
v1.0.56 Latest Latest

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Published: Oct 10, 2022 License: Zlib Imports: 0 Imported by: 0




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const (
	Kway = 0


值 含义 0 未知来源 1 扫描二维码 2 搜索手机号 3 名片分享 4 群聊 5 手机通讯录 6 微信联系人 8 安装第三方应用时自动添加的客服人员 9 搜索邮箱 10 视频号添加 11 通过日程参与人添加 12 通过会议参与人添加 13 添加微信好友对应的企业微信 14 通过智慧硬件专属客服添加 15 通过上门服务客服添加 201 内部成员共享 202 管理员/负责人分配


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AddStrategyTagReq added in v1.0.49

type AddStrategyTagReq struct {
	StrategyId int `json:"strategy_id"`

type AddTagReq added in v1.0.34

type AddTagReq struct {
	GroupId   string    `json:"group_id"`
	GroupName string    `json:"group_name"`
	Order     int       `json:"order"`
	AgentId   int64     `json:"agentid,omitempty"` //授权方安装的应用agentid。仅旧的第三方多应用套件需要填此参数
	Tag       []TagInfo `json:"tag"`

type AgreeInfo added in v1.0.54

type AgreeInfo struct {
	StatusChangeTime int64  `json:"status_change_time"`
	Userid           string `json:"userid"`
	ExternalOpenId   string `json:"externalopenid"`
	AgreeStatus      string `json:"agree_status"`

type AgreeNotify added in v1.0.54

type AgreeNotify struct {
	ToUserName     string `json:"ToUserName" xml:"ToUserName"`
	FromUserName   string `json:"FromUserName" xml:"FromUserName"`
	UserID         string `json:"UserID" xml:"UserID"`
	ExternalUserID string `json:"ExternalUserID" xml:"ExternalUserID"`
	WelcomeCode    string `json:"WelcomeCode" xml:"WelcomeCode"`

AgreeNotify 客户同意进行聊天内容存档事件回调

type Articles

type Articles struct {
	Title  string `json:"title"`
	Desc   string `json:"description"`
	Url    string `json:"url"`
	Picurl string `json:"picurl"`

type Attachment added in v1.0.34

type Attachment struct {
	MsgType string     `json:"msgtype"`
	Image   *ExImage   `json:"image,omitempty"`
	Link    *ExLink    `json:"link,omitempty"`
	Program *ExProgram `json:"miniprogram,omitempty"`
	Video   *ExVideo   `json:"video,omitempty"`
	File    *ExFile    `json:"file,omitempty"`

type Attribute

type Attribute struct {
	Type        int                   `json:"type"`
	Name        string                `json:"name"`
	Text        *AttributeText        `json:"text,omitempty"`
	Web         *AttributeWeb         `json:"web,omitempty"`
	MiniProgram *AttributeMiniProgram `json:"miniprogram,omitempty"`

type AttributeMiniProgram

type AttributeMiniProgram struct {
	Appid    string `json:"appid"`
	PagePath string `json:"pagepath"`
	Title    string `json:"title"`

type AttributeText

type AttributeText struct {
	Value string `json:"value"`

type AttributeWeb

type AttributeWeb struct {
	Url   string `json:"url"`
	Title string `json:"title"`

type BatchUserId

type BatchUserId struct {
	UseridList []string `json:"userid_list"`
	Cursor     string   `json:"cursor"`
	Limit      int      `json:"limit"`

type BatchUserIdRes

type BatchUserIdRes struct {
	ExternalContactList []ExternalContactDetail `json:"external_contact_list"`
	NextCursor          string                  `json:"next_cursor"`

type DepMember added in v1.0.38

type DepMember struct {
	Userid           string           `json:"userid"`
	Name             string           `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Alias            string           `json:"alias,omitempty"`
	Mobile           string           `json:"mobile,omitempty"`
	Position         string           `json:"position,omitempty"`
	Gender           string           `json:"gender,omitempty"`
	Email            string           `json:"email,omitempty"`
	BizMail          string           `json:"biz_mail,omitempty"`
	AvatarMediaId    string           `json:"avatar_mediaid,omitempty"`
	OpenUserid       string           `json:"open_userid,omitempty"`
	Avatar           string           `json:"avatar,omitempty"`
	ThumbAvatar      string           `json:"thumb_avatar,omitempty"`
	Telephone        string           `json:"telephone,omitempty"`
	Address          string           `json:"address,omitempty"`
	QrCode           string           `json:"qr_code,omitempty"`
	ExternalPosition string           `json:"external_position"`
	ToInvite         bool             `json:"to_invite,omitempty"`
	Enable           int              `json:"enable"`
	Status           int              `json:"status,omitempty"`
	MainDepartment   int64            `json:"main_department"`
	Department       []int64          `json:"department,omitempty"`
	IsLeaderInDept   []int64          `json:"is_leader_in_dept,omitempty"`
	Order            []int            `json:"order,omitempty"`
	DirectLeader     []string         `json:"direct_leader,omitempty"`
	Extattr          *Attribute       `json:"extattr,omitempty"`
	ExternalProfile  *ExternalProfile `json:"external_profile,omitempty"`

type DepUser

type DepUser struct {
	OpenUserId string `json:"open_userid"`
	Department int64  `json:"department"`

type Department

type Department struct {
	Id       int64    `json:"id"`
	ParentId int64    `json:"parentid,omitempty"`
	Order    int      `json:"order,omitempty"`
	Name     string   `json:"name,omitempty"`
	NameEn   string   `json:"name_en,omitempty"`
	Leader   []string `json:"department_leader,omitempty"`

type DepartmentId

type DepartmentId struct {
	Id       int64 `json:"id"`
	ParentId int64 `json:"parentid"`
	Order    int   `json:"order"`

type EditTagReq added in v1.0.34

type EditTagReq struct {
	Id      string `json:"id"`
	Name    string `json:"name"`
	Order   int    `json:"order"`
	AgentId int64  `json:"agentid,omitempty"` //授权方安装的应用agentid。仅旧的第三方多应用套件需要填此参数

type ExFile added in v1.0.34

type ExFile struct {
	MediaId string `json:"media_id"`

type ExImage added in v1.0.34

type ExImage struct {
	MediaId string `json:"media_id"`
	PicUrl  string `json:"pic_url,omitempty"`
type ExLink struct {
	Title  string `json:"title"`
	Picurl string `json:"picurl"`
	Desc   string `json:"desc"`
	Url    string `json:"url"`

type ExMsgTemplate

type ExMsgTemplate struct {
	ExUseIds []string   `json:"external_userid"`
	Sender   string     `json:"sender"`
	Text     *ExText    `json:"text,omitempty"`
	Image    *ExImage   `json:"image,omitempty"`
	Link     *ExLink    `json:"link,omitempty"`
	Program  *ExProgram `json:"miniprogram,omitempty"`

type ExProgram

type ExProgram struct {
	Title   string `json:"title"`        //"title": "消息标题",
	MediaId string `json:"pic_media_id"` //"pic_media_id": "MEDIA_ID",
	AppId   string `json:"appid"`        //"appid": "wx8bd80126147df384",
	Page    string `json:"page"`         //"page": "/path/index"

type ExText added in v1.0.34

type ExText struct {
	Content string `json:"content"`

type ExVideo added in v1.0.34

type ExVideo struct {
	MediaId string `json:"media_id"`
	Title   string `json:"title"`
	Desc    string `json:"description"`

type ExVoice added in v1.0.34

type ExVoice struct {
	MediaId string `json:"media_id"`

type ExWelcomeMsg

type ExWelcomeMsg struct {
	Text        *ExText    `json:"text,omitempty"`
	Image       *ExImage   `json:"image,omitempty"`
	Link        *ExLink    `json:"link,omitempty"`
	MiniProgram *ExProgram `json:"miniprogram,omitempty"`
	Code        int64      `json:"welcome_code"`

func (*ExWelcomeMsg) IsAgent

func (h *ExWelcomeMsg) IsAgent() bool

func (*ExWelcomeMsg) IsGroup

func (h *ExWelcomeMsg) IsGroup() bool

func (*ExWelcomeMsg) IsWelcome

func (h *ExWelcomeMsg) IsWelcome() bool

type ExternalContact

type ExternalContact struct {
	ExternalUserid  string           `json:"external_userid"`
	Name            string           `json:"name"`
	Position        string           `json:"position"`
	Avatar          string           `json:"avatar"`
	CorpName        string           `json:"corp_name"`
	CorpFullName    string           `json:"corp_full_name"`
	UnionId         string           `json:"unionid"`
	Type            int              `json:"type"`
	Gender          int              `json:"gender"`
	ExternalProfile *ExternalProfile `json:"external_profile,omitempty"`

type ExternalContactDetail

type ExternalContactDetail struct {
	ExternalContact ExternalContact `json:"external_contact"`
	FollowInfo      *FollowUser     `json:"follow_info,omitempty"` //for batch
	FollowUser      []FollowUser    `json:"follow_user,omitempty"` // for detail

type ExternalGroupListReq added in v1.0.34

type ExternalGroupListReq struct {
	OwnerFilter  OwnerFilter `json:"owner_filter"`
	Cursor       string      `json:"cursor"`
	Limit        int         `json:"limit"`
	StatusFilter int         `json:"status_filter"`

type ExternalProfile

type ExternalProfile struct {
	ExternalAttr     []Attribute    `json:"external_attr,omitempty"`
	WechatChannels   WechatChannels `json:"wechat_channels,omitempty"`
	ExternalCorpName string         `json:"external_corp_name,omitempty"`

type ExternalRemark

type ExternalRemark struct {
	Userid           string   `json:"userid"`
	ExternalUserid   string   `json:"external_userid"`
	Remark           string   `json:"remark"`
	Description      string   `json:"description"`
	RemarkCompany    string   `json:"remark_company"`
	RemarkPicMediaId string   `json:"remark_pic_mediaid"`
	RemarkMobiles    []string `json:"remark_mobiles"`

type ExternalUserIdItem

type ExternalUserIdItem struct {
	ExternalUserid    string `json:"external_userid"`
	NewExternalUserid string `json:"new_external_userid"`

type ExternalUserIds

type ExternalUserIds struct {
	Items []ExternalUserIdItem `json:"items"`

type FollowUser added in v1.0.34

type FollowUser struct {
	Userid         string          `json:"userid"` //添加了此外部联系人的企业成员userid
	Remark         string          `json:"remark"` //该成员对此外部联系人的备注
	Description    string          `json:"description"`
	Tags           []Tag           `json:"tags,omitempty"`
	TagIds         []string        `json:"tag_id,omitempty"`
	RemarkMobiles  []string        `json:"remark_mobiles,omitempty"`   //该成员对此客户备注的手机号码,代开发自建应用需要管理员授权才可以获取,第三方不可获取,上游企业不可获取下游企业客户该字段
	RemarkCorpName string          `json:"remark_corp_name,omitempty"` //该成员对此微信客户备注的企业名称(仅微信客户有该字段)
	OperUserid     string          `json:"oper_userid"`
	State          string          `json:"state,omitempty"`
	CreateTime     int64           `json:"createtime"`
	AddWay         int             `json:"add_way"` //该成员添加此客户的来源
	WechatChannels *WechatChannels `json:"wechat_channels,omitempty"`

type Group

type Group struct {
	Id    string   `json:"chatid"`
	Name  string   `json:"name"`
	Owner string   `json:"owner"`
	Users []string `json:"userlist"`

Group 群组

type GroupAdmin added in v1.0.34

type GroupAdmin struct {
	Userid string `json:"userid"`

type GroupChat added in v1.0.34

type GroupChat struct {
	ChatId string `json:"chat_id"`
	Status int    `json:"status"`

type GroupChatDetail added in v1.0.34

type GroupChatDetail struct {
	ChatId     string        `json:"chat_id"`
	Name       string        `json:"name"`
	Owner      string        `json:"owner"`
	Notice     string        `json:"notice"`
	CreateTime int64         `json:"create_time"`
	MemberList []GroupMember `json:"member_list"`
	AdminList  []GroupAdmin  `json:"admin_list"`

type GroupMember added in v1.0.34

type GroupMember struct {
	Userid        string  `json:"userid"`
	Type          int     `json:"type"`
	JoinScene     int     `json:"join_scene"`
	JoinTime      int64   `json:"join_time"`
	Invitor       Invitor `json:"invitor,omitempty"`
	GroupNickname string  `json:"group_nickname"`
	Name          string  `json:"name"`
	Unionid       string  `json:"unionid,omitempty"`

type GroupMsg added in v1.0.34

type GroupMsg struct {
	MsgId       string       `json:"msgid"`
	Creator     string       `json:"creator"`
	CreateTime  string       `json:"create_time"`
	CreateType  int          `json:"create_type"`
	Text        *ExText      `json:"text,omitempty"`
	Attachments []Attachment `json:"attachments"`

type GroupMsgReq added in v1.0.34

type GroupMsgReq struct {
	ChatType   string `json:"chat_type"` //群发任务的类型,默认为single,表示发送给客户,group表示发送给客户群
	Creator    string `json:"creator"`
	Cursor     string `json:"cursor"`
	StartTime  int64  `json:"start_time"`
	EndTime    int64  `json:"end_time"`
	FilterType int    `json:"filter_type"`
	Limit      int    `json:"limit"`
type Head struct {
	ChatId  string `json:"chatid,omitempty"`
	AgentId int64  `json:"agentid,omitempty"` //应用id
	ToUser  string `json:"touser,omitempty"`  //企业号中的用户帐号
	ToTag   string `json:"totag,omitempty"`   //企业号中的标签id,群发使用(推荐)
	ToParty string `json:"toparty,omitempty"` //企业号中的部门id,群发时使用。
	Type    string `json:"msgtype"`
	Safe    int    `json:"safe"`

{ "chatid": "", "touser": "UserID1|UserID2|UserID3", "toparty": " PartyID1 | PartyID2 ", "totag": " TagID1 | TagID2 ", "agentid": 1, "msgtype": "text", "text": { "content": "Holiday Service For Pony(http://xxxxx)" }, "safe":0 }

func (*Head) IsAgent

func (h *Head) IsAgent() bool

func (*Head) IsGroup

func (h *Head) IsGroup() bool

func (*Head) IsWelcome

func (h *Head) IsWelcome() bool

type ImageMsg

type ImageMsg struct {
	Image ExImage `json:"image"`

ImageMsg 图片消息

type Invitor added in v1.0.34

type Invitor struct {
	Userid string `json:"userid"`

type MarkTagReq added in v1.0.34

type MarkTagReq struct {
	Userid         string   `json:"userid"`
	ExternalUserid string   `json:"external_userid"`
	AddTag         []string `json:"add_tag,omitempty"`
	RemoveTag      []string `json:"remove_tag,omitempty"`

type MarkdownMsg

type MarkdownMsg struct {
	Markdown ExText `json:"markdown"`

type Message

type Message interface {
	IsGroup() bool
	IsAgent() bool
	IsWelcome() bool

type MsgTemplateRes added in v1.0.34

type MsgTemplateRes struct {
	FailList []string `json:"fail_list"`
	MsgId    string   `json:"msgid"`

type NewExternalUserid added in v1.0.49

type NewExternalUserid struct {
	ExternalUserid    string `json:"external_userid"`
	NewExternalUserid string `json:"new_external_userid"`

type News

type News struct {
	Articles []Articles `json:"articles"`

News "news" : { "articles" : [ { "title" : "中秋节礼品领取", "description" : "今年中秋节公司有豪礼相送", "url" : "URL", "picurl" : "" }

type NewsMsg

type NewsMsg struct {
	News News `json:"news"`

NewsMsg 图文消息

type OpenUserId

type OpenUserId struct {
	OpenUseridList    []OpenUserIdInfo `json:"open_userid_list"`
	InvalidUseridList []string         `json:"invalid_userid_list"`

type OpenUserIdInfo

type OpenUserIdInfo struct {
	Userid     string `json:"userid"`
	OpenUserid string `json:"open_userid"`

type OwnerFilter added in v1.0.34

type OwnerFilter struct {
	UseridList []string `json:"userid_list"`

type RoomInfo added in v1.0.54

type RoomInfo struct {
	RoomName       string       `json:"roomname"`
	Creator        string       `json:"creator"`
	Notice         string       `json:"notice"`
	RoomCreateTime int64        `json:"room_create_time"`
	Members        []RoomMember `json:"members"`

type RoomMember added in v1.0.54

type RoomMember struct {
	MemberId string `json:"memberid"`
	JoinTime int64  `json:"jointime"`

type SimpleUser added in v1.0.38

type SimpleUser struct {
	Userid     string  `json:"userid"`
	Name       string  `json:"name"`
	OpenUserid string  `json:"open_userid"`
	Department []int64 `json:"department"`

type SingleAgree added in v1.0.54

type SingleAgree struct {
	Userid         string `json:"userid"`
	ExternalOpenId string `json:"externalopenid"`

type Tag added in v1.0.34

type Tag struct {
	GroupName string `json:"group_name"`
	TagName   string `json:"tag_name"`
	TagId     string `json:"tag_id"`
	Type      int    `json:"type"`

type TagGroup added in v1.0.34

type TagGroup struct {
	GroupId    string         `json:"group_id"`
	GroupName  string         `json:"group_name"`
	CreateTime int64          `json:"create_time"`
	Order      int            `json:"order"`
	StrategyId int            `json:"strategy_id,omitempty"`
	Deleted    bool           `json:"deleted"`
	Tag        []TagGroupItem `json:"tag"`

type TagGroupItem added in v1.0.34

type TagGroupItem struct {
	Id         string `json:"id"`
	Name       string `json:"name"`
	CreateTime int64  `json:"create_time"`
	Order      int    `json:"order"`
	Deleted    bool   `json:"deleted"`

type TagId added in v1.0.49

type TagId struct {
	TagId   []string `json:"tag_id,omitempty"`
	GroupId []string `json:"group_id,omitempty"`

type TagInfo added in v1.0.34

type TagInfo struct {
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Order int    `json:"order"`

type TextCard

type TextCard struct {
	Title  string `json:"title"`
	Desc   string `json:"description"`
	Url    string `json:"url"`
	BtnTxt string `json:"btntxt"`

TextCard "textcard" : { "title" : "领奖通知", "description" : "<div class=\"gray\">2016年9月26日</div> <div class=\"normal\">恭喜你抽中iPhone 7一台,领奖码:xxxx</div><div class=\"highlight\">请于2016年10月10日前联系行政同事领取</div>", "url" : "URL", "btntxt":"更多" }

type TextCardMsg

type TextCardMsg struct {
	TextCard TextCard `json:"textcard"`

TextCardMsg 文本卡片消息

type TextMsg

type TextMsg struct {
	Text ExText `json:"text"`

TextMsg 文本消息

type ToAgent

type ToAgent struct {
	AgentId int64  `json:"agentid,omitempty"` //应用id
	ToUser  string `json:"touser,omitempty"`  //企业号中的用户帐号
	ToTag   string `json:"totag,omitempty"`   //企业号中的标签id,群发使用(推荐)
	ToParty string `json:"toparty,omitempty"` //企业号中的部门id,群发时使用。

func (*ToAgent) IsAgent

func (to *ToAgent) IsAgent() (bool, *ToAgent)

func (*ToAgent) IsGroup

func (to *ToAgent) IsGroup() (bool, *ToGroup)

func (*ToAgent) IsRoot

func (to *ToAgent) IsRoot() (bool, *ToRoot)

type ToGroup

type ToGroup struct {
	ChatId string `json:"chatid,omitempty"`

func (*ToGroup) IsAgent

func (to *ToGroup) IsAgent() (bool, *ToAgent)

func (*ToGroup) IsGroup

func (to *ToGroup) IsGroup() (bool, *ToGroup)

type ToRoot

type ToRoot struct {

func (*ToRoot) IsAgent

func (to *ToRoot) IsAgent() (bool, *ToAgent)

func (*ToRoot) IsGroup

func (to *ToRoot) IsGroup() (bool, *ToGroup)

func (*ToRoot) IsRoot

func (to *ToRoot) IsRoot() (bool, *ToRoot)

type ToWho

type ToWho interface {
	IsGroup() (bool, *ToGroup)
	IsAgent() (bool, *ToAgent)

type UserIdReq

type UserIdReq struct {
	UseridList []string `json:"userid_list"`

type UserInfo

type UserInfo struct {
	Userid  string `json:"userid"`
	Name    string `json:"name"`
	Gender  string `json:"gender"`
	Avatar  string `json:"avatar"`
	QrCode  string `json:"qr_code"`
	Mobile  string `json:"mobile"`
	Email   string `json:"email"`
	BizMail string `json:"biz_mail"`
	Address string `json:"address"`

type UserInfoWithCode

type UserInfoWithCode struct {
	Userid string `json:"userid"`
	OpenId string `json:"openid"`

type VideoMsg

type VideoMsg struct {
	Video ExVideo `json:"video"`

VideoMsg 视频消息

type VoiceMsg

type VoiceMsg struct {
	Voice ExVoice `json:"voice"`

VoiceMsg 语音消息

type WechatChannels

type WechatChannels struct {
	Nickname string `json:"nickname"`
	Source   int    `json:"source,omitempty"`

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
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