This example demonstrates a zitified HTTP client.
This example demonstrates:
- Dialing a service by intercept address.
- an OpenZiti network. If you do not have one, you can use one of the quickstarts to set one up.
- OpenZiti CLI to create services and identities on the OpenZiti Network
Build the example
Refer to the example README to build the SDK examples
Part 1: Set up a cURLz to a non-zitified endpoint
These steps will configure the service using the OpenZiti CLI. In this example, the traffic starts on the overlay zero trust network and then is offloaded onto the underlay network.
Part 1 Architecture Overview
At the end of these steps you will have created:
- a service called
- an identity to connect to (dial) the service
- the service config to connect the service to the overlay
- the service policies required to authorize the identities for bind and dial
log into Ziti. The host:port and username/password will vary depending on your network.
ziti edge login localhost:1280 -u admin -p admin
Determine your edge router's name and populate this environment variable with it.
ziti edge list edge-routers export ZITI_EDGE_ROUTER=<name-of-edge-router>
Run this script to create everything you need.
cd <repo-root-dir>/example/build echo Create the service config ziti edge create config httpbin.hostv1 host.v1 '{"protocol":"tcp", "address":"","port":80}' ziti edge create config httpbin.clientv1 intercept.v1 '{"protocols":["tcp"], "addresses":["httpbin.ziti"],"portRanges":[{"low":80,"high":80}]}' echo Create the service ziti edge create service ziti.httpbin --configs "httpbin.hostv1,httpbin.clientv1" echo Create an identity to make the dial request and enroll it ziti edge create identity user http-client -a clients -o http-client.jwt ziti edge enroll --jwt http-client.jwt echo Create service policies ziti edge create service-policy ziti.httpbin.dial Dial --service-roles "@ziti.httpbin" --identity-roles "#clients" ziti edge create service-policy ziti.httpbin.bind Bind --service-roles "@ziti.httpbin" --identity-roles "@${ZITI_EDGE_ROUTER}" echo Create edge router policies ziti edge create edge-router-policy ziti.httpbin-edge-router-policy --edge-router-roles '#all' --identity-roles '#clients,#servers' ziti edge create service-edge-router-policy ziti.httpbin-service-edge-router-policy --edge-router-roles '#all' --service-roles '@ziti.httpbin' echo Run policy advisor to check ziti edge policy-advisor services
Run the
example for serviceziti.httpbin
using intercept addresstcp:httpbin.ziti:80
ZITI_IDENTITIES=http-client.json ./http-client http://httpbin.ziti
Example Output
The following is the output you'll see.
export ZITI_IDENTITIES=http-client.json
$ ./http-client http://httpbin.ziti/json
"slideshow": {
"author": "Yours Truly",
"date": "date of publication",
"slides": [
"title": "Wake up to WonderWidgets!",
"type": "all"
"items": [
"Why <em>WonderWidgets</em> are great",
"Who <em>buys</em> WonderWidgets"
"title": "Overview",
"type": "all"
"title": "Sample Slide Show"
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