
command module
v0.0.0-...-b61aaf9 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 21, 2016 License: Apache-2.0, BSD-2-Clause-Views, BSD-3-Clause, + 1 more Imports: 29 Imported by: 0


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This repository contains the source code for a Go implementation of the Cloud Foundry router.

You can find the old router here

Getting started

The following instructions may help you get started with gorouter in a standalone environment.

External Dependencies
  • Go should be installed and in the PATH
  • GOPATH should be set as described in http://golang.org/doc/code.html
  • gnatsd installed and in the PATH
  • godep installed and in the PATH
  • Install direnv if you are planning to do gorouter development as part of cf-release.
Development Setup

Download gorouter:

Option 1: GoRouter (standalone)

go get -d github.com/cloudfoundry/gorouter
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/cloudfoundry/gorouter

Option 2: GoRouter (as part of cf-release)

git clone https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cf-release
cd cf-release
cd cf-release/src/github.com/cloudfoundry/gorouter

Note: direnv will automatically set your GOPATH when you cd into the gorouter directory. You will need to run direnv allow the first time.

To install exactly the dependencies vendored with gorouter, use godep:

go get -v github.com/tools/godep
godep restore ./...
Running Tests

We are using Ginkgo, to run tests.

Running scripts/test will:

  • Check for Go
  • Check that GOPATH is set
  • Download & Install gnatsd (or use the one already downloaded into the GOPATH)
  • Update the PATH to prepend the godep workspace
  • Install ginkgo (from the godep vendored sources into the godep workspace bin)
  • Run all the tests with ginkgo (in random order, without benchmarks, using the vendored godep dependencies)

Any flags passed into scripts/test will be passed into ginkgo.

# run all the tests

# run only tests whose names match Registry
scripts/test -focus=Registry

# run only the tests in the registry package
scripts/test registry

To run the tests using GOPATH dependency sources (bypassing vendored dependencies):

ginkgo -r

Building creates an executable in the gorouter/ dir:

go build

Installing creates an executable in the $GOPATH/bin dir:

go install
# Start NATS server in daemon mode
go get github.com/apcera/gnatsd
gnatsd &

# Start gorouter

When the gorouter starts, it sends a router.start message. This message contains an interval that other components should then send router.register on, minimumRegisterIntervalInSeconds. It is recommended that clients should send router.register messages on this interval. This minimumRegisterIntervalInSeconds value is configured through the start_response_delay_interval configuration value. The gorouter will prune routes that it considers to be stale based upon a seperate "staleness" value, droplet_stale_threshold, which defaults to 120 seconds. The gorouter will check if routes have become stale on an interval defined by prune_stale_droplets_interval, which defaults to 30 seconds. All of these values are represented in seconds and will always be integers.

The format of the router.start message is as follows:

  "id": "some-router-id",
  "hosts": [""],
  "minimumRegisterIntervalInSeconds": 5,
  "prunteThresholdInSeconds": 120,

After a router.start message is received by a client, the client should send router.register messages. This ensures that the new router can update its routing table and synchronize with existing routers.

If a component comes online after the router, it must make a NATS request called router.greet in order to determine the interval. The response to this message will be the same format as router.start.

The format of the router.register message is as follows:

  "host": "",
  "port": 4567,
  "uris": [
  "tags": {
    "another_key": "another_value",
    "some_key": "some_value"
  "app": "some_app_guid",
  "stale_threshold_in_seconds": 120,
  "private_instance_id": "some_app_instance_id"

stale_threshold_in_seconds is the custom staleness threshold for the route being registered. If this value is not sent, it will default to the router's default staleness threshold. app is a unique identifier for an application that the route is registered for. It is used to emit router access logs associated with the app through dropsonde. private_instance_id is a unique identifier for an instance associated with the app identified by the app field. X-CF-InstanceID is set to this value on the request to the endpoint registered.

Such a message can be sent to both the router.register subject to register URIs, and to the router.unregister subject to unregister URIs, respectively.


Create a simple app

$ nohup ruby -rsinatra -e 'get("/") { "Hello!" }' &

Send a register message

$ nats-pub 'router.register' '{"host":"","port":4567,"uris":["my_first_url.vcap.me","my_second_url.vcap.me"],"tags":{"another_key":"another_value","some_key":"some_value"}}'

Published [router.register] : '{"host":"","port":4567,"uris":["my_first_url.vcap.me","my_second_url.vcap.me"],"tags":{"another_key":"another_value","some_key":"some_value"}}'

See that it works!

$ curl my_first_url.vcap.me:8081

The /varz endpoint provides status and metrics. This endpoint requires basic authentication.

$ curl "http://someuser:somepass@"
{"bad_gateways":0,"bad_requests":20,"cpu":0,"credentials":["user","pass"],"droplets":26,"host":"","index":0,"latency":{"50":0.001418144,"75":0.00180639025,"90":0.0070607187,"95":0.009561058849999996,"99":0.01523927838000001,"samples":1,"value":5e-07},"log_counts":{"info":9,"warn":40},"mem":19672,"ms_since_last_registry_update":1547,"num_cores":2,"rate":[1.1361328993362565,1.1344545494448148,1.1365784133171992],"requests":13832,"requests_per_sec":1.1361328993362565,"responses_2xx":13814,"responses_3xx":0,"responses_4xx":9,"responses_5xx":0,"responses_xxx":0,"start":"2016-01-07 19:04:40 +0000","tags":{"component":{"CloudController":{"latency":{"50":0.009015199,"75":0.0107408015,"90":0.015104917100000005,"95":0.01916497394999999,"99":0.034486261410000024,"samples":1,"value":5e-07},"rate":[0.13613289933245148,0.13433569936308343,0.13565885617276216],"requests":1686,"responses_2xx":1684,"responses_3xx":0,"responses_4xx":2,"responses_5xx":0,"responses_xxx":0},"HM9K":{"latency":{"50":0.0033354,"75":0.00751815875,"90":0.011916812100000005,"95":0.013760064,"99":0.013760064,"samples":1,"value":5e-07},"rate":[1.6850238803894876e-12,5.816129919395257e-05,0.00045864309255845694],"requests":12,"responses_2xx":6,"responses_3xx":0,"responses_4xx":6,"responses_5xx":0,"responses_xxx":0},"dea-0":{"latency":{"50":0.001354994,"75":0.001642107,"90":0.0020699939000000003,"95":0.0025553900499999996,"99":0.003677146940000006,"samples":1,"value":5e-07},"rate":[1.0000000000000013,1.0000000002571303,0.9999994853579043],"requests":12103,"responses_2xx":12103,"responses_3xx":0,"responses_4xx":0,"responses_5xx":0,"responses_xxx":0},"uaa":{"latency":{"50":0.038288465,"75":0.245610809,"90":0.2877324668,"95":0.311816554,"99":0.311816554,"samples":1,"value":5e-07},"rate":[8.425119401947438e-13,2.9080649596976205e-05,0.00022931374141467497],"requests":17,"responses_2xx":17,"responses_3xx":0,"responses_4xx":0,"responses_5xx":0,"responses_xxx":0}}},"top10_app_requests":[{"application_id":"063f95f9-492c-456f-b569-737f69c04899","rpm":60,"rps":1}],"type":"Router","uptime":"0d:3h:22m:31s","urls":21,"uuid":"0-c7fd7d76-f8d8-46b7-7a1c-7a59bcf7e286"}

Specifying the User-Agent header with a value of HTTP-Monitor/1.1 returns the current health of the router. Use this method for healthchecks from a load balancer. This endpoint does not require credentials and should be done against port 80. The deprecated /healthz endpoint provides a similar response but requires basic authentication.

$ curl -v -A "HTTP-Monitor/1.1" ""
* Rebuilt URL to:
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: HTTP-Monitor/1.1
> Host:
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
< Expires: 0
< X-Cf-Requestid: 04ad84c6-43dd-4d20-7818-7c47595d9442
< Date: Thu, 07 Jan 2016 22:30:02 GMT
< Content-Length: 3
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
* Connection #0 to host left intact

The /routes endpoint returns the entire routing table as JSON. This endpoint requires basic authentication and is served on port 8080. Each route has an associated array of host:port entries.

$ curl "http://someuser:somepass@"

Because of the nature of the data present in /varz and /routes, they require http basic authentication credentials. These credentials can be found the BOSH manifest under the router job:

      password: zed292_bevesselled
      user: paronymy61-polaric

Or on the Gorouter VM under /var/vcap/jobs/gorouter/config/gorouter.yml:

  port: 8080
  user: some_user
  pass: some_password
Profiling the Server

The GoRouter runs the cf_debug_server, which is a wrapper around the go pprof tool. In order to generate this profile, do the following:

# Establish a SSH tunnel to your server (not necessary if you can connect directly)
ssh -L localhost:8080:[INTERNAL_SERVER_IP]:17001 vcap@[BOSH_DIRECTOR]
# Run the profile tool.
go tool pprof http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/profile

Load Balancing

The GoRouter is, in simple terms, a reverse proxy that load balances between many backend instances. The implementation currently uses simple round-robin load balancing and will retry a request if the chosen backend does not accept the TCP connection.


The router's logging is specified in its YAML configuration file. It supports the following log levels:

  • fatal - A fatal error has occurred that makes gorouter unable to handle any requests. Examples: the router can't bind to its TCP port, a CF component has published invalid data to the router.
  • error - An unexpected error has occurred. Examples: the router failed to fetch token from UAA service.
  • info, debug - An expected event has occurred. Examples: a new CF component was registered with the router, the router has begun to prune routes for stale droplets.

Access logs provide information for the following fields when recieving a request:

<Request Host> - [<Start Date>] "<Request Method> <Request URL> <Request Protocol>" <Status Code> <Bytes Received> <Bytes Sent> "<Referer>" "<User-Agent>" <Remote Address> x_forwarded_for:"<X-Forwarded-For>" x_forwarded_proto:"<X-Forwarded-Proto>" vcap_request_id:<X-Vcap-Request-ID> response_time:<Response Time> app_id:<Application ID> <Extra Headers>

  • Status Code, Response Time, Application ID, and Extra Headers are all optional fields
  • The absence of Status Code, Response Time or Application ID will result in a "-" in the corresponding field

Access logs are also redirected to syslog.


Please read the contributors' guide


The Go Gopher

There is no documentation for this package.


Path Synopsis
A Go client for the NATS messaging system (https://nats.io).
A Go client for the NATS messaging system (https://nats.io).
Package pat implements a simple URL pattern muxer
Package pat implements a simple URL pattern muxer
This file was generated by counterfeiter This file was generated by counterfeiter This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter This file was generated by counterfeiter This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter This file was generated by counterfeiter This file was generated by counterfeiter This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter This file was generated by counterfeiter This file was generated by counterfeiter This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter
Package dropsonde provides sensible defaults for using dropsonde.
Package dropsonde provides sensible defaults for using dropsonde.
Package dropsonde_marshaller provides a tool for marshalling Envelopes to Protocol Buffer messages.
Package dropsonde_marshaller provides a tool for marshalling Envelopes to Protocol Buffer messages.
Package dropsonde_unmarshaller provides a tool for unmarshalling Envelopes from Protocol Buffer messages.
Package dropsonde_unmarshaller provides a tool for unmarshalling Envelopes from Protocol Buffer messages.
Package envelopes provides a simple API for sending dropsonde envelopes through the dropsonde system.
Package envelopes provides a simple API for sending dropsonde envelopes through the dropsonde system.
Package logs provides a simple API for sending app logs from STDOUT and STDERR through the dropsonde system.
Package logs provides a simple API for sending app logs from STDOUT and STDERR through the dropsonde system.
package metricbatcher provides a mechanism to batch counter updates into a single event.
package metricbatcher provides a mechanism to batch counter updates into a single event.
Package metrics provides a simple API for sending value and counter metrics through the dropsonde system.
Package metrics provides a simple API for sending value and counter metrics through the dropsonde system.
Messages are prepended with a HMAC SHA256 signature (the signature makes up the first 32 bytes of a signed message; the remainder is the original message in cleartext).
Messages are prepended with a HMAC SHA256 signature (the signature makes up the first 32 bytes of a signed message; the remainder is the original message in cleartext).
Package syslog provides a simple interface to the system log service.
Package syslog provides a simple interface to the system log service.
Package events is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package events is a generated protocol buffer package.
This file was generated by counterfeiter This file was generated by counterfeiter This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter This file was generated by counterfeiter This file was generated by counterfeiter
Package cli provides a minimal framework for creating and organizing command line Go applications.
Package cli provides a minimal framework for creating and organizing command line Go applications.
Package proto converts data structures to and from the wire format of protocol buffers.
Package proto converts data structures to and from the wire format of protocol buffers.
Package proto3_proto is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package proto3_proto is a generated protocol buffer package.
This package provides immutable UUID structs and the functions NewV3, NewV4, NewV5 and Parse() for generating versions 3, 4 and 5 UUIDs as specified in RFC 4122.
This package provides immutable UUID structs and the functions NewV3, NewV4, NewV5 and Parse() for generating versions 3, 4 and 5 UUIDs as specified in RFC 4122.
Ginkgo is a BDD-style testing framework for Golang The godoc documentation describes Ginkgo's API.
Ginkgo is a BDD-style testing framework for Golang The godoc documentation describes Ginkgo's API.
Ginkgo accepts a number of configuration options.
Ginkgo accepts a number of configuration options.
The Ginkgo CLI The Ginkgo CLI is fully documented [here](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#the_ginkgo_cli) You can also learn more by running: ginkgo help Here are some of the more commonly used commands: To install: go install github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo To run tests: ginkgo To run tests in all subdirectories: ginkgo -r To run tests in particular packages: ginkgo <flags> /path/to/package /path/to/another/package To pass arguments/flags to your tests: ginkgo <flags> <packages> -- <pass-throughs> To run tests in parallel ginkgo -p this will automatically detect the optimal number of nodes to use.
The Ginkgo CLI The Ginkgo CLI is fully documented [here](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#the_ginkgo_cli) You can also learn more by running: ginkgo help Here are some of the more commonly used commands: To install: go install github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo To run tests: ginkgo To run tests in all subdirectories: ginkgo -r To run tests in particular packages: ginkgo <flags> /path/to/package /path/to/another/package To pass arguments/flags to your tests: ginkgo <flags> <packages> -- <pass-throughs> To run tests in parallel ginkgo -p this will automatically detect the optimal number of nodes to use.
Aggregator is a reporter used by the Ginkgo CLI to aggregate and present parallel test output coherently as tests complete.
Aggregator is a reporter used by the Ginkgo CLI to aggregate and present parallel test output coherently as tests complete.
Ginkgo's Default Reporter A number of command line flags are available to tweak Ginkgo's default output.
Ginkgo's Default Reporter A number of command line flags are available to tweak Ginkgo's default output.
Gomega is the Ginkgo BDD-style testing framework's preferred matcher library.
Gomega is the Ginkgo BDD-style testing framework's preferred matcher library.
Gomega's format package pretty-prints objects.
Gomega's format package pretty-prints objects.
Package gbytes provides a buffer that supports incrementally detecting input.
Package gbytes provides a buffer that supports incrementally detecting input.
Package gexec provides support for testing external processes.
Package gexec provides support for testing external processes.
Package ghttp supports testing HTTP clients by providing a test server (simply a thin wrapper around httptest's server) that supports registering multiple handlers.
Package ghttp supports testing HTTP clients by providing a test server (simply a thin wrapper around httptest's server) that supports registering multiple handlers.
Gomega matchers This package implements the Gomega matchers and does not typically need to be imported.
Gomega matchers This package implements the Gomega matchers and does not typically need to be imported.
Go port of Coda Hale's Metrics library <https://github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics> Coda Hale's original work: <https://github.com/codahale/metrics>
Go port of Coda Hale's Metrics library <https://github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics> Coda Hale's original work: <https://github.com/codahale/metrics>
Metrics output to StatHat.
A process model for go.
A process model for go.
fake_runner contains test fixtures.
fake_runner contains test fixtures.
Ginkgomon provides ginkgo test helpers.
Ginkgomon provides ginkgo test helpers.
Grouper implements process orcestration.
Grouper implements process orcestration.
The restart package implements common restart strategies for ifrit processes.
The restart package implements common restart strategies for ifrit processes.
Package rata provides three things: Routes, a Router, and a RequestGenerator.
Package rata provides three things: Routes, a Router, and a RequestGenerator.
Package bcrypt implements Provos and Mazières's bcrypt adaptive hashing algorithm.
Package bcrypt implements Provos and Mazières's bcrypt adaptive hashing algorithm.
Package blowfish implements Bruce Schneier's Blowfish encryption algorithm.
Package blowfish implements Bruce Schneier's Blowfish encryption algorithm.
Package bn256 implements a particular bilinear group at the 128-bit security level.
Package bn256 implements a particular bilinear group at the 128-bit security level.
Package cast5 implements CAST5, as defined in RFC 2144.
Package cast5 implements CAST5, as defined in RFC 2144.
Package curve25519 provides an implementation of scalar multiplication on the elliptic curve known as curve25519.
Package curve25519 provides an implementation of scalar multiplication on the elliptic curve known as curve25519.
Package hkdf implements the HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF) as defined in RFC 5869.
Package hkdf implements the HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF) as defined in RFC 5869.
Package md4 implements the MD4 hash algorithm as defined in RFC 1320.
Package md4 implements the MD4 hash algorithm as defined in RFC 1320.
Package box authenticates and encrypts messages using public-key cryptography.
Package box authenticates and encrypts messages using public-key cryptography.
Package secretbox encrypts and authenticates small messages.
Package secretbox encrypts and authenticates small messages.
Package ocsp parses OCSP responses as specified in RFC 2560.
Package ocsp parses OCSP responses as specified in RFC 2560.
Package openpgp implements high level operations on OpenPGP messages.
Package openpgp implements high level operations on OpenPGP messages.
Package armor implements OpenPGP ASCII Armor, see RFC 4880.
Package armor implements OpenPGP ASCII Armor, see RFC 4880.
Package clearsign generates and processes OpenPGP, clear-signed data.
Package clearsign generates and processes OpenPGP, clear-signed data.
Package elgamal implements ElGamal encryption, suitable for OpenPGP, as specified in "A Public-Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, v.
Package elgamal implements ElGamal encryption, suitable for OpenPGP, as specified in "A Public-Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, v.
Package errors contains common error types for the OpenPGP packages.
Package errors contains common error types for the OpenPGP packages.
Package packet implements parsing and serialization of OpenPGP packets, as specified in RFC 4880.
Package packet implements parsing and serialization of OpenPGP packets, as specified in RFC 4880.
Package s2k implements the various OpenPGP string-to-key transforms as specified in RFC 4800 section 3.7.1.
Package s2k implements the various OpenPGP string-to-key transforms as specified in RFC 4800 section 3.7.1.
Package otr implements the Off The Record protocol as specified in http://www.cypherpunks.ca/otr/Protocol-v2-3.1.0.html
Package otr implements the Off The Record protocol as specified in http://www.cypherpunks.ca/otr/Protocol-v2-3.1.0.html
Package pbkdf2 implements the key derivation function PBKDF2 as defined in RFC 2898 / PKCS #5 v2.0.
Package pbkdf2 implements the key derivation function PBKDF2 as defined in RFC 2898 / PKCS #5 v2.0.
Package pkcs12 implements some of PKCS#12.
Package pkcs12 implements some of PKCS#12.
Package rc2 implements the RC2 cipher https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2268.txt http://people.csail.mit.edu/rivest/pubs/KRRR98.pdf This code is licensed under the MIT license.
Package rc2 implements the RC2 cipher https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2268.txt http://people.csail.mit.edu/rivest/pubs/KRRR98.pdf This code is licensed under the MIT license.
Package poly1305 implements Poly1305 one-time message authentication code as specified in http://cr.yp.to/mac/poly1305-20050329.pdf.
Package poly1305 implements Poly1305 one-time message authentication code as specified in http://cr.yp.to/mac/poly1305-20050329.pdf.
Package ripemd160 implements the RIPEMD-160 hash algorithm.
Package ripemd160 implements the RIPEMD-160 hash algorithm.
Package salsa20 implements the Salsa20 stream cipher as specified in http://cr.yp.to/snuffle/spec.pdf.
Package salsa20 implements the Salsa20 stream cipher as specified in http://cr.yp.to/snuffle/spec.pdf.
Package salsa provides low-level access to functions in the Salsa family.
Package salsa provides low-level access to functions in the Salsa family.
Package scrypt implements the scrypt key derivation function as defined in Colin Percival's paper "Stronger Key Derivation via Sequential Memory-Hard Functions" (http://www.tarsnap.com/scrypt/scrypt.pdf).
Package scrypt implements the scrypt key derivation function as defined in Colin Percival's paper "Stronger Key Derivation via Sequential Memory-Hard Functions" (http://www.tarsnap.com/scrypt/scrypt.pdf).
Package sha3 implements the SHA-3 fixed-output-length hash functions and the SHAKE variable-output-length hash functions defined by FIPS-202.
Package sha3 implements the SHA-3 fixed-output-length hash functions and the SHAKE variable-output-length hash functions defined by FIPS-202.
Package ssh implements an SSH client and server.
Package ssh implements an SSH client and server.
Package agent implements a client to an ssh-agent daemon.
Package agent implements a client to an ssh-agent daemon.
Package terminal provides support functions for dealing with terminals, as commonly found on UNIX systems.
Package terminal provides support functions for dealing with terminals, as commonly found on UNIX systems.
This package contains integration tests for the golang.org/x/crypto/ssh package.
This package contains integration tests for the golang.org/x/crypto/ssh package.
Package twofish implements Bruce Schneier's Twofish encryption algorithm.
Package twofish implements Bruce Schneier's Twofish encryption algorithm.
Package xtea implements XTEA encryption, as defined in Needham and Wheeler's 1997 technical report, "Tea extensions."
Package xtea implements XTEA encryption, as defined in Needham and Wheeler's 1997 technical report, "Tea extensions."
Package xts implements the XTS cipher mode as specified in IEEE P1619/D16.
Package xts implements the XTS cipher mode as specified in IEEE P1619/D16.
This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL