
package module
v1.0.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 13, 2020 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 15 Imported by: 12



Autodiff is a numerical optimization and linear algebra library for the Go / Golang programming language. It implements basic automatic differentation for many mathematical routines. The documentation of this package can be found here.


Autodiff defines three different scalar types. A Scalar contains a single mutable value that can be the result of a mathematical operation, whereas the value of a ConstScalar is constant and fixed when the scalar is created. Automatic differentiation is implemented by MagicScalar types that allow to compute first and second order derivatives. Autodiff supports the following scalars types:

Scalar Implemented interfaces
ConstInt8 ConstScalar
ConstInt16 ConstScalar
ConstInt32 ConstScalar
ConstInt64 ConstScalar
ConstInt ConstScalar
ConstFloat32 ConstScalar
ConstFloat64 ConstScalar
Int8 ConstScalar, Scalar
Int16 ConstScalar, Scalar
Int32 ConstScalar, Scalar
Int64 ConstScalar, Scalar
Int ConstScalar, Scalar
Float32 ConstScalar, Scalar
Float64 ConstScalar, Scalar
Real32 ConstScalar, Scalar, MagicScalar
Real64 ConstScalar, Scalar, MagicScalar

The ConstScalar, Scalar and MagicScalar interfaces define the following operations:

Function Description
GetInt8 Get value as int8
GetInt16 Get value as int16
GetInt32 Get value as int32
GetInt64 Get value as int64
GetInt Get value as int
GetFloat32 Get value as float32
GetFloat64 Get value as float64
Equals Check if two constants are equal
Greater True if first constant is greater
Smaller True if first constant is smaller
Sign Returns the sign of the scalar

The Scalar and MagicScalar interfaces define the following operations:

Function Description
SetInt8 Set value by passing an int8 variable
SetInt16 Set value by passing an int16 variable
SetInt32 Set value by passing an int32 variable
SetInt64 Set value by passing an int64 variable
SetInt Set value by passing an int variable
SetFloat32 Set value by passing an float32 variable
SetFloat64 Set value by passing an float64 variable

The Scalar and MagicScalar interfaces define the following mathematical operations:

Function Description
Min Minimum
Max Maximum
Abs Absolute value
Sign Sign
Neg Negation
Add Addition
Sub Substraction
Mul Multiplication
Div Division
Pow Power
Sqrt Square root
Exp Exponential function
Log Logarithm
Log1p Logarithm of 1+x
Log1pExp Logarithm of 1+Exp(x)
Logistic Standard logistic function
Erf Error function
Erfc Complementary error function
LogErfc Log complementary error function
Sigmoid Numerically stable sigmoid function
Sin Sine
Sinh Hyperbolic sine
Cos Cosine
Cosh Hyperbolic cosine
Tan Tangent
Tanh Hyperbolic tangent
LogAdd Addition on log scale
LogSub Substraction on log scale
SmoothMax Differentiable maximum
LogSmoothMax Differentiable maximum on log scale
Gamma Gamma function
Lgamma Log gamma function
Mlgamma Multivariate log gamma function
GammaP Lower incomplete gamma function
BesselI Modified Bessel function of the first kind
LogBesselI Log of the Modified Bessel function of the first kind

Vectors and Matrices

Autodiff implements dense and sparse vectors and matrices that support basic linear algebra operations. The following vector and matrix types are provided by autodiff:

Type Scalar Description
DenseInt8Vector Int8 Dense vector of Int8 scalars
DenseInt16Vector Int16 Dense vector of Int16 scalars
DenseInt32Vector Int32 Dense vector of Int32 scalars
DenseInt64Vector Int64 Dense vector of Int64 scalars
DenseIntVector Int Dense vector of Int scalars
DenseFloat32Vector Float32 Dense vector of Float32 scalars
DenseFloat64Vector Float64 Dense vector of Float64 scalars
DenseReal32Vector Real32 Dense vector of Real32 scalars
DenseReal64Vector Real64 Dense vector of Real64 scalars
SparseInt8Vector Int8 Sparse vector of Int8 scalars
SparseInt16Vector Int16 Sparse vector of Int16 scalars
SparseInt32Vector Int32 Sparse vector of Int32 scalars
SparseInt64Vector Int64 Sparse vector of Int64 scalars
SparseIntVector Int Sparse vector of Int scalars
SparseFloat32Vector Float32 Sparse vector of Float32 scalars
SparseFloat64Vector Float64 Sparse vector of Float64 scalars
SparseReal32Vector Real32 Sparse vector of Real32 scalars
SparseReal64Vector Real64 Sparse vector of Real64 scalars
SparseConstInt8Vector ConstInt8 Sparse vector of ConstInt8 scalars
SparseConstInt16Vector ConstInt16 Sparse vector of ConstInt16 scalars
SparseConstInt32Vector ConstInt32 Sparse vector of ConstInt32 scalars
SparseConstInt64Vector ConstInt64 Sparse vector of ConstInt64 scalars
SparseConstIntVector ConstInt Sparse vector of ConstInt scalars
SparseConstFloat32Vector ConstFloat32 Sparse vector of ConstFloat32 scalars
SparseConstFloat64Vector ConstFloat64 Sparse vector of ConstFloat64 scalars
DenseInt8Matrix Int8 Dense matrix of Int8 scalars
DenseInt16Matrix Int16 Dense matrix of Int16 scalars
DenseInt32Matrix Int32 Dense matrix of Int32 scalars
DenseInt64Matrix Int64 Dense matrix of Int64 scalars
DenseIntMatrix Int Dense matrix of Int scalars
DenseFloat32Matrix Float32 Dense matrix of Float32 scalars
DenseFloat64Matrix Float64 Dense matrix of Float64 scalars
DenseReal32Matrix Real32 Dense matrix of Real32 scalars
DenseReal64Matrix Real64 Dense matrix of Real64 scalars
SparseInt8Matrix Int8 Sparse matrix of Int8 scalars
SparseInt16Matrix Int16 Sparse matrix of Int16 scalars
SparseInt32Matrix Int32 Sparse matrix of Int32 scalars
SparseInt64Matrix Int64 Sparse matrix of Int64 scalars
SparseIntMatrix Int Sparse matrix of Int scalars
SparseFloat32Matrix Float32 Sparse matrix of Float32 scalars
SparseFloat64Matrix Float64 Sparse matrix of Float64 scalars
SparseReal32Matrix Real32 Sparse matrix of Real32 scalars
SparseReal64Matrix Real64 Sparse matrix of Real64 scalars

Autodiff defines three vector interfaces ConstVector, Vector, and MagicVector:

Interface Function Description
ConstVector Dim Return the length of the vector
ConstVector Equals Returns true if the two vectors are equal
ConstVector Table Converts vector to a string
ConstVector Int8At Returns the scalar at the given position as int8
ConstVector Int16At Returns the scalar at the given position as int16
ConstVector Int32At Returns the scalar at the given position as int32
ConstVector Int64At Returns the scalar at the given position as int64
ConstVector IntAt Returns the scalar at the given position as int
ConstVector Float32At Returns the scalar at the given position as Float32
ConstVector Float64At Returns the scalar at the given position as Float64
ConstVector ConstAt Returns the scalar at the given position as ConstScalar
ConstVector ConstSlice Returns a slice as a constant vector (ConstVector)
ConstVector AsConstMatrix Convert vector to a matrix of type ConstMatrix
ConstVector ConstIterator Returns a constant iterator
ConstVector CloneConstVector Return a deep copy of the vector as ConstVector
ConstVector, Vector At Return the scalar the given index
ConstVector, Vector Reset Set all scalars to zero
ConstVector, Vector Set Set the value and derivatives of a scalar
ConstVector, Vector Slice Return a slice of the vector
ConstVector, Vector Export Export vector to file
ConstVector, Vector Permute Permute elements of the vector
ConstVector, Vector ReverseOrder Reverse the order of vector elements
ConstVector, Vector Sort Sort vector elements
ConstVector, Vector AppendScalar Append a single scalar to the vector
ConstVector, Vector AppendVector Append another vector
ConstVector, Vector Swap Swap two elements of the vector
ConstVector, Vector AsMatrix Convert vector to a matrix
ConstVector, Vector Iterator Returns an iterator
ConstVector, Vector CloneVector Return a deep copy of the vector as Vector
ConstVector, Vector, MagicVector MagicAt Returns the scalar at the given position as MagicScalar
ConstVector, Vector, MagicVector MagicSlice Resutns a slice as a magic vector (MagicVector)
ConstVector, Vector, MagicVector AppendMagicScalar Append a single magic scalar
ConstVector, Vector, MagicVector AppendMagicVector Append a magic vector
ConstVector, Vector, MagicVector AsMagicMatrix Convert vector to a matrix of type MagicMatrix
ConstVector, Vector, MagicVector CloneMagicVector Return a deep copy of the vector as MagicVector

Vectors support the following mathematical operations:

Function Description
VaddV Element-wise addition
VsubV Element-wise substraction
VmulV Element-wise multiplication
VdivV Element-wise division
VaddS Addition of a scalar
VsubS Substraction of a scalar
VmulS Multiplication with a scalar
VdivS Division by a scalar
VdotV Dot product

Autodiff defines three matrix interfaces ConstMatrix, Matrix, and MagicMatrix:

Interface Function Description
ConstMatrix Dims Return the number of rows and columns of the matrix
ConstMatrix Equals Returns true if the two matrixs are equal
ConstMatrix Table Converts matrix to a string
ConstMatrix Int8At Returns the scalar at the given position as int8
ConstMatrix Int16At Returns the scalar at the given position as int16
ConstMatrix Int32At Returns the scalar at the given position as int32
ConstMatrix Int64At Returns the scalar at the given position as int64
ConstMatrix IntAt Returns the scalar at the given position as int
ConstMatrix Float32At Returns the scalar at the given position as Float32
ConstMatrix Float64At Returns the scalar at the given position as Float64
ConstMatrix ConstAt Returns the scalar at the given position as ConstScalar
ConstMatrix ConstSlice Returns a slice as a constant matrix (ConstMatrix)
ConstMatrix ConstRow Returns the ith row as a ConstVector
ConstMatrix ConstCol Returns the jth column as a ConstVector
ConstMatrix ConstIterator Returns a constant iterator
ConstMatrix AsConstVector Convert matrix to a vector of type ConstVector
ConstMatrix CloneConstMatrix Return a deep copy of the matrix as ConstMatrix
ConstMatrix, Matrix At Return the scalar the given index
ConstMatrix, Matrix Reset Set all scalars to zero
ConstMatrix, Matrix Set Set the value and derivatives of a scalar
ConstMatrix, Matrix Slice Return a slice of the matrix
ConstMatrix, Matrix Export Export matrix to file
ConstMatrix, Matrix Permute Permute elements of the matrix
ConstMatrix, Matrix ReverseOrder Reverse the order of matrix elements
ConstMatrix, Matrix Sort Sort matrix elements
ConstMatrix, Matrix AppendScalar Append a single scalar to the matrix
ConstMatrix, Matrix AppendMatrix Append another matrix
ConstMatrix, Matrix Swap Swap two elements of the matrix
ConstMatrix, Matrix SwapRows Swap two rows
ConstMatrix, Matrix SwapCols Swap two columns
ConstMatrix, Matrix PermuteRows Permute rows
ConstMatrix, Matrix PermuteCols Permute columns
ConstMatrix, Matrix Row Returns a copy of the ith row as a Vector
ConstMatrix, Matrix Col Returns a copy of the jth column a Vector
ConstMatrix, Matrix T Returns a transposed matrix
ConstMatrix, Matrix Tip Transpose in-place
ConstMatrix, Matrix AsVector Convert matrix to a vector of type Vector
ConstMatrix, Matrix Iterator Returns an iterator
ConstMatrix, Matrix CloneMatrix Return a deep copy of the matrix as Matrix
ConstMatrix, Matrix, MagicMatrix MagicAt Returns the scalar at the given position as MagicScalar
ConstMatrix, Matrix, MagicMatrix MagicSlice Resutns a slice as a magic matrix (MagicMatrix)
ConstMatrix, Matrix, MagicMatrix MagicT Returns a transposed matrix of type MagicMatrix
ConstMatrix, Matrix, MagicMatrix AppendMagicScalar Append a single magic scalar
ConstMatrix, Matrix, MagicMatrix AppendMagicMatrix Append a magic matrix
ConstMatrix, Matrix, MagicMatrix CloneMagicMatrix Return a deep copy of the matrix as MagicMatrix

Matrices support the following linear algebra operations:

Function Description
MaddM Element-wise addition
MsubM Element-wise substraction
MmulM Element-wise multiplication
MdivM Element-wise division
MaddS Addition of a scalar
MsubS Substraction of a scalar
MmulS Multiplication with a scalar
MdivS Division by a scalar
MdotM Matrix product
Outer Outer product

Methods, such as VaddV and MaddM, are generic and accept vector or matrix types that implement the respective ConstVector or ConstMatrix interface. However, opertions on interface types are much slower than on concrete types, which is why most vector and matrix types in autodiff also implement methods that operate on concrete types. For instance, DenseFloat64Vector implements a method called VADDV that takes as arguments two objects of type DenseFloat64Vector. Methods that operate on concrete types are always named in capital letters.


The algorithms package contains more complex linear algebra and optimization routines:

Package Description
bfgs Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) algorithm
blahut Blahut algorithm (channel capacity)
cholesky Cholesky and LDL factorization
determinant Matrix determinants
eigensystem Compute Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
gaussJordan Gauss-Jordan algorithm
gradientDescent Vanilla gradient desent algorithm
gramSchmidt Gram-Schmidt algorithm
hessenbergReduction Matrix Hessenberg reduction
lineSearch Line-search (satisfying the Wolfe conditions)
matrixInverse Matrix inverse
msqrt Matrix square root
msqrtInv Inverse matrix square root
newton Newton's method (root finding and optimization)
qrAlgorithm QR-Algorithm for computing Schur decompositions
rprop Resilient backpropagation
svd Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
saga SAGA stochastic average gradient descent method

Basic usage

Import the autodiff library with

  import . ""

A scalar holding the value 1.0 can be defined in several ways, i.e.

  a := NullScalar(Real64Type)
  b := NewReal64(1.0)
  c := NewFloat64(1.0)

a and b are both MagicScalars, however a has type Scalar whereas b has type *Real64 which implements the Scalar interface. Variable c is of type Float64 which cannot carry any derivatives. Basic operations such as additions are defined on all Scalars, i.e.

  a.Add(a, b)

which stores the result of adding a and b in a. The ConstFloat64 type allows to define float64 constants without allocation of additional memory. For instance

  a.Add(a, ConstFloat64(1.0))

adds a constant value to a where a type cast is used to define the constant 1.0.

To differentiate a function f(x,y) = x y^3 + 4, we define

  f := func(x, y ConstScalar) MagicScalar {
    // compute f(x,y) = x*y^3 + 4
    z := NewReal64()
    z.Pow(y, ConstFloat64(3.0))
    z.Mul(z, x)
    z.Add(z, ConstFloat64(4.0))
    return z

that accepts as arguments two ConstScalar variables and returns a MagicScalar. We first define two MagicReal variables

  x := NewReal64(2)
  y := NewReal64(4)

that store the value at which the derivatives should be evaluated. Afterwards, x and y must be activated with

  Variables(2, x, y)

where the first argument sets the order of the derivatives. Variables() should only be called once, as it allocates memory for the given magic variables. In this case, derivatives up to second order are computed. After evaluating f, i.e.

  z := f(x, y)

the function value at (x,y) = (2, 4) can be retrieved with z.GetFloat64(). The first and second partial derivatives can be accessed with z.GetDerivative(i) and z.GetHessian(i, j), where the arguments specify the index of the variable. For instance, the derivative of f with respect to x is returned by z.GetDerivative(0), whereas the derivative with respect to y by z.GetDerivative(1).

Basic linear algebra

Vectors and matrices can be created with

  v := NewDenseFloat64Vector([]float64{1,2})
  m := NewDenseFloat64Matrix([]float64{1,2,3,4}, 2, 2)

  v_ := NewDenseReal64Vector([]float64{1,2})
  m_ := NewDenseReal64Matrix([]float64{1,2,3,4}, 2, 2)

where v has length 2 and m is a 2x2 matrix. With

  v := NullDenseFloat64Vector(2)
  m := NullDenseFloat64Matrix(2, 2)

all values are initially set to zero. Vector and matrix elements can be accessed with the At, MagicAt or ConstAt methods, which return a reference to the scalar implementing either a Scalar, MagicScalar or ConstScalar, i.e.

  m.At(1,1).Add(v.ConstAt(0), v.ConstAt(1))

adds the first two values in v and stores the result in the lower right element of the matrix m. Autodiff supports basic linear algebra operations, for instance, the vector matrix product can be computed with

  w := NullDenseFloat64Vector(2)
  w.MdotV(m, v)

where the result is stored in w. Other operations, such as computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix, require importing the respective package from the algorithm library, i.e.

  import ""

  lambda, _, _ := eigensystem.Run(m)


Gradient descent

Compare vanilla gradient descent with resilient backpropagation

  import . ""
  import   ""
  import   ""

  f := func(x_ ConstVector) MagicScalar {
    x := x_.ConstAt(0)
    // x^4 - 3x^3 + 2
    r := NewReal64()
    s := NewReal64()
    r.Pow(x.ConstAt(0), ConstFloat64(4.0)
    s.Mul(ConstFloat64(3.0), s.Pow(x, ConstFloat64(3.0)))
    r.Add(ConstFloat64(2.0), r.Add(r, s))
    return r
  x0 := NewDenseFloat64Vector([]float64{8})
  // vanilla gradient descent
  xn1, _ := gradientDescent.Run(f, x0, 0.0001, gradientDescent.Epsilon{1e-8})
  // resilient backpropagation
  xn2, _ := rprop.Run(f, x0, 0.0001, 0.4, rprop.Epsilon{1e-8})

Gradient descent

Matrix inversion

Compute the inverse r of a matrix m by minimizing the Frobenius norm ||mb - I||

  import . ""
  import   ""

  // define matrix r
  m := NewDenseFloat64Matrix([]float64{1,2,3,4}, 2, 2)
  // create identity matrix I
  I := NullDenseFloat64Matrix(2, 2)

  // magic variables for computing the Frobenius norm and its derivative
  t := NewDenseReal64Matrix(2, 2)
  s := NewReal64()
  // objective function
  f := func(x ConstVector) MagicScalar {
    s.Mnorm(t.MsubM(t.MmulM(m, t), I))
    return s
  r, _ := rprop.Run(f, r.GetValues(), 0.01, 0.1, rprop.Epsilon{1e-12})

Newton's method

Find the root of a function f with initial value x0 = (1,1)

  import . ""
  import   ""

  t := NullReal64()

  f := func(x ConstVector) MagicVector {
    x1 := x.ConstAt(0)
    x2 := x.ConstAt(1)
    y  := NullDenseReal64Vector(2)
    y1 := y.At(0)
    y2 := y.At(1)
    // y1 = x1^2 + x2^2 - 6
    t .Pow(x1, ConstFloat64(2.0))
    y1.Add(y1, t)
    t .Pow(x2, ConstFloat64(2.0))
    y1.Add(y1, t)
    y1.Sub(y1, ConstFloat64(6.0))
    // y2 = x1^3 - x2^2
    t .Pow(x1, ConstFloat64(3.0))
    y2.Add(y2, t)
    t .Pow(x2, ConstFloat64(2.0))
    y2.Sub(y2, t)

    return y

  x0    := NewDenseFloat64Vector([]float64{1,1})
  xn, _ := newton.RunRoot(f, x0, newton.Epsilon{1e-8})

Minimize Rosenbrock's function

Compare Newton's method, BFGS and Rprop for minimizing Rosenbrock's function

  import   "fmt"

  import . ""
  import   ""
  import   ""
  import   ""

  f := func(x ConstVector) (MagicScalar, error) {
    // f(x1, x2) = (a - x1)^2 + b(x2 - x1^2)^2
    // a = 1
    // b = 100
    // minimum: (x1,x2) = (a, a^2)
    a := ConstFloat64(  1.0)
    b := ConstFloat64(100.0)
    c := ConstFloat64(  2.0)
    s := NullReal64()
    t := NullReal64()
    s.Pow(s.Sub(a, x.ConstAt(0)), c)
    t.Mul(b, t.Pow(t.Sub(x.ConstAt(1), t.Mul(x.ConstAt(0), x.ConstAt(0))), c))
    s.Add(s, t)
    return s, nil
  hook_rprop := func(gradient, step []float64, x ConstVector, y ConstScalar) bool {
    fmt.Fprintf(fp1, "%s\n", x.Table())
    fmt.Println("x       :", x)
    fmt.Println("gradient:", gradient)
    fmt.Println("y       :", y)
    return false
  hook_bfgs := func(x, gradient ConstVector, y ConstScalar) bool {
    fmt.Fprintf(fp2, "%s\n", x.Table())
    fmt.Println("x       :", x)
    fmt.Println("gradient:", gradient)
    fmt.Println("y       :", y)
    return false
  hook_newton := func(x, gradient ConstVector, hessian ConstMatrix, y ConstScalar) bool {
    fmt.Fprintf(fp3, "%s\n", x.Table())
    fmt.Println("x       :", x)
    fmt.Println("gradient:", gradient)
    fmt.Println("y       :", y)
    return false

  x0 := NewDenseFloat64Vector([]float64{-0.5, 2})

  rprop.Run(f, x0, 0.05, []float64{1.2, 0.8},

  bfgs.Run(f, x0,

  newton.RunMin(f, x0,

Gradient descent

Constrained optimization

Maximize the function f(x, y) = x + y subject to x^2 + y^2 = 1 by finding the critical point of the corresponding Lagrangian

  import . ""
  import   ""

  z := NullReal64()
  t := NullReal64()
  // define the Lagrangian
  f := func(x_ ConstVector) (MagicScalar, error) {
    // z = x + y + lambda(x^2 + y^2 - 1)
    x      := x_.ConstAt(0)
    y      := x_.ConstAt(1)
    lambda := x_.ConstAt(2)
    t.Pow(x, ConstFloat64(2.0))
    z.Add(z, t)
    t.Pow(y, ConstFloat64(2.0))
    z.Add(z, t)
    z.Sub(z, ConstFloat64(1.0))
    z.Mul(z, lambda)
    z.Add(z, y)
    z.Add(z, x)

    return z, nil
  // initial value
  x0    := NewDenseFloat64Vector([]float64{3,  5, 1})
  // run Newton's method
  xn, _ := newton.RunCrit(
      f, x0,



-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------



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func CopyGradient

func CopyGradient(g Vector, x ConstScalar) error

func CopyHessian

func CopyHessian(H Matrix, x ConstScalar) error

func RegisterConstScalar

func RegisterConstScalar(t ScalarType, constructor func(float64) ConstScalar)

scalar types can be registered so that the constructors below can be used for all types

func RegisterMagicScalar

func RegisterMagicScalar(t ScalarType, constructor func(float64) MagicScalar)

func RegisterScalar

func RegisterScalar(t ScalarType, constructor func(float64) Scalar)

func Variables

func Variables(order int, reals ...MagicScalar) error


type AvlIterator

type AvlIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewAvlIterator

func NewAvlIterator(tree *AvlTree) *AvlIterator

func (*AvlIterator) Clone

func (obj *AvlIterator) Clone() AvlIterator

func (*AvlIterator) Get

func (obj *AvlIterator) Get() int

func (*AvlIterator) Next

func (obj *AvlIterator) Next()

func (*AvlIterator) Ok

func (obj *AvlIterator) Ok() bool

type AvlNode

type AvlNode struct {
	Value   int
	Balance int
	Deleted bool
	Left    *AvlNode
	Right   *AvlNode
	Parent  *AvlNode

func NewAvlNode

func NewAvlNode(i int) *AvlNode

type AvlTree

type AvlTree struct {
	Root *AvlNode

func NewAvlTree

func NewAvlTree() *AvlTree

func (*AvlTree) Clone

func (obj *AvlTree) Clone() *AvlTree

func (*AvlTree) Delete

func (obj *AvlTree) Delete(i int) bool

func (*AvlTree) Emtpy

func (obj *AvlTree) Emtpy() bool

func (*AvlTree) FindNode

func (obj *AvlTree) FindNode(i int) *AvlNode

func (*AvlTree) FindNodeLE

func (obj *AvlTree) FindNodeLE(i int) *AvlNode

func (*AvlTree) Insert

func (obj *AvlTree) Insert(i int) bool

func (*AvlTree) Iterator

func (obj *AvlTree) Iterator() *AvlIterator

func (*AvlTree) IteratorFrom

func (obj *AvlTree) IteratorFrom(i int) *AvlIterator

func (*AvlTree) Left

func (obj *AvlTree) Left() AvlTree

func (*AvlTree) Right

func (obj *AvlTree) Right() AvlTree

func (*AvlTree) SafeIterator

func (obj *AvlTree) SafeIterator() *AvlIterator

func (*AvlTree) SafeIteratorFrom

func (obj *AvlTree) SafeIteratorFrom(i int) *AvlIterator

func (AvlTree) String

func (obj AvlTree) String() string

func (*AvlTree) Value

func (obj *AvlTree) Value() int

type ConstFloat32

type ConstFloat32 float32


func NewConstFloat32

func NewConstFloat32(v float32) ConstFloat32

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullConstFloat32

func NullConstFloat32() ConstFloat32

func (ConstFloat32) Clone

func (a ConstFloat32) Clone() ConstFloat32


func (ConstFloat32) CloneConstScalar

func (a ConstFloat32) CloneConstScalar() ConstScalar

func (ConstFloat32) ConvertConstScalar

func (a ConstFloat32) ConvertConstScalar(t ScalarType) ConstScalar

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstFloat32) Equals

func (a ConstFloat32) Equals(b ConstScalar, epsilon float64) bool

math * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstFloat32) GetDerivative

func (a ConstFloat32) GetDerivative(i int) float64

func (ConstFloat32) GetFloat32

func (a ConstFloat32) GetFloat32() float32

func (ConstFloat32) GetFloat64

func (a ConstFloat32) GetFloat64() float64

func (ConstFloat32) GetHessian

func (a ConstFloat32) GetHessian(i, j int) float64

func (ConstFloat32) GetInt

func (a ConstFloat32) GetInt() int

func (ConstFloat32) GetInt16

func (a ConstFloat32) GetInt16() int16

func (ConstFloat32) GetInt32

func (a ConstFloat32) GetInt32() int32

func (ConstFloat32) GetInt64

func (a ConstFloat32) GetInt64() int64

func (ConstFloat32) GetInt8

func (a ConstFloat32) GetInt8() int8

read access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstFloat32) GetN

func (a ConstFloat32) GetN() int

func (ConstFloat32) GetOrder

func (a ConstFloat32) GetOrder() int

func (ConstFloat32) Greater

func (a ConstFloat32) Greater(b ConstScalar) bool


func (ConstFloat32) MarshalJSON

func (obj ConstFloat32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstFloat32) Sign

func (a ConstFloat32) Sign() int


func (ConstFloat32) Smaller

func (a ConstFloat32) Smaller(b ConstScalar) bool


func (ConstFloat32) String

func (a ConstFloat32) String() string

stringer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstFloat32) Type

func (a ConstFloat32) Type() ScalarType


type ConstFloat64

type ConstFloat64 float64


func NewConstFloat64

func NewConstFloat64(v float64) ConstFloat64

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullConstFloat64

func NullConstFloat64() ConstFloat64

func (ConstFloat64) Clone

func (a ConstFloat64) Clone() ConstFloat64


func (ConstFloat64) CloneConstScalar

func (a ConstFloat64) CloneConstScalar() ConstScalar

func (ConstFloat64) ConvertConstScalar

func (a ConstFloat64) ConvertConstScalar(t ScalarType) ConstScalar

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstFloat64) Equals

func (a ConstFloat64) Equals(b ConstScalar, epsilon float64) bool

math * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstFloat64) GetDerivative

func (a ConstFloat64) GetDerivative(i int) float64

func (ConstFloat64) GetFloat32

func (a ConstFloat64) GetFloat32() float32

func (ConstFloat64) GetFloat64

func (a ConstFloat64) GetFloat64() float64

func (ConstFloat64) GetHessian

func (a ConstFloat64) GetHessian(i, j int) float64

func (ConstFloat64) GetInt

func (a ConstFloat64) GetInt() int

func (ConstFloat64) GetInt16

func (a ConstFloat64) GetInt16() int16

func (ConstFloat64) GetInt32

func (a ConstFloat64) GetInt32() int32

func (ConstFloat64) GetInt64

func (a ConstFloat64) GetInt64() int64

func (ConstFloat64) GetInt8

func (a ConstFloat64) GetInt8() int8

read access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstFloat64) GetN

func (a ConstFloat64) GetN() int

func (ConstFloat64) GetOrder

func (a ConstFloat64) GetOrder() int

func (ConstFloat64) Greater

func (a ConstFloat64) Greater(b ConstScalar) bool


func (ConstFloat64) MarshalJSON

func (obj ConstFloat64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstFloat64) Sign

func (a ConstFloat64) Sign() int


func (ConstFloat64) Smaller

func (a ConstFloat64) Smaller(b ConstScalar) bool


func (ConstFloat64) String

func (a ConstFloat64) String() string

stringer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstFloat64) Type

func (a ConstFloat64) Type() ScalarType


type ConstInt

type ConstInt int


func NewConstInt

func NewConstInt(v int) ConstInt

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullConstInt

func NullConstInt() ConstInt

func (ConstInt) Clone

func (a ConstInt) Clone() ConstInt


func (ConstInt) CloneConstScalar

func (a ConstInt) CloneConstScalar() ConstScalar

func (ConstInt) ConvertConstScalar

func (a ConstInt) ConvertConstScalar(t ScalarType) ConstScalar

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt) Equals

func (a ConstInt) Equals(b ConstScalar, epsilon float64) bool

math * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt) GetDerivative

func (a ConstInt) GetDerivative(i int) float64

func (ConstInt) GetFloat32

func (a ConstInt) GetFloat32() float32

func (ConstInt) GetFloat64

func (a ConstInt) GetFloat64() float64

func (ConstInt) GetHessian

func (a ConstInt) GetHessian(i, j int) float64

func (ConstInt) GetInt

func (a ConstInt) GetInt() int

func (ConstInt) GetInt16

func (a ConstInt) GetInt16() int16

func (ConstInt) GetInt32

func (a ConstInt) GetInt32() int32

func (ConstInt) GetInt64

func (a ConstInt) GetInt64() int64

func (ConstInt) GetInt8

func (a ConstInt) GetInt8() int8

read access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt) GetN

func (a ConstInt) GetN() int

func (ConstInt) GetOrder

func (a ConstInt) GetOrder() int

func (ConstInt) Greater

func (a ConstInt) Greater(b ConstScalar) bool


func (ConstInt) MarshalJSON

func (obj ConstInt) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt) Sign

func (a ConstInt) Sign() int


func (ConstInt) Smaller

func (a ConstInt) Smaller(b ConstScalar) bool


func (ConstInt) String

func (a ConstInt) String() string

stringer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt) Type

func (a ConstInt) Type() ScalarType


type ConstInt16

type ConstInt16 int16


func NewConstInt16

func NewConstInt16(v int16) ConstInt16

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullConstInt16

func NullConstInt16() ConstInt16

func (ConstInt16) Clone

func (a ConstInt16) Clone() ConstInt16


func (ConstInt16) CloneConstScalar

func (a ConstInt16) CloneConstScalar() ConstScalar

func (ConstInt16) ConvertConstScalar

func (a ConstInt16) ConvertConstScalar(t ScalarType) ConstScalar

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt16) Equals

func (a ConstInt16) Equals(b ConstScalar, epsilon float64) bool

math * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt16) GetDerivative

func (a ConstInt16) GetDerivative(i int) float64

func (ConstInt16) GetFloat32

func (a ConstInt16) GetFloat32() float32

func (ConstInt16) GetFloat64

func (a ConstInt16) GetFloat64() float64

func (ConstInt16) GetHessian

func (a ConstInt16) GetHessian(i, j int) float64

func (ConstInt16) GetInt

func (a ConstInt16) GetInt() int

func (ConstInt16) GetInt16

func (a ConstInt16) GetInt16() int16

func (ConstInt16) GetInt32

func (a ConstInt16) GetInt32() int32

func (ConstInt16) GetInt64

func (a ConstInt16) GetInt64() int64

func (ConstInt16) GetInt8

func (a ConstInt16) GetInt8() int8

read access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt16) GetN

func (a ConstInt16) GetN() int

func (ConstInt16) GetOrder

func (a ConstInt16) GetOrder() int

func (ConstInt16) Greater

func (a ConstInt16) Greater(b ConstScalar) bool


func (ConstInt16) MarshalJSON

func (obj ConstInt16) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt16) Sign

func (a ConstInt16) Sign() int


func (ConstInt16) Smaller

func (a ConstInt16) Smaller(b ConstScalar) bool


func (ConstInt16) String

func (a ConstInt16) String() string

stringer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt16) Type

func (a ConstInt16) Type() ScalarType


type ConstInt32

type ConstInt32 int32


func NewConstInt32

func NewConstInt32(v int32) ConstInt32

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullConstInt32

func NullConstInt32() ConstInt32

func (ConstInt32) Clone

func (a ConstInt32) Clone() ConstInt32


func (ConstInt32) CloneConstScalar

func (a ConstInt32) CloneConstScalar() ConstScalar

func (ConstInt32) ConvertConstScalar

func (a ConstInt32) ConvertConstScalar(t ScalarType) ConstScalar

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt32) Equals

func (a ConstInt32) Equals(b ConstScalar, epsilon float64) bool

math * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt32) GetDerivative

func (a ConstInt32) GetDerivative(i int) float64

func (ConstInt32) GetFloat32

func (a ConstInt32) GetFloat32() float32

func (ConstInt32) GetFloat64

func (a ConstInt32) GetFloat64() float64

func (ConstInt32) GetHessian

func (a ConstInt32) GetHessian(i, j int) float64

func (ConstInt32) GetInt

func (a ConstInt32) GetInt() int

func (ConstInt32) GetInt16

func (a ConstInt32) GetInt16() int16

func (ConstInt32) GetInt32

func (a ConstInt32) GetInt32() int32

func (ConstInt32) GetInt64

func (a ConstInt32) GetInt64() int64

func (ConstInt32) GetInt8

func (a ConstInt32) GetInt8() int8

read access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt32) GetN

func (a ConstInt32) GetN() int

func (ConstInt32) GetOrder

func (a ConstInt32) GetOrder() int

func (ConstInt32) Greater

func (a ConstInt32) Greater(b ConstScalar) bool


func (ConstInt32) MarshalJSON

func (obj ConstInt32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt32) Sign

func (a ConstInt32) Sign() int


func (ConstInt32) Smaller

func (a ConstInt32) Smaller(b ConstScalar) bool


func (ConstInt32) String

func (a ConstInt32) String() string

stringer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt32) Type

func (a ConstInt32) Type() ScalarType


type ConstInt64

type ConstInt64 int64


func NewConstInt64

func NewConstInt64(v int64) ConstInt64

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullConstInt64

func NullConstInt64() ConstInt64

func (ConstInt64) Clone

func (a ConstInt64) Clone() ConstInt64


func (ConstInt64) CloneConstScalar

func (a ConstInt64) CloneConstScalar() ConstScalar

func (ConstInt64) ConvertConstScalar

func (a ConstInt64) ConvertConstScalar(t ScalarType) ConstScalar

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt64) Equals

func (a ConstInt64) Equals(b ConstScalar, epsilon float64) bool

math * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt64) GetDerivative

func (a ConstInt64) GetDerivative(i int) float64

func (ConstInt64) GetFloat32

func (a ConstInt64) GetFloat32() float32

func (ConstInt64) GetFloat64

func (a ConstInt64) GetFloat64() float64

func (ConstInt64) GetHessian

func (a ConstInt64) GetHessian(i, j int) float64

func (ConstInt64) GetInt

func (a ConstInt64) GetInt() int

func (ConstInt64) GetInt16

func (a ConstInt64) GetInt16() int16

func (ConstInt64) GetInt32

func (a ConstInt64) GetInt32() int32

func (ConstInt64) GetInt64

func (a ConstInt64) GetInt64() int64

func (ConstInt64) GetInt8

func (a ConstInt64) GetInt8() int8

read access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt64) GetN

func (a ConstInt64) GetN() int

func (ConstInt64) GetOrder

func (a ConstInt64) GetOrder() int

func (ConstInt64) Greater

func (a ConstInt64) Greater(b ConstScalar) bool


func (ConstInt64) MarshalJSON

func (obj ConstInt64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt64) Sign

func (a ConstInt64) Sign() int


func (ConstInt64) Smaller

func (a ConstInt64) Smaller(b ConstScalar) bool


func (ConstInt64) String

func (a ConstInt64) String() string

stringer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt64) Type

func (a ConstInt64) Type() ScalarType


type ConstInt8

type ConstInt8 int8


func NewConstInt8

func NewConstInt8(v int8) ConstInt8

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullConstInt8

func NullConstInt8() ConstInt8

func (ConstInt8) Clone

func (a ConstInt8) Clone() ConstInt8


func (ConstInt8) CloneConstScalar

func (a ConstInt8) CloneConstScalar() ConstScalar

func (ConstInt8) ConvertConstScalar

func (a ConstInt8) ConvertConstScalar(t ScalarType) ConstScalar

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt8) Equals

func (a ConstInt8) Equals(b ConstScalar, epsilon float64) bool

math * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt8) GetDerivative

func (a ConstInt8) GetDerivative(i int) float64

func (ConstInt8) GetFloat32

func (a ConstInt8) GetFloat32() float32

func (ConstInt8) GetFloat64

func (a ConstInt8) GetFloat64() float64

func (ConstInt8) GetHessian

func (a ConstInt8) GetHessian(i, j int) float64

func (ConstInt8) GetInt

func (a ConstInt8) GetInt() int

func (ConstInt8) GetInt16

func (a ConstInt8) GetInt16() int16

func (ConstInt8) GetInt32

func (a ConstInt8) GetInt32() int32

func (ConstInt8) GetInt64

func (a ConstInt8) GetInt64() int64

func (ConstInt8) GetInt8

func (a ConstInt8) GetInt8() int8

read access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt8) GetN

func (a ConstInt8) GetN() int

func (ConstInt8) GetOrder

func (a ConstInt8) GetOrder() int

func (ConstInt8) Greater

func (a ConstInt8) Greater(b ConstScalar) bool


func (ConstInt8) MarshalJSON

func (obj ConstInt8) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt8) Sign

func (a ConstInt8) Sign() int


func (ConstInt8) Smaller

func (a ConstInt8) Smaller(b ConstScalar) bool


func (ConstInt8) String

func (a ConstInt8) String() string

stringer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (ConstInt8) Type

func (a ConstInt8) Type() ScalarType


type ConstMatrix

type ConstMatrix interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

type ConstScalar

type ConstScalar interface {
	// clone methods
	CloneConstScalar() ConstScalar
	// read access
	GetInt8() int8
	GetInt16() int16
	GetInt32() int32
	GetInt64() int64
	GetInt() int
	GetFloat32() float32
	GetFloat64() float64
	// magic access
	GetOrder() int
	GetDerivative(int) float64
	GetHessian(int, int) float64
	GetN() int
	// type reflections
	Type() ScalarType
	ConvertConstScalar(ScalarType) ConstScalar
	// simple math
	Equals(ConstScalar, float64) bool
	Greater(ConstScalar) bool
	Smaller(ConstScalar) bool
	Sign() int
	// nice printing
	// json

func NewConstScalar

func NewConstScalar(t ScalarType, value float64) ConstScalar

func NullConstScalar

func NullConstScalar(t ScalarType) ConstScalar

type ConstScalarContainer

type ConstScalarContainer interface {
	ElementType() ScalarType
	Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar
	// nice printing

type ConstVector

type ConstVector interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

type DenseFloat32Matrix

type DenseFloat32Matrix struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func AsDenseFloat32Matrix

func AsDenseFloat32Matrix(matrix ConstMatrix) *DenseFloat32Matrix

func NewDenseFloat32Matrix

func NewDenseFloat32Matrix(values []float32, rows, cols int) *DenseFloat32Matrix

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullDenseFloat32Matrix

func NullDenseFloat32Matrix(rows, cols int) *DenseFloat32Matrix

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) AT

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) AT(i, j int) Float32

native matrix methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) AsConstVector

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) AsConstVector() ConstVector

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) AsVector

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) AsVector() Vector

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) At

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) At(i, j int) Scalar

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) COL

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) COL(j int) DenseFloat32Vector

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Clone

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) Clone() *DenseFloat32Matrix
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Clone matrix including data.

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) CloneConstMatrix

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) CloneConstMatrix() ConstMatrix

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) CloneMatrix

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) CloneMatrix() Matrix

matrix interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Col

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) Col(j int) Vector

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) ConstAt

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) ConstAt(i, j int) ConstScalar

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) ConstCol

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) ConstCol(j int) ConstVector

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) ConstDiag

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) ConstDiag() ConstVector

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) ConstIterator

func (m *DenseFloat32Matrix) ConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom

func (m *DenseFloat32Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) ConstRow

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) ConstRow(i int) ConstVector

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) ConstSlice

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) ConstSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) ConstMatrix

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) DIAG

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) DIAG() DenseFloat32Vector

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Diag

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) Diag() Vector

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Dims

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) Dims() (int, int)

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) EQUALS added in v1.0.3

func (a *DenseFloat32Matrix) EQUALS(b *DenseFloat32Matrix, epsilon float64) bool

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) ElementType

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Equals

func (a *DenseFloat32Matrix) Equals(b ConstMatrix, epsilon float64) bool

import "fmt"


True if matrix a equals b.

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Export

func (m *DenseFloat32Matrix) Export(filename string) error

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Float32At

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) Float32At(i, j int) float32

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Float64At

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) Float64At(i, j int) float64

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Hessian

Compute the Hessian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) ITERATOR

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM

func (m *DenseFloat32Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM(i, j int) *DenseFloat32MatrixIterator

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Import

func (m *DenseFloat32Matrix) Import(filename string) error

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Int16At

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) Int16At(i, j int) int16

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Int32At

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) Int32At(i, j int) int32

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Int64At

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) Int64At(i, j int) int64

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Int8At

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) Int8At(i, j int) int8

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) IntAt

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) IntAt(i, j int) int

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) IsSymmetric

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) IsSymmetric(epsilon float64) bool

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Iterator

func (m *DenseFloat32Matrix) Iterator() MatrixIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) IteratorFrom

func (m *DenseFloat32Matrix) IteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixIterator

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Jacobian

func (r *DenseFloat32Matrix) Jacobian(f func(ConstVector) ConstVector, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Jacobian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) JointIterator

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) MADDM added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) MADDS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) MDIVM added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) MDIVS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) MDOTM added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) MMULM added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) MMULS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) MSUBM added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) MSUBS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) MaddM

func (r *DenseFloat32Matrix) MaddM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise addition of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) MaddS


Add scalar b to all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Map

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) Map(f func(Scalar))

implement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) MapSet

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) MarshalJSON

func (a *DenseFloat32Matrix) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) MdivM

func (r *DenseFloat32Matrix) MdivM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise division of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) MdivS


Divide all elements of a by b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) MdotM

func (r *DenseFloat32Matrix) MdotM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) MmulM

func (r *DenseFloat32Matrix) MmulM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise multiplication of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) MmulS


Multiply all elements of a with b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) MsubM

func (r *DenseFloat32Matrix) MsubM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise substraction of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) MsubS


Substract b from all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) OUTER added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Outer

func (r *DenseFloat32Matrix) Outer(a, b ConstVector) Matrix

Outer product of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) PermuteColumns

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) PermuteColumns(pi []int) error

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) PermuteRows

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) PermuteRows(pi []int) error

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) ROW

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) ROW(i int) DenseFloat32Vector

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Reduce

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Reset

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) Reset()

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Row

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) Row(i int) Vector

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) SLICE

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) SLICE(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) *DenseFloat32Matrix

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Set

func (a *DenseFloat32Matrix) Set(b ConstMatrix)

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) SetIdentity

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) SetIdentity()

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Slice

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) Slice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) Matrix

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) String

func (m *DenseFloat32Matrix) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Swap

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) Swap(i1, j1, i2, j2 int)

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) SwapColumns

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) SwapColumns(i, j int) error

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) SwapRows

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) SwapRows(i, j int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) SymmetricPermutation

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) SymmetricPermutation(pi []int) error

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) T

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) T() Matrix

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Table

func (a *DenseFloat32Matrix) Table() string

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) Tip

func (matrix *DenseFloat32Matrix) Tip()

func (*DenseFloat32Matrix) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *DenseFloat32Matrix) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type DenseFloat32MatrixIterator

type DenseFloat32MatrixIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

const iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat32MatrixIterator) Clone

func (*DenseFloat32MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *DenseFloat32MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseFloat32MatrixIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *DenseFloat32MatrixIterator) CloneIterator() MatrixIterator

func (*DenseFloat32MatrixIterator) GET

func (*DenseFloat32MatrixIterator) Get

func (*DenseFloat32MatrixIterator) GetConst

func (obj *DenseFloat32MatrixIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*DenseFloat32MatrixIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseFloat32MatrixIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*DenseFloat32MatrixIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseFloat32MatrixIterator) Next()

func (*DenseFloat32MatrixIterator) Ok

func (obj *DenseFloat32MatrixIterator) Ok() bool

type DenseFloat32MatrixJointIterator

type DenseFloat32MatrixJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) Clone

func (*DenseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *DenseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() MatrixConstJointIterator

func (*DenseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *DenseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() MatrixJointIterator

func (*DenseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) GET

func (*DenseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) Get

func (*DenseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) GetConst

func (*DenseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*DenseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) Next()

func (*DenseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) Ok

type DenseFloat32Vector

type DenseFloat32Vector []float32


func AsDenseFloat32Vector

func AsDenseFloat32Vector(v ConstVector) DenseFloat32Vector

Convert vector type.

func NewDenseFloat32Vector

func NewDenseFloat32Vector(values []float32) DenseFloat32Vector

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullDenseFloat32Vector

func NullDenseFloat32Vector(n int) DenseFloat32Vector

func (DenseFloat32Vector) APPEND

func (DenseFloat32Vector) AT

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) AT(i int) Float32

native vector methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseFloat32Vector) AppendScalar

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) AppendScalar(scalars ...Scalar) Vector

func (DenseFloat32Vector) AppendVector

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) AppendVector(w Vector) Vector

func (DenseFloat32Vector) AsConstMatrix

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (DenseFloat32Vector) AsMatrix

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) AsMatrix(n, m int) Matrix

func (DenseFloat32Vector) At

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) At(i int) Scalar

func (DenseFloat32Vector) Clone

cloning * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseFloat32Vector) CloneConstVector

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseFloat32Vector) CloneVector

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) CloneVector() Vector

vector interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseFloat32Vector) ConstAt

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (DenseFloat32Vector) ConstIterator

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseFloat32Vector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (DenseFloat32Vector) ConstJointIterator

func (DenseFloat32Vector) ConstSlice

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (DenseFloat32Vector) Dim

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) Dim() int

func (DenseFloat32Vector) EQUALS added in v1.0.3

func (a DenseFloat32Vector) EQUALS(b DenseFloat32Vector, epsilon float64) bool

func (DenseFloat32Vector) ElementType

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (DenseFloat32Vector) Equals

func (a DenseFloat32Vector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool

Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (DenseFloat32Vector) Export

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) Export(filename string) error

func (DenseFloat32Vector) Float32At

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (DenseFloat32Vector) Float64At

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (DenseFloat32Vector) ITERATOR

func (DenseFloat32Vector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (*DenseFloat32Vector) Import

func (v *DenseFloat32Vector) Import(filename string) error

func (DenseFloat32Vector) Int16At

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (DenseFloat32Vector) Int32At

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (DenseFloat32Vector) Int64At

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (DenseFloat32Vector) Int8At

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (DenseFloat32Vector) IntAt

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) IntAt(i int) int

func (DenseFloat32Vector) Iterator

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) Iterator() VectorIterator

func (DenseFloat32Vector) IteratorFrom

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) IteratorFrom(i int) VectorIterator

func (DenseFloat32Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (DenseFloat32Vector) JointIterator

func (DenseFloat32Vector) MDOTV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseFloat32Vector) Map

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) Map(f func(Scalar))

imlement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseFloat32Vector) MapSet

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (DenseFloat32Vector) MarshalJSON

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseFloat32Vector) MdotV


Matrix vector product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseFloat32Vector) Permute

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) Permute(pi []int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseFloat32Vector) Reduce

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (DenseFloat32Vector) Reset

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) Reset()

func (DenseFloat32Vector) ReverseOrder

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) ReverseOrder()

func (DenseFloat32Vector) Set

func (DenseFloat32Vector) Slice

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) Slice(i, j int) Vector

func (DenseFloat32Vector) Sort

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) Sort(reverse bool)

func (DenseFloat32Vector) String

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseFloat32Vector) Swap

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) Swap(i, j int)

func (DenseFloat32Vector) Table

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) Table() string

func (DenseFloat32Vector) ToDenseFloat32Matrix

func (v DenseFloat32Vector) ToDenseFloat32Matrix(n, m int) *DenseFloat32Matrix

func (*DenseFloat32Vector) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *DenseFloat32Vector) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (DenseFloat32Vector) VADDS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseFloat32Vector) VADDV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseFloat32Vector) VDIVS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseFloat32Vector) VDIVV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseFloat32Vector) VDOTM added in v1.0.3

func (DenseFloat32Vector) VMULS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseFloat32Vector) VMULV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseFloat32Vector) VSUBS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseFloat32Vector) VSUBV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseFloat32Vector) VaddS


Element-wise addition of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseFloat32Vector) VaddV

func (r DenseFloat32Vector) VaddV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise addition of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseFloat32Vector) VdivS


Element-wise division of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseFloat32Vector) VdivV

func (r DenseFloat32Vector) VdivV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise division of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseFloat32Vector) VdotM


Vector matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseFloat32Vector) VmulS


Element-wise substraction of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseFloat32Vector) VmulV

func (r DenseFloat32Vector) VmulV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseFloat32Vector) VsubS


Element-wise substractor of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseFloat32Vector) VsubV

func (r DenseFloat32Vector) VsubV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise substraction of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

type DenseFloat32VectorIterator

type DenseFloat32VectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

const iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat32VectorIterator) Clone

func (*DenseFloat32VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *DenseFloat32VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*DenseFloat32VectorIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *DenseFloat32VectorIterator) CloneIterator() VectorIterator

func (*DenseFloat32VectorIterator) GET

func (*DenseFloat32VectorIterator) Get

func (*DenseFloat32VectorIterator) GetConst

func (obj *DenseFloat32VectorIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*DenseFloat32VectorIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseFloat32VectorIterator) Index() int

func (*DenseFloat32VectorIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseFloat32VectorIterator) Next()

func (*DenseFloat32VectorIterator) Ok

func (obj *DenseFloat32VectorIterator) Ok() bool

type DenseFloat32VectorJointIterator

type DenseFloat32VectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat32VectorJointIterator) Clone

func (*DenseFloat32VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *DenseFloat32VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*DenseFloat32VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *DenseFloat32VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() VectorJointIterator

func (*DenseFloat32VectorJointIterator) GET

func (*DenseFloat32VectorJointIterator) Get

func (*DenseFloat32VectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*DenseFloat32VectorJointIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseFloat32VectorJointIterator) Index() int

func (*DenseFloat32VectorJointIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseFloat32VectorJointIterator) Next()

func (*DenseFloat32VectorJointIterator) Ok

type DenseFloat64Matrix

type DenseFloat64Matrix struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func AsDenseFloat64Matrix

func AsDenseFloat64Matrix(matrix ConstMatrix) *DenseFloat64Matrix

func NewDenseFloat64Matrix

func NewDenseFloat64Matrix(values []float64, rows, cols int) *DenseFloat64Matrix

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullDenseFloat64Matrix

func NullDenseFloat64Matrix(rows, cols int) *DenseFloat64Matrix

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) AT

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) AT(i, j int) Float64

native matrix methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) AsConstVector

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) AsConstVector() ConstVector

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) AsVector

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) AsVector() Vector

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) At

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) At(i, j int) Scalar

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) COL

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) COL(j int) DenseFloat64Vector

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Clone

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) Clone() *DenseFloat64Matrix
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Clone matrix including data.

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) CloneConstMatrix

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) CloneConstMatrix() ConstMatrix

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) CloneMatrix

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) CloneMatrix() Matrix

matrix interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Col

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) Col(j int) Vector

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) ConstAt

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) ConstAt(i, j int) ConstScalar

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) ConstCol

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) ConstCol(j int) ConstVector

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) ConstDiag

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) ConstDiag() ConstVector

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) ConstIterator

func (m *DenseFloat64Matrix) ConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom

func (m *DenseFloat64Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) ConstRow

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) ConstRow(i int) ConstVector

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) ConstSlice

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) ConstSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) ConstMatrix

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) DIAG

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) DIAG() DenseFloat64Vector

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Diag

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) Diag() Vector

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Dims

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) Dims() (int, int)

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) EQUALS added in v1.0.3

func (a *DenseFloat64Matrix) EQUALS(b *DenseFloat64Matrix, epsilon float64) bool

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) ElementType

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Equals

func (a *DenseFloat64Matrix) Equals(b ConstMatrix, epsilon float64) bool

import "fmt"


True if matrix a equals b.

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Export

func (m *DenseFloat64Matrix) Export(filename string) error

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Float32At

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) Float32At(i, j int) float32

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Float64At

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) Float64At(i, j int) float64

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Hessian

Compute the Hessian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) ITERATOR

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM

func (m *DenseFloat64Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM(i, j int) *DenseFloat64MatrixIterator

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Import

func (m *DenseFloat64Matrix) Import(filename string) error

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Int16At

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) Int16At(i, j int) int16

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Int32At

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) Int32At(i, j int) int32

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Int64At

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) Int64At(i, j int) int64

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Int8At

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) Int8At(i, j int) int8

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) IntAt

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) IntAt(i, j int) int

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) IsSymmetric

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) IsSymmetric(epsilon float64) bool

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Iterator

func (m *DenseFloat64Matrix) Iterator() MatrixIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) IteratorFrom

func (m *DenseFloat64Matrix) IteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixIterator

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Jacobian

func (r *DenseFloat64Matrix) Jacobian(f func(ConstVector) ConstVector, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Jacobian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) JointIterator

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) MADDM added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) MADDS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) MDIVM added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) MDIVS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) MDOTM added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) MMULM added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) MMULS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) MSUBM added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) MSUBS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) MaddM

func (r *DenseFloat64Matrix) MaddM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise addition of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) MaddS


Add scalar b to all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Map

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) Map(f func(Scalar))

implement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) MapSet

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) MarshalJSON

func (a *DenseFloat64Matrix) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) MdivM

func (r *DenseFloat64Matrix) MdivM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise division of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) MdivS


Divide all elements of a by b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) MdotM

func (r *DenseFloat64Matrix) MdotM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) MmulM

func (r *DenseFloat64Matrix) MmulM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise multiplication of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) MmulS


Multiply all elements of a with b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) MsubM

func (r *DenseFloat64Matrix) MsubM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise substraction of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) MsubS


Substract b from all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) OUTER added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Outer

func (r *DenseFloat64Matrix) Outer(a, b ConstVector) Matrix

Outer product of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) PermuteColumns

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) PermuteColumns(pi []int) error

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) PermuteRows

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) PermuteRows(pi []int) error

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) ROW

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) ROW(i int) DenseFloat64Vector

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Reduce

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Reset

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) Reset()

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Row

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) Row(i int) Vector

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) SLICE

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) SLICE(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) *DenseFloat64Matrix

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Set

func (a *DenseFloat64Matrix) Set(b ConstMatrix)

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) SetIdentity

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) SetIdentity()

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Slice

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) Slice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) Matrix

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) String

func (m *DenseFloat64Matrix) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Swap

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) Swap(i1, j1, i2, j2 int)

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) SwapColumns

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) SwapColumns(i, j int) error

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) SwapRows

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) SwapRows(i, j int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) SymmetricPermutation

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) SymmetricPermutation(pi []int) error

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) T

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) T() Matrix

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Table

func (a *DenseFloat64Matrix) Table() string

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) Tip

func (matrix *DenseFloat64Matrix) Tip()

func (*DenseFloat64Matrix) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *DenseFloat64Matrix) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type DenseFloat64MatrixIterator

type DenseFloat64MatrixIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

const iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat64MatrixIterator) Clone

func (*DenseFloat64MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *DenseFloat64MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseFloat64MatrixIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *DenseFloat64MatrixIterator) CloneIterator() MatrixIterator

func (*DenseFloat64MatrixIterator) GET

func (*DenseFloat64MatrixIterator) Get

func (*DenseFloat64MatrixIterator) GetConst

func (obj *DenseFloat64MatrixIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*DenseFloat64MatrixIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseFloat64MatrixIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*DenseFloat64MatrixIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseFloat64MatrixIterator) Next()

func (*DenseFloat64MatrixIterator) Ok

func (obj *DenseFloat64MatrixIterator) Ok() bool

type DenseFloat64MatrixJointIterator

type DenseFloat64MatrixJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) Clone

func (*DenseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *DenseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() MatrixConstJointIterator

func (*DenseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *DenseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() MatrixJointIterator

func (*DenseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) GET

func (*DenseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) Get

func (*DenseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) GetConst

func (*DenseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*DenseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) Next()

func (*DenseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) Ok

type DenseFloat64Vector

type DenseFloat64Vector []float64


func AsDenseFloat64Vector

func AsDenseFloat64Vector(v ConstVector) DenseFloat64Vector

Convert vector type.

func NewDenseFloat64Vector

func NewDenseFloat64Vector(values []float64) DenseFloat64Vector

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullDenseFloat64Vector

func NullDenseFloat64Vector(n int) DenseFloat64Vector

func (DenseFloat64Vector) APPEND

func (DenseFloat64Vector) AT

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) AT(i int) Float64

native vector methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseFloat64Vector) AppendScalar

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) AppendScalar(scalars ...Scalar) Vector

func (DenseFloat64Vector) AppendVector

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) AppendVector(w Vector) Vector

func (DenseFloat64Vector) AsConstMatrix

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (DenseFloat64Vector) AsMatrix

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) AsMatrix(n, m int) Matrix

func (DenseFloat64Vector) At

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) At(i int) Scalar

func (DenseFloat64Vector) Clone

cloning * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseFloat64Vector) CloneConstVector

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseFloat64Vector) CloneVector

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) CloneVector() Vector

vector interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseFloat64Vector) ConstAt

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (DenseFloat64Vector) ConstIterator

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseFloat64Vector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (DenseFloat64Vector) ConstJointIterator

func (DenseFloat64Vector) ConstSlice

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (DenseFloat64Vector) Dim

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) Dim() int

func (DenseFloat64Vector) EQUALS added in v1.0.3

func (a DenseFloat64Vector) EQUALS(b DenseFloat64Vector, epsilon float64) bool

func (DenseFloat64Vector) ElementType

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (DenseFloat64Vector) Equals

func (a DenseFloat64Vector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool

Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (DenseFloat64Vector) Export

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) Export(filename string) error

func (DenseFloat64Vector) Float32At

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (DenseFloat64Vector) Float64At

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (DenseFloat64Vector) ITERATOR

func (DenseFloat64Vector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (*DenseFloat64Vector) Import

func (v *DenseFloat64Vector) Import(filename string) error

func (DenseFloat64Vector) Int16At

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (DenseFloat64Vector) Int32At

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (DenseFloat64Vector) Int64At

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (DenseFloat64Vector) Int8At

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (DenseFloat64Vector) IntAt

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) IntAt(i int) int

func (DenseFloat64Vector) Iterator

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) Iterator() VectorIterator

func (DenseFloat64Vector) IteratorFrom

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) IteratorFrom(i int) VectorIterator

func (DenseFloat64Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (DenseFloat64Vector) JointIterator

func (DenseFloat64Vector) MDOTV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseFloat64Vector) Map

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) Map(f func(Scalar))

imlement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseFloat64Vector) MapSet

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (DenseFloat64Vector) MarshalJSON

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseFloat64Vector) MdotV


Matrix vector product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseFloat64Vector) Permute

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) Permute(pi []int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseFloat64Vector) Reduce

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (DenseFloat64Vector) Reset

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) Reset()

func (DenseFloat64Vector) ReverseOrder

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) ReverseOrder()

func (DenseFloat64Vector) Set

func (DenseFloat64Vector) Slice

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) Slice(i, j int) Vector

func (DenseFloat64Vector) Sort

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) Sort(reverse bool)

func (DenseFloat64Vector) String

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseFloat64Vector) Swap

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) Swap(i, j int)

func (DenseFloat64Vector) Table

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) Table() string

func (DenseFloat64Vector) ToDenseFloat64Matrix

func (v DenseFloat64Vector) ToDenseFloat64Matrix(n, m int) *DenseFloat64Matrix

func (*DenseFloat64Vector) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *DenseFloat64Vector) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (DenseFloat64Vector) VADDS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseFloat64Vector) VADDV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseFloat64Vector) VDIVS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseFloat64Vector) VDIVV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseFloat64Vector) VDOTM added in v1.0.3

func (DenseFloat64Vector) VMULS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseFloat64Vector) VMULV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseFloat64Vector) VSUBS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseFloat64Vector) VSUBV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseFloat64Vector) VaddS


Element-wise addition of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseFloat64Vector) VaddV

func (r DenseFloat64Vector) VaddV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise addition of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseFloat64Vector) VdivS


Element-wise division of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseFloat64Vector) VdivV

func (r DenseFloat64Vector) VdivV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise division of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseFloat64Vector) VdotM


Vector matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseFloat64Vector) VmulS


Element-wise substraction of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseFloat64Vector) VmulV

func (r DenseFloat64Vector) VmulV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseFloat64Vector) VsubS


Element-wise substractor of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseFloat64Vector) VsubV

func (r DenseFloat64Vector) VsubV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise substraction of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

type DenseFloat64VectorIterator

type DenseFloat64VectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

const iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat64VectorIterator) Clone

func (*DenseFloat64VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *DenseFloat64VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*DenseFloat64VectorIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *DenseFloat64VectorIterator) CloneIterator() VectorIterator

func (*DenseFloat64VectorIterator) GET

func (*DenseFloat64VectorIterator) Get

func (*DenseFloat64VectorIterator) GetConst

func (obj *DenseFloat64VectorIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*DenseFloat64VectorIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseFloat64VectorIterator) Index() int

func (*DenseFloat64VectorIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseFloat64VectorIterator) Next()

func (*DenseFloat64VectorIterator) Ok

func (obj *DenseFloat64VectorIterator) Ok() bool

type DenseFloat64VectorJointIterator

type DenseFloat64VectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseFloat64VectorJointIterator) Clone

func (*DenseFloat64VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *DenseFloat64VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*DenseFloat64VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *DenseFloat64VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() VectorJointIterator

func (*DenseFloat64VectorJointIterator) GET

func (*DenseFloat64VectorJointIterator) Get

func (*DenseFloat64VectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*DenseFloat64VectorJointIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseFloat64VectorJointIterator) Index() int

func (*DenseFloat64VectorJointIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseFloat64VectorJointIterator) Next()

func (*DenseFloat64VectorJointIterator) Ok

type DenseGradient

type DenseGradient struct {
	S Scalar

func (DenseGradient) AT

func (obj DenseGradient) AT(i int) ConstFloat64

func (DenseGradient) AsConstMatrix

func (obj DenseGradient) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (DenseGradient) Clone

func (obj DenseGradient) Clone() DenseGradient

func (DenseGradient) CloneConstVector

func (obj DenseGradient) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

func (DenseGradient) ConstAt

func (obj DenseGradient) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (DenseGradient) ConstIterator

func (obj DenseGradient) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (DenseGradient) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj DenseGradient) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (DenseGradient) ConstJointIterator

func (obj DenseGradient) ConstJointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorConstJointIterator

func (DenseGradient) ConstSlice

func (obj DenseGradient) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (DenseGradient) Dim

func (obj DenseGradient) Dim() int

func (DenseGradient) ElementType

func (obj DenseGradient) ElementType() ScalarType

func (DenseGradient) Equals

func (a DenseGradient) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool

Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (DenseGradient) Float32At

func (obj DenseGradient) Float32At(i int) float32

func (DenseGradient) Float64At

func (obj DenseGradient) Float64At(i int) float64

func (DenseGradient) ITERATOR

func (obj DenseGradient) ITERATOR() *DenseGradientIterator

func (DenseGradient) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj DenseGradient) ITERATOR_FROM(i int) *DenseGradientIterator

func (DenseGradient) Int16At

func (obj DenseGradient) Int16At(i int) int16

func (DenseGradient) Int32At

func (obj DenseGradient) Int32At(i int) int32

func (DenseGradient) Int64At

func (obj DenseGradient) Int64At(i int) int64

func (DenseGradient) Int8At

func (obj DenseGradient) Int8At(i int) int8

func (DenseGradient) IntAt

func (obj DenseGradient) IntAt(i int) int

func (DenseGradient) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (obj DenseGradient) JOINT_ITERATOR(b ConstVector) *DenseGradientJointIterator

func (DenseGradient) MarshalJSON

func (obj DenseGradient) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (DenseGradient) Reduce

func (obj DenseGradient) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (DenseGradient) String

func (obj DenseGradient) String() string

func (DenseGradient) Table

func (obj DenseGradient) Table() string

type DenseGradientIterator

type DenseGradientIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DenseGradientIterator) Clone

func (*DenseGradientIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *DenseGradientIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*DenseGradientIterator) GET

func (*DenseGradientIterator) GetConst

func (obj *DenseGradientIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*DenseGradientIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseGradientIterator) Index() int

func (*DenseGradientIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseGradientIterator) Next()

func (*DenseGradientIterator) Ok

func (obj *DenseGradientIterator) Ok() bool

type DenseGradientJointIterator

type DenseGradientJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DenseGradientJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *DenseGradientJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*DenseGradientJointIterator) GET

func (*DenseGradientJointIterator) GetConst

func (*DenseGradientJointIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseGradientJointIterator) Index() int

func (*DenseGradientJointIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseGradientJointIterator) Next()

func (*DenseGradientJointIterator) Ok

func (obj *DenseGradientJointIterator) Ok() bool

type DenseInt16Matrix

type DenseInt16Matrix struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func AsDenseInt16Matrix

func AsDenseInt16Matrix(matrix ConstMatrix) *DenseInt16Matrix

func NewDenseInt16Matrix

func NewDenseInt16Matrix(values []int16, rows, cols int) *DenseInt16Matrix

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullDenseInt16Matrix

func NullDenseInt16Matrix(rows, cols int) *DenseInt16Matrix

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) AT

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) AT(i, j int) Int16

native matrix methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) AsConstVector

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) AsConstVector() ConstVector

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) AsVector

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) AsVector() Vector

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) At

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) At(i, j int) Scalar

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) COL

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) COL(j int) DenseInt16Vector

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Clone

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) Clone() *DenseInt16Matrix
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Clone matrix including data.

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) CloneConstMatrix

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) CloneConstMatrix() ConstMatrix

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) CloneMatrix

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) CloneMatrix() Matrix

matrix interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Col

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) Col(j int) Vector

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) ConstAt

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) ConstAt(i, j int) ConstScalar

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) ConstCol

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) ConstCol(j int) ConstVector

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) ConstDiag

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) ConstDiag() ConstVector

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) ConstIterator

func (m *DenseInt16Matrix) ConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom

func (m *DenseInt16Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) ConstRow

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) ConstRow(i int) ConstVector

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) ConstSlice

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) ConstSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) ConstMatrix

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) DIAG

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) DIAG() DenseInt16Vector

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Diag

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) Diag() Vector

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Dims

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) Dims() (int, int)

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) EQUALS added in v1.0.3

func (a *DenseInt16Matrix) EQUALS(b *DenseInt16Matrix, epsilon float64) bool

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) ElementType

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Equals

func (a *DenseInt16Matrix) Equals(b ConstMatrix, epsilon float64) bool

import "fmt"


True if matrix a equals b.

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Export

func (m *DenseInt16Matrix) Export(filename string) error

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Float32At

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) Float32At(i, j int) float32

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Float64At

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) Float64At(i, j int) float64

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Hessian

func (r *DenseInt16Matrix) Hessian(f func(ConstVector) ConstScalar, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Hessian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) ITERATOR

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM

func (m *DenseInt16Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM(i, j int) *DenseInt16MatrixIterator

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Import

func (m *DenseInt16Matrix) Import(filename string) error

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Int16At

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) Int16At(i, j int) int16

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Int32At

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) Int32At(i, j int) int32

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Int64At

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) Int64At(i, j int) int64

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Int8At

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) Int8At(i, j int) int8

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) IntAt

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) IntAt(i, j int) int

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) IsSymmetric

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) IsSymmetric(epsilon float64) bool

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Iterator

func (m *DenseInt16Matrix) Iterator() MatrixIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) IteratorFrom

func (m *DenseInt16Matrix) IteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixIterator

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Jacobian

func (r *DenseInt16Matrix) Jacobian(f func(ConstVector) ConstVector, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Jacobian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) JointIterator

func (m *DenseInt16Matrix) JointIterator(b ConstMatrix) MatrixJointIterator

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) MADDM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt16Matrix) MADDM(a, b *DenseInt16Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) MADDS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) MDIVM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt16Matrix) MDIVM(a, b *DenseInt16Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) MDIVS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) MDOTM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt16Matrix) MDOTM(a, b *DenseInt16Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) MMULM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt16Matrix) MMULM(a, b *DenseInt16Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) MMULS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) MSUBM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt16Matrix) MSUBM(a, b *DenseInt16Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) MSUBS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) MaddM

func (r *DenseInt16Matrix) MaddM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise addition of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) MaddS


Add scalar b to all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Map

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) Map(f func(Scalar))

implement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) MapSet

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) MarshalJSON

func (a *DenseInt16Matrix) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) MdivM

func (r *DenseInt16Matrix) MdivM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise division of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) MdivS


Divide all elements of a by b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) MdotM

func (r *DenseInt16Matrix) MdotM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) MmulM

func (r *DenseInt16Matrix) MmulM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise multiplication of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) MmulS


Multiply all elements of a with b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) MsubM

func (r *DenseInt16Matrix) MsubM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise substraction of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) MsubS


Substract b from all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) OUTER added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt16Matrix) OUTER(a, b DenseInt16Vector) Matrix

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Outer

func (r *DenseInt16Matrix) Outer(a, b ConstVector) Matrix

Outer product of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) PermuteColumns

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) PermuteColumns(pi []int) error

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) PermuteRows

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) PermuteRows(pi []int) error

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) ROW

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) ROW(i int) DenseInt16Vector

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Reduce

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Reset

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) Reset()

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Row

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) Row(i int) Vector

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) SLICE

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) SLICE(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) *DenseInt16Matrix

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Set

func (a *DenseInt16Matrix) Set(b ConstMatrix)

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) SetIdentity

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) SetIdentity()

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Slice

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) Slice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) Matrix

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) String

func (m *DenseInt16Matrix) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Swap

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) Swap(i1, j1, i2, j2 int)

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) SwapColumns

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) SwapColumns(i, j int) error

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) SwapRows

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) SwapRows(i, j int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) SymmetricPermutation

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) SymmetricPermutation(pi []int) error

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) T

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) T() Matrix

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Table

func (a *DenseInt16Matrix) Table() string

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) Tip

func (matrix *DenseInt16Matrix) Tip()

func (*DenseInt16Matrix) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *DenseInt16Matrix) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type DenseInt16MatrixIterator

type DenseInt16MatrixIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

const iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt16MatrixIterator) Clone

func (*DenseInt16MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *DenseInt16MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseInt16MatrixIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *DenseInt16MatrixIterator) CloneIterator() MatrixIterator

func (*DenseInt16MatrixIterator) GET

func (obj *DenseInt16MatrixIterator) GET() Int16

func (*DenseInt16MatrixIterator) Get

func (obj *DenseInt16MatrixIterator) Get() Scalar

func (*DenseInt16MatrixIterator) GetConst

func (obj *DenseInt16MatrixIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*DenseInt16MatrixIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseInt16MatrixIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*DenseInt16MatrixIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseInt16MatrixIterator) Next()

func (*DenseInt16MatrixIterator) Ok

func (obj *DenseInt16MatrixIterator) Ok() bool

type DenseInt16MatrixJointIterator

type DenseInt16MatrixJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt16MatrixJointIterator) Clone

func (*DenseInt16MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *DenseInt16MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() MatrixConstJointIterator

func (*DenseInt16MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *DenseInt16MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() MatrixJointIterator

func (*DenseInt16MatrixJointIterator) GET

func (*DenseInt16MatrixJointIterator) Get

func (*DenseInt16MatrixJointIterator) GetConst

func (*DenseInt16MatrixJointIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseInt16MatrixJointIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*DenseInt16MatrixJointIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseInt16MatrixJointIterator) Next()

func (*DenseInt16MatrixJointIterator) Ok

type DenseInt16Vector

type DenseInt16Vector []int16


func AsDenseInt16Vector

func AsDenseInt16Vector(v ConstVector) DenseInt16Vector

Convert vector type.

func NewDenseInt16Vector

func NewDenseInt16Vector(values []int16) DenseInt16Vector

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullDenseInt16Vector

func NullDenseInt16Vector(n int) DenseInt16Vector

func (DenseInt16Vector) APPEND

func (DenseInt16Vector) AT

func (v DenseInt16Vector) AT(i int) Int16

native vector methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt16Vector) AppendScalar

func (v DenseInt16Vector) AppendScalar(scalars ...Scalar) Vector

func (DenseInt16Vector) AppendVector

func (v DenseInt16Vector) AppendVector(w Vector) Vector

func (DenseInt16Vector) AsConstMatrix

func (v DenseInt16Vector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (DenseInt16Vector) AsMatrix

func (v DenseInt16Vector) AsMatrix(n, m int) Matrix

func (DenseInt16Vector) At

func (v DenseInt16Vector) At(i int) Scalar

func (DenseInt16Vector) Clone

cloning * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt16Vector) CloneConstVector

func (v DenseInt16Vector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt16Vector) CloneVector

func (v DenseInt16Vector) CloneVector() Vector

vector interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt16Vector) ConstAt

func (v DenseInt16Vector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (DenseInt16Vector) ConstIterator

func (v DenseInt16Vector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt16Vector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (v DenseInt16Vector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (DenseInt16Vector) ConstJointIterator

func (v DenseInt16Vector) ConstJointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorConstJointIterator

func (DenseInt16Vector) ConstSlice

func (v DenseInt16Vector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (DenseInt16Vector) Dim

func (v DenseInt16Vector) Dim() int

func (DenseInt16Vector) EQUALS added in v1.0.3

func (a DenseInt16Vector) EQUALS(b DenseInt16Vector, epsilon float64) bool

func (DenseInt16Vector) ElementType

func (v DenseInt16Vector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (DenseInt16Vector) Equals

func (a DenseInt16Vector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool

Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (DenseInt16Vector) Export

func (v DenseInt16Vector) Export(filename string) error

func (DenseInt16Vector) Float32At

func (v DenseInt16Vector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (DenseInt16Vector) Float64At

func (v DenseInt16Vector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (DenseInt16Vector) ITERATOR

func (DenseInt16Vector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (v DenseInt16Vector) ITERATOR_FROM(i int) *DenseInt16VectorIterator

func (*DenseInt16Vector) Import

func (v *DenseInt16Vector) Import(filename string) error

func (DenseInt16Vector) Int16At

func (v DenseInt16Vector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (DenseInt16Vector) Int32At

func (v DenseInt16Vector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (DenseInt16Vector) Int64At

func (v DenseInt16Vector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (DenseInt16Vector) Int8At

func (v DenseInt16Vector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (DenseInt16Vector) IntAt

func (v DenseInt16Vector) IntAt(i int) int

func (DenseInt16Vector) Iterator

func (v DenseInt16Vector) Iterator() VectorIterator

func (DenseInt16Vector) IteratorFrom

func (v DenseInt16Vector) IteratorFrom(i int) VectorIterator

func (DenseInt16Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (DenseInt16Vector) JointIterator

func (DenseInt16Vector) MDOTV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt16Vector) Map

func (v DenseInt16Vector) Map(f func(Scalar))

imlement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt16Vector) MapSet

func (v DenseInt16Vector) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (DenseInt16Vector) MarshalJSON

func (v DenseInt16Vector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt16Vector) MdotV


Matrix vector product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt16Vector) Permute

func (v DenseInt16Vector) Permute(pi []int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt16Vector) Reduce

func (v DenseInt16Vector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (DenseInt16Vector) Reset

func (v DenseInt16Vector) Reset()

func (DenseInt16Vector) ReverseOrder

func (v DenseInt16Vector) ReverseOrder()

func (DenseInt16Vector) Set

func (v DenseInt16Vector) Set(w ConstVector)

func (DenseInt16Vector) Slice

func (v DenseInt16Vector) Slice(i, j int) Vector

func (DenseInt16Vector) Sort

func (v DenseInt16Vector) Sort(reverse bool)

func (DenseInt16Vector) String

func (v DenseInt16Vector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt16Vector) Swap

func (v DenseInt16Vector) Swap(i, j int)

func (DenseInt16Vector) Table

func (v DenseInt16Vector) Table() string

func (DenseInt16Vector) ToDenseInt16Matrix

func (v DenseInt16Vector) ToDenseInt16Matrix(n, m int) *DenseInt16Matrix

func (*DenseInt16Vector) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *DenseInt16Vector) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (DenseInt16Vector) VADDS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt16Vector) VADDV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt16Vector) VDIVS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt16Vector) VDIVV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt16Vector) VDOTM added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt16Vector) VMULS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt16Vector) VMULV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt16Vector) VSUBS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt16Vector) VSUBV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt16Vector) VaddS


Element-wise addition of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt16Vector) VaddV

func (r DenseInt16Vector) VaddV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise addition of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt16Vector) VdivS


Element-wise division of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt16Vector) VdivV

func (r DenseInt16Vector) VdivV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise division of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt16Vector) VdotM


Vector matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt16Vector) VmulS


Element-wise substraction of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt16Vector) VmulV

func (r DenseInt16Vector) VmulV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt16Vector) VsubS


Element-wise substractor of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt16Vector) VsubV

func (r DenseInt16Vector) VsubV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise substraction of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

type DenseInt16VectorIterator

type DenseInt16VectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

const iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt16VectorIterator) Clone

func (*DenseInt16VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *DenseInt16VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*DenseInt16VectorIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *DenseInt16VectorIterator) CloneIterator() VectorIterator

func (*DenseInt16VectorIterator) GET

func (obj *DenseInt16VectorIterator) GET() Int16

func (*DenseInt16VectorIterator) Get

func (obj *DenseInt16VectorIterator) Get() Scalar

func (*DenseInt16VectorIterator) GetConst

func (obj *DenseInt16VectorIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*DenseInt16VectorIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseInt16VectorIterator) Index() int

func (*DenseInt16VectorIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseInt16VectorIterator) Next()

func (*DenseInt16VectorIterator) Ok

func (obj *DenseInt16VectorIterator) Ok() bool

type DenseInt16VectorJointIterator

type DenseInt16VectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt16VectorJointIterator) Clone

func (*DenseInt16VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *DenseInt16VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*DenseInt16VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *DenseInt16VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() VectorJointIterator

func (*DenseInt16VectorJointIterator) GET

func (*DenseInt16VectorJointIterator) Get

func (*DenseInt16VectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*DenseInt16VectorJointIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseInt16VectorJointIterator) Index() int

func (*DenseInt16VectorJointIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseInt16VectorJointIterator) Next()

func (*DenseInt16VectorJointIterator) Ok

type DenseInt32Matrix

type DenseInt32Matrix struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func AsDenseInt32Matrix

func AsDenseInt32Matrix(matrix ConstMatrix) *DenseInt32Matrix

func NewDenseInt32Matrix

func NewDenseInt32Matrix(values []int32, rows, cols int) *DenseInt32Matrix

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullDenseInt32Matrix

func NullDenseInt32Matrix(rows, cols int) *DenseInt32Matrix

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) AT

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) AT(i, j int) Int32

native matrix methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) AsConstVector

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) AsConstVector() ConstVector

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) AsVector

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) AsVector() Vector

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) At

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) At(i, j int) Scalar

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) COL

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) COL(j int) DenseInt32Vector

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Clone

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) Clone() *DenseInt32Matrix
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Clone matrix including data.

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) CloneConstMatrix

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) CloneConstMatrix() ConstMatrix

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) CloneMatrix

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) CloneMatrix() Matrix

matrix interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Col

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) Col(j int) Vector

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) ConstAt

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) ConstAt(i, j int) ConstScalar

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) ConstCol

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) ConstCol(j int) ConstVector

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) ConstDiag

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) ConstDiag() ConstVector

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) ConstIterator

func (m *DenseInt32Matrix) ConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom

func (m *DenseInt32Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) ConstRow

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) ConstRow(i int) ConstVector

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) ConstSlice

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) ConstSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) ConstMatrix

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) DIAG

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) DIAG() DenseInt32Vector

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Diag

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) Diag() Vector

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Dims

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) Dims() (int, int)

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) EQUALS added in v1.0.3

func (a *DenseInt32Matrix) EQUALS(b *DenseInt32Matrix, epsilon float64) bool

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) ElementType

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Equals

func (a *DenseInt32Matrix) Equals(b ConstMatrix, epsilon float64) bool

import "fmt"


True if matrix a equals b.

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Export

func (m *DenseInt32Matrix) Export(filename string) error

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Float32At

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) Float32At(i, j int) float32

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Float64At

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) Float64At(i, j int) float64

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Hessian

func (r *DenseInt32Matrix) Hessian(f func(ConstVector) ConstScalar, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Hessian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) ITERATOR

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM

func (m *DenseInt32Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM(i, j int) *DenseInt32MatrixIterator

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Import

func (m *DenseInt32Matrix) Import(filename string) error

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Int16At

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) Int16At(i, j int) int16

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Int32At

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) Int32At(i, j int) int32

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Int64At

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) Int64At(i, j int) int64

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Int8At

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) Int8At(i, j int) int8

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) IntAt

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) IntAt(i, j int) int

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) IsSymmetric

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) IsSymmetric(epsilon float64) bool

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Iterator

func (m *DenseInt32Matrix) Iterator() MatrixIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) IteratorFrom

func (m *DenseInt32Matrix) IteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixIterator

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Jacobian

func (r *DenseInt32Matrix) Jacobian(f func(ConstVector) ConstVector, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Jacobian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) JointIterator

func (m *DenseInt32Matrix) JointIterator(b ConstMatrix) MatrixJointIterator

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) MADDM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt32Matrix) MADDM(a, b *DenseInt32Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) MADDS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) MDIVM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt32Matrix) MDIVM(a, b *DenseInt32Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) MDIVS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) MDOTM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt32Matrix) MDOTM(a, b *DenseInt32Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) MMULM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt32Matrix) MMULM(a, b *DenseInt32Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) MMULS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) MSUBM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt32Matrix) MSUBM(a, b *DenseInt32Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) MSUBS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) MaddM

func (r *DenseInt32Matrix) MaddM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise addition of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) MaddS


Add scalar b to all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Map

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) Map(f func(Scalar))

implement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) MapSet

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) MarshalJSON

func (a *DenseInt32Matrix) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) MdivM

func (r *DenseInt32Matrix) MdivM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise division of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) MdivS


Divide all elements of a by b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) MdotM

func (r *DenseInt32Matrix) MdotM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) MmulM

func (r *DenseInt32Matrix) MmulM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise multiplication of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) MmulS


Multiply all elements of a with b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) MsubM

func (r *DenseInt32Matrix) MsubM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise substraction of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) MsubS


Substract b from all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) OUTER added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt32Matrix) OUTER(a, b DenseInt32Vector) Matrix

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Outer

func (r *DenseInt32Matrix) Outer(a, b ConstVector) Matrix

Outer product of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) PermuteColumns

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) PermuteColumns(pi []int) error

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) PermuteRows

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) PermuteRows(pi []int) error

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) ROW

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) ROW(i int) DenseInt32Vector

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Reduce

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Reset

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) Reset()

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Row

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) Row(i int) Vector

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) SLICE

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) SLICE(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) *DenseInt32Matrix

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Set

func (a *DenseInt32Matrix) Set(b ConstMatrix)

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) SetIdentity

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) SetIdentity()

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Slice

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) Slice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) Matrix

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) String

func (m *DenseInt32Matrix) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Swap

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) Swap(i1, j1, i2, j2 int)

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) SwapColumns

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) SwapColumns(i, j int) error

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) SwapRows

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) SwapRows(i, j int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) SymmetricPermutation

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) SymmetricPermutation(pi []int) error

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) T

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) T() Matrix

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Table

func (a *DenseInt32Matrix) Table() string

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) Tip

func (matrix *DenseInt32Matrix) Tip()

func (*DenseInt32Matrix) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *DenseInt32Matrix) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type DenseInt32MatrixIterator

type DenseInt32MatrixIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

const iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt32MatrixIterator) Clone

func (*DenseInt32MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *DenseInt32MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseInt32MatrixIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *DenseInt32MatrixIterator) CloneIterator() MatrixIterator

func (*DenseInt32MatrixIterator) GET

func (obj *DenseInt32MatrixIterator) GET() Int32

func (*DenseInt32MatrixIterator) Get

func (obj *DenseInt32MatrixIterator) Get() Scalar

func (*DenseInt32MatrixIterator) GetConst

func (obj *DenseInt32MatrixIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*DenseInt32MatrixIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseInt32MatrixIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*DenseInt32MatrixIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseInt32MatrixIterator) Next()

func (*DenseInt32MatrixIterator) Ok

func (obj *DenseInt32MatrixIterator) Ok() bool

type DenseInt32MatrixJointIterator

type DenseInt32MatrixJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt32MatrixJointIterator) Clone

func (*DenseInt32MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *DenseInt32MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() MatrixConstJointIterator

func (*DenseInt32MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *DenseInt32MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() MatrixJointIterator

func (*DenseInt32MatrixJointIterator) GET

func (*DenseInt32MatrixJointIterator) Get

func (*DenseInt32MatrixJointIterator) GetConst

func (*DenseInt32MatrixJointIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseInt32MatrixJointIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*DenseInt32MatrixJointIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseInt32MatrixJointIterator) Next()

func (*DenseInt32MatrixJointIterator) Ok

type DenseInt32Vector

type DenseInt32Vector []int32


func AsDenseInt32Vector

func AsDenseInt32Vector(v ConstVector) DenseInt32Vector

Convert vector type.

func NewDenseInt32Vector

func NewDenseInt32Vector(values []int32) DenseInt32Vector

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullDenseInt32Vector

func NullDenseInt32Vector(n int) DenseInt32Vector

func (DenseInt32Vector) APPEND

func (DenseInt32Vector) AT

func (v DenseInt32Vector) AT(i int) Int32

native vector methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt32Vector) AppendScalar

func (v DenseInt32Vector) AppendScalar(scalars ...Scalar) Vector

func (DenseInt32Vector) AppendVector

func (v DenseInt32Vector) AppendVector(w Vector) Vector

func (DenseInt32Vector) AsConstMatrix

func (v DenseInt32Vector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (DenseInt32Vector) AsMatrix

func (v DenseInt32Vector) AsMatrix(n, m int) Matrix

func (DenseInt32Vector) At

func (v DenseInt32Vector) At(i int) Scalar

func (DenseInt32Vector) Clone

cloning * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt32Vector) CloneConstVector

func (v DenseInt32Vector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt32Vector) CloneVector

func (v DenseInt32Vector) CloneVector() Vector

vector interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt32Vector) ConstAt

func (v DenseInt32Vector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (DenseInt32Vector) ConstIterator

func (v DenseInt32Vector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt32Vector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (v DenseInt32Vector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (DenseInt32Vector) ConstJointIterator

func (v DenseInt32Vector) ConstJointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorConstJointIterator

func (DenseInt32Vector) ConstSlice

func (v DenseInt32Vector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (DenseInt32Vector) Dim

func (v DenseInt32Vector) Dim() int

func (DenseInt32Vector) EQUALS added in v1.0.3

func (a DenseInt32Vector) EQUALS(b DenseInt32Vector, epsilon float64) bool

func (DenseInt32Vector) ElementType

func (v DenseInt32Vector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (DenseInt32Vector) Equals

func (a DenseInt32Vector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool

Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (DenseInt32Vector) Export

func (v DenseInt32Vector) Export(filename string) error

func (DenseInt32Vector) Float32At

func (v DenseInt32Vector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (DenseInt32Vector) Float64At

func (v DenseInt32Vector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (DenseInt32Vector) ITERATOR

func (DenseInt32Vector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (v DenseInt32Vector) ITERATOR_FROM(i int) *DenseInt32VectorIterator

func (*DenseInt32Vector) Import

func (v *DenseInt32Vector) Import(filename string) error

func (DenseInt32Vector) Int16At

func (v DenseInt32Vector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (DenseInt32Vector) Int32At

func (v DenseInt32Vector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (DenseInt32Vector) Int64At

func (v DenseInt32Vector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (DenseInt32Vector) Int8At

func (v DenseInt32Vector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (DenseInt32Vector) IntAt

func (v DenseInt32Vector) IntAt(i int) int

func (DenseInt32Vector) Iterator

func (v DenseInt32Vector) Iterator() VectorIterator

func (DenseInt32Vector) IteratorFrom

func (v DenseInt32Vector) IteratorFrom(i int) VectorIterator

func (DenseInt32Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (DenseInt32Vector) JointIterator

func (DenseInt32Vector) MDOTV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt32Vector) Map

func (v DenseInt32Vector) Map(f func(Scalar))

imlement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt32Vector) MapSet

func (v DenseInt32Vector) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (DenseInt32Vector) MarshalJSON

func (v DenseInt32Vector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt32Vector) MdotV


Matrix vector product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt32Vector) Permute

func (v DenseInt32Vector) Permute(pi []int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt32Vector) Reduce

func (v DenseInt32Vector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (DenseInt32Vector) Reset

func (v DenseInt32Vector) Reset()

func (DenseInt32Vector) ReverseOrder

func (v DenseInt32Vector) ReverseOrder()

func (DenseInt32Vector) Set

func (v DenseInt32Vector) Set(w ConstVector)

func (DenseInt32Vector) Slice

func (v DenseInt32Vector) Slice(i, j int) Vector

func (DenseInt32Vector) Sort

func (v DenseInt32Vector) Sort(reverse bool)

func (DenseInt32Vector) String

func (v DenseInt32Vector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt32Vector) Swap

func (v DenseInt32Vector) Swap(i, j int)

func (DenseInt32Vector) Table

func (v DenseInt32Vector) Table() string

func (DenseInt32Vector) ToDenseInt32Matrix

func (v DenseInt32Vector) ToDenseInt32Matrix(n, m int) *DenseInt32Matrix

func (*DenseInt32Vector) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *DenseInt32Vector) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (DenseInt32Vector) VADDS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt32Vector) VADDV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt32Vector) VDIVS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt32Vector) VDIVV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt32Vector) VDOTM added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt32Vector) VMULS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt32Vector) VMULV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt32Vector) VSUBS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt32Vector) VSUBV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt32Vector) VaddS


Element-wise addition of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt32Vector) VaddV

func (r DenseInt32Vector) VaddV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise addition of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt32Vector) VdivS


Element-wise division of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt32Vector) VdivV

func (r DenseInt32Vector) VdivV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise division of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt32Vector) VdotM


Vector matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt32Vector) VmulS


Element-wise substraction of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt32Vector) VmulV

func (r DenseInt32Vector) VmulV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt32Vector) VsubS


Element-wise substractor of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt32Vector) VsubV

func (r DenseInt32Vector) VsubV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise substraction of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

type DenseInt32VectorIterator

type DenseInt32VectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

const iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt32VectorIterator) Clone

func (*DenseInt32VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *DenseInt32VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*DenseInt32VectorIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *DenseInt32VectorIterator) CloneIterator() VectorIterator

func (*DenseInt32VectorIterator) GET

func (obj *DenseInt32VectorIterator) GET() Int32

func (*DenseInt32VectorIterator) Get

func (obj *DenseInt32VectorIterator) Get() Scalar

func (*DenseInt32VectorIterator) GetConst

func (obj *DenseInt32VectorIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*DenseInt32VectorIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseInt32VectorIterator) Index() int

func (*DenseInt32VectorIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseInt32VectorIterator) Next()

func (*DenseInt32VectorIterator) Ok

func (obj *DenseInt32VectorIterator) Ok() bool

type DenseInt32VectorJointIterator

type DenseInt32VectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt32VectorJointIterator) Clone

func (*DenseInt32VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *DenseInt32VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*DenseInt32VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *DenseInt32VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() VectorJointIterator

func (*DenseInt32VectorJointIterator) GET

func (*DenseInt32VectorJointIterator) Get

func (*DenseInt32VectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*DenseInt32VectorJointIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseInt32VectorJointIterator) Index() int

func (*DenseInt32VectorJointIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseInt32VectorJointIterator) Next()

func (*DenseInt32VectorJointIterator) Ok

type DenseInt64Matrix

type DenseInt64Matrix struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func AsDenseInt64Matrix

func AsDenseInt64Matrix(matrix ConstMatrix) *DenseInt64Matrix

func NewDenseInt64Matrix

func NewDenseInt64Matrix(values []int64, rows, cols int) *DenseInt64Matrix

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullDenseInt64Matrix

func NullDenseInt64Matrix(rows, cols int) *DenseInt64Matrix

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) AT

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) AT(i, j int) Int64

native matrix methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) AsConstVector

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) AsConstVector() ConstVector

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) AsVector

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) AsVector() Vector

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) At

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) At(i, j int) Scalar

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) COL

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) COL(j int) DenseInt64Vector

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Clone

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) Clone() *DenseInt64Matrix
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Clone matrix including data.

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) CloneConstMatrix

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) CloneConstMatrix() ConstMatrix

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) CloneMatrix

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) CloneMatrix() Matrix

matrix interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Col

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) Col(j int) Vector

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) ConstAt

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) ConstAt(i, j int) ConstScalar

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) ConstCol

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) ConstCol(j int) ConstVector

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) ConstDiag

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) ConstDiag() ConstVector

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) ConstIterator

func (m *DenseInt64Matrix) ConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom

func (m *DenseInt64Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) ConstRow

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) ConstRow(i int) ConstVector

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) ConstSlice

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) ConstSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) ConstMatrix

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) DIAG

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) DIAG() DenseInt64Vector

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Diag

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) Diag() Vector

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Dims

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) Dims() (int, int)

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) EQUALS added in v1.0.3

func (a *DenseInt64Matrix) EQUALS(b *DenseInt64Matrix, epsilon float64) bool

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) ElementType

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Equals

func (a *DenseInt64Matrix) Equals(b ConstMatrix, epsilon float64) bool

import "fmt"


True if matrix a equals b.

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Export

func (m *DenseInt64Matrix) Export(filename string) error

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Float32At

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) Float32At(i, j int) float32

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Float64At

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) Float64At(i, j int) float64

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Hessian

func (r *DenseInt64Matrix) Hessian(f func(ConstVector) ConstScalar, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Hessian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) ITERATOR

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM

func (m *DenseInt64Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM(i, j int) *DenseInt64MatrixIterator

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Import

func (m *DenseInt64Matrix) Import(filename string) error

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Int16At

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) Int16At(i, j int) int16

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Int32At

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) Int32At(i, j int) int32

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Int64At

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) Int64At(i, j int) int64

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Int8At

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) Int8At(i, j int) int8

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) IntAt

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) IntAt(i, j int) int

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) IsSymmetric

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) IsSymmetric(epsilon float64) bool

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Iterator

func (m *DenseInt64Matrix) Iterator() MatrixIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) IteratorFrom

func (m *DenseInt64Matrix) IteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixIterator

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Jacobian

func (r *DenseInt64Matrix) Jacobian(f func(ConstVector) ConstVector, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Jacobian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) JointIterator

func (m *DenseInt64Matrix) JointIterator(b ConstMatrix) MatrixJointIterator

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) MADDM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt64Matrix) MADDM(a, b *DenseInt64Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) MADDS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) MDIVM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt64Matrix) MDIVM(a, b *DenseInt64Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) MDIVS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) MDOTM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt64Matrix) MDOTM(a, b *DenseInt64Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) MMULM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt64Matrix) MMULM(a, b *DenseInt64Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) MMULS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) MSUBM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt64Matrix) MSUBM(a, b *DenseInt64Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) MSUBS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) MaddM

func (r *DenseInt64Matrix) MaddM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise addition of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) MaddS


Add scalar b to all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Map

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) Map(f func(Scalar))

implement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) MapSet

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) MarshalJSON

func (a *DenseInt64Matrix) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) MdivM

func (r *DenseInt64Matrix) MdivM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise division of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) MdivS


Divide all elements of a by b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) MdotM

func (r *DenseInt64Matrix) MdotM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) MmulM

func (r *DenseInt64Matrix) MmulM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise multiplication of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) MmulS


Multiply all elements of a with b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) MsubM

func (r *DenseInt64Matrix) MsubM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise substraction of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) MsubS


Substract b from all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) OUTER added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt64Matrix) OUTER(a, b DenseInt64Vector) Matrix

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Outer

func (r *DenseInt64Matrix) Outer(a, b ConstVector) Matrix

Outer product of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) PermuteColumns

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) PermuteColumns(pi []int) error

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) PermuteRows

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) PermuteRows(pi []int) error

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) ROW

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) ROW(i int) DenseInt64Vector

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Reduce

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Reset

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) Reset()

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Row

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) Row(i int) Vector

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) SLICE

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) SLICE(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) *DenseInt64Matrix

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Set

func (a *DenseInt64Matrix) Set(b ConstMatrix)

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) SetIdentity

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) SetIdentity()

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Slice

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) Slice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) Matrix

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) String

func (m *DenseInt64Matrix) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Swap

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) Swap(i1, j1, i2, j2 int)

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) SwapColumns

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) SwapColumns(i, j int) error

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) SwapRows

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) SwapRows(i, j int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) SymmetricPermutation

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) SymmetricPermutation(pi []int) error

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) T

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) T() Matrix

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Table

func (a *DenseInt64Matrix) Table() string

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) Tip

func (matrix *DenseInt64Matrix) Tip()

func (*DenseInt64Matrix) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *DenseInt64Matrix) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type DenseInt64MatrixIterator

type DenseInt64MatrixIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

const iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt64MatrixIterator) Clone

func (*DenseInt64MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *DenseInt64MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseInt64MatrixIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *DenseInt64MatrixIterator) CloneIterator() MatrixIterator

func (*DenseInt64MatrixIterator) GET

func (obj *DenseInt64MatrixIterator) GET() Int64

func (*DenseInt64MatrixIterator) Get

func (obj *DenseInt64MatrixIterator) Get() Scalar

func (*DenseInt64MatrixIterator) GetConst

func (obj *DenseInt64MatrixIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*DenseInt64MatrixIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseInt64MatrixIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*DenseInt64MatrixIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseInt64MatrixIterator) Next()

func (*DenseInt64MatrixIterator) Ok

func (obj *DenseInt64MatrixIterator) Ok() bool

type DenseInt64MatrixJointIterator

type DenseInt64MatrixJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt64MatrixJointIterator) Clone

func (*DenseInt64MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *DenseInt64MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() MatrixConstJointIterator

func (*DenseInt64MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *DenseInt64MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() MatrixJointIterator

func (*DenseInt64MatrixJointIterator) GET

func (*DenseInt64MatrixJointIterator) Get

func (*DenseInt64MatrixJointIterator) GetConst

func (*DenseInt64MatrixJointIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseInt64MatrixJointIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*DenseInt64MatrixJointIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseInt64MatrixJointIterator) Next()

func (*DenseInt64MatrixJointIterator) Ok

type DenseInt64Vector

type DenseInt64Vector []int64


func AsDenseInt64Vector

func AsDenseInt64Vector(v ConstVector) DenseInt64Vector

Convert vector type.

func NewDenseInt64Vector

func NewDenseInt64Vector(values []int64) DenseInt64Vector

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullDenseInt64Vector

func NullDenseInt64Vector(n int) DenseInt64Vector

func (DenseInt64Vector) APPEND

func (DenseInt64Vector) AT

func (v DenseInt64Vector) AT(i int) Int64

native vector methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt64Vector) AppendScalar

func (v DenseInt64Vector) AppendScalar(scalars ...Scalar) Vector

func (DenseInt64Vector) AppendVector

func (v DenseInt64Vector) AppendVector(w Vector) Vector

func (DenseInt64Vector) AsConstMatrix

func (v DenseInt64Vector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (DenseInt64Vector) AsMatrix

func (v DenseInt64Vector) AsMatrix(n, m int) Matrix

func (DenseInt64Vector) At

func (v DenseInt64Vector) At(i int) Scalar

func (DenseInt64Vector) Clone

cloning * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt64Vector) CloneConstVector

func (v DenseInt64Vector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt64Vector) CloneVector

func (v DenseInt64Vector) CloneVector() Vector

vector interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt64Vector) ConstAt

func (v DenseInt64Vector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (DenseInt64Vector) ConstIterator

func (v DenseInt64Vector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt64Vector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (v DenseInt64Vector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (DenseInt64Vector) ConstJointIterator

func (v DenseInt64Vector) ConstJointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorConstJointIterator

func (DenseInt64Vector) ConstSlice

func (v DenseInt64Vector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (DenseInt64Vector) Dim

func (v DenseInt64Vector) Dim() int

func (DenseInt64Vector) EQUALS added in v1.0.3

func (a DenseInt64Vector) EQUALS(b DenseInt64Vector, epsilon float64) bool

func (DenseInt64Vector) ElementType

func (v DenseInt64Vector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (DenseInt64Vector) Equals

func (a DenseInt64Vector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool

Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (DenseInt64Vector) Export

func (v DenseInt64Vector) Export(filename string) error

func (DenseInt64Vector) Float32At

func (v DenseInt64Vector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (DenseInt64Vector) Float64At

func (v DenseInt64Vector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (DenseInt64Vector) ITERATOR

func (DenseInt64Vector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (v DenseInt64Vector) ITERATOR_FROM(i int) *DenseInt64VectorIterator

func (*DenseInt64Vector) Import

func (v *DenseInt64Vector) Import(filename string) error

func (DenseInt64Vector) Int16At

func (v DenseInt64Vector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (DenseInt64Vector) Int32At

func (v DenseInt64Vector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (DenseInt64Vector) Int64At

func (v DenseInt64Vector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (DenseInt64Vector) Int8At

func (v DenseInt64Vector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (DenseInt64Vector) IntAt

func (v DenseInt64Vector) IntAt(i int) int

func (DenseInt64Vector) Iterator

func (v DenseInt64Vector) Iterator() VectorIterator

func (DenseInt64Vector) IteratorFrom

func (v DenseInt64Vector) IteratorFrom(i int) VectorIterator

func (DenseInt64Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (DenseInt64Vector) JointIterator

func (DenseInt64Vector) MDOTV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt64Vector) Map

func (v DenseInt64Vector) Map(f func(Scalar))

imlement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt64Vector) MapSet

func (v DenseInt64Vector) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (DenseInt64Vector) MarshalJSON

func (v DenseInt64Vector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt64Vector) MdotV


Matrix vector product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt64Vector) Permute

func (v DenseInt64Vector) Permute(pi []int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt64Vector) Reduce

func (v DenseInt64Vector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (DenseInt64Vector) Reset

func (v DenseInt64Vector) Reset()

func (DenseInt64Vector) ReverseOrder

func (v DenseInt64Vector) ReverseOrder()

func (DenseInt64Vector) Set

func (v DenseInt64Vector) Set(w ConstVector)

func (DenseInt64Vector) Slice

func (v DenseInt64Vector) Slice(i, j int) Vector

func (DenseInt64Vector) Sort

func (v DenseInt64Vector) Sort(reverse bool)

func (DenseInt64Vector) String

func (v DenseInt64Vector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt64Vector) Swap

func (v DenseInt64Vector) Swap(i, j int)

func (DenseInt64Vector) Table

func (v DenseInt64Vector) Table() string

func (DenseInt64Vector) ToDenseInt64Matrix

func (v DenseInt64Vector) ToDenseInt64Matrix(n, m int) *DenseInt64Matrix

func (*DenseInt64Vector) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *DenseInt64Vector) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (DenseInt64Vector) VADDS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt64Vector) VADDV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt64Vector) VDIVS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt64Vector) VDIVV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt64Vector) VDOTM added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt64Vector) VMULS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt64Vector) VMULV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt64Vector) VSUBS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt64Vector) VSUBV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt64Vector) VaddS


Element-wise addition of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt64Vector) VaddV

func (r DenseInt64Vector) VaddV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise addition of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt64Vector) VdivS


Element-wise division of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt64Vector) VdivV

func (r DenseInt64Vector) VdivV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise division of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt64Vector) VdotM


Vector matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt64Vector) VmulS


Element-wise substraction of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt64Vector) VmulV

func (r DenseInt64Vector) VmulV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt64Vector) VsubS


Element-wise substractor of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt64Vector) VsubV

func (r DenseInt64Vector) VsubV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise substraction of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

type DenseInt64VectorIterator

type DenseInt64VectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

const iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt64VectorIterator) Clone

func (*DenseInt64VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *DenseInt64VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*DenseInt64VectorIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *DenseInt64VectorIterator) CloneIterator() VectorIterator

func (*DenseInt64VectorIterator) GET

func (obj *DenseInt64VectorIterator) GET() Int64

func (*DenseInt64VectorIterator) Get

func (obj *DenseInt64VectorIterator) Get() Scalar

func (*DenseInt64VectorIterator) GetConst

func (obj *DenseInt64VectorIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*DenseInt64VectorIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseInt64VectorIterator) Index() int

func (*DenseInt64VectorIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseInt64VectorIterator) Next()

func (*DenseInt64VectorIterator) Ok

func (obj *DenseInt64VectorIterator) Ok() bool

type DenseInt64VectorJointIterator

type DenseInt64VectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt64VectorJointIterator) Clone

func (*DenseInt64VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *DenseInt64VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*DenseInt64VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *DenseInt64VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() VectorJointIterator

func (*DenseInt64VectorJointIterator) GET

func (*DenseInt64VectorJointIterator) Get

func (*DenseInt64VectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*DenseInt64VectorJointIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseInt64VectorJointIterator) Index() int

func (*DenseInt64VectorJointIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseInt64VectorJointIterator) Next()

func (*DenseInt64VectorJointIterator) Ok

type DenseInt8Matrix

type DenseInt8Matrix struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func AsDenseInt8Matrix

func AsDenseInt8Matrix(matrix ConstMatrix) *DenseInt8Matrix

func NewDenseInt8Matrix

func NewDenseInt8Matrix(values []int8, rows, cols int) *DenseInt8Matrix

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullDenseInt8Matrix

func NullDenseInt8Matrix(rows, cols int) *DenseInt8Matrix

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) AT

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) AT(i, j int) Int8

native matrix methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) AsConstVector

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) AsConstVector() ConstVector

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) AsVector

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) AsVector() Vector

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) At

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) At(i, j int) Scalar

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) COL

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) COL(j int) DenseInt8Vector

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Clone

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) Clone() *DenseInt8Matrix
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Clone matrix including data.

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) CloneConstMatrix

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) CloneConstMatrix() ConstMatrix

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) CloneMatrix

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) CloneMatrix() Matrix

matrix interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Col

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) Col(j int) Vector

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) ConstAt

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) ConstAt(i, j int) ConstScalar

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) ConstCol

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) ConstCol(j int) ConstVector

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) ConstDiag

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) ConstDiag() ConstVector

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) ConstIterator

func (m *DenseInt8Matrix) ConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom

func (m *DenseInt8Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) ConstRow

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) ConstRow(i int) ConstVector

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) ConstSlice

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) ConstSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) ConstMatrix

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) DIAG

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) DIAG() DenseInt8Vector

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Diag

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) Diag() Vector

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Dims

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) Dims() (int, int)

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) EQUALS added in v1.0.3

func (a *DenseInt8Matrix) EQUALS(b *DenseInt8Matrix, epsilon float64) bool

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) ElementType

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Equals

func (a *DenseInt8Matrix) Equals(b ConstMatrix, epsilon float64) bool

import "fmt"


True if matrix a equals b.

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Export

func (m *DenseInt8Matrix) Export(filename string) error

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Float32At

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) Float32At(i, j int) float32

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Float64At

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) Float64At(i, j int) float64

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Hessian

func (r *DenseInt8Matrix) Hessian(f func(ConstVector) ConstScalar, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Hessian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) ITERATOR

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM

func (m *DenseInt8Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM(i, j int) *DenseInt8MatrixIterator

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Import

func (m *DenseInt8Matrix) Import(filename string) error

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Int16At

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) Int16At(i, j int) int16

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Int32At

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) Int32At(i, j int) int32

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Int64At

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) Int64At(i, j int) int64

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Int8At

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) Int8At(i, j int) int8

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) IntAt

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) IntAt(i, j int) int

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) IsSymmetric

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) IsSymmetric(epsilon float64) bool

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Iterator

func (m *DenseInt8Matrix) Iterator() MatrixIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) IteratorFrom

func (m *DenseInt8Matrix) IteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixIterator

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Jacobian

func (r *DenseInt8Matrix) Jacobian(f func(ConstVector) ConstVector, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Jacobian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) JointIterator

func (m *DenseInt8Matrix) JointIterator(b ConstMatrix) MatrixJointIterator

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) MADDM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt8Matrix) MADDM(a, b *DenseInt8Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) MADDS added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt8Matrix) MADDS(a *DenseInt8Matrix, b Int8) Matrix

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) MDIVM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt8Matrix) MDIVM(a, b *DenseInt8Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) MDIVS added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt8Matrix) MDIVS(a *DenseInt8Matrix, b Int8) Matrix

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) MDOTM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt8Matrix) MDOTM(a, b *DenseInt8Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) MMULM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt8Matrix) MMULM(a, b *DenseInt8Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) MMULS added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt8Matrix) MMULS(a *DenseInt8Matrix, b Int8) Matrix

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) MSUBM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt8Matrix) MSUBM(a, b *DenseInt8Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) MSUBS added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt8Matrix) MSUBS(a *DenseInt8Matrix, b Int8) Matrix

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) MaddM

func (r *DenseInt8Matrix) MaddM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise addition of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) MaddS


Add scalar b to all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Map

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) Map(f func(Scalar))

implement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) MapSet

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) MarshalJSON

func (a *DenseInt8Matrix) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) MdivM

func (r *DenseInt8Matrix) MdivM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise division of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) MdivS


Divide all elements of a by b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) MdotM

func (r *DenseInt8Matrix) MdotM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) MmulM

func (r *DenseInt8Matrix) MmulM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise multiplication of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) MmulS


Multiply all elements of a with b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) MsubM

func (r *DenseInt8Matrix) MsubM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise substraction of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) MsubS


Substract b from all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) OUTER added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseInt8Matrix) OUTER(a, b DenseInt8Vector) Matrix

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Outer

func (r *DenseInt8Matrix) Outer(a, b ConstVector) Matrix

Outer product of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) PermuteColumns

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) PermuteColumns(pi []int) error

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) PermuteRows

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) PermuteRows(pi []int) error

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) ROW

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) ROW(i int) DenseInt8Vector

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Reduce

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Reset

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) Reset()

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Row

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) Row(i int) Vector

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) SLICE

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) SLICE(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) *DenseInt8Matrix

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Set

func (a *DenseInt8Matrix) Set(b ConstMatrix)

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) SetIdentity

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) SetIdentity()

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Slice

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) Slice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) Matrix

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) String

func (m *DenseInt8Matrix) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Swap

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) Swap(i1, j1, i2, j2 int)

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) SwapColumns

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) SwapColumns(i, j int) error

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) SwapRows

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) SwapRows(i, j int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) SymmetricPermutation

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) SymmetricPermutation(pi []int) error

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) T

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) T() Matrix

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Table

func (a *DenseInt8Matrix) Table() string

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) Tip

func (matrix *DenseInt8Matrix) Tip()

func (*DenseInt8Matrix) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *DenseInt8Matrix) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type DenseInt8MatrixIterator

type DenseInt8MatrixIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

const iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt8MatrixIterator) Clone

func (*DenseInt8MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *DenseInt8MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseInt8MatrixIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *DenseInt8MatrixIterator) CloneIterator() MatrixIterator

func (*DenseInt8MatrixIterator) GET

func (obj *DenseInt8MatrixIterator) GET() Int8

func (*DenseInt8MatrixIterator) Get

func (obj *DenseInt8MatrixIterator) Get() Scalar

func (*DenseInt8MatrixIterator) GetConst

func (obj *DenseInt8MatrixIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*DenseInt8MatrixIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseInt8MatrixIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*DenseInt8MatrixIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseInt8MatrixIterator) Next()

func (*DenseInt8MatrixIterator) Ok

func (obj *DenseInt8MatrixIterator) Ok() bool

type DenseInt8MatrixJointIterator

type DenseInt8MatrixJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt8MatrixJointIterator) Clone

func (*DenseInt8MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *DenseInt8MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() MatrixConstJointIterator

func (*DenseInt8MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *DenseInt8MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() MatrixJointIterator

func (*DenseInt8MatrixJointIterator) GET

func (*DenseInt8MatrixJointIterator) Get

func (*DenseInt8MatrixJointIterator) GetConst

func (*DenseInt8MatrixJointIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseInt8MatrixJointIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*DenseInt8MatrixJointIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseInt8MatrixJointIterator) Next()

func (*DenseInt8MatrixJointIterator) Ok

type DenseInt8Vector

type DenseInt8Vector []int8


func AsDenseInt8Vector

func AsDenseInt8Vector(v ConstVector) DenseInt8Vector

Convert vector type.

func NewDenseInt8Vector

func NewDenseInt8Vector(values []int8) DenseInt8Vector

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullDenseInt8Vector

func NullDenseInt8Vector(n int) DenseInt8Vector

func (DenseInt8Vector) APPEND

func (DenseInt8Vector) AT

func (v DenseInt8Vector) AT(i int) Int8

native vector methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt8Vector) AppendScalar

func (v DenseInt8Vector) AppendScalar(scalars ...Scalar) Vector

func (DenseInt8Vector) AppendVector

func (v DenseInt8Vector) AppendVector(w Vector) Vector

func (DenseInt8Vector) AsConstMatrix

func (v DenseInt8Vector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (DenseInt8Vector) AsMatrix

func (v DenseInt8Vector) AsMatrix(n, m int) Matrix

func (DenseInt8Vector) At

func (v DenseInt8Vector) At(i int) Scalar

func (DenseInt8Vector) Clone

func (v DenseInt8Vector) Clone() DenseInt8Vector

cloning * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt8Vector) CloneConstVector

func (v DenseInt8Vector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt8Vector) CloneVector

func (v DenseInt8Vector) CloneVector() Vector

vector interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt8Vector) ConstAt

func (v DenseInt8Vector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (DenseInt8Vector) ConstIterator

func (v DenseInt8Vector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt8Vector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (v DenseInt8Vector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (DenseInt8Vector) ConstJointIterator

func (v DenseInt8Vector) ConstJointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorConstJointIterator

func (DenseInt8Vector) ConstSlice

func (v DenseInt8Vector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (DenseInt8Vector) Dim

func (v DenseInt8Vector) Dim() int

func (DenseInt8Vector) EQUALS added in v1.0.3

func (a DenseInt8Vector) EQUALS(b DenseInt8Vector, epsilon float64) bool

func (DenseInt8Vector) ElementType

func (v DenseInt8Vector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (DenseInt8Vector) Equals

func (a DenseInt8Vector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool

Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (DenseInt8Vector) Export

func (v DenseInt8Vector) Export(filename string) error

func (DenseInt8Vector) Float32At

func (v DenseInt8Vector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (DenseInt8Vector) Float64At

func (v DenseInt8Vector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (DenseInt8Vector) ITERATOR

func (DenseInt8Vector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (v DenseInt8Vector) ITERATOR_FROM(i int) *DenseInt8VectorIterator

func (*DenseInt8Vector) Import

func (v *DenseInt8Vector) Import(filename string) error

func (DenseInt8Vector) Int16At

func (v DenseInt8Vector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (DenseInt8Vector) Int32At

func (v DenseInt8Vector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (DenseInt8Vector) Int64At

func (v DenseInt8Vector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (DenseInt8Vector) Int8At

func (v DenseInt8Vector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (DenseInt8Vector) IntAt

func (v DenseInt8Vector) IntAt(i int) int

func (DenseInt8Vector) Iterator

func (v DenseInt8Vector) Iterator() VectorIterator

func (DenseInt8Vector) IteratorFrom

func (v DenseInt8Vector) IteratorFrom(i int) VectorIterator

func (DenseInt8Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (DenseInt8Vector) JointIterator

func (v DenseInt8Vector) JointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorJointIterator

func (DenseInt8Vector) MDOTV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt8Vector) Map

func (v DenseInt8Vector) Map(f func(Scalar))

imlement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt8Vector) MapSet

func (v DenseInt8Vector) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (DenseInt8Vector) MarshalJSON

func (v DenseInt8Vector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt8Vector) MdotV


Matrix vector product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt8Vector) Permute

func (v DenseInt8Vector) Permute(pi []int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt8Vector) Reduce

func (v DenseInt8Vector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (DenseInt8Vector) Reset

func (v DenseInt8Vector) Reset()

func (DenseInt8Vector) ReverseOrder

func (v DenseInt8Vector) ReverseOrder()

func (DenseInt8Vector) Set

func (v DenseInt8Vector) Set(w ConstVector)

func (DenseInt8Vector) Slice

func (v DenseInt8Vector) Slice(i, j int) Vector

func (DenseInt8Vector) Sort

func (v DenseInt8Vector) Sort(reverse bool)

func (DenseInt8Vector) String

func (v DenseInt8Vector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseInt8Vector) Swap

func (v DenseInt8Vector) Swap(i, j int)

func (DenseInt8Vector) Table

func (v DenseInt8Vector) Table() string

func (DenseInt8Vector) ToDenseInt8Matrix

func (v DenseInt8Vector) ToDenseInt8Matrix(n, m int) *DenseInt8Matrix

func (*DenseInt8Vector) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *DenseInt8Vector) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (DenseInt8Vector) VADDS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt8Vector) VADDV added in v1.0.3

func (r DenseInt8Vector) VADDV(a, b DenseInt8Vector) Vector

func (DenseInt8Vector) VDIVS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt8Vector) VDIVV added in v1.0.3

func (r DenseInt8Vector) VDIVV(a, b DenseInt8Vector) Vector

func (DenseInt8Vector) VDOTM added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt8Vector) VMULS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt8Vector) VMULV added in v1.0.3

func (r DenseInt8Vector) VMULV(a, b DenseInt8Vector) Vector

func (DenseInt8Vector) VSUBS added in v1.0.3

func (DenseInt8Vector) VSUBV added in v1.0.3

func (r DenseInt8Vector) VSUBV(a, b DenseInt8Vector) Vector

func (DenseInt8Vector) VaddS


Element-wise addition of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt8Vector) VaddV

func (r DenseInt8Vector) VaddV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise addition of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt8Vector) VdivS


Element-wise division of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt8Vector) VdivV

func (r DenseInt8Vector) VdivV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise division of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt8Vector) VdotM


Vector matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt8Vector) VmulS


Element-wise substraction of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt8Vector) VmulV

func (r DenseInt8Vector) VmulV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt8Vector) VsubS


Element-wise substractor of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseInt8Vector) VsubV

func (r DenseInt8Vector) VsubV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise substraction of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

type DenseInt8VectorIterator

type DenseInt8VectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

const iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt8VectorIterator) Clone

func (*DenseInt8VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *DenseInt8VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*DenseInt8VectorIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *DenseInt8VectorIterator) CloneIterator() VectorIterator

func (*DenseInt8VectorIterator) GET

func (obj *DenseInt8VectorIterator) GET() Int8

func (*DenseInt8VectorIterator) Get

func (obj *DenseInt8VectorIterator) Get() Scalar

func (*DenseInt8VectorIterator) GetConst

func (obj *DenseInt8VectorIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*DenseInt8VectorIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseInt8VectorIterator) Index() int

func (*DenseInt8VectorIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseInt8VectorIterator) Next()

func (*DenseInt8VectorIterator) Ok

func (obj *DenseInt8VectorIterator) Ok() bool

type DenseInt8VectorJointIterator

type DenseInt8VectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseInt8VectorJointIterator) Clone

func (*DenseInt8VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *DenseInt8VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*DenseInt8VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *DenseInt8VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() VectorJointIterator

func (*DenseInt8VectorJointIterator) GET

func (*DenseInt8VectorJointIterator) Get

func (*DenseInt8VectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*DenseInt8VectorJointIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseInt8VectorJointIterator) Index() int

func (*DenseInt8VectorJointIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseInt8VectorJointIterator) Next()

func (*DenseInt8VectorJointIterator) Ok

type DenseIntMatrix

type DenseIntMatrix struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func AsDenseIntMatrix

func AsDenseIntMatrix(matrix ConstMatrix) *DenseIntMatrix

func NewDenseIntMatrix

func NewDenseIntMatrix(values []int, rows, cols int) *DenseIntMatrix

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullDenseIntMatrix

func NullDenseIntMatrix(rows, cols int) *DenseIntMatrix

func (*DenseIntMatrix) AT

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) AT(i, j int) Int

native matrix methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseIntMatrix) AsConstVector

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) AsConstVector() ConstVector

func (*DenseIntMatrix) AsVector

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) AsVector() Vector

func (*DenseIntMatrix) At

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) At(i, j int) Scalar

func (*DenseIntMatrix) COL

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) COL(j int) DenseIntVector

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Clone

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) Clone() *DenseIntMatrix
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Clone matrix including data.

func (*DenseIntMatrix) CloneConstMatrix

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) CloneConstMatrix() ConstMatrix

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseIntMatrix) CloneMatrix

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) CloneMatrix() Matrix

matrix interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Col

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) Col(j int) Vector

func (*DenseIntMatrix) ConstAt

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) ConstAt(i, j int) ConstScalar

func (*DenseIntMatrix) ConstCol

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) ConstCol(j int) ConstVector

func (*DenseIntMatrix) ConstDiag

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) ConstDiag() ConstVector

func (*DenseIntMatrix) ConstIterator

func (m *DenseIntMatrix) ConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseIntMatrix) ConstIteratorFrom

func (m *DenseIntMatrix) ConstIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseIntMatrix) ConstRow

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) ConstRow(i int) ConstVector

func (*DenseIntMatrix) ConstSlice

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) ConstSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) ConstMatrix

func (*DenseIntMatrix) DIAG

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) DIAG() DenseIntVector

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Diag

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) Diag() Vector

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Dims

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) Dims() (int, int)

func (*DenseIntMatrix) EQUALS added in v1.0.3

func (a *DenseIntMatrix) EQUALS(b *DenseIntMatrix, epsilon float64) bool

func (*DenseIntMatrix) ElementType

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Equals

func (a *DenseIntMatrix) Equals(b ConstMatrix, epsilon float64) bool

import "fmt"


True if matrix a equals b.

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Export

func (m *DenseIntMatrix) Export(filename string) error

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Float32At

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) Float32At(i, j int) float32

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Float64At

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) Float64At(i, j int) float64

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Hessian

func (r *DenseIntMatrix) Hessian(f func(ConstVector) ConstScalar, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Hessian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseIntMatrix) ITERATOR

func (m *DenseIntMatrix) ITERATOR() *DenseIntMatrixIterator

func (*DenseIntMatrix) ITERATOR_FROM

func (m *DenseIntMatrix) ITERATOR_FROM(i, j int) *DenseIntMatrixIterator

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Import

func (m *DenseIntMatrix) Import(filename string) error

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Int16At

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) Int16At(i, j int) int16

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Int32At

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) Int32At(i, j int) int32

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Int64At

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) Int64At(i, j int) int64

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Int8At

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) Int8At(i, j int) int8

func (*DenseIntMatrix) IntAt

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) IntAt(i, j int) int

func (*DenseIntMatrix) IsSymmetric

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) IsSymmetric(epsilon float64) bool

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Iterator

func (m *DenseIntMatrix) Iterator() MatrixIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseIntMatrix) IteratorFrom

func (m *DenseIntMatrix) IteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixIterator

func (*DenseIntMatrix) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Jacobian

func (r *DenseIntMatrix) Jacobian(f func(ConstVector) ConstVector, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Jacobian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseIntMatrix) JointIterator

func (m *DenseIntMatrix) JointIterator(b ConstMatrix) MatrixJointIterator

func (*DenseIntMatrix) MADDM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseIntMatrix) MADDM(a, b *DenseIntMatrix) Matrix

func (*DenseIntMatrix) MADDS added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseIntMatrix) MADDS(a *DenseIntMatrix, b Int) Matrix

func (*DenseIntMatrix) MDIVM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseIntMatrix) MDIVM(a, b *DenseIntMatrix) Matrix

func (*DenseIntMatrix) MDIVS added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseIntMatrix) MDIVS(a *DenseIntMatrix, b Int) Matrix

func (*DenseIntMatrix) MDOTM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseIntMatrix) MDOTM(a, b *DenseIntMatrix) Matrix

func (*DenseIntMatrix) MMULM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseIntMatrix) MMULM(a, b *DenseIntMatrix) Matrix

func (*DenseIntMatrix) MMULS added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseIntMatrix) MMULS(a *DenseIntMatrix, b Int) Matrix

func (*DenseIntMatrix) MSUBM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseIntMatrix) MSUBM(a, b *DenseIntMatrix) Matrix

func (*DenseIntMatrix) MSUBS added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseIntMatrix) MSUBS(a *DenseIntMatrix, b Int) Matrix

func (*DenseIntMatrix) MaddM

func (r *DenseIntMatrix) MaddM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise addition of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseIntMatrix) MaddS


Add scalar b to all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Map

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) Map(f func(Scalar))

implement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseIntMatrix) MapSet

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*DenseIntMatrix) MarshalJSON

func (a *DenseIntMatrix) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseIntMatrix) MdivM

func (r *DenseIntMatrix) MdivM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise division of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseIntMatrix) MdivS


Divide all elements of a by b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseIntMatrix) MdotM

func (r *DenseIntMatrix) MdotM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseIntMatrix) MmulM

func (r *DenseIntMatrix) MmulM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise multiplication of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseIntMatrix) MmulS


Multiply all elements of a with b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseIntMatrix) MsubM

func (r *DenseIntMatrix) MsubM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise substraction of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseIntMatrix) MsubS


Substract b from all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseIntMatrix) OUTER added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseIntMatrix) OUTER(a, b DenseIntVector) Matrix

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Outer

func (r *DenseIntMatrix) Outer(a, b ConstVector) Matrix

Outer product of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseIntMatrix) PermuteColumns

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) PermuteColumns(pi []int) error

func (*DenseIntMatrix) PermuteRows

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) PermuteRows(pi []int) error

func (*DenseIntMatrix) ROW

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) ROW(i int) DenseIntVector

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Reduce

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Reset

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) Reset()

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Row

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) Row(i int) Vector

func (*DenseIntMatrix) SLICE

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) SLICE(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) *DenseIntMatrix

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Set

func (a *DenseIntMatrix) Set(b ConstMatrix)

func (*DenseIntMatrix) SetIdentity

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) SetIdentity()

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Slice

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) Slice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) Matrix

func (*DenseIntMatrix) String

func (m *DenseIntMatrix) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Swap

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) Swap(i1, j1, i2, j2 int)

func (*DenseIntMatrix) SwapColumns

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) SwapColumns(i, j int) error

func (*DenseIntMatrix) SwapRows

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) SwapRows(i, j int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseIntMatrix) SymmetricPermutation

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) SymmetricPermutation(pi []int) error

func (*DenseIntMatrix) T

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) T() Matrix

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Table

func (a *DenseIntMatrix) Table() string

func (*DenseIntMatrix) Tip

func (matrix *DenseIntMatrix) Tip()

func (*DenseIntMatrix) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *DenseIntMatrix) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type DenseIntMatrixIterator

type DenseIntMatrixIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

const iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseIntMatrixIterator) Clone

func (*DenseIntMatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *DenseIntMatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseIntMatrixIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *DenseIntMatrixIterator) CloneIterator() MatrixIterator

func (*DenseIntMatrixIterator) GET

func (obj *DenseIntMatrixIterator) GET() Int

func (*DenseIntMatrixIterator) Get

func (obj *DenseIntMatrixIterator) Get() Scalar

func (*DenseIntMatrixIterator) GetConst

func (obj *DenseIntMatrixIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*DenseIntMatrixIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseIntMatrixIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*DenseIntMatrixIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseIntMatrixIterator) Next()

func (*DenseIntMatrixIterator) Ok

func (obj *DenseIntMatrixIterator) Ok() bool

type DenseIntMatrixJointIterator

type DenseIntMatrixJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseIntMatrixJointIterator) Clone

func (*DenseIntMatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *DenseIntMatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() MatrixConstJointIterator

func (*DenseIntMatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *DenseIntMatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() MatrixJointIterator

func (*DenseIntMatrixJointIterator) GET

func (*DenseIntMatrixJointIterator) Get

func (*DenseIntMatrixJointIterator) GetConst

func (*DenseIntMatrixJointIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseIntMatrixJointIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*DenseIntMatrixJointIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseIntMatrixJointIterator) Next()

func (*DenseIntMatrixJointIterator) Ok

type DenseIntVector

type DenseIntVector []int


func AsDenseIntVector

func AsDenseIntVector(v ConstVector) DenseIntVector

Convert vector type.

func NewDenseIntVector

func NewDenseIntVector(values []int) DenseIntVector

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullDenseIntVector

func NullDenseIntVector(n int) DenseIntVector

func (DenseIntVector) APPEND

func (DenseIntVector) AT

func (v DenseIntVector) AT(i int) Int

native vector methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseIntVector) AppendScalar

func (v DenseIntVector) AppendScalar(scalars ...Scalar) Vector

func (DenseIntVector) AppendVector

func (v DenseIntVector) AppendVector(w Vector) Vector

func (DenseIntVector) AsConstMatrix

func (v DenseIntVector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (DenseIntVector) AsMatrix

func (v DenseIntVector) AsMatrix(n, m int) Matrix

func (DenseIntVector) At

func (v DenseIntVector) At(i int) Scalar

func (DenseIntVector) Clone

func (v DenseIntVector) Clone() DenseIntVector

cloning * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseIntVector) CloneConstVector

func (v DenseIntVector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseIntVector) CloneVector

func (v DenseIntVector) CloneVector() Vector

vector interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseIntVector) ConstAt

func (v DenseIntVector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (DenseIntVector) ConstIterator

func (v DenseIntVector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseIntVector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (v DenseIntVector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (DenseIntVector) ConstJointIterator

func (v DenseIntVector) ConstJointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorConstJointIterator

func (DenseIntVector) ConstSlice

func (v DenseIntVector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (DenseIntVector) Dim

func (v DenseIntVector) Dim() int

func (DenseIntVector) EQUALS added in v1.0.3

func (a DenseIntVector) EQUALS(b DenseIntVector, epsilon float64) bool

func (DenseIntVector) ElementType

func (v DenseIntVector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (DenseIntVector) Equals

func (a DenseIntVector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool

Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (DenseIntVector) Export

func (v DenseIntVector) Export(filename string) error

func (DenseIntVector) Float32At

func (v DenseIntVector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (DenseIntVector) Float64At

func (v DenseIntVector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (DenseIntVector) ITERATOR

func (v DenseIntVector) ITERATOR() *DenseIntVectorIterator

func (DenseIntVector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (v DenseIntVector) ITERATOR_FROM(i int) *DenseIntVectorIterator

func (*DenseIntVector) Import

func (v *DenseIntVector) Import(filename string) error

func (DenseIntVector) Int16At

func (v DenseIntVector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (DenseIntVector) Int32At

func (v DenseIntVector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (DenseIntVector) Int64At

func (v DenseIntVector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (DenseIntVector) Int8At

func (v DenseIntVector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (DenseIntVector) IntAt

func (v DenseIntVector) IntAt(i int) int

func (DenseIntVector) Iterator

func (v DenseIntVector) Iterator() VectorIterator

func (DenseIntVector) IteratorFrom

func (v DenseIntVector) IteratorFrom(i int) VectorIterator

func (DenseIntVector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (DenseIntVector) JointIterator

func (v DenseIntVector) JointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorJointIterator

func (DenseIntVector) MDOTV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseIntVector) Map

func (v DenseIntVector) Map(f func(Scalar))

imlement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseIntVector) MapSet

func (v DenseIntVector) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (DenseIntVector) MarshalJSON

func (v DenseIntVector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseIntVector) MdotV


Matrix vector product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseIntVector) Permute

func (v DenseIntVector) Permute(pi []int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseIntVector) Reduce

func (v DenseIntVector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (DenseIntVector) Reset

func (v DenseIntVector) Reset()

func (DenseIntVector) ReverseOrder

func (v DenseIntVector) ReverseOrder()

func (DenseIntVector) Set

func (v DenseIntVector) Set(w ConstVector)

func (DenseIntVector) Slice

func (v DenseIntVector) Slice(i, j int) Vector

func (DenseIntVector) Sort

func (v DenseIntVector) Sort(reverse bool)

func (DenseIntVector) String

func (v DenseIntVector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseIntVector) Swap

func (v DenseIntVector) Swap(i, j int)

func (DenseIntVector) Table

func (v DenseIntVector) Table() string

func (DenseIntVector) ToDenseIntMatrix

func (v DenseIntVector) ToDenseIntMatrix(n, m int) *DenseIntMatrix

func (*DenseIntVector) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *DenseIntVector) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (DenseIntVector) VADDS added in v1.0.3

func (r DenseIntVector) VADDS(a DenseIntVector, b Int) Vector

func (DenseIntVector) VADDV added in v1.0.3

func (r DenseIntVector) VADDV(a, b DenseIntVector) Vector

func (DenseIntVector) VDIVS added in v1.0.3

func (r DenseIntVector) VDIVS(a DenseIntVector, s Int) Vector

func (DenseIntVector) VDIVV added in v1.0.3

func (r DenseIntVector) VDIVV(a, b DenseIntVector) Vector

func (DenseIntVector) VDOTM added in v1.0.3

func (DenseIntVector) VMULS added in v1.0.3

func (r DenseIntVector) VMULS(a DenseIntVector, s Int) Vector

func (DenseIntVector) VMULV added in v1.0.3

func (r DenseIntVector) VMULV(a, b DenseIntVector) Vector

func (DenseIntVector) VSUBS added in v1.0.3

func (r DenseIntVector) VSUBS(a DenseIntVector, b Int) Vector

func (DenseIntVector) VSUBV added in v1.0.3

func (r DenseIntVector) VSUBV(a, b DenseIntVector) Vector

func (DenseIntVector) VaddS


Element-wise addition of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseIntVector) VaddV

func (r DenseIntVector) VaddV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise addition of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseIntVector) VdivS


Element-wise division of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseIntVector) VdivV

func (r DenseIntVector) VdivV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise division of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseIntVector) VdotM


Vector matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseIntVector) VmulS


Element-wise substraction of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseIntVector) VmulV

func (r DenseIntVector) VmulV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseIntVector) VsubS


Element-wise substractor of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseIntVector) VsubV

func (r DenseIntVector) VsubV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise substraction of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

type DenseIntVectorIterator

type DenseIntVectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

const iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseIntVectorIterator) Clone

func (*DenseIntVectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *DenseIntVectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*DenseIntVectorIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *DenseIntVectorIterator) CloneIterator() VectorIterator

func (*DenseIntVectorIterator) GET

func (obj *DenseIntVectorIterator) GET() Int

func (*DenseIntVectorIterator) Get

func (obj *DenseIntVectorIterator) Get() Scalar

func (*DenseIntVectorIterator) GetConst

func (obj *DenseIntVectorIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*DenseIntVectorIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseIntVectorIterator) Index() int

func (*DenseIntVectorIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseIntVectorIterator) Next()

func (*DenseIntVectorIterator) Ok

func (obj *DenseIntVectorIterator) Ok() bool

type DenseIntVectorJointIterator

type DenseIntVectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseIntVectorJointIterator) Clone

func (*DenseIntVectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *DenseIntVectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*DenseIntVectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *DenseIntVectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() VectorJointIterator

func (*DenseIntVectorJointIterator) GET

func (*DenseIntVectorJointIterator) Get

func (*DenseIntVectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*DenseIntVectorJointIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseIntVectorJointIterator) Index() int

func (*DenseIntVectorJointIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseIntVectorJointIterator) Next()

func (*DenseIntVectorJointIterator) Ok

type DenseReal32Matrix

type DenseReal32Matrix struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

matrix type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsDenseReal32Matrix

func AsDenseReal32Matrix(matrix ConstMatrix) *DenseReal32Matrix

func NewDenseReal32Matrix

func NewDenseReal32Matrix(values []float32, rows, cols int) *DenseReal32Matrix

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullDenseReal32Matrix

func NullDenseReal32Matrix(rows, cols int) *DenseReal32Matrix

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) AT

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) AT(i, j int) *Real32

native matrix methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) AsConstVector

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) AsConstVector() ConstVector

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) AsDenseReal32Vector

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) AsDenseReal32Vector() DenseReal32Vector

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) AsMagicVector

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) AsMagicVector() MagicVector

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) AsVector

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) AsVector() Vector

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) At

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) At(i, j int) Scalar

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) COL

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) COL(j int) DenseReal32Vector

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Clone

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) Clone() *DenseReal32Matrix
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Clone matrix including data.

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) CloneConstMatrix

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) CloneConstMatrix() ConstMatrix

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) CloneMagicMatrix

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) CloneMagicMatrix() MagicMatrix

magic interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) CloneMatrix

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) CloneMatrix() Matrix

matrix interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Col

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) Col(j int) Vector

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) ConstAt

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) ConstAt(i, j int) ConstScalar

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) ConstCol

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) ConstCol(j int) ConstVector

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) ConstDiag

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) ConstDiag() ConstVector

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) ConstIterator

func (obj *DenseReal32Matrix) ConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj *DenseReal32Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) ConstRow

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) ConstRow(i int) ConstVector

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) ConstSlice

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) ConstSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) ConstMatrix

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) DIAG

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) DIAG() DenseReal32Vector

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Diag

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) Diag() Vector

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Dims

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) Dims() (int, int)

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) EQUALS added in v1.0.3

func (a *DenseReal32Matrix) EQUALS(b *DenseReal32Matrix, epsilon float64) bool

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) ElementType

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Equals

func (a *DenseReal32Matrix) Equals(b ConstMatrix, epsilon float64) bool

import "fmt"


True if matrix a equals b.

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Export

func (m *DenseReal32Matrix) Export(filename string) error

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Float32At

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) Float32At(i, j int) float32

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Float64At

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) Float64At(i, j int) float64

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Hessian

Compute the Hessian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) ITERATOR

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj *DenseReal32Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM(i, j int) *DenseReal32MatrixIterator

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Import

func (m *DenseReal32Matrix) Import(filename string) error

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Int16At

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) Int16At(i, j int) int16

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Int32At

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) Int32At(i, j int) int32

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Int64At

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) Int64At(i, j int) int64

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Int8At

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) Int8At(i, j int) int8

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) IntAt

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) IntAt(i, j int) int

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) IsSymmetric

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) IsSymmetric(epsilon float64) bool

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Iterator

func (obj *DenseReal32Matrix) Iterator() MatrixIterator

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) IteratorFrom

func (obj *DenseReal32Matrix) IteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixIterator

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Jacobian

func (r *DenseReal32Matrix) Jacobian(f func(ConstVector) ConstVector, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Jacobian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) JointIterator

func (obj *DenseReal32Matrix) JointIterator(b ConstMatrix) MatrixJointIterator

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MADDM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseReal32Matrix) MADDM(a, b *DenseReal32Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MADDS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MDIVM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseReal32Matrix) MDIVM(a, b *DenseReal32Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MDIVS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MDOTM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseReal32Matrix) MDOTM(a, b *DenseReal32Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MMULM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseReal32Matrix) MMULM(a, b *DenseReal32Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MMULS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MSUBM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseReal32Matrix) MSUBM(a, b *DenseReal32Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MSUBS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MaddM

func (r *DenseReal32Matrix) MaddM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise addition of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MaddS


Add scalar b to all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MagicAt

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) MagicAt(i, j int) MagicScalar

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MagicIterator

func (obj *DenseReal32Matrix) MagicIterator() MatrixMagicIterator

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MagicIteratorFrom

func (obj *DenseReal32Matrix) MagicIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixMagicIterator

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MagicSlice

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) MagicSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) MagicMatrix

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MagicT added in v1.0.2

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) MagicT() MagicMatrix

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Map

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) Map(f func(Scalar))

implement MagicScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MapSet

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MarshalJSON

func (obj *DenseReal32Matrix) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MdivM

func (r *DenseReal32Matrix) MdivM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise division of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MdivS


Divide all elements of a by b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MdotM

func (r *DenseReal32Matrix) MdotM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MmulM

func (r *DenseReal32Matrix) MmulM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise multiplication of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MmulS


Multiply all elements of a with b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MsubM

func (r *DenseReal32Matrix) MsubM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise substraction of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) MsubS


Substract b from all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) OUTER added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Outer

func (r *DenseReal32Matrix) Outer(a, b ConstVector) Matrix

Outer product of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) PermuteColumns

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) PermuteColumns(pi []int) error

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) PermuteRows

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) PermuteRows(pi []int) error

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) ROW

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) ROW(i int) DenseReal32Vector

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Reduce

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Reset

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) Reset()

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) ResetDerivatives

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) ResetDerivatives()

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Row

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) Row(i int) Vector

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) SLICE

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) SLICE(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) *DenseReal32Matrix

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Set

func (a *DenseReal32Matrix) Set(b ConstMatrix)

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) SetIdentity

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) SetIdentity()

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Slice

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) Slice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) Matrix

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) String

func (m *DenseReal32Matrix) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Swap

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) Swap(i1, j1, i2, j2 int)

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) SwapColumns

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) SwapColumns(i, j int) error

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) SwapRows

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) SwapRows(i, j int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) SymmetricPermutation

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) SymmetricPermutation(pi []int) error

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) T

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) T() Matrix

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Table

func (a *DenseReal32Matrix) Table() string

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Tip

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) Tip()

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *DenseReal32Matrix) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (*DenseReal32Matrix) Variables

func (matrix *DenseReal32Matrix) Variables(order int) error

Treat all elements as variables for automatic differentiation. This method should only be called on a single vector or matrix. If multiple matrices should be treated as variables, then a single matrix must be allocated first and sliced after calling this method.

type DenseReal32MatrixIterator

type DenseReal32MatrixIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal32MatrixIterator) Clone

func (*DenseReal32MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *DenseReal32MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseReal32MatrixIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *DenseReal32MatrixIterator) CloneIterator() MatrixIterator

func (*DenseReal32MatrixIterator) CloneMagicIterator

func (obj *DenseReal32MatrixIterator) CloneMagicIterator() MatrixMagicIterator

func (*DenseReal32MatrixIterator) GET

func (obj *DenseReal32MatrixIterator) GET() *Real32

func (*DenseReal32MatrixIterator) Get

func (obj *DenseReal32MatrixIterator) Get() Scalar

func (*DenseReal32MatrixIterator) GetConst

func (obj *DenseReal32MatrixIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*DenseReal32MatrixIterator) GetMagic

func (obj *DenseReal32MatrixIterator) GetMagic() MagicScalar

func (*DenseReal32MatrixIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseReal32MatrixIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*DenseReal32MatrixIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseReal32MatrixIterator) Next()

func (*DenseReal32MatrixIterator) Ok

func (obj *DenseReal32MatrixIterator) Ok() bool

type DenseReal32MatrixJointIterator

type DenseReal32MatrixJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal32MatrixJointIterator) Clone

func (*DenseReal32MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *DenseReal32MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() MatrixConstJointIterator

func (*DenseReal32MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *DenseReal32MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() MatrixJointIterator

func (*DenseReal32MatrixJointIterator) GET

func (*DenseReal32MatrixJointIterator) Get

func (*DenseReal32MatrixJointIterator) GetConst

func (*DenseReal32MatrixJointIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseReal32MatrixJointIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*DenseReal32MatrixJointIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseReal32MatrixJointIterator) Next()

func (*DenseReal32MatrixJointIterator) Ok

type DenseReal32Vector

type DenseReal32Vector []*Real32

vector type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsDenseReal32Vector

func AsDenseReal32Vector(v ConstVector) DenseReal32Vector

Convert vector type.

func NewDenseReal32Vector

func NewDenseReal32Vector(values []float32) DenseReal32Vector
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Allocate a new vector. Scalars are set to the given values.

func NullDenseReal32Vector

func NullDenseReal32Vector(length int) DenseReal32Vector

Allocate a new vector. All scalars are set to zero.

func (DenseReal32Vector) APPEND

func (DenseReal32Vector) AT

func (v DenseReal32Vector) AT(i int) *Real32

native vector methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseReal32Vector) AppendMagicScalar

func (v DenseReal32Vector) AppendMagicScalar(scalars ...MagicScalar) MagicVector

func (DenseReal32Vector) AppendMagicVector

func (v DenseReal32Vector) AppendMagicVector(w_ MagicVector) MagicVector

func (DenseReal32Vector) AppendScalar

func (v DenseReal32Vector) AppendScalar(scalars ...Scalar) Vector

func (DenseReal32Vector) AppendVector

func (v DenseReal32Vector) AppendVector(w_ Vector) Vector

func (DenseReal32Vector) AsConstMatrix

func (v DenseReal32Vector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (DenseReal32Vector) AsMagicMatrix

func (v DenseReal32Vector) AsMagicMatrix(n, m int) MagicMatrix

func (DenseReal32Vector) AsMatrix

func (v DenseReal32Vector) AsMatrix(n, m int) Matrix

func (DenseReal32Vector) At

func (v DenseReal32Vector) At(i int) Scalar

func (DenseReal32Vector) Clone

* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Create a deep copy of the vector.

func (DenseReal32Vector) CloneConstVector

func (v DenseReal32Vector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseReal32Vector) CloneMagicVector

func (v DenseReal32Vector) CloneMagicVector() MagicVector

magic interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseReal32Vector) CloneVector

func (v DenseReal32Vector) CloneVector() Vector

vector interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseReal32Vector) ConstAt

func (v DenseReal32Vector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (DenseReal32Vector) ConstIterator

func (obj DenseReal32Vector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseReal32Vector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj DenseReal32Vector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (DenseReal32Vector) ConstJointIterator

func (obj DenseReal32Vector) ConstJointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorConstJointIterator

func (DenseReal32Vector) ConstSlice

func (v DenseReal32Vector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (DenseReal32Vector) Dim

func (v DenseReal32Vector) Dim() int

func (DenseReal32Vector) EQUALS

func (a DenseReal32Vector) EQUALS(b DenseReal32Vector, epsilon float64) bool

func (DenseReal32Vector) ElementType

func (v DenseReal32Vector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (DenseReal32Vector) Equals

func (a DenseReal32Vector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool

Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (DenseReal32Vector) Export

func (v DenseReal32Vector) Export(filename string) error

func (DenseReal32Vector) Float32At

func (v DenseReal32Vector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (DenseReal32Vector) Float64At

func (v DenseReal32Vector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (DenseReal32Vector) ITERATOR

func (DenseReal32Vector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj DenseReal32Vector) ITERATOR_FROM(i int) *DenseReal32VectorIterator

func (*DenseReal32Vector) Import

func (v *DenseReal32Vector) Import(filename string) error

func (DenseReal32Vector) Int16At

func (v DenseReal32Vector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (DenseReal32Vector) Int32At

func (v DenseReal32Vector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (DenseReal32Vector) Int64At

func (v DenseReal32Vector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (DenseReal32Vector) Int8At

func (v DenseReal32Vector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (DenseReal32Vector) IntAt

func (v DenseReal32Vector) IntAt(i int) int

func (DenseReal32Vector) Iterator

func (obj DenseReal32Vector) Iterator() VectorIterator

func (DenseReal32Vector) IteratorFrom

func (obj DenseReal32Vector) IteratorFrom(i int) VectorIterator

func (DenseReal32Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (DenseReal32Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR_

func (DenseReal32Vector) JointIterator

func (obj DenseReal32Vector) JointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorJointIterator

func (DenseReal32Vector) MDOTV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseReal32Vector) MagicAt

func (v DenseReal32Vector) MagicAt(i int) MagicScalar

func (DenseReal32Vector) MagicIterator

func (obj DenseReal32Vector) MagicIterator() VectorMagicIterator

func (DenseReal32Vector) MagicIteratorFrom

func (obj DenseReal32Vector) MagicIteratorFrom(i int) VectorMagicIterator

func (DenseReal32Vector) MagicSlice

func (v DenseReal32Vector) MagicSlice(i, j int) MagicVector

func (DenseReal32Vector) Map

func (v DenseReal32Vector) Map(f func(Scalar))

imlement MagicScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseReal32Vector) MapSet

func (v DenseReal32Vector) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (DenseReal32Vector) MarshalJSON

func (obj DenseReal32Vector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseReal32Vector) MdotV


Matrix vector product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseReal32Vector) Permute

func (v DenseReal32Vector) Permute(pi []int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseReal32Vector) Reduce

func (v DenseReal32Vector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (DenseReal32Vector) Reset

func (v DenseReal32Vector) Reset()

func (DenseReal32Vector) ResetDerivatives

func (v DenseReal32Vector) ResetDerivatives()

func (DenseReal32Vector) ReverseOrder

func (v DenseReal32Vector) ReverseOrder()

func (DenseReal32Vector) SET

func (DenseReal32Vector) SLICE

func (v DenseReal32Vector) SLICE(i, j int) DenseReal32Vector

func (DenseReal32Vector) Set

func (v DenseReal32Vector) Set(w ConstVector)

Copy scalars from w into this vector. The lengths of both vectors must match.

func (DenseReal32Vector) Slice

func (v DenseReal32Vector) Slice(i, j int) Vector

func (DenseReal32Vector) Sort

func (v DenseReal32Vector) Sort(reverse bool)

func (DenseReal32Vector) String

func (v DenseReal32Vector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseReal32Vector) Swap

func (v DenseReal32Vector) Swap(i, j int)

func (DenseReal32Vector) Table

func (v DenseReal32Vector) Table() string

func (DenseReal32Vector) ToDenseReal32Matrix

func (v DenseReal32Vector) ToDenseReal32Matrix(n, m int) *DenseReal32Matrix

func (*DenseReal32Vector) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *DenseReal32Vector) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (DenseReal32Vector) VADDS

func (DenseReal32Vector) VADDV

func (DenseReal32Vector) VDIVS

func (DenseReal32Vector) VDIVV

func (DenseReal32Vector) VDOTM added in v1.0.3

func (DenseReal32Vector) VMULS

func (DenseReal32Vector) VMULV

func (DenseReal32Vector) VSUBS

func (DenseReal32Vector) VSUBV

func (DenseReal32Vector) VaddS


Element-wise addition of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseReal32Vector) VaddV

func (r DenseReal32Vector) VaddV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise addition of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseReal32Vector) Variables

func (v DenseReal32Vector) Variables(order int) error

Treat all elements as variables for automatic differentiation. This method should only be called on a single vector or matrix. If multiple vectors should be treated as variables, then a single vector must be allocated first and sliced after calling this method.

func (DenseReal32Vector) VdivS


Element-wise division of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseReal32Vector) VdivV

func (r DenseReal32Vector) VdivV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise division of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseReal32Vector) VdotM


Vector matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseReal32Vector) VmulS


Element-wise substraction of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseReal32Vector) VmulV

func (r DenseReal32Vector) VmulV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseReal32Vector) VsubS


Element-wise substractor of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseReal32Vector) VsubV

func (r DenseReal32Vector) VsubV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise substraction of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

type DenseReal32VectorIterator

type DenseReal32VectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal32VectorIterator) Clone

func (*DenseReal32VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *DenseReal32VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*DenseReal32VectorIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *DenseReal32VectorIterator) CloneIterator() VectorIterator

func (*DenseReal32VectorIterator) CloneMagicIterator

func (obj *DenseReal32VectorIterator) CloneMagicIterator() VectorMagicIterator

func (*DenseReal32VectorIterator) GET

func (obj *DenseReal32VectorIterator) GET() *Real32

func (*DenseReal32VectorIterator) Get

func (obj *DenseReal32VectorIterator) Get() Scalar

func (*DenseReal32VectorIterator) GetConst

func (obj *DenseReal32VectorIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*DenseReal32VectorIterator) GetMagic

func (obj *DenseReal32VectorIterator) GetMagic() MagicScalar

func (*DenseReal32VectorIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseReal32VectorIterator) Index() int

func (*DenseReal32VectorIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseReal32VectorIterator) Next()

func (*DenseReal32VectorIterator) Ok

func (obj *DenseReal32VectorIterator) Ok() bool

type DenseReal32VectorJointIterator

type DenseReal32VectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal32VectorJointIterator) Clone

func (*DenseReal32VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *DenseReal32VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*DenseReal32VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *DenseReal32VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() VectorJointIterator

func (*DenseReal32VectorJointIterator) GET

func (*DenseReal32VectorJointIterator) Get

func (*DenseReal32VectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*DenseReal32VectorJointIterator) GetMagic

func (*DenseReal32VectorJointIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseReal32VectorJointIterator) Index() int

func (*DenseReal32VectorJointIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseReal32VectorJointIterator) Next()

func (*DenseReal32VectorJointIterator) Ok

type DenseReal32VectorJointIterator_

type DenseReal32VectorJointIterator_ struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal32VectorJointIterator_) GET

func (*DenseReal32VectorJointIterator_) Index

func (obj *DenseReal32VectorJointIterator_) Index() int

func (*DenseReal32VectorJointIterator_) Next

func (obj *DenseReal32VectorJointIterator_) Next()

func (*DenseReal32VectorJointIterator_) Ok

type DenseReal64Matrix

type DenseReal64Matrix struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

matrix type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsDenseReal64Matrix

func AsDenseReal64Matrix(matrix ConstMatrix) *DenseReal64Matrix

func NewDenseReal64Matrix

func NewDenseReal64Matrix(values []float64, rows, cols int) *DenseReal64Matrix

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullDenseReal64Matrix

func NullDenseReal64Matrix(rows, cols int) *DenseReal64Matrix

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) AT

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) AT(i, j int) *Real64

native matrix methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) AsConstVector

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) AsConstVector() ConstVector

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) AsDenseReal64Vector

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) AsDenseReal64Vector() DenseReal64Vector

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) AsMagicVector

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) AsMagicVector() MagicVector

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) AsVector

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) AsVector() Vector

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) At

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) At(i, j int) Scalar

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) COL

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) COL(j int) DenseReal64Vector

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Clone

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) Clone() *DenseReal64Matrix
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Clone matrix including data.

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) CloneConstMatrix

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) CloneConstMatrix() ConstMatrix

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) CloneMagicMatrix

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) CloneMagicMatrix() MagicMatrix

magic interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) CloneMatrix

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) CloneMatrix() Matrix

matrix interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Col

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) Col(j int) Vector

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) ConstAt

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) ConstAt(i, j int) ConstScalar

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) ConstCol

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) ConstCol(j int) ConstVector

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) ConstDiag

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) ConstDiag() ConstVector

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) ConstIterator

func (obj *DenseReal64Matrix) ConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj *DenseReal64Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) ConstRow

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) ConstRow(i int) ConstVector

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) ConstSlice

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) ConstSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) ConstMatrix

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) DIAG

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) DIAG() DenseReal64Vector

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Diag

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) Diag() Vector

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Dims

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) Dims() (int, int)

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) EQUALS added in v1.0.3

func (a *DenseReal64Matrix) EQUALS(b *DenseReal64Matrix, epsilon float64) bool

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) ElementType

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Equals

func (a *DenseReal64Matrix) Equals(b ConstMatrix, epsilon float64) bool

import "fmt"


True if matrix a equals b.

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Export

func (m *DenseReal64Matrix) Export(filename string) error

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Float32At

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) Float32At(i, j int) float32

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Float64At

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) Float64At(i, j int) float64

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Hessian

Compute the Hessian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) ITERATOR

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj *DenseReal64Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM(i, j int) *DenseReal64MatrixIterator

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Import

func (m *DenseReal64Matrix) Import(filename string) error

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Int16At

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) Int16At(i, j int) int16

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Int32At

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) Int32At(i, j int) int32

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Int64At

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) Int64At(i, j int) int64

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Int8At

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) Int8At(i, j int) int8

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) IntAt

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) IntAt(i, j int) int

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) IsSymmetric

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) IsSymmetric(epsilon float64) bool

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Iterator

func (obj *DenseReal64Matrix) Iterator() MatrixIterator

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) IteratorFrom

func (obj *DenseReal64Matrix) IteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixIterator

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Jacobian

func (r *DenseReal64Matrix) Jacobian(f func(ConstVector) ConstVector, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Jacobian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) JointIterator

func (obj *DenseReal64Matrix) JointIterator(b ConstMatrix) MatrixJointIterator

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MADDM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseReal64Matrix) MADDM(a, b *DenseReal64Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MADDS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MDIVM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseReal64Matrix) MDIVM(a, b *DenseReal64Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MDIVS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MDOTM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseReal64Matrix) MDOTM(a, b *DenseReal64Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MMULM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseReal64Matrix) MMULM(a, b *DenseReal64Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MMULS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MSUBM added in v1.0.3

func (r *DenseReal64Matrix) MSUBM(a, b *DenseReal64Matrix) Matrix

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MSUBS added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MaddM

func (r *DenseReal64Matrix) MaddM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise addition of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MaddS


Add scalar b to all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MagicAt

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) MagicAt(i, j int) MagicScalar

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MagicIterator

func (obj *DenseReal64Matrix) MagicIterator() MatrixMagicIterator

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MagicIteratorFrom

func (obj *DenseReal64Matrix) MagicIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixMagicIterator

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MagicSlice

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) MagicSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) MagicMatrix

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MagicT added in v1.0.2

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) MagicT() MagicMatrix

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Map

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) Map(f func(Scalar))

implement MagicScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MapSet

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MarshalJSON

func (obj *DenseReal64Matrix) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MdivM

func (r *DenseReal64Matrix) MdivM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise division of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MdivS


Divide all elements of a by b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MdotM

func (r *DenseReal64Matrix) MdotM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MmulM

func (r *DenseReal64Matrix) MmulM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise multiplication of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MmulS


Multiply all elements of a with b. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MsubM

func (r *DenseReal64Matrix) MsubM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise substraction of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) MsubS


Substract b from all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) OUTER added in v1.0.3

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Outer

func (r *DenseReal64Matrix) Outer(a, b ConstVector) Matrix

Outer product of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) PermuteColumns

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) PermuteColumns(pi []int) error

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) PermuteRows

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) PermuteRows(pi []int) error

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) ROW

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) ROW(i int) DenseReal64Vector

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Reduce

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Reset

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) Reset()

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) ResetDerivatives

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) ResetDerivatives()

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Row

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) Row(i int) Vector

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) SLICE

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) SLICE(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) *DenseReal64Matrix

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Set

func (a *DenseReal64Matrix) Set(b ConstMatrix)

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) SetIdentity

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) SetIdentity()

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Slice

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) Slice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) Matrix

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) String

func (m *DenseReal64Matrix) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Swap

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) Swap(i1, j1, i2, j2 int)

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) SwapColumns

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) SwapColumns(i, j int) error

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) SwapRows

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) SwapRows(i, j int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) SymmetricPermutation

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) SymmetricPermutation(pi []int) error

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) T

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) T() Matrix

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Table

func (a *DenseReal64Matrix) Table() string

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Tip

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) Tip()

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *DenseReal64Matrix) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (*DenseReal64Matrix) Variables

func (matrix *DenseReal64Matrix) Variables(order int) error

Treat all elements as variables for automatic differentiation. This method should only be called on a single vector or matrix. If multiple matrices should be treated as variables, then a single matrix must be allocated first and sliced after calling this method.

type DenseReal64MatrixIterator

type DenseReal64MatrixIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal64MatrixIterator) Clone

func (*DenseReal64MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *DenseReal64MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*DenseReal64MatrixIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *DenseReal64MatrixIterator) CloneIterator() MatrixIterator

func (*DenseReal64MatrixIterator) CloneMagicIterator

func (obj *DenseReal64MatrixIterator) CloneMagicIterator() MatrixMagicIterator

func (*DenseReal64MatrixIterator) GET

func (obj *DenseReal64MatrixIterator) GET() *Real64

func (*DenseReal64MatrixIterator) Get

func (obj *DenseReal64MatrixIterator) Get() Scalar

func (*DenseReal64MatrixIterator) GetConst

func (obj *DenseReal64MatrixIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*DenseReal64MatrixIterator) GetMagic

func (obj *DenseReal64MatrixIterator) GetMagic() MagicScalar

func (*DenseReal64MatrixIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseReal64MatrixIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*DenseReal64MatrixIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseReal64MatrixIterator) Next()

func (*DenseReal64MatrixIterator) Ok

func (obj *DenseReal64MatrixIterator) Ok() bool

type DenseReal64MatrixJointIterator

type DenseReal64MatrixJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal64MatrixJointIterator) Clone

func (*DenseReal64MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *DenseReal64MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() MatrixConstJointIterator

func (*DenseReal64MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *DenseReal64MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() MatrixJointIterator

func (*DenseReal64MatrixJointIterator) GET

func (*DenseReal64MatrixJointIterator) Get

func (*DenseReal64MatrixJointIterator) GetConst

func (*DenseReal64MatrixJointIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseReal64MatrixJointIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*DenseReal64MatrixJointIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseReal64MatrixJointIterator) Next()

func (*DenseReal64MatrixJointIterator) Ok

type DenseReal64Vector

type DenseReal64Vector []*Real64

vector type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsDenseReal64Vector

func AsDenseReal64Vector(v ConstVector) DenseReal64Vector

Convert vector type.

func NewDenseReal64Vector

func NewDenseReal64Vector(values []float64) DenseReal64Vector
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Allocate a new vector. Scalars are set to the given values.

func NullDenseReal64Vector

func NullDenseReal64Vector(length int) DenseReal64Vector

Allocate a new vector. All scalars are set to zero.

func (DenseReal64Vector) APPEND

func (DenseReal64Vector) AT

func (v DenseReal64Vector) AT(i int) *Real64

native vector methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseReal64Vector) AppendMagicScalar

func (v DenseReal64Vector) AppendMagicScalar(scalars ...MagicScalar) MagicVector

func (DenseReal64Vector) AppendMagicVector

func (v DenseReal64Vector) AppendMagicVector(w_ MagicVector) MagicVector

func (DenseReal64Vector) AppendScalar

func (v DenseReal64Vector) AppendScalar(scalars ...Scalar) Vector

func (DenseReal64Vector) AppendVector

func (v DenseReal64Vector) AppendVector(w_ Vector) Vector

func (DenseReal64Vector) AsConstMatrix

func (v DenseReal64Vector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (DenseReal64Vector) AsMagicMatrix

func (v DenseReal64Vector) AsMagicMatrix(n, m int) MagicMatrix

func (DenseReal64Vector) AsMatrix

func (v DenseReal64Vector) AsMatrix(n, m int) Matrix

func (DenseReal64Vector) At

func (v DenseReal64Vector) At(i int) Scalar

func (DenseReal64Vector) Clone

* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Create a deep copy of the vector.

func (DenseReal64Vector) CloneConstVector

func (v DenseReal64Vector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseReal64Vector) CloneMagicVector

func (v DenseReal64Vector) CloneMagicVector() MagicVector

magic interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseReal64Vector) CloneVector

func (v DenseReal64Vector) CloneVector() Vector

vector interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseReal64Vector) ConstAt

func (v DenseReal64Vector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (DenseReal64Vector) ConstIterator

func (obj DenseReal64Vector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseReal64Vector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj DenseReal64Vector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (DenseReal64Vector) ConstJointIterator

func (obj DenseReal64Vector) ConstJointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorConstJointIterator

func (DenseReal64Vector) ConstSlice

func (v DenseReal64Vector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (DenseReal64Vector) Dim

func (v DenseReal64Vector) Dim() int

func (DenseReal64Vector) EQUALS

func (a DenseReal64Vector) EQUALS(b DenseReal64Vector, epsilon float64) bool

func (DenseReal64Vector) ElementType

func (v DenseReal64Vector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (DenseReal64Vector) Equals

func (a DenseReal64Vector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool

Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (DenseReal64Vector) Export

func (v DenseReal64Vector) Export(filename string) error

func (DenseReal64Vector) Float32At

func (v DenseReal64Vector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (DenseReal64Vector) Float64At

func (v DenseReal64Vector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (DenseReal64Vector) ITERATOR

func (DenseReal64Vector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj DenseReal64Vector) ITERATOR_FROM(i int) *DenseReal64VectorIterator

func (*DenseReal64Vector) Import

func (v *DenseReal64Vector) Import(filename string) error

func (DenseReal64Vector) Int16At

func (v DenseReal64Vector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (DenseReal64Vector) Int32At

func (v DenseReal64Vector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (DenseReal64Vector) Int64At

func (v DenseReal64Vector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (DenseReal64Vector) Int8At

func (v DenseReal64Vector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (DenseReal64Vector) IntAt

func (v DenseReal64Vector) IntAt(i int) int

func (DenseReal64Vector) Iterator

func (obj DenseReal64Vector) Iterator() VectorIterator

func (DenseReal64Vector) IteratorFrom

func (obj DenseReal64Vector) IteratorFrom(i int) VectorIterator

func (DenseReal64Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (DenseReal64Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR_

func (DenseReal64Vector) JointIterator

func (obj DenseReal64Vector) JointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorJointIterator

func (DenseReal64Vector) MDOTV added in v1.0.3

func (DenseReal64Vector) MagicAt

func (v DenseReal64Vector) MagicAt(i int) MagicScalar

func (DenseReal64Vector) MagicIterator

func (obj DenseReal64Vector) MagicIterator() VectorMagicIterator

func (DenseReal64Vector) MagicIteratorFrom

func (obj DenseReal64Vector) MagicIteratorFrom(i int) VectorMagicIterator

func (DenseReal64Vector) MagicSlice

func (v DenseReal64Vector) MagicSlice(i, j int) MagicVector

func (DenseReal64Vector) Map

func (v DenseReal64Vector) Map(f func(Scalar))

imlement MagicScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseReal64Vector) MapSet

func (v DenseReal64Vector) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (DenseReal64Vector) MarshalJSON

func (obj DenseReal64Vector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseReal64Vector) MdotV


Matrix vector product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseReal64Vector) Permute

func (v DenseReal64Vector) Permute(pi []int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseReal64Vector) Reduce

func (v DenseReal64Vector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (DenseReal64Vector) Reset

func (v DenseReal64Vector) Reset()

func (DenseReal64Vector) ResetDerivatives

func (v DenseReal64Vector) ResetDerivatives()

func (DenseReal64Vector) ReverseOrder

func (v DenseReal64Vector) ReverseOrder()

func (DenseReal64Vector) SET

func (DenseReal64Vector) SLICE

func (v DenseReal64Vector) SLICE(i, j int) DenseReal64Vector

func (DenseReal64Vector) Set

func (v DenseReal64Vector) Set(w ConstVector)

Copy scalars from w into this vector. The lengths of both vectors must match.

func (DenseReal64Vector) Slice

func (v DenseReal64Vector) Slice(i, j int) Vector

func (DenseReal64Vector) Sort

func (v DenseReal64Vector) Sort(reverse bool)

func (DenseReal64Vector) String

func (v DenseReal64Vector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (DenseReal64Vector) Swap

func (v DenseReal64Vector) Swap(i, j int)

func (DenseReal64Vector) Table

func (v DenseReal64Vector) Table() string

func (DenseReal64Vector) ToDenseReal64Matrix

func (v DenseReal64Vector) ToDenseReal64Matrix(n, m int) *DenseReal64Matrix

func (*DenseReal64Vector) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *DenseReal64Vector) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (DenseReal64Vector) VADDS

func (DenseReal64Vector) VADDV

func (DenseReal64Vector) VDIVS

func (DenseReal64Vector) VDIVV

func (DenseReal64Vector) VDOTM added in v1.0.3

func (DenseReal64Vector) VMULS

func (DenseReal64Vector) VMULV

func (DenseReal64Vector) VSUBS

func (DenseReal64Vector) VSUBV

func (DenseReal64Vector) VaddS


Element-wise addition of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseReal64Vector) VaddV

func (r DenseReal64Vector) VaddV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise addition of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseReal64Vector) Variables

func (v DenseReal64Vector) Variables(order int) error

Treat all elements as variables for automatic differentiation. This method should only be called on a single vector or matrix. If multiple vectors should be treated as variables, then a single vector must be allocated first and sliced after calling this method.

func (DenseReal64Vector) VdivS


Element-wise division of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseReal64Vector) VdivV

func (r DenseReal64Vector) VdivV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise division of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseReal64Vector) VdotM


Vector matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseReal64Vector) VmulS


Element-wise substraction of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseReal64Vector) VmulV

func (r DenseReal64Vector) VmulV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseReal64Vector) VsubS


Element-wise substractor of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (DenseReal64Vector) VsubV

func (r DenseReal64Vector) VsubV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise substraction of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

type DenseReal64VectorIterator

type DenseReal64VectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal64VectorIterator) Clone

func (*DenseReal64VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *DenseReal64VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*DenseReal64VectorIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *DenseReal64VectorIterator) CloneIterator() VectorIterator

func (*DenseReal64VectorIterator) CloneMagicIterator

func (obj *DenseReal64VectorIterator) CloneMagicIterator() VectorMagicIterator

func (*DenseReal64VectorIterator) GET

func (obj *DenseReal64VectorIterator) GET() *Real64

func (*DenseReal64VectorIterator) Get

func (obj *DenseReal64VectorIterator) Get() Scalar

func (*DenseReal64VectorIterator) GetConst

func (obj *DenseReal64VectorIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*DenseReal64VectorIterator) GetMagic

func (obj *DenseReal64VectorIterator) GetMagic() MagicScalar

func (*DenseReal64VectorIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseReal64VectorIterator) Index() int

func (*DenseReal64VectorIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseReal64VectorIterator) Next()

func (*DenseReal64VectorIterator) Ok

func (obj *DenseReal64VectorIterator) Ok() bool

type DenseReal64VectorJointIterator

type DenseReal64VectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal64VectorJointIterator) Clone

func (*DenseReal64VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *DenseReal64VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*DenseReal64VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *DenseReal64VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() VectorJointIterator

func (*DenseReal64VectorJointIterator) GET

func (*DenseReal64VectorJointIterator) Get

func (*DenseReal64VectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*DenseReal64VectorJointIterator) GetMagic

func (*DenseReal64VectorJointIterator) Index

func (obj *DenseReal64VectorJointIterator) Index() int

func (*DenseReal64VectorJointIterator) Next

func (obj *DenseReal64VectorJointIterator) Next()

func (*DenseReal64VectorJointIterator) Ok

type DenseReal64VectorJointIterator_

type DenseReal64VectorJointIterator_ struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*DenseReal64VectorJointIterator_) GET

func (*DenseReal64VectorJointIterator_) Index

func (obj *DenseReal64VectorJointIterator_) Index() int

func (*DenseReal64VectorJointIterator_) Next

func (obj *DenseReal64VectorJointIterator_) Next()

func (*DenseReal64VectorJointIterator_) Ok

type Float32

type Float32 struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func NewFloat32

func NewFloat32(v float32) Float32

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullFloat32

func NullFloat32() Float32

func (Float32) ABS

func (c Float32) ABS(a Float32) Scalar


func (Float32) ADD

func (c Float32) ADD(a, b Float32) Float32


func (Float32) Abs

func (c Float32) Abs(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Float32) Add

func (c Float32) Add(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Float32) BesselI

func (c Float32) BesselI(v float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float32) Clone

func (a Float32) Clone() Float32


func (Float32) CloneConstScalar

func (a Float32) CloneConstScalar() ConstScalar

func (Float32) CloneScalar

func (a Float32) CloneScalar() Scalar

func (Float32) ConvertConstScalar

func (a Float32) ConvertConstScalar(t ScalarType) ConstScalar


func (Float32) ConvertScalar

func (a Float32) ConvertScalar(t ScalarType) Scalar

func (Float32) Cos

func (c Float32) Cos(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float32) Cosh

func (c Float32) Cosh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float32) DIV

func (c Float32) DIV(a, b Float32) Float32


func (Float32) Div

func (c Float32) Div(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Float32) EQUALS

func (a Float32) EQUALS(b Float32, epsilon float64) bool

import ""


func (Float32) EXP

func (c Float32) EXP(a Float32) Float32


func (Float32) Equals

func (a Float32) Equals(b ConstScalar, epsilon float64) bool


func (Float32) Erf

func (c Float32) Erf(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float32) Erfc

func (c Float32) Erfc(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float32) Exp

func (c Float32) Exp(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float32) GREATER

func (a Float32) GREATER(b Float32) bool


func (Float32) Gamma

func (c Float32) Gamma(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float32) GammaP

func (c Float32) GammaP(a float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float32) GetDerivative

func (a Float32) GetDerivative(i int) float64

func (Float32) GetFloat32

func (a Float32) GetFloat32() float32

func (Float32) GetFloat64

func (a Float32) GetFloat64() float64

func (Float32) GetHessian

func (a Float32) GetHessian(i, j int) float64

func (Float32) GetInt

func (a Float32) GetInt() int

func (Float32) GetInt16

func (a Float32) GetInt16() int16

func (Float32) GetInt32

func (a Float32) GetInt32() int32

func (Float32) GetInt64

func (a Float32) GetInt64() int64

func (Float32) GetInt8

func (a Float32) GetInt8() int8

read access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Float32) GetN

func (a Float32) GetN() int

func (Float32) GetOrder

func (a Float32) GetOrder() int

func (Float32) Greater

func (a Float32) Greater(b ConstScalar) bool


func (Float32) LOG

func (c Float32) LOG(a Float32) Float32

func (Float32) LOG1P

func (c Float32) LOG1P(a Float32) Float32

func (Float32) LOGADD

func (c Float32) LOGADD(a, b, t Float32) Float32


func (Float32) LOGSUB

func (c Float32) LOGSUB(a, b, t Float32) Float32

func (Float32) Lgamma

func (c Float32) Lgamma(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float32) Log

func (c Float32) Log(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float32) Log1p

func (c Float32) Log1p(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float32) Log1pExp

func (c Float32) Log1pExp(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float32) LogAdd

func (c Float32) LogAdd(a, b ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar


func (Float32) LogBesselI

func (c Float32) LogBesselI(v float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float32) LogErfc

func (c Float32) LogErfc(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float32) LogSmoothMax

func (r Float32) LogSmoothMax(x ConstVector, alpha ConstFloat64, t [3]Scalar) Scalar

func (Float32) LogSub

func (c Float32) LogSub(a, b ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar

func (Float32) Logistic

func (c Float32) Logistic(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float32) MAX

func (r Float32) MAX(a, b Float32) Scalar


func (Float32) MIN

func (r Float32) MIN(a, b Float32) Scalar


func (Float32) MUL

func (c Float32) MUL(a, b Float32) Float32


func (Float32) MarshalJSON

func (obj Float32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Float32) Max

func (r Float32) Max(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Float32) Min

func (r Float32) Min(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Float32) Mlgamma

func (c Float32) Mlgamma(a ConstScalar, k int) Scalar

func (Float32) Mnorm

func (r Float32) Mnorm(a ConstMatrix) Scalar

Frobenius norm.

func (Float32) Mtrace

func (r Float32) Mtrace(a ConstMatrix) Scalar

func (Float32) Mul

func (c Float32) Mul(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Float32) NEG

func (c Float32) NEG(a Float32) Float32


func (Float32) Neg

func (c Float32) Neg(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Float32) POW

func (c Float32) POW(a, k Float32) Float32


func (Float32) Pow

func (c Float32) Pow(a, k ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Float32) Reset

func (a Float32) Reset()

write access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Float32) SET

func (a Float32) SET(b Float32)

func (Float32) SIGN

func (a Float32) SIGN() int


func (Float32) SMALLER

func (a Float32) SMALLER(b Float32) bool


func (Float32) SQRT

func (c Float32) SQRT(a Float32) Float32


func (Float32) SUB

func (c Float32) SUB(a, b Float32) Float32


func (Float32) Set

func (a Float32) Set(b ConstScalar)

Set the state to b. This includes the value and all derivatives.

func (Float32) SetFloat32

func (a Float32) SetFloat32(v float32)

func (Float32) SetFloat64

func (a Float32) SetFloat64(v float64)

func (Float32) SetInt

func (a Float32) SetInt(v int)

func (Float32) SetInt16

func (a Float32) SetInt16(v int16)

func (Float32) SetInt32

func (a Float32) SetInt32(v int32)

func (Float32) SetInt64

func (a Float32) SetInt64(v int64)

func (Float32) SetInt8

func (a Float32) SetInt8(v int8)

Set the value of the variable. All derivatives are reset to zero.

func (Float32) Sigmoid

func (c Float32) Sigmoid(a ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar

func (Float32) Sign

func (a Float32) Sign() int


func (Float32) Sin

func (c Float32) Sin(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Float32) Sinh

func (c Float32) Sinh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float32) Smaller

func (a Float32) Smaller(b ConstScalar) bool


func (Float32) SmoothMax

func (r Float32) SmoothMax(x ConstVector, alpha ConstFloat64, t [2]Scalar) Scalar


func (Float32) Sqrt

func (c Float32) Sqrt(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Float32) String

func (a Float32) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Float32) Sub

func (c Float32) Sub(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Float32) Tan

func (c Float32) Tan(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float32) Tanh

func (c Float32) Tanh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float32) Type

func (a Float32) Type() ScalarType


func (Float32) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj Float32) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (Float32) VdotV

func (r Float32) VdotV(a, b ConstVector) Scalar

func (Float32) Vmean

func (r Float32) Vmean(a ConstVector) Scalar

func (Float32) Vnorm

func (r Float32) Vnorm(a ConstVector) Scalar

type Float64

type Float64 struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func NewFloat64

func NewFloat64(v float64) Float64

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullFloat64

func NullFloat64() Float64

func (Float64) ABS

func (c Float64) ABS(a Float64) Scalar


func (Float64) ADD

func (c Float64) ADD(a, b Float64) Float64


func (Float64) Abs

func (c Float64) Abs(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Float64) Add

func (c Float64) Add(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Float64) BesselI

func (c Float64) BesselI(v float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float64) Clone

func (a Float64) Clone() Float64


func (Float64) CloneConstScalar

func (a Float64) CloneConstScalar() ConstScalar

func (Float64) CloneScalar

func (a Float64) CloneScalar() Scalar

func (Float64) ConvertConstScalar

func (a Float64) ConvertConstScalar(t ScalarType) ConstScalar


func (Float64) ConvertScalar

func (a Float64) ConvertScalar(t ScalarType) Scalar

func (Float64) Cos

func (c Float64) Cos(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float64) Cosh

func (c Float64) Cosh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float64) DIV

func (c Float64) DIV(a, b Float64) Float64


func (Float64) Div

func (c Float64) Div(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Float64) EQUALS

func (a Float64) EQUALS(b Float64, epsilon float64) bool

import ""


func (Float64) EXP

func (c Float64) EXP(a Float64) Float64


func (Float64) Equals

func (a Float64) Equals(b ConstScalar, epsilon float64) bool


func (Float64) Erf

func (c Float64) Erf(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float64) Erfc

func (c Float64) Erfc(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float64) Exp

func (c Float64) Exp(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float64) GREATER

func (a Float64) GREATER(b Float64) bool


func (Float64) Gamma

func (c Float64) Gamma(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float64) GammaP

func (c Float64) GammaP(a float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float64) GetDerivative

func (a Float64) GetDerivative(i int) float64

func (Float64) GetFloat32

func (a Float64) GetFloat32() float32

func (Float64) GetFloat64

func (a Float64) GetFloat64() float64

func (Float64) GetHessian

func (a Float64) GetHessian(i, j int) float64

func (Float64) GetInt

func (a Float64) GetInt() int

func (Float64) GetInt16

func (a Float64) GetInt16() int16

func (Float64) GetInt32

func (a Float64) GetInt32() int32

func (Float64) GetInt64

func (a Float64) GetInt64() int64

func (Float64) GetInt8

func (a Float64) GetInt8() int8

read access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Float64) GetN

func (a Float64) GetN() int

func (Float64) GetOrder

func (a Float64) GetOrder() int

func (Float64) Greater

func (a Float64) Greater(b ConstScalar) bool


func (Float64) LOG

func (c Float64) LOG(a Float64) Float64

func (Float64) LOG1P

func (c Float64) LOG1P(a Float64) Float64

func (Float64) LOGADD

func (c Float64) LOGADD(a, b, t Float64) Float64


func (Float64) LOGSUB

func (c Float64) LOGSUB(a, b, t Float64) Float64

func (Float64) Lgamma

func (c Float64) Lgamma(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float64) Log

func (c Float64) Log(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float64) Log1p

func (c Float64) Log1p(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float64) Log1pExp

func (c Float64) Log1pExp(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float64) LogAdd

func (c Float64) LogAdd(a, b ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar


func (Float64) LogBesselI

func (c Float64) LogBesselI(v float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float64) LogErfc

func (c Float64) LogErfc(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float64) LogSmoothMax

func (r Float64) LogSmoothMax(x ConstVector, alpha ConstFloat64, t [3]Scalar) Scalar

func (Float64) LogSub

func (c Float64) LogSub(a, b ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar

func (Float64) Logistic

func (c Float64) Logistic(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float64) MAX

func (r Float64) MAX(a, b Float64) Scalar


func (Float64) MIN

func (r Float64) MIN(a, b Float64) Scalar


func (Float64) MUL

func (c Float64) MUL(a, b Float64) Float64


func (Float64) MarshalJSON

func (obj Float64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Float64) Max

func (r Float64) Max(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Float64) Min

func (r Float64) Min(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Float64) Mlgamma

func (c Float64) Mlgamma(a ConstScalar, k int) Scalar

func (Float64) Mnorm

func (r Float64) Mnorm(a ConstMatrix) Scalar

Frobenius norm.

func (Float64) Mtrace

func (r Float64) Mtrace(a ConstMatrix) Scalar

func (Float64) Mul

func (c Float64) Mul(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Float64) NEG

func (c Float64) NEG(a Float64) Float64


func (Float64) Neg

func (c Float64) Neg(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Float64) POW

func (c Float64) POW(a, k Float64) Float64


func (Float64) Pow

func (c Float64) Pow(a, k ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Float64) Reset

func (a Float64) Reset()

write access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Float64) SET

func (a Float64) SET(b Float64)

func (Float64) SIGN

func (a Float64) SIGN() int


func (Float64) SMALLER

func (a Float64) SMALLER(b Float64) bool


func (Float64) SQRT

func (c Float64) SQRT(a Float64) Float64


func (Float64) SUB

func (c Float64) SUB(a, b Float64) Float64


func (Float64) Set

func (a Float64) Set(b ConstScalar)

Set the state to b. This includes the value and all derivatives.

func (Float64) SetFloat32

func (a Float64) SetFloat32(v float32)

func (Float64) SetFloat64

func (a Float64) SetFloat64(v float64)

func (Float64) SetInt

func (a Float64) SetInt(v int)

func (Float64) SetInt16

func (a Float64) SetInt16(v int16)

func (Float64) SetInt32

func (a Float64) SetInt32(v int32)

func (Float64) SetInt64

func (a Float64) SetInt64(v int64)

func (Float64) SetInt8

func (a Float64) SetInt8(v int8)

Set the value of the variable. All derivatives are reset to zero.

func (Float64) Sigmoid

func (c Float64) Sigmoid(a ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar

func (Float64) Sign

func (a Float64) Sign() int


func (Float64) Sin

func (c Float64) Sin(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Float64) Sinh

func (c Float64) Sinh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float64) Smaller

func (a Float64) Smaller(b ConstScalar) bool


func (Float64) SmoothMax

func (r Float64) SmoothMax(x ConstVector, alpha ConstFloat64, t [2]Scalar) Scalar


func (Float64) Sqrt

func (c Float64) Sqrt(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Float64) String

func (a Float64) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Float64) Sub

func (c Float64) Sub(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Float64) Tan

func (c Float64) Tan(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float64) Tanh

func (c Float64) Tanh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Float64) Type

func (a Float64) Type() ScalarType


func (Float64) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj Float64) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (Float64) VdotV

func (r Float64) VdotV(a, b ConstVector) Scalar

func (Float64) Vmean

func (r Float64) Vmean(a ConstVector) Scalar

func (Float64) Vnorm

func (r Float64) Vnorm(a ConstVector) Scalar

type Int

type Int struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func NewInt

func NewInt(v int) Int

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullInt

func NullInt() Int

func (Int) ABS

func (c Int) ABS(a Int) Scalar


func (Int) ADD

func (c Int) ADD(a, b Int) Int


func (Int) Abs

func (c Int) Abs(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int) Add

func (c Int) Add(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int) BesselI

func (c Int) BesselI(v float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int) Clone

func (a Int) Clone() Int


func (Int) CloneConstScalar

func (a Int) CloneConstScalar() ConstScalar

func (Int) CloneScalar

func (a Int) CloneScalar() Scalar

func (Int) ConvertConstScalar

func (a Int) ConvertConstScalar(t ScalarType) ConstScalar


func (Int) ConvertScalar

func (a Int) ConvertScalar(t ScalarType) Scalar

func (Int) Cos

func (c Int) Cos(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int) Cosh

func (c Int) Cosh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int) DIV

func (c Int) DIV(a, b Int) Int


func (Int) Div

func (c Int) Div(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int) EQUALS

func (a Int) EQUALS(b Int, epsilon float64) bool

import ""


func (Int) EXP

func (c Int) EXP(a Int) Int


func (Int) Equals

func (a Int) Equals(b ConstScalar, epsilon float64) bool


func (Int) Erf

func (c Int) Erf(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int) Erfc

func (c Int) Erfc(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int) Exp

func (c Int) Exp(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int) GREATER

func (a Int) GREATER(b Int) bool


func (Int) Gamma

func (c Int) Gamma(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int) GammaP

func (c Int) GammaP(a float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int) GetDerivative

func (a Int) GetDerivative(i int) float64

func (Int) GetFloat32

func (a Int) GetFloat32() float32

func (Int) GetFloat64

func (a Int) GetFloat64() float64

func (Int) GetHessian

func (a Int) GetHessian(i, j int) float64

func (Int) GetInt

func (a Int) GetInt() int

func (Int) GetInt16

func (a Int) GetInt16() int16

func (Int) GetInt32

func (a Int) GetInt32() int32

func (Int) GetInt64

func (a Int) GetInt64() int64

func (Int) GetInt8

func (a Int) GetInt8() int8

read access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Int) GetN

func (a Int) GetN() int

func (Int) GetOrder

func (a Int) GetOrder() int

func (Int) Greater

func (a Int) Greater(b ConstScalar) bool


func (Int) LOG

func (c Int) LOG(a Int) Int

func (Int) LOG1P

func (c Int) LOG1P(a Int) Int

func (Int) LOGADD

func (c Int) LOGADD(a, b, t Int) Int


func (Int) LOGSUB

func (c Int) LOGSUB(a, b, t Int) Int

func (Int) Lgamma

func (c Int) Lgamma(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int) Log

func (c Int) Log(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int) Log1p

func (c Int) Log1p(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int) Log1pExp

func (c Int) Log1pExp(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int) LogAdd

func (c Int) LogAdd(a, b ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar


func (Int) LogBesselI

func (c Int) LogBesselI(v float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int) LogErfc

func (c Int) LogErfc(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int) LogSmoothMax

func (r Int) LogSmoothMax(x ConstVector, alpha ConstFloat64, t [3]Scalar) Scalar

func (Int) LogSub

func (c Int) LogSub(a, b ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar

func (Int) Logistic

func (c Int) Logistic(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int) MAX

func (r Int) MAX(a, b Int) Scalar


func (Int) MIN

func (r Int) MIN(a, b Int) Scalar


func (Int) MUL

func (c Int) MUL(a, b Int) Int


func (Int) MarshalJSON

func (obj Int) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Int) Max

func (r Int) Max(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int) Min

func (r Int) Min(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int) Mlgamma

func (c Int) Mlgamma(a ConstScalar, k int) Scalar

func (Int) Mnorm

func (r Int) Mnorm(a ConstMatrix) Scalar

Frobenius norm.

func (Int) Mtrace

func (r Int) Mtrace(a ConstMatrix) Scalar

func (Int) Mul

func (c Int) Mul(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int) NEG

func (c Int) NEG(a Int) Int


func (Int) Neg

func (c Int) Neg(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int) POW

func (c Int) POW(a, k Int) Int


func (Int) Pow

func (c Int) Pow(a, k ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int) Reset

func (a Int) Reset()

write access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Int) SET

func (a Int) SET(b Int)

func (Int) SIGN

func (a Int) SIGN() int


func (Int) SMALLER

func (a Int) SMALLER(b Int) bool


func (Int) SQRT

func (c Int) SQRT(a Int) Int


func (Int) SUB

func (c Int) SUB(a, b Int) Int


func (Int) Set

func (a Int) Set(b ConstScalar)

Set the state to b. This includes the value and all derivatives.

func (Int) SetFloat32

func (a Int) SetFloat32(v float32)

func (Int) SetFloat64

func (a Int) SetFloat64(v float64)

func (Int) SetInt

func (a Int) SetInt(v int)

func (Int) SetInt16

func (a Int) SetInt16(v int16)

func (Int) SetInt32

func (a Int) SetInt32(v int32)

func (Int) SetInt64

func (a Int) SetInt64(v int64)

func (Int) SetInt8

func (a Int) SetInt8(v int8)

Set the value of the variable. All derivatives are reset to zero.

func (Int) Sigmoid

func (c Int) Sigmoid(a ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar

func (Int) Sign

func (a Int) Sign() int


func (Int) Sin

func (c Int) Sin(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int) Sinh

func (c Int) Sinh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int) Smaller

func (a Int) Smaller(b ConstScalar) bool


func (Int) SmoothMax

func (r Int) SmoothMax(x ConstVector, alpha ConstFloat64, t [2]Scalar) Scalar


func (Int) Sqrt

func (c Int) Sqrt(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int) String

func (a Int) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Int) Sub

func (c Int) Sub(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int) Tan

func (c Int) Tan(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int) Tanh

func (c Int) Tanh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int) Type

func (a Int) Type() ScalarType


func (Int) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj Int) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (Int) VdotV

func (r Int) VdotV(a, b ConstVector) Scalar

func (Int) Vmean

func (r Int) Vmean(a ConstVector) Scalar

func (Int) Vnorm

func (r Int) Vnorm(a ConstVector) Scalar

type Int16

type Int16 struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func NewInt16

func NewInt16(v int16) Int16

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullInt16

func NullInt16() Int16

func (Int16) ABS

func (c Int16) ABS(a Int16) Scalar


func (Int16) ADD

func (c Int16) ADD(a, b Int16) Int16


func (Int16) Abs

func (c Int16) Abs(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int16) Add

func (c Int16) Add(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int16) BesselI

func (c Int16) BesselI(v float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int16) Clone

func (a Int16) Clone() Int16


func (Int16) CloneConstScalar

func (a Int16) CloneConstScalar() ConstScalar

func (Int16) CloneScalar

func (a Int16) CloneScalar() Scalar

func (Int16) ConvertConstScalar

func (a Int16) ConvertConstScalar(t ScalarType) ConstScalar


func (Int16) ConvertScalar

func (a Int16) ConvertScalar(t ScalarType) Scalar

func (Int16) Cos

func (c Int16) Cos(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int16) Cosh

func (c Int16) Cosh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int16) DIV

func (c Int16) DIV(a, b Int16) Int16


func (Int16) Div

func (c Int16) Div(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int16) EQUALS

func (a Int16) EQUALS(b Int16, epsilon float64) bool

import ""


func (Int16) EXP

func (c Int16) EXP(a Int16) Int16


func (Int16) Equals

func (a Int16) Equals(b ConstScalar, epsilon float64) bool


func (Int16) Erf

func (c Int16) Erf(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int16) Erfc

func (c Int16) Erfc(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int16) Exp

func (c Int16) Exp(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int16) GREATER

func (a Int16) GREATER(b Int16) bool


func (Int16) Gamma

func (c Int16) Gamma(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int16) GammaP

func (c Int16) GammaP(a float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int16) GetDerivative

func (a Int16) GetDerivative(i int) float64

func (Int16) GetFloat32

func (a Int16) GetFloat32() float32

func (Int16) GetFloat64

func (a Int16) GetFloat64() float64

func (Int16) GetHessian

func (a Int16) GetHessian(i, j int) float64

func (Int16) GetInt

func (a Int16) GetInt() int

func (Int16) GetInt16

func (a Int16) GetInt16() int16

func (Int16) GetInt32

func (a Int16) GetInt32() int32

func (Int16) GetInt64

func (a Int16) GetInt64() int64

func (Int16) GetInt8

func (a Int16) GetInt8() int8

read access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Int16) GetN

func (a Int16) GetN() int

func (Int16) GetOrder

func (a Int16) GetOrder() int

func (Int16) Greater

func (a Int16) Greater(b ConstScalar) bool


func (Int16) LOG

func (c Int16) LOG(a Int16) Int16

func (Int16) LOG1P

func (c Int16) LOG1P(a Int16) Int16

func (Int16) LOGADD

func (c Int16) LOGADD(a, b, t Int16) Int16


func (Int16) LOGSUB

func (c Int16) LOGSUB(a, b, t Int16) Int16

func (Int16) Lgamma

func (c Int16) Lgamma(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int16) Log

func (c Int16) Log(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int16) Log1p

func (c Int16) Log1p(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int16) Log1pExp

func (c Int16) Log1pExp(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int16) LogAdd

func (c Int16) LogAdd(a, b ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar


func (Int16) LogBesselI

func (c Int16) LogBesselI(v float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int16) LogErfc

func (c Int16) LogErfc(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int16) LogSmoothMax

func (r Int16) LogSmoothMax(x ConstVector, alpha ConstFloat64, t [3]Scalar) Scalar

func (Int16) LogSub

func (c Int16) LogSub(a, b ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar

func (Int16) Logistic

func (c Int16) Logistic(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int16) MAX

func (r Int16) MAX(a, b Int16) Scalar


func (Int16) MIN

func (r Int16) MIN(a, b Int16) Scalar


func (Int16) MUL

func (c Int16) MUL(a, b Int16) Int16


func (Int16) MarshalJSON

func (obj Int16) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Int16) Max

func (r Int16) Max(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int16) Min

func (r Int16) Min(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int16) Mlgamma

func (c Int16) Mlgamma(a ConstScalar, k int) Scalar

func (Int16) Mnorm

func (r Int16) Mnorm(a ConstMatrix) Scalar

Frobenius norm.

func (Int16) Mtrace

func (r Int16) Mtrace(a ConstMatrix) Scalar

func (Int16) Mul

func (c Int16) Mul(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int16) NEG

func (c Int16) NEG(a Int16) Int16


func (Int16) Neg

func (c Int16) Neg(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int16) POW

func (c Int16) POW(a, k Int16) Int16


func (Int16) Pow

func (c Int16) Pow(a, k ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int16) Reset

func (a Int16) Reset()

write access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Int16) SET

func (a Int16) SET(b Int16)

func (Int16) SIGN

func (a Int16) SIGN() int


func (Int16) SMALLER

func (a Int16) SMALLER(b Int16) bool


func (Int16) SQRT

func (c Int16) SQRT(a Int16) Int16


func (Int16) SUB

func (c Int16) SUB(a, b Int16) Int16


func (Int16) Set

func (a Int16) Set(b ConstScalar)

Set the state to b. This includes the value and all derivatives.

func (Int16) SetFloat32

func (a Int16) SetFloat32(v float32)

func (Int16) SetFloat64

func (a Int16) SetFloat64(v float64)

func (Int16) SetInt

func (a Int16) SetInt(v int)

func (Int16) SetInt16

func (a Int16) SetInt16(v int16)

func (Int16) SetInt32

func (a Int16) SetInt32(v int32)

func (Int16) SetInt64

func (a Int16) SetInt64(v int64)

func (Int16) SetInt8

func (a Int16) SetInt8(v int8)

Set the value of the variable. All derivatives are reset to zero.

func (Int16) Sigmoid

func (c Int16) Sigmoid(a ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar

func (Int16) Sign

func (a Int16) Sign() int


func (Int16) Sin

func (c Int16) Sin(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int16) Sinh

func (c Int16) Sinh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int16) Smaller

func (a Int16) Smaller(b ConstScalar) bool


func (Int16) SmoothMax

func (r Int16) SmoothMax(x ConstVector, alpha ConstFloat64, t [2]Scalar) Scalar


func (Int16) Sqrt

func (c Int16) Sqrt(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int16) String

func (a Int16) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Int16) Sub

func (c Int16) Sub(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int16) Tan

func (c Int16) Tan(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int16) Tanh

func (c Int16) Tanh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int16) Type

func (a Int16) Type() ScalarType


func (Int16) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj Int16) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (Int16) VdotV

func (r Int16) VdotV(a, b ConstVector) Scalar

func (Int16) Vmean

func (r Int16) Vmean(a ConstVector) Scalar

func (Int16) Vnorm

func (r Int16) Vnorm(a ConstVector) Scalar

type Int32

type Int32 struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func NewInt32

func NewInt32(v int32) Int32

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullInt32

func NullInt32() Int32

func (Int32) ABS

func (c Int32) ABS(a Int32) Scalar


func (Int32) ADD

func (c Int32) ADD(a, b Int32) Int32


func (Int32) Abs

func (c Int32) Abs(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int32) Add

func (c Int32) Add(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int32) BesselI

func (c Int32) BesselI(v float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int32) Clone

func (a Int32) Clone() Int32


func (Int32) CloneConstScalar

func (a Int32) CloneConstScalar() ConstScalar

func (Int32) CloneScalar

func (a Int32) CloneScalar() Scalar

func (Int32) ConvertConstScalar

func (a Int32) ConvertConstScalar(t ScalarType) ConstScalar


func (Int32) ConvertScalar

func (a Int32) ConvertScalar(t ScalarType) Scalar

func (Int32) Cos

func (c Int32) Cos(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int32) Cosh

func (c Int32) Cosh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int32) DIV

func (c Int32) DIV(a, b Int32) Int32


func (Int32) Div

func (c Int32) Div(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int32) EQUALS

func (a Int32) EQUALS(b Int32, epsilon float64) bool

import ""


func (Int32) EXP

func (c Int32) EXP(a Int32) Int32


func (Int32) Equals

func (a Int32) Equals(b ConstScalar, epsilon float64) bool


func (Int32) Erf

func (c Int32) Erf(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int32) Erfc

func (c Int32) Erfc(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int32) Exp

func (c Int32) Exp(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int32) GREATER

func (a Int32) GREATER(b Int32) bool


func (Int32) Gamma

func (c Int32) Gamma(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int32) GammaP

func (c Int32) GammaP(a float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int32) GetDerivative

func (a Int32) GetDerivative(i int) float64

func (Int32) GetFloat32

func (a Int32) GetFloat32() float32

func (Int32) GetFloat64

func (a Int32) GetFloat64() float64

func (Int32) GetHessian

func (a Int32) GetHessian(i, j int) float64

func (Int32) GetInt

func (a Int32) GetInt() int

func (Int32) GetInt16

func (a Int32) GetInt16() int16

func (Int32) GetInt32

func (a Int32) GetInt32() int32

func (Int32) GetInt64

func (a Int32) GetInt64() int64

func (Int32) GetInt8

func (a Int32) GetInt8() int8

read access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Int32) GetN

func (a Int32) GetN() int

func (Int32) GetOrder

func (a Int32) GetOrder() int

func (Int32) Greater

func (a Int32) Greater(b ConstScalar) bool


func (Int32) LOG

func (c Int32) LOG(a Int32) Int32

func (Int32) LOG1P

func (c Int32) LOG1P(a Int32) Int32

func (Int32) LOGADD

func (c Int32) LOGADD(a, b, t Int32) Int32


func (Int32) LOGSUB

func (c Int32) LOGSUB(a, b, t Int32) Int32

func (Int32) Lgamma

func (c Int32) Lgamma(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int32) Log

func (c Int32) Log(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int32) Log1p

func (c Int32) Log1p(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int32) Log1pExp

func (c Int32) Log1pExp(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int32) LogAdd

func (c Int32) LogAdd(a, b ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar


func (Int32) LogBesselI

func (c Int32) LogBesselI(v float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int32) LogErfc

func (c Int32) LogErfc(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int32) LogSmoothMax

func (r Int32) LogSmoothMax(x ConstVector, alpha ConstFloat64, t [3]Scalar) Scalar

func (Int32) LogSub

func (c Int32) LogSub(a, b ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar

func (Int32) Logistic

func (c Int32) Logistic(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int32) MAX

func (r Int32) MAX(a, b Int32) Scalar


func (Int32) MIN

func (r Int32) MIN(a, b Int32) Scalar


func (Int32) MUL

func (c Int32) MUL(a, b Int32) Int32


func (Int32) MarshalJSON

func (obj Int32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Int32) Max

func (r Int32) Max(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int32) Min

func (r Int32) Min(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int32) Mlgamma

func (c Int32) Mlgamma(a ConstScalar, k int) Scalar

func (Int32) Mnorm

func (r Int32) Mnorm(a ConstMatrix) Scalar

Frobenius norm.

func (Int32) Mtrace

func (r Int32) Mtrace(a ConstMatrix) Scalar

func (Int32) Mul

func (c Int32) Mul(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int32) NEG

func (c Int32) NEG(a Int32) Int32


func (Int32) Neg

func (c Int32) Neg(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int32) POW

func (c Int32) POW(a, k Int32) Int32


func (Int32) Pow

func (c Int32) Pow(a, k ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int32) Reset

func (a Int32) Reset()

write access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Int32) SET

func (a Int32) SET(b Int32)

func (Int32) SIGN

func (a Int32) SIGN() int


func (Int32) SMALLER

func (a Int32) SMALLER(b Int32) bool


func (Int32) SQRT

func (c Int32) SQRT(a Int32) Int32


func (Int32) SUB

func (c Int32) SUB(a, b Int32) Int32


func (Int32) Set

func (a Int32) Set(b ConstScalar)

Set the state to b. This includes the value and all derivatives.

func (Int32) SetFloat32

func (a Int32) SetFloat32(v float32)

func (Int32) SetFloat64

func (a Int32) SetFloat64(v float64)

func (Int32) SetInt

func (a Int32) SetInt(v int)

func (Int32) SetInt16

func (a Int32) SetInt16(v int16)

func (Int32) SetInt32

func (a Int32) SetInt32(v int32)

func (Int32) SetInt64

func (a Int32) SetInt64(v int64)

func (Int32) SetInt8

func (a Int32) SetInt8(v int8)

Set the value of the variable. All derivatives are reset to zero.

func (Int32) Sigmoid

func (c Int32) Sigmoid(a ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar

func (Int32) Sign

func (a Int32) Sign() int


func (Int32) Sin

func (c Int32) Sin(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int32) Sinh

func (c Int32) Sinh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int32) Smaller

func (a Int32) Smaller(b ConstScalar) bool


func (Int32) SmoothMax

func (r Int32) SmoothMax(x ConstVector, alpha ConstFloat64, t [2]Scalar) Scalar


func (Int32) Sqrt

func (c Int32) Sqrt(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int32) String

func (a Int32) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Int32) Sub

func (c Int32) Sub(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int32) Tan

func (c Int32) Tan(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int32) Tanh

func (c Int32) Tanh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int32) Type

func (a Int32) Type() ScalarType


func (Int32) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj Int32) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (Int32) VdotV

func (r Int32) VdotV(a, b ConstVector) Scalar

func (Int32) Vmean

func (r Int32) Vmean(a ConstVector) Scalar

func (Int32) Vnorm

func (r Int32) Vnorm(a ConstVector) Scalar

type Int64

type Int64 struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func NewInt64

func NewInt64(v int64) Int64

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullInt64

func NullInt64() Int64

func (Int64) ABS

func (c Int64) ABS(a Int64) Scalar


func (Int64) ADD

func (c Int64) ADD(a, b Int64) Int64


func (Int64) Abs

func (c Int64) Abs(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int64) Add

func (c Int64) Add(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int64) BesselI

func (c Int64) BesselI(v float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int64) Clone

func (a Int64) Clone() Int64


func (Int64) CloneConstScalar

func (a Int64) CloneConstScalar() ConstScalar

func (Int64) CloneScalar

func (a Int64) CloneScalar() Scalar

func (Int64) ConvertConstScalar

func (a Int64) ConvertConstScalar(t ScalarType) ConstScalar


func (Int64) ConvertScalar

func (a Int64) ConvertScalar(t ScalarType) Scalar

func (Int64) Cos

func (c Int64) Cos(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int64) Cosh

func (c Int64) Cosh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int64) DIV

func (c Int64) DIV(a, b Int64) Int64


func (Int64) Div

func (c Int64) Div(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int64) EQUALS

func (a Int64) EQUALS(b Int64, epsilon float64) bool

import ""


func (Int64) EXP

func (c Int64) EXP(a Int64) Int64


func (Int64) Equals

func (a Int64) Equals(b ConstScalar, epsilon float64) bool


func (Int64) Erf

func (c Int64) Erf(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int64) Erfc

func (c Int64) Erfc(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int64) Exp

func (c Int64) Exp(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int64) GREATER

func (a Int64) GREATER(b Int64) bool


func (Int64) Gamma

func (c Int64) Gamma(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int64) GammaP

func (c Int64) GammaP(a float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int64) GetDerivative

func (a Int64) GetDerivative(i int) float64

func (Int64) GetFloat32

func (a Int64) GetFloat32() float32

func (Int64) GetFloat64

func (a Int64) GetFloat64() float64

func (Int64) GetHessian

func (a Int64) GetHessian(i, j int) float64

func (Int64) GetInt

func (a Int64) GetInt() int

func (Int64) GetInt16

func (a Int64) GetInt16() int16

func (Int64) GetInt32

func (a Int64) GetInt32() int32

func (Int64) GetInt64

func (a Int64) GetInt64() int64

func (Int64) GetInt8

func (a Int64) GetInt8() int8

read access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Int64) GetN

func (a Int64) GetN() int

func (Int64) GetOrder

func (a Int64) GetOrder() int

func (Int64) Greater

func (a Int64) Greater(b ConstScalar) bool


func (Int64) LOG

func (c Int64) LOG(a Int64) Int64

func (Int64) LOG1P

func (c Int64) LOG1P(a Int64) Int64

func (Int64) LOGADD

func (c Int64) LOGADD(a, b, t Int64) Int64


func (Int64) LOGSUB

func (c Int64) LOGSUB(a, b, t Int64) Int64

func (Int64) Lgamma

func (c Int64) Lgamma(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int64) Log

func (c Int64) Log(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int64) Log1p

func (c Int64) Log1p(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int64) Log1pExp

func (c Int64) Log1pExp(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int64) LogAdd

func (c Int64) LogAdd(a, b ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar


func (Int64) LogBesselI

func (c Int64) LogBesselI(v float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int64) LogErfc

func (c Int64) LogErfc(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int64) LogSmoothMax

func (r Int64) LogSmoothMax(x ConstVector, alpha ConstFloat64, t [3]Scalar) Scalar

func (Int64) LogSub

func (c Int64) LogSub(a, b ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar

func (Int64) Logistic

func (c Int64) Logistic(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int64) MAX

func (r Int64) MAX(a, b Int64) Scalar


func (Int64) MIN

func (r Int64) MIN(a, b Int64) Scalar


func (Int64) MUL

func (c Int64) MUL(a, b Int64) Int64


func (Int64) MarshalJSON

func (obj Int64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Int64) Max

func (r Int64) Max(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int64) Min

func (r Int64) Min(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int64) Mlgamma

func (c Int64) Mlgamma(a ConstScalar, k int) Scalar

func (Int64) Mnorm

func (r Int64) Mnorm(a ConstMatrix) Scalar

Frobenius norm.

func (Int64) Mtrace

func (r Int64) Mtrace(a ConstMatrix) Scalar

func (Int64) Mul

func (c Int64) Mul(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int64) NEG

func (c Int64) NEG(a Int64) Int64


func (Int64) Neg

func (c Int64) Neg(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int64) POW

func (c Int64) POW(a, k Int64) Int64


func (Int64) Pow

func (c Int64) Pow(a, k ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int64) Reset

func (a Int64) Reset()

write access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Int64) SET

func (a Int64) SET(b Int64)

func (Int64) SIGN

func (a Int64) SIGN() int


func (Int64) SMALLER

func (a Int64) SMALLER(b Int64) bool


func (Int64) SQRT

func (c Int64) SQRT(a Int64) Int64


func (Int64) SUB

func (c Int64) SUB(a, b Int64) Int64


func (Int64) Set

func (a Int64) Set(b ConstScalar)

Set the state to b. This includes the value and all derivatives.

func (Int64) SetFloat32

func (a Int64) SetFloat32(v float32)

func (Int64) SetFloat64

func (a Int64) SetFloat64(v float64)

func (Int64) SetInt

func (a Int64) SetInt(v int)

func (Int64) SetInt16

func (a Int64) SetInt16(v int16)

func (Int64) SetInt32

func (a Int64) SetInt32(v int32)

func (Int64) SetInt64

func (a Int64) SetInt64(v int64)

func (Int64) SetInt8

func (a Int64) SetInt8(v int8)

Set the value of the variable. All derivatives are reset to zero.

func (Int64) Sigmoid

func (c Int64) Sigmoid(a ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar

func (Int64) Sign

func (a Int64) Sign() int


func (Int64) Sin

func (c Int64) Sin(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int64) Sinh

func (c Int64) Sinh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int64) Smaller

func (a Int64) Smaller(b ConstScalar) bool


func (Int64) SmoothMax

func (r Int64) SmoothMax(x ConstVector, alpha ConstFloat64, t [2]Scalar) Scalar


func (Int64) Sqrt

func (c Int64) Sqrt(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int64) String

func (a Int64) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Int64) Sub

func (c Int64) Sub(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int64) Tan

func (c Int64) Tan(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int64) Tanh

func (c Int64) Tanh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int64) Type

func (a Int64) Type() ScalarType


func (Int64) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj Int64) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (Int64) VdotV

func (r Int64) VdotV(a, b ConstVector) Scalar

func (Int64) Vmean

func (r Int64) Vmean(a ConstVector) Scalar

func (Int64) Vnorm

func (r Int64) Vnorm(a ConstVector) Scalar

type Int8

type Int8 struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func NewInt8

func NewInt8(v int8) Int8

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullInt8

func NullInt8() Int8

func (Int8) ABS

func (c Int8) ABS(a Int8) Scalar


func (Int8) ADD

func (c Int8) ADD(a, b Int8) Int8


func (Int8) Abs

func (c Int8) Abs(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int8) Add

func (c Int8) Add(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int8) BesselI

func (c Int8) BesselI(v float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int8) Clone

func (a Int8) Clone() Int8


func (Int8) CloneConstScalar

func (a Int8) CloneConstScalar() ConstScalar

func (Int8) CloneScalar

func (a Int8) CloneScalar() Scalar

func (Int8) ConvertConstScalar

func (a Int8) ConvertConstScalar(t ScalarType) ConstScalar


func (Int8) ConvertScalar

func (a Int8) ConvertScalar(t ScalarType) Scalar

func (Int8) Cos

func (c Int8) Cos(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int8) Cosh

func (c Int8) Cosh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int8) DIV

func (c Int8) DIV(a, b Int8) Int8


func (Int8) Div

func (c Int8) Div(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int8) EQUALS

func (a Int8) EQUALS(b Int8, epsilon float64) bool

import ""


func (Int8) EXP

func (c Int8) EXP(a Int8) Int8


func (Int8) Equals

func (a Int8) Equals(b ConstScalar, epsilon float64) bool


func (Int8) Erf

func (c Int8) Erf(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int8) Erfc

func (c Int8) Erfc(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int8) Exp

func (c Int8) Exp(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int8) GREATER

func (a Int8) GREATER(b Int8) bool


func (Int8) Gamma

func (c Int8) Gamma(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int8) GammaP

func (c Int8) GammaP(a float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int8) GetDerivative

func (a Int8) GetDerivative(i int) float64

func (Int8) GetFloat32

func (a Int8) GetFloat32() float32

func (Int8) GetFloat64

func (a Int8) GetFloat64() float64

func (Int8) GetHessian

func (a Int8) GetHessian(i, j int) float64

func (Int8) GetInt

func (a Int8) GetInt() int

func (Int8) GetInt16

func (a Int8) GetInt16() int16

func (Int8) GetInt32

func (a Int8) GetInt32() int32

func (Int8) GetInt64

func (a Int8) GetInt64() int64

func (Int8) GetInt8

func (a Int8) GetInt8() int8

read access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Int8) GetN

func (a Int8) GetN() int

func (Int8) GetOrder

func (a Int8) GetOrder() int

func (Int8) Greater

func (a Int8) Greater(b ConstScalar) bool


func (Int8) LOG

func (c Int8) LOG(a Int8) Int8

func (Int8) LOG1P

func (c Int8) LOG1P(a Int8) Int8

func (Int8) LOGADD

func (c Int8) LOGADD(a, b, t Int8) Int8


func (Int8) LOGSUB

func (c Int8) LOGSUB(a, b, t Int8) Int8

func (Int8) Lgamma

func (c Int8) Lgamma(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int8) Log

func (c Int8) Log(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int8) Log1p

func (c Int8) Log1p(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int8) Log1pExp

func (c Int8) Log1pExp(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int8) LogAdd

func (c Int8) LogAdd(a, b ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar


func (Int8) LogBesselI

func (c Int8) LogBesselI(v float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int8) LogErfc

func (c Int8) LogErfc(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int8) LogSmoothMax

func (r Int8) LogSmoothMax(x ConstVector, alpha ConstFloat64, t [3]Scalar) Scalar

func (Int8) LogSub

func (c Int8) LogSub(a, b ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar

func (Int8) Logistic

func (c Int8) Logistic(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int8) MAX

func (r Int8) MAX(a, b Int8) Scalar


func (Int8) MIN

func (r Int8) MIN(a, b Int8) Scalar


func (Int8) MUL

func (c Int8) MUL(a, b Int8) Int8


func (Int8) MarshalJSON

func (obj Int8) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Int8) Max

func (r Int8) Max(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int8) Min

func (r Int8) Min(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int8) Mlgamma

func (c Int8) Mlgamma(a ConstScalar, k int) Scalar

func (Int8) Mnorm

func (r Int8) Mnorm(a ConstMatrix) Scalar

Frobenius norm.

func (Int8) Mtrace

func (r Int8) Mtrace(a ConstMatrix) Scalar

func (Int8) Mul

func (c Int8) Mul(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int8) NEG

func (c Int8) NEG(a Int8) Int8


func (Int8) Neg

func (c Int8) Neg(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int8) POW

func (c Int8) POW(a, k Int8) Int8


func (Int8) Pow

func (c Int8) Pow(a, k ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int8) Reset

func (a Int8) Reset()

write access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Int8) SET

func (a Int8) SET(b Int8)

func (Int8) SIGN

func (a Int8) SIGN() int


func (Int8) SMALLER

func (a Int8) SMALLER(b Int8) bool


func (Int8) SQRT

func (c Int8) SQRT(a Int8) Int8


func (Int8) SUB

func (c Int8) SUB(a, b Int8) Int8


func (Int8) Set

func (a Int8) Set(b ConstScalar)

Set the state to b. This includes the value and all derivatives.

func (Int8) SetFloat32

func (a Int8) SetFloat32(v float32)

func (Int8) SetFloat64

func (a Int8) SetFloat64(v float64)

func (Int8) SetInt

func (a Int8) SetInt(v int)

func (Int8) SetInt16

func (a Int8) SetInt16(v int16)

func (Int8) SetInt32

func (a Int8) SetInt32(v int32)

func (Int8) SetInt64

func (a Int8) SetInt64(v int64)

func (Int8) SetInt8

func (a Int8) SetInt8(v int8)

Set the value of the variable. All derivatives are reset to zero.

func (Int8) Sigmoid

func (c Int8) Sigmoid(a ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar

func (Int8) Sign

func (a Int8) Sign() int


func (Int8) Sin

func (c Int8) Sin(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int8) Sinh

func (c Int8) Sinh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int8) Smaller

func (a Int8) Smaller(b ConstScalar) bool


func (Int8) SmoothMax

func (r Int8) SmoothMax(x ConstVector, alpha ConstFloat64, t [2]Scalar) Scalar


func (Int8) Sqrt

func (c Int8) Sqrt(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int8) String

func (a Int8) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (Int8) Sub

func (c Int8) Sub(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (Int8) Tan

func (c Int8) Tan(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int8) Tanh

func (c Int8) Tanh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (Int8) Type

func (a Int8) Type() ScalarType


func (Int8) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj Int8) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (Int8) VdotV

func (r Int8) VdotV(a, b ConstVector) Scalar

func (Int8) Vmean

func (r Int8) Vmean(a ConstVector) Scalar

func (Int8) Vnorm

func (r Int8) Vnorm(a ConstVector) Scalar

type MagicMatrix

type MagicMatrix interface {

	CloneMagicMatrix() MagicMatrix
	MagicAt(i, j int) MagicScalar
	MagicSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) MagicMatrix
	MagicT() MagicMatrix
	AsMagicVector() MagicVector
	MagicIterator() MatrixMagicIterator
	MagicIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixMagicIterator
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

func AsDenseMagicMatrix

func AsDenseMagicMatrix(t ScalarType, m ConstMatrix) MagicMatrix

func AsSparseMagicMatrix

func AsSparseMagicMatrix(t ScalarType, m ConstMatrix) MagicMatrix

func DenseMagicIdentityMatrix

func DenseMagicIdentityMatrix(t ScalarType, dim int) MagicMatrix

func NullDenseMagicMatrix

func NullDenseMagicMatrix(t ScalarType, rows, cols int) MagicMatrix

func NullSparseMagicMatrix

func NullSparseMagicMatrix(t ScalarType, rows, cols int) MagicMatrix

func SparseMagicIdentityMatrix

func SparseMagicIdentityMatrix(t ScalarType, dim int) MagicMatrix

type MagicScalar

type MagicScalar interface {
	CloneMagicScalar() MagicScalar
	// magic write access
	SetDerivative(int, float64)
	SetHessian(int, int, float64)
	SetVariable(int, int, int) error
	// allocate memory for derivatives of n variables
	Alloc(int, int)
	// allocate enough memory for the derivatives of the given
	// variable(s) and copy the order
	AllocForTwo(ConstScalar, ConstScalar)
	// type reflections
	ConvertMagicScalar(ScalarType) MagicScalar

func NewMagicScalar

func NewMagicScalar(t ScalarType, value float64) MagicScalar

func NullMagicScalar

func NullMagicScalar(t ScalarType) MagicScalar

type MagicScalarContainer

type MagicScalarContainer interface {
	Variables(int) error

type MagicVector

type MagicVector interface {

	CloneMagicVector() MagicVector
	MagicAt(int) MagicScalar
	MagicSlice(i, j int) MagicVector
	AppendMagicScalar(...MagicScalar) MagicVector
	AppendMagicVector(MagicVector) MagicVector
	// type conversions
	AsMagicMatrix(n, m int) MagicMatrix
	// iterators
	MagicIterator() VectorMagicIterator
	MagicIteratorFrom(i int) VectorMagicIterator
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

func AsDenseMagicVector

func AsDenseMagicVector(t ScalarType, v ConstVector) MagicVector

func AsSparseMagicVector

func AsSparseMagicVector(t ScalarType, v ConstVector) MagicVector

func NullDenseMagicVector

func NullDenseMagicVector(t ScalarType, length int) MagicVector

func NullSparseMagicVector

func NullSparseMagicVector(t ScalarType, length int) MagicVector

type Matrix

type Matrix interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

func AsDenseMatrix

func AsDenseMatrix(t ScalarType, m ConstMatrix) Matrix

func AsSparseMatrix

func AsSparseMatrix(t ScalarType, m ConstMatrix) Matrix

func DenseIdentityMatrix

func DenseIdentityMatrix(t ScalarType, dim int) Matrix

func GetHessian

func GetHessian(t ScalarType, x ConstScalar) Matrix

func NullDenseMatrix

func NullDenseMatrix(t ScalarType, rows, cols int) Matrix

func NullSparseMatrix

func NullSparseMatrix(t ScalarType, rows, cols int) Matrix

func SparseIdentityMatrix

func SparseIdentityMatrix(t ScalarType, dim int) Matrix

type MatrixConstIterator

type MatrixConstIterator interface {
	CloneConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator
	GetConst() ConstScalar
	Ok() bool
	Index() (int, int)

type MatrixConstJointIterator

type MatrixConstJointIterator interface {
	CloneConstJointIterator() MatrixConstJointIterator
	GetConst() (ConstScalar, ConstScalar)
	Ok() bool
	Index() (int, int)

type MatrixIterator

type MatrixIterator interface {
	CloneIterator() MatrixIterator
	GetConst() ConstScalar
	Get() Scalar
	Ok() bool
	Index() (int, int)

type MatrixJointIterator

type MatrixJointIterator interface {
	CloneJointIterator() MatrixJointIterator
	GetConst() (ConstScalar, ConstScalar)
	Get() (Scalar, ConstScalar)
	Ok() bool
	Index() (int, int)

type MatrixMagicIterator

type MatrixMagicIterator interface {
	CloneMagicIterator() MatrixMagicIterator
	GetConst() ConstScalar
	GetMagic() MagicScalar
	Ok() bool
	Index() (int, int)

type Real32

type Real32 struct {
	Value      float32
	Order      int
	Derivative []float32
	Hessian    [][]float32
	N          int


func NewReal32

func NewReal32(v float32) *Real32
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Create a new real constant or variable.

func NullReal32

func NullReal32() *Real32

func (*Real32) ABS

func (c *Real32) ABS(a *Real32) Scalar


func (*Real32) ADD

func (c *Real32) ADD(a, b *Real32) *Real32


func (*Real32) Abs

func (c *Real32) Abs(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (*Real32) Add

func (c *Real32) Add(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (*Real32) Alloc

func (a *Real32) Alloc(n, order int)

Allocate memory for derivatives of n variables.

func (*Real32) AllocForOne

func (c *Real32) AllocForOne(a ConstScalar)

Allocate memory for the results of mathematical operations on the given variables.

func (*Real32) AllocForTwo

func (c *Real32) AllocForTwo(a, b ConstScalar)

func (*Real32) BesselI

func (c *Real32) BesselI(v float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real32) Clone

func (a *Real32) Clone() *Real32


func (*Real32) CloneConstScalar

func (a *Real32) CloneConstScalar() ConstScalar

func (*Real32) CloneMagicScalar

func (a *Real32) CloneMagicScalar() MagicScalar

func (*Real32) CloneScalar

func (a *Real32) CloneScalar() Scalar

func (*Real32) ConvertConstScalar

func (a *Real32) ConvertConstScalar(t ScalarType) ConstScalar

func (*Real32) ConvertMagicScalar

func (a *Real32) ConvertMagicScalar(t ScalarType) MagicScalar

func (*Real32) ConvertScalar

func (a *Real32) ConvertScalar(t ScalarType) Scalar

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*Real32) Cos

func (c *Real32) Cos(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real32) Cosh

func (c *Real32) Cosh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real32) DIV

func (c *Real32) DIV(a, b *Real32) *Real32


func (*Real32) Div

func (c *Real32) Div(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (*Real32) EQUALS

func (a *Real32) EQUALS(b *Real32, epsilon float64) bool

import ""


func (*Real32) EXP

func (c *Real32) EXP(a *Real32) *Real32


func (*Real32) Equals

func (a *Real32) Equals(b ConstScalar, epsilon float64) bool


func (*Real32) Erf

func (c *Real32) Erf(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real32) Erfc

func (c *Real32) Erfc(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real32) Exp

func (c *Real32) Exp(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real32) GREATER

func (a *Real32) GREATER(b *Real32) bool


func (*Real32) Gamma

func (c *Real32) Gamma(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real32) GammaP

func (c *Real32) GammaP(a float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real32) GetDerivative

func (a *Real32) GetDerivative(i int) float64

Returns the derivative of the ith variable.

func (*Real32) GetFloat32

func (a *Real32) GetFloat32() float32

func (*Real32) GetFloat64

func (a *Real32) GetFloat64() float64

func (*Real32) GetHessian

func (a *Real32) GetHessian(i, j int) float64

func (*Real32) GetInt

func (a *Real32) GetInt() int

func (*Real32) GetInt16

func (a *Real32) GetInt16() int16

func (*Real32) GetInt32

func (a *Real32) GetInt32() int32

func (*Real32) GetInt64

func (a *Real32) GetInt64() int64

func (*Real32) GetInt8

func (a *Real32) GetInt8() int8

read access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*Real32) GetLogValue

func (a *Real32) GetLogValue() float64

Returns the value of the variable on log scale.

func (*Real32) GetN

func (a *Real32) GetN() int

Number of variables for which derivates are stored.

func (*Real32) GetOrder

func (a *Real32) GetOrder() int

Indicates the maximal order of derivatives that are computed for this variable. `0' means no derivatives, `1' only the first derivative, and `2' the first and second derivative.

func (*Real32) Greater

func (a *Real32) Greater(b ConstScalar) bool


func (*Real32) LOG

func (c *Real32) LOG(a *Real32) *Real32

func (*Real32) LOG1P

func (c *Real32) LOG1P(a *Real32) *Real32

func (*Real32) LOGADD

func (c *Real32) LOGADD(a, b, t *Real32) *Real32


func (*Real32) LOGSUB

func (c *Real32) LOGSUB(a, b, t *Real32) *Real32

func (*Real32) Lgamma

func (c *Real32) Lgamma(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real32) Log

func (c *Real32) Log(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real32) Log1p

func (c *Real32) Log1p(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real32) Log1pExp

func (c *Real32) Log1pExp(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real32) LogAdd

func (c *Real32) LogAdd(a, b ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar


func (*Real32) LogBesselI

func (c *Real32) LogBesselI(v float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real32) LogErfc

func (c *Real32) LogErfc(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real32) LogSmoothMax

func (r *Real32) LogSmoothMax(x ConstVector, alpha ConstFloat64, t [3]Scalar) Scalar

func (*Real32) LogSub

func (c *Real32) LogSub(a, b ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar

func (*Real32) Logistic

func (c *Real32) Logistic(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real32) MAX

func (r *Real32) MAX(a, b *Real32) Scalar


func (*Real32) MIN

func (r *Real32) MIN(a, b *Real32) Scalar


func (*Real32) MUL

func (c *Real32) MUL(a, b *Real32) *Real32


func (*Real32) MarshalJSON

func (obj *Real32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*Real32) Max

func (r *Real32) Max(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (*Real32) Min

func (r *Real32) Min(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (*Real32) Mlgamma

func (c *Real32) Mlgamma(a ConstScalar, k int) Scalar

func (*Real32) Mnorm

func (r *Real32) Mnorm(a ConstMatrix) Scalar

Frobenius norm.

func (*Real32) Mtrace

func (r *Real32) Mtrace(a ConstMatrix) Scalar

func (*Real32) Mul

func (c *Real32) Mul(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (*Real32) NEG

func (c *Real32) NEG(a *Real32) *Real32


func (*Real32) Neg

func (c *Real32) Neg(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (*Real32) POW

func (c *Real32) POW(a, k *Real32) *Real32


func (*Real32) Pow

func (c *Real32) Pow(a, k ConstScalar) Scalar


func (*Real32) Reset

func (a *Real32) Reset()

write access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*Real32) ResetDerivatives

func (a *Real32) ResetDerivatives()

magic write access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*Real32) SET

func (a *Real32) SET(b *Real32)

func (*Real32) SIGN

func (a *Real32) SIGN() int


func (*Real32) SMALLER

func (a *Real32) SMALLER(b *Real32) bool


func (*Real32) SQRT

func (c *Real32) SQRT(a *Real32) *Real32


func (*Real32) SUB

func (c *Real32) SUB(a, b *Real32) *Real32


func (*Real32) Set

func (a *Real32) Set(b ConstScalar)

Set the state to b. This includes the value and all derivatives.

func (*Real32) SetDerivative

func (a *Real32) SetDerivative(i int, v float64)

Set the derivative of the ith variable to v.

func (*Real32) SetFloat32

func (a *Real32) SetFloat32(v float32)

func (*Real32) SetFloat64

func (a *Real32) SetFloat64(v float64)

func (*Real32) SetHessian

func (a *Real32) SetHessian(i, j int, v float64)

func (*Real32) SetInt

func (a *Real32) SetInt(v int)

func (*Real32) SetInt16

func (a *Real32) SetInt16(v int16)

func (*Real32) SetInt32

func (a *Real32) SetInt32(v int32)

func (*Real32) SetInt64

func (a *Real32) SetInt64(v int64)

func (*Real32) SetInt8

func (a *Real32) SetInt8(v int8)

Set the value of the variable. All derivatives are reset to zero.

func (*Real32) SetVariable

func (a *Real32) SetVariable(i, n, order int) error

Allocate memory for n variables and set the derivative of the ith variable to 1 (initial value).

func (*Real32) Sigmoid

func (c *Real32) Sigmoid(a ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar

func (*Real32) Sign

func (a *Real32) Sign() int


func (*Real32) Sin

func (c *Real32) Sin(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (*Real32) Sinh

func (c *Real32) Sinh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real32) Smaller

func (a *Real32) Smaller(b ConstScalar) bool


func (*Real32) SmoothMax

func (r *Real32) SmoothMax(x ConstVector, alpha ConstFloat64, t [2]Scalar) Scalar


func (*Real32) Sqrt

func (c *Real32) Sqrt(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (*Real32) String

func (a *Real32) String() string

stringer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*Real32) Sub

func (c *Real32) Sub(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (*Real32) Tan

func (c *Real32) Tan(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real32) Tanh

func (c *Real32) Tanh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real32) Type

func (a *Real32) Type() ScalarType


func (*Real32) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *Real32) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (*Real32) VdotV

func (r *Real32) VdotV(a, b ConstVector) Scalar

func (*Real32) Vmean

func (r *Real32) Vmean(a ConstVector) Scalar

func (*Real32) Vnorm

func (r *Real32) Vnorm(a ConstVector) Scalar

type Real64

type Real64 struct {
	Value      float64
	Order      int
	Derivative []float64
	Hessian    [][]float64
	N          int


func NewReal64

func NewReal64(v float64) *Real64
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Create a new real constant or variable.

func NullReal64

func NullReal64() *Real64

func (*Real64) ABS

func (c *Real64) ABS(a *Real64) Scalar


func (*Real64) ADD

func (c *Real64) ADD(a, b *Real64) *Real64


func (*Real64) Abs

func (c *Real64) Abs(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (*Real64) Add

func (c *Real64) Add(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (*Real64) Alloc

func (a *Real64) Alloc(n, order int)

Allocate memory for derivatives of n variables.

func (*Real64) AllocForOne

func (c *Real64) AllocForOne(a ConstScalar)

Allocate memory for the results of mathematical operations on the given variables.

func (*Real64) AllocForTwo

func (c *Real64) AllocForTwo(a, b ConstScalar)

func (*Real64) BesselI

func (c *Real64) BesselI(v float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real64) Clone

func (a *Real64) Clone() *Real64


func (*Real64) CloneConstScalar

func (a *Real64) CloneConstScalar() ConstScalar

func (*Real64) CloneMagicScalar

func (a *Real64) CloneMagicScalar() MagicScalar

func (*Real64) CloneScalar

func (a *Real64) CloneScalar() Scalar

func (*Real64) ConvertConstScalar

func (a *Real64) ConvertConstScalar(t ScalarType) ConstScalar

func (*Real64) ConvertMagicScalar

func (a *Real64) ConvertMagicScalar(t ScalarType) MagicScalar

func (*Real64) ConvertScalar

func (a *Real64) ConvertScalar(t ScalarType) Scalar

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*Real64) Cos

func (c *Real64) Cos(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real64) Cosh

func (c *Real64) Cosh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real64) DIV

func (c *Real64) DIV(a, b *Real64) *Real64


func (*Real64) Div

func (c *Real64) Div(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (*Real64) EQUALS

func (a *Real64) EQUALS(b *Real64, epsilon float64) bool

import ""


func (*Real64) EXP

func (c *Real64) EXP(a *Real64) *Real64


func (*Real64) Equals

func (a *Real64) Equals(b ConstScalar, epsilon float64) bool


func (*Real64) Erf

func (c *Real64) Erf(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real64) Erfc

func (c *Real64) Erfc(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real64) Exp

func (c *Real64) Exp(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real64) GREATER

func (a *Real64) GREATER(b *Real64) bool


func (*Real64) Gamma

func (c *Real64) Gamma(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real64) GammaP

func (c *Real64) GammaP(a float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real64) GetDerivative

func (a *Real64) GetDerivative(i int) float64

Returns the derivative of the ith variable.

func (*Real64) GetFloat32

func (a *Real64) GetFloat32() float32

func (*Real64) GetFloat64

func (a *Real64) GetFloat64() float64

func (*Real64) GetHessian

func (a *Real64) GetHessian(i, j int) float64

func (*Real64) GetInt

func (a *Real64) GetInt() int

func (*Real64) GetInt16

func (a *Real64) GetInt16() int16

func (*Real64) GetInt32

func (a *Real64) GetInt32() int32

func (*Real64) GetInt64

func (a *Real64) GetInt64() int64

func (*Real64) GetInt8

func (a *Real64) GetInt8() int8

read access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*Real64) GetLogValue

func (a *Real64) GetLogValue() float64

Returns the value of the variable on log scale.

func (*Real64) GetN

func (a *Real64) GetN() int

Number of variables for which derivates are stored.

func (*Real64) GetOrder

func (a *Real64) GetOrder() int

Indicates the maximal order of derivatives that are computed for this variable. `0' means no derivatives, `1' only the first derivative, and `2' the first and second derivative.

func (*Real64) Greater

func (a *Real64) Greater(b ConstScalar) bool


func (*Real64) LOG

func (c *Real64) LOG(a *Real64) *Real64

func (*Real64) LOG1P

func (c *Real64) LOG1P(a *Real64) *Real64

func (*Real64) LOGADD

func (c *Real64) LOGADD(a, b, t *Real64) *Real64


func (*Real64) LOGSUB

func (c *Real64) LOGSUB(a, b, t *Real64) *Real64

func (*Real64) Lgamma

func (c *Real64) Lgamma(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real64) Log

func (c *Real64) Log(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real64) Log1p

func (c *Real64) Log1p(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real64) Log1pExp

func (c *Real64) Log1pExp(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real64) LogAdd

func (c *Real64) LogAdd(a, b ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar


func (*Real64) LogBesselI

func (c *Real64) LogBesselI(v float64, b ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real64) LogErfc

func (c *Real64) LogErfc(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real64) LogSmoothMax

func (r *Real64) LogSmoothMax(x ConstVector, alpha ConstFloat64, t [3]Scalar) Scalar

func (*Real64) LogSub

func (c *Real64) LogSub(a, b ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar

func (*Real64) Logistic

func (c *Real64) Logistic(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real64) MAX

func (r *Real64) MAX(a, b *Real64) Scalar


func (*Real64) MIN

func (r *Real64) MIN(a, b *Real64) Scalar


func (*Real64) MUL

func (c *Real64) MUL(a, b *Real64) *Real64


func (*Real64) MarshalJSON

func (obj *Real64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*Real64) Max

func (r *Real64) Max(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (*Real64) Min

func (r *Real64) Min(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (*Real64) Mlgamma

func (c *Real64) Mlgamma(a ConstScalar, k int) Scalar

func (*Real64) Mnorm

func (r *Real64) Mnorm(a ConstMatrix) Scalar

Frobenius norm.

func (*Real64) Mtrace

func (r *Real64) Mtrace(a ConstMatrix) Scalar

func (*Real64) Mul

func (c *Real64) Mul(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (*Real64) NEG

func (c *Real64) NEG(a *Real64) *Real64


func (*Real64) Neg

func (c *Real64) Neg(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (*Real64) POW

func (c *Real64) POW(a, k *Real64) *Real64


func (*Real64) Pow

func (c *Real64) Pow(a, k ConstScalar) Scalar


func (*Real64) Reset

func (a *Real64) Reset()

write access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*Real64) ResetDerivatives

func (a *Real64) ResetDerivatives()

magic write access * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*Real64) SET

func (a *Real64) SET(b *Real64)

func (*Real64) SIGN

func (a *Real64) SIGN() int


func (*Real64) SMALLER

func (a *Real64) SMALLER(b *Real64) bool


func (*Real64) SQRT

func (c *Real64) SQRT(a *Real64) *Real64


func (*Real64) SUB

func (c *Real64) SUB(a, b *Real64) *Real64


func (*Real64) Set

func (a *Real64) Set(b ConstScalar)

Set the state to b. This includes the value and all derivatives.

func (*Real64) SetDerivative

func (a *Real64) SetDerivative(i int, v float64)

Set the derivative of the ith variable to v.

func (*Real64) SetFloat32

func (a *Real64) SetFloat32(v float32)

func (*Real64) SetFloat64

func (a *Real64) SetFloat64(v float64)

func (*Real64) SetHessian

func (a *Real64) SetHessian(i, j int, v float64)

func (*Real64) SetInt

func (a *Real64) SetInt(v int)

func (*Real64) SetInt16

func (a *Real64) SetInt16(v int16)

func (*Real64) SetInt32

func (a *Real64) SetInt32(v int32)

func (*Real64) SetInt64

func (a *Real64) SetInt64(v int64)

func (*Real64) SetInt8

func (a *Real64) SetInt8(v int8)

Set the value of the variable. All derivatives are reset to zero.

func (*Real64) SetVariable

func (a *Real64) SetVariable(i, n, order int) error

Allocate memory for n variables and set the derivative of the ith variable to 1 (initial value).

func (*Real64) Sigmoid

func (c *Real64) Sigmoid(a ConstScalar, t Scalar) Scalar

func (*Real64) Sign

func (a *Real64) Sign() int


func (*Real64) Sin

func (c *Real64) Sin(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (*Real64) Sinh

func (c *Real64) Sinh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real64) Smaller

func (a *Real64) Smaller(b ConstScalar) bool


func (*Real64) SmoothMax

func (r *Real64) SmoothMax(x ConstVector, alpha ConstFloat64, t [2]Scalar) Scalar


func (*Real64) Sqrt

func (c *Real64) Sqrt(a ConstScalar) Scalar


func (*Real64) String

func (a *Real64) String() string

stringer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*Real64) Sub

func (c *Real64) Sub(a, b ConstScalar) Scalar


func (*Real64) Tan

func (c *Real64) Tan(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real64) Tanh

func (c *Real64) Tanh(a ConstScalar) Scalar

func (*Real64) Type

func (a *Real64) Type() ScalarType


func (*Real64) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *Real64) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (*Real64) VdotV

func (r *Real64) VdotV(a, b ConstVector) Scalar

func (*Real64) Vmean

func (r *Real64) Vmean(a ConstVector) Scalar

func (*Real64) Vnorm

func (r *Real64) Vnorm(a ConstVector) Scalar

type Scalar

type Scalar interface {
	// clone methods
	CloneScalar() Scalar
	// write access

	// type reflections
	ConvertScalar(ScalarType) Scalar
	// some basic operations on scalars
	Min(ConstScalar, ConstScalar) Scalar
	Max(ConstScalar, ConstScalar) Scalar
	Abs(ConstScalar) Scalar
	Neg(ConstScalar) Scalar
	Add(ConstScalar, ConstScalar) Scalar
	Sub(ConstScalar, ConstScalar) Scalar
	Mul(ConstScalar, ConstScalar) Scalar
	Div(ConstScalar, ConstScalar) Scalar
	// add/substract the first two variables on log-scale,
	// take the third argument as a temporary variable
	LogAdd(ConstScalar, ConstScalar, Scalar) Scalar
	LogSub(ConstScalar, ConstScalar, Scalar) Scalar
	Log1pExp(ConstScalar) Scalar
	Sigmoid(ConstScalar, Scalar) Scalar
	Pow(ConstScalar, ConstScalar) Scalar
	Sqrt(ConstScalar) Scalar
	Sin(ConstScalar) Scalar
	Sinh(ConstScalar) Scalar
	Cos(ConstScalar) Scalar
	Cosh(ConstScalar) Scalar
	Tan(ConstScalar) Scalar
	Tanh(ConstScalar) Scalar
	Exp(ConstScalar) Scalar
	Log(ConstScalar) Scalar
	Log1p(ConstScalar) Scalar
	Logistic(ConstScalar) Scalar
	Erf(ConstScalar) Scalar
	Erfc(ConstScalar) Scalar
	LogErfc(ConstScalar) Scalar
	Gamma(ConstScalar) Scalar
	Lgamma(ConstScalar) Scalar
	Mlgamma(ConstScalar, int) Scalar     // multivariate log gamma
	GammaP(float64, ConstScalar) Scalar  // regularized lower incomplete gamma
	BesselI(float64, ConstScalar) Scalar // modified bessel function of the first kind
	// vector operations
	SmoothMax(x ConstVector, alpha ConstFloat64, t [2]Scalar) Scalar
	LogSmoothMax(x ConstVector, alpha ConstFloat64, t [3]Scalar) Scalar
	Vmean(a ConstVector) Scalar
	VdotV(a, b ConstVector) Scalar
	Vnorm(a ConstVector) Scalar
	Mnorm(a ConstMatrix) Scalar
	Mtrace(a ConstMatrix) Scalar
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

func NewScalar

func NewScalar(t ScalarType, value float64) Scalar

func NullScalar

func NullScalar(t ScalarType) Scalar

type ScalarContainer

type ScalarContainer interface {
	Map(f func(Scalar))
	MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

type ScalarType

type ScalarType reflect.Type

this allows to idenfity the type of a scalar

var ConstFloat32Type ScalarType = NewConstFloat32(0.0).Type()

register scalar type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

var ConstFloat64Type ScalarType = NewConstFloat64(0.0).Type()

register scalar type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

var ConstInt16Type ScalarType = NewConstInt16(0.0).Type()

register scalar type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

var ConstInt32Type ScalarType = NewConstInt32(0.0).Type()

register scalar type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

var ConstInt64Type ScalarType = NewConstInt64(0.0).Type()

register scalar type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

var ConstInt8Type ScalarType = NewConstInt8(0.0).Type()

register scalar type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

var ConstIntType ScalarType = NewConstInt(0.0).Type()

register scalar type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

var Float32Type ScalarType = (Float32{}).Type()

register scalar type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

var Float64Type ScalarType = (Float64{}).Type()

register scalar type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

var Int16Type ScalarType = (Int16{}).Type()

register scalar type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

var Int32Type ScalarType = (Int32{}).Type()

register scalar type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

var Int64Type ScalarType = (Int64{}).Type()

register scalar type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

var Int8Type ScalarType = (Int8{}).Type()

register scalar type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

var IntType ScalarType = (Int{}).Type()

register scalar type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

var Real32Type ScalarType = NewReal32(0.0).Type()

register scalar type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

var Real64Type ScalarType = NewReal64(0.0).Type()

register scalar type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

type SparseConstFloat32Vector

type SparseConstFloat32Vector struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

vector type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseConstFloat32Vector

func AsSparseConstFloat32Vector(v ConstVector) SparseConstFloat32Vector

Convert vector type.

func NewSparseConstFloat32Vector

func NewSparseConstFloat32Vector(indices []int, values []float32, n int) SparseConstFloat32Vector

Allocate a new vector. Scalars are set to the given values.

func UnsafeSparseConstFloat32Vector

func UnsafeSparseConstFloat32Vector(indices []int, values []float32, n int) SparseConstFloat32Vector

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) AsConstMatrix

func (obj SparseConstFloat32Vector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) Clone

cloning * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) CloneConstVector

func (obj SparseConstFloat32Vector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) ConstAt

func (obj SparseConstFloat32Vector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) ConstIterator

func (obj SparseConstFloat32Vector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj SparseConstFloat32Vector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) ConstJointIterator

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) ConstSlice

func (obj SparseConstFloat32Vector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) CreateIndex

func (obj SparseConstFloat32Vector) CreateIndex()

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) Dim

func (obj SparseConstFloat32Vector) Dim() int

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) ElementType

func (obj SparseConstFloat32Vector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) Equals

func (a SparseConstFloat32Vector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) First

func (obj SparseConstFloat32Vector) First() (int, ConstFloat32)

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) Float32At

func (obj SparseConstFloat32Vector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) Float64At

func (obj SparseConstFloat32Vector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) GetSparseIndices

func (obj SparseConstFloat32Vector) GetSparseIndices() []int

methods specific to this type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) GetSparseValues

func (obj SparseConstFloat32Vector) GetSparseValues() []float32

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) ITERATOR

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) Int16At

func (obj SparseConstFloat32Vector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) Int32At

func (obj SparseConstFloat32Vector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) Int64At

func (obj SparseConstFloat32Vector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) Int8At

func (obj SparseConstFloat32Vector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) IntAt

func (obj SparseConstFloat32Vector) IntAt(i int) int

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) Last

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) MarshalJSON

func (obj SparseConstFloat32Vector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) Reduce

imlement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) String

func (obj SparseConstFloat32Vector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstFloat32Vector) Table

func (obj SparseConstFloat32Vector) Table() string

type SparseConstFloat32VectorIterator

type SparseConstFloat32VectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseConstFloat32VectorIterator) Clone

func (*SparseConstFloat32VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseConstFloat32VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseConstFloat32VectorIterator) GET

func (*SparseConstFloat32VectorIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseConstFloat32VectorIterator) Index

func (*SparseConstFloat32VectorIterator) Next

func (*SparseConstFloat32VectorIterator) Ok

type SparseConstFloat32VectorJointIterator

type SparseConstFloat32VectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseConstFloat32VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseConstFloat32VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseConstFloat32VectorJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseConstFloat32VectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseConstFloat32VectorJointIterator) Index

func (*SparseConstFloat32VectorJointIterator) Next

func (*SparseConstFloat32VectorJointIterator) Ok

type SparseConstFloat64Vector

type SparseConstFloat64Vector struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

vector type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseConstFloat64Vector

func AsSparseConstFloat64Vector(v ConstVector) SparseConstFloat64Vector

Convert vector type.

func NewSparseConstFloat64Vector

func NewSparseConstFloat64Vector(indices []int, values []float64, n int) SparseConstFloat64Vector

Allocate a new vector. Scalars are set to the given values.

func UnsafeSparseConstFloat64Vector

func UnsafeSparseConstFloat64Vector(indices []int, values []float64, n int) SparseConstFloat64Vector

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) AsConstMatrix

func (obj SparseConstFloat64Vector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) Clone

cloning * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) CloneConstVector

func (obj SparseConstFloat64Vector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) ConstAt

func (obj SparseConstFloat64Vector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) ConstIterator

func (obj SparseConstFloat64Vector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj SparseConstFloat64Vector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) ConstJointIterator

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) ConstSlice

func (obj SparseConstFloat64Vector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) CreateIndex

func (obj SparseConstFloat64Vector) CreateIndex()

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) Dim

func (obj SparseConstFloat64Vector) Dim() int

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) ElementType

func (obj SparseConstFloat64Vector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) Equals

func (a SparseConstFloat64Vector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) First

func (obj SparseConstFloat64Vector) First() (int, ConstFloat64)

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) Float32At

func (obj SparseConstFloat64Vector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) Float64At

func (obj SparseConstFloat64Vector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) GetSparseIndices

func (obj SparseConstFloat64Vector) GetSparseIndices() []int

methods specific to this type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) GetSparseValues

func (obj SparseConstFloat64Vector) GetSparseValues() []float64

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) ITERATOR

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) Int16At

func (obj SparseConstFloat64Vector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) Int32At

func (obj SparseConstFloat64Vector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) Int64At

func (obj SparseConstFloat64Vector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) Int8At

func (obj SparseConstFloat64Vector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) IntAt

func (obj SparseConstFloat64Vector) IntAt(i int) int

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) Last

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) MarshalJSON

func (obj SparseConstFloat64Vector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) Reduce

imlement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) String

func (obj SparseConstFloat64Vector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstFloat64Vector) Table

func (obj SparseConstFloat64Vector) Table() string

type SparseConstFloat64VectorIterator

type SparseConstFloat64VectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseConstFloat64VectorIterator) Clone

func (*SparseConstFloat64VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseConstFloat64VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseConstFloat64VectorIterator) GET

func (*SparseConstFloat64VectorIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseConstFloat64VectorIterator) Index

func (*SparseConstFloat64VectorIterator) Next

func (*SparseConstFloat64VectorIterator) Ok

type SparseConstFloat64VectorJointIterator

type SparseConstFloat64VectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseConstFloat64VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseConstFloat64VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseConstFloat64VectorJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseConstFloat64VectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseConstFloat64VectorJointIterator) Index

func (*SparseConstFloat64VectorJointIterator) Next

func (*SparseConstFloat64VectorJointIterator) Ok

type SparseConstInt16Vector

type SparseConstInt16Vector struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

vector type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseConstInt16Vector

func AsSparseConstInt16Vector(v ConstVector) SparseConstInt16Vector

Convert vector type.

func NewSparseConstInt16Vector

func NewSparseConstInt16Vector(indices []int, values []int16, n int) SparseConstInt16Vector

Allocate a new vector. Scalars are set to the given values.

func UnsafeSparseConstInt16Vector

func UnsafeSparseConstInt16Vector(indices []int, values []int16, n int) SparseConstInt16Vector

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) AsConstMatrix

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) Clone

cloning * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) CloneConstVector

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) ConstAt

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) ConstIterator

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) ConstJointIterator

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) ConstSlice

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) CreateIndex

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) CreateIndex()

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) Dim

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) Dim() int

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) ElementType

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) Equals

func (a SparseConstInt16Vector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) First

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) First() (int, ConstInt16)

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) Float32At

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) Float64At

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) GetSparseIndices

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) GetSparseIndices() []int

methods specific to this type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) GetSparseValues

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) GetSparseValues() []int16

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) ITERATOR

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) Int16At

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) Int32At

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) Int64At

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) Int8At

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) IntAt

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) IntAt(i int) int

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) Last

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) Last() (int, ConstInt16)

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) MarshalJSON

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) Reduce

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

imlement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) String

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt16Vector) Table

func (obj SparseConstInt16Vector) Table() string

type SparseConstInt16VectorIterator

type SparseConstInt16VectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseConstInt16VectorIterator) Clone

func (*SparseConstInt16VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseConstInt16VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseConstInt16VectorIterator) GET

func (*SparseConstInt16VectorIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseConstInt16VectorIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseConstInt16VectorIterator) Index() int

func (*SparseConstInt16VectorIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseConstInt16VectorIterator) Next()

func (*SparseConstInt16VectorIterator) Ok

type SparseConstInt16VectorJointIterator

type SparseConstInt16VectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseConstInt16VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseConstInt16VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseConstInt16VectorJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseConstInt16VectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseConstInt16VectorJointIterator) Index

func (*SparseConstInt16VectorJointIterator) Next

func (*SparseConstInt16VectorJointIterator) Ok

type SparseConstInt32Vector

type SparseConstInt32Vector struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

vector type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseConstInt32Vector

func AsSparseConstInt32Vector(v ConstVector) SparseConstInt32Vector

Convert vector type.

func NewSparseConstInt32Vector

func NewSparseConstInt32Vector(indices []int, values []int32, n int) SparseConstInt32Vector

Allocate a new vector. Scalars are set to the given values.

func UnsafeSparseConstInt32Vector

func UnsafeSparseConstInt32Vector(indices []int, values []int32, n int) SparseConstInt32Vector

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) AsConstMatrix

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) Clone

cloning * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) CloneConstVector

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) ConstAt

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) ConstIterator

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) ConstJointIterator

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) ConstSlice

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) CreateIndex

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) CreateIndex()

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) Dim

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) Dim() int

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) ElementType

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) Equals

func (a SparseConstInt32Vector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) First

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) First() (int, ConstInt32)

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) Float32At

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) Float64At

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) GetSparseIndices

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) GetSparseIndices() []int

methods specific to this type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) GetSparseValues

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) GetSparseValues() []int32

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) ITERATOR

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) Int16At

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) Int32At

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) Int64At

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) Int8At

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) IntAt

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) IntAt(i int) int

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) Last

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) Last() (int, ConstInt32)

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) MarshalJSON

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) Reduce

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

imlement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) String

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt32Vector) Table

func (obj SparseConstInt32Vector) Table() string

type SparseConstInt32VectorIterator

type SparseConstInt32VectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseConstInt32VectorIterator) Clone

func (*SparseConstInt32VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseConstInt32VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseConstInt32VectorIterator) GET

func (*SparseConstInt32VectorIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseConstInt32VectorIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseConstInt32VectorIterator) Index() int

func (*SparseConstInt32VectorIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseConstInt32VectorIterator) Next()

func (*SparseConstInt32VectorIterator) Ok

type SparseConstInt32VectorJointIterator

type SparseConstInt32VectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseConstInt32VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseConstInt32VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseConstInt32VectorJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseConstInt32VectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseConstInt32VectorJointIterator) Index

func (*SparseConstInt32VectorJointIterator) Next

func (*SparseConstInt32VectorJointIterator) Ok

type SparseConstInt64Vector

type SparseConstInt64Vector struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

vector type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseConstInt64Vector

func AsSparseConstInt64Vector(v ConstVector) SparseConstInt64Vector

Convert vector type.

func NewSparseConstInt64Vector

func NewSparseConstInt64Vector(indices []int, values []int64, n int) SparseConstInt64Vector

Allocate a new vector. Scalars are set to the given values.

func UnsafeSparseConstInt64Vector

func UnsafeSparseConstInt64Vector(indices []int, values []int64, n int) SparseConstInt64Vector

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) AsConstMatrix

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) Clone

cloning * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) CloneConstVector

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) ConstAt

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) ConstIterator

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) ConstJointIterator

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) ConstSlice

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) CreateIndex

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) CreateIndex()

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) Dim

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) Dim() int

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) ElementType

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) Equals

func (a SparseConstInt64Vector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) First

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) First() (int, ConstInt64)

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) Float32At

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) Float64At

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) GetSparseIndices

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) GetSparseIndices() []int

methods specific to this type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) GetSparseValues

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) GetSparseValues() []int64

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) ITERATOR

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) Int16At

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) Int32At

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) Int64At

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) Int8At

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) IntAt

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) IntAt(i int) int

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) Last

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) Last() (int, ConstInt64)

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) MarshalJSON

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) Reduce

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

imlement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) String

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt64Vector) Table

func (obj SparseConstInt64Vector) Table() string

type SparseConstInt64VectorIterator

type SparseConstInt64VectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseConstInt64VectorIterator) Clone

func (*SparseConstInt64VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseConstInt64VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseConstInt64VectorIterator) GET

func (*SparseConstInt64VectorIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseConstInt64VectorIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseConstInt64VectorIterator) Index() int

func (*SparseConstInt64VectorIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseConstInt64VectorIterator) Next()

func (*SparseConstInt64VectorIterator) Ok

type SparseConstInt64VectorJointIterator

type SparseConstInt64VectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseConstInt64VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseConstInt64VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseConstInt64VectorJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseConstInt64VectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseConstInt64VectorJointIterator) Index

func (*SparseConstInt64VectorJointIterator) Next

func (*SparseConstInt64VectorJointIterator) Ok

type SparseConstInt8Vector

type SparseConstInt8Vector struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

vector type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseConstInt8Vector

func AsSparseConstInt8Vector(v ConstVector) SparseConstInt8Vector

Convert vector type.

func NewSparseConstInt8Vector

func NewSparseConstInt8Vector(indices []int, values []int8, n int) SparseConstInt8Vector

Allocate a new vector. Scalars are set to the given values.

func UnsafeSparseConstInt8Vector

func UnsafeSparseConstInt8Vector(indices []int, values []int8, n int) SparseConstInt8Vector

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) AsConstMatrix

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) Clone

cloning * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) CloneConstVector

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) ConstAt

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) ConstIterator

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) ConstJointIterator

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) ConstSlice

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) CreateIndex

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) CreateIndex()

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) Dim

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) Dim() int

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) ElementType

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) Equals

func (a SparseConstInt8Vector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) First

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) First() (int, ConstInt8)

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) Float32At

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) Float64At

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) GetSparseIndices

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) GetSparseIndices() []int

methods specific to this type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) GetSparseValues

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) GetSparseValues() []int8

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) ITERATOR

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) Int16At

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) Int32At

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) Int64At

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) Int8At

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) IntAt

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) IntAt(i int) int

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) Last

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) Last() (int, ConstInt8)

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) MarshalJSON

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) Reduce

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

imlement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) String

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstInt8Vector) Table

func (obj SparseConstInt8Vector) Table() string

type SparseConstInt8VectorIterator

type SparseConstInt8VectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseConstInt8VectorIterator) Clone

func (*SparseConstInt8VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseConstInt8VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseConstInt8VectorIterator) GET

func (*SparseConstInt8VectorIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseConstInt8VectorIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseConstInt8VectorIterator) Index() int

func (*SparseConstInt8VectorIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseConstInt8VectorIterator) Next()

func (*SparseConstInt8VectorIterator) Ok

type SparseConstInt8VectorJointIterator

type SparseConstInt8VectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseConstInt8VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseConstInt8VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseConstInt8VectorJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseConstInt8VectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseConstInt8VectorJointIterator) Index

func (*SparseConstInt8VectorJointIterator) Next

func (*SparseConstInt8VectorJointIterator) Ok

type SparseConstIntVector

type SparseConstIntVector struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

vector type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseConstIntVector

func AsSparseConstIntVector(v ConstVector) SparseConstIntVector

Convert vector type.

func NewSparseConstIntVector

func NewSparseConstIntVector(indices []int, values []int, n int) SparseConstIntVector

Allocate a new vector. Scalars are set to the given values.

func UnsafeSparseConstIntVector

func UnsafeSparseConstIntVector(indices []int, values []int, n int) SparseConstIntVector

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstIntVector) AsConstMatrix

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (SparseConstIntVector) Clone

cloning * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstIntVector) CloneConstVector

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstIntVector) ConstAt

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (SparseConstIntVector) ConstIterator

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstIntVector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (SparseConstIntVector) ConstJointIterator

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) ConstJointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorConstJointIterator

func (SparseConstIntVector) ConstSlice

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (SparseConstIntVector) CreateIndex

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) CreateIndex()

func (SparseConstIntVector) Dim

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) Dim() int

func (SparseConstIntVector) ElementType

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (SparseConstIntVector) Equals

func (a SparseConstIntVector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (SparseConstIntVector) First

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) First() (int, ConstInt)

func (SparseConstIntVector) Float32At

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (SparseConstIntVector) Float64At

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (SparseConstIntVector) GetSparseIndices

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) GetSparseIndices() []int

methods specific to this type * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstIntVector) GetSparseValues

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) GetSparseValues() []int

func (SparseConstIntVector) ITERATOR

func (SparseConstIntVector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (SparseConstIntVector) Int16At

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (SparseConstIntVector) Int32At

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (SparseConstIntVector) Int64At

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (SparseConstIntVector) Int8At

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (SparseConstIntVector) IntAt

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) IntAt(i int) int

func (SparseConstIntVector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (SparseConstIntVector) Last

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) Last() (int, ConstInt)

func (SparseConstIntVector) MarshalJSON

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstIntVector) Reduce

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

imlement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstIntVector) String

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (SparseConstIntVector) Table

func (obj SparseConstIntVector) Table() string

type SparseConstIntVectorIterator

type SparseConstIntVectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseConstIntVectorIterator) Clone

func (*SparseConstIntVectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseConstIntVectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseConstIntVectorIterator) GET

func (*SparseConstIntVectorIterator) GetConst

func (obj *SparseConstIntVectorIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*SparseConstIntVectorIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseConstIntVectorIterator) Index() int

func (*SparseConstIntVectorIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseConstIntVectorIterator) Next()

func (*SparseConstIntVectorIterator) Ok

type SparseConstIntVectorJointIterator

type SparseConstIntVectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseConstIntVectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseConstIntVectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseConstIntVectorJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseConstIntVectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseConstIntVectorJointIterator) Index

func (*SparseConstIntVectorJointIterator) Next

func (*SparseConstIntVectorJointIterator) Ok

type SparseFloat32Matrix

type SparseFloat32Matrix struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

matrix type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseFloat32Matrix

func AsSparseFloat32Matrix(matrix ConstMatrix) *SparseFloat32Matrix

func NewSparseFloat32Matrix

func NewSparseFloat32Matrix(rowIndices, colIndices []int, values []float32, rows, cols int) *SparseFloat32Matrix

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullSparseFloat32Matrix

func NullSparseFloat32Matrix(rows, cols int) *SparseFloat32Matrix

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) AT

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) AT(i, j int) Float32

native matrix methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) AsConstVector

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) AsConstVector() ConstVector

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) AsSparseFloat32Vector

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) AsSparseFloat32Vector() *SparseFloat32Vector

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) AsVector

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) AsVector() Vector

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) At

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) At(i, j int) Scalar

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) COL

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Clone

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) Clone() *SparseFloat32Matrix
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Clone matrix including data.

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) CloneConstMatrix

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) CloneConstMatrix() ConstMatrix

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) CloneMatrix

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) CloneMatrix() Matrix

matrix interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Col

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) Col(j int) Vector

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) ConstAt

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) ConstAt(i, j int) ConstScalar

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) ConstCol

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) ConstCol(i int) ConstVector

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) ConstDiag

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) ConstDiag() ConstVector

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) ConstIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat32Matrix) ConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseFloat32Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixConstIterator

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) ConstRow

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) ConstRow(i int) ConstVector

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) ConstSlice

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) ConstSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) ConstMatrix

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) DIAG

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) DIAG() *SparseFloat32Vector

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Diag

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) Diag() Vector

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Dims

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) Dims() (int, int)

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) ElementType

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Equals

func (a *SparseFloat32Matrix) Equals(b ConstMatrix, epsilon float64) bool

import "fmt"


True if matrix a equals b.

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Export

func (m *SparseFloat32Matrix) Export(filename string) error

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Float32At

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) Float32At(i, j int) float32

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Float64At

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) Float64At(i, j int) float64

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Hessian

Compute the Hessian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) ITERATOR

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj *SparseFloat32Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM(i, j int) *SparseFloat32MatrixIterator

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Import

func (m *SparseFloat32Matrix) Import(filename string) error

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Int16At

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) Int16At(i, j int) int16

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Int32At

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) Int32At(i, j int) int32

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Int64At

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) Int64At(i, j int) int64

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Int8At

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) Int8At(i, j int) int8

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) IntAt

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) IntAt(i, j int) int

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) IsSymmetric

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) IsSymmetric(epsilon float64) bool

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Iterator

func (obj *SparseFloat32Matrix) Iterator() MatrixIterator

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) IteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseFloat32Matrix) IteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixIterator

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) JOINT3_ITERATOR

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Jacobian


Compute the Jacobian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) JointIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat32Matrix) JointIterator(b ConstMatrix) MatrixJointIterator

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) MaddM

func (r *SparseFloat32Matrix) MaddM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise addition of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) MaddS


Add scalar b to all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Map

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) Map(f func(Scalar))

implement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) MapSet

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) MarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseFloat32Matrix) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) MdivM

func (r *SparseFloat32Matrix) MdivM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise division of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) MdivS


Divide all elements of a by b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) MdotM

func (r *SparseFloat32Matrix) MdotM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) MmulM

func (r *SparseFloat32Matrix) MmulM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise multiplication of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) MmulS


Multiply all elements of a with b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) MsubM

func (r *SparseFloat32Matrix) MsubM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise substraction of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) MsubS


Substract b from all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Outer

func (r *SparseFloat32Matrix) Outer(a, b ConstVector) Matrix

Outer product of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) PermuteColumns

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) PermuteColumns(pi []int) error

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) PermuteRows

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) PermuteRows(pi []int) error

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) ROW

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Reduce

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Reset

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) Reset()

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Row

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) Row(i int) Vector

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) SLICE

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) SLICE(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) *SparseFloat32Matrix

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Set

func (a *SparseFloat32Matrix) Set(b ConstMatrix)

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) SetIdentity

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) SetIdentity()

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Slice

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) Slice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) Matrix

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) String

func (m *SparseFloat32Matrix) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Swap

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) Swap(i1, j1, i2, j2 int)

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) SwapColumns

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) SwapColumns(i, j int) error

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) SwapRows

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) SwapRows(i, j int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) SymmetricPermutation

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) SymmetricPermutation(pi []int) error

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) T

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) T() Matrix

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Table

func (a *SparseFloat32Matrix) Table() string

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) Tip

func (matrix *SparseFloat32Matrix) Tip()

func (*SparseFloat32Matrix) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseFloat32Matrix) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type SparseFloat32MatrixIterator

type SparseFloat32MatrixIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32MatrixIterator) Clone

func (*SparseFloat32MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat32MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*SparseFloat32MatrixIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat32MatrixIterator) CloneIterator() MatrixIterator

func (*SparseFloat32MatrixIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseFloat32MatrixIterator) Index() (int, int)

type SparseFloat32MatrixJoint3Iterator

type SparseFloat32MatrixJoint3Iterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint3 iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32MatrixJoint3Iterator) GET

func (*SparseFloat32MatrixJoint3Iterator) Get

func (*SparseFloat32MatrixJoint3Iterator) Index

func (obj *SparseFloat32MatrixJoint3Iterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*SparseFloat32MatrixJoint3Iterator) Next

func (*SparseFloat32MatrixJoint3Iterator) Ok

type SparseFloat32MatrixJointIterator

type SparseFloat32MatrixJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) Clone

func (*SparseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() MatrixConstJointIterator

func (*SparseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() MatrixJointIterator

func (*SparseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) Get

func (*SparseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*SparseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) Next

func (*SparseFloat32MatrixJointIterator) Ok

type SparseFloat32Vector

type SparseFloat32Vector struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

vector type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseFloat32Vector

func AsSparseFloat32Vector(v ConstVector) *SparseFloat32Vector

Convert vector type.

func NewSparseFloat32Vector

func NewSparseFloat32Vector(indices []int, values []float32, n int) *SparseFloat32Vector
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Allocate a new vector. Scalars are set to the given values.

func NullSparseFloat32Vector

func NullSparseFloat32Vector(length int) *SparseFloat32Vector

Allocate a new vector. All scalars are set to zero.

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) APPEND

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) AT

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) AT(i int) Float32

native vector methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) AT_

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) AT_(i int) Float32

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) AppendScalar

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) AppendScalar(scalars ...Scalar) Vector

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) AppendVector

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) AppendVector(w_ Vector) Vector

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) AsConstMatrix

func (v *SparseFloat32Vector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) AsMatrix

func (v *SparseFloat32Vector) AsMatrix(n, m int) Matrix

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) At

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) At(i int) Scalar

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) Clone

* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Create a deep copy of the vector.

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) CloneConstVector

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) CloneVector

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) CloneVector() Vector

vector interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) ConstAt

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) ConstIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) ConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) ConstJointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) ConstSlice

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) Dim

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) Dim() int

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) EQUALS

func (a *SparseFloat32Vector) EQUALS(b *SparseFloat32Vector, epsilon float64) bool

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) ElementType

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) Equals

func (a *SparseFloat32Vector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool

import "math"


Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) Export

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) Export(filename string) error

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) Float32At

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) Float64At

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) ITERATOR

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) ITERATOR_FROM(i int) *SparseFloat32VectorIterator

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) Import

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) Import(filename string) error

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) Int16At

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) Int32At

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) Int64At

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) Int8At

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) IntAt

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) IntAt(i int) int

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) Iterator

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) Iterator() VectorIterator

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) IteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) IteratorFrom(i int) VectorIterator

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) JOINT3_ITERATOR

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) JOINT3_ITERATOR_

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR_

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) JointIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) JointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorJointIterator

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) Map

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) Map(f func(Scalar))

imlement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) MapSet

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) MarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) MdotV


Matrix vector product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) Permute

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) Permute(pi []int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) Reduce

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) Reset

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) Reset()

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) ReverseOrder

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) ReverseOrder()

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) SET

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) SLICE

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) SLICE(i, j int) *SparseFloat32Vector

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) Set

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) Set(x ConstVector)

Copy scalars from w into this vector. The lengths of both vectors must match.

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) Slice

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) Slice(i, j int) Vector

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) Sort

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) Sort(reverse bool)

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) String

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) Swap

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) Swap(i, j int)

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) Table

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) Table() string

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) ToSparseFloat32Matrix

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) ToSparseFloat32Matrix(n, m int) *SparseFloat32Matrix

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseFloat32Vector) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) VADDS

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) VADDV

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) VDIVS

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) VDIVV

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) VMULS

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) VMULV

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) VSUBS

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) VSUBV

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) VaddS


Element-wise addition of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) VaddV

func (r *SparseFloat32Vector) VaddV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise addition of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) VdivS


Element-wise division of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) VdivV

func (r *SparseFloat32Vector) VdivV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise division of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) VdotM


Vector matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) VmulS


Element-wise substraction of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) VmulV

func (r *SparseFloat32Vector) VmulV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) VsubS


Element-wise substractor of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat32Vector) VsubV

func (r *SparseFloat32Vector) VsubV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise substraction of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

type SparseFloat32VectorIterator

type SparseFloat32VectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32VectorIterator) Clone

func (*SparseFloat32VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat32VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseFloat32VectorIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat32VectorIterator) CloneIterator() VectorIterator

func (*SparseFloat32VectorIterator) GET

func (*SparseFloat32VectorIterator) Get

func (*SparseFloat32VectorIterator) GetConst

func (obj *SparseFloat32VectorIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*SparseFloat32VectorIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseFloat32VectorIterator) Index() int

func (*SparseFloat32VectorIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseFloat32VectorIterator) Next()

type SparseFloat32VectorJoint3Iterator

type SparseFloat32VectorJoint3Iterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32VectorJoint3Iterator) GET

func (*SparseFloat32VectorJoint3Iterator) Get

func (*SparseFloat32VectorJoint3Iterator) Index

func (*SparseFloat32VectorJoint3Iterator) Next

func (*SparseFloat32VectorJoint3Iterator) Ok

type SparseFloat32VectorJoint3Iterator_

type SparseFloat32VectorJoint3Iterator_ struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32VectorJoint3Iterator_) GET

func (*SparseFloat32VectorJoint3Iterator_) Index

func (*SparseFloat32VectorJoint3Iterator_) Next

func (*SparseFloat32VectorJoint3Iterator_) Ok

type SparseFloat32VectorJointIterator

type SparseFloat32VectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32VectorJointIterator) Clone

func (*SparseFloat32VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat32VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseFloat32VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat32VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() VectorJointIterator

func (*SparseFloat32VectorJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseFloat32VectorJointIterator) Get

func (*SparseFloat32VectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseFloat32VectorJointIterator) Index

func (*SparseFloat32VectorJointIterator) Next

func (*SparseFloat32VectorJointIterator) Ok

type SparseFloat32VectorJointIterator_

type SparseFloat32VectorJointIterator_ struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat32VectorJointIterator_) GET

func (*SparseFloat32VectorJointIterator_) Index

func (*SparseFloat32VectorJointIterator_) Next

func (*SparseFloat32VectorJointIterator_) Ok

type SparseFloat64Matrix

type SparseFloat64Matrix struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

matrix type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseFloat64Matrix

func AsSparseFloat64Matrix(matrix ConstMatrix) *SparseFloat64Matrix

func NewSparseFloat64Matrix

func NewSparseFloat64Matrix(rowIndices, colIndices []int, values []float64, rows, cols int) *SparseFloat64Matrix

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullSparseFloat64Matrix

func NullSparseFloat64Matrix(rows, cols int) *SparseFloat64Matrix

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) AT

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) AT(i, j int) Float64

native matrix methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) AsConstVector

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) AsConstVector() ConstVector

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) AsSparseFloat64Vector

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) AsSparseFloat64Vector() *SparseFloat64Vector

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) AsVector

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) AsVector() Vector

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) At

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) At(i, j int) Scalar

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) COL

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Clone

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) Clone() *SparseFloat64Matrix
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Clone matrix including data.

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) CloneConstMatrix

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) CloneConstMatrix() ConstMatrix

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) CloneMatrix

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) CloneMatrix() Matrix

matrix interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Col

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) Col(j int) Vector

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) ConstAt

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) ConstAt(i, j int) ConstScalar

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) ConstCol

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) ConstCol(i int) ConstVector

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) ConstDiag

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) ConstDiag() ConstVector

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) ConstIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat64Matrix) ConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseFloat64Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixConstIterator

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) ConstRow

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) ConstRow(i int) ConstVector

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) ConstSlice

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) ConstSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) ConstMatrix

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) DIAG

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) DIAG() *SparseFloat64Vector

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Diag

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) Diag() Vector

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Dims

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) Dims() (int, int)

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) ElementType

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Equals

func (a *SparseFloat64Matrix) Equals(b ConstMatrix, epsilon float64) bool

import "fmt"


True if matrix a equals b.

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Export

func (m *SparseFloat64Matrix) Export(filename string) error

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Float32At

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) Float32At(i, j int) float32

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Float64At

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) Float64At(i, j int) float64

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Hessian

Compute the Hessian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) ITERATOR

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj *SparseFloat64Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM(i, j int) *SparseFloat64MatrixIterator

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Import

func (m *SparseFloat64Matrix) Import(filename string) error

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Int16At

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) Int16At(i, j int) int16

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Int32At

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) Int32At(i, j int) int32

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Int64At

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) Int64At(i, j int) int64

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Int8At

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) Int8At(i, j int) int8

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) IntAt

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) IntAt(i, j int) int

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) IsSymmetric

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) IsSymmetric(epsilon float64) bool

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Iterator

func (obj *SparseFloat64Matrix) Iterator() MatrixIterator

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) IteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseFloat64Matrix) IteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixIterator

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) JOINT3_ITERATOR

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Jacobian


Compute the Jacobian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) JointIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat64Matrix) JointIterator(b ConstMatrix) MatrixJointIterator

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) MaddM

func (r *SparseFloat64Matrix) MaddM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise addition of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) MaddS


Add scalar b to all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Map

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) Map(f func(Scalar))

implement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) MapSet

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) MarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseFloat64Matrix) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) MdivM

func (r *SparseFloat64Matrix) MdivM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise division of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) MdivS


Divide all elements of a by b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) MdotM

func (r *SparseFloat64Matrix) MdotM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) MmulM

func (r *SparseFloat64Matrix) MmulM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise multiplication of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) MmulS


Multiply all elements of a with b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) MsubM

func (r *SparseFloat64Matrix) MsubM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise substraction of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) MsubS


Substract b from all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Outer

func (r *SparseFloat64Matrix) Outer(a, b ConstVector) Matrix

Outer product of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) PermuteColumns

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) PermuteColumns(pi []int) error

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) PermuteRows

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) PermuteRows(pi []int) error

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) ROW

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Reduce

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Reset

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) Reset()

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Row

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) Row(i int) Vector

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) SLICE

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) SLICE(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) *SparseFloat64Matrix

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Set

func (a *SparseFloat64Matrix) Set(b ConstMatrix)

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) SetIdentity

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) SetIdentity()

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Slice

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) Slice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) Matrix

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) String

func (m *SparseFloat64Matrix) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Swap

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) Swap(i1, j1, i2, j2 int)

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) SwapColumns

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) SwapColumns(i, j int) error

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) SwapRows

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) SwapRows(i, j int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) SymmetricPermutation

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) SymmetricPermutation(pi []int) error

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) T

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) T() Matrix

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Table

func (a *SparseFloat64Matrix) Table() string

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) Tip

func (matrix *SparseFloat64Matrix) Tip()

func (*SparseFloat64Matrix) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseFloat64Matrix) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type SparseFloat64MatrixIterator

type SparseFloat64MatrixIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64MatrixIterator) Clone

func (*SparseFloat64MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat64MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*SparseFloat64MatrixIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat64MatrixIterator) CloneIterator() MatrixIterator

func (*SparseFloat64MatrixIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseFloat64MatrixIterator) Index() (int, int)

type SparseFloat64MatrixJoint3Iterator

type SparseFloat64MatrixJoint3Iterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint3 iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64MatrixJoint3Iterator) GET

func (*SparseFloat64MatrixJoint3Iterator) Get

func (*SparseFloat64MatrixJoint3Iterator) Index

func (obj *SparseFloat64MatrixJoint3Iterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*SparseFloat64MatrixJoint3Iterator) Next

func (*SparseFloat64MatrixJoint3Iterator) Ok

type SparseFloat64MatrixJointIterator

type SparseFloat64MatrixJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) Clone

func (*SparseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() MatrixConstJointIterator

func (*SparseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() MatrixJointIterator

func (*SparseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) Get

func (*SparseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*SparseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) Next

func (*SparseFloat64MatrixJointIterator) Ok

type SparseFloat64Vector

type SparseFloat64Vector struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

vector type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseFloat64Vector

func AsSparseFloat64Vector(v ConstVector) *SparseFloat64Vector

Convert vector type.

func NewSparseFloat64Vector

func NewSparseFloat64Vector(indices []int, values []float64, n int) *SparseFloat64Vector
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Allocate a new vector. Scalars are set to the given values.

func NullSparseFloat64Vector

func NullSparseFloat64Vector(length int) *SparseFloat64Vector

Allocate a new vector. All scalars are set to zero.

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) APPEND

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) AT

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) AT(i int) Float64

native vector methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) AT_

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) AT_(i int) Float64

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) AppendScalar

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) AppendScalar(scalars ...Scalar) Vector

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) AppendVector

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) AppendVector(w_ Vector) Vector

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) AsConstMatrix

func (v *SparseFloat64Vector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) AsMatrix

func (v *SparseFloat64Vector) AsMatrix(n, m int) Matrix

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) At

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) At(i int) Scalar

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) Clone

* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Create a deep copy of the vector.

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) CloneConstVector

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) CloneVector

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) CloneVector() Vector

vector interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) ConstAt

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) ConstIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) ConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) ConstJointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) ConstSlice

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) Dim

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) Dim() int

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) EQUALS

func (a *SparseFloat64Vector) EQUALS(b *SparseFloat64Vector, epsilon float64) bool

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) ElementType

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) Equals

func (a *SparseFloat64Vector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool

import "math"


Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) Export

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) Export(filename string) error

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) Float32At

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) Float64At

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) ITERATOR

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) ITERATOR_FROM(i int) *SparseFloat64VectorIterator

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) Import

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) Import(filename string) error

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) Int16At

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) Int32At

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) Int64At

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) Int8At

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) IntAt

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) IntAt(i int) int

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) Iterator

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) Iterator() VectorIterator

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) IteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) IteratorFrom(i int) VectorIterator

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) JOINT3_ITERATOR

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) JOINT3_ITERATOR_

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR_

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) JointIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) JointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorJointIterator

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) Map

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) Map(f func(Scalar))

imlement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) MapSet

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) MarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) MdotV


Matrix vector product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) Permute

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) Permute(pi []int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) Reduce

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) Reset

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) Reset()

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) ReverseOrder

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) ReverseOrder()

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) SET

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) SLICE

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) SLICE(i, j int) *SparseFloat64Vector

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) Set

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) Set(x ConstVector)

Copy scalars from w into this vector. The lengths of both vectors must match.

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) Slice

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) Slice(i, j int) Vector

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) Sort

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) Sort(reverse bool)

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) String

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) Swap

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) Swap(i, j int)

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) Table

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) Table() string

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) ToSparseFloat64Matrix

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) ToSparseFloat64Matrix(n, m int) *SparseFloat64Matrix

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseFloat64Vector) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) VADDS

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) VADDV

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) VDIVS

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) VDIVV

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) VMULS

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) VMULV

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) VSUBS

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) VSUBV

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) VaddS


Element-wise addition of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) VaddV

func (r *SparseFloat64Vector) VaddV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise addition of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) VdivS


Element-wise division of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) VdivV

func (r *SparseFloat64Vector) VdivV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise division of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) VdotM


Vector matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) VmulS


Element-wise substraction of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) VmulV

func (r *SparseFloat64Vector) VmulV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) VsubS


Element-wise substractor of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseFloat64Vector) VsubV

func (r *SparseFloat64Vector) VsubV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise substraction of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

type SparseFloat64VectorIterator

type SparseFloat64VectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64VectorIterator) Clone

func (*SparseFloat64VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat64VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseFloat64VectorIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat64VectorIterator) CloneIterator() VectorIterator

func (*SparseFloat64VectorIterator) GET

func (*SparseFloat64VectorIterator) Get

func (*SparseFloat64VectorIterator) GetConst

func (obj *SparseFloat64VectorIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*SparseFloat64VectorIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseFloat64VectorIterator) Index() int

func (*SparseFloat64VectorIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseFloat64VectorIterator) Next()

type SparseFloat64VectorJoint3Iterator

type SparseFloat64VectorJoint3Iterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64VectorJoint3Iterator) GET

func (*SparseFloat64VectorJoint3Iterator) Get

func (*SparseFloat64VectorJoint3Iterator) Index

func (*SparseFloat64VectorJoint3Iterator) Next

func (*SparseFloat64VectorJoint3Iterator) Ok

type SparseFloat64VectorJoint3Iterator_

type SparseFloat64VectorJoint3Iterator_ struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64VectorJoint3Iterator_) GET

func (*SparseFloat64VectorJoint3Iterator_) Index

func (*SparseFloat64VectorJoint3Iterator_) Next

func (*SparseFloat64VectorJoint3Iterator_) Ok

type SparseFloat64VectorJointIterator

type SparseFloat64VectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64VectorJointIterator) Clone

func (*SparseFloat64VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat64VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseFloat64VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *SparseFloat64VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() VectorJointIterator

func (*SparseFloat64VectorJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseFloat64VectorJointIterator) Get

func (*SparseFloat64VectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseFloat64VectorJointIterator) Index

func (*SparseFloat64VectorJointIterator) Next

func (*SparseFloat64VectorJointIterator) Ok

type SparseFloat64VectorJointIterator_

type SparseFloat64VectorJointIterator_ struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseFloat64VectorJointIterator_) GET

func (*SparseFloat64VectorJointIterator_) Index

func (*SparseFloat64VectorJointIterator_) Next

func (*SparseFloat64VectorJointIterator_) Ok

type SparseInt16Matrix

type SparseInt16Matrix struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

matrix type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseInt16Matrix

func AsSparseInt16Matrix(matrix ConstMatrix) *SparseInt16Matrix

func NewSparseInt16Matrix

func NewSparseInt16Matrix(rowIndices, colIndices []int, values []int16, rows, cols int) *SparseInt16Matrix

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullSparseInt16Matrix

func NullSparseInt16Matrix(rows, cols int) *SparseInt16Matrix

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) AT

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) AT(i, j int) Int16

native matrix methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) AsConstVector

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) AsConstVector() ConstVector

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) AsSparseInt16Vector

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) AsSparseInt16Vector() *SparseInt16Vector

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) AsVector

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) AsVector() Vector

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) At

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) At(i, j int) Scalar

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) COL

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) COL(j int) *SparseInt16Vector

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Clone

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) Clone() *SparseInt16Matrix
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Clone matrix including data.

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) CloneConstMatrix

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) CloneConstMatrix() ConstMatrix

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) CloneMatrix

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) CloneMatrix() Matrix

matrix interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Col

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) Col(j int) Vector

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) ConstAt

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) ConstAt(i, j int) ConstScalar

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) ConstCol

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) ConstCol(i int) ConstVector

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) ConstDiag

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) ConstDiag() ConstVector

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) ConstIterator

func (obj *SparseInt16Matrix) ConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseInt16Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixConstIterator

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) ConstRow

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) ConstRow(i int) ConstVector

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) ConstSlice

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) ConstSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) ConstMatrix

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) DIAG

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) DIAG() *SparseInt16Vector

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Diag

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) Diag() Vector

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Dims

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) Dims() (int, int)

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) ElementType

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Equals

func (a *SparseInt16Matrix) Equals(b ConstMatrix, epsilon float64) bool

import "fmt"


True if matrix a equals b.

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Export

func (m *SparseInt16Matrix) Export(filename string) error

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Float32At

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) Float32At(i, j int) float32

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Float64At

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) Float64At(i, j int) float64

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Hessian

Compute the Hessian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) ITERATOR

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj *SparseInt16Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM(i, j int) *SparseInt16MatrixIterator

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Import

func (m *SparseInt16Matrix) Import(filename string) error

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Int16At

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) Int16At(i, j int) int16

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Int32At

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) Int32At(i, j int) int32

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Int64At

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) Int64At(i, j int) int64

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Int8At

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) Int8At(i, j int) int8

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) IntAt

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) IntAt(i, j int) int

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) IsSymmetric

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) IsSymmetric(epsilon float64) bool

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Iterator

func (obj *SparseInt16Matrix) Iterator() MatrixIterator

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) IteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseInt16Matrix) IteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixIterator

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) JOINT3_ITERATOR

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Jacobian

func (r *SparseInt16Matrix) Jacobian(f func(ConstVector) ConstVector, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Jacobian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) JointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt16Matrix) JointIterator(b ConstMatrix) MatrixJointIterator

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) MaddM

func (r *SparseInt16Matrix) MaddM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise addition of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) MaddS


Add scalar b to all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Map

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) Map(f func(Scalar))

implement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) MapSet

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) MarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseInt16Matrix) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) MdivM

func (r *SparseInt16Matrix) MdivM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise division of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) MdivS


Divide all elements of a by b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) MdotM

func (r *SparseInt16Matrix) MdotM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) MmulM

func (r *SparseInt16Matrix) MmulM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise multiplication of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) MmulS


Multiply all elements of a with b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) MsubM

func (r *SparseInt16Matrix) MsubM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise substraction of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) MsubS


Substract b from all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Outer

func (r *SparseInt16Matrix) Outer(a, b ConstVector) Matrix

Outer product of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) PermuteColumns

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) PermuteColumns(pi []int) error

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) PermuteRows

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) PermuteRows(pi []int) error

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) ROW

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) ROW(i int) *SparseInt16Vector

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Reduce

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Reset

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) Reset()

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Row

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) Row(i int) Vector

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) SLICE

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) SLICE(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) *SparseInt16Matrix

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Set

func (a *SparseInt16Matrix) Set(b ConstMatrix)

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) SetIdentity

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) SetIdentity()

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Slice

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) Slice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) Matrix

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) String

func (m *SparseInt16Matrix) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Swap

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) Swap(i1, j1, i2, j2 int)

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) SwapColumns

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) SwapColumns(i, j int) error

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) SwapRows

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) SwapRows(i, j int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) SymmetricPermutation

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) SymmetricPermutation(pi []int) error

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) T

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) T() Matrix

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Table

func (a *SparseInt16Matrix) Table() string

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) Tip

func (matrix *SparseInt16Matrix) Tip()

func (*SparseInt16Matrix) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseInt16Matrix) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type SparseInt16MatrixIterator

type SparseInt16MatrixIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16MatrixIterator) Clone

func (*SparseInt16MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseInt16MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*SparseInt16MatrixIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *SparseInt16MatrixIterator) CloneIterator() MatrixIterator

func (*SparseInt16MatrixIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt16MatrixIterator) Index() (int, int)

type SparseInt16MatrixJoint3Iterator

type SparseInt16MatrixJoint3Iterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint3 iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16MatrixJoint3Iterator) GET

func (*SparseInt16MatrixJoint3Iterator) Get

func (*SparseInt16MatrixJoint3Iterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt16MatrixJoint3Iterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*SparseInt16MatrixJoint3Iterator) Next

func (obj *SparseInt16MatrixJoint3Iterator) Next()

func (*SparseInt16MatrixJoint3Iterator) Ok

type SparseInt16MatrixJointIterator

type SparseInt16MatrixJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16MatrixJointIterator) Clone

func (*SparseInt16MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt16MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() MatrixConstJointIterator

func (*SparseInt16MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt16MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() MatrixJointIterator

func (*SparseInt16MatrixJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseInt16MatrixJointIterator) Get

func (*SparseInt16MatrixJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseInt16MatrixJointIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt16MatrixJointIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*SparseInt16MatrixJointIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseInt16MatrixJointIterator) Next()

func (*SparseInt16MatrixJointIterator) Ok

type SparseInt16Vector

type SparseInt16Vector struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

vector type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseInt16Vector

func AsSparseInt16Vector(v ConstVector) *SparseInt16Vector

Convert vector type.

func NewSparseInt16Vector

func NewSparseInt16Vector(indices []int, values []int16, n int) *SparseInt16Vector
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Allocate a new vector. Scalars are set to the given values.

func NullSparseInt16Vector

func NullSparseInt16Vector(length int) *SparseInt16Vector

Allocate a new vector. All scalars are set to zero.

func (*SparseInt16Vector) APPEND

func (*SparseInt16Vector) AT

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) AT(i int) Int16

native vector methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16Vector) AT_

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) AT_(i int) Int16

func (*SparseInt16Vector) AppendScalar

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) AppendScalar(scalars ...Scalar) Vector

func (*SparseInt16Vector) AppendVector

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) AppendVector(w_ Vector) Vector

func (*SparseInt16Vector) AsConstMatrix

func (v *SparseInt16Vector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (*SparseInt16Vector) AsMatrix

func (v *SparseInt16Vector) AsMatrix(n, m int) Matrix

func (*SparseInt16Vector) At

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) At(i int) Scalar

func (*SparseInt16Vector) Clone

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) Clone() *SparseInt16Vector
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Create a deep copy of the vector.

func (*SparseInt16Vector) CloneConstVector

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16Vector) CloneVector

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) CloneVector() Vector

vector interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16Vector) ConstAt

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (*SparseInt16Vector) ConstIterator

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16Vector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseInt16Vector) ConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) ConstJointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseInt16Vector) ConstSlice

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (*SparseInt16Vector) Dim

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) Dim() int

func (*SparseInt16Vector) EQUALS

func (a *SparseInt16Vector) EQUALS(b *SparseInt16Vector, epsilon float64) bool

func (*SparseInt16Vector) ElementType

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*SparseInt16Vector) Equals

func (a *SparseInt16Vector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool

import "math"


Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (*SparseInt16Vector) Export

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) Export(filename string) error

func (*SparseInt16Vector) Float32At

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (*SparseInt16Vector) Float64At

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (*SparseInt16Vector) ITERATOR

func (*SparseInt16Vector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) ITERATOR_FROM(i int) *SparseInt16VectorIterator

func (*SparseInt16Vector) Import

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) Import(filename string) error

func (*SparseInt16Vector) Int16At

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (*SparseInt16Vector) Int32At

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (*SparseInt16Vector) Int64At

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (*SparseInt16Vector) Int8At

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (*SparseInt16Vector) IntAt

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) IntAt(i int) int

func (*SparseInt16Vector) Iterator

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) Iterator() VectorIterator

func (*SparseInt16Vector) IteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) IteratorFrom(i int) VectorIterator

func (*SparseInt16Vector) JOINT3_ITERATOR

func (*SparseInt16Vector) JOINT3_ITERATOR_

func (*SparseInt16Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*SparseInt16Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR_

func (*SparseInt16Vector) JointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) JointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorJointIterator

func (*SparseInt16Vector) Map

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) Map(f func(Scalar))

imlement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16Vector) MapSet

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*SparseInt16Vector) MarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16Vector) MdotV


Matrix vector product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt16Vector) Permute

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) Permute(pi []int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16Vector) Reduce

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*SparseInt16Vector) Reset

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) Reset()

func (*SparseInt16Vector) ReverseOrder

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) ReverseOrder()

func (*SparseInt16Vector) SET

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) SET(x *SparseInt16Vector)

func (*SparseInt16Vector) SLICE

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) SLICE(i, j int) *SparseInt16Vector

func (*SparseInt16Vector) Set

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) Set(x ConstVector)

Copy scalars from w into this vector. The lengths of both vectors must match.

func (*SparseInt16Vector) Slice

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) Slice(i, j int) Vector

func (*SparseInt16Vector) Sort

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) Sort(reverse bool)

func (*SparseInt16Vector) String

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16Vector) Swap

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) Swap(i, j int)

func (*SparseInt16Vector) Table

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) Table() string

func (*SparseInt16Vector) ToSparseInt16Matrix

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) ToSparseInt16Matrix(n, m int) *SparseInt16Matrix

func (*SparseInt16Vector) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseInt16Vector) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (*SparseInt16Vector) VADDS

func (*SparseInt16Vector) VADDV

func (*SparseInt16Vector) VDIVS

func (*SparseInt16Vector) VDIVV

func (*SparseInt16Vector) VMULS

func (*SparseInt16Vector) VMULV

func (*SparseInt16Vector) VSUBS

func (*SparseInt16Vector) VSUBV

func (*SparseInt16Vector) VaddS


Element-wise addition of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt16Vector) VaddV

func (r *SparseInt16Vector) VaddV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise addition of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt16Vector) VdivS


Element-wise division of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt16Vector) VdivV

func (r *SparseInt16Vector) VdivV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise division of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt16Vector) VdotM


Vector matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt16Vector) VmulS


Element-wise substraction of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt16Vector) VmulV

func (r *SparseInt16Vector) VmulV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt16Vector) VsubS


Element-wise substractor of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt16Vector) VsubV

func (r *SparseInt16Vector) VsubV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise substraction of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

type SparseInt16VectorIterator

type SparseInt16VectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16VectorIterator) Clone

func (*SparseInt16VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseInt16VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseInt16VectorIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *SparseInt16VectorIterator) CloneIterator() VectorIterator

func (*SparseInt16VectorIterator) GET

func (obj *SparseInt16VectorIterator) GET() Int16

func (*SparseInt16VectorIterator) Get

func (obj *SparseInt16VectorIterator) Get() Scalar

func (*SparseInt16VectorIterator) GetConst

func (obj *SparseInt16VectorIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*SparseInt16VectorIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt16VectorIterator) Index() int

func (*SparseInt16VectorIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseInt16VectorIterator) Next()

type SparseInt16VectorJoint3Iterator

type SparseInt16VectorJoint3Iterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16VectorJoint3Iterator) GET

func (*SparseInt16VectorJoint3Iterator) Get

func (*SparseInt16VectorJoint3Iterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt16VectorJoint3Iterator) Index() int

func (*SparseInt16VectorJoint3Iterator) Next

func (obj *SparseInt16VectorJoint3Iterator) Next()

func (*SparseInt16VectorJoint3Iterator) Ok

type SparseInt16VectorJoint3Iterator_

type SparseInt16VectorJoint3Iterator_ struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16VectorJoint3Iterator_) GET

func (*SparseInt16VectorJoint3Iterator_) Index

func (*SparseInt16VectorJoint3Iterator_) Next

func (*SparseInt16VectorJoint3Iterator_) Ok

type SparseInt16VectorJointIterator

type SparseInt16VectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16VectorJointIterator) Clone

func (*SparseInt16VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt16VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseInt16VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt16VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() VectorJointIterator

func (*SparseInt16VectorJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseInt16VectorJointIterator) Get

func (*SparseInt16VectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseInt16VectorJointIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt16VectorJointIterator) Index() int

func (*SparseInt16VectorJointIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseInt16VectorJointIterator) Next()

func (*SparseInt16VectorJointIterator) Ok

type SparseInt16VectorJointIterator_

type SparseInt16VectorJointIterator_ struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt16VectorJointIterator_) GET

func (*SparseInt16VectorJointIterator_) Index

func (obj *SparseInt16VectorJointIterator_) Index() int

func (*SparseInt16VectorJointIterator_) Next

func (obj *SparseInt16VectorJointIterator_) Next()

func (*SparseInt16VectorJointIterator_) Ok

type SparseInt32Matrix

type SparseInt32Matrix struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

matrix type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseInt32Matrix

func AsSparseInt32Matrix(matrix ConstMatrix) *SparseInt32Matrix

func NewSparseInt32Matrix

func NewSparseInt32Matrix(rowIndices, colIndices []int, values []int32, rows, cols int) *SparseInt32Matrix

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullSparseInt32Matrix

func NullSparseInt32Matrix(rows, cols int) *SparseInt32Matrix

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) AT

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) AT(i, j int) Int32

native matrix methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) AsConstVector

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) AsConstVector() ConstVector

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) AsSparseInt32Vector

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) AsSparseInt32Vector() *SparseInt32Vector

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) AsVector

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) AsVector() Vector

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) At

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) At(i, j int) Scalar

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) COL

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) COL(j int) *SparseInt32Vector

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Clone

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) Clone() *SparseInt32Matrix
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Clone matrix including data.

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) CloneConstMatrix

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) CloneConstMatrix() ConstMatrix

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) CloneMatrix

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) CloneMatrix() Matrix

matrix interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Col

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) Col(j int) Vector

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) ConstAt

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) ConstAt(i, j int) ConstScalar

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) ConstCol

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) ConstCol(i int) ConstVector

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) ConstDiag

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) ConstDiag() ConstVector

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) ConstIterator

func (obj *SparseInt32Matrix) ConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseInt32Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixConstIterator

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) ConstRow

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) ConstRow(i int) ConstVector

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) ConstSlice

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) ConstSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) ConstMatrix

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) DIAG

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) DIAG() *SparseInt32Vector

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Diag

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) Diag() Vector

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Dims

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) Dims() (int, int)

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) ElementType

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Equals

func (a *SparseInt32Matrix) Equals(b ConstMatrix, epsilon float64) bool

import "fmt"


True if matrix a equals b.

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Export

func (m *SparseInt32Matrix) Export(filename string) error

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Float32At

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) Float32At(i, j int) float32

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Float64At

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) Float64At(i, j int) float64

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Hessian

Compute the Hessian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) ITERATOR

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj *SparseInt32Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM(i, j int) *SparseInt32MatrixIterator

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Import

func (m *SparseInt32Matrix) Import(filename string) error

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Int16At

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) Int16At(i, j int) int16

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Int32At

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) Int32At(i, j int) int32

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Int64At

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) Int64At(i, j int) int64

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Int8At

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) Int8At(i, j int) int8

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) IntAt

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) IntAt(i, j int) int

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) IsSymmetric

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) IsSymmetric(epsilon float64) bool

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Iterator

func (obj *SparseInt32Matrix) Iterator() MatrixIterator

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) IteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseInt32Matrix) IteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixIterator

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) JOINT3_ITERATOR

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Jacobian

func (r *SparseInt32Matrix) Jacobian(f func(ConstVector) ConstVector, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Jacobian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) JointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt32Matrix) JointIterator(b ConstMatrix) MatrixJointIterator

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) MaddM

func (r *SparseInt32Matrix) MaddM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise addition of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) MaddS


Add scalar b to all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Map

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) Map(f func(Scalar))

implement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) MapSet

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) MarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseInt32Matrix) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) MdivM

func (r *SparseInt32Matrix) MdivM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise division of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) MdivS


Divide all elements of a by b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) MdotM

func (r *SparseInt32Matrix) MdotM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) MmulM

func (r *SparseInt32Matrix) MmulM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise multiplication of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) MmulS


Multiply all elements of a with b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) MsubM

func (r *SparseInt32Matrix) MsubM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise substraction of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) MsubS


Substract b from all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Outer

func (r *SparseInt32Matrix) Outer(a, b ConstVector) Matrix

Outer product of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) PermuteColumns

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) PermuteColumns(pi []int) error

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) PermuteRows

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) PermuteRows(pi []int) error

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) ROW

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) ROW(i int) *SparseInt32Vector

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Reduce

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Reset

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) Reset()

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Row

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) Row(i int) Vector

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) SLICE

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) SLICE(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) *SparseInt32Matrix

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Set

func (a *SparseInt32Matrix) Set(b ConstMatrix)

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) SetIdentity

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) SetIdentity()

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Slice

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) Slice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) Matrix

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) String

func (m *SparseInt32Matrix) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Swap

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) Swap(i1, j1, i2, j2 int)

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) SwapColumns

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) SwapColumns(i, j int) error

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) SwapRows

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) SwapRows(i, j int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) SymmetricPermutation

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) SymmetricPermutation(pi []int) error

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) T

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) T() Matrix

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Table

func (a *SparseInt32Matrix) Table() string

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) Tip

func (matrix *SparseInt32Matrix) Tip()

func (*SparseInt32Matrix) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseInt32Matrix) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type SparseInt32MatrixIterator

type SparseInt32MatrixIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32MatrixIterator) Clone

func (*SparseInt32MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseInt32MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*SparseInt32MatrixIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *SparseInt32MatrixIterator) CloneIterator() MatrixIterator

func (*SparseInt32MatrixIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt32MatrixIterator) Index() (int, int)

type SparseInt32MatrixJoint3Iterator

type SparseInt32MatrixJoint3Iterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint3 iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32MatrixJoint3Iterator) GET

func (*SparseInt32MatrixJoint3Iterator) Get

func (*SparseInt32MatrixJoint3Iterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt32MatrixJoint3Iterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*SparseInt32MatrixJoint3Iterator) Next

func (obj *SparseInt32MatrixJoint3Iterator) Next()

func (*SparseInt32MatrixJoint3Iterator) Ok

type SparseInt32MatrixJointIterator

type SparseInt32MatrixJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32MatrixJointIterator) Clone

func (*SparseInt32MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt32MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() MatrixConstJointIterator

func (*SparseInt32MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt32MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() MatrixJointIterator

func (*SparseInt32MatrixJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseInt32MatrixJointIterator) Get

func (*SparseInt32MatrixJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseInt32MatrixJointIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt32MatrixJointIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*SparseInt32MatrixJointIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseInt32MatrixJointIterator) Next()

func (*SparseInt32MatrixJointIterator) Ok

type SparseInt32Vector

type SparseInt32Vector struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

vector type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseInt32Vector

func AsSparseInt32Vector(v ConstVector) *SparseInt32Vector

Convert vector type.

func NewSparseInt32Vector

func NewSparseInt32Vector(indices []int, values []int32, n int) *SparseInt32Vector
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Allocate a new vector. Scalars are set to the given values.

func NullSparseInt32Vector

func NullSparseInt32Vector(length int) *SparseInt32Vector

Allocate a new vector. All scalars are set to zero.

func (*SparseInt32Vector) APPEND

func (*SparseInt32Vector) AT

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) AT(i int) Int32

native vector methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32Vector) AT_

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) AT_(i int) Int32

func (*SparseInt32Vector) AppendScalar

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) AppendScalar(scalars ...Scalar) Vector

func (*SparseInt32Vector) AppendVector

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) AppendVector(w_ Vector) Vector

func (*SparseInt32Vector) AsConstMatrix

func (v *SparseInt32Vector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (*SparseInt32Vector) AsMatrix

func (v *SparseInt32Vector) AsMatrix(n, m int) Matrix

func (*SparseInt32Vector) At

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) At(i int) Scalar

func (*SparseInt32Vector) Clone

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) Clone() *SparseInt32Vector
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Create a deep copy of the vector.

func (*SparseInt32Vector) CloneConstVector

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32Vector) CloneVector

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) CloneVector() Vector

vector interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32Vector) ConstAt

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (*SparseInt32Vector) ConstIterator

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32Vector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseInt32Vector) ConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) ConstJointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseInt32Vector) ConstSlice

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (*SparseInt32Vector) Dim

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) Dim() int

func (*SparseInt32Vector) EQUALS

func (a *SparseInt32Vector) EQUALS(b *SparseInt32Vector, epsilon float64) bool

func (*SparseInt32Vector) ElementType

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*SparseInt32Vector) Equals

func (a *SparseInt32Vector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool

import "math"


Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (*SparseInt32Vector) Export

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) Export(filename string) error

func (*SparseInt32Vector) Float32At

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (*SparseInt32Vector) Float64At

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (*SparseInt32Vector) ITERATOR

func (*SparseInt32Vector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) ITERATOR_FROM(i int) *SparseInt32VectorIterator

func (*SparseInt32Vector) Import

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) Import(filename string) error

func (*SparseInt32Vector) Int16At

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (*SparseInt32Vector) Int32At

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (*SparseInt32Vector) Int64At

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (*SparseInt32Vector) Int8At

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (*SparseInt32Vector) IntAt

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) IntAt(i int) int

func (*SparseInt32Vector) Iterator

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) Iterator() VectorIterator

func (*SparseInt32Vector) IteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) IteratorFrom(i int) VectorIterator

func (*SparseInt32Vector) JOINT3_ITERATOR

func (*SparseInt32Vector) JOINT3_ITERATOR_

func (*SparseInt32Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*SparseInt32Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR_

func (*SparseInt32Vector) JointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) JointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorJointIterator

func (*SparseInt32Vector) Map

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) Map(f func(Scalar))

imlement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32Vector) MapSet

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*SparseInt32Vector) MarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32Vector) MdotV


Matrix vector product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt32Vector) Permute

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) Permute(pi []int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32Vector) Reduce

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*SparseInt32Vector) Reset

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) Reset()

func (*SparseInt32Vector) ReverseOrder

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) ReverseOrder()

func (*SparseInt32Vector) SET

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) SET(x *SparseInt32Vector)

func (*SparseInt32Vector) SLICE

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) SLICE(i, j int) *SparseInt32Vector

func (*SparseInt32Vector) Set

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) Set(x ConstVector)

Copy scalars from w into this vector. The lengths of both vectors must match.

func (*SparseInt32Vector) Slice

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) Slice(i, j int) Vector

func (*SparseInt32Vector) Sort

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) Sort(reverse bool)

func (*SparseInt32Vector) String

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32Vector) Swap

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) Swap(i, j int)

func (*SparseInt32Vector) Table

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) Table() string

func (*SparseInt32Vector) ToSparseInt32Matrix

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) ToSparseInt32Matrix(n, m int) *SparseInt32Matrix

func (*SparseInt32Vector) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseInt32Vector) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (*SparseInt32Vector) VADDS

func (*SparseInt32Vector) VADDV

func (*SparseInt32Vector) VDIVS

func (*SparseInt32Vector) VDIVV

func (*SparseInt32Vector) VMULS

func (*SparseInt32Vector) VMULV

func (*SparseInt32Vector) VSUBS

func (*SparseInt32Vector) VSUBV

func (*SparseInt32Vector) VaddS


Element-wise addition of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt32Vector) VaddV

func (r *SparseInt32Vector) VaddV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise addition of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt32Vector) VdivS


Element-wise division of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt32Vector) VdivV

func (r *SparseInt32Vector) VdivV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise division of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt32Vector) VdotM


Vector matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt32Vector) VmulS


Element-wise substraction of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt32Vector) VmulV

func (r *SparseInt32Vector) VmulV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt32Vector) VsubS


Element-wise substractor of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt32Vector) VsubV

func (r *SparseInt32Vector) VsubV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise substraction of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

type SparseInt32VectorIterator

type SparseInt32VectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32VectorIterator) Clone

func (*SparseInt32VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseInt32VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseInt32VectorIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *SparseInt32VectorIterator) CloneIterator() VectorIterator

func (*SparseInt32VectorIterator) GET

func (obj *SparseInt32VectorIterator) GET() Int32

func (*SparseInt32VectorIterator) Get

func (obj *SparseInt32VectorIterator) Get() Scalar

func (*SparseInt32VectorIterator) GetConst

func (obj *SparseInt32VectorIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*SparseInt32VectorIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt32VectorIterator) Index() int

func (*SparseInt32VectorIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseInt32VectorIterator) Next()

type SparseInt32VectorJoint3Iterator

type SparseInt32VectorJoint3Iterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32VectorJoint3Iterator) GET

func (*SparseInt32VectorJoint3Iterator) Get

func (*SparseInt32VectorJoint3Iterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt32VectorJoint3Iterator) Index() int

func (*SparseInt32VectorJoint3Iterator) Next

func (obj *SparseInt32VectorJoint3Iterator) Next()

func (*SparseInt32VectorJoint3Iterator) Ok

type SparseInt32VectorJoint3Iterator_

type SparseInt32VectorJoint3Iterator_ struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32VectorJoint3Iterator_) GET

func (*SparseInt32VectorJoint3Iterator_) Index

func (*SparseInt32VectorJoint3Iterator_) Next

func (*SparseInt32VectorJoint3Iterator_) Ok

type SparseInt32VectorJointIterator

type SparseInt32VectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32VectorJointIterator) Clone

func (*SparseInt32VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt32VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseInt32VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt32VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() VectorJointIterator

func (*SparseInt32VectorJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseInt32VectorJointIterator) Get

func (*SparseInt32VectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseInt32VectorJointIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt32VectorJointIterator) Index() int

func (*SparseInt32VectorJointIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseInt32VectorJointIterator) Next()

func (*SparseInt32VectorJointIterator) Ok

type SparseInt32VectorJointIterator_

type SparseInt32VectorJointIterator_ struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt32VectorJointIterator_) GET

func (*SparseInt32VectorJointIterator_) Index

func (obj *SparseInt32VectorJointIterator_) Index() int

func (*SparseInt32VectorJointIterator_) Next

func (obj *SparseInt32VectorJointIterator_) Next()

func (*SparseInt32VectorJointIterator_) Ok

type SparseInt64Matrix

type SparseInt64Matrix struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

matrix type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseInt64Matrix

func AsSparseInt64Matrix(matrix ConstMatrix) *SparseInt64Matrix

func NewSparseInt64Matrix

func NewSparseInt64Matrix(rowIndices, colIndices []int, values []int64, rows, cols int) *SparseInt64Matrix

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullSparseInt64Matrix

func NullSparseInt64Matrix(rows, cols int) *SparseInt64Matrix

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) AT

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) AT(i, j int) Int64

native matrix methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) AsConstVector

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) AsConstVector() ConstVector

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) AsSparseInt64Vector

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) AsSparseInt64Vector() *SparseInt64Vector

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) AsVector

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) AsVector() Vector

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) At

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) At(i, j int) Scalar

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) COL

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) COL(j int) *SparseInt64Vector

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Clone

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) Clone() *SparseInt64Matrix
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Clone matrix including data.

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) CloneConstMatrix

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) CloneConstMatrix() ConstMatrix

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) CloneMatrix

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) CloneMatrix() Matrix

matrix interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Col

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) Col(j int) Vector

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) ConstAt

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) ConstAt(i, j int) ConstScalar

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) ConstCol

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) ConstCol(i int) ConstVector

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) ConstDiag

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) ConstDiag() ConstVector

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) ConstIterator

func (obj *SparseInt64Matrix) ConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseInt64Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixConstIterator

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) ConstRow

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) ConstRow(i int) ConstVector

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) ConstSlice

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) ConstSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) ConstMatrix

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) DIAG

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) DIAG() *SparseInt64Vector

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Diag

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) Diag() Vector

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Dims

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) Dims() (int, int)

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) ElementType

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Equals

func (a *SparseInt64Matrix) Equals(b ConstMatrix, epsilon float64) bool

import "fmt"


True if matrix a equals b.

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Export

func (m *SparseInt64Matrix) Export(filename string) error

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Float32At

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) Float32At(i, j int) float32

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Float64At

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) Float64At(i, j int) float64

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Hessian

Compute the Hessian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) ITERATOR

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj *SparseInt64Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM(i, j int) *SparseInt64MatrixIterator

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Import

func (m *SparseInt64Matrix) Import(filename string) error

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Int16At

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) Int16At(i, j int) int16

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Int32At

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) Int32At(i, j int) int32

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Int64At

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) Int64At(i, j int) int64

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Int8At

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) Int8At(i, j int) int8

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) IntAt

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) IntAt(i, j int) int

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) IsSymmetric

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) IsSymmetric(epsilon float64) bool

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Iterator

func (obj *SparseInt64Matrix) Iterator() MatrixIterator

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) IteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseInt64Matrix) IteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixIterator

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) JOINT3_ITERATOR

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Jacobian

func (r *SparseInt64Matrix) Jacobian(f func(ConstVector) ConstVector, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Jacobian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) JointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt64Matrix) JointIterator(b ConstMatrix) MatrixJointIterator

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) MaddM

func (r *SparseInt64Matrix) MaddM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise addition of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) MaddS


Add scalar b to all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Map

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) Map(f func(Scalar))

implement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) MapSet

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) MarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseInt64Matrix) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) MdivM

func (r *SparseInt64Matrix) MdivM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise division of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) MdivS


Divide all elements of a by b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) MdotM

func (r *SparseInt64Matrix) MdotM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) MmulM

func (r *SparseInt64Matrix) MmulM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise multiplication of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) MmulS


Multiply all elements of a with b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) MsubM

func (r *SparseInt64Matrix) MsubM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise substraction of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) MsubS


Substract b from all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Outer

func (r *SparseInt64Matrix) Outer(a, b ConstVector) Matrix

Outer product of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) PermuteColumns

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) PermuteColumns(pi []int) error

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) PermuteRows

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) PermuteRows(pi []int) error

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) ROW

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) ROW(i int) *SparseInt64Vector

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Reduce

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Reset

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) Reset()

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Row

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) Row(i int) Vector

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) SLICE

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) SLICE(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) *SparseInt64Matrix

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Set

func (a *SparseInt64Matrix) Set(b ConstMatrix)

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) SetIdentity

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) SetIdentity()

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Slice

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) Slice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) Matrix

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) String

func (m *SparseInt64Matrix) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Swap

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) Swap(i1, j1, i2, j2 int)

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) SwapColumns

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) SwapColumns(i, j int) error

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) SwapRows

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) SwapRows(i, j int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) SymmetricPermutation

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) SymmetricPermutation(pi []int) error

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) T

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) T() Matrix

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Table

func (a *SparseInt64Matrix) Table() string

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) Tip

func (matrix *SparseInt64Matrix) Tip()

func (*SparseInt64Matrix) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseInt64Matrix) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type SparseInt64MatrixIterator

type SparseInt64MatrixIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64MatrixIterator) Clone

func (*SparseInt64MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseInt64MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*SparseInt64MatrixIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *SparseInt64MatrixIterator) CloneIterator() MatrixIterator

func (*SparseInt64MatrixIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt64MatrixIterator) Index() (int, int)

type SparseInt64MatrixJoint3Iterator

type SparseInt64MatrixJoint3Iterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint3 iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64MatrixJoint3Iterator) GET

func (*SparseInt64MatrixJoint3Iterator) Get

func (*SparseInt64MatrixJoint3Iterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt64MatrixJoint3Iterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*SparseInt64MatrixJoint3Iterator) Next

func (obj *SparseInt64MatrixJoint3Iterator) Next()

func (*SparseInt64MatrixJoint3Iterator) Ok

type SparseInt64MatrixJointIterator

type SparseInt64MatrixJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64MatrixJointIterator) Clone

func (*SparseInt64MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt64MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() MatrixConstJointIterator

func (*SparseInt64MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt64MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() MatrixJointIterator

func (*SparseInt64MatrixJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseInt64MatrixJointIterator) Get

func (*SparseInt64MatrixJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseInt64MatrixJointIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt64MatrixJointIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*SparseInt64MatrixJointIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseInt64MatrixJointIterator) Next()

func (*SparseInt64MatrixJointIterator) Ok

type SparseInt64Vector

type SparseInt64Vector struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

vector type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseInt64Vector

func AsSparseInt64Vector(v ConstVector) *SparseInt64Vector

Convert vector type.

func NewSparseInt64Vector

func NewSparseInt64Vector(indices []int, values []int64, n int) *SparseInt64Vector
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Allocate a new vector. Scalars are set to the given values.

func NullSparseInt64Vector

func NullSparseInt64Vector(length int) *SparseInt64Vector

Allocate a new vector. All scalars are set to zero.

func (*SparseInt64Vector) APPEND

func (*SparseInt64Vector) AT

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) AT(i int) Int64

native vector methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64Vector) AT_

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) AT_(i int) Int64

func (*SparseInt64Vector) AppendScalar

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) AppendScalar(scalars ...Scalar) Vector

func (*SparseInt64Vector) AppendVector

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) AppendVector(w_ Vector) Vector

func (*SparseInt64Vector) AsConstMatrix

func (v *SparseInt64Vector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (*SparseInt64Vector) AsMatrix

func (v *SparseInt64Vector) AsMatrix(n, m int) Matrix

func (*SparseInt64Vector) At

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) At(i int) Scalar

func (*SparseInt64Vector) Clone

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) Clone() *SparseInt64Vector
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Create a deep copy of the vector.

func (*SparseInt64Vector) CloneConstVector

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64Vector) CloneVector

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) CloneVector() Vector

vector interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64Vector) ConstAt

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (*SparseInt64Vector) ConstIterator

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64Vector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseInt64Vector) ConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) ConstJointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseInt64Vector) ConstSlice

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (*SparseInt64Vector) Dim

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) Dim() int

func (*SparseInt64Vector) EQUALS

func (a *SparseInt64Vector) EQUALS(b *SparseInt64Vector, epsilon float64) bool

func (*SparseInt64Vector) ElementType

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*SparseInt64Vector) Equals

func (a *SparseInt64Vector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool

import "math"


Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (*SparseInt64Vector) Export

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) Export(filename string) error

func (*SparseInt64Vector) Float32At

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (*SparseInt64Vector) Float64At

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (*SparseInt64Vector) ITERATOR

func (*SparseInt64Vector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) ITERATOR_FROM(i int) *SparseInt64VectorIterator

func (*SparseInt64Vector) Import

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) Import(filename string) error

func (*SparseInt64Vector) Int16At

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (*SparseInt64Vector) Int32At

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (*SparseInt64Vector) Int64At

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (*SparseInt64Vector) Int8At

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (*SparseInt64Vector) IntAt

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) IntAt(i int) int

func (*SparseInt64Vector) Iterator

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) Iterator() VectorIterator

func (*SparseInt64Vector) IteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) IteratorFrom(i int) VectorIterator

func (*SparseInt64Vector) JOINT3_ITERATOR

func (*SparseInt64Vector) JOINT3_ITERATOR_

func (*SparseInt64Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*SparseInt64Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR_

func (*SparseInt64Vector) JointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) JointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorJointIterator

func (*SparseInt64Vector) Map

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) Map(f func(Scalar))

imlement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64Vector) MapSet

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*SparseInt64Vector) MarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64Vector) MdotV


Matrix vector product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt64Vector) Permute

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) Permute(pi []int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64Vector) Reduce

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*SparseInt64Vector) Reset

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) Reset()

func (*SparseInt64Vector) ReverseOrder

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) ReverseOrder()

func (*SparseInt64Vector) SET

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) SET(x *SparseInt64Vector)

func (*SparseInt64Vector) SLICE

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) SLICE(i, j int) *SparseInt64Vector

func (*SparseInt64Vector) Set

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) Set(x ConstVector)

Copy scalars from w into this vector. The lengths of both vectors must match.

func (*SparseInt64Vector) Slice

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) Slice(i, j int) Vector

func (*SparseInt64Vector) Sort

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) Sort(reverse bool)

func (*SparseInt64Vector) String

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64Vector) Swap

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) Swap(i, j int)

func (*SparseInt64Vector) Table

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) Table() string

func (*SparseInt64Vector) ToSparseInt64Matrix

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) ToSparseInt64Matrix(n, m int) *SparseInt64Matrix

func (*SparseInt64Vector) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseInt64Vector) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (*SparseInt64Vector) VADDS

func (*SparseInt64Vector) VADDV

func (*SparseInt64Vector) VDIVS

func (*SparseInt64Vector) VDIVV

func (*SparseInt64Vector) VMULS

func (*SparseInt64Vector) VMULV

func (*SparseInt64Vector) VSUBS

func (*SparseInt64Vector) VSUBV

func (*SparseInt64Vector) VaddS


Element-wise addition of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt64Vector) VaddV

func (r *SparseInt64Vector) VaddV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise addition of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt64Vector) VdivS


Element-wise division of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt64Vector) VdivV

func (r *SparseInt64Vector) VdivV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise division of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt64Vector) VdotM


Vector matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt64Vector) VmulS


Element-wise substraction of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt64Vector) VmulV

func (r *SparseInt64Vector) VmulV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt64Vector) VsubS


Element-wise substractor of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt64Vector) VsubV

func (r *SparseInt64Vector) VsubV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise substraction of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

type SparseInt64VectorIterator

type SparseInt64VectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64VectorIterator) Clone

func (*SparseInt64VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseInt64VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseInt64VectorIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *SparseInt64VectorIterator) CloneIterator() VectorIterator

func (*SparseInt64VectorIterator) GET

func (obj *SparseInt64VectorIterator) GET() Int64

func (*SparseInt64VectorIterator) Get

func (obj *SparseInt64VectorIterator) Get() Scalar

func (*SparseInt64VectorIterator) GetConst

func (obj *SparseInt64VectorIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*SparseInt64VectorIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt64VectorIterator) Index() int

func (*SparseInt64VectorIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseInt64VectorIterator) Next()

type SparseInt64VectorJoint3Iterator

type SparseInt64VectorJoint3Iterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64VectorJoint3Iterator) GET

func (*SparseInt64VectorJoint3Iterator) Get

func (*SparseInt64VectorJoint3Iterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt64VectorJoint3Iterator) Index() int

func (*SparseInt64VectorJoint3Iterator) Next

func (obj *SparseInt64VectorJoint3Iterator) Next()

func (*SparseInt64VectorJoint3Iterator) Ok

type SparseInt64VectorJoint3Iterator_

type SparseInt64VectorJoint3Iterator_ struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64VectorJoint3Iterator_) GET

func (*SparseInt64VectorJoint3Iterator_) Index

func (*SparseInt64VectorJoint3Iterator_) Next

func (*SparseInt64VectorJoint3Iterator_) Ok

type SparseInt64VectorJointIterator

type SparseInt64VectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64VectorJointIterator) Clone

func (*SparseInt64VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt64VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseInt64VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt64VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() VectorJointIterator

func (*SparseInt64VectorJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseInt64VectorJointIterator) Get

func (*SparseInt64VectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseInt64VectorJointIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt64VectorJointIterator) Index() int

func (*SparseInt64VectorJointIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseInt64VectorJointIterator) Next()

func (*SparseInt64VectorJointIterator) Ok

type SparseInt64VectorJointIterator_

type SparseInt64VectorJointIterator_ struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt64VectorJointIterator_) GET

func (*SparseInt64VectorJointIterator_) Index

func (obj *SparseInt64VectorJointIterator_) Index() int

func (*SparseInt64VectorJointIterator_) Next

func (obj *SparseInt64VectorJointIterator_) Next()

func (*SparseInt64VectorJointIterator_) Ok

type SparseInt8Matrix

type SparseInt8Matrix struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

matrix type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseInt8Matrix

func AsSparseInt8Matrix(matrix ConstMatrix) *SparseInt8Matrix

func NewSparseInt8Matrix

func NewSparseInt8Matrix(rowIndices, colIndices []int, values []int8, rows, cols int) *SparseInt8Matrix

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullSparseInt8Matrix

func NullSparseInt8Matrix(rows, cols int) *SparseInt8Matrix

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) AT

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) AT(i, j int) Int8

native matrix methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) AsConstVector

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) AsConstVector() ConstVector

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) AsSparseInt8Vector

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) AsSparseInt8Vector() *SparseInt8Vector

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) AsVector

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) AsVector() Vector

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) At

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) At(i, j int) Scalar

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) COL

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) COL(j int) *SparseInt8Vector

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Clone

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) Clone() *SparseInt8Matrix
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Clone matrix including data.

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) CloneConstMatrix

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) CloneConstMatrix() ConstMatrix

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) CloneMatrix

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) CloneMatrix() Matrix

matrix interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Col

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) Col(j int) Vector

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) ConstAt

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) ConstAt(i, j int) ConstScalar

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) ConstCol

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) ConstCol(i int) ConstVector

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) ConstDiag

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) ConstDiag() ConstVector

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) ConstIterator

func (obj *SparseInt8Matrix) ConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseInt8Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixConstIterator

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) ConstRow

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) ConstRow(i int) ConstVector

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) ConstSlice

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) ConstSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) ConstMatrix

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) DIAG

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) DIAG() *SparseInt8Vector

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Diag

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) Diag() Vector

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Dims

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) Dims() (int, int)

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) ElementType

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Equals

func (a *SparseInt8Matrix) Equals(b ConstMatrix, epsilon float64) bool

import "fmt"


True if matrix a equals b.

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Export

func (m *SparseInt8Matrix) Export(filename string) error

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Float32At

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) Float32At(i, j int) float32

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Float64At

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) Float64At(i, j int) float64

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Hessian

func (r *SparseInt8Matrix) Hessian(f func(ConstVector) ConstScalar, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Hessian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) ITERATOR

func (obj *SparseInt8Matrix) ITERATOR() *SparseInt8MatrixIterator

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj *SparseInt8Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM(i, j int) *SparseInt8MatrixIterator

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Import

func (m *SparseInt8Matrix) Import(filename string) error

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Int16At

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) Int16At(i, j int) int16

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Int32At

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) Int32At(i, j int) int32

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Int64At

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) Int64At(i, j int) int64

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Int8At

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) Int8At(i, j int) int8

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) IntAt

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) IntAt(i, j int) int

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) IsSymmetric

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) IsSymmetric(epsilon float64) bool

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Iterator

func (obj *SparseInt8Matrix) Iterator() MatrixIterator

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) IteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseInt8Matrix) IteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixIterator

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) JOINT3_ITERATOR

func (obj *SparseInt8Matrix) JOINT3_ITERATOR(b, c ConstMatrix) *SparseInt8MatrixJoint3Iterator

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Jacobian

func (r *SparseInt8Matrix) Jacobian(f func(ConstVector) ConstVector, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Jacobian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) JointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt8Matrix) JointIterator(b ConstMatrix) MatrixJointIterator

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) MaddM

func (r *SparseInt8Matrix) MaddM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise addition of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) MaddS


Add scalar b to all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Map

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) Map(f func(Scalar))

implement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) MapSet

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) MarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseInt8Matrix) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) MdivM

func (r *SparseInt8Matrix) MdivM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise division of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) MdivS


Divide all elements of a by b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) MdotM

func (r *SparseInt8Matrix) MdotM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) MmulM

func (r *SparseInt8Matrix) MmulM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise multiplication of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) MmulS


Multiply all elements of a with b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) MsubM

func (r *SparseInt8Matrix) MsubM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise substraction of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) MsubS


Substract b from all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Outer

func (r *SparseInt8Matrix) Outer(a, b ConstVector) Matrix

Outer product of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) PermuteColumns

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) PermuteColumns(pi []int) error

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) PermuteRows

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) PermuteRows(pi []int) error

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) ROW

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) ROW(i int) *SparseInt8Vector

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Reduce

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Reset

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) Reset()

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Row

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) Row(i int) Vector

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) SLICE

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) SLICE(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) *SparseInt8Matrix

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Set

func (a *SparseInt8Matrix) Set(b ConstMatrix)

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) SetIdentity

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) SetIdentity()

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Slice

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) Slice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) Matrix

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) String

func (m *SparseInt8Matrix) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Swap

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) Swap(i1, j1, i2, j2 int)

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) SwapColumns

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) SwapColumns(i, j int) error

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) SwapRows

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) SwapRows(i, j int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) SymmetricPermutation

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) SymmetricPermutation(pi []int) error

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) T

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) T() Matrix

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Table

func (a *SparseInt8Matrix) Table() string

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) Tip

func (matrix *SparseInt8Matrix) Tip()

func (*SparseInt8Matrix) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseInt8Matrix) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type SparseInt8MatrixIterator

type SparseInt8MatrixIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8MatrixIterator) Clone

func (*SparseInt8MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseInt8MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*SparseInt8MatrixIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *SparseInt8MatrixIterator) CloneIterator() MatrixIterator

func (*SparseInt8MatrixIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt8MatrixIterator) Index() (int, int)

type SparseInt8MatrixJoint3Iterator

type SparseInt8MatrixJoint3Iterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint3 iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8MatrixJoint3Iterator) GET

func (*SparseInt8MatrixJoint3Iterator) Get

func (*SparseInt8MatrixJoint3Iterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt8MatrixJoint3Iterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*SparseInt8MatrixJoint3Iterator) Next

func (obj *SparseInt8MatrixJoint3Iterator) Next()

func (*SparseInt8MatrixJoint3Iterator) Ok

type SparseInt8MatrixJointIterator

type SparseInt8MatrixJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8MatrixJointIterator) Clone

func (*SparseInt8MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt8MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() MatrixConstJointIterator

func (*SparseInt8MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt8MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() MatrixJointIterator

func (*SparseInt8MatrixJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseInt8MatrixJointIterator) Get

func (*SparseInt8MatrixJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseInt8MatrixJointIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt8MatrixJointIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*SparseInt8MatrixJointIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseInt8MatrixJointIterator) Next()

func (*SparseInt8MatrixJointIterator) Ok

type SparseInt8Vector

type SparseInt8Vector struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

vector type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseInt8Vector

func AsSparseInt8Vector(v ConstVector) *SparseInt8Vector

Convert vector type.

func NewSparseInt8Vector

func NewSparseInt8Vector(indices []int, values []int8, n int) *SparseInt8Vector
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Allocate a new vector. Scalars are set to the given values.

func NullSparseInt8Vector

func NullSparseInt8Vector(length int) *SparseInt8Vector

Allocate a new vector. All scalars are set to zero.

func (*SparseInt8Vector) APPEND

func (*SparseInt8Vector) AT

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) AT(i int) Int8

native vector methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8Vector) AT_

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) AT_(i int) Int8

func (*SparseInt8Vector) AppendScalar

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) AppendScalar(scalars ...Scalar) Vector

func (*SparseInt8Vector) AppendVector

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) AppendVector(w_ Vector) Vector

func (*SparseInt8Vector) AsConstMatrix

func (v *SparseInt8Vector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (*SparseInt8Vector) AsMatrix

func (v *SparseInt8Vector) AsMatrix(n, m int) Matrix

func (*SparseInt8Vector) At

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) At(i int) Scalar

func (*SparseInt8Vector) Clone

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) Clone() *SparseInt8Vector
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Create a deep copy of the vector.

func (*SparseInt8Vector) CloneConstVector

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8Vector) CloneVector

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) CloneVector() Vector

vector interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8Vector) ConstAt

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (*SparseInt8Vector) ConstIterator

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8Vector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseInt8Vector) ConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) ConstJointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseInt8Vector) ConstSlice

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (*SparseInt8Vector) Dim

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) Dim() int

func (*SparseInt8Vector) EQUALS

func (a *SparseInt8Vector) EQUALS(b *SparseInt8Vector, epsilon float64) bool

func (*SparseInt8Vector) ElementType

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*SparseInt8Vector) Equals

func (a *SparseInt8Vector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool

import "math"


Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (*SparseInt8Vector) Export

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) Export(filename string) error

func (*SparseInt8Vector) Float32At

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (*SparseInt8Vector) Float64At

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (*SparseInt8Vector) ITERATOR

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) ITERATOR() *SparseInt8VectorIterator

func (*SparseInt8Vector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) ITERATOR_FROM(i int) *SparseInt8VectorIterator

func (*SparseInt8Vector) Import

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) Import(filename string) error

func (*SparseInt8Vector) Int16At

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (*SparseInt8Vector) Int32At

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (*SparseInt8Vector) Int64At

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (*SparseInt8Vector) Int8At

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (*SparseInt8Vector) IntAt

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) IntAt(i int) int

func (*SparseInt8Vector) Iterator

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) Iterator() VectorIterator

func (*SparseInt8Vector) IteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) IteratorFrom(i int) VectorIterator

func (*SparseInt8Vector) JOINT3_ITERATOR

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) JOINT3_ITERATOR(b, c ConstVector) *SparseInt8VectorJoint3Iterator

func (*SparseInt8Vector) JOINT3_ITERATOR_

func (*SparseInt8Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*SparseInt8Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR_

func (*SparseInt8Vector) JointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) JointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorJointIterator

func (*SparseInt8Vector) Map

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) Map(f func(Scalar))

imlement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8Vector) MapSet

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*SparseInt8Vector) MarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8Vector) MdotV


Matrix vector product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt8Vector) Permute

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) Permute(pi []int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8Vector) Reduce

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*SparseInt8Vector) Reset

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) Reset()

func (*SparseInt8Vector) ReverseOrder

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) ReverseOrder()

func (*SparseInt8Vector) SET

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) SET(x *SparseInt8Vector)

func (*SparseInt8Vector) SLICE

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) SLICE(i, j int) *SparseInt8Vector

func (*SparseInt8Vector) Set

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) Set(x ConstVector)

Copy scalars from w into this vector. The lengths of both vectors must match.

func (*SparseInt8Vector) Slice

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) Slice(i, j int) Vector

func (*SparseInt8Vector) Sort

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) Sort(reverse bool)

func (*SparseInt8Vector) String

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8Vector) Swap

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) Swap(i, j int)

func (*SparseInt8Vector) Table

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) Table() string

func (*SparseInt8Vector) ToSparseInt8Matrix

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) ToSparseInt8Matrix(n, m int) *SparseInt8Matrix

func (*SparseInt8Vector) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseInt8Vector) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (*SparseInt8Vector) VADDS

func (*SparseInt8Vector) VADDV

func (*SparseInt8Vector) VDIVS

func (*SparseInt8Vector) VDIVV

func (*SparseInt8Vector) VMULS

func (*SparseInt8Vector) VMULV

func (*SparseInt8Vector) VSUBS

func (*SparseInt8Vector) VSUBV

func (*SparseInt8Vector) VaddS


Element-wise addition of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt8Vector) VaddV

func (r *SparseInt8Vector) VaddV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise addition of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt8Vector) VdivS


Element-wise division of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt8Vector) VdivV

func (r *SparseInt8Vector) VdivV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise division of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt8Vector) VdotM


Vector matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt8Vector) VmulS


Element-wise substraction of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt8Vector) VmulV

func (r *SparseInt8Vector) VmulV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt8Vector) VsubS


Element-wise substractor of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseInt8Vector) VsubV

func (r *SparseInt8Vector) VsubV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise substraction of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

type SparseInt8VectorIterator

type SparseInt8VectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8VectorIterator) Clone

func (*SparseInt8VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseInt8VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseInt8VectorIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *SparseInt8VectorIterator) CloneIterator() VectorIterator

func (*SparseInt8VectorIterator) GET

func (obj *SparseInt8VectorIterator) GET() Int8

func (*SparseInt8VectorIterator) Get

func (obj *SparseInt8VectorIterator) Get() Scalar

func (*SparseInt8VectorIterator) GetConst

func (obj *SparseInt8VectorIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*SparseInt8VectorIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt8VectorIterator) Index() int

func (*SparseInt8VectorIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseInt8VectorIterator) Next()

type SparseInt8VectorJoint3Iterator

type SparseInt8VectorJoint3Iterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8VectorJoint3Iterator) GET

func (*SparseInt8VectorJoint3Iterator) Get

func (*SparseInt8VectorJoint3Iterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt8VectorJoint3Iterator) Index() int

func (*SparseInt8VectorJoint3Iterator) Next

func (obj *SparseInt8VectorJoint3Iterator) Next()

func (*SparseInt8VectorJoint3Iterator) Ok

type SparseInt8VectorJoint3Iterator_

type SparseInt8VectorJoint3Iterator_ struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8VectorJoint3Iterator_) GET

func (*SparseInt8VectorJoint3Iterator_) Index

func (obj *SparseInt8VectorJoint3Iterator_) Index() int

func (*SparseInt8VectorJoint3Iterator_) Next

func (obj *SparseInt8VectorJoint3Iterator_) Next()

func (*SparseInt8VectorJoint3Iterator_) Ok

type SparseInt8VectorJointIterator

type SparseInt8VectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8VectorJointIterator) Clone

func (*SparseInt8VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt8VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseInt8VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *SparseInt8VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() VectorJointIterator

func (*SparseInt8VectorJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseInt8VectorJointIterator) Get

func (*SparseInt8VectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseInt8VectorJointIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseInt8VectorJointIterator) Index() int

func (*SparseInt8VectorJointIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseInt8VectorJointIterator) Next()

func (*SparseInt8VectorJointIterator) Ok

type SparseInt8VectorJointIterator_

type SparseInt8VectorJointIterator_ struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseInt8VectorJointIterator_) GET

func (*SparseInt8VectorJointIterator_) Index

func (obj *SparseInt8VectorJointIterator_) Index() int

func (*SparseInt8VectorJointIterator_) Next

func (obj *SparseInt8VectorJointIterator_) Next()

func (*SparseInt8VectorJointIterator_) Ok

type SparseIntMatrix

type SparseIntMatrix struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

matrix type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseIntMatrix

func AsSparseIntMatrix(matrix ConstMatrix) *SparseIntMatrix

func NewSparseIntMatrix

func NewSparseIntMatrix(rowIndices, colIndices []int, values []int, rows, cols int) *SparseIntMatrix

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullSparseIntMatrix

func NullSparseIntMatrix(rows, cols int) *SparseIntMatrix

func (*SparseIntMatrix) AT

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) AT(i, j int) Int

native matrix methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntMatrix) AsConstVector

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) AsConstVector() ConstVector

func (*SparseIntMatrix) AsSparseIntVector

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) AsSparseIntVector() *SparseIntVector

func (*SparseIntMatrix) AsVector

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) AsVector() Vector

func (*SparseIntMatrix) At

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) At(i, j int) Scalar

func (*SparseIntMatrix) COL

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) COL(j int) *SparseIntVector

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Clone

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) Clone() *SparseIntMatrix
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Clone matrix including data.

func (*SparseIntMatrix) CloneConstMatrix

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) CloneConstMatrix() ConstMatrix

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntMatrix) CloneMatrix

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) CloneMatrix() Matrix

matrix interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Col

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) Col(j int) Vector

func (*SparseIntMatrix) ConstAt

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) ConstAt(i, j int) ConstScalar

func (*SparseIntMatrix) ConstCol

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) ConstCol(i int) ConstVector

func (*SparseIntMatrix) ConstDiag

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) ConstDiag() ConstVector

func (*SparseIntMatrix) ConstIterator

func (obj *SparseIntMatrix) ConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntMatrix) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseIntMatrix) ConstIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixConstIterator

func (*SparseIntMatrix) ConstRow

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) ConstRow(i int) ConstVector

func (*SparseIntMatrix) ConstSlice

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) ConstSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) ConstMatrix

func (*SparseIntMatrix) DIAG

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) DIAG() *SparseIntVector

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Diag

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) Diag() Vector

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Dims

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) Dims() (int, int)

func (*SparseIntMatrix) ElementType

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Equals

func (a *SparseIntMatrix) Equals(b ConstMatrix, epsilon float64) bool

import "fmt"


True if matrix a equals b.

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Export

func (m *SparseIntMatrix) Export(filename string) error

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Float32At

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) Float32At(i, j int) float32

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Float64At

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) Float64At(i, j int) float64

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Hessian

func (r *SparseIntMatrix) Hessian(f func(ConstVector) ConstScalar, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Hessian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseIntMatrix) ITERATOR

func (obj *SparseIntMatrix) ITERATOR() *SparseIntMatrixIterator

func (*SparseIntMatrix) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj *SparseIntMatrix) ITERATOR_FROM(i, j int) *SparseIntMatrixIterator

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Import

func (m *SparseIntMatrix) Import(filename string) error

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Int16At

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) Int16At(i, j int) int16

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Int32At

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) Int32At(i, j int) int32

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Int64At

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) Int64At(i, j int) int64

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Int8At

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) Int8At(i, j int) int8

func (*SparseIntMatrix) IntAt

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) IntAt(i, j int) int

func (*SparseIntMatrix) IsSymmetric

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) IsSymmetric(epsilon float64) bool

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Iterator

func (obj *SparseIntMatrix) Iterator() MatrixIterator

func (*SparseIntMatrix) IteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseIntMatrix) IteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixIterator

func (*SparseIntMatrix) JOINT3_ITERATOR

func (obj *SparseIntMatrix) JOINT3_ITERATOR(b, c ConstMatrix) *SparseIntMatrixJoint3Iterator

func (*SparseIntMatrix) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Jacobian

func (r *SparseIntMatrix) Jacobian(f func(ConstVector) ConstVector, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Jacobian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseIntMatrix) JointIterator

func (obj *SparseIntMatrix) JointIterator(b ConstMatrix) MatrixJointIterator

func (*SparseIntMatrix) MaddM

func (r *SparseIntMatrix) MaddM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise addition of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseIntMatrix) MaddS


Add scalar b to all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Map

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) Map(f func(Scalar))

implement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntMatrix) MapSet

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*SparseIntMatrix) MarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseIntMatrix) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntMatrix) MdivM

func (r *SparseIntMatrix) MdivM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise division of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseIntMatrix) MdivS


Divide all elements of a by b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseIntMatrix) MdotM

func (r *SparseIntMatrix) MdotM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseIntMatrix) MmulM

func (r *SparseIntMatrix) MmulM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise multiplication of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseIntMatrix) MmulS


Multiply all elements of a with b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseIntMatrix) MsubM

func (r *SparseIntMatrix) MsubM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise substraction of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseIntMatrix) MsubS


Substract b from all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Outer

func (r *SparseIntMatrix) Outer(a, b ConstVector) Matrix

Outer product of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseIntMatrix) PermuteColumns

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) PermuteColumns(pi []int) error

func (*SparseIntMatrix) PermuteRows

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) PermuteRows(pi []int) error

func (*SparseIntMatrix) ROW

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) ROW(i int) *SparseIntVector

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Reduce

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Reset

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) Reset()

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Row

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) Row(i int) Vector

func (*SparseIntMatrix) SLICE

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) SLICE(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) *SparseIntMatrix

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Set

func (a *SparseIntMatrix) Set(b ConstMatrix)

func (*SparseIntMatrix) SetIdentity

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) SetIdentity()

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Slice

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) Slice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) Matrix

func (*SparseIntMatrix) String

func (m *SparseIntMatrix) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Swap

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) Swap(i1, j1, i2, j2 int)

func (*SparseIntMatrix) SwapColumns

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) SwapColumns(i, j int) error

func (*SparseIntMatrix) SwapRows

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) SwapRows(i, j int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntMatrix) SymmetricPermutation

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) SymmetricPermutation(pi []int) error

func (*SparseIntMatrix) T

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) T() Matrix

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Table

func (a *SparseIntMatrix) Table() string

func (*SparseIntMatrix) Tip

func (matrix *SparseIntMatrix) Tip()

func (*SparseIntMatrix) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseIntMatrix) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type SparseIntMatrixIterator

type SparseIntMatrixIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntMatrixIterator) Clone

func (*SparseIntMatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseIntMatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*SparseIntMatrixIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *SparseIntMatrixIterator) CloneIterator() MatrixIterator

func (*SparseIntMatrixIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseIntMatrixIterator) Index() (int, int)

type SparseIntMatrixJoint3Iterator

type SparseIntMatrixJoint3Iterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint3 iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntMatrixJoint3Iterator) GET

func (*SparseIntMatrixJoint3Iterator) Get

func (*SparseIntMatrixJoint3Iterator) Index

func (obj *SparseIntMatrixJoint3Iterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*SparseIntMatrixJoint3Iterator) Next

func (obj *SparseIntMatrixJoint3Iterator) Next()

func (*SparseIntMatrixJoint3Iterator) Ok

type SparseIntMatrixJointIterator

type SparseIntMatrixJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntMatrixJointIterator) Clone

func (*SparseIntMatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseIntMatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() MatrixConstJointIterator

func (*SparseIntMatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *SparseIntMatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() MatrixJointIterator

func (*SparseIntMatrixJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseIntMatrixJointIterator) Get

func (*SparseIntMatrixJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseIntMatrixJointIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseIntMatrixJointIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*SparseIntMatrixJointIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseIntMatrixJointIterator) Next()

func (*SparseIntMatrixJointIterator) Ok

type SparseIntVector

type SparseIntVector struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

vector type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseIntVector

func AsSparseIntVector(v ConstVector) *SparseIntVector

Convert vector type.

func NewSparseIntVector

func NewSparseIntVector(indices []int, values []int, n int) *SparseIntVector
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Allocate a new vector. Scalars are set to the given values.

func NullSparseIntVector

func NullSparseIntVector(length int) *SparseIntVector

Allocate a new vector. All scalars are set to zero.

func (*SparseIntVector) APPEND

func (*SparseIntVector) AT

func (obj *SparseIntVector) AT(i int) Int

native vector methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntVector) AT_

func (obj *SparseIntVector) AT_(i int) Int

func (*SparseIntVector) AppendScalar

func (obj *SparseIntVector) AppendScalar(scalars ...Scalar) Vector

func (*SparseIntVector) AppendVector

func (obj *SparseIntVector) AppendVector(w_ Vector) Vector

func (*SparseIntVector) AsConstMatrix

func (v *SparseIntVector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (*SparseIntVector) AsMatrix

func (v *SparseIntVector) AsMatrix(n, m int) Matrix

func (*SparseIntVector) At

func (obj *SparseIntVector) At(i int) Scalar

func (*SparseIntVector) Clone

func (obj *SparseIntVector) Clone() *SparseIntVector
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Create a deep copy of the vector.

func (*SparseIntVector) CloneConstVector

func (obj *SparseIntVector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntVector) CloneVector

func (obj *SparseIntVector) CloneVector() Vector

vector interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntVector) ConstAt

func (obj *SparseIntVector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (*SparseIntVector) ConstIterator

func (obj *SparseIntVector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntVector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseIntVector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseIntVector) ConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseIntVector) ConstJointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseIntVector) ConstSlice

func (obj *SparseIntVector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (*SparseIntVector) Dim

func (obj *SparseIntVector) Dim() int

func (*SparseIntVector) EQUALS

func (a *SparseIntVector) EQUALS(b *SparseIntVector, epsilon float64) bool

func (*SparseIntVector) ElementType

func (obj *SparseIntVector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*SparseIntVector) Equals

func (a *SparseIntVector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool

import "math"


Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (*SparseIntVector) Export

func (obj *SparseIntVector) Export(filename string) error

func (*SparseIntVector) Float32At

func (obj *SparseIntVector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (*SparseIntVector) Float64At

func (obj *SparseIntVector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (*SparseIntVector) ITERATOR

func (obj *SparseIntVector) ITERATOR() *SparseIntVectorIterator

func (*SparseIntVector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj *SparseIntVector) ITERATOR_FROM(i int) *SparseIntVectorIterator

func (*SparseIntVector) Import

func (obj *SparseIntVector) Import(filename string) error

func (*SparseIntVector) Int16At

func (obj *SparseIntVector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (*SparseIntVector) Int32At

func (obj *SparseIntVector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (*SparseIntVector) Int64At

func (obj *SparseIntVector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (*SparseIntVector) Int8At

func (obj *SparseIntVector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (*SparseIntVector) IntAt

func (obj *SparseIntVector) IntAt(i int) int

func (*SparseIntVector) Iterator

func (obj *SparseIntVector) Iterator() VectorIterator

func (*SparseIntVector) IteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseIntVector) IteratorFrom(i int) VectorIterator

func (*SparseIntVector) JOINT3_ITERATOR

func (obj *SparseIntVector) JOINT3_ITERATOR(b, c ConstVector) *SparseIntVectorJoint3Iterator

func (*SparseIntVector) JOINT3_ITERATOR_

func (obj *SparseIntVector) JOINT3_ITERATOR_(b, c *SparseIntVector) *SparseIntVectorJoint3Iterator_

func (*SparseIntVector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*SparseIntVector) JOINT_ITERATOR_

func (*SparseIntVector) JointIterator

func (obj *SparseIntVector) JointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorJointIterator

func (*SparseIntVector) Map

func (obj *SparseIntVector) Map(f func(Scalar))

imlement ScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntVector) MapSet

func (obj *SparseIntVector) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*SparseIntVector) MarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseIntVector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntVector) MdotV


Matrix vector product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseIntVector) Permute

func (obj *SparseIntVector) Permute(pi []int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntVector) Reduce

func (obj *SparseIntVector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*SparseIntVector) Reset

func (obj *SparseIntVector) Reset()

func (*SparseIntVector) ReverseOrder

func (obj *SparseIntVector) ReverseOrder()

func (*SparseIntVector) SET

func (obj *SparseIntVector) SET(x *SparseIntVector)

func (*SparseIntVector) SLICE

func (obj *SparseIntVector) SLICE(i, j int) *SparseIntVector

func (*SparseIntVector) Set

func (obj *SparseIntVector) Set(x ConstVector)

Copy scalars from w into this vector. The lengths of both vectors must match.

func (*SparseIntVector) Slice

func (obj *SparseIntVector) Slice(i, j int) Vector

func (*SparseIntVector) Sort

func (obj *SparseIntVector) Sort(reverse bool)

func (*SparseIntVector) String

func (obj *SparseIntVector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntVector) Swap

func (obj *SparseIntVector) Swap(i, j int)

func (*SparseIntVector) Table

func (obj *SparseIntVector) Table() string

func (*SparseIntVector) ToSparseIntMatrix

func (obj *SparseIntVector) ToSparseIntMatrix(n, m int) *SparseIntMatrix

func (*SparseIntVector) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseIntVector) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (*SparseIntVector) VADDS

func (*SparseIntVector) VADDV

func (*SparseIntVector) VDIVS

func (*SparseIntVector) VDIVV

func (*SparseIntVector) VMULS

func (*SparseIntVector) VMULV

func (*SparseIntVector) VSUBS

func (*SparseIntVector) VSUBV

func (*SparseIntVector) VaddS


Element-wise addition of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseIntVector) VaddV

func (r *SparseIntVector) VaddV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise addition of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseIntVector) VdivS


Element-wise division of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseIntVector) VdivV

func (r *SparseIntVector) VdivV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise division of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseIntVector) VdotM


Vector matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseIntVector) VmulS


Element-wise substraction of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseIntVector) VmulV

func (r *SparseIntVector) VmulV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseIntVector) VsubS


Element-wise substractor of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseIntVector) VsubV

func (r *SparseIntVector) VsubV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise substraction of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

type SparseIntVectorIterator

type SparseIntVectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntVectorIterator) Clone

func (*SparseIntVectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseIntVectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseIntVectorIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *SparseIntVectorIterator) CloneIterator() VectorIterator

func (*SparseIntVectorIterator) GET

func (obj *SparseIntVectorIterator) GET() Int

func (*SparseIntVectorIterator) Get

func (obj *SparseIntVectorIterator) Get() Scalar

func (*SparseIntVectorIterator) GetConst

func (obj *SparseIntVectorIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*SparseIntVectorIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseIntVectorIterator) Index() int

func (*SparseIntVectorIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseIntVectorIterator) Next()

type SparseIntVectorJoint3Iterator

type SparseIntVectorJoint3Iterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntVectorJoint3Iterator) GET

func (*SparseIntVectorJoint3Iterator) Get

func (*SparseIntVectorJoint3Iterator) Index

func (obj *SparseIntVectorJoint3Iterator) Index() int

func (*SparseIntVectorJoint3Iterator) Next

func (obj *SparseIntVectorJoint3Iterator) Next()

func (*SparseIntVectorJoint3Iterator) Ok

type SparseIntVectorJoint3Iterator_

type SparseIntVectorJoint3Iterator_ struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntVectorJoint3Iterator_) GET

func (obj *SparseIntVectorJoint3Iterator_) GET() (Int, Int, Int)

func (*SparseIntVectorJoint3Iterator_) Index

func (obj *SparseIntVectorJoint3Iterator_) Index() int

func (*SparseIntVectorJoint3Iterator_) Next

func (obj *SparseIntVectorJoint3Iterator_) Next()

func (*SparseIntVectorJoint3Iterator_) Ok

type SparseIntVectorJointIterator

type SparseIntVectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntVectorJointIterator) Clone

func (*SparseIntVectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseIntVectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseIntVectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *SparseIntVectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() VectorJointIterator

func (*SparseIntVectorJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseIntVectorJointIterator) Get

func (*SparseIntVectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseIntVectorJointIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseIntVectorJointIterator) Index() int

func (*SparseIntVectorJointIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseIntVectorJointIterator) Next()

func (*SparseIntVectorJointIterator) Ok

type SparseIntVectorJointIterator_

type SparseIntVectorJointIterator_ struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseIntVectorJointIterator_) GET

func (obj *SparseIntVectorJointIterator_) GET() (Int, Int)

func (*SparseIntVectorJointIterator_) Index

func (obj *SparseIntVectorJointIterator_) Index() int

func (*SparseIntVectorJointIterator_) Next

func (obj *SparseIntVectorJointIterator_) Next()

func (*SparseIntVectorJointIterator_) Ok

type SparseReal32Matrix

type SparseReal32Matrix struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

matrix type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseReal32Matrix

func AsSparseReal32Matrix(matrix ConstMatrix) *SparseReal32Matrix

func NewSparseReal32Matrix

func NewSparseReal32Matrix(rowIndices, colIndices []int, values []float32, rows, cols int) *SparseReal32Matrix

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullSparseReal32Matrix

func NullSparseReal32Matrix(rows, cols int) *SparseReal32Matrix

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) AT

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) AT(i, j int) *Real32

native matrix methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) AsConstVector

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) AsConstVector() ConstVector

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) AsMagicVector

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) AsMagicVector() MagicVector

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) AsSparseReal32Vector

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) AsSparseReal32Vector() *SparseReal32Vector

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) AsVector

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) AsVector() Vector

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) At

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) At(i, j int) Scalar

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) COL

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) COL(j int) *SparseReal32Vector

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Clone

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) Clone() *SparseReal32Matrix
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Clone matrix including data.

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) CloneConstMatrix

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) CloneConstMatrix() ConstMatrix

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) CloneMagicMatrix

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) CloneMagicMatrix() MagicMatrix

magic interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) CloneMatrix

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) CloneMatrix() Matrix

matrix interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Col

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) Col(j int) Vector

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) ConstAt

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) ConstAt(i, j int) ConstScalar

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) ConstCol

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) ConstCol(i int) ConstVector

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) ConstDiag

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) ConstDiag() ConstVector

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) ConstIterator

func (obj *SparseReal32Matrix) ConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseReal32Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixConstIterator

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) ConstRow

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) ConstRow(i int) ConstVector

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) ConstSlice

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) ConstSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) ConstMatrix

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) DIAG

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) DIAG() *SparseReal32Vector

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Diag

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) Diag() Vector

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Dims

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) Dims() (int, int)

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) ElementType

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Equals

func (a *SparseReal32Matrix) Equals(b ConstMatrix, epsilon float64) bool

import "fmt"


True if matrix a equals b.

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Export

func (m *SparseReal32Matrix) Export(filename string) error

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Float32At

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) Float32At(i, j int) float32

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Float64At

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) Float64At(i, j int) float64

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Hessian

Compute the Hessian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) ITERATOR

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj *SparseReal32Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM(i, j int) *SparseReal32MatrixIterator

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Import

func (m *SparseReal32Matrix) Import(filename string) error

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Int16At

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) Int16At(i, j int) int16

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Int32At

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) Int32At(i, j int) int32

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Int64At

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) Int64At(i, j int) int64

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Int8At

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) Int8At(i, j int) int8

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) IntAt

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) IntAt(i, j int) int

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) IsSymmetric

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) IsSymmetric(epsilon float64) bool

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Iterator

func (obj *SparseReal32Matrix) Iterator() MatrixIterator

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) IteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseReal32Matrix) IteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixIterator

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) JOINT3_ITERATOR

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Jacobian

func (r *SparseReal32Matrix) Jacobian(f func(ConstVector) ConstVector, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Jacobian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) JointIterator

func (obj *SparseReal32Matrix) JointIterator(b ConstMatrix) MatrixJointIterator

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) MaddM

func (r *SparseReal32Matrix) MaddM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise addition of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) MaddS


Add scalar b to all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) MagicAt

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) MagicAt(i, j int) MagicScalar

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) MagicIterator

func (obj *SparseReal32Matrix) MagicIterator() MatrixMagicIterator

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) MagicIteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseReal32Matrix) MagicIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixMagicIterator

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) MagicSlice

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) MagicSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) MagicMatrix

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) MagicT added in v1.0.2

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) MagicT() MagicMatrix

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Map

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) Map(f func(Scalar))

implement MagicScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) MapSet

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) MarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseReal32Matrix) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) MdivM

func (r *SparseReal32Matrix) MdivM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise division of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) MdivS


Divide all elements of a by b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) MdotM

func (r *SparseReal32Matrix) MdotM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) MmulM

func (r *SparseReal32Matrix) MmulM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise multiplication of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) MmulS


Multiply all elements of a with b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) MsubM

func (r *SparseReal32Matrix) MsubM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise substraction of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) MsubS


Substract b from all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Outer

func (r *SparseReal32Matrix) Outer(a, b ConstVector) Matrix

Outer product of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) PermuteColumns

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) PermuteColumns(pi []int) error

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) PermuteRows

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) PermuteRows(pi []int) error

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) ROW

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) ROW(i int) *SparseReal32Vector

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Reduce

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Reset

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) Reset()

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) ResetDerivatives

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) ResetDerivatives()

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Row

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) Row(i int) Vector

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) SLICE

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) SLICE(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) *SparseReal32Matrix

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Set

func (a *SparseReal32Matrix) Set(b ConstMatrix)

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) SetIdentity

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) SetIdentity()

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Slice

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) Slice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) Matrix

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) String

func (m *SparseReal32Matrix) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Swap

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) Swap(i1, j1, i2, j2 int)

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) SwapColumns

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) SwapColumns(i, j int) error

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) SwapRows

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) SwapRows(i, j int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) SymmetricPermutation

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) SymmetricPermutation(pi []int) error

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) T

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) T() Matrix

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Table

func (a *SparseReal32Matrix) Table() string

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Tip

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) Tip()

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseReal32Matrix) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (*SparseReal32Matrix) Variables

func (matrix *SparseReal32Matrix) Variables(order int) error

Treat all elements as variables for automatic differentiation. This method should only be called on a single vector or matrix. If multiple matrices should be treated as variables, then a single matrix must be allocated first and sliced after calling this method.

type SparseReal32MatrixIterator

type SparseReal32MatrixIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32MatrixIterator) Clone

func (*SparseReal32MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseReal32MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*SparseReal32MatrixIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *SparseReal32MatrixIterator) CloneIterator() MatrixIterator

func (*SparseReal32MatrixIterator) CloneMagicIterator

func (obj *SparseReal32MatrixIterator) CloneMagicIterator() MatrixMagicIterator

func (*SparseReal32MatrixIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseReal32MatrixIterator) Index() (int, int)

type SparseReal32MatrixJoint3Iterator

type SparseReal32MatrixJoint3Iterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint3 iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32MatrixJoint3Iterator) GET

func (*SparseReal32MatrixJoint3Iterator) Get

func (*SparseReal32MatrixJoint3Iterator) Index

func (obj *SparseReal32MatrixJoint3Iterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*SparseReal32MatrixJoint3Iterator) Next

func (*SparseReal32MatrixJoint3Iterator) Ok

type SparseReal32MatrixJointIterator

type SparseReal32MatrixJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32MatrixJointIterator) Clone

func (*SparseReal32MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseReal32MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() MatrixConstJointIterator

func (*SparseReal32MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *SparseReal32MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() MatrixJointIterator

func (*SparseReal32MatrixJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseReal32MatrixJointIterator) Get

func (*SparseReal32MatrixJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseReal32MatrixJointIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseReal32MatrixJointIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*SparseReal32MatrixJointIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseReal32MatrixJointIterator) Next()

func (*SparseReal32MatrixJointIterator) Ok

type SparseReal32Vector

type SparseReal32Vector struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

vector type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseReal32Vector

func AsSparseReal32Vector(v ConstVector) *SparseReal32Vector

Convert vector type.

func NewSparseReal32Vector

func NewSparseReal32Vector(indices []int, values []float32, n int) *SparseReal32Vector
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Allocate a new vector. Scalars are set to the given values.

func NullSparseReal32Vector

func NullSparseReal32Vector(length int) *SparseReal32Vector

Allocate a new vector. All scalars are set to zero.

func (*SparseReal32Vector) APPEND

func (*SparseReal32Vector) AT

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) AT(i int) *Real32

native vector methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32Vector) AT_

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) AT_(i int) *Real32

func (*SparseReal32Vector) AppendMagicScalar

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) AppendMagicScalar(scalars ...MagicScalar) MagicVector

func (*SparseReal32Vector) AppendMagicVector

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) AppendMagicVector(w_ MagicVector) MagicVector

func (*SparseReal32Vector) AppendScalar

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) AppendScalar(scalars ...Scalar) Vector

func (*SparseReal32Vector) AppendVector

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) AppendVector(w_ Vector) Vector

func (*SparseReal32Vector) AsConstMatrix

func (v *SparseReal32Vector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (*SparseReal32Vector) AsMagicMatrix

func (v *SparseReal32Vector) AsMagicMatrix(n, m int) MagicMatrix

func (*SparseReal32Vector) AsMatrix

func (v *SparseReal32Vector) AsMatrix(n, m int) Matrix

func (*SparseReal32Vector) At

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) At(i int) Scalar

func (*SparseReal32Vector) Clone

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) Clone() *SparseReal32Vector
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Create a deep copy of the vector.

func (*SparseReal32Vector) CloneConstVector

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32Vector) CloneMagicVector

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) CloneMagicVector() MagicVector

magic interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32Vector) CloneVector

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) CloneVector() Vector

vector interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32Vector) ConstAt

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (*SparseReal32Vector) ConstIterator

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32Vector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseReal32Vector) ConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) ConstJointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseReal32Vector) ConstSlice

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (*SparseReal32Vector) Dim

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) Dim() int

func (*SparseReal32Vector) EQUALS

func (a *SparseReal32Vector) EQUALS(b *SparseReal32Vector, epsilon float64) bool

func (*SparseReal32Vector) ElementType

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*SparseReal32Vector) Equals

func (a *SparseReal32Vector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool

import "math"


Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (*SparseReal32Vector) Export

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) Export(filename string) error

func (*SparseReal32Vector) Float32At

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (*SparseReal32Vector) Float64At

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (*SparseReal32Vector) ITERATOR

func (*SparseReal32Vector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) ITERATOR_FROM(i int) *SparseReal32VectorIterator

func (*SparseReal32Vector) Import

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) Import(filename string) error

func (*SparseReal32Vector) Int16At

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (*SparseReal32Vector) Int32At

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (*SparseReal32Vector) Int64At

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (*SparseReal32Vector) Int8At

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (*SparseReal32Vector) IntAt

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) IntAt(i int) int

func (*SparseReal32Vector) Iterator

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) Iterator() VectorIterator

func (*SparseReal32Vector) IteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) IteratorFrom(i int) VectorIterator

func (*SparseReal32Vector) JOINT3_ITERATOR

func (*SparseReal32Vector) JOINT3_ITERATOR_

func (*SparseReal32Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*SparseReal32Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR_

func (*SparseReal32Vector) JointIterator

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) JointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorJointIterator

func (*SparseReal32Vector) MagicAt

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) MagicAt(i int) MagicScalar

func (*SparseReal32Vector) MagicIterator

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) MagicIterator() VectorMagicIterator

func (*SparseReal32Vector) MagicIteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) MagicIteratorFrom(i int) VectorMagicIterator

func (*SparseReal32Vector) MagicSlice

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) MagicSlice(i, j int) MagicVector

func (*SparseReal32Vector) Map

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) Map(f func(Scalar))

imlement MagicScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32Vector) MapSet

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*SparseReal32Vector) MarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32Vector) MdotV


Matrix vector product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal32Vector) Permute

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) Permute(pi []int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32Vector) Reduce

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*SparseReal32Vector) Reset

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) Reset()

func (*SparseReal32Vector) ResetDerivatives

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) ResetDerivatives()

func (*SparseReal32Vector) ReverseOrder

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) ReverseOrder()

func (*SparseReal32Vector) SET

func (*SparseReal32Vector) SLICE

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) SLICE(i, j int) *SparseReal32Vector

func (*SparseReal32Vector) Set

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) Set(x ConstVector)

Copy scalars from w into this vector. The lengths of both vectors must match.

func (*SparseReal32Vector) Slice

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) Slice(i, j int) Vector

func (*SparseReal32Vector) Sort

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) Sort(reverse bool)

func (*SparseReal32Vector) String

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32Vector) Swap

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) Swap(i, j int)

func (*SparseReal32Vector) Table

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) Table() string

func (*SparseReal32Vector) ToSparseReal32Matrix

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) ToSparseReal32Matrix(n, m int) *SparseReal32Matrix

func (*SparseReal32Vector) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (*SparseReal32Vector) VADDS

func (*SparseReal32Vector) VADDV

func (*SparseReal32Vector) VDIVS

func (*SparseReal32Vector) VDIVV

func (*SparseReal32Vector) VMULS

func (*SparseReal32Vector) VMULV

func (*SparseReal32Vector) VSUBS

func (*SparseReal32Vector) VSUBV

func (*SparseReal32Vector) VaddS


Element-wise addition of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal32Vector) VaddV

func (r *SparseReal32Vector) VaddV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise addition of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal32Vector) Variables

func (obj *SparseReal32Vector) Variables(order int) error

Treat all elements as variables for automatic differentiation. This method should only be called on a single vector or matrix. If multiple vectors should be treated as variables, then a single vector must be allocated first and sliced after calling this method.

func (*SparseReal32Vector) VdivS


Element-wise division of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal32Vector) VdivV

func (r *SparseReal32Vector) VdivV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise division of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal32Vector) VdotM


Vector matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal32Vector) VmulS


Element-wise substraction of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal32Vector) VmulV

func (r *SparseReal32Vector) VmulV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal32Vector) VsubS


Element-wise substractor of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal32Vector) VsubV

func (r *SparseReal32Vector) VsubV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise substraction of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

type SparseReal32VectorIterator

type SparseReal32VectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32VectorIterator) Clone

func (*SparseReal32VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseReal32VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseReal32VectorIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *SparseReal32VectorIterator) CloneIterator() VectorIterator

func (*SparseReal32VectorIterator) CloneMagicIterator

func (obj *SparseReal32VectorIterator) CloneMagicIterator() VectorMagicIterator

func (*SparseReal32VectorIterator) GET

func (obj *SparseReal32VectorIterator) GET() *Real32

func (*SparseReal32VectorIterator) Get

func (*SparseReal32VectorIterator) GetConst

func (obj *SparseReal32VectorIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*SparseReal32VectorIterator) GetMagic

func (obj *SparseReal32VectorIterator) GetMagic() MagicScalar

func (*SparseReal32VectorIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseReal32VectorIterator) Index() int

func (*SparseReal32VectorIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseReal32VectorIterator) Next()

type SparseReal32VectorJoint3Iterator

type SparseReal32VectorJoint3Iterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32VectorJoint3Iterator) GET

func (*SparseReal32VectorJoint3Iterator) Get

func (*SparseReal32VectorJoint3Iterator) Index

func (*SparseReal32VectorJoint3Iterator) Next

func (*SparseReal32VectorJoint3Iterator) Ok

type SparseReal32VectorJoint3Iterator_

type SparseReal32VectorJoint3Iterator_ struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32VectorJoint3Iterator_) GET

func (*SparseReal32VectorJoint3Iterator_) Index

func (*SparseReal32VectorJoint3Iterator_) Next

func (*SparseReal32VectorJoint3Iterator_) Ok

type SparseReal32VectorJointIterator

type SparseReal32VectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32VectorJointIterator) Clone

func (*SparseReal32VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseReal32VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseReal32VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *SparseReal32VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() VectorJointIterator

func (*SparseReal32VectorJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseReal32VectorJointIterator) Get

func (*SparseReal32VectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseReal32VectorJointIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseReal32VectorJointIterator) Index() int

func (*SparseReal32VectorJointIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseReal32VectorJointIterator) Next()

func (*SparseReal32VectorJointIterator) Ok

type SparseReal32VectorJointIterator_

type SparseReal32VectorJointIterator_ struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal32VectorJointIterator_) GET

func (*SparseReal32VectorJointIterator_) Index

func (*SparseReal32VectorJointIterator_) Next

func (*SparseReal32VectorJointIterator_) Ok

type SparseReal64Matrix

type SparseReal64Matrix struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

matrix type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseReal64Matrix

func AsSparseReal64Matrix(matrix ConstMatrix) *SparseReal64Matrix

func NewSparseReal64Matrix

func NewSparseReal64Matrix(rowIndices, colIndices []int, values []float64, rows, cols int) *SparseReal64Matrix

constructors * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func NullSparseReal64Matrix

func NullSparseReal64Matrix(rows, cols int) *SparseReal64Matrix

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) AT

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) AT(i, j int) *Real64

native matrix methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) AsConstVector

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) AsConstVector() ConstVector

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) AsMagicVector

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) AsMagicVector() MagicVector

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) AsSparseReal64Vector

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) AsSparseReal64Vector() *SparseReal64Vector

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) AsVector

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) AsVector() Vector

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) At

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) At(i, j int) Scalar

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) COL

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) COL(j int) *SparseReal64Vector

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Clone

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) Clone() *SparseReal64Matrix
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Clone matrix including data.

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) CloneConstMatrix

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) CloneConstMatrix() ConstMatrix

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) CloneMagicMatrix

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) CloneMagicMatrix() MagicMatrix

magic interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) CloneMatrix

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) CloneMatrix() Matrix

matrix interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Col

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) Col(j int) Vector

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) ConstAt

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) ConstAt(i, j int) ConstScalar

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) ConstCol

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) ConstCol(i int) ConstVector

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) ConstDiag

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) ConstDiag() ConstVector

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) ConstIterator

func (obj *SparseReal64Matrix) ConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseReal64Matrix) ConstIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixConstIterator

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) ConstRow

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) ConstRow(i int) ConstVector

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) ConstSlice

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) ConstSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) ConstMatrix

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) DIAG

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) DIAG() *SparseReal64Vector

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Diag

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) Diag() Vector

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Dims

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) Dims() (int, int)

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) ElementType

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Equals

func (a *SparseReal64Matrix) Equals(b ConstMatrix, epsilon float64) bool

import "fmt"


True if matrix a equals b.

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Export

func (m *SparseReal64Matrix) Export(filename string) error

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Float32At

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) Float32At(i, j int) float32

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Float64At

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) Float64At(i, j int) float64

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Hessian

Compute the Hessian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) ITERATOR

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj *SparseReal64Matrix) ITERATOR_FROM(i, j int) *SparseReal64MatrixIterator

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Import

func (m *SparseReal64Matrix) Import(filename string) error

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Int16At

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) Int16At(i, j int) int16

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Int32At

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) Int32At(i, j int) int32

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Int64At

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) Int64At(i, j int) int64

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Int8At

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) Int8At(i, j int) int8

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) IntAt

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) IntAt(i, j int) int

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) IsSymmetric

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) IsSymmetric(epsilon float64) bool

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Iterator

func (obj *SparseReal64Matrix) Iterator() MatrixIterator

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) IteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseReal64Matrix) IteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixIterator

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) JOINT3_ITERATOR

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Jacobian

func (r *SparseReal64Matrix) Jacobian(f func(ConstVector) ConstVector, x_ MagicVector) Matrix

Compute the Jacobian of f at x_. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) JointIterator

func (obj *SparseReal64Matrix) JointIterator(b ConstMatrix) MatrixJointIterator

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) MaddM

func (r *SparseReal64Matrix) MaddM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise addition of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) MaddS


Add scalar b to all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) MagicAt

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) MagicAt(i, j int) MagicScalar

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) MagicIterator

func (obj *SparseReal64Matrix) MagicIterator() MatrixMagicIterator

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) MagicIteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseReal64Matrix) MagicIteratorFrom(i, j int) MatrixMagicIterator

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) MagicSlice

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) MagicSlice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) MagicMatrix

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) MagicT added in v1.0.2

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) MagicT() MagicMatrix

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Map

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) Map(f func(Scalar))

implement MagicScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) MapSet

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) MarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseReal64Matrix) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) MdivM

func (r *SparseReal64Matrix) MdivM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise division of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) MdivS


Divide all elements of a by b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) MdotM

func (r *SparseReal64Matrix) MdotM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) MmulM

func (r *SparseReal64Matrix) MmulM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise multiplication of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) MmulS


Multiply all elements of a with b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) MsubM

func (r *SparseReal64Matrix) MsubM(a, b ConstMatrix) Matrix

Element-wise substraction of two matrices. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) MsubS


Substract b from all elements of a. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Outer

func (r *SparseReal64Matrix) Outer(a, b ConstVector) Matrix

Outer product of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) PermuteColumns

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) PermuteColumns(pi []int) error

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) PermuteRows

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) PermuteRows(pi []int) error

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) ROW

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) ROW(i int) *SparseReal64Vector

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Reduce

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Reset

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) Reset()

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) ResetDerivatives

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) ResetDerivatives()

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Row

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) Row(i int) Vector

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) SLICE

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) SLICE(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) *SparseReal64Matrix

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Set

func (a *SparseReal64Matrix) Set(b ConstMatrix)

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) SetIdentity

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) SetIdentity()

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Slice

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) Slice(rfrom, rto, cfrom, cto int) Matrix

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) String

func (m *SparseReal64Matrix) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Swap

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) Swap(i1, j1, i2, j2 int)

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) SwapColumns

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) SwapColumns(i, j int) error

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) SwapRows

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) SwapRows(i, j int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) SymmetricPermutation

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) SymmetricPermutation(pi []int) error

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) T

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) T() Matrix

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Table

func (a *SparseReal64Matrix) Table() string

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Tip

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) Tip()

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseReal64Matrix) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (*SparseReal64Matrix) Variables

func (matrix *SparseReal64Matrix) Variables(order int) error

Treat all elements as variables for automatic differentiation. This method should only be called on a single vector or matrix. If multiple matrices should be treated as variables, then a single matrix must be allocated first and sliced after calling this method.

type SparseReal64MatrixIterator

type SparseReal64MatrixIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64MatrixIterator) Clone

func (*SparseReal64MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseReal64MatrixIterator) CloneConstIterator() MatrixConstIterator

func (*SparseReal64MatrixIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *SparseReal64MatrixIterator) CloneIterator() MatrixIterator

func (*SparseReal64MatrixIterator) CloneMagicIterator

func (obj *SparseReal64MatrixIterator) CloneMagicIterator() MatrixMagicIterator

func (*SparseReal64MatrixIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseReal64MatrixIterator) Index() (int, int)

type SparseReal64MatrixJoint3Iterator

type SparseReal64MatrixJoint3Iterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint3 iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64MatrixJoint3Iterator) GET

func (*SparseReal64MatrixJoint3Iterator) Get

func (*SparseReal64MatrixJoint3Iterator) Index

func (obj *SparseReal64MatrixJoint3Iterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*SparseReal64MatrixJoint3Iterator) Next

func (*SparseReal64MatrixJoint3Iterator) Ok

type SparseReal64MatrixJointIterator

type SparseReal64MatrixJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64MatrixJointIterator) Clone

func (*SparseReal64MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseReal64MatrixJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() MatrixConstJointIterator

func (*SparseReal64MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *SparseReal64MatrixJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() MatrixJointIterator

func (*SparseReal64MatrixJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseReal64MatrixJointIterator) Get

func (*SparseReal64MatrixJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseReal64MatrixJointIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseReal64MatrixJointIterator) Index() (int, int)

func (*SparseReal64MatrixJointIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseReal64MatrixJointIterator) Next()

func (*SparseReal64MatrixJointIterator) Ok

type SparseReal64Vector

type SparseReal64Vector struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

vector type declaration * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func AsSparseReal64Vector

func AsSparseReal64Vector(v ConstVector) *SparseReal64Vector

Convert vector type.

func NewSparseReal64Vector

func NewSparseReal64Vector(indices []int, values []float64, n int) *SparseReal64Vector
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Allocate a new vector. Scalars are set to the given values.

func NullSparseReal64Vector

func NullSparseReal64Vector(length int) *SparseReal64Vector

Allocate a new vector. All scalars are set to zero.

func (*SparseReal64Vector) APPEND

func (*SparseReal64Vector) AT

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) AT(i int) *Real64

native vector methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64Vector) AT_

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) AT_(i int) *Real64

func (*SparseReal64Vector) AppendMagicScalar

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) AppendMagicScalar(scalars ...MagicScalar) MagicVector

func (*SparseReal64Vector) AppendMagicVector

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) AppendMagicVector(w_ MagicVector) MagicVector

func (*SparseReal64Vector) AppendScalar

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) AppendScalar(scalars ...Scalar) Vector

func (*SparseReal64Vector) AppendVector

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) AppendVector(w_ Vector) Vector

func (*SparseReal64Vector) AsConstMatrix

func (v *SparseReal64Vector) AsConstMatrix(n, m int) ConstMatrix

func (*SparseReal64Vector) AsMagicMatrix

func (v *SparseReal64Vector) AsMagicMatrix(n, m int) MagicMatrix

func (*SparseReal64Vector) AsMatrix

func (v *SparseReal64Vector) AsMatrix(n, m int) Matrix

func (*SparseReal64Vector) At

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) At(i int) Scalar

func (*SparseReal64Vector) Clone

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) Clone() *SparseReal64Vector
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Create a deep copy of the vector.

func (*SparseReal64Vector) CloneConstVector

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) CloneConstVector() ConstVector

const interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64Vector) CloneMagicVector

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) CloneMagicVector() MagicVector

magic interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64Vector) CloneVector

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) CloneVector() Vector

vector interface * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64Vector) ConstAt

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) ConstAt(i int) ConstScalar

func (*SparseReal64Vector) ConstIterator

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) ConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

iterator methods * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64Vector) ConstIteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) ConstIteratorFrom(i int) VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseReal64Vector) ConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) ConstJointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseReal64Vector) ConstSlice

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) ConstSlice(i, j int) ConstVector

func (*SparseReal64Vector) Dim

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) Dim() int

func (*SparseReal64Vector) EQUALS

func (a *SparseReal64Vector) EQUALS(b *SparseReal64Vector, epsilon float64) bool

func (*SparseReal64Vector) ElementType

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) ElementType() ScalarType

func (*SparseReal64Vector) Equals

func (a *SparseReal64Vector) Equals(b ConstVector, epsilon float64) bool

import "math"


Test if elements in a equal elements in b.

func (*SparseReal64Vector) Export

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) Export(filename string) error

func (*SparseReal64Vector) Float32At

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) Float32At(i int) float32

func (*SparseReal64Vector) Float64At

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) Float64At(i int) float64

func (*SparseReal64Vector) ITERATOR

func (*SparseReal64Vector) ITERATOR_FROM

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) ITERATOR_FROM(i int) *SparseReal64VectorIterator

func (*SparseReal64Vector) Import

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) Import(filename string) error

func (*SparseReal64Vector) Int16At

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) Int16At(i int) int16

func (*SparseReal64Vector) Int32At

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) Int32At(i int) int32

func (*SparseReal64Vector) Int64At

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) Int64At(i int) int64

func (*SparseReal64Vector) Int8At

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) Int8At(i int) int8

func (*SparseReal64Vector) IntAt

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) IntAt(i int) int

func (*SparseReal64Vector) Iterator

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) Iterator() VectorIterator

func (*SparseReal64Vector) IteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) IteratorFrom(i int) VectorIterator

func (*SparseReal64Vector) JOINT3_ITERATOR

func (*SparseReal64Vector) JOINT3_ITERATOR_

func (*SparseReal64Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR

func (*SparseReal64Vector) JOINT_ITERATOR_

func (*SparseReal64Vector) JointIterator

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) JointIterator(b ConstVector) VectorJointIterator

func (*SparseReal64Vector) MagicAt

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) MagicAt(i int) MagicScalar

func (*SparseReal64Vector) MagicIterator

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) MagicIterator() VectorMagicIterator

func (*SparseReal64Vector) MagicIteratorFrom

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) MagicIteratorFrom(i int) VectorMagicIterator

func (*SparseReal64Vector) MagicSlice

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) MagicSlice(i, j int) MagicVector

func (*SparseReal64Vector) Map

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) Map(f func(Scalar))

imlement MagicScalarContainer * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64Vector) MapSet

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) MapSet(f func(ConstScalar) Scalar)

func (*SparseReal64Vector) MarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

json * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64Vector) MdotV


Matrix vector product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal64Vector) Permute

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) Permute(pi []int) error

permutations * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64Vector) Reduce

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) Reduce(f func(Scalar, ConstScalar) Scalar, r Scalar) Scalar

func (*SparseReal64Vector) Reset

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) Reset()

func (*SparseReal64Vector) ResetDerivatives

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) ResetDerivatives()

func (*SparseReal64Vector) ReverseOrder

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) ReverseOrder()

func (*SparseReal64Vector) SET

func (*SparseReal64Vector) SLICE

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) SLICE(i, j int) *SparseReal64Vector

func (*SparseReal64Vector) Set

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) Set(x ConstVector)

Copy scalars from w into this vector. The lengths of both vectors must match.

func (*SparseReal64Vector) Slice

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) Slice(i, j int) Vector

func (*SparseReal64Vector) Sort

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) Sort(reverse bool)

func (*SparseReal64Vector) String

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) String() string

type conversion * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64Vector) Swap

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) Swap(i, j int)

func (*SparseReal64Vector) Table

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) Table() string

func (*SparseReal64Vector) ToSparseReal64Matrix

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) ToSparseReal64Matrix(n, m int) *SparseReal64Matrix

func (*SparseReal64Vector) UnmarshalJSON

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (*SparseReal64Vector) VADDS

func (*SparseReal64Vector) VADDV

func (*SparseReal64Vector) VDIVS

func (*SparseReal64Vector) VDIVV

func (*SparseReal64Vector) VMULS

func (*SparseReal64Vector) VMULV

func (*SparseReal64Vector) VSUBS

func (*SparseReal64Vector) VSUBV

func (*SparseReal64Vector) VaddS


Element-wise addition of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal64Vector) VaddV

func (r *SparseReal64Vector) VaddV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise addition of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal64Vector) Variables

func (obj *SparseReal64Vector) Variables(order int) error

Treat all elements as variables for automatic differentiation. This method should only be called on a single vector or matrix. If multiple vectors should be treated as variables, then a single vector must be allocated first and sliced after calling this method.

func (*SparseReal64Vector) VdivS


Element-wise division of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal64Vector) VdivV

func (r *SparseReal64Vector) VdivV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise division of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal64Vector) VdotM


Vector matrix product of a and b. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal64Vector) VmulS


Element-wise substraction of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal64Vector) VmulV

func (r *SparseReal64Vector) VmulV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal64Vector) VsubS


Element-wise substractor of a vector and a scalar. The result is stored in r.

func (*SparseReal64Vector) VsubV

func (r *SparseReal64Vector) VsubV(a, b ConstVector) Vector

Element-wise substraction of two vectors. The result is stored in r.

type SparseReal64VectorIterator

type SparseReal64VectorIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64VectorIterator) Clone

func (*SparseReal64VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator

func (obj *SparseReal64VectorIterator) CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator

func (*SparseReal64VectorIterator) CloneIterator

func (obj *SparseReal64VectorIterator) CloneIterator() VectorIterator

func (*SparseReal64VectorIterator) CloneMagicIterator

func (obj *SparseReal64VectorIterator) CloneMagicIterator() VectorMagicIterator

func (*SparseReal64VectorIterator) GET

func (obj *SparseReal64VectorIterator) GET() *Real64

func (*SparseReal64VectorIterator) Get

func (*SparseReal64VectorIterator) GetConst

func (obj *SparseReal64VectorIterator) GetConst() ConstScalar

func (*SparseReal64VectorIterator) GetMagic

func (obj *SparseReal64VectorIterator) GetMagic() MagicScalar

func (*SparseReal64VectorIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseReal64VectorIterator) Index() int

func (*SparseReal64VectorIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseReal64VectorIterator) Next()

type SparseReal64VectorJoint3Iterator

type SparseReal64VectorJoint3Iterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64VectorJoint3Iterator) GET

func (*SparseReal64VectorJoint3Iterator) Get

func (*SparseReal64VectorJoint3Iterator) Index

func (*SparseReal64VectorJoint3Iterator) Next

func (*SparseReal64VectorJoint3Iterator) Ok

type SparseReal64VectorJoint3Iterator_

type SparseReal64VectorJoint3Iterator_ struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64VectorJoint3Iterator_) GET

func (*SparseReal64VectorJoint3Iterator_) Index

func (*SparseReal64VectorJoint3Iterator_) Next

func (*SparseReal64VectorJoint3Iterator_) Ok

type SparseReal64VectorJointIterator

type SparseReal64VectorJointIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64VectorJointIterator) Clone

func (*SparseReal64VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator

func (obj *SparseReal64VectorJointIterator) CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator

func (*SparseReal64VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator

func (obj *SparseReal64VectorJointIterator) CloneJointIterator() VectorJointIterator

func (*SparseReal64VectorJointIterator) GET

func (*SparseReal64VectorJointIterator) Get

func (*SparseReal64VectorJointIterator) GetConst

func (*SparseReal64VectorJointIterator) Index

func (obj *SparseReal64VectorJointIterator) Index() int

func (*SparseReal64VectorJointIterator) Next

func (obj *SparseReal64VectorJointIterator) Next()

func (*SparseReal64VectorJointIterator) Ok

type SparseReal64VectorJointIterator_

type SparseReal64VectorJointIterator_ struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

joint iterator * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*SparseReal64VectorJointIterator_) GET

func (*SparseReal64VectorJointIterator_) Index

func (*SparseReal64VectorJointIterator_) Next

func (*SparseReal64VectorJointIterator_) Ok

type Vector

type Vector interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

func AsDenseVector

func AsDenseVector(t ScalarType, v ConstVector) Vector

func AsSparseVector

func AsSparseVector(t ScalarType, v ConstVector) Vector

func GetGradient

func GetGradient(t ScalarType, x ConstScalar) Vector

func NullDenseVector

func NullDenseVector(t ScalarType, length int) Vector

func NullSparseVector

func NullSparseVector(t ScalarType, length int) Vector

type VectorConstIterator

type VectorConstIterator interface {
	CloneConstIterator() VectorConstIterator
	GetConst() ConstScalar
	Ok() bool
	Index() int

type VectorConstJointIterator

type VectorConstJointIterator interface {
	CloneConstJointIterator() VectorConstJointIterator
	GetConst() (ConstScalar, ConstScalar)
	Ok() bool
	Index() int

type VectorIterator

type VectorIterator interface {
	CloneIterator() VectorIterator
	GetConst() ConstScalar
	Get() Scalar
	Ok() bool
	Index() int

type VectorJointIterator

type VectorJointIterator interface {
	CloneJointIterator() VectorJointIterator
	GetConst() (ConstScalar, ConstScalar)
	Get() (Scalar, ConstScalar)
	Ok() bool
	Index() int

type VectorMagicIterator

type VectorMagicIterator interface {
	CloneMagicIterator() VectorMagicIterator
	GetConst() ConstScalar
	Get() Scalar
	GetMagic() MagicScalar
	Ok() bool
	Index() int

Source Files


Path Synopsis
-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version.
-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version.
-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version.
-*- mode: go; -*- * * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Philipp Benner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version.

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