Index ¶
- type ACLAction
- type Client
- func (client *Client) BeginCreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) (*runtime.Poller[ClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error)
- func (client *Client) BeginDelete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) (*runtime.Poller[ClientDeleteResponse], error)
- func (client *Client) BeginRegenerateKey(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) (*runtime.Poller[ClientRegenerateKeyResponse], error)
- func (client *Client) BeginRestart(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) (*runtime.Poller[ClientRestartResponse], error)
- func (client *Client) BeginUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) (*runtime.Poller[ClientUpdateResponse], error)
- func (client *Client) CheckNameAvailability(ctx context.Context, location string, parameters NameAvailabilityParameters, ...) (ClientCheckNameAvailabilityResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) (ClientGetResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) ListKeys(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) (ClientListKeysResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) ListReplicaSKUs(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) (ClientListReplicaSKUsResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) ListSKUs(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) (ClientListSKUsResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) NewListByResourceGroupPager(resourceGroupName string, options *ClientListByResourceGroupOptions) *runtime.Pager[ClientListByResourceGroupResponse]
- func (client *Client) NewListBySubscriptionPager(options *ClientListBySubscriptionOptions) *runtime.Pager[ClientListBySubscriptionResponse]
- type ClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions
- type ClientBeginDeleteOptions
- type ClientBeginRegenerateKeyOptions
- type ClientBeginRestartOptions
- type ClientBeginUpdateOptions
- type ClientCheckNameAvailabilityOptions
- type ClientCheckNameAvailabilityResponse
- type ClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
- type ClientDeleteResponse
- type ClientFactory
- func (c *ClientFactory) NewClient() *Client
- func (c *ClientFactory) NewCustomCertificatesClient() *CustomCertificatesClient
- func (c *ClientFactory) NewCustomDomainsClient() *CustomDomainsClient
- func (c *ClientFactory) NewHubsClient() *HubsClient
- func (c *ClientFactory) NewOperationsClient() *OperationsClient
- func (c *ClientFactory) NewPrivateEndpointConnectionsClient() *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient
- func (c *ClientFactory) NewPrivateLinkResourcesClient() *PrivateLinkResourcesClient
- func (c *ClientFactory) NewReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient() *ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient
- func (c *ClientFactory) NewReplicasClient() *ReplicasClient
- func (c *ClientFactory) NewSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient() *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient
- func (c *ClientFactory) NewUsagesClient() *UsagesClient
- type ClientGetOptions
- type ClientGetResponse
- type ClientListByResourceGroupOptions
- type ClientListByResourceGroupResponse
- type ClientListBySubscriptionOptions
- type ClientListBySubscriptionResponse
- type ClientListKeysOptions
- type ClientListKeysResponse
- type ClientListReplicaSKUsOptions
- type ClientListReplicaSKUsResponse
- type ClientListSKUsOptions
- type ClientListSKUsResponse
- type ClientRegenerateKeyResponse
- type ClientRestartResponse
- type ClientUpdateResponse
- type CreatedByType
- type CustomCertificate
- type CustomCertificateList
- type CustomCertificateProperties
- type CustomCertificatesClient
- func (client *CustomCertificatesClient) BeginCreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) (*runtime.Poller[CustomCertificatesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error)
- func (client *CustomCertificatesClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) (CustomCertificatesClientDeleteResponse, error)
- func (client *CustomCertificatesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) (CustomCertificatesClientGetResponse, error)
- func (client *CustomCertificatesClient) NewListPager(resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) *runtime.Pager[CustomCertificatesClientListResponse]
- type CustomCertificatesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions
- type CustomCertificatesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
- type CustomCertificatesClientDeleteOptions
- type CustomCertificatesClientDeleteResponse
- type CustomCertificatesClientGetOptions
- type CustomCertificatesClientGetResponse
- type CustomCertificatesClientListOptions
- type CustomCertificatesClientListResponse
- type CustomDomain
- type CustomDomainList
- type CustomDomainProperties
- type CustomDomainsClient
- func (client *CustomDomainsClient) BeginCreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) (*runtime.Poller[CustomDomainsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error)
- func (client *CustomDomainsClient) BeginDelete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) (*runtime.Poller[CustomDomainsClientDeleteResponse], error)
- func (client *CustomDomainsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) (CustomDomainsClientGetResponse, error)
- func (client *CustomDomainsClient) NewListPager(resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) *runtime.Pager[CustomDomainsClientListResponse]
- type CustomDomainsClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions
- type CustomDomainsClientBeginDeleteOptions
- type CustomDomainsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
- type CustomDomainsClientDeleteResponse
- type CustomDomainsClientGetOptions
- type CustomDomainsClientGetResponse
- type CustomDomainsClientListOptions
- type CustomDomainsClientListResponse
- type Dimension
- type EventHandler
- type EventHubEndpoint
- type EventListener
- type EventListenerEndpoint
- type EventListenerEndpointClassification
- type EventListenerEndpointDiscriminator
- type EventListenerFilter
- type EventListenerFilterClassification
- type EventListenerFilterDiscriminator
- type EventNameFilter
- type Hub
- type HubList
- type HubProperties
- type HubsClient
- func (client *HubsClient) BeginCreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, hubName string, resourceGroupName string, ...) (*runtime.Poller[HubsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error)
- func (client *HubsClient) BeginDelete(ctx context.Context, hubName string, resourceGroupName string, ...) (*runtime.Poller[HubsClientDeleteResponse], error)
- func (client *HubsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, hubName string, resourceGroupName string, ...) (HubsClientGetResponse, error)
- func (client *HubsClient) NewListPager(resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, options *HubsClientListOptions) *runtime.Pager[HubsClientListResponse]
- type HubsClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions
- type HubsClientBeginDeleteOptions
- type HubsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
- type HubsClientDeleteResponse
- type HubsClientGetOptions
- type HubsClientGetResponse
- type HubsClientListOptions
- type HubsClientListResponse
- type IPRule
- type KeyType
- type Keys
- type LiveTraceCategory
- type LiveTraceConfiguration
- type LogSpecification
- type ManagedIdentity
- type ManagedIdentitySettings
- type ManagedIdentityType
- type MetricSpecification
- type NameAvailability
- type NameAvailabilityParameters
- type NetworkACL
- type NetworkACLs
- type Operation
- type OperationDisplay
- type OperationList
- type OperationProperties
- type OperationsClient
- type OperationsClientListOptions
- type OperationsClientListResponse
- type PrivateEndpoint
- type PrivateEndpointACL
- type PrivateEndpointConnection
- type PrivateEndpointConnectionList
- type PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties
- type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient
- func (client *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient) BeginDelete(ctx context.Context, privateEndpointConnectionName string, ...) (*runtime.Poller[PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientDeleteResponse], error)
- func (client *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, privateEndpointConnectionName string, ...) (PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetResponse, error)
- func (client *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient) NewListPager(resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) *runtime.Pager[PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResponse]
- func (client *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, privateEndpointConnectionName string, ...) (PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientUpdateResponse, error)
- type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientBeginDeleteOptions
- type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientDeleteResponse
- type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetOptions
- type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetResponse
- type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListOptions
- type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResponse
- type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientUpdateOptions
- type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientUpdateResponse
- type PrivateLinkResource
- type PrivateLinkResourceList
- type PrivateLinkResourceProperties
- type PrivateLinkResourcesClient
- type PrivateLinkResourcesClientListOptions
- type PrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse
- type PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState
- type PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatus
- type Properties
- type ProvisioningState
- type RegenerateKeyParameters
- type Replica
- type ReplicaList
- type ReplicaProperties
- type ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient
- func (client *ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient) BeginCreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) (*runtime.Poller[ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], ...)
- func (client *ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) (ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetResponse, error)
- func (client *ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient) NewListPager(resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, replicaName string, ...) *runtime.Pager[ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse]
- type ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions
- type ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
- type ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetOptions
- type ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetResponse
- type ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListOptions
- type ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse
- type ReplicasClient
- func (client *ReplicasClient) BeginCreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) (*runtime.Poller[ReplicasClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error)
- func (client *ReplicasClient) BeginRestart(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) (*runtime.Poller[ReplicasClientRestartResponse], error)
- func (client *ReplicasClient) BeginUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) (*runtime.Poller[ReplicasClientUpdateResponse], error)
- func (client *ReplicasClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) (ReplicasClientDeleteResponse, error)
- func (client *ReplicasClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) (ReplicasClientGetResponse, error)
- func (client *ReplicasClient) NewListPager(resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) *runtime.Pager[ReplicasClientListResponse]
- type ReplicasClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions
- type ReplicasClientBeginRestartOptions
- type ReplicasClientBeginUpdateOptions
- type ReplicasClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
- type ReplicasClientDeleteOptions
- type ReplicasClientDeleteResponse
- type ReplicasClientGetOptions
- type ReplicasClientGetResponse
- type ReplicasClientListOptions
- type ReplicasClientListResponse
- type ReplicasClientRestartResponse
- type ReplicasClientUpdateResponse
- type ResourceInfo
- type ResourceInfoList
- type ResourceLogCategory
- type ResourceLogConfiguration
- type ResourceReference
- type ResourceSKU
- type SKU
- type SKUCapacity
- type SKUList
- type ScaleType
- type ServiceKind
- type ServiceSpecification
- type ShareablePrivateLinkResourceProperties
- type ShareablePrivateLinkResourceType
- type SharedPrivateLinkResource
- type SharedPrivateLinkResourceList
- type SharedPrivateLinkResourceProperties
- type SharedPrivateLinkResourceStatus
- type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient
- func (client *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient) BeginCreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, sharedPrivateLinkResourceName string, ...) (*runtime.Poller[SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error)
- func (client *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient) BeginDelete(ctx context.Context, sharedPrivateLinkResourceName string, ...) (*runtime.Poller[SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientDeleteResponse], error)
- func (client *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, sharedPrivateLinkResourceName string, ...) (SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetResponse, error)
- func (client *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient) NewListPager(resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, ...) *runtime.Pager[SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse]
- type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions
- type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientBeginDeleteOptions
- type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
- type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientDeleteResponse
- type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetOptions
- type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetResponse
- type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListOptions
- type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse
- type SignalRServiceUsage
- type SignalRServiceUsageList
- type SignalRServiceUsageName
- type SocketIOSettings
- type SystemData
- type TLSSettings
- type UpstreamAuthSettings
- type UpstreamAuthType
- type UsagesClient
- type UsagesClientListOptions
- type UsagesClientListResponse
- type UserAssignedIdentityProperty
- type WebPubSubRequestType
- type WebPubSubSKUTier
Examples ¶
- Client.BeginCreateOrUpdate
- Client.BeginDelete
- Client.BeginRegenerateKey
- Client.BeginRestart
- Client.BeginUpdate
- Client.CheckNameAvailability
- Client.Get
- Client.ListKeys
- Client.ListReplicaSKUs
- Client.ListSKUs
- Client.NewListByResourceGroupPager
- Client.NewListBySubscriptionPager
- CustomCertificatesClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate
- CustomCertificatesClient.Delete
- CustomCertificatesClient.Get
- CustomCertificatesClient.NewListPager
- CustomDomainsClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate
- CustomDomainsClient.BeginDelete
- CustomDomainsClient.Get
- CustomDomainsClient.NewListPager
- HubsClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate
- HubsClient.BeginDelete
- HubsClient.Get
- HubsClient.NewListPager
- OperationsClient.NewListPager
- PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.BeginDelete
- PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.Get
- PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.NewListPager
- PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.Update
- PrivateLinkResourcesClient.NewListPager
- ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate
- ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.Get
- ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.NewListPager
- ReplicasClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate
- ReplicasClient.BeginRestart
- ReplicasClient.BeginUpdate
- ReplicasClient.Delete
- ReplicasClient.Get
- ReplicasClient.NewListPager
- SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate
- SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.BeginDelete
- SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.Get
- SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.NewListPager
- UsagesClient.NewListPager
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type ACLAction ¶
type ACLAction string
ACLAction - Azure Networking ACL Action.
func PossibleACLActionValues ¶
func PossibleACLActionValues() []ACLAction
PossibleACLActionValues returns the possible values for the ACLAction const type.
type Client ¶ added in v0.2.0
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Client contains the methods for the WebPubSub group. Don't use this type directly, use NewClient() instead.
func NewClient ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewClient(subscriptionID string, credential azcore.TokenCredential, options *arm.ClientOptions) (*Client, error)
NewClient creates a new instance of Client with the specified values.
- subscriptionID - The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID.
- credential - used to authorize requests. Usually a credential from azidentity.
- options - pass nil to accept the default values.
func (*Client) BeginCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (client *Client) BeginCreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, parameters ResourceInfo, options *ClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions) (*runtime.Poller[ClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error)
BeginCreateOrUpdate - Create or update a resource. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- parameters - Parameters for the create or update operation
- options - ClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.BeginCreateOrUpdate method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } poller, err := clientFactory.NewClient().BeginCreateOrUpdate(ctx, "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", armwebpubsub.ResourceInfo{ Location: to.Ptr("eastus"), Tags: map[string]*string{ "key1": to.Ptr("value1"), }, Identity: &armwebpubsub.ManagedIdentity{ Type: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ManagedIdentityTypeSystemAssigned), }, Kind: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ServiceKindWebPubSub), Properties: &armwebpubsub.Properties{ DisableAADAuth: to.Ptr(false), DisableLocalAuth: to.Ptr(false), LiveTraceConfiguration: &armwebpubsub.LiveTraceConfiguration{ Categories: []*armwebpubsub.LiveTraceCategory{ { Name: to.Ptr("ConnectivityLogs"), Enabled: to.Ptr("true"), }}, Enabled: to.Ptr("false"), }, NetworkACLs: &armwebpubsub.NetworkACLs{ DefaultAction: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ACLActionDeny), PrivateEndpoints: []*armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointACL{ { Allow: []*armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestType{ to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestTypeServerConnection)}, Name: to.Ptr("mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), }}, PublicNetwork: &armwebpubsub.NetworkACL{ Allow: []*armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestType{ to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestTypeClientConnection)}, }, }, PublicNetworkAccess: to.Ptr("Enabled"), SocketIO: &armwebpubsub.SocketIOSettings{ ServiceMode: to.Ptr("Serverless"), }, TLS: &armwebpubsub.TLSSettings{ ClientCertEnabled: to.Ptr(false), }, }, SKU: &armwebpubsub.ResourceSKU{ Name: to.Ptr("Premium_P1"), Capacity: to.Ptr[int32](1), Tier: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubSKUTierPremium), }, }, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } res, err := poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err) } // You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = res // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // res.ResourceInfo = armwebpubsub.ResourceInfo{ // Name: to.Ptr("myWebPubSubService"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService"), // SystemData: &armwebpubsub.SystemData{ // CreatedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // CreatedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // CreatedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // LastModifiedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // LastModifiedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // LastModifiedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // }, // Location: to.Ptr("eastus"), // Tags: map[string]*string{ // "key1": to.Ptr("value1"), // }, // Identity: &armwebpubsub.ManagedIdentity{ // Type: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ManagedIdentityTypeSystemAssigned), // PrincipalID: to.Ptr("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"), // TenantID: to.Ptr("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"), // }, // Kind: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ServiceKindWebPubSub), // Properties: &armwebpubsub.Properties{ // DisableAADAuth: to.Ptr(false), // DisableLocalAuth: to.Ptr(false), // ExternalIP: to.Ptr(""), // HostName: to.Ptr(""), // LiveTraceConfiguration: &armwebpubsub.LiveTraceConfiguration{ // Categories: []*armwebpubsub.LiveTraceCategory{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("ConnectivityLogs"), // Enabled: to.Ptr("true"), // }}, // Enabled: to.Ptr("false"), // }, // NetworkACLs: &armwebpubsub.NetworkACLs{ // DefaultAction: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ACLActionDeny), // IPRules: []*armwebpubsub.IPRule{ // { // Action: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ACLActionAllow), // Value: to.Ptr("123.456.789.123/24"), // }, // { // Action: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ACLActionAllow), // Value: to.Ptr("123.456.789.123"), // }, // { // Action: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ACLActionAllow), // Value: to.Ptr("AppService"), // }}, // PrivateEndpoints: []*armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointACL{ // { // Allow: []*armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestType{ // to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestTypeServerConnection)}, // Name: to.Ptr("mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), // }}, // PublicNetwork: &armwebpubsub.NetworkACL{ // Allow: []*armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestType{ // to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestTypeClientConnection)}, // }, // }, // PrivateEndpointConnections: []*armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointConnection{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/privateEndpointConnections"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/privateEndpointConnections/mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), // SystemData: &armwebpubsub.SystemData{ // CreatedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // CreatedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // CreatedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // LastModifiedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // LastModifiedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // LastModifiedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // }, // Properties: &armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties{ // PrivateEndpoint: &armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpoint{ // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/myPrivateEndpoint"), // }, // PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState: &armwebpubsub.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState{ // ActionsRequired: to.Ptr("None"), // Status: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatusApproved), // }, // ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ProvisioningStateSucceeded), // }, // }}, // ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ProvisioningStateSucceeded), // PublicNetworkAccess: to.Ptr("Enabled"), // PublicPort: to.Ptr[int32](443), // RegionEndpointEnabled: to.Ptr("Enabled"), // ResourceLogConfiguration: &armwebpubsub.ResourceLogConfiguration{ // Categories: []*armwebpubsub.ResourceLogCategory{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("ConnectivityLogs"), // Enabled: to.Ptr("true"), // }}, // }, // ResourceStopped: to.Ptr("false"), // ServerPort: to.Ptr[int32](443), // SocketIO: &armwebpubsub.SocketIOSettings{ // ServiceMode: to.Ptr("Serverless"), // }, // TLS: &armwebpubsub.TLSSettings{ // ClientCertEnabled: to.Ptr(true), // }, // Version: to.Ptr("1.0"), // }, // SKU: &armwebpubsub.ResourceSKU{ // Name: to.Ptr("Premium_P1"), // Capacity: to.Ptr[int32](1), // Size: to.Ptr("P1"), // Tier: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubSKUTierPremium), // }, // } }
func (*Client) BeginDelete ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (client *Client) BeginDelete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, options *ClientBeginDeleteOptions) (*runtime.Poller[ClientDeleteResponse], error)
BeginDelete - Operation to delete a resource. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- options - ClientBeginDeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.BeginDelete method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } poller, err := clientFactory.NewClient().BeginDelete(ctx, "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } _, err = poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err) } }
func (*Client) BeginRegenerateKey ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (client *Client) BeginRegenerateKey(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, parameters RegenerateKeyParameters, options *ClientBeginRegenerateKeyOptions) (*runtime.Poller[ClientRegenerateKeyResponse], error)
BeginRegenerateKey - Regenerate the access key for the resource. PrimaryKey and SecondaryKey cannot be regenerated at the same time. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- parameters - Parameter that describes the Regenerate Key Operation.
- options - ClientBeginRegenerateKeyOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.BeginRegenerateKey method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } poller, err := clientFactory.NewClient().BeginRegenerateKey(ctx, "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", armwebpubsub.RegenerateKeyParameters{ KeyType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.KeyTypePrimary), }, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } res, err := poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err) } // You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = res // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // res.Keys = armwebpubsub.Keys{ // } }
func (*Client) BeginRestart ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (client *Client) BeginRestart(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, options *ClientBeginRestartOptions) (*runtime.Poller[ClientRestartResponse], error)
BeginRestart - Operation to restart a resource. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- options - ClientBeginRestartOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.BeginRestart method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } poller, err := clientFactory.NewClient().BeginRestart(ctx, "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } _, err = poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err) } }
func (*Client) BeginUpdate ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (client *Client) BeginUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, parameters ResourceInfo, options *ClientBeginUpdateOptions) (*runtime.Poller[ClientUpdateResponse], error)
BeginUpdate - Operation to update an exiting resource. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- parameters - Parameters for the update operation
- options - ClientBeginUpdateOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.BeginUpdate method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } poller, err := clientFactory.NewClient().BeginUpdate(ctx, "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", armwebpubsub.ResourceInfo{ Location: to.Ptr("eastus"), Tags: map[string]*string{ "key1": to.Ptr("value1"), }, Identity: &armwebpubsub.ManagedIdentity{ Type: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ManagedIdentityTypeSystemAssigned), }, Kind: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ServiceKindWebPubSub), Properties: &armwebpubsub.Properties{ DisableAADAuth: to.Ptr(false), DisableLocalAuth: to.Ptr(false), LiveTraceConfiguration: &armwebpubsub.LiveTraceConfiguration{ Categories: []*armwebpubsub.LiveTraceCategory{ { Name: to.Ptr("ConnectivityLogs"), Enabled: to.Ptr("true"), }}, Enabled: to.Ptr("false"), }, NetworkACLs: &armwebpubsub.NetworkACLs{ DefaultAction: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ACLActionDeny), PrivateEndpoints: []*armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointACL{ { Allow: []*armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestType{ to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestTypeServerConnection)}, Name: to.Ptr("mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), }}, PublicNetwork: &armwebpubsub.NetworkACL{ Allow: []*armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestType{ to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestTypeClientConnection)}, }, }, PublicNetworkAccess: to.Ptr("Enabled"), SocketIO: &armwebpubsub.SocketIOSettings{ ServiceMode: to.Ptr("Serverless"), }, TLS: &armwebpubsub.TLSSettings{ ClientCertEnabled: to.Ptr(false), }, }, SKU: &armwebpubsub.ResourceSKU{ Name: to.Ptr("Premium_P1"), Capacity: to.Ptr[int32](1), Tier: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubSKUTierPremium), }, }, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } res, err := poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err) } // You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = res // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // res.ResourceInfo = armwebpubsub.ResourceInfo{ // Name: to.Ptr("myWebPubSubService"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService"), // SystemData: &armwebpubsub.SystemData{ // CreatedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // CreatedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // CreatedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // LastModifiedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // LastModifiedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // LastModifiedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // }, // Location: to.Ptr("eastus"), // Tags: map[string]*string{ // "key1": to.Ptr("value1"), // }, // Identity: &armwebpubsub.ManagedIdentity{ // Type: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ManagedIdentityTypeSystemAssigned), // PrincipalID: to.Ptr("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"), // TenantID: to.Ptr("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"), // }, // Kind: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ServiceKindWebPubSub), // Properties: &armwebpubsub.Properties{ // DisableAADAuth: to.Ptr(false), // DisableLocalAuth: to.Ptr(false), // ExternalIP: to.Ptr(""), // HostName: to.Ptr(""), // LiveTraceConfiguration: &armwebpubsub.LiveTraceConfiguration{ // Categories: []*armwebpubsub.LiveTraceCategory{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("ConnectivityLogs"), // Enabled: to.Ptr("true"), // }}, // Enabled: to.Ptr("false"), // }, // NetworkACLs: &armwebpubsub.NetworkACLs{ // DefaultAction: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ACLActionDeny), // IPRules: []*armwebpubsub.IPRule{ // { // Action: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ACLActionAllow), // Value: to.Ptr("123.456.789.123/24"), // }, // { // Action: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ACLActionAllow), // Value: to.Ptr("123.456.789.123"), // }, // { // Action: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ACLActionAllow), // Value: to.Ptr("AppService"), // }}, // PrivateEndpoints: []*armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointACL{ // { // Allow: []*armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestType{ // to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestTypeServerConnection)}, // Name: to.Ptr("mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), // }}, // PublicNetwork: &armwebpubsub.NetworkACL{ // Allow: []*armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestType{ // to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestTypeClientConnection)}, // }, // }, // PrivateEndpointConnections: []*armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointConnection{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/privateEndpointConnections"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/privateEndpointConnections/mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), // SystemData: &armwebpubsub.SystemData{ // CreatedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // CreatedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // CreatedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // LastModifiedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // LastModifiedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // LastModifiedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // }, // Properties: &armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties{ // PrivateEndpoint: &armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpoint{ // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/myPrivateEndpoint"), // }, // PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState: &armwebpubsub.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState{ // ActionsRequired: to.Ptr("None"), // Status: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatusApproved), // }, // ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ProvisioningStateSucceeded), // }, // }}, // ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ProvisioningStateSucceeded), // PublicNetworkAccess: to.Ptr("Enabled"), // PublicPort: to.Ptr[int32](443), // RegionEndpointEnabled: to.Ptr("Enabled"), // ResourceLogConfiguration: &armwebpubsub.ResourceLogConfiguration{ // Categories: []*armwebpubsub.ResourceLogCategory{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("ConnectivityLogs"), // Enabled: to.Ptr("true"), // }}, // }, // ResourceStopped: to.Ptr("false"), // ServerPort: to.Ptr[int32](443), // SocketIO: &armwebpubsub.SocketIOSettings{ // ServiceMode: to.Ptr("Serverless"), // }, // TLS: &armwebpubsub.TLSSettings{ // ClientCertEnabled: to.Ptr(true), // }, // Version: to.Ptr("1.0"), // }, // SKU: &armwebpubsub.ResourceSKU{ // Name: to.Ptr("Premium_P1"), // Capacity: to.Ptr[int32](1), // Size: to.Ptr("P1"), // Tier: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubSKUTierPremium), // }, // } }
func (*Client) CheckNameAvailability ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (client *Client) CheckNameAvailability(ctx context.Context, location string, parameters NameAvailabilityParameters, options *ClientCheckNameAvailabilityOptions) (ClientCheckNameAvailabilityResponse, error)
CheckNameAvailability - Checks that the resource name is valid and is not already in use. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- location - the region
- parameters - Parameters supplied to the operation.
- options - ClientCheckNameAvailabilityOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.CheckNameAvailability method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } res, err := clientFactory.NewClient().CheckNameAvailability(ctx, "eastus", armwebpubsub.NameAvailabilityParameters{ Name: to.Ptr("myWebPubSubService"), Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub"), }, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } // You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = res // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // res.NameAvailability = armwebpubsub.NameAvailability{ // Message: to.Ptr("The name is already taken. Please try a different name."), // NameAvailable: to.Ptr(false), // Reason: to.Ptr("AlreadyExists"), // } }
func (*Client) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (client *Client) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, options *ClientGetOptions) (ClientGetResponse, error)
Get - Get the resource and its properties. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- options - ClientGetOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.Get method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } res, err := clientFactory.NewClient().Get(ctx, "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } // You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = res // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // res.ResourceInfo = armwebpubsub.ResourceInfo{ // Name: to.Ptr("myWebPubSubService"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService"), // SystemData: &armwebpubsub.SystemData{ // CreatedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // CreatedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // CreatedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // LastModifiedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // LastModifiedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // LastModifiedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // }, // Location: to.Ptr("eastus"), // Tags: map[string]*string{ // "key1": to.Ptr("value1"), // }, // Identity: &armwebpubsub.ManagedIdentity{ // Type: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ManagedIdentityTypeSystemAssigned), // PrincipalID: to.Ptr("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"), // TenantID: to.Ptr("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"), // }, // Kind: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ServiceKindWebPubSub), // Properties: &armwebpubsub.Properties{ // DisableAADAuth: to.Ptr(false), // DisableLocalAuth: to.Ptr(false), // ExternalIP: to.Ptr(""), // HostName: to.Ptr(""), // LiveTraceConfiguration: &armwebpubsub.LiveTraceConfiguration{ // Categories: []*armwebpubsub.LiveTraceCategory{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("ConnectivityLogs"), // Enabled: to.Ptr("true"), // }}, // Enabled: to.Ptr("false"), // }, // NetworkACLs: &armwebpubsub.NetworkACLs{ // DefaultAction: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ACLActionDeny), // IPRules: []*armwebpubsub.IPRule{ // { // Action: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ACLActionAllow), // Value: to.Ptr("123.456.789.123/24"), // }, // { // Action: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ACLActionAllow), // Value: to.Ptr("123.456.789.123"), // }, // { // Action: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ACLActionAllow), // Value: to.Ptr("AppService"), // }}, // PrivateEndpoints: []*armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointACL{ // { // Allow: []*armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestType{ // to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestTypeServerConnection)}, // Name: to.Ptr("mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), // }}, // PublicNetwork: &armwebpubsub.NetworkACL{ // Allow: []*armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestType{ // to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestTypeClientConnection)}, // }, // }, // PrivateEndpointConnections: []*armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointConnection{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/privateEndpointConnections"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/privateEndpointConnections/mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), // SystemData: &armwebpubsub.SystemData{ // CreatedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // CreatedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // CreatedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // LastModifiedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // LastModifiedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // LastModifiedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // }, // Properties: &armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties{ // PrivateEndpoint: &armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpoint{ // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/myPrivateEndpoint"), // }, // PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState: &armwebpubsub.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState{ // ActionsRequired: to.Ptr("None"), // Status: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatusApproved), // }, // ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ProvisioningStateSucceeded), // }, // }}, // ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ProvisioningStateSucceeded), // PublicNetworkAccess: to.Ptr("Enabled"), // PublicPort: to.Ptr[int32](443), // RegionEndpointEnabled: to.Ptr("Enabled"), // ResourceLogConfiguration: &armwebpubsub.ResourceLogConfiguration{ // Categories: []*armwebpubsub.ResourceLogCategory{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("ConnectivityLogs"), // Enabled: to.Ptr("true"), // }}, // }, // ResourceStopped: to.Ptr("false"), // ServerPort: to.Ptr[int32](443), // SocketIO: &armwebpubsub.SocketIOSettings{ // ServiceMode: to.Ptr("Serverless"), // }, // TLS: &armwebpubsub.TLSSettings{ // ClientCertEnabled: to.Ptr(true), // }, // Version: to.Ptr("1.0"), // }, // SKU: &armwebpubsub.ResourceSKU{ // Name: to.Ptr("Premium_P1"), // Capacity: to.Ptr[int32](1), // Size: to.Ptr("P1"), // Tier: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubSKUTierPremium), // }, // } }
func (*Client) ListKeys ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (client *Client) ListKeys(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, options *ClientListKeysOptions) (ClientListKeysResponse, error)
ListKeys - Get the access keys of the resource. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- options - ClientListKeysOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.ListKeys method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } res, err := clientFactory.NewClient().ListKeys(ctx, "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } // You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = res // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // res.Keys = armwebpubsub.Keys{ // } }
func (*Client) ListReplicaSKUs ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (client *Client) ListReplicaSKUs(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, replicaName string, options *ClientListReplicaSKUsOptions) (ClientListReplicaSKUsResponse, error)
ListReplicaSKUs - List all available skus of the replica resource. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- replicaName - The name of the replica.
- options - ClientListReplicaSKUsOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.ListReplicaSKUs method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } res, err := clientFactory.NewClient().ListReplicaSKUs(ctx, "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", "myWebPubSubService-eastus", nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } // You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = res // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // res.SKUList = armwebpubsub.SKUList{ // Value: []*armwebpubsub.SKU{ // { // Capacity: &armwebpubsub.SKUCapacity{ // Default: to.Ptr[int32](1), // AllowedValues: []*int32{ // to.Ptr[int32](1)}, // Maximum: to.Ptr[int32](1), // Minimum: to.Ptr[int32](0), // ScaleType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ScaleTypeManual), // }, // ResourceType: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/replicas"), // SKU: &armwebpubsub.ResourceSKU{ // Name: to.Ptr("Free_F1"), // Tier: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubSKUTierFree), // }, // }, // { // Capacity: &armwebpubsub.SKUCapacity{ // Default: to.Ptr[int32](1), // AllowedValues: []*int32{ // to.Ptr[int32](1), // to.Ptr[int32](2), // to.Ptr[int32](3), // to.Ptr[int32](4), // to.Ptr[int32](5), // to.Ptr[int32](6), // to.Ptr[int32](7), // to.Ptr[int32](8), // to.Ptr[int32](9), // to.Ptr[int32](10), // to.Ptr[int32](20), // to.Ptr[int32](30), // to.Ptr[int32](40), // to.Ptr[int32](50), // to.Ptr[int32](60), // to.Ptr[int32](70), // to.Ptr[int32](80), // to.Ptr[int32](90), // to.Ptr[int32](100)}, // Maximum: to.Ptr[int32](100), // Minimum: to.Ptr[int32](0), // ScaleType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ScaleTypeManual), // }, // ResourceType: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/replicas"), // SKU: &armwebpubsub.ResourceSKU{ // Name: to.Ptr("Standard_S1"), // Tier: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubSKUTierStandard), // }, // }, // { // Capacity: &armwebpubsub.SKUCapacity{ // Default: to.Ptr[int32](1), // AllowedValues: []*int32{ // to.Ptr[int32](1), // to.Ptr[int32](2), // to.Ptr[int32](3), // to.Ptr[int32](4), // to.Ptr[int32](5), // to.Ptr[int32](6), // to.Ptr[int32](7), // to.Ptr[int32](8), // to.Ptr[int32](9), // to.Ptr[int32](10), // to.Ptr[int32](20), // to.Ptr[int32](30), // to.Ptr[int32](40), // to.Ptr[int32](50), // to.Ptr[int32](60), // to.Ptr[int32](70), // to.Ptr[int32](80), // to.Ptr[int32](90), // to.Ptr[int32](100)}, // Maximum: to.Ptr[int32](100), // Minimum: to.Ptr[int32](0), // ScaleType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ScaleTypeAutomatic), // }, // ResourceType: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/replicas"), // SKU: &armwebpubsub.ResourceSKU{ // Name: to.Ptr("Premium_P1"), // Tier: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubSKUTierStandard), // }, // }}, // } }
func (*Client) ListSKUs ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (client *Client) ListSKUs(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, options *ClientListSKUsOptions) (ClientListSKUsResponse, error)
ListSKUs - List all available skus of the resource. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- options - ClientListSKUsOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.ListSKUs method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } res, err := clientFactory.NewClient().ListSKUs(ctx, "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } // You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = res // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // res.SKUList = armwebpubsub.SKUList{ // Value: []*armwebpubsub.SKU{ // { // Capacity: &armwebpubsub.SKUCapacity{ // Default: to.Ptr[int32](1), // AllowedValues: []*int32{ // to.Ptr[int32](1)}, // Maximum: to.Ptr[int32](1), // Minimum: to.Ptr[int32](0), // ScaleType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ScaleTypeManual), // }, // ResourceType: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub"), // SKU: &armwebpubsub.ResourceSKU{ // Name: to.Ptr("Free_F1"), // Tier: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubSKUTierFree), // }, // }, // { // Capacity: &armwebpubsub.SKUCapacity{ // Default: to.Ptr[int32](1), // AllowedValues: []*int32{ // to.Ptr[int32](1), // to.Ptr[int32](2), // to.Ptr[int32](3), // to.Ptr[int32](4), // to.Ptr[int32](5), // to.Ptr[int32](6), // to.Ptr[int32](7), // to.Ptr[int32](8), // to.Ptr[int32](9), // to.Ptr[int32](10), // to.Ptr[int32](20), // to.Ptr[int32](30), // to.Ptr[int32](40), // to.Ptr[int32](50), // to.Ptr[int32](60), // to.Ptr[int32](70), // to.Ptr[int32](80), // to.Ptr[int32](90), // to.Ptr[int32](100)}, // Maximum: to.Ptr[int32](100), // Minimum: to.Ptr[int32](0), // ScaleType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ScaleTypeManual), // }, // ResourceType: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub"), // SKU: &armwebpubsub.ResourceSKU{ // Name: to.Ptr("Standard_S1"), // Tier: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubSKUTierStandard), // }, // }, // { // Capacity: &armwebpubsub.SKUCapacity{ // Default: to.Ptr[int32](1), // AllowedValues: []*int32{ // to.Ptr[int32](1), // to.Ptr[int32](2), // to.Ptr[int32](3), // to.Ptr[int32](4), // to.Ptr[int32](5), // to.Ptr[int32](6), // to.Ptr[int32](7), // to.Ptr[int32](8), // to.Ptr[int32](9), // to.Ptr[int32](10), // to.Ptr[int32](20), // to.Ptr[int32](30), // to.Ptr[int32](40), // to.Ptr[int32](50), // to.Ptr[int32](60), // to.Ptr[int32](70), // to.Ptr[int32](80), // to.Ptr[int32](90), // to.Ptr[int32](100)}, // Maximum: to.Ptr[int32](100), // Minimum: to.Ptr[int32](0), // ScaleType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ScaleTypeAutomatic), // }, // ResourceType: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/replicas"), // SKU: &armwebpubsub.ResourceSKU{ // Name: to.Ptr("Premium_P1"), // Tier: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubSKUTierStandard), // }, // }}, // } }
func (*Client) NewListByResourceGroupPager ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (client *Client) NewListByResourceGroupPager(resourceGroupName string, options *ClientListByResourceGroupOptions) *runtime.Pager[ClientListByResourceGroupResponse]
NewListByResourceGroupPager - Handles requests to list all resources in a resource group.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- options - ClientListByResourceGroupOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.NewListByResourceGroupPager method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } pager := clientFactory.NewClient().NewListByResourceGroupPager("myResourceGroup", nil) for pager.More() { page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err) } for _, v := range page.Value { // You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = v } // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // page.ResourceInfoList = armwebpubsub.ResourceInfoList{ // Value: []*armwebpubsub.ResourceInfo{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("myWebPubSubService"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService"), // SystemData: &armwebpubsub.SystemData{ // CreatedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // CreatedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // CreatedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // LastModifiedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // LastModifiedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // LastModifiedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // }, // Location: to.Ptr("eastus"), // Tags: map[string]*string{ // "key1": to.Ptr("value1"), // }, // Identity: &armwebpubsub.ManagedIdentity{ // Type: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ManagedIdentityTypeSystemAssigned), // PrincipalID: to.Ptr("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"), // TenantID: to.Ptr("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"), // }, // Kind: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ServiceKindWebPubSub), // Properties: &armwebpubsub.Properties{ // DisableAADAuth: to.Ptr(false), // DisableLocalAuth: to.Ptr(false), // ExternalIP: to.Ptr(""), // HostName: to.Ptr(""), // LiveTraceConfiguration: &armwebpubsub.LiveTraceConfiguration{ // Categories: []*armwebpubsub.LiveTraceCategory{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("ConnectivityLogs"), // Enabled: to.Ptr("true"), // }}, // Enabled: to.Ptr("false"), // }, // NetworkACLs: &armwebpubsub.NetworkACLs{ // DefaultAction: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ACLActionDeny), // IPRules: []*armwebpubsub.IPRule{ // { // Action: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ACLActionAllow), // Value: to.Ptr("123.456.789.123/24"), // }, // { // Action: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ACLActionAllow), // Value: to.Ptr("123.456.789.123"), // }, // { // Action: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ACLActionAllow), // Value: to.Ptr("AppService"), // }}, // PrivateEndpoints: []*armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointACL{ // { // Allow: []*armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestType{ // to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestTypeServerConnection)}, // Name: to.Ptr("mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), // }}, // PublicNetwork: &armwebpubsub.NetworkACL{ // Allow: []*armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestType{ // to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestTypeClientConnection)}, // }, // }, // PrivateEndpointConnections: []*armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointConnection{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/privateEndpointConnections"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/privateEndpointConnections/mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), // SystemData: &armwebpubsub.SystemData{ // CreatedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // CreatedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // CreatedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // LastModifiedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // LastModifiedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // LastModifiedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // }, // Properties: &armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties{ // PrivateEndpoint: &armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpoint{ // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/myPrivateEndpoint"), // }, // PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState: &armwebpubsub.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState{ // ActionsRequired: to.Ptr("None"), // Status: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatusApproved), // }, // ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ProvisioningStateSucceeded), // }, // }}, // ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ProvisioningStateSucceeded), // PublicNetworkAccess: to.Ptr("Enabled"), // PublicPort: to.Ptr[int32](443), // RegionEndpointEnabled: to.Ptr("Enabled"), // ResourceLogConfiguration: &armwebpubsub.ResourceLogConfiguration{ // Categories: []*armwebpubsub.ResourceLogCategory{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("ConnectivityLogs"), // Enabled: to.Ptr("true"), // }}, // }, // ResourceStopped: to.Ptr("false"), // ServerPort: to.Ptr[int32](443), // SocketIO: &armwebpubsub.SocketIOSettings{ // ServiceMode: to.Ptr("Serverless"), // }, // TLS: &armwebpubsub.TLSSettings{ // ClientCertEnabled: to.Ptr(true), // }, // Version: to.Ptr("1.0"), // }, // SKU: &armwebpubsub.ResourceSKU{ // Name: to.Ptr("Premium_P1"), // Capacity: to.Ptr[int32](1), // Size: to.Ptr("P1"), // Tier: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubSKUTierPremium), // }, // }}, // } } }
func (*Client) NewListBySubscriptionPager ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (client *Client) NewListBySubscriptionPager(options *ClientListBySubscriptionOptions) *runtime.Pager[ClientListBySubscriptionResponse]
NewListBySubscriptionPager - Handles requests to list all resources in a subscription.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- options - ClientListBySubscriptionOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.NewListBySubscriptionPager method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } pager := clientFactory.NewClient().NewListBySubscriptionPager(nil) for pager.More() { page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err) } for _, v := range page.Value { // You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = v } // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // page.ResourceInfoList = armwebpubsub.ResourceInfoList{ // Value: []*armwebpubsub.ResourceInfo{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("myWebPubSubService"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService"), // SystemData: &armwebpubsub.SystemData{ // CreatedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // CreatedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // CreatedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // LastModifiedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // LastModifiedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // LastModifiedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // }, // Location: to.Ptr("eastus"), // Tags: map[string]*string{ // "key1": to.Ptr("value1"), // }, // Identity: &armwebpubsub.ManagedIdentity{ // Type: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ManagedIdentityTypeSystemAssigned), // PrincipalID: to.Ptr("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"), // TenantID: to.Ptr("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"), // }, // Kind: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ServiceKindWebPubSub), // Properties: &armwebpubsub.Properties{ // DisableAADAuth: to.Ptr(false), // DisableLocalAuth: to.Ptr(false), // ExternalIP: to.Ptr(""), // HostName: to.Ptr(""), // LiveTraceConfiguration: &armwebpubsub.LiveTraceConfiguration{ // Categories: []*armwebpubsub.LiveTraceCategory{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("ConnectivityLogs"), // Enabled: to.Ptr("true"), // }}, // Enabled: to.Ptr("false"), // }, // NetworkACLs: &armwebpubsub.NetworkACLs{ // DefaultAction: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ACLActionDeny), // IPRules: []*armwebpubsub.IPRule{ // { // Action: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ACLActionAllow), // Value: to.Ptr("123.456.789.123/24"), // }, // { // Action: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ACLActionAllow), // Value: to.Ptr("123.456.789.123"), // }, // { // Action: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ACLActionAllow), // Value: to.Ptr("AppService"), // }}, // PrivateEndpoints: []*armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointACL{ // { // Allow: []*armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestType{ // to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestTypeServerConnection)}, // Name: to.Ptr("mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), // }}, // PublicNetwork: &armwebpubsub.NetworkACL{ // Allow: []*armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestType{ // to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubRequestTypeClientConnection)}, // }, // }, // PrivateEndpointConnections: []*armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointConnection{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/privateEndpointConnections"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/privateEndpointConnections/mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), // SystemData: &armwebpubsub.SystemData{ // CreatedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // CreatedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // CreatedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // LastModifiedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // LastModifiedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // LastModifiedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // }, // Properties: &armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties{ // PrivateEndpoint: &armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpoint{ // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/myPrivateEndpoint"), // }, // PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState: &armwebpubsub.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState{ // ActionsRequired: to.Ptr("None"), // Status: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatusApproved), // }, // ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ProvisioningStateSucceeded), // }, // }}, // ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ProvisioningStateSucceeded), // PublicNetworkAccess: to.Ptr("Enabled"), // PublicPort: to.Ptr[int32](443), // RegionEndpointEnabled: to.Ptr("Enabled"), // ResourceLogConfiguration: &armwebpubsub.ResourceLogConfiguration{ // Categories: []*armwebpubsub.ResourceLogCategory{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("ConnectivityLogs"), // Enabled: to.Ptr("true"), // }}, // }, // ResourceStopped: to.Ptr("false"), // ServerPort: to.Ptr[int32](443), // SocketIO: &armwebpubsub.SocketIOSettings{ // ServiceMode: to.Ptr("Serverless"), // }, // TLS: &armwebpubsub.TLSSettings{ // ClientCertEnabled: to.Ptr(true), // }, // Version: to.Ptr("1.0"), // }, // SKU: &armwebpubsub.ResourceSKU{ // Name: to.Ptr("Premium_P1"), // Capacity: to.Ptr[int32](1), // Size: to.Ptr("P1"), // Tier: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubSKUTierPremium), // }, // }}, // } } }
type ClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions struct { // Resumes the LRO from the provided token. ResumeToken string }
ClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.BeginCreateOrUpdate method.
type ClientBeginDeleteOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ClientBeginDeleteOptions struct { // Resumes the LRO from the provided token. ResumeToken string }
ClientBeginDeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.BeginDelete method.
type ClientBeginRegenerateKeyOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ClientBeginRegenerateKeyOptions struct { // Resumes the LRO from the provided token. ResumeToken string }
ClientBeginRegenerateKeyOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.BeginRegenerateKey method.
type ClientBeginRestartOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ClientBeginRestartOptions struct { // Resumes the LRO from the provided token. ResumeToken string }
ClientBeginRestartOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.BeginRestart method.
type ClientBeginUpdateOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ClientBeginUpdateOptions struct { // Resumes the LRO from the provided token. ResumeToken string }
ClientBeginUpdateOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.BeginUpdate method.
type ClientCheckNameAvailabilityOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ClientCheckNameAvailabilityOptions struct { }
ClientCheckNameAvailabilityOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.CheckNameAvailability method.
type ClientCheckNameAvailabilityResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ClientCheckNameAvailabilityResponse struct { // Result of the request to check name availability. It contains a flag and possible reason of failure. NameAvailability }
ClientCheckNameAvailabilityResponse contains the response from method Client.CheckNameAvailability.
type ClientCreateOrUpdateResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ClientCreateOrUpdateResponse struct { // A class represent a resource. ResourceInfo }
ClientCreateOrUpdateResponse contains the response from method Client.BeginCreateOrUpdate.
type ClientDeleteResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ClientDeleteResponse struct { }
ClientDeleteResponse contains the response from method Client.BeginDelete.
type ClientFactory ¶ added in v1.1.0
type ClientFactory struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClientFactory is a client factory used to create any client in this module. Don't use this type directly, use NewClientFactory instead.
func NewClientFactory ¶ added in v1.1.0
func NewClientFactory(subscriptionID string, credential azcore.TokenCredential, options *arm.ClientOptions) (*ClientFactory, error)
NewClientFactory creates a new instance of ClientFactory with the specified values. The parameter values will be propagated to any client created from this factory.
- subscriptionID - The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID.
- credential - used to authorize requests. Usually a credential from azidentity.
- options - pass nil to accept the default values.
func (*ClientFactory) NewClient ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *ClientFactory) NewClient() *Client
NewClient creates a new instance of Client.
func (*ClientFactory) NewCustomCertificatesClient ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *ClientFactory) NewCustomCertificatesClient() *CustomCertificatesClient
NewCustomCertificatesClient creates a new instance of CustomCertificatesClient.
func (*ClientFactory) NewCustomDomainsClient ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *ClientFactory) NewCustomDomainsClient() *CustomDomainsClient
NewCustomDomainsClient creates a new instance of CustomDomainsClient.
func (*ClientFactory) NewHubsClient ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *ClientFactory) NewHubsClient() *HubsClient
NewHubsClient creates a new instance of HubsClient.
func (*ClientFactory) NewOperationsClient ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *ClientFactory) NewOperationsClient() *OperationsClient
NewOperationsClient creates a new instance of OperationsClient.
func (*ClientFactory) NewPrivateEndpointConnectionsClient ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *ClientFactory) NewPrivateEndpointConnectionsClient() *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient
NewPrivateEndpointConnectionsClient creates a new instance of PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.
func (*ClientFactory) NewPrivateLinkResourcesClient ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *ClientFactory) NewPrivateLinkResourcesClient() *PrivateLinkResourcesClient
NewPrivateLinkResourcesClient creates a new instance of PrivateLinkResourcesClient.
func (*ClientFactory) NewReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (c *ClientFactory) NewReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient() *ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient
NewReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient creates a new instance of ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.
func (*ClientFactory) NewReplicasClient ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (c *ClientFactory) NewReplicasClient() *ReplicasClient
NewReplicasClient creates a new instance of ReplicasClient.
func (*ClientFactory) NewSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *ClientFactory) NewSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient() *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient
NewSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient creates a new instance of SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.
func (*ClientFactory) NewUsagesClient ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *ClientFactory) NewUsagesClient() *UsagesClient
NewUsagesClient creates a new instance of UsagesClient.
type ClientGetOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ClientGetOptions struct { }
ClientGetOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.Get method.
type ClientGetResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ClientGetResponse struct { // A class represent a resource. ResourceInfo }
ClientGetResponse contains the response from method Client.Get.
type ClientListByResourceGroupOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ClientListByResourceGroupOptions struct { }
ClientListByResourceGroupOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.NewListByResourceGroupPager method.
type ClientListByResourceGroupResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ClientListByResourceGroupResponse struct { // Object that includes an array of resources and a possible link for next set. ResourceInfoList }
ClientListByResourceGroupResponse contains the response from method Client.NewListByResourceGroupPager.
type ClientListBySubscriptionOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ClientListBySubscriptionOptions struct { }
ClientListBySubscriptionOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.NewListBySubscriptionPager method.
type ClientListBySubscriptionResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ClientListBySubscriptionResponse struct { // Object that includes an array of resources and a possible link for next set. ResourceInfoList }
ClientListBySubscriptionResponse contains the response from method Client.NewListBySubscriptionPager.
type ClientListKeysOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ClientListKeysOptions struct { }
ClientListKeysOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.ListKeys method.
type ClientListKeysResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ClientListKeysResponse struct { // A class represents the access keys of the resource. Keys }
ClientListKeysResponse contains the response from method Client.ListKeys.
type ClientListReplicaSKUsOptions ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ClientListReplicaSKUsOptions struct { }
ClientListReplicaSKUsOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.ListReplicaSKUs method.
type ClientListReplicaSKUsResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ClientListReplicaSKUsResponse struct { // The list skus operation response SKUList }
ClientListReplicaSKUsResponse contains the response from method Client.ListReplicaSKUs.
type ClientListSKUsOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ClientListSKUsOptions struct { }
ClientListSKUsOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.ListSKUs method.
type ClientListSKUsResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ClientListSKUsResponse struct { // The list skus operation response SKUList }
ClientListSKUsResponse contains the response from method Client.ListSKUs.
type ClientRegenerateKeyResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ClientRegenerateKeyResponse struct { // A class represents the access keys of the resource. Keys }
ClientRegenerateKeyResponse contains the response from method Client.BeginRegenerateKey.
type ClientRestartResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ClientRestartResponse struct { }
ClientRestartResponse contains the response from method Client.BeginRestart.
type ClientUpdateResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ClientUpdateResponse struct { // A class represent a resource. ResourceInfo }
ClientUpdateResponse contains the response from method Client.BeginUpdate.
type CreatedByType ¶
type CreatedByType string
CreatedByType - The type of identity that created the resource.
const ( CreatedByTypeApplication CreatedByType = "Application" CreatedByTypeKey CreatedByType = "Key" CreatedByTypeManagedIdentity CreatedByType = "ManagedIdentity" CreatedByTypeUser CreatedByType = "User" )
func PossibleCreatedByTypeValues ¶
func PossibleCreatedByTypeValues() []CreatedByType
PossibleCreatedByTypeValues returns the possible values for the CreatedByType const type.
type CustomCertificate ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomCertificate struct { // REQUIRED; Custom certificate properties. Properties *CustomCertificateProperties // READ-ONLY; Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. E.g. "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}" ID *string // READ-ONLY; The name of the resource Name *string // READ-ONLY; Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information. SystemData *SystemData // READ-ONLY; The type of the resource. E.g. "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" or "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts" Type *string }
CustomCertificate - A custom certificate.
func (CustomCertificate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c CustomCertificate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CustomCertificate.
func (*CustomCertificate) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *CustomCertificate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CustomCertificate.
type CustomCertificateList ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomCertificateList struct { // The URL the client should use to fetch the next page (per server side paging). It's null for now, added for future use. NextLink *string // List of custom certificates of this resource. Value []*CustomCertificate }
CustomCertificateList - Custom certificates list.
func (CustomCertificateList) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c CustomCertificateList) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CustomCertificateList.
func (*CustomCertificateList) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *CustomCertificateList) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CustomCertificateList.
type CustomCertificateProperties ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomCertificateProperties struct { // REQUIRED; Base uri of the KeyVault that stores certificate. KeyVaultBaseURI *string // REQUIRED; Certificate secret name. KeyVaultSecretName *string // Certificate secret version. KeyVaultSecretVersion *string // READ-ONLY; Provisioning state of the resource. ProvisioningState *ProvisioningState }
CustomCertificateProperties - Custom certificate properties.
func (CustomCertificateProperties) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c CustomCertificateProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CustomCertificateProperties.
func (*CustomCertificateProperties) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *CustomCertificateProperties) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CustomCertificateProperties.
type CustomCertificatesClient ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomCertificatesClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CustomCertificatesClient contains the methods for the WebPubSubCustomCertificates group. Don't use this type directly, use NewCustomCertificatesClient() instead.
func NewCustomCertificatesClient ¶ added in v1.1.0
func NewCustomCertificatesClient(subscriptionID string, credential azcore.TokenCredential, options *arm.ClientOptions) (*CustomCertificatesClient, error)
NewCustomCertificatesClient creates a new instance of CustomCertificatesClient with the specified values.
- subscriptionID - The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID.
- credential - used to authorize requests. Usually a credential from azidentity.
- options - pass nil to accept the default values.
func (*CustomCertificatesClient) BeginCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (client *CustomCertificatesClient) BeginCreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, certificateName string, parameters CustomCertificate, options *CustomCertificatesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions) (*runtime.Poller[CustomCertificatesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error)
BeginCreateOrUpdate - Create or update a custom certificate. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- certificateName - Custom certificate name
- options - CustomCertificatesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions contains the optional parameters for the CustomCertificatesClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } poller, err := clientFactory.NewCustomCertificatesClient().BeginCreateOrUpdate(ctx, "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", "myCert", armwebpubsub.CustomCertificate{ Properties: &armwebpubsub.CustomCertificateProperties{ KeyVaultBaseURI: to.Ptr(""), KeyVaultSecretName: to.Ptr("mycert"), KeyVaultSecretVersion: to.Ptr("bb6a44b2743f47f68dad0d6cc9756432"), }, }, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } res, err := poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err) } // You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = res // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // res.CustomCertificate = armwebpubsub.CustomCertificate{ // Name: to.Ptr("myCert"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/customCertificates"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/customCertificates/myCert"), // Properties: &armwebpubsub.CustomCertificateProperties{ // KeyVaultBaseURI: to.Ptr(""), // KeyVaultSecretName: to.Ptr("mycert"), // KeyVaultSecretVersion: to.Ptr("bb6a44b2743f47f68dad0d6cc9756432"), // ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ProvisioningStateSucceeded), // }, // } }
func (*CustomCertificatesClient) Delete ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (client *CustomCertificatesClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, certificateName string, options *CustomCertificatesClientDeleteOptions) (CustomCertificatesClientDeleteResponse, error)
Delete - Delete a custom certificate. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- certificateName - Custom certificate name
- options - CustomCertificatesClientDeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the CustomCertificatesClient.Delete method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } _, err = clientFactory.NewCustomCertificatesClient().Delete(ctx, "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", "myCert", nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } }
func (*CustomCertificatesClient) Get ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (client *CustomCertificatesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, certificateName string, options *CustomCertificatesClientGetOptions) (CustomCertificatesClientGetResponse, error)
Get - Get a custom certificate. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- certificateName - Custom certificate name
- options - CustomCertificatesClientGetOptions contains the optional parameters for the CustomCertificatesClient.Get method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } res, err := clientFactory.NewCustomCertificatesClient().Get(ctx, "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", "myCert", nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } // You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = res // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // res.CustomCertificate = armwebpubsub.CustomCertificate{ // Name: to.Ptr("myCert"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/customCertificates"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/customCertificates/myCert"), // Properties: &armwebpubsub.CustomCertificateProperties{ // KeyVaultBaseURI: to.Ptr(""), // KeyVaultSecretName: to.Ptr("mycert"), // KeyVaultSecretVersion: to.Ptr("bb6a44b2743f47f68dad0d6cc9756432"), // ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ProvisioningStateSucceeded), // }, // } }
func (*CustomCertificatesClient) NewListPager ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (client *CustomCertificatesClient) NewListPager(resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, options *CustomCertificatesClientListOptions) *runtime.Pager[CustomCertificatesClientListResponse]
NewListPager - List all custom certificates.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- options - CustomCertificatesClientListOptions contains the optional parameters for the CustomCertificatesClient.NewListPager method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } pager := clientFactory.NewCustomCertificatesClient().NewListPager("myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", nil) for pager.More() { page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err) } for _, v := range page.Value { // You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = v } // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // page.CustomCertificateList = armwebpubsub.CustomCertificateList{ // Value: []*armwebpubsub.CustomCertificate{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("myCert"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/customCertificates"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/customCertificates/myCert"), // Properties: &armwebpubsub.CustomCertificateProperties{ // KeyVaultBaseURI: to.Ptr(""), // KeyVaultSecretName: to.Ptr("mycert"), // KeyVaultSecretVersion: to.Ptr("bb6a44b2743f47f68dad0d6cc9756432"), // ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ProvisioningStateSucceeded), // }, // }}, // } } }
type CustomCertificatesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomCertificatesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions struct { // Resumes the LRO from the provided token. ResumeToken string }
CustomCertificatesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions contains the optional parameters for the CustomCertificatesClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate method.
type CustomCertificatesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomCertificatesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse struct { // A custom certificate. CustomCertificate }
CustomCertificatesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse contains the response from method CustomCertificatesClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate.
type CustomCertificatesClientDeleteOptions ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomCertificatesClientDeleteOptions struct { }
CustomCertificatesClientDeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the CustomCertificatesClient.Delete method.
type CustomCertificatesClientDeleteResponse ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomCertificatesClientDeleteResponse struct { }
CustomCertificatesClientDeleteResponse contains the response from method CustomCertificatesClient.Delete.
type CustomCertificatesClientGetOptions ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomCertificatesClientGetOptions struct { }
CustomCertificatesClientGetOptions contains the optional parameters for the CustomCertificatesClient.Get method.
type CustomCertificatesClientGetResponse ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomCertificatesClientGetResponse struct { // A custom certificate. CustomCertificate }
CustomCertificatesClientGetResponse contains the response from method CustomCertificatesClient.Get.
type CustomCertificatesClientListOptions ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomCertificatesClientListOptions struct { }
CustomCertificatesClientListOptions contains the optional parameters for the CustomCertificatesClient.NewListPager method.
type CustomCertificatesClientListResponse ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomCertificatesClientListResponse struct { // Custom certificates list. CustomCertificateList }
CustomCertificatesClientListResponse contains the response from method CustomCertificatesClient.NewListPager.
type CustomDomain ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomDomain struct { // REQUIRED; Properties of a custom domain. Properties *CustomDomainProperties // READ-ONLY; Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. E.g. "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}" ID *string // READ-ONLY; The name of the resource Name *string // READ-ONLY; Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information. SystemData *SystemData // READ-ONLY; The type of the resource. E.g. "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" or "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts" Type *string }
CustomDomain - A custom domain
func (CustomDomain) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c CustomDomain) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CustomDomain.
func (*CustomDomain) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *CustomDomain) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CustomDomain.
type CustomDomainList ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomDomainList struct { // The URL the client should use to fetch the next page (per server side paging). It's null for now, added for future use. NextLink *string // List of custom domains that bind to this resource. Value []*CustomDomain }
CustomDomainList - Custom domains list
func (CustomDomainList) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c CustomDomainList) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CustomDomainList.
func (*CustomDomainList) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *CustomDomainList) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CustomDomainList.
type CustomDomainProperties ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomDomainProperties struct { // REQUIRED; Reference to a resource. CustomCertificate *ResourceReference // REQUIRED; The custom domain name. DomainName *string // READ-ONLY; Provisioning state of the resource. ProvisioningState *ProvisioningState }
CustomDomainProperties - Properties of a custom domain.
func (CustomDomainProperties) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c CustomDomainProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CustomDomainProperties.
func (*CustomDomainProperties) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *CustomDomainProperties) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CustomDomainProperties.
type CustomDomainsClient ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomDomainsClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CustomDomainsClient contains the methods for the WebPubSubCustomDomains group. Don't use this type directly, use NewCustomDomainsClient() instead.
func NewCustomDomainsClient ¶ added in v1.1.0
func NewCustomDomainsClient(subscriptionID string, credential azcore.TokenCredential, options *arm.ClientOptions) (*CustomDomainsClient, error)
NewCustomDomainsClient creates a new instance of CustomDomainsClient with the specified values.
- subscriptionID - The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID.
- credential - used to authorize requests. Usually a credential from azidentity.
- options - pass nil to accept the default values.
func (*CustomDomainsClient) BeginCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (client *CustomDomainsClient) BeginCreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, name string, parameters CustomDomain, options *CustomDomainsClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions) (*runtime.Poller[CustomDomainsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error)
BeginCreateOrUpdate - Create or update a custom domain. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- name - Custom domain name.
- options - CustomDomainsClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions contains the optional parameters for the CustomDomainsClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } poller, err := clientFactory.NewCustomDomainsClient().BeginCreateOrUpdate(ctx, "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", "myDomain", armwebpubsub.CustomDomain{ Properties: &armwebpubsub.CustomDomainProperties{ CustomCertificate: &armwebpubsub.ResourceReference{ ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/customCertificates/myCert"), }, DomainName: to.Ptr(""), }, }, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } _, err = poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err) } }
func (*CustomDomainsClient) BeginDelete ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (client *CustomDomainsClient) BeginDelete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, name string, options *CustomDomainsClientBeginDeleteOptions) (*runtime.Poller[CustomDomainsClientDeleteResponse], error)
BeginDelete - Delete a custom domain. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- name - Custom domain name.
- options - CustomDomainsClientBeginDeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the CustomDomainsClient.BeginDelete method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } poller, err := clientFactory.NewCustomDomainsClient().BeginDelete(ctx, "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", "example", nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } _, err = poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err) } }
func (*CustomDomainsClient) Get ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (client *CustomDomainsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, name string, options *CustomDomainsClientGetOptions) (CustomDomainsClientGetResponse, error)
Get - Get a custom domain. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- name - Custom domain name.
- options - CustomDomainsClientGetOptions contains the optional parameters for the CustomDomainsClient.Get method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } res, err := clientFactory.NewCustomDomainsClient().Get(ctx, "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", "example", nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } // You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = res // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // res.CustomDomain = armwebpubsub.CustomDomain{ // Name: to.Ptr("myDomain"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/customDomains/myDomain"), // Properties: &armwebpubsub.CustomDomainProperties{ // CustomCertificate: &armwebpubsub.ResourceReference{ // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/customCertificates/myCert"), // }, // DomainName: to.Ptr(""), // ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ProvisioningStateSucceeded), // }, // } }
func (*CustomDomainsClient) NewListPager ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (client *CustomDomainsClient) NewListPager(resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, options *CustomDomainsClientListOptions) *runtime.Pager[CustomDomainsClientListResponse]
NewListPager - List all custom domains.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- options - CustomDomainsClientListOptions contains the optional parameters for the CustomDomainsClient.NewListPager method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } pager := clientFactory.NewCustomDomainsClient().NewListPager("myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", nil) for pager.More() { page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err) } for _, v := range page.Value { // You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = v } // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // page.CustomDomainList = armwebpubsub.CustomDomainList{ // Value: []*armwebpubsub.CustomDomain{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("myDomain"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/customDomains/myDomain"), // Properties: &armwebpubsub.CustomDomainProperties{ // CustomCertificate: &armwebpubsub.ResourceReference{ // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/customCertificates/myCert"), // }, // DomainName: to.Ptr(""), // ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ProvisioningStateSucceeded), // }, // }}, // } } }
type CustomDomainsClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomDomainsClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions struct { // Resumes the LRO from the provided token. ResumeToken string }
CustomDomainsClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions contains the optional parameters for the CustomDomainsClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate method.
type CustomDomainsClientBeginDeleteOptions ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomDomainsClientBeginDeleteOptions struct { // Resumes the LRO from the provided token. ResumeToken string }
CustomDomainsClientBeginDeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the CustomDomainsClient.BeginDelete method.
type CustomDomainsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomDomainsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse struct { // A custom domain CustomDomain }
CustomDomainsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse contains the response from method CustomDomainsClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate.
type CustomDomainsClientDeleteResponse ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomDomainsClientDeleteResponse struct { }
CustomDomainsClientDeleteResponse contains the response from method CustomDomainsClient.BeginDelete.
type CustomDomainsClientGetOptions ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomDomainsClientGetOptions struct { }
CustomDomainsClientGetOptions contains the optional parameters for the CustomDomainsClient.Get method.
type CustomDomainsClientGetResponse ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomDomainsClientGetResponse struct { // A custom domain CustomDomain }
CustomDomainsClientGetResponse contains the response from method CustomDomainsClient.Get.
type CustomDomainsClientListOptions ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomDomainsClientListOptions struct { }
CustomDomainsClientListOptions contains the optional parameters for the CustomDomainsClient.NewListPager method.
type CustomDomainsClientListResponse ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CustomDomainsClientListResponse struct { // Custom domains list CustomDomainList }
CustomDomainsClientListResponse contains the response from method CustomDomainsClient.NewListPager.
type Dimension ¶
type Dimension struct { // Localized friendly display name of the dimension. DisplayName *string // Name of the dimension as it appears in MDM. InternalName *string // The public facing name of the dimension. Name *string // A Boolean flag indicating whether this dimension should be included for the shoebox export scenario. ToBeExportedForShoebox *bool }
Dimension - Specifications of the Dimension of metrics.
func (Dimension) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type Dimension.
func (*Dimension) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type Dimension.
type EventHandler ¶
type EventHandler struct { // REQUIRED; Gets or sets the EventHandler URL template. You can use a predefined parameter {hub} and {event} inside the template, // the value of the EventHandler URL is dynamically calculated when the client // request comes in. For example, UrlTemplate can be{hub}/{event}. The host part can't contains parameters. URLTemplate *string // Upstream auth settings. If not set, no auth is used for upstream messages. Auth *UpstreamAuthSettings // Gets or sets the list of system events. SystemEvents []*string // Gets or sets the matching pattern for event names. There are 3 kinds of patterns supported: 1. "*", it matches any event // name 2. Combine multiple events with ",", for example "event1,event2", it // matches event "event1" and "event2" 3. A single event name, for example, "event1", it matches "event1" UserEventPattern *string }
EventHandler - Properties of event handler.
func (EventHandler) MarshalJSON ¶
func (e EventHandler) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type EventHandler.
func (*EventHandler) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (e *EventHandler) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type EventHandler.
type EventHubEndpoint ¶ added in v1.1.0
type EventHubEndpoint struct { // REQUIRED; The name of the Event Hub. EventHubName *string // REQUIRED; The fully qualified namespace name of the Event Hub resource. For example, "". FullyQualifiedNamespace *string // REQUIRED Type *EventListenerEndpointDiscriminator }
EventHubEndpoint - An Event Hub endpoint. The managed identity of Web PubSub service must be enabled, and the identity should have the "Azure Event Hubs Data sender" role to access Event Hub.
func (*EventHubEndpoint) GetEventListenerEndpoint ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (e *EventHubEndpoint) GetEventListenerEndpoint() *EventListenerEndpoint
GetEventListenerEndpoint implements the EventListenerEndpointClassification interface for type EventHubEndpoint.
func (EventHubEndpoint) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (e EventHubEndpoint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type EventHubEndpoint.
func (*EventHubEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (e *EventHubEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type EventHubEndpoint.
type EventListener ¶ added in v1.1.0
type EventListener struct { // REQUIRED; An endpoint specifying where Web PubSub should send events to. Endpoint EventListenerEndpointClassification // REQUIRED; A base class for event filter which determines whether an event should be sent to an event listener. Filter EventListenerFilterClassification }
EventListener - A setting defines which kinds of events should be sent to which endpoint.
func (EventListener) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (e EventListener) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type EventListener.
func (*EventListener) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (e *EventListener) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type EventListener.
type EventListenerEndpoint ¶ added in v1.1.0
type EventListenerEndpoint struct { // REQUIRED Type *EventListenerEndpointDiscriminator }
EventListenerEndpoint - An endpoint specifying where Web PubSub should send events to.
func (*EventListenerEndpoint) GetEventListenerEndpoint ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (e *EventListenerEndpoint) GetEventListenerEndpoint() *EventListenerEndpoint
GetEventListenerEndpoint implements the EventListenerEndpointClassification interface for type EventListenerEndpoint.
func (EventListenerEndpoint) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (e EventListenerEndpoint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type EventListenerEndpoint.
func (*EventListenerEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (e *EventListenerEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type EventListenerEndpoint.
type EventListenerEndpointClassification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type EventListenerEndpointClassification interface { // GetEventListenerEndpoint returns the EventListenerEndpoint content of the underlying type. GetEventListenerEndpoint() *EventListenerEndpoint }
EventListenerEndpointClassification provides polymorphic access to related types. Call the interface's GetEventListenerEndpoint() method to access the common type. Use a type switch to determine the concrete type. The possible types are: - *EventHubEndpoint, *EventListenerEndpoint
type EventListenerEndpointDiscriminator ¶ added in v1.1.0
type EventListenerEndpointDiscriminator string
const (
EventListenerEndpointDiscriminatorEventHub EventListenerEndpointDiscriminator = "EventHub"
func PossibleEventListenerEndpointDiscriminatorValues ¶ added in v1.1.0
func PossibleEventListenerEndpointDiscriminatorValues() []EventListenerEndpointDiscriminator
PossibleEventListenerEndpointDiscriminatorValues returns the possible values for the EventListenerEndpointDiscriminator const type.
type EventListenerFilter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type EventListenerFilter struct { // REQUIRED Type *EventListenerFilterDiscriminator }
EventListenerFilter - A base class for event filter which determines whether an event should be sent to an event listener.
func (*EventListenerFilter) GetEventListenerFilter ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (e *EventListenerFilter) GetEventListenerFilter() *EventListenerFilter
GetEventListenerFilter implements the EventListenerFilterClassification interface for type EventListenerFilter.
func (EventListenerFilter) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (e EventListenerFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type EventListenerFilter.
func (*EventListenerFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (e *EventListenerFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type EventListenerFilter.
type EventListenerFilterClassification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type EventListenerFilterClassification interface { // GetEventListenerFilter returns the EventListenerFilter content of the underlying type. GetEventListenerFilter() *EventListenerFilter }
EventListenerFilterClassification provides polymorphic access to related types. Call the interface's GetEventListenerFilter() method to access the common type. Use a type switch to determine the concrete type. The possible types are: - *EventListenerFilter, *EventNameFilter
type EventListenerFilterDiscriminator ¶ added in v1.1.0
type EventListenerFilterDiscriminator string
const (
EventListenerFilterDiscriminatorEventName EventListenerFilterDiscriminator = "EventName"
func PossibleEventListenerFilterDiscriminatorValues ¶ added in v1.1.0
func PossibleEventListenerFilterDiscriminatorValues() []EventListenerFilterDiscriminator
PossibleEventListenerFilterDiscriminatorValues returns the possible values for the EventListenerFilterDiscriminator const type.
type EventNameFilter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type EventNameFilter struct { // REQUIRED Type *EventListenerFilterDiscriminator // Gets or sets a list of system events. Supported events: "connected" and "disconnected". Blocking event "connect" is not // supported because it requires a response. SystemEvents []*string // Gets or sets a matching pattern for event names. There are 3 kinds of patterns supported: 1. "*", it matches any event // name 2. Combine multiple events with ",", for example "event1,event2", it matches // events "event1" and "event2" 3. A single event name, for example, "event1", it matches "event1" UserEventPattern *string }
EventNameFilter - Filter events by their name.
func (*EventNameFilter) GetEventListenerFilter ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (e *EventNameFilter) GetEventListenerFilter() *EventListenerFilter
GetEventListenerFilter implements the EventListenerFilterClassification interface for type EventNameFilter.
func (EventNameFilter) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (e EventNameFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type EventNameFilter.
func (*EventNameFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (e *EventNameFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type EventNameFilter.
type Hub ¶ added in v0.2.0
type Hub struct { // REQUIRED; Properties of a hub. Properties *HubProperties // READ-ONLY; Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. E.g. "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}" ID *string // READ-ONLY; The name of the resource Name *string // READ-ONLY; Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information. SystemData *SystemData // READ-ONLY; The type of the resource. E.g. "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" or "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts" Type *string }
Hub - A hub setting
func (Hub) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type Hub.
func (*Hub) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type Hub.
type HubList ¶ added in v0.2.0
type HubList struct { // List of hub settings to this resource. Value []*Hub // READ-ONLY; The URL the client should use to fetch the next page (per server side paging). It's null for now, added for // future use. NextLink *string }
HubList - Hub setting list
func (HubList) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.2.0
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type HubList.
func (*HubList) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type HubList.
type HubProperties ¶ added in v0.2.0
type HubProperties struct { // The settings for configuring if anonymous connections are allowed for this hub: "allow" or "deny". Default to "deny". AnonymousConnectPolicy *string // Event handler of a hub. EventHandlers []*EventHandler // Event listener settings for forwarding your client events to listeners. Event listener is transparent to Web PubSub clients, // and it doesn't return any result to clients nor interrupt the lifetime of // clients. One event can be sent to multiple listeners, as long as it matches the filters in those listeners. The order of // the array elements doesn't matter. Maximum count of event listeners among all // hubs is 10. EventListeners []*EventListener // The settings for configuring the WebSocket ping-pong interval in seconds for all clients in the hub. Valid range: 1 to // 120. Default to 20 seconds. WebSocketKeepAliveIntervalInSeconds *int32 }
HubProperties - Properties of a hub.
func (HubProperties) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h HubProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type HubProperties.
func (*HubProperties) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (h *HubProperties) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type HubProperties.
type HubsClient ¶ added in v0.2.0
type HubsClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HubsClient contains the methods for the WebPubSubHubs group. Don't use this type directly, use NewHubsClient() instead.
func NewHubsClient ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewHubsClient(subscriptionID string, credential azcore.TokenCredential, options *arm.ClientOptions) (*HubsClient, error)
NewHubsClient creates a new instance of HubsClient with the specified values.
- subscriptionID - The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID.
- credential - used to authorize requests. Usually a credential from azidentity.
- options - pass nil to accept the default values.
func (*HubsClient) BeginCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (client *HubsClient) BeginCreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, hubName string, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, parameters Hub, options *HubsClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions) (*runtime.Poller[HubsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error)
BeginCreateOrUpdate - Create or update a hub setting. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- hubName - The hub name.
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- parameters - The resource of WebPubSubHub and its properties
- options - HubsClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions contains the optional parameters for the HubsClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } poller, err := clientFactory.NewHubsClient().BeginCreateOrUpdate(ctx, "exampleHub", "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", armwebpubsub.Hub{ Properties: &armwebpubsub.HubProperties{ AnonymousConnectPolicy: to.Ptr("allow"), EventHandlers: []*armwebpubsub.EventHandler{ { Auth: &armwebpubsub.UpstreamAuthSettings{ Type: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.UpstreamAuthTypeManagedIdentity), ManagedIdentity: &armwebpubsub.ManagedIdentitySettings{ Resource: to.Ptr("abc"), }, }, SystemEvents: []*string{ to.Ptr("connect"), to.Ptr("connected")}, URLTemplate: to.Ptr(""), UserEventPattern: to.Ptr("*"), }}, EventListeners: []*armwebpubsub.EventListener{ { Endpoint: &armwebpubsub.EventHubEndpoint{ Type: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.EventListenerEndpointDiscriminatorEventHub), EventHubName: to.Ptr("eventHubName1"), FullyQualifiedNamespace: to.Ptr(""), }, Filter: &armwebpubsub.EventNameFilter{ Type: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.EventListenerFilterDiscriminatorEventName), SystemEvents: []*string{ to.Ptr("connected"), to.Ptr("disconnected")}, UserEventPattern: to.Ptr("*"), }, }}, WebSocketKeepAliveIntervalInSeconds: to.Ptr[int32](50), }, }, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } res, err := poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err) } // You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = res // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // res.Hub = armwebpubsub.Hub{ // Name: to.Ptr("exampleHub"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/hubs"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/hubs/exampleHub"), // Properties: &armwebpubsub.HubProperties{ // AnonymousConnectPolicy: to.Ptr("allow"), // EventHandlers: []*armwebpubsub.EventHandler{ // { // Auth: &armwebpubsub.UpstreamAuthSettings{ // Type: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.UpstreamAuthTypeManagedIdentity), // ManagedIdentity: &armwebpubsub.ManagedIdentitySettings{ // Resource: to.Ptr("abc"), // }, // }, // SystemEvents: []*string{ // to.Ptr("connect"), // to.Ptr("connected")}, // URLTemplate: to.Ptr(""), // UserEventPattern: to.Ptr("*"), // }}, // EventListeners: []*armwebpubsub.EventListener{ // { // Endpoint: &armwebpubsub.EventHubEndpoint{ // Type: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.EventListenerEndpointDiscriminatorEventHub), // EventHubName: to.Ptr("eventHubName1"), // FullyQualifiedNamespace: to.Ptr(""), // }, // Filter: &armwebpubsub.EventNameFilter{ // Type: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.EventListenerFilterDiscriminatorEventName), // SystemEvents: []*string{ // to.Ptr("connected"), // to.Ptr("disconnected")}, // UserEventPattern: to.Ptr("*"), // }, // }}, // WebSocketKeepAliveIntervalInSeconds: to.Ptr[int32](50), // }, // } }
func (*HubsClient) BeginDelete ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (client *HubsClient) BeginDelete(ctx context.Context, hubName string, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, options *HubsClientBeginDeleteOptions) (*runtime.Poller[HubsClientDeleteResponse], error)
BeginDelete - Delete a hub setting. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- hubName - The hub name.
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- options - HubsClientBeginDeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the HubsClient.BeginDelete method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } poller, err := clientFactory.NewHubsClient().BeginDelete(ctx, "exampleHub", "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } _, err = poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err) } }
func (*HubsClient) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (client *HubsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, hubName string, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, options *HubsClientGetOptions) (HubsClientGetResponse, error)
Get - Get a hub setting. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- hubName - The hub name.
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- options - HubsClientGetOptions contains the optional parameters for the HubsClient.Get method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } res, err := clientFactory.NewHubsClient().Get(ctx, "exampleHub", "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } // You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = res // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // res.Hub = armwebpubsub.Hub{ // Name: to.Ptr("exampleHub"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/hubs"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/hubs/exampleHub"), // Properties: &armwebpubsub.HubProperties{ // AnonymousConnectPolicy: to.Ptr("allow"), // EventHandlers: []*armwebpubsub.EventHandler{ // { // Auth: &armwebpubsub.UpstreamAuthSettings{ // Type: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.UpstreamAuthTypeManagedIdentity), // ManagedIdentity: &armwebpubsub.ManagedIdentitySettings{ // Resource: to.Ptr("abc"), // }, // }, // SystemEvents: []*string{ // to.Ptr("connect"), // to.Ptr("connected")}, // URLTemplate: to.Ptr(""), // UserEventPattern: to.Ptr("*"), // }}, // EventListeners: []*armwebpubsub.EventListener{ // { // Endpoint: &armwebpubsub.EventHubEndpoint{ // Type: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.EventListenerEndpointDiscriminatorEventHub), // EventHubName: to.Ptr("eventHubName1"), // FullyQualifiedNamespace: to.Ptr(""), // }, // Filter: &armwebpubsub.EventNameFilter{ // Type: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.EventListenerFilterDiscriminatorEventName), // SystemEvents: []*string{ // to.Ptr("connected"), // to.Ptr("disconnected")}, // UserEventPattern: to.Ptr("*"), // }, // }}, // WebSocketKeepAliveIntervalInSeconds: to.Ptr[int32](50), // }, // } }
func (*HubsClient) NewListPager ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (client *HubsClient) NewListPager(resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, options *HubsClientListOptions) *runtime.Pager[HubsClientListResponse]
NewListPager - List hub settings.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- options - HubsClientListOptions contains the optional parameters for the HubsClient.NewListPager method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } pager := clientFactory.NewHubsClient().NewListPager("myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", nil) for pager.More() { page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err) } for _, v := range page.Value { // You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = v } // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // page.HubList = armwebpubsub.HubList{ // Value: []*armwebpubsub.Hub{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("exampleHub"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/hubs"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/hubs/exampleHub"), // Properties: &armwebpubsub.HubProperties{ // AnonymousConnectPolicy: to.Ptr("allow"), // EventHandlers: []*armwebpubsub.EventHandler{ // { // Auth: &armwebpubsub.UpstreamAuthSettings{ // Type: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.UpstreamAuthTypeManagedIdentity), // ManagedIdentity: &armwebpubsub.ManagedIdentitySettings{ // Resource: to.Ptr("abc"), // }, // }, // SystemEvents: []*string{ // to.Ptr("connect"), // to.Ptr("connected")}, // URLTemplate: to.Ptr(""), // UserEventPattern: to.Ptr("*"), // }}, // EventListeners: []*armwebpubsub.EventListener{ // { // Endpoint: &armwebpubsub.EventHubEndpoint{ // Type: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.EventListenerEndpointDiscriminatorEventHub), // EventHubName: to.Ptr("eventHubName1"), // FullyQualifiedNamespace: to.Ptr(""), // }, // Filter: &armwebpubsub.EventNameFilter{ // Type: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.EventListenerFilterDiscriminatorEventName), // SystemEvents: []*string{ // to.Ptr("connected"), // to.Ptr("disconnected")}, // UserEventPattern: to.Ptr("*"), // }, // }}, // WebSocketKeepAliveIntervalInSeconds: to.Ptr[int32](50), // }, // }}, // } } }
type HubsClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type HubsClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions struct { // Resumes the LRO from the provided token. ResumeToken string }
HubsClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions contains the optional parameters for the HubsClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate method.
type HubsClientBeginDeleteOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type HubsClientBeginDeleteOptions struct { // Resumes the LRO from the provided token. ResumeToken string }
HubsClientBeginDeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the HubsClient.BeginDelete method.
type HubsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type HubsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse struct { // A hub setting Hub }
HubsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse contains the response from method HubsClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate.
type HubsClientDeleteResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type HubsClientDeleteResponse struct { }
HubsClientDeleteResponse contains the response from method HubsClient.BeginDelete.
type HubsClientGetOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type HubsClientGetOptions struct { }
HubsClientGetOptions contains the optional parameters for the HubsClient.Get method.
type HubsClientGetResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type HubsClientGetResponse struct { // A hub setting Hub }
HubsClientGetResponse contains the response from method HubsClient.Get.
type HubsClientListOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type HubsClientListOptions struct { }
HubsClientListOptions contains the optional parameters for the HubsClient.NewListPager method.
type HubsClientListResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type HubsClientListResponse struct { // Hub setting list HubList }
HubsClientListResponse contains the response from method HubsClient.NewListPager.
type IPRule ¶ added in v1.3.0
type IPRule struct { // Azure Networking ACL Action. Action *ACLAction // An IP or CIDR or ServiceTag Value *string }
IPRule - An IP rule
func (IPRule) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.3.0
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type IPRule.
func (*IPRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.3.0
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type IPRule.
type KeyType ¶
type KeyType string
KeyType - The type of access key.
func PossibleKeyTypeValues ¶
func PossibleKeyTypeValues() []KeyType
PossibleKeyTypeValues returns the possible values for the KeyType const type.
type Keys ¶ added in v0.2.0
type Keys struct { // Connection string constructed via the primaryKey PrimaryConnectionString *string // The primary access key. PrimaryKey *string // Connection string constructed via the secondaryKey SecondaryConnectionString *string // The secondary access key. SecondaryKey *string }
Keys - A class represents the access keys of the resource.
func (Keys) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type Keys.
func (*Keys) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type Keys.
type LiveTraceCategory ¶
type LiveTraceCategory struct { // Indicates whether or the live trace category is enabled. Available values: true, false. Case insensitive. Enabled *string // Gets or sets the live trace category's name. Available values: ConnectivityLogs, MessagingLogs. Case insensitive. Name *string }
LiveTraceCategory - Live trace category configuration of a Microsoft.SignalRService resource.
func (LiveTraceCategory) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (l LiveTraceCategory) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type LiveTraceCategory.
func (*LiveTraceCategory) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (l *LiveTraceCategory) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type LiveTraceCategory.
type LiveTraceConfiguration ¶
type LiveTraceConfiguration struct { // Gets or sets the list of category configurations. Categories []*LiveTraceCategory // Indicates whether or not enable live trace. When it's set to true, live trace client can connect to the service. Otherwise, // live trace client can't connect to the service, so that you are unable to // receive any log, no matter what you configure in "categories". Available values: true, false. Case insensitive. Enabled *string }
LiveTraceConfiguration - Live trace configuration of a Microsoft.SignalRService resource.
func (LiveTraceConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (l LiveTraceConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type LiveTraceConfiguration.
func (*LiveTraceConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (l *LiveTraceConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type LiveTraceConfiguration.
type LogSpecification ¶
type LogSpecification struct { // Localized friendly display name of the log. DisplayName *string // Name of the log. Name *string }
LogSpecification - Specifications of the Logs for Azure Monitoring.
func (LogSpecification) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (l LogSpecification) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type LogSpecification.
func (*LogSpecification) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (l *LogSpecification) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type LogSpecification.
type ManagedIdentity ¶
type ManagedIdentity struct { // Represents the identity type: systemAssigned, userAssigned, None Type *ManagedIdentityType // Get or set the user assigned identities UserAssignedIdentities map[string]*UserAssignedIdentityProperty // READ-ONLY; Get the principal id for the system assigned identity. Only be used in response. PrincipalID *string // READ-ONLY; Get the tenant id for the system assigned identity. Only be used in response TenantID *string }
ManagedIdentity - A class represent managed identities used for request and response
func (ManagedIdentity) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ManagedIdentity) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ManagedIdentity.
func (*ManagedIdentity) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (m *ManagedIdentity) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ManagedIdentity.
type ManagedIdentitySettings ¶
type ManagedIdentitySettings struct { // The Resource indicating the App ID URI of the target resource. It also appears in the aud (audience) claim of the issued // token. Resource *string }
ManagedIdentitySettings - Managed identity settings for upstream.
func (ManagedIdentitySettings) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (m ManagedIdentitySettings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ManagedIdentitySettings.
func (*ManagedIdentitySettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (m *ManagedIdentitySettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ManagedIdentitySettings.
type ManagedIdentityType ¶
type ManagedIdentityType string
ManagedIdentityType - Represents the identity type: systemAssigned, userAssigned, None
const ( ManagedIdentityTypeNone ManagedIdentityType = "None" ManagedIdentityTypeSystemAssigned ManagedIdentityType = "SystemAssigned" ManagedIdentityTypeUserAssigned ManagedIdentityType = "UserAssigned" )
func PossibleManagedIdentityTypeValues ¶
func PossibleManagedIdentityTypeValues() []ManagedIdentityType
PossibleManagedIdentityTypeValues returns the possible values for the ManagedIdentityType const type.
type MetricSpecification ¶
type MetricSpecification struct { // Only provide one value for this field. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count. AggregationType *string // The name of the metric category that the metric belongs to. A metric can only belong to a single category. Category *string // The dimensions of the metrics. Dimensions []*Dimension // Localized friendly description of the metric. DisplayDescription *string // Localized friendly display name of the metric. DisplayName *string // Optional. If set to true, then zero will be returned for time duration where no metric is emitted/published. Ex. a metric // that returns the number of times a particular error code was emitted. The // error code may not appear often, instead of the RP publishing 0, Shoebox can auto fill in 0s for time periods where nothing // was emitted. FillGapWithZero *string // Name of the metric. Name *string // The unit that makes sense for the metric. Unit *string }
MetricSpecification - Specifications of the Metrics for Azure Monitoring.
func (MetricSpecification) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m MetricSpecification) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type MetricSpecification.
func (*MetricSpecification) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (m *MetricSpecification) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type MetricSpecification.
type NameAvailability ¶
type NameAvailability struct { // The message of the operation. Message *string // Indicates whether the name is available or not. NameAvailable *bool // The reason of the availability. Required if name is not available. Reason *string }
NameAvailability - Result of the request to check name availability. It contains a flag and possible reason of failure.
func (NameAvailability) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (n NameAvailability) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type NameAvailability.
func (*NameAvailability) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (n *NameAvailability) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type NameAvailability.
type NameAvailabilityParameters ¶
type NameAvailabilityParameters struct { // REQUIRED; The resource name to validate. e.g."my-resource-name" Name *string // REQUIRED; The resource type. Can be "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR", "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub", "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/replicas" // or "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/replicas" Type *string }
NameAvailabilityParameters - Data POST-ed to the nameAvailability action
func (NameAvailabilityParameters) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (n NameAvailabilityParameters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type NameAvailabilityParameters.
func (*NameAvailabilityParameters) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (n *NameAvailabilityParameters) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type NameAvailabilityParameters.
type NetworkACL ¶
type NetworkACL struct { // Allowed request types. The value can be one or more of: ClientConnection, ServerConnection, RESTAPI. Allow []*WebPubSubRequestType // Denied request types. The value can be one or more of: ClientConnection, ServerConnection, RESTAPI. Deny []*WebPubSubRequestType }
NetworkACL - Network ACL
func (NetworkACL) MarshalJSON ¶
func (n NetworkACL) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type NetworkACL.
func (*NetworkACL) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (n *NetworkACL) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type NetworkACL.
type NetworkACLs ¶ added in v0.2.0
type NetworkACLs struct { // Azure Networking ACL Action. DefaultAction *ACLAction // IP rules for filtering public traffic IPRules []*IPRule // ACLs for requests from private endpoints PrivateEndpoints []*PrivateEndpointACL // Network ACL PublicNetwork *NetworkACL }
NetworkACLs - Network ACLs for the resource
func (NetworkACLs) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (n NetworkACLs) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type NetworkACLs.
func (*NetworkACLs) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (n *NetworkACLs) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type NetworkACLs.
type Operation ¶
type Operation struct { // The object that describes a operation. Display *OperationDisplay // If the operation is a data action. (for data plane rbac) IsDataAction *bool // Name of the operation with format: {provider}/{resource}/{operation} Name *string // Optional. The intended executor of the operation; governs the display of the operation in the RBAC UX and the audit logs // UX. Origin *string // Extra Operation properties. Properties *OperationProperties }
Operation - REST API operation supported by resource provider.
func (Operation) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type Operation.
func (*Operation) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type Operation.
type OperationDisplay ¶
type OperationDisplay struct { // The localized friendly description for the operation Description *string // The localized friendly name for the operation. Operation *string // Friendly name of the resource provider Provider *string // Resource type on which the operation is performed. Resource *string }
OperationDisplay - The object that describes a operation.
func (OperationDisplay) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (o OperationDisplay) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type OperationDisplay.
func (*OperationDisplay) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (o *OperationDisplay) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type OperationDisplay.
type OperationList ¶
type OperationList struct { // The URL the client should use to fetch the next page (per server side paging). It's null for now, added for future use. NextLink *string // List of operations supported by the resource provider. Value []*Operation }
OperationList - Result of the request to list REST API operations. It contains a list of operations.
func (OperationList) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o OperationList) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type OperationList.
func (*OperationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (o *OperationList) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type OperationList.
type OperationProperties ¶
type OperationProperties struct { // An object that describes a specification. ServiceSpecification *ServiceSpecification }
OperationProperties - Extra Operation properties.
func (OperationProperties) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (o OperationProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type OperationProperties.
func (*OperationProperties) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (o *OperationProperties) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type OperationProperties.
type OperationsClient ¶
type OperationsClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OperationsClient contains the methods for the Operations group. Don't use this type directly, use NewOperationsClient() instead.
func NewOperationsClient ¶
func NewOperationsClient(credential azcore.TokenCredential, options *arm.ClientOptions) (*OperationsClient, error)
NewOperationsClient creates a new instance of OperationsClient with the specified values.
- credential - used to authorize requests. Usually a credential from azidentity.
- options - pass nil to accept the default values.
func (*OperationsClient) NewListPager ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (client *OperationsClient) NewListPager(options *OperationsClientListOptions) *runtime.Pager[OperationsClientListResponse]
NewListPager - Lists all of the available REST API operations of the Microsoft.SignalRService provider.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- options - OperationsClientListOptions contains the optional parameters for the OperationsClient.NewListPager method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } pager := clientFactory.NewOperationsClient().NewListPager(nil) for pager.More() { page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err) } for _, v := range page.Value { // You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = v } // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // page.OperationList = armwebpubsub.OperationList{ // Value: []*armwebpubsub.Operation{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/read"), // Display: &armwebpubsub.OperationDisplay{ // Description: to.Ptr("View the resource settings and configurations in the management portal or through API"), // Operation: to.Ptr("Manage WebPubSub (read-only)"), // Provider: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService"), // Resource: to.Ptr("WebPubSub"), // }, // IsDataAction: to.Ptr(false), // Properties: &armwebpubsub.OperationProperties{ // }, // }}, // } } }
type OperationsClientListOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type OperationsClientListOptions struct { }
OperationsClientListOptions contains the optional parameters for the OperationsClient.NewListPager method.
type OperationsClientListResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type OperationsClientListResponse struct { // Result of the request to list REST API operations. It contains a list of operations. OperationList }
OperationsClientListResponse contains the response from method OperationsClient.NewListPager.
type PrivateEndpoint ¶
type PrivateEndpoint struct { // Full qualified Id of the private endpoint ID *string }
PrivateEndpoint - Private endpoint
func (PrivateEndpoint) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (p PrivateEndpoint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type PrivateEndpoint.
func (*PrivateEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (p *PrivateEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type PrivateEndpoint.
type PrivateEndpointACL ¶
type PrivateEndpointACL struct { // REQUIRED; Name of the private endpoint connection Name *string // Allowed request types. The value can be one or more of: ClientConnection, ServerConnection, RESTAPI. Allow []*WebPubSubRequestType // Denied request types. The value can be one or more of: ClientConnection, ServerConnection, RESTAPI. Deny []*WebPubSubRequestType }
PrivateEndpointACL - ACL for a private endpoint
func (PrivateEndpointACL) MarshalJSON ¶
func (p PrivateEndpointACL) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type PrivateEndpointACL.
func (*PrivateEndpointACL) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (p *PrivateEndpointACL) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type PrivateEndpointACL.
type PrivateEndpointConnection ¶
type PrivateEndpointConnection struct { // Private endpoint connection properties Properties *PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties // READ-ONLY; Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. E.g. "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}" ID *string // READ-ONLY; The name of the resource Name *string // READ-ONLY; Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information. SystemData *SystemData // READ-ONLY; The type of the resource. E.g. "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" or "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts" Type *string }
PrivateEndpointConnection - A private endpoint connection to an azure resource
func (PrivateEndpointConnection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (p PrivateEndpointConnection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type PrivateEndpointConnection.
func (*PrivateEndpointConnection) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (p *PrivateEndpointConnection) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type PrivateEndpointConnection.
type PrivateEndpointConnectionList ¶
type PrivateEndpointConnectionList struct { // Request URL that can be used to query next page of private endpoint connections. Returned when the total number of requested // private endpoint connections exceed maximum page size. NextLink *string // The list of the private endpoint connections Value []*PrivateEndpointConnection }
PrivateEndpointConnectionList - A list of private endpoint connections
func (PrivateEndpointConnectionList) MarshalJSON ¶
func (p PrivateEndpointConnectionList) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type PrivateEndpointConnectionList.
func (*PrivateEndpointConnectionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (p *PrivateEndpointConnectionList) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type PrivateEndpointConnectionList.
type PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties ¶
type PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties struct { // Private endpoint PrivateEndpoint *PrivateEndpoint // Connection state of the private endpoint connection PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState *PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState // READ-ONLY; Group IDs GroupIDs []*string // READ-ONLY; Provisioning state of the resource. ProvisioningState *ProvisioningState }
PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties - Private endpoint connection properties
func (PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties) MarshalJSON ¶
func (p PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties.
func (*PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (p *PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties.
type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient contains the methods for the WebPubSubPrivateEndpointConnections group. Don't use this type directly, use NewPrivateEndpointConnectionsClient() instead.
func NewPrivateEndpointConnectionsClient ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewPrivateEndpointConnectionsClient(subscriptionID string, credential azcore.TokenCredential, options *arm.ClientOptions) (*PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient, error)
NewPrivateEndpointConnectionsClient creates a new instance of PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient with the specified values.
- subscriptionID - The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID.
- credential - used to authorize requests. Usually a credential from azidentity.
- options - pass nil to accept the default values.
func (*PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient) BeginDelete ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (client *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient) BeginDelete(ctx context.Context, privateEndpointConnectionName string, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, options *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientBeginDeleteOptions) (*runtime.Poller[PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientDeleteResponse], error)
BeginDelete - Delete the specified private endpoint connection If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- privateEndpointConnectionName - The name of the private endpoint connection associated with the Azure resource.
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- options - PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientBeginDeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.BeginDelete method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } poller, err := clientFactory.NewPrivateEndpointConnectionsClient().BeginDelete(ctx, "mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e", "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } _, err = poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err) } }
func (*PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (client *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, privateEndpointConnectionName string, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, options *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetOptions) (PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetResponse, error)
Get - Get the specified private endpoint connection If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- privateEndpointConnectionName - The name of the private endpoint connection associated with the Azure resource.
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- options - PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetOptions contains the optional parameters for the PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.Get method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } res, err := clientFactory.NewPrivateEndpointConnectionsClient().Get(ctx, "mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e", "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } // You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = res // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // res.PrivateEndpointConnection = armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointConnection{ // Name: to.Ptr("mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/privateEndpointConnections"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/privateEndpointConnections/mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), // SystemData: &armwebpubsub.SystemData{ // CreatedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // CreatedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // CreatedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // LastModifiedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // LastModifiedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // LastModifiedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // }, // Properties: &armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties{ // GroupIDs: []*string{ // to.Ptr("webpubsub")}, // PrivateEndpoint: &armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpoint{ // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/myPrivateEndpoint"), // }, // PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState: &armwebpubsub.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState{ // ActionsRequired: to.Ptr("None"), // Status: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatusApproved), // }, // ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ProvisioningStateSucceeded), // }, // } }
func (*PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient) NewListPager ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (client *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient) NewListPager(resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, options *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListOptions) *runtime.Pager[PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResponse]
NewListPager - List private endpoint connections
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- options - PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListOptions contains the optional parameters for the PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.NewListPager method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } pager := clientFactory.NewPrivateEndpointConnectionsClient().NewListPager("myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", nil) for pager.More() { page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err) } for _, v := range page.Value { // You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = v } // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // page.PrivateEndpointConnectionList = armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointConnectionList{ // Value: []*armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointConnection{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/privateEndpointConnections"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/privateEndpointConnections/mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), // SystemData: &armwebpubsub.SystemData{ // CreatedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // CreatedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // CreatedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // LastModifiedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // LastModifiedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // LastModifiedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // }, // Properties: &armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties{ // GroupIDs: []*string{ // to.Ptr("webpubsub")}, // PrivateEndpoint: &armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpoint{ // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/myPrivateEndpoint"), // }, // PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState: &armwebpubsub.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState{ // ActionsRequired: to.Ptr("None"), // Status: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatusApproved), // }, // ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ProvisioningStateSucceeded), // }, // }}, // } } }
func (*PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient) Update ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (client *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, privateEndpointConnectionName string, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, parameters PrivateEndpointConnection, options *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientUpdateOptions) (PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientUpdateResponse, error)
Update - Update the state of specified private endpoint connection If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- privateEndpointConnectionName - The name of the private endpoint connection associated with the Azure resource.
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- parameters - The resource of private endpoint and its properties
- options - PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientUpdateOptions contains the optional parameters for the PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.Update method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } res, err := clientFactory.NewPrivateEndpointConnectionsClient().Update(ctx, "mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e", "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointConnection{ Properties: &armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties{ PrivateEndpoint: &armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpoint{}, PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState: &armwebpubsub.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState{ ActionsRequired: to.Ptr("None"), Status: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatusApproved), }, }, }, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } // You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = res // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // res.PrivateEndpointConnection = armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointConnection{ // Name: to.Ptr("mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/privateEndpointConnections"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/privateEndpointConnections/mywebpubsubservice.1fa229cd-bf3f-47f0-8c49-afb36723997e"), // SystemData: &armwebpubsub.SystemData{ // CreatedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // CreatedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // CreatedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // LastModifiedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // LastModifiedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // LastModifiedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // }, // Properties: &armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties{ // GroupIDs: []*string{ // to.Ptr("webpubsub")}, // PrivateEndpoint: &armwebpubsub.PrivateEndpoint{ // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/myPrivateEndpoint"), // }, // PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState: &armwebpubsub.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState{ // ActionsRequired: to.Ptr("None"), // Status: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatusApproved), // }, // ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ProvisioningStateSucceeded), // }, // } }
type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientBeginDeleteOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientBeginDeleteOptions struct { // Resumes the LRO from the provided token. ResumeToken string }
PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientBeginDeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.BeginDelete method.
type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientDeleteResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientDeleteResponse struct { }
PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientDeleteResponse contains the response from method PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.BeginDelete.
type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetOptions struct { }
PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetOptions contains the optional parameters for the PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.Get method.
type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetResponse struct { // A private endpoint connection to an azure resource PrivateEndpointConnection }
PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetResponse contains the response from method PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.Get.
type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListOptions struct { }
PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListOptions contains the optional parameters for the PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.NewListPager method.
type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResponse struct { // A list of private endpoint connections PrivateEndpointConnectionList }
PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResponse contains the response from method PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.NewListPager.
type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientUpdateOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientUpdateOptions struct { }
PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientUpdateOptions contains the optional parameters for the PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.Update method.
type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientUpdateResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientUpdateResponse struct { // A private endpoint connection to an azure resource PrivateEndpointConnection }
PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientUpdateResponse contains the response from method PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.Update.
type PrivateLinkResource ¶
type PrivateLinkResource struct { // Private link resource properties Properties *PrivateLinkResourceProperties // READ-ONLY; Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. E.g. "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}" ID *string // READ-ONLY; The name of the resource Name *string // READ-ONLY; Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information. SystemData *SystemData // READ-ONLY; The type of the resource. E.g. "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" or "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts" Type *string }
PrivateLinkResource - Private link resource
func (PrivateLinkResource) MarshalJSON ¶
func (p PrivateLinkResource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type PrivateLinkResource.
func (*PrivateLinkResource) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (p *PrivateLinkResource) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type PrivateLinkResource.
type PrivateLinkResourceList ¶
type PrivateLinkResourceList struct { // The URL the client should use to fetch the next page (per server side paging). It's null for now, added for future use. NextLink *string // List of PrivateLinkResource Value []*PrivateLinkResource }
PrivateLinkResourceList - Contains a list of PrivateLinkResource and a possible link to query more results
func (PrivateLinkResourceList) MarshalJSON ¶
func (p PrivateLinkResourceList) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type PrivateLinkResourceList.
func (*PrivateLinkResourceList) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (p *PrivateLinkResourceList) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type PrivateLinkResourceList.
type PrivateLinkResourceProperties ¶
type PrivateLinkResourceProperties struct { // Group Id of the private link resource GroupID *string // Required members of the private link resource RequiredMembers []*string // Required private DNS zone names RequiredZoneNames []*string ShareablePrivateLinkResourceTypes []*ShareablePrivateLinkResourceType }
PrivateLinkResourceProperties - Private link resource properties
func (PrivateLinkResourceProperties) MarshalJSON ¶
func (p PrivateLinkResourceProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type PrivateLinkResourceProperties.
func (*PrivateLinkResourceProperties) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (p *PrivateLinkResourceProperties) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type PrivateLinkResourceProperties.
type PrivateLinkResourcesClient ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PrivateLinkResourcesClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PrivateLinkResourcesClient contains the methods for the WebPubSubPrivateLinkResources group. Don't use this type directly, use NewPrivateLinkResourcesClient() instead.
func NewPrivateLinkResourcesClient ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewPrivateLinkResourcesClient(subscriptionID string, credential azcore.TokenCredential, options *arm.ClientOptions) (*PrivateLinkResourcesClient, error)
NewPrivateLinkResourcesClient creates a new instance of PrivateLinkResourcesClient with the specified values.
- subscriptionID - The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID.
- credential - used to authorize requests. Usually a credential from azidentity.
- options - pass nil to accept the default values.
func (*PrivateLinkResourcesClient) NewListPager ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (client *PrivateLinkResourcesClient) NewListPager(resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, options *PrivateLinkResourcesClientListOptions) *runtime.Pager[PrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse]
NewListPager - Get the private link resources that need to be created for a resource.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- options - PrivateLinkResourcesClientListOptions contains the optional parameters for the PrivateLinkResourcesClient.NewListPager method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } pager := clientFactory.NewPrivateLinkResourcesClient().NewListPager("myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", nil) for pager.More() { page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err) } for _, v := range page.Value { // You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = v } // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // page.PrivateLinkResourceList = armwebpubsub.PrivateLinkResourceList{ // Value: []*armwebpubsub.PrivateLinkResource{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("myPrivateLink"), // Type: to.Ptr("privateLinkResources"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/privateLinkResources/myPrivateLink"), // Properties: &armwebpubsub.PrivateLinkResourceProperties{ // GroupID: to.Ptr("webpubsub"), // RequiredMembers: []*string{ // to.Ptr("webpubsub")}, // RequiredZoneNames: []*string{ // to.Ptr("")}, // ShareablePrivateLinkResourceTypes: []*armwebpubsub.ShareablePrivateLinkResourceType{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("site"), // Properties: &armwebpubsub.ShareablePrivateLinkResourceProperties{ // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.Web/sites"), // Description: to.Ptr("Azure App Service can be used as an upstream"), // GroupID: to.Ptr("sites"), // }, // }, // { // Name: to.Ptr("vault"), // Properties: &armwebpubsub.ShareablePrivateLinkResourceProperties{ // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults"), // Description: to.Ptr("Azure Key Vault can be used as credentials store"), // GroupID: to.Ptr("vault"), // }, // }, // { // Name: to.Ptr("table"), // Properties: &armwebpubsub.ShareablePrivateLinkResourceProperties{ // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"), // Description: to.Ptr("Azure Storage Table can be used as message store"), // GroupID: to.Ptr("table"), // }, // }}, // }, // }}, // } } }
type PrivateLinkResourcesClientListOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PrivateLinkResourcesClientListOptions struct { }
PrivateLinkResourcesClientListOptions contains the optional parameters for the PrivateLinkResourcesClient.NewListPager method.
type PrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse struct { // Contains a list of PrivateLinkResource and a possible link to query more results PrivateLinkResourceList }
PrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse contains the response from method PrivateLinkResourcesClient.NewListPager.
type PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState ¶
type PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState struct { // A message indicating if changes on the service provider require any updates on the consumer. ActionsRequired *string // The reason for approval/rejection of the connection. Description *string // Indicates whether the connection has been Approved/Rejected/Removed by the owner of the service. Status *PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatus }
PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState - Connection state of the private endpoint connection
func (PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (p PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState.
func (*PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (p *PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState.
type PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatus ¶
type PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatus string
PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatus - Indicates whether the connection has been Approved/Rejected/Removed by the owner of the service.
const ( PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatusApproved PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatus = "Approved" PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatusDisconnected PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatus = "Disconnected" PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatusPending PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatus = "Pending" PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatusRejected PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatus = "Rejected" )
func PossiblePrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatusValues ¶
func PossiblePrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatusValues() []PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatus
PossiblePrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatusValues returns the possible values for the PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatus const type.
type Properties ¶ added in v0.2.0
type Properties struct { // DisableLocalAuth Enable or disable aad auth When set as true, connection with AuthType=aad won't work. DisableAADAuth *bool // DisableLocalAuth Enable or disable local auth with AccessKey When set as true, connection with AccessKey=xxx won't work. DisableLocalAuth *bool // Live trace configuration of a Microsoft.SignalRService resource. LiveTraceConfiguration *LiveTraceConfiguration // Network ACLs for the resource NetworkACLs *NetworkACLs // Enable or disable public network access. Default to "Enabled". When it's Enabled, network ACLs still apply. When it's Disabled, // public network access is always disabled no matter what you set in // network ACLs. PublicNetworkAccess *string // Enable or disable the regional endpoint. Default to "Enabled". When it's Disabled, new connections will not be routed to // this endpoint, however existing connections will not be affected. This property // is replica specific. Disable the regional endpoint without replica is not allowed. RegionEndpointEnabled *string // Resource log configuration of a Microsoft.SignalRService resource. ResourceLogConfiguration *ResourceLogConfiguration // Stop or start the resource. Default to "False". When it's true, the data plane of the resource is shutdown. When it's false, // the data plane of the resource is started. ResourceStopped *string // SocketIO settings for the resource SocketIO *SocketIOSettings // TLS settings for the resource TLS *TLSSettings // READ-ONLY; The publicly accessible IP of the resource. ExternalIP *string // READ-ONLY; FQDN of the service instance. HostName *string // READ-ONLY; Deprecated. HostNamePrefix *string // READ-ONLY; Private endpoint connections to the resource. PrivateEndpointConnections []*PrivateEndpointConnection // READ-ONLY; Provisioning state of the resource. ProvisioningState *ProvisioningState // READ-ONLY; The publicly accessible port of the resource which is designed for browser/client side usage. PublicPort *int32 // READ-ONLY; The publicly accessible port of the resource which is designed for customer server side usage. ServerPort *int32 SharedPrivateLinkResources []*SharedPrivateLinkResource // READ-ONLY; Version of the resource. Probably you need the same or higher version of client SDKs. Version *string }
Properties - A class that describes the properties of the resource
func (Properties) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p Properties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type Properties.
func (*Properties) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (p *Properties) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type Properties.
type ProvisioningState ¶
type ProvisioningState string
ProvisioningState - Provisioning state of the resource.
const ( ProvisioningStateCanceled ProvisioningState = "Canceled" ProvisioningStateCreating ProvisioningState = "Creating" ProvisioningStateDeleting ProvisioningState = "Deleting" ProvisioningStateFailed ProvisioningState = "Failed" ProvisioningStateMoving ProvisioningState = "Moving" ProvisioningStateRunning ProvisioningState = "Running" ProvisioningStateSucceeded ProvisioningState = "Succeeded" ProvisioningStateUnknown ProvisioningState = "Unknown" ProvisioningStateUpdating ProvisioningState = "Updating" )
func PossibleProvisioningStateValues ¶
func PossibleProvisioningStateValues() []ProvisioningState
PossibleProvisioningStateValues returns the possible values for the ProvisioningState const type.
type RegenerateKeyParameters ¶
type RegenerateKeyParameters struct { // The type of access key. KeyType *KeyType }
RegenerateKeyParameters - Parameters describes the request to regenerate access keys
func (RegenerateKeyParameters) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r RegenerateKeyParameters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type RegenerateKeyParameters.
func (*RegenerateKeyParameters) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *RegenerateKeyParameters) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type RegenerateKeyParameters.
type Replica ¶ added in v1.3.0
type Replica struct { // REQUIRED; The geo-location where the resource lives Location *string Properties *ReplicaProperties // The billing information of the resource. SKU *ResourceSKU // Resource tags. Tags map[string]*string // READ-ONLY; Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. E.g. "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}" ID *string // READ-ONLY; The name of the resource Name *string // READ-ONLY; Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information. SystemData *SystemData // READ-ONLY; The type of the resource. E.g. "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" or "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts" Type *string }
Replica - A class represent a replica resource.
func (Replica) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.3.0
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type Replica.
func (*Replica) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.3.0
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type Replica.
type ReplicaList ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ReplicaList struct { // The URL the client should use to fetch the next page (per server side paging). It's null for now, added for future use. NextLink *string // List of the replica Value []*Replica }
func (ReplicaList) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r ReplicaList) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ReplicaList.
func (*ReplicaList) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *ReplicaList) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ReplicaList.
type ReplicaProperties ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ReplicaProperties struct { // Enable or disable the regional endpoint. Default to "Enabled". When it's Disabled, new connections will not be routed to // this endpoint, however existing connections will not be affected. RegionEndpointEnabled *string // Stop or start the resource. Default to "false". When it's true, the data plane of the resource is shutdown. When it's false, // the data plane of the resource is started. ResourceStopped *string // READ-ONLY; Provisioning state of the resource. ProvisioningState *ProvisioningState }
func (ReplicaProperties) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r ReplicaProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ReplicaProperties.
func (*ReplicaProperties) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (r *ReplicaProperties) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ReplicaProperties.
type ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient contains the methods for the WebPubSubReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResources group. Don't use this type directly, use NewReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient() instead.
func NewReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient(subscriptionID string, credential azcore.TokenCredential, options *arm.ClientOptions) (*ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient, error)
NewReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient creates a new instance of ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient with the specified values.
- subscriptionID - The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID.
- credential - used to authorize requests. Usually a credential from azidentity.
- options - pass nil to accept the default values.
func (*ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient) BeginCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (client *ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient) BeginCreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, replicaName string, sharedPrivateLinkResourceName string, parameters SharedPrivateLinkResource, options *ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions) (*runtime.Poller[ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error)
BeginCreateOrUpdate - Create or update a shared private link resource If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- replicaName - The name of the replica.
- sharedPrivateLinkResourceName - The name of the shared private link resource.
- parameters - The shared private link resource
- options - ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions contains the optional parameters for the ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate method.
func (*ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient) Get ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (client *ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, replicaName string, sharedPrivateLinkResourceName string, options *ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetOptions) (ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetResponse, error)
Get - Get the specified shared private link resource If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- replicaName - The name of the replica.
- sharedPrivateLinkResourceName - The name of the shared private link resource.
- options - ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetOptions contains the optional parameters for the ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.Get method.
func (*ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient) NewListPager ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (client *ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient) NewListPager(resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, replicaName string, options *ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListOptions) *runtime.Pager[ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse]
NewListPager - List shared private link resources
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- replicaName - The name of the replica.
- options - ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListOptions contains the optional parameters for the ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.NewListPager method.
type ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions struct { string }ResumeToken
ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions contains the optional parameters for the ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate method.
type ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse struct { SharedPrivateLinkResource }
ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse contains the response from method ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate.
type ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetOptions ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetOptions struct { }
ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetOptions contains the optional parameters for the ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.Get method.
type ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetResponse struct { SharedPrivateLinkResource }
ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetResponse contains the response from method ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.Get.
type ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListOptions ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListOptions struct { }
ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListOptions contains the optional parameters for the ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.NewListPager method.
type ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse struct { SharedPrivateLinkResourceList }
ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse contains the response from method ReplicaSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.NewListPager.
type ReplicasClient ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ReplicasClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ReplicasClient contains the methods for the WebPubSubReplicas group. Don't use this type directly, use NewReplicasClient() instead.
func NewReplicasClient ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewReplicasClient(subscriptionID string, credential azcore.TokenCredential, options *arm.ClientOptions) (*ReplicasClient, error)
NewReplicasClient creates a new instance of ReplicasClient with the specified values.
- subscriptionID - The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID.
- credential - used to authorize requests. Usually a credential from azidentity.
- options - pass nil to accept the default values.
func (*ReplicasClient) BeginCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (client *ReplicasClient) BeginCreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, replicaName string, parameters Replica, options *ReplicasClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions) (*runtime.Poller[ReplicasClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error)
BeginCreateOrUpdate - Create or update a replica. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- replicaName - The name of the replica.
- parameters - Parameters for the create or update operation
- options - ReplicasClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions contains the optional parameters for the ReplicasClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } poller, err := clientFactory.NewReplicasClient().BeginCreateOrUpdate(ctx, "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", "myWebPubSubService-eastus", armwebpubsub.Replica{ Location: to.Ptr("eastus"), Tags: map[string]*string{ "key1": to.Ptr("value1"), }, Properties: &armwebpubsub.ReplicaProperties{ ResourceStopped: to.Ptr("false"), }, SKU: &armwebpubsub.ResourceSKU{ Name: to.Ptr("Premium_P1"), Capacity: to.Ptr[int32](1), Tier: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubSKUTierPremium), }, }, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } res, err := poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err) } // You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = res // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // res.Replica = armwebpubsub.Replica{ // Name: to.Ptr("myWebPubSubService-eastus"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/replicas/myWebPubSubService-eastus"), // SystemData: &armwebpubsub.SystemData{ // CreatedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // CreatedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // CreatedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // LastModifiedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // LastModifiedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // LastModifiedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // }, // Location: to.Ptr("eastus"), // Tags: map[string]*string{ // "key1": to.Ptr("value1"), // }, // Properties: &armwebpubsub.ReplicaProperties{ // ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ProvisioningStateSucceeded), // RegionEndpointEnabled: to.Ptr("Enabled"), // ResourceStopped: to.Ptr("false"), // }, // SKU: &armwebpubsub.ResourceSKU{ // Name: to.Ptr("Premium_P1"), // Capacity: to.Ptr[int32](1), // Size: to.Ptr("P1"), // Tier: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubSKUTierPremium), // }, // } }
func (*ReplicasClient) BeginRestart ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (client *ReplicasClient) BeginRestart(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, replicaName string, options *ReplicasClientBeginRestartOptions) (*runtime.Poller[ReplicasClientRestartResponse], error)
BeginRestart - Operation to restart a replica. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- replicaName - The name of the replica.
- options - ReplicasClientBeginRestartOptions contains the optional parameters for the ReplicasClient.BeginRestart method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } poller, err := clientFactory.NewReplicasClient().BeginRestart(ctx, "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", "myWebPubSubService-eastus", nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } _, err = poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err) } }
func (*ReplicasClient) BeginUpdate ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (client *ReplicasClient) BeginUpdate(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, replicaName string, parameters Replica, options *ReplicasClientBeginUpdateOptions) (*runtime.Poller[ReplicasClientUpdateResponse], error)
BeginUpdate - Operation to update an exiting replica. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- replicaName - The name of the replica.
- parameters - Parameters for the update operation
- options - ReplicasClientBeginUpdateOptions contains the optional parameters for the ReplicasClient.BeginUpdate method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } poller, err := clientFactory.NewReplicasClient().BeginUpdate(ctx, "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", "myWebPubSubService-eastus", armwebpubsub.Replica{ Location: to.Ptr("eastus"), Tags: map[string]*string{ "key1": to.Ptr("value1"), }, Properties: &armwebpubsub.ReplicaProperties{ ResourceStopped: to.Ptr("false"), }, SKU: &armwebpubsub.ResourceSKU{ Name: to.Ptr("Premium_P1"), Capacity: to.Ptr[int32](1), Tier: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubSKUTierPremium), }, }, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } res, err := poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err) } // You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = res // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // res.Replica = armwebpubsub.Replica{ // Name: to.Ptr("myWebPubSubService-eastus"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/replicas/myWebPubSubService-eastus"), // SystemData: &armwebpubsub.SystemData{ // CreatedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // CreatedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // CreatedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // LastModifiedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // LastModifiedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // LastModifiedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // }, // Location: to.Ptr("eastus"), // Tags: map[string]*string{ // "key1": to.Ptr("value1"), // }, // Properties: &armwebpubsub.ReplicaProperties{ // ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ProvisioningStateSucceeded), // RegionEndpointEnabled: to.Ptr("Enabled"), // ResourceStopped: to.Ptr("false"), // }, // SKU: &armwebpubsub.ResourceSKU{ // Name: to.Ptr("Premium_P1"), // Capacity: to.Ptr[int32](1), // Size: to.Ptr("P1"), // Tier: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubSKUTierPremium), // }, // } }
func (*ReplicasClient) Delete ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (client *ReplicasClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, replicaName string, options *ReplicasClientDeleteOptions) (ReplicasClientDeleteResponse, error)
Delete - Operation to delete a replica. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- replicaName - The name of the replica.
- options - ReplicasClientDeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the ReplicasClient.Delete method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } _, err = clientFactory.NewReplicasClient().Delete(ctx, "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", "myWebPubSubService-eastus", nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } }
func (*ReplicasClient) Get ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (client *ReplicasClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, replicaName string, options *ReplicasClientGetOptions) (ReplicasClientGetResponse, error)
Get - Get the replica and its properties. If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- replicaName - The name of the replica.
- options - ReplicasClientGetOptions contains the optional parameters for the ReplicasClient.Get method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } res, err := clientFactory.NewReplicasClient().Get(ctx, "myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", "myWebPubSubService-eastus", nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err) } // You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = res // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // res.Replica = armwebpubsub.Replica{ // Name: to.Ptr("myWebPubSubService-eastus"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/replicas/myWebPubSubService-eastus"), // SystemData: &armwebpubsub.SystemData{ // CreatedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // CreatedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // CreatedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // LastModifiedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // LastModifiedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // LastModifiedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // }, // Location: to.Ptr("eastus"), // Tags: map[string]*string{ // "key1": to.Ptr("value1"), // }, // Properties: &armwebpubsub.ReplicaProperties{ // ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ProvisioningStateSucceeded), // RegionEndpointEnabled: to.Ptr("Enabled"), // ResourceStopped: to.Ptr("false"), // }, // SKU: &armwebpubsub.ResourceSKU{ // Name: to.Ptr("Premium_P1"), // Capacity: to.Ptr[int32](1), // Size: to.Ptr("P1"), // Tier: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubSKUTierPremium), // }, // } }
func (*ReplicasClient) NewListPager ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (client *ReplicasClient) NewListPager(resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, options *ReplicasClientListOptions) *runtime.Pager[ReplicasClientListResponse]
NewListPager - List all replicas belong to this resource
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- options - ReplicasClientListOptions contains the optional parameters for the ReplicasClient.NewListPager method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } pager := clientFactory.NewReplicasClient().NewListPager("myResourceGroup", "myWebPubSubService", nil) for pager.More() { page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err) } for _, v := range page.Value { // You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = v } // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // page.ReplicaList = armwebpubsub.ReplicaList{ // Value: []*armwebpubsub.Replica{ // { // Name: to.Ptr("myWebPubSubService-eastus"), // Type: to.Ptr("Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub"), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/myWebPubSubService/replicas/myWebPubSubService-eastus"), // SystemData: &armwebpubsub.SystemData{ // CreatedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // CreatedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // CreatedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // LastModifiedAt: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-02-03T04:05:06.000Z"); return t}()), // LastModifiedBy: to.Ptr("string"), // LastModifiedByType: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.CreatedByTypeUser), // }, // Location: to.Ptr("eastus"), // Tags: map[string]*string{ // "key1": to.Ptr("value1"), // }, // Properties: &armwebpubsub.ReplicaProperties{ // ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.ProvisioningStateSucceeded), // RegionEndpointEnabled: to.Ptr("Enabled"), // ResourceStopped: to.Ptr("false"), // }, // SKU: &armwebpubsub.ResourceSKU{ // Name: to.Ptr("Premium_P1"), // Capacity: to.Ptr[int32](1), // Size: to.Ptr("P1"), // Tier: to.Ptr(armwebpubsub.WebPubSubSKUTierPremium), // }, // }}, // } } }
type ReplicasClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ReplicasClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions struct { // Resumes the LRO from the provided token. ResumeToken string }
ReplicasClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions contains the optional parameters for the ReplicasClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate method.
type ReplicasClientBeginRestartOptions ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ReplicasClientBeginRestartOptions struct { // Resumes the LRO from the provided token. ResumeToken string }
ReplicasClientBeginRestartOptions contains the optional parameters for the ReplicasClient.BeginRestart method.
type ReplicasClientBeginUpdateOptions ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ReplicasClientBeginUpdateOptions struct { // Resumes the LRO from the provided token. ResumeToken string }
ReplicasClientBeginUpdateOptions contains the optional parameters for the ReplicasClient.BeginUpdate method.
type ReplicasClientCreateOrUpdateResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ReplicasClientCreateOrUpdateResponse struct { // A class represent a replica resource. Replica }
ReplicasClientCreateOrUpdateResponse contains the response from method ReplicasClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate.
type ReplicasClientDeleteOptions ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ReplicasClientDeleteOptions struct { }
ReplicasClientDeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the ReplicasClient.Delete method.
type ReplicasClientDeleteResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ReplicasClientDeleteResponse struct { }
ReplicasClientDeleteResponse contains the response from method ReplicasClient.Delete.
type ReplicasClientGetOptions ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ReplicasClientGetOptions struct { }
ReplicasClientGetOptions contains the optional parameters for the ReplicasClient.Get method.
type ReplicasClientGetResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ReplicasClientGetResponse struct { // A class represent a replica resource. Replica }
ReplicasClientGetResponse contains the response from method ReplicasClient.Get.
type ReplicasClientListOptions ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ReplicasClientListOptions struct { }
ReplicasClientListOptions contains the optional parameters for the ReplicasClient.NewListPager method.
type ReplicasClientListResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ReplicasClientListResponse struct {
ReplicasClientListResponse contains the response from method ReplicasClient.NewListPager.
type ReplicasClientRestartResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ReplicasClientRestartResponse struct { }
ReplicasClientRestartResponse contains the response from method ReplicasClient.BeginRestart.
type ReplicasClientUpdateResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ReplicasClientUpdateResponse struct { // A class represent a replica resource. Replica }
ReplicasClientUpdateResponse contains the response from method ReplicasClient.BeginUpdate.
type ResourceInfo ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ResourceInfo struct { // REQUIRED; The geo-location where the resource lives Location *string // A class represent managed identities used for request and response Identity *ManagedIdentity // The kind of the service Kind *ServiceKind // A class that describes the properties of the resource Properties *Properties // The billing information of the resource. SKU *ResourceSKU // Resource tags. Tags map[string]*string // READ-ONLY; Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. E.g. "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}" ID *string // READ-ONLY; The name of the resource Name *string // READ-ONLY; Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information. SystemData *SystemData // READ-ONLY; The type of the resource. E.g. "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" or "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts" Type *string }
ResourceInfo - A class represent a resource.
func (ResourceInfo) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (r ResourceInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ResourceInfo.
func (*ResourceInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *ResourceInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ResourceInfo.
type ResourceInfoList ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ResourceInfoList struct { // The URL the client should use to fetch the next page (per server side paging). It's null for now, added for future use. NextLink *string // List of the resources Value []*ResourceInfo }
ResourceInfoList - Object that includes an array of resources and a possible link for next set.
func (ResourceInfoList) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (r ResourceInfoList) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ResourceInfoList.
func (*ResourceInfoList) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *ResourceInfoList) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ResourceInfoList.
type ResourceLogCategory ¶
type ResourceLogCategory struct { // Indicates whether or the resource log category is enabled. Available values: true, false. Case insensitive. Enabled *string // Gets or sets the resource log category's name. Available values: ConnectivityLogs, MessagingLogs. Case insensitive. Name *string }
ResourceLogCategory - Resource log category configuration of a Microsoft.SignalRService resource.
func (ResourceLogCategory) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r ResourceLogCategory) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ResourceLogCategory.
func (*ResourceLogCategory) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *ResourceLogCategory) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ResourceLogCategory.
type ResourceLogConfiguration ¶
type ResourceLogConfiguration struct { // Gets or sets the list of category configurations. Categories []*ResourceLogCategory }
ResourceLogConfiguration - Resource log configuration of a Microsoft.SignalRService resource.
func (ResourceLogConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r ResourceLogConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ResourceLogConfiguration.
func (*ResourceLogConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *ResourceLogConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ResourceLogConfiguration.
type ResourceReference ¶ added in v1.1.0
type ResourceReference struct { // Resource ID. ID *string }
ResourceReference - Reference to a resource.
func (ResourceReference) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r ResourceReference) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ResourceReference.
func (*ResourceReference) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *ResourceReference) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ResourceReference.
type ResourceSKU ¶
type ResourceSKU struct { // REQUIRED; The name of the SKU. Required. // Allowed values: StandardS1, FreeF1, PremiumP1, PremiumP2 Name *string // Optional, integer. The unit count of the resource. 1 for FreeF1/StandardS1/PremiumP1, 100 for PremiumP2 by default. // If present, following values are allowed: FreeF1: 1; StandardS1: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100; PremiumP1: // 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100; PremiumP2: // 100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000; Capacity *int32 // Optional tier of this particular SKU. 'Standard' or 'Free'. // Basic is deprecated, use Standard instead. Tier *WebPubSubSKUTier // READ-ONLY; Not used. Retained for future use. Family *string // READ-ONLY; Not used. Retained for future use. Size *string }
ResourceSKU - The billing information of the resource.
func (ResourceSKU) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r ResourceSKU) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ResourceSKU.
func (*ResourceSKU) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *ResourceSKU) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ResourceSKU.
type SKU ¶
type SKU struct { // READ-ONLY; Describes scaling information of a sku. Capacity *SKUCapacity // READ-ONLY; The resource type that this object applies to ResourceType *string // READ-ONLY; The billing information of the resource. SKU *ResourceSKU }
SKU - Describes an available sku."
func (SKU) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type SKU.
func (*SKU) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type SKU.
type SKUCapacity ¶
type SKUCapacity struct { // READ-ONLY; Allows capacity value list. AllowedValues []*int32 // READ-ONLY; The default capacity. Default *int32 // READ-ONLY; The highest permitted capacity for this resource Maximum *int32 // READ-ONLY; The lowest permitted capacity for this resource Minimum *int32 // READ-ONLY; The scale type applicable to the sku. ScaleType *ScaleType }
SKUCapacity - Describes scaling information of a sku.
func (SKUCapacity) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SKUCapacity) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type SKUCapacity.
func (*SKUCapacity) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *SKUCapacity) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type SKUCapacity.
type SKUList ¶
type SKUList struct { // READ-ONLY; The URL the client should use to fetch the next page (per server side paging). It's null for now, added for // future use. NextLink *string // READ-ONLY; The list of skus available for the resource. Value []*SKU }
SKUList - The list skus operation response
func (SKUList) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type SKUList.
func (*SKUList) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type SKUList.
type ScaleType ¶
type ScaleType string
ScaleType - The scale type applicable to the sku.
func PossibleScaleTypeValues ¶
func PossibleScaleTypeValues() []ScaleType
PossibleScaleTypeValues returns the possible values for the ScaleType const type.
type ServiceKind ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ServiceKind string
ServiceKind - The kind of the service
const ( ServiceKindSocketIO ServiceKind = "SocketIO" ServiceKindWebPubSub ServiceKind = "WebPubSub" )
func PossibleServiceKindValues ¶ added in v1.3.0
func PossibleServiceKindValues() []ServiceKind
PossibleServiceKindValues returns the possible values for the ServiceKind const type.
type ServiceSpecification ¶
type ServiceSpecification struct { // Specifications of the Logs for Azure Monitoring. LogSpecifications []*LogSpecification // Specifications of the Metrics for Azure Monitoring. MetricSpecifications []*MetricSpecification }
ServiceSpecification - An object that describes a specification.
func (ServiceSpecification) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s ServiceSpecification) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ServiceSpecification.
func (*ServiceSpecification) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *ServiceSpecification) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ServiceSpecification.
type ShareablePrivateLinkResourceProperties ¶
type ShareablePrivateLinkResourceProperties struct { string GroupID *string Type *string }Description *
ShareablePrivateLinkResourceProperties - Describes the properties of a resource type that has been onboarded to private link service
func (ShareablePrivateLinkResourceProperties) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s ShareablePrivateLinkResourceProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ShareablePrivateLinkResourceProperties.
func (*ShareablePrivateLinkResourceProperties) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *ShareablePrivateLinkResourceProperties) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ShareablePrivateLinkResourceProperties.
type ShareablePrivateLinkResourceType ¶
type ShareablePrivateLinkResourceType struct { string Properties *ShareablePrivateLinkResourceProperties }Name *
ShareablePrivateLinkResourceType - Describes a resource type that has been onboarded to private link service
func (ShareablePrivateLinkResourceType) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s ShareablePrivateLinkResourceType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ShareablePrivateLinkResourceType.
func (*ShareablePrivateLinkResourceType) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *ShareablePrivateLinkResourceType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ShareablePrivateLinkResourceType.
type SharedPrivateLinkResource ¶
type SharedPrivateLinkResource struct { SharedPrivateLinkResourceProperties ID *string Name *string SystemData *SystemData Type *string }Properties *
SharedPrivateLinkResource - Describes a Shared Private Link Resource
func (SharedPrivateLinkResource) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SharedPrivateLinkResource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type SharedPrivateLinkResource.
func (*SharedPrivateLinkResource) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *SharedPrivateLinkResource) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type SharedPrivateLinkResource.
type SharedPrivateLinkResourceList ¶
type SharedPrivateLinkResourceList struct { // private endpoint connections exceed maximum page size. NextLink *string Value []*SharedPrivateLinkResource }
SharedPrivateLinkResourceList - A list of shared private link resources
func (SharedPrivateLinkResourceList) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SharedPrivateLinkResourceList) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type SharedPrivateLinkResourceList.
func (*SharedPrivateLinkResourceList) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *SharedPrivateLinkResourceList) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type SharedPrivateLinkResourceList.
type SharedPrivateLinkResourceProperties ¶
type SharedPrivateLinkResourceProperties struct { string PrivateLinkResourceID *string RequestMessage *string ProvisioningState *ProvisioningState Status *SharedPrivateLinkResourceStatus }GroupID *
SharedPrivateLinkResourceProperties - Describes the properties of an existing Shared Private Link Resource
func (SharedPrivateLinkResourceProperties) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s SharedPrivateLinkResourceProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type SharedPrivateLinkResourceProperties.
func (*SharedPrivateLinkResourceProperties) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *SharedPrivateLinkResourceProperties) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type SharedPrivateLinkResourceProperties.
type SharedPrivateLinkResourceStatus ¶
type SharedPrivateLinkResourceStatus string
SharedPrivateLinkResourceStatus - Status of the shared private link resource
const ()
func PossibleSharedPrivateLinkResourceStatusValues ¶
func PossibleSharedPrivateLinkResourceStatusValues() []SharedPrivateLinkResourceStatus
PossibleSharedPrivateLinkResourceStatusValues returns the possible values for the SharedPrivateLinkResourceStatus const type.
type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient ¶ added in v0.2.0
type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient contains the methods for the WebPubSubSharedPrivateLinkResources group. Don't use this type directly, use NewSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient() instead.
func NewSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient(subscriptionID string, credential azcore.TokenCredential, options *arm.ClientOptions) (*SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient, error)
NewSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient creates a new instance of SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient with the specified values.
- subscriptionID - The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID.
- credential - used to authorize requests. Usually a credential from azidentity.
- options - pass nil to accept the default values.
func (*SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient) BeginCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (client *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient) BeginCreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, sharedPrivateLinkResourceName string, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, parameters SharedPrivateLinkResource, options *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions) (*runtime.Poller[SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error)
BeginCreateOrUpdate - Create or update a shared private link resource If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- sharedPrivateLinkResourceName - The name of the shared private link resource.
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- parameters - The shared private link resource
- options - SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions contains the optional parameters for the SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate method.
func (*SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient) BeginDelete ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (client *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient) BeginDelete(ctx context.Context, sharedPrivateLinkResourceName string, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, options *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientBeginDeleteOptions) (*runtime.Poller[SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientDeleteResponse], error)
BeginDelete - Delete the specified shared private link resource If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- sharedPrivateLinkResourceName - The name of the shared private link resource.
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- options - SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientBeginDeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.BeginDelete method.
func (*SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (client *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, sharedPrivateLinkResourceName string, resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, options *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetOptions) (SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetResponse, error)
Get - Get the specified shared private link resource If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- sharedPrivateLinkResourceName - The name of the shared private link resource.
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- options - SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetOptions contains the optional parameters for the SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.Get method.
func (*SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient) NewListPager ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (client *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient) NewListPager(resourceGroupName string, resourceName string, options *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListOptions) *runtime.Pager[SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse]
NewListPager - List shared private link resources
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- resourceName - The name of the resource.
- options - SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListOptions contains the optional parameters for the SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.NewListPager method.
type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions struct { string }ResumeToken
SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions contains the optional parameters for the SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate method.
type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientBeginDeleteOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientBeginDeleteOptions struct { string }ResumeToken
SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientBeginDeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.BeginDelete method.
type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse struct { SharedPrivateLinkResource }
SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse contains the response from method SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate.
type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientDeleteResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientDeleteResponse struct { }
SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientDeleteResponse contains the response from method SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.BeginDelete.
type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetOptions struct { }
SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetOptions contains the optional parameters for the SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.Get method.
type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetResponse struct { SharedPrivateLinkResource }
SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetResponse contains the response from method SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.Get.
type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListOptions struct { }
SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListOptions contains the optional parameters for the SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.NewListPager method.
type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse struct { SharedPrivateLinkResourceList }
SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse contains the response from method SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.NewListPager.
type SignalRServiceUsage ¶
type SignalRServiceUsage struct { // Current value for the usage quota. CurrentValue *int64 // Fully qualified ARM resource id ID *string // The maximum permitted value for the usage quota. If there is no limit, this value will be -1. Limit *int64 // Localizable String object containing the name and a localized value. Name *SignalRServiceUsageName // Representing the units of the usage quota. Possible values are: Count, Bytes, Seconds, Percent, CountPerSecond, BytesPerSecond. Unit *string }
SignalRServiceUsage - Object that describes a specific usage of the resources.
func (SignalRServiceUsage) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s SignalRServiceUsage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type SignalRServiceUsage.
func (*SignalRServiceUsage) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *SignalRServiceUsage) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type SignalRServiceUsage.
type SignalRServiceUsageList ¶
type SignalRServiceUsageList struct { // The URL the client should use to fetch the next page (per server side paging). It's null for now, added for future use. NextLink *string // List of the resource usages Value []*SignalRServiceUsage }
SignalRServiceUsageList - Object that includes an array of the resource usages and a possible link for next set.
func (SignalRServiceUsageList) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SignalRServiceUsageList) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type SignalRServiceUsageList.
func (*SignalRServiceUsageList) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *SignalRServiceUsageList) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type SignalRServiceUsageList.
type SignalRServiceUsageName ¶
type SignalRServiceUsageName struct { // Localized name of the usage. LocalizedValue *string // The identifier of the usage. Value *string }
SignalRServiceUsageName - Localizable String object containing the name and a localized value.
func (SignalRServiceUsageName) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s SignalRServiceUsageName) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type SignalRServiceUsageName.
func (*SignalRServiceUsageName) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *SignalRServiceUsageName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type SignalRServiceUsageName.
type SocketIOSettings ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SocketIOSettings struct { // The service mode of Web PubSub for Socket.IO. Values allowed: "Default": have your own backend Socket.IO server "Serverless": // your application doesn't have a backend server ServiceMode *string }
SocketIOSettings - SocketIO settings for the resource
func (SocketIOSettings) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s SocketIOSettings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type SocketIOSettings.
func (*SocketIOSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *SocketIOSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type SocketIOSettings.
type SystemData ¶
type SystemData struct { // The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). CreatedAt *time.Time // The identity that created the resource. CreatedBy *string // The type of identity that created the resource. CreatedByType *CreatedByType // The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) LastModifiedAt *time.Time // The identity that last modified the resource. LastModifiedBy *string // The type of identity that last modified the resource. LastModifiedByType *CreatedByType }
SystemData - Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
func (SystemData) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SystemData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type SystemData.
func (*SystemData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SystemData) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type SystemData.
type TLSSettings ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TLSSettings struct { // Request client certificate during TLS handshake if enabled. Not supported for free tier. Any input will be ignored for // free tier. ClientCertEnabled *bool }
TLSSettings - TLS settings for the resource
func (TLSSettings) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t TLSSettings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type TLSSettings.
func (*TLSSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *TLSSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type TLSSettings.
type UpstreamAuthSettings ¶
type UpstreamAuthSettings struct { // Managed identity settings for upstream. ManagedIdentity *ManagedIdentitySettings // Upstream auth type enum. Type *UpstreamAuthType }
UpstreamAuthSettings - Upstream auth settings. If not set, no auth is used for upstream messages.
func (UpstreamAuthSettings) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (u UpstreamAuthSettings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpstreamAuthSettings.
func (*UpstreamAuthSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (u *UpstreamAuthSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpstreamAuthSettings.
type UpstreamAuthType ¶
type UpstreamAuthType string
UpstreamAuthType - Upstream auth type enum.
const ( UpstreamAuthTypeManagedIdentity UpstreamAuthType = "ManagedIdentity" UpstreamAuthTypeNone UpstreamAuthType = "None" )
func PossibleUpstreamAuthTypeValues ¶
func PossibleUpstreamAuthTypeValues() []UpstreamAuthType
PossibleUpstreamAuthTypeValues returns the possible values for the UpstreamAuthType const type.
type UsagesClient ¶
type UsagesClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UsagesClient contains the methods for the Usages group. Don't use this type directly, use NewUsagesClient() instead.
func NewUsagesClient ¶
func NewUsagesClient(subscriptionID string, credential azcore.TokenCredential, options *arm.ClientOptions) (*UsagesClient, error)
NewUsagesClient creates a new instance of UsagesClient with the specified values.
- subscriptionID - The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID.
- credential - used to authorize requests. Usually a credential from azidentity.
- options - pass nil to accept the default values.
func (*UsagesClient) NewListPager ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (client *UsagesClient) NewListPager(location string, options *UsagesClientListOptions) *runtime.Pager[UsagesClientListResponse]
NewListPager - List resource usage quotas by location.
Generated from API version 2024-03-01
- location - the location like "eastus"
- options - UsagesClientListOptions contains the optional parameters for the UsagesClient.NewListPager method.
Example ¶
Generated from example definition:
package main import ( "context" "log" "" "" ) func main() { cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err) } ctx := context.Background() clientFactory, err := armwebpubsub.NewClientFactory("<subscription-id>", cred, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err) } pager := clientFactory.NewUsagesClient().NewListPager("eastus", nil) for pager.More() { page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err) } for _, v := range page.Value { // You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes. _ = v } // If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes. // page.SignalRServiceUsageList = armwebpubsub.SignalRServiceUsageList{ // Value: []*armwebpubsub.SignalRServiceUsage{ // { // Name: &armwebpubsub.SignalRServiceUsageName{ // LocalizedValue: to.Ptr("Usage1"), // Value: to.Ptr("Usage1"), // }, // CurrentValue: to.Ptr[int64](0), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/locations/eastus/usages/Usage1"), // Limit: to.Ptr[int64](100), // Unit: to.Ptr("Count"), // }, // { // Name: &armwebpubsub.SignalRServiceUsageName{ // LocalizedValue: to.Ptr("Usage2"), // Value: to.Ptr("Usage2"), // }, // CurrentValue: to.Ptr[int64](0), // ID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/locations/eastus/usages/Usage2"), // Limit: to.Ptr[int64](100), // Unit: to.Ptr("Count"), // }}, // } } }
type UsagesClientListOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UsagesClientListOptions struct { }
UsagesClientListOptions contains the optional parameters for the UsagesClient.NewListPager method.
type UsagesClientListResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UsagesClientListResponse struct { // Object that includes an array of the resource usages and a possible link for next set. SignalRServiceUsageList }
UsagesClientListResponse contains the response from method UsagesClient.NewListPager.
type UserAssignedIdentityProperty ¶
type UserAssignedIdentityProperty struct { // READ-ONLY; Get the client id for the user assigned identity ClientID *string // READ-ONLY; Get the principal id for the user assigned identity PrincipalID *string }
UserAssignedIdentityProperty - Properties of user assigned identity.
func (UserAssignedIdentityProperty) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (u UserAssignedIdentityProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UserAssignedIdentityProperty.
func (*UserAssignedIdentityProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (u *UserAssignedIdentityProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UserAssignedIdentityProperty.
type WebPubSubRequestType ¶
type WebPubSubRequestType string
WebPubSubRequestType - The incoming request type to the service
const ( WebPubSubRequestTypeClientConnection WebPubSubRequestType = "ClientConnection" WebPubSubRequestTypeRESTAPI WebPubSubRequestType = "RESTAPI" WebPubSubRequestTypeServerConnection WebPubSubRequestType = "ServerConnection" WebPubSubRequestTypeTrace WebPubSubRequestType = "Trace" )
func PossibleWebPubSubRequestTypeValues ¶
func PossibleWebPubSubRequestTypeValues() []WebPubSubRequestType
PossibleWebPubSubRequestTypeValues returns the possible values for the WebPubSubRequestType const type.
type WebPubSubSKUTier ¶
type WebPubSubSKUTier string
WebPubSubSKUTier - Optional tier of this particular SKU. 'Standard' or 'Free'. Basic is deprecated, use Standard instead.
const ( WebPubSubSKUTierBasic WebPubSubSKUTier = "Basic" WebPubSubSKUTierFree WebPubSubSKUTier = "Free" WebPubSubSKUTierPremium WebPubSubSKUTier = "Premium" WebPubSubSKUTierStandard WebPubSubSKUTier = "Standard" )
func PossibleWebPubSubSKUTierValues ¶
func PossibleWebPubSubSKUTierValues() []WebPubSubSKUTier
PossibleWebPubSubSKUTierValues returns the possible values for the WebPubSubSKUTier const type.
Source Files
- build.go
- client.go
- client_factory.go
- constants.go
- customcertificates_client.go
- customdomains_client.go
- hubs_client.go
- interfaces.go
- models.go
- models_serde.go
- operations_client.go
- options.go
- polymorphic_helpers.go
- privateendpointconnections_client.go
- privatelinkresources_client.go
- replicas_client.go
- replicasharedprivatelinkresources_client.go
- responses.go
- sharedprivatelinkresources_client.go
- time_rfc3339.go
- usages_client.go