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Published: Oct 12, 2022 License: MIT Imports: 8 Imported by: 0



Build Status GoDoc

Package githubv4 is a client library for accessing GitHub GraphQL API v4 (

If you're looking for a client library for GitHub REST API v3, the recommended package is

Status: In research and development. The API will change when opportunities for improvement are discovered; it is not yet frozen.


  • Friendly, simple and powerful API.
  • Correctness, high performance and efficiency.
  • Support all of GitHub GraphQL API v4 via code generation from schema.


githubv4 requires Go version 1.8 or later.

go get -u



GitHub GraphQL API v4 requires authentication. The githubv4 package does not directly handle authentication. Instead, when creating a new client, you're expected to pass an http.Client that performs authentication. The easiest and recommended way to do this is to use the package. You'll need an OAuth token from GitHub (for example, a personal API token) with the right scopes. Then:

import ""

func main() {
	src := oauth2.StaticTokenSource(
		&oauth2.Token{AccessToken: os.Getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")},
	httpClient := oauth2.NewClient(context.Background(), src)

	client := githubv4.NewClient(httpClient)
	// Use client...
Simple Query

To make a query, you need to define a Go type that corresponds to the GitHub GraphQL schema, and contains the fields you're interested in querying. You can look up the GitHub GraphQL schema at

For example, to make the following GraphQL query:

query {
	viewer {

You can define this variable:

var query struct {
	Viewer struct {
		Login     githubv4.String
		CreatedAt githubv4.DateTime

Then call client.Query, passing a pointer to it:

err := client.Query(context.Background(), &query, nil)
if err != nil {
	// Handle error.
fmt.Println("    Login:", query.Viewer.Login)
fmt.Println("CreatedAt:", query.Viewer.CreatedAt)

// Output:
//     Login: gopher
// CreatedAt: 2017-05-26 21:17:14 +0000 UTC
Scalar Types

For each scalar in the GitHub GraphQL schema listed at, there is a corresponding Go type in package githubv4.

You can use these types when writing queries:

var query struct {
	Viewer struct {
		Login          githubv4.String
		CreatedAt      githubv4.DateTime
		IsBountyHunter githubv4.Boolean
		BioHTML        githubv4.HTML
		WebsiteURL     githubv4.URI
// Call client.Query() and use results in query...

However, depending on how you're planning to use the results of your query, it's often more convenient to use other Go types.

The encoding/json rules are used for converting individual JSON-encoded fields from a GraphQL response into Go values. See for details. The json.Unmarshaler interface is respected.

That means you can simplify the earlier query by using predeclared Go types:

// import "time"

var query struct {
	Viewer struct {
		Login          string    // E.g., "gopher".
		CreatedAt      time.Time // E.g., time.Date(2017, 5, 26, 21, 17, 14, 0, time.UTC).
		IsBountyHunter bool      // E.g., true.
		BioHTML        string    // E.g., `I am learning <a href="">GraphQL</a>!`.
		WebsiteURL     string    // E.g., "".
// Call client.Query() and use results in query...

The DateTime scalar is described as "an ISO-8601 encoded UTC date string". If you wanted to fetch in that form without parsing it into a time.Time, you can use the string type. For example, this would work:

// import "html/template"

type MyBoolean bool

var query struct {
	Viewer struct {
		Login          string        // E.g., "gopher".
		CreatedAt      string        // E.g., "2017-05-26T21:17:14Z".
		IsBountyHunter MyBoolean     // E.g., MyBoolean(true).
		BioHTML        template.HTML // E.g., template.HTML(`I am learning <a href="">GraphQL</a>!`).
		WebsiteURL     template.URL  // E.g., template.URL("").
// Call client.Query() and use results in query...
Arguments and Variables

Often, you'll want to specify arguments on some fields. You can use the graphql struct field tag for this.

For example, to make the following GraphQL query:

	repository(owner: "octocat", name: "Hello-World") {

You can define this variable:

var q struct {
	Repository struct {
		Description string
	} `graphql:"repository(owner: \"octocat\", name: \"Hello-World\")"`

Then call client.Query:

err := client.Query(context.Background(), &q, nil)
if err != nil {
	// Handle error.

// Output:
// My first repository on GitHub!

However, that'll only work if the arguments are constant and known in advance. Otherwise, you will need to make use of variables. Replace the constants in the struct field tag with variable names:

// fetchRepoDescription fetches description of repo with owner and name.
func fetchRepoDescription(ctx context.Context, owner, name string) (string, error) {
	var q struct {
		Repository struct {
			Description string
		} `graphql:"repository(owner: $owner, name: $name)"`

When sending variables to GraphQL, you need to use exact types that match GraphQL scalar types, otherwise the GraphQL server will return an error.

So, define a variables map with their values that are converted to GraphQL scalar types:

	variables := map[string]interface{}{
		"owner": githubv4.String(owner),
		"name":  githubv4.String(name),

Finally, call client.Query providing variables:

	err := client.Query(ctx, &q, variables)
	return q.Repository.Description, err
Inline Fragments

Some GraphQL queries contain inline fragments. You can use the graphql struct field tag to express them.

For example, to make the following GraphQL query:

	repositoryOwner(login: "github") {
		... on Organization {
		... on User {

You can define this variable:

var q struct {
	RepositoryOwner struct {
		Login        string
		Organization struct {
			Description string
		} `graphql:"... on Organization"`
		User struct {
			Bio string
		} `graphql:"... on User"`
	} `graphql:"repositoryOwner(login: \"github\")"`

Alternatively, you can define the struct types corresponding to inline fragments, and use them as embedded fields in your query:

type (
	OrganizationFragment struct {
		Description string
	UserFragment struct {
		Bio string

var q struct {
	RepositoryOwner struct {
		Login                string
		OrganizationFragment `graphql:"... on Organization"`
		UserFragment         `graphql:"... on User"`
	} `graphql:"repositoryOwner(login: \"github\")"`

Then call client.Query:

err := client.Query(context.Background(), &q, nil)
if err != nil {
	// Handle error.

// Output:
// github
// How people build software.

Imagine you wanted to get a complete list of comments in an issue, and not just the first 10 or so. To do that, you'll need to perform multiple queries and use pagination information. For example:

type comment struct {
	Body   string
	Author struct {
		Login     string
		AvatarURL string `graphql:"avatarUrl(size: 72)"`
	ViewerCanReact bool
var q struct {
	Repository struct {
		Issue struct {
			Comments struct {
				Nodes    []comment
				PageInfo struct {
					EndCursor   githubv4.String
					HasNextPage bool
			} `graphql:"comments(first: 100, after: $commentsCursor)"` // 100 per page.
		} `graphql:"issue(number: $issueNumber)"`
	} `graphql:"repository(owner: $repositoryOwner, name: $repositoryName)"`
variables := map[string]interface{}{
	"repositoryOwner": githubv4.String(owner),
	"repositoryName":  githubv4.String(name),
	"issueNumber":     githubv4.Int(issue),
	"commentsCursor":  (*githubv4.String)(nil), // Null after argument to get first page.

// Get comments from all pages.
var allComments []comment
for {
	err := s.clQL.Query(ctx, &q, variables)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	allComments = append(allComments, q.Repository.Issue.Comments.Nodes...)
	if !q.Repository.Issue.Comments.PageInfo.HasNextPage {
	variables["commentsCursor"] = githubv4.NewString(q.Repository.Issue.Comments.PageInfo.EndCursor)

There is more than one way to perform pagination. Consider additional fields inside PageInfo object.


Mutations often require information that you can only find out by performing a query first. Let's suppose you've already done that.

For example, to make the following GraphQL mutation:

mutation($input: AddReactionInput!) {
	addReaction(input: $input) {
		reaction {
		subject {
variables {
	"input": {
		"subjectId": "MDU6SXNzdWUyMTc5NTQ0OTc=",
		"content": "HOORAY"

You can define:

var m struct {
	AddReaction struct {
		Reaction struct {
			Content githubv4.ReactionContent
		Subject struct {
			ID githubv4.ID
	} `graphql:"addReaction(input: $input)"`
input := githubv4.AddReactionInput{
	SubjectID: targetIssue.ID, // ID of the target issue from a previous query.
	Content:   githubv4.ReactionContentHooray,

Then call client.Mutate:

err := client.Mutate(context.Background(), &m, input, nil)
if err != nil {
	// Handle error.
fmt.Printf("Added a %v reaction to subject with ID %#v!\n", m.AddReaction.Reaction.Content, m.AddReaction.Subject.ID)

// Output:
// Added a HOORAY reaction to subject with ID "MDU6SXNzdWUyMTc5NTQ0OTc="!


Path Synopsis
example/githubv4dev githubv4dev is a test program currently being used for developing githubv4 package.




Package githubv4 is a client library for accessing GitHub GraphQL API v4 (

If you're looking for a client library for GitHub REST API v3, the recommended package is

Status: In active early research and development. The API will change when opportunities for improvement are discovered; it is not yet frozen.

For now, see README for more details.

package main

import (


func main() {
	src := oauth2.StaticTokenSource(
		&oauth2.Token{AccessToken: os.Getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")},
	httpClient := oauth2.NewClient(context.Background(), src)

	client := githubv4.NewClient(httpClient)

	var q struct {
		Viewer struct {
			Login     string
			CreatedAt time.Time
			AvatarURL string `graphql:"avatarUrl(size: 72)"`
	err := client.Query(context.Background(), &q, nil)
	if err != nil {




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AcceptTopicSuggestionInput

type AcceptTopicSuggestionInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the repository. (Required.)
	RepositoryID ID `json:"repositoryId"`
	// The name of the suggested topic. (Required.)
	Name String `json:"name"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

AcceptTopicSuggestionInput is an autogenerated input type of AcceptTopicSuggestion.

type AddAssigneesToAssignableInput

type AddAssigneesToAssignableInput struct {
	// The id of the assignable object to add assignees to. (Required.)
	AssignableID ID `json:"assignableId"`
	// The id of users to add as assignees. (Required.)
	AssigneeIDs []ID `json:"assigneeIds"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

AddAssigneesToAssignableInput is an autogenerated input type of AddAssigneesToAssignable.

type AddCommentInput

type AddCommentInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the subject to modify. (Required.)
	SubjectID ID `json:"subjectId"`
	// The contents of the comment. (Required.)
	Body String `json:"body"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

AddCommentInput is an autogenerated input type of AddComment.

type AddLabelsToLabelableInput

type AddLabelsToLabelableInput struct {
	// The id of the labelable object to add labels to. (Required.)
	LabelableID ID `json:"labelableId"`
	// The ids of the labels to add. (Required.)
	LabelIDs []ID `json:"labelIds"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

AddLabelsToLabelableInput is an autogenerated input type of AddLabelsToLabelable.

type AddProjectCardInput

type AddProjectCardInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the ProjectColumn. (Required.)
	ProjectColumnID ID `json:"projectColumnId"`

	// The content of the card. Must be a member of the ProjectCardItem union. (Optional.)
	ContentID *ID `json:"contentId,omitempty"`
	// The note on the card. (Optional.)
	Note *String `json:"note,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

AddProjectCardInput is an autogenerated input type of AddProjectCard.

type AddProjectColumnInput

type AddProjectColumnInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the project. (Required.)
	ProjectID ID `json:"projectId"`
	// The name of the column. (Required.)
	Name String `json:"name"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

AddProjectColumnInput is an autogenerated input type of AddProjectColumn.

type AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput

type AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the review to modify. (Required.)
	PullRequestReviewID ID `json:"pullRequestReviewId"`
	// The text of the comment. (Required.)
	Body String `json:"body"`

	// The SHA of the commit to comment on. (Optional.)
	CommitOID *GitObjectID `json:"commitOID,omitempty"`
	// The relative path of the file to comment on. (Optional.)
	Path *String `json:"path,omitempty"`
	// The line index in the diff to comment on. (Optional.)
	Position *Int `json:"position,omitempty"`
	// The comment id to reply to. (Optional.)
	InReplyTo *ID `json:"inReplyTo,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput is an autogenerated input type of AddPullRequestReviewComment.

type AddPullRequestReviewInput

type AddPullRequestReviewInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the pull request to modify. (Required.)
	PullRequestID ID `json:"pullRequestId"`

	// The commit OID the review pertains to. (Optional.)
	CommitOID *GitObjectID `json:"commitOID,omitempty"`
	// The contents of the review body comment. (Optional.)
	Body *String `json:"body,omitempty"`
	// The event to perform on the pull request review. (Optional.)
	Event *PullRequestReviewEvent `json:"event,omitempty"`
	// The review line comments. (Optional.)
	Comments *[]*DraftPullRequestReviewComment `json:"comments,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

AddPullRequestReviewInput is an autogenerated input type of AddPullRequestReview.

type AddReactionInput

type AddReactionInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the subject to modify. (Required.)
	SubjectID ID `json:"subjectId"`
	// The name of the emoji to react with. (Required.)
	Content ReactionContent `json:"content"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

AddReactionInput is an autogenerated input type of AddReaction.

type AddStarInput

type AddStarInput struct {
	// The Starrable ID to star. (Required.)
	StarrableID ID `json:"starrableId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

AddStarInput is an autogenerated input type of AddStar.

type AuditLogOrder

type AuditLogOrder struct {

	// The field to order Audit Logs by. (Optional.)
	Field *AuditLogOrderField `json:"field,omitempty"`
	// The ordering direction. (Optional.)
	Direction *OrderDirection `json:"direction,omitempty"`

AuditLogOrder represents ordering options for Audit Log connections.

type AuditLogOrderField

type AuditLogOrderField string

AuditLogOrderField represents properties by which Audit Log connections can be ordered.

const (
	AuditLogOrderFieldCreatedAt AuditLogOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order audit log entries by timestamp.

Properties by which Audit Log connections can be ordered.

type Boolean

type Boolean graphql.Boolean

Boolean represents true or false values.

func NewBoolean

func NewBoolean(v Boolean) *Boolean

NewBoolean is a helper to make a new *Boolean.

type ChangeUserStatusInput

type ChangeUserStatusInput struct {

	// The emoji to represent your status. Can either be a native Unicode emoji or an emoji name with colons, e.g., :grinning:. (Optional.)
	Emoji *String `json:"emoji,omitempty"`
	// A short description of your current status. (Optional.)
	Message *String `json:"message,omitempty"`
	// The ID of the organization whose members will be allowed to see the status. If omitted, the status will be publicly visible. (Optional.)
	OrganizationID *ID `json:"organizationId,omitempty"`
	// Whether this status should indicate you are not fully available on GitHub, e.g., you are away. (Optional.)
	LimitedAvailability *Boolean `json:"limitedAvailability,omitempty"`
	// If set, the user status will not be shown after this date. (Optional.)
	ExpiresAt *DateTime `json:"expiresAt,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

ChangeUserStatusInput is an autogenerated input type of ChangeUserStatus.

type CheckAnnotationData

type CheckAnnotationData struct {
	// The path of the file to add an annotation to. (Required.)
	Path String `json:"path"`
	// The location of the annotation. (Required.)
	Location CheckAnnotationRange `json:"location"`
	// Represents an annotation's information level. (Required.)
	AnnotationLevel CheckAnnotationLevel `json:"annotationLevel"`
	// A short description of the feedback for these lines of code. (Required.)
	Message String `json:"message"`

	// The title that represents the annotation. (Optional.)
	Title *String `json:"title,omitempty"`
	// Details about this annotation. (Optional.)
	RawDetails *String `json:"rawDetails,omitempty"`

CheckAnnotationData represents information from a check run analysis to specific lines of code.

type CheckAnnotationLevel

type CheckAnnotationLevel string

CheckAnnotationLevel represents represents an annotation's information level.

const (
	CheckAnnotationLevelFailure CheckAnnotationLevel = "FAILURE" // An annotation indicating an inescapable error.
	CheckAnnotationLevelNotice  CheckAnnotationLevel = "NOTICE"  // An annotation indicating some information.
	CheckAnnotationLevelWarning CheckAnnotationLevel = "WARNING" // An annotation indicating an ignorable error.

Represents an annotation's information level.

type CheckAnnotationRange

type CheckAnnotationRange struct {
	// The starting line of the range. (Required.)
	StartLine Int `json:"startLine"`
	// The ending line of the range. (Required.)
	EndLine Int `json:"endLine"`

	// The starting column of the range. (Optional.)
	StartColumn *Int `json:"startColumn,omitempty"`
	// The ending column of the range. (Optional.)
	EndColumn *Int `json:"endColumn,omitempty"`

CheckAnnotationRange represents information from a check run analysis to specific lines of code.

type CheckConclusionState

type CheckConclusionState string

CheckConclusionState represents the possible states for a check suite or run conclusion.

const (
	CheckConclusionStateActionRequired CheckConclusionState = "ACTION_REQUIRED" // The check suite or run requires action.
	CheckConclusionStateTimedOut       CheckConclusionState = "TIMED_OUT"       // The check suite or run has timed out.
	CheckConclusionStateCancelled      CheckConclusionState = "CANCELLED"       // The check suite or run has been cancelled.
	CheckConclusionStateFailure        CheckConclusionState = "FAILURE"         // The check suite or run has failed.
	CheckConclusionStateSuccess        CheckConclusionState = "SUCCESS"         // The check suite or run has succeeded.
	CheckConclusionStateNeutral        CheckConclusionState = "NEUTRAL"         // The check suite or run was neutral.

The possible states for a check suite or run conclusion.

type CheckRunAction

type CheckRunAction struct {
	// The text to be displayed on a button in the web UI. (Required.)
	Label String `json:"label"`
	// A short explanation of what this action would do. (Required.)
	Description String `json:"description"`
	// A reference for the action on the integrator's system. (Required.)
	Identifier String `json:"identifier"`

CheckRunAction represents possible further actions the integrator can perform.

type CheckRunFilter

type CheckRunFilter struct {

	// Filters the check runs by this type. (Optional.)
	CheckType *CheckRunType `json:"checkType,omitempty"`
	// Filters the check runs created by this application ID. (Optional.)
	AppID *Int `json:"appId,omitempty"`
	// Filters the check runs by this name. (Optional.)
	CheckName *String `json:"checkName,omitempty"`
	// Filters the check runs by this status. (Optional.)
	Status *CheckStatusState `json:"status,omitempty"`

CheckRunFilter represents the filters that are available when fetching check runs.

type CheckRunOutput

type CheckRunOutput struct {
	// A title to provide for this check run. (Required.)
	Title String `json:"title"`
	// The summary of the check run (supports Commonmark). (Required.)
	Summary String `json:"summary"`

	// The details of the check run (supports Commonmark). (Optional.)
	Text *String `json:"text,omitempty"`
	// The annotations that are made as part of the check run. (Optional.)
	Annotations *[]CheckAnnotationData `json:"annotations,omitempty"`
	// Images attached to the check run output displayed in the GitHub pull request UI. (Optional.)
	Images *[]CheckRunOutputImage `json:"images,omitempty"`

CheckRunOutput represents descriptive details about the check run.

type CheckRunOutputImage

type CheckRunOutputImage struct {
	// The alternative text for the image. (Required.)
	Alt String `json:"alt"`
	// The full URL of the image. (Required.)
	ImageURL URI `json:"imageUrl"`

	// A short image description. (Optional.)
	Caption *String `json:"caption,omitempty"`

CheckRunOutputImage represents images attached to the check run output displayed in the GitHub pull request UI.

type CheckRunType

type CheckRunType string

CheckRunType represents the possible types of check runs.

const (
	CheckRunTypeAll    CheckRunType = "ALL"    // Every check run available.
	CheckRunTypeLatest CheckRunType = "LATEST" // The latest check run.

The possible types of check runs.

type CheckStatusState

type CheckStatusState string

CheckStatusState represents the possible states for a check suite or run status.

const (
	CheckStatusStateQueued     CheckStatusState = "QUEUED"      // The check suite or run has been queued.
	CheckStatusStateInProgress CheckStatusState = "IN_PROGRESS" // The check suite or run is in progress.
	CheckStatusStateCompleted  CheckStatusState = "COMPLETED"   // The check suite or run has been completed.
	CheckStatusStateRequested  CheckStatusState = "REQUESTED"   // The check suite or run has been requested.

The possible states for a check suite or run status.

type CheckSuiteAutoTriggerPreference

type CheckSuiteAutoTriggerPreference struct {
	// The node ID of the application that owns the check suite. (Required.)
	AppID ID `json:"appId"`
	// Set to `true` to enable automatic creation of CheckSuite events upon pushes to the repository. (Required.)
	Setting Boolean `json:"setting"`

CheckSuiteAutoTriggerPreference represents the auto-trigger preferences that are available for check suites.

type CheckSuiteFilter

type CheckSuiteFilter struct {

	// Filters the check suites created by this application ID. (Optional.)
	AppID *Int `json:"appId,omitempty"`
	// Filters the check suites by this name. (Optional.)
	CheckName *String `json:"checkName,omitempty"`

CheckSuiteFilter represents the filters that are available when fetching check suites.

type ClearLabelsFromLabelableInput

type ClearLabelsFromLabelableInput struct {
	// The id of the labelable object to clear the labels from. (Required.)
	LabelableID ID `json:"labelableId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

ClearLabelsFromLabelableInput is an autogenerated input type of ClearLabelsFromLabelable.

type Client

type Client struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Client is a GitHub GraphQL API v4 client.

func NewClient

func NewClient(httpClient *http.Client) *Client

NewClient creates a new GitHub GraphQL API v4 client with the provided http.Client. If httpClient is nil, then http.DefaultClient is used.

Note that GitHub GraphQL API v4 requires authentication, so the provided http.Client is expected to take care of that.

func NewEnterpriseClient

func NewEnterpriseClient(url string, httpClient *http.Client) *Client

NewEnterpriseClient creates a new GitHub GraphQL API v4 client for the GitHub Enterprise instance with the specified GraphQL endpoint URL, using the provided http.Client. If httpClient is nil, then http.DefaultClient is used.

Note that GitHub GraphQL API v4 requires authentication, so the provided http.Client is expected to take care of that.

func (*Client) Mutate

func (c *Client) Mutate(ctx context.Context, m interface{}, input Input, variables map[string]interface{}) error

Mutate executes a single GraphQL mutation request, with a mutation derived from m, populating the response into it. m should be a pointer to struct that corresponds to the GitHub GraphQL schema. Provided input will be set as a variable named "input".

func (*Client) Query

func (c *Client) Query(ctx context.Context, q interface{}, variables map[string]interface{}) error

Query executes a single GraphQL query request, with a query derived from q, populating the response into it. q should be a pointer to struct that corresponds to the GitHub GraphQL schema.

type CloneProjectInput

type CloneProjectInput struct {
	// The owner ID to create the project under. (Required.)
	TargetOwnerID ID `json:"targetOwnerId"`
	// The source project to clone. (Required.)
	SourceID ID `json:"sourceId"`
	// Whether or not to clone the source project's workflows. (Required.)
	IncludeWorkflows Boolean `json:"includeWorkflows"`
	// The name of the project. (Required.)
	Name String `json:"name"`

	// The description of the project. (Optional.)
	Body *String `json:"body,omitempty"`
	// The visibility of the project, defaults to false (private). (Optional.)
	Public *Boolean `json:"public,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

CloneProjectInput is an autogenerated input type of CloneProject.

type CloneTemplateRepositoryInput

type CloneTemplateRepositoryInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the template repository. (Required.)
	RepositoryID ID `json:"repositoryId"`
	// The name of the new repository. (Required.)
	Name String `json:"name"`
	// The ID of the owner for the new repository. (Required.)
	OwnerID ID `json:"ownerId"`
	// Indicates the repository's visibility level. (Required.)
	Visibility RepositoryVisibility `json:"visibility"`

	// A short description of the new repository. (Optional.)
	Description *String `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

CloneTemplateRepositoryInput is an autogenerated input type of CloneTemplateRepository.

type CloseIssueInput

type CloseIssueInput struct {
	// ID of the issue to be closed. (Required.)
	IssueID ID `json:"issueId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

CloseIssueInput is an autogenerated input type of CloseIssue.

type ClosePullRequestInput

type ClosePullRequestInput struct {
	// ID of the pull request to be closed. (Required.)
	PullRequestID ID `json:"pullRequestId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

ClosePullRequestInput is an autogenerated input type of ClosePullRequest.

type CollaboratorAffiliation

type CollaboratorAffiliation string

CollaboratorAffiliation represents collaborators affiliation level with a subject.

const (
	CollaboratorAffiliationOutside CollaboratorAffiliation = "OUTSIDE" // All outside collaborators of an organization-owned subject.
	CollaboratorAffiliationDirect  CollaboratorAffiliation = "DIRECT"  // All collaborators with permissions to an organization-owned subject, regardless of organization membership status.
	CollaboratorAffiliationAll     CollaboratorAffiliation = "ALL"     // All collaborators the authenticated user can see.

Collaborators affiliation level with a subject.

type CommentAuthorAssociation

type CommentAuthorAssociation string

CommentAuthorAssociation represents a comment author association with repository.

const (
	CommentAuthorAssociationMember               CommentAuthorAssociation = "MEMBER"                 // Author is a member of the organization that owns the repository.
	CommentAuthorAssociationOwner                CommentAuthorAssociation = "OWNER"                  // Author is the owner of the repository.
	CommentAuthorAssociationCollaborator         CommentAuthorAssociation = "COLLABORATOR"           // Author has been invited to collaborate on the repository.
	CommentAuthorAssociationContributor          CommentAuthorAssociation = "CONTRIBUTOR"            // Author has previously committed to the repository.
	CommentAuthorAssociationFirstTimeContributor CommentAuthorAssociation = "FIRST_TIME_CONTRIBUTOR" // Author has not previously committed to the repository.
	CommentAuthorAssociationFirstTimer           CommentAuthorAssociation = "FIRST_TIMER"            // Author has not previously committed to GitHub.
	CommentAuthorAssociationNone                 CommentAuthorAssociation = "NONE"                   // Author has no association with the repository.

A comment author association with repository.

type CommentCannotUpdateReason

type CommentCannotUpdateReason string

CommentCannotUpdateReason represents the possible errors that will prevent a user from updating a comment.

const (
	CommentCannotUpdateReasonInsufficientAccess    CommentCannotUpdateReason = "INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS"     // You must be the author or have write access to this repository to update this comment.
	CommentCannotUpdateReasonLocked                CommentCannotUpdateReason = "LOCKED"                  // Unable to create comment because issue is locked.
	CommentCannotUpdateReasonLoginRequired         CommentCannotUpdateReason = "LOGIN_REQUIRED"          // You must be logged in to update this comment.
	CommentCannotUpdateReasonMaintenance           CommentCannotUpdateReason = "MAINTENANCE"             // Repository is under maintenance.
	CommentCannotUpdateReasonVerifiedEmailRequired CommentCannotUpdateReason = "VERIFIED_EMAIL_REQUIRED" // At least one email address must be verified to update this comment.
	CommentCannotUpdateReasonDenied                CommentCannotUpdateReason = "DENIED"                  // You cannot update this comment.

The possible errors that will prevent a user from updating a comment.

type CommitAuthor

type CommitAuthor struct {

	// ID of a User to filter by. If non-null, only commits authored by this user will be returned. This field takes precedence over emails. (Optional.)
	ID *ID `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Email addresses to filter by. Commits authored by any of the specified email addresses will be returned. (Optional.)
	Emails *[]String `json:"emails,omitempty"`

CommitAuthor specifies an author for filtering Git commits.

type CommitContributionOrder

type CommitContributionOrder struct {
	// The field by which to order commit contributions. (Required.)
	Field CommitContributionOrderField `json:"field"`
	// The ordering direction. (Required.)
	Direction OrderDirection `json:"direction"`

CommitContributionOrder represents ordering options for commit contribution connections.

type CommitContributionOrderField

type CommitContributionOrderField string

CommitContributionOrderField represents properties by which commit contribution connections can be ordered.

const (
	CommitContributionOrderFieldOccurredAt  CommitContributionOrderField = "OCCURRED_AT"  // Order commit contributions by when they were made.
	CommitContributionOrderFieldCommitCount CommitContributionOrderField = "COMMIT_COUNT" // Order commit contributions by how many commits they represent.

Properties by which commit contribution connections can be ordered.

type ContributionOrder

type ContributionOrder struct {
	// The ordering direction. (Required.)
	Direction OrderDirection `json:"direction"`

	// The field by which to order contributions. **Upcoming Change on 2019-10-01 UTC** **Description:** `field` will be removed. Only one order field is supported. **Reason:** `field` will be removed. (Optional.)
	Field *ContributionOrderField `json:"field,omitempty"`

ContributionOrder represents ordering options for contribution connections.

type ContributionOrderField

type ContributionOrderField string

ContributionOrderField represents properties by which contribution connections can be ordered.

const (
	ContributionOrderFieldOccurredAt ContributionOrderField = "OCCURRED_AT" // Order contributions by when they were made.

Properties by which contribution connections can be ordered.

type ConvertProjectCardNoteToIssueInput

type ConvertProjectCardNoteToIssueInput struct {
	// The ProjectCard ID to convert. (Required.)
	ProjectCardID ID `json:"projectCardId"`
	// The ID of the repository to create the issue in. (Required.)
	RepositoryID ID `json:"repositoryId"`

	// The title of the newly created issue. Defaults to the card's note text. (Optional.)
	Title *String `json:"title,omitempty"`
	// The body of the newly created issue. (Optional.)
	Body *String `json:"body,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

ConvertProjectCardNoteToIssueInput is an autogenerated input type of ConvertProjectCardNoteToIssue.

type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput

type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput struct {
	// The global relay id of the repository in which a new branch protection rule should be created in. (Required.)
	RepositoryID ID `json:"repositoryId"`
	// The glob-like pattern used to determine matching branches. (Required.)
	Pattern String `json:"pattern"`

	// Are approving reviews required to update matching branches. (Optional.)
	RequiresApprovingReviews *Boolean `json:"requiresApprovingReviews,omitempty"`
	// Number of approving reviews required to update matching branches. (Optional.)
	RequiredApprovingReviewCount *Int `json:"requiredApprovingReviewCount,omitempty"`
	// Are commits required to be signed. (Optional.)
	RequiresCommitSignatures *Boolean `json:"requiresCommitSignatures,omitempty"`
	// Can admins overwrite branch protection. (Optional.)
	IsAdminEnforced *Boolean `json:"isAdminEnforced,omitempty"`
	// Are status checks required to update matching branches. (Optional.)
	RequiresStatusChecks *Boolean `json:"requiresStatusChecks,omitempty"`
	// Are branches required to be up to date before merging. (Optional.)
	RequiresStrictStatusChecks *Boolean `json:"requiresStrictStatusChecks,omitempty"`
	// Are reviews from code owners required to update matching branches. (Optional.)
	RequiresCodeOwnerReviews *Boolean `json:"requiresCodeOwnerReviews,omitempty"`
	// Will new commits pushed to matching branches dismiss pull request review approvals. (Optional.)
	DismissesStaleReviews *Boolean `json:"dismissesStaleReviews,omitempty"`
	// Is dismissal of pull request reviews restricted. (Optional.)
	RestrictsReviewDismissals *Boolean `json:"restrictsReviewDismissals,omitempty"`
	// A list of User or Team IDs allowed to dismiss reviews on pull requests targeting matching branches. (Optional.)
	ReviewDismissalActorIDs *[]ID `json:"reviewDismissalActorIds,omitempty"`
	// Is pushing to matching branches restricted. (Optional.)
	RestrictsPushes *Boolean `json:"restrictsPushes,omitempty"`
	// A list of User or Team IDs allowed to push to matching branches. (Optional.)
	PushActorIDs *[]ID `json:"pushActorIds,omitempty"`
	// List of required status check contexts that must pass for commits to be accepted to matching branches. (Optional.)
	RequiredStatusCheckContexts *[]String `json:"requiredStatusCheckContexts,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput is an autogenerated input type of CreateBranchProtectionRule.

type CreateCheckRunInput

type CreateCheckRunInput struct {
	// The node ID of the repository. (Required.)
	RepositoryID ID `json:"repositoryId"`
	// The name of the check. (Required.)
	Name String `json:"name"`
	// The SHA of the head commit. (Required.)
	HeadSha GitObjectID `json:"headSha"`

	// The URL of the integrator's site that has the full details of the check. (Optional.)
	DetailsURL *URI `json:"detailsUrl,omitempty"`
	// A reference for the run on the integrator's system. (Optional.)
	ExternalID *String `json:"externalId,omitempty"`
	// The current status. (Optional.)
	Status *RequestableCheckStatusState `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The time that the check run began. (Optional.)
	StartedAt *DateTime `json:"startedAt,omitempty"`
	// The final conclusion of the check. (Optional.)
	Conclusion *CheckConclusionState `json:"conclusion,omitempty"`
	// The time that the check run finished. (Optional.)
	CompletedAt *DateTime `json:"completedAt,omitempty"`
	// Descriptive details about the run. (Optional.)
	Output *CheckRunOutput `json:"output,omitempty"`
	// Possible further actions the integrator can perform, which a user may trigger. (Optional.)
	Actions *[]CheckRunAction `json:"actions,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

CreateCheckRunInput is an autogenerated input type of CreateCheckRun.

type CreateCheckSuiteInput

type CreateCheckSuiteInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the repository. (Required.)
	RepositoryID ID `json:"repositoryId"`
	// The SHA of the head commit. (Required.)
	HeadSha GitObjectID `json:"headSha"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

CreateCheckSuiteInput is an autogenerated input type of CreateCheckSuite.

type CreateContentAttachmentInput

type CreateContentAttachmentInput struct {
	// The node ID of the content_reference. (Required.)
	ContentReferenceID ID `json:"contentReferenceId"`
	// The title of the content attachment. (Required.)
	Title String `json:"title"`
	// The body of the content attachment, which may contain markdown. (Required.)
	Body String `json:"body"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

CreateContentAttachmentInput is an autogenerated input type of CreateContentAttachment.

type CreateDeploymentInput

type CreateDeploymentInput struct {
	// The node ID of the repository. (Required.)
	RepositoryID ID `json:"repositoryId"`
	// The node ID of the ref to be deployed. (Required.)
	RefID ID `json:"refId"`

	// Attempt to automatically merge the default branch into the requested ref, defaults to true. (Optional.)
	AutoMerge *Boolean `json:"autoMerge,omitempty"`
	// The status contexts to verify against commit status checks. To bypass required contexts, pass an empty array. Defaults to all unique contexts. (Optional.)
	RequiredContexts *[]String `json:"requiredContexts,omitempty"`
	// Short description of the deployment. (Optional.)
	Description *String `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// Name for the target deployment environment. (Optional.)
	Environment *String `json:"environment,omitempty"`
	// Specifies a task to execute. (Optional.)
	Task *String `json:"task,omitempty"`
	// JSON payload with extra information about the deployment. (Optional.)
	Payload *String `json:"payload,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

CreateDeploymentInput is an autogenerated input type of CreateDeployment.

type CreateDeploymentStatusInput

type CreateDeploymentStatusInput struct {
	// The node ID of the deployment. (Required.)
	DeploymentID ID `json:"deploymentId"`
	// The state of the deployment. (Required.)
	State DeploymentStatusState `json:"state"`

	// A short description of the status. Maximum length of 140 characters. (Optional.)
	Description *String `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// If provided, updates the environment of the deploy. Otherwise, does not modify the environment. (Optional.)
	Environment *String `json:"environment,omitempty"`
	// Sets the URL for accessing your environment. (Optional.)
	EnvironmentURL *String `json:"environmentUrl,omitempty"`
	// Adds a new inactive status to all non-transient, non-production environment deployments with the same repository and environment name as the created status's deployment. (Optional.)
	AutoInactive *Boolean `json:"autoInactive,omitempty"`
	// The log URL to associate with this status. This URL should contain output to keep the user updated while the task is running or serve as historical information for what happened in the deployment. (Optional.)
	LogURL *String `json:"logUrl,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

CreateDeploymentStatusInput is an autogenerated input type of CreateDeploymentStatus.

type CreateIssueInput

type CreateIssueInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the repository. (Required.)
	RepositoryID ID `json:"repositoryId"`
	// The title for the issue. (Required.)
	Title String `json:"title"`

	// The body for the issue description. (Optional.)
	Body *String `json:"body,omitempty"`
	// The Node ID for the user assignee for this issue. (Optional.)
	AssigneeIDs *[]ID `json:"assigneeIds,omitempty"`
	// The Node ID of the milestone for this issue. (Optional.)
	MilestoneID *ID `json:"milestoneId,omitempty"`
	// An array of Node IDs of labels for this issue. (Optional.)
	LabelIDs *[]ID `json:"labelIds,omitempty"`
	// An array of Node IDs for projects associated with this issue. (Optional.)
	ProjectIDs *[]ID `json:"projectIds,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

CreateIssueInput is an autogenerated input type of CreateIssue.

type CreateLabelInput

type CreateLabelInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the repository. (Required.)
	RepositoryID ID `json:"repositoryId"`
	// A 6 character hex code, without the leading #, identifying the color of the label. (Required.)
	Color String `json:"color"`
	// The name of the label. (Required.)
	Name String `json:"name"`

	// A brief description of the label, such as its purpose. (Optional.)
	Description *String `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

CreateLabelInput is an autogenerated input type of CreateLabel.

type CreateProjectInput

type CreateProjectInput struct {
	// The owner ID to create the project under. (Required.)
	OwnerID ID `json:"ownerId"`
	// The name of project. (Required.)
	Name String `json:"name"`

	// The description of project. (Optional.)
	Body *String `json:"body,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

CreateProjectInput is an autogenerated input type of CreateProject.

type CreatePullRequestInput

type CreatePullRequestInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the repository. (Required.)
	RepositoryID ID `json:"repositoryId"`
	// The name of the branch you want your changes pulled into. This should be an existing branch on the current repository. You cannot update the base branch on a pull request to point to another repository. (Required.)
	BaseRefName String `json:"baseRefName"`
	// The name of the branch where your changes are implemented. For cross-repository pull requests in the same network, namespace `head_ref_name` with a user like this: `username:branch`. (Required.)
	HeadRefName String `json:"headRefName"`
	// The title of the pull request. (Required.)
	Title String `json:"title"`

	// The contents of the pull request. (Optional.)
	Body *String `json:"body,omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether maintainers can modify the pull request. (Optional.)
	MaintainerCanModify *Boolean `json:"maintainerCanModify,omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether this pull request should be a draft. (Optional.)
	Draft *Boolean `json:"draft,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

CreatePullRequestInput is an autogenerated input type of CreatePullRequest.

type CreateRefInput

type CreateRefInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the Repository to create the Ref in. (Required.)
	RepositoryID ID `json:"repositoryId"`
	// The fully qualified name of the new Ref (ie: `refs/heads/my_new_branch`). (Required.)
	Name String `json:"name"`
	// The GitObjectID that the new Ref shall target. Must point to a commit. (Required.)
	Oid GitObjectID `json:"oid"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

CreateRefInput is an autogenerated input type of CreateRef.

type CreateRepositoryInput

type CreateRepositoryInput struct {
	// The name of the new repository. (Required.)
	Name String `json:"name"`
	// Indicates the repository's visibility level. (Required.)
	Visibility RepositoryVisibility `json:"visibility"`

	// The ID of the owner for the new repository. (Optional.)
	OwnerID *ID `json:"ownerId,omitempty"`
	// A short description of the new repository. (Optional.)
	Description *String `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// Whether this repository should be marked as a template such that anyone who can access it can create new repositories with the same files and directory structure. (Optional.)
	Template *Boolean `json:"template,omitempty"`
	// The URL for a web page about this repository. (Optional.)
	HomepageURL *URI `json:"homepageUrl,omitempty"`
	// Indicates if the repository should have the wiki feature enabled. (Optional.)
	HasWikiEnabled *Boolean `json:"hasWikiEnabled,omitempty"`
	// Indicates if the repository should have the issues feature enabled. (Optional.)
	HasIssuesEnabled *Boolean `json:"hasIssuesEnabled,omitempty"`
	// When an organization is specified as the owner, this ID identifies the team that should be granted access to the new repository. (Optional.)
	TeamID *ID `json:"teamId,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

CreateRepositoryInput is an autogenerated input type of CreateRepository.

type CreateTeamDiscussionCommentInput

type CreateTeamDiscussionCommentInput struct {
	// The ID of the discussion to which the comment belongs. (Required.)
	DiscussionID ID `json:"discussionId"`
	// The content of the comment. (Required.)
	Body String `json:"body"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

CreateTeamDiscussionCommentInput is an autogenerated input type of CreateTeamDiscussionComment.

type CreateTeamDiscussionInput

type CreateTeamDiscussionInput struct {
	// The ID of the team to which the discussion belongs. (Required.)
	TeamID ID `json:"teamId"`
	// The title of the discussion. (Required.)
	Title String `json:"title"`
	// The content of the discussion. (Required.)
	Body String `json:"body"`

	// If true, restricts the visiblity of this discussion to team members and organization admins. If false or not specified, allows any organization member to view this discussion. (Optional.)
	Private *Boolean `json:"private,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

CreateTeamDiscussionInput is an autogenerated input type of CreateTeamDiscussion.

type Date

type Date struct{ time.Time }

Date is an ISO-8601 encoded date.

func NewDate

func NewDate(v Date) *Date

NewDate is a helper to make a new *Date.

type DateTime

type DateTime struct{ time.Time }

DateTime is an ISO-8601 encoded UTC date.

func NewDateTime

func NewDateTime(v DateTime) *DateTime

NewDateTime is a helper to make a new *DateTime.

type DeclineTopicSuggestionInput

type DeclineTopicSuggestionInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the repository. (Required.)
	RepositoryID ID `json:"repositoryId"`
	// The name of the suggested topic. (Required.)
	Name String `json:"name"`
	// The reason why the suggested topic is declined. (Required.)
	Reason TopicSuggestionDeclineReason `json:"reason"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

DeclineTopicSuggestionInput is an autogenerated input type of DeclineTopicSuggestion.

type DefaultRepositoryPermissionField

type DefaultRepositoryPermissionField string

DefaultRepositoryPermissionField represents the possible default permissions for repositories.

const (
	DefaultRepositoryPermissionFieldNone  DefaultRepositoryPermissionField = "NONE"  // No access.
	DefaultRepositoryPermissionFieldRead  DefaultRepositoryPermissionField = "READ"  // Can read repos by default.
	DefaultRepositoryPermissionFieldWrite DefaultRepositoryPermissionField = "WRITE" // Can read and write repos by default.
	DefaultRepositoryPermissionFieldAdmin DefaultRepositoryPermissionField = "ADMIN" // Can read, write, and administrate repos by default.

The possible default permissions for repositories.

type DeleteBranchProtectionRuleInput

type DeleteBranchProtectionRuleInput struct {
	// The global relay id of the branch protection rule to be deleted. (Required.)
	BranchProtectionRuleID ID `json:"branchProtectionRuleId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

DeleteBranchProtectionRuleInput is an autogenerated input type of DeleteBranchProtectionRule.

type DeleteIssueCommentInput

type DeleteIssueCommentInput struct {
	// The ID of the comment to delete. (Required.)
	ID ID `json:"id"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

DeleteIssueCommentInput is an autogenerated input type of DeleteIssueComment.

type DeleteIssueInput

type DeleteIssueInput struct {
	// The ID of the issue to delete. (Required.)
	IssueID ID `json:"issueId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

DeleteIssueInput is an autogenerated input type of DeleteIssue.

type DeleteLabelInput

type DeleteLabelInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the label to be deleted. (Required.)
	ID ID `json:"id"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

DeleteLabelInput is an autogenerated input type of DeleteLabel.

type DeleteProjectCardInput

type DeleteProjectCardInput struct {
	// The id of the card to delete. (Required.)
	CardID ID `json:"cardId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

DeleteProjectCardInput is an autogenerated input type of DeleteProjectCard.

type DeleteProjectColumnInput

type DeleteProjectColumnInput struct {
	// The id of the column to delete. (Required.)
	ColumnID ID `json:"columnId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

DeleteProjectColumnInput is an autogenerated input type of DeleteProjectColumn.

type DeleteProjectInput

type DeleteProjectInput struct {
	// The Project ID to update. (Required.)
	ProjectID ID `json:"projectId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

DeleteProjectInput is an autogenerated input type of DeleteProject.

type DeletePullRequestReviewCommentInput

type DeletePullRequestReviewCommentInput struct {
	// The ID of the comment to delete. (Required.)
	ID ID `json:"id"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

DeletePullRequestReviewCommentInput is an autogenerated input type of DeletePullRequestReviewComment.

type DeletePullRequestReviewInput

type DeletePullRequestReviewInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the pull request review to delete. (Required.)
	PullRequestReviewID ID `json:"pullRequestReviewId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

DeletePullRequestReviewInput is an autogenerated input type of DeletePullRequestReview.

type DeleteRefInput

type DeleteRefInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the Ref to be deleted. (Required.)
	RefID ID `json:"refId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

DeleteRefInput is an autogenerated input type of DeleteRef.

type DeleteTeamDiscussionCommentInput

type DeleteTeamDiscussionCommentInput struct {
	// The ID of the comment to delete. (Required.)
	ID ID `json:"id"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

DeleteTeamDiscussionCommentInput is an autogenerated input type of DeleteTeamDiscussionComment.

type DeleteTeamDiscussionInput

type DeleteTeamDiscussionInput struct {
	// The discussion ID to delete. (Required.)
	ID ID `json:"id"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

DeleteTeamDiscussionInput is an autogenerated input type of DeleteTeamDiscussion.

type DeploymentOrder

type DeploymentOrder struct {
	// The field to order deployments by. (Required.)
	Field DeploymentOrderField `json:"field"`
	// The ordering direction. (Required.)
	Direction OrderDirection `json:"direction"`

DeploymentOrder represents ordering options for deployment connections.

type DeploymentOrderField

type DeploymentOrderField string

DeploymentOrderField represents properties by which deployment connections can be ordered.

const (
	DeploymentOrderFieldCreatedAt DeploymentOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order collection by creation time.

Properties by which deployment connections can be ordered.

type DeploymentState

type DeploymentState string

DeploymentState represents the possible states in which a deployment can be.

const (
	DeploymentStateAbandoned  DeploymentState = "ABANDONED"   // The pending deployment was not updated after 30 minutes.
	DeploymentStateActive     DeploymentState = "ACTIVE"      // The deployment is currently active.
	DeploymentStateDestroyed  DeploymentState = "DESTROYED"   // An inactive transient deployment.
	DeploymentStateError      DeploymentState = "ERROR"       // The deployment experienced an error.
	DeploymentStateFailure    DeploymentState = "FAILURE"     // The deployment has failed.
	DeploymentStateInactive   DeploymentState = "INACTIVE"    // The deployment is inactive.
	DeploymentStatePending    DeploymentState = "PENDING"     // The deployment is pending.
	DeploymentStateQueued     DeploymentState = "QUEUED"      // The deployment has queued.
	DeploymentStateInProgress DeploymentState = "IN_PROGRESS" // The deployment is in progress.

The possible states in which a deployment can be.

type DeploymentStatusState

type DeploymentStatusState string

DeploymentStatusState represents the possible states for a deployment status.

const (
	DeploymentStatusStatePending    DeploymentStatusState = "PENDING"     // The deployment is pending.
	DeploymentStatusStateSuccess    DeploymentStatusState = "SUCCESS"     // The deployment was successful.
	DeploymentStatusStateFailure    DeploymentStatusState = "FAILURE"     // The deployment has failed.
	DeploymentStatusStateInactive   DeploymentStatusState = "INACTIVE"    // The deployment is inactive.
	DeploymentStatusStateError      DeploymentStatusState = "ERROR"       // The deployment experienced an error.
	DeploymentStatusStateQueued     DeploymentStatusState = "QUEUED"      // The deployment is queued.
	DeploymentStatusStateInProgress DeploymentStatusState = "IN_PROGRESS" // The deployment is in progress.

The possible states for a deployment status.

type DismissPullRequestReviewInput

type DismissPullRequestReviewInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the pull request review to modify. (Required.)
	PullRequestReviewID ID `json:"pullRequestReviewId"`
	// The contents of the pull request review dismissal message. (Required.)
	Message String `json:"message"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

DismissPullRequestReviewInput is an autogenerated input type of DismissPullRequestReview.

type DraftPullRequestReviewComment

type DraftPullRequestReviewComment struct {
	// Path to the file being commented on. (Required.)
	Path String `json:"path"`
	// Position in the file to leave a comment on. (Required.)
	Position Int `json:"position"`
	// Body of the comment to leave. (Required.)
	Body String `json:"body"`

DraftPullRequestReviewComment specifies a review comment to be left with a Pull Request Review.

type Float

type Float graphql.Float

Float represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by IEEE 754.

func NewFloat

func NewFloat(v Float) *Float

NewFloat is a helper to make a new *Float.

type GistOrder

type GistOrder struct {
	// The field to order repositories by. (Required.)
	Field GistOrderField `json:"field"`
	// The ordering direction. (Required.)
	Direction OrderDirection `json:"direction"`

GistOrder represents ordering options for gist connections.

type GistOrderField

type GistOrderField string

GistOrderField represents properties by which gist connections can be ordered.

const (
	GistOrderFieldCreatedAt GistOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order gists by creation time.
	GistOrderFieldUpdatedAt GistOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // Order gists by update time.
	GistOrderFieldPushedAt  GistOrderField = "PUSHED_AT"  // Order gists by push time.

Properties by which gist connections can be ordered.

type GistPrivacy

type GistPrivacy string

GistPrivacy represents the privacy of a Gist.

const (
	GistPrivacyPublic GistPrivacy = "PUBLIC" // Public.
	GistPrivacySecret GistPrivacy = "SECRET" // Secret.
	GistPrivacyAll    GistPrivacy = "ALL"    // Gists that are public and secret.

The privacy of a Gist.

type GitObjectID

type GitObjectID string

GitObjectID is a Git object ID. For example, "912ec1990bd09f8fc128c3fa6b59105085aabc03".

func NewGitObjectID

func NewGitObjectID(v GitObjectID) *GitObjectID

NewGitObjectID is a helper to make a new *GitObjectID.

type GitSignatureState

type GitSignatureState string

GitSignatureState represents the state of a Git signature.

const (
	GitSignatureStateValid                GitSignatureState = "VALID"                 // Valid signature and verified by GitHub.
	GitSignatureStateInvalid              GitSignatureState = "INVALID"               // Invalid signature.
	GitSignatureStateMalformedSig         GitSignatureState = "MALFORMED_SIG"         // Malformed signature.
	GitSignatureStateUnknownKey           GitSignatureState = "UNKNOWN_KEY"           // Key used for signing not known to GitHub.
	GitSignatureStateBadEmail             GitSignatureState = "BAD_EMAIL"             // Invalid email used for signing.
	GitSignatureStateUnverifiedEmail      GitSignatureState = "UNVERIFIED_EMAIL"      // Email used for signing unverified on GitHub.
	GitSignatureStateNoUser               GitSignatureState = "NO_USER"               // Email used for signing not known to GitHub.
	GitSignatureStateUnknownSigType       GitSignatureState = "UNKNOWN_SIG_TYPE"      // Unknown signature type.
	GitSignatureStateUnsigned             GitSignatureState = "UNSIGNED"              // Unsigned.
	GitSignatureStateGpgverifyUnavailable GitSignatureState = "GPGVERIFY_UNAVAILABLE" // Internal error - the GPG verification service is unavailable at the moment.
	GitSignatureStateGpgverifyError       GitSignatureState = "GPGVERIFY_ERROR"       // Internal error - the GPG verification service misbehaved.
	GitSignatureStateNotSigningKey        GitSignatureState = "NOT_SIGNING_KEY"       // The usage flags for the key that signed this don't allow signing.
	GitSignatureStateExpiredKey           GitSignatureState = "EXPIRED_KEY"           // Signing key expired.
	GitSignatureStateOcspPending          GitSignatureState = "OCSP_PENDING"          // Valid signature, pending certificate revocation checking.
	GitSignatureStateOcspError            GitSignatureState = "OCSP_ERROR"            // Valid siganture, though certificate revocation check failed.
	GitSignatureStateBadCert              GitSignatureState = "BAD_CERT"              // The signing certificate or its chain could not be verified.
	GitSignatureStateOcspRevoked          GitSignatureState = "OCSP_REVOKED"          // One or more certificates in chain has been revoked.

The state of a Git signature.

type GitTimestamp

type GitTimestamp struct{ time.Time }

GitTimestamp is an ISO-8601 encoded date. Unlike the DateTime type, GitTimestamp is not converted in UTC.

func NewGitTimestamp

func NewGitTimestamp(v GitTimestamp) *GitTimestamp

NewGitTimestamp is a helper to make a new *GitTimestamp.

type HTML

type HTML string

HTML is a string containing HTML code.

func NewHTML

func NewHTML(v HTML) *HTML

NewHTML is a helper to make a new *HTML.

type ID

type ID graphql.ID

ID represents a unique identifier that is Base64 obfuscated. It is often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "VXNlci0xMA==") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.

func NewID

func NewID(v ID) *ID

NewID is a helper to make a new *ID.

type IdentityProviderConfigurationState

type IdentityProviderConfigurationState string

IdentityProviderConfigurationState represents the possible states in which authentication can be configured with an identity provider.

const (
	IdentityProviderConfigurationStateEnforced     IdentityProviderConfigurationState = "ENFORCED"     // Authentication with an identity provider is configured and enforced.
	IdentityProviderConfigurationStateConfigured   IdentityProviderConfigurationState = "CONFIGURED"   // Authentication with an identity provider is configured but not enforced.
	IdentityProviderConfigurationStateUnconfigured IdentityProviderConfigurationState = "UNCONFIGURED" // Authentication with an identity provider is not configured.

The possible states in which authentication can be configured with an identity provider.

type ImportProjectInput

type ImportProjectInput struct {
	// The name of the Organization or User to create the Project under. (Required.)
	OwnerName String `json:"ownerName"`
	// The name of Project. (Required.)
	Name String `json:"name"`
	// A list of columns containing issues and pull requests. (Required.)
	ColumnImports []ProjectColumnImport `json:"columnImports"`

	// The description of Project. (Optional.)
	Body *String `json:"body,omitempty"`
	// Whether the Project is public or not. (Optional.)
	Public *Boolean `json:"public,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

ImportProjectInput is an autogenerated input type of ImportProject.

type Input

type Input interface{}

Input represents one of the Input structs:

AcceptTopicSuggestionInput, AddAssigneesToAssignableInput, AddCommentInput, AddLabelsToLabelableInput, AddProjectCardInput, AddProjectColumnInput, AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput, AddPullRequestReviewInput, AddReactionInput, AddStarInput, AuditLogOrder, ChangeUserStatusInput, CheckAnnotationData, CheckAnnotationRange, CheckRunAction, CheckRunFilter, CheckRunOutput, CheckRunOutputImage, CheckSuiteAutoTriggerPreference, CheckSuiteFilter, ClearLabelsFromLabelableInput, CloneProjectInput, CloneTemplateRepositoryInput, CloseIssueInput, ClosePullRequestInput, CommitAuthor, CommitContributionOrder, ContributionOrder, ConvertProjectCardNoteToIssueInput, CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput, CreateCheckRunInput, CreateCheckSuiteInput, CreateContentAttachmentInput, CreateDeploymentInput, CreateDeploymentStatusInput, CreateIssueInput, CreateLabelInput, CreateProjectInput, CreatePullRequestInput, CreateRefInput, CreateRepositoryInput, CreateTeamDiscussionCommentInput, CreateTeamDiscussionInput, DeclineTopicSuggestionInput, DeleteBranchProtectionRuleInput, DeleteIssueCommentInput, DeleteIssueInput, DeleteLabelInput, DeleteProjectCardInput, DeleteProjectColumnInput, DeleteProjectInput, DeletePullRequestReviewCommentInput, DeletePullRequestReviewInput, DeleteRefInput, DeleteTeamDiscussionCommentInput, DeleteTeamDiscussionInput, DeploymentOrder, DismissPullRequestReviewInput, DraftPullRequestReviewComment, GistOrder, ImportProjectInput, IssueFilters, IssueOrder, LanguageOrder, LockLockableInput, MarkPullRequestReadyForReviewInput, MergePullRequestInput, MilestoneOrder, MinimizeCommentInput, MoveProjectCardInput, MoveProjectColumnInput, PinIssueInput, ProjectCardImport, ProjectColumnImport, ProjectOrder, PullRequestOrder, ReactionOrder, RefOrder, ReleaseOrder, RemoveAssigneesFromAssignableInput, RemoveLabelsFromLabelableInput, RemoveOutsideCollaboratorInput, RemoveReactionInput, RemoveStarInput, ReopenIssueInput, ReopenPullRequestInput, RepositoryOrder, RequestReviewsInput, RerequestCheckSuiteInput, ResolveReviewThreadInput, SecurityAdvisoryIdentifierFilter, SecurityAdvisoryOrder, SecurityVulnerabilityOrder, StarOrder, SubmitPullRequestReviewInput, TeamDiscussionCommentOrder, TeamDiscussionOrder, TeamMemberOrder, TeamOrder, TeamRepositoryOrder, UnlockLockableInput, UnmarkIssueAsDuplicateInput, UnminimizeCommentInput, UnpinIssueInput, UnresolveReviewThreadInput, UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput, UpdateCheckRunInput, UpdateCheckSuitePreferencesInput, UpdateIssueCommentInput, UpdateIssueInput, UpdateLabelInput, UpdateProjectCardInput, UpdateProjectColumnInput, UpdateProjectInput, UpdatePullRequestInput, UpdatePullRequestReviewCommentInput, UpdatePullRequestReviewInput, UpdateRefInput, UpdateSubscriptionInput, UpdateTeamDiscussionCommentInput, UpdateTeamDiscussionInput, UpdateTopicsInput, UserStatusOrder.

type Int

type Int graphql.Int

Int represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.

func NewInt

func NewInt(v Int) *Int

NewInt is a helper to make a new *Int.

type IssueFilters

type IssueFilters struct {

	// List issues assigned to given name. Pass in `null` for issues with no assigned user, and `*` for issues assigned to any user. (Optional.)
	Assignee *String `json:"assignee,omitempty"`
	// List issues created by given name. (Optional.)
	CreatedBy *String `json:"createdBy,omitempty"`
	// List issues where the list of label names exist on the issue. (Optional.)
	Labels *[]String `json:"labels,omitempty"`
	// List issues where the given name is mentioned in the issue. (Optional.)
	Mentioned *String `json:"mentioned,omitempty"`
	// List issues by given milestone argument. If an string representation of an integer is passed, it should refer to a milestone by its number field. Pass in `null` for issues with no milestone, and `*` for issues that are assigned to any milestone. (Optional.)
	Milestone *String `json:"milestone,omitempty"`
	// List issues that have been updated at or after the given date. (Optional.)
	Since *DateTime `json:"since,omitempty"`
	// List issues filtered by the list of states given. (Optional.)
	States *[]IssueState `json:"states,omitempty"`
	// List issues subscribed to by viewer. (Optional.)
	ViewerSubscribed *Boolean `json:"viewerSubscribed,omitempty"`

IssueFilters represents ways in which to filter lists of issues.

type IssueOrder

type IssueOrder struct {
	// The field in which to order issues by. (Required.)
	Field IssueOrderField `json:"field"`
	// The direction in which to order issues by the specified field. (Required.)
	Direction OrderDirection `json:"direction"`

IssueOrder represents ways in which lists of issues can be ordered upon return.

type IssueOrderField

type IssueOrderField string

IssueOrderField represents properties by which issue connections can be ordered.

const (
	IssueOrderFieldCreatedAt IssueOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order issues by creation time.
	IssueOrderFieldUpdatedAt IssueOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // Order issues by update time.
	IssueOrderFieldComments  IssueOrderField = "COMMENTS"   // Order issues by comment count.

Properties by which issue connections can be ordered.

type IssuePubSubTopic

type IssuePubSubTopic string

IssuePubSubTopic represents the possible PubSub channels for an issue.

const (
	IssuePubSubTopicUpdated    IssuePubSubTopic = "UPDATED"    // The channel ID for observing issue updates.
	IssuePubSubTopicMarkasread IssuePubSubTopic = "MARKASREAD" // The channel ID for marking an issue as read.
	IssuePubSubTopicTimeline   IssuePubSubTopic = "TIMELINE"   // The channel ID for updating items on the issue timeline.
	IssuePubSubTopicState      IssuePubSubTopic = "STATE"      // The channel ID for observing issue state updates.

The possible PubSub channels for an issue.

type IssueState

type IssueState string

IssueState represents the possible states of an issue.

const (
	IssueStateOpen   IssueState = "OPEN"   // An issue that is still open.
	IssueStateClosed IssueState = "CLOSED" // An issue that has been closed.

The possible states of an issue.

type IssueTimelineItemsItemType

type IssueTimelineItemsItemType string

IssueTimelineItemsItemType represents the possible item types found in a timeline.

const (
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeIssueComment               IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "ISSUE_COMMENT"                  // Represents a comment on an Issue.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeCrossReferencedEvent       IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "CROSS_REFERENCED_EVENT"         // Represents a mention made by one issue or pull request to another.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeAddedToProjectEvent        IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "ADDED_TO_PROJECT_EVENT"         // Represents a 'added_to_project' event on a given issue or pull request.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeAssignedEvent              IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "ASSIGNED_EVENT"                 // Represents an 'assigned' event on any assignable object.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeClosedEvent                IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "CLOSED_EVENT"                   // Represents a 'closed' event on any `Closable`.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeCommentDeletedEvent        IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "COMMENT_DELETED_EVENT"          // Represents a 'comment_deleted' event on a given issue or pull request.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeConvertedNoteToIssueEvent  IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "CONVERTED_NOTE_TO_ISSUE_EVENT"  // Represents a 'converted_note_to_issue' event on a given issue or pull request.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeDemilestonedEvent          IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "DEMILESTONED_EVENT"             // Represents a 'demilestoned' event on a given issue or pull request.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeLabeledEvent               IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "LABELED_EVENT"                  // Represents a 'labeled' event on a given issue or pull request.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeLockedEvent                IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "LOCKED_EVENT"                   // Represents a 'locked' event on a given issue or pull request.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeMentionedEvent             IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "MENTIONED_EVENT"                // Represents a 'mentioned' event on a given issue or pull request.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeMilestonedEvent            IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "MILESTONED_EVENT"               // Represents a 'milestoned' event on a given issue or pull request.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeMovedColumnsInProjectEvent IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "MOVED_COLUMNS_IN_PROJECT_EVENT" // Represents a 'moved_columns_in_project' event on a given issue or pull request.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypePinnedEvent                IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "PINNED_EVENT"                   // Represents a 'pinned' event on a given issue or pull request.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeReferencedEvent            IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "REFERENCED_EVENT"               // Represents a 'referenced' event on a given `ReferencedSubject`.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeRemovedFromProjectEvent    IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "REMOVED_FROM_PROJECT_EVENT"     // Represents a 'removed_from_project' event on a given issue or pull request.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeRenamedTitleEvent          IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "RENAMED_TITLE_EVENT"            // Represents a 'renamed' event on a given issue or pull request.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeReopenedEvent              IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "REOPENED_EVENT"                 // Represents a 'reopened' event on any `Closable`.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeSubscribedEvent            IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "SUBSCRIBED_EVENT"               // Represents a 'subscribed' event on a given `Subscribable`.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeTransferredEvent           IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "TRANSFERRED_EVENT"              // Represents a 'transferred' event on a given issue or pull request.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeUnassignedEvent            IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "UNASSIGNED_EVENT"               // Represents an 'unassigned' event on any assignable object.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeUnlabeledEvent             IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "UNLABELED_EVENT"                // Represents an 'unlabeled' event on a given issue or pull request.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeUnlockedEvent              IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "UNLOCKED_EVENT"                 // Represents an 'unlocked' event on a given issue or pull request.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeUserBlockedEvent           IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "USER_BLOCKED_EVENT"             // Represents a 'user_blocked' event on a given user.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeUnpinnedEvent              IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "UNPINNED_EVENT"                 // Represents an 'unpinned' event on a given issue or pull request.
	IssueTimelineItemsItemTypeUnsubscribedEvent          IssueTimelineItemsItemType = "UNSUBSCRIBED_EVENT"             // Represents an 'unsubscribed' event on a given `Subscribable`.

The possible item types found in a timeline.

type LanguageOrder

type LanguageOrder struct {
	// The field to order languages by. (Required.)
	Field LanguageOrderField `json:"field"`
	// The ordering direction. (Required.)
	Direction OrderDirection `json:"direction"`

LanguageOrder represents ordering options for language connections.

type LanguageOrderField

type LanguageOrderField string

LanguageOrderField represents properties by which language connections can be ordered.

const (
	LanguageOrderFieldSize LanguageOrderField = "SIZE" // Order languages by the size of all files containing the language.

Properties by which language connections can be ordered.

type LockLockableInput

type LockLockableInput struct {
	// ID of the issue or pull request to be locked. (Required.)
	LockableID ID `json:"lockableId"`

	// A reason for why the issue or pull request will be locked. (Optional.)
	LockReason *LockReason `json:"lockReason,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

LockLockableInput is an autogenerated input type of LockLockable.

type LockReason

type LockReason string

LockReason represents the possible reasons that an issue or pull request was locked.

const (
	LockReasonOffTopic  LockReason = "OFF_TOPIC"  // The issue or pull request was locked because the conversation was off-topic.
	LockReasonTooHeated LockReason = "TOO_HEATED" // The issue or pull request was locked because the conversation was too heated.
	LockReasonResolved  LockReason = "RESOLVED"   // The issue or pull request was locked because the conversation was resolved.
	LockReasonSpam      LockReason = "SPAM"       // The issue or pull request was locked because the conversation was spam.

The possible reasons that an issue or pull request was locked.

type MarkPullRequestReadyForReviewInput

type MarkPullRequestReadyForReviewInput struct {
	// ID of the pull request to be marked as ready for review. (Required.)
	PullRequestID ID `json:"pullRequestId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

MarkPullRequestReadyForReviewInput is an autogenerated input type of MarkPullRequestReadyForReview.

type MergePullRequestInput

type MergePullRequestInput struct {
	// ID of the pull request to be merged. (Required.)
	PullRequestID ID `json:"pullRequestId"`

	// Commit headline to use for the merge commit; if omitted, a default message will be used. (Optional.)
	CommitHeadline *String `json:"commitHeadline,omitempty"`
	// Commit body to use for the merge commit; if omitted, a default message will be used. (Optional.)
	CommitBody *String `json:"commitBody,omitempty"`
	// OID that the pull request head ref must match to allow merge; if omitted, no check is performed. (Optional.)
	ExpectedHeadOid *GitObjectID `json:"expectedHeadOid,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

MergePullRequestInput is an autogenerated input type of MergePullRequest.

type MergeStateStatus

type MergeStateStatus string

MergeStateStatus represents detailed status information about a pull request merge.

const (
	MergeStateStatusDirty    MergeStateStatus = "DIRTY"     // The merge commit cannot be cleanly created.
	MergeStateStatusUnknown  MergeStateStatus = "UNKNOWN"   // The state cannot currently be determined.
	MergeStateStatusBlocked  MergeStateStatus = "BLOCKED"   // The merge is blocked.
	MergeStateStatusBehind   MergeStateStatus = "BEHIND"    // The head ref is out of date.
	MergeStateStatusDraft    MergeStateStatus = "DRAFT"     // The merge is blocked due to the pull request being a draft.
	MergeStateStatusUnstable MergeStateStatus = "UNSTABLE"  // Mergeable with non-passing commit status.
	MergeStateStatusHasHooks MergeStateStatus = "HAS_HOOKS" // Mergeable with passing commit status and pre-recieve hooks.
	MergeStateStatusClean    MergeStateStatus = "CLEAN"     // Mergeable and passing commit status.

Detailed status information about a pull request merge.

type MergeableState

type MergeableState string

MergeableState represents whether or not a PullRequest can be merged.

const (
	MergeableStateMergeable   MergeableState = "MERGEABLE"   // The pull request can be merged.
	MergeableStateConflicting MergeableState = "CONFLICTING" // The pull request cannot be merged due to merge conflicts.
	MergeableStateUnknown     MergeableState = "UNKNOWN"     // The mergeability of the pull request is still being calculated.

Whether or not a PullRequest can be merged.

type MilestoneOrder

type MilestoneOrder struct {
	// The field to order milestones by. (Required.)
	Field MilestoneOrderField `json:"field"`
	// The ordering direction. (Required.)
	Direction OrderDirection `json:"direction"`

MilestoneOrder represents ordering options for milestone connections.

type MilestoneOrderField

type MilestoneOrderField string

MilestoneOrderField represents properties by which milestone connections can be ordered.

const (
	MilestoneOrderFieldDueDate   MilestoneOrderField = "DUE_DATE"   // Order milestones by when they are due.
	MilestoneOrderFieldCreatedAt MilestoneOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order milestones by when they were created.
	MilestoneOrderFieldUpdatedAt MilestoneOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // Order milestones by when they were last updated.
	MilestoneOrderFieldNumber    MilestoneOrderField = "NUMBER"     // Order milestones by their number.

Properties by which milestone connections can be ordered.

type MilestoneState

type MilestoneState string

MilestoneState represents the possible states of a milestone.

const (
	MilestoneStateOpen   MilestoneState = "OPEN"   // A milestone that is still open.
	MilestoneStateClosed MilestoneState = "CLOSED" // A milestone that has been closed.

The possible states of a milestone.

type MinimizeCommentInput

type MinimizeCommentInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the subject to modify. (Required.)
	SubjectID ID `json:"subjectId"`
	// The classification of comment. (Required.)
	Classifier ReportedContentClassifiers `json:"classifier"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

MinimizeCommentInput is an autogenerated input type of MinimizeComment.

type MoveProjectCardInput

type MoveProjectCardInput struct {
	// The id of the card to move. (Required.)
	CardID ID `json:"cardId"`
	// The id of the column to move it into. (Required.)
	ColumnID ID `json:"columnId"`

	// Place the new card after the card with this id. Pass null to place it at the top. (Optional.)
	AfterCardID *ID `json:"afterCardId,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

MoveProjectCardInput is an autogenerated input type of MoveProjectCard.

type MoveProjectColumnInput

type MoveProjectColumnInput struct {
	// The id of the column to move. (Required.)
	ColumnID ID `json:"columnId"`

	// Place the new column after the column with this id. Pass null to place it at the front. (Optional.)
	AfterColumnID *ID `json:"afterColumnId,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

MoveProjectColumnInput is an autogenerated input type of MoveProjectColumn.

type OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntryState

type OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntryState string

OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntryState represents the state of an OAuth Application when it was created.

const (
	OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntryStateActive          OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntryState = "ACTIVE"           // The OAuth Application was active and allowed to have OAuth Accesses.
	OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntryStateSuspended       OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntryState = "SUSPENDED"        // The OAuth Application was suspended from generating OAuth Accesses due to abuse or security concerns.
	OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntryStatePendingDeletion OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntryState = "PENDING_DELETION" // The OAuth Application was in the process of being deleted.

The state of an OAuth Application when it was created.

type OauthApplicationRevokeTokensAuditEntryState

type OauthApplicationRevokeTokensAuditEntryState string

OauthApplicationRevokeTokensAuditEntryState represents the state of an OAuth Application when its tokens were revoked.

const (
	OauthApplicationRevokeTokensAuditEntryStateActive          OauthApplicationRevokeTokensAuditEntryState = "ACTIVE"           // The OAuth Application was active and allowed to have OAuth Accesses.
	OauthApplicationRevokeTokensAuditEntryStateSuspended       OauthApplicationRevokeTokensAuditEntryState = "SUSPENDED"        // The OAuth Application was suspended from generating OAuth Accesses due to abuse or security concerns.
	OauthApplicationRevokeTokensAuditEntryStatePendingDeletion OauthApplicationRevokeTokensAuditEntryState = "PENDING_DELETION" // The OAuth Application was in the process of being deleted.

The state of an OAuth Application when its tokens were revoked.

type OrderDirection

type OrderDirection string

OrderDirection represents possible directions in which to order a list of items when provided an `orderBy` argument.

const (
	OrderDirectionAsc  OrderDirection = "ASC"  // Specifies an ascending order for a given `orderBy` argument.
	OrderDirectionDesc OrderDirection = "DESC" // Specifies a descending order for a given `orderBy` argument.

Possible directions in which to order a list of items when provided an `orderBy` argument.

type OrgAddMemberAuditEntryPermission

type OrgAddMemberAuditEntryPermission string

OrgAddMemberAuditEntryPermission represents the permissions available to members on an Organization.

const (
	OrgAddMemberAuditEntryPermissionRead  OrgAddMemberAuditEntryPermission = "READ"  // Can read and clone repositories.
	OrgAddMemberAuditEntryPermissionAdmin OrgAddMemberAuditEntryPermission = "ADMIN" // Can read, clone, push, and add collaborators to repositories.

The permissions available to members on an Organization.

type OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntryReason

type OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntryReason string

OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntryReason represents the reason a billing manager was removed from an Organization.

const (
	OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntryReasonTwoFactorRequirementNonCompliance          OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntryReason = "TWO_FACTOR_REQUIREMENT_NON_COMPLIANCE"           // The organization required 2FA of its billing managers and this user did not have 2FA enabled.
	OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntryReasonSamlExternalIdentityMissing                OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntryReason = "SAML_EXTERNAL_IDENTITY_MISSING"                  // SAML external identity missing.
	OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntryReasonSamlSsoEnforcementRequiresExternalIdentity OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntryReason = "SAML_SSO_ENFORCEMENT_REQUIRES_EXTERNAL_IDENTITY" // SAML SSO enforcement requires an external identity.

The reason a billing manager was removed from an Organization.

type OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipType

type OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipType string

OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipType represents the type of membership a user has with an Organization.

const (
	OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipTypeDirectMember        OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipType = "DIRECT_MEMBER"        // A direct member is a user that is a member of the Organization.
	OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipTypeAdmin               OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipType = "ADMIN"                // Organization administrators have full access and can change several settings, including the names of repositories that belong to the Organization and Owners team membership. In addition, organization admins can delete the organization and all of its repositories.
	OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipTypeBillingManager      OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipType = "BILLING_MANAGER"      // A billing manager is a user who manages the billing settings for the Organization, such as updating payment information.
	OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipTypeUnaffiliated        OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipType = "UNAFFILIATED"         // An unaffiliated collaborator is a person who is not a member of the Organization and does not have access to any repositories in the Organization.
	OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipTypeOutsideCollaborator OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipType = "OUTSIDE_COLLABORATOR" // An outside collaborator is a person who isn't explicitly a member of the Organization, but who has Read, Write, or Admin permissions to one or more repositories in the organization.

The type of membership a user has with an Organization.

type OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReason

type OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReason string

OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReason represents the reason a member was removed from an Organization.

const (
	OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReasonTwoFactorRequirementNonCompliance          OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReason = "TWO_FACTOR_REQUIREMENT_NON_COMPLIANCE"           // The organization required 2FA of its billing managers and this user did not have 2FA enabled.
	OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReasonSamlExternalIdentityMissing                OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReason = "SAML_EXTERNAL_IDENTITY_MISSING"                  // SAML external identity missing.
	OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReasonSamlSsoEnforcementRequiresExternalIdentity OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReason = "SAML_SSO_ENFORCEMENT_REQUIRES_EXTERNAL_IDENTITY" // SAML SSO enforcement requires an external identity.

The reason a member was removed from an Organization.

type OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryMembershipType

type OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryMembershipType string

OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryMembershipType represents the type of membership a user has with an Organization.

const (
	OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryMembershipTypeOutsideCollaborator OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryMembershipType = "OUTSIDE_COLLABORATOR" // An outside collaborator is a person who isn't explicitly a member of the Organization, but who has Read, Write, or Admin permissions to one or more repositories in the organization.
	OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryMembershipTypeUnaffiliated        OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryMembershipType = "UNAFFILIATED"         // An unaffiliated collaborator is a person who is not a member of the Organization and does not have access to any repositories in the organization.
	OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryMembershipTypeBillingManager      OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryMembershipType = "BILLING_MANAGER"      // A billing manager is a user who manages the billing settings for the Organization, such as updating payment information.

The type of membership a user has with an Organization.

type OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryReason

type OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryReason string

OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryReason represents the reason an outside collaborator was removed from an Organization.

const (
	OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryReasonTwoFactorRequirementNonCompliance OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryReason = "TWO_FACTOR_REQUIREMENT_NON_COMPLIANCE" // The organization required 2FA of its billing managers and this user did not have 2FA enabled.
	OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryReasonSamlExternalIdentityMissing       OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryReason = "SAML_EXTERNAL_IDENTITY_MISSING"        // SAML external identity missing.

The reason an outside collaborator was removed from an Organization.

type OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermission

type OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermission string

OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermission represents the default permission a repository can have in an Organization.

const (
	OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermissionRead  OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermission = "READ"  // Can read and clone repositories.
	OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermissionWrite OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermission = "WRITE" // Can read, clone and push to repositories.
	OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermissionAdmin OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermission = "ADMIN" // Can read, clone, push, and add collaborators to repositories.
	OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermissionNone  OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermission = "NONE"  // No default permission value.

The default permission a repository can have in an Organization.

type OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntryPermission

type OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntryPermission string

OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntryPermission represents the permissions available to members on an Organization.

const (
	OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntryPermissionRead  OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntryPermission = "READ"  // Can read and clone repositories.
	OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntryPermissionAdmin OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntryPermission = "ADMIN" // Can read, clone, push, and add collaborators to repositories.

The permissions available to members on an Organization.

type OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility

type OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility string

OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility represents the permissions available for repository creation on an Organization.

const (
	OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibilityAll    OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility = "ALL"    // All organization members are restricted from creating any repositories.
	OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibilityPublic OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility = "PUBLIC" // All organization members are restricted from creating public repositories.

The permissions available for repository creation on an Organization.

type OrganizationInvitationRole

type OrganizationInvitationRole string

OrganizationInvitationRole represents the possible organization invitation roles.

const (
	OrganizationInvitationRoleDirectMember   OrganizationInvitationRole = "DIRECT_MEMBER"   // The user is invited to be a direct member of the organization.
	OrganizationInvitationRoleAdmin          OrganizationInvitationRole = "ADMIN"           // The user is invited to be an admin of the organization.
	OrganizationInvitationRoleBillingManager OrganizationInvitationRole = "BILLING_MANAGER" // The user is invited to be a billing manager of the organization.
	OrganizationInvitationRoleReinstate      OrganizationInvitationRole = "REINSTATE"       // The user's previous role will be reinstated.

The possible organization invitation roles.

type OrganizationInvitationType

type OrganizationInvitationType string

OrganizationInvitationType represents the possible organization invitation types.

const (
	OrganizationInvitationTypeUser  OrganizationInvitationType = "USER"  // The invitation was to an existing user.
	OrganizationInvitationTypeEmail OrganizationInvitationType = "EMAIL" // The invitation was to an email address.

The possible organization invitation types.

type OrganizationMemberRole

type OrganizationMemberRole string

OrganizationMemberRole represents the possible roles within an organization for its members.

const (
	OrganizationMemberRoleMember OrganizationMemberRole = "MEMBER" // The user is a member of the organization.
	OrganizationMemberRoleAdmin  OrganizationMemberRole = "ADMIN"  // The user is an administrator of the organization.

The possible roles within an organization for its members.

type PinIssueInput

type PinIssueInput struct {
	// The ID of the issue to be pinned. (Required.)
	IssueID ID `json:"issueId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

PinIssueInput is an autogenerated input type of PinIssue.

type PinnableItemType

type PinnableItemType string

PinnableItemType represents represents items that can be pinned to a profile page or dashboard.

const (
	PinnableItemTypeRepository   PinnableItemType = "REPOSITORY"   // A repository.
	PinnableItemTypeGist         PinnableItemType = "GIST"         // A gist.
	PinnableItemTypeIssue        PinnableItemType = "ISSUE"        // An issue.
	PinnableItemTypeProject      PinnableItemType = "PROJECT"      // A project.
	PinnableItemTypePullRequest  PinnableItemType = "PULL_REQUEST" // A pull request.
	PinnableItemTypeUser         PinnableItemType = "USER"         // A user.
	PinnableItemTypeOrganization PinnableItemType = "ORGANIZATION" // An organization.
	PinnableItemTypeTeam         PinnableItemType = "TEAM"         // A team.

Represents items that can be pinned to a profile page or dashboard.

type ProjectCardArchivedState

type ProjectCardArchivedState string

ProjectCardArchivedState represents the possible archived states of a project card.

const (
	ProjectCardArchivedStateArchived    ProjectCardArchivedState = "ARCHIVED"     // A project card that is archived.
	ProjectCardArchivedStateNotArchived ProjectCardArchivedState = "NOT_ARCHIVED" // A project card that is not archived.

The possible archived states of a project card.

type ProjectCardImport

type ProjectCardImport struct {
	// Repository name with owner (owner/repository). (Required.)
	Repository String `json:"repository"`
	// The issue or pull request number. (Required.)
	Number Int `json:"number"`

ProjectCardImport represents an issue or PR and its owning repository to be used in a project card.

type ProjectCardState

type ProjectCardState string

ProjectCardState represents various content states of a ProjectCard.

const (
	ProjectCardStateContentOnly ProjectCardState = "CONTENT_ONLY" // The card has content only.
	ProjectCardStateNoteOnly    ProjectCardState = "NOTE_ONLY"    // The card has a note only.
	ProjectCardStateRedacted    ProjectCardState = "REDACTED"     // The card is redacted.

Various content states of a ProjectCard.

type ProjectColumnImport

type ProjectColumnImport struct {
	// The name of the column. (Required.)
	ColumnName String `json:"columnName"`
	// The position of the column, starting from 0. (Required.)
	Position Int `json:"position"`

	// A list of issues and pull requests in the column. (Optional.)
	Issues *[]ProjectCardImport `json:"issues,omitempty"`

ProjectColumnImport represents a project column and a list of its issues and PRs.

type ProjectColumnPurpose

type ProjectColumnPurpose string

ProjectColumnPurpose represents the semantic purpose of the column - todo, in progress, or done.

const (
	ProjectColumnPurposeTodo       ProjectColumnPurpose = "TODO"        // The column contains cards still to be worked on.
	ProjectColumnPurposeInProgress ProjectColumnPurpose = "IN_PROGRESS" // The column contains cards which are currently being worked on.
	ProjectColumnPurposeDone       ProjectColumnPurpose = "DONE"        // The column contains cards which are complete.

The semantic purpose of the column - todo, in progress, or done.

type ProjectOrder

type ProjectOrder struct {
	// The field in which to order projects by. (Required.)
	Field ProjectOrderField `json:"field"`
	// The direction in which to order projects by the specified field. (Required.)
	Direction OrderDirection `json:"direction"`

ProjectOrder represents ways in which lists of projects can be ordered upon return.

type ProjectOrderField

type ProjectOrderField string

ProjectOrderField represents properties by which project connections can be ordered.

const (
	ProjectOrderFieldCreatedAt ProjectOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order projects by creation time.
	ProjectOrderFieldUpdatedAt ProjectOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // Order projects by update time.
	ProjectOrderFieldName      ProjectOrderField = "NAME"       // Order projects by name.

Properties by which project connections can be ordered.

type ProjectState

type ProjectState string

ProjectState represents state of the project; either 'open' or 'closed'.

const (
	ProjectStateOpen   ProjectState = "OPEN"   // The project is open.
	ProjectStateClosed ProjectState = "CLOSED" // The project is closed.

State of the project; either 'open' or 'closed'.

type PullRequestOrder

type PullRequestOrder struct {
	// The field in which to order pull requests by. (Required.)
	Field PullRequestOrderField `json:"field"`
	// The direction in which to order pull requests by the specified field. (Required.)
	Direction OrderDirection `json:"direction"`

PullRequestOrder represents ways in which lists of issues can be ordered upon return.

type PullRequestOrderField

type PullRequestOrderField string

PullRequestOrderField represents properties by which pull_requests connections can be ordered.

const (
	PullRequestOrderFieldCreatedAt PullRequestOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order pull_requests by creation time.
	PullRequestOrderFieldUpdatedAt PullRequestOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // Order pull_requests by update time.

Properties by which pull_requests connections can be ordered.

type PullRequestPubSubTopic

type PullRequestPubSubTopic string

PullRequestPubSubTopic represents the possible PubSub channels for a pull request.

const (
	PullRequestPubSubTopicUpdated    PullRequestPubSubTopic = "UPDATED"    // The channel ID for observing pull request updates.
	PullRequestPubSubTopicMarkasread PullRequestPubSubTopic = "MARKASREAD" // The channel ID for marking an pull request as read.
	PullRequestPubSubTopicHeadRef    PullRequestPubSubTopic = "HEAD_REF"   // The channel ID for observing head ref updates.
	PullRequestPubSubTopicTimeline   PullRequestPubSubTopic = "TIMELINE"   // The channel ID for updating items on the pull request timeline.
	PullRequestPubSubTopicState      PullRequestPubSubTopic = "STATE"      // The channel ID for observing pull request state updates.

The possible PubSub channels for a pull request.

type PullRequestReviewCommentState

type PullRequestReviewCommentState string

PullRequestReviewCommentState represents the possible states of a pull request review comment.

const (
	PullRequestReviewCommentStatePending   PullRequestReviewCommentState = "PENDING"   // A comment that is part of a pending review.
	PullRequestReviewCommentStateSubmitted PullRequestReviewCommentState = "SUBMITTED" // A comment that is part of a submitted review.

The possible states of a pull request review comment.

type PullRequestReviewEvent

type PullRequestReviewEvent string

PullRequestReviewEvent represents the possible events to perform on a pull request review.

const (
	PullRequestReviewEventComment        PullRequestReviewEvent = "COMMENT"         // Submit general feedback without explicit approval.
	PullRequestReviewEventApprove        PullRequestReviewEvent = "APPROVE"         // Submit feedback and approve merging these changes.
	PullRequestReviewEventRequestChanges PullRequestReviewEvent = "REQUEST_CHANGES" // Submit feedback that must be addressed before merging.
	PullRequestReviewEventDismiss        PullRequestReviewEvent = "DISMISS"         // Dismiss review so it now longer effects merging.

The possible events to perform on a pull request review.

type PullRequestReviewState

type PullRequestReviewState string

PullRequestReviewState represents the possible states of a pull request review.

const (
	PullRequestReviewStatePending          PullRequestReviewState = "PENDING"           // A review that has not yet been submitted.
	PullRequestReviewStateCommented        PullRequestReviewState = "COMMENTED"         // An informational review.
	PullRequestReviewStateApproved         PullRequestReviewState = "APPROVED"          // A review allowing the pull request to merge.
	PullRequestReviewStateChangesRequested PullRequestReviewState = "CHANGES_REQUESTED" // A review blocking the pull request from merging.
	PullRequestReviewStateDismissed        PullRequestReviewState = "DISMISSED"         // A review that has been dismissed.

The possible states of a pull request review.

type PullRequestState

type PullRequestState string

PullRequestState represents the possible states of a pull request.

const (
	PullRequestStateOpen   PullRequestState = "OPEN"   // A pull request that is still open.
	PullRequestStateClosed PullRequestState = "CLOSED" // A pull request that has been closed without being merged.
	PullRequestStateMerged PullRequestState = "MERGED" // A pull request that has been closed by being merged.

The possible states of a pull request.

type PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType

type PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType string

PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType represents the possible item types found in a timeline.

const (
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypePullRequestCommit                 PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "PULL_REQUEST_COMMIT"                  // Represents a Git commit part of a pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypePullRequestCommitCommentThread    PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "PULL_REQUEST_COMMIT_COMMENT_THREAD"   // Represents a commit comment thread part of a pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypePullRequestReview                 PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "PULL_REQUEST_REVIEW"                  // A review object for a given pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypePullRequestReviewThread           PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "PULL_REQUEST_REVIEW_THREAD"           // A threaded list of comments for a given pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypePullRequestRevisionMarker         PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "PULL_REQUEST_REVISION_MARKER"         // Represents the latest point in the pull request timeline for which the viewer has seen the pull request's commits.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeBaseRefChangedEvent               PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "BASE_REF_CHANGED_EVENT"               // Represents a 'base_ref_changed' event on a given issue or pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeBaseRefForcePushedEvent           PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "BASE_REF_FORCE_PUSHED_EVENT"          // Represents a 'base_ref_force_pushed' event on a given pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeDeployedEvent                     PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "DEPLOYED_EVENT"                       // Represents a 'deployed' event on a given pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeDeploymentEnvironmentChangedEvent PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT_CHANGED_EVENT" // Represents a 'deployment_environment_changed' event on a given pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeHeadRefDeletedEvent               PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "HEAD_REF_DELETED_EVENT"               // Represents a 'head_ref_deleted' event on a given pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeHeadRefForcePushedEvent           PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "HEAD_REF_FORCE_PUSHED_EVENT"          // Represents a 'head_ref_force_pushed' event on a given pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeHeadRefRestoredEvent              PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "HEAD_REF_RESTORED_EVENT"              // Represents a 'head_ref_restored' event on a given pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeMergedEvent                       PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "MERGED_EVENT"                         // Represents a 'merged' event on a given pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeReviewDismissedEvent              PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "REVIEW_DISMISSED_EVENT"               // Represents a 'review_dismissed' event on a given issue or pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeReviewRequestedEvent              PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "REVIEW_REQUESTED_EVENT"               // Represents an 'review_requested' event on a given pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeReviewRequestRemovedEvent         PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "REVIEW_REQUEST_REMOVED_EVENT"         // Represents an 'review_request_removed' event on a given pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeReadyForReviewEvent               PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "READY_FOR_REVIEW_EVENT"               // Represents a 'ready_for_review' event on a given pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeIssueComment                      PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "ISSUE_COMMENT"                        // Represents a comment on an Issue.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeCrossReferencedEvent              PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "CROSS_REFERENCED_EVENT"               // Represents a mention made by one issue or pull request to another.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeAddedToProjectEvent               PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "ADDED_TO_PROJECT_EVENT"               // Represents a 'added_to_project' event on a given issue or pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeAssignedEvent                     PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "ASSIGNED_EVENT"                       // Represents an 'assigned' event on any assignable object.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeClosedEvent                       PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "CLOSED_EVENT"                         // Represents a 'closed' event on any `Closable`.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeCommentDeletedEvent               PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "COMMENT_DELETED_EVENT"                // Represents a 'comment_deleted' event on a given issue or pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeConvertedNoteToIssueEvent         PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "CONVERTED_NOTE_TO_ISSUE_EVENT"        // Represents a 'converted_note_to_issue' event on a given issue or pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeDemilestonedEvent                 PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "DEMILESTONED_EVENT"                   // Represents a 'demilestoned' event on a given issue or pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeLabeledEvent                      PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "LABELED_EVENT"                        // Represents a 'labeled' event on a given issue or pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeLockedEvent                       PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "LOCKED_EVENT"                         // Represents a 'locked' event on a given issue or pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeMentionedEvent                    PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "MENTIONED_EVENT"                      // Represents a 'mentioned' event on a given issue or pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeMilestonedEvent                   PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "MILESTONED_EVENT"                     // Represents a 'milestoned' event on a given issue or pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeMovedColumnsInProjectEvent        PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "MOVED_COLUMNS_IN_PROJECT_EVENT"       // Represents a 'moved_columns_in_project' event on a given issue or pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypePinnedEvent                       PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "PINNED_EVENT"                         // Represents a 'pinned' event on a given issue or pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeReferencedEvent                   PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "REFERENCED_EVENT"                     // Represents a 'referenced' event on a given `ReferencedSubject`.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeRemovedFromProjectEvent           PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "REMOVED_FROM_PROJECT_EVENT"           // Represents a 'removed_from_project' event on a given issue or pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeRenamedTitleEvent                 PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "RENAMED_TITLE_EVENT"                  // Represents a 'renamed' event on a given issue or pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeReopenedEvent                     PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "REOPENED_EVENT"                       // Represents a 'reopened' event on any `Closable`.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeSubscribedEvent                   PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "SUBSCRIBED_EVENT"                     // Represents a 'subscribed' event on a given `Subscribable`.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeTransferredEvent                  PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "TRANSFERRED_EVENT"                    // Represents a 'transferred' event on a given issue or pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeUnassignedEvent                   PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "UNASSIGNED_EVENT"                     // Represents an 'unassigned' event on any assignable object.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeUnlabeledEvent                    PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "UNLABELED_EVENT"                      // Represents an 'unlabeled' event on a given issue or pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeUnlockedEvent                     PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "UNLOCKED_EVENT"                       // Represents an 'unlocked' event on a given issue or pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeUserBlockedEvent                  PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "USER_BLOCKED_EVENT"                   // Represents a 'user_blocked' event on a given user.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeUnpinnedEvent                     PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "UNPINNED_EVENT"                       // Represents an 'unpinned' event on a given issue or pull request.
	PullRequestTimelineItemsItemTypeUnsubscribedEvent                 PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType = "UNSUBSCRIBED_EVENT"                   // Represents an 'unsubscribed' event on a given `Subscribable`.

The possible item types found in a timeline.

type ReactionContent

type ReactionContent string

ReactionContent represents emojis that can be attached to Issues, Pull Requests and Comments.

const (
	ReactionContentThumbsUp   ReactionContent = "THUMBS_UP"   // Represents the 👍 emoji.
	ReactionContentThumbsDown ReactionContent = "THUMBS_DOWN" // Represents the 👎 emoji.
	ReactionContentLaugh      ReactionContent = "LAUGH"       // Represents the 😄 emoji.
	ReactionContentHooray     ReactionContent = "HOORAY"      // Represents the 🎉 emoji.
	ReactionContentConfused   ReactionContent = "CONFUSED"    // Represents the 😕 emoji.
	ReactionContentHeart      ReactionContent = "HEART"       // Represents the ❤️ emoji.
	ReactionContentRocket     ReactionContent = "ROCKET"      // Represents the 🚀 emoji.
	ReactionContentEyes       ReactionContent = "EYES"        // Represents the 👀 emoji.

Emojis that can be attached to Issues, Pull Requests and Comments.

type ReactionOrder

type ReactionOrder struct {
	// The field in which to order reactions by. (Required.)
	Field ReactionOrderField `json:"field"`
	// The direction in which to order reactions by the specified field. (Required.)
	Direction OrderDirection `json:"direction"`

ReactionOrder represents ways in which lists of reactions can be ordered upon return.

type ReactionOrderField

type ReactionOrderField string

ReactionOrderField represents a list of fields that reactions can be ordered by.

const (
	ReactionOrderFieldCreatedAt ReactionOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Allows ordering a list of reactions by when they were created.

A list of fields that reactions can be ordered by.

type RefOrder

type RefOrder struct {
	// The field in which to order refs by. (Required.)
	Field RefOrderField `json:"field"`
	// The direction in which to order refs by the specified field. (Required.)
	Direction OrderDirection `json:"direction"`

RefOrder represents ways in which lists of git refs can be ordered upon return.

type RefOrderField

type RefOrderField string

RefOrderField represents properties by which ref connections can be ordered.

const (
	RefOrderFieldTagCommitDate RefOrderField = "TAG_COMMIT_DATE" // Order refs by underlying commit date if the ref prefix is refs/tags/.
	RefOrderFieldAlphabetical  RefOrderField = "ALPHABETICAL"    // Order refs by their alphanumeric name.

Properties by which ref connections can be ordered.

type ReleaseOrder

type ReleaseOrder struct {
	// The field in which to order releases by. (Required.)
	Field ReleaseOrderField `json:"field"`
	// The direction in which to order releases by the specified field. (Required.)
	Direction OrderDirection `json:"direction"`

ReleaseOrder represents ways in which lists of releases can be ordered upon return.

type ReleaseOrderField

type ReleaseOrderField string

ReleaseOrderField represents properties by which release connections can be ordered.

const (
	ReleaseOrderFieldCreatedAt ReleaseOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order releases by creation time.
	ReleaseOrderFieldName      ReleaseOrderField = "NAME"       // Order releases alphabetically by name.

Properties by which release connections can be ordered.

type RemoveAssigneesFromAssignableInput

type RemoveAssigneesFromAssignableInput struct {
	// The id of the assignable object to remove assignees from. (Required.)
	AssignableID ID `json:"assignableId"`
	// The id of users to remove as assignees. (Required.)
	AssigneeIDs []ID `json:"assigneeIds"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

RemoveAssigneesFromAssignableInput is an autogenerated input type of RemoveAssigneesFromAssignable.

type RemoveLabelsFromLabelableInput

type RemoveLabelsFromLabelableInput struct {
	// The id of the Labelable to remove labels from. (Required.)
	LabelableID ID `json:"labelableId"`
	// The ids of labels to remove. (Required.)
	LabelIDs []ID `json:"labelIds"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

RemoveLabelsFromLabelableInput is an autogenerated input type of RemoveLabelsFromLabelable.

type RemoveOutsideCollaboratorInput

type RemoveOutsideCollaboratorInput struct {
	// The ID of the outside collaborator to remove. (Required.)
	UserID ID `json:"userId"`
	// The ID of the organization to remove the outside collaborator from. (Required.)
	OrganizationID ID `json:"organizationId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

RemoveOutsideCollaboratorInput is an autogenerated input type of RemoveOutsideCollaborator.

type RemoveReactionInput

type RemoveReactionInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the subject to modify. (Required.)
	SubjectID ID `json:"subjectId"`
	// The name of the emoji reaction to remove. (Required.)
	Content ReactionContent `json:"content"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

RemoveReactionInput is an autogenerated input type of RemoveReaction.

type RemoveStarInput

type RemoveStarInput struct {
	// The Starrable ID to unstar. (Required.)
	StarrableID ID `json:"starrableId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

RemoveStarInput is an autogenerated input type of RemoveStar.

type ReopenIssueInput

type ReopenIssueInput struct {
	// ID of the issue to be opened. (Required.)
	IssueID ID `json:"issueId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

ReopenIssueInput is an autogenerated input type of ReopenIssue.

type ReopenPullRequestInput

type ReopenPullRequestInput struct {
	// ID of the pull request to be reopened. (Required.)
	PullRequestID ID `json:"pullRequestId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

ReopenPullRequestInput is an autogenerated input type of ReopenPullRequest.

type RepoAccessAuditEntryVisibility

type RepoAccessAuditEntryVisibility string

RepoAccessAuditEntryVisibility represents the privacy of a repository.

const (
	RepoAccessAuditEntryVisibilityInternal RepoAccessAuditEntryVisibility = "INTERNAL" // The repository is visible only to users in the same business.
	RepoAccessAuditEntryVisibilityPrivate  RepoAccessAuditEntryVisibility = "PRIVATE"  // The repository is visible only to those with explicit access.
	RepoAccessAuditEntryVisibilityPublic   RepoAccessAuditEntryVisibility = "PUBLIC"   // The repository is visible to everyone.

The privacy of a repository.

type RepoAddMemberAuditEntryVisibility

type RepoAddMemberAuditEntryVisibility string

RepoAddMemberAuditEntryVisibility represents the privacy of a repository.

const (
	RepoAddMemberAuditEntryVisibilityInternal RepoAddMemberAuditEntryVisibility = "INTERNAL" // The repository is visible only to users in the same business.
	RepoAddMemberAuditEntryVisibilityPrivate  RepoAddMemberAuditEntryVisibility = "PRIVATE"  // The repository is visible only to those with explicit access.
	RepoAddMemberAuditEntryVisibilityPublic   RepoAddMemberAuditEntryVisibility = "PUBLIC"   // The repository is visible to everyone.

The privacy of a repository.

type RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntryVisibility

type RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntryVisibility string

RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntryVisibility represents the privacy of a repository.

const (
	RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntryVisibilityInternal RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntryVisibility = "INTERNAL" // The repository is visible only to users in the same business.
	RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntryVisibilityPrivate  RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntryVisibility = "PRIVATE"  // The repository is visible only to those with explicit access.
	RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntryVisibilityPublic   RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntryVisibility = "PUBLIC"   // The repository is visible to everyone.

The privacy of a repository.

type ReportedContentClassifiers

type ReportedContentClassifiers string

ReportedContentClassifiers represents the reasons a piece of content can be reported or minimized.

const (
	ReportedContentClassifiersSpam     ReportedContentClassifiers = "SPAM"      // A spammy piece of content.
	ReportedContentClassifiersAbuse    ReportedContentClassifiers = "ABUSE"     // An abusive or harassing piece of content.
	ReportedContentClassifiersOffTopic ReportedContentClassifiers = "OFF_TOPIC" // An irrelevant piece of content.
	ReportedContentClassifiersOutdated ReportedContentClassifiers = "OUTDATED"  // An outdated piece of content.
	ReportedContentClassifiersResolved ReportedContentClassifiers = "RESOLVED"  // The content has been resolved.

The reasons a piece of content can be reported or minimized.

type RepositoryAffiliation

type RepositoryAffiliation string

RepositoryAffiliation represents the affiliation of a user to a repository.

const (
	RepositoryAffiliationOwner              RepositoryAffiliation = "OWNER"               // Repositories that are owned by the authenticated user.
	RepositoryAffiliationCollaborator       RepositoryAffiliation = "COLLABORATOR"        // Repositories that the user has been added to as a collaborator.
	RepositoryAffiliationOrganizationMember RepositoryAffiliation = "ORGANIZATION_MEMBER" // Repositories that the user has access to through being a member of an organization. This includes every repository on every team that the user is on.

The affiliation of a user to a repository.

type RepositoryCollaboratorAffiliation

type RepositoryCollaboratorAffiliation string

RepositoryCollaboratorAffiliation represents the affiliation type between collaborator and repository.

const (
	RepositoryCollaboratorAffiliationAll     RepositoryCollaboratorAffiliation = "ALL"     // All collaborators of the repository.
	RepositoryCollaboratorAffiliationOutside RepositoryCollaboratorAffiliation = "OUTSIDE" // All outside collaborators of an organization-owned repository.

The affiliation type between collaborator and repository.

type RepositoryContributionType

type RepositoryContributionType string

RepositoryContributionType represents the reason a repository is listed as 'contributed'.

const (
	RepositoryContributionTypeCommit            RepositoryContributionType = "COMMIT"              // Created a commit.
	RepositoryContributionTypeIssue             RepositoryContributionType = "ISSUE"               // Created an issue.
	RepositoryContributionTypePullRequest       RepositoryContributionType = "PULL_REQUEST"        // Created a pull request.
	RepositoryContributionTypeRepository        RepositoryContributionType = "REPOSITORY"          // Created the repository.
	RepositoryContributionTypePullRequestReview RepositoryContributionType = "PULL_REQUEST_REVIEW" // Reviewed a pull request.

The reason a repository is listed as 'contributed'.

type RepositoryLockReason

type RepositoryLockReason string

RepositoryLockReason represents the possible reasons a given repository could be in a locked state.

const (
	RepositoryLockReasonMoving    RepositoryLockReason = "MOVING"    // The repository is locked due to a move.
	RepositoryLockReasonBilling   RepositoryLockReason = "BILLING"   // The repository is locked due to a billing related reason.
	RepositoryLockReasonRename    RepositoryLockReason = "RENAME"    // The repository is locked due to a rename.
	RepositoryLockReasonMigrating RepositoryLockReason = "MIGRATING" // The repository is locked due to a migration.

The possible reasons a given repository could be in a locked state.

type RepositoryOrder

type RepositoryOrder struct {
	// The field to order repositories by. (Required.)
	Field RepositoryOrderField `json:"field"`
	// The ordering direction. (Required.)
	Direction OrderDirection `json:"direction"`

RepositoryOrder represents ordering options for repository connections.

type RepositoryOrderField

type RepositoryOrderField string

RepositoryOrderField represents properties by which repository connections can be ordered.

const (
	RepositoryOrderFieldCreatedAt  RepositoryOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order repositories by creation time.
	RepositoryOrderFieldUpdatedAt  RepositoryOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // Order repositories by update time.
	RepositoryOrderFieldPushedAt   RepositoryOrderField = "PUSHED_AT"  // Order repositories by push time.
	RepositoryOrderFieldName       RepositoryOrderField = "NAME"       // Order repositories by name.
	RepositoryOrderFieldStargazers RepositoryOrderField = "STARGAZERS" // Order repositories by number of stargazers.

Properties by which repository connections can be ordered.

type RepositoryPermission

type RepositoryPermission string

RepositoryPermission represents the access level to a repository.

const (
	RepositoryPermissionAdmin    RepositoryPermission = "ADMIN"    // Can read, clone, and push to this repository. Can also manage issues, pull requests, and repository settings, including adding collaborators.
	RepositoryPermissionMaintain RepositoryPermission = "MAINTAIN" // Can read, clone, and push to this repository. They can also manage issues, pull requests, and some repository settings.
	RepositoryPermissionWrite    RepositoryPermission = "WRITE"    // Can read, clone, and push to this repository. Can also manage issues and pull requests.
	RepositoryPermissionTriage   RepositoryPermission = "TRIAGE"   // Can read and clone this repository. Can also manage issues and pull requests.
	RepositoryPermissionRead     RepositoryPermission = "READ"     // Can read and clone this repository. Can also open and comment on issues and pull requests.

The access level to a repository.

type RepositoryPrivacy

type RepositoryPrivacy string

RepositoryPrivacy represents the privacy of a repository.

const (
	RepositoryPrivacyPublic  RepositoryPrivacy = "PUBLIC"  // Public.
	RepositoryPrivacyPrivate RepositoryPrivacy = "PRIVATE" // Private.

The privacy of a repository.

type RepositoryVisibility

type RepositoryVisibility string

RepositoryVisibility represents the repository's visibility level.

const (
	RepositoryVisibilityPrivate  RepositoryVisibility = "PRIVATE"  // The repository is visible only to those with explicit access.
	RepositoryVisibilityPublic   RepositoryVisibility = "PUBLIC"   // The repository is visible to everyone.
	RepositoryVisibilityInternal RepositoryVisibility = "INTERNAL" // The repository is visible only to users in the same business.

The repository's visibility level.

type RequestReviewsInput

type RequestReviewsInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the pull request to modify. (Required.)
	PullRequestID ID `json:"pullRequestId"`

	// The Node IDs of the user to request. (Optional.)
	UserIDs *[]ID `json:"userIds,omitempty"`
	// The Node IDs of the team to request. (Optional.)
	TeamIDs *[]ID `json:"teamIds,omitempty"`
	// Add users to the set rather than replace. (Optional.)
	Union *Boolean `json:"union,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

RequestReviewsInput is an autogenerated input type of RequestReviews.

type RequestableCheckStatusState

type RequestableCheckStatusState string

RequestableCheckStatusState represents the possible states that can be requested when creating a check run.

const (
	RequestableCheckStatusStateQueued     RequestableCheckStatusState = "QUEUED"      // The check suite or run has been queued.
	RequestableCheckStatusStateInProgress RequestableCheckStatusState = "IN_PROGRESS" // The check suite or run is in progress.
	RequestableCheckStatusStateCompleted  RequestableCheckStatusState = "COMPLETED"   // The check suite or run has been completed.

The possible states that can be requested when creating a check run.

type RerequestCheckSuiteInput

type RerequestCheckSuiteInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the repository. (Required.)
	RepositoryID ID `json:"repositoryId"`
	// The Node ID of the check suite. (Required.)
	CheckSuiteID ID `json:"checkSuiteId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

RerequestCheckSuiteInput is an autogenerated input type of RerequestCheckSuite.

type ResolveReviewThreadInput

type ResolveReviewThreadInput struct {
	// The ID of the thread to resolve. (Required.)
	ThreadID ID `json:"threadId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

ResolveReviewThreadInput is an autogenerated input type of ResolveReviewThread.

type SearchType

type SearchType string

SearchType represents represents the individual results of a search.

const (
	SearchTypeIssue      SearchType = "ISSUE"      // Returns results matching issues in repositories.
	SearchTypeRepository SearchType = "REPOSITORY" // Returns results matching repositories.
	SearchTypeUser       SearchType = "USER"       // Returns results matching users and organizations on GitHub.

Represents the individual results of a search.

type SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem

type SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem string

SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem represents the possible ecosystems of a security vulnerability's package.

const (
	SecurityAdvisoryEcosystemRubygems SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem = "RUBYGEMS" // Ruby gems hosted at
	SecurityAdvisoryEcosystemNpm      SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem = "NPM"      // JavaScript packages hosted at
	SecurityAdvisoryEcosystemPip      SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem = "PIP"      // Python packages hosted at
	SecurityAdvisoryEcosystemMaven    SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem = "MAVEN"    // Java artifacts hosted at the Maven central repository.
	SecurityAdvisoryEcosystemNuget    SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem = "NUGET"    // .NET packages hosted at the NuGet Gallery.

The possible ecosystems of a security vulnerability's package.

type SecurityAdvisoryIdentifierFilter

type SecurityAdvisoryIdentifierFilter struct {
	// The identifier type. (Required.)
	Type SecurityAdvisoryIdentifierType `json:"type"`
	// The identifier string. Supports exact or partial matching. (Required.)
	Value String `json:"value"`

SecurityAdvisoryIdentifierFilter represents an advisory identifier to filter results on.

type SecurityAdvisoryIdentifierType

type SecurityAdvisoryIdentifierType string

SecurityAdvisoryIdentifierType represents identifier formats available for advisories.

const (
	SecurityAdvisoryIdentifierTypeCve  SecurityAdvisoryIdentifierType = "CVE"  // Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures Identifier.
	SecurityAdvisoryIdentifierTypeGhsa SecurityAdvisoryIdentifierType = "GHSA" // GitHub Security Advisory ID.

Identifier formats available for advisories.

type SecurityAdvisoryOrder

type SecurityAdvisoryOrder struct {
	// The field to order security advisories by. (Required.)
	Field SecurityAdvisoryOrderField `json:"field"`
	// The ordering direction. (Required.)
	Direction OrderDirection `json:"direction"`

SecurityAdvisoryOrder represents ordering options for security advisory connections.

type SecurityAdvisoryOrderField

type SecurityAdvisoryOrderField string

SecurityAdvisoryOrderField represents properties by which security advisory connections can be ordered.

const (
	SecurityAdvisoryOrderFieldPublishedAt SecurityAdvisoryOrderField = "PUBLISHED_AT" // Order advisories by publication time.
	SecurityAdvisoryOrderFieldUpdatedAt   SecurityAdvisoryOrderField = "UPDATED_AT"   // Order advisories by update time.

Properties by which security advisory connections can be ordered.

type SecurityAdvisorySeverity

type SecurityAdvisorySeverity string

SecurityAdvisorySeverity represents severity of the vulnerability.

const (
	SecurityAdvisorySeverityLow      SecurityAdvisorySeverity = "LOW"      // Low.
	SecurityAdvisorySeverityModerate SecurityAdvisorySeverity = "MODERATE" // Moderate.
	SecurityAdvisorySeverityHigh     SecurityAdvisorySeverity = "HIGH"     // High.
	SecurityAdvisorySeverityCritical SecurityAdvisorySeverity = "CRITICAL" // Critical.

Severity of the vulnerability.

type SecurityVulnerabilityOrder

type SecurityVulnerabilityOrder struct {
	// The field to order security vulnerabilities by. (Required.)
	Field SecurityVulnerabilityOrderField `json:"field"`
	// The ordering direction. (Required.)
	Direction OrderDirection `json:"direction"`

SecurityVulnerabilityOrder represents ordering options for security vulnerability connections.

type SecurityVulnerabilityOrderField

type SecurityVulnerabilityOrderField string

SecurityVulnerabilityOrderField represents properties by which security vulnerability connections can be ordered.

const (
	SecurityVulnerabilityOrderFieldUpdatedAt SecurityVulnerabilityOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // Order vulnerability by update time.

Properties by which security vulnerability connections can be ordered.

type StarOrder

type StarOrder struct {
	// The field in which to order nodes by. (Required.)
	Field StarOrderField `json:"field"`
	// The direction in which to order nodes. (Required.)
	Direction OrderDirection `json:"direction"`

StarOrder represents ways in which star connections can be ordered.

type StarOrderField

type StarOrderField string

StarOrderField represents properties by which star connections can be ordered.

const (
	StarOrderFieldStarredAt StarOrderField = "STARRED_AT" // Allows ordering a list of stars by when they were created.

Properties by which star connections can be ordered.

type StatusState

type StatusState string

StatusState represents the possible commit status states.

const (
	StatusStateExpected StatusState = "EXPECTED" // Status is expected.
	StatusStateError    StatusState = "ERROR"    // Status is errored.
	StatusStateFailure  StatusState = "FAILURE"  // Status is failing.
	StatusStatePending  StatusState = "PENDING"  // Status is pending.
	StatusStateSuccess  StatusState = "SUCCESS"  // Status is successful.

The possible commit status states.

type String

type String graphql.String

String represents textual data as UTF-8 character sequences. This type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.

func NewString

func NewString(v String) *String

NewString is a helper to make a new *String.

type SubmitPullRequestReviewInput

type SubmitPullRequestReviewInput struct {
	// The Pull Request Review ID to submit. (Required.)
	PullRequestReviewID ID `json:"pullRequestReviewId"`
	// The event to send to the Pull Request Review. (Required.)
	Event PullRequestReviewEvent `json:"event"`

	// The text field to set on the Pull Request Review. (Optional.)
	Body *String `json:"body,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

SubmitPullRequestReviewInput is an autogenerated input type of SubmitPullRequestReview.

type SubscriptionState

type SubscriptionState string

SubscriptionState represents the possible states of a subscription.

const (
	SubscriptionStateUnsubscribed SubscriptionState = "UNSUBSCRIBED" // The User is only notified when participating or @mentioned.
	SubscriptionStateSubscribed   SubscriptionState = "SUBSCRIBED"   // The User is notified of all conversations.
	SubscriptionStateIgnored      SubscriptionState = "IGNORED"      // The User is never notified.

The possible states of a subscription.

type TeamDiscussionCommentOrder

type TeamDiscussionCommentOrder struct {
	// The field by which to order nodes. (Required.)
	Field TeamDiscussionCommentOrderField `json:"field"`
	// The direction in which to order nodes. (Required.)
	Direction OrderDirection `json:"direction"`

TeamDiscussionCommentOrder represents ways in which team discussion comment connections can be ordered.

type TeamDiscussionCommentOrderField

type TeamDiscussionCommentOrderField string

TeamDiscussionCommentOrderField represents properties by which team discussion comment connections can be ordered.

const (
	TeamDiscussionCommentOrderFieldNumber TeamDiscussionCommentOrderField = "NUMBER" // Allows sequential ordering of team discussion comments (which is equivalent to chronological ordering).

Properties by which team discussion comment connections can be ordered.

type TeamDiscussionOrder

type TeamDiscussionOrder struct {
	// The field by which to order nodes. (Required.)
	Field TeamDiscussionOrderField `json:"field"`
	// The direction in which to order nodes. (Required.)
	Direction OrderDirection `json:"direction"`

TeamDiscussionOrder represents ways in which team discussion connections can be ordered.

type TeamDiscussionOrderField

type TeamDiscussionOrderField string

TeamDiscussionOrderField represents properties by which team discussion connections can be ordered.

const (
	TeamDiscussionOrderFieldCreatedAt TeamDiscussionOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Allows chronological ordering of team discussions.

Properties by which team discussion connections can be ordered.

type TeamMemberOrder

type TeamMemberOrder struct {
	// The field to order team members by. (Required.)
	Field TeamMemberOrderField `json:"field"`
	// The ordering direction. (Required.)
	Direction OrderDirection `json:"direction"`

TeamMemberOrder represents ordering options for team member connections.

type TeamMemberOrderField

type TeamMemberOrderField string

TeamMemberOrderField represents properties by which team member connections can be ordered.

const (
	TeamMemberOrderFieldLogin     TeamMemberOrderField = "LOGIN"      // Order team members by login.
	TeamMemberOrderFieldCreatedAt TeamMemberOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order team members by creation time.

Properties by which team member connections can be ordered.

type TeamMemberRole

type TeamMemberRole string

TeamMemberRole represents the possible team member roles; either 'maintainer' or 'member'.

const (
	TeamMemberRoleMaintainer TeamMemberRole = "MAINTAINER" // A team maintainer has permission to add and remove team members.
	TeamMemberRoleMember     TeamMemberRole = "MEMBER"     // A team member has no administrative permissions on the team.

The possible team member roles; either 'maintainer' or 'member'.

type TeamMembershipType

type TeamMembershipType string

TeamMembershipType represents defines which types of team members are included in the returned list. Can be one of IMMEDIATE, CHILD_TEAM or ALL.

const (
	TeamMembershipTypeImmediate TeamMembershipType = "IMMEDIATE"  // Includes only immediate members of the team.
	TeamMembershipTypeChildTeam TeamMembershipType = "CHILD_TEAM" // Includes only child team members for the team.
	TeamMembershipTypeAll       TeamMembershipType = "ALL"        // Includes immediate and child team members for the team.

Defines which types of team members are included in the returned list. Can be one of IMMEDIATE, CHILD_TEAM or ALL.

type TeamOrder

type TeamOrder struct {
	// The field in which to order nodes by. (Required.)
	Field TeamOrderField `json:"field"`
	// The direction in which to order nodes. (Required.)
	Direction OrderDirection `json:"direction"`

TeamOrder represents ways in which team connections can be ordered.

type TeamOrderField

type TeamOrderField string

TeamOrderField represents properties by which team connections can be ordered.

const (
	TeamOrderFieldName TeamOrderField = "NAME" // Allows ordering a list of teams by name.

Properties by which team connections can be ordered.

type TeamPrivacy

type TeamPrivacy string

TeamPrivacy represents the possible team privacy values.

const (
	TeamPrivacySecret  TeamPrivacy = "SECRET"  // A secret team can only be seen by its members.
	TeamPrivacyVisible TeamPrivacy = "VISIBLE" // A visible team can be seen and @mentioned by every member of the organization.

The possible team privacy values.

type TeamRepositoryOrder

type TeamRepositoryOrder struct {
	// The field to order repositories by. (Required.)
	Field TeamRepositoryOrderField `json:"field"`
	// The ordering direction. (Required.)
	Direction OrderDirection `json:"direction"`

TeamRepositoryOrder represents ordering options for team repository connections.

type TeamRepositoryOrderField

type TeamRepositoryOrderField string

TeamRepositoryOrderField represents properties by which team repository connections can be ordered.

const (
	TeamRepositoryOrderFieldCreatedAt  TeamRepositoryOrderField = "CREATED_AT" // Order repositories by creation time.
	TeamRepositoryOrderFieldUpdatedAt  TeamRepositoryOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // Order repositories by update time.
	TeamRepositoryOrderFieldPushedAt   TeamRepositoryOrderField = "PUSHED_AT"  // Order repositories by push time.
	TeamRepositoryOrderFieldName       TeamRepositoryOrderField = "NAME"       // Order repositories by name.
	TeamRepositoryOrderFieldPermission TeamRepositoryOrderField = "PERMISSION" // Order repositories by permission.
	TeamRepositoryOrderFieldStargazers TeamRepositoryOrderField = "STARGAZERS" // Order repositories by number of stargazers.

Properties by which team repository connections can be ordered.

type TeamRole

type TeamRole string

TeamRole represents the role of a user on a team.

const (
	TeamRoleAdmin  TeamRole = "ADMIN"  // User has admin rights on the team.
	TeamRoleMember TeamRole = "MEMBER" // User is a member of the team.

The role of a user on a team.

type TopicSuggestionDeclineReason

type TopicSuggestionDeclineReason string

TopicSuggestionDeclineReason represents reason that the suggested topic is declined.

const (
	TopicSuggestionDeclineReasonNotRelevant        TopicSuggestionDeclineReason = "NOT_RELEVANT"        // The suggested topic is not relevant to the repository.
	TopicSuggestionDeclineReasonTooSpecific        TopicSuggestionDeclineReason = "TOO_SPECIFIC"        // The suggested topic is too specific for the repository (e.g. #ruby-on-rails-version-4-2-1).
	TopicSuggestionDeclineReasonPersonalPreference TopicSuggestionDeclineReason = "PERSONAL_PREFERENCE" // The viewer does not like the suggested topic.
	TopicSuggestionDeclineReasonTooGeneral         TopicSuggestionDeclineReason = "TOO_GENERAL"         // The suggested topic is too general for the repository.

Reason that the suggested topic is declined.

type URI

type URI struct{ *url.URL }

URI is an RFC 3986, RFC 3987, and RFC 6570 (level 4) compliant URI.

func NewURI

func NewURI(v URI) *URI

NewURI is a helper to make a new *URI.

func (URI) MarshalJSON

func (u URI) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface. The URI is a quoted string.

func (*URI) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *URI) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface. The URI is expected to be a quoted string.

type UnlockLockableInput

type UnlockLockableInput struct {
	// ID of the issue or pull request to be unlocked. (Required.)
	LockableID ID `json:"lockableId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

UnlockLockableInput is an autogenerated input type of UnlockLockable.

type UnmarkIssueAsDuplicateInput

type UnmarkIssueAsDuplicateInput struct {
	// ID of the issue or pull request currently marked as a duplicate. (Required.)
	DuplicateID ID `json:"duplicateId"`
	// ID of the issue or pull request currently considered canonical/authoritative/original. (Required.)
	CanonicalID ID `json:"canonicalId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

UnmarkIssueAsDuplicateInput is an autogenerated input type of UnmarkIssueAsDuplicate.

type UnminimizeCommentInput

type UnminimizeCommentInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the subject to modify. (Required.)
	SubjectID ID `json:"subjectId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

UnminimizeCommentInput is an autogenerated input type of UnminimizeComment.

type UnpinIssueInput

type UnpinIssueInput struct {
	// The ID of the issue to be unpinned. (Required.)
	IssueID ID `json:"issueId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

UnpinIssueInput is an autogenerated input type of UnpinIssue.

type UnresolveReviewThreadInput

type UnresolveReviewThreadInput struct {
	// The ID of the thread to unresolve. (Required.)
	ThreadID ID `json:"threadId"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

UnresolveReviewThreadInput is an autogenerated input type of UnresolveReviewThread.

type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput

type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput struct {
	// The global relay id of the branch protection rule to be updated. (Required.)
	BranchProtectionRuleID ID `json:"branchProtectionRuleId"`

	// The glob-like pattern used to determine matching branches. (Optional.)
	Pattern *String `json:"pattern,omitempty"`
	// Are approving reviews required to update matching branches. (Optional.)
	RequiresApprovingReviews *Boolean `json:"requiresApprovingReviews,omitempty"`
	// Number of approving reviews required to update matching branches. (Optional.)
	RequiredApprovingReviewCount *Int `json:"requiredApprovingReviewCount,omitempty"`
	// Are commits required to be signed. (Optional.)
	RequiresCommitSignatures *Boolean `json:"requiresCommitSignatures,omitempty"`
	// Can admins overwrite branch protection. (Optional.)
	IsAdminEnforced *Boolean `json:"isAdminEnforced,omitempty"`
	// Are status checks required to update matching branches. (Optional.)
	RequiresStatusChecks *Boolean `json:"requiresStatusChecks,omitempty"`
	// Are branches required to be up to date before merging. (Optional.)
	RequiresStrictStatusChecks *Boolean `json:"requiresStrictStatusChecks,omitempty"`
	// Are reviews from code owners required to update matching branches. (Optional.)
	RequiresCodeOwnerReviews *Boolean `json:"requiresCodeOwnerReviews,omitempty"`
	// Will new commits pushed to matching branches dismiss pull request review approvals. (Optional.)
	DismissesStaleReviews *Boolean `json:"dismissesStaleReviews,omitempty"`
	// Is dismissal of pull request reviews restricted. (Optional.)
	RestrictsReviewDismissals *Boolean `json:"restrictsReviewDismissals,omitempty"`
	// A list of User or Team IDs allowed to dismiss reviews on pull requests targeting matching branches. (Optional.)
	ReviewDismissalActorIDs *[]ID `json:"reviewDismissalActorIds,omitempty"`
	// Is pushing to matching branches restricted. (Optional.)
	RestrictsPushes *Boolean `json:"restrictsPushes,omitempty"`
	// A list of User or Team IDs allowed to push to matching branches. (Optional.)
	PushActorIDs *[]ID `json:"pushActorIds,omitempty"`
	// List of required status check contexts that must pass for commits to be accepted to matching branches. (Optional.)
	RequiredStatusCheckContexts *[]String `json:"requiredStatusCheckContexts,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput is an autogenerated input type of UpdateBranchProtectionRule.

type UpdateCheckRunInput

type UpdateCheckRunInput struct {
	// The node ID of the repository. (Required.)
	RepositoryID ID `json:"repositoryId"`
	// The node of the check. (Required.)
	CheckRunID ID `json:"checkRunId"`

	// The name of the check. (Optional.)
	Name *String `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The URL of the integrator's site that has the full details of the check. (Optional.)
	DetailsURL *URI `json:"detailsUrl,omitempty"`
	// A reference for the run on the integrator's system. (Optional.)
	ExternalID *String `json:"externalId,omitempty"`
	// The current status. (Optional.)
	Status *RequestableCheckStatusState `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The time that the check run began. (Optional.)
	StartedAt *DateTime `json:"startedAt,omitempty"`
	// The final conclusion of the check. (Optional.)
	Conclusion *CheckConclusionState `json:"conclusion,omitempty"`
	// The time that the check run finished. (Optional.)
	CompletedAt *DateTime `json:"completedAt,omitempty"`
	// Descriptive details about the run. (Optional.)
	Output *CheckRunOutput `json:"output,omitempty"`
	// Possible further actions the integrator can perform, which a user may trigger. (Optional.)
	Actions *[]CheckRunAction `json:"actions,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

UpdateCheckRunInput is an autogenerated input type of UpdateCheckRun.

type UpdateCheckSuitePreferencesInput

type UpdateCheckSuitePreferencesInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the repository. (Required.)
	RepositoryID ID `json:"repositoryId"`
	// The check suite preferences to modify. (Required.)
	AutoTriggerPreferences []CheckSuiteAutoTriggerPreference `json:"autoTriggerPreferences"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

UpdateCheckSuitePreferencesInput is an autogenerated input type of UpdateCheckSuitePreferences.

type UpdateIssueCommentInput

type UpdateIssueCommentInput struct {
	// The ID of the IssueComment to modify. (Required.)
	ID ID `json:"id"`
	// The updated text of the comment. (Required.)
	Body String `json:"body"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

UpdateIssueCommentInput is an autogenerated input type of UpdateIssueComment.

type UpdateIssueInput

type UpdateIssueInput struct {
	// The ID of the Issue to modify. (Required.)
	ID ID `json:"id"`

	// The title for the issue. (Optional.)
	Title *String `json:"title,omitempty"`
	// The body for the issue description. (Optional.)
	Body *String `json:"body,omitempty"`
	// An array of Node IDs of users for this issue. (Optional.)
	AssigneeIDs *[]ID `json:"assigneeIds,omitempty"`
	// The Node ID of the milestone for this issue. (Optional.)
	MilestoneID *ID `json:"milestoneId,omitempty"`
	// An array of Node IDs of labels for this issue. (Optional.)
	LabelIDs *[]ID `json:"labelIds,omitempty"`
	// The desired issue state. (Optional.)
	State *IssueState `json:"state,omitempty"`
	// An array of Node IDs for projects associated with this issue. (Optional.)
	ProjectIDs *[]ID `json:"projectIds,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

UpdateIssueInput is an autogenerated input type of UpdateIssue.

type UpdateLabelInput

type UpdateLabelInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the label to be updated. (Required.)
	ID ID `json:"id"`

	// A 6 character hex code, without the leading #, identifying the updated color of the label. (Optional.)
	Color *String `json:"color,omitempty"`
	// A brief description of the label, such as its purpose. (Optional.)
	Description *String `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// The updated name of the label. (Optional.)
	Name *String `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

UpdateLabelInput is an autogenerated input type of UpdateLabel.

type UpdateProjectCardInput

type UpdateProjectCardInput struct {
	// The ProjectCard ID to update. (Required.)
	ProjectCardID ID `json:"projectCardId"`

	// Whether or not the ProjectCard should be archived. (Optional.)
	IsArchived *Boolean `json:"isArchived,omitempty"`
	// The note of ProjectCard. (Optional.)
	Note *String `json:"note,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

UpdateProjectCardInput is an autogenerated input type of UpdateProjectCard.

type UpdateProjectColumnInput

type UpdateProjectColumnInput struct {
	// The ProjectColumn ID to update. (Required.)
	ProjectColumnID ID `json:"projectColumnId"`
	// The name of project column. (Required.)
	Name String `json:"name"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

UpdateProjectColumnInput is an autogenerated input type of UpdateProjectColumn.

type UpdateProjectInput

type UpdateProjectInput struct {
	// The Project ID to update. (Required.)
	ProjectID ID `json:"projectId"`

	// The name of project. (Optional.)
	Name *String `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The description of project. (Optional.)
	Body *String `json:"body,omitempty"`
	// Whether the project is open or closed. (Optional.)
	State *ProjectState `json:"state,omitempty"`
	// Whether the project is public or not. (Optional.)
	Public *Boolean `json:"public,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

UpdateProjectInput is an autogenerated input type of UpdateProject.

type UpdatePullRequestInput

type UpdatePullRequestInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the pull request. (Required.)
	PullRequestID ID `json:"pullRequestId"`

	// The name of the branch you want your changes pulled into. This should be an existing branch on the current repository. (Optional.)
	BaseRefName *String `json:"baseRefName,omitempty"`
	// The title of the pull request. (Optional.)
	Title *String `json:"title,omitempty"`
	// The contents of the pull request. (Optional.)
	Body *String `json:"body,omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether maintainers can modify the pull request. (Optional.)
	MaintainerCanModify *Boolean `json:"maintainerCanModify,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

UpdatePullRequestInput is an autogenerated input type of UpdatePullRequest.

type UpdatePullRequestReviewCommentInput

type UpdatePullRequestReviewCommentInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the comment to modify. (Required.)
	PullRequestReviewCommentID ID `json:"pullRequestReviewCommentId"`
	// The text of the comment. (Required.)
	Body String `json:"body"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

UpdatePullRequestReviewCommentInput is an autogenerated input type of UpdatePullRequestReviewComment.

type UpdatePullRequestReviewInput

type UpdatePullRequestReviewInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the pull request review to modify. (Required.)
	PullRequestReviewID ID `json:"pullRequestReviewId"`
	// The contents of the pull request review body. (Required.)
	Body String `json:"body"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

UpdatePullRequestReviewInput is an autogenerated input type of UpdatePullRequestReview.

type UpdateRefInput

type UpdateRefInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the Ref to be updated. (Required.)
	RefID ID `json:"refId"`
	// The GitObjectID that the Ref shall be updated to target. (Required.)
	Oid GitObjectID `json:"oid"`

	// Permit updates of branch Refs that are not fast-forwards?. (Optional.)
	Force *Boolean `json:"force,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

UpdateRefInput is an autogenerated input type of UpdateRef.

type UpdateSubscriptionInput

type UpdateSubscriptionInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the subscribable object to modify. (Required.)
	SubscribableID ID `json:"subscribableId"`
	// The new state of the subscription. (Required.)
	State SubscriptionState `json:"state"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

UpdateSubscriptionInput is an autogenerated input type of UpdateSubscription.

type UpdateTeamDiscussionCommentInput

type UpdateTeamDiscussionCommentInput struct {
	// The ID of the comment to modify. (Required.)
	ID ID `json:"id"`
	// The updated text of the comment. (Required.)
	Body String `json:"body"`

	// The current version of the body content. (Optional.)
	BodyVersion *String `json:"bodyVersion,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

UpdateTeamDiscussionCommentInput is an autogenerated input type of UpdateTeamDiscussionComment.

type UpdateTeamDiscussionInput

type UpdateTeamDiscussionInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the discussion to modify. (Required.)
	ID ID `json:"id"`

	// The updated title of the discussion. (Optional.)
	Title *String `json:"title,omitempty"`
	// The updated text of the discussion. (Optional.)
	Body *String `json:"body,omitempty"`
	// The current version of the body content. If provided, this update operation will be rejected if the given version does not match the latest version on the server. (Optional.)
	BodyVersion *String `json:"bodyVersion,omitempty"`
	// If provided, sets the pinned state of the updated discussion. (Optional.)
	Pinned *Boolean `json:"pinned,omitempty"`
	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

UpdateTeamDiscussionInput is an autogenerated input type of UpdateTeamDiscussion.

type UpdateTopicsInput

type UpdateTopicsInput struct {
	// The Node ID of the repository. (Required.)
	RepositoryID ID `json:"repositoryId"`
	// An array of topic names. (Required.)
	TopicNames []String `json:"topicNames"`

	// A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.)
	ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"`

UpdateTopicsInput is an autogenerated input type of UpdateTopics.

type UserBlockDuration

type UserBlockDuration string

UserBlockDuration represents the possible durations that a user can be blocked for.

const (
	UserBlockDurationOneDay    UserBlockDuration = "ONE_DAY"    // The user was blocked for 1 day.
	UserBlockDurationThreeDays UserBlockDuration = "THREE_DAYS" // The user was blocked for 3 days.
	UserBlockDurationOneWeek   UserBlockDuration = "ONE_WEEK"   // The user was blocked for 7 days.
	UserBlockDurationOneMonth  UserBlockDuration = "ONE_MONTH"  // The user was blocked for 30 days.
	UserBlockDurationPermanent UserBlockDuration = "PERMANENT"  // The user was blocked permanently.

The possible durations that a user can be blocked for.

type UserStatusOrder

type UserStatusOrder struct {
	// The field to order user statuses by. (Required.)
	Field UserStatusOrderField `json:"field"`
	// The ordering direction. (Required.)
	Direction OrderDirection `json:"direction"`

UserStatusOrder represents ordering options for user status connections.

type UserStatusOrderField

type UserStatusOrderField string

UserStatusOrderField represents properties by which user status connections can be ordered.

const (
	UserStatusOrderFieldUpdatedAt UserStatusOrderField = "UPDATED_AT" // Order user statuses by when they were updated.

Properties by which user status connections can be ordered.

type X509Certificate

type X509Certificate struct{ *x509.Certificate }

X509Certificate is a valid x509 certificate.

func NewX509Certificate

func NewX509Certificate(v X509Certificate) *X509Certificate

NewX509Certificate is a helper to make a new *X509Certificate.

func (X509Certificate) MarshalJSON

func (x X509Certificate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface.

func (*X509Certificate) UnmarshalJSON

func (x *X509Certificate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface.


Path Synopsis
githubv4dev is a test program currently being used for developing githubv4 package.
githubv4dev is a test program currently being used for developing githubv4 package.

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