Overview ¶
Package gocv is a wrapper around the OpenCV 4.x computer vision library. It provides a Go language interface to the latest version of OpenCV.
OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library: is an open-source BSD-licensed library that includes several hundreds of computer vision algorithms.
For further details, please see:
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AbsDiff(src1, src2 Mat, dst *Mat)
- func Accumulate(src Mat, dst *Mat)
- func AccumulateProduct(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat)
- func AccumulateProductWithMask(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat, mask Mat)
- func AccumulateSquare(src Mat, dst *Mat)
- func AccumulateSquareWithMask(src Mat, dst *Mat, mask Mat)
- func AccumulateWithMask(src Mat, dst *Mat, mask Mat)
- func AccumulatedWeighted(src Mat, dst *Mat, alpha float64)
- func AccumulatedWeightedWithMask(src Mat, dst *Mat, alpha float64, mask Mat)
- func AdaptiveThreshold(src Mat, dst *Mat, maxValue float32, adaptiveTyp AdaptiveThresholdType, ...)
- func Add(src1, src2 Mat, dst *Mat)
- func AddWeighted(src1 Mat, alpha float64, src2 Mat, beta float64, gamma float64, dst *Mat)
- func ApplyColorMap(src Mat, dst *Mat, colormapType ColormapTypes)
- func ApplyCustomColorMap(src Mat, dst *Mat, customColormap Mat)
- func ArcLength(curve PointVector, isClosed bool) float64
- func ArrowedLine(img *Mat, pt1 image.Point, pt2 image.Point, c color.RGBA, thickness int)
- func ArucoDrawDetectedMarkers(img Mat, markerCorners [][]Point2f, markerIds []int, borderColor Scalar)
- func ArucoGenerateImageMarker(dictionaryId ArucoDictionaryCode, id int, sidePixels int, img Mat, ...)
- func BatchDistance(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dist Mat, dtype MatType, nidx Mat, normType NormType, ...)
- func BilateralFilter(src Mat, dst *Mat, diameter int, sigmaColor float64, sigmaSpace float64)
- func BitwiseAnd(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat)
- func BitwiseAndWithMask(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat, mask Mat)
- func BitwiseNot(src1 Mat, dst *Mat)
- func BitwiseNotWithMask(src1 Mat, dst *Mat, mask Mat)
- func BitwiseOr(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat)
- func BitwiseOrWithMask(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat, mask Mat)
- func BitwiseXor(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat)
- func BitwiseXorWithMask(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat, mask Mat)
- func BlobFromImages(imgs []Mat, blob *Mat, scaleFactor float64, size image.Point, mean Scalar, ...)
- func BlobFromImagesWithParams(imgs []Mat, blob *Mat, params ImageToBlobParams)
- func Blur(src Mat, dst *Mat, ksize image.Point)
- func BorderInterpolate(p int, len int, borderType CovarFlags) int
- func BoundingRect(contour PointVector) image.Rectangle
- func BoxFilter(src Mat, dst *Mat, depth int, ksize image.Point)
- func BoxPoints(rect RotatedRect, pts *Mat)
- func BoxPoints2f(rect RotatedRect2f, pts *Mat)
- func CalcBackProject(src []Mat, channels []int, hist Mat, backProject *Mat, ranges []float64, ...)
- func CalcCovarMatrix(samples Mat, covar *Mat, mean *Mat, flags CovarFlags, ctype MatType)
- func CalcHist(src []Mat, channels []int, mask Mat, hist *Mat, size []int, ranges []float64, ...)
- func CalcOpticalFlowFarneback(prevImg Mat, nextImg Mat, flow *Mat, pyrScale float64, levels int, winsize int, ...)
- func CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prevImg Mat, nextImg Mat, prevPts Mat, nextPts Mat, status *Mat, err *Mat)
- func CalcOpticalFlowPyrLKWithParams(prevImg Mat, nextImg Mat, prevPts Mat, nextPts Mat, status *Mat, err *Mat, ...)
- func CalibrateCamera(objectPoints Points3fVector, imagePoints Points2fVector, imageSize image.Point, ...) float64
- func Canny(src Mat, edges *Mat, t1 float32, t2 float32)
- func CartToPolar(x Mat, y Mat, magnitude *Mat, angle *Mat, angleInDegrees bool)
- func CheckChessboard(image Mat, size image.Point) bool
- func CheckRange(src Mat) bool
- func Circle(img *Mat, center image.Point, radius int, c color.RGBA, thickness int)
- func CircleWithParams(img *Mat, center image.Point, radius int, c color.RGBA, thickness int, ...)
- func ClipLine(imgSize image.Point, pt1 image.Point, pt2 image.Point) bool
- func ColorChange(src, mask Mat, dst *Mat, red_mul, green_mul, blue_mul float32)
- func Compare(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat, ct CompareType)
- func CompareHist(hist1 Mat, hist2 Mat, method HistCompMethod) float32
- func CompleteSymm(m Mat, lowerToUpper bool)
- func ConnectedComponents(src Mat, labels *Mat) int
- func ConnectedComponentsWithParams(src Mat, labels *Mat, conn int, ltype MatType, ...) int
- func ConnectedComponentsWithStats(src Mat, labels *Mat, stats *Mat, centroids *Mat) int
- func ConnectedComponentsWithStatsWithParams(src Mat, labels *Mat, stats *Mat, centroids *Mat, conn int, ltype MatType, ...) int
- func ContourArea(contour PointVector) float64
- func ConvertPointsFromHomogeneous(src Mat, dst *Mat)
- func ConvertScaleAbs(src Mat, dst *Mat, alpha float64, beta float64)
- func ConvexHull(points PointVector, hull *Mat, clockwise bool, returnPoints bool)
- func ConvexityDefects(contour PointVector, hull Mat, result *Mat)
- func CopyMakeBorder(src Mat, dst *Mat, top int, bottom int, left int, right int, bt BorderType, ...)
- func CornerSubPix(img Mat, corners *Mat, winSize image.Point, zeroZone image.Point, ...)
- func CountNonZero(src Mat) int
- func CreateHanningWindow(img *Mat, size image.Point, typ MatType)
- func CvtColor(src Mat, dst *Mat, code ColorConversionCode)
- func DCT(src Mat, dst *Mat, flags DftFlags)
- func DFT(src Mat, dst *Mat, flags DftFlags)
- func Demosaicing(src Mat, dst *Mat, code ColorConversionCode)
- func DetailEnhance(src Mat, dst *Mat, sigma_s, sigma_r float32)
- func Determinant(src Mat) float64
- func Dilate(src Mat, dst *Mat, kernel Mat)
- func DilateWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, kernel Mat, anchor image.Point, ...)
- func DistanceTransform(src Mat, dst *Mat, labels *Mat, distType DistanceTypes, ...)
- func Divide(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat)
- func DrawChessboardCorners(image *Mat, patternSize image.Point, corners Mat, patternWasFound bool)
- func DrawContours(img *Mat, contours PointsVector, contourIdx int, c color.RGBA, thickness int)
- func DrawContoursWithParams(img *Mat, contours PointsVector, contourIdx int, c color.RGBA, thickness int, ...)
- func DrawKeyPoints(src Mat, keyPoints []KeyPoint, dst *Mat, color color.RGBA, ...)
- func DrawMatches(img1 Mat, kp1 []KeyPoint, img2 Mat, kp2 []KeyPoint, matches1to2 []DMatch, ...)
- func EMD(signature1, signature2 Mat, typ DistanceTypes) float32
- func EdgePreservingFilter(src Mat, dst *Mat, filter EdgeFilter, sigma_s, sigma_r float32)
- func Eigen(src Mat, eigenvalues *Mat, eigenvectors *Mat) bool
- func EigenNonSymmetric(src Mat, eigenvalues *Mat, eigenvectors *Mat)
- func Ellipse(img *Mat, center, axes image.Point, angle, startAngle, endAngle float64, ...)
- func EllipseWithParams(img *Mat, center, axes image.Point, angle, startAngle, endAngle float64, ...)
- func EqualizeHist(src Mat, dst *Mat)
- func Erode(src Mat, dst *Mat, kernel Mat)
- func ErodeWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, kernel Mat, anchor image.Point, iterations, borderType int)
- func ErodeWithParamsAndBorderValue(src Mat, dst *Mat, kernel Mat, anchor image.Point, iterations, borderType int, ...)
- func EstimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectify(k, d Mat, imgSize image.Point, r Mat, p *Mat, balance float64, ...)
- func Exp(src Mat, dst *Mat)
- func ExtractChannel(src Mat, dst *Mat, coi int)
- func FP16BlobFromImage(img Mat, scaleFactor float32, size image.Point, mean float32, swapRB bool, ...) []byte
- func FastNlMeansDenoising(src Mat, dst *Mat)
- func FastNlMeansDenoisingColored(src Mat, dst *Mat)
- func FastNlMeansDenoisingColoredMulti(src []Mat, dst *Mat, imgToDenoiseIndex int, temporalWindowSize int)
- func FastNlMeansDenoisingColoredMultiWithParams(src []Mat, dst *Mat, imgToDenoiseIndex int, temporalWindowSize int, h float32, ...)
- func FastNlMeansDenoisingColoredWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, h float32, hColor float32, templateWindowSize int, ...)
- func FastNlMeansDenoisingWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, h float32, templateWindowSize int, searchWindowSize int)
- func FillPoly(img *Mat, pts PointsVector, c color.RGBA)
- func FillPolyWithParams(img *Mat, pts PointsVector, c color.RGBA, lineType LineType, shift int, ...)
- func Filter2D(src Mat, dst *Mat, ddepth MatType, kernel Mat, anchor image.Point, ...)
- func FindChessboardCorners(image Mat, patternSize image.Point, corners *Mat, flags CalibCBFlag) bool
- func FindChessboardCornersSB(image Mat, patternSize image.Point, corners *Mat, flags CalibCBFlag) bool
- func FindChessboardCornersSBWithMeta(image Mat, patternSize image.Point, corners *Mat, flags CalibCBFlag, meta *Mat) bool
- func FindNonZero(src Mat, idx *Mat)
- func FindTransformECC(templateImage Mat, inputImage Mat, warpMatrix *Mat, motionType int, ...) float64
- func FisheyeCalibrate(objectPoints Points3fVector, imagePoints Points2fVector, size image.Point, ...) float64
- func FisheyeDistortPoints(undistorted Mat, distorted *Mat, k, d Mat)
- func FisheyeUndistortImage(distorted Mat, undistorted *Mat, k, d Mat)
- func FisheyeUndistortImageWithParams(distorted Mat, undistorted *Mat, k, d, knew Mat, size image.Point)
- func FisheyeUndistortPoints(distorted Mat, undistorted *Mat, k, d, r, p Mat)
- func FitLine(pts PointVector, line *Mat, distType DistanceTypes, param, reps, aeps float64)
- func Flip(src Mat, dst *Mat, flipCode int)
- func GaussianBlur(src Mat, dst *Mat, ksize image.Point, sigmaX float64, sigmaY float64, ...)
- func Gemm(src1, src2 Mat, alpha float64, src3 Mat, beta float64, dst *Mat, flags int)
- func GetNumThreads() int
- func GetOptimalDFTSize(vecsize int) int
- func GetRectSubPix(src Mat, patchSize image.Point, center image.Point, dst *Mat)
- func GetTextSize(text string, fontFace HersheyFont, fontScale float64, thickness int) image.Point
- func GetTextSizeWithBaseline(text string, fontFace HersheyFont, fontScale float64, thickness int) (image.Point, int)
- func GetTickCount() float64
- func GetTickFrequency() float64
- func GoodFeaturesToTrack(img Mat, corners *Mat, maxCorners int, quality float64, minDist float64)
- func GrabCut(img Mat, mask *Mat, r image.Rectangle, bgdModel *Mat, fgdModel *Mat, ...)
- func GroupRectangles(rects []image.Rectangle, groupThreshold int, eps float64) []image.Rectangle
- func Hconcat(src1, src2 Mat, dst *Mat)
- func HoughCircles(src Mat, circles *Mat, method HoughMode, dp, minDist float64)
- func HoughCirclesWithParams(src Mat, circles *Mat, method HoughMode, dp, minDist, param1, param2 float64, ...)
- func HoughLines(src Mat, lines *Mat, rho float32, theta float32, threshold int)
- func HoughLinesP(src Mat, lines *Mat, rho float32, theta float32, threshold int)
- func HoughLinesPWithParams(src Mat, lines *Mat, rho float32, theta float32, threshold int, ...)
- func HoughLinesPointSet(points Mat, lines *Mat, linesMax int, threshold int, minRho float32, ...)
- func IDCT(src Mat, dst *Mat, flags int)
- func IDFT(src Mat, dst *Mat, flags, nonzeroRows int)
- func IMDecodeIntoMat(buf []byte, flags IMReadFlag, dest *Mat) error
- func IMWrite(name string, img Mat) bool
- func IMWriteWithParams(name string, img Mat, params []int) bool
- func IlluminationChange(src, mask Mat, dst *Mat, alpha, beta float32)
- func ImagesFromBlob(blob Mat, imgs []Mat)
- func InRange(src, lb, ub Mat, dst *Mat)
- func InRangeWithScalar(src Mat, lb, ub Scalar, dst *Mat)
- func InitUndistortRectifyMap(cameraMatrix Mat, distCoeffs Mat, r Mat, newCameraMatrix Mat, size image.Point, ...)
- func Inpaint(src Mat, mask Mat, dst *Mat, inpaintRadius float32, ...)
- func InsertChannel(src Mat, dst *Mat, coi int)
- func Integral(src Mat, sum *Mat, sqsum *Mat, tilted *Mat)
- func Invert(src Mat, dst *Mat, flags SolveDecompositionFlags) float64
- func InvertAffineTransform(src Mat, dst *Mat)
- func KMeans(data Mat, k int, bestLabels *Mat, criteria TermCriteria, attempts int, ...) float64
- func KMeansPoints(points PointVector, k int, bestLabels *Mat, criteria TermCriteria, ...) float64
- func LUT(src, wbLUT Mat, dst *Mat)
- func Laplacian(src Mat, dst *Mat, dDepth MatType, size int, scale float64, delta float64, ...)
- func Line(img *Mat, pt1 image.Point, pt2 image.Point, c color.RGBA, thickness int)
- func LinearPolar(src Mat, dst *Mat, center image.Point, maxRadius float64, ...)
- func Log(src Mat, dst *Mat)
- func LogPolar(src Mat, dst *Mat, center image.Point, m float64, flags InterpolationFlags)
- func Magnitude(x, y Mat, magnitude *Mat)
- func Mahalanobis(v1, v2, icovar Mat) float64
- func MatchShapes(contour1 PointVector, contour2 PointVector, method ShapeMatchModes, ...) float64
- func MatchTemplate(image Mat, templ Mat, result *Mat, method TemplateMatchMode, mask Mat)
- func Max(src1, src2 Mat, dst *Mat)
- func MeanStdDev(src Mat, dst *Mat, dstStdDev *Mat)
- func MedianBlur(src Mat, dst *Mat, ksize int)
- func Merge(mv []Mat, dst *Mat)
- func Min(src1, src2 Mat, dst *Mat)
- func MinEnclosingCircle(pts PointVector) (x, y, radius float32)
- func MinMaxIdx(input Mat) (minVal, maxVal float32, minIdx, maxIdx int)
- func MinMaxLoc(input Mat) (minVal, maxVal float32, minLoc, maxLoc image.Point)
- func MinMaxLocWithMask(input, mask Mat) (minVal, maxVal float32, minLoc, maxLoc image.Point)
- func MixChannels(src []Mat, dst []Mat, fromTo []int)
- func Moments(src Mat, binaryImage bool) map[string]float64
- func MorphologyEx(src Mat, dst *Mat, op MorphType, kernel Mat)
- func MorphologyExWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, op MorphType, kernel Mat, iterations int, ...)
- func MulSpectrums(a Mat, b Mat, dst *Mat, flags DftFlags)
- func MulTransposed(src Mat, dest *Mat, ata bool)
- func Multiply(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat)
- func MultiplyWithParams(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat, scale float64, dtype MatType)
- func NMSBoxes(bboxes []image.Rectangle, scores []float32, scoreThreshold float32, ...) (indices []int)
- func NMSBoxesWithParams(bboxes []image.Rectangle, scores []float32, scoreThreshold float32, ...) (indices []int)
- func Norm(src1 Mat, normType NormType) float64
- func NormWithMats(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, normType NormType) float64
- func Normalize(src Mat, dst *Mat, alpha float64, beta float64, typ NormType)
- func OpenCVVersion() string
- func PCABackProject(data Mat, mean Mat, eigenvectors Mat, result *Mat)
- func PCACompute(src Mat, mean *Mat, eigenvectors *Mat, eigenvalues *Mat, maxComponents int)
- func PCAProject(data Mat, mean Mat, eigenvectors Mat, result *Mat)
- func PSNR(src1 Mat, src2 Mat) float64
- func PencilSketch(src Mat, dst1, dst2 *Mat, sigma_s, sigma_r, shade_factor float32)
- func PerspectiveTransform(src Mat, dst *Mat, tm Mat)
- func Phase(x, y Mat, angle *Mat, angleInDegrees bool)
- func PointPolygonTest(pts PointVector, pt image.Point, measureDist bool) float64
- func PolarToCart(magnitude Mat, degree Mat, x *Mat, y *Mat, angleInDegrees bool)
- func Polylines(img *Mat, pts PointsVector, isClosed bool, c color.RGBA, thickness int)
- func Pow(src Mat, power float64, dst *Mat)
- func PutText(img *Mat, text string, org image.Point, fontFace HersheyFont, ...)
- func PutTextWithParams(img *Mat, text string, org image.Point, fontFace HersheyFont, ...)
- func PyrDown(src Mat, dst *Mat, ksize image.Point, borderType BorderType)
- func PyrUp(src Mat, dst *Mat, ksize image.Point, borderType BorderType)
- func RandN(mat *Mat, mean, stddev Scalar)
- func RandShuffle(mat *Mat)
- func RandShuffleWithParams(mat *Mat, iterFactor float64, rng RNG)
- func RandU(mat *Mat, low, high Scalar)
- func Rectangle(img *Mat, r image.Rectangle, c color.RGBA, thickness int)
- func RectangleWithParams(img *Mat, r image.Rectangle, c color.RGBA, thickness int, lineType LineType, ...)
- func Reduce(src Mat, dst *Mat, dim int, rType ReduceTypes, dType MatType)
- func ReduceArgMax(src Mat, dst *Mat, axis int, lastIndex bool)
- func ReduceArgMin(src Mat, dst *Mat, axis int, lastIndex bool)
- func Remap(src Mat, dst, map1, map2 *Mat, interpolation InterpolationFlags, ...)
- func Repeat(src Mat, nY int, nX int, dst *Mat)
- func Resize(src Mat, dst *Mat, sz image.Point, fx, fy float64, interp InterpolationFlags)
- func Rodrigues(src Mat, dst *Mat)
- func Rotate(src Mat, dst *Mat, code RotateFlag)
- func SVBackSubst(w Mat, u Mat, vt Mat, rhs Mat, dst *Mat)
- func SVDCompute(src Mat, w, u, vt *Mat)
- func SVDecomp(src Mat, w *Mat, u *Mat, vt *Mat)
- func ScaleAdd(src1 Mat, alpha float64, src2 Mat, dst *Mat)
- func Scharr(src Mat, dst *Mat, dDepth MatType, dx int, dy int, scale float64, ...)
- func SeamlessClone(src, dst, mask Mat, p image.Point, blend *Mat, flags SeamlessCloneFlags)
- func SelectROI(name string, img Mat) image.Rectangledeprecated
- func SelectROIs(name string, img Mat) []image.Rectangledeprecated
- func SepFilter2D(src Mat, dst *Mat, ddepth MatType, kernelX, kernelY Mat, anchor image.Point, ...)
- func SetIdentity(src Mat, scalar float64)
- func SetNumThreads(n int)
- func SetRNGSeed(seed int)
- func Sobel(src Mat, dst *Mat, ddepth MatType, dx, dy, ksize int, scale, delta float64, ...)
- func Solve(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat, flags SolveDecompositionFlags) bool
- func SolveCubic(coeffs Mat, roots *Mat) int
- func SolvePnP(objectPoints Point3fVector, imagePoints Point2fVector, ...) bool
- func SolvePoly(coeffs Mat, roots *Mat, maxIters int) float64
- func Sort(src Mat, dst *Mat, flags SortFlags)
- func SortIdx(src Mat, dst *Mat, flags SortFlags)
- func SpatialGradient(src Mat, dx, dy *Mat, ksize MatType, borderType BorderType)
- func SqBoxFilter(src Mat, dst *Mat, depth int, ksize image.Point)
- func Stylization(src Mat, dst *Mat, sigma_s, sigma_r float32)
- func Subtract(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat)
- func TextureFlattening(src, mask Mat, dst *Mat, lowThreshold, highThreshold float32, kernelSize int)
- func Threshold(src Mat, dst *Mat, thresh float32, maxvalue float32, typ ThresholdType) (threshold float32)
- func Transform(src Mat, dst *Mat, tm Mat)
- func Transpose(src Mat, dst *Mat)
- func TransposeND(src Mat, order []int, dst *Mat)
- func TriangulatePoints(projMatr1, projMatr2 Mat, projPoints1, projPoints2 Point2fVector, ...)
- func Undistort(src Mat, dst *Mat, cameraMatrix Mat, distCoeffs Mat, newCameraMatrix Mat)
- func UndistortPoints(src Mat, dst *Mat, ...)
- func Vconcat(src1, src2 Mat, dst *Mat)
- func Version() string
- func WaitKey(delay int) int
- func WarpAffine(src Mat, dst *Mat, m Mat, sz image.Point)
- func WarpAffineWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, m Mat, sz image.Point, flags InterpolationFlags, ...)
- func WarpPerspective(src Mat, dst *Mat, m Mat, sz image.Point)
- func WarpPerspectiveWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, m Mat, sz image.Point, flags InterpolationFlags, ...)
- func Watershed(image Mat, markers *Mat)
- type AKAZE
- type AdaptiveThresholdType
- type AgastFeatureDetector
- type AlignMTB
- type ArucoDetector
- type ArucoDetectorParameters
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAdaptiveThreshConstant() float64
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax() int
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin() int
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep() int
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagCriticalRad() float32
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagDeglitch() int
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagMaxLineFitMse() float32
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagMaxNmaxima() int
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagMinClusterPixels() int
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagMinWhiteBlackDiff() int
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagQuadDecimate() float32
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagQuadSigma() float32
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetCornerRefinementMaxIterations() int
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetCornerRefinementMethod() int
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetCornerRefinementMinAccuracy() float64
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetCornerRefinementWinSize() int
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetDetectInvertedMarker() bool
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetErrorCorrectionRate() float64
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMarkerBorderBits() int
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMaxErroneousBitsInBorderRate() float64
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMaxMarkerPerimeterRate() float64
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMinCornerDistanceRate() float64
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMinDistanceToBorder() int
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMinMarkerDistanceRate() float64
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMinMarkerPerimeterRate() float64
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMinOtsuStdDev() float64
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetPerspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell() float64
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetPerspectiveRemovePixelPerCell() int
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetPolygonalApproxAccuracyRate() float64
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAdaptiveThreshConstant(adaptiveThreshConstant float64)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax(adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax int)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin(adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin int)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep(adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep int)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagCriticalRad(aprilTagCriticalRad float32)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagDeglitch(aprilTagDeglitch int)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagMaxLineFitMse(aprilTagMaxLineFitMse float32)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagMaxNmaxima(aprilTagMaxNmaxima int)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagMinClusterPixels(aprilTagMinClusterPixels int)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagMinWhiteBlackDiff(aprilTagMinWhiteBlackDiff int)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagQuadDecimate(aprilTagQuadDecimate float32)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagQuadSigma(aprilTagQuadSigma float32)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetCornerRefinementMaxIterations(cornerRefinementMaxIterations int)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetCornerRefinementMethod(cornerRefinementMethod int)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetCornerRefinementMinAccuracy(cornerRefinementMinAccuracy float64)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetCornerRefinementWinSize(cornerRefinementWinSize int)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetDetectInvertedMarker(detectInvertedMarker bool)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetErrorCorrectionRate(errorCorrectionRate float64)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMarkerBorderBits(markerBorderBits int)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMaxErroneousBitsInBorderRate(maxErroneousBitsInBorderRate float64)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMaxMarkerPerimeterRate(maxMarkerPerimeterRate float64)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMinCornerDistanceRate(minCornerDistanceRate float64)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMinDistanceToBorder(minDistanceToBorder int)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMinMarkerDistanceRate(minMarkerDistanceRate float64)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMinMarkerPerimeterRate(minMarkerPerimeterRate float64)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMinOtsuStdDev(minOtsuStdDev float64)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetPerspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell(perspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell float64)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetPerspectiveRemovePixelPerCell(perspectiveRemovePixelPerCell int)
- func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetPolygonalApproxAccuracyRate(polygonalApproxAccuracyRate float64)
- type ArucoDictionary
- type ArucoDictionaryCode
- type BFMatcher
- type BRISK
- type BackgroundSubtractorKNN
- type BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
- type BorderType
- type CLAHE
- type CalibCBFlag
- type CalibFlag
- type CascadeClassifier
- func (c *CascadeClassifier) Close() error
- func (c *CascadeClassifier) DetectMultiScale(img Mat) []image.Rectangle
- func (c *CascadeClassifier) DetectMultiScaleWithParams(img Mat, scale float64, minNeighbors, flags int, minSize, maxSize image.Point) []image.Rectangle
- func (c *CascadeClassifier) Load(name string) bool
- type ColorConversionCode
- type ColormapTypes
- type CompareType
- type ConnectedComponentsAlgorithmType
- type ConnectedComponentsTypes
- type ContourApproximationMode
- type CovarFlags
- type DMatch
- type DataLayoutType
- type DftFlags
- type DistanceTransformLabelTypes
- type DistanceTransformMasks
- type DistanceTypes
- type DrawMatchesFlag
- type EdgeFilter
- type FaceDetectorYN
- func NewFaceDetectorYN(modelPath string, configPath string, size image.Point) FaceDetectorYN
- func NewFaceDetectorYNFromBytes(framework string, bufferModel []byte, bufferConfig []byte, size image.Point) FaceDetectorYN
- func NewFaceDetectorYNFromBytesWithParams(framework string, bufferModel []byte, bufferConfig []byte, size image.Point, ...) FaceDetectorYN
- func NewFaceDetectorYNWithParams(modelPath string, configPath string, size image.Point, scoreThreshold float32, ...) FaceDetectorYN
- func (fd *FaceDetectorYN) Close()
- func (fd *FaceDetectorYN) Detect(image Mat, faces *Mat) int
- func (fd *FaceDetectorYN) GetInputSize() image.Point
- func (fd *FaceDetectorYN) GetNMSThreshold() float32
- func (fd *FaceDetectorYN) GetScoreThreshold() float32
- func (fd *FaceDetectorYN) GetTopK() int
- func (fd *FaceDetectorYN) SetInputSize(sz image.Point)
- func (fd *FaceDetectorYN) SetNMSThreshold(nmsThreshold float32)
- func (fd *FaceDetectorYN) SetScoreThreshold(scoreThreshold float32)
- func (fd *FaceDetectorYN) SetTopK(topK int)
- type FaceRecognizerSF
- func (fr *FaceRecognizerSF) AlignCrop(srcImg Mat, faceBox Mat, alignedImg *Mat)
- func (fr *FaceRecognizerSF) Close()
- func (fr *FaceRecognizerSF) Feature(alignedImg Mat, faceFeature *Mat)
- func (fr *FaceRecognizerSF) Match(faceFeature1 Mat, faceFeature2 Mat) float32
- func (fr *FaceRecognizerSF) MatchWithParams(faceFeature1 Mat, faceFeature2 Mat, disType FaceRecognizerSFDisType) float32
- type FaceRecognizerSFDisType
- type FastFeatureDetector
- type FastFeatureDetectorType
- type Feature2D
- type Feature2DComputer
- type Feature2DDetectComputer
- type Feature2DDetector
- type FileExt
- type FileNode
- func (fn *FileNode) Close()
- func (fn *FileNode) Empty() bool
- func (fn *FileNode) IsInt() bool
- func (fn *FileNode) IsMap() bool
- func (fn *FileNode) IsNamed() bool
- func (fn *FileNode) IsNone() bool
- func (fn *FileNode) IsReal() bool
- func (fn *FileNode) IsSeq() bool
- func (fn *FileNode) IsString() bool
- func (fn *FileNode) Keys() []string
- type FileNodeType
- type FileStorage
- func (fs *FileStorage) Close()
- func (fs *FileStorage) ElName() string
- func (fs *FileStorage) EndWriteStruct()
- func (fs *FileStorage) GetFirstTopLevelNode() *FileNode
- func (fs *FileStorage) GetFormat() FileStorageMode
- func (fs *FileStorage) GetNode(name string) *FileNode
- func (fs *FileStorage) IsOpened() bool
- func (fs *FileStorage) Open(filename string, flags FileStorageMode, encoding string) bool
- func (fs *FileStorage) Release()
- func (fs *FileStorage) ReleaseAndGetString() string
- func (fs *FileStorage) Root(streamIdx int) *FileNode
- func (fs *FileStorage) StartWriteStruct(name string, flags FileNodeType, typeName string)
- func (fs *FileStorage) State() FileStorageState
- func (fs *FileStorage) WriteComment(comment string, append bool)
- func (fs *FileStorage) WriteDouble(name string, val float32)
- func (fs *FileStorage) WriteInt(name string, val int)
- func (fs *FileStorage) WriteMat(name string, mat Mat)
- func (fs *FileStorage) WriteRaw(fmt string, vec []byte)
- func (fs *FileStorage) WriteString(name string, val string)
- func (fs *FileStorage) WriteStringArray(name string, val []string)
- type FileStorageMode
- type FileStorageState
- type FlannBasedMatcher
- type GFTTDetector
- type GrabCutMode
- type HOGDescriptor
- type HersheyFont
- type HistCompMethod
- type HomographyMethod
- type HoughMode
- type IMReadFlag
- type ImageToBlobParams
- type InpaintMethods
- type InterpolationFlags
- type KAZE
- type KMeansFlags
- type KalmanFilter
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) Close()
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) Correct(measurement Mat) Mat
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetControlMatrix() Mat
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetErrorCovPost() Mat
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetErrorCovPre() Mat
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetGain() Mat
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetMeasurementMatrix() Mat
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetMeasurementNoiseCov() Mat
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetProcessNoiseCov() Mat
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetStatePost() Mat
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetStatePre() Mat
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetTemp1() Mat
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetTemp2() Mat
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetTemp3() Mat
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetTemp4() Mat
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetTemp5() Mat
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetTransitionMatrix() Mat
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) Init(dynamParams int, measureParams int)
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) Predict() Mat
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) PredictWithParams(control Mat) Mat
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) SetControlMatrix(controlMatrix Mat)
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) SetErrorCovPost(errorCovPost Mat)
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) SetErrorCovPre(errorCovPre Mat)
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) SetGain(gain Mat)
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) SetMeasurementMatrix(measurementMatrix Mat)
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) SetMeasurementNoiseCov(measurementNoiseCov Mat)
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) SetProcessNoiseCov(processNoiseCov Mat)
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) SetStatePost(statePost Mat)
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) SetStatePre(statePre Mat)
- func (kf *KalmanFilter) SetTransitionMatrix(transitionMatrix Mat)
- type KeyPoint
- type Layer
- type LineType
- type MSER
- type Mat
- func BlobFromImage(img Mat, scaleFactor float64, size image.Point, mean Scalar, swapRB bool, ...) Mat
- func BlobFromImageWithParams(img Mat, params ImageToBlobParams) Mat
- func EstimateAffine2D(from, to Point2fVector) Mat
- func EstimateAffine2DWithParams(from Point2fVector, to Point2fVector, inliers Mat, method int, ...) Mat
- func EstimateAffinePartial2D(from, to Point2fVector) Mat
- func EstimateAffinePartial2DWithParams(from Point2fVector, to Point2fVector, inliers Mat, method int, ...) Mat
- func Eye(rows int, cols int, mt MatType) Mat
- func FindHomography(srcPoints Mat, targetPoints Mat, method HomographyMethod, ...) Mat
- func GetAffineTransform(src, dst PointVector) Mat
- func GetAffineTransform2f(src, dst Point2fVector) Mat
- func GetBlobChannel(blob Mat, imgidx int, chnidx int) Mat
- func GetGaussianKernel(ksize int, sigma float64) Mat
- func GetGaussianKernelWithParams(ksize int, sigma float64, ktype MatType) Mat
- func GetOptimalNewCameraMatrixWithParams(cameraMatrix Mat, distCoeffs Mat, imageSize image.Point, alpha float64, ...) (Mat, image.Rectangle)
- func GetPerspectiveTransform(src, dst PointVector) Mat
- func GetPerspectiveTransform2f(src, dst Point2fVector) Mat
- func GetRotationMatrix2D(center image.Point, angle, scale float64) Mat
- func GetStructuringElement(shape MorphShape, ksize image.Point) Mat
- func HOGDefaultPeopleDetector() Mat
- func IMDecode(buf []byte, flags IMReadFlag) (Mat, error)
- func IMRead(name string, flags IMReadFlag) Mat
- func IMReadMulti(name string, flags IMReadFlag) []Mat
- func IMReadMulti_WithParams(name string, start int, count int, flags IMReadFlag) []Mat
- func ImageGrayToMatGray(img *image.Gray) (Mat, error)
- func ImageToMatRGB(img image.Image) (Mat, error)
- func ImageToMatRGBA(img image.Image) (Mat, error)
- func NewMat() Mat
- func NewMatFromBytes(rows int, cols int, mt MatType, data []byte) (Mat, error)
- func NewMatFromCMat(c_mat unsafe.Pointer) Mat
- func NewMatFromPoint2fVector(pfv Point2fVector, copyData bool) Mat
- func NewMatFromPointVector(pv PointVector, copyData bool) Mat
- func NewMatFromScalar(s Scalar, mt MatType) Mat
- func NewMatWithSize(rows int, cols int, mt MatType) Mat
- func NewMatWithSizeFromScalar(s Scalar, rows int, cols int, mt MatType) Mat
- func NewMatWithSizes(sizes []int, mt MatType) Mat
- func NewMatWithSizesFromBytes(sizes []int, mt MatType, data []byte) (Mat, error)
- func NewMatWithSizesWithScalar(sizes []int, mt MatType, s Scalar) Mat
- func Ones(rows int, cols int, mt MatType) Mat
- func Split(src Mat) (mv []Mat)
- func Zeros(rows int, cols int, mt MatType) Mat
- func (m *Mat) AddFloat(val float32)
- func (m *Mat) AddUChar(val uint8)
- func (m *Mat) Channels() int
- func (m *Mat) Clone() Mat
- func (m *Mat) Close() error
- func (m *Mat) Closed() bool
- func (m *Mat) Col(col int) Mat
- func (m *Mat) ColRange(start, end int) Mat
- func (m *Mat) Cols() int
- func (m *Mat) ConvertFp16() Mat
- func (m *Mat) ConvertTo(dst *Mat, mt MatType)
- func (m *Mat) ConvertToWithParams(dst *Mat, mt MatType, alpha, beta float32)
- func (m *Mat) CopyTo(dst *Mat)
- func (m *Mat) CopyToWithMask(dst *Mat, mask Mat)
- func (m *Mat) DataPtrFloat32() ([]float32, error)
- func (m *Mat) DataPtrFloat64() ([]float64, error)
- func (m *Mat) DataPtrInt16() ([]int16, error)
- func (m *Mat) DataPtrInt8() ([]int8, error)
- func (m *Mat) DataPtrUint16() ([]uint16, error)
- func (m *Mat) DataPtrUint8() ([]uint8, error)
- func (m *Mat) DivideFloat(val float32)
- func (m *Mat) DivideUChar(val uint8)
- func (m *Mat) ElemSize() int
- func (m *Mat) Empty() bool
- func (m *Mat) FromPtr(rows int, cols int, mt MatType, prow int, pcol int) (Mat, error)
- func (m *Mat) GetDoubleAt(row int, col int) float64
- func (m *Mat) GetDoubleAt3(x, y, z int) float64
- func (m *Mat) GetFloatAt(row int, col int) float32
- func (m *Mat) GetFloatAt3(x, y, z int) float32
- func (m *Mat) GetIntAt(row int, col int) int32
- func (m *Mat) GetIntAt3(x, y, z int) int32
- func (m *Mat) GetSCharAt(row int, col int) int8
- func (m *Mat) GetSCharAt3(x, y, z int) int8
- func (m *Mat) GetShortAt(row int, col int) int16
- func (m *Mat) GetShortAt3(x, y, z int) int16
- func (m *Mat) GetUCharAt(row int, col int) uint8
- func (m *Mat) GetUCharAt3(x, y, z int) uint8
- func (m *Mat) GetVecbAt(row int, col int) Vecb
- func (m *Mat) GetVecdAt(row int, col int) Vecd
- func (m *Mat) GetVecfAt(row int, col int) Vecf
- func (m *Mat) GetVeciAt(row int, col int) Veci
- func (m *Mat) Inv()
- func (m *Mat) IsContinuous() bool
- func (m *Mat) Mean() Scalar
- func (m *Mat) MeanWithMask(mask Mat) Scalar
- func (m *Mat) MultiplyFloat(val float32)
- func (m *Mat) MultiplyMatrix(x Mat) Mat
- func (m *Mat) MultiplyUChar(val uint8)
- func (m *Mat) PatchNaNs()
- func (m *Mat) Ptr() C.Mat
- func (m *Mat) Region(rio image.Rectangle) Mat
- func (m *Mat) Reshape(cn int, rows int) Mat
- func (m *Mat) Row(row int) Mat
- func (m *Mat) RowRange(start, end int) Mat
- func (m *Mat) Rows() int
- func (m *Mat) SetDoubleAt(row int, col int, val float64)
- func (m *Mat) SetDoubleAt3(x, y, z int, val float64)
- func (m *Mat) SetFloatAt(row int, col int, val float32)
- func (m *Mat) SetFloatAt3(x, y, z int, val float32)
- func (m *Mat) SetIntAt(row int, col int, val int32)
- func (m *Mat) SetIntAt3(x, y, z int, val int32)
- func (m *Mat) SetSCharAt(row int, col int, val int8)
- func (m *Mat) SetSCharAt3(x, y, z int, val int8)
- func (m *Mat) SetShortAt(row int, col int, val int16)
- func (m *Mat) SetShortAt3(x, y, z int, val int16)
- func (m *Mat) SetTo(s Scalar)
- func (m *Mat) SetUCharAt(row int, col int, val uint8)
- func (m *Mat) SetUCharAt3(x, y, z int, val uint8)
- func (m *Mat) Size() (dims []int)
- func (m *Mat) Sqrt() Mat
- func (m *Mat) Step() int
- func (m *Mat) SubtractFloat(val float32)
- func (m *Mat) SubtractUChar(val uint8)
- func (m *Mat) Sum() Scalar
- func (m *Mat) T() Mat
- func (m *Mat) ToBytes() []byte
- func (m *Mat) ToImage() (image.Image, error)
- func (m *Mat) ToImageYUV() (*image.YCbCr, error)
- func (m *Mat) ToImageYUVWithParams(ratio image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio) (*image.YCbCr, error)
- func (m *Mat) Total() int
- func (m *Mat) Type() MatType
- type MatType
- type MergeMertens
- type MorphShape
- type MorphType
- type MouseHandlerFunc
- type NativeByteBuffer
- type Net
- func ReadNet(model string, config string) Net
- func ReadNetBytes(framework string, model []byte, config []byte) (Net, error)
- func ReadNetFromCaffe(prototxt string, caffeModel string) Net
- func ReadNetFromCaffeBytes(prototxt []byte, caffeModel []byte) (Net, error)
- func ReadNetFromONNX(model string) Net
- func ReadNetFromONNXBytes(model []byte) (Net, error)
- func ReadNetFromTensorflow(model string) Net
- func ReadNetFromTensorflowBytes(model []byte) (Net, error)
- func ReadNetFromTorch(model string) Net
- func (net *Net) Close() error
- func (net *Net) Empty() bool
- func (net *Net) Forward(outputName string) Mat
- func (net *Net) ForwardLayers(outBlobNames []string) (blobs []Mat)
- func (net *Net) GetLayer(layer int) Layer
- func (net *Net) GetLayerNames() (names []string)
- func (net *Net) GetPerfProfile() float64
- func (net *Net) GetUnconnectedOutLayers() (ids []int)
- func (net *Net) SetInput(blob Mat, name string)
- func (net *Net) SetPreferableBackend(backend NetBackendType) error
- func (net *Net) SetPreferableTarget(target NetTargetType) error
- type NetBackendType
- type NetTargetType
- type NormType
- type ORB
- type ORBScoreType
- type PaddingModeType
- type Point2f
- type Point2fVector
- type Point3f
- type Point3fVector
- type PointVector
- type Points2fVector
- func (pvs Points2fVector) Append(pv Point2fVector)
- func (pvs Points2fVector) At(idx int) Point2fVector
- func (pvs Points2fVector) Close()
- func (pvs Points2fVector) IsNil() bool
- func (pvs Points2fVector) P() C.Points2fVector
- func (pvs Points2fVector) Size() int
- func (pvs Points2fVector) ToPoints() [][]Point2f
- type Points3fVector
- type PointsVector
- func FindContours(src Mat, mode RetrievalMode, method ContourApproximationMode) PointsVector
- func FindContoursWithParams(src Mat, hierarchy *Mat, mode RetrievalMode, method ContourApproximationMode) PointsVector
- func NewPointsVector() PointsVector
- func NewPointsVectorFromPoints(pts [][]image.Point) PointsVector
- type QRCodeDetector
- func (a *QRCodeDetector) Close() error
- func (a *QRCodeDetector) Decode(input Mat, points Mat, straight_qrcode *Mat) string
- func (a *QRCodeDetector) Detect(input Mat, points *Mat) bool
- func (a *QRCodeDetector) DetectAndDecode(input Mat, points *Mat, straight_qrcode *Mat) string
- func (a *QRCodeDetector) DetectAndDecodeMulti(input Mat, decoded []string, points *Mat, qrCodes []Mat) bool
- func (a *QRCodeDetector) DetectMulti(input Mat, points *Mat) bool
- type RNG
- type RNGDistType
- type ReduceTypes
- type RetrievalMode
- type RotateFlag
- type RotatedRect
- type RotatedRect2f
- type SIFT
- type Scalar
- type SeamlessCloneFlags
- type ShapeMatchModes
- type SimpleBlobDetector
- type SimpleBlobDetectorParams
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetBlobColor() int
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetFilterByArea() bool
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetFilterByCircularity() bool
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetFilterByColor() bool
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetFilterByConvexity() bool
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetFilterByInertia() bool
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMaxArea() float64
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMaxCircularity() float64
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMaxConvexity() float64
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMaxInertiaRatio() float64
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMaxThreshold() float64
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMinArea() float64
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMinCircularity() float64
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMinConvexity() float64
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMinDistBetweenBlobs() float64
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMinInertiaRatio() float64
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMinRepeatability() int
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMinThreshold() float64
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetThresholdStep() float64
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetBlobColor(blobColor int)
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetFilterByArea(filterByArea bool)
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetFilterByCircularity(filterByCircularity bool)
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetFilterByColor(filterByColor bool)
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetFilterByConvexity(filterByConvexity bool)
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetFilterByInertia(filterByInertia bool)
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMaxArea(maxArea float64)
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMaxCircularity(maxCircularity float64)
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMaxConvexity(maxConvexity float64)
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMaxInertiaRatio(maxInertiaRatio float64)
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMaxThreshold(maxThreshold float64)
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMinArea(minArea float64)
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMinCircularity(minCircularity float64)
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMinConvexity(minConvexity float64)
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMinDistBetweenBlobs(minDistBetweenBlobs float64)
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMinInertiaRatio(minInertiaRatio float64)
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMinRepeatability(minRepeatability int)
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMinThreshold(minThreshold float64)
- func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetThresholdStep(thresholdStep float64)
- type SolveDecompositionFlags
- type SortFlags
- type TemplateMatchMode
- type TermCriteria
- type TermCriteriaType
- type ThresholdType
- type Trackbar
- type Tracker
- type TrackerGOTURN
- type TrackerMIL
- type Vecb
- type Vecd
- type Vecf
- type Veci
- type VideoCapture
- func OpenVideoCapture(v interface{}) (*VideoCapture, error)
- func OpenVideoCaptureWithAPI(v interface{}, apiPreference VideoCaptureAPI) (*VideoCapture, error)
- func OpenVideoCaptureWithAPIParams(v interface{}, apiPreference VideoCaptureAPI, params []VideoCaptureProperties) (*VideoCapture, error)
- func VideoCaptureDevice(device int) (vc *VideoCapture, err error)
- func VideoCaptureDeviceWithAPI(device int, apiPreference VideoCaptureAPI) (vc *VideoCapture, err error)
- func VideoCaptureDeviceWithAPIParams(device int, apiPreference VideoCaptureAPI, params []VideoCaptureProperties) (vc *VideoCapture, err error)
- func VideoCaptureFile(uri string) (vc *VideoCapture, err error)
- func VideoCaptureFileWithAPI(uri string, apiPreference VideoCaptureAPI) (vc *VideoCapture, err error)
- func VideoCaptureFileWithAPIParams(uri string, apiPreference VideoCaptureAPI, params []VideoCaptureProperties) (vc *VideoCapture, err error)
- func (v *VideoCapture) Close() error
- func (v *VideoCapture) CodecString() string
- func (v VideoCapture) Get(prop VideoCaptureProperties) float64
- func (v *VideoCapture) Grab(skip int)
- func (v *VideoCapture) IsOpened() bool
- func (v *VideoCapture) Read(m *Mat) bool
- func (v *VideoCapture) Retrieve(m *Mat) bool
- func (v *VideoCapture) Set(prop VideoCaptureProperties, param float64)
- func (v *VideoCapture) ToCodec(codec string) float64
- type VideoCaptureAPI
- type VideoCaptureProperties
- type VideoRegistryType
- func (VideoRegistryType) GetBackendName(api VideoCaptureAPI) string
- func (VideoRegistryType) GetBackends() []VideoCaptureAPI
- func (VideoRegistryType) GetCameraBackendPluginVersion(api VideoCaptureAPI) (string, int, int)
- func (VideoRegistryType) GetCameraBackends() []VideoCaptureAPI
- func (VideoRegistryType) GetStreamBackendPluginVersion(api VideoCaptureAPI) (string, int, int)
- func (VideoRegistryType) GetStreamBackends() []VideoCaptureAPI
- func (VideoRegistryType) GetWriterBackendPluginVersion(api VideoCaptureAPI) (string, int, int)
- func (VideoRegistryType) GetWriterBackends() []VideoCaptureAPI
- func (VideoRegistryType) HasBackend(api VideoCaptureAPI) bool
- func (VideoRegistryType) IsBackendBuiltIn(api VideoCaptureAPI) bool
- type VideoWriter
- func VideoWriterFile(name string, codec string, fps float64, width int, height int, isColor bool) (vw *VideoWriter, err error)
- func VideoWriterFileWithAPI(name string, apiPreference VideoCaptureAPI, codec string, fps float64, ...) (vw *VideoWriter, err error)
- func VideoWriterFileWithAPIParams(name string, apiPreference VideoCaptureAPI, codec string, fps float64, ...) (vw *VideoWriter, err error)
- type VideoWriterProperty
- type Window
- func (w *Window) Close() error
- func (w *Window) CreateTrackbar(name string, max int) *Trackbar
- func (w *Window) CreateTrackbarWithValue(name string, value *int, max int) *Trackbar
- func (w *Window) GetWindowProperty(flag WindowPropertyFlag) float64
- func (w *Window) IMShow(img Mat)
- func (w *Window) IsOpen() bool
- func (w *Window) MoveWindow(x, y int)
- func (w *Window) PollKey() int
- func (w *Window) ResizeWindow(width, height int)
- func (w *Window) SelectROI(img Mat) image.Rectangle
- func (w *Window) SelectROIs(img Mat) []image.Rectangle
- func (w *Window) SetMouseHandler(onMOuse MouseHandlerFunc, userdata interface{})
- func (w *Window) SetWindowProperty(flag WindowPropertyFlag, value WindowFlag)
- func (w *Window) SetWindowTitle(title string)
- func (w *Window) WaitKey(delay int) int
- func (w *Window) WaitKeyEx(delay int) int
- type WindowFlag
- type WindowPropertyFlag
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
const ( // MatChannels1 is a single channel Mat. MatChannels1 = 0 // MatChannels2 is 2 channel Mat. MatChannels2 = 8 // MatChannels3 is 3 channel Mat. MatChannels3 = 16 // MatChannels4 is 4 channel Mat. MatChannels4 = 24 )
const ( // MatTypeCV8U is a Mat of 8-bit unsigned int MatTypeCV8U MatType = 0 // MatTypeCV8S is a Mat of 8-bit signed int MatTypeCV8S MatType = 1 // MatTypeCV16U is a Mat of 16-bit unsigned int MatTypeCV16U MatType = 2 // MatTypeCV16S is a Mat of 16-bit signed int MatTypeCV16S MatType = 3 // MatTypeCV16SC2 is a Mat of 16-bit signed int with 2 channels MatTypeCV16SC2 = MatTypeCV16S + MatChannels2 // MatTypeCV32S is a Mat of 32-bit signed int MatTypeCV32S MatType = 4 // MatTypeCV32F is a Mat of 32-bit float MatTypeCV32F MatType = 5 // MatTypeCV64F is a Mat of 64-bit float MatTypeCV64F MatType = 6 // MatTypeCV16F is a Mat of 16-bit (half) float MatTypeCV16F MatType = 7 // MatTypeCV8UC1 is a Mat of 8-bit unsigned int with a single channel MatTypeCV8UC1 = MatTypeCV8U + MatChannels1 // MatTypeCV8UC2 is a Mat of 8-bit unsigned int with 2 channels MatTypeCV8UC2 = MatTypeCV8U + MatChannels2 // MatTypeCV8UC3 is a Mat of 8-bit unsigned int with 3 channels MatTypeCV8UC3 = MatTypeCV8U + MatChannels3 // MatTypeCV8UC4 is a Mat of 8-bit unsigned int with 4 channels MatTypeCV8UC4 = MatTypeCV8U + MatChannels4 // MatTypeCV8SC1 is a Mat of 8-bit signed int with a single channel MatTypeCV8SC1 = MatTypeCV8S + MatChannels1 // MatTypeCV8SC2 is a Mat of 8-bit signed int with 2 channels MatTypeCV8SC2 = MatTypeCV8S + MatChannels2 // MatTypeCV8SC3 is a Mat of 8-bit signed int with 3 channels MatTypeCV8SC3 = MatTypeCV8S + MatChannels3 // MatTypeCV8SC4 is a Mat of 8-bit signed int with 4 channels MatTypeCV8SC4 = MatTypeCV8S + MatChannels4 // MatTypeCV16UC1 is a Mat of 16-bit unsigned int with a single channel MatTypeCV16UC1 = MatTypeCV16U + MatChannels1 // MatTypeCV16UC2 is a Mat of 16-bit unsigned int with 2 channels MatTypeCV16UC2 = MatTypeCV16U + MatChannels2 // MatTypeCV16UC3 is a Mat of 16-bit unsigned int with 3 channels MatTypeCV16UC3 = MatTypeCV16U + MatChannels3 // MatTypeCV16UC4 is a Mat of 16-bit unsigned int with 4 channels MatTypeCV16UC4 = MatTypeCV16U + MatChannels4 // MatTypeCV16SC1 is a Mat of 16-bit signed int with a single channel MatTypeCV16SC1 = MatTypeCV16S + MatChannels1 // MatTypeCV16SC3 is a Mat of 16-bit signed int with 3 channels MatTypeCV16SC3 = MatTypeCV16S + MatChannels3 // MatTypeCV16SC4 is a Mat of 16-bit signed int with 4 channels MatTypeCV16SC4 = MatTypeCV16S + MatChannels4 // MatTypeCV32SC1 is a Mat of 32-bit signed int with a single channel MatTypeCV32SC1 = MatTypeCV32S + MatChannels1 // MatTypeCV32SC2 is a Mat of 32-bit signed int with 2 channels MatTypeCV32SC2 = MatTypeCV32S + MatChannels2 // MatTypeCV32SC3 is a Mat of 32-bit signed int with 3 channels MatTypeCV32SC3 = MatTypeCV32S + MatChannels3 // MatTypeCV32SC4 is a Mat of 32-bit signed int with 4 channels MatTypeCV32SC4 = MatTypeCV32S + MatChannels4 // MatTypeCV32FC1 is a Mat of 32-bit float int with a single channel MatTypeCV32FC1 = MatTypeCV32F + MatChannels1 // MatTypeCV32FC2 is a Mat of 32-bit float int with 2 channels MatTypeCV32FC2 = MatTypeCV32F + MatChannels2 // MatTypeCV32FC3 is a Mat of 32-bit float int with 3 channels MatTypeCV32FC3 = MatTypeCV32F + MatChannels3 // MatTypeCV32FC4 is a Mat of 32-bit float int with 4 channels MatTypeCV32FC4 = MatTypeCV32F + MatChannels4 // MatTypeCV64FC1 is a Mat of 64-bit float int with a single channel MatTypeCV64FC1 = MatTypeCV64F + MatChannels1 // MatTypeCV64FC2 is a Mat of 64-bit float int with 2 channels MatTypeCV64FC2 = MatTypeCV64F + MatChannels2 // MatTypeCV64FC3 is a Mat of 64-bit float int with 3 channels MatTypeCV64FC3 = MatTypeCV64F + MatChannels3 // MatTypeCV64FC4 is a Mat of 64-bit float int with 4 channels MatTypeCV64FC4 = MatTypeCV64F + MatChannels4 // MatTypeCV16FC1 is a Mat of 16-bit float with a single channel MatTypeCV16FC1 = MatTypeCV16F + MatChannels1 // MatTypeCV16FC2 is a Mat of 16-bit float with 2 channels MatTypeCV16FC2 = MatTypeCV16F + MatChannels2 // MatTypeCV16FC3 is a Mat of 16-bit float with 3 channels MatTypeCV16FC3 = MatTypeCV16F + MatChannels3 // MatTypeCV16FC4 is a Mat of 16-bit float with 4 channels MatTypeCV16FC4 = MatTypeCV16F + MatChannels4 )
const ( //IMWriteJpegQuality is the quality from 0 to 100 for JPEG (the higher is the better). Default value is 95. IMWriteJpegQuality = 1 // IMWriteJpegProgressive enables JPEG progressive feature, 0 or 1, default is False. IMWriteJpegProgressive = 2 // IMWriteJpegOptimize enables JPEG optimization, 0 or 1, default is False. IMWriteJpegOptimize = 3 // IMWriteJpegRstInterval is the JPEG restart interval, 0 - 65535, default is 0 - no restart. IMWriteJpegRstInterval = 4 // IMWriteJpegLumaQuality separates luma quality level, 0 - 100, default is 0 - don't use. IMWriteJpegLumaQuality = 5 // IMWriteJpegChromaQuality separates chroma quality level, 0 - 100, default is 0 - don't use. IMWriteJpegChromaQuality = 6 // IMWritePngCompression is the compression level from 0 to 9 for PNG. A // higher value means a smaller size and longer compression time. // If specified, strategy is changed to IMWRITE_PNG_STRATEGY_DEFAULT (Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY). // Default value is 1 (best speed setting). IMWritePngCompression = 16 // IMWritePngStrategy is one of cv::IMWritePNGFlags, default is IMWRITE_PNG_STRATEGY_RLE. IMWritePngStrategy = 17 // IMWritePngBilevel is the binary level PNG, 0 or 1, default is 0. IMWritePngBilevel = 18 // IMWritePxmBinary for PPM, PGM, or PBM can be a binary format flag, 0 or 1. Default value is 1. IMWritePxmBinary = 32 // IMWriteWebpQuality is the quality from 1 to 100 for WEBP (the higher is // the better). By default (without any parameter) and for quality above // 100 the lossless compression is used. IMWriteWebpQuality = 64 // IMWritePamTupletype sets the TUPLETYPE field to the corresponding string // value that is defined for the format. IMWritePamTupletype = 128 // IMWritePngStrategyDefault is the value to use for normal data. IMWritePngStrategyDefault = 0 // IMWritePngStrategyFiltered is the value to use for data produced by a // filter (or predictor). Filtered data consists mostly of small values // with a somewhat random distribution. In this case, the compression // algorithm is tuned to compress them better. IMWritePngStrategyFiltered = 1 // IMWritePngStrategyHuffmanOnly forces Huffman encoding only (no string match). IMWritePngStrategyHuffmanOnly = 2 // IMWritePngStrategyRle is the value to use to limit match distances to // one (run-length encoding). IMWritePngStrategyRle = 3 // IMWritePngStrategyFixed is the value to prevent the use of dynamic // Huffman codes, allowing for a simpler decoder for special applications. IMWritePngStrategyFixed = 4 )
const ( OptflowUseInitialFlow = 4 OptflowLkGetMinEigenvals = 8 OptflowFarnebackGaussian = 256 )
cv::OPTFLOW_USE_INITIAL_FLOW = 4, cv::OPTFLOW_LK_GET_MIN_EIGENVALS = 8, cv::OPTFLOW_FARNEBACK_GAUSSIAN = 256 For further details, please see:
const ( MotionTranslation = 0 MotionEuclidean = 1 MotionAffine = 2 MotionHomography = 3 )
cv::MOTION_TRANSLATION = 0, cv::MOTION_EUCLIDEAN = 1, cv::MOTION_AFFINE = 2, cv::MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY = 3 For further details, please see:
const GoCVVersion = "0.40.0"
GoCVVersion of this package, for display purposes.
Variables ¶
var ErrEmptyByteSlice = errors.New("empty byte array")
Functions ¶
func AbsDiff ¶ added in v0.3.0
AbsDiff calculates the per-element absolute difference between two arrays or between an array and a scalar.
For further details, please see:
func Accumulate ¶ added in v0.26.0
func AccumulateProduct ¶ added in v0.26.0
Adds the per-element product of two input images to the accumulator image.
For further details, please see:
func AccumulateProductWithMask ¶ added in v0.26.0
Adds the per-element product of two input images to the accumulator image with mask.
For further details, please see:
func AccumulateSquare ¶ added in v0.26.0
Adds the square of a source image to the accumulator image.
For further details, please see:
func AccumulateSquareWithMask ¶ added in v0.26.0
Adds the square of a source image to the accumulator image with mask.
For further details, please see:
func AccumulateWithMask ¶ added in v0.26.0
Adds an image to the accumulator image with mask.
For further details, please see:
func AccumulatedWeighted ¶ added in v0.26.0
Updates a running average.
For further details, please see:
func AccumulatedWeightedWithMask ¶ added in v0.26.0
Updates a running average with mask.
For further details, please see:
func AdaptiveThreshold ¶ added in v0.16.0
func AdaptiveThreshold(src Mat, dst *Mat, maxValue float32, adaptiveTyp AdaptiveThresholdType, typ ThresholdType, blockSize int, c float32)
AdaptiveThreshold applies a fixed-level threshold to each array element.
For further details, please see:
func Add ¶ added in v0.3.0
Add calculates the per-element sum of two arrays or an array and a scalar.
For further details, please see:
func AddWeighted ¶ added in v0.3.0
AddWeighted calculates the weighted sum of two arrays.
For further details, please see:
func ApplyColorMap ¶ added in v0.8.0
func ApplyColorMap(src Mat, dst *Mat, colormapType ColormapTypes)
ApplyColorMap applies a GNU Octave/MATLAB equivalent colormap on a given image.
For further details, please see:
func ApplyCustomColorMap ¶ added in v0.8.0
ApplyCustomColorMap applies a custom defined colormap on a given image.
For further details, please see:
func ArcLength ¶ added in v0.9.0
func ArcLength(curve PointVector, isClosed bool) float64
ArcLength calculates a contour perimeter or a curve length.
For further details, please see:
func ArrowedLine ¶ added in v0.3.0
ArrowedLine draws a arrow segment pointing from the first point to the second one.
For further details, please see:
func ArucoDrawDetectedMarkers ¶ added in v0.32.1
func ArucoGenerateImageMarker ¶ added in v0.32.1
func ArucoGenerateImageMarker(dictionaryId ArucoDictionaryCode, id int, sidePixels int, img Mat, borderBits int)
func BatchDistance ¶ added in v0.16.0
func BatchDistance(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dist Mat, dtype MatType, nidx Mat, normType NormType, K int, mask Mat, update int, crosscheck bool)
BatchDistance is a naive nearest neighbor finder.
For further details, please see:
func BilateralFilter ¶ added in v0.3.0
BilateralFilter applies a bilateral filter to an image.
Bilateral filtering is described here:
BilateralFilter can reduce unwanted noise very well while keeping edges fairly sharp. However, it is very slow compared to most filters.
For further details, please see:
func BitwiseAnd ¶ added in v0.3.0
BitwiseAnd computes bitwise conjunction of the two arrays (dst = src1 & src2). Calculates the per-element bit-wise conjunction of two arrays or an array and a scalar.
For further details, please see:
func BitwiseAndWithMask ¶ added in v0.19.0
BitwiseAndWithMask computes bitwise conjunction of the two arrays (dst = src1 & src2). Calculates the per-element bit-wise conjunction of two arrays or an array and a scalar. It has an additional parameter for a mask.
For further details, please see:
func BitwiseNot ¶ added in v0.3.0
BitwiseNot inverts every bit of an array.
For further details, please see:
func BitwiseNotWithMask ¶ added in v0.19.0
BitwiseNotWithMask inverts every bit of an array. It has an additional parameter for a mask.
For further details, please see:
func BitwiseOr ¶ added in v0.3.0
BitwiseOr calculates the per-element bit-wise disjunction of two arrays or an array and a scalar.
For further details, please see:
func BitwiseOrWithMask ¶ added in v0.19.0
BitwiseOrWithMask calculates the per-element bit-wise disjunction of two arrays or an array and a scalar. It has an additional parameter for a mask.
For further details, please see:
func BitwiseXor ¶ added in v0.3.0
BitwiseXor calculates the per-element bit-wise "exclusive or" operation on two arrays or an array and a scalar.
For further details, please see:
func BitwiseXorWithMask ¶ added in v0.19.0
BitwiseXorWithMask calculates the per-element bit-wise "exclusive or" operation on two arrays or an array and a scalar. It has an additional parameter for a mask.
For further details, please see:
func BlobFromImages ¶ added in v0.21.0
func BlobFromImages(imgs []Mat, blob *Mat, scaleFactor float64, size image.Point, mean Scalar, swapRB bool, crop bool, ddepth MatType)
BlobFromImages Creates 4-dimensional blob from series of images. Optionally resizes and crops images from center, subtract mean values, scales values by scalefactor, swap Blue and Red channels.
For further details, please see:
func BlobFromImagesWithParams ¶ added in v0.38.0
func BlobFromImagesWithParams(imgs []Mat, blob *Mat, params ImageToBlobParams)
BlobFromImagesWithParams Creates 4-dimensional blob from series of images. Optionally resizes and crops images from center, subtract mean values, scales values by scalefactor, swap Blue and Red channels.
For further details, please see:
func Blur ¶
Blur blurs an image Mat using a normalized box filter.
For further details, please see:
func BorderInterpolate ¶ added in v0.16.0
func BorderInterpolate(p int, len int, borderType CovarFlags) int
BorderInterpolate computes the source location of an extrapolated pixel.
For further details, please see:
func BoundingRect ¶ added in v0.4.1
func BoundingRect(contour PointVector) image.Rectangle
BoundingRect calculates the up-right bounding rectangle of a point set.
For further details, please see:
func BoxFilter ¶ added in v0.16.0
BoxFilter blurs an image using the box filter.
For further details, please see:
func BoxPoints ¶ added in v0.19.0
func BoxPoints(rect RotatedRect, pts *Mat)
BoxPoints finds the four vertices of a rotated rect. Useful to draw the rotated rectangle.
For further Details, please see:
func BoxPoints2f ¶ added in v0.36.0
func BoxPoints2f(rect RotatedRect2f, pts *Mat)
BoxPoints finds the four vertices of a rotated rect. Useful to draw the rotated rectangle.
For further Details, please see:
func CalcBackProject ¶ added in v0.21.0
func CalcBackProject(src []Mat, channels []int, hist Mat, backProject *Mat, ranges []float64, uniform bool)
CalcBackProject calculates the back projection of a histogram.
For futher details, please see:
func CalcCovarMatrix ¶ added in v0.16.0
func CalcCovarMatrix(samples Mat, covar *Mat, mean *Mat, flags CovarFlags, ctype MatType)
CalcCovarMatrix calculates the covariance matrix of a set of vectors.
For further details, please see:
func CalcHist ¶ added in v0.16.0
func CalcHist(src []Mat, channels []int, mask Mat, hist *Mat, size []int, ranges []float64, acc bool)
CalcHist Calculates a histogram of a set of images
For futher details, please see:
func CalcOpticalFlowFarneback ¶ added in v0.5.0
func CalcOpticalFlowFarneback(prevImg Mat, nextImg Mat, flow *Mat, pyrScale float64, levels int, winsize int, iterations int, polyN int, polySigma float64, flags int)
CalcOpticalFlowFarneback computes a dense optical flow using Gunnar Farneback's algorithm.
For further details, please see:
func CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK ¶ added in v0.5.0
func CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prevImg Mat, nextImg Mat, prevPts Mat, nextPts Mat, status *Mat, err *Mat)
CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK calculates an optical flow for a sparse feature set using the iterative Lucas-Kanade method with pyramids.
For further details, please see:
func CalcOpticalFlowPyrLKWithParams ¶ added in v0.20.0
func CalcOpticalFlowPyrLKWithParams(prevImg Mat, nextImg Mat, prevPts Mat, nextPts Mat, status *Mat, err *Mat, winSize image.Point, maxLevel int, criteria TermCriteria, flags int, minEigThreshold float64)
CalcOpticalFlowPyrLKWithParams calculates an optical flow for a sparse feature set using the iterative Lucas-Kanade method with pyramids.
For further details, please see:
func CalibrateCamera ¶ added in v0.29.0
func CalibrateCamera(objectPoints Points3fVector, imagePoints Points2fVector, imageSize image.Point, cameraMatrix *Mat, distCoeffs *Mat, rvecs *Mat, tvecs *Mat, calibFlag CalibFlag) float64
CalibrateCamera finds the camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters from several views of a calibration pattern.
For further details, please see:
func Canny ¶
Canny finds edges in an image using the Canny algorithm. The function finds edges in the input image image and marks them in the output map edges using the Canny algorithm. The smallest value between threshold1 and threshold2 is used for edge linking. The largest value is used to find initial segments of strong edges. See
For further details, please see:
func CartToPolar ¶ added in v0.16.0
CartToPolar calculates the magnitude and angle of 2D vectors.
For further details, please see:
func CheckChessboard ¶ added in v0.36.0
CheckChessboard renders the detected chessboard corners.
For further details, please see:
func CheckRange ¶ added in v0.16.0
CheckRange checks every element of an input array for invalid values.
For further details, please see:
func Circle ¶ added in v0.3.0
Circle draws a circle.
For further details, please see:
func CircleWithParams ¶ added in v0.28.0
func CircleWithParams(img *Mat, center image.Point, radius int, c color.RGBA, thickness int, lineType LineType, shift int)
CircleWithParams draws a circle.
For further details, please see:
func ClipLine ¶ added in v0.22.0
ClipLine clips the line against the image rectangle. For further details, please see:
func ColorChange ¶ added in v0.26.0
ColorChange mix two differently colored versions of an image seamlessly.
For further details, please see:
func Compare ¶ added in v0.16.0
func Compare(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat, ct CompareType)
Compare performs the per-element comparison of two arrays or an array and scalar value.
For further details, please see:
func CompareHist ¶ added in v0.21.0
func CompareHist(hist1 Mat, hist2 Mat, method HistCompMethod) float32
CompareHist Compares two histograms.
For further details, please see:
func CompleteSymm ¶ added in v0.16.0
CompleteSymm copies the lower or the upper half of a square matrix to its another half.
For further details, please see:
func ConnectedComponents ¶ added in v0.19.0
ConnectedComponents computes the connected components labeled image of boolean image.
For further details, please see:
func ConnectedComponentsWithParams ¶ added in v0.19.0
func ConnectedComponentsWithParams(src Mat, labels *Mat, conn int, ltype MatType, ccltype ConnectedComponentsAlgorithmType) int
ConnectedComponents computes the connected components labeled image of boolean image.
For further details, please see:
func ConnectedComponentsWithStats ¶ added in v0.19.0
ConnectedComponentsWithStats computes the connected components labeled image of boolean image and also produces a statistics output for each label.
For further details, please see:
func ConnectedComponentsWithStatsWithParams ¶ added in v0.19.0
func ConnectedComponentsWithStatsWithParams(src Mat, labels *Mat, stats *Mat, centroids *Mat, conn int, ltype MatType, ccltype ConnectedComponentsAlgorithmType) int
ConnectedComponentsWithStats computes the connected components labeled image of boolean image and also produces a statistics output for each label.
For further details, please see:
func ContourArea ¶ added in v0.4.1
func ContourArea(contour PointVector) float64
ContourArea calculates a contour area.
For further details, please see:
func ConvertPointsFromHomogeneous ¶ added in v0.36.0
ConvertPointsFromHomogeneous converts points from homogeneous to Euclidean space.
For further details, please see:
func ConvertScaleAbs ¶ added in v0.16.0
ConvertScaleAbs scales, calculates absolute values, and converts the result to 8-bit.
For further details, please see:
func ConvexHull ¶ added in v0.16.0
func ConvexHull(points PointVector, hull *Mat, clockwise bool, returnPoints bool)
ConvexHull finds the convex hull of a point set.
For further details, please see:
func ConvexityDefects ¶ added in v0.16.0
func ConvexityDefects(contour PointVector, hull Mat, result *Mat)
ConvexityDefects finds the convexity defects of a contour.
For further details, please see:
func CopyMakeBorder ¶ added in v0.16.0
func CopyMakeBorder(src Mat, dst *Mat, top int, bottom int, left int, right int, bt BorderType, value color.RGBA)
CopyMakeBorder forms a border around an image (applies padding).
For further details, please see:
func CornerSubPix ¶ added in v0.5.0
func CornerSubPix(img Mat, corners *Mat, winSize image.Point, zeroZone image.Point, criteria TermCriteria)
CornerSubPix Refines the corner locations. The function iterates to find the sub-pixel accurate location of corners or radial saddle points.
For further details, please see:
func CountNonZero ¶ added in v0.16.0
CountNonZero counts non-zero array elements.
For further details, please see:
func CreateHanningWindow ¶ added in v0.36.0
CreateHanningWindow computes a Hanning window coefficients in two dimensions.
For further details, please see:
func CvtColor ¶
func CvtColor(src Mat, dst *Mat, code ColorConversionCode)
CvtColor converts an image from one color space to another. It converts the src Mat image to the dst Mat using the code param containing the desired ColorConversionCode color space.
For further details, please see:
func DCT ¶ added in v0.16.0
DCT performs a forward or inverse discrete Cosine transform of 1D or 2D array.
For further details, please see:
func DFT ¶ added in v0.3.0
DFT performs a forward or inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of a 1D or 2D floating-point array.
For further details, please see:
func Demosaicing ¶ added in v0.38.0
func Demosaicing(src Mat, dst *Mat, code ColorConversionCode)
Demosaicing converts an image from Bayer pattern to RGB or grayscale. It converts the src Mat image to the dst Mat using the code param containing the desired ColorConversionCode color space.
For further details, please see:
func DetailEnhance ¶ added in v0.30.0
DetailEnhance filter enhances the details of a particular image
For further details, please see:
func Determinant ¶ added in v0.16.0
Determinant returns the determinant of a square floating-point matrix.
For further details, please see:
func Dilate ¶ added in v0.3.0
Dilate dilates an image by using a specific structuring element.
For further details, please see:
func DilateWithParams ¶ added in v0.28.0
func DilateWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, kernel Mat, anchor image.Point, iterations, borderType BorderType, borderValue color.RGBA)
DilateWithParams dilates an image by using a specific structuring element.
For further details, please see:
func DistanceTransform ¶ added in v0.21.0
func DistanceTransform(src Mat, dst *Mat, labels *Mat, distType DistanceTypes, maskSize DistanceTransformMasks, labelType DistanceTransformLabelTypes)
DistanceTransform Calculates the distance to the closest zero pixel for each pixel of the source image.
For further details, please see:
func Divide ¶ added in v0.16.0
Divide performs the per-element division on two arrays or an array and a scalar.
For further details, please see:
func DrawChessboardCorners ¶ added in v0.23.0
DrawChessboardCorners renders the detected chessboard corners.
For further details, please see:
func DrawContours ¶ added in v0.16.0
DrawContours draws contours outlines or filled contours.
For further details, please see:
func DrawContoursWithParams ¶ added in v0.30.0
func DrawContoursWithParams(img *Mat, contours PointsVector, contourIdx int, c color.RGBA, thickness int, lineType LineType, hierarchy Mat, maxLevel int, offset image.Point)
DrawContoursWithParams draws contours outlines or filled contours.
For further details, please see:
func DrawKeyPoints ¶ added in v0.16.0
DrawKeyPoints draws keypoints
For further details please see:
func DrawMatches ¶ added in v0.25.0
func DrawMatches(img1 Mat, kp1 []KeyPoint, img2 Mat, kp2 []KeyPoint, matches1to2 []DMatch, outImg *Mat, matchColor color.RGBA, singlePointColor color.RGBA, matchesMask []byte, flags DrawMatchesFlag)
DrawMatches draws matches on combined train and querry images.
For further details, please see:
func EMD ¶ added in v0.36.0
func EMD(signature1, signature2 Mat, typ DistanceTypes) float32
EMD Computes the "minimal work" distance between two weighted point configurations.
For further details, please see:
func EdgePreservingFilter ¶ added in v0.30.0
func EdgePreservingFilter(src Mat, dst *Mat, filter EdgeFilter, sigma_s, sigma_r float32)
EdgePreservingFilter filtering is the fundamental operation in image and video processing. Edge-preserving smoothing filters are used in many different applications.
For further details, please see:
func Eigen ¶ added in v0.16.0
Eigen calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix.
For further details, please see:
func EigenNonSymmetric ¶ added in v0.16.0
EigenNonSymmetric calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a non-symmetric matrix (real eigenvalues only).
For further details, please see:
func Ellipse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func Ellipse(img *Mat, center, axes image.Point, angle, startAngle, endAngle float64, c color.RGBA, thickness int)
Ellipse draws a simple or thick elliptic arc or fills an ellipse sector.
For further details, please see:
func EllipseWithParams ¶ added in v0.28.0
func EllipseWithParams(img *Mat, center, axes image.Point, angle, startAngle, endAngle float64, c color.RGBA, thickness int, lineType LineType, shift int)
Ellipse draws a simple or thick elliptic arc or fills an ellipse sector.
For further details, please see:
func EqualizeHist ¶ added in v0.16.0
EqualizeHist normalizes the brightness and increases the contrast of the image.
For further details, please see:
func Erode ¶ added in v0.3.0
Erode erodes an image by using a specific structuring element.
For further details, please see:
func ErodeWithParams ¶ added in v0.23.0
ErodeWithParams erodes an image by using a specific structuring element.
For further details, please see:
func ErodeWithParamsAndBorderValue ¶ added in v0.36.0
func ErodeWithParamsAndBorderValue(src Mat, dst *Mat, kernel Mat, anchor image.Point, iterations, borderType int, borderValue Scalar)
ErodeWithParamsAndBorderValue erodes an image by using a specific structuring element. Same as ErodeWithParams but requires an additional borderValue parameter.
For further details, please see:
func EstimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectify ¶ added in v0.24.0
func EstimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectify(k, d Mat, imgSize image.Point, r Mat, p *Mat, balance float64, newSize image.Point, fovScale float64)
EstimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectify estimates new camera matrix for undistortion or rectification.
For further details, please see:
func Exp ¶ added in v0.16.0
Exp calculates the exponent of every array element.
For further details, please see:
func ExtractChannel ¶ added in v0.16.0
ExtractChannel extracts a single channel from src (coi is 0-based index).
For further details, please see:
func FP16BlobFromImage ¶ added in v0.16.0
func FP16BlobFromImage(img Mat, scaleFactor float32, size image.Point, mean float32, swapRB bool, crop bool) []byte
FP16BlobFromImage is an extended helper function to convert an Image to a half-float blob, as used by the Movidius Neural Compute Stick.
func FastNlMeansDenoising ¶ added in v0.30.0
FastNlMeansDenoising performs image denoising using Non-local Means Denoising algorithm
For further details, please see:
func FastNlMeansDenoisingColored ¶ added in v0.30.0
FastNlMeansDenoisingColored is a modification of fastNlMeansDenoising function for colored images.
For further details, please see:
func FastNlMeansDenoisingColoredMulti ¶ added in v0.28.0
func FastNlMeansDenoisingColoredMulti(src []Mat, dst *Mat, imgToDenoiseIndex int, temporalWindowSize int)
FastNlMeansDenoisingColoredMulti denoises the selected images.
For further details, please see:
func FastNlMeansDenoisingColoredMultiWithParams ¶ added in v0.28.0
func FastNlMeansDenoisingColoredMultiWithParams(src []Mat, dst *Mat, imgToDenoiseIndex int, temporalWindowSize int, h float32, hColor float32, templateWindowSize int, searchWindowSize int)
FastNlMeansDenoisingColoredMulti denoises the selected images.
For further details, please see:
func FastNlMeansDenoisingColoredWithParams ¶ added in v0.30.0
func FastNlMeansDenoisingColoredWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, h float32, hColor float32, templateWindowSize int, searchWindowSize int)
FastNlMeansDenoisingColoredWithParams is a modification of fastNlMeansDenoising function for colored images.
For further details, please see:
func FastNlMeansDenoisingWithParams ¶ added in v0.30.0
func FastNlMeansDenoisingWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, h float32, templateWindowSize int, searchWindowSize int)
FastNlMeansDenoisingWithParams performs image denoising using Non-local Means Denoising algorithm
For further details, please see:
func FillPoly ¶ added in v0.16.0
func FillPoly(img *Mat, pts PointsVector, c color.RGBA)
FillPoly fills the area bounded by one or more polygons.
For more information, see:
func FillPolyWithParams ¶ added in v0.28.0
func FillPolyWithParams(img *Mat, pts PointsVector, c color.RGBA, lineType LineType, shift int, offset image.Point)
FillPolyWithParams fills the area bounded by one or more polygons.
For more information, see:
func Filter2D ¶ added in v0.17.0
func Filter2D(src Mat, dst *Mat, ddepth MatType, kernel Mat, anchor image.Point, delta float64, borderType BorderType)
Filter2D applies an arbitrary linear filter to an image.
For further details, please see:
func FindChessboardCorners ¶ added in v0.23.0
func FindChessboardCorners(image Mat, patternSize image.Point, corners *Mat, flags CalibCBFlag) bool
FindChessboardCorners finds the positions of internal corners of the chessboard.
For further details, please see:
func FindChessboardCornersSB ¶ added in v0.29.0
func FindChessboardCornersSB(image Mat, patternSize image.Point, corners *Mat, flags CalibCBFlag) bool
FindChessboardCorners finds the positions of internal corners of the chessboard using a sector based approach.
For further details, please see:
func FindChessboardCornersSBWithMeta ¶ added in v0.29.0
func FindChessboardCornersSBWithMeta(image Mat, patternSize image.Point, corners *Mat, flags CalibCBFlag, meta *Mat) bool
FindChessboardCornersSBWithMeta finds the positions of internal corners of the chessboard using a sector based approach.
For further details, please see:
func FindNonZero ¶ added in v0.16.0
FindNonZero returns the list of locations of non-zero pixels.
For further details, please see:
func FindTransformECC ¶ added in v0.31.0
func FindTransformECC(templateImage Mat, inputImage Mat, warpMatrix *Mat, motionType int, criteria TermCriteria, inputMask Mat, gaussFiltSize int) float64
FindTransformECC finds the geometric transform (warp) between two images in terms of the ECC criterion.
For futther details, please see:
func FisheyeCalibrate ¶ added in v0.36.0
func FisheyeCalibrate(objectPoints Points3fVector, imagePoints Points2fVector, size image.Point, k, d, rvecs, tvecs *Mat, flags CalibFlag) float64
FisheyeCalibrate performs camera calibration.
For further details, please see:
func FisheyeDistortPoints ¶ added in v0.36.0
FisheyeDistortPoints distorts 2D points using fisheye model.
For further details, please see:
func FisheyeUndistortImage ¶ added in v0.16.0
FisheyeUndistortImage transforms an image to compensate for fisheye lens distortion
func FisheyeUndistortImageWithParams ¶ added in v0.16.0
func FisheyeUndistortImageWithParams(distorted Mat, undistorted *Mat, k, d, knew Mat, size image.Point)
FisheyeUndistortImageWithParams transforms an image to compensate for fisheye lens distortion with Knew matrix
func FisheyeUndistortPoints ¶ added in v0.24.0
FisheyeUndistortPoints transforms points to compensate for fisheye lens distortion
For further details, please see:
func FitLine ¶ added in v0.17.0
func FitLine(pts PointVector, line *Mat, distType DistanceTypes, param, reps, aeps float64)
FitLine fits a line to a 2D or 3D point set.
For further details, please see:
func Flip ¶ added in v0.16.0
Flip flips a 2D array around horizontal(0), vertical(1), or both axes(-1).
For further details, please see:
func GaussianBlur ¶
func GaussianBlur(src Mat, dst *Mat, ksize image.Point, sigmaX float64, sigmaY float64, borderType BorderType)
GaussianBlur blurs an image Mat using a Gaussian filter. The function convolves the src Mat image into the dst Mat using the specified Gaussian kernel params.
For further details, please see:
func Gemm ¶ added in v0.16.0
Gemm performs generalized matrix multiplication.
For further details, please see:
func GetNumThreads ¶ added in v0.32.1
func GetNumThreads() int
Get the number of threads for OpenCV.
func GetOptimalDFTSize ¶ added in v0.3.0
GetOptimalDFTSize returns the optimal Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) size for a given vector size.
For further details, please see:
func GetRectSubPix ¶ added in v0.22.0
GetRectSubPix retrieves a pixel rectangle from an image with sub-pixel accuracy.
For further details, please see:
func GetTextSize ¶
GetTextSize calculates the width and height of a text string. It returns an image.Point with the size required to draw text using a specific font face, scale, and thickness.
For further details, please see:
func GetTextSizeWithBaseline ¶ added in v0.25.0
func GetTextSizeWithBaseline(text string, fontFace HersheyFont, fontScale float64, thickness int) (image.Point, int)
GetTextSizeWithBaseline calculates the width and height of a text string including the basline of the text. It returns an image.Point with the size required to draw text using a specific font face, scale, and thickness as well as its baseline.
For further details, please see:
func GetTickCount ¶ added in v0.16.0
func GetTickCount() float64
GetTickCount returns the number of ticks.
For further details, please see:
func GetTickFrequency ¶ added in v0.16.0
func GetTickFrequency() float64
GetTickFrequency returns the number of ticks per second.
For further details, please see:
func GoodFeaturesToTrack ¶ added in v0.5.0
GoodFeaturesToTrack determines strong corners on an image. The function finds the most prominent corners in the image or in the specified image region.
For further details, please see:
func GrabCut ¶ added in v0.21.0
func GrabCut(img Mat, mask *Mat, r image.Rectangle, bgdModel *Mat, fgdModel *Mat, iterCount int, mode GrabCutMode)
Grabcut runs the GrabCut algorithm. The function implements the GrabCut image segmentation algorithm. For further details, please see:
func GroupRectangles ¶ added in v0.7.0
GroupRectangles groups the object candidate rectangles.
For further details, please see:
func Hconcat ¶ added in v0.16.0
Hconcat applies horizontal concatenation to given matrices.
For further details, please see:
func HoughCircles ¶ added in v0.3.0
HoughCircles finds circles in a grayscale image using the Hough transform. The only "method" currently supported is HoughGradient. If you want to pass more parameters, please see `HoughCirclesWithParams`.
For further details, please see:
func HoughCirclesWithParams ¶ added in v0.16.0
func HoughCirclesWithParams(src Mat, circles *Mat, method HoughMode, dp, minDist, param1, param2 float64, minRadius, maxRadius int)
HoughCirclesWithParams finds circles in a grayscale image using the Hough transform. The only "method" currently supported is HoughGradient.
For further details, please see:
func HoughLines ¶
HoughLines implements the standard or standard multi-scale Hough transform algorithm for line detection. For a good explanation of Hough transform, see:
For further details, please see:
func HoughLinesP ¶
HoughLinesP implements the probabilistic Hough transform algorithm for line detection. For a good explanation of Hough transform, see:
For further details, please see:
func HoughLinesPWithParams ¶ added in v0.16.0
func HoughLinesPointSet ¶ added in v0.19.0
func HoughLinesPointSet(points Mat, lines *Mat, linesMax int, threshold int, minRho float32, maxRho float32, rhoStep float32, minTheta float32, maxTheta float32, thetaStep float32)
HoughLinesPointSet implements the Hough transform algorithm for line detection on a set of points. For a good explanation of Hough transform, see:
For further details, please see:
func IDCT ¶ added in v0.16.0
IDCT calculates the inverse Discrete Cosine Transform of a 1D or 2D array.
For further details, please see:
func IDFT ¶ added in v0.16.0
IDFT calculates the inverse Discrete Fourier Transform of a 1D or 2D array.
For further details, please see:
func IMDecodeIntoMat ¶ added in v0.32.1
func IMDecodeIntoMat(buf []byte, flags IMReadFlag, dest *Mat) error
IMDecodeIntoMat reads an image from a buffer in memory into a matrix. The function IMDecodeIntoMat reads an image from the specified buffer in memory. If the buffer is too short or contains invalid data, the function returns an error
For further details, please see:
func IMWrite ¶
IMWrite writes a Mat to an image file.
For further details, please see:
func IMWriteWithParams ¶ added in v0.4.1
IMWriteWithParams writes a Mat to an image file. With that func you can pass compression parameters.
For further details, please see:
func IlluminationChange ¶ added in v0.26.0
IlluminationChange modifies locally the apparent illumination of an image.
For further details, please see:
func ImagesFromBlob ¶ added in v0.21.0
ImagesFromBlob Parse a 4D blob and output the images it contains as 2D arrays through a simpler data structure (std::vector<cv::Mat>).
For further details, please see:
func InRange ¶ added in v0.3.0
InRange checks if array elements lie between the elements of two Mat arrays.
For further details, please see:
func InRangeWithScalar ¶ added in v0.16.0
InRangeWithScalar checks if array elements lie between the elements of two Scalars
For further details, please see:
func InitUndistortRectifyMap ¶ added in v0.19.0
func InitUndistortRectifyMap(cameraMatrix Mat, distCoeffs Mat, r Mat, newCameraMatrix Mat, size image.Point, m1type int, map1 Mat, map2 Mat)
InitUndistortRectifyMap computes the joint undistortion and rectification transformation and represents the result in the form of maps for remap
For further details, please see:
func Inpaint ¶ added in v0.32.1
func Inpaint(src Mat, mask Mat, dst *Mat, inpaintRadius float32, algorithmType InpaintMethods)
Inpaint reconstructs the selected image area from the pixel near the area boundary. The function may be used to remove dust and scratches from a scanned photo, or to remove undesirable objects from still images or video.
For further details, please see:
func InsertChannel ¶ added in v0.16.0
InsertChannel inserts a single channel to dst (coi is 0-based index) (it replaces channel i with another in dst).
For further details, please see:
func Integral ¶ added in v0.21.0
Integral calculates one or more integral images for the source image. For further details, please see:
func Invert ¶ added in v0.16.0
func Invert(src Mat, dst *Mat, flags SolveDecompositionFlags) float64
Invert finds the inverse or pseudo-inverse of a matrix.
For further details, please see:
func InvertAffineTransform ¶ added in v0.22.0
func KMeans ¶ added in v0.21.0
func KMeans(data Mat, k int, bestLabels *Mat, criteria TermCriteria, attempts int, flags KMeansFlags, centers *Mat) float64
KMeans finds centers of clusters and groups input samples around the clusters.
For further details, please see:
func KMeansPoints ¶ added in v0.21.0
func KMeansPoints(points PointVector, k int, bestLabels *Mat, criteria TermCriteria, attempts int, flags KMeansFlags, centers *Mat) float64
KMeansPoints finds centers of clusters and groups input samples around the clusters.
For further details, please see:
func LUT ¶ added in v0.6.0
LUT performs a look-up table transform of an array.
The function LUT fills the output array with values from the look-up table. Indices of the entries are taken from the input array.
For further details, please see:
func Laplacian ¶ added in v0.4.1
func Laplacian(src Mat, dst *Mat, dDepth MatType, size int, scale float64, delta float64, borderType BorderType)
Laplacian calculates the Laplacian of an image.
For further details, please see:
func Line ¶ added in v0.3.0
Line draws a line segment connecting two points.
For further details, please see:
func LinearPolar ¶ added in v0.22.0
func LinearPolar(src Mat, dst *Mat, center image.Point, maxRadius float64, flags InterpolationFlags)
LinearPolar remaps an image to polar coordinates space.
For further details, please see:
func Log ¶ added in v0.16.0
Log calculates the natural logarithm of every array element.
For further details, please see:
func LogPolar ¶ added in v0.17.0
LogPolar remaps an image to semilog-polar coordinates space.
For further details, please see:
func Magnitude ¶ added in v0.16.0
Magnitude calculates the magnitude of 2D vectors.
For further details, please see:
func Mahalanobis ¶ added in v0.36.0
Mahalanobis calculates the Mahalanobis distance between two vectors.
For further details, please see:
func MatchShapes ¶ added in v0.32.1
func MatchShapes(contour1 PointVector, contour2 PointVector, method ShapeMatchModes, parameter float64) float64
Compares two shapes.
For further details, please see:
func MatchTemplate ¶ added in v0.9.0
func MatchTemplate(image Mat, templ Mat, result *Mat, method TemplateMatchMode, mask Mat)
MatchTemplate compares a template against overlapped image regions.
For further details, please see:
func Max ¶ added in v0.16.0
Max calculates per-element maximum of two arrays or an array and a scalar.
For further details, please see:
func MeanStdDev ¶ added in v0.16.0
MeanStdDev calculates a mean and standard deviation of array elements.
For further details, please see:
func MedianBlur ¶ added in v0.3.0
MedianBlur blurs an image using the median filter.
For further details, please see:
func Merge ¶ added in v0.3.0
Merge creates one multi-channel array out of several single-channel ones.
For further details, please see:
func Min ¶ added in v0.16.0
Min calculates per-element minimum of two arrays or an array and a scalar.
For further details, please see:
func MinEnclosingCircle ¶ added in v0.19.0
func MinEnclosingCircle(pts PointVector) (x, y, radius float32)
MinEnclosingCircle finds a circle of the minimum area enclosing the input 2D point set.
For further details, please see:
func MinMaxIdx ¶ added in v0.16.0
MinMaxIdx finds the global minimum and maximum in an array.
For further details, please see:
func MinMaxLoc ¶ added in v0.8.0
MinMaxLoc finds the global minimum and maximum in an array.
For further details, please see:
func MinMaxLocWithMask ¶ added in v0.36.0
MinMaxLocWithMask finds the global minimum and maximum in an array with a mask used to select a sub-array.
For further details, please see:
func MixChannels ¶ added in v0.25.0
Copies specified channels from input arrays to the specified channels of output arrays.
For further details, please see:
func Moments ¶ added in v0.4.1
Moments calculates all of the moments up to the third order of a polygon or rasterized shape.
For further details, please see:
func MorphologyEx ¶ added in v0.3.0
MorphologyEx performs advanced morphological transformations.
For further details, please see:
func MorphologyExWithParams ¶ added in v0.21.0
func MorphologyExWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, op MorphType, kernel Mat, iterations int, borderType BorderType)
MorphologyExWithParams performs advanced morphological transformations.
For further details, please see:
func MulSpectrums ¶ added in v0.17.0
Mulspectrums performs the per-element multiplication of two Fourier spectrums.
For further details, please see:
func MulTransposed ¶ added in v0.36.0
MulTransposed calculates the product of a matrix and its transposition.
For further details, please see:
func Multiply ¶ added in v0.16.0
Multiply calculates the per-element scaled product of two arrays. Both input arrays must be of the same size and the same type.
For further details, please see:
func MultiplyWithParams ¶ added in v0.24.0
MultiplyWithParams calculates the per-element scaled product of two arrays. Both input arrays must be of the same size and the same type.
For further details, please see:
func NMSBoxes ¶ added in v0.25.0
func NMSBoxes(bboxes []image.Rectangle, scores []float32, scoreThreshold float32, nmsThreshold float32) (indices []int)
NMSBoxes performs non maximum suppression given boxes and corresponding scores.
For futher details, please see:
func NMSBoxesWithParams ¶ added in v0.25.0
func NMSBoxesWithParams(bboxes []image.Rectangle, scores []float32, scoreThreshold float32, nmsThreshold float32, eta float32, topK int) (indices []int)
NMSBoxesWithParams performs non maximum suppression given boxes and corresponding scores.
For futher details, please see:
func Norm ¶ added in v0.8.0
Norm calculates the absolute norm of an array.
For further details, please see:
func NormWithMats ¶ added in v0.26.0
Norm calculates the absolute difference/relative norm of two arrays.
For further details, please see:
func Normalize ¶ added in v0.3.0
Normalize normalizes the norm or value range of an array.
For further details, please see:
func OpenCVVersion ¶
func OpenCVVersion() string
OpenCVVersion returns the current OpenCV lib version
func PCABackProject ¶ added in v0.36.0
PCABackProject reconstructs vectors from their PC projections.
For further details, please see:
func PCACompute ¶ added in v0.34.0
PCACompute performs PCA.
The computed eigenvalues are sorted from the largest to the smallest and the corresponding eigenvectors are stored as eigenvectors rows.
Note: Calling with maxComponents == 0 (opencv default) will cause all components to be retained.
For further details, please see:
func PCAProject ¶ added in v0.36.0
PCAProject projects vector(s) to the principal component subspace.
For further details, please see:
func PSNR ¶ added in v0.36.0
PSNR computes the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) image quality metric.
For further details, please see:
func PencilSketch ¶ added in v0.30.0
PencilSketch pencil-like non-photorealistic line drawing.
For further details, please see:
func PerspectiveTransform ¶ added in v0.16.0
PerspectiveTransform performs the perspective matrix transformation of vectors.
For further details, please see:
func Phase ¶ added in v0.17.0
Phase calculates the rotation angle of 2D vectors.
For further details, please see:
func PointPolygonTest ¶ added in v0.28.0
func PointPolygonTest(pts PointVector, pt image.Point, measureDist bool) float64
PointPolygonTest performs a point-in-contour test.
For further details, please see:
func PolarToCart ¶ added in v0.17.0
PolatToCart calculates x and y coordinates of 2D vectors from their magnitude and angle.
For further details, please see:
func Polylines ¶ added in v0.23.0
Polylines draws several polygonal curves.
For more information, see:
func Pow ¶ added in v0.16.0
Pow raises every array element to a power.
For further details, please see:
func PutText ¶
func PutText(img *Mat, text string, org image.Point, fontFace HersheyFont, fontScale float64, c color.RGBA, thickness int)
PutText draws a text string. It renders the specified text string into the img Mat at the location passed in the "org" param, using the desired font face, font scale, color, and line thinkness.
For further details, please see:
func PutTextWithParams ¶ added in v0.22.0
func PutTextWithParams(img *Mat, text string, org image.Point, fontFace HersheyFont, fontScale float64, c color.RGBA, thickness int, lineType LineType, bottomLeftOrigin bool)
PutTextWithParams draws a text string. It renders the specified text string into the img Mat at the location passed in the "org" param, using the desired font face, font scale, color, and line thinkness.
For further details, please see:
func PyrDown ¶ added in v0.16.0
func PyrDown(src Mat, dst *Mat, ksize image.Point, borderType BorderType)
PyrDown blurs an image and downsamples it.
For further details, please see:
func PyrUp ¶ added in v0.16.0
func PyrUp(src Mat, dst *Mat, ksize image.Point, borderType BorderType)
PyrUp upsamples an image and then blurs it.
For further details, please see:
func RandN ¶ added in v0.27.0
RandN Fills the array with normally distributed random numbers.
For further details, please see:
func RandShuffle ¶ added in v0.27.0
func RandShuffle(mat *Mat)
RandShuffle Shuffles the array elements randomly.
For further details, please see:
func RandShuffleWithParams ¶ added in v0.27.0
RandShuffleWithParams Shuffles the array elements randomly.
For further details, please see:
func RandU ¶ added in v0.27.0
RandU Generates a single uniformly-distributed random number or an array of random numbers.
For further details, please see:
func Rectangle ¶
Rectangle draws a simple, thick, or filled up-right rectangle. It renders a rectangle with the desired characteristics to the target Mat image.
For further details, please see:
func RectangleWithParams ¶ added in v0.28.0
func RectangleWithParams(img *Mat, r image.Rectangle, c color.RGBA, thickness int, lineType LineType, shift int)
RectangleWithParams draws a simple, thick, or filled up-right rectangle. It renders a rectangle with the desired characteristics to the target Mat image.
For further details, please see:
func Reduce ¶ added in v0.17.0
func Reduce(src Mat, dst *Mat, dim int, rType ReduceTypes, dType MatType)
Reduce reduces a matrix to a vector.
For further details, please see:
func ReduceArgMax ¶ added in v0.33.0
Finds indices of max elements along provided axis.
For further details, please see:
func ReduceArgMin ¶ added in v0.33.0
Finds indices of min elements along provided axis.
For further details, please see:
func Remap ¶ added in v0.17.0
func Remap(src Mat, dst, map1, map2 *Mat, interpolation InterpolationFlags, borderMode BorderType, borderValue color.RGBA)
Remap applies a generic geometrical transformation to an image.
For further details, please see:
func Repeat ¶ added in v0.17.0
Repeat fills the output array with repeated copies of the input array.
For further details, please see:
func Resize ¶ added in v0.3.0
Resize resizes an image. It resizes the image src down to or up to the specified size, storing the result in dst. Note that src and dst may be the same image. If you wish to scale by factor, an empty sz may be passed and non-zero fx and fy. Likewise, if you wish to scale to an explicit size, a non-empty sz may be passed with zero for both fx and fy.
For further details, please see:
func Rodrigues ¶ added in v0.36.0
Rodrigues converts a rotation matrix to a rotation vector or vice versa.
For further details, please see:
func Rotate ¶ added in v0.16.0
func Rotate(src Mat, dst *Mat, code RotateFlag)
Rotate rotates a 2D array in multiples of 90 degrees
For further details, please see:
func SVBackSubst ¶ added in v0.36.0
SVBackSubst performs a singular value back substitution.
For further details, please see:
func SVDCompute ¶ added in v0.22.0
SVDCompute decomposes matrix and stores the results to user-provided matrices
func SVDecomp ¶ added in v0.36.0
SVDecomp decomposes matrix and stores the results to user-provided matrices.
For further details, please see:
func ScaleAdd ¶ added in v0.18.0
Calculates the sum of a scaled array and another array.
For further details, please see:
func Scharr ¶ added in v0.4.1
func Scharr(src Mat, dst *Mat, dDepth MatType, dx int, dy int, scale float64, delta float64, borderType BorderType)
Scharr calculates the first x- or y- image derivative using Scharr operator.
For further details, please see:
func SeamlessClone ¶ added in v0.26.0
func SeamlessClone(src, dst, mask Mat, p image.Point, blend *Mat, flags SeamlessCloneFlags)
SeamlessClone blend two image by Poisson Blending.
For further details, please see:
func SelectROIs
added in
func SepFilter2D ¶ added in v0.17.0
func SepFilter2D(src Mat, dst *Mat, ddepth MatType, kernelX, kernelY Mat, anchor image.Point, delta float64, borderType BorderType)
SepFilter2D applies a separable linear filter to the image.
For further details, please see:
func SetIdentity ¶ added in v0.22.0
SetIdentity initializes a scaled identity matrix. For further details, please see:
func SetNumThreads ¶ added in v0.32.1
func SetNumThreads(n int)
Set the number of threads for OpenCV.
func SetRNGSeed ¶ added in v0.27.0
func SetRNGSeed(seed int)
TheRNG Sets state of default random number generator.
For further details, please see:
func Sobel ¶ added in v0.17.0
func Sobel(src Mat, dst *Mat, ddepth MatType, dx, dy, ksize int, scale, delta float64, borderType BorderType)
Sobel calculates the first, second, third, or mixed image derivatives using an extended Sobel operator
For further details, please see:
func Solve ¶ added in v0.17.0
func Solve(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat, flags SolveDecompositionFlags) bool
Solve solves one or more linear systems or least-squares problems.
For further details, please see:
func SolveCubic ¶ added in v0.17.0
SolveCubic finds the real roots of a cubic equation.
For further details, please see:
func SolvePnP ¶ added in v0.36.0
func SolvePnP(objectPoints Point3fVector, imagePoints Point2fVector, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs Mat, rvec, tvec *Mat, useExtrinsicGuess bool, flags int) bool
SolvePnP finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences.
For further details, please see:
func SolvePoly ¶ added in v0.17.0
SolvePoly finds the real or complex roots of a polynomial equation.
For further details, please see:
func Sort ¶ added in v0.17.0
Sort sorts each row or each column of a matrix.
For further details, please see:
func SortIdx ¶ added in v0.17.0
SortIdx sorts each row or each column of a matrix. Instead of reordering the elements themselves, it stores the indices of sorted elements in the output array
For further details, please see:
func SpatialGradient ¶ added in v0.17.0
func SpatialGradient(src Mat, dx, dy *Mat, ksize MatType, borderType BorderType)
SpatialGradient calculates the first order image derivative in both x and y using a Sobel operator.
For further details, please see:
func SqBoxFilter ¶ added in v0.16.0
SqBoxFilter calculates the normalized sum of squares of the pixel values overlapping the filter.
For further details, please see:
func Stylization ¶ added in v0.30.0
Stylization aims to produce digital imagery with a wide variety of effects not focused on photorealism. Edge-aware filters are ideal for stylization, as they can abstract regions of low contrast while preserving, or enhancing, high-contrast features.
For further details, please see:
func Subtract ¶ added in v0.16.0
Subtract calculates the per-element subtraction of two arrays or an array and a scalar.
For further details, please see:
func TextureFlattening ¶ added in v0.26.0
func TextureFlattening(src, mask Mat, dst *Mat, lowThreshold, highThreshold float32, kernelSize int)
TextureFlattening washes out the texture of the selected region, giving its contents a flat aspect.
For further details, please see:
func Threshold ¶ added in v0.4.1
func Threshold(src Mat, dst *Mat, thresh float32, maxvalue float32, typ ThresholdType) (threshold float32)
Threshold applies a fixed-level threshold to each array element.
For further details, please see:
func Transform ¶ added in v0.16.0
Transform performs the matrix transformation of every array element.
For further details, please see:
func Transpose ¶ added in v0.16.0
Transpose transposes a matrix.
For further details, please see:
func TransposeND ¶ added in v0.38.0
TransposeND transpose for n-dimensional matrices.
For further details, please see:
func TriangulatePoints ¶ added in v0.36.0
func TriangulatePoints(projMatr1, projMatr2 Mat, projPoints1, projPoints2 Point2fVector, points4D *Mat)
TriangulatePoints reconstructs 3-dimensional points (in homogeneous coordinates) by using their observations with a stereo camera.
For further details, please see:
func Undistort ¶ added in v0.22.0
Undistort transforms an image to compensate for lens distortion.
For further details, please see:
func UndistortPoints ¶ added in v0.24.0
func UndistortPoints(src Mat, dst *Mat, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rectificationTransform, newCameraMatrix Mat)
UndistortPoints transforms points to compensate for lens distortion
For further details, please see:
func Vconcat ¶ added in v0.16.0
Vconcat applies vertical concatenation to given matrices.
For further details, please see:
func WaitKey ¶
WaitKey that is not attached to a specific Window. Only use when no Window exists in your application, e.g. command line app.
func WarpAffine ¶ added in v0.8.0
WarpAffine applies an affine transformation to an image. For more parameters please check WarpAffineWithParams
For further details, please see:
func WarpAffineWithParams ¶ added in v0.8.0
func WarpAffineWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, m Mat, sz image.Point, flags InterpolationFlags, borderType BorderType, borderValue color.RGBA)
WarpAffineWithParams applies an affine transformation to an image.
For further details, please see:
func WarpPerspective ¶ added in v0.16.0
WarpPerspective applies a perspective transformation to an image. For more parameters please check WarpPerspectiveWithParams.
For further details, please see:
func WarpPerspectiveWithParams ¶ added in v0.31.0
func WarpPerspectiveWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, m Mat, sz image.Point, flags InterpolationFlags, borderType BorderType, borderValue color.RGBA)
WarpPerspectiveWithParams applies a perspective transformation to an image.
For further details, please see:
func Watershed ¶ added in v0.21.0
Watershed performs a marker-based image segmentation using the watershed algorithm.
For further details, please see:
Types ¶
type AKAZE ¶ added in v0.6.0
type AKAZE struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AKAZE is a wrapper around the cv::AKAZE algorithm.
func NewAKAZE ¶ added in v0.6.0
NewAKAZE returns a new AKAZE algorithm
For further details, please see:
func (*AKAZE) Compute ¶ added in v0.36.0
Compute keypoints in an image using AKAZE.
For further details, please see:
func (*AKAZE) Detect ¶ added in v0.6.0
Detect keypoints in an image using AKAZE.
For further details, please see:
func (*AKAZE) DetectAndCompute ¶ added in v0.6.0
DetectAndCompute keypoints and compute in an image using AKAZE.
For further details, please see:
type AdaptiveThresholdType ¶ added in v0.16.0
type AdaptiveThresholdType int
AdaptiveThresholdType type of adaptive threshold operation.
const ( // AdaptiveThresholdMean threshold type AdaptiveThresholdMean AdaptiveThresholdType = 0 // AdaptiveThresholdGaussian threshold type AdaptiveThresholdGaussian AdaptiveThresholdType = 1 )
func (AdaptiveThresholdType) String ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (c AdaptiveThresholdType) String() string
type AgastFeatureDetector ¶ added in v0.6.0
type AgastFeatureDetector struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AgastFeatureDetector is a wrapper around the cv::AgastFeatureDetector.
func NewAgastFeatureDetector ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewAgastFeatureDetector() AgastFeatureDetector
NewAgastFeatureDetector returns a new AgastFeatureDetector algorithm
For further details, please see:
func (*AgastFeatureDetector) Close ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (a *AgastFeatureDetector) Close() error
Close AgastFeatureDetector.
func (*AgastFeatureDetector) Detect ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (a *AgastFeatureDetector) Detect(src Mat) []KeyPoint
Detect keypoints in an image using AgastFeatureDetector.
For further details, please see:
type AlignMTB ¶ added in v0.28.0
type AlignMTB struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AlignMTB is a wrapper around the cv::AlignMTB.
func NewAlignMTB ¶ added in v0.28.0
func NewAlignMTB() AlignMTB
For further details, please see:
type ArucoDetector ¶ added in v0.32.1
type ArucoDetector struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewArucoDetector ¶ added in v0.32.1
func NewArucoDetector() ArucoDetector
NewArucoDetector returns a new ArucoDetector.
func NewArucoDetectorWithParams ¶ added in v0.32.1
func NewArucoDetectorWithParams(dictionary ArucoDictionary, params ArucoDetectorParameters) ArucoDetector
NewArucoDetectorWithParams returns a new ArucoDetector.
func (*ArucoDetector) Close ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (a *ArucoDetector) Close() error
Close deletes the ArucoDetector's pointer.
func (*ArucoDetector) DetectMarkers ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (a *ArucoDetector) DetectMarkers(input Mat) ( markerCorners [][]Point2f, markerIds []int, rejectedCandidates [][]Point2f, )
DetectMarkers does basic marker detection.
For further details, please see:
type ArucoDetectorParameters ¶ added in v0.32.1
type ArucoDetectorParameters struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewArucoDetectorParameters ¶ added in v0.32.1
func NewArucoDetectorParameters() ArucoDetectorParameters
NewArucoDetectorParameters returns the default parameters for the SimpleBobDetector
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAdaptiveThreshConstant ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAdaptiveThreshConstant() float64
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax() int
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin() int
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep() int
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagCriticalRad ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagCriticalRad() float32
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagDeglitch ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagDeglitch() int
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagMaxLineFitMse ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagMaxLineFitMse() float32
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagMaxNmaxima ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagMaxNmaxima() int
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagMinClusterPixels ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagMinClusterPixels() int
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagMinWhiteBlackDiff ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagMinWhiteBlackDiff() int
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagQuadDecimate ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagQuadDecimate() float32
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagQuadSigma ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagQuadSigma() float32
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetCornerRefinementMaxIterations ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetCornerRefinementMaxIterations() int
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetCornerRefinementMethod ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetCornerRefinementMethod() int
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetCornerRefinementMinAccuracy ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetCornerRefinementMinAccuracy() float64
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetCornerRefinementWinSize ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetCornerRefinementWinSize() int
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetDetectInvertedMarker ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetDetectInvertedMarker() bool
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetErrorCorrectionRate ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetErrorCorrectionRate() float64
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMarkerBorderBits ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMarkerBorderBits() int
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMaxErroneousBitsInBorderRate ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMaxErroneousBitsInBorderRate() float64
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMaxMarkerPerimeterRate ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMaxMarkerPerimeterRate() float64
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMinCornerDistanceRate ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMinCornerDistanceRate() float64
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMinDistanceToBorder ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMinDistanceToBorder() int
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMinMarkerDistanceRate ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMinMarkerDistanceRate() float64
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMinMarkerPerimeterRate ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMinMarkerPerimeterRate() float64
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMinOtsuStdDev ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMinOtsuStdDev() float64
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetPerspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetPerspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell() float64
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetPerspectiveRemovePixelPerCell ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetPerspectiveRemovePixelPerCell() int
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) GetPolygonalApproxAccuracyRate ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetPolygonalApproxAccuracyRate() float64
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAdaptiveThreshConstant ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAdaptiveThreshConstant(adaptiveThreshConstant float64)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax(adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax int)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin(adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin int)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep(adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep int)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagCriticalRad ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagCriticalRad(aprilTagCriticalRad float32)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagDeglitch ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagDeglitch(aprilTagDeglitch int)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagMaxLineFitMse ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagMaxLineFitMse(aprilTagMaxLineFitMse float32)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagMaxNmaxima ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagMaxNmaxima(aprilTagMaxNmaxima int)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagMinClusterPixels ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagMinClusterPixels(aprilTagMinClusterPixels int)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagMinWhiteBlackDiff ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagMinWhiteBlackDiff(aprilTagMinWhiteBlackDiff int)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagQuadDecimate ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagQuadDecimate(aprilTagQuadDecimate float32)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagQuadSigma ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagQuadSigma(aprilTagQuadSigma float32)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetCornerRefinementMaxIterations ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetCornerRefinementMaxIterations(cornerRefinementMaxIterations int)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetCornerRefinementMethod ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetCornerRefinementMethod(cornerRefinementMethod int)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetCornerRefinementMinAccuracy ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetCornerRefinementMinAccuracy(cornerRefinementMinAccuracy float64)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetCornerRefinementWinSize ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetCornerRefinementWinSize(cornerRefinementWinSize int)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetDetectInvertedMarker ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetDetectInvertedMarker(detectInvertedMarker bool)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetErrorCorrectionRate ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetErrorCorrectionRate(errorCorrectionRate float64)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMarkerBorderBits ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMarkerBorderBits(markerBorderBits int)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMaxErroneousBitsInBorderRate ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMaxErroneousBitsInBorderRate(maxErroneousBitsInBorderRate float64)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMaxMarkerPerimeterRate ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMaxMarkerPerimeterRate(maxMarkerPerimeterRate float64)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMinCornerDistanceRate ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMinCornerDistanceRate(minCornerDistanceRate float64)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMinDistanceToBorder ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMinDistanceToBorder(minDistanceToBorder int)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMinMarkerDistanceRate ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMinMarkerDistanceRate(minMarkerDistanceRate float64)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMinMarkerPerimeterRate ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMinMarkerPerimeterRate(minMarkerPerimeterRate float64)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMinOtsuStdDev ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMinOtsuStdDev(minOtsuStdDev float64)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetPerspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetPerspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell(perspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell float64)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetPerspectiveRemovePixelPerCell ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetPerspectiveRemovePixelPerCell(perspectiveRemovePixelPerCell int)
func (*ArucoDetectorParameters) SetPolygonalApproxAccuracyRate ¶ added in v0.32.1
func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetPolygonalApproxAccuracyRate(polygonalApproxAccuracyRate float64)
type ArucoDictionary ¶ added in v0.32.1
type ArucoDictionary struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetPredefinedDictionary ¶ added in v0.32.1
func GetPredefinedDictionary(dictionaryId ArucoDictionaryCode) ArucoDictionary
type ArucoDictionaryCode ¶ added in v0.32.1
type ArucoDictionaryCode int
const ( ArucoDict4x4_50 ArucoDictionaryCode = iota ArucoDict4x4_100 ArucoDictionaryCode = iota ArucoDict4x4_250 ArucoDictionaryCode = iota ArucoDict4x4_1000 ArucoDictionaryCode = iota ArucoDict5x5_50 ArucoDictionaryCode = iota ArucoDict5x5_100 ArucoDictionaryCode = iota ArucoDict5x5_250 ArucoDictionaryCode = iota ArucoDict5x5_1000 ArucoDictionaryCode = iota ArucoDict6x6_50 ArucoDictionaryCode = iota ArucoDict6x6_100 ArucoDictionaryCode = iota ArucoDict6x6_250 ArucoDictionaryCode = iota ArucoDict6x6_1000 ArucoDictionaryCode = iota ArucoDict7x7_50 ArucoDictionaryCode = iota ArucoDict7x7_100 ArucoDictionaryCode = iota ArucoDict7x7_250 ArucoDictionaryCode = iota ArucoDict7x7_1000 ArucoDictionaryCode = iota ArucoDictArucoOriginal ArucoDictionaryCode = iota ArucoDictAprilTag_16h5 ArucoDictionaryCode = iota ///< 4x4 bits, minimum hamming distance between any two codes = 5, 30 codes ArucoDictAprilTag_25h9 ArucoDictionaryCode = iota ///< 5x5 bits, minimum hamming distance between any two codes = 9, 35 codes ArucoDictAprilTag_36h10 ArucoDictionaryCode = iota ///< 6x6 bits, minimum hamming distance between any two codes = 10, 2320 codes ArucoDictAprilTag_36h11 ArucoDictionaryCode = iota ///< 6x6 bits, minimum hamming distance between any two codes = 11, 587 codes )
type BFMatcher ¶ added in v0.16.0
type BFMatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BFMatcher is a wrapper around the the cv::BFMatcher algorithm
func NewBFMatcher ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewBFMatcher() BFMatcher
NewBFMatcher returns a new BFMatcher
For further details, please see:
func NewBFMatcherWithParams ¶ added in v0.16.0
NewBFMatcherWithParams creates a new BFMatchers but allows setting parameters to values other than just the defaults.
For further details, please see:
func (*BFMatcher) KnnMatch ¶ added in v0.16.0
KnnMatch Finds the k best matches for each descriptor from a query set.
For further details, please see:
type BRISK ¶ added in v0.6.0
type BRISK struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BRISK is a wrapper around the cv::BRISK algorithm.
func NewBRISK ¶ added in v0.6.0
NewBRISK returns a new BRISK algorithm
For further details, please see:
func (*BRISK) Compute ¶ added in v0.36.0
Compute keypoints in an image using BRISK.
For further details, please see:
func (*BRISK) Detect ¶ added in v0.6.0
Detect keypoints in an image using BRISK.
For further details, please see:
func (*BRISK) DetectAndCompute ¶ added in v0.6.0
DetectAndCompute keypoints and compute in an image using BRISK.
For further details, please see:
type BackgroundSubtractorKNN ¶ added in v0.6.0
type BackgroundSubtractorKNN struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BackgroundSubtractorKNN is a wrapper around the cv::BackgroundSubtractorKNN.
func NewBackgroundSubtractorKNN ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewBackgroundSubtractorKNN() BackgroundSubtractorKNN
NewBackgroundSubtractorKNN returns a new BackgroundSubtractor algorithm of type KNN. K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) uses a Background/Foreground Segmentation Algorithm
For further details, please see:
func NewBackgroundSubtractorKNNWithParams ¶ added in v0.20.0
func NewBackgroundSubtractorKNNWithParams(history int, dist2Threshold float64, detectShadows bool) BackgroundSubtractorKNN
NewBackgroundSubtractorKNNWithParams returns a new BackgroundSubtractor algorithm of type KNN with customized parameters. K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) uses a Background/Foreground Segmentation Algorithm
For further details, please see:
func (*BackgroundSubtractorKNN) Apply ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (k *BackgroundSubtractorKNN) Apply(src Mat, dst *Mat)
Apply computes a foreground mask using the current BackgroundSubtractorKNN.
For further details, please see:
func (*BackgroundSubtractorKNN) Close ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (k *BackgroundSubtractorKNN) Close() error
Close BackgroundSubtractorKNN.
type BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 ¶ added in v0.6.0
type BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 is a wrapper around the cv::BackgroundSubtractorMOG2.
func NewBackgroundSubtractorMOG2 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewBackgroundSubtractorMOG2() BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
NewBackgroundSubtractorMOG2 returns a new BackgroundSubtractor algorithm of type MOG2. MOG2 is a Gaussian Mixture-based Background/Foreground Segmentation Algorithm.
For further details, please see:
func NewBackgroundSubtractorMOG2WithParams ¶ added in v0.20.0
func NewBackgroundSubtractorMOG2WithParams(history int, varThreshold float64, detectShadows bool) BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
NewBackgroundSubtractorMOG2WithParams returns a new BackgroundSubtractor algorithm of type MOG2 with customized parameters. MOG2 is a Gaussian Mixture-based Background/Foreground Segmentation Algorithm.
For further details, please see:
func (*BackgroundSubtractorMOG2) Apply ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (b *BackgroundSubtractorMOG2) Apply(src Mat, dst *Mat)
Apply computes a foreground mask using the current BackgroundSubtractorMOG2.
For further details, please see:
func (*BackgroundSubtractorMOG2) Close ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (b *BackgroundSubtractorMOG2) Close() error
Close BackgroundSubtractorMOG2.
type BorderType ¶ added in v0.4.1
type BorderType int
BorderType type of border.
const ( // BorderConstant border type BorderConstant BorderType = 0 // BorderReplicate border type BorderReplicate BorderType = 1 // BorderReflect border type BorderReflect BorderType = 2 // BorderWrap border type BorderWrap BorderType = 3 // BorderReflect101 border type BorderReflect101 BorderType = 4 // BorderTransparent border type BorderTransparent BorderType = 5 // BorderDefault border type BorderDefault = BorderReflect101 // BorderIsolated border type BorderIsolated BorderType = 16 )
func (BorderType) String ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (c BorderType) String() string
type CLAHE ¶ added in v0.19.0
type CLAHE struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CLAHE is a wrapper around the cv::CLAHE algorithm.
func NewCLAHE ¶ added in v0.19.0
NewCLAHE returns a new CLAHE algorithm
For further details, please see:
func NewCLAHEWithParams ¶ added in v0.19.0
NewCLAHEWithParams returns a new CLAHE algorithm
For further details, please see:
func (*CLAHE) Apply ¶ added in v0.19.0
Apply CLAHE.
For further details, please see:
type CalibCBFlag ¶ added in v0.23.0
type CalibCBFlag int
CalibCBFlag value for chessboard calibration For more details, please see:
const ( // Various operation flags that can be zero or a combination of the following values: // Use adaptive thresholding to convert the image to black and white, rather than a fixed threshold level (computed from the average image brightness). CalibCBAdaptiveThresh CalibCBFlag = 1 << iota // Normalize the image gamma with equalizeHist before applying fixed or adaptive thresholding. CalibCBNormalizeImage // Use additional criteria (like contour area, perimeter, square-like shape) to filter out false quads extracted at the contour retrieval stage. CalibCBFilterQuads // Run a fast check on the image that looks for chessboard corners, and shortcut the call if none is found. This can drastically speed up the call in the degenerate condition when no chessboard is observed. CalibCBFastCheck // Run an exhaustive search to improve detection rate. CalibCBExhaustive // Up sample input image to improve sub-pixel accuracy due to aliasing effects. CalibCBAccuracy // The detected pattern is allowed to be larger than patternSize (see description). CalibCBLarger // The detected pattern must have a marker (see description). This should be used if an accurate camera calibration is required. CalibCBMarker )
func (CalibCBFlag) String ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (c CalibCBFlag) String() string
type CalibFlag ¶ added in v0.16.0
type CalibFlag int32
CalibFlag value for calibration
const ( // CalibUseIntrinsicGuess indicates that cameraMatrix contains valid initial values // of fx, fy, cx, cy that are optimized further. Otherwise, (cx, cy) is initially // set to the image center ( imageSize is used), and focal distances are computed // in a least-squares fashion. CalibUseIntrinsicGuess CalibFlag = 1 << iota // CalibRecomputeExtrinsic indicates that extrinsic will be recomputed after each // iteration of intrinsic optimization. CalibRecomputeExtrinsic // CalibCheckCond indicates that the functions will check validity of condition number CalibCheckCond // CalibFixSkew indicates that skew coefficient (alpha) is set to zero and stay zero CalibFixSkew // CalibFixK1 indicates that selected distortion coefficients are set to zeros and stay zero CalibFixK1 // CalibFixK2 indicates that selected distortion coefficients are set to zeros and stay zero CalibFixK2 // CalibFixK3 indicates that selected distortion coefficients are set to zeros and stay zero CalibFixK3 // CalibFixK4 indicates that selected distortion coefficients are set to zeros and stay zero CalibFixK4 // CalibFixIntrinsic indicates that fix K1, K2? and D1, D2? so that only R, T matrices are estimated CalibFixIntrinsic // CalibFixPrincipalPoint indicates that the principal point is not changed during the global optimization. // It stays at the center or at a different location specified when CalibUseIntrinsicGuess is set too. CalibFixPrincipalPoint )
type CascadeClassifier ¶
type CascadeClassifier struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CascadeClassifier is a cascade classifier class for object detection.
For further details, please see:
func NewCascadeClassifier ¶
func NewCascadeClassifier() CascadeClassifier
NewCascadeClassifier returns a new CascadeClassifier.
func (*CascadeClassifier) Close ¶
func (c *CascadeClassifier) Close() error
Close deletes the CascadeClassifier's pointer.
func (*CascadeClassifier) DetectMultiScale ¶
func (c *CascadeClassifier) DetectMultiScale(img Mat) []image.Rectangle
DetectMultiScale detects objects of different sizes in the input Mat image. The detected objects are returned as a slice of image.Rectangle structs.
For further details, please see:
func (*CascadeClassifier) DetectMultiScaleWithParams ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (c *CascadeClassifier) DetectMultiScaleWithParams(img Mat, scale float64, minNeighbors, flags int, minSize, maxSize image.Point) []image.Rectangle
DetectMultiScaleWithParams calls DetectMultiScale but allows setting parameters to values other than just the defaults.
For further details, please see:
func (*CascadeClassifier) Load ¶
func (c *CascadeClassifier) Load(name string) bool
Load cascade classifier from a file.
For further details, please see:
type ColorConversionCode ¶
type ColorConversionCode int
ColorConversionCode is a color conversion code used on Mat.
For further details, please see:
const ( // ColorBGRToBGRA adds alpha channel to BGR image. ColorBGRToBGRA ColorConversionCode = 0 // ColorRGBToRGBA adds alpha channel to RGB image. ColorRGBToRGBA ColorConversionCode = ColorBGRToBGRA // ColorBGRAToBGR removes alpha channel from BGR image. ColorBGRAToBGR ColorConversionCode = 1 // ColorRGBAToRGB removes alpha channel from RGB image. ColorRGBAToRGB ColorConversionCode = ColorBGRAToBGR // ColorBGRToRGBA converts from BGR to RGB with alpha channel. ColorBGRToRGBA ColorConversionCode = 2 // ColorRGBToBGRA converts from RGB to BGR with alpha channel. ColorRGBToBGRA ColorConversionCode = ColorBGRToRGBA // ColorRGBAToBGR converts from RGB with alpha to BGR color space. ColorRGBAToBGR ColorConversionCode = 3 // ColorBGRAToRGB converts from BRG with alpha to RGB color space. ColorBGRAToRGB ColorConversionCode = ColorRGBAToBGR // ColorBGRToRGB converts from BGR to RGB without alpha channel. ColorBGRToRGB ColorConversionCode = 4 // ColorRGBToBGR converts from RGB to BGR without alpha channel. ColorRGBToBGR ColorConversionCode = ColorBGRToRGB // ColorBGRAToRGBA converts from BGR with alpha channel // to RGB with alpha channel. ColorBGRAToRGBA ColorConversionCode = 5 // ColorRGBAToBGRA converts from RGB with alpha channel // to BGR with alpha channel. ColorRGBAToBGRA ColorConversionCode = ColorBGRAToRGBA // ColorBGRToGray converts from BGR to grayscale. ColorBGRToGray ColorConversionCode = 6 // ColorRGBToGray converts from RGB to grayscale. ColorRGBToGray ColorConversionCode = 7 // ColorGrayToBGR converts from grayscale to BGR. ColorGrayToBGR ColorConversionCode = 8 // ColorGrayToRGB converts from grayscale to RGB. ColorGrayToRGB ColorConversionCode = ColorGrayToBGR // ColorGrayToBGRA converts from grayscale to BGR with alpha channel. ColorGrayToBGRA ColorConversionCode = 9 // ColorGrayToRGBA converts from grayscale to RGB with alpha channel. ColorGrayToRGBA ColorConversionCode = ColorGrayToBGRA // ColorBGRAToGray converts from BGR with alpha channel to grayscale. ColorBGRAToGray ColorConversionCode = 10 // ColorRGBAToGray converts from RGB with alpha channel to grayscale. ColorRGBAToGray ColorConversionCode = 11 // ColorBGRToBGR565 converts from BGR to BGR565 (16-bit images). ColorBGRToBGR565 ColorConversionCode = 12 // ColorRGBToBGR565 converts from RGB to BGR565 (16-bit images). ColorRGBToBGR565 ColorConversionCode = 13 // ColorBGR565ToBGR converts from BGR565 (16-bit images) to BGR. ColorBGR565ToBGR ColorConversionCode = 14 // ColorBGR565ToRGB converts from BGR565 (16-bit images) to RGB. ColorBGR565ToRGB ColorConversionCode = 15 // ColorBGRAToBGR565 converts from BGRA (with alpha channel) // to BGR565 (16-bit images). ColorBGRAToBGR565 ColorConversionCode = 16 // ColorRGBAToBGR565 converts from RGBA (with alpha channel) // to BGR565 (16-bit images). ColorRGBAToBGR565 ColorConversionCode = 17 // ColorBGR565ToBGRA converts from BGR565 (16-bit images) // to BGRA (with alpha channel). ColorBGR565ToBGRA ColorConversionCode = 18 // ColorBGR565ToRGBA converts from BGR565 (16-bit images) // to RGBA (with alpha channel). ColorBGR565ToRGBA ColorConversionCode = 19 // ColorGrayToBGR565 converts from grayscale // to BGR565 (16-bit images). ColorGrayToBGR565 ColorConversionCode = 20 // ColorBGR565ToGray converts from BGR565 (16-bit images) // to grayscale. ColorBGR565ToGray ColorConversionCode = 21 // ColorBGRToBGR555 converts from BGR to BGR555 (16-bit images). ColorBGRToBGR555 ColorConversionCode = 22 // ColorRGBToBGR555 converts from RGB to BGR555 (16-bit images). ColorRGBToBGR555 ColorConversionCode = 23 // ColorBGR555ToBGR converts from BGR555 (16-bit images) to BGR. ColorBGR555ToBGR ColorConversionCode = 24 // ColorBGR555ToRGB converts from BGR555 (16-bit images) to RGB. ColorBGR555ToRGB ColorConversionCode = 25 // ColorBGRAToBGR555 converts from BGRA (with alpha channel) // to BGR555 (16-bit images). ColorBGRAToBGR555 ColorConversionCode = 26 // ColorRGBAToBGR555 converts from RGBA (with alpha channel) // to BGR555 (16-bit images). ColorRGBAToBGR555 ColorConversionCode = 27 // ColorBGR555ToBGRA converts from BGR555 (16-bit images) // to BGRA (with alpha channel). ColorBGR555ToBGRA ColorConversionCode = 28 // ColorBGR555ToRGBA converts from BGR555 (16-bit images) // to RGBA (with alpha channel). ColorBGR555ToRGBA ColorConversionCode = 29 // ColorGrayToBGR555 converts from grayscale to BGR555 (16-bit images). ColorGrayToBGR555 ColorConversionCode = 30 // ColorBGR555ToGRAY converts from BGR555 (16-bit images) to grayscale. ColorBGR555ToGRAY ColorConversionCode = 31 // ColorBGRToXYZ converts from BGR to CIE XYZ. ColorBGRToXYZ ColorConversionCode = 32 // ColorRGBToXYZ converts from RGB to CIE XYZ. ColorRGBToXYZ ColorConversionCode = 33 // ColorXYZToBGR converts from CIE XYZ to BGR. ColorXYZToBGR ColorConversionCode = 34 // ColorXYZToRGB converts from CIE XYZ to RGB. ColorXYZToRGB ColorConversionCode = 35 // ColorBGRToYCrCb converts from BGR to luma-chroma (aka YCC). ColorBGRToYCrCb ColorConversionCode = 36 // ColorRGBToYCrCb converts from RGB to luma-chroma (aka YCC). ColorRGBToYCrCb ColorConversionCode = 37 // ColorYCrCbToBGR converts from luma-chroma (aka YCC) to BGR. ColorYCrCbToBGR ColorConversionCode = 38 // ColorYCrCbToRGB converts from luma-chroma (aka YCC) to RGB. ColorYCrCbToRGB ColorConversionCode = 39 // ColorBGRToHSV converts from BGR to HSV (hue saturation value). ColorBGRToHSV ColorConversionCode = 40 // ColorRGBToHSV converts from RGB to HSV (hue saturation value). ColorRGBToHSV ColorConversionCode = 41 // ColorBGRToLab converts from BGR to CIE Lab. ColorBGRToLab ColorConversionCode = 44 // ColorRGBToLab converts from RGB to CIE Lab. ColorRGBToLab ColorConversionCode = 45 // ColorBGRToLuv converts from BGR to CIE Luv. ColorBGRToLuv ColorConversionCode = 50 // ColorRGBToLuv converts from RGB to CIE Luv. ColorRGBToLuv ColorConversionCode = 51 // ColorBGRToHLS converts from BGR to HLS (hue lightness saturation). ColorBGRToHLS ColorConversionCode = 52 // ColorRGBToHLS converts from RGB to HLS (hue lightness saturation). ColorRGBToHLS ColorConversionCode = 53 // ColorHSVToBGR converts from HSV (hue saturation value) to BGR. ColorHSVToBGR ColorConversionCode = 54 // ColorHSVToRGB converts from HSV (hue saturation value) to RGB. ColorHSVToRGB ColorConversionCode = 55 // ColorLabToBGR converts from CIE Lab to BGR. ColorLabToBGR ColorConversionCode = 56 // ColorLabToRGB converts from CIE Lab to RGB. ColorLabToRGB ColorConversionCode = 57 // ColorLuvToBGR converts from CIE Luv to BGR. ColorLuvToBGR ColorConversionCode = 58 // ColorLuvToRGB converts from CIE Luv to RGB. ColorLuvToRGB ColorConversionCode = 59 // ColorHLSToBGR converts from HLS (hue lightness saturation) to BGR. ColorHLSToBGR ColorConversionCode = 60 // ColorHLSToRGB converts from HLS (hue lightness saturation) to RGB. ColorHLSToRGB ColorConversionCode = 61 // ColorBGRToHSVFull converts from BGR to HSV (hue saturation value) full. ColorBGRToHSVFull ColorConversionCode = 66 // ColorRGBToHSVFull converts from RGB to HSV (hue saturation value) full. ColorRGBToHSVFull ColorConversionCode = 67 // ColorBGRToHLSFull converts from BGR to HLS (hue lightness saturation) full. ColorBGRToHLSFull ColorConversionCode = 68 // ColorRGBToHLSFull converts from RGB to HLS (hue lightness saturation) full. ColorRGBToHLSFull ColorConversionCode = 69 // ColorHSVToBGRFull converts from HSV (hue saturation value) to BGR full. ColorHSVToBGRFull ColorConversionCode = 70 // ColorHSVToRGBFull converts from HSV (hue saturation value) to RGB full. ColorHSVToRGBFull ColorConversionCode = 71 // ColorHLSToBGRFull converts from HLS (hue lightness saturation) to BGR full. ColorHLSToBGRFull ColorConversionCode = 72 // ColorHLSToRGBFull converts from HLS (hue lightness saturation) to RGB full. ColorHLSToRGBFull ColorConversionCode = 73 // ColorLBGRToLab converts from LBGR to CIE Lab. ColorLBGRToLab ColorConversionCode = 74 // ColorLRGBToLab converts from LRGB to CIE Lab. ColorLRGBToLab ColorConversionCode = 75 // ColorLBGRToLuv converts from LBGR to CIE Luv. ColorLBGRToLuv ColorConversionCode = 76 // ColorLRGBToLuv converts from LRGB to CIE Luv. ColorLRGBToLuv ColorConversionCode = 77 // ColorLabToLBGR converts from CIE Lab to LBGR. ColorLabToLBGR ColorConversionCode = 78 // ColorLabToLRGB converts from CIE Lab to LRGB. ColorLabToLRGB ColorConversionCode = 79 // ColorLuvToLBGR converts from CIE Luv to LBGR. ColorLuvToLBGR ColorConversionCode = 80 // ColorLuvToLRGB converts from CIE Luv to LRGB. ColorLuvToLRGB ColorConversionCode = 81 // ColorBGRToYUV converts from BGR to YUV. ColorBGRToYUV ColorConversionCode = 82 // ColorRGBToYUV converts from RGB to YUV. ColorRGBToYUV ColorConversionCode = 83 // ColorYUVToBGR converts from YUV to BGR. ColorYUVToBGR ColorConversionCode = 84 // ColorYUVToRGB converts from YUV to RGB. ColorYUVToRGB ColorConversionCode = 85 // ColorYUVToRGBNV12 converts from YUV 4:2:0 to RGB NV12. ColorYUVToRGBNV12 ColorConversionCode = 90 // ColorYUVToBGRNV12 converts from YUV 4:2:0 to BGR NV12. ColorYUVToBGRNV12 ColorConversionCode = 91 // ColorYUVToRGBNV21 converts from YUV 4:2:0 to RGB NV21. ColorYUVToRGBNV21 ColorConversionCode = 92 // ColorYUVToBGRNV21 converts from YUV 4:2:0 to BGR NV21. ColorYUVToBGRNV21 ColorConversionCode = 93 // ColorYUVToRGBANV12 converts from YUV 4:2:0 to RGBA NV12. ColorYUVToRGBANV12 ColorConversionCode = 94 // ColorYUVToBGRANV12 converts from YUV 4:2:0 to BGRA NV12. ColorYUVToBGRANV12 ColorConversionCode = 95 // ColorYUVToRGBANV21 converts from YUV 4:2:0 to RGBA NV21. ColorYUVToRGBANV21 ColorConversionCode = 96 // ColorYUVToBGRANV21 converts from YUV 4:2:0 to BGRA NV21. ColorYUVToBGRANV21 ColorConversionCode = 97 ColorYUVToRGBYV12 ColorConversionCode = 98 ColorYUVToBGRYV12 ColorConversionCode = 99 ColorYUVToRGBIYUV ColorConversionCode = 100 ColorYUVToBGRIYUV ColorConversionCode = 101 ColorYUVToRGBAYV12 ColorConversionCode = 102 ColorYUVToBGRAYV12 ColorConversionCode = 103 ColorYUVToRGBAIYUV ColorConversionCode = 104 ColorYUVToBGRAIYUV ColorConversionCode = 105 ColorYUVToGRAY420 ColorConversionCode = 106 // YUV 4:2:2 family to RGB ColorYUVToRGBUYVY ColorConversionCode = 107 ColorYUVToBGRUYVY ColorConversionCode = 108 ColorYUVToRGBAUYVY ColorConversionCode = 111 ColorYUVToBGRAUYVY ColorConversionCode = 112 ColorYUVToRGBYUY2 ColorConversionCode = 115 ColorYUVToBGRYUY2 ColorConversionCode = 116 ColorYUVToRGBYVYU ColorConversionCode = 117 ColorYUVToBGRYVYU ColorConversionCode = 118 ColorYUVToRGBAYUY2 ColorConversionCode = 119 ColorYUVToBGRAYUY2 ColorConversionCode = 120 ColorYUVToRGBAYVYU ColorConversionCode = 121 ColorYUVToBGRAYVYU ColorConversionCode = 122 ColorYUVToGRAYUYVY ColorConversionCode = 123 ColorYUVToGRAYYUY2 ColorConversionCode = 124 // alpha premultiplication ColorRGBATomRGBA ColorConversionCode = 125 ColormRGBAToRGBA ColorConversionCode = 126 // RGB to YUV 4:2:0 family ColorRGBToYUVI420 ColorConversionCode = 127 ColorBGRToYUVI420 ColorConversionCode = 128 ColorRGBAToYUVI420 ColorConversionCode = 129 ColorBGRAToYUVI420 ColorConversionCode = 130 ColorRGBToYUVYV12 ColorConversionCode = 131 ColorBGRToYUVYV12 ColorConversionCode = 132 ColorRGBAToYUVYV12 ColorConversionCode = 133 ColorBGRAToYUVYV12 ColorConversionCode = 134 // Demosaicing ColorBayerBGToBGR ColorConversionCode = 46 ColorBayerGBToBGR ColorConversionCode = 47 ColorBayerRGToBGR ColorConversionCode = 48 ColorBayerGRToBGR ColorConversionCode = 49 ColorBayerBGToRGB ColorConversionCode = ColorBayerRGToBGR ColorBayerGBToRGB ColorConversionCode = ColorBayerGRToBGR ColorBayerRGToRGB ColorConversionCode = ColorBayerBGToBGR ColorBayerGRToRGB ColorConversionCode = ColorBayerGBToBGR ColorBayerBGToGRAY ColorConversionCode = 86 ColorBayerGBToGRAY ColorConversionCode = 87 ColorBayerRGToGRAY ColorConversionCode = 88 ColorBayerGRToGRAY ColorConversionCode = 89 // Demosaicing using Variable Number of Gradients ColorBayerBGToBGRVNG ColorConversionCode = 62 ColorBayerGBToBGRVNG ColorConversionCode = 63 ColorBayerRGToBGRVNG ColorConversionCode = 64 ColorBayerGRToBGRVNG ColorConversionCode = 65 ColorBayerBGToRGBVNG ColorConversionCode = ColorBayerRGToBGRVNG ColorBayerGBToRGBVNG ColorConversionCode = ColorBayerGRToBGRVNG ColorBayerRGToRGBVNG ColorConversionCode = ColorBayerBGToBGRVNG ColorBayerGRToRGBVNG ColorConversionCode = ColorBayerGBToBGRVNG // Edge-Aware Demosaicing ColorBayerBGToBGREA ColorConversionCode = 135 ColorBayerGBToBGREA ColorConversionCode = 136 ColorBayerRGToBGREA ColorConversionCode = 137 ColorBayerGRToBGREA ColorConversionCode = 138 ColorBayerBGToRGBEA ColorConversionCode = ColorBayerRGToBGREA ColorBayerGBToRGBEA ColorConversionCode = ColorBayerGRToBGREA ColorBayerRGToRGBEA ColorConversionCode = ColorBayerBGToBGREA ColorBayerGRToRGBEA ColorConversionCode = ColorBayerGBToBGREA // Demosaicing with alpha channel ColorBayerBGToBGRA ColorConversionCode = 139 ColorBayerGBToBGRA ColorConversionCode = 140 ColorBayerRGToBGRA ColorConversionCode = 141 ColorBayerGRToBGRA ColorConversionCode = 142 ColorBayerBGToRGBA ColorConversionCode = ColorBayerRGToBGRA ColorBayerGBToRGBA ColorConversionCode = ColorBayerGRToBGRA ColorBayerRGToRGBA ColorConversionCode = ColorBayerBGToBGRA ColorBayerGRToRGBA ColorConversionCode = ColorBayerGBToBGRA ColorCOLORCVTMAX ColorConversionCode = 143 )
func (ColorConversionCode) String ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (c ColorConversionCode) String() string
type ColormapTypes ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ColormapTypes int
ColormapTypes are the 12 GNU Octave/MATLAB equivalent colormaps.
For further details, please see:
const ( ColormapAutumn ColormapTypes = 0 ColormapBone ColormapTypes = 1 ColormapJet ColormapTypes = 2 ColormapWinter ColormapTypes = 3 ColormapRainbow ColormapTypes = 4 ColormapOcean ColormapTypes = 5 ColormapSummer ColormapTypes = 6 ColormapSpring ColormapTypes = 7 ColormapCool ColormapTypes = 8 ColormapHsv ColormapTypes = 9 ColormapPink ColormapTypes = 10 ColormapHot ColormapTypes = 11 ColormapParula ColormapTypes = 12 )
List of the available color maps
For further details, please see:
func (ColormapTypes) String ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (c ColormapTypes) String() string
type CompareType ¶ added in v0.16.0
type CompareType int
CompareType is used for Compare operations to indicate which kind of comparison to use.
const ( // CompareEQ src1 is equal to src2. CompareEQ CompareType = 0 // CompareGT src1 is greater than src2. CompareGT CompareType = 1 // CompareGE src1 is greater than or equal to src2. CompareGE CompareType = 2 // CompareLT src1 is less than src2. CompareLT CompareType = 3 // CompareLE src1 is less than or equal to src2. CompareLE CompareType = 4 // CompareNE src1 is unequal to src2. CompareNE CompareType = 5 )
func (CompareType) String ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (c CompareType) String() string
type ConnectedComponentsAlgorithmType ¶ added in v0.19.0
type ConnectedComponentsAlgorithmType int
ConnectedComponentsAlgorithmType specifies the type for ConnectedComponents
const ( // SAUF algorithm for 8-way connectivity, SAUF algorithm for 4-way connectivity. CCL_WU ConnectedComponentsAlgorithmType = 0 // BBDT algorithm for 8-way connectivity, SAUF algorithm for 4-way connectivity. CCL_DEFAULT ConnectedComponentsAlgorithmType = 1 // BBDT algorithm for 8-way connectivity, SAUF algorithm for 4-way connectivity CCL_GRANA ConnectedComponentsAlgorithmType = 2 )
func (ConnectedComponentsAlgorithmType) String ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (c ConnectedComponentsAlgorithmType) String() string
type ConnectedComponentsTypes ¶ added in v0.19.0
type ConnectedComponentsTypes int
ConnectedComponentsTypes are the connected components algorithm output formats
const ( //The leftmost (x) coordinate which is the inclusive start of the bounding box in the horizontal direction. CC_STAT_LEFT ConnectedComponentsTypes = 0 //The topmost (y) coordinate which is the inclusive start of the bounding box in the vertical direction. CC_STAT_TOP ConnectedComponentsTypes = 1 // The horizontal size of the bounding box. CC_STAT_WIDTH ConnectedComponentsTypes = 2 // The vertical size of the bounding box. CC_STAT_HEIGHT ConnectedComponentsTypes = 3 // The total area (in pixels) of the connected component. CC_STAT_AREA ConnectedComponentsTypes = 4 CC_STAT_MAX ConnectedComponentsTypes = 5 )
func (ConnectedComponentsTypes) String ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (c ConnectedComponentsTypes) String() string
type ContourApproximationMode ¶ added in v0.4.1
type ContourApproximationMode int
ContourApproximationMode is the mode of the contour approximation algorithm.
const ( // ChainApproxNone stores absolutely all the contour points. That is, // any 2 subsequent points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) of the contour will be // either horizontal, vertical or diagonal neighbors, that is, // max(abs(x1-x2),abs(y2-y1))==1. ChainApproxNone ContourApproximationMode = 1 // ChainApproxSimple compresses horizontal, vertical, and diagonal segments // and leaves only their end points. // For example, an up-right rectangular contour is encoded with 4 points. ChainApproxSimple ContourApproximationMode = 2 // ChainApproxTC89L1 applies one of the flavors of the Teh-Chin chain // approximation algorithms. ChainApproxTC89L1 ContourApproximationMode = 3 // ChainApproxTC89KCOS applies one of the flavors of the Teh-Chin chain // approximation algorithms. ChainApproxTC89KCOS ContourApproximationMode = 4 )
func (ContourApproximationMode) String ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (c ContourApproximationMode) String() string
type CovarFlags ¶ added in v0.16.0
type CovarFlags int
CovarFlags are the covariation flags used by functions such as BorderInterpolate.
For further details, please see:
const ( // CovarScrambled indicates to scramble the results. CovarScrambled CovarFlags = 0 // CovarNormal indicates to use normal covariation. CovarNormal CovarFlags = 1 // CovarUseAvg indicates to use average covariation. CovarUseAvg CovarFlags = 2 // CovarScale indicates to use scaled covariation. CovarScale CovarFlags = 4 // CovarRows indicates to use covariation on rows. CovarRows CovarFlags = 8 // CovarCols indicates to use covariation on columns. CovarCols CovarFlags = 16 )
func (CovarFlags) String ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (c CovarFlags) String() string
type DMatch ¶ added in v0.16.0
DMatch is data structure for matching keypoint descriptors.
For further details, please see:
type DataLayoutType ¶ added in v0.38.0
type DataLayoutType int
const ( DataLayoutUnknown DataLayoutType = iota DataLayoutND DataLayoutNCHW DataLayoutNCDHW DataLayoutNHWC DataLayoutNDHWC DataLayoutPLANAR )
type DftFlags ¶ added in v0.16.0
type DftFlags int
DftFlags represents a DFT or DCT flag.
For further details, please see:
const ( // DftForward performs forward 1D or 2D dft or dct. DftForward DftFlags = 0 // DftInverse performs an inverse 1D or 2D transform. DftInverse DftFlags = 1 // DftScale scales the result: divide it by the number of array elements. Normally, it is combined with DFT_INVERSE. DftScale DftFlags = 2 // DftRows performs a forward or inverse transform of every individual row of the input matrix. DftRows DftFlags = 4 // DftComplexOutput performs a forward transformation of 1D or 2D real array; the result, though being a complex array, has complex-conjugate symmetry DftComplexOutput DftFlags = 16 // DftRealOutput performs an inverse transformation of a 1D or 2D complex array; the result is normally a complex array of the same size, // however, if the input array has conjugate-complex symmetry (for example, it is a result of forward transformation with DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT flag), // the output is a real array. DftRealOutput DftFlags = 32 // DftComplexInput specifies that input is complex input. If this flag is set, the input must have 2 channels. DftComplexInput DftFlags = 64 // DctInverse performs an inverse 1D or 2D dct transform. DctInverse = DftInverse // DctRows performs a forward or inverse dct transform of every individual row of the input matrix. DctRows = DftRows )
type DistanceTransformLabelTypes ¶ added in v0.21.0
type DistanceTransformLabelTypes int
DistanceTransformLabelTypes are the types of the DistanceTransform algorithm flag
const ( // DistanceLabelCComp assigns the same label to each connected component of zeros in the source image // (as well as all the non-zero pixels closest to the connected component). DistanceLabelCComp DistanceTransformLabelTypes = 0 // DistanceLabelPixel assigns its own label to each zero pixel (and all the non-zero pixels closest to it). DistanceLabelPixel )
func (DistanceTransformLabelTypes) String ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (c DistanceTransformLabelTypes) String() string
type DistanceTransformMasks ¶ added in v0.21.0
type DistanceTransformMasks int
DistanceTransformMasks are the marsk sizes for distance transform
const ( // DistanceMask3 is a mask of size 3 DistanceMask3 DistanceTransformMasks = 0 // DistanceMask5 is a mask of size 3 DistanceMask5 // DistanceMaskPrecise is not currently supported DistanceMaskPrecise )
func (DistanceTransformMasks) String ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (c DistanceTransformMasks) String() string
type DistanceTypes ¶ added in v0.17.0
type DistanceTypes int
DistanceTypes types for Distance Transform and M-estimatorss
For further details, please see:
const ( DistUser DistanceTypes = 0 DistL1 DistanceTypes = 1 DistL2 DistanceTypes = 2 DistC DistanceTypes = 3 DistL12 DistanceTypes = 4 DistFair DistanceTypes = 5 DistWelsch DistanceTypes = 6 DistHuber DistanceTypes = 7 )
func (DistanceTypes) String ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (c DistanceTypes) String() string
type DrawMatchesFlag ¶ added in v0.16.0
type DrawMatchesFlag int
DrawMatchesFlag are the flags setting drawing feature
For further details please see:
const ( // DrawDefault creates new image and for each keypoint only the center point will be drawn DrawDefault DrawMatchesFlag = 0 // DrawOverOutImg draws matches on existing content of image DrawOverOutImg DrawMatchesFlag = 1 // NotDrawSinglePoints will not draw single points NotDrawSinglePoints DrawMatchesFlag = 2 // DrawRichKeyPoints draws the circle around each keypoint with keypoint size and orientation DrawRichKeyPoints DrawMatchesFlag = 3 )
func (DrawMatchesFlag) String ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (c DrawMatchesFlag) String() string
type EdgeFilter ¶ added in v0.30.0
type EdgeFilter int
const ( // RecursFilter Recursive Filtering. RecursFilter EdgeFilter = 1 // NormconvFilter Normalized Convolution Filtering. NormconvFilter = 2 )
type FaceDetectorYN ¶ added in v0.39.0
type FaceDetectorYN struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewFaceDetectorYN ¶ added in v0.39.0
func NewFaceDetectorYN(modelPath string, configPath string, size image.Point) FaceDetectorYN
NewFaceDetectorYN Creates an instance of face detector with given parameters.
modelPath: the path to the requested model
configPath: the path to the config file for compability, which is not requested for ONNX models
size: the size of the input image
For further details, please see:
func NewFaceDetectorYNFromBytes ¶ added in v0.39.0
func NewFaceDetectorYNFromBytes(framework string, bufferModel []byte, bufferConfig []byte, size image.Point) FaceDetectorYN
NewFaceDetectorYNFromBytes Creates an instance of face detector with given parameters.
For further details, please see:
func NewFaceDetectorYNFromBytesWithParams ¶ added in v0.39.0
func NewFaceDetectorYNFromBytesWithParams(framework string, bufferModel []byte, bufferConfig []byte, size image.Point, scoreThreshold float32, nmsThreshold float32, topK int, backendId int, targetId int) FaceDetectorYN
NewFaceDetectorYNFromBuffers Creates an instance of face detector with given parameters.
For further details, please see:
func NewFaceDetectorYNWithParams ¶ added in v0.39.0
func NewFaceDetectorYNWithParams(modelPath string, configPath string, size image.Point, scoreThreshold float32, nmsThreshold float32, topK int, backendId int, targetId int) FaceDetectorYN
NewFaceDetectorYNWithParams Creates an instance of face detector with given parameters.
For further details, please see:
func (*FaceDetectorYN) Close ¶ added in v0.39.0
func (fd *FaceDetectorYN) Close()
func (*FaceDetectorYN) Detect ¶ added in v0.39.0
func (fd *FaceDetectorYN) Detect(image Mat, faces *Mat) int
Detect Detects faces in the input image.
image: an image to detect
faces: detection results stored in a 2D cv::Mat of shape [num_faces, 15]
0-1: x, y of bbox top left corner
2-3: width, height of bbox
4-5: x, y of right eye (blue point in the example image)
6-7: x, y of left eye (red point in the example image)
8-9: x, y of nose tip (green point in the example image)
10-11: x, y of right corner of mouth (pink point in the example image)
12-13: x, y of left corner of mouth (yellow point in the example image)
14: face score
For further details, please see:
func (*FaceDetectorYN) GetInputSize ¶ added in v0.39.0
func (fd *FaceDetectorYN) GetInputSize() image.Point
func (*FaceDetectorYN) GetNMSThreshold ¶ added in v0.39.0
func (fd *FaceDetectorYN) GetNMSThreshold() float32
func (*FaceDetectorYN) GetScoreThreshold ¶ added in v0.39.0
func (fd *FaceDetectorYN) GetScoreThreshold() float32
func (*FaceDetectorYN) GetTopK ¶ added in v0.39.0
func (fd *FaceDetectorYN) GetTopK() int
func (*FaceDetectorYN) SetInputSize ¶ added in v0.39.0
func (fd *FaceDetectorYN) SetInputSize(sz image.Point)
SetInputSize Set the size for the network input, which overwrites the input size of creating model. Call this method when the size of input image does not match the input size when creating model.
For further details, please see:
func (*FaceDetectorYN) SetNMSThreshold ¶ added in v0.39.0
func (fd *FaceDetectorYN) SetNMSThreshold(nmsThreshold float32)
SetNMSThreshold Set the Non-maximum-suppression threshold to suppress bounding boxes that have IoU greater than the given value.
For further details, please see:
func (*FaceDetectorYN) SetScoreThreshold ¶ added in v0.39.0
func (fd *FaceDetectorYN) SetScoreThreshold(scoreThreshold float32)
SetScoreThreshold Set the score threshold to filter out bounding boxes of score less than the given value.
For further details, please see:
func (*FaceDetectorYN) SetTopK ¶ added in v0.39.0
func (fd *FaceDetectorYN) SetTopK(topK int)
SetTopK Set the number of bounding boxes preserved before NMS.
For further details, please see:
type FaceRecognizerSF ¶ added in v0.39.0
type FaceRecognizerSF struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewFaceRecognizerSF ¶ added in v0.39.0
func NewFaceRecognizerSF(modelPath string, configPath string) FaceRecognizerSF
NewFaceRecognizerSF Creates an instance with given parameters.
model: the path of the onnx model used for face recognition
config: the path to the config file for compability, which is not requested for ONNX models
For further details, please see:
func NewFaceRecognizerSFWithParams ¶ added in v0.39.0
func NewFaceRecognizerSFWithParams(modelPath string, configPath string, backendId int, targetId int) FaceRecognizerSF
NewFaceRecognizerSFWithParams Creates an instance with given parameters.
model: the path of the onnx model used for face recognition
config: the path to the config file for compability, which is not requested for ONNX models
backend_id: the id of backend
target_id: the id of target device
For further details, please see: