
v0.0.3 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Oct 20, 2021 License: MIT



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May deprecated when cue modules official supported

dependency management for CUE without committing cue.mod


  • git or other vcs tool supported by go for vcs downloading.


go install


Quick Start
mkdir -p ./demo && cd ./demo

cat << EOT > kube.cue
package kube

import (
   apps_v1 ""

deployment: [string]: apps_v1.#Deployment

_labels: { "app": "nginx" }

deployment: nginx: spec: selector: matchLabels: _labels
deployment: nginx: spec: template: metadata: labels: _labels
deployment: nginx: spec: template: spec: {
	containers: [{
		name: "nginx"
		image: "nginx:1.11.10-alpine"
cuem eval -o kube.yaml ./kube.cue
# build, will automately install deps if not exists or generator if needed.

cuem eval -o ./kube.single-file.cue ./kube.cue
# will bundle to one single cue file
Dependency management
# auto added deps
cuem get ./...

# upgrade deps
cuem get -u ./...

# install dep with special version
cuem get


  • Dependency management based on go modules
    • all dependency codes will download under $(go env GOMODCACHE)
    • GOPROXY supported to speed up downloading
  • Automate detect witch extractor should be used for generate code to cue.
    • golang supported
    • helm chart supported
    • jsonnet supported
  • Post-processing where value with attribute @translate(<name>) when final marshalling.

Spec cue.mod/module.cue

// module name
// for sub mod import, <module>/path/to/sub
// NOTICE: the module name should be a valid repo name
module: ""

// automately resolve by the jsonnet code `import` or `importstr`
// rules follow go modules
require: {		
    // @vsc("master"), when upgrade, should use vcs version for upgrade.
    "":           "v0.0.0-20210315182639-887607c77457" @vcs("master")
    "":         "v0.0.0-20210118111845-5e0d0738721f" @indirect()

replace: {
    // version lock 
    "": "@v0.0.19"
    // declare import method for special import path
    "": "" @import("helm")
    // local replace
    "": "../a"

Post-Processing @translate(<name>)

Now cuelang not provide api to added custom functions. So we use the attribute to mark which value should be translated to other formats.

configmap: xxx: data: "xxx.toml": json.Marshal({ a: 1 }) @translate("toml")
// why json.Marshal here, just let type constraints happy
package localpathprovisioner

import (

"local-path-provisioner": {
	values: {}
	release: name:      "local-path-provisioner"
	release: namespace: "local-path-provisioner"
} @translate("helm")
package grafana

import (


"grafana": {
	data: '''
		local grafana = import '';
		    config+:: (import 'config.jsonnet'),
		    prometheus_datasource::'prometheus', $.config.prometheus_url, type='prometheus', default=true),
		    grafana: grafana
		         + grafana.withAnonymous()
		         + grafana.addFolder('Example')
		         + grafana.addDatasource('prometheus', $.prometheus_datasource)

	imports: "": grafana["grafana.libsonnet"]
	imports: "config.jsonnet": code: json.Marshal({ prometheus_url: 'http://prometheus' })
} @translate("jsonnet")
Known issues
pkg name may not same as path

Some path like, the istio-operator is not a valid identifier in cuelang. Should import with

dep incompatible go mod repo

For some go project like

$ go mod download -json
        "Path": "",
        "Version": "v2.1.0",
        "Error": " invalid version: module contains a go.mod file, so major version must be compatible: should be v0 or v1, not v2"

Could config mod.cue replace with commit hash of the tag to hack

replace: {
    "": "@1b79df3",

Plugin Kube

like Tanka, but for cuelang.

  • make sure the cue file return an object as struct below (full template):
apiVersion: ""
kind:       "Release"

// release name
metadata: name:      "\(#name)"

// release namespace
metadata: namespace: "\(#namespace)"

// must an unique `NAME` of `kubectl config get-contexts`
metadata: labels: context: "\(#context)"

// nested object may contains kube resources
spec: {} 
cd ./__examples__
cuem k show ./clusters/demo/nginx.cue
cuem k apply ./clusters/demo/nginx.cue
cuem k prune ./clusters/demo/nginx.cue
cuem k delete ./clusters/demo/nginx.cue


Path Synopsis
Package auth provides access to user-provided authentication credentials.
Package auth provides access to user-provided authentication credentials.
Package base defines shared basic pieces of the go command, in particular logging and the Command structure.
Package base defines shared basic pieces of the go command, in particular logging and the Command structure.
Package cfg holds configuration shared by multiple parts of the go command.
Package cfg holds configuration shared by multiple parts of the go command.
Package fsys is an abstraction for reading files that allows for virtual overlays on top of the files on disk.
Package fsys is an abstraction for reading files that allows for virtual overlays on top of the files on disk.
Package lockedfile creates and manipulates files whose contents should only change atomically.
Package lockedfile creates and manipulates files whose contents should only change atomically.
Package filelock provides a platform-independent API for advisory file locking.
Package filelock provides a platform-independent API for advisory file locking.
Package codehost defines the interface implemented by a code hosting source, along with support code for use by implementations.
Package codehost defines the interface implemented by a code hosting source, along with support code for use by implementations.
Package mvs implements Minimal Version Selection.
Package mvs implements Minimal Version Selection.
Package par implements parallel execution helpers.
Package par implements parallel execution helpers.
Package robustio wraps I/O functions that are prone to failure on Windows, transparently retrying errors up to an arbitrary timeout.
Package robustio wraps I/O functions that are prone to failure on Windows, transparently retrying errors up to an arbitrary timeout.
Package str provides string manipulation utilities.
Package str provides string manipulation utilities.
Package web defines minimal helper routines for accessing HTTP/HTTPS resources without requiring external dependencies on the net package.
Package web defines minimal helper routines for accessing HTTP/HTTPS resources without requiring external dependencies on the net package.
Package browser provides utilities for interacting with users' browsers.
Package browser provides utilities for interacting with users' browsers.
Package traceviewer provides definitions of the JSON data structures used by the Chrome trace viewer.
Package traceviewer provides definitions of the JSON data structures used by the Chrome trace viewer.
Package buildcfg provides access to the build configuration described by the current environment.
Package buildcfg provides access to the build configuration described by the current environment.
Package cfg holds configuration shared by the Go command and internal/testenv.
Package cfg holds configuration shared by the Go command and internal/testenv.
Package execabs is a drop-in replacement for os/exec that requires PATH lookups to find absolute paths.
Package execabs is a drop-in replacement for os/exec that requires PATH lookups to find absolute paths.
Package goexperiment implements support for toolchain experiments.
Package goexperiment implements support for toolchain experiments.
Package lazyregexp is a thin wrapper over regexp, allowing the use of global regexp variables without forcing them to be compiled at init.
Package lazyregexp is a thin wrapper over regexp, allowing the use of global regexp variables without forcing them to be compiled at init.
Package singleflight provides a duplicate function call suppression mechanism.
Package singleflight provides a duplicate function call suppression mechanism.
Package sysdll is an internal leaf package that records and reports which Windows DLL names are used by Go itself.
Package sysdll is an internal leaf package that records and reports which Windows DLL names are used by Go itself.
Package unsafeheader contains header declarations for the Go runtime's slice and string implementations.
Package unsafeheader contains header declarations for the Go runtime's slice and string implementations.

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