An experimental GIS/CAD project written in Go with Ebitengine.
Execute and complete commands with space or return/enter. Space or return without a command executes last command. For example, PL<space>
to begin a polyline, <space>
to complete the polyline. <space>
again by itself to start a new polyline.
Command List
PL - Draw poly line
PO - Draw point
POL - Draw polygon
OSM - OpenStreetMap base map
GOOGLEAERIAL - Google aerial base map
GOOGLEHYBRID - Google hybrid base map
BINGAERIAL - Bing aerial base map
BINGHYBRID- Bing hybrid base map
MAPIMPORT - Load KML or KMZ from file path on clipboard
Drag and drop support loading KML/KMZ. Just drag the file to the window to load.