
v0.5.1 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Apr 26, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 2 Imported by: 0




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const (
	AuditVerifyProof               = "Audit.VerifyProof"
	AuditSubmitProof               = "Audit.SubmitProof"
	AuditGenerateChallenge         = "Audit.GenerateChallenge"
	AuditSubmitIdleProof           = "Audit.SubmitIdleProof"
	AuditSubmitServiceProof        = "Audit.SubmitServiceProof"
	AuditSubmitIdleVerifyResult    = "Audit.SubmitIdleVerifyResult"
	AuditSubmitServiceVerifyResult = "Audit.SubmitServiceVerifyResult"

	BalanceTransfer = "Balances.Transfer"

	FileBankDeleteFile            = "FileBank.DeleteFile"
	FileBankFillerDelete          = "FileBank.FillerDelete"
	FileBankFillerUpload          = "FileBank.FillerUpload"
	FileBankUploadDeclaration     = "FileBank.UploadDeclaration"
	FileBankCreateBucket          = "FileBank.CreateBucket"
	FileBankDeleteBucket          = "FileBank.DeleteBucket"
	FileBankTransferReport        = "FileBank.TransferReport"
	FileBankReplaceFiller         = "FileBank.ReplaceFiller"
	FileBankGenerateRestoralOrder = "FileBank.GenerateRestoralOrder"
	FileBankClaimRestoralOrder    = "FileBank.ClaimRestoralOrder"
	FileBankRecoveryCompleted     = "FileBank.RecoveryCompleted"
	FileBankStorageCompleted      = "FileBank.StorageCompleted"
	FileBankIdleSpaceCert         = "FileBank.IdleSpaceCert"
	FileBankReplaceIdleSpace      = "FileBank.ReplaceIdleSpace"
	FileBankCalculateReport       = "FileBank.CalculateReport"

	// OSS
	OssAuthorize       = "Oss.Authorize"
	OssCancelAuthorize = "Oss.CancelAuthorize"
	OssOssRegister     = "Oss.OssRegister"
	OssOssUpdate       = "Oss.OssUpdate"
	OssOssDestroy      = "Oss.OssDestroy"

	SminerRegistered               = "Sminer.Registered"
	SminerRegisterPoisKey          = "Sminer.RegisterPoisKey"
	SminerDrawFaucetMoney          = "Sminer.DrawFaucetMoney"
	SminerFaucetTopUpMoney         = "Sminer.FaucetTopUpMoney"
	SminerIncreaseCollateral       = "Sminer.IncreaseCollateral"
	SminerDeposit                  = "Sminer.Deposit"
	SminerUpdateBeneficiary        = "Sminer.UpdateBeneficiary"
	SminerUpdatePeerId             = "Sminer.UpdatePeerId"
	SminerReceive                  = "Sminer.Receive"
	SminerMinerExitPrep            = "Sminer.MinerExitPrep"
	SminerWithdraw                 = "Sminer.Withdraw"
	SminerIncreaseDeclarationSpace = "Sminer.IncreaseDeclarationSpace"

	// StorageHandler
	StorageHandlerBuySpace       = "StorageHandler.BuySpace"
	StorageHandlerExpansionSpace = "StorageHandler.ExpansionSpace"
	StorageHandlerRenewalSpace   = "StorageHandler.RenewalSpace"

	// TeeWorker
	TeeWorkerExit                          = "TeeWorker.Exit"
	TeeWorkerMasterKeyLaunched             = "TeeWorker.MasterKeyLaunched"
	TeeWorkerKeyfairyAdded                 = "TeeWorker.KeyfairyAdded"
	TeeWorkerWorkerAdded                   = "TeeWorker.WorkerAdded"
	TeeWorkerWorkerUpdated                 = "TeeWorker.WorkerUpdated"
	TeeWorkerMasterKeyRotated              = "TeeWorker.MasterKeyRotated"
	TeeWorkerMasterKeyRotationFailed       = "TeeWorker.MasterKeyRotationFailed"
	TeeWorkerMinimumCesealVersionChangedTo = "TeeWorker.MinimumCesealVersionChangedTo"

	TransactionPaymentTransactionFeePaid = "TransactionPayment.TransactionFeePaid"
	EvmAccountMappingTransactionFeePaid = "EvmAccountMapping.TransactionFeePaid"
	BalancesWithdraw = "Balances.Withdraw"
	BalancesTransfer = "Balances.Transfer"
	SystemExtrinsicSuccess = "System.ExtrinsicSuccess"
	SystemExtrinsicFailed  = "System.ExtrinsicFailed"
	SystemNewAccount       = "System.NewAccount"
	StakingStakersElected = "Staking.StakersElected"


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type ActualWeightType added in v0.5.1

type ActualWeightType struct {
	RefTime   types.U64
	ProofSize types.U64

type AllDeleteFileEvent added in v0.3.18

type AllDeleteFileEvent struct {
	Operator string
	Owner    string
	Filehash string

type AllUploadDeclarationEvent added in v0.3.18

type AllUploadDeclarationEvent struct {
	Operator string
	Owner    string
	Filehash string

type BlockData added in v0.5.1

type BlockData struct {
	BlockHash           string
	PreHash             string
	ExtHash             string
	StHash              string
	AllGasFee           string
	Timestamp           int64
	BlockId             uint32
	IsNewEra            bool
	SysEvents           []string
	NewAccounts         []string
	GenChallenge        []string
	MinerReg            []MinerRegInfo
	Extrinsics          []ExtrinsicsInfo
	TransferInfo        []TransferInfo
	UploadDecInfo       []UploadDecInfo
	DeleteFileInfo      []DeleteFileInfo
	CreateBucketInfo    []CreateBucketInfo
	DeleteBucketInfo    []DeleteBucketInfo
	SubmitIdleProve     []SubmitIdleProve
	SubmitServiceProve  []SubmitServiceProve
	SubmitIdleResult    []SubmitIdleResult
	SubmitServiceResult []SubmitServiceResult

type CreateBucketInfo added in v0.5.1

type CreateBucketInfo struct {
	ExtrinsicHash string
	Owner         string
	BucketName    string

type DeleteBucketInfo added in v0.5.1

type DeleteBucketInfo struct {
	ExtrinsicHash string
	Owner         string
	BucketName    string

type DeleteFileInfo added in v0.5.1

type DeleteFileInfo struct {
	ExtrinsicHash string
	Owner         string
	Fid           string

type ElectionCompute added in v0.5.1

type ElectionCompute struct {
	Index types.U8
	Value types.U8

type ElectionScore added in v0.2.3

type ElectionScore struct {
	/// The minimal winner, in terms of total backing stake.
	/// This parameter should be maximized.
	Minimal_stake types.U128
	/// The sum of the total backing of all winners.
	/// This parameter should maximized
	Sum_stake types.U128
	/// The sum squared of the total backing of all winners, aka. the variance.
	/// Ths parameter should be minimized.
	Sum_stake_squared types.U128


type EventRecords

type EventRecords struct {
	Audit_VerifyProof               []Event_VerifyProof
	Audit_SubmitProof               []Event_SubmitProof
	Audit_GenerateChallenge         []Event_GenerateChallenge
	Audit_SubmitIdleProof           []Event_SubmitIdleProof
	Audit_SubmitServiceProof        []Event_SubmitServiceProof
	Audit_SubmitIdleVerifyResult    []Event_SubmitIdleVerifyResult
	Audit_SubmitServiceVerifyResult []Event_SubmitServiceVerifyResult

	FileBank_DeleteFile            []Event_DeleteFile
	FileBank_FillerDelete          []Event_FillerDelete
	FileBank_FillerUpload          []Event_FillerUpload
	FileBank_UploadDeclaration     []Event_UploadDeclaration
	FileBank_CreateBucket          []Event_CreateBucket
	FileBank_DeleteBucket          []Event_DeleteBucket
	FileBank_TransferReport        []Event_TransferReport
	FileBank_ReplaceFiller         []Event_ReplaceFiller
	FileBank_CalculateEnd          []Event_CalculateEnd
	FileBank_GenerateRestoralOrder []Event_GenerateRestoralOrder
	FileBank_ClaimRestoralOrder    []Event_ClaimRestoralOrder
	FileBank_RecoveryCompleted     []Event_RecoveryCompleted
	FileBank_StorageCompleted      []Event_StorageCompleted
	FileBank_IdleSpaceCert         []Event_IdleSpaceCert
	FileBank_ReplaceIdleSpace      []Event_ReplaceIdleSpace
	FileBank_CalculateReport       []Event_CalculateReport

	// OSS
	Oss_Authorize       []Event_Authorize
	Oss_CancelAuthorize []Event_CancelAuthorize
	Oss_OssRegister     []Event_OssRegister
	Oss_OssUpdate       []Event_OssUpdate
	Oss_OssDestroy      []Event_OssDestroy

	Sminer_Registered               []Event_Registered
	Sminer_RegisterPoisKey          []Event_RegisterPoisKey
	Sminer_DrawFaucetMoney          []Event_DrawFaucetMoney
	Sminer_FaucetTopUpMoney         []Event_FaucetTopUpMoney
	Sminer_LessThan24Hours          []Event_LessThan24Hours
	Sminer_AlreadyFrozen            []Event_AlreadyFrozen
	Sminer_IncreaseCollateral       []Event_IncreaseCollateral
	Sminer_Deposit                  []Event_Deposit
	Sminer_UpdateBeneficiary        []Event_UpdateBeneficiary
	Sminer_UpdatePeerId             []Event_UpdatePeerId
	Sminer_Receive                  []Event_Receive
	Sminer_MinerExitPrep            []Event_MinerExitPrep
	Sminer_Withdraw                 []Event_Withdraw
	Sminer_IncreaseDeclarationSpace []Event_IncreaseDeclarationSpace

	// StorageHandler
	StorageHandler_BuySpace             []Event_BuySpace
	StorageHandler_ExpansionSpace       []Event_ExpansionSpace
	StorageHandler_RenewalSpace         []Event_RenewalSpace
	StorageHandler_LeaseExpired         []Event_LeaseExpired
	StorageHandler_LeaseExpireIn24Hours []Event_LeaseExpireIn24Hours

	// TeeWorker
	TeeWorker_Exit                          []Event_Exit
	TeeWorker_MasterKeyLaunched             []Event_MasterKeyLaunched
	TeeWorker_WorkerAdded                   []Event_WorkerAdded
	TeeWorker_KeyfairyAdded                 []Event_KeyfairyAdded
	TeeWorker_WorkerUpdated                 []Event_WorkerUpdated
	TeeWorker_MasterKeyRotated              []Event_MasterKeyRotated
	TeeWorker_MasterKeyRotationFailed       []Event_MasterKeyRotationFailed
	TeeWorker_MinimumCesealVersionChangedTo []Event_MinimumCesealVersionChangedTo

	// system - Staking
	Balances_Locked []Event_Locked

	// system - EvmAccountMapping
	EvmAccountMapping_ServiceFeePaid     []Event_ServiceFeePaid
	EvmAccountMapping_CallDone           []Event_CallDone
	EvmAccountMapping_TransactionFeePaid []Event_TransactionFeePaid

	// system - Staking
	Staking_ValidatorPrefsSet []Event_ValidatorPrefsSet

	// system - ElectionProviderMultiPhase
	ElectionProviderMultiPhase_ElectionFinalized []Event_ElectionFinalized
	ElectionProviderMultiPhase_PhaseTransitioned []Event_PhaseTransitioned
	ElectionProviderMultiPhase_SolutionStored    []Event_SolutionStored

	// system-gsrpc


type Event_AlreadyFrozen

type Event_AlreadyFrozen struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Acc    types.AccountID
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_Authorize added in v0.2.1

type Event_Authorize struct {
	Phase    types.Phase
	Acc      types.AccountID
	Operator types.AccountID
	Topics   []types.Hash

type Event_BuySpace

type Event_BuySpace struct {
	Phase            types.Phase
	Acc              types.AccountID
	Storage_capacity types.U128
	Spend            types.U128
	Topics           []types.Hash


type Event_CalculateEnd

type Event_CalculateEnd struct {
	Phase     types.Phase
	File_hash pattern.FileHash
	Topics    []types.Hash

type Event_CalculateReport added in v0.4.3

type Event_CalculateReport struct {
	Phase    types.Phase
	Miner    types.AccountID
	FileHash pattern.FileHash
	Topics   []types.Hash

type Event_CallDone added in v0.5.1

type Event_CallDone struct {
	Phase      types.Phase
	Who        types.AccountID
	CallResult Result
	Topics     []types.Hash

type Event_CancelAuthorize added in v0.2.1

type Event_CancelAuthorize struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Acc    types.AccountID
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_ClaimRestoralOrder

type Event_ClaimRestoralOrder struct {
	Phase   types.Phase
	Miner   types.AccountID
	OrderId pattern.FileHash
	Topics  []types.Hash

type Event_CreateBucket

type Event_CreateBucket struct {
	Phase      types.Phase
	Acc        types.AccountID
	Owner      types.AccountID
	BucketName types.Bytes
	Topics     []types.Hash

type Event_DeleteBucket

type Event_DeleteBucket struct {
	Phase      types.Phase
	Acc        types.AccountID
	Owner      types.AccountID
	BucketName types.Bytes
	Topics     []types.Hash

type Event_DeleteFile

type Event_DeleteFile struct {
	Phase    types.Phase
	Operator types.AccountID
	Owner    types.AccountID
	Filehash []pattern.FileHash
	Topics   []types.Hash


type Event_Deposit

type Event_Deposit struct {
	Phase   types.Phase
	Balance types.U128
	Topics  []types.Hash

type Event_DrawFaucetMoney

type Event_DrawFaucetMoney struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_ElectionFinalized added in v0.2.3

type Event_ElectionFinalized struct {
	Phase   types.Phase
	Compute types.U8
	Score   ElectionScore
	Topics  []types.Hash


type Event_Exit added in v0.2.1

type Event_Exit struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Acc    types.AccountID
	Topics []types.Hash

------------------------TEE Worker--------------------

type Event_ExpansionSpace

type Event_ExpansionSpace struct {
	Phase           types.Phase
	Acc             types.AccountID
	Expansion_space types.U128
	Fee             types.U128
	Topics          []types.Hash

type Event_FaucetTopUpMoney

type Event_FaucetTopUpMoney struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Acc    types.AccountID
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_FillerDelete added in v0.0.74

type Event_FillerDelete struct {
	Phase      types.Phase
	Acc        types.AccountID
	FillerHash pattern.FileHash
	Topics     []types.Hash

type Event_FillerUpload

type Event_FillerUpload struct {
	Phase    types.Phase
	Acc      types.AccountID
	Filesize types.U64
	Topics   []types.Hash

type Event_GenerateChallenge

type Event_GenerateChallenge struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_GenerateRestoralOrder

type Event_GenerateRestoralOrder struct {
	Phase        types.Phase
	Miner        types.AccountID
	FragmentHash pattern.FileHash
	Topics       []types.Hash

type Event_IdleSpaceCert added in v0.3.11

type Event_IdleSpaceCert struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Acc    types.AccountID
	Space  types.U128
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_IncreaseCollateral

type Event_IncreaseCollateral struct {
	Phase   types.Phase
	Acc     types.AccountID
	Balance types.U128
	Topics  []types.Hash

type Event_IncreaseDeclarationSpace added in v0.4.1

type Event_IncreaseDeclarationSpace struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Miner  types.AccountID
	Space  types.U128
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_KeyfairyAdded added in v0.4.23

type Event_KeyfairyAdded struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Pubkey pattern.WorkerPublicKey
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_LeaseExpireIn24Hours

type Event_LeaseExpireIn24Hours struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Acc    types.AccountID
	Size   types.U128
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_LeaseExpired

type Event_LeaseExpired struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Acc    types.AccountID
	Size   types.U128
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_LessThan24Hours

type Event_LessThan24Hours struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Last   types.U32
	Now    types.U32
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_Locked added in v0.5.1

type Event_Locked struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Who    types.AccountID
	Amount types.U128
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_MasterKeyLaunched added in v0.4.23

type Event_MasterKeyLaunched struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_MasterKeyRotated added in v0.4.23

type Event_MasterKeyRotated struct {
	Phase        types.Phase
	RotationId   types.U64
	MasterPubkey pattern.WorkerPublicKey
	Topics       []types.Hash

type Event_MasterKeyRotationFailed added in v0.4.23

type Event_MasterKeyRotationFailed struct {
	Phase              types.Phase
	RotationLock       types.Option[types.U64]
	KeyfairyRotationId types.U64
	Topics             []types.Hash

type Event_MinerClaim

type Event_MinerClaim struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Acc    types.AccountID
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_MinerExit

type Event_MinerExit struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Acc    types.AccountID
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_MinerExitPrep added in v0.2.1

type Event_MinerExitPrep struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Miner  types.AccountID
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_MinimumCesealVersionChangedTo added in v0.4.23

type Event_MinimumCesealVersionChangedTo struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Elem1  types.U32
	Elem2  types.U32
	Elem3  types.U32
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_OssDestroy

type Event_OssDestroy struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Acc    types.AccountID
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_OssRegister

type Event_OssRegister struct {
	Phase    types.Phase
	Acc      types.AccountID
	Endpoint pattern.PeerId
	Topics   []types.Hash


type Event_OssUpdate

type Event_OssUpdate struct {
	Phase       types.Phase
	Acc         types.AccountID
	NewEndpoint pattern.PeerId
	Topics      []types.Hash

type Event_PhaseTransitioned added in v0.5.1

type Event_PhaseTransitioned struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	From   Signed
	To     Unsigneds
	Round  types.U32
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_Receive

type Event_Receive struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Acc    types.AccountID
	Reward types.U128
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_RecoveryCompleted

type Event_RecoveryCompleted struct {
	Phase   types.Phase
	Miner   types.AccountID
	OrderId pattern.FileHash
	Topics  []types.Hash

type Event_RegisterPoisKey added in v0.3.20

type Event_RegisterPoisKey struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Miner  types.AccountID
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_Registered

type Event_Registered struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Acc    types.AccountID
	Topics []types.Hash


type Event_RenewalSpace

type Event_RenewalSpace struct {
	Phase        types.Phase
	Acc          types.AccountID
	Renewal_days types.U32
	Fee          types.U128
	Topics       []types.Hash

type Event_ReplaceFiller

type Event_ReplaceFiller struct {
	Phase       types.Phase
	Acc         types.AccountID
	Filler_list []pattern.FileHash
	Topics      []types.Hash

type Event_ReplaceIdleSpace added in v0.3.11

type Event_ReplaceIdleSpace struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Acc    types.AccountID
	Space  types.U128
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_ServiceFeePaid added in v0.5.1

type Event_ServiceFeePaid struct {
	Phase       types.Phase
	Who         types.AccountID
	ActualFee   types.U128
	ExpectedFee types.U128
	Topics      []types.Hash

type Event_SolutionStored

type Event_SolutionStored struct {
	Phase       types.Phase
	Compute     ElectionCompute
	Origin      types.Option[types.AccountID]
	PrevEjected types.Bool
	Topics      []types.Hash

type Event_StorageCompleted added in v0.2.1

type Event_StorageCompleted struct {
	Phase    types.Phase
	FileHash pattern.FileHash
	Topics   []types.Hash

type Event_SubmitIdleProof added in v0.3.11

type Event_SubmitIdleProof struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Miner  types.AccountID
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_SubmitIdleVerifyResult added in v0.3.11

type Event_SubmitIdleVerifyResult struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Tee    pattern.WorkerPublicKey
	Miner  types.AccountID
	Result types.Bool
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_SubmitProof

type Event_SubmitProof struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Miner  types.AccountID
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_SubmitServiceProof added in v0.3.11

type Event_SubmitServiceProof struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Miner  types.AccountID
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_SubmitServiceVerifyResult added in v0.3.11

type Event_SubmitServiceVerifyResult struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Tee    pattern.WorkerPublicKey
	Miner  types.AccountID
	Result types.Bool
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_TransactionFeePaid added in v0.5.1

type Event_TransactionFeePaid struct {
	Phase     types.Phase
	Who       types.AccountID
	ActualFee types.U128
	Tip       types.U128
	Topics    []types.Hash

type Event_TransferReport

type Event_TransferReport struct {
	Phase    types.Phase
	Acc      types.AccountID
	DealHash pattern.FileHash
	Topics   []types.Hash

type Event_UpdateBeneficiary added in v0.5.1

type Event_UpdateBeneficiary struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Acc    types.AccountID
	New    types.AccountID
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_UpdatePeerId added in v0.2.1

type Event_UpdatePeerId struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Acc    types.AccountID
	Old    pattern.PeerId
	New    pattern.PeerId
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_UploadDeclaration

type Event_UploadDeclaration struct {
	Phase     types.Phase
	Operator  types.AccountID
	Owner     types.AccountID
	Deal_hash pattern.FileHash
	Topics    []types.Hash

type Event_ValidatorPrefsSet added in v0.5.1

type Event_ValidatorPrefsSet struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Stash  types.AccountID
	Prefs  ValidatorPrefs
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_VerifyProof

type Event_VerifyProof struct {
	Phase     types.Phase
	TeeWorker pattern.WorkerPublicKey
	Miner     types.AccountID
	Topics    []types.Hash


type Event_Withdraw

type Event_Withdraw struct {
	Phase  types.Phase
	Acc    types.AccountID
	Topics []types.Hash

type Event_WorkerAdded added in v0.5.1

type Event_WorkerAdded struct {
	Phase               types.Phase
	Pubkey              pattern.WorkerPublicKey
	AttestationProvider types.Option[types.U8]
	ConfidenceLevel     types.U8
	Topics              []types.Hash

type Event_WorkerUpdated added in v0.4.23

type Event_WorkerUpdated struct {
	Phase               types.Phase
	Pubkey              pattern.WorkerPublicKey
	AttestationProvider types.Option[types.U8]
	ConfidenceLevel     types.U8
	Topics              []types.Hash

type ExtrinsicsInfo added in v0.5.1

type ExtrinsicsInfo struct {
	Name    string
	Signer  string
	Hash    string
	FeePaid string
	Result  bool
	Events  []string

type MinerRegInfo added in v0.5.1

type MinerRegInfo struct {
	ExtrinsicHash string
	Account       string

type Result added in v0.5.1

type Result struct {
	Index    types.U8
	ResultOk ResultOk

type ResultOk added in v0.5.1

type ResultOk struct {
	ActualWeight types.Option[ActualWeightType]
	PaysFee      types.U8

type Signed added in v0.5.1

type Signed struct {
	Index types.U8
	Value types.U32

type SubmitIdleProve added in v0.5.1

type SubmitIdleProve struct {
	ExtrinsicHash string
	Miner         string

type SubmitIdleResult added in v0.5.1

type SubmitIdleResult struct {
	ExtrinsicHash string
	Miner         string
	Result        bool

type SubmitServiceProve added in v0.5.1

type SubmitServiceProve struct {
	ExtrinsicHash string
	Miner         string

type SubmitServiceResult added in v0.5.1

type SubmitServiceResult struct {
	ExtrinsicHash string
	Miner         string
	Result        bool

type TransferInfo added in v0.5.1

type TransferInfo struct {
	ExtrinsicName string
	ExtrinsicHash string
	From          string
	To            string
	Amount        string
	Result        bool

type UnsignedValue added in v0.5.1

type UnsignedValue struct {
	Bool types.Bool
	Bn   types.U32

type Unsigneds added in v0.5.1

type Unsigneds struct {
	Index         types.U8
	UnsignedValue []UnsignedValue

type UploadDecInfo added in v0.5.1

type UploadDecInfo struct {
	ExtrinsicHash string
	Owner         string
	Fid           string

type ValidatorPrefs added in v0.5.1

type ValidatorPrefs struct {
	Commission types.U32
	Blocked    types.Bool

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