Web search from the terminal. Just opens in your browser.
s <query> [flags]
-b, --binary string binary to launch search URI
-c, --cert string path to cert.pem for TLS
-k, --key string path to key.pem for TLS
-l, --list-providers list supported providers
--port int server port (default 8080)
-p, --provider string set search provider (default "google")
-s, --server launch web server
-v, --verbose display URL when opening
--version display version
go get -v github.com/zquestz/s
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/zquestz/s
make install
Search for puppies on google.
s puppies
Search for a wifi router on amazon
s -p amazon wifi router
Search for rhinos on wikipedia
s -p wikipedia rhinos
Provider Expansion
We can do partial matching of provider names. This searches Facebook for hamsters.
s -p fa hamsters
Or toasters on amazon.
s -p am toasters
Provider Autocompletion
Autocompletion for providers is supported. For setting up autocompletion:
- Have
- Add the following lines to
or ~/.zshrc
if [ -f $GOPATH/src/github.com/zquestz/s/autocomplete/s-completion.bash ]; then
. $GOPATH/src/github.com/zquestz/s/autocomplete/s-completion.bash
Now you are good to go.
s -p ba<TAB><TAB>
baidu bandcamp
Setup an alias in your .profile
for your favorite providers.
alias sa="s -p amazon"
alias sw="s -p wikipedia"
Use w3m to find cats instead of just your default browser.
s -b w3m cats
Search for conspiracy theories in incognito mode.
s -b "chromium --incognito" conspiracy theories
s -b "firefox --private-window" conspiracy theories
Search in a specific subreddit.
s -p reddit /r/cscareerquestions best startups.
Server Mode
A web interface is also provided. Just pass the -s
Start a server on port 8080 (default).
s -s
Start a server with TLS on port 8443.
s -s -c /path/to/cert.pem -k /path/to/key.pem --port 8443
Supported Providers
- 500px
- 8tracks
- amazon
- arxiv
- atmospherejs
- baidu
- bandcamp
- bing
- codepen
- coursera
- cplusplus
- crunchyroll
- digg
- dockerhub
- dribbble
- duckduckgo
- dumpert
- facebook
- flickr
- flipkart
- foursquare
- gist
- github
- gmail
- go
- godoc
- google
- hackernews
- ietf
- ifttt
- imdb
- imgur
- inbox
- instagram
- kickasstorrents
- libgen
- linkedin
- lmgtfy
- macports
- mdn
- msdn
- naver
- nhaccuatui
- npm
- npmsearch
- nvd
- packagist
- php
- pinterest
- python
- quora
- reddit
- rubygems
- soundcloud
- spotify
- stackoverflow
- steam
- taobao
- thepiratebay
- torrentz
- twitchtv
- twitter
- unity3d
- upcloud
- vimeo
- wikipedia
- wolframalpha
- yahoo
- yandex
- youtube
s is released under the MIT license.