Rocket - App Container runtime

Release early, release often: Rocket is currently a prototype and we are seeking your feedback via issues and pull requests
Rocket is a CLI for running App Containers. The goal of rocket is to be composable, secure, and fast.
Read more about Rocket in the launch announcement.

Trying out Rocket
is currently supported on amd64 Linux. We recommend booting up a fresh virtual machine to test out rocket.
To install the rkt
binary, grab the release directly from GitHub:
tar xzvf rocket-v0.1.1.tar.gz
cd rocket-v0.1.1
./rkt help
Keep in mind while running through the examples that right now rkt
needs to be run as root for most operations.
Rocket basics
Downloading an App Container Image (ACI)
Rocket uses content addressable storage (CAS) for storing an ACI on disk. In this example, the image is downloaded and added to the CAS.
[~/rocket-v0.1.1]$ sudo ./rkt fetch
These files are now written to disk:
[~]$ find /var/lib/rkt/cas/blob/
Per the App Container Specification, the SHA-256 hash is of the tarball and can be reproduced with other tools:
[~]$ wget
[~]$ gzip -dc etcd-v0.5.0-alpha.4-linux-amd64.aci > etcd-v0.5.0-alpha.4-linux-amd64.tar
[~]$ sha256sum etcd-v0.5.0-alpha.4-linux-amd64.tar
f9215c18b86f406c7cec4c7b45fd8752b5bfd1a492507d647821c2ce593fbf31 etcd-v0.5.0-alpha.4-linux-amd64.tar
Launching an ACI
An ACI can be run by pointing rkt
at either the ACI's hash or URL.
# Example of running via ACI hash
[~/rocket-v0.1.1]$ sudo ./rkt run sha256-f9215c18b86f406c7cec4c7b45fd8752b5bfd1a492507d647821c2ce593fbf31
Press ^] three times to kill container
# Example of running via ACI URL
[~/rocket-v0.1.1]$ sudo ./rkt run
Press ^] three times to kill container
will do the appropriate ETag checking on the URL to make sure it has the most up to date version of the image.
The escape character ^]
is generated by Ctrl-]
on a US keyboard. The required key combination will differ on other keyboard layouts. For example, the Swedish keyboard layout uses Ctrl-å
on OS X and Ctrl-^
on Windows to generate the ^]
escape character.
App Container basics
App Container is a specification of an image format, runtime, and discovery protocol for running a container. We anticipate app container will be adopted by other runtimes outside of Rocket itself. Read more about it here.
To validate the rkt
with the App Container validation ACIs run:
[~/rocket-v0.1.1]$ sudo ./rkt run -volume database:/tmp \ \
Rocket internals
Rocket is designed to be modular and pluggable by default. To do this we have a concept of "stages" of execution of the container.
Execution with Rocket is divided into a number of distinct stages. The motivation for this is to separate the concerns of initial filesystem setup, execution environment, and finally the execution of the apps themselves.
Stage 0
The first step of the process, stage 0, is the actual rkt
binary itself. This binary is in charge of doing a number of initial preparatory tasks:
- Generating a Container UUID
- Generating a Container Runtime Manifest
- Creating a filesystem for the container
- Setting up stage 1 and stage 2 directories in the filesystem
- Copying the stage1 binary into the container filesystem
- Fetching the specified ACIs
- Unpacking the ACIs and copying each app into the stage2 directories
Given a run command such as:
[~/rocket-v0.1.1]$ sudo ./rkt run --volume bind:/opt/tenant1/database \
sha256-8a30f14877cd8065939e3912542a17d1a5fd9b4c \
a container manifest compliant with the ACE spec will be generated, and the filesystem created by stage0 should be:
is the container manifest file
is a copy of the stage1 filesystem that is safe for read/write
is the actual stage1 binary to be executed
are copies of the unpacked ACIs
At this point the stage0 execs /stage1/init
with the current working directory set to the root of the new filesystem.
Stage 1
The next stage is a binary that the user trusts to set up cgroups, execute processes, and other operations as root. This stage has the responsibility to take the execution group filesystem that was created by stage 0 and create the necessary cgroups, namespaces and mounts to launch the execution group:
- Generate systemd unit files from the Application and Container Manifests (containing, respectively, the exec specifications of each container and the ordering given by the user)
- Set up any external volumes (undefined at this point)
- nspawn attaching to the bridge and launch the execution group systemd
- Launch the root systemd
- Have the root systemd
This process is slightly different for the qemu-kvm stage1 but a similar workflow starting at exec()
'ing kvm instead of an nspawn.
Stage 2
The final stage is executing the actual application. The responsibilities of the stage2 include:
- Launch the init process described in the Application Manifest