维基链go语言离线签名钱包库 (WaykiChain Wallet Library for Offline Operation written in golang)
- go get
- go get
创建钱包(WaykiChain Create Wallet)
Generate mnemonics and private keys to manage your wallet.
func GenerateMnemonics() string
func GetPrivateKeyFromMnemonic(words string, netType int) string
func GetPubKeyFromPrivateKey(privKey string) (string,error)
func GetAddressFromPrivateKey(privateKey string, netType int) string
func GetAddressFromMnemonic(words string, netType int) string
- GenerateMnemonics.
(You will get 12 words). - GetPrivateKeyFromMnemonic.
你提供你的助记词和网络类型(1 主网,2 测试网),函数会给你返回私钥,主网私钥大写P开头,测试网大写Y开头。
(You should provide your mnemonic and network Type (1 MainNet,2 TestNet),function return private Key,MainNet Private key start with "P" ,TestNet private key start with "Y".) - GetPubKeyFromPrivateKey.
you should provide your Private Key,the function return wallet public key as hex string. - GetAddressFromPrivateKey.
you should provide your Private Key,the function return wallet Address as base58 encode string,MainNet Address start with "W",TestNet Address start with "w". - GetAddressFromMnemonic.
you should provide your mnemonic,the function return wallet Address as base58 encode string,MainNet Address start with "W",TestNet Address start with "w".
mnemonic := GenerateMnemonics()
助记词生成钱包私钥(Get private key from mnemonic:)
mnemonic := "empty regular curve turtle student prize toy accuse develop spike scatter ginger"
privateKey := GetPrivateKeyFromMnemonic(mnemonic, WAYKI_MAINTNET)
私钥获得公钥(Get public key from private key:)
私钥获得钱包地址(Get address from private key:)
address := GetAddressFromPrivateKey(privateKey, WAYKI_MAINTNET)
助记词获得钱包地址(Get address from mnemonic:)
mnemonic := "empty regular curve turtle student prize toy accuse develop spike scatter ginger"
address := GetAddressFromMnemonic(mnemonic, WAYKI_MAINTNET)
维基链签名交易(WaykiChain Sign Transaction)
Signing a transaction with a private key,you can submit your offline signature rawtx transaction by bass.
BassNetwork | Api |
TestNet |!/ |
MainNet |!/ |
Submit raw string:
Mainnet!/transaction-controller/offlinTransactionUsingPOST ,
Get block height:
CDP交易(CDP Transaction)
Any user holding a WICC can send a WICC to the CDP (Collaterized Debt Position) to obtain a certain percentage of WUSD.a user can only have one cdp unless the previous cdp has been destroyed.
func SignCdpStakeTx(privateKey string, param *CdpStakeTxParam) (string, error)
func SignCdpRedeemTx(privateKey string, param *CdpRedeemTxParam) (string, error)
func SignCdpLiquidateTx(privateKey string, param *CdpLiquidateTxParam) (string, error)
- SignCdpStakeTx.
sign cdp stake transaction with a private key , return the rawtx string. - SignCdpRedeemTx.
sign cdp redeem transaction with a private key , return the rawtx string. - SignCdpLiquidateTx.
sign cdp liquidate transaction with a private key , return the rawtx string.
Sign cdp stake transaction:
privateKey := "Y6J4aK6Wcs4A3Ex4HXdfjJ6ZsHpNZfjaS4B9w7xqEnmFEYMqQd13"
var txParam CdpStakeTxParam
txParam.CdpTxid = "0b9734e5db3cfa38e76bb273dba4f65a210cc76ca2cf739f3c131d0b24ff89c1" //user cdp transaction hash,If the user has not created a cdp, then do not fill out
txParam.BcoinSymbol = string(commons.WICC) //pay WICC
txParam.ScoinSymbol = string(commons.WUSD) //get WUSD
txParam.FeeSymbol = string(commons.WICC) //fee symbol (WICC/WUSD)
txParam.BcoinStake = 100000000
txParam.ScoinMint = 50000000
txParam.Fees = 100000 //Miner fee,minimum 100000sawi
txParam.ValidHeight = 283308
txParam.SrcRegId = "0-1"
txParam.PubKey = "03e93e7d870ce6f1c9997076c56fc24e6381c612662cd9a5a59294fac9ba7d21d7"
hash, err := SignCdpStakeTx(privateKey, &txParam)
if err != nil {
t.Error("SignCdpStakeTx err: ", err)
Sign cdp redeem transaction:
privateKey := "Y6J4aK6Wcs4A3Ex4HXdfjJ6ZsHpNZfjaS4B9w7xqEnmFEYMqQd13"
var txParam CdpRedeemTxParam
txParam.CdpTxid = "0b9734e5db3cfa38e76bb273dba4f65a210cc76ca2cf739f3c131d0b24ff89c1"//user cdp create transaction hash
txParam.FeeSymbol = string(commons.WICC)
txParam.ScoinsToRepay = 20000000
txParam.BcoinsToRedeem = 100000000
txParam.Fees = 100000 //Miner fee,minimum 100000sawi
txParam.ValidHeight = 25
txParam.SrcRegId = "0-1"
txParam.PubKey = "03e93e7d870ce6f1c9997076c56fc24e6381c612662cd9a5a59294fac9ba7d21d7"
hash, err := SignCdpRedeemTx(privateKey, &txParam)
if err != nil {
t.Error("SignCdpStakeTx err: ", err)
Sign cdp liquidate transaction:
privateKey := "Y6J4aK6Wcs4A3Ex4HXdfjJ6ZsHpNZfjaS4B9w7xqEnmFEYMqQd13"
var txParam CdpLiquidateTxParam
txParam.CdpTxid = "0b9734e5db3cfa38e76bb273dba4f65a210cc76ca2cf739f3c131d0b24ff89c1"//Liquidated cdp transaction hash id
txParam.FeeSymbol = string(commons.WICC)
txParam.ScoinsLiquidate = 100000000
txParam.Fees = 100000 //Miner fee,minimum 100000sawi
txParam.ValidHeight = 25
txParam.SrcRegId = "0-1"
txParam.PubKey = "03e93e7d870ce6f1c9997076c56fc24e6381c612662cd9a5a59294fac9ba7d21d7"
hash, err := SignCdpLiquidateTx(privateKey, &txParam)
if err != nil {
t.Error("SignCdpStakeTx err: ", err)
DEX Transaction
WaykiChain decentralized exchange.
func SignDexSellLimitTx(privateKey string, param *DexLimitTxParam) (string, error)
func SignDexMarketSellTx(privateKey string, param *DexMarketTxParam) (string, error)
func SignDexBuyLimitTx(privateKey string, param *DexLimitTxParam) (string, error)
func SignDexMarketBuyTx(privateKey string, param *DexMarketTxParam) (string, error)
func SignDexCancelTx(privateKey string, param *DexCancelTxParam) (string, error)
- SignDexSellLimitTx.
限价卖单。 sign dex sell limit price transaction with a private key , return the rawtx string. - SignDexMarketSellTx.
sign dex sell market price transaction with a private key , return the rawtx string. - SignDexBuyLimitTx.
sign dex buy limit price transaction with a private key , return the rawtx string. - SignDexMarketBuyTx.
sign dex buy market price transaction with a private key , return the rawtx string. - SignDexCancelTx.
sign cancel dex order transaction with a private key , return the rawtx string.
Sign dex Buy limit price transaction:
privateKey := "Y6J4aK6Wcs4A3Ex4HXdfjJ6ZsHpNZfjaS4B9w7xqEnmFEYMqQd13"
var txParam DexLimitTxParam
txParam.FeeSymbol = string(commons.WICC)
txParam.Fees = 100000
txParam.CoinSymbol = string(commons.WUSD)
txParam.AssetSymbol = string(commons.WICC)
txParam.AssetAmount = 10000
txParam.ValidHeight = 25
txParam.Price = 25
txParam.SrcRegId = "0-1"
txParam.PubKey = "03e93e7d870ce6f1c9997076c56fc24e6381c612662cd9a5a59294fac9ba7d21d7"
hash, err := SignDexBuyLimitTx(privateKey, &txParam)
if err != nil {
t.Error("SignCdpStakeTx err: ", err)
Sign dex sell limit price transaction:
privateKey := "Y6J4aK6Wcs4A3Ex4HXdfjJ6ZsHpNZfjaS4B9w7xqEnmFEYMqQd13"
var txParam DexLimitTxParam
txParam.FeeSymbol = string(commons.WICC)
txParam.Fees = 10000
txParam.CoinSymbol = string(commons.WUSD)
txParam.AssetSymbol = string(commons.WICC)
txParam.AssetAmount = 1000000
txParam.ValidHeight = 282956
txParam.Price = 200000000
txParam.SrcRegId = "0-1"
txParam.PubKey = "03e93e7d870ce6f1c9997076c56fc24e6381c612662cd9a5a59294fac9ba7d21d7"
hash, err := SignDexSellLimitTx(privateKey, &txParam)
if err != nil {
t.Error("SignCdpStakeTx err: ", err)
Sign dex sell market price transaction:
privateKey := "Y6J4aK6Wcs4A3Ex4HXdfjJ6ZsHpNZfjaS4B9w7xqEnmFEYMqQd13"
var txParam DexMarketTxParam
txParam.FeeSymbol = string(commons.WICC)
txParam.Fees = 100000
txParam.CoinSymbol = string(commons.WUSD)
txParam.AssetSymbol = string(commons.WICC)
txParam.AssetAmount = 10000
txParam.ValidHeight = 25
txParam.SrcRegId = "0-1"
txParam.PubKey = "03e93e7d870ce6f1c9997076c56fc24e6381c612662cd9a5a59294fac9ba7d21d7"
hash, err := SignDexMarketSellTx(privateKey, &txParam)
if err != nil {
t.Error("SignCdpStakeTx err: ", err)
Sign dex buy market price transaction:
privateKey := "Y6J4aK6Wcs4A3Ex4HXdfjJ6ZsHpNZfjaS4B9w7xqEnmFEYMqQd13"
var txParam DexMarketTxParam
txParam.FeeSymbol = string(commons.WICC)
txParam.Fees = 100000
txParam.CoinSymbol = string(commons.WUSD)
txParam.AssetSymbol = string(commons.WICC)
txParam.AssetAmount = 10000
txParam.ValidHeight = 25
txParam.SrcRegId = "0-1"
txParam.PubKey = "03e93e7d870ce6f1c9997076c56fc24e6381c612662cd9a5a59294fac9ba7d21d7"
hash, err := SignDexMarketBuyTx(privateKey, &txParam)
if err != nil {
t.Error("SignCdpStakeTx err: ", err)
Sign dex cancel order transaction:
privateKey := "Y6J4aK6Wcs4A3Ex4HXdfjJ6ZsHpNZfjaS4B9w7xqEnmFEYMqQd13"
var txParam DexCancelTxParam
txParam.FeeSymbol = string(commons.WICC)
txParam.Fees = 100000
txParam.DexTxid = "009c0e665acdd9e8ae754f9a51337b85bb8996980a93d6175b61edccd3cdc144"//dex transaction tx id
txParam.ValidHeight = 25
txParam.SrcRegId = "0-1"
txParam.PubKey = "03e93e7d870ce6f1c9997076c56fc24e6381c612662cd9a5a59294fac9ba7d21d7"
hash, err := SignDexCancelTx(privateKey, &txParam)
if err != nil {
t.Error("SignCdpStakeTx err: ", err)
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CheckPrivateKey(privateKey string, netType int) (bool, error)
- func CheckWalletAddress(address string, netType int) (bool, error)
- func GenerateMnemonics() string
- func GetAddressFromMnemonic(words string, netType int) (string, error)
- func GetAddressFromPrivateKey(privateKey string, netType int) string
- func GetPrivateKeyFromMnemonic(words string, netType int) (string, error)
- func GetPubKeyFromPrivateKey(privKey string) (string, error)
- func SignAssetCreateTx(privateKey string, param *AssetIssueTxParam) (string, error)
- func SignAssetUpdateTx(privateKey string, param *AssetUpdateTxParam) (string, error)
- func SignCallContractTx(privateKey string, param *CallContractTxParam) (string, error)
- func SignCdpLiquidateTx(privateKey string, param *CdpLiquidateTxParam) (string, error)
- func SignCdpRedeemTx(privateKey string, param *CdpRedeemTxParam) (string, error)
- func SignCdpStakeTx(privateKey string, param *CdpStakeTxParam) (string, error)
- func SignCommonTx(privateKey string, param *CommonTxParam) (string, error)
- func SignDelegateTx(privateKey string, param *DelegateTxParam) (string, error)
- func SignDexBuyLimitTx(privateKey string, param *DexLimitTxParam) (string, error)
- func SignDexCancelTx(privateKey string, param *DexCancelTxParam) (string, error)
- func SignDexMarketBuyTx(privateKey string, param *DexMarketTxParam) (string, error)
- func SignDexMarketSellTx(privateKey string, param *DexMarketTxParam) (string, error)
- func SignDexSellLimitTx(privateKey string, param *DexLimitTxParam) (string, error)
- func SignRegisterAccountTx(privateKey string, param *RegisterAccountTxParam) (string, error)
- func SignRegisterContractTx(privateKey string, param *RegisterContractTxParam) (string, error)
- func SignUCoinCallContractTx(privateKey string, param *UCoinContractTxParam) (string, error)
- func SignUCoinRegisterContractTx(privateKey string, param *UCoinRegisterContractTxParam) (string, error)
- func SignUCoinTransferTx(privateKey string, param *UCoinTransferTxParam) (string, error)
- func VerifyMsgSignature(signature string, publicKey string, msg string, netType int) (isRight bool, addr string)
- type AssetIssueTxParam
- type AssetModel
- type AssetModels
- type AssetUpdateTxParam
- type CallContractTxParam
- type CdpLiquidateTxParam
- type CdpRedeemTxParam
- type CdpStakeTxParam
- type CommonTxParam
- type DelegateTxParam
- type Dest
- type DestArr
- type DexCancelTxParam
- type DexLimitTxParam
- type DexMarketTxParam
- type Mnemonic
- type OperVoteFund
- type OperVoteFunds
- type RegisterAccountTxParam
- type RegisterContractTxParam
- type SignMessageParam
- type UCoinContractTxParam
- type UCoinRegisterContractTxParam
- type UCoinTransferTxParam
Constants ¶
List Mnemonic language support
const ( // network type WAYKI_MAINTNET int = 1 // mainnet WAYKI_TESTNET int = 2 // testnet // const for transactions TX_VERSION = 1 // transaction version INITIAL_COIN = 210000000 // initial coin, unit: wicc MONEY_PER_COIN = 100000000 // money per coin, unit: sawi MAX_MONEY = INITIAL_COIN * MONEY_PER_COIN // the max money in WaykiChain MIN_TX_FEE = 10000 // tx fee min value, unit: sawi CONTRACT_SCRIPT_MAX_SIZE = 65536 //64 KB max for contract script size, unit: bytes CONTRACT_SCRIPT_DESC_MAX_SIZE = 512 //max for contract script description size, unit: bytes MIN_TX_FEE_CDP = 100000 // cdp tx fee min value, unit: sawi )
Variables ¶
var ( ERR_INVALID_MNEMONIC = errors.New("Invalid Mnemonic") ERR_INVALID_NETWORK = errors.New("Invalid Network type") ERR_INVALID_PRIVATE_KEY = errors.New("privateKey invalid") ERR_NEGATIVE_VALID_HEIGHT = errors.New("ValidHeight can not be negative") ERR_INVALID_SRC_REG_ID = errors.New("SrcRegId must be a valid RegID") ERR_INVALID_DEST_ADDR = errors.New("DestAddr must be a valid RegID or Address") ERR_RANGE_VALUES = errors.New("Values out of range") ERR_RANGE_FEE = errors.New("Fees out of range") ERR_FEE_SMALLER_MIN = errors.New("Fees smaller than MinTxFee") ERR_EMPTY_VOTES = errors.New("Votes can be not empty") ERR_INVALID_VOTE_PUBKEY = errors.New("Vote PubKey invalid, PubKey len must equal 33") ERR_RANGE_VOTE_VALUE = errors.New("VoteValue out of range") ERR_INVALID_APP_ID = errors.New("AppId must be a valid RegID") ERR_INVALID_CONTRACT_HEX = errors.New("ContractHex must be valid hex format") ERR_INVALID_SCRIPT = errors.New("Script can not be empty or is too large") ERR_INVALID_SCRIPT_DESC = errors.New("Description of script is too large") ERR_CDP_TX_HASH = errors.New("CDP tx hash error") ERR_CDP_STAKE_NUMBER = errors.New("CDP stake number error") ERR_COIN_TYPE = errors.New("Coin type error") ERR_USER_PUBLICKEY = errors.New("PublicKey invalid") ERR_ASK_PRICE = errors.New("Ask Price invalid") ERR_SIGNATURE_ERROR = errors.New("Signature error") ERR_SYMBOL_ERROR = errors.New("Symbol Capital letter A-Z 6-7 digits [A_Z] error") ERR_ASSET_NAME_ERROR = errors.New("Asset Name error") ERR_TOTAl_SUPPLY_ERROR = errors.New("Asset Total Supply error") ERR_ASSET_UPDATE_TYPE_ERROR = errors.New("Asset Update Type error") ERR_ASSET_UPDATE_OWNER_ERROR = errors.New("Asset Update Owner error") )
Functions ¶
func GenerateMnemonics ¶
func GenerateMnemonics() string
Generate Mnemonics string, saprated by space, default language is EN(english)
func GetAddressFromMnemonic ¶
func GetAddressFromPrivateKey ¶
GetAddressFromPrivateKey get address from private key netType: WAYKI_TESTNET or WAYKI_MAINTNET
func GetPrivateKeyFromMnemonic ¶
func GetPubKeyFromPrivateKey ¶
get publickey from privatekey
func SignAssetCreateTx ¶
func SignAssetCreateTx(privateKey string, param *AssetIssueTxParam) (string, error)
SignAssetIssueTx sign returns the signature hex string and nil error, or returns empty string and the error if it has error
func SignAssetUpdateTx ¶
func SignAssetUpdateTx(privateKey string, param *AssetUpdateTxParam) (string, error)
SignAssetUpdateTx sign returns the signature hex string and nil error, or returns empty string and the error if it has error
func SignCallContractTx ¶
func SignCallContractTx(privateKey string, param *CallContractTxParam) (string, error)
SignCallContractTx sign for call contract tx returns the signature hex string and nil error, or returns empty string and the error if it has error
func SignCdpLiquidateTx ¶
func SignCdpLiquidateTx(privateKey string, param *CdpLiquidateTxParam) (string, error)
SignCdpLiquidateTx sign for liquidate a cdp tx returns the signature hex string and nil error, or returns empty string and the error if it has error
func SignCdpRedeemTx ¶
func SignCdpRedeemTx(privateKey string, param *CdpRedeemTxParam) (string, error)
SignCdpRedeemTx sign for redeem a cdp tx returns the signature hex string and nil error, or returns empty string and the error if it has error
func SignCdpStakeTx ¶
func SignCdpStakeTx(privateKey string, param *CdpStakeTxParam) (string, error)
SignCdpStakeTx sign for create a cdp tx returns the signature hex string and nil error, or returns empty string and the error if it has error
func SignCommonTx ¶
func SignCommonTx(privateKey string, param *CommonTxParam) (string, error)
SignCommonTx sign for common tx returns the signature hex string and nil error, or returns empty string and the error if it has error
func SignDelegateTx ¶
func SignDelegateTx(privateKey string, param *DelegateTxParam) (string, error)
SignDelegateTx sign for delegate tx returns the signature hex string and nil error, or returns empty string and the error if it has error
func SignDexBuyLimitTx ¶
func SignDexBuyLimitTx(privateKey string, param *DexLimitTxParam) (string, error)
SignDexBuyLimitTx sign for dex buy limit Price tx returns the signature hex string and nil error, or returns empty string and the error if it has error
func SignDexCancelTx ¶
func SignDexCancelTx(privateKey string, param *DexCancelTxParam) (string, error)
SignDexMarketBuyTx sign for cancel dex tx returns the signature hex string and nil error, or returns empty string and the error if it has error
func SignDexMarketBuyTx ¶
func SignDexMarketBuyTx(privateKey string, param *DexMarketTxParam) (string, error)
SignDexMarketBuyTx sign for dex buy market price tx returns the signature hex string and nil error, or returns empty string and the error if it has error
func SignDexMarketSellTx ¶
func SignDexMarketSellTx(privateKey string, param *DexMarketTxParam) (string, error)
SignDexMarketSellTx sign for dex sell market price tx returns the signature hex string and nil error, or returns empty string and the error if it has error
func SignDexSellLimitTx ¶
func SignDexSellLimitTx(privateKey string, param *DexLimitTxParam) (string, error)
SignDexSellLimitTx sign for dex sell limit price tx returns the signature hex string and nil error, or returns empty string and the error if it has error
func SignRegisterAccountTx ¶
func SignRegisterAccountTx(privateKey string, param *RegisterAccountTxParam) (string, error)
SignRegisterAccountTx sign for register account tx returns the signature hex string and nil error, or returns empty string and the error if it has error
func SignRegisterContractTx ¶
func SignRegisterContractTx(privateKey string, param *RegisterContractTxParam) (string, error)
SignRegisterContractTx sign for call register contract tx returns the signature hex string and nil error, or returns empty string and the error if it has error
func SignUCoinCallContractTx ¶
func SignUCoinCallContractTx(privateKey string, param *UCoinContractTxParam) (string, error)
SignUCoinCallContractTx sign for call contract tx returns the signature hex string and nil error, or returns empty string and the error if it has error
func SignUCoinRegisterContractTx ¶
func SignUCoinRegisterContractTx(privateKey string, param *UCoinRegisterContractTxParam) (string, error)
SignUCoinRegisterContractTx sign for call register contract tx returns the signature hex string and nil error, or returns empty string and the error if it has error
func SignUCoinTransferTx ¶
func SignUCoinTransferTx(privateKey string, param *UCoinTransferTxParam) (string, error)
SignUCoinTransferTx sign for Multi-currency transfer returns the signature hex string and nil error, or returns empty string and the error if it has error
Types ¶
type AssetIssueTxParam ¶
type AssetIssueTxParam struct { ValidHeight int64 // valid height Within the height of the latest block SrcRegId string // the reg id of the register Fees int64 FeeSymbol string //Fee Type (WICC/WUSD) AssetSymbol string //From Coin Type AssetName string AssetTotal int64 AssetOwner string //owner regid MinTable bool }
type AssetModel ¶
type AssetModel struct { AssetAmount int64 //stake asset amount AssetSymbol string //stake asset symbol }
cdp stake Asset
type AssetModels ¶
type AssetModels struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
cdp stake asset list
func NewCdpAssets ¶
func NewCdpAssets() *AssetModels
func (*AssetModels) Add ¶
func (assetModels *AssetModels) Add(model *AssetModel)
type AssetUpdateTxParam ¶
type AssetUpdateTxParam struct { ValidHeight int64 // valid height Within the height of the latest block SrcRegId string // the reg id of the register Fees int64 UpdateType int FeeSymbol string //Fee Type (WICC/WUSD) AssetSymbol string //From Coin Type AssetName string AssetTotal int64 AssetOwner string //owner regid }
type CallContractTxParam ¶
type CallContractTxParam struct { ValidHeight int64 // valid height Within the height of the latest block SrcRegId string // the reg id of the caller AppId string // the reg id of the contract app Fees int64 // fees for mining Values int64 // the values send to the contract app ContractHex string // the command of contract, hex format PubKey string }
CallContractTxParam param of the call contract tx
type CdpLiquidateTxParam ¶
type CdpLiquidateTxParam struct { ValidHeight int64 // valid height Within the height of the latest block SrcRegId string // the reg id of the register PubKey string FeeSymbol string Fees int64 // fees for mining CdpTxid string // target CDP to liquidate ScoinsLiquidate int64 // partial liquidation is allowed, must include penalty fees in AssetSymbol string //stake asset symbol }
Cdp Redeem param of the tx
type CdpRedeemTxParam ¶
type CdpRedeemTxParam struct { ValidHeight int64 // valid height Within the height of the latest block SrcRegId string // the reg id of the register PubKey string FeeSymbol string Fees int64 // fees for mining CdpTxid string ScoinsToRepay int64 //repay coin number Assets *AssetModels }
Cdp Redeem param of the tx
type CdpStakeTxParam ¶
type CdpStakeTxParam struct { ValidHeight int64 // valid height Within the height of the latest block SrcRegId string // the reg id of the register PubKey string FeeSymbol string Fees int64 // fees for mining CdpTxid string ScoinSymbol string //get coin symbol ScoinMint int64 // get coin amount Assets *AssetModels }
Cdp Stake param of the tx
type CommonTxParam ¶
type CommonTxParam struct { ValidHeight int64 // valid height Within the height of the latest block SrcRegId string // the source reg id that the transaction send from DestAddr string // the dest address that the transaction send to Values int64 // transfer values Fees int64 // fees for mining PubKey string Memo string }
type DelegateTxParam ¶
type DelegateTxParam struct { ValidHeight int64 // valid height Within the height of the latest block SrcRegId string // the reg id of the voter Fees int64 // fees for mining Votes *OperVoteFunds // vote list PubKey string }
DelegateTxParam param of the delegate tx
type DestArr ¶
type DestArr struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDestArr ¶
func NewDestArr() *DestArr
type DexCancelTxParam ¶
type DexLimitTxParam ¶
type DexLimitTxParam struct { ValidHeight int64 // valid height Within the height of the latest block SrcRegId string // the reg id of the register PubKey string FeeSymbol string Fees int64 // fees for mining AssetSymbol string CoinSymbol string AssetAmount int64 Price int64 }
Dex Sell Limit param of the tx
type DexMarketTxParam ¶
type DexMarketTxParam struct { ValidHeight int64 // valid height Within the height of the latest block SrcRegId string // the reg id of the register PubKey string FeeSymbol string Fees int64 // fees for mining AssetSymbol string CoinSymbol string AssetAmount int64 }
Dex market Sell param of the tx
type Mnemonic ¶
func NewMnemonicWithDefaultOption ¶
func NewMnemonicWithDefaultOption() *Mnemonic
func NewMnemonicWithLanguage ¶
func (*Mnemonic) GenerateMnemonic ¶
New mnemonic follow the wordlists
func (*Mnemonic) GenerateSeed ¶
Generate seed from mnemonic and pass( optional )
type OperVoteFund ¶
type OperVoteFund struct { PubKey []byte //< public key, binary format VoteValue int64 //< add fund if >= 0, minus fund if < 0 }
OperVoteFund operation of vote fund
type OperVoteFunds ¶
type OperVoteFunds struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OperVoteFunds array of OperVoteFund
func NewOperVoteFunds ¶
func NewOperVoteFunds() *OperVoteFunds
NewOperVoteFunds create new OperVoteFunds
func (*OperVoteFunds) Add ¶
func (votes *OperVoteFunds) Add(fund *OperVoteFund)
Add element to OperVoteFund pubKey is binary bytes voteValue add fund if >= 0, minus fund if < 0
func (*OperVoteFunds) Get ¶
func (votes *OperVoteFunds) Get(index int) *OperVoteFund
Get element of OperVoteFund by index
func (*OperVoteFunds) Len ¶
func (votes *OperVoteFunds) Len(index int) int
Len get the length of OperVoteFunds
type RegisterAccountTxParam ¶
type RegisterAccountTxParam struct { ValidHeight int64 // valid height Within the height of the latest block Fees int64 // fees for mining }
RegisterAccountTxParam register account tx param
type RegisterContractTxParam ¶
type RegisterContractTxParam struct { ValidHeight int64 // valid height Within the height of the latest block SrcRegId string // the reg id of the register Fees int64 // fees for mining Script []byte // the contract script, binary format Description string // description of contract }
RegisterContractTxParam param of the register contract tx
type SignMessageParam ¶
func SignMessage ¶
func SignMessage(privateKey string, message string) (*SignMessageParam, error)
Sign message by private Key
type UCoinContractTxParam ¶
type UCoinContractTxParam struct { ValidHeight int64 // valid height Within the height of the latest block SrcRegId string // the reg id of the caller AppId string // the reg id of the contract app Fees int64 // fees for mining CoinAmount int64 // the values send to the contract app ContractHex string // the command of contract, hex format PubKey string FeeSymbol string //Fee Type (WICC/WUSD) CoinSymbol string //From Coin Type }
UCoin Contract param of the tx
type UCoinRegisterContractTxParam ¶
type UCoinRegisterContractTxParam struct { ValidHeight int64 // valid height Within the height of the latest block SrcRegId string // the reg id of the register Fees int64 // fees for mining FeeSymbol string //WICC/WUSD Script []byte // the contract script, binary format Description string // description of contract }
RegisterUCoinContractTxParam param of the register contract tx
type UCoinTransferTxParam ¶
type UCoinTransferTxParam struct { ValidHeight int64 // valid height Within the height of the latest block SrcRegId string // the reg id of the register PubKey string FeeSymbol string Fees int64 // fees for mining Dests *DestArr Memo string }
UCoin Transfer param of the tx
Path | Synopsis |
Package bip32 provides ...
Package bip32 provides ... |
Package base58 provides ...
Package base58 provides ... |
Package bytes provides ...
Package bytes provides ... |
Package address provides ...
Package address provides ... |
Package utils provides ...
Package utils provides ... |
Package wif provides ...
Package wif provides ... |