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Published: Feb 7, 2024 License: MIT



Enable Kubernetes cert-manager to sync TLS certificates to AWS ACM, GCP, HashiCorp Vault, and other remote certificate stores.




In containerized environments, we use cert-manager to automatically provision, manage, and renew TLS certificates for our applications.

These certificates are managed entirely through code using git ops, and developers / operators never need to touch / see the actual plain-text certificate as it is automatically provisioned and attached to gateway.

However for applications that sit behind the Incapsula WAF, or have components in both EKS and CloudFront, there was not a seamless and secure process to attach certificates without operators manually passing DNS01 challenge records back and forth or worse, passing TLS certs back and forth.

In addition to the security risk this poses, it also introduces a level of human error and manual tracking of expiry / renewals.

This operator fully automates this process, so that developers must only annotate their cert-manager kube tls secrets with a flag indicating they want the certificate synced and to where they want it synced.

When the certificate is provisioned by cert-manager, the cert-manager-sync operator will sync the certificate to the upstream certificate provider(s) defined in the TLS secret annotations.

Certificate Stores

Certificate stores are configured via Kubernetes annotations on the TLS secret created / managed by cert-manager. Before a store can be used, you must enable the sync on the TLS secret by setting the cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/sync-enabled annotation to true.

    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/sync-enabled: "true" # enable sync on tls secret

Create an IRSA role with acm:* access, and attach the IAM Role to the k8s ServiceAccount in devops/k8s/sa.yaml. If your workload does not run in EKS, you can create a k8s secret with the AWS credentials and annotate the TLS secret with the secret name with your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.

kubectl -n cert-manager \
	create secret generic example-aws-secret \


    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/acm-enabled: "true" # sync certificate to ACM
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/acm-role-arn: "" # Role ARN to assume if set
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/acm-region: "" # Region to use. If not set, will use AWS_REGION env var, or us-east-1 if not set
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/acm-certificate-arn: "" # will be auto-filled by operator for in-place renewals
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/acm-secret-name: "" # (optional if not using IRSA) secret in same namespace which contains the aws credentials. If provided in format "namespace/secret-name", will look in that namespace for the secret

Create a Cloudflare API Key and create a kube secret containing this key.

kubectl -n cert-manager \
	create secret generic example-cloudflare-secret \
	--from-literal api_key=XXXXX --from-literal email=XXXXX

You will then annotate your k8s TLS secret with this secret name to tell the operator to retrieve the Cloudflare API secret from this location.


    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/cloudflare-enabled: "true" # sync certificate to Cloudflare
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/cloudflare-secret-name: "example-cloudflare-secret" # secret in same namespace which contains the cloudflare api key. If provided in format "namespace/secret-name", will look in that namespace for the secret
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/cloudflare-zone-id: "example-zone-id" # cloudflare zone id
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/cloudflare-cert-id: "" # will be auto-filled by operator for in-place renewals

Create a DigitalOcean API Key and create a kube secret containing this key.

kubectl -n cert-manager \
	create secret generic example-digitalocean-secret \
	--from-literal api_key=XXXXX

You will then annotate your k8s TLS secret with this secret name to tell the operator to retrieve the DigitalOcean API secret from this location.


    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/digitalocean-enabled: "true" # sync certificate to DigitalOcean
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/digitalocean-secret-name: "example-digitalocean-secret" # secret in same namespace which contains the digitalocean api key. If provided in format "namespace/secret-name", will look in that namespace for the secret
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/digitalocean-cert-name: "my-cert" # unique name to give your cert in DigitalOcean
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/digitalocean-cert-id: "" # will be auto-filled by operator for in-place renewals

If you want to store the certs in a directory mounted to the operator, you can use the filepath sync method. This is useful for storing certs in a shared volume that can be mounted on systems which do not support other sync methods.


    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/filepath-enabled: "true" # sync certificate to filepath
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/filepath-dir: "/path/to/certs" # directory to store cert
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/filepath-cert: "example.com.crt" # filename to store cert, default is "tls.crt"
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/filepath-key: "example.com.key" # filename to store key, default is "tls.key"
Google Cloud

Create a service account with roles/certificatemanager.editor rolem and attach the service account to the k8s Service Account in devops/k8s/sa.yaml.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: cert-manager-sync
  namespace: cert-manager
    iam.gke.io/gcp-service-account: GSA_NAME@PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com

If your workload does not run in GKE, you can create a k8s secret with the GCP credentials and annotate the TLS secret with the secret name with your GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS.

kubectl -n cert-manager \
  create secret generic example-gcp-secret \


    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/gcp-enabled: "true" # sync certificate to GCP
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/gcp-location: LOCATION # GCP location to store cert
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/gcp-project: PROJECT_ID # GCP project to store cert
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/gcp-certificate-name: "" # will be auto-filled by operator for in-place renewals
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/gcp-secret-name: "" # (optional if not using GKE) secret in same namespace which contains the gcp credentials. If provided in format "namespace/secret-name", will look in that namespace for the secret
HashiCorp Vault

HashiCorp Vault relies on the Kubernetes Auth Method to securely issue the operator a short-lived token according to your Vault policy. This token is then used to sync the updated certs to Vault so that they can be used by Vault-integrated applications and services.


    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/vault-addr: "https://vault.example.com" # HashiCorp Vault address
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/vault-namespace: "my-ns/example" # HashiCorp Vault namespace. Only required for Vault EE.
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/vault-role: "role-name" # HashiCorp Vault role name
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/vault-auth-method: "auth-method" # HashiCorp Vault auth method name
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/vault-path: "kv-name/path/to/secret" # HashiCorp Vault path to store cert


Create a Heroku API Key and create a kube secret containing this key.

kubectl -n cert-manager \
	create secret generic example-heroku-secret \
	--from-literal api_key=XXXXX

You will then annotate your k8s TLS secret with this secret name to tell the operator to retrieve the Heroku API secret from this location.


    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/heroku-enabled: "true" # sync certificate to Heroku
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/heroku-app: "example-app" # heroku app to attach cert
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/heroku-secret-name: "example-heroku-secret" # secret in same namespace which contains the heroku api key. If provided in format "namespace/secret-name", will look in that namespace for the secret
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/heroku-cert-name: "" # will be auto-filled by operator for in-place renewals

Create an Incapsula API Key and create a kube secret containing this key.

kubectl -n cert-manager \
	create secret generic example-incapsula-api-secret \
	--from-literal api_id=XXXXX --from-literal api_key=XXXXX

You will then annotate your k8s TLS secret with this secret name to tell the operator to retrieve the Incapsula API secret from this location.


    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/incapsula-site-id: "12345" # incapsula site to attach cert
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/incapsula-secret-name: "cert-manager-sync-poc" # secret in same namespace which contains the incapsula api key. If provided in format "namespace/secret-name", will look in that namespace for the secret

Create a ThreatX API Key and create a kube secret in the namespace in which the operator runs.

kubectl -n cert-manager \
	create secret generic example-threatx-api-secret \
	--from-literal api_token=XXXXX --from-literal customer_name=XXXXX

You will then annotate your k8s TLS secret with this secret name to tell the operator to retrieve the ThreatX API secret from this location.


    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/threatx-hostname: "example.com" # threatx hostname to attach cert
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/threatx-secret-name: "example-threatx-api-secret" # secret in same namespace which contains the threatx api key. If provided in format "namespace/secret-name", will look in that namespace for the secret


The operator uses Kubernetes annotations to define the sync locations and configurations.

The following example secret contains all supported annotations.

apiVersion: v1
type: kubernetes.io/tls
kind: Secret
  name: example
  namespace: cert-manager
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/sync-enabled: "true" # enable sync on tls secret
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/acm-enabled: "true" # sync certificate to ACM
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/acm-role-arn: "" # Role ARN to assume if set
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/acm-region: "" # Region to use. If not set, will use AWS_REGION env var, or us-east-1 if not set
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/acm-certificate-arn: "" # will be auto-filled by operator for in-place renewals
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/acm-secret-name: "" # (optional if not using IRSA) secret in same namespace which contains the aws credentials. If provided in format "namespace/secret-name", will look in that namespace for the secret
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/cloudflare-enabled: "true" # sync certificate to Cloudflare
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/cloudflare-secret-name: "example-cloudflare-secret" # secret in same namespace which contains the cloudflare api key. If provided in format "namespace/secret-name", will look in that namespace for the secret
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/cloudflare-zone-id: "example-zone-id" # cloudflare zone id
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/cloudflare-cert-id: "" # will be auto-filled by operator for in-place renewals
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/digitalocean-enabled: "true" # sync certificate to DigitalOcean
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/digitalocean-secret-name: "example-digitalocean-secret" # secret in same namespace which contains the digitalocean api key. If provided in format "namespace/secret-name", will look in that namespace for the secret
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/digitalocean-cert-name: "my-cert" # unique name to give your cert in DigitalOcean
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/digitalocean-cert-id: "" # will be auto-filled by operator for in-place renewals
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/filepath-enabled: "true" # sync certificate to filepath
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/filepath-dir: "/path/to/certs" # directory to store cert
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/filepath-cert: "example.com.crt" # filename to store cert, default is "tls.crt"
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/filepath-key: "example.com.key" # filename to store key, default is "tls.key"
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/gcp-enabled: "true" # sync certificate to GCP
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/gcp-location: LOCATION # GCP location to store cert
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/gcp-project: PROJECT_ID # GCP project to store cert
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/gcp-certificate-name: "" # will be auto-filled by operator for in-place renewals
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/gcp-secret-name: "" # (optional if not using GKE) secret in same namespace which contains the gcp credentials. If provided in format "namespace/secret-name", will look in that namespace for the secret
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/heroku-enabled: "true" # sync certificate to Heroku
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/heroku-app: "example-app" # heroku app to attach cert
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/heroku-secret-name: "example-heroku-secret" # secret in same namespace which contains heroku api key
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/heroku-cert-name: "" # will be auto-filled by operator for in-place renewals
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/incapsula-site-id: "12345" # incapsula site to attach cert
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/incapsula-secret-name: "cert-manager-sync-poc" # secret in same namespace which contains incapsula api key
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/threatx-hostname: "example.com" # threatx hostname to attach cert
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/threatx-secret-name: "example-threatx-api-secret" # secret in same namespace which contains threatx api key
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/vault-addr: "https://vault.example.com" # HashiCorp Vault address
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/vault-namespace: "my-ns/example" # HashiCorp Vault namespace. Only required for Vault EE.
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/vault-role: "role-name" # HashiCorp Vault role name
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/vault-auth-method: "auth-method" # HashiCorp Vault auth method name
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/vault-path: "kv-name/path/to/secret" # HashiCorp Vault path to store cert
  tls.crt: ""
  tls.key: ""

cert-manager-sync only looks at kubernetes secrets, however you can create a cert-manager Certificate resource with the annotations inline if you would like:

apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Certificate
 name: example.com
 namespace: cert-manager
 secretName: example.com
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/sync-enabled: "true" # enable sync on tls secret
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/incapsula-site-id: "12345" # incapsula site to attach cert
    cert-manager-sync.lestak.sh/incapsula-secret-name: "cert-manager-sync-poc" # secret in same namespace which contains incapsula api key. if provided in format "namespace/secret-name", will look in that namespace for the secret
   name: my-issuer
   kind: Issuer
   - 'example.com'


Create regcred registry credential secret in cert-manager namespace.

If you want to store the certs in different namespaces, modify SECRETS_NAMESPACE var in the deployment file. If this value is not set (or set to an empty value ""), all namespaces will be watched.

kubectl apply -f devops/k8s


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