

Versions in this module

Dec 22, 2021
Feb 27, 2024
Feb 24, 2024
Feb 7, 2024
Jan 7, 2024
Feb 2, 2023
Oct 10, 2022
Jul 29, 2022
Nov 29, 2021 GO-2022-0793 +1 more
Alert  GO-2022-0793: Path traversal in u-root in
Alert  GO-2022-0805: Arbitrary File Write via Archive Extraction (Zip Slip) in
Aug 31, 2020 GO-2022-0793 +1 more
Alert  GO-2022-0793: Path traversal in u-root in
Alert  GO-2022-0805: Arbitrary File Write via Archive Extraction (Zip Slip) in
Aug 14, 2019 GO-2022-0793 +1 more
Alert  GO-2022-0793: Path traversal in u-root in
Alert  GO-2022-0805: Arbitrary File Write via Archive Extraction (Zip Slip) in
Jul 10, 2019 GO-2022-0793 +1 more
Alert  GO-2022-0793: Path traversal in u-root in
Alert  GO-2022-0805: Arbitrary File Write via Archive Extraction (Zip Slip) in
Nov 19, 2021 GO-2022-0793 +1 more
Alert  GO-2022-0793: Path traversal in u-root in
Alert  GO-2022-0805: Arbitrary File Write via Archive Extraction (Zip Slip) in
Changes in this version
+ var Data = "{\"acpicat\":\"acpicat cats ACPI tables from the kernel.\\nThe default method is \\\"files\\\", commonly provided in Linux via /sys.\\nOther methods are available depending on the platform.\\nFurther selection of which tables are used can be done with acpigrep.\",\"acpigrep\":\"grep a stream of ACPI tables by regexp\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n acpigrep [-v] [-d] regexp\\n\\nDescription:\\n\\tRead tables from stdin and write tables with ACPI signatures\\n\\tmatching a pattern (or not matching, with -v, as in grep)\\n\\tto stdout.\\n\\n\\tRead all tables from sysfs and discard MADT\\n\\tsudo cat /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/[A-Z]* | ./acpigrep -v MADT\\n\\n\\tRead a large blob and print out its tables\\n\\tacpigrep -d '.*' \\u003e/dev/null \\u003c blob\\n\\n Read all the files in /sys and discard any DSDT. Useful for coreboot work.\\n\\tsudo cat /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/[A-Z]* | ./acpigrep -v DSDT \\u003e nodsdt.bin\\n\\n\\tRead all the files, keeping only SRAT and MADT\\n\\tsudo cat /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/[A-Z]* | ./acpigrep 'MADT|SRAT' \\u003e madtsrat.bin\\n\\n\\tRead all the files, keeping only SRAT and MADT, and print what is done\\n\\tsudo cat /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/[A-Z]* | ./acpigrep -d 'MADT|SRAT' \\u003e madtsrat.bin\\n\\nOptions:\\n\\t-d print debug information about what is kept and what is discarded.\\n\\t-v reverse the sense of the match to \\\"discard is matching\\\"\",\"ansi\":\"Print ansi escape sequences.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n ansi COMMAND\\n\\nOptions:\\n COMMAND must be one of:\\n - clear: clear the screen and reset the cursor position\\n\\nAuthor:\\n Manoel Vilela \\\\u003e\",\"basename\":\"Basename return name with leading path information removed.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n basename NAME [SUFFIX]\",\"blkid\":\"Blkid prints information about blocks.\",\"boot\":\"boot allows to handover a system running linuxboot/u-root\\nto a legacy preinstalled operating system by replacing the traditional\\nbootloader path\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n\\tboot [-v][-no-load][-no-exec]\\n\\nDescription:\\n\\tIf returns to u-root shell, the code didn't found a local bootable option\\n\\n -v prints messages\\n -no-load prints the boot image paths it was going to load, but doesn't load + exec them\\n -no-exec loads the boot image, but doesn't exec it\\n\\nNotes:\\n\\tThe code is looking for boot/grub/grub.cfg file as to identify the\\n\\tboot option.\\n\\tThe first bootable device found in the block device tree is the one used\\n\\tWindows is not supported (that is a work in progress)\\n\\nExample:\\n\\tboot -v \\t- Start the script in verbose mode for debugging purpose\",\"bootvars\":\"Command bootvars reads the current UEFI boot variables. Given -m arg, it\\nmounts the filesystem pointed to by the current boot variable and prints the\\nlocation.\\n\\nNote - does not check whether the fs is already mounted anywhere. User is\\nresponsible for unmounting and for removing the temp dir.\",\"bzimage\":\"bzImage is used to modify bzImage files.\\nIt reads the image in, applies an operator, and writes a new one out.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n bzImage [copy \\u003cin\\u003e \\u003cout\\u003e ] | [diff \\u003cimage\\u003e \\u003cimage\\u003e ] | [dump \\u003cfile\\u003e] | [initramfs input-bzimage initramfs output-bzimage]\\n\\nDescription:\\n\\tRead a bzImage in, change it, write it out, or print info.\",\"cat\":\"cat concatenates files and prints them to stdout.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n cat [-u] [FILES]...\\n\\nDescription:\\n If no files are specified, read from stdin.\\n\\nOptions:\\n -u: ignored flag\",\"chmod\":\"chmod changes mode bits (e.g. permissions) of a file.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n chmod MODE FILE...\\n\\nDesription:\\n MODE is a three character octal value or a string like a=rwx\",\"chroot\":\"+build !windows !plan9\",\"cmp\":\"cmp compares two files and prints a message if their contents differ.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n cmp [–lLs] FILE1 FILE2 [OFFSET1 [OFFSET2]]\\n\\nDescription:\\n If offsets are given, comparison starts at the designated byte position\\n of the corresponding file.\\n\\n Offsets that begin with 0x are hexadecimal; with 0, octal; with anything\\n else, decimal.\\n\\nOptions:\\n –l: Print the byte number (decimal) and the differing bytes (octal) for\\n each difference.\\n –L: Print the line number of the first differing byte.\\n –s: Print nothing for differing files, but set the exit status.\",\"comm\":\"comm compares two files.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n comm [-123h] FILE1 FILE2\\n\\nDescrption:\\n Comm reads file1 and file2, which are in lexicographical order, and\\n produces a three column output: lines only in file1; lines only in\\n file2; and lines in both files. The file name – means the standard\\n input.\\n\\nOptions:\\n -1: suppress printing of column 1\\n -2: suppress printing of column 2\\n -3: suppress printing of column 3\\n -h: print this help message and exit\",\"console\":\"console implements a basic console. It establishes a pair of files\\nto read from, the default being a UART at 0x3f8, but an alternative\\nbeing just stdin and stdout. It will also set up a root file system\\nusing util.Rootfs, although this can be disabled as well.\\nConsole uses a Go version of fork_pty to start up a shell, default\\nsh. Console runs until the shell exits and then exits itself.\",\"cp\":\"cp copies files.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n cp [-rRfivwP] FROM... TO\\n\\nOptions:\\n -w n: number of worker goroutines\\n -R: copy file hierarchies\\n -r: alias to -R recursive mode\\n -i: prompt about overwriting file\\n -f: force overwrite files\\n -v: verbose copy mode\\n -P: don't follow symlinks\",\"cpio\":\"cpio operates on cpio files using a cpio package\\nIt only implements basic cpio options.\\n\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n cpio\\n\\nDescription:\\n\\nOptions:\\n o: output an archive to stdout given a pattern\\n i: output files from a stdin stream\\n t: print table of contents\\n -v: debug prints\\n\\nBugs: in i mode, it can't use non-seekable stdin, i.e. a pipe. Yep, this sucks.\\nBut if we implement seek on such things, we have to do it by reading, which\\nreally sucks. It's doable, we'll do it if we have to, but for now I'd like\\nto avoid the complexity. cpio is a 40 year old concept. If you want something\\nbetter, see ../archive which has a VTOC and separates data from metadata (unlike cpio).\\nWe could test for ESPIPE and fix it that way ... later.\",\"crc\":\"Prints crc checksum of a file.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n crc OPTIONS [FILE]\\n\\nDescription:\\n One of the crc types must be specified. If there is no file, stdin is\\n read.\\n\\nOptions:\\n -f: CRC function to use. May be one of the following:\\n crc32-ieee: CRC-32 IEEE standard (default)\\n crc32-castognoli: CRC-32 Castognoli standard\\n crc32-koopman: CRC-32 Koopman standard\\n crc64-ecma: CRC-64 ECMA standard\\n crc64-iso: CRC-64 ISO standard\",\"date\":\"date prints the date.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n date [-u] [+format] | date [-u] [MMDDhhmm[CC]YY[.ss]]\",\"dd\":\"dd converts and copies a file.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n dd [OPTIONS...] [-inName FILE] [-outName FILE]\\n\\nDescription:\\n dd is modeled after dd(1).\\n\\nOptions:\\n -ibs n: input block size (default=1)\\n -obs n: output block size (default=1)\\n -bs n: input and output block size (default=0)\\n -skip n: skip n ibs-sized input blocks before reading (default=0)\\n -seek n: seek n obs-sized output blocks before writing (default=0)\\n -conv s: comma separated list of conversions (none|notrunc)\\n -count n: copy only n ibs-sized input blocks\\n -if: defaults to stdin\\n -of: defaults to stdout\\n -oflag: comma separated list of out flags (none|sync|dsync)\\n -status: print transfer stats to stderr, can be one of:\\n none: do not display\\n xfer: print on completion (default)\\n progress: print throughout transfer (GNU)\\n\\nNotes:\\n Because UTF-8 clashes with block-oriented copying, `conv=lcase` and\\n `conv=ucase` will not be supported. Additionally, research showed these\\n arguments are rarely useful. Use tr instead.\",\"df\":\"df reports details of mounted filesystems.\\n\\nSynopsis\\n df [-k] [-m]\\n\\nDescription\\n read mount information from /proc/mounts and\\n statfs syscall and display summary information for all\\n mount points that have a non-zero block count.\\n Users can choose to see the diplay in KB or MB.\\n\\nOptions\\n -k: display values in KB (default)\\n -m: dispaly values in MB\",\"dhclient\":\"+build !plan9\\ndhclient sets up network config using DHCP.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n dhclient [OPTIONS...]\\n\\nOptions:\\n -timeout: lease timeout in seconds\\n -renewals: number of DHCP renewals before exiting\\n -verbose: verbose output\",\"dirname\":\"dirname prints out the directory name of one or more args.\\nIf no arg is given it returns an error and prints a message which,\\nper the man page, is incorrect, but per the standard, is correct.\",\"dmesg\":\"dmesg reads the system log.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n dmesg [-clear|-read-clear]\\n\\nOptions:\\n -clear: clear the log\\n -read-clear: clear the log after printing\",\"dumpebda\":\"dumpebda reads and prints the Extended BIOS Data Area.\",\"echo\":\"echo writes its arguments separated by blanks and terminated by a newline on\\nthe standard output.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n echo [-e] [-n] [-E] [STRING]...\",\"ed\":\"This `ed` is intended to be a feature-complete mimick of [GNU Ed]( It is a close enough mimick that the [GNU Ed Man Page]( should be a reliable source of documentation. Divergence from the man page is generally considered a bug (unless it's an added feature).\\n\\nThere are a few known differences:\\n\\n- `ed` uses `go`'s `regexp` package, and as such may have a somewhat different regular expression syntax. Note, however, that backreferences follow the `ed` syntax of `\\\\\\u003cref\\u003e`, not the `go` syntax of `$\\u003cref\\u003e`.\\n- there has been little/no attempt to make particulars like error messages match `GNU Ed`.\\n- rather than being an error, the 'g' option for 's' simply overrides any specified count.\\n- does not support \\\"traditional\\\" mode\\n\\nThe following has been implemented:\\n- Full line address parsing (including RE and markings)\\n- Implmented commands: !, #, =, E, H, P, Q, W, a, c, d, e, f, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, u, w, x, y, z\\n\\nThe following has *not* yet been implemented, but will be eventually:\\n- Unimplemented commands: g, G, v, V\\n- does not (yet) support \\\"loose\\\" mode\\n- does not (yet) support \\\"restricted\\\" mod\",\"esxiboot\":\"esxiboot executes ESXi kernel over the running kernel.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n esxiboot [-d --device] [-c --config] [-r --cdrom]\\n\\nDescription:\\n Loads and executes ESXi kernel.\\n\\nOptions:\\n --config=FILE or -c=FILE: set the ESXi config\\n --device=FILE or -d=FILE: set an ESXi disk to boot from\\n --cdrom=FILE or -r=FILE: set an ESXI CDROM to boot from\\n --append: append kernel cmdline arguments\\n\\n--device is required to kexec installed ESXi instance.\\nYou don't need it if you kexec ESXi installer.\\n\\nThe config file has the following syntax:\\n\\nkernel=PATH\\nkernelopt=OPTS\\nmodules=MOD1 [ARGS] --- MOD2 [ARGS] --- ...\\n\\nLines starting with '#' are ignored.\",\"false\":\"false returns 1.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n false\\n\\nDescription:\\n Command line arguments are ignored.\",\"fbsplash\":\"see the example at\",\"fdtdump\":\"fdtdump prints a readable version of Flattened Device Tree or dtb.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n fdtdump [-json] FILE\\n\\nOptions:\\n -json: Print json with base64 encoded values.\",\"field\":\"The `field` command reads newline-separated lines of data from either\\nthe standard input or the specified files. It splits those lines into\\na list of fields, separated by a specifiable regular expression. It\\nthen prints all or a subset of those fields to the standard output.\\n\\nThe list of output fields is specified using a grammar given in the\\nparsing code, below.\\n\\nOptions '-F' and '-O' control the input and output separators,\\nrespectively. The NUL character can be used as an output separator if\\nthe '-0' is given. The '-e' and '-E' characters contol whether empty\\nfields are collapsed in the input; '-e' unconditionally preserves such\\nfields, '-E' discards them. If neither is specified, a heuristic is\\napplied to guess: if the input specifier is more than one character in\\nlength, we discard empty fields, otherwise we preserve them.\",\"find\":\"Find finds files. It is similar to the Unix command. It uses REs, not globs,\\nfor matching.\\n\\nOPTIONS:\\n -d: enable debugging in the find package\\n -mode integer-arg: match against mode, e.g. -mode 0755\\n -type: match against a file type, e.g. -type f will match files\\n -name: glob to match against file\\n -l: long listing. It's not very good, yet, but it's useful enough.\",\"fixrsdp\":\"fixrsdp copies the existing RSDP into the EBDA region in low mem.\\n\\nThis is because LinuxBoot tends to be EFI booted, which places the RSDP\\noutside of the low 1M or the EBDA. If Linuxboot legacy boots the following\\noperating systems, such as with kexec, they may not have a way to find the\\nRSDP afterwards. All u-root commands that open /dev/mem should also flock\\nit to ensure safe, sequential access.\",\"forth\":\"Forth is a forth interpreter.\\nIt reads a line at a time and puts it through the interpreter.\",\"free\":\"free reports usage information for physical memory and swap space.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n free [-k] [-m] [-g] [-t] [-h] [-json]\\n\\nDescription:\\n Read memory information from /proc/meminfo and display a summary for\\n physical memory and swap space. The unit options use powers of 1024.\\n\\nOptions:\\n -k: display the values in kibibytes\\n -m: display the values in mebibytes\\n -g: display the values in gibibytes\\n -t: display the values in tebibytes\\n -h: display the values in human-readable form\\n -json: use JSON output\",\"freq\":\"Freq reads the given files (default standard input) and prints histograms of the\\ncharacter frequencies. By default, freq counts each byte as a character; under\\nthe –r option it instead counts UTF sequences, that is, runes.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n freq [-rdxoc] [FILES]...\\n\\nDescription:\\n Each non–zero entry of the table is printed preceded by the byte value,\\n in decimal, octal, hex, and Unicode character (if printable). If any\\n options are given, the –d, –x, –o, –c flags specify a subset of value\\n formats: decimal, hex, octal, and character, respectively.\\n\\nOptions:\\n –r: treat input as UTF-8\\n –d: print decimal value\\n –x: print hex value\\n –o: print octal value\\n –c: print character/UTF value\",\"fusermount\":\"+build linux\\nfusermount is a very limited replacement for the C fusermount. It\\nis invoked by other programs, or interactively only to unmount.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n fusermount [-u|--unmount] [-z|--lazy] [-v|--verbose] \\u003cmountpoint\\u003e\\n\\nFor mounting, per the FUSE model, the environment variable\\n_FUSE_COMMFD must have the value of a file descriptor variable on\\nwhich we pass the fuse fd.\\n\\nThere is some checking we don't do, e.g. for the number of active\\nmount points. Last time I checked, that's the kind of stuff\\nkernels do.\\n\\nDescription:\\n\\tinvoke fuse mount operations\",\"getty\":\"getty Open a TTY and invoke a shell\\nThere are no special options and no login support\\nAlso getty exits after starting the shell so if one exits the shell, there\\nis no more shell!\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n getty \\u003cport\\u003e \\u003cbaud\\u003e [term]\",\"gpgv\":\"gpgv validates a signature against a file.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n gpgv [-v] KEY SIG CONTENT\\n\\nDescription:\\n It prints \\\"OK\\\\n\\\" to stdout if the check succeeds and exits with 0. It\\n prints an error message and exits with non-0 otherwise.\\n\\n The openpgp package ReadKeyRing function does not completely implement\\n RFC4880 in that it can't use a PublicSigningKey with 0 signatures. We\\n use one from Eric Grosse instead.\\n\\nOptions:\\n -v: verbose\\n\\nAuthor:\\n\",\"gpt\":\"gpt reads and writes GPT headers.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n gpt [-w] file\\n\\nDescription:\\n For -w, it reads a JSON formatted GPT from stdin, and writes 'file'\\n which is usually a device. It writes both primary and secondary headers.\\n\\n Otherwise it just writes the headers to stdout in JSON format.\",\"grep\":\"grep searches file contents using regular expressions.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n grep [-vrlq] [FILE]...\\n\\nOptions:\\n -v: print only non-matching lines\\n -r: recursive\\n -l: list only files\\n -q: don't print matches; exit on first match\",\"gzip\":\"gzip compresses files using gzip compression.\",\"hdparm\":\"hdparm performs control operations on disks.\\n\\nhdparm is modeled after linux command of the same name,\\nusing a command [switches] verb model, but many of the verbs\\nare also switches which can conflict.\\n\\nUpstream hdparm also decided a conf file in /etc/ would be\\na good idea; we have no plans to support that.\\n\\nWe also have no plans to support ata12. It's 2019.\\n\\nUnlike the standard hdparm command, we do not allow empty\\narguments for commands requiring a password.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n hdparm [--i] [--security-unlock[=password]] [--user-master|--timeout] [device ...]\",\"hexdump\":\"hexdump prints file content in hexadecimal.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n hexdump [FILES]...\\n\\nDescription:\\n Concatenate the input files into a single hexdump. If there are no\\n arguments, stdin is read.\",\"hostname\":\"hostname prints or changes the system's hostname.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n hostname [HOSTNAME]\\n\\nAuthor:\\n Beletti \\\\u003e\",\"id\":\"+build !plan9\\nid displays the user id, group id, and groups of the calling process.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n id [-gGnu]\\n\\nDescription:\\n id displays the uid, gid and groups of the calling process\\n\\nOptions:\\n\\t-g, --group print only the effective group ID\\n\\t-G, --groups print all group IDs\\n\\t-n, --name print a name instead of a number, for -ugG\\n\\t-u, --user print only the effective user ID\\n\\t-r, --user print real ID instead of effective ID\",\"init\":\"init is u-root's standard userspace init process.\\n\\ninit is intended to be the first process run by the kernel when it boots up.\\ninit does some basic initialization (mount file systems, turn on loopback)\\nand then tries to execute, in order, /inito, a uinit (either in /bin, /bbin,\\nor /ubin), and then a shell (/bin/defaultsh and /bin/sh).\",\"installcommand\":\"installcommand installs a command from Go source files.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n SYMLINK [ARGS...]\\n installcommand [INSTALLCOMMAND_ARGS...] COMMAND [ARGS...]\\n\\nDescription:\\n In u-root's source mode, uncompiled commands in the /bin directory are\\n symbolic links to installcommand. When executed through the symbolic\\n link, installcommand will build the command from source and exec it.\\n\\n The second form allows commands to be installed and exec'ed without a\\n symbolic link. In this form additional arguments such as `-v` and\\n `-ludicrous` can be passed into installcommand.\\n\\nOptions:\\n -lowpri: the scheduler priority to lowered before starting\\n -exec: build and exec the command\\n -force: do not build if a file already exists at the destination\\n -v: print all build commands\",\"io\":\"io reads and writes to physical memory and ports.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n io (r{b,w,l,q} address)...\\n io (w{b,w,l,q} address value)...\\n # x86 only:\\n io (in{b,w,l} address)\\n io (out{b,w,l} address value)\\n io (cr index}\\n io {cw index value}...\\n\\nDescription:\\n io lets you read/write 1/2/4/8-bytes to memory with the {r,w}{b,w,l,q}\\n commands respectively.\\n\\n On x86 platforms, {in,out}{b,w,l} allow for port io.\\n\\n Use cr / cw to write to cmos registers\\nExamples:\\n # Read 8-bytes from address 0x10000 and 0x10000\\n io rq 0x10000 rq 0x10008\\n # Write to the serial port on x86\\n io outb 0x3f8 50\",\"ip\":\"ip manipulates network addresses, interfaces, routing, and other config.\",\"ipmidump\":\"Synopsis:\\n ipmidump [-option]\\n\\nDescription:\\n\\nOptions:\\n -chassis : Print chassis power status.\\n -sel : Print SEL information.\\n -lan : Print IP information.\\n -device : Print device information.\\n -raw : Send raw command and print response.\\n -help : Print help message.\",\"kill\":\"Kill kills processes.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n kill -l\\n kill [\\u003c-s | --signal | -\\u003e \\u003cisgname|signum\\u003e] pid [pid...]\\n\\nOptions:\\n -l: list the signal names\\n -name, --signal name, -s: name is the message to send. On some systems\\n this is a string, on others a number. It is\\n optional and an OS-dependent value will be\\n used if it is not set. pid is a list of at\\n least one pid.\",\"lddfiles\":\"lddfiles prints the arguments and all .so dependencies of those arguments\\n\\nDescription:\\n\\tlddfiles prints the arguments on the command line and all .so's\\n\\ton which they depend. In some cases, those .so's are actually symlinks;\\n\\tin that case, the symlink and its value are printed.\\n\\tlddfiles can be used to package up a command for tranporation to\\n\\tanother machine, e.g.\\n\\tscp `lddfiles /usr/bin/*` remotehost:/\\n\\twill let you copy all of /usr/bin, and all needed libraries. to a remote\\n\\thost.\\n\\tlddfiles /usr/bin/* | cpio -H newc -o \\u003e /tmp/x.cpio\\n\\tlets you easily prepare cpio archives, which can be included in a kernel\\n\\tor similarly scp'ed to another machine.\",\"ln\":\"Ln makes links to files.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n ln [-svfTiLPrt] TARGET LINK\\n\\nOptions:\\n -s: make symbolic links instead of hard links\\n -v: print name of each linked file\\n -f: remove destination files\\n -T: treat linkname operand as a non-dir always\\n -i: prompt if the user wants overwrite\\n -L: dereference targets if are symbolic links\\n -P: make hard links directly to symbolic links\\n -r: create symlinks relative to link location\\n -t: specify the directory to put the links\\n\\nAuthor:\\n Manoel Vilela \\\\u003e\",\"losetup\":\"losetup sets up and controls loop devices.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n losetup [-Ad] FILE\\n losetup [-Ad] DEV FILE\\n\\nOptions:\\n -A: pick any device\\n -d: detach the device\",\"ls\":\"ls prints the contents of a directory.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n ls [OPTIONS] [DIRS]...\\n\\nOptions:\\n -l: long form\\n -Q: quoted\\n -R: equivalent to findutil's find\\n -F: append indicator (one of */=\\u003e@|) to entries\\n\\nBugs:\\n With the `-R` flag, directories are only ever printed once.\",\"lsfabric\":\"+build amd64,linux\",\"madeye\":\"madeye merges multiple architecture u-root initramfs to form a single\\nuniversal initramfs.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n madeye initramfs [initramfs...]\\n\\nu-root was intended to be capable of function as a universal root, i.e. a\\nroot file system that you could boot from different architectures. We call\\nthis ability Multiple Architecture Device Image, or MADI, pronounced\\nMad-Eye. (Apologies to Harry Potter.)\\n\\nGiven a set of images, e.g. initramfs.linux_\\u003carch\\u003e.cpio, madeye derives the\\narchitecture from the name. It then reads the cpio in. For a distinguished\\nset of directories, it relocates them from / to /\\u003carch\\u003e/, a la Plan 9. If\\nthere is a /init, it moves to /\\u003carch\\u003e/init. It adjusts absolute path\\nsymlinks.\\n\\nTo boot a kernel with a MadEye, one must adjust the init= arg to prepend the\\narchitecture. For example, on arm it would be init=/arm/init. For now, this\\nonly works for bb mode.\\n\\nTODO: look for conflicting dev entries, and write them out.\\n\\nTODO: derive arch from the ELF file of bb instead of the name.\",\"man\":\"man - print manual entry for command.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n man COMMAND\",\"md5sum\":\"md5sum prints an md5 hash generated from file contents.\",\"mkdir\":\"mkdir makes a new directory.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n mkdir [-m mode] [-v] [-p] DIRECTORY...\\n\\nOptions:\\n -m: make all needed directories in the path\\n -v: directory mode (ex: 666)\\n -p: print each directory as it is made\",\"mkfifo\":\"mkfifo creates a named pipe.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n mkfifo [OPTIONS] NAME...\\n\\nOptions:\\n -m: mode (default 0600)\",\"mknod\":\"Unmount a filesystem at the specified path.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n mknod PATH TYPE [MAJOR MINOR]\\n\\nDescription:\\n Creates a special file at PATH of the given TYPE. If TYPE is b, c or u,\\n the MAJOR and MINOR number must be specified. If the TYPE is p, they\\n must not be specified.\",\"mktemp\":\"Mktemp makes a temporary file (or directory)\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n mktemp [OPTION]... [TEMPLATE]\\n\\n Create a temporary file or directory, safely, and print its name. TEMPLATE must contain at least 3 consecutive 'X's in last component. If TEMPLATE is not specified, use tmp.XXXXXXXXXX, and --tmpdir is implied. Files are\\n created u+rw, and directories u+rwx, minus umask restrictions.\\n\\n -d, --directory\\n create a directory, not a file\\n\\n -u, --dry-run\\n do not create anything; merely print a name (unsafe)\\n\\n -q, --quiet\\n suppress diagnostics about file/dir-creation failure\\n\\n --suffix=SUFF\\n append SUFF to TEMPLATE; SUFF must not contain a slash. This option is implied if TEMPLATE does not end in X\\n\\n -p DIR, --tmpdir[=DIR]\\n interpret TEMPLATE relative to DIR; if DIR is not specified, use $TMPDIR if set, else /tmp. With this option, TEMPLATE must not be an absolute name; unlike with -t, TEMPLATE may contain slashes, but mktemp creates\\n only the final component\",\"more\":\"More pages through files without any terminal trickery.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n more [OPTIONS] FILE\\n\\nDescription:\\n Admittedly, this does not follow the conventions of GNU more. Instead,\\n it is built with the goal of not relying on any special ttys, ioctls or\\n special ANSI escapes. This is ideal when your terminal is already\\n borked. For bells and whistles, look at less.\\n\\nOptions:\\n --lines NUMBER: screen size in number of lines\",\"mount\":\"+build !plan9\\nmount mounts a filesystem at the specified path.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n mount [-r] [-o options] [-t FSTYPE] DEV PATH\\n\\nOptions:\\n -r: read only\",\"msr\":\"msr reads and writes msrs using a Forth interpreter on argv\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n To see what is available:\\n msr words\\n\\nDescription:\\n msr provides a set of Forth words that let you manage MSRs.\\n You can add new ones of your own.\\n For a start, it provides some pre-defined words for well-known MSRs\\n\\n push a [] of MSR names and the 0x3a register on the stack\\n IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL -- equivalent to * msr 0x3a reg\\n The next two commands use IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL:\\n READ_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL -- equivalent to IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL rd\\n LOCK IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL -- equivalent to IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL rd IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL 1 u64 or wr\\n e.g.\\n./msr IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL\\n[[/dev/cpu/0/msr /dev/cpu/1/msr /dev/cpu/2/msr /dev/cpu/3/msr] 58]\\n\\n As a special convenience, we have two useful cases:\\n r glob register -- read the MSR 'register' from cores matching 'glob'\\n w glob register value -- write the value to 'register' on all cores matching 'glob'\\n\\nExamples:\\n Show the IA32 feature MSR on all cores\\n sudo fio READ_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL\\n [[5 5 5 5]]\\n lock the registers\\n sudo fio LOCK_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL\\n Just see it one core 0 and 1\\n sudo ./fio '[01]' msr 0x3a reg rd\\n [[5 5]]\",\"mv\":\"mv renames files and directories.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n mv SOURCE [-u] TARGET\\n mv SOURCE... [-u] DIRECTORY\\n\\nAuthor:\\n Beletti (\",\"netcat\":\"netcat creates arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens and sends arbitrary data.\",\"ntpdate\":\"ntpdate uses NTP to adjust the system clock.\",\"page\":\"Synopsis:\\n page [file]\\n\\nDescription:\\npage prints a page at a time to stdout from either stdin or a named file.\\nIt stops every x rows, where x is the number of rows determined from gtty.\\nSingle character commands tell it what to do next. Currently the only ones\\nare return and q.\\n\\nOptions:\",\"partprobe\":\"partprobe prompts the OS to re-read partition tables.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n partprobe [device]...\",\"pci\":\"pci: show pci bus vendor ids and other info\\n\\nDescription:\\n List the PCI bus, with names if possible.\\n\\nOptions:\\n -n: just show numbers\\n -c: dump config space\\n -s: specify glob for choosing devices.\",\"ping\":\"Send icmp packets to a server to test network connectivity.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n ping [-hV] [-c COUNT] [-i INTERVAL] [-s PACKETSIZE] [-w DEADLINE] DESTINATION\\n\\nOptions:\\n -6: use ipv6 (ip6:ipv6-icmp)\\n -s: data size (default: 64)\\n -c: # iterations, 0 to run forever (default)\\n -i: interval in milliseconds (default: 1000)\\n -V: version\\n -w: wait time in milliseconds (default: 100)\\n -a: Audible rings a bell when a packet is received\\n -h: help\",\"pox\":\"pox packages dynamic executable into an archive.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n pox [-[-verbose]|v] [-[-file]|f tcz-file] -[-create]|c FILE [...FILE]\\n pox [-[-verbose]|v] [-[-file]|f tcz-file] -[-run|r] PROGRAM -- [...ARGS]\\n pox [-[-verbose]|v] [-[-file]|f tcz-file] -[-create]|c -[-run|r] PROGRAM -- [...ARGS]\\n\\nDescription:\\n pox packages a dynamic executable into an archive for use on another\\n machine. By default, it uses the tcz format compatible with tinycore.\\n\\n pox supports 3 archive formats:\\n 1) squashfs (default): The tcz is a squashfs. This requires mksquashfs.\\n 2) zip\\n 3) elf+zip: Self-extracting.\\n\\nOptions:\\n create|c: create the TCZ file.\\n verbose|d: verbose\\n file|f FILE: file name (default /tmp/pox.tcz)\\n run|r: Runs the first non-flag argument to pox. Remaining arguments will\\n be passed to the program. Use '--' before any flag-like arguments\\n to prevent pox from interpretting the flags.\\n self|s: Create a self-extracting elf. This implies -z.\\n zip|z: Use zip and unzip instead of a loopback mounted squashfs. Be sure\\n to use -z for both creation and running, or not at all.\\n For convenience and testing, you can create and run a pox in one command.\\n\\nExample:\\n $ pox -c /bin/bash /bin/cat /bin/ls /etc/hosts\\n Will build a squashfs, which will be /tmp/pox.tcz\\n\\n $ sudo pox -r /bin/bash\\n Will drop you into the /tmp/pox.tcz running bash\\n You can use ls and cat on /etc/hosts.\\n\\n Simpler example, with arguments:\\n $ sudo pox -r /bin/ls -- -la\\n will run `ls -la` and exit.\\n\\n $ sudo pox -r -- /bin/ls -la\\n Syntactically easier: the program name can come after '--'\\n\\n $ sudo pox -c -r /bin/bash\\n Create a pox with a bash and run it.\\n\\n $ pox -cvsf date /bin/date\\n Creates a self-executing pox called \\\"date\\\".\\n $ ./date --utc\\n\\nNotes:\\n - When running a pox, you likely need sudo to chroot\\n\\n - Binaries run out of a chroot often need files you are unaware of. For\\n instance, if bash can't find terminfo files, it won't know to handle\\n backspaces properly. (They occur, but are not shown). To fix this, pass\\n pox all of the files you need. For bash: `find /lib/terminfo -type f`.\\n\\n - Other programs rely on helper functions, such as '/bin/man'. If your\\n program has built-in help commands that trigger man pages, e.g. \\\"git\\n help foo\\\", you'll want to include /bin/man too. But you'll also need\\n everything that man uses, such as /etc/manpath.config. My advice: skip\\n it.\\n\\n - When adding all files in a directory, the easiest thing to do is:\\n `find $DIR -type f` (Note the ticks: this is a bash command execution).\\n\\n - When creating a pox with an executable with shared libraries that are\\n not installed on your system, such as for a project installed in your\\n home directory, run pox from the installation prefix directory, such\\n that the lib/ and bin/ are in pox's working directory. Pox will strip\\n its working directory from the paths of the files it builds. Having bin/\\n in the root of the pox file helps with PATH lookups, and not having the\\n full path from your machine in the pox file makes it easier to extract a\\n pox file to /usr/local/.\\n\\n - pox is not a security boundary. chroot is well known to have holes.\\n Pox is about enabling execution. Don't expect it to \\\"wall things off\\\".\\n In fact, we mount /dev, /proc, and /sys; and you can add more things.\\n Commands run under pox are just as dangerous as anything else.\",\"printenv\":\"Print environment variables.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n printenv\",\"ps\":\"Print process information.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n ps [-Aaex] [aux]\\n\\nDescription:\\n ps reads the /proc filesystem and prints nice things about what it\\n finds. /proc in linux has grown by a process of Evilution, so it's\\n messy.\\n\\nOptions:\\n -A: select all processes. Identical to -e.\\n -e: select all processes. Identical to -A.\\n -x: BSD-Like style, with STAT Column and long CommandLine\\n -a: print all process except whose are session leaders or unlinked with terminal\\n aux: see every process on the system using BSD syntax\",\"pwd\":\"Print name of current directory.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n pwd [-LP]\\n\\nOptions:\\n -P: don't follow symlinks\\n\\nAuthor:\\n created by Beletti (\",\"pxeboot\":\"Command pxeboot implements PXE-based booting.\\n\\npxeboot combines a DHCP client with a TFTP/HTTP client to download files as\\nwell as pxelinux and iPXE configuration file parsing.\\n\\nPXE-based booting requests a DHCP lease, and looks at the BootFileName and\\nServerName options (which may be embedded in the original BOOTP message, or\\nas option codes) to find something to boot.\\n\\nThis BootFileName may point to\\n\\n- an iPXE script beginning with #!ipxe\\n\\n- a pxelinux.0, in which case we will ignore the pxelinux and try to parse\\n pxelinux.cfg/\\u003cfiles\\u003e\",\"pxeserver\":\"pxeserver is a test \\u0026 lab PXE server that supports TFTP, HTTP, and DHCPv4.\\n\\npxeserver can either respond to *all* DHCP requests, or a DHCP request from\\na specific MAC. In either case, it will supply the same IP in all answers.\",\"readlink\":\"readlink display value of symbolic link file.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n readlink [OPTIONS] FILE\\n\\nOptions:\\n -f: follow\\n -n: nonewline\\n -v: verbose\",\"readpe\":\"Dump the headers of a PE file.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n pe [FILENAME]\\n\\nDescription:\\n Windows and EFI executables are in the portable executable (PE) format.\\n This command prints the headers in a JSON format.\",\"rm\":\"Delete files.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n rm [-Rrvif] FILE...\\n\\nOptions:\\n -i: interactive mode\\n -v: verbose mode\\n -R: remove file hierarchies\\n -r: equivalent to -R\\n -f: ignore nonexistent files and never prompt\",\"rsdp\":\"rsdp allows to determine the ACPI RSDP structure address which could\\nbe passed to the boot command later on\\nIt must be executed at the system init as it relies on scanning\\nthe kernel messages which could be quickly filled up in some cases\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n\\trsdp [-f file]\\n\\nDescription:\\n\\tLook for rsdp value in a file, default /dev/kmsg\\n\\nExample:\\n\\trsdp\\n\\trsdp -f /path/to/file\",\"run\":\"Run executes its arguments as a Go program.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n run [-v] GO_CODE..\\n\\nExamples:\\n run {fmt.Println(\\\"hello\\\")}\\n\\nOptions:\\n -v: verbose display of processing\",\"rush\":\"Rush is an interactive shell similar to sh.\\n\\nDescription:\\n Prompt is '% '.\",\"scp\":\"Scp copies files between hosts on a network.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n scp [-t|-f] [FILE]\\n\\nDescription:\\n If -t is given, decode SCP protocol from stdin and write to FILE.\\n If -f is given, stream FILE over SCP protocol to stdout.\\n\\nOptions:\\n -t: Act as the target\\n -f: Act as the source\\n -v: Passed if SCP is verbose, ignored\",\"seq\":\"Print a sequence of numbers.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n seq [-f FORMAT] [-w] [-s SEPARATOR] [START [STEP [END]]]\\n\\nExamples:\\n % seq -s=' ' 3\\n 1 2 3\\n % seq -s=' ' 2 4\\n 2 3 4\\n % seq -s=' ' 3 2 7\\n 3 5 7\\n\\nOptions:\\n -f: use printf style floating-point FORMAT (default: %v)\\n -s: use STRING to separate numbers (default: \\\\n)\\n -w: equalize width by padding with leading zeroes (default: false)\",\"shutdown\":\"shutdown halts, suspends, or reboots at a specified time, or immediately.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n shutdown [\\u003c-h|-r|-s|halt|reboot|suspend\\u003e [time [message...]]]\\n\\nDescription:\\n current operations are reboot (-r), suspend, and halt [-h].\\n If no operation is specified halt is assumed.\\n If a time is given, an opcode is not optional.\\n\\nOptions:\\n -r|reboot:\\treboot the machine.\\n -h|halt:\\t\\thalt the machine.\\n -s|suspend:\\tsuspend the machine.\\n\\nTime is specified as \\\"now\\\", +minutes, or RFC3339 format.\\nAll other arguments past time are printed as a message.\\nThis could be used, for example, as input to goexpect.\",\"sleep\":\"Delay for the specified amount of time.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n sleep DURATION\\n\\nDescription:\\n If no units are given, the duration is assumed to be measured in\\n seconds, otherwise any format parsed by Go's `time.ParseDuration` is\\n accepted.\\n\\nExamples:\\n sleep 2.5\\n sleep 300ms\\n sleep 2h45m\\n\\nBugs:\\n When sleep is first run, it must be compiled from source which creates a\\n delay significantly longer than anticipated.\",\"smn\":\"smn: read or write registers in the System Management Network on AMD cpus\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n snm [0 or more addresses]\\nN.B. having no addresses is an easy way to see if you can\\naccess PCI at all.\\n\\nDescription:\\n read and write System Management Network registers\\n\\nOptions:\\n\\t-s: device glob in the form tttt:bb:dd.fn with * as needed\\n\\t-n: number of 32-bit words to dump.\\n\\t-v: 32-bit value to write\\n\\t-w: write the value to the register(s)\",\"sort\":\"Sort lines.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n sort [OPTIONS]... [INPUT]...\\n\\nDescription:\\n Sort copies lines from the input to the output, sorting them in the\\n process. This does nothing fancy (no multi-threading, compression,\\n optiminzations, ...); it simply uses Go's sort.Sort function.\\n\\nOptions:\\n -r: reverse\\n -o FILE: output file\",\"srvfiles\":\"Serve files on the network.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n srvfiles [--h=HOST] [--p=PORT] [--d=DIR]\\n\\nOptions:\\n --h: hostname (default:\\n --p: port number (default: 8080)\\n --d: directory to serve (default: .)\",\"strace\":\"+build linux,amd64\\nstrace is a simple multi-process syscall \\u0026 signal tracer.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n strace \\u003ccommand\\u003e [args...]\\n\\nDescription:\\n\\ttrace a single process given a command name.\",\"strings\":\"Strings finds printable strings.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n strings OPTIONS [FILES]...\\n\\nDescription:\\n Prints all sequences of `n` or more printable characters terminated by a\\n non-printable character (or EOF).\\n\\n If no files are specified, read from stdin.\\n\\nOptions:\\n -n number: the minimum string length (default is 4)\",\"stty\":\"stty is an stty command in Go.\\nIt follows many of the conventions of standard stty.\\nHowever, it can produce JSON output, for later use, and can\\nread that JSON later to configure it.\\n\\nstty has always had an odd set of flags. -flag means turn flag off;\\nflag means turn flag on. Except for those flags which make an argument;\\nin that case they look like flag \\u003carg\\u003e\\nTo make the flag package continue to work, we've changed the - to a ~.\\n\\nProgrammatically, the options are set with a []string, not lots of magic numbers that\\nare not portable across kernels.\\n\\nThe default action is to print in the model of standard stty, which is all most\\npeople ever do anyway.\\nThe command works like this:\\nstty [verb] [options]\\nVerbs are:\\ndump -- dump the json of the struct to stdout\\nload -- read a json file from stdin and use it to set\\nraw -- convenience command to set raw\\ncooked -- convenience command to set cooked\\nIn common stty usage, options may be specified without a verb.\\n\\nany other verb, with a ~ or without, is taken to mean standard stty args, e.g.\\nstty ~echo\\nturns off echo. Flags with arguments work too:\\nstty intr 1\\nsets the interrupt character to ^A.\\n\\nThe JSON encoding lets you do things like this:\\nstty dump | sed whatever \\u003e file\\nstty load file\\nFurther, one can easily push and pop state in by storing the current\\nstate in a file in JSON, making changes, and restoring it later. This has\\nalways been inconvenient in standard stty.\\n\\nWhile GNU stty can do some of this, its way of doing it is harder to read and not\\nas portable, since the format they use is not self-describing:\\nstty -g\\n4500:5:bf:8a3b:3:1c:7f:15:4:0:1:0:11:13:1a:0:12:f:17:16:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\\n\\nWe always do our operations on fd 0, as that is standard, and we always do an initial\\ntermios.GTTY to ensure we have access to fd 0.\",\"sync\":\"sync command in Go.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n\\t\\tsync [-df] [FILE]\",\"tac\":\"tac concatenates files and prints to stdout in reverse order,\\nfile by file\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n tac \\u003cfile...\\u003e\\n\\nDescription:\\n\\nOptions:\",\"tail\":\"Tail prints the lasts 10 lines of a file. Can additionally follow the\\nthe end of the file as it grows.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n tail [-f] [-n lines_to_show] [FILE]\\n\\nDescription:\\n If no files are specified, read from stdin.\\n\\nOptions:\\n -f: follow the end of the file as it grows\\n -n: specify the number of lines to show (default: 10)\\nMissing features:\\n- follow-mode (i.e. tail -f)\",\"tar\":\"Create and extract tar archives.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n tar [OPTION...] [FILE]...\\n\\nDescription:\\n This command line can be used only in the following ways:\\n tar -cvf x.tar directory/ # create\\n tar -cvf x.tar file1 file2 ... # create\\n tar -tvf x.tar # list\\n tar -xvf x.tar directory/ # extract\\n\\nOptions:\\n -c: create a new tar archive from the given directory\\n -x: extract a tar archive to the given directory\\n -v: verbose, print each filename (optional)\\n -f: tar filename (required)\\n -t: list the contents of an archive\\n\\nTODO: The arguments deviates slightly from gnu tar.\",\"tee\":\"Tee transcribes the standard input to the standard output and makes copies\\nin the files.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n tee [-ai] FILES...\\n\\nOptions:\\n -a, --append: append the output to the files rather than rewriting them\\n -i, --ignore-interrupts: ignore the SIGINT signal\",\"tr\":\"tr - translate or delete characters\\nSynopsis:\\n tr [OPTION]... SET1 [SET2]\\nDescription:\\n Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters from standard input, writing\\n to standard output.\\n\\n -d, --delete: delete characters in SET1, do not translate\\n\\nSETs are specified as strings of characters. Most represent themselves.\\nInterpreted sequences are:\\n \\\\\\\\ backslash\\n \\\\a audible BEL\\n \\\\b backspace\\n \\\\f form feed\\n \\\\n new line\\n \\\\r return\\n \\\\t horizontal tab\\n \\\\v vertical tab\\n [:alnum:] all letters and digits\\n [:alpha:] all letters\\n [:digit:] all digits\\n [:graph:] all printable characters\\n [:cntrl:] all control characters\\n [:lower:] all lower case letters\\n [:upper:] all upper case letters\\n [:space:] all whitespaces\",\"true\":\"Returns 0.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n true\\n\\nDescription:\\n Command line arguments are ignored.\",\"truncate\":\"Truncate - shrink or extend the size of a file to the specified size\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n truncate [OPTIONS] [FILE]...\\n\\nOptions:\\n -s: size in bytes\\n -r: reference file for size\\n -c: do not create any files\\n\\nAuthor:\\n Roland Kammerer \\\\u003e\",\"ts\":\"ts prepends each line of stdin with a timestamp.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n ts\",\"umount\":\"Unmount a filesystem at the specified path.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n umount [-f | -l] PATH\\n\\nOptions:\\n -f: force unmount\\n -l: lazy unmount\",\"uname\":\"Print build information about the kernel and machine.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n uname [-asnrvmd]\\n\\nOptions:\\n -a: print everything\\n -s: print the kernel name\\n -n: print the network node name\\n -r: print the kernel release\\n -v: print the kernel version\\n -m: print the machine hardware name\\n -d: print your domain name\",\"uniq\":\"Uniq removes repeated lines.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n uniq [OPTIONS...] [FILES]...\\n\\nDescription:\\n Uniq copies the input file, or the standard input, to the standard\\n output, comparing adjacent lines. In the normal case, the second and\\n succeeding copies of repeated lines are removed. Repeated lines must be\\n adjacent in order to be found.\\n\\nOptions:\\n –u: Print unique lines.\\n –d: Print (one copy of) duplicated lines.\\n –c: Prefix a repetition count and a tab to each output line.\\n Implies –u and –d.\\n –f num: The first num fields together with any blanks before each are\\n ignored. A field is defined as a string of non–space, non–tab\\n characters separated by tabs and spaces from its neighbors.\\n -cn num: The first num characters are ignored. Fields are skipped before\\n characters.\",\"unmount\":\"Unmount unmounts new from old, or everything mounted on old if new is omitted.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n\\t unmount [ new ] old\",\"unshare\":\"Disassociate parts of the process execution context.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n unshare [OPTIONS] [PROGRAM [ARGS]...]\\n\\nDescription:\\n Go applications use multiple processes, and the Go user level scheduler\\n schedules goroutines onto those processes. For this reason, it is not\\n possible to use syscall.Unshare. A goroutine can call `syscall.Unshare`\\n from process m and the scheduler can resume that goroutine in process n,\\n which has not had the unshare operation! This is a known problem with\\n any system call that modifies the name space or file system context of\\n only one process as opposed to the entire Go application, i.e. all of\\n its processes. Examples include chroot and unshare. There has been\\n lively discussion of this problem but no resolution as of yet. In sum:\\n it is not possible to use `syscall.Unshare` from Go with any reasonable\\n expectation of success.\\n\\n If PROGRAM is not specified, unshare defaults to /ubin/elvish.\\n\\nOptions:\\n -ipc: Unshare the IPC namespace\\n -mount: Unshare the mount namespace\\n -pid: Unshare the pid namespace\\n -net: Unshare the net namespace\\n -uts: Unshare the uts namespace\\n -user: Unshare the user namespace\\n -map-root-user: Map current uid to root. Not working\",\"uptime\":\"Get the time the machine has been up\\nSynopsis:\\n uptime\",\"validate\":\"This program validates a file by verifying a checksum and a signature file.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n validate [OPTIONS...] FILE PUBLIC_KEY_FILE\\n\\nDescription:\\n Return code: 0-OK, 1-Any error, 2-Bad signature, 3-Bad checksum\\n\\nOptions:\\n -a: signature is ASCII armored\\n -i FILE: checksum file\\n -alg FILE: algorithms to check\\n -v: verbose\",\"watch\":\"watch periodically executes the executable specified in argument.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n watch [-n] SEC [-t] cmd-exec\\n\\nDescription:\\n cmd-exec is executed every n seconds\\n example, watch -n 5 dmesg \\u003e\\u003e log.txt\\n : executes dmesg every 5 sec and stores the log in log.txt\\n\\nOptions:\\n -n: time in seconds\\n -t: do not print header\",\"watchdog\":\"watchdog interacts with /dev/watchdog.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n watchdog [--dev=DEV] keepalive\\n Pet the watchdog. This resets the time left back to the timeout.\\n watchdog [--dev=DEV] set[pre]timeout DURATION\\n Set the watchdog timeout or pretimeout\\n watchdog [--dev=DEV] get[pre]timeout\\n Print the watchdog timeout or pretimeout\\n watchdog [--dev=DEV] gettimeleft\\n Print the amount of time left.\\n\\nOptions:\\n --dev DEV: Device (default /dev/watchdog)\",\"watchdogd\":\"watchdogd is a background daemon for petting the watchdog.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n watchdogd run [OPTIONS]\\n Run the watchdogd in a child process (does not daemonize).\\n watchdogd stop\\n Send a signal to arm the running watchdog.\\n watchdogd continue\\n Send a signal to disarm the running watchdog.\\n watchdogd arm\\n Send a signal to arm the running watchdog.\\n watchdogd disarm\\n Send a signal to disarm the running watchdog.\\n\\nOptions:\\n --dev DEV: Device (default /dev/watchdog)\\n --timeout: Duration before timing out (default -1)\\n --pre_timeout: Duration for pretimeout (default -1)\\n --keep_alive: Duration between issuing keepalive (default 10)\\n --monitors: comma separated list of monitors, ex: oops\",\"wc\":\"Wc counts lines, words, runes, syntactically–invalid UTF codes.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n wc [OPTIONS...] [FILES]...\\n\\nDescription:\\n Wc counts lines, words, runes, syntactically–invalid UTF codes and bytes\\n in the named files, or in the standard input if no file is named. A word\\n is a maximal string of characters delimited by spaces, tabs or newlines.\\n The count of runes includes invalid codes. If the optional argument is\\n present, just the specified counts (lines, words, runes, broken UTF\\n codes or bytes) are selected by the letters l, w, r, b, or c. Otherwise,\\n lines, words and bytes (–lwc) are reported.\\n\\nOptions:\\n –l: count lines\\n –w: count words\\n –r: count runes\\n –b: count broken UTF codes\\n -c: count bytes\\n\\nBugs:\\n This wc differs from Plan 9's wc somewhat in word count (BSD's wc differs\\n even more significantly):\\n\\n $ unicode 0x0-0x10ffff | 9 wc -w\\n 2228221\\n $ unicode 0x0-0x10ffff | gowc -w\\n 2228198\\n $ unicode 0x0-0x10ffff | bsdwc -w\\n 2293628\\n\\n This wc differs from Plan 9's wc significantly in bad rune count:\\n\\n $ unicode 0x0-0x10ffff | gowc -b\\n 6144\\n $ unicode 0x0-0x10ffff | 9 wc -b\\n 1966080\",\"wget\":\"Wget reads one file from a url and writes to stdout.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n wget URL\\n\\nDescription:\\n Returns a non-zero code on failure.\\n\\nNotes:\\n There are a few differences with GNU wget:\\n - Upon error, the return value is always 1.\\n - The protocol (http/https) is mandatory.\\n\\nExample:\\n wget -O google.txt\",\"which\":\"Which locates a command.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n which [-a] [COMMAND]...\\n\\nOptions:\\n -a: print all matching pathnames of each argument\",\"zimage\":\"zimage dumps the header of a zImage.\\n\\nSynopsis:\\n zimage FILE\\n\\nDescription:\\n This is mainly for debugging purposes.\"}"

Incompatible versions in this module

Aug 31, 2020
Aug 14, 2019
Jul 10, 2019

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