GSnova: Private Proxy Solution.

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- Multiple transport channel support
- http/https
- http2
- websocket
- tcp
- tls
- quic
- kcp
- ssh
- Multiplexing
- All proxy connections running over N persist proxy channel connections
- Simple PAC(Proxy Auto Config)
- Multiple Ciphers support
- Chacha20Poly1305
- Salsa20
- AES128
- HTTP/Socks4/Socks5 Proxy
- Local client running as HTTP/Socks4/Socks5 Proxy
- Transparent TCP/UDP Proxy
- Transparent tcp/udp proxy implementation in pure golang
go1.9 is requied.
Deploy Server
go get -t -u -v
go build
./server -tcp :48100 -quic :48100 -tls :48101 -kcp :48101 -http :48102 -http2 :48103 -key 809240d3a021449f6e67aa73221d42df942a308a -allow "*"
This would launch a running instance listening at serveral ports with different transport protocol.
The server can also be deployed to serveral PAAS service like heroku/openshift and some docker host servce.
Deploy Client(PC)
go get -t -u -v
mkdir gsnova_client; cd gsnova_client
go build
cp $GOPATH/*.json ./
#...edit client.json...
./client -conf ./client.json
This is a sample for client.json, the Key
and the ServerList
need to be modified to match your server.
//this is just a example
"Log": ["color","gsnova.log"],
"UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.101 Safari/537.36",
//encrypt method can choose from none/auto/salsa20/chacha20poly1305/aes256-gcm
//'auto' method would choose fastest encrypt method for current env
"Cipher": {
"Method": "auto",
"Key": "809240d3a021449f6e67aa73221d42df942a308a"
//user name auth
"User": "gsnova",
"LocalDNS": {
//only listen UDP
"Listen": "",
//for PAC rule 'IsCNIP', it would resolve the domain by 'TrustedDNS' if 'BlockedByGFW', and resolve the rest by 'FastDNS'
"FastDNS": [
"TrustedDNS": [
"CacheSize": 1024,
"TCPConnect": false
//used to replace forward dns query's target DNS server addr
"RemoteDNS": {
"TrustedDNS": [
"UDPGW": {
//fake address, only used as udp protocol indicator
"Addr": "",
//since gsnova sniff SNI for https, 'Host' for http, return fake record for dns query would make it run faster for http/https traffic
"LocalDNSRecord": {
"*": ""
"SNI": {
//Used to redirect SNI host to another for sniffed SNI
"Redirect": {
//This fix "DF-DFERH-01" error in HW phone for google play
"": ""
//used to handle admin command from http client
"Admin": {
//a local http server, do NOT expose this http server to public
//listen on private IP instead of the default config
//eg: "Listen": "",
"Listen": ":7788",
//used to broadcast admin server address.
"BroadcastAddr": "",
"ConfigDir": "./android"
"GFWList": {
"URL": "",
"Proxy": "",
"UserRule": []
"Proxy": [
"Local": ":48100",
//Transparent proxy only works in linux system
"Transparent": false,
"PAC": [
//// 'Direct/TLSDirect' MUST proxy channel names confgiured below
//{"Protocol":["dns", "udp"],"Remote":"Direct"},
// Support rules 'IsCNIP/InHosts/BlockedByGFW'
"Remote": "default"
"Channel": [
"Enable": true,
"Name": "default",
//Allowed server url with schema 'http/http2/https/ws/wss/tcp/tls/quic/kcp/ssh'
"ServerList": [
//if u are behind a HTTP proxy
"Proxy": "",
"ConnsPerServer": 3,
//Unit: second
"DialTimeout": 5,
//Unit: second
"ReadTimeout": 15,
//Reconnect after 120s
"ReconnectPeriod": 1800,
//ReconnectPeriod rand adjustment, the real reconnect period is random value between [P - adjust, P + adjust]
"RCPRandomAdjustment": 10,
//Send heartbeat msg to keep alive
"HeartBeatPeriod": 30,
"Compressor": "none"
Mobile Client(Android)
The client side can be compiled to android library by gomobile
, eg:
gomobile bind -target=android -a -v
Users can develop there own app by using the generated gsnova.aar
There is a very simple andorid app which use tun2socks
+ gsnova
to build.
Transparent Proxy
- Edit iptables rules.
- Edit
to enable Transparent
to true.
- It's only works on linux