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Published: Dec 27, 2020 License: MIT Imports: 15 Imported by: 1



This repository contains the go-serverapp/db library.

To install:

go get github.com/ugorji/go-serverapp/db

Package Documentation

Package db manages db interactions for server applications.


It supports the following use-cases:

  • Transparent Caching (check/use cache on load and save)
  • Hooks (PostLoadHook, PreSaveHook, PostSaveHook)
  • Embedded Types and Map Fields
  • Should we store/index fields in the datastore?
  • Ancestor entities

Each entity may define zero or more of the following methods:

  • PostLoadHook(), PreSaveHook(), PostSaveHook(), FromDatastoreKey(*Key), DatastoreKey() *Key

Within a transaction, the semantics are different as described below.

This package exposes the following methods:

  • PostLoad(*SafeStore, ctx, tx, []*Key, []interface{}): update id field (or call FromDatastoreKey) Calls PostLoadHook If tx = false, Puts into caches.

  • PreSave (*SafeStore, ctx, req, tx, []*Key, []interface{}): Calls PreSaveHook

  • PostSave(*SafeStore, ctx, req, tx, []*Key, []interface{}): update id field (or call FromDatastoreKey) Calls PostSaveHook If tx = true, Remove from caches where successful. If tx = false, Put into caches where successful.

  • Get(*SafeStore, ctx, tx, []*Key, []*interface{}): Checks caches first if tx=false. Find delta, and check datastore for those. Calls PostLoad for returned set from datastore.

  • Put(*SafeStore, ctx, tx, []*Key, []*interface{}): Call PreSave. Put into datastore. Call PostSave.

  • Delete(*SafeStore, ctx, tx, []*Key) Delete from datastore and caches.

Application code will call these methods to get things out, mainly:

  • Get(...), Put(...), Delete(...)


There is built in support for one level of ancestors. This is what is ever needed (there is no need to do more than one level ancestors since only one root is required for entity grouping for transactions, co-location, etc).

An application can use DatastoreKeyAware to do more exotic Ancestor systems (with more than one level of depth). However, with the simple builtin support, there's just one level of depth (if your struct defines pkind, pkey and optionally pshape).

This ancestor support may be critical to support:

  • fast 1-PC single-entity-group transaction support
  • strongly consistent queries (with the new HRD)


This allows an entity to define how it wants to convert to/fro a datastore.Key instance. With this, we have a solution for ancestor entities, etc. A type with support for ancestors can implement DatastoreKeyAware. If it is not implemented, we use the simple model of looking for the Kind and KeyField, looking at it's field type (int64 or string), and setting fields from the Key or creating a Key appropriately.


The Hook methods can also be used to support complex embedded types. To do this:

  • define some exported Synthetic field which are stored in the data
  • on PostLoadHook: use those synthetic field values to populate your real fields zero out those synthetic fields
  • on PreSaveHook: use your real field values to populate your synthetic fields
  • on PostSaveHook: zero out those synthetic fields

For synthetic fields, by convention, call them:

  • If Marshal: X__
  • If Structured Map: X__Key and X__Value
  • If structered struct: X___<Embedded_field_name>


The package can do a lot of this "hooks" automatically. To support this, the struct is configured for auto-hooks. With auto-hooks, many structs will not need to define their own hooks. Auto-hooks supports the following:

  • support embedded fields (only one-level deep)

Assuming primitives are the following:

  • number
  • string
  • bool

Auto Hooks support the following fields

  • struct (with only primitive fields) ie MyStruct
  • pointer to such struct ie *MyStruct
  • slice of such structs ie []MyStruct
  • slice of pointers of such struct ie []*MyStruct
  • map of primitive to primitive e.g. map[string]int

With auto hook support, the user only has to define the corresponding synthetic fields according to our convention.

Some concerns:

  • Reflection is about 20X slower than direct calls
  • User needs to create synthetic fields


  • Writing the code to support embedded fields is boilerplate, and prone to error. For even just one field, it could be up about 20 lines of code spread across PostLoadHook, PreSaveHook and PostSaveHook


To configure struct-level things,

  • create a struct field called _struct bool
  • set values there for db, for example: _struct bool db:"keyf=Id,kind=U,auto" This means: perform autohooks, and this struct uses key Id, and has kind U.

In general, db struct tag value on field _struct is parsed by:

  • tokenizing on comma
  • each token is a key[=value], and value is a singular[|singular]*

The following keys in the struct tag "db" value on field _struct have meaning:

  • autohook: "auto"[=] where value is true or false (default: false)
  • request cache: "rc"[=] where value is true or false (default: false)
  • process cache: "pc"[=] where value is true or false (default: false)
  • memcache: "mc"[=] where value is true or false (default: false)
  • datastore: "ds"[=] where value is true or false (default: false)
  • process timeout: "pcto"= where value is \d+(s|m|h|d). If 0, no timeout.
  • memcache timeout: "mcto"= where value is \d+(s|m|h|d). If 0, no timeout.
  • key field: "keyf"= (value is FieldName. That field must be a int64 or string)
  • shape field: "shapef"= (Optional: value is FieldName. That field must be a string)
  • kind: "kind"= The kind of the datastore
  • shape: "shape"= The (optional) shape of the type in the datastore
  • parent key field: "pkeyf"= (same as key but for optional ancestor)
  • parent shape field: "pshapef"= (Optional: value is FieldName. That field must be a string)
  • parent kind: "pkind"= (same as kind but for optional ancestor)
  • parent shape: "pshape"= (same as shape but for optional ancestor)

Note that only fields with a "db" tag are store'able/index'able. To use the field name as default datastore column name, just make a non-blank db e.g. db:"-"

If autoHook is supported, the following keys in the struct tag "db" value on other fields have meaning:

  • ftype=struc: meaning this is a structured field
  • ftype=marshal: means store as a marshal
  • ftype=expando: means expand this (each mapping is a property on the entity)
  • dbname=fieldname
  • store=y,!y,z,!z (for always, not always, empty value, not empty value)
  • index=y,!y,z,!z


    Example: Atn map[string]string    `db:"dbname=atn,ftype=expando"

We maintain a cache of info about each struct in the package (so we don't have to continously reflect and parse the same strings). This contains

  • information from _struct field
  • all structured and marshal field names, and corresponding synthetic field names (if auto hooks are supported)

By default, we store and index fields whose value is not equal to their "zero" value ie if not defined, we act like this is set: store=!z,index=!z


For Queries, the app has to pass in the actual datastore columns (not the field names). Since the app knows how to coerce itself into a datastore entity, and defines its own datastore column names, it's ok for it to also directly pass them in the query.

This way, there's no need to create a wrapper over the query infrastructure provided OOTB.

If you want your queries to integrate with the cache, then your application code may call PostLoad(...) right after each call to Next(...). However, we prefer that Queries are always KeysOnly, and a subsequent request does a GET which leverages the caches, for the following reasons:

  • Datastore costs are reduced (due to potential cache hits)
  • Queries are evantually consistent, so query results may be stale. Better to use do a keys only query, followed by Batch GET.

If Not a KeysOnly query, and you don't want your query to integrate with the cache (as is recommended), then call PostLoadNoCaching(...) after each iteration.


Polymorphic support is very interesting.

  • It allows different "shapes" of a given "kind" to be represented by different "types" but all stay in the same "table" (same entity)
  • It allows us run query for different "types" (all the same "kind")

To do this:

  • A type is uniquely identified by a kind, and an optional shape
  • The shape is reflected in the datastore in 2 places (if present):
    • Mandatory: part of the key e.g. TP/:sh:
    • Optional: Define a ShapeField for the type The ShapeField must be a string field During PostLoad and PreSave and InQuery, we will ensure the ShapeField is set to/fro the datastore.Key
  • The shape is easily identified
    • If the Key uses a string name (not long id), and the first 4 bytes are colon(:), [0-9a-zA-Z], [0-9a-ZA-Z], colon(:) The shape is the 2-character, 2-byte slice in between the colons.
  • If you want to query on the ShapeField (e.g. to restrict queries to only return types with a given shape), then make the ShapeField stored as a db column, and index it.
  • A query from now on takes a Kind and a shape (not a template interface{}) Already, templates have to know the datastore intimately.
  • The KeyField/ParentKeyField value will not include the Shape information.
  • During a Query, you can limit results to entities with a given shape.

Note the following:

  • You will have to register all your data types at startup (especially those with polymorphic support or for which you have to query)
  • For those with polymorphic support, register a base type with shape="". This will allow us support true polymorphic queries e.g. when no shape is given in the query For example:
    • You have types: A, B{A}, C{A}, where A is the base type, and B,C are polymorphic
    • Register A, B, C to all have same kind="A"
    • Register A with shape="", B with shape="B", C with shape="C"
  • For better query support, define the ShapeField and ensure it's stored and indexed, and pass it in your queries. (This is however completely optional)
  • If your polymorphic entity uses ancestors, set the pshape=""
  • If you want to query on your polymorphic entity that has ancestors, Define shapef, and pshapef=


There are two caches:

  • L1 (in-memory, in-process, short-lived, request-scoped)
  • L2 (in-memory, in-process, process-wide)
  • L3 (out-of-process, long-lived, non-deterministic, shared, memcache)

Both caches will use the string hash (web-safe) representation of a *Key as the cache key. The value will be:

  • For L1: request-scoped, an interface{} (the actual entity)
  • For L2: process-wide, an interface{} (the actual entity)
  • For L3: memcache, an uncompressed marshal.

Cache must support storing cache misses. This way, we do not keep requesting a value from the datastore when we know it's not there. We do this by putting:

  • L1: Use false
  • L2: Use false.
  • L3: Use false.

During a Get, any Key misses are also stored in the Cache as negatives. This way, we don't continually look in the datastore for information that isn't there.

At the struct level, the following can be configured:

  • should this entity be stored in the request cache
  • should this entity be stored in the process cache
  • should this entity be stored in memcache
  • should this entity be stored in datastore
  • what is the memcache timeout for this entity

Note on Process Wide Cache:

  • A Process-wide cache shared across requests is dangerous because it cannot be cleared
  • It is however good for things which change very infrequently (like configuration)
  • Keeping those long-lived in memcache (4ms response) may be a fair tradeoff


We include support for process-wide caching. This must be used carefully, and only for those entities which fit this profile:

  • Finite, contained number of entities i.e. not growing outside of developer/admin's control
  • Entities do not change much
  • OK if stale for a little bit
  • Typically used in a read-only fashion

In general, follow these guidelines also:

  • If you put in process cache, then turn off memcache.
  • You either want to cache things in memcache, or your things are contained enough that you can pre-load them for each process and cache them in-process

The InstanceCache will also support a Query Cache. In this mode:

  • Queries are cached using their canonical (GQL) form as a map/cache key (with prefix)
  • Note that


Some guidelines are below:

  • For easy debugging, log a FINE message when an entity is found, so we know where it was found i.e. request cache, process cache, memcache or datastore
  • Within a Get (DatastoreGet, CacheGet), the retrieved values are stored in the slice passed to the function. You will need to get them back from the slice. For example, if you do: topics := []{...} dst = []{a, b} //len 2 dst = append(dst, topics...) db.CacheGet(..., dst) topics = dst[2:] //else dst has retrieved values, but topics might have old stale ones
  • There is support for ensuring an entity has a valid Id before sending to datastore.

Exported Package API

const EntityCacheKeyPfx = "db/db::" ...
const StructInfoField = "_struct" ...
var StructMetas = safestore.New(true) ...
func CacheDelete(ctx app.Context, keys ...app.Key) (err error)
func CacheEntryDecode(bs []byte, v interface{}) (v2 interface{}, err error)
func CachePut(ctx app.Context, keys []app.Key, dst []interface{}) (err error)
func DatastoreKey(ctx app.Context, d interface{}) (k app.Key, err error)
func Deletes(ctx app.Context, useCache bool, keys ...app.Key) (err error)
func EntitiesForKeys(ctx app.Context, keys []app.Key, load bool, useCache bool) (res []interface{}, err error)
func EntityForKey(ctx app.Context, key app.Key, load bool, useCache bool) (res interface{}, err error)
func FromDatastoreKey(ctx app.Context, d interface{}, key app.Key) (d2 interface{}, err error)
func Get(ctx app.Context, useCache bool, key app.Key, dst interface{}) (err error)
func GetLoadedReflectTypeFromKind(kind string, shape string) reflect.Type
func Gets(ctx app.Context, useCache bool, keys []app.Key, dst []interface{}) (err error)
func HackRegisterSliceType(slcs ...interface{}) error
func IsNotFoundError(err error) (b bool)
func Load(ctx app.Context, useCache bool, entities []interface{}) (err error)
func LoadOne(ctx app.Context, useCache bool, maybeCreate bool, entity interface{}) (err error)
func OrmFromIntf(d interface{}, m *PropertyList, indexesOnly bool) (err error)
func OrmToIntf(m *PropertyList, d interface{}) (err error)
func PostLoad(ctx app.Context, useCache bool, keys []app.Key, dst []interface{}) (err error)
func PostLoadNoCaching(ctx app.Context, key app.Key, dst interface{}) (err error)
func PostSave(ctx app.Context, keys []app.Key, dst []interface{}) (err error)
func PreSave(ctx app.Context, useCache bool, keys []app.Key, dst []interface{}) (err error)
func Put(ctx app.Context, useCache bool, key app.Key, dst interface{}) error
func Puts(ctx app.Context, useCache bool, keys []app.Key, dst []interface{}) (err error)
func QueryAsString(parentKey app.Key, kind string, opts *app.QueryOpts, ...) (qString string)
func QuerySupport(ctx app.Context, qString string, kind string, shape string, ...) (res []app.Key, lastqcur string, err error)
func Save(ctx app.Context, entities ...interface{}) (err error)
type CacheResult int
    const CacheMiss CacheResult = iota + 1 ...
    func CacheGet(ctx app.Context, keys []app.Key, dst []interface{}) (result []CacheResult, err error)
type CodecBytes interface{ ... }
    var Codec CodecBytes = gobCodec{}
type DatastoreKeyAware interface{ ... }
type DbFieldMeta struct{ ... }
    func NewDbFieldMeta() *DbFieldMeta
type EntityNotFoundError string
type FieldType int32
    const STRUC_FTYPE FieldType = iota + 1 ...
type FieldValueChecker int32
    const ALWAYS_FVC FieldValueChecker = iota + 1 ...
type PostLoadHooker interface{ ... }
type PostSaveHooker interface{ ... }
type PreSaveHooker interface{ ... }
type Property struct{ ... }
type PropertyList []Property
type TypeMeta struct{ ... }
    func GetLoadedStructMetaFromKind(kind string, shape string) *TypeMeta
    func GetStructMeta(s interface{}) (tm *TypeMeta, err error)
    func GetStructMetaFromType(rt reflect.Type) (tm *TypeMeta, err error)
    func NewTypeMeta() *TypeMeta

BUG: Shape is not fully thought out. Consider removing it???



Package db manages db interactions for server applications.


It supports the following use-cases:

  • Transparent Caching (check/use cache on load and save)
  • Hooks (PostLoadHook, PreSaveHook, PostSaveHook)
  • Embedded Types and Map Fields
  • Should we store/index fields in the datastore?
  • Ancestor entities

Each entity may define zero or more of the following methods:

  • PostLoadHook(), PreSaveHook(), PostSaveHook(), FromDatastoreKey(*Key), DatastoreKey() *Key

Within a transaction, the semantics are different as described below.

This package exposes the following methods:

  • PostLoad(*SafeStore, ctx, tx, []*Key, []interface{}): update id field (or call FromDatastoreKey) Calls PostLoadHook If tx = false, Puts into caches.

  • PreSave (*SafeStore, ctx, req, tx, []*Key, []interface{}): Calls PreSaveHook

  • PostSave(*SafeStore, ctx, req, tx, []*Key, []interface{}): update id field (or call FromDatastoreKey) Calls PostSaveHook If tx = true, Remove from caches where successful. If tx = false, Put into caches where successful.

  • Get(*SafeStore, ctx, tx, []*Key, []*interface{}): Checks caches first if tx=false. Find delta, and check datastore for those. Calls PostLoad for returned set from datastore.

  • Put(*SafeStore, ctx, tx, []*Key, []*interface{}): Call PreSave. Put into datastore. Call PostSave.

  • Delete(*SafeStore, ctx, tx, []*Key) Delete from datastore and caches.

Application code will call these methods to get things out, mainly:

  • Get(...), Put(...), Delete(...)


There is built in support for one level of ancestors. This is what is ever needed (there is no need to do more than one level ancestors since only one root is required for entity grouping for transactions, co-location, etc).

An application can use DatastoreKeyAware to do more exotic Ancestor systems (with more than one level of depth). However, with the simple builtin support, there's just one level of depth (if your struct defines pkind, pkey and optionally pshape).

This ancestor support may be critical to support:

  • fast 1-PC single-entity-group transaction support
  • strongly consistent queries (with the new HRD)


This allows an entity to define how it wants to convert to/fro a datastore.Key instance. With this, we have a solution for ancestor entities, etc. A type with support for ancestors can implement DatastoreKeyAware. If it is not implemented, we use the simple model of looking for the Kind and KeyField, looking at it's field type (int64 or string), and setting fields from the Key or creating a Key appropriately.


The Hook methods can also be used to support complex embedded types. To do this:

  • define some exported Synthetic field which are stored in the data
  • on PostLoadHook: use those synthetic field values to populate your real fields zero out those synthetic fields
  • on PreSaveHook: use your real field values to populate your synthetic fields
  • on PostSaveHook: zero out those synthetic fields

For synthetic fields, by convention, call them:

  • If Marshal: X__<FieldName>
  • If Structured Map: X__<FieldName>_Key and X__<FieldName>_Value
  • If structered struct: X__<FieldName>_<Embedded_field_name>


The package *can* do a lot of this "hooks" automatically. To support this, the struct is configured for auto-hooks. With auto-hooks, many structs will not need to define their own hooks. Auto-hooks supports the following:

  • support embedded fields (only one-level deep)

Assuming primitives are the following:

  • number
  • string
  • bool

Auto Hooks support the following fields

  • struct (with only primitive fields) ie MyStruct
  • pointer to such struct ie *MyStruct
  • slice of such structs ie []MyStruct
  • slice of pointers of such struct ie []*MyStruct
  • map of primitive to primitive e.g. map[string]int

With auto hook support, the user only has to define the corresponding synthetic fields according to our convention.

Some concerns:

  • Reflection is about 20X slower than direct calls
  • User needs to create synthetic fields


  • Writing the code to support embedded fields is boilerplate, and prone to error. For even just one field, it could be up about 20 lines of code spread across PostLoadHook, PreSaveHook and PostSaveHook


To configure struct-level things,

  • create a struct field called _struct bool
  • set values there for db, for example: _struct bool `db:"keyf=Id,kind=U,auto"` This means: perform autohooks, and this struct uses key Id, and has kind U.

In general, db struct tag value on field _struct is parsed by:

  • tokenizing on comma
  • each token is a key[=value], and value is a singular[|singular]*

The following keys in the struct tag "db" value on field _struct have meaning:

  • autohook: "auto"[=<value>] where value is true or false (default: false)
  • request cache: "rc"[=<value>] where value is true or false (default: false)
  • process cache: "pc"[=<value>] where value is true or false (default: false)
  • memcache: "mc"[=<value>] where value is true or false (default: false)
  • datastore: "ds"[=<value>] where value is true or false (default: false)
  • process timeout: "pcto"=<value> where value is \d+(s|m|h|d). If 0, no timeout.
  • memcache timeout: "mcto"=<value> where value is \d+(s|m|h|d). If 0, no timeout.
  • key field: "keyf"=<value> (value is FieldName. That field must be a int64 or string)
  • shape field: "shapef"=<value> (Optional: value is FieldName. That field must be a string)
  • kind: "kind"=<value> The kind of the datastore
  • shape: "shape"=<value> The (optional) shape of the type in the datastore
  • parent key field: "pkeyf"=<value> (same as key but for optional ancestor)
  • parent shape field: "pshapef"=<value> (Optional: value is FieldName. That field must be a string)
  • parent kind: "pkind"=<value> (same as kind but for optional ancestor)
  • parent shape: "pshape"=<value> (same as shape but for optional ancestor)

Note that only fields with a "db" tag are store'able/index'able. To use the field name as default datastore column name, just make a non-blank db e.g. `db:"-"`

If autoHook is supported, the following keys in the struct tag "db" value on other fields have meaning:

  • ftype=struc: meaning this is a structured field
  • ftype=marshal: means store as a marshal
  • ftype=expando: means expand this (each mapping is a property on the entity)
  • dbname=fieldname
  • store=y,!y,z,!z (for always, not always, empty value, not empty value)
  • index=y,!y,z,!z


Example: Atn map[string]string    `db:"dbname=atn,ftype=expando"

We maintain a cache of info about each struct in the package (so we don't have to continously reflect and parse the same strings). This contains

  • information from _struct field
  • all structured and marshal field names, and corresponding synthetic field names (if auto hooks are supported)

By default, we store and index fields whose value is not equal to their "zero" value ie if not defined, we act like this is set: store=!z,index=!z


For Queries, the app has to pass in the actual datastore columns (not the field names). Since the app knows how to coerce itself into a datastore entity, and defines its own datastore column names, it's ok for it to also directly pass them in the query.

This way, there's no need to create a wrapper over the query infrastructure provided OOTB.

If you want your queries to integrate with the cache, then your application code may call PostLoad(...) right after each call to Next(...). However, we prefer that Queries are always KeysOnly, and a subsequent request does a GET which leverages the caches, for the following reasons:

  • Datastore costs are reduced (due to potential cache hits)
  • Queries are evantually consistent, so query results may be stale. Better to use do a keys only query, followed by Batch GET.

If Not a KeysOnly query, and you don't want your query to integrate with the cache (as is recommended), then call PostLoadNoCaching(...) after each iteration.


Polymorphic support is very interesting.

  • It allows different "shapes" of a given "kind" to be represented by different "types" but all stay in the same "table" (same entity)
  • It allows us run query for different "types" (all the same "kind")

To do this:

  • A type is uniquely identified by a kind, and an optional shape
  • The shape is reflected in the datastore in 2 places (if present):
  • Mandatory: part of the key e.g. TP/:sh:
  • Optional: Define a ShapeField for the type The ShapeField must be a string field During PostLoad and PreSave and InQuery, we will ensure the ShapeField is set to/fro the datastore.Key
  • The shape is easily identified
  • If the Key uses a string name (not long id), and the first 4 bytes are colon(:), [0-9a-zA-Z], [0-9a-ZA-Z], colon(:) The shape is the 2-character, 2-byte slice in between the colons.
  • If you want to query on the ShapeField (e.g. to restrict queries to only return types with a given shape), then make the ShapeField stored as a db column, and index it.
  • A query from now on takes a Kind and a shape (not a template interface{}) Already, templates have to know the datastore intimately.
  • The KeyField/ParentKeyField value will not include the Shape information.
  • During a Query, you can limit results to entities with a given shape.

Note the following:

  • You will have to register all your data types at startup (especially those with polymorphic support or for which you have to query)
  • For those with polymorphic support, register a base type with shape="". This will allow us support true polymorphic queries e.g. when no shape is given in the query For example:
  • You have types: A, B{A}, C{A}, where A is the base type, and B,C are polymorphic
  • Register A, B, C to all have same kind="A"
  • Register A with shape="", B with shape="B", C with shape="C"
  • For better query support, define the ShapeField and ensure it's stored and indexed, and pass it in your queries. (This is however completely optional)
  • If your polymorphic entity uses ancestors, set the pshape=""
  • If you want to query on your polymorphic entity that has ancestors, Define shapef, and pshapef=


There are two caches:

  • L1 (in-memory, in-process, short-lived, request-scoped)
  • L2 (in-memory, in-process, process-wide)
  • L3 (out-of-process, long-lived, non-deterministic, shared, memcache)

Both caches will use the string hash (web-safe) representation of a *Key as the cache key. The value will be:

  • For L1: request-scoped, an interface{} (the actual entity)
  • For L2: process-wide, an interface{} (the actual entity)
  • For L3: memcache, an uncompressed marshal.

Cache must support storing cache misses. This way, we do not keep requesting a value from the datastore when we know it's not there. We do this by putting:

  • L1: Use false
  • L2: Use false.
  • L3: Use false.

During a Get, any Key misses are also stored in the Cache as negatives. This way, we don't continually look in the datastore for information that isn't there.

At the struct level, the following can be configured:

  • should this entity be stored in the request cache
  • should this entity be stored in the process cache
  • should this entity be stored in memcache
  • should this entity be stored in datastore
  • what is the memcache timeout for this entity

Note on Process Wide Cache:

  • A Process-wide cache shared across requests is dangerous because it cannot be cleared
  • It is however good for things which change very infrequently (like configuration)
  • Keeping those long-lived in memcache (4ms response) may be a fair tradeoff


We include support for process-wide caching. This must be used carefully, and only for those entities which fit this profile:

  • Finite, contained number of entities i.e. not growing outside of developer/admin's control
  • Entities do not change much
  • OK if stale for a little bit
  • Typically used in a read-only fashion

In general, follow these guidelines also:

  • If you put in process cache, then turn off memcache.
  • You either want to cache things in memcache, or your things are contained enough that you can pre-load them for each process and cache them in-process

The InstanceCache will also support a Query Cache. In this mode:

  • Queries are cached using their canonical (GQL) form as a map/cache key (with prefix)
  • Note that


Some guidelines are below:

  • For easy debugging, log a FINE message when an entity is found, so we know where it was found i.e. request cache, process cache, memcache or datastore
  • Within a Get (DatastoreGet, CacheGet), the retrieved values are stored in the slice passed to the function. You will need to get them back from the slice. For example, if you do: topics := []{...} dst = []{a, b} //len 2 dst = append(dst, topics...) db.CacheGet(..., dst) topics = dst[2:] //else dst has retrieved values, but topics might have old stale ones
  • There is support for ensuring an entity has a valid Id before sending to datastore.



View Source
const (
	EntityCacheKeyPfx = "db/db::"
	QueryCacheKeyPfx  = "db/db_query_cache::"

	//Error returned by Load calls where no entity is found
	EntityNotFoundErr = EntityNotFoundError(entityNotFoundMsg)
View Source
const (
	StructInfoField = "_struct"
	StructTagKey    = "db"


View Source
var (
	StructMetas     = safestore.New(true) //map reflect.Type to *TypeMeta
	StructMetaKinds = safestore.New(true) //map Kind to reflect.Type



func CacheDelete

func CacheDelete(ctx app.Context, keys ...app.Key) (err error)

func CacheEntryDecode

func CacheEntryDecode(bs []byte, v interface{}) (v2 interface{}, err error)

Decode a cache entry. It knows that Negatives are recorded as 'false', supports doing a quick check for false.

func CachePut

func CachePut(ctx app.Context, keys []app.Key, dst []interface{}) (err error)

func DatastoreKey

func DatastoreKey(ctx app.Context, d interface{}) (k app.Key, err error)

Get a datastore key from a struct. If the Id of the passed interface (d) is < 0, the returned key will have a fresh id allocated from the backend datastore.

func Deletes

func Deletes(ctx app.Context, useCache bool, keys ...app.Key) (err error)

func EntitiesForKeys

func EntitiesForKeys(ctx app.Context, keys []app.Key, load bool, useCache bool) (res []interface{}, err error)

func EntityForKey

func EntityForKey(ctx app.Context, key app.Key, load bool, useCache bool) (res interface{}, err error)

func FromDatastoreKey

func FromDatastoreKey(ctx app.Context, d interface{}, key app.Key) (d2 interface{}, err error)

Populate a struct from a datastore key

func Get

func Get(ctx app.Context, useCache bool, key app.Key, dst interface{}) (err error)

Note: A different entity may be returned e.g. if got from a cache. It's okay to pass nil dst to this function. We will return the appropriate interface{}

func GetLoadedReflectTypeFromKind

func GetLoadedReflectTypeFromKind(kind string, shape string) reflect.Type

func Gets

func Gets(ctx app.Context, useCache bool, keys []app.Key, dst []interface{}) (err error)

This call supports passing nil members of the dst slice. If nil, we will use an new instance of the type appropriate for the Key.

func HackRegisterSliceType

func HackRegisterSliceType(slcs ...interface{}) error

Called by custom applications to register their own custom types, so that we can find the slice type for it. It binds a Kind, and element type to a slice type.

  • This way, given a Kind, we can get the slice type.
  • Also, given an element type, we can get a slice type.
  • An error is returned if a slice is not passed in.

Note that we do not override any registrations. For everything to work, We expect that this package has already registered all the primitive types. ie. (u)intXXX, floatXXX, byte, bool, string, []byte, etc. Also, we only register kinds for primitive types:

  • not for reference kinds like channels, pointers, maps, interface, func, etc

func IsNotFoundError

func IsNotFoundError(err error) (b bool)

IsNotFound will return true if this Error is a NotFound error. It also returns true if argument is a Multi, and all its errors are NotFound errors.

func Load

func Load(ctx app.Context, useCache bool, entities []interface{}) (err error)

Note: When loading, do not use variadic, since the returned values may not be what is sent variadic'ally.

func LoadOne

func LoadOne(ctx app.Context, useCache bool, maybeCreate bool, entity interface{}) (err error)

func OrmFromIntf

func OrmFromIntf(d interface{}, m *PropertyList, indexesOnly bool) (err error)

Populate from a struct

func OrmToIntf

func OrmToIntf(m *PropertyList, d interface{}) (err error)

Populate to a struct

func PostLoad

func PostLoad(ctx app.Context, useCache bool, keys []app.Key, dst []interface{}) (err error)

func PostLoadNoCaching

func PostLoadNoCaching(ctx app.Context, key app.Key, dst interface{}) (err error)

Queries should *typically* call this to postLoad

func PostSave

func PostSave(ctx app.Context, keys []app.Key, dst []interface{}) (err error)

func PreSave

func PreSave(ctx app.Context, useCache bool, keys []app.Key, dst []interface{}) (err error)

func Put

func Put(ctx app.Context, useCache bool, key app.Key, dst interface{}) error

func Puts

func Puts(ctx app.Context, useCache bool, keys []app.Key, dst []interface{}) (err error)

func QueryAsString

func QueryAsString(parentKey app.Key, kind string, opts *app.QueryOpts, filters ...*app.QueryFilter,
) (qString string)

func QuerySupport

func QuerySupport(ctx app.Context, qString string, kind string,
	shape string, nextFn func() (k app.Key, cursor string, err error),
) (res []app.Key, lastqcur string, err error)

Query the datastore. This supports using the InstanceCache as a Query Cache. Ensure only entities of this kind and shape are returned.

func Save

func Save(ctx app.Context, entities ...interface{}) (err error)


type CacheResult

type CacheResult int
const (
	CacheMiss CacheResult = iota + 1

func CacheGet

func CacheGet(ctx app.Context, keys []app.Key, dst []interface{}) (result []CacheResult, err error)

Does a CacheGet.

type CodecBytes

type CodecBytes interface {
	EncodeBytes(out *[]byte, v interface{}) error
	DecodeBytes(in []byte, v interface{}) error
var Codec CodecBytes = gobCodec{}

Variable which sets up the Codec for the datastore package. By default, it is initialized to use gob.

type DatastoreKeyAware

type DatastoreKeyAware interface {
	FromDatastoreKey(ctx app.Context, key app.Key) error
	DatastoreKey(ctx app.Context) (app.Key, error)

type DbFieldMeta

type DbFieldMeta struct {
	Store       []FieldValueChecker
	Index       []FieldValueChecker
	Type        FieldType
	FieldName   string
	DbName      string
	ReflectType reflect.Type

Holds information about a struct field

func NewDbFieldMeta

func NewDbFieldMeta() *DbFieldMeta

type EntityNotFoundError

type EntityNotFoundError string

func (EntityNotFoundError) Error

func (e EntityNotFoundError) Error() string

type FieldType

type FieldType int32
const (
	STRUC_FTYPE FieldType = iota + 1

type FieldValueChecker

type FieldValueChecker int32
const (
	ALWAYS_FVC FieldValueChecker = iota + 1

type PostLoadHooker

type PostLoadHooker interface {
	PostLoadHook() error

type PostSaveHooker

type PostSaveHooker interface {
	PostSaveHook() error

type PreSaveHooker

type PreSaveHooker interface {
	PreSaveHook() error

type Property

type Property struct {
	Name     string
	Value    interface{}
	NoIndex  bool
	Multiple bool

type PropertyList

type PropertyList []Property

type TypeMeta

type TypeMeta struct {
	Type                 reflect.Type
	ParentKeyField       string
	ParentKind           string
	ParentShape          string
	ParentShapeField     string
	KeyField             string
	Kind                 string
	KindId               uint8
	Shape                string
	ShapeId              uint8
	ShapeField           string
	Pinned               bool
	AutoHooks            bool
	UseRequestCache      bool
	UseInstanceCache     bool
	UseSharedCache       bool
	UseDatastore         bool
	SharedCacheTimeout   time.Duration
	InstanceCacheTimeout time.Duration
	DbFields             map[string]*DbFieldMeta

Holds information about the struct

func GetLoadedStructMetaFromKind

func GetLoadedStructMetaFromKind(kind string, shape string) *TypeMeta

func GetStructMeta

func GetStructMeta(s interface{}) (tm *TypeMeta, err error)

func GetStructMetaFromType

func GetStructMetaFromType(rt reflect.Type) (tm *TypeMeta, err error)

func NewTypeMeta

func NewTypeMeta() *TypeMeta



  • Shape is not fully thought out. Consider removing it???

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