Overview ¶
pokemonbattlelib is a library for simulating pokemon battles using rules up to generation 4 (currently).
Battles are represented as the result of a sequence of Transactions. Transactions define what state needs to change, and can queue up subsequent transactions via Mutate. Agents control Parties. Each round, each active (on the battlefield) Pokemon gets one Turn. The Agent that controls the Party of the Pokemon dictates what Turn the Pokemon will make. Then, the Turns queue up Transactions accordingly.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CalcAccuracy(weather Weather, user, receiver *Pokemon, move *Move) uint
- func CalcMoveDamage(weather Weather, user, receiver *Pokemon, move *Move) (damage uint)
- func GetLogger() *log.Logger
- func SetLogger(l *log.Logger)
- type Ability
- type Agent
- type AgentTarget
- type Battle
- func (b *Battle) AddBattleParty(p ...*battleParty)
- func (b *Battle) AddParty(p *Party, a *Agent, team int)
- func (b *Battle) AllTargets() []target
- func (b *Battle) GetBattleContext(t target) *BattleContext
- func (b *Battle) GetPartiesOnTeam(team int) []*battleParty
- func (b *Battle) GetParty(t target) *battleParty
- func (b *Battle) GetPokemon(t target) *Pokemon
- func (b *Battle) GetResults() BattleResults
- func (b *Battle) Parties() []*Party
- func (b *Battle) ProcessQueue()
- func (b *Battle) QueueTransaction(t ...Transaction)
- func (b *Battle) SetSeed(seed uint)
- func (b *Battle) SimulateRound() ([]Transaction, bool)
- func (b *Battle) Start() error
- type BattleContext
- type BattleMeta
- type BattleResults
- type BattleRule
- type BattleState
- type BattleType
- type CureStatusTransaction
- type DamageTransaction
- type EVTransaction
- type Effectiveness
- type EndBattleTransaction
- type EndReason
- type FaintTransaction
- type FightTurn
- type FlingEffect
- type FriendshipTransaction
- type Gender
- type GeneratePokemonOption
- func WithAbility(ability Ability) GeneratePokemonOption
- func WithEVs(evs [6]uint8) GeneratePokemonOption
- func WithGender(g Gender) GeneratePokemonOption
- func WithIVs(ivs [6]uint8) GeneratePokemonOption
- func WithLevel(level uint8) GeneratePokemonOption
- func WithMoves(moves ...MoveId) GeneratePokemonOption
- func WithNature(nature Nature) GeneratePokemonOption
- func WithTotalExp(totalExp uint) GeneratePokemonOption
- type GiveItemTransaction
- type HealTransaction
- type ImmobilizeTransaction
- type InflictStatusTransaction
- type Item
- type ItemCategory
- type ItemData
- type ItemFlags
- type ItemTransaction
- type ItemTurn
- type LCRNG
- type ModifyStatTransaction
- type Move
- func (m Move) Accuracy() uint
- func (m Move) AffectedStat() uint8
- func (m Move) Ailment() StatusCondition
- func (m Move) AilmentChance() int
- func (m Move) Category() MoveCategory
- func (m Move) CritRate() int
- func (m *Move) Data() *MoveData
- func (m Move) Drain() int
- func (m Move) Flags() MoveFlags
- func (m Move) FlinchChance() int
- func (m Move) Healing() int
- func (m Move) InitialMaxPP() uint8
- func (m *Move) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m Move) MaxHits() int
- func (m Move) MaxTurns() int
- func (m Move) MetaCategory() MoveMetaCategory
- func (m Move) MinHits() int
- func (m Move) MinTurns() int
- func (m Move) Name() string
- func (m Move) Power() uint
- func (m Move) Priority() int8
- func (m Move) StatChance() int
- func (m Move) StatStages() int8
- func (m Move) String() string
- func (m Move) Targets() MoveTarget
- func (m Move) Type() Type
- func (m *Move) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type MoveCategory
- type MoveData
- type MoveFailReason
- type MoveFailTransaction
- type MoveFlags
- type MoveId
- type MoveMetaCategory
- type MoveTarget
- type Nature
- type PPTransaction
- type Party
- type Pokemon
- func (p *Pokemon) Accuracy() uint
- func (p *Pokemon) Attack() uint
- func (p *Pokemon) CritChance() int
- func (p *Pokemon) Data() PokemonData
- func (p *Pokemon) Defense() uint
- func (p *Pokemon) EffectiveType() Type
- func (p *Pokemon) Evasion() uint
- func (p *Pokemon) GainExperience(exp int)
- func (p *Pokemon) GainLevels(levels int)
- func (p *Pokemon) GetBaseStats() [6]int
- func (p *Pokemon) GetEVYield() [6]int
- func (p *Pokemon) GetGrowthRate() int
- func (p *Pokemon) GetName() string
- func (p *Pokemon) HasValidEVs() bool
- func (p *Pokemon) HasValidIVs() bool
- func (p *Pokemon) HasValidLevel() bool
- func (p *Pokemon) IsGrounded() bool
- func (p *Pokemon) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (p *Pokemon) MaxHP() uint
- func (p *Pokemon) SpecialAttack() uint
- func (p *Pokemon) SpecialDefense() uint
- func (p *Pokemon) Speed() uint
- func (p Pokemon) String() string
- func (p *Pokemon) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (p *Pokemon) Validate(rules PokemonValidationRules) error
- type PokemonData
- type PokemonMeta
- type PokemonValidationRules
- type RNG
- type SendOutTransaction
- type StatusCondition
- type SwitchTurn
- type Transaction
- type Turn
- type TurnContext
- type Type
- type UseMoveTransaction
- type Weather
- type WeatherTransaction
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
const ( ItemCategoryStatBoost ItemCategory = iota + 1 ItemCategoryEffortDrop ItemCategoryMedicine ItemCategoryOther ItemCategoryInAPinch ItemCategoryPickyHealing ItemCategoryTypeProtection ItemCategoryBakingOnly ItemCategoryCollectibles ItemCategoryEvolution ItemCategorySpelunking ItemCategoryHeldItems ItemCategoryChoice ItemCategoryEffortTraining ItemCategoryBadHeldItems ItemCategoryTraining ItemCategoryPlates ItemCategorySpeciesSpecific ItemCategoryTypeEnhancement ItemCategoryEventItems ItemCategoryGameplay ItemCategoryPlotAdvancement ItemCategoryUnused ItemCategoryLoot ItemCategoryAllMail // Medicine ItemCategoryVitamins ItemCategoryHealing ItemCategoryPPRecovery ItemCategoryRevival ItemCategoryStatusCures // Category 31 does not exist ItemCategoryMulch = iota + 2 ItemCategorySpecialBalls ItemCategoryStandardBalls ItemCategoryDexCompletion ItemCategoryScarves ItemCategoryAllMachines ItemCategoryFlutes ItemCategoryApricornBalls ItemCategoryApricornBox ItemCategoryDataCards ItemCategoryJewels ItemCategoryMiracleShooter ItemCategoryMegaStones ItemCategoryMemories ItemCategoryZCrystals )
Fix: remove unnecessary items
const ( MovePriorityMin = 5 MovePriorityMax = -7 )
Sets the bounds on move priority to [-7, 5]
const ( PkmnBulbasaur = 1 PkmnIvysaur = 2 PkmnVenusaur = 3 PkmnCharmander = 4 PkmnCharmeleon = 5 PkmnCharizard = 6 PkmnSquirtle = 7 PkmnWartortle = 8 PkmnBlastoise = 9 PkmnCaterpie = 10 PkmnMetapod = 11 PkmnButterfree = 12 PkmnWeedle = 13 PkmnKakuna = 14 PkmnBeedrill = 15 PkmnPidgey = 16 PkmnPidgeotto = 17 PkmnPidgeot = 18 PkmnRattata = 19 PkmnRaticate = 20 PkmnSpearow = 21 PkmnFearow = 22 PkmnEkans = 23 PkmnArbok = 24 PkmnPikachu = 25 PkmnRaichu = 26 PkmnSandshrew = 27 PkmnSandslash = 28 PkmnNidoranF = 29 PkmnNidorina = 30 PkmnNidoqueen = 31 PkmnNidoranM = 32 PkmnNidorino = 33 PkmnNidoking = 34 PkmnClefairy = 35 PkmnClefable = 36 PkmnVulpix = 37 PkmnNinetales = 38 PkmnJigglypuff = 39 PkmnWigglytuff = 40 PkmnZubat = 41 PkmnGolbat = 42 PkmnOddish = 43 PkmnGloom = 44 PkmnVileplume = 45 PkmnParas = 46 PkmnParasect = 47 PkmnVenonat = 48 PkmnVenomoth = 49 PkmnDiglett = 50 PkmnDugtrio = 51 PkmnMeowth = 52 PkmnPersian = 53 PkmnPsyduck = 54 PkmnGolduck = 55 PkmnMankey = 56 PkmnPrimeape = 57 PkmnGrowlithe = 58 PkmnArcanine = 59 PkmnPoliwag = 60 PkmnPoliwhirl = 61 PkmnPoliwrath = 62 PkmnAbra = 63 PkmnKadabra = 64 PkmnAlakazam = 65 PkmnMachop = 66 PkmnMachoke = 67 PkmnMachamp = 68 PkmnBellsprout = 69 PkmnWeepinbell = 70 PkmnVictreebel = 71 PkmnTentacool = 72 PkmnTentacruel = 73 PkmnGeodude = 74 PkmnGraveler = 75 PkmnGolem = 76 PkmnPonyta = 77 PkmnRapidash = 78 PkmnSlowpoke = 79 PkmnSlowbro = 80 PkmnMagnemite = 81 PkmnMagneton = 82 PkmnFarfetchd = 83 PkmnDoduo = 84 PkmnDodrio = 85 PkmnSeel = 86 PkmnDewgong = 87 PkmnGrimer = 88 PkmnMuk = 89 PkmnShellder = 90 PkmnCloyster = 91 PkmnGastly = 92 PkmnHaunter = 93 PkmnGengar = 94 PkmnOnix = 95 PkmnDrowzee = 96 PkmnHypno = 97 PkmnKrabby = 98 PkmnKingler = 99 PkmnVoltorb = 100 PkmnElectrode = 101 PkmnExeggcute = 102 PkmnExeggutor = 103 PkmnCubone = 104 PkmnMarowak = 105 PkmnHitmonlee = 106 PkmnHitmonchan = 107 PkmnLickitung = 108 PkmnKoffing = 109 PkmnWeezing = 110 PkmnRhyhorn = 111 PkmnRhydon = 112 PkmnChansey = 113 PkmnTangela = 114 PkmnKangaskhan = 115 PkmnHorsea = 116 PkmnSeadra = 117 PkmnGoldeen = 118 PkmnSeaking = 119 PkmnStaryu = 120 PkmnStarmie = 121 PkmnMrMime = 122 PkmnScyther = 123 PkmnJynx = 124 PkmnElectabuzz = 125 PkmnMagmar = 126 PkmnPinsir = 127 PkmnTauros = 128 PkmnMagikarp = 129 PkmnGyarados = 130 PkmnLapras = 131 PkmnDitto = 132 PkmnEevee = 133 PkmnVaporeon = 134 PkmnJolteon = 135 PkmnFlareon = 136 PkmnPorygon = 137 PkmnOmanyte = 138 PkmnOmastar = 139 PkmnKabuto = 140 PkmnKabutops = 141 PkmnAerodactyl = 142 PkmnSnorlax = 143 PkmnArticuno = 144 PkmnZapdos = 145 PkmnMoltres = 146 PkmnDratini = 147 PkmnDragonair = 148 PkmnDragonite = 149 PkmnMewtwo = 150 PkmnMew = 151 PkmnChikorita = 152 PkmnBayleef = 153 PkmnMeganium = 154 PkmnCyndaquil = 155 PkmnQuilava = 156 PkmnTyphlosion = 157 PkmnTotodile = 158 PkmnCroconaw = 159 PkmnFeraligatr = 160 PkmnSentret = 161 PkmnFurret = 162 PkmnHoothoot = 163 PkmnNoctowl = 164 PkmnLedyba = 165 PkmnLedian = 166 PkmnSpinarak = 167 PkmnAriados = 168 PkmnCrobat = 169 PkmnChinchou = 170 PkmnLanturn = 171 PkmnPichu = 172 PkmnCleffa = 173 PkmnIgglybuff = 174 PkmnTogepi = 175 PkmnTogetic = 176 PkmnNatu = 177 PkmnXatu = 178 PkmnMareep = 179 PkmnFlaaffy = 180 PkmnAmpharos = 181 PkmnBellossom = 182 PkmnMarill = 183 PkmnAzumarill = 184 PkmnSudowoodo = 185 PkmnPolitoed = 186 PkmnHoppip = 187 PkmnSkiploom = 188 PkmnJumpluff = 189 PkmnAipom = 190 PkmnSunkern = 191 PkmnSunflora = 192 PkmnYanma = 193 PkmnWooper = 194 PkmnQuagsire = 195 PkmnEspeon = 196 PkmnUmbreon = 197 PkmnMurkrow = 198 PkmnSlowking = 199 PkmnMisdreavus = 200 PkmnUnown = 201 PkmnWobbuffet = 202 PkmnGirafarig = 203 PkmnPineco = 204 PkmnForretress = 205 PkmnDunsparce = 206 PkmnGligar = 207 PkmnSteelix = 208 PkmnSnubbull = 209 PkmnGranbull = 210 PkmnQwilfish = 211 PkmnScizor = 212 PkmnShuckle = 213 PkmnHeracross = 214 PkmnSneasel = 215 PkmnTeddiursa = 216 PkmnUrsaring = 217 PkmnSlugma = 218 PkmnMagcargo = 219 PkmnSwinub = 220 PkmnPiloswine = 221 PkmnCorsola = 222 PkmnRemoraid = 223 PkmnOctillery = 224 PkmnDelibird = 225 PkmnMantine = 226 PkmnSkarmory = 227 PkmnHoundour = 228 PkmnHoundoom = 229 PkmnKingdra = 230 PkmnPhanpy = 231 PkmnDonphan = 232 PkmnPorygon2 = 233 PkmnStantler = 234 PkmnSmeargle = 235 PkmnTyrogue = 236 PkmnHitmontop = 237 PkmnSmoochum = 238 PkmnElekid = 239 PkmnMagby = 240 PkmnMiltank = 241 PkmnBlissey = 242 PkmnRaikou = 243 PkmnEntei = 244 PkmnSuicune = 245 PkmnLarvitar = 246 PkmnPupitar = 247 PkmnTyranitar = 248 PkmnLugia = 249 PkmnHoOh = 250 PkmnCelebi = 251 PkmnTreecko = 252 PkmnGrovyle = 253 PkmnSceptile = 254 PkmnTorchic = 255 PkmnCombusken = 256 PkmnBlaziken = 257 PkmnMudkip = 258 PkmnMarshtomp = 259 PkmnSwampert = 260 PkmnPoochyena = 261 PkmnMightyena = 262 PkmnZigzagoon = 263 PkmnLinoone = 264 PkmnWurmple = 265 PkmnSilcoon = 266 PkmnBeautifly = 267 PkmnCascoon = 268 PkmnDustox = 269 PkmnLotad = 270 PkmnLombre = 271 PkmnLudicolo = 272 PkmnSeedot = 273 PkmnNuzleaf = 274 PkmnShiftry = 275 PkmnTaillow = 276 PkmnSwellow = 277 PkmnWingull = 278 PkmnPelipper = 279 PkmnRalts = 280 PkmnKirlia = 281 PkmnGardevoir = 282 PkmnSurskit = 283 PkmnMasquerain = 284 PkmnShroomish = 285 PkmnBreloom = 286 PkmnSlakoth = 287 PkmnVigoroth = 288 PkmnSlaking = 289 PkmnNincada = 290 PkmnNinjask = 291 PkmnShedinja = 292 PkmnWhismur = 293 PkmnLoudred = 294 PkmnExploud = 295 PkmnMakuhita = 296 PkmnHariyama = 297 PkmnAzurill = 298 PkmnNosepass = 299 PkmnSkitty = 300 PkmnDelcatty = 301 PkmnSableye = 302 PkmnMawile = 303 PkmnAron = 304 PkmnLairon = 305 PkmnAggron = 306 PkmnMeditite = 307 PkmnMedicham = 308 PkmnElectrike = 309 PkmnManectric = 310 PkmnPlusle = 311 PkmnMinun = 312 PkmnVolbeat = 313 PkmnIllumise = 314 PkmnRoselia = 315 PkmnGulpin = 316 PkmnSwalot = 317 PkmnCarvanha = 318 PkmnSharpedo = 319 PkmnWailmer = 320 PkmnWailord = 321 PkmnNumel = 322 PkmnCamerupt = 323 PkmnTorkoal = 324 PkmnSpoink = 325 PkmnGrumpig = 326 PkmnSpinda = 327 PkmnTrapinch = 328 PkmnVibrava = 329 PkmnFlygon = 330 PkmnCacnea = 331 PkmnCacturne = 332 PkmnSwablu = 333 PkmnAltaria = 334 PkmnZangoose = 335 PkmnSeviper = 336 PkmnLunatone = 337 PkmnSolrock = 338 PkmnBarboach = 339 PkmnWhiscash = 340 PkmnCorphish = 341 PkmnCrawdaunt = 342 PkmnBaltoy = 343 PkmnClaydol = 344 PkmnLileep = 345 PkmnCradily = 346 PkmnAnorith = 347 PkmnArmaldo = 348 PkmnFeebas = 349 PkmnMilotic = 350 PkmnCastform = 351 PkmnKecleon = 352 PkmnShuppet = 353 PkmnBanette = 354 PkmnDuskull = 355 PkmnDusclops = 356 PkmnTropius = 357 PkmnChimecho = 358 PkmnAbsol = 359 PkmnWynaut = 360 PkmnSnorunt = 361 PkmnGlalie = 362 PkmnSpheal = 363 PkmnSealeo = 364 PkmnWalrein = 365 PkmnClamperl = 366 PkmnHuntail = 367 PkmnGorebyss = 368 PkmnRelicanth = 369 PkmnLuvdisc = 370 PkmnBagon = 371 PkmnShelgon = 372 PkmnSalamence = 373 PkmnBeldum = 374 PkmnMetang = 375 PkmnMetagross = 376 PkmnRegirock = 377 PkmnRegice = 378 PkmnRegisteel = 379 PkmnLatias = 380 PkmnLatios = 381 PkmnKyogre = 382 PkmnGroudon = 383 PkmnRayquaza = 384 PkmnJirachi = 385 PkmnDeoxys = 386 PkmnTurtwig = 387 PkmnGrotle = 388 PkmnTorterra = 389 PkmnChimchar = 390 PkmnMonferno = 391 PkmnInfernape = 392 PkmnPiplup = 393 PkmnPrinplup = 394 PkmnEmpoleon = 395 PkmnStarly = 396 PkmnStaravia = 397 PkmnStaraptor = 398 PkmnBidoof = 399 PkmnBibarel = 400 PkmnKricketot = 401 PkmnKricketune = 402 PkmnShinx = 403 PkmnLuxio = 404 PkmnLuxray = 405 PkmnBudew = 406 PkmnRoserade = 407 PkmnCranidos = 408 PkmnRampardos = 409 PkmnShieldon = 410 PkmnBastiodon = 411 PkmnBurmy = 412 PkmnWormadam = 413 PkmnMothim = 414 PkmnCombee = 415 PkmnVespiquen = 416 PkmnPachirisu = 417 PkmnBuizel = 418 PkmnFloatzel = 419 PkmnCherubi = 420 PkmnCherrim = 421 PkmnShellos = 422 PkmnGastrodon = 423 PkmnAmbipom = 424 PkmnDrifloon = 425 PkmnDrifblim = 426 PkmnBuneary = 427 PkmnLopunny = 428 PkmnMismagius = 429 PkmnHonchkrow = 430 PkmnGlameow = 431 PkmnPurugly = 432 PkmnChingling = 433 PkmnStunky = 434 PkmnSkuntank = 435 PkmnBronzor = 436 PkmnBronzong = 437 PkmnBonsly = 438 PkmnMimeJr = 439 PkmnHappiny = 440 PkmnChatot = 441 PkmnSpiritomb = 442 PkmnGible = 443 PkmnGabite = 444 PkmnGarchomp = 445 PkmnMunchlax = 446 PkmnRiolu = 447 PkmnLucario = 448 PkmnHippopotas = 449 PkmnHippowdon = 450 PkmnSkorupi = 451 PkmnDrapion = 452 PkmnCroagunk = 453 PkmnToxicroak = 454 PkmnCarnivine = 455 PkmnFinneon = 456 PkmnLumineon = 457 PkmnMantyke = 458 PkmnSnover = 459 PkmnAbomasnow = 460 PkmnWeavile = 461 PkmnMagnezone = 462 PkmnLickilicky = 463 PkmnRhyperior = 464 PkmnTangrowth = 465 PkmnElectivire = 466 PkmnMagmortar = 467 PkmnTogekiss = 468 PkmnYanmega = 469 PkmnLeafeon = 470 PkmnGlaceon = 471 PkmnGliscor = 472 PkmnMamoswine = 473 PkmnPorygonZ = 474 PkmnGallade = 475 PkmnProbopass = 476 PkmnDusknoir = 477 PkmnFroslass = 478 PkmnRotom = 479 PkmnUxie = 480 PkmnMesprit = 481 PkmnAzelf = 482 PkmnDialga = 483 PkmnPalkia = 484 PkmnHeatran = 485 PkmnRegigigas = 486 PkmnGiratina = 487 PkmnCresselia = 488 PkmnPhione = 489 PkmnManaphy = 490 PkmnDarkrai = 491 PkmnShaymin = 492 PkmnArceus = 493 )
Pokemon const enum for quick lookup
const ( GrowthSlow = iota + 1 GrowthMediumFast GrowthFast GrowthMediumSlow GrowthErratic GrowthFluctuating )
Constants for growth rates of a Pokemon
const ( MaxFriendship = 255 MaxEV = 252 MaxIV = 31 TotalEV = 510 MinLevel = 1 MaxLevel = 100 )
Constants for IVs and EVs
const ( // Base stats StatHP = iota StatAtk StatDef StatSpAtk StatSpDef StatSpeed // Fighting stats StatCritChance StatAccuracy StatEvasion )
Constants for looking up Pokemon stats
const ( MaxStatModifier = 6 MinStatModifier = -6 )
The min and max number of stages that a stat can be modified is [-6, 6]
const BattleRuleSetDefault = BattleRuleFaint | BattleRuleStruggle
const MaxMoves = 4
Maximum number of moves a Pokemon can have in its moveset
const MaxPartySize = 6
Maximum number of Pokemon in a party
const PkmnRuleSetDefault = PkmnRuleHasMoves | PkmnRuleHasAbility | PkmnRuleValidLevel | PkmnRuleValidIvs | PkmnRuleValidEvs | PkmnRuleValidGender | PkmnRuleNoStruggle
Variables ¶
var AccuracyEvasionMultiplier = map[int]uint{
-6: 300,
-5: 266,
-4: 250,
-3: 200,
-2: 166,
-1: 133,
0: 100,
1: 75,
2: 60,
3: 50,
4: 43,
5: 36,
6: 33,
Table for accuracy/evasion multiplier
var AllItems = []ItemData{}/* 223 elements not displayed */
A collection of all items in the game
var AllMoves = []MoveData{}/* 467 elements not displayed */
var AllPokemonData = []PokemonData{}/* 493 elements not displayed */
An array of all registered pokemon data ordered by national pokedex numbers.
var CritChances = [5]int{16, 8, 4, 3, 2}
Table of critical hit chances (denominator of 1/X)
var ErrorCannotSwitch = fmt.Errorf("cannot switch to Pokemon as it is already active or fainted\n")
var ErrorNoPP = fmt.Errorf("cannot use a move with 0 PP")
var ErrorPartyFull = fmt.Errorf("party size cannot exceed max of %d Pokemon\n", MaxPartySize)
var ErrorPartyIndex = errors.New("invalid index for party")
var ErrorValidationInvalidEvs = errors.New("Pokemon has invalid EVs.")
var ErrorValidationInvalidGender = errors.New("Pokemon has invalid gender.")
var ErrorValidationInvalidIvs = errors.New("Pokemon has invalid IVs.")
var ErrorValidationInvalidLevel = errors.New("Pokemon has invalid level.")
var ErrorValidationInvalidMoves = errors.New("Pokemon knows a move that is not allowed.")
var ErrorValidationMissingAbility = errors.New("Pokemon needs to have an ability.")
var ErrorValidationMissingMoves = errors.New("Pokemon needs at least 1 move.")
var ExpTable = map[int]map[int]int{
GrowthSlow: {
0: 0,
1: 0,
2: 10,
3: 33,
4: 80,
5: 156,
6: 270,
7: 428,
8: 640,
9: 911,
10: 1250,
11: 1663,
12: 2160,
13: 2746,
14: 3430,
15: 4218,
16: 5120,
17: 6141,
18: 7290,
19: 8573,
20: 10000,
21: 11576,
22: 13310,
23: 15208,
24: 17280,
25: 19531,
26: 21970,
27: 24603,
28: 27440,
29: 30486,
30: 33750,
31: 37238,
32: 40960,
33: 44921,
34: 49130,
35: 53593,
36: 58320,
37: 63316,
38: 68590,
39: 74148,
40: 80000,
41: 86151,
42: 92610,
43: 99383,
44: 106480,
45: 113906,
46: 121670,
47: 129778,
48: 138240,
49: 147061,
50: 156250,
51: 165813,
52: 175760,
53: 186096,
54: 196830,
55: 207968,
56: 219520,
57: 231491,
58: 243890,
59: 256723,
60: 270000,
61: 283726,
62: 297910,
63: 312558,
64: 327680,
65: 343281,
66: 359370,
67: 375953,
68: 393040,
69: 410636,
70: 428750,
71: 447388,
72: 466560,
73: 486271,
74: 506530,
75: 527343,
76: 548720,
77: 570666,
78: 593190,
79: 616298,
80: 640000,
81: 664301,
82: 689210,
83: 714733,
84: 740880,
85: 767656,
86: 795070,
87: 823128,
88: 851840,
89: 881211,
90: 911250,
91: 941963,
92: 973360,
93: 1005446,
94: 1038230,
95: 1071718,
96: 1105920,
97: 1140841,
98: 1176490,
99: 1212873,
100: 1250000,
}, GrowthMediumFast: {
0: 0,
1: 0,
2: 8,
3: 27,
4: 64,
5: 125,
6: 216,
7: 343,
8: 512,
9: 729,
10: 1000,
11: 1331,
12: 1728,
13: 2197,
14: 2744,
15: 3375,
16: 4096,
17: 4913,
18: 5832,
19: 6859,
20: 8000,
21: 9261,
22: 10648,
23: 12167,
24: 13824,
25: 15625,
26: 17576,
27: 19683,
28: 21952,
29: 24389,
30: 27000,
31: 29791,
32: 32768,
33: 35937,
34: 39304,
35: 42875,
36: 46656,
37: 50653,
38: 54872,
39: 59319,
40: 64000,
41: 68921,
42: 74088,
43: 79507,
44: 85184,
45: 91125,
46: 97336,
47: 103823,
48: 110592,
49: 117649,
50: 125000,
51: 132651,
52: 140608,
53: 148877,
54: 157464,
55: 166375,
56: 175616,
57: 185193,
58: 195112,
59: 205379,
60: 216000,
61: 226981,
62: 238328,
63: 250047,
64: 262144,
65: 274625,
66: 287496,
67: 300763,
68: 314432,
69: 328509,
70: 343000,
71: 357911,
72: 373248,
73: 389017,
74: 405224,
75: 421875,
76: 438976,
77: 456533,
78: 474552,
79: 493039,
80: 512000,
81: 531441,
82: 551368,
83: 571787,
84: 592704,
85: 614125,
86: 636056,
87: 658503,
88: 681472,
89: 704969,
90: 729000,
91: 753571,
92: 778688,
93: 804357,
94: 830584,
95: 857375,
96: 884736,
97: 912673,
98: 941192,
99: 970299,
100: 1000000,
}, GrowthFast: {
0: 0,
1: 0,
2: 6,
3: 21,
4: 51,
5: 100,
6: 172,
7: 274,
8: 409,
9: 583,
10: 800,
11: 1064,
12: 1382,
13: 1757,
14: 2195,
15: 2700,
16: 3276,
17: 3930,
18: 4665,
19: 5487,
20: 6400,
21: 7408,
22: 8518,
23: 9733,
24: 11059,
25: 12500,
26: 14060,
27: 15746,
28: 17561,
29: 19511,
30: 21600,
31: 23832,
32: 26214,
33: 28749,
34: 31443,
35: 34300,
36: 37324,
37: 40522,
38: 43897,
39: 47455,
40: 51200,
41: 55136,
42: 59270,
43: 63605,
44: 68147,
45: 72900,
46: 77868,
47: 83058,
48: 88473,
49: 94119,
50: 100000,
51: 106120,
52: 112486,
53: 119101,
54: 125971,
55: 133100,
56: 140492,
57: 148154,
58: 156089,
59: 164303,
60: 172800,
61: 181584,
62: 190662,
63: 200037,
64: 209715,
65: 219700,
66: 229996,
67: 240610,
68: 251545,
69: 262807,
70: 274400,
71: 286328,
72: 298598,
73: 311213,
74: 324179,
75: 337500,
76: 351180,
77: 365226,
78: 379641,
79: 394431,
80: 409600,
81: 425152,
82: 441094,
83: 457429,
84: 474163,
85: 491300,
86: 508844,
87: 526802,
88: 545177,
89: 563975,
90: 583200,
91: 602856,
92: 622950,
93: 643485,
94: 664467,
95: 685900,
96: 707788,
97: 730138,
98: 752953,
99: 776239,
100: 800000,
}, GrowthMediumSlow: {
0: 0,
1: 0,
2: 9,
3: 57,
4: 96,
5: 135,
6: 179,
7: 236,
8: 314,
9: 419,
10: 560,
11: 742,
12: 973,
13: 1261,
14: 1612,
15: 2035,
16: 2535,
17: 3120,
18: 3798,
19: 4575,
20: 5460,
21: 6458,
22: 7577,
23: 8825,
24: 10208,
25: 11735,
26: 13411,
27: 15244,
28: 17242,
29: 19411,
30: 21760,
31: 24294,
32: 27021,
33: 29949,
34: 33084,
35: 36435,
36: 40007,
37: 43808,
38: 47846,
39: 52127,
40: 56660,
41: 61450,
42: 66505,
43: 71833,
44: 77440,
45: 83335,
46: 89523,
47: 96012,
48: 102810,
49: 109923,
50: 117360,
51: 125126,
52: 133229,
53: 141677,
54: 150476,
55: 159635,
56: 169159,
57: 179056,
58: 189334,
59: 199999,
60: 211060,
61: 222522,
62: 234393,
63: 246681,
64: 259392,
65: 272535,
66: 286115,
67: 300140,
68: 314618,
69: 329555,
70: 344960,
71: 360838,
72: 377197,
73: 394045,
74: 411388,
75: 429235,
76: 447591,
77: 466464,
78: 485862,
79: 505791,
80: 526260,
81: 547274,
82: 568841,
83: 590969,
84: 613664,
85: 636935,
86: 660787,
87: 685228,
88: 710266,
89: 735907,
90: 762160,
91: 789030,
92: 816525,
93: 844653,
94: 873420,
95: 902835,
96: 932903,
97: 963632,
98: 995030,
99: 1027103,
100: 1059860,
}, GrowthErratic: {
0: 0,
1: 0,
2: 15,
3: 52,
4: 122,
5: 237,
6: 406,
7: 637,
8: 942,
9: 1326,
10: 1800,
11: 2369,
12: 3041,
13: 3822,
14: 4719,
15: 5737,
16: 6881,
17: 8155,
18: 9564,
19: 11111,
20: 12800,
21: 14632,
22: 16610,
23: 18737,
24: 21012,
25: 23437,
26: 26012,
27: 28737,
28: 31610,
29: 34632,
30: 37800,
31: 41111,
32: 44564,
33: 48155,
34: 51881,
35: 55737,
36: 59719,
37: 63822,
38: 68041,
39: 72369,
40: 76800,
41: 81326,
42: 85942,
43: 90637,
44: 95406,
45: 100237,
46: 105122,
47: 110052,
48: 115015,
49: 120001,
50: 125000,
51: 131324,
52: 137795,
53: 144410,
54: 151165,
55: 158056,
56: 165079,
57: 172229,
58: 179503,
59: 186894,
60: 194400,
61: 202013,
62: 209728,
63: 217540,
64: 225443,
65: 233431,
66: 241496,
67: 249633,
68: 257834,
69: 267406,
70: 276458,
71: 286328,
72: 296358,
73: 305767,
74: 316074,
75: 326531,
76: 336255,
77: 346965,
78: 357812,
79: 367807,
80: 378880,
81: 390077,
82: 400293,
83: 411686,
84: 423190,
85: 433572,
86: 445239,
87: 457001,
88: 467489,
89: 479378,
90: 491346,
91: 501878,
92: 513934,
93: 526049,
94: 536557,
95: 548720,
96: 560922,
97: 571333,
98: 583539,
99: 591882,
100: 600000,
}, GrowthFluctuating: {
0: 0,
1: 0,
2: 4,
3: 13,
4: 32,
5: 65,
6: 112,
7: 178,
8: 276,
9: 393,
10: 540,
11: 745,
12: 967,
13: 1230,
14: 1591,
15: 1957,
16: 2457,
17: 3046,
18: 3732,
19: 4526,
20: 5440,
21: 6482,
22: 7666,
23: 9003,
24: 10506,
25: 12187,
26: 14060,
27: 16140,
28: 18439,
29: 20974,
30: 23760,
31: 26811,
32: 30146,
33: 33780,
34: 37731,
35: 42017,
36: 46656,
37: 50653,
38: 55969,
39: 60505,
40: 66560,
41: 71677,
42: 78533,
43: 84277,
44: 91998,
45: 98415,
46: 107069,
47: 114205,
48: 123863,
49: 131766,
50: 142500,
51: 151222,
52: 163105,
53: 172697,
54: 185807,
55: 196322,
56: 210739,
57: 222231,
58: 238036,
59: 250562,
60: 267840,
61: 281456,
62: 300293,
63: 315059,
64: 335544,
65: 351520,
66: 373744,
67: 390991,
68: 415050,
69: 433631,
70: 459620,
71: 479600,
72: 507617,
73: 529063,
74: 559209,
75: 582187,
76: 614566,
77: 639146,
78: 673863,
79: 700115,
80: 737280,
81: 765275,
82: 804997,
83: 834809,
84: 877201,
85: 908905,
86: 954084,
87: 987754,
88: 1035837,
89: 1071552,
90: 1122660,
91: 1160499,
92: 1214753,
93: 1254796,
94: 1312322,
95: 1354652,
96: 1415577,
97: 1460276,
98: 1524731,
99: 1571884,
100: 1640000,
A table of levels mapped to the total experience at that level for each growth rate
Functions ¶
func CalcAccuracy ¶
Calculate the accuracy of a move, accounting for weather/evasion/held items/etc.
func CalcMoveDamage ¶
Types ¶
type Ability ¶
type Ability uint16
const ( AbilityAdaptability Ability = iota + 1 AbilityAftermath AbilityAirLock AbilityAngerPoint AbilityAnticipation AbilityArenaTrap AbilityBadDreams AbilityBattleArmor AbilityBlaze AbilityChlorophyll AbilityClearBody AbilityCloudNine AbilityColorChange AbilityCompoundEyes AbilityCuteCharm AbilityDamp AbilityDownload AbilityDrizzle AbilityDrought AbilityDrySkin AbilityEarlyBird AbilityEffectSpore AbilityFilter AbilityFlameBody AbilityFlashFire AbilityFlowerGift AbilityForecast AbilityForewarn AbilityFrisk AbilityGluttony AbilityGuts AbilityHeatproof AbilityHoneyGather AbilityHugePower AbilityHustle AbilityHydration AbilityHyperCutter AbilityIceBody AbilityIlluminate AbilityImmunity AbilityInnerFocus AbilityInsomnia AbilityIntimidate AbilityIronFist AbilityKeenEye AbilityKlutz AbilityLeafGuard AbilityLevitate AbilityLightningRod AbilityLimber AbilityLiquidOoze AbilityMagicGuard AbilityMagmaArmor AbilityMagnetPull AbilityMarvelScale AbilityMinus AbilityMoldBreaker AbilityMotorDrive AbilityMultitype AbilityNaturalCure AbilityNoGuard AbilityNormalize AbilityOblivious AbilityOvergrow AbilityOwnTempo AbilityPickup AbilityPlus AbilityPoisonHeal AbilityPoisonPoint AbilityPressure AbilityPurePower AbilityQuickFeet AbilityRainDish AbilityReckless AbilityRivalry AbilityRockHead AbilityRoughSkin AbilityRunAway AbilitySandStream AbilitySandVeil AbilityScrappy AbilitySereneGrace AbilityShadowTag AbilityShedSkin AbilityShellArmor AbilityShieldDust AbilitySimple AbilitySkillLink AbilitySlowStart AbilitySniper AbilitySnowCloak AbilitySnowWarning AbilitySolarPower AbilitySolidRock AbilitySoundproof AbilitySpeedBoost AbilityStall AbilityStatic AbilitySteadfast AbilityStench AbilityStickyHold AbilityStormDrain AbilitySturdy AbilitySuctionCups AbilitySuperLuck AbilitySwarm AbilitySwiftSwim AbilitySynchronize AbilityTangledFeet AbilityTechnician AbilityThickFat AbilityTintedLens AbilityTorrent AbilityTrace AbilityTruant AbilityUnaware AbilityUnburden AbilityVitalSpirit AbilityVoltAbsorb AbilityWaterAbsorb AbilityWaterVeil AbilityWhiteSmoke AbilityWonderGuard )
type Agent ¶
type Agent interface {
Act(ctx *BattleContext) Turn // Called for each pokemon that the agent has control over. Allowed to block for an unlimited amount of time.
Party agnostic interface to get turns from a human or bot. Makes turns like a Trainer or Wild Pokemon would.
type AgentTarget ¶
type AgentTarget struct { Team int // The team that the Pokemon belongs to Pokemon Pokemon // Copy of Pokemon for Agents to use // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (AgentTarget) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t AgentTarget) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*AgentTarget) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (t *AgentTarget) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Battle ¶
type Battle struct { Weather Weather // one of the 6 in-battle weather conditions ShiftSet bool // shift or set battle style for NPC trainer battles State BattleState Type BattleType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A Pokemon battle. Enforces rules of the battle, and queries `Agent`s for turns.
Example ¶
p1 := GeneratePokemon(PkmnPikachu, WithLevel(20), WithMoves(MoveThunderShock)) p2 := GeneratePokemon(PkmnBulbasaur, WithLevel(20), WithMoves(MoveTackle)) a1 := Agent(new(dumbAgent)) b := New1v1Battle(p1, &a1, p2, &a1) b.Start() transactions, _ := b.SimulateRound() for _, t := range transactions { switch tt := t.(type) { case UseMoveTransaction: fmt.Printf("%s used %s on %s\n", b.GetPokemon(tt.User), tt.Move, b.GetPokemon(tt.Target)) case DamageTransaction: fmt.Printf("%s took %d damage\n", b.GetPokemon(tt.Target), tt.Damage) case HealTransaction: fmt.Printf("%s healed for %d HP\n", b.GetPokemon(tt.Target), tt.Amount) case FaintTransaction: fmt.Printf("%s fainted\n", b.GetPokemon(tt.Target)) case PPTransaction: continue default: fmt.Printf("Transaction: %T - %v\n", t, t) } }
Output: Pikachu used Thunder Shock on Bulbasaur Bulbasaur took 6 damage Bulbasaur used Tackle on Pikachu Pikachu took 11 damage
func NewBattleOfType ¶
func NewBattleOfType(t BattleType) *Battle
Creates a new battle instance, setting initial conditions
func (*Battle) AddBattleParty ¶
func (b *Battle) AddBattleParty(p ...*battleParty)
Adds one or more parties to a team in the battle
func (*Battle) AddParty ¶
Add a party to the battle, controlled by an agent. This method is preferred over `AddBattleParty`.
func (*Battle) AllTargets ¶
func (b *Battle) AllTargets() []target
Gets all the active Pokemon (targets) in the battle
func (*Battle) GetBattleContext ¶
func (b *Battle) GetBattleContext(t target) *BattleContext
func (*Battle) GetPartiesOnTeam ¶
func (*Battle) GetParty ¶
func (b *Battle) GetParty(t target) *battleParty
Gets the battle party for a given target
func (*Battle) GetPokemon ¶
Gets a reference to a Pokemon from a target
func (*Battle) GetResults ¶
func (b *Battle) GetResults() BattleResults
Get the results of the battle. The battle must be in the `BattleEnd` state.
func (*Battle) ProcessQueue ¶
func (b *Battle) ProcessQueue()
Process Transactions that are in the queue until the queue is empty.
func (*Battle) QueueTransaction ¶
func (b *Battle) QueueTransaction(t ...Transaction)
Add Transactions to the queue.
func (*Battle) SetSeed ¶
Sets the seed of the underlying random number generator used for the battle.
func (*Battle) SimulateRound ¶
func (b *Battle) SimulateRound() ([]Transaction, bool)
Simulates a single round of the battle. Returns processed transactions for this turn and indicates whether the battle has ended.
type BattleContext ¶
type BattleContext struct { Battle Battle // A copy of the current Battle, including weather, state, etc. Team int // The team of the acting Pokemon // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*BattleContext) Allies ¶
func (bc *BattleContext) Allies() []AgentTarget
func (BattleContext) MarshalJSON ¶
func (bc BattleContext) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
Custom JSON marshalling for battle context
func (*BattleContext) Opponents ¶
func (bc *BattleContext) Opponents() []AgentTarget
func (*BattleContext) Self ¶
func (bc *BattleContext) Self() AgentTarget
func (*BattleContext) Targets ¶
func (bc *BattleContext) Targets() []AgentTarget
type BattleResults ¶
Results for a Battle.
type BattleRule ¶
type BattleRule int
const ( BattleRuleFaint BattleRule = 1 << iota BattleRuleStruggle )
type BattleState ¶
type BattleState int
const ( BattleBeforeStart BattleState = iota BattleInProgress BattleEnd )
type BattleType ¶
type BattleType int
const ( BattleTypeSingle BattleType = iota BattleTypeDouble )
func (BattleType) GetMaxActivePokemon ¶
func (t BattleType) GetMaxActivePokemon() uint
type CureStatusTransaction ¶
type CureStatusTransaction struct { Target target StatusEffect StatusCondition }
func (CureStatusTransaction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t CureStatusTransaction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (CureStatusTransaction) Mutate ¶
func (t CureStatusTransaction) Mutate(b *Battle)
type DamageTransaction ¶
type DamageTransaction struct { Target target Move *Move Damage uint StatusEffect StatusCondition }
A transaction to deal damage to an opponent Pokemon.
func (DamageTransaction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t DamageTransaction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (DamageTransaction) Mutate ¶
func (t DamageTransaction) Mutate(b *Battle)
type EVTransaction ¶
A transaction to change the EVs of a Pokemon.
func (EVTransaction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t EVTransaction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (EVTransaction) Mutate ¶
func (t EVTransaction) Mutate(b *Battle)
type Effectiveness ¶
type Effectiveness int8
Represents effectiveness of an elemental type matchup.
const ( VeryIneffective Effectiveness = iota - 2 Ineffective NormalEffect SuperEffective VerySuperEffective )
const NoEffect Effectiveness = math.MinInt8 + 1 // separate because it fucks up the iota
func GetElementalEffect ¶
func GetElementalEffect(move, def Type) Effectiveness
Get effectiveness of a given elemental type matchup.
type EndBattleTransaction ¶
func (EndBattleTransaction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t EndBattleTransaction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (EndBattleTransaction) Mutate ¶
func (t EndBattleTransaction) Mutate(b *Battle)
type FaintTransaction ¶
type FaintTransaction struct {
Target target
A transaction that makes a pokemon faint, and returns the pokemon to the pokeball.
func (FaintTransaction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t FaintTransaction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (FaintTransaction) Mutate ¶
func (t FaintTransaction) Mutate(b *Battle)
type FightTurn ¶
type FightTurn struct { Move int // Denotes the index (0-3) of the pokemon's which of the pokemon's moves to use. Target AgentTarget // Info containing data determining the target of }
A turn to represent a Pokemon using a Move.
type FlingEffect ¶
type FlingEffect uint8
const ( FlingBadlyPoison FlingEffect = iota + 1 FlingBurn FlingActivateBerry FlingActivateHerb FlingParalyze FlingPoison FlingFlinch )
type FriendshipTransaction ¶
type FriendshipTransaction struct { Target target // The target Pokemon Amount int // The amount of friendship to increase/decrease }
A transaction to change the friendship level of a Pokemon.
func (FriendshipTransaction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t FriendshipTransaction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (FriendshipTransaction) Mutate ¶
func (t FriendshipTransaction) Mutate(b *Battle)
type Gender ¶
type Gender uint8
func RandomGender ¶
Get a random gender according to the gender rate.
type GeneratePokemonOption ¶
type GeneratePokemonOption func(p *Pokemon)
func WithAbility ¶
func WithAbility(ability Ability) GeneratePokemonOption
func WithEVs ¶
func WithEVs(evs [6]uint8) GeneratePokemonOption
func WithGender ¶
func WithGender(g Gender) GeneratePokemonOption
func WithIVs ¶
func WithIVs(ivs [6]uint8) GeneratePokemonOption
func WithLevel ¶
func WithLevel(level uint8) GeneratePokemonOption
func WithMoves ¶
func WithMoves(moves ...MoveId) GeneratePokemonOption
func WithNature ¶
func WithNature(nature Nature) GeneratePokemonOption
func WithTotalExp ¶
func WithTotalExp(totalExp uint) GeneratePokemonOption
type GiveItemTransaction ¶
type GiveItemTransaction struct { Target target Item Item }
A transaction to change the held item of a Pokemon
func (GiveItemTransaction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t GiveItemTransaction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (GiveItemTransaction) Mutate ¶
func (t GiveItemTransaction) Mutate(b *Battle)
type HealTransaction ¶
type HealTransaction struct { Target target Amount uint }
A transaction to restore HP to a Pokemon.
func (HealTransaction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t HealTransaction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (HealTransaction) Mutate ¶
func (t HealTransaction) Mutate(b *Battle)
type ImmobilizeTransaction ¶
type ImmobilizeTransaction struct { Target target StatusEffect StatusCondition }
Handles pre-turn status checks. (Paralysis, Sleeping, etc.)
func (ImmobilizeTransaction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t ImmobilizeTransaction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (ImmobilizeTransaction) Mutate ¶
func (t ImmobilizeTransaction) Mutate(b *Battle)
type InflictStatusTransaction ¶
type InflictStatusTransaction struct { Target target StatusEffect StatusCondition }
A transaction to apply a status effect to a Pokemon.
func (InflictStatusTransaction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t InflictStatusTransaction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (InflictStatusTransaction) Mutate ¶
func (t InflictStatusTransaction) Mutate(b *Battle)
type Item ¶
type Item uint16
A Party can use Items in a battle for different effects. A Pokemon can hold one Item.
const ( ItemNone Item = iota ItemMasterBall ItemUltraBall ItemGreatBall ItemPokBall ItemSafariBall ItemNetBall ItemDiveBall ItemNestBall ItemRepeatBall ItemTimerBall ItemLuxuryBall ItemPremierBall ItemDuskBall ItemHealBall ItemQuickBall ItemCherishBall ItemPotion ItemAntidote ItemBurnHeal ItemIceHeal ItemAwakening ItemParalyzeHeal ItemFullRestore ItemMaxPotion ItemHyperPotion ItemSuperPotion ItemFullHeal ItemRevive ItemMaxRevive ItemFreshWater ItemSodaPop ItemLemonade ItemMoomooMilk ItemEnergyPowder ItemEnergyRoot ItemHealPowder ItemRevivalHerb ItemEther ItemMaxEther ItemElixir ItemMaxElixir ItemLavaCookie ItemBerryJuice ItemSacredAsh ItemHPUp ItemProtein ItemIron ItemCarbos ItemCalcium ItemRareCandy ItemPPUp ItemZinc ItemPPMax ItemOldGateau ItemGuardSpec ItemDireHit ItemXAttack ItemXDefense ItemXSpeed ItemXAccuracy ItemXSpAtk ItemXSpDef ItemPokDoll ItemFluffyTail ItemBlueFlute ItemYellowFlute ItemRedFlute ItemBlackFlute ItemWhiteFlute ItemAdamantOrb ItemLustrousOrb ItemCheriBerry ItemChestoBerry ItemPechaBerry ItemRawstBerry ItemAspearBerry ItemLeppaBerry ItemOranBerry ItemPersimBerry ItemLumBerry ItemSitrusBerry ItemFigyBerry ItemWikiBerry ItemMagoBerry ItemAguavBerry ItemIapapaBerry ItemOccaBerry ItemPasshoBerry ItemWacanBerry ItemRindoBerry ItemYacheBerry ItemChopleBerry ItemKebiaBerry ItemShucaBerry ItemCobaBerry ItemPayapaBerry ItemTangaBerry ItemChartiBerry ItemKasibBerry ItemHabanBerry ItemColburBerry ItemBabiriBerry ItemChilanBerry ItemLiechiBerry ItemGanlonBerry ItemSalacBerry ItemPetayaBerry ItemApicotBerry ItemLansatBerry ItemStarfBerry ItemEnigmaBerry ItemMicleBerry ItemCustapBerry ItemJabocaBerry ItemRowapBerry ItemBrightPowder ItemWhiteHerb ItemMachoBrace ItemQuickClaw ItemSootheBell ItemMentalHerb ItemChoiceBand ItemKingsRock ItemSilverPowder ItemAmuletCoin ItemCleanseTag ItemSoulDew ItemDeepSeaTooth ItemDeepSeaScale ItemSmokeBall ItemEverstone ItemFocusBand ItemLuckyEgg ItemScopeLens ItemMetalCoat ItemLeftovers ItemLightBall ItemSoftSand ItemHardStone ItemMiracleSeed ItemBlackGlasses ItemBlackBelt ItemMagnet ItemMysticWater ItemSharpBeak ItemPoisonBarb ItemNeverMeltIce ItemSpellTag ItemTwistedSpoon ItemCharcoal ItemDragonFang ItemSilkScarf ItemShellBell ItemSeaIncense ItemLaxIncense ItemLuckyPunch ItemMetalPowder ItemThickClub ItemStick ItemRedScarf ItemBlueScarf ItemPinkScarf ItemGreenScarf ItemYellowScarf ItemWideLens ItemMuscleBand ItemWiseGlasses ItemExpertBelt ItemLightClay ItemLifeOrb ItemPowerHerb ItemToxicOrb ItemFlameOrb ItemQuickPowder ItemFocusSash ItemZoomLens ItemMetronome ItemIronBall ItemLaggingTail ItemDestinyKnot ItemBlackSludge ItemIcyRock ItemSmoothRock ItemHeatRock ItemDampRock ItemGripClaw ItemChoiceScarf ItemStickyBarb ItemPowerBracer ItemPowerBelt ItemPowerLens ItemPowerBand ItemPowerAnklet ItemPowerWeight ItemShedShell ItemBigRoot ItemChoiceSpecs ItemFlamePlate ItemSplashPlate ItemZapPlate ItemMeadowPlate ItemIciclePlate ItemFistPlate ItemToxicPlate ItemEarthPlate ItemSkyPlate ItemMindPlate ItemInsectPlate ItemStonePlate ItemSpookyPlate ItemDracoPlate ItemDreadPlate ItemIronPlate ItemOddIncense ItemRockIncense ItemFullIncense ItemWaveIncense ItemRoseIncense ItemLuckIncense ItemPureIncense ItemRazorClaw ItemRazorFang )
Item constants for quick and easy reference
func (Item) Category ¶
func (i Item) Category() ItemCategory
func (Item) Data ¶
Retrieves an Item's data. For item effects, see
func (Item) FlingEffect ¶
func (i Item) FlingEffect() FlingEffect
func (Item) FlingPower ¶
func (Item) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Item) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ItemCategory ¶
type ItemCategory uint8
type ItemData ¶
type ItemData struct { Name string Category ItemCategory FlingPower int FlingEffect FlingEffect Flags ItemFlags }
Represents data associated with an `Item`.
type ItemFlags ¶
type ItemFlags uint8
Properties that an item can have.
const ( // The item can be consumed FlagConsumable ItemFlags = 1 << iota // The item can be held by a pokemon FlagHoldable // The item has passive effects when held. FlagHoldablePassive // The item can be used by a pokemon when held. FlagHoldableActive // The item can be used in battle FlagUsableInBattle )
type ItemTransaction ¶
A transaction to use and possibly consume an item.
func (ItemTransaction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t ItemTransaction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (ItemTransaction) Mutate ¶
func (t ItemTransaction) Mutate(b *Battle)
type ItemTurn ¶
type ItemTurn struct { Move int // Denotes the index (0-3) of the pokemon's which of the pokemon's moves to use. Target AgentTarget // Info containing data determining the target of Item Item // Which item is being consumed }
A turn to represent using an item from the Party's inventory. An item turn has the a higher priority than any move.
type LCRNG ¶
type LCRNG uint32
Implements the LCRNG algorithm used by the original Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, and all other mainline Pokemon games that released on the GBA/DS. Note that this type must only be used in pointer form.
type ModifyStatTransaction ¶
Modifies a stat's stages in the interval [-6, 6]
func (ModifyStatTransaction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t ModifyStatTransaction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (ModifyStatTransaction) Mutate ¶
func (t ModifyStatTransaction) Mutate(b *Battle)
type Move ¶
Represents a Pokemon's move. Moves can deal damage, heal the user or allies, or cause status effects.
func (Move) AffectedStat ¶
func (Move) Ailment ¶
func (m Move) Ailment() StatusCondition
func (Move) AilmentChance ¶
func (Move) Category ¶
func (m Move) Category() MoveCategory
func (Move) FlinchChance ¶
func (Move) InitialMaxPP ¶
func (*Move) MarshalJSON ¶
func (Move) MetaCategory ¶
func (m Move) MetaCategory() MoveMetaCategory
func (Move) StatChance ¶
func (Move) StatStages ¶
func (Move) Targets ¶
func (m Move) Targets() MoveTarget
func (*Move) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type MoveCategory ¶
type MoveCategory uint8
const ( MoveCategoryStatus MoveCategory = iota MoveCategoryPhysical MoveCategorySpecial )
func (MoveCategory) String ¶
func (c MoveCategory) String() string
type MoveData ¶
type MoveData struct { Name string Type Type Category MoveCategory Targets MoveTarget Priority int8 Power uint Accuracy uint InitialMaxPP uint8 // Metadata MinHits int MaxHits int MinTurns int MaxTurns int Drain int // Percentage (out of 100) of the damage dealt by this move is given back to the user as HP. If the value is negative, it's recoil damage. Healing int CritRate int AilmentChance int FlinchChance int StatChance int Flags MoveFlags AffectedStat uint8 // if this move modifies stats, this is the stat it modifies StatStages int8 // if 0, then this move does not modify stats Ailment StatusCondition MetaCategory MoveMetaCategory }
type MoveFailReason ¶
type MoveFailReason uint8
const ( FailOther MoveFailReason = iota FailMiss FailDodge )
type MoveFailTransaction ¶
type MoveFailTransaction struct { User target Reason MoveFailReason }
Handles evasion, misses, dodging, etc. when using moves
func (MoveFailTransaction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t MoveFailTransaction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (MoveFailTransaction) Mutate ¶
func (t MoveFailTransaction) Mutate(b *Battle)
type MoveFlags ¶
type MoveFlags uint32
const ( // This move ignores the target's Substitute. FlagAuthentic MoveFlags = 1 << iota // This move is blocked by Bulletproof. FlagBallistics // This move has 1.5× its usual power when used by a Pokémon with Strong Jaw. FlagBite // This move has a charging turn that can be skipped with a Power Herb. FlagCharge // User touches the target. This triggers some abilities (e.g., Static) and items (e.g., Sticky Barb). FlagContact // This move triggers the ability Dancer. FlagDance // This move can be used while frozen to force the Pokémon to defrost. FlagDefrost // In triple battles, this move can be used on either side to target the farthest away opposing Pokémon. (non gen 4) FlagDistance // This move cannot be used in high Gravity. FlagGravity // This move is blocked by Heal Block. FlagHeal // This move is blocked by Aroma Veil and cured by Mental Herb. FlagMental // Copied by Mirror Move: A Pokémon targeted by this move can use Mirror Move to copy it. FlagMirror // Not usable in sky battles (non gen 4) FlagNonSkyBattle // Pokémon with Overcoat and Grass-type Pokémon are immune to this move. FlagPowder // This move will not work if the target has used Detect or Protect this turn. FlagProtect // This move has 1.5× its usual power when used by a Pokémon with Mega Launcher. (non gen 4) FlagPulse // This move has 1.2× its usual power when used by a Pokémon with Iron Fist. FlagPunch // The turn after this move is used, the Pokémon's action is skipped so it can recharge. FlagRecharge // This move may be reflected back at the user with Magic Coat or Magic Bounce. FlagReflectable // This move will be stolen if another Pokémon has used Snatch this turn. FlagSnatch // Pokémon with Soundproof are immune to this move. FlagSound )
type MoveId ¶
type MoveId uint16
const ( MoveNone MoveId = iota MovePound MoveKarateChop MoveDoubleSlap MoveCometPunch MoveMegaPunch MovePayDay MoveFirePunch MoveIcePunch MoveThunderPunch MoveScratch MoveViceGrip MoveGuillotine MoveRazorWind MoveSwordsDance MoveCut MoveGust MoveWingAttack MoveWhirlwind MoveFly MoveBind MoveSlam MoveVineWhip MoveStomp MoveDoubleKick MoveMegaKick MoveJumpKick MoveRollingKick MoveSandAttack MoveHeadbutt MoveHornAttack MoveFuryAttack MoveHornDrill MoveTackle MoveBodySlam MoveWrap MoveTakeDown MoveThrash MoveDoubleEdge MoveTailWhip MovePoisonSting MoveTwineedle MovePinMissile MoveLeer MoveBite MoveGrowl MoveRoar MoveSing MoveSupersonic MoveSonicBoom MoveDisable MoveAcid MoveEmber MoveFlamethrower MoveMist MoveWaterGun MoveHydroPump MoveSurf MoveIceBeam MoveBlizzard MovePsybeam MoveBubbleBeam MoveAuroraBeam MoveHyperBeam MovePeck MoveDrillPeck MoveSubmission MoveLowKick MoveCounter MoveSeismicToss MoveStrength MoveAbsorb MoveMegaDrain MoveLeechSeed MoveGrowth MoveRazorLeaf MoveSolarBeam MovePoisonPowder MoveStunSpore MoveSleepPowder MovePetalDance MoveStringShot MoveDragonRage MoveFireSpin MoveThunderShock MoveThunderbolt MoveThunderWave MoveThunder MoveRockThrow MoveEarthquake MoveFissure MoveDig MoveToxic MoveConfusion MovePsychic MoveHypnosis MoveMeditate MoveAgility MoveQuickAttack MoveRage MoveTeleport MoveNightShade MoveMimic MoveScreech MoveDoubleTeam MoveRecover MoveHarden MoveMinimize MoveSmokescreen MoveConfuseRay MoveWithdraw MoveDefenseCurl MoveBarrier MoveLightScreen MoveHaze MoveReflect MoveFocusEnergy MoveBide MoveMetronome MoveMirrorMove MoveSelfDestruct MoveEggBomb MoveLick MoveSmog MoveSludge MoveBoneClub MoveFireBlast MoveWaterfall MoveClamp MoveSwift MoveSkullBash MoveSpikeCannon MoveConstrict MoveAmnesia MoveKinesis MoveSoftBoiled MoveHighJumpKick MoveGlare MoveDreamEater MovePoisonGas MoveBarrage MoveLeechLife MoveLovelyKiss MoveSkyAttack MoveTransform MoveBubble MoveDizzyPunch MoveSpore MoveFlash MovePsywave MoveSplash MoveAcidArmor MoveCrabhammer MoveExplosion MoveFurySwipes MoveBonemerang MoveRest MoveRockSlide MoveHyperFang MoveSharpen MoveConversion MoveTriAttack MoveSuperFang MoveSlash MoveSubstitute MoveStruggle MoveSketch MoveTripleKick MoveThief MoveSpiderWeb MoveMindReader MoveNightmare MoveFlameWheel MoveSnore MoveCurse MoveFlail MoveConversion2 MoveAeroblast MoveCottonSpore MoveReversal MoveSpite MovePowderSnow MoveProtect MoveMachPunch MoveScaryFace MoveFeintAttack MoveSweetKiss MoveBellyDrum MoveSludgeBomb MoveMudSlap MoveOctazooka MoveSpikes MoveZapCannon MoveForesight MoveDestinyBond MovePerishSong MoveIcyWind MoveDetect MoveBoneRush MoveLockOn MoveOutrage MoveSandstorm MoveGigaDrain MoveEndure MoveCharm MoveRollout MoveFalseSwipe MoveSwagger MoveMilkDrink MoveSpark MoveFuryCutter MoveSteelWing MoveMeanLook MoveAttract MoveSleepTalk MoveHealBell MoveReturn MovePresent MoveFrustration MoveSafeguard MovePainSplit MoveSacredFire MoveMagnitude MoveDynamicPunch MoveMegahorn MoveDragonBreath MoveBatonPass MoveEncore MovePursuit MoveRapidSpin MoveSweetScent MoveIronTail MoveMetalClaw MoveVitalThrow MoveMorningSun MoveSynthesis MoveMoonlight MoveHiddenPower MoveCrossChop MoveTwister MoveRainDance MoveSunnyDay MoveCrunch MoveMirrorCoat MovePsychUp MoveExtremeSpeed MoveAncientPower MoveShadowBall MoveFutureSight MoveRockSmash MoveWhirlpool MoveBeatUp MoveFakeOut MoveUproar MoveStockpile MoveSpitUp MoveSwallow MoveHeatWave MoveHail MoveTorment MoveFlatter MoveWillOWisp MoveMemento MoveFacade MoveFocusPunch MoveSmellingSalts MoveFollowMe MoveNaturePower MoveCharge MoveTaunt MoveHelpingHand MoveTrick MoveRolePlay MoveWish MoveAssist MoveIngrain MoveSuperpower MoveMagicCoat MoveRecycle MoveRevenge MoveBrickBreak MoveYawn MoveKnockOff MoveEndeavor MoveEruption MoveSkillSwap MoveImprison MoveRefresh MoveGrudge MoveSnatch MoveSecretPower MoveDive MoveArmThrust MoveCamouflage MoveTailGlow MoveLusterPurge MoveMistBall MoveFeatherDance MoveTeeterDance MoveBlazeKick MoveMudSport MoveIceBall MoveNeedleArm MoveSlackOff MoveHyperVoice MovePoisonFang MoveCrushClaw MoveBlastBurn MoveHydroCannon MoveMeteorMash MoveAstonish MoveWeatherBall MoveAromatherapy MoveFakeTears MoveAirCutter MoveOverheat MoveOdorSleuth MoveRockTomb MoveSilverWind MoveMetalSound MoveGrassWhistle MoveTickle MoveCosmicPower MoveWaterSpout MoveSignalBeam MoveShadowPunch MoveExtrasensory MoveSkyUppercut MoveSandTomb MoveSheerCold MoveMuddyWater MoveBulletSeed MoveAerialAce MoveIcicleSpear MoveIronDefense MoveBlock MoveHowl MoveDragonClaw MoveFrenzyPlant MoveBulkUp MoveBounce MoveMudShot MovePoisonTail MoveCovet MoveVoltTackle MoveMagicalLeaf MoveWaterSport MoveCalmMind MoveLeafBlade MoveDragonDance MoveRockBlast MoveShockWave MoveWaterPulse MoveDoomDesire MovePsychoBoost MoveRoost MoveGravity MoveMiracleEye MoveWakeUpSlap MoveHammerArm MoveGyroBall MoveHealingWish MoveBrine MoveNaturalGift MoveFeint MovePluck MoveTailwind MoveAcupressure MoveMetalBurst MoveUturn MoveCloseCombat MovePayback MoveAssurance MoveEmbargo MoveFling MovePsychoShift MoveTrumpCard MoveHealBlock MoveWringOut MovePowerTrick MoveGastroAcid MoveLuckyChant MoveMeFirst MoveCopycat MovePowerSwap MoveGuardSwap MovePunishment MoveLastResort MoveWorrySeed MoveSuckerPunch MoveToxicSpikes MoveHeartSwap MoveAquaRing MoveMagnetRise MoveFlareBlitz MoveForcePalm MoveAuraSphere MoveRockPolish MovePoisonJab MoveDarkPulse MoveNightSlash MoveAquaTail MoveSeedBomb MoveAirSlash MoveXScissor MoveBugBuzz MoveDragonPulse MoveDragonRush MovePowerGem MoveDrainPunch MoveVacuumWave MoveFocusBlast MoveEnergyBall MoveBraveBird MoveEarthPower MoveSwitcheroo MoveGigaImpact MoveNastyPlot MoveBulletPunch MoveAvalanche MoveIceShard MoveShadowClaw MoveThunderFang MoveIceFang MoveFireFang MoveShadowSneak MoveMudBomb MovePsychoCut MoveZenHeadbutt MoveMirrorShot MoveFlashCannon MoveRockClimb MoveDefog MoveTrickRoom MoveDracoMeteor MoveDischarge MoveLavaPlume MoveLeafStorm MovePowerWhip MoveRockWrecker MoveCrossPoison MoveGunkShot MoveIronHead MoveMagnetBomb MoveStoneEdge MoveCaptivate MoveStealthRock MoveGrassKnot MoveChatter MoveJudgment MoveBugBite MoveChargeBeam MoveWoodHammer MoveAquaJet MoveAttackOrder MoveDefendOrder MoveHealOrder MoveHeadSmash MoveDoubleHit MoveRoarofTime MoveSpacialRend MoveLunarDance MoveCrushGrip MoveMagmaStorm MoveDarkVoid MoveSeedFlare MoveOminousWind MoveShadowForce )
Move constants for quick and easy reference
func RegisterMove ¶
Creates a new move and returns the ID of the move created
type MoveMetaCategory ¶
type MoveMetaCategory uint8
Helps define the bahavior of moves.
const ( MoveMetaCategoryDamage MoveMetaCategory = iota // Deal damage to target pokemon. MoveMetaCategoryAilment // Apply a status condition to the target of the move. MoveMetaCategoryNetGoodStats // Modify the target pokemon's stats. MoveMetaCategoryHeal // Heals the user or a target ally. MoveMetaCategoryDamageAilment // Deal damage to target pokemon, and have a chance to apply a status condition to the target of the move. MoveMetaCategorySwagger // Raise the target's stats, and apply confusion. MoveMetaCategoryDamageLower // Deal damage to target pokemon, and have a chance to apply a stat modifier to the target of the move. MoveMetaCategoryDamageRaise // Deal damage to target pokemon, and have a chance to apply a stat modifier to the user of the move. MoveMetaCategoryDamageHeal // Deal damage to target pokemon, and restore some of the user's HP. However, this is effectively a noop, because this functionality is only present on moves that have `Drain != 0`. MoveMetaCategoryOhko // One hit knock out. If the move hits the target pokemon, it is generally guaranteed to die (there are exceptions). Always fails if the target pokemon's level is greater than the user's level. MoveMetaCategoryWholeFieldEffect // Applies a special effect to the entire battlefield (usually weather). MoveMetaCategoryFieldEffect // Applies a special effect to the user's side of the battlefield. MoveMetaCategoryForceSwitch // Forces the target pokemon to switch out. MoveMetaCategoryUnique // For moves that have specific, one-off rules. )
type MoveTarget ¶
type MoveTarget uint8
Targets that the move can specify
const ( MoveTargetSpecificMove MoveTarget = iota + 1 MoveTargetSelectedMeFirst MoveTargetAlly MoveTargetUsersField MoveTargetUserOrAlly MoveTargetOpponentsField MoveTargetUser MoveTargetRandomOpponent MoveTargetAllOthers MoveTargetSelected MoveTargetAllOpponents MoveTargetEntireField MoveTargetUserAndAllies MoveTargetAll )
type Nature ¶
type Nature uint8
Natures can affect a Pokemon's stats, increasing one and decreasing another. *Constants, GetStatModifiers(), and String() are auto-generated.*
const ( NatureAdamant Nature = iota NatureBashful NatureBold NatureBrave NatureCalm NatureCareful NatureDocile NatureGentle NatureHardy NatureHasty NatureImpish NatureJolly NatureLax NatureLonely NatureMild NatureModest NatureNaive NatureNaughty NatureQuiet NatureQuirky NatureRash NatureRelaxed NatureSassy NatureSerious NatureTimid )
func (Nature) GetStatModifiers ¶
Get the stat modifiers that this nature gives.
type PPTransaction ¶
A transaction to change the PP of a move.
func (PPTransaction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t PPTransaction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (PPTransaction) Mutate ¶
func (t PPTransaction) Mutate(b *Battle)
type Party ¶
type Party struct { Pokemon []*Pokemon PokemonRules PokemonValidationRules }
A Party of Pokemon.
Example ¶
party := NewParty() err := party.AddPokemon( GeneratePokemon(PkmnPikachu, WithMoves(MoveGrowl)), GeneratePokemon(PkmnCharizard, WithMoves(MoveGrowl)), ) if err != nil { fmt.Print(err) return } for _, p := range party.Pokemon { fmt.Printf("%s\n", p) }
Output: Pikachu Charizard
func NewOccupiedParty ¶
func (*Party) AddPokemon ¶
Adds 1 or more Pokemon to a Party
type Pokemon ¶
type Pokemon struct { NatDex uint16 // National Pokedex Number Level uint8 // value from 1-100 influencing stats Ability Ability // name of this Pokemon's ability TotalExperience uint // the total amount of exp this Pokemon has gained, influencing its level Gender Gender // this Pokemon's gender IVs [6]uint8 // values from 0-31 that represents a Pokemon's 'genetic' potential EVs [6]uint8 // values from 0-255 that represents a Pokemon's training in a particular stat Nature Nature // represents a Pokemon's disposition and affects stats Stats [6]uint // the actual stats of a Pokemon determined from the above data StatModifiers [9]int // ranges from +6 (buffing) to -6 (debuffing) a stat StatusEffects StatusCondition // the current status effects inflicted on a Pokemon CurrentHP uint // the remaining HP of this Pokemon HeldItem Item // the item a Pokemon is holding Moves [MaxMoves]*Move // the moves the Pokemon currenly knows Friendship int // how close this Pokemon is to its Trainer OriginalTrainerID uint16 // a number associated with the first Trainer who caught this Pokemon Type Type // Indicates what type(s) (up to 2 simultaneously) this pokemon has // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func GeneratePokemon ¶
func GeneratePokemon(natdex int, opts ...GeneratePokemonOption) *Pokemon
Creates a new Pokemon given its national dex number and other options.
Example ¶
pkmn := GeneratePokemon(PkmnPikachu, WithLevel(28), WithMoves(MoveThunderShock, MoveIronTail, MoveTailWhip, MoveVoltTackle), ) fmt.Printf("%s\n", pkmn) fmt.Printf("%s\n", pkmn.Moves)
Output: Pikachu [Thunder Shock Iron Tail Tail Whip Volt Tackle]
func (*Pokemon) CritChance ¶
Returns denominator for critical hit chance
func (*Pokemon) Data ¶
func (p *Pokemon) Data() PokemonData
func (*Pokemon) EffectiveType ¶
Get the Pokemon's current elemental type, accounting for any abilities or conditions that would affect it.
func (*Pokemon) GainExperience ¶
Increases a Pokemon's experience points by `exp` and levels up the Pokemon accordingly.
func (*Pokemon) GainLevels ¶
Increases a Pokemon's level by `levels` and sets their total experience to the minimum amount for that level.
func (*Pokemon) GetBaseStats ¶
func (*Pokemon) GetEVYield ¶
func (*Pokemon) GetGrowthRate ¶
func (*Pokemon) HasValidEVs ¶
func (*Pokemon) HasValidIVs ¶
func (*Pokemon) HasValidLevel ¶
func (*Pokemon) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Pokemon) SpecialAttack ¶
func (*Pokemon) SpecialDefense ¶
func (*Pokemon) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (*Pokemon) Validate ¶
func (p *Pokemon) Validate(rules PokemonValidationRules) error
type PokemonData ¶
type PokemonData struct { NatDex uint16 Name string Type Type Ability Ability BaseStats [6]int // base stats of a Pokemon EvYield [6]int // effort points gained when Pokemon is defeated GrowthRate int IsBiGender bool // true if this Pokemon must have `Male` or `Female`, false if this Pokemon must be `Genderless` GenderRate uint8 // Female to Male ratio. This number is used to create the ratio `GenderRate` : 8 - `GenderRate`. 0 is always male, 8 is always female. HasAlternateForms bool IsLegendary bool IsMythical bool EvolvesFrom uint16 // If zero, then this pokemon does not evolve from another Pokemon. }
type PokemonMeta ¶
type PokemonMeta int
Metadata for a Pokemon to keep track of
const ( MetaLastItem PokemonMeta = iota MetaLastMove MetaSleepTime MetaStatChangeImmune )
type PokemonValidationRules ¶
type PokemonValidationRules uint8
Used to pick and choose which validation rules to enforce
const ( PkmnRuleHasMoves PokemonValidationRules = 1 << iota PkmnRuleHasAbility PkmnRuleValidLevel PkmnRuleValidIvs PkmnRuleValidEvs PkmnRuleValidGender // Pokemon are not allowed to know the move struggle. PkmnRuleNoStruggle )
type RNG ¶
type RNG interface { SetSeed(seed uint) Get(min, max int) int // Get a random number. Roll(x, y int) bool // Generate a random boolean with a probability of x/y. Returns true x out of y times. }
Provides an interface for generating pseudo random numbers.
type SendOutTransaction ¶
type SendOutTransaction struct {
Target target
A transaction that makes a party send out a pokemon.
func (SendOutTransaction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t SendOutTransaction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (SendOutTransaction) Mutate ¶
func (t SendOutTransaction) Mutate(b *Battle)
type StatusCondition ¶
type StatusCondition uint32
Represents volatile and non-volatile status conditions on a pokemon.
const ( StatusNone StatusCondition = 0 // Non volatile - first 3 bits StatusBurn StatusCondition = iota StatusFreeze StatusParalyze StatusPoison StatusBadlyPoison StatusSleep )
const ( // volatile - the rest of the bits StatusBound StatusCondition = 1 << (iota + 3) StatusCantEscape StatusConfusion StatusCursed StatusEmbargo StatusFlinch StatusHealBlock StatusIdentified StatusInfatuation StatusLeechSeed StatusNightmare StatusPerishSong StatusTaunt StatusTorment )
const ( StatusNonvolatileMask StatusCondition = 0b111 StatusVolatileMask StatusCondition = math.MaxUint32 ^ StatusNonvolatileMask )
func (StatusCondition) String ¶
func (s StatusCondition) String() string
type SwitchTurn ¶
type SwitchTurn struct {
Target AgentTarget // The target to swap to
A turn to represent switching an active Pokemon for a different, inactive Pokemon in battle.
func (SwitchTurn) Priority ¶
func (turn SwitchTurn) Priority() int
type Transaction ¶
type Transaction interface {
Mutate(b *Battle) // Modifies the battle to apply the transaction. Can also queue additional transactions via b.QueueTransaction().
Transactions describes a change to battle state. A sequence of transactions should be able to describe an entire battle.
type Turn ¶
type Turn interface {
Priority() int // Gets the turn's priority. Higher values go first. Not to be confused with Move priority.
An abstraction over all possible actions an `Agent` can make in one round. Each Pokemon gets one turn.
type TurnContext ¶
type TurnContext struct { User target // The pokemon that made this turn. Turn Turn // A copy of the turn that a Pokemon made using an Agent }
Wrapper used to determine turn order in a battle
type UseMoveTransaction ¶
type UseMoveTransaction struct { User target Target target Move *Move }
func (UseMoveTransaction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t UseMoveTransaction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (UseMoveTransaction) Mutate ¶
func (t UseMoveTransaction) Mutate(b *Battle)
type WeatherTransaction ¶
Changes the current weather in a battle
func (WeatherTransaction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t WeatherTransaction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (WeatherTransaction) Mutate ¶
func (t WeatherTransaction) Mutate(b *Battle)
Source Files
Path | Synopsis |
Auto generate getters on one type to grab data from another type.
Auto generate getters on one type to grab data from another type. |
Auto generate MarshallJSON on all transactions.
Auto generate MarshallJSON on all transactions. |