Repository to store metadata about imports.
Simply set these environment variables (default values in brackets):
- SERVER_PORT: port to listen on (8080)
- JWT_PUB_RSA: public RSA Key to validate JWTs. If not set, JWTs will not be validated ("")
- IMPORT_TYPE_TOPIC: kafka Topic to publish import types on (import-types)
- PERMISSIONS_URL: URL of the permission-search (http://permissionsearch:8080)
- MONGO_URL: URL of the mongo db (mongodb://localhost:27017)
- MONGO_TABLE: mongo db table to use (importrepository)
- MONGO_IMPORT_TYPE_COLLECTION: mongo collection to use for import types (importtype)
- MONGO_REPL_SET: whether the mongo db is running as replication set (true)
- ZOOKEEPER_URL: Zookeeper to connect to (localhost:2181)
- GROUP_ID: group id to used to subscribe to kafka (import-repository)
- VALIDATE: whether to validate import types of HTTP requests (false)
- DEBUG: whether to print debug output (true)
Data model
"name": string,
"type": string,
"characteristic_id": string,
"sub_content_variables": ContentVariable[],
"use_as_tag": bool
"name": string,
"description": string,
"type": string,
"default_value": any
"id": string,
"name": string,
"description": string,
"image": string,
"default_restart": bool,
"configs": ImportConfig[],
"aspect_ids": string[],
"output": ContentVariable,
"function_ids": string[],
"owner": string
POST /device-types
Body: ImportType without id and owner (set automatically)
GET /device-types/:id
Returns the full ImportType
PUT /device-types/:id
Body: Full ImportType. Ensure id in url and ImportType match. Changing the owner is not allowed.
DELETE /device-types/:id
Identity is provided by populating the Header "Authorization" with a JWT (prefixed by "Bearer ").
The token can be validated by providing a public RSA key as config.
Read/Write access is managed by permission-command
and checked at permission-search.
If enabled, all write requests will be validated.
- Type fields are checked for valid values:
- References to characteristics, functions and aspects will be checked for existence at permission-search
- Configs may not have duplicate names
- Default values of configs must be of correct type
- Some fields may not be empty: