apt install ruby ruby-dev
gem install bundler
cd cozy-stack
go install
cd tests/integration
bundle install
npm install -g @bitwarden/cli@1.16.0
Optional: install MailHog
Automated tests
To launch an automated scenario of tests:
bundle exec ruby tests/push_folder.rb -v
The tests clean the logs and databases from the previous runs when they start,
but does no cleaning on exit. You can inspect them to find what can have gone
wrong for example. If you just want to clean those because you have finish
your testing sessions, you can run this command:
bundle exec ruby clean.rb
You can also run the tests in parallel with:
go run parallel-runner.go -n 3 -fail-fast
Interactive mode
It's possible to do manual tests and to use the tools in an interactive mode
to setup the sharing, create and update documents, etc.
bundle exec ./console.rb
Example of session:
b = Bootstrap.push_folder
ap b.sharing
Compare trees
It can be useful for debugging to compare tree with a visual representation.
You can generate an image with this ruby code:
Debug.visualize_tree [inst, inst_recipient], sharing
It's complicated to launch the tests with Swift, but it's possible to simulate
it with swifttest:
$ go run ./tests/swift
$ cd tests/integration
$ bundle exec ruby tests/sharing_push_folder.rb
The log files for the stack are kept inside the tmp/
directory. You can use
lnav tool to view them. The log format of cozy-stack can
installed with:
lnav -i cozy-stack/scripts/lnav_cozy_log.json