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Published: Jul 1, 2021 License: AGPL-3.0, Apache-2.0, CC-BY-SA-3.0 Imports: 23 Imported by: 0




This section is empty.


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var CheckCommand checkCommand
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var DefaultYAML = []byte(`# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0

# Do not use this file for site configuration. Create
# /etc/arvados/config.yml instead.
# The order of precedence (highest to lowest):
# 1. Legacy component-specific config files (deprecated)
# 2. /etc/arvados/config.yml
# 3. config.default.yml

    # Token used internally by Arvados components to authenticate to
    # one another. Use a string of at least 50 random alphanumerics.
    SystemRootToken: ""

    # Token to be included in all healthcheck requests. Disabled by default.
    # Server expects request header of the format "Authorization: Bearer xxx"
    ManagementToken: ""


      # In each of the service sections below, the keys under
      # InternalURLs are the endpoints where the service should be
      # listening, and reachable from other hosts in the
      # cluster. Example:
      # InternalURLs:
      #   "http://host1.example:12345": {}
      #   "http://host2.example:12345": {}

        InternalURLs: {SAMPLE: {}}
        ExternalURL: "-"
        InternalURLs: {SAMPLE: {}}
        ExternalURL: ""
        InternalURLs: {SAMPLE: {}}
        ExternalURL: ""
        InternalURLs: {SAMPLE: {}}
        ExternalURL: "-"
        InternalURLs: {SAMPLE: {}}
        ExternalURL: ""
        InternalURLs: {SAMPLE: {}}
        ExternalURL: ""
        InternalURLs: {SAMPLE: {}}
        ExternalURL: "-"
        InternalURLs: {SAMPLE: {}}
        ExternalURL: ""
        InternalURLs: {SAMPLE: {}}
        # Base URL for Workbench inline preview.  If blank, use
        # WebDAVDownload instead, and disable inline preview.
        # If both are empty, downloading collections from workbench
        # will be impossible.
        # It is important to properly configure the download service
        # to migitate cross-site-scripting (XSS) attacks.  A HTML page
        # can be stored in collection.  If an attacker causes a victim
        # to visit that page through Workbench, it will be rendered by
        # the browser.  If all collections are served at the same
        # domain, the browser will consider collections as coming from
        # the same origin and having access to the same browsing data,
        # enabling malicious Javascript on that page to access Arvados
        # on behalf of the victim.
        # This is mitigating by having separate domains for each
        # collection, or limiting preview to circumstances where the
        # collection is not accessed with the user's regular
        # full-access token.
        # Serve preview links using uuid or pdh in subdomain
        # (requires wildcard DNS and TLS certificate)
        #   https://*
        # Serve preview links using uuid or pdh in main domain
        # (requires wildcard DNS and TLS certificate)
        #   https://*
        # Serve preview links by setting uuid or pdh in the path.
        # This configuration only allows previews of public data or
        # collection-sharing links, because these use the anonymous
        # user token or the token is already embedded in the URL.
        # Other data must be handled as downloads via WebDAVDownload:
        ExternalURL: ""

        InternalURLs: {SAMPLE: {}}
        # Base URL for download links. If blank, serve links to WebDAV
        # with disposition=attachment query param.  Unlike preview links,
        # browsers do not render attachments, so there is no risk of XSS.
        # If WebDAVDownload is blank, and WebDAV uses a
        # single-origin form, then Workbench will show an error page
        # Serve download links by setting uuid or pdh in the path:
        ExternalURL: ""

            # Rendezvous is normally empty/omitted. When changing the
            # URL of a Keepstore service, Rendezvous should be set to
            # the old URL (with trailing slash omitted) to preserve
            # rendezvous ordering.
            Rendezvous: ""
        ExternalURL: "-"
        InternalURLs: {SAMPLE: {}}
        ExternalURL: ""
        InternalURLs: {SAMPLE: {}}
        # ShellInABox service endpoint URL for a given VM.  If empty, do not
        # offer web shell logins.
        # E.g., using a path-based proxy server to forward connections to shell hosts:
        # E.g., using a name-based proxy server to forward connections to shell hosts:
        # https://*
        ExternalURL: ""
        InternalURLs: {SAMPLE: {}}
        ExternalURL: ""
        InternalURLs: {SAMPLE: {}}
        ExternalURL: ""
        InternalURLs: {SAMPLE: {}}
        ExternalURL: "-"

      # max concurrent connections per arvados server daemon
      ConnectionPool: 32
        # All parameters here are passed to the PG client library in a connection string;
        # see
        host: ""
        port: ""
        user: ""
        password: ""
        dbname: ""
        SAMPLE: ""
      # Limits for how long a client token created by regular users can be valid,
      # and also is used as a default expiration policy when no expiration date is
      # specified.
      # Default value zero means token expirations don't get clamped and no
      # default expiration is set.
      MaxTokenLifetime: 0s

      # Maximum size (in bytes) allowed for a single API request.  This
      # limit is published in the discovery document for use by clients.
      # Note: You must separately configure the upstream web server or
      # proxy to actually enforce the desired maximum request size on the
      # server side.
      MaxRequestSize: 134217728

      # Limit the number of bytes read from the database during an index
      # request (by retrieving and returning fewer rows than would
      # normally be returned in a single response).
      # Note 1: This setting never reduces the number of returned rows to
      # zero, no matter how big the first data row is.
      # Note 2: Currently, this is only checked against a specific set of
      # columns that tend to get large (collections.manifest_text,
      # containers.mounts, workflows.definition). Other fields (e.g.,
      # "properties" hashes) are not counted against this limit.
      MaxIndexDatabaseRead: 134217728

      # Maximum number of items to return when responding to a APIs that
      # can return partial result sets using limit and offset parameters
      # (e.g., *.index, groups.contents). If a request specifies a "limit"
      # parameter higher than this value, this value is used instead.
      MaxItemsPerResponse: 1000

      # Maximum number of concurrent requests to accept in a single
      # service process, or 0 for no limit.
      MaxConcurrentRequests: 0

      # Maximum number of 64MiB memory buffers per Keepstore server process, or
      # 0 for no limit. When this limit is reached, up to
      # (MaxConcurrentRequests - MaxKeepBlobBuffers) HTTP requests requiring
      # buffers (like GET and PUT) will wait for buffer space to be released.
      # Any HTTP requests beyond MaxConcurrentRequests will receive an
      # immediate 503 response.
      # MaxKeepBlobBuffers should be set such that (MaxKeepBlobBuffers * 64MiB
      # * 1.1) fits comfortably in memory. On a host dedicated to running
      # Keepstore, divide total memory by 88MiB to suggest a suitable value.
      # For example, if grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo reports MemTotal: 7125440
      # kB, compute 7125440 / (88 * 1024)=79 and set MaxKeepBlobBuffers: 79
      MaxKeepBlobBuffers: 128

      # API methods to disable. Disabled methods are not listed in the
      # discovery document, and respond 404 to all requests.
      # Example: {"jobs.create":{}, "pipeline_instances.create": {}}
      DisabledAPIs: {}

      # Interval (seconds) between asynchronous permission view updates. Any
      # permission-updating API called with the 'async' parameter schedules a an
      # update on the permission view in the future, if not already scheduled.
      AsyncPermissionsUpdateInterval: 20s

      # Maximum number of concurrent outgoing requests to make while
      # serving a single incoming multi-cluster (federated) request.
      MaxRequestAmplification: 4

      # Maximum wall clock time to spend handling an incoming request.
      RequestTimeout: 5m

      # Websocket will send a periodic empty event after 'SendTimeout'
      # if there is no other activity to maintain the connection /
      # detect dropped connections.
      SendTimeout: 60s

      WebsocketClientEventQueue: 64
      WebsocketServerEventQueue: 4

      # Timeout on requests to internal Keep services.
      KeepServiceRequestTimeout: 15s

      # Config parameters to automatically setup new users.  If enabled,
      # this users will be able to self-activate.  Enable this if you want
      # to run an open instance where anyone can create an account and use
      # the system without requiring manual approval.
      # The params AutoSetupNewUsersWith* are meaningful only when AutoSetupNewUsers is turned on.
      # AutoSetupUsernameBlacklist is a list of usernames to be blacklisted for auto setup.
      AutoSetupNewUsers: false
      AutoSetupNewUsersWithVmUUID: ""
      AutoSetupNewUsersWithRepository: false
        arvados: {}
        git: {}
        gitolite: {}
        gitolite-admin: {}
        root: {}
        syslog: {}
        SAMPLE: {}

      # When NewUsersAreActive is set to true, new users will be active
      # immediately.  This skips the "self-activate" step which enforces
      # user agreements.  Should only be enabled for development.
      NewUsersAreActive: false

      # The e-mail address of the user you would like to become marked as an admin
      # user on their first login.
      AutoAdminUserWithEmail: ""

      # If AutoAdminFirstUser is set to true, the first user to log in when no
      # other admin users exist will automatically become an admin user.
      AutoAdminFirstUser: false

      # Email address to notify whenever a user creates a profile for the
      # first time
      UserProfileNotificationAddress: ""
      EmailSubjectPrefix: "[ARVADOS] "
      NewUserNotificationRecipients: {}
      NewInactiveUserNotificationRecipients: {}

      # Set AnonymousUserToken to enable anonymous user access. Populate this
      # field with a long random string. Then run "bundle exec
      # ./script/get_anonymous_user_token.rb" in the directory where your API
      # server is running to record the token in the database.
      AnonymousUserToken: ""

      # If a new user has an alternate email address (local@domain)
      # with the domain given here, its local part becomes the new
      # user's default username. Otherwise, the user's primary email
      # address is used.
      PreferDomainForUsername: ""

      UserSetupMailText: |
        <% if not @user.full_name.empty? -%>
        <%= @user.full_name %>,
        <% else -%>
        Hi there,
        <% end -%>

        Your Arvados account has been set up.  You can log in at

        <%= Rails.configuration.Services.Workbench1.ExternalURL %>

        Your Arvados administrator.

      # Time to keep audit logs, in seconds. (An audit log is a row added
      # to the "logs" table in the PostgreSQL database each time an
      # Arvados object is created, modified, or deleted.)
      # Currently, websocket event notifications rely on audit logs, so
      # this should not be set lower than 300 (5 minutes).
      MaxAge: 336h

      # Maximum number of log rows to delete in a single SQL transaction.
      # If MaxDeleteBatch is 0, log entries will never be
      # deleted by Arvados. Cleanup can be done by an external process
      # without affecting any Arvados system processes, as long as very
      # recent (<5 minutes old) logs are not deleted.
      # 100000 is a reasonable batch size for most sites.
      MaxDeleteBatch: 0

      # Attributes to suppress in events and audit logs.  Notably,
      # specifying {"manifest_text": {}} here typically makes the database
      # smaller and faster.
      # Warning: Using any non-empty value here can have undesirable side
      # effects for any client or component that relies on event logs.
      # Use at your own risk.
      UnloggedAttributes: {}


      # Logging threshold: panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, or
      # trace
      LogLevel: info

      # Logging format: json or text
      Format: json

      # Maximum characters of (JSON-encoded) query parameters to include
      # in each request log entry. When params exceed this size, they will
      # be JSON-encoded, truncated to this size, and logged as
      # params_truncated.
      MaxRequestLogParamsSize: 2000


      # Enable access controls for data stored in Keep. This should
      # always be set to true on a production cluster.
      BlobSigning: true

      # BlobSigningKey is a string of alphanumeric characters used to
      # generate permission signatures for Keep locators. It must be
      # identical to the permission key given to Keep. IMPORTANT: This
      # is a site secret. It should be at least 50 characters.
      # Modifying BlobSigningKey will invalidate all existing
      # signatures, which can cause programs to fail (e.g., arv-put,
      # arv-get, and Crunch jobs).  To avoid errors, rotate keys only
      # when no such processes are running.
      BlobSigningKey: ""

      # Enable garbage collection of unreferenced blobs in Keep.
      BlobTrash: true

      # Time to leave unreferenced blobs in "trashed" state before
      # deleting them, or 0 to skip the "trashed" state entirely and
      # delete unreferenced blobs.
      # If you use any Amazon S3 buckets as storage volumes, this
      # must be at least 24h to avoid occasional data loss.
      BlobTrashLifetime: 336h

      # How often to check for (and delete) trashed blocks whose
      # BlobTrashLifetime has expired.
      BlobTrashCheckInterval: 24h

      # Maximum number of concurrent "trash blob" and "delete trashed
      # blob" operations conducted by a single keepstore process. Each
      # of these can be set to 0 to disable the respective operation.
      # If BlobTrashLifetime is zero, "trash" and "delete trash"
      # happen at once, so only the lower of these two values is used.
      BlobTrashConcurrency: 4
      BlobDeleteConcurrency: 4

      # Maximum number of concurrent "create additional replica of
      # existing blob" operations conducted by a single keepstore
      # process.
      BlobReplicateConcurrency: 4

      # Default replication level for collections. This is used when a
      # collection's replication_desired attribute is nil.
      DefaultReplication: 2

      # BlobSigningTTL determines the minimum lifetime of transient
      # data, i.e., blocks that are not referenced by
      # collections. Unreferenced blocks exist for two reasons:
      # 1) A data block must be written to a disk/cloud backend device
      # before a collection can be created/updated with a reference to
      # it.
      # 2) Deleting or updating a collection can remove the last
      # remaining reference to a data block.
      # If BlobSigningTTL is too short, long-running
      # processes/containers will fail when they take too long (a)
      # between writing blocks and writing collections that reference
      # them, or (b) between reading collections and reading the
      # referenced blocks.
      # If BlobSigningTTL is too long, data will still be stored long
      # after the referring collections are deleted, and you will
      # needlessly fill up disks or waste money on cloud storage.
      # Modifying BlobSigningTTL invalidates existing signatures; see
      # BlobSigningKey note above.
      # The default is 2 weeks.
      BlobSigningTTL: 336h

      # When running keep-balance, this is the destination filename for
      # the list of lost block hashes if there are any, one per line.
      # Updated automically during each successful run.
      BlobMissingReport: ""

      # keep-balance operates periodically, i.e.: do a
      # scan/balance operation, sleep, repeat.
      # BalancePeriod determines the interval between start times of
      # successive scan/balance operations. If a scan/balance operation
      # takes longer than BalancePeriod, the next one will follow it
      # immediately.
      # If SIGUSR1 is received during an idle period between operations,
      # the next operation will start immediately.
      BalancePeriod: 10m

      # Limits the number of collections retrieved by keep-balance per
      # API transaction. If this is zero, page size is
      # determined by the API server's own page size limits (see
      # API.MaxItemsPerResponse and API.MaxIndexDatabaseRead).
      BalanceCollectionBatch: 0

      # The size of keep-balance's internal queue of
      # collections. Higher values use more memory and improve throughput
      # by allowing keep-balance to fetch the next page of collections
      # while the current page is still being processed. If this is zero
      # or omitted, pages are processed serially.
      BalanceCollectionBuffers: 1000

      # Maximum time for a rebalancing run. This ensures keep-balance
      # eventually gives up and retries if, for example, a network
      # error causes a hung connection that is never closed by the
      # OS. It should be long enough that it doesn't interrupt a
      # long-running balancing operation.
      BalanceTimeout: 6h

      # Default lifetime for ephemeral collections: 2 weeks. This must not
      # be less than BlobSigningTTL.
      DefaultTrashLifetime: 336h

      # Interval (seconds) between trash sweeps. During a trash sweep,
      # collections are marked as trash if their trash_at time has
      # arrived, and deleted if their delete_at time has arrived.
      TrashSweepInterval: 60s

      # If true, enable collection versioning.
      # When a collection's preserve_version field is true or the current version
      # is older than the amount of seconds defined on PreserveVersionIfIdle,
      # a snapshot of the collection's previous state is created and linked to
      # the current collection.
      CollectionVersioning: false

      #   0s = auto-create a new version on every update.
      #  -1s = never auto-create new versions.
      # > 0s = auto-create a new version when older than the specified number of seconds.
      PreserveVersionIfIdle: -1s

      # If non-empty, allow project and collection names to contain
      # the "/" character (slash/stroke/solidus), and replace "/" with
      # the given string in the filesystem hierarchy presented by
      # WebDAV. Example values are "%2f" and "{slash}". Names that
      # contain the substitution string itself may result in confusing
      # behavior, so a value like "_" is not recommended.
      # If the default empty value is used, the server will reject
      # requests to create or rename a collection when the new name
      # contains "/".
      # If the value "/" is used, project and collection names
      # containing "/" will be allowed, but they will not be
      # accessible via WebDAV.
      # Use of this feature is not recommended, if it can be avoided.
      ForwardSlashNameSubstitution: ""

      # Include "folder objects" in S3 ListObjects responses.
      S3FolderObjects: true

      # Managed collection properties. At creation time, if the client didn't
      # provide the listed keys, they will be automatically populated following
      # one of the following behaviors:
      # * UUID of the user who owns the containing project.
      #   responsible_person_uuid: {Function: original_owner, Protected: true}
      # * Default concrete value.
      #   foo_bar: {Value: baz, Protected: false}
      # If Protected is true, only an admin user can modify its value.
        SAMPLE: {Function: original_owner, Protected: true}

      # In "trust all content" mode, Workbench will redirect download
      # requests to WebDAV preview link, even in the cases when
      # WebDAV would have to expose XSS vulnerabilities in order to
      # handle the redirect (see discussion on Services.WebDAV).
      # This setting has no effect in the recommended configuration,
      # where the WebDAV is configured to have a separate domain for
      # every collection; in this case XSS protection is provided by
      # browsers' same-origin policy.
      # The default setting (false) is appropriate for a multi-user site.
      TrustAllContent: false

      # Cache parameters for WebDAV content serving:
        # Time to cache manifests, permission checks, and sessions.
        TTL: 300s

        # Time to cache collection state.
        UUIDTTL: 5s

        # Block cache entries. Each block consumes up to 64 MiB RAM.
        MaxBlockEntries: 20

        # Collection cache entries.
        MaxCollectionEntries: 1000

        # Approximate memory limit (in bytes) for collection cache.
        MaxCollectionBytes: 100000000

        # Permission cache entries.
        MaxPermissionEntries: 1000

        # UUID cache entries.
        MaxUUIDEntries: 1000

        # Persistent sessions.
        MaxSessions: 100

      # Selectively set permissions for regular users and admins to
      # download or upload data files using the upload/download
      # features for Workbench, WebDAV and S3 API support.
          Download: true
          Upload: true
          Download: true
          Upload: true

      # Selectively set permissions for regular users and admins to be
      # able to download or upload blocks using arv-put and
      # arv-get from outside the cluster.
          Download: true
          Upload: true
          Download: true
          Upload: true

      # Post upload / download events to the API server logs table, so
      # that they can be included in the arv-user-activity report.
      # You can disable this if you find that it is creating excess
      # load on the API server and you don't need it.
      WebDAVLogEvents: true

      # One of the following mechanisms (Google, PAM, LDAP, or
      # LoginCluster) should be enabled; see

        # Authenticate with Google.
        Enable: false

        # Use the Google Cloud console to enable the People API (APIs
        # and Services > Enable APIs and services > Google People API
        # > Enable), generate a Client ID and secret (APIs and
        # Services > Credentials > Create credentials > OAuth client
        # ID > Web application) and add your controller's /login URL
        # (e.g., "") as an authorized
        # redirect URL.
        ClientID: ""
        ClientSecret: ""

        # Allow users to log in to existing accounts using any verified
        # email address listed by their Google account. If true, the
        # Google People API must be enabled in order for Google login to
        # work. If false, only the primary email address will be used.
        AlternateEmailAddresses: true

        # Send additional parameters with authentication requests. See
        # for a list of supported parameters.
          # Show the "choose which Google account" page, even if the
          # client is currently logged in to exactly one Google
          # account.
          prompt: select_account

          SAMPLE: ""

        # Authenticate with an OpenID Connect provider.
        Enable: false

        # Issuer URL, e.g., "".
        # This must be exactly equal to the URL returned by the issuer
        # itself in its config response ("isser" key). If the
        # configured value is "https://example" and the provider
        # returns "https://example:443" or "https://example/" then
        # login will fail, even though those URLs are equivalent
        # (RFC3986).
        Issuer: ""

        # Your client ID and client secret (supplied by the provider).
        ClientID: ""
        ClientSecret: ""

        # OpenID claim field containing the user's email
        # address. Normally "email"; see
        EmailClaim: "email"

        # OpenID claim field containing the email verification
        # flag. Normally "email_verified".  To accept every returned
        # email address without checking a "verified" field at all,
        # use the empty string "".
        EmailVerifiedClaim: "email_verified"

        # OpenID claim field containing the user's preferred
        # username. If empty, use the mailbox part of the user's email
        # address.
        UsernameClaim: ""

        # Send additional parameters with authentication requests,
        # like {display: page, prompt: consent}. See
        # and refer to your provider's documentation for supported
        # parameters.
          SAMPLE: ""

        # Accept an OIDC access token as an API token if the OIDC
        # provider's UserInfo endpoint accepts it.
        # AcceptAccessTokenScope should also be used when enabling
        # this feature.
        AcceptAccessToken: false

        # Before accepting an OIDC access token as an API token, first
        # check that it is a JWT whose "scope" value includes this
        # value. Example: "" (your Arvados
        # API endpoint).
        # If this value is empty and AcceptAccessToken is true, all
        # access tokens will be accepted regardless of scope,
        # including non-JWT tokens. This is not recommended.
        AcceptAccessTokenScope: ""

        # (Experimental) Use PAM to authenticate users.
        Enable: false

        # PAM service name. PAM will apply the policy in the
        # corresponding config file (e.g., /etc/pam.d/arvados) or, if
        # there is none, the default "other" config.
        Service: arvados

        # Domain name (e.g., "") to use to construct the
        # user's email address if PAM authentication returns a
        # username with no "@". If empty, use the PAM username as the
        # user's email address, whether or not it contains "@".
        # Note that the email address is used as the primary key for
        # user records when logging in. Therefore, if you change
        # PAMDefaultEmailDomain after the initial installation, you
        # should also update existing user records to reflect the new
        # domain. Otherwise, next time those users log in, they will
        # be given new accounts instead of accessing their existing
        # accounts.
        DefaultEmailDomain: ""

        # Use an LDAP service to authenticate users.
        Enable: false

        # Server URL, like "ldap://" or
        # "ldaps://".
        URL: "ldap://ldap:389"

        # Use StartTLS upon connecting to the server.
        StartTLS: true

        # Skip TLS certificate name verification.
        InsecureTLS: false

        # Strip the @domain part if a user supplies an email-style
        # username with this domain. If "*", strip any user-provided
        # domain. If "", never strip the domain part. Example:
        # ""
        StripDomain: ""

        # If, after applying StripDomain, the username contains no "@"
        # character, append this domain to form an email-style
        # username. Example: ""
        AppendDomain: ""

        # The LDAP attribute to filter on when looking up a username
        # (after applying StripDomain and AppendDomain).
        SearchAttribute: uid

        # Bind with this username (DN or UPN) and password when
        # looking up the user record.
        # Example user: "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com"
        SearchBindUser: ""
        SearchBindPassword: ""

        # Directory base for username lookup. Example:
        # "ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com"
        SearchBase: ""

        # Additional filters to apply when looking up users' LDAP
        # entries. This can be used to restrict access to a subset of
        # LDAP users, or to disambiguate users from other directory
        # entries that have the SearchAttribute present.
        # Special characters in assertion values must be escaped (see
        # RFC4515).
        # Example: "(objectClass=person)"
        SearchFilters: ""

        # LDAP attribute to use as the user's email address.
        # Important: This must not be an attribute whose value can be
        # edited in the directory by the users themselves. Otherwise,
        # users can take over other users' Arvados accounts trivially
        # (email address is the primary key for Arvados accounts.)
        EmailAttribute: mail

        # LDAP attribute to use as the preferred Arvados username. If
        # no value is found (or this config is empty) the username
        # originally supplied by the user will be used.
        UsernameAttribute: uid

        # Authenticate users listed here in the config file. This
        # feature is intended to be used in test environments, and
        # should not be used in production.
        Enable: false
            Password: xyzzy

      # The cluster ID to delegate the user database.  When set,
      # logins on this cluster will be redirected to the login cluster
      # (login cluster must appear in RemoteClusters with Proxy: true)
      LoginCluster: ""

      # How long a cached token belonging to a remote cluster will
      # remain valid before it needs to be revalidated.
      RemoteTokenRefresh: 5m

      # How long a client token created from a login flow will be valid without
      # asking the user to re-login. Example values: 60m, 8h.
      # Default value zero means tokens don't have expiration.
      TokenLifetime: 0s

      # If true (default) tokens issued through login are allowed to create
      # new tokens.
      # If false, tokens issued through login are not allowed to
      # viewing/creating other tokens.  New tokens can only be created
      # by going through login again.
      IssueTrustedTokens: true

      # When the token is returned to a client, the token itself may
      # be restricted from viewing/creating other tokens based on whether
      # the client is "trusted" or not.  The local Workbench1 and
      # Workbench2 are trusted by default, but if this is a
      # LoginCluster, you probably want to include the other Workbench
      # instances in the federation in this list.
          "https://workbench.federate1.example": {}
          "https://workbench.federate2.example": {}

      # Path to git or gitolite-shell executable. Each authenticated
      # request will execute this program with the single argument "http-backend"
      GitCommand: /usr/bin/git

      # Path to Gitolite's home directory. If a non-empty path is given,
      # the CGI environment will be set up to support the use of
      # gitolite-shell as a GitCommand: for example, if GitoliteHome is
      # "/gh", then the CGI environment will have GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME=/gh,
      # PATH=$PATH:/gh/bin, and GL_BYPASS_ACCESS_CHECKS=1.
      GitoliteHome: ""

      # Git repositories must be readable by api server, or you won't be
      # able to submit crunch jobs. To pass the test suites, put a clone
      # of the arvados tree in {git_repositories_dir}/arvados.git or
      # {git_repositories_dir}/arvados/.git
      Repositories: /var/lib/arvados/git/repositories

      Certificate: ""
      Key: ""
      Insecure: false

      # List of supported Docker Registry image formats that compute nodes
      # are able to use. ` + "`" + `arv keep docker` + "`" + ` will error out if a user tries
      # to store an image with an unsupported format. Use an empty array
      # to skip the compatibility check (and display a warning message to
      # that effect).
      # Example for sites running docker < 1.10: {"v1": {}}
      # Example for sites running docker >= 1.10: {"v2": {}}
      # Example for disabling check: {}
        "v2": {}
        SAMPLE: {}

      # Include details about job reuse decisions in the server log. This
      # causes additional database queries to run, so it should not be
      # enabled unless you expect to examine the resulting logs for
      # troubleshooting purposes.
      LogReuseDecisions: false

      # Default value for keep_cache_ram of a container's runtime_constraints.
      DefaultKeepCacheRAM: 268435456

      # Number of times a container can be unlocked before being
      # automatically cancelled.
      MaxDispatchAttempts: 5

      # Default value for container_count_max for container requests.  This is the
      # number of times Arvados will create a new container to satisfy a container
      # request.  If a container is cancelled it will retry a new container if
      # container_count < container_count_max on any container requests associated
      # with the cancelled container.
      MaxRetryAttempts: 3

      # The maximum number of compute nodes that can be in use simultaneously
      # If this limit is reduced, any existing nodes with slot number >= new limit
      # will not be counted against the new limit. In other words, the new limit
      # won't be strictly enforced until those nodes with higher slot numbers
      # go down.
      MaxComputeVMs: 64

      # Preemptible instance support (e.g. AWS Spot Instances)
      # When true, child containers will get created with the preemptible
      # scheduling parameter parameter set.
      UsePreemptibleInstances: false

      # PEM encoded SSH key (RSA, DSA, or ECDSA) used by the
      # (experimental) cloud dispatcher for executing containers on
      # worker VMs. Begins with "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
      # and ends with "\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n".
      DispatchPrivateKey: ""

      # Maximum time to wait for workers to come up before abandoning
      # stale locks from a previous dispatch process.
      StaleLockTimeout: 1m

      # The crunch-run command used to start a container on a worker node.
      # When dispatching to cloud VMs, this is used only if
      # DeployRunnerBinary in the CloudVMs section is set to the empty
      # string.
      CrunchRunCommand: "crunch-run"

      # Extra arguments to add to crunch-run invocation
      # Example: ["--cgroup-parent-subsystem=memory"]
      CrunchRunArgumentsList: []

      # Extra RAM to reserve on the node, in addition to
      # the amount specified in the container's RuntimeConstraints
      ReserveExtraRAM: 256MiB

      # Minimum time between two attempts to run the same container
      MinRetryPeriod: 0s

      # Container runtime: "docker" (default) or "singularity" (experimental)
      RuntimeEngine: docker

        # When you run the db:delete_old_container_logs task, it will find
        # containers that have been finished for at least this many seconds,
        # and delete their stdout, stderr, arv-mount, crunch-run, and
        # crunchstat logs from the logs table.
        MaxAge: 720h

        # These two settings control how frequently log events are flushed to the
        # database.  Log lines are buffered until either crunch_log_bytes_per_event
        # has been reached or crunch_log_seconds_between_events has elapsed since
        # the last flush.
        LogBytesPerEvent: 4096
        LogSecondsBetweenEvents: 5s

        # The sample period for throttling logs.
        LogThrottlePeriod: 60s

        # Maximum number of bytes that job can log over crunch_log_throttle_period
        # before being silenced until the end of the period.
        LogThrottleBytes: 65536

        # Maximum number of lines that job can log over crunch_log_throttle_period
        # before being silenced until the end of the period.
        LogThrottleLines: 1024

        # Maximum bytes that may be logged by a single job.  Log bytes that are
        # silenced by throttling are not counted against this total.
        LimitLogBytesPerJob: 67108864

        LogPartialLineThrottlePeriod: 5s

        # Container logs are written to Keep and saved in a
        # collection, which is updated periodically while the
        # container runs.  This value sets the interval between
        # collection updates.
        LogUpdatePeriod: 30m

        # The log collection is also updated when the specified amount of
        # log data (given in bytes) is produced in less than one update
        # period.
        LogUpdateSize: 32MiB

        # An admin user can use "arvados-client shell" to start an
        # interactive shell (with any user ID) in any running
        # container.
        Admin: false

        # Any user can use "arvados-client shell" to start an
        # interactive shell (with any user ID) in any running
        # container that they started, provided it isn't also
        # associated with a different user's container request.
        # Interactive sessions make it easy to alter the container's
        # runtime environment in ways that aren't recorded or
        # reproducible. Consider the implications for automatic
        # container reuse before enabling and using this feature. In
        # particular, note that starting an interactive session does
        # not disqualify a container from being reused by a different
        # user/workflow in the future.
        User: false

        PrioritySpread: 0
        SbatchArgumentsList: []
          SAMPLE: ""
          # Path to dns server configuration directory
          # (e.g. /etc/unbound.d/conf.d). If false, do not write any config
          # files or touch restart.txt (see below).
          DNSServerConfDir: ""

          # Template file for the dns server host snippets. See
          # unbound.template in this directory for an example. If false, do
          # not write any config files.
          DNSServerConfTemplate: ""

          # String to write to {dns_server_conf_dir}/restart.txt (with a
          # trailing newline) after updating local data. If false, do not
          # open or write the restart.txt file.
          DNSServerReloadCommand: ""

          # Command to run after each DNS update. Template variables will be
          # substituted; see the "unbound" example below. If false, do not run
          # a command.
          DNSServerUpdateCommand: ""

          ComputeNodeDomain: ""
            "": {}
            SAMPLE: {}

          # Hostname to assign to a compute node when it sends a "ping" and the
          # hostname in its Node record is nil.
          # During bootstrapping, the "ping" script is expected to notice the
          # hostname given in the ping response, and update its unix hostname
          # accordingly.
          # If false, leave the hostname alone (this is appropriate if your compute
          # nodes' hostnames are already assigned by some other mechanism).
          # One way or another, the hostnames of your node records should agree
          # with your DNS records and your /etc/slurm-llnl/slurm.conf files.
          # Example for compute0000, compute0001, ....:
          # assign_node_hostname: compute%<slot_number>04d
          # (See for more.)
          AssignNodeHostname: "compute%<slot_number>d"

        # Enable the legacy 'jobs' API (crunch v1).  This value must be a string.
        # Note: this only enables read-only access, creating new
        # legacy jobs and pipelines is not supported.
        # 'auto' -- (default) enable the Jobs API only if it has been used before
        #         (i.e., there are job records in the database)
        # 'true' -- enable the Jobs API despite lack of existing records.
        # 'false' -- disable the Jobs API despite presence of existing records.
        Enable: 'auto'

        # Git repositories must be readable by api server, or you won't be
        # able to submit crunch jobs. To pass the test suites, put a clone
        # of the arvados tree in {git_repositories_dir}/arvados.git or
        # {git_repositories_dir}/arvados/.git
        GitInternalDir: /var/lib/arvados/internal.git

        # Enable the cloud scheduler (experimental).
        Enable: false

        # Name/number of port where workers' SSH services listen.
        SSHPort: "22"

        # Interval between queue polls.
        PollInterval: 10s

        # Shell command to execute on each worker to determine whether
        # the worker is booted and ready to run containers. It should
        # exit zero if the worker is ready.
        BootProbeCommand: "docker ps -q"

        # Minimum interval between consecutive probes to a single
        # worker.
        ProbeInterval: 10s

        # Maximum probes per second, across all workers in a pool.
        MaxProbesPerSecond: 10

        # Time before repeating SIGTERM when killing a container.
        TimeoutSignal: 5s

        # Time to give up on a process (most likely arv-mount) that
        # still holds a container lockfile after its main supervisor
        # process has exited, and declare the instance broken.
        TimeoutStaleRunLock: 5s

        # Time to give up on SIGTERM and write off the worker.
        TimeoutTERM: 2m

        # Maximum create/destroy-instance operations per second (0 =
        # unlimited).
        MaxCloudOpsPerSecond: 0

        # Maximum concurrent node creation operations (0 = unlimited). This is
        # recommended by Azure in certain scenarios (see
        # and can be used with other cloud providers too, if desired.
        MaxConcurrentInstanceCreateOps: 0

        # Interval between cloud provider syncs/updates ("list all
        # instances").
        SyncInterval: 1m

        # Time to leave an idle worker running (in case new containers
        # appear in the queue that it can run) before shutting it
        # down.
        TimeoutIdle: 1m

        # Time to wait for a new worker to boot (i.e., pass
        # BootProbeCommand) before giving up and shutting it down.
        TimeoutBooting: 10m

        # Maximum time a worker can stay alive with no successful
        # probes before being automatically shut down.
        TimeoutProbe: 10m

        # Time after shutting down a worker to retry the
        # shutdown/destroy operation.
        TimeoutShutdown: 10s

        # Worker VM image ID.
        # (aws) AMI identifier
        # (azure) managed disks: the name of the managed disk image
        # (azure) shared image gallery: the name of the image definition. Also
        # see the SharedImageGalleryName and SharedImageGalleryImageVersion fields.
        # (azure) unmanaged disks (deprecated): the complete URI of the VHD, e.g.
        ImageID: ""

        # An executable file (located on the dispatcher host) to be
        # copied to cloud instances at runtime and used as the
        # container runner/supervisor. The default value is the
        # dispatcher program itself.
        # Use the empty string to disable this step: nothing will be
        # copied, and cloud instances are assumed to have a suitable
        # version of crunch-run installed; see CrunchRunCommand above.
        DeployRunnerBinary: "/proc/self/exe"

        # Tags to add on all resources (VMs, NICs, disks) created by
        # the container dispatcher. (Arvados's own tags --
        # InstanceType, IdleBehavior, and InstanceSecret -- will also
        # be added.)
          SAMPLE: "tag value"

        # Prefix for predefined tags used by Arvados (InstanceSetID,
        # InstanceType, InstanceSecret, IdleBehavior). With the
        # default value "Arvados", tags are "ArvadosInstanceSetID",
        # "ArvadosInstanceSecret", etc.
        # This should only be changed while no cloud resources are in
        # use and the cloud dispatcher is not running. Otherwise,
        # VMs/resources that were added using the old tag prefix will
        # need to be detected and cleaned up manually.
        TagKeyPrefix: Arvados

        # Cloud driver: "azure" (Microsoft Azure) or "ec2" (Amazon AWS).
        Driver: ec2

        # Cloud-specific driver parameters.

          # (ec2) Credentials. Omit or leave blank if using IAM role.
          AccessKeyID: ""
          SecretAccessKey: ""

          # (ec2) Instance configuration.
            "SAMPLE": {}
          SubnetID: ""
          Region: ""
          EBSVolumeType: gp2
          AdminUsername: debian

          # (azure) Credentials.
          SubscriptionID: ""
          ClientID: ""
          ClientSecret: ""
          TenantID: ""

          # (azure) Instance configuration.
          CloudEnvironment: AzurePublicCloud
          Location: centralus

          # (azure) The resource group where the VM and virtual NIC will be
          # created.
          ResourceGroup: ""

          # (azure) The resource group of the Network to use for the virtual
          # NIC (if different from ResourceGroup)
          NetworkResourceGroup: ""
          Network: ""
          Subnet: ""

          # (azure) managed disks: The resource group where the managed disk
          # image can be found (if different from ResourceGroup).
          ImageResourceGroup: ""

          # (azure) shared image gallery: the name of the gallery
          SharedImageGalleryName: ""
          # (azure) shared image gallery: the version of the image definition
          SharedImageGalleryImageVersion: ""

          # (azure) unmanaged disks (deprecated): Where to store the VM VHD blobs
          StorageAccount: ""
          BlobContainer: ""

          # (azure) How long to wait before deleting VHD and NIC
          # objects that are no longer being used.
          DeleteDanglingResourcesAfter: 20s

          # Account (that already exists in the VM image) that will be
          # set up with an ssh authorized key to allow the compute
          # dispatcher to connect.
          AdminUsername: arvados


      # Use the instance type name as the key (in place of "SAMPLE" in
      # this sample entry).
        # Cloud provider's instance type. Defaults to the configured type name.
        ProviderType: ""
        VCPUs: 1
        RAM: 128MiB
        IncludedScratch: 16GB
        AddedScratch: 0
        Price: 0.1
        Preemptible: false

        # AccessViaHosts specifies which keepstore processes can read
        # and write data on the volume.
        # For a local filesystem, AccessViaHosts has one entry,
        # indicating which server the filesystem is located on.
        # For a network-attached backend accessible by all keepstore
        # servers, like a cloud storage bucket or an NFS mount,
        # AccessViaHosts can be empty/omitted.
        # Further info/examples:
            ReadOnly: false
          "http://host1.example:25107": {}
        ReadOnly: false
        Replication: 1
          default: true
          SAMPLE: true
        Driver: S3
          # for s3 driver -- see
          IAMRole: aaaaa
          AccessKeyID: aaaaa
          SecretAccessKey: aaaaa
          Endpoint: ""
          Region: us-east-1a
          Bucket: aaaaa
          LocationConstraint: false
          V2Signature: false
          IndexPageSize: 1000
          ConnectTimeout: 1m
          ReadTimeout: 10m
          RaceWindow: 24h
          # Use aws-s3-go (v2) instead of goamz
          UseAWSS3v2Driver: false

          # For S3 driver, potentially unsafe tuning parameter,
          # intentionally excluded from main documentation.
          # Enable deletion (garbage collection) even when the
          # configured BlobTrashLifetime is zero.  WARNING: eventual
          # consistency may result in race conditions that can cause
          # data loss.  Do not enable this unless you understand and
          # accept the risk.
          UnsafeDelete: false

          # for azure driver -- see
          StorageAccountName: aaaaa
          StorageAccountKey: aaaaa
          ContainerName: aaaaa
          RequestTimeout: 30s
          ListBlobsRetryDelay: 10s
          ListBlobsMaxAttempts: 10
          MaxGetBytes: 0
          WriteRaceInterval: 15s
          WriteRacePollTime: 1s

          # for local directory driver -- see
          Root: /var/lib/arvados/keep-data

          # For local directory driver, potentially confusing tuning
          # parameter, intentionally excluded from main documentation.
          # When true, read and write operations (for whole 64MiB
          # blocks) on an individual volume will queued and issued
          # serially.  When false, read and write operations will be
          # issued concurrently.
          # May possibly improve throughput if you have physical spinning disks
          # and experience contention when there are multiple requests
          # to the same volume.
          # Otherwise, when using SSDs, RAID, or a shared network filesystem, you
          # should leave this alone.
          Serialize: false

      MailchimpAPIKey: ""
      MailchimpListID: ""
      SendUserSetupNotificationEmail: true

      # Bug/issue report notification to and from addresses
      IssueReporterEmailFrom: ""
      IssueReporterEmailTo: ""
      SupportEmailAddress: ""

      # Generic issue email from
      EmailFrom: ""
        Host: ""
        Proxy: false
        Scheme: https
        Insecure: false
        ActivateUsers: false
        # API endpoint host or host:port; default is {id}

        # Perform a proxy request when a local client requests an
        # object belonging to this remote.
        Proxy: false

        # Default "https". Can be set to "http" for testing.
        Scheme: https

        # Disable TLS verify. Can be set to true for testing.
        Insecure: false

        # When users present tokens issued by this remote cluster, and
        # their accounts are active on the remote cluster, activate
        # them on this cluster too.
        ActivateUsers: false

      # Workbench1 configs
      Theme: default
      ShowUserAgreementInline: false
      SecretKeyBase: ""

      # Scratch directory used by the remote repository browsing
      # feature. If it doesn't exist, it (and any missing parents) will be
      # created using mkdir_p.
      RepositoryCache: /var/www/arvados-workbench/current/tmp/git

      # Below is a sample setting of user_profile_form_fields config parameter.
      # This configuration parameter should be set to either false (to disable) or
      # to a map as shown below.
      # Configure the map of input fields to be displayed in the profile page
      # using the attribute "key" for each of the input fields.
      # This sample shows configuration with one required and one optional form fields.
      # For each of these input fields:
      #   You can specify "Type" as "text" or "select".
      #   List the "Options" to be displayed for each of the "select" menu.
      #   Set "Required" as "true" for any of these fields to make them required.
      # If any of the required fields are missing in the user's profile, the user will be
      # redirected to the profile page before they can access any Workbench features.
          Type: select
          FormFieldTitle: Best color
          FormFieldDescription: your favorite color
          Required: false
          Position: 1
            red: {}
            blue: {}
            green: {}
            SAMPLE: {}

        # exampleTextValue:  # key that will be set in properties
        #   Type: text  #
        #   FormFieldTitle: ""
        #   FormFieldDescription: ""
        #   Required: true
        #   Position: 1
        # exampleOptionsValue:
        #   Type: select
        #   FormFieldTitle: ""
        #   FormFieldDescription: ""
        #   Required: true
        #   Position: 1
        #   Options:
        #     red: {}
        #     blue: {}
        #     yellow: {}

      # Use "UserProfileFormMessage to configure the message you want
      # to display on the profile page.
      UserProfileFormMessage: 'Welcome to Arvados. All <span style="color:red">required fields</span> must be completed before you can proceed.'

      # Mimetypes of applications for which the view icon
      # would be enabled in a collection's show page.
      # It is sufficient to list only applications here.
      # No need to list text and image types.
        cwl: {}
        fasta: {}
        go: {}
        javascript: {}
        json: {}
        pdf: {}
        python: {}
        x-python: {}
        r: {}
        rtf: {}
        sam: {}
        x-sh: {}
        vnd.realvnc.bed: {}
        xml: {}
        xsl: {}
        SAMPLE: {}

      # The maximum number of bytes to load in the log viewer
      LogViewerMaxBytes: 1M

      # When anonymous_user_token is configured, show public projects page
      EnablePublicProjectsPage: true

      # By default, disable the "Getting Started" popup which is specific to Arvados playground
      EnableGettingStartedPopup: false

      # Ask Arvados API server to compress its response payloads.
      APIResponseCompression: true

      # Timeouts for API requests.
      APIClientConnectTimeout: 2m
      APIClientReceiveTimeout: 5m

      # Maximum number of historic log records of a running job to fetch
      # and display in the Log tab, while subscribing to web sockets.
      RunningJobLogRecordsToFetch: 2000

      # In systems with many shared projects, loading of dashboard and topnav
      # can be slow due to collections indexing; use the following parameters
      # to suppress these properties
      ShowRecentCollectionsOnDashboard: true
      ShowUserNotifications: true

      # Enable/disable "multi-site search" in top nav ("true"/"false"), or
      # a link to the multi-site search page on a "home" Workbench site.
      # Example:
      MultiSiteSearch: ""

      # Should workbench allow management of local git repositories? Set to false if
      # the jobs api is disabled and there are no local git repositories.
      Repositories: true

      SiteName: Arvados Workbench
      ProfilingEnabled: false

      # This is related to obsolete Google OpenID 1.0 login
      # but some workbench stuff still expects it to be set.
      DefaultOpenIdPrefix: ""

      # Workbench2 configs
      VocabularyURL: ""
      FileViewersConfigURL: ""

      # Idle time after which the user's session will be auto closed.
      # This feature is disabled when set to zero.
      IdleTimeout: 0s

      # Workbench welcome screen, this is HTML text that will be
      # incorporated directly onto the page.
      WelcomePageHTML: |
        <img src="/arvados-logo-big.png" style="width: 20%; float: right; padding: 1em;" />
        <h2>Please log in.</h2>

        <p>If you have never used Arvados Workbench before, logging in
        for the first time will automatically create a new

        <i>Arvados Workbench uses your information only for
        identification, and does not retrieve any other personal

      # Workbench screen displayed to inactive users.  This is HTML
      # text that will be incorporated directly onto the page.
      InactivePageHTML: |
        <img src="/arvados-logo-big.png" style="width: 20%; float: right; padding: 1em;" />
        <h3>Hi! You're logged in, but...</h3>
        <p>Your account is inactive.</p>
        <p>An administrator must activate your account before you can get
        any further.</p>

      # Connecting to Arvados shell VMs tends to be site-specific.
      # Put any special instructions here. This is HTML text that will
      # be incorporated directly onto the Workbench page.
      SSHHelpPageHTML: |
        <a href="">Accessing an Arvados VM with SSH</a> (generic instructions).
        Site configurations vary.  Contact your local cluster administrator if you have difficulty accessing an Arvados shell node.

      # Sample text if you are using a "switchyard" ssh proxy.
      # Replace "zzzzz" with your Cluster ID.
      #SSHHelpPageHTML: |
      # <p>Add a section like this to your SSH configuration file ( <i>~/.ssh/config</i>):</p>
      # <pre>Host *.zzzzz
      #  TCPKeepAlive yes
      #  ServerAliveInterval 60
      #  ProxyCommand ssh -p2222 -x -a $SSH_PROXY_FLAGS %h
      # </pre>

      # If you are using a switchyard ssh proxy, shell node hostnames
      # may require a special hostname suffix.  In the sample ssh
      # configuration above, this would be ".zzzzz"
      # This is added to the hostname in the "command line" column
      # the Workbench "shell VMs" page.
      # If your shell nodes are directly accessible by users without a
      # proxy and have fully qualified host names, you should leave
      # this blank.
      SSHHelpHostSuffix: ""

# (Experimental) Restart services automatically when config file
# changes are detected. Only supported by ` + "`" + `arvados-server boot` + "`" + ` in
# dev/test mode.
AutoReloadConfig: false
View Source
var DumpCommand dumpCommand
View Source
var DumpDefaultsCommand defaultsCommand
View Source
var ErrNoClustersDefined = errors.New("config does not define any clusters")


func ExportJSON

func ExportJSON(w io.Writer, cluster *arvados.Cluster) error

ExportJSON writes a JSON object with the safe (non-secret) portions of the cluster config to w.


type Loader

type Loader struct {
	Stdin          io.Reader
	Logger         logrus.FieldLogger
	SkipDeprecated bool // Don't load deprecated config keys
	SkipLegacy     bool // Don't load legacy config files
	SkipAPICalls   bool // Don't do checks that call RailsAPI/controller

	Path                    string
	KeepstorePath           string
	KeepWebPath             string
	CrunchDispatchSlurmPath string
	WebsocketPath           string
	KeepproxyPath           string
	GitHttpdPath            string
	KeepBalancePath         string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewLoader

func NewLoader(stdin io.Reader, logger logrus.FieldLogger) *Loader

NewLoader returns a new Loader with Stdin and Logger set to the given values, and all config paths set to their default values.

func (*Loader) Load

func (ldr *Loader) Load() (*arvados.Config, error)

func (*Loader) MungeLegacyConfigArgs

func (ldr *Loader) MungeLegacyConfigArgs(lgr logrus.FieldLogger, args []string, legacyConfigArg string) []string

MungeLegacyConfigArgs checks args for a -config flag whose argument is a regular file (or a symlink to one), but doesn't have a top-level "Clusters" key and therefore isn't a valid cluster configuration file. If it finds such a flag, it replaces -config with legacyConfigArg (e.g., "-legacy-keepstore-config").

This is used by programs that still need to accept "-config" as a way to specify a per-component config file until their config has been migrated.

If any errors are encountered while reading or parsing a config file, the given args are not munged. We presume the same errors will be encountered again and reported later on when trying to load cluster configuration from the same file, regardless of which struct we end up using.

func (*Loader) SetupFlags

func (ldr *Loader) SetupFlags(flagset *flag.FlagSet)

SetupFlags configures a flagset so arguments like -config X can be used to change the loader's Path fields.

ldr := NewLoader(os.Stdin, logrus.New())
flagset := flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ContinueOnError)
// ldr.Path == "/etc/arvados/config.yml"
flagset.Parse([]string{"-config", "/tmp/c.yaml"})
// ldr.Path == "/tmp/c.yaml"

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL