Local Development
- Get config values
- Create output folder if doesn't exist
- Generate output file using input template file and config values
- Command example
For local development we share on subscription. We use the current username as region stamp to generate unique resourcegroup names.
~/aro/ARO-HCP/tooling/templatize$ go run . generate --config-file="testdata/config.yaml" --input="testdata/helm.sh" --output="output" --cloud="public" --deploy-env="dev" --region="taiwan" --region-stamp=${USER} --cx-stamp="1"
--config-file string (Required) config file path
--input string (Required) input file path
--output string (Required) output file path
--cloud string (Required) the cloud (public, fairfax)
--deploy-env string (Required) the deploy environment
--region string (Required) resources location
--region-stamp string (Required) stamp of a region
--cx-stamp string (Required) stamp of a CX underlay
To inspect the actual config variables available during templating with the generate
command, use the inspect
~/aro/ARO-HCP/tooling/templatize$ go run . inspect --config-file="testdata/config.yaml" --cloud="public" --deploy-env="dev" --region="taiwan" --region-stamp=${USER} --cx-stamp="1"
- Retrieve values from a single configuration file according to the cloud, environment, and region.
- Replace
, regionStamp
and cxStamp