Overview ¶
Command debug supports debugging Vanadium servers.
debug [flags] <command>
The debug commands are:
glob Returns all matching entries from the namespace. vtrace Returns vtrace traces. logs Accesses log files stats Accesses stats pprof Accesses profiling data browse Starts an interactive interface for debugging delegate Create credentials to delegate debugging to another user discovery Scan and advertise using the v23 discovery API help Display help for commands or topics
The debug flags are:
-timeout=10s Time to wait for various RPCs
The global flags are:
-alsologtostderr=true log to standard error as well as files -log_backtrace_at=:0 when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace -log_dir= if non-empty, write log files to this directory -logtostderr=false log to standard error instead of files -max_stack_buf_size=4292608 max size in bytes of the buffer to use for logging stack traces -metadata=<just specify -metadata to activate> Displays metadata for the program and exits. -stderrthreshold=2 logs at or above this threshold go to stderr -time=false Dump timing information to stderr before exiting the program. -v=0 log level for V logs -v23.credentials= directory to use for storing security credentials -v23.namespace.root=[/(] local namespace root; can be repeated to provided multiple roots -v23.permissions.file= specify a perms file as <name>:<permsfile> -v23.permissions.literal= explicitly specify the runtime perms as a JSON-encoded access.Permissions. Overrides all --v23.permissions.file flags -v23.proxy= object name of proxy service to use to export services across network boundaries -v23.proxy.limit=0 max number of proxies to connect to when the policy is to connect to all proxies; 0 implies all proxies -v23.proxy.policy= policy for choosing from a set of available proxy instances -v23.tcp.address= address to listen on -v23.tcp.protocol= protocol to listen with -v23.virtualized.advertise-private-addresses= if set the process will also advertise its private addresses -v23.virtualized.disallow-native-fallback=false if set, a failure to detect the requested virtualization provider will result in an error, otherwise, native mode is used -v23.virtualized.dns.public-name= if set the process will use the supplied dns name (and port) without resolution for its entry in the mounttable -v23.virtualized.docker= set if the process is running in a docker container and needs to configure itself differently therein -v23.virtualized.provider= the name of the virtualization/cloud provider hosting this process if the process needs to configure itself differently therein -v23.virtualized.tcp.public-address= if set the process will use this address (resolving via dns if appropriate) for its entry in the mounttable -v23.virtualized.tcp.public-protocol= if set the process will use this protocol for its entry in the mounttable -v23.vtrace.cache-size=1024 The number of vtrace traces to store in memory -v23.vtrace.collect-regexp= Spans and annotations that match this regular expression will trigger trace collection -v23.vtrace.dump-on-shutdown=true If true, dump all stored traces on runtime shutdown -v23.vtrace.enable-aws-xray=false Enable the use of AWS x-ray integration with vtrace -v23.vtrace.root-span-name= Set the name of the root vtrace span created by the runtime at startup -v23.vtrace.sample-rate=0 Rate (from 0.0 to 1.0) to sample vtrace traces -v23.vtrace.v=0 The verbosity level of the log messages to be captured in traces -vmodule= comma-separated list of globpattern=N settings for filename-filtered logging (without the .go suffix). E.g. foo/bar/baz.go is matched by patterns baz or *az or b* but not by bar/baz or baz.go or az or b.* -vpath= comma-separated list of regexppattern=N settings for file pathname-filtered logging (without the .go suffix). E.g. foo/bar/baz.go is matched by patterns foo/bar/baz or fo.*az or oo/ba or b.z but not by foo/bar/baz.go or fo*az
Debug glob ¶
Returns all matching entries from the namespace.
debug glob [flags] <pattern> ...
<pattern> is a glob pattern to match.
The debug glob flags are:
-timeout=10s Time to wait for various RPCs
Debug vtrace ¶
Returns matching vtrace traces (or all stored traces if no ids are given).
debug vtrace [flags] <name> [id ...]
<name> is the name of a vtrace object. [id] is a vtrace trace id.
The debug vtrace flags are:
-timeout=10s Time to wait for various RPCs
Debug logs - Accesses log files ¶
Accesses log files ¶
debug logs [flags] <command>
The debug logs commands are:
read Reads the content of a log file object. size Returns the size of a log file object.
The debug logs flags are:
-timeout=10s Time to wait for various RPCs
Debug logs read ¶
Reads the content of a log file object.
debug logs read [flags] <name>
<name> is the name of the log file object.
The debug logs read flags are:
-f=false When true, read will wait for new log entries when it reaches the end of the file. -n=-1 The number of log entries to read. -o=0 The position, in bytes, from which to start reading the log file. -v=false When true, read will be more verbose. -timeout=10s Time to wait for various RPCs
Debug logs size ¶
Returns the size of a log file object.
debug logs size [flags] <name>
<name> is the name of the log file object.
The debug logs size flags are:
-timeout=10s Time to wait for various RPCs
Debug stats - Accesses stats ¶
Accesses stats ¶
debug stats [flags] <command>
The debug stats commands are:
read Returns the value of stats objects. watch Returns a stream of all matching entries and their values as they change.
The debug stats flags are:
-timeout=10s Time to wait for various RPCs
Debug stats read ¶
Returns the value of stats objects.
debug stats read [flags] <name> ...
<name> is the name of a stats object, or a glob pattern to match against stats object names.
The debug stats read flags are:
-json=false When true, the command will display the raw value of the object in json format. -raw=false When true, the command will display the raw value of the object. -type=false When true, the type of the values will be displayed. -timeout=10s Time to wait for various RPCs
Debug stats watch ¶
Returns a stream of all matching entries and their values as they change.
debug stats watch [flags] <pattern> ...
<pattern> is a glob pattern to match.
The debug stats watch flags are:
-raw=false When true, the command will display the raw value of the object. -type=false When true, the type of the values will be displayed. -timeout=10s Time to wait for various RPCs
Debug pprof - Accesses profiling data ¶
Accesses profiling data ¶
debug pprof [flags] <command>
The debug pprof commands are:
run Runs the pprof tool. proxy Runs an http proxy to a pprof object.
The debug pprof flags are:
-timeout=10s Time to wait for various RPCs
Debug pprof run ¶
Runs the pprof tool.
debug pprof run [flags] <name> <profile> [passthru args] ...
<name> is the name of the pprof object. <profile> the name of the profile to use.
All the [passthru args] are passed to the pprof tool directly, e.g.
$ debug pprof run a/b/c/__debug/pprof heap --text $ debug pprof run a/b/c/__debug/pprof profile -gv
The debug pprof run flags are:
-pprofcmd=jiri go tool pprof The pprof command to use. -timeout=10s Time to wait for various RPCs
Debug pprof proxy ¶
Runs an http proxy to a pprof object.
debug pprof proxy [flags] <name>
<name> is the name of the pprof object.
The debug pprof proxy flags are:
-timeout=10s Time to wait for various RPCs
Debug browse - Starts an interactive interface for debugging ¶
Starts a webserver with a URL that when visited allows for inspection of a remote process via a web browser.
This differs from in a few important ways:
(a) Does not require a chrome extension, (b) Is not tied into the cloud services (c) Can be setup with alternative different credentials, (d) The interface is more geared towards debugging a server than general purpose namespace browsing.
While (d) is easily overcome by sharing code between the two, (a), (b) & (c) are not easy to work around. Of course, the down-side here is that this requires explicit command-line invocation instead of being just a URL anyone can visit (
A dump of some possible future features: TODO(ashankar):?
(1) Trace browsing: Browse traces at the remote server, and possible force the collection of some traces (avoiding the need to restart the remote server with flags like --v23.vtrace.collect-regexp for example). In the mean time, use the 'vtrace' command (instead of the 'browse' command) for this purpose. (2) Log offsets: Log files can be large and currently the logging endpoint of this interface downloads the full log file from the beginning. The ability to start looking at the logs only from a specified offset might be useful for these large files. (3) Signature: Display the interfaces, types etc. defined by any suffix in the remote process. in the mean time, use the 'vrpc signature' command for this purpose.
debug browse [flags] <name> [<name>] [<name>]
<name> is the vanadium object name of the remote process to inspect. If multiple names are provided, they are considered equivalent and any one of them that can is accessible is used.
The debug browse flags are:
-addr= Address on which the interactive HTTP server will listen. For example, localhost:14141. If empty, defaults to localhost:<some random port> -assets= If non-empty, load assets from this directory. -blessings= If non-empty, points to the blessings required to debug the process. This is typically obtained via 'debug delegate' run by the owner of the remote process -key= If non-empty, must be accompanied with --blessings with a value obtained via 'debug delegate' run by the owner of the remote process -log=true If true, log debug data obtained so that if a subsequent refresh from the browser fails, previously obtained information is available from the log file -timeout=10s Time to wait for various RPCs
Debug delegate - Create credentials to delegate debugging to another user ¶
Generates credentials (private key and blessings) required to debug remote processes owned by the caller and prints out the command that the delegate can run. The delegation limits the bearer of the token to invoke methods on the remote process only if they have the "access.Debug" tag on them, and this token is valid only for limited amount of time. For example, if Alice wants Bob to debug a remote process owned by her for the next 2 hours, she runs:
debug delegate my-friend-bob 2h myservices/myservice
And sends Bob the output of this command. Bob will then be able to inspect the remote process as myservices/myservice with the same authorization as Alice.
debug delegate [flags] <to> <duration> [<name>]
<to> is an identifier to provide to the delegate.
<duration> is the time period to delegate for (e.g., 1h for 1 hour)
<name> (optional) is the vanadium object name of the remote process to inspect
The debug delegate flags are:
-access=resolve,debug Comma-separated list of access tags on methods that can be invoked by the delegate -timeout=10s Time to wait for various RPCs
Debug discovery - Scan and advertise using the v23 discovery API ¶
debug discovery [flags] <command>
The debug discovery commands are:
scan Scan for advertised v23 services
The debug discovery flags are:
-timeout=10s Time to wait for various RPCs
Debug discovery scan - Scan for advertised v23 services ¶
Scans for advertised v23 services that match the provided query. The set of protocols over which services are scanned for depends on the platform on which this command is being run. As of May 2016, services advertised over mDNS should be scannable on all platforms but services advertised over BluetoothLE would be scannable only on OS X.
debug discovery scan [flags] [<query>]
<query> scans for services that match the provided query. An empty query causes all services to be scanned for. See for details.
Sample queries:
v.InterfaceName = "" v.InterfaceName = "" AND v.Attributes["a"] = "v" v.Attributes["a"] = "v1" OR v.Attributes["a"] = "v2"
The debug discovery scan flags are:
-timeout=10s Time to wait for various RPCs
Debug help - Display help for commands or topics ¶
Help with no args displays the usage of the parent command.
Help with args displays the usage of the specified sub-command or help topic.
"help ..." recursively displays help for all commands and topics.
debug help [flags] [command/topic ...]
[command/topic ...] optionally identifies a specific sub-command or help topic.
The debug help flags are:
-style=compact The formatting style for help output: compact - Good for compact cmdline output. full - Good for cmdline output, shows all global flags. godoc - Good for godoc processing. shortonly - Only output short description. Override the default by setting the CMDLINE_STYLE environment variable. -width=<terminal width> Format output to this target width in runes, or unlimited if width < 0. Defaults to the terminal width if available. Override the default by setting the CMDLINE_WIDTH environment variable.
Path | Synopsis |
Package browseserver provides a web interface that can be used to interact with the vanadium debug interface.
Package browseserver provides a web interface that can be used to interact with the vanadium debug interface. |