single(result Result, err error) (*Record, error)

Single returns one and only one record from the result stream. Any error passed in or reported while navigating the result stream is returned without any conversion. If the result stream contains zero or more than one records error is returned.

record, err := neo4j.Single(session.Run(...))

type RecordValue added in v5.4.0

type RecordValue interface {
	bool | int64 | float64 | string |
		Point2D | Point3D |
		Date | LocalTime | LocalDateTime | Time | Duration |
		[]byte | []any | map[string]any |
		Node | Relationship | Path

type Relationship

type Relationship = dbtype.Relationship

Aliases to simplify client usage (fewer imports) and to provide some backwards compatibility with 1.x driver.

A separate dbtype package is needed to avoid circular package references and to avoid unnecessary copying/conversions between structs since serializing/deserializing is handled within bolt package and bolt package is used from this package.

type Result deprecated

type Result interface {
	// Keys returns the keys available on the result set.
	Keys() ([]string, error)
	// Next returns true only if there is a record to be processed.
	Next() bool
	// NextRecord returns true if there is a record to be processed, record parameter is set
	// to point to current record.
	NextRecord(record **Record) bool
	// PeekRecord returns true if there is a record after the current one to be processed without advancing the record
	// stream, record parameter is set to point to that record if present.
	PeekRecord(record **Record) bool
	// Err returns the latest error that caused this Next to return false.
	Err() error
	// Record returns the current record.
	Record() *Record
	// Collect fetches all remaining records and returns them.
	Collect() ([]*Record, error)
	// Single returns one and only one record from the stream.
	// If the result stream contains zero or more than one records, error is returned.
	Single() (*Record, error)
	// Consume discards all remaining records and returns the summary information
	// about the statement execution.
	Consume() (ResultSummary, error)

Deprecated: use ResultWithContext instead. ResultWithContext is created via the context-aware SessionWithContext type.

type ResultSummary

type ResultSummary interface {
	// Server returns basic information about the server where the statement is carried out.
	Server() ServerInfo
	// Query returns the query that has been executed.
	Query() Query
	// StatementType returns type of statement that has been executed.
	StatementType() StatementType
	// Counters returns statistics counts for the statement.
	Counters() Counters
	// Plan returns statement plan for the executed statement if available, otherwise null.
	Plan() Plan
	// Profile returns profiled statement plan for the executed statement if available, otherwise null.
	Profile() ProfiledPlan
	// Notifications returns a slice of notifications produced while executing the statement.
	// The list will be empty if no notifications produced while executing the statement.
	Notifications() []Notification
	// ResultAvailableAfter returns the time it took for the server to make the result available for consumption.
	// Since 5.0, this returns a negative duration if the server has not sent the corresponding statistic.
	ResultAvailableAfter() time.Duration
	// ResultConsumedAfter returns the time it took the server to consume the result.
	// Since 5.0, this returns a negative duration if the server has not sent the corresponding statistic.
	ResultConsumedAfter() time.Duration
	// Database returns information about the database where the result is obtained from
	// Returns nil for Neo4j versions prior to v4.
	// Returns the default "neo4j" database for Community Edition servers.
	Database() DatabaseInfo

type ResultWithContext

type ResultWithContext interface {
	// Keys returns the keys available on the result set.
	Keys() ([]string, error)
	// NextRecord returns true if there is a record to be processed, record parameter is set
	// to point to current record.
	NextRecord(ctx context.Context, record **Record) bool
	// Next returns true only if there is a record to be processed.
	Next(ctx context.Context) bool
	// PeekRecord returns true if there is a record after the current one to be processed without advancing the record
	// stream, record parameter is set to point to that record if present.
	PeekRecord(ctx context.Context, record **Record) bool
	// Peek returns true only if there is a record after the current one to be processed without advancing the record
	// stream
	Peek(ctx context.Context) bool
	// Err returns the latest error that caused this Next to return false.
	Err() error
	// Record returns the current record.
	Record() *Record
	// Collect fetches all remaining records and returns them.
	Collect(ctx context.Context) ([]*Record, error)
	// Single returns one and only one record from the stream.
	// If the result stream contains zero or more than one records, error is returned.
	Single(ctx context.Context) (*Record, error)
	// Consume discards all remaining records and returns the summary information
	// about the statement execution.
	Consume(ctx context.Context) (ResultSummary, error)
	// IsOpen determines whether this result cursor is available
	IsOpen() bool
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

type ServerAddress

type ServerAddress interface {
	// Hostname returns the host portion of this ServerAddress.
	Hostname() string
	// Port returns the port portion of this ServerAddress.
	Port() string

ServerAddress represents a host and port. Host can either be an IP address or a DNS name. Both IPv4 and IPv6 hosts are supported.

func NewServerAddress

func NewServerAddress(hostname string, port string) ServerAddress

NewServerAddress generates a ServerAddress with provided hostname and port information.

type ServerAddressResolver

type ServerAddressResolver func(address ServerAddress) []ServerAddress

ServerAddressResolver is a function type that defines the resolver function used by the routing driver to resolve the initial address used to create the driver.

type ServerInfo

type ServerInfo interface {
	// Address returns the address of the server.
	Address() string
	Agent() string
	ProtocolVersion() db.ProtocolVersion

ServerInfo contains basic information of the server.

type Session

type Session interface {
	// LastBookmarks returns the bookmark received following the last successfully completed transaction.
	// If no bookmark was received or if this transaction was rolled back, the initial set of bookmarks will be
	// returned.
	LastBookmarks() Bookmarks
	// LastBookmark returns the bookmark received following the last successfully completed transaction.
	// If no bookmark was received or if this transaction was rolled back, the bookmark value will not be changed.
	// Deprecated: since version 5.0. Will be removed in 6.0. Use LastBookmarks instead.
	// Warning: this method can lead to unexpected behaviour if the session has not yet successfully completed a
	// transaction.
	LastBookmark() string
	// BeginTransaction starts a new explicit transaction on this session
	BeginTransaction(configurers ...func(*TransactionConfig)) (Transaction, error)
	// ReadTransaction executes the given unit of work in a AccessModeRead transaction with
	// retry logic in place
	ReadTransaction(work TransactionWork, configurers ...func(*TransactionConfig)) (any, error)
	// WriteTransaction executes the given unit of work in a AccessModeWrite transaction with
	// retry logic in place
	WriteTransaction(work TransactionWork, configurers ...func(*TransactionConfig)) (any, error)
	// Run executes an auto-commit statement and returns a result
	Run(cypher string, params map[string]any, configurers ...func(*TransactionConfig)) (Result, error)
	// Close closes any open resources and marks this session as unusable
	Close() error

Session represents a logical connection (which is not tied to a physical connection) to the server Deprecated: use SessionWithContext instead. SessionWithContext is created via the context-aware driver returned by NewDriverWithContext. Session will be removed in 6.0.

type SessionConfig

type SessionConfig struct {
	// AccessMode used when using Session.Run and explicit transactions. Used to route query to
	// to read or write servers when running in a cluster. Session.ReadTransaction and Session.WriteTransaction
	// does not rely on this mode.
	AccessMode AccessMode
	// Bookmarks are the initial bookmarks used to ensure that the executing server is at least up
	// to date to the point represented by the latest of the provided bookmarks. After running commands
	// on the session the bookmark can be retrieved with Session.LastBookmark. All commands executing
	// within the same session will automatically use the bookmark from the previous command in the
	// session.
	Bookmarks Bookmarks
	// DatabaseName sets the target database name for the queries executed within the session created with this
	// configuration.
	// Usage of Cypher clauses like USE is not a replacement for this option.
	// Drive​r sends Cypher to the server for processing.
	// This option has no explicit value by default, but it is recommended to set one if the target database is known
	// in advance. This has the benefit of ensuring a consistent target database name throughout the session in a
	// straightforward way and potentially simplifies driver logic as well as reduces network communication resulting
	// in better performance.
	// When no explicit name is set, the driver behavior depends on the connection URI scheme supplied to the driver on
	// instantiation and Bolt protocol version.
	// Specifically, the following applies:
	// - for bolt schemes
	//		queries are dispatched to the server for execution without explicit database name supplied,
	// 		meaning that the target database name for query execution is determined by the server.
	//		It is important to note that the target database may change (even within the same session), for instance if the
	//		user's home database is changed on the server.
	// - for neo4j schemes
	//		providing that Bolt protocol version 4.4, which was introduced with Neo4j server 4.4, or above
	//		is available, the driver fetches the user's home database name from the server on first query execution
	//		within the session and uses the fetched database name explicitly for all queries executed within the session.
	//		This ensures that the database name remains consistent within the given session. For instance, if the user's
	//		home database name is 'movies' and the server supplies it to the driver upon database name fetching for the
	//		session, all queries within that session are executed with the explicit database name 'movies' supplied.
	//		Any change to the user’s home database is reflected only in sessions created after such change takes effect.
	//		This behavior requires additional network communication.
	//		In clustered environments, it is strongly recommended to avoid a single point of failure.
	//		For instance, by ensuring that the connection URI resolves to multiple endpoints.
	//		For older Bolt protocol versions, the behavior is the same as described for the bolt schemes above.
	DatabaseName string
	// FetchSize defines how many records to pull from server in each batch.
	// From Bolt protocol v4 (Neo4j 4+) records can be fetched in batches as compared to fetching
	// all in previous versions.
	// If FetchSize is set to FetchDefault, the driver decides the appropriate size. If set to a positive value
	// that size is used if the underlying protocol supports it otherwise it is ignored.
	// To turn off fetching in batches and always fetch everything, set FetchSize to FetchAll.
	// If a single large result is to be retrieved this is the most performant setting.
	FetchSize int
	// Logging target the session will send its Bolt message traces
	// Possible to use custom logger (implement log.BoltLogger interface) or
	// use neo4j.ConsoleBoltLogger.
	BoltLogger log.BoltLogger
	// ImpersonatedUser sets the Neo4j user that the session will be acting as.
	// If not set, the user configured for the driver will be used.
	// If user impersonation is used, the default database for that impersonated
	// user will be used unless DatabaseName is set.
	// In the former case, when routing is enabled, using impersonation
	// without DatabaseName will cause the driver to query the
	// cluster for the name of the default database of the impersonated user.
	// This is done at the beginning of the session so that queries are routed
	// to the correct cluster member (different databases may have different
	// leaders).
	ImpersonatedUser string
	// BookmarkManager defines a central point to externally supply bookmarks
	// and be notified of bookmark updates per database
	// This is experimental and may be changed or removed without prior notice
	// Since 5.0
	// default: nil (no-op)
	BookmarkManager BookmarkManager

SessionConfig is used to configure a new session, its zero value uses safe defaults.

type SessionWithContext

type SessionWithContext interface {
	// LastBookmarks returns the bookmark received following the last successfully completed transaction.
	// If no bookmark was received or if this transaction was rolled back, the initial set of bookmarks will be
	// returned.
	LastBookmarks() Bookmarks

	// BeginTransaction starts a new explicit transaction on this session
	BeginTransaction(ctx context.Context, configurers ...func(*TransactionConfig)) (ExplicitTransaction, error)
	// ExecuteRead executes the given unit of work in a AccessModeRead transaction with
	// retry logic in place
	ExecuteRead(ctx context.Context, work ManagedTransactionWork, configurers ...func(*TransactionConfig)) (any, error)
	// ExecuteWrite executes the given unit of work in a AccessModeWrite transaction with
	// retry logic in place
	ExecuteWrite(ctx context.Context, work ManagedTransactionWork, configurers ...func(*TransactionConfig)) (any, error)
	// Run executes an auto-commit statement and returns a result
	Run(ctx context.Context, cypher string, params map[string]any, configurers ...func(*TransactionConfig)) (ResultWithContext, error)
	// Close closes any open resources and marks this session as unusable
	Close(ctx context.Context) error
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

SessionWithContext represents a logical connection (which is not tied to a physical connection) to the server

type Statement

type Statement interface {

type StatementType

type StatementType int

StatementType defines the type of the statement

const (
	// StatementTypeUnknown identifies an unknown statement type
	StatementTypeUnknown StatementType = 0
	// StatementTypeReadOnly identifies a read-only statement
	StatementTypeReadOnly StatementType = 1
	// StatementTypeReadWrite identifies a read-write statement
	StatementTypeReadWrite StatementType = 2
	// StatementTypeWriteOnly identifies a write-only statement
	StatementTypeWriteOnly StatementType = 3
	// StatementTypeSchemaWrite identifies a schema-write statement
	StatementTypeSchemaWrite StatementType = 4

func (StatementType) String

func (st StatementType) String() string

type Time

type Time = dbtype.Time

Aliases to simplify client usage (fewer imports) and to provide some backwards compatibility with 1.x driver.

A separate dbtype package is needed to avoid circular package references and to avoid unnecessary copying/conversions between structs since serializing/deserializing is handled within bolt package and bolt package is used from this package.

type TokenExpiredError

type TokenExpiredError struct {
	Code    string
	Message string

TokenExpiredError represent errors caused by the driver not being able to connect to Neo4j services, or lost connections.

func (*TokenExpiredError) Error

func (e *TokenExpiredError) Error() string

type Transaction

type Transaction interface {
	// Run executes a statement on this transaction and returns a result
	Run(cypher string, params map[string]any) (Result, error)
	// Commit commits the transaction
	Commit() error
	// Rollback rolls back the transaction
	Rollback() error
	// Close rolls back the actual transaction if it's not already committed/rolled back
	// and closes all resources associated with this transaction
	Close() error

Transaction represents a transaction in the Neo4j database Deprecated: use ExplicitTransaction instead. ExplicitTransaction is available via SessionWithContext. SessionWithContext is available via the context-aware driver/returned by NewDriverWithContext. Transaction will be removed in 6.0.

type TransactionConfig

type TransactionConfig struct {
	// Timeout is the configured transaction timeout.
	Timeout time.Duration
	// Metadata is the configured transaction metadata that will be attached to the underlying transaction.
	Metadata map[string]any

TransactionConfig holds the settings for explicit and auto-commit transactions. Actual configuration is expected to be done using configuration functions that are predefined, i.e. 'WithTxTimeout' and 'WithTxMetadata', or one that you could write by your own.

type TransactionExecutionLimit

type TransactionExecutionLimit struct {
	Errors []error
	Causes []string

TransactionExecutionLimit error indicates that a retryable transaction has failed due to reaching a limit like a timeout or maximum number of attempts.

func (*TransactionExecutionLimit) Error

func (e *TransactionExecutionLimit) Error() string

type TransactionWork

type TransactionWork func(tx Transaction) (any, error)

TransactionWork represents a unit of work that will be executed against the provided transaction Deprecated: use ManagedTransactionWork instead. ManagedTransactionWork is created via the context-aware driver returned by NewDriverWithContext. TransactionWork will be removed in 6.0.

type UsageError

type UsageError struct {
	Message string

UsageError represents errors caused by incorrect usage of the driver API. This does not include Cypher syntax (those errors will be Neo4jError).

func (*UsageError) Error

func (e *UsageError) Error() string


Path Synopsis
Package dbtype contains definitions of supported database types.
Package dbtype contains definitions of supported database types.
Package bolt contains implementations of the database functionality.
Package bolt contains implementations of the database functionality.
Package connector is responsible for connecting to a database server.
Package connector is responsible for connecting to a database server.
Package db defines generic database functionality.
Package db defines generic database functionality.
Package packstream handles serialization of data sent to database server and deserialization of data received from database server.
Package packstream handles serialization of data sent to database server and deserialization of data received from database server.
Package pool handles the database connection pool.
Package pool handles the database connection pool.
Package retry handles retry operations.
Package retry handles retry operations.
Package testutil contains shared test functionality
Package testutil contains shared test functionality
Package log defines the logging interface used internally by the driver and provides default logging implementations.
Package log defines the logging interface used internally by the driver and provides default logging implementations.
Package dbserver is used by integration tests to connect to databases
Package dbserver is used by integration tests to connect to databases

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