DECOMISSIONED Using Factsets own
Factset Uploader (factset-uploader)

The service is run on a timer; on start up it cycles through each of the following steps for each configured package.
Firstly it checks Factset SFTP server for most recent version of the package and associated schema.
It then compares the current and loaded schema and reloads the schema and all package data if found to be out-of-date.
If the schema is up-to-date then then only the data tables are completely reloaded.
If an error occurs during a package load the error is logged and service moves on to the next package.
Once complete the service shuts down.
In the future this service will handle delta files by updating data tables as opposed to doing full reloads.
Currently there are several categories of files from factset that are of interest to us:
- Entity information that is used for our organisation information
- People information that is used for our people and membership information
- Reference information to provide on things such as controlled vocabulary i.e Role names
- Symbology information to provide other identifiers such as the financial instruments
- Fundamental information to provide information on the financials for entities
All configured packages should be separated by a ;
with each distinct package composed of five distinct parts separated by ,
for example: for the package /datafeeds/fundamentals/ff_advanced_ap_v3/
Download the source code, dependencies and test dependencies:
go get -u
go get -u
cd $GOPATH/src/
govendor sync
go build .
Running locally
This needs to be deployed to be able to connect to the the Factset SFTP which has white listed ip addresses
Install MySql
brew info mysql56
$ brew install mysql@5.6
$ echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/mysql@5.6/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
$ ps -ef | grep mysql
/usr/local/opt/mysql@5.6/bin/mysqld --basedir=/usr/local/opt/mysql@5.6 --datadir=/usr/local/var/mysql --plugin-dir=/usr/local/opt/mysql@5.6/lib/plugin
# When you open SQL Workbench there should be a default localhost database that you can click on.
# We had some issues initially with this and we found that if you did the following it fixed it:
$ launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist
$ brew remove mysql
$ rm -rf /usr/local/var/mysql/
$ brew install mysql@5.6
Install MySql Workbench (Optional)
Run the tests and install the binary:
govendor sync
govendor test -v -race
go install
Run the binary (using the help
flag to see the available optional arguments):
$GOPATH/bin/factset-uploader [--help]
--app-system-code="factset-uploader" System Code of the application ($APP_SYSTEM_CODE)
--app-name="factset-uploader" Application name ($APP_NAME)
--rds_dsn=<db_username>:<db_password>@tcp(<rds_url)/<database_name> Details of the Aurora DB
The resources argument specifies a comma separated list of archives and files within that archive to be downloaded from Factset FTP server.
- Test:
Build and deployment
Service endpoints
There are no service endpoints. This service runs on a timer. On run it looks for new files and then shutsdown when completed the upload
There are no admin endpoints as the service runs and then shutsdown