This example is a simple reflect server. The client sends some bytes to the server, and the server responds with those bytes.
This example demonstrates:
- Binding a service and listening for connections
- Dialing a service
- Bidirectional communication over the Open Ziti network overlay
- an OpenZiti network. If you do not have one, the quickstart works well
- OpenZiti cli or Zac to create services and identities on the OpenZiti network
Build the examples
Refer to the example README to build the SDK examples
Setup using the OpenZiti CLI
These steps will configure the reflect service using the OpenZiti CLI. At the end of these steps you will have created:
- a service called
- an identity to host (bind) the service
- an identity to connect to (dial) the service
- the service policies required to run the application
Log into OpenZiti. The host:port and username/password will vary depending on your network.
ziti edge login localhost:1280 -u admin -p admin
Run this script to create everything you need.
echo Changing to build directory
echo Create the service
ziti edge create service reflectService --role-attributes reflect-service
echo Create and enroll two identities
ziti edge create identity device reflect-client -a reflect.clients -o reflect-client.jwt
ziti edge create identity device reflect-server -a reflect.servers -o reflect-server.jwt
ziti edge enroll --jwt reflect-client.jwt
ziti edge enroll --jwt reflect-server.jwt
echo Create service policies
ziti edge create service-policy reflect-client-dial Dial --identity-roles '#reflect.clients' --service-roles '#reflect-service'
ziti edge create service-policy reflect-client-bind Bind --identity-roles '#reflect.servers' --service-roles '#reflect-service'
echo Run policy advisor to check
ziti edge policy-advisor services
Run the server.
./reflect server -i reflect-server.json -s reflectService
Run the client.
./reflect client -i reflect-client.json -s reflectService
Example output
$ ./reflect server -i server.json -s reflect_svc
INFO ready to accept connections
INFO connection to edge router using api session token ae0a33d9-e745-4b8e-b7df-9a5c850e2222
INFO new connection accepted
INFO about to read a string :
INFO read : Hello Ziti
INFO responding with : you sent me: Hello Ziti
$ ./reflect client -i client.json -s reflect_svc
INFO found service named: reflect_svc
WARNING no config of type ziti-tunneler-client.v1 was found
INFO connection to edge router using api session token b97826dc-5314-44fb-9407-b6177f409b68
INFO Connected to reflect_svc successfully.
INFO You may now type a line to be sent to the server (press enter to send)
INFO The line will be sent to the reflect server and returned
Hello Ziti
wrote 11 bytes
Sent :Hello Ziti
Received: you sent me: Hello Ziti
Done with the example? This script will remove everything created during setup.
echo Removing service policies
ziti edge delete service-policy reflect-client-dial
ziti edge delete service-policy reflect-client-bind
echo Removing identities
ziti edge delete identity reflect-client
ziti edge delete identity reflect-server
echo Removing service
ziti edge delete service reflectService