
package module
v0.1.0 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: May 24, 2018 License: MIT Imports: 8 Imported by: 0



A simple game framework that wraps around SDL2.


The biggest example use of the Strife framework is the Phi text editor

Though there are some smaller examples demonstrating components of the Strife API in the examples/ folder.


This is a work in progress. It provides a very minimal toolset for rendering shapes, images, and text as well as capturing user input. This is not at a production level and is mostly being worked on when the needs of my other projects (that depend on this) evolve.

There is no documentation either! If you want to use it you will have to check out the examples. I may get round to writing some documentation but the API is very volatile at the moment.


Simple as

$ go get

Make sure you have SDL2 installed as well as the ttf and img addons:

$ brew install SDL2 SDL2_ttf SDL2_img

getting started

This is a commented code snippet to help you get started:

func main() {
	// create a nice shiny window
	window := strife.SetupRenderWindow(1280, 720, strife.DefaultConfig())
	window.SetTitle("Hello world!")

	// this is our event handler
	window.HandleEvents(func(evt strife.StrifeEvent) {
		switch event := evt.(type) {
		case *strife.CloseEvent:
			println("closing window!")
		case *strife.WindowResizeEvent:
			println("resize to ", event.Width, "x", event.Height)

	// game loop
	for {
		// handle the events before we do any
		// rendering etc.

		// if we have a window close event
		// from the previous poll, break out of
		// our game loop
		if window.CloseRequested() {

		// rendering context stuff here
		// clear and display is typical
		// all your rendering code should
		// go...
		ctx := window.GetRenderContext()
			// this section here
			ctx.Rect(10, 10, 50, 50, strife.Fill)

			// check out some other examples!






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const (
	UNKNOWN = sdl.K_UNKNOWN // "" (no name, empty string)

	KEY_RETURN     = sdl.K_RETURN     // "Return" (the Enter key (main keyboard))
	KEY_ESCAPE     = sdl.K_ESCAPE     // "Escape" (the Esc key)
	KEY_BACKSPACE  = sdl.K_BACKSPACE  // "Backspace"
	KEY_TAB        = sdl.K_TAB        // "Tab" (the Tab key)
	KEY_SPACE      = sdl.K_SPACE      // "Space" (the Space Bar key(s))
	KEY_EXCLAIM    = sdl.K_EXCLAIM    // "!"
	KEY_QUOTEDBL   = sdl.K_QUOTEDBL   // """
	KEY_HASH       = sdl.K_HASH       // "#"
	KEY_PERCENT    = sdl.K_PERCENT    // "%"
	KEY_DOLLAR     = sdl.K_DOLLAR     // "$"
	KEY_QUOTE      = sdl.K_QUOTE      // "'"
	KEY_ASTERISK   = sdl.K_ASTERISK   // "*"
	KEY_PLUS       = sdl.K_PLUS       // "+"
	KEY_COMMA      = sdl.K_COMMA      // ","
	KEY_MINUS      = sdl.K_MINUS      // "-"
	KEY_PERIOD     = sdl.K_PERIOD     // "."
	KEY_SLASH      = sdl.K_SLASH      // "/"
	KEY_0          = sdl.K_0          // "0"
	KEY_1          = sdl.K_1          // "1"
	KEY_2          = sdl.K_2          // "2"
	KEY_3          = sdl.K_3          // "3"
	KEY_4          = sdl.K_4          // "4"
	KEY_5          = sdl.K_5          // "5"
	KEY_6          = sdl.K_6          // "6"
	KEY_7          = sdl.K_7          // "7"
	KEY_8          = sdl.K_8          // "8"
	KEY_9          = sdl.K_9          // "9"
	KEY_COLON      = sdl.K_COLON      // ":"
	KEY_LESS       = sdl.K_LESS       // "<"
	KEY_EQUALS     = sdl.K_EQUALS     // "="
	KEY_GREATER    = sdl.K_GREATER    // ">"
	KEY_QUESTION   = sdl.K_QUESTION   // "?"
	KEY_AT         = sdl.K_AT         // "@"

	KEY_BACKSLASH    = sdl.K_BACKSLASH    // "\"
	KEY_CARET        = sdl.K_CARET        // "^"
	KEY_BACKQUOTE    = sdl.K_BACKQUOTE    // "`"
	KEY_A            = sdl.K_a            // "A"
	KEY_B            = sdl.K_b            // "B"
	KEY_C            = sdl.K_c            // "C"
	KEY_D            = sdl.K_d            // "D"
	KEY_E            = sdl.K_e            // "E"
	KEY_F            = sdl.K_f            // "F"
	KEY_G            = sdl.K_g            // "G"
	KEY_H            = sdl.K_h            // "H"
	KEY_I            = sdl.K_i            // "I"
	KEY_J            = sdl.K_j            // "J"
	KEY_K            = sdl.K_k            // "K"
	KEY_L            = sdl.K_l            // "L"
	KEY_M            = sdl.K_m            // "M"
	KEY_N            = sdl.K_n            // "N"
	KEY_O            = sdl.K_o            // "O"
	KEY_P            = sdl.K_p            // "P"
	KEY_Q            = sdl.K_q            // "Q"
	KEY_R            = sdl.K_r            // "R"
	KEY_S            = sdl.K_s            // "S"
	KEY_T            = sdl.K_t            // "T"
	KEY_U            = sdl.K_u            // "U"
	KEY_V            = sdl.K_v            // "V"
	KEY_W            = sdl.K_w            // "W"
	KEY_X            = sdl.K_x            // "X"
	KEY_Y            = sdl.K_y            // "Y"
	KEY_Z            = sdl.K_z            // "Z"

	KEY_CAPSLOCK = sdl.K_CAPSLOCK // "CapsLock"

	KEY_F1  = sdl.K_F1  // "F1"
	KEY_F2  = sdl.K_F2  // "F2"
	KEY_F3  = sdl.K_F3  // "F3"
	KEY_F4  = sdl.K_F4  // "F4"
	KEY_F5  = sdl.K_F5  // "F5"
	KEY_F6  = sdl.K_F6  // "F6"
	KEY_F7  = sdl.K_F7  // "F7"
	KEY_F8  = sdl.K_F8  // "F8"
	KEY_F9  = sdl.K_F9  // "F9"
	KEY_F10 = sdl.K_F10 // "F10"
	KEY_F11 = sdl.K_F11 // "F11"
	KEY_F12 = sdl.K_F12 // "F12"

	KEY_SCROLLLOCK  = sdl.K_SCROLLLOCK  // "ScrollLock"
	KEY_PAUSE       = sdl.K_PAUSE       // "Pause" (the Pause / Break key)
	KEY_INSERT      = sdl.K_INSERT      // "Insert" (insert on PC, help on some Mac keyboards (but does send code 73, not 117))
	KEY_HOME        = sdl.K_HOME        // "Home"
	KEY_PAGEUP      = sdl.K_PAGEUP      // "PageUp"
	KEY_DELETE      = sdl.K_DELETE      // "Delete"
	KEY_END         = sdl.K_END         // "End"
	KEY_PAGEDOWN    = sdl.K_PAGEDOWN    // "PageDown"
	KEY_RIGHT       = sdl.K_RIGHT       // "Right" (the Right arrow key (navigation keypad))
	KEY_LEFT        = sdl.K_LEFT        // "Left" (the Left arrow key (navigation keypad))
	KEY_DOWN        = sdl.K_DOWN        // "Down" (the Down arrow key (navigation keypad))
	KEY_UP          = sdl.K_UP          // "Up" (the Up arrow key (navigation keypad))

	KEY_NUMLOCKCLEAR = sdl.K_NUMLOCKCLEAR // "Numlock" (the Num Lock key (PC) / the Clear key (Mac))
	KEY_KP_DIVIDE    = sdl.K_KP_DIVIDE    // "Keypad /" (the / key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_MULTIPLY  = sdl.K_KP_MULTIPLY  // "Keypad *" (the * key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_MINUS     = sdl.K_KP_MINUS     // "Keypad -" (the - key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_PLUS      = sdl.K_KP_PLUS      // "Keypad +" (the + key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_ENTER     = sdl.K_KP_ENTER     // "Keypad Enter" (the Enter key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_1         = sdl.K_KP_1         // "Keypad 1" (the 1 key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_2         = sdl.K_KP_2         // "Keypad 2" (the 2 key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_3         = sdl.K_KP_3         // "Keypad 3" (the 3 key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_4         = sdl.K_KP_4         // "Keypad 4" (the 4 key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_5         = sdl.K_KP_5         // "Keypad 5" (the 5 key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_6         = sdl.K_KP_6         // "Keypad 6" (the 6 key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_7         = sdl.K_KP_7         // "Keypad 7" (the 7 key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_8         = sdl.K_KP_8         // "Keypad 8" (the 8 key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_9         = sdl.K_KP_9         // "Keypad 9" (the 9 key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_0         = sdl.K_KP_0         // "Keypad 0" (the 0 key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_PERIOD    = sdl.K_KP_PERIOD    // "Keypad ." (the . key (numeric keypad))

	KEY_APPLICATION    = sdl.K_APPLICATION    // "Application" (the Application / Compose / Context Menu (Windows) key)
	KEY_POWER          = sdl.K_POWER          // "Power" (The USB document says this is a status flag, not a physical key - but some Mac keyboards do have a power key.)
	KEY_KP_EQUALS      = sdl.K_KP_EQUALS      // "Keypad =" (the = key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_F13            = sdl.K_F13            // "F13"
	KEY_F14            = sdl.K_F14            // "F14"
	KEY_F15            = sdl.K_F15            // "F15"
	KEY_F16            = sdl.K_F16            // "F16"
	KEY_F17            = sdl.K_F17            // "F17"
	KEY_F18            = sdl.K_F18            // "F18"
	KEY_F19            = sdl.K_F19            // "F19"
	KEY_F20            = sdl.K_F20            // "F20"
	KEY_F21            = sdl.K_F21            // "F21"
	KEY_F22            = sdl.K_F22            // "F22"
	KEY_F23            = sdl.K_F23            // "F23"
	KEY_F24            = sdl.K_F24            // "F24"
	KEY_EXECUTE        = sdl.K_EXECUTE        // "Execute"
	KEY_HELP           = sdl.K_HELP           // "Help"
	KEY_MENU           = sdl.K_MENU           // "Menu"
	KEY_SELECT         = sdl.K_SELECT         // "Select"
	KEY_STOP           = sdl.K_STOP           // "Stop"
	KEY_AGAIN          = sdl.K_AGAIN          // "Again" (the Again key (Redo))
	KEY_UNDO           = sdl.K_UNDO           // "Undo"
	KEY_CUT            = sdl.K_CUT            // "Cut"
	KEY_COPY           = sdl.K_COPY           // "Copy"
	KEY_PASTE          = sdl.K_PASTE          // "Paste"
	KEY_FIND           = sdl.K_FIND           // "Find"
	KEY_MUTE           = sdl.K_MUTE           // "Mute"
	KEY_VOLUMEUP       = sdl.K_VOLUMEUP       // "VolumeUp"
	KEY_VOLUMEDOWN     = sdl.K_VOLUMEDOWN     // "VolumeDown"
	KEY_KP_COMMA       = sdl.K_KP_COMMA       // "Keypad ," (the Comma key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_EQUALSAS400 = sdl.K_KP_EQUALSAS400 // "Keypad = (AS400)" (the Equals AS400 key (numeric keypad))

	KEY_ALTERASE   = sdl.K_ALTERASE   // "AltErase" (Erase-Eaze)
	KEY_SYSREQ     = sdl.K_SYSREQ     // "SysReq" (the SysReq key)
	KEY_CANCEL     = sdl.K_CANCEL     // "Cancel"
	KEY_CLEAR      = sdl.K_CLEAR      // "Clear"
	KEY_PRIOR      = sdl.K_PRIOR      // "Prior"
	KEY_RETURN2    = sdl.K_RETURN2    // "Return"
	KEY_SEPARATOR  = sdl.K_SEPARATOR  // "Separator"
	KEY_OUT        = sdl.K_OUT        // "Out"
	KEY_OPER       = sdl.K_OPER       // "Oper"
	KEY_CLEARAGAIN = sdl.K_CLEARAGAIN // "Clear / Again"
	KEY_CRSEL      = sdl.K_CRSEL      // "CrSel"
	KEY_EXSEL      = sdl.K_EXSEL      // "ExSel"

	KEY_KP_00              = sdl.K_KP_00              // "Keypad 00" (the 00 key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_000             = sdl.K_KP_000             // "Keypad 000" (the 000 key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_THOUSANDSSEPARATOR = sdl.K_THOUSANDSSEPARATOR // "ThousandsSeparator" (the Thousands Separator key)
	KEY_DECIMALSEPARATOR   = sdl.K_DECIMALSEPARATOR   // "DecimalSeparator" (the Decimal Separator key)
	KEY_CURRENCYUNIT       = sdl.K_CURRENCYUNIT       // "CurrencyUnit" (the Currency Unit key)
	KEY_CURRENCYSUBUNIT    = sdl.K_CURRENCYSUBUNIT    // "CurrencySubUnit" (the Currency Subunit key)
	KEY_KP_LEFTPAREN       = sdl.K_KP_LEFTPAREN       // "Keypad (" (the Left Parenthesis key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_RIGHTPAREN      = sdl.K_KP_RIGHTPAREN      // "Keypad )" (the Right Parenthesis key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_LEFTBRACE       = sdl.K_KP_LEFTBRACE       // "Keypad {" (the Left Brace key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_RIGHTBRACE      = sdl.K_KP_RIGHTBRACE      // "Keypad }" (the Right Brace key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_TAB             = sdl.K_KP_TAB             // "Keypad Tab" (the Tab key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_BACKSPACE       = sdl.K_KP_BACKSPACE       // "Keypad Backspace" (the Backspace key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_A               = sdl.K_KP_A               // "Keypad A" (the A key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_B               = sdl.K_KP_B               // "Keypad B" (the B key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_C               = sdl.K_KP_C               // "Keypad C" (the C key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_D               = sdl.K_KP_D               // "Keypad D" (the D key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_E               = sdl.K_KP_E               // "Keypad E" (the E key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_F               = sdl.K_KP_F               // "Keypad F" (the F key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_XOR             = sdl.K_KP_XOR             // "Keypad XOR" (the XOR key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_POWER           = sdl.K_KP_POWER           // "Keypad ^" (the Power key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_PERCENT         = sdl.K_KP_PERCENT         // "Keypad %" (the Percent key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_LESS            = sdl.K_KP_LESS            // "Keypad <" (the Less key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_GREATER         = sdl.K_KP_GREATER         // "Keypad >" (the Greater key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_AMPERSAND       = sdl.K_KP_AMPERSAND       // "Keypad &" (the & key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_DBLAMPERSAND    = sdl.K_KP_DBLAMPERSAND    // "Keypad &&" (the && key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_VERTICALBAR     = sdl.K_KP_VERTICALBAR     // "Keypad |" (the | key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_DBLVERTICALBAR  = sdl.K_KP_DBLVERTICALBAR  // "Keypad ||" (the || key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_COLON           = sdl.K_KP_COLON           // "Keypad :" (the : key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_HASH            = sdl.K_KP_HASH            // "Keypad #" (the # key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_SPACE           = sdl.K_KP_SPACE           // "Keypad Space" (the Space key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_AT              = sdl.K_KP_AT              // "Keypad @" (the @ key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_EXCLAM          = sdl.K_KP_EXCLAM          // "Keypad !" (the ! key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_MEMSTORE        = sdl.K_KP_MEMSTORE        // "Keypad MemStore" (the Mem Store key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_MEMRECALL       = sdl.K_KP_MEMRECALL       // "Keypad MemRecall" (the Mem Recall key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_MEMCLEAR        = sdl.K_KP_MEMCLEAR        // "Keypad MemClear" (the Mem Clear key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_MEMADD          = sdl.K_KP_MEMADD          // "Keypad MemAdd" (the Mem Add key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_MEMSUBTRACT     = sdl.K_KP_MEMSUBTRACT     // "Keypad MemSubtract" (the Mem Subtract key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_MEMMULTIPLY     = sdl.K_KP_MEMMULTIPLY     // "Keypad MemMultiply" (the Mem Multiply key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_MEMDIVIDE       = sdl.K_KP_MEMDIVIDE       // "Keypad MemDivide" (the Mem Divide key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_PLUSMINUS       = sdl.K_KP_PLUSMINUS       // "Keypad +/-" (the +/- key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_CLEAR           = sdl.K_KP_CLEAR           // "Keypad Clear" (the Clear key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_CLEARENTRY      = sdl.K_KP_CLEARENTRY      // "Keypad ClearEntry" (the Clear Entry key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_BINARY          = sdl.K_KP_BINARY          // "Keypad Binary" (the Binary key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_OCTAL           = sdl.K_KP_OCTAL           // "Keypad Octal" (the Octal key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_DECIMAL         = sdl.K_KP_DECIMAL         // "Keypad Decimal" (the Decimal key (numeric keypad))
	KEY_KP_HEXADECIMAL     = sdl.K_KP_HEXADECIMAL     // "Keypad Hexadecimal" (the Hexadecimal key (numeric keypad))

	KEY_LCTRL  = sdl.K_LCTRL  // "Left Ctrl"
	KEY_LSHIFT = sdl.K_LSHIFT // "Left Shift"
	KEY_LALT   = sdl.K_LALT   // "Left Alt" (alt, option)
	KEY_LGUI   = sdl.K_LGUI   // "Left GUI" (windows, command (apple), meta)
	KEY_RCTRL  = sdl.K_RCTRL  // "Right Ctrl"
	KEY_RSHIFT = sdl.K_RSHIFT // "Right Shift"
	KEY_RALT   = sdl.K_RALT   // "Right Alt" (alt, option)
	KEY_RGUI   = sdl.K_RGUI   // "Right GUI" (windows, command (apple), meta)

	KEY_MODE = sdl.K_MODE // "ModeSwitch" (I'm not sure if this is really not covered by any of the above, but since there's a special KMOD_MODE for it I'm adding it here)

	KEY_AUDIONEXT    = sdl.K_AUDIONEXT    // "AudioNext" (the Next Track media key)
	KEY_AUDIOPREV    = sdl.K_AUDIOPREV    // "AudioPrev" (the Previous Track media key)
	KEY_AUDIOSTOP    = sdl.K_AUDIOSTOP    // "AudioStop" (the Stop media key)
	KEY_AUDIOPLAY    = sdl.K_AUDIOPLAY    // "AudioPlay" (the Play media key)
	KEY_AUDIOMUTE    = sdl.K_AUDIOMUTE    // "AudioMute" (the Mute volume key)
	KEY_MEDIASELECT  = sdl.K_MEDIASELECT  // "MediaSelect" (the Media Select key)
	KEY_WWW          = sdl.K_WWW          // "WWW" (the WWW/World Wide Web key)
	KEY_MAIL         = sdl.K_MAIL         // "Mail" (the Mail/eMail key)
	KEY_CALCULATOR   = sdl.K_CALCULATOR   // "Calculator" (the Calculator key)
	KEY_COMPUTER     = sdl.K_COMPUTER     // "Computer" (the My Computer key)
	KEY_AC_SEARCH    = sdl.K_AC_SEARCH    // "AC Search" (the Search key (application control keypad))
	KEY_AC_HOME      = sdl.K_AC_HOME      // "AC Home" (the Home key (application control keypad))
	KEY_AC_BACK      = sdl.K_AC_BACK      // "AC Back" (the Back key (application control keypad))
	KEY_AC_FORWARD   = sdl.K_AC_FORWARD   // "AC Forward" (the Forward key (application control keypad))
	KEY_AC_STOP      = sdl.K_AC_STOP      // "AC Stop" (the Stop key (application control keypad))
	KEY_AC_REFRESH   = sdl.K_AC_REFRESH   // "AC Refresh" (the Refresh key (application control keypad))
	KEY_AC_BOOKMARKS = sdl.K_AC_BOOKMARKS // "AC Bookmarks" (the Bookmarks key (application control keypad))

	KEY_BRIGHTNESSDOWN = sdl.K_BRIGHTNESSDOWN // "BrightnessDown" (the Brightness Down key)
	KEY_BRIGHTNESSUP   = sdl.K_BRIGHTNESSUP   // "BrightnessUp" (the Brightness Up key)
	KEY_DISPLAYSWITCH  = sdl.K_DISPLAYSWITCH  // "DisplaySwitch" (display mirroring/dual display switch, video mode switch)
	KEY_KBDILLUMTOGGLE = sdl.K_KBDILLUMTOGGLE // "KBDIllumToggle" (the Keyboard Illumination Toggle key)
	KEY_KBDILLUMDOWN   = sdl.K_KBDILLUMDOWN   // "KBDIllumDown" (the Keyboard Illumination Down key)
	KEY_KBDILLUMUP     = sdl.K_KBDILLUMUP     // "KBDIllumUp" (the Keyboard Illumination Up key)
	KEY_EJECT          = sdl.K_EJECT          // "Eject" (the Eject key)
	KEY_SLEEP          = sdl.K_SLEEP          // "Sleep" (the Sleep key)


View Source
var (
	White *Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
	Red          = RGB(255, 0, 0)
	Green        = RGB(0, 255, 0)
	Blue         = RGB(0, 0, 255)
	Black        = RGB(0, 0, 0)


func CurrentTimeMillis

func CurrentTimeMillis() int64

dont use this! go has some nice utilities instead.

func EnableDPI

func EnableDPI()

func GetDisplayDPI

func GetDisplayDPI(displayIndex int) (float32, float32)

returns the dpi, and the default dpi

func HandleEvent

func HandleEvent(event StrifeEvent)

func KeyPressed

func KeyPressed(keyCode int) bool

func KeyState

func KeyState() []uint8

func MouseCoords

func MouseCoords() []int

func PollKeys

func PollKeys() bool

func PopKey

func PopKey() int


type BaseEvent

type BaseEvent struct{}

func (*BaseEvent) GetTimestamp

func (b *BaseEvent) GetTimestamp() uint32

func (*BaseEvent) GetType

func (b *BaseEvent) GetType() uint32

func (*BaseEvent) Trigger

func (b *BaseEvent) Trigger()

type CloseEvent

type CloseEvent struct {

type Color

type Color struct {
	R, G, B, A uint8

func HexRGB

func HexRGB(col uint32) *Color

TODO: alpha channel >> 24.

func RGB

func RGB(r, g, b int) *Color

func RGBA

func RGBA(r, g, b, a int) *Color

func (Color) AsHex

func (c Color) AsHex() uint32

func (*Color) Equals

func (c *Color) Equals(o *Color) bool

func (Color) ToSDLColor

func (c Color) ToSDLColor() sdl.Color

type Focus

type Focus int
const (
	FocusGained Focus = iota

type Font

type Font struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func LoadFont

func LoadFont(path string, size int) (*Font, error)

func (*Font) DeriveFont

func (r *Font) DeriveFont(size int) (*Font, error)

func (*Font) Destroy

func (f *Font) Destroy()

type Image

type Image struct {
	Width, Height int

func LoadImage

func LoadImage(path string) (*Image, error)

LoadImage will load the image at the given path. It will return the loaded image, and any errors encountered.

func (*Image) Destroy

func (i *Image) Destroy()

func (*Image) GetSurface

func (i *Image) GetSurface() *sdl.Surface

type KeyDownEvent

type KeyDownEvent struct {
	KeyCode int

type KeyUpEvent

type KeyUpEvent struct {
	KeyCode int

type KeyboardHandler

type KeyboardHandler struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type MouseButtonState

type MouseButtonState int
const (
	NoMouseButtonsDown MouseButtonState = iota

func MouseButtonsState

func MouseButtonsState() MouseButtonState

type MouseHandler

type MouseHandler struct {
	X, Y        int
	ButtonState MouseButtonState

type MouseMoveEvent

type MouseMoveEvent struct {
	X, Y int

type MouseWheelEvent

type MouseWheelEvent struct {
	X, Y int

type RenderConfig

type RenderConfig struct {
	Alias        bool
	Accelerated  bool
	VerticalSync bool

RenderConfig is the configuration settings for the renderer. Alias => Controls if the fonts are smoothed; Accelerated => The renderer is hardware accelerated if true; and VerticalSync => Will synchronize the FPS with the monitors refresh rate

func DefaultConfig

func DefaultConfig() *RenderConfig

DefaultConfig with all of the rendering options enabled.

func GoGoStrifeFast

func GoGoStrifeFast() *RenderConfig

FastConfig is the default configuration with all pretty settings turned off. vertical synchronisation is enabled.

type RenderWindow

type RenderWindow struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func SetupRenderWindow

func SetupRenderWindow(w, h int, config *RenderConfig) *RenderWindow

CreateRenderWindow will create a render window of the given width and height, with the specified configuration. You can specify a default configuration with `strife.DefaultConfig()`. Note that this will spawn the window at the centre of the main display.

func (*RenderWindow) Close

func (w *RenderWindow) Close()

func (*RenderWindow) CloseRequested

func (w *RenderWindow) CloseRequested() bool

func (*RenderWindow) Create

func (w *RenderWindow) Create() error

func (*RenderWindow) GetRenderContext

func (w *RenderWindow) GetRenderContext() *Renderer

func (*RenderWindow) GetSize

func (w *RenderWindow) GetSize() (int, int)

func (*RenderWindow) HandleEvents

func (w *RenderWindow) HandleEvents(handler func(StrifeEvent))

func (*RenderWindow) PollEvents

func (w *RenderWindow) PollEvents()

CloseRequested will poll for any events. All events are unhandled, _except_ for the Quit Event, which will destroy the render context, render window, and cause this function to return true.

func (*RenderWindow) SetIconImage

func (w *RenderWindow) SetIconImage(img *Image)

func (*RenderWindow) SetResizable

func (w *RenderWindow) SetResizable(resizable bool)

type Renderer

type Renderer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var RenderInstance *Renderer

The current render instance, in an ideal world this will only be set once. This is exists because SDL wants to have the render instance for loading images, fonts, etc.

func CreateRenderer

func CreateRenderer(parent *RenderWindow, config *RenderConfig) (*Renderer, error)

CreateRenderer will create a rendering instance for the given window. It takes the configuration specifying if the renderer is software or hardware accelerated, as well as if the renderer should be vertically synchronized. It returns the renderer and any error that is encountered during the creation.

func (*Renderer) Clear

func (r *Renderer) Clear()

Clear will clear the screen to black. By default it will immediately set the colour state to render things as white.

func (*Renderer) Display

func (r *Renderer) Display()

func (*Renderer) GetFont

func (r *Renderer) GetFont() *Font

func (*Renderer) Image

func (r *Renderer) Image(image *Image, x, y int)

Image will render the given image at the given x, y co-ordinates at the images full size.

func (*Renderer) ImageScale

func (r *Renderer) ImageScale(image *Image, x, y, w, h int)

ImageScale will render the image at the given co-ordinate scaled to the given size.

func (*Renderer) Rect

func (r *Renderer) Rect(x, y, w, h int, mode Style)

Rect will draw a rectangle at the given x, y co-ordinates of the specified size. It takes the mode to render the rectangle as: fill or line.

func (*Renderer) SetColor

func (r *Renderer) SetColor(col *Color)

func (*Renderer) SetFont

func (r *Renderer) SetFont(font *Font)

func (*Renderer) String

func (r *Renderer) String(message string, x, y int) (int, int)

func (*Renderer) SubImage

func (r *Renderer) SubImage(image *Image, x, y int, tx, ty, tw, th int)

SubImage will render a sub-section of the given image. tx, ty are the x, y pixel coordinates of the sub-image in the image to render. tw, th are the size of the sub-image.

func (*Renderer) SubImageScale

func (r *Renderer) SubImageScale(image *Image, x, y int, tx, ty, tw, th int, sw, sh int)

SubImageScale will render a sub-section of the given image scaled to the given width and height. See the documentation for SubImage.

func (*Renderer) UncachedString

func (r *Renderer) UncachedString(message string, x, y int) (int, int)

type StrifeEvent

type StrifeEvent interface {

type Style

type Style uint

The style to render primitive shapes (Rectangles, Circles, etc). Fill meaning fill the shape with colour, and Line meaning to draw the outline of the shape.

const (
	Line Style = iota

type Visibility

type Visibility int
const (
	Shown Visibility = iota

type WindowFocusEvent

type WindowFocusEvent struct {

type WindowMoveEvent

type WindowMoveEvent struct {
	X, Y int

type WindowResizeEvent

type WindowResizeEvent struct {
	Width, Height int

type WindowVisibilityEvent

type WindowVisibilityEvent struct {


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