
v1.223.2 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

Go to latest
Published: May 21, 2024 License: MPL-2.0 Imports: 79 Imported by: 1




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const (
	ApiVersion20140526 = ApiVersion("2014-05-26")
	ApiVersion20160815 = ApiVersion("2016-08-15")
	ApiVersion20140515 = ApiVersion("2014-05-15")
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const (
	MaxcomputeCode      = ServiceCode("MAXCOMPUTE")
	CmsCode             = ServiceCode("CMS")
	RKvstoreCode        = ServiceCode("RKVSTORE")
	OnsCode             = ServiceCode("ONS")
	DcdnCode            = ServiceCode("DCDN")
	MseCode             = ServiceCode("MSE")
	ActiontrailCode     = ServiceCode("ACTIONTRAIL")
	OosCode             = ServiceCode("OOS")
	EcsCode             = ServiceCode("ECS")
	NasCode             = ServiceCode("NAS")
	EciCode             = ServiceCode("ECI")
	DdoscooCode         = ServiceCode("DDOSCOO")
	BssopenapiCode      = ServiceCode("BSSOPENAPI")
	AlidnsCode          = ServiceCode("ALIDNS")
	ResourcemanagerCode = ServiceCode("RESOURCEMANAGER")
	WafOpenapiCode      = ServiceCode("WAFOPENAPI")
	DmsEnterpriseCode   = ServiceCode("DMSENTERPRISE")
	DnsCode             = ServiceCode("DNS")
	KmsCode             = ServiceCode("KMS")
	CbnCode             = ServiceCode("CBN")
	ECSCode             = ServiceCode("ECS")
	ESSCode             = ServiceCode("ESS")
	RAMCode             = ServiceCode("RAM")
	VPCCode             = ServiceCode("VPC")
	SLBCode             = ServiceCode("SLB")
	RDSCode             = ServiceCode("RDS")
	OSSCode             = ServiceCode("OSS")
	ONSCode             = ServiceCode("ONS")
	ALIKAFKACode        = ServiceCode("ALIKAFKA")
	CONTAINCode         = ServiceCode("CS")
	CRCode              = ServiceCode("CR")
	CDNCode             = ServiceCode("CDN")
	CMSCode             = ServiceCode("CMS")
	KMSCode             = ServiceCode("KMS")
	OTSCode             = ServiceCode("OTS")
	DNSCode             = ServiceCode("DNS")
	PVTZCode            = ServiceCode("PVTZ")
	LOGCode             = ServiceCode("LOG")
	FCCode              = ServiceCode("FC")
	DDSCode             = ServiceCode("DDS")
	GPDBCode            = ServiceCode("GPDB")
	STSCode             = ServiceCode("STS")
	KVSTORECode         = ServiceCode("KVSTORE")
	POLARDBCode         = ServiceCode("POLARDB")
	DATAHUBCode         = ServiceCode("DATAHUB")
	MNSCode             = ServiceCode("MNS")
	CLOUDAPICode        = ServiceCode("APIGATEWAY")
	DRDSCode            = ServiceCode("DRDS")
	LOCATIONCode        = ServiceCode("LOCATION")
	BSSOPENAPICode      = ServiceCode("BSSOPENAPI")
	DDOSCOOCode         = ServiceCode("DDOSCOO")
	DDOSBGPCode         = ServiceCode("DDOSBGP")
	SAGCode             = ServiceCode("SAG")
	EMRCode             = ServiceCode("EMR")
	CasCode             = ServiceCode("CAS")
	MARKETCode          = ServiceCode("MARKET")
	HBASECode           = ServiceCode("HBASE")
	ADBCode             = ServiceCode("ADB")
	MAXCOMPUTECode      = ServiceCode("MAXCOMPUTE")
	EDASCode            = ServiceCode("EDAS")
	CassandraCode       = ServiceCode("CASSANDRA")
View Source
const (
	OpenApiGatewayService          = ""
	OpenOtsService                 = ""
	OpenOssService                 = ""
	OpenNasService                 = ""
	OpenCdnService                 = ""
	OpenKmsService                 = ""
	OpenSaeService                 = ""
	OpenCmsService                 = ""
	OpenDatahubService             = ""
	OpenOnsService                 = ""
	OpenDcdnService                = ""
	OpenFcService                  = ""
	OpenAckService                 = ""
	OpenPrivateLinkService         = ""
	OpenBrainIndustrialService     = ""
	OpenIotService                 = ""
	OpenVsService                  = ""
	OpenCrService                  = ""
	OpenMaxcomputeService          = ""
	OpenCloudStorageGatewayService = ""
	DataWorksService               = ""
	OpenHbrService                 = ""
View Source
const (
	BssOpenAPIEndpointDomestic                = ""
	BssOpenAPIEndpointInternational           = ""
	EcdOpenAPIEndpointUser                    = ""
	CloudFirewallOpenAPIEndpointControlPolicy = ""
	SaSOpenAPIEndpointInternational           = ""
View Source
const (
	Hangzhou    = Region("cn-hangzhou")
	Qingdao     = Region("cn-qingdao")
	Beijing     = Region("cn-beijing")
	Hongkong    = Region("cn-hongkong")
	Shenzhen    = Region("cn-shenzhen")
	Shanghai    = Region("cn-shanghai")
	Zhangjiakou = Region("cn-zhangjiakou")
	Huhehaote   = Region("cn-huhehaote")
	ChengDu     = Region("cn-chengdu")
	HeYuan      = Region("cn-heyuan")
	WuLanChaBu  = Region("cn-wulanchabu")
	GuangZhou   = Region("cn-guangzhou")
	NanJing     = Region("cn-nanjing")
	FuZhou      = Region("cn-fuzhou")

	APSouthEast1 = Region("ap-southeast-1")
	APNorthEast1 = Region("ap-northeast-1")
	APNorthEast2 = Region("ap-northeast-2")
	APSouthEast2 = Region("ap-southeast-2")
	APSouthEast3 = Region("ap-southeast-3")
	APSouthEast5 = Region("ap-southeast-5")
	APSouthEast6 = Region("ap-southeast-6")
	APSouthEast7 = Region("ap-southeast-7")

	APSouth1 = Region("ap-south-1")

	USWest1 = Region("us-west-1")
	USEast1 = Region("us-east-1")

	MEEast1    = Region("me-east-1")
	MECentral1 = Region("me-central-1")

	EUCentral1 = Region("eu-central-1")
	EUWest1    = Region("eu-west-1")

	RusWest1 = Region("rus-west-1")

	HangzhouFinance     = Region("cn-hangzhou-finance")
	HangzhouFinanceOSS  = Region("cn-hzfinance")
	HangzhouFinanceOSS1 = Region("cn-hzjbp")

	BeijingFinance1   = Region("cn-beijing-finance-1")
	BeijingFinancePub = Region("cn-beijing-finance-1-pub")

	ShanghaiFinance     = Region("cn-shanghai-finance-1")
	ShanghaiFinance1Pub = Region("cn-shanghai-finance-1-pub")
	ShenZhenFinance1    = Region("cn-shenzhen-finance-1")
	ShenzhenFinance2    = Region("cn-szfinance")
	ShenzhenFinance     = Region("cn-shenzhen-finance")

	CnNorth2Gov1 = Region("cn-north-2-gov-1")

Constants of region definition

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const DefaultClientRetryCountLarge = 15
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const DefaultClientRetryCountMedium = 10
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const DefaultClientRetryCountSmall = 5
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const Module = "Terraform-Module"
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const Provider = "Terraform-Provider"
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const Terraform = "HashiCorp-Terraform"
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const TerraformTraceId = "TerraformTraceId"


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var ACKSystemDiskEncryptionSupportRegions = []Region{Hongkong, EUCentral1}
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var ADBDBClusterLakeVersionSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, APSouthEast1}
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var ADBResourceGroupSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var ARMSSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, APSouthEast1}
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var ARMSSyncTaskSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var AckOneSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, Hongkong}
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var ActiontrailGlobalEventsStorageRegionSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, APSouthEast1}
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var ActiontrailNoSkipRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, EUCentral1, APSouth1}

Actiontrail only one can be owned by one account at the same time, skipped here to avoid multi regions concurrency conflict.

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var AdbReserverUnSupportRegions = []Region{EUCentral1}
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var AlidnsSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, APSouthEast1}
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var ApiGatewayNoSupportedRegions = []Region{Zhangjiakou, Huhehaote, USEast1, USWest1, EUWest1, MEEast1}
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var BpStudioApplicationSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var BrainIndustrialRegions = []Region{Shanghai}
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var BrainIndustrialSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var BssOpenApiSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, Shanghai, APSouthEast1}
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var CDDCSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var CENTransitRouterMulticastDomainMemberSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var CENTransitRouterMulticastDomainPeerMemberSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var CRNoSupportedRegions = []Region{Beijing, Hangzhou, Qingdao, Huhehaote, Zhangjiakou}
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var CasClassicSupportedRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, APSouth1, MEEast1, EUCentral1, APNorthEast1, APSouthEast2}
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var CenChildInstanceRouteEntryToAttachmentSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var CenNoSkipRegions = []Region{Shanghai, EUCentral1, APSouth1}
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var CenSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var CenTransitRouterVpcAttachmentSupportRegions = []Region{EUCentral1} // Not all of APSouthEast1 and HangZhou zones support vpc attachment
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var ChatbotSupportRegions = []Region{Shanghai}
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var ClickHouseBackupPolicySupportRegions = []Region{Shanghai}
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var CloudAuthSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var CloudConfigSupportedRegions = []Region{Shanghai}
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var CloudFirewallSupportRegions = []Region{APSouthEast1, Hangzhou}
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var CloudSsoSupportRegions = []Region{Shanghai, USWest1}
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var CmsDynamicTagGroupSupportRegions = []Region{Shanghai}
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var ComputeNestSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var DBFSSystemSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var DBReadwriteSplittingConnectionSupportedRegions = []Region{APSouthEast1}
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var DCDNSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, APSouthEast1, APNorthEast1}
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var DMSEnterpriseProxyAccessSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var DRDSPolarDbxSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var DatahubSupportedRegions = []Region{Beijing, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen, APSouthEast1}
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var DdosBgpRegions = []Region{Beijing}
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var DdoscooInstanceIntlSupportedRegions = []Region{APSouthEast1}
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var DdoscooInstanceSupportedRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var DdoscooSupportedRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, APSouthEast1}
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var DmSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var DrdsClassicNoSupportedRegions = []Region{Hongkong}
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var EAISSystemSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var ECPSupportRegions = []Region{Beijing, Hangzhou}
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var ESSSupportRegions = []Region{Beijing}
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var EbsDedicatedBlockStorageClusterRegions = []Region{HeYuan}
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var EbsEnterpriseSnapshotPolicySupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var EcdUserSupportRegions = []Region{Shanghai}
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var EciContainerGroupRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var EcpSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen}
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var EcsDedicatedHostRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var EcsNetworkInterfaceIpPrefixSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var EcsSccSupportedRegions = []Region{Shanghai, Beijing, Zhangjiakou}
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var EcsSpotNoSupportedRegions = []Region{APSouth1}
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var EfloSupportRegions = []Region{WuLanChaBu}
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var EipAddressBGPProSupportRegions = []Region{Hongkong}
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var EipAddressZoneSupportRegions = []Region{APSouthEast2}
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var EndpointMap = map[string]string{
	"cn-shenzhen-su18-b01":        "",
	"cn-beijing":                  "",
	"cn-shenzhen-st4-d01":         "",
	"cn-haidian-cm12-c01":         "",
	"cn-hangzhou-internal-prod-1": "",
	"cn-qingdao":                  "",
	"cn-shanghai":                 "",
	"cn-shanghai-finance-1":       "",
	"cn-hongkong":                 "",
	"us-west-1":                   "",
	"cn-shenzhen":                 "",
	"cn-shanghai-et15-b01":        "",
	"cn-hangzhou-bj-b01":          "",
	"cn-zhangbei-na61-b01":        "",
	"cn-shenzhen-finance-1":       "",
	"cn-shanghai-et2-b01":         "",
	"ap-southeast-1":              "",
	"cn-beijing-nu16-b01":         "",
	"us-east-1":                   "",
	"cn-fujian":                   "",
	"cn-hangzhou":                 "",

Temporarily maintain map for old ecs client methods and store special endpoint information

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var EssScalingConfigurationMultiSgSupportedRegions = []Region{APSouthEast1, APSouth1}

var NetworkAclSupportedRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Hongkong, APSouthEast5, APSouth1}

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var EssdSupportRegions = []Region{Zhangjiakou, Huhehaote}
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var EventBridgeConnectionSupportRegions = []Region{ChengDu, Huhehaote}
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var FCCustomDomainSupportRegions = []Region{EUCentral1, APSouthEast1}

Other regions requires the custom should have icp

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var FCV2FunctionSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var FcNoSupportedRegions = []Region{MEEast1}
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var FnfSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, USWest1}
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var GDNPolarDBSupportRegions = []Region{ChengDu}
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var GPDBDBInstancePlanSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var GaSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var GpdbElasticInstanceSupportRegions = []Region{EUCentral1, Beijing, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen, APSouthEast1, APSouthEast5, Hongkong}
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var GpdbSupportedRegions = []Region{Beijing, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Hongkong}
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var GraphDatabaseDbInstanceSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var HBaseClassicSupportedRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen}
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var HbrSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var HologramSharedSupportRegions = []Region{Shanghai}
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var HologramSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var KVstoreClassicNetworkInstanceSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, APSouthEast1, USEast1, USWest1}
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var KmsInstanceIntlSupportRegions = []Region{APSouthEast1}
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var KmsInstanceSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var KmsSkippedRegions = []Region{Beijing, Shanghai}
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var KvStoreSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var LindormInstanceRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, APSouthEast1}
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var LogResourceSupportRegions = []Region{HeYuan}
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var MHUBSupportRegions = []Region{Shanghai}
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var MSCSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var MSEGatewaySupportRegions = []Region{Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing}
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var MaxComputeProjectSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var MaxComputeSupportRegions = []Region{}
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var MetaTagSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var MongoDBMultiAzSupportedRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, Beijing, Shenzhen, EUCentral1}
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var MongoDBTDESupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai}
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var NLBSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var NasExtremeTypeRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var NasNoSupportedRegions = []Region{Qingdao, APSouth1, APSouthEast3, APSouthEast5}
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var OOSApplicationSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var OceanBaseSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var OnsNoSupportRegions = []Region{APSouthEast5}
View Source
var OssDeepColdArchiveSupportedRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, APSouthEast1}
View Source
var OssVersioningSupportedRegions = []Region{APSouth1}
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var OtsCapacityNoSupportedRegions = []Region{APSouthEast1, USWest1, USEast1}
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var PolarDBNewBackupPolicySupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Qingdao, Shenzhen, Hongkong, USWest1, USEast1}
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var PolarDBSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var PrivateIpNoSupportedRegions = []Region{Beijing, Hangzhou, Shenzhen}
View Source
var PrivateLinkRegions = []Region{EUCentral1}
View Source
var PrivateLinkSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var RDCupportRegions = []Region{Shanghai}
View Source
var RDSInstanceClassesSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var RamNoSkipRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, EUCentral1, APSouth1}

Some Ram resources only one can be owned by one account at the same time, skipped here to avoid multi regions concurrency conflict.

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var RdsMultiAzNoSupportedRegions = []Region{Qingdao, APNorthEast1, APSouthEast5, MEEast1}
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var RedisTariInstanceSupportRegions = []Region{GuangZhou}
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var RocketMQSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var RouteTableNoSupportedRegions = []Region{Beijing, Hangzhou, Shenzhen}
View Source
var SENormalPolarDBSupportRegions = []Region{Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Zhangjiakou, APSouthEast1}
View Source
var SLSLiteSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var SMSSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, APSouthEast1, APSouthEast5}
View Source
var SchedulerxSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, USEast1, Zhangjiakou}
View Source
var SddpSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, Zhangjiakou, APSouthEast1}
View Source
var ServerlessKubernetesSupportedRegions = []Region{Beijing, Hangzhou, Shanghai, APSouthEast3, APSouthEast5, APSouth1, Huhehaote}
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var ServiceCatalogProvisionedProductSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var ServiceMeshStandardUnsupportedRegions = []Region{EUCentral1, APSouthEast1, USEast1, USWest1}
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var SimpleApplicationServerNotSupportRegions = []Region{EUCentral1}
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var SlbPrivateNetSupportRegions = []Region{EUWest1}
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var SlsTestRegions = []Region{EUWest1}
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var SurveillanceSystemSupportRegions = []Region{Beijing, Shenzhen, Qingdao}
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var TagPolicySupportRegions = []Region{Shanghai}
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var TestPvtzRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var TestSalveRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var VPCBgpGroupSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var VPCGatewayEndpointSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var VPCPublicIpAddressPoolCidrBlockSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var VPCRouteTableAttachmentSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var VPCVbrHaSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var VPNSingleConnectRegions = []Region{MEEast1}
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var VPNSupportRegions = []Region{Huhehaote}
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var VbrSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var VodSupportRegions = []Region{Shanghai}
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var VpcDhcpOptionsSetSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var VpcVSwitchCidrReservationSupportRegions = []Region{APSouthEast2}
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var VpnGatewayVpnAttachmentSupportRegions = []Region{APSouthEast2, EUCentral1}
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var WAFSupportRegions = []Region{Hangzhou}
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var WAFV3SupportRegions = []Region{APSouth1, EUCentral1}
View Source
var YundunDbauditSupportedRegions = []Region{Hangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai}


func LoadRegionalEndpoint added in v1.222.0

func LoadRegionalEndpoint(region string, serviceCode string) string


type AliyunClient

type AliyunClient struct {
	Region          Region
	RegionId        string
	SourceIp        string
	SecureTransport string

	//In order to build ots table client, add accesskey and secretkey in aliyunclient temporarily.
	AccessKey       string
	SecretKey       string
	SecurityToken   string
	OtsInstanceName string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AliyunClient) AccountId

func (client *AliyunClient) AccountId() (string, error)

func (*AliyunClient) GetCallerIdentity added in v1.93.0

func (client *AliyunClient) GetCallerIdentity() (*sts.GetCallerIdentityResponse, error)

func (*AliyunClient) GetRetryTimeout added in v1.183.0

func (client *AliyunClient) GetRetryTimeout(defaultTimeout time.Duration) time.Duration

func (*AliyunClient) NewAckClient added in v1.219.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewAckClient() (*roa.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewAckoneClient added in v1.212.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewAckoneClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewAcrClient added in v1.139.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewAcrClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewActiontrailClient added in v1.112.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewActiontrailClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewAdbClient added in v1.112.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewAdbClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewAdsClient added in v1.121.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewAdsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewAistudioClient added in v1.113.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewAistudioClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewAlbClient added in v1.131.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewAlbClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewAlidfsClient added in v1.133.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewAlidfsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewAlidnsClient added in v1.124.1

func (client *AliyunClient) NewAlidnsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewAlikafkaClient added in v1.152.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewAlikafkaClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewAmqpClient added in v1.219.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewAmqpClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewApigatewayClient added in v1.181.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewApigatewayClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewArmsClient added in v1.129.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewArmsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewBastionhostClient added in v1.132.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewBastionhostClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewBeebotClient added in v1.203.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewBeebotClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewBpstudioClient added in v1.192.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewBpstudioClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewBssopenapiClient added in v1.105.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewBssopenapiClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewCasClient added in v1.129.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewCasClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewCbnClient added in v1.126.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewCbnClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewCbsClient added in v1.185.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewCbsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewCbwpClient added in v1.207.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewCbwpClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewCddcClient added in v1.132.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewCddcClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewCdnClient added in v1.132.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewCdnClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewCdsClient added in v1.128.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewCdsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewCenClient added in v1.223.1

func (client *AliyunClient) NewCenClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewClickhouseClient added in v1.134.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewClickhouseClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewCloudauthClient added in v1.137.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewCloudauthClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewCloudfirewallClient added in v1.194.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewCloudfirewallClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewCloudfwClient added in v1.129.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewCloudfwClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewCloudmonitorserviceClient added in v1.215.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewCloudmonitorserviceClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewCloudphoneClient added in v1.131.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewCloudphoneClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewCloudssoClient added in v1.135.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewCloudssoClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewCmsClient added in v1.104.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewCmsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewCommonRequest

func (client *AliyunClient) NewCommonRequest(product, serviceCode, schema string, apiVersion ApiVersion) (*requests.CommonRequest, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewComputenestClient added in v1.205.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewComputenestClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewConfigClient added in v1.104.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewConfigClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewDasClient added in v1.193.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewDasClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewDataworkspublicClient added in v1.131.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewDataworkspublicClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewDbfsClient added in v1.136.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewDbfsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewDcdnClient added in v1.109.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewDcdnClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewDdosbasicClient added in v1.168.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewDdosbasicClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewDdosbgpClient added in v1.180.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewDdosbgpClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewDdoscooClient added in v1.123.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewDdoscooClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewDdsClient added in v1.148.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewDdsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewDevopsrdcClient added in v1.137.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewDevopsrdcClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewDfsClient added in v1.218.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewDfsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewDgClient added in v1.135.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewDgClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewDmClient added in v1.125.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewDmClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewDmsenterpriseClient added in v1.116.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewDmsenterpriseClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewDrdsClient added in v1.211.1

func (client *AliyunClient) NewDrdsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewDtsClient added in v1.134.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewDtsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewDysmsClient added in v1.178.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewDysmsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewEaisClient added in v1.137.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewEaisClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewEbsClient added in v1.187.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewEbsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewEciClient added in v1.111.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewEciClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewEcsClient added in v1.102.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewEcsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewEdasClient added in v1.173.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewEdasClient() (*roa.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewEdasschedulerxClient added in v1.173.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewEdasschedulerxClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewEdsuserClient added in v1.142.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewEdsuserClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewEfloClient added in v1.201.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewEfloClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewEhpcClient added in v1.133.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewEhpcClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewEhsClient added in v1.173.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewEhsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewEipClient added in v1.207.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewEipClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewEipanycastClient added in v1.113.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewEipanycastClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewElasticsearchClient added in v1.124.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewElasticsearchClient() (*roa.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewEmrClient added in v1.146.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewEmrClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewEnsClient added in v1.133.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewEnsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewEssClient added in v1.163.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewEssClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewEventbridgeClient added in v1.126.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewEventbridgeClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewExpressconnectClient added in v1.215.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewExpressconnectClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewFcClient added in v1.180.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewFcClient() (*roa.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewFcv2Client added in v1.208.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewFcv2Client() (*roa.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewFnfClient added in v1.105.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewFnfClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewGaplusClient added in v1.111.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewGaplusClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewGdsClient added in v1.136.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewGdsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewGpdbClient added in v1.127.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewGpdbClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewGwsecdClient added in v1.131.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewGwsecdClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewHbaseClient added in v1.125.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewHbaseClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewHbrClient added in v1.129.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewHbrClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewHcsSgwClient added in v1.116.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewHcsSgwClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewHitsdbClient added in v1.112.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewHitsdbClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewHologramClient added in v1.213.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewHologramClient() (*roa.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewImmClient added in v1.134.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewImmClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewImpClient added in v1.137.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewImpClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewImsClient added in v1.114.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewImsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewIotClient added in v1.134.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewIotClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewKmsClient added in v1.123.1

func (client *AliyunClient) NewKmsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewMhubClient added in v1.138.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewMhubClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewMnsClient added in v1.188.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewMnsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewMscopensubscriptionClient added in v1.132.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewMscopensubscriptionClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewMseClient added in v1.112.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewMseClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewNasClient added in v1.115.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewNasClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewNlbClient added in v1.186.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewNlbClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewOceanbaseClient added in v1.203.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewOceanbaseClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewOdpsClient added in v1.110.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewOdpsClient() (*roa.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewOnsClient added in v1.104.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewOnsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewOnsproxyClient added in v1.126.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewOnsproxyClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewOosClient added in v1.114.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewOosClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewOpensearchClient added in v1.136.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewOpensearchClient() (*roa.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewOssClient added in v1.215.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewOssClient() (*openapi.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewOtsRoaClient added in v1.210.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewOtsRoaClient(productCode string) (*roa.Client, error)

NewOtsRoaClient rpc client for common sdk

func (*AliyunClient) NewPolarDBClient added in v1.124.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewPolarDBClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewPrivatelinkClient added in v1.109.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewPrivatelinkClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewPvtzClient added in v1.107.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewPvtzClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewQuickbiClient added in v1.136.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewQuickbiClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewQuotasClient added in v1.115.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewQuotasClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewQuotasClientV2 added in v1.219.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewQuotasClientV2() (*openapi.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewRamClient added in v1.114.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewRamClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewRdsClient added in v1.104.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewRdsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewRealtimecomputeClient added in v1.214.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewRealtimecomputeClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewRedisClient added in v1.206.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewRedisClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewRedisaClient added in v1.131.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewRedisaClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewResourceCenterClient added in v1.213.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewResourceCenterClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewResourcemanagerClient added in v1.114.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewResourcemanagerClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewRessharingClient added in v1.111.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewRessharingClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewRoaCsClient added in v1.122.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewRoaCsClient() (*roaCS.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewRocketmqClient added in v1.212.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewRocketmqClient() (*roa.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewRosClient added in v1.106.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewRosClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewSasClient added in v1.133.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewSasClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewScdnClient added in v1.131.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewScdnClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewSddpClient added in v1.132.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewSddpClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewServerlessClient added in v1.129.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewServerlessClient() (*roa.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewServicemeshClient added in v1.138.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewServicemeshClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewSlbClient added in v1.123.1

func (client *AliyunClient) NewSlbClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewSlsClient added in v1.212.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewSlsClient() (*openapi.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewSmartagClient added in v1.168.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewSmartagClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewSrvcatalogClient added in v1.196.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewSrvcatalogClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewSwasClient added in v1.135.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewSwasClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewTagClient added in v1.169.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewTagClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewTeaCommonClient added in v1.96.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewTeaCommonClient(endpoint string) (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewTeaRoaCommonClient added in v1.112.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewTeaRoaCommonClient(endpoint string) (*roa.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewThreatdetectionClient added in v1.195.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewThreatdetectionClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewVodClient added in v1.136.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewVodClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewVpcClient added in v1.102.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewVpcClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewVpcPeerClient added in v1.196.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewVpcPeerClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewVpcpeerClient added in v1.186.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewVpcpeerClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewVpngatewayClient added in v1.216.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewVpngatewayClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewVsClient added in v1.135.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewVsClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewWafClient added in v1.105.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewWafClient() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) NewWafv3Client added in v1.218.0

func (client *AliyunClient) NewWafv3Client() (*rpc.Client, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithAdbClient added in v1.93.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithAdbClient(do func(*adb.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithAlidnsClient added in v1.93.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithAlidnsClient(do func(*alidns.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithAlikafkaClient added in v1.93.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithAlikafkaClient(do func(*alikafka.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithBastionhostClient added in v1.93.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithBastionhostClient(do func(*yundun_bastionhost.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithBssopenapiClient added in v1.38.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithBssopenapiClient(do func(*bssopenapi.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithCassandraClient added in v1.93.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithCassandraClient(do func(*cassandra.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithCbnClient added in v1.93.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithCbnClient(do func(*cbn.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithCdnClient

func (client *AliyunClient) WithCdnClient(do func(*cdn.CdnClient) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithCdnClient_new added in v1.34.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithCdnClient_new(do func(*cdn_new.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithCenClient

func (client *AliyunClient) WithCenClient(do func(*cbn.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithCloudApiClient

func (client *AliyunClient) WithCloudApiClient(do func(*cloudapi.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithCmsClient

func (client *AliyunClient) WithCmsClient(do func(*cms.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithCrClient added in v1.34.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithCrClient(do func(*cr.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithCrEEClient added in v1.93.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithCrEEClient(do func(*cr_ee.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithCsClient

func (client *AliyunClient) WithCsClient(do func(*cs.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithCsProjectClient

func (client *AliyunClient) WithCsProjectClient(clusterId, endpoint string, clusterCerts cs.ClusterCerts, do func(*cs.ProjectClient) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithDataHubClient

func (client *AliyunClient) WithDataHubClient(do func(api datahub.DataHubApi) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithDbauditClient added in v1.93.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithDbauditClient(do func(*yundun_dbaudit.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithDcdnClient added in v1.94.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithDcdnClient(do func(*dcdn.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithDdosbgpClient added in v1.93.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithDdosbgpClient(do func(*ddosbgp.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithDdoscooClient added in v1.38.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithDdoscooClient(do func(*ddoscoo.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithDdsClient

func (client *AliyunClient) WithDdsClient(do func(*dds.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithDnsClient

func (client *AliyunClient) WithDnsClient(do func(*alidns.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithDrdsClient added in v1.24.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithDrdsClient(do func(*drds.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithEciClient added in v1.93.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithEciClient(do func(*eci.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithEcsClient

func (client *AliyunClient) WithEcsClient(do func(*ecs.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithEdasClient added in v1.93.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithEdasClient(do func(*edas.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithElasticsearchClient added in v1.30.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithElasticsearchClient(do func(*elasticsearch.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithEmrClient added in v1.93.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithEmrClient(do func(*emr.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithEssClient

func (client *AliyunClient) WithEssClient(do func(*ess.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithFcClient

func (client *AliyunClient) WithFcClient(do func(*fc.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithGpdbClient added in v1.47.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithGpdbClient(do func(*gpdb.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithHbaseClient added in v1.93.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithHbaseClient(do func(*hbase.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithLogClient

func (client *AliyunClient) WithLogClient(do func(*sls.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithLogPopClient added in v1.93.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithLogPopClient(do func(*slsPop.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithMarketClient added in v1.93.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithMarketClient(do func(*market.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithMnsClient

func (client *AliyunClient) WithMnsClient(do func(*ali_mns.MNSClient) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithMnsQueueManager

func (client *AliyunClient) WithMnsQueueManager(do func(ali_mns.AliQueueManager) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithMnsSubscriptionManagerByTopicName

func (client *AliyunClient) WithMnsSubscriptionManagerByTopicName(topicName string, do func(ali_mns.AliMNSTopic) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithMnsTopicManager

func (client *AliyunClient) WithMnsTopicManager(do func(ali_mns.AliTopicManager) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithOfficalCSClient added in v1.93.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithOfficalCSClient(do func(*officalCS.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithOssBucketByName

func (client *AliyunClient) WithOssBucketByName(bucketName string, do func(*oss.Bucket) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithOssClient

func (client *AliyunClient) WithOssClient(do func(*oss.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithOtsClient

func (client *AliyunClient) WithOtsClient(do func(*ots.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

WithOtsClient init ots openapi publish sdk client(if necessary), and exec do func by client

func (*AliyunClient) WithPolarDBClient added in v1.93.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithPolarDBClient(do func(*polardb.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithRKvstoreClient added in v1.101.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithRKvstoreClient(do func(*r_kvstore.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithRamClient

func (client *AliyunClient) WithRamClient(do func(*ram.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithSagClient added in v1.93.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithSagClient(do func(*smartag.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithSlbClient

func (client *AliyunClient) WithSlbClient(do func(*slb.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithTableStoreClient

func (client *AliyunClient) WithTableStoreClient(instanceName string, do func(*tablestore.TableStoreClient) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithTableStoreTunnelClient added in v1.172.0

func (client *AliyunClient) WithTableStoreTunnelClient(instanceName string, do func(otsTunnel.TunnelClient) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

func (*AliyunClient) WithVpcClient

func (client *AliyunClient) WithVpcClient(do func(*vpc.Client) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error)

type ApiVersion

type ApiVersion string

type AssumeRoleWithOidc added in v1.220.0

type AssumeRoleWithOidc struct {
	RoleARN         string
	DurationSeconds int
	Policy          string
	RoleSessionName string
	OIDCProviderArn string
	OIDCTokenFile   string
	OIDCToken       string

type Config

type Config struct {
	AccessKey            string
	SecretKey            string
	EcsRoleName          string
	Region               Region
	RegionId             string
	SecurityToken        string
	OtsInstanceName      string
	AccountId            string
	Protocol             string
	ClientReadTimeout    int
	ClientConnectTimeout int
	SourceIp             string
	SecureTransport      string
	MaxRetryTimeout      int

	RamRoleArn               string
	RamRoleSessionName       string
	RamRolePolicy            string
	RamRoleExternalId        string
	RamRoleSessionExpiration int
	AssumeRoleWithOidc       *AssumeRoleWithOidc
	Endpoints                *sync.Map
	SignVersion              *sync.Map
	RKvstoreEndpoint         string
	EcsEndpoint              string
	RdsEndpoint              string
	SlbEndpoint              string
	VpcEndpoint              string
	CenEndpoint              string
	EssEndpoint              string
	OssEndpoint              string
	OnsEndpoint              string
	AlikafkaEndpoint         string
	DnsEndpoint              string
	RamEndpoint              string
	CsEndpoint               string
	CrEndpoint               string
	CdnEndpoint              string
	KmsEndpoint              string
	OtsEndpoint              string
	CmsEndpoint              string
	PvtzEndpoint             string
	StsEndpoint              string
	LogEndpoint              string
	DrdsEndpoint             string
	DdsEndpoint              string
	GpdbEnpoint              string
	KVStoreEndpoint          string
	PolarDBEndpoint          string
	FcEndpoint               string
	ApigatewayEndpoint       string
	DatahubEndpoint          string
	MnsEndpoint              string
	LocationEndpoint         string
	ElasticsearchEndpoint    string
	NasEndpoint              string
	BssOpenApiEndpoint       string
	DdoscooEndpoint          string
	DdosbgpEndpoint          string
	SagEndpoint              string
	EmrEndpoint              string
	CasEndpoint              string
	MarketEndpoint           string
	HBaseEndpoint            string
	AdbEndpoint              string
	MaxComputeEndpoint       string

	SkipRegionValidation        bool
	ConfigurationSource         string
	TerraformTraceId            string
	TerraformVersion            string
	CbnEndpoint                 string
	DmsEnterpriseEndpoint       string
	WafOpenapiEndpoint          string
	ResourcemanagerEndpoint     string
	BssopenapiEndpoint          string
	AlidnsEndpoint              string
	CassandraEndpoint           string
	EciEndpoint                 string
	OosEndpoint                 string
	DcdnEndpoint                string
	MseEndpoint                 string
	ActiontrailEndpoint         string
	ConfigEndpoint              string
	FnfEndpoint                 string
	RosEndpoint                 string
	PrivatelinkEndpoint         string
	MaxcomputeEndpoint          string
	ResourcesharingEndpoint     string
	GaEndpoint                  string
	HitsdbEndpoint              string
	BrainIndustrialEndpoint     string
	EipanycastEndpoint          string
	ImsEndpoint                 string
	QuotasEndpoint              string
	SgwEndpoint                 string
	ScdnEndpoint                string
	DmEndpoint                  string
	EventbridgeEndpoint         string
	OnsproxyEndpoint            string
	CdsEndpoint                 string
	HbrEndpoint                 string
	ArmsEndpoint                string
	CloudfwEndpoint             string
	ServerlessEndpoint          string
	AlbEndpoint                 string
	RedisaEndpoint              string
	GwsecdEndpoint              string
	CloudphoneEndpoint          string
	DataworkspublicEndpoint     string
	HcsSgwEndpoint              string
	CddcEndpoint                string
	MscopensubscriptionEndpoint string
	SddpEndpoint                string
	BastionhostEndpoint         string
	SasEndpoint                 string
	AlidfsEndpoint              string
	EhpcEndpoint                string
	EnsEndpoint                 string
	IotEndpoint                 string
	ImmEndpoint                 string
	ClickhouseEndpoint          string
	DtsEndpoint                 string
	DgEndpoint                  string
	CloudssoEndpoint            string
	WafEndpoint                 string
	SwasEndpoint                string
	VsEndpoint                  string
	QuickbiEndpoint             string
	VodEndpoint                 string
	OpensearchEndpoint          string
	GdsEndpoint                 string
	DbfsEndpoint                string
	DevopsrdcEndpoint           string
	EaisEndpoint                string
	CloudauthEndpoint           string
	ImpEndpoint                 string
	MhubEndpoint                string
	ServicemeshEndpoint         string
	AcrEndpoint                 string
	EdsuserEndpoint             string
	GpdbEndpoint                string
	GaplusEndpoint              string
	DdosbasicEndpoint           string
	SmartagEndpoint             string
	TagEndpoint                 string
	EdasEndpoint                string
	EdasschedulerxEndpoint      string
	EhsEndpoint                 string
	DysmsEndpoint               string
	CbsEndpoint                 string
	NlbEndpoint                 string
	VpcpeerEndpoint             string
	EbsEndpoint                 string
	DmsenterpriseEndpoint       string
	BpStudioEndpoint            string
	DasEndpoint                 string
	CloudfirewallEndpoint       string
	SrvcatalogEndpoint          string
	VpcPeerEndpoint             string
	EfloEndpoint                string
	OceanbaseEndpoint           string
	BeebotEndpoint              string
	ComputeNestEndpoint         string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Config of aliyun

func (*Config) Client

func (c *Config) Client() (*AliyunClient, error)

Client for AliyunClient

func (*Config) RefreshAuthCredential added in v1.220.0

func (c *Config) RefreshAuthCredential() error

type Endpoint

type Endpoint struct {
	Name      string    `xml:"name,attr"`
	RegionIds RegionIds `xml:"RegionIds"`
	Products  Products  `xml:"Products"`

type Endpoints

type Endpoints struct {
	Endpoint []Endpoint `xml:"Endpoint"`

type Product

type Product struct {
	ProductName string `xml:"ProductName"`
	DomainName  string `xml:"DomainName"`

type Products

type Products struct {
	Product []Product `xml:"Product"`

type Region added in v1.23.0

type Region string

Region represents ECS region

type RegionIds

type RegionIds struct {
	RegionId string `xml:"RegionId"`

type ServiceCode

type ServiceCode string

ServiceCode Load endpoints from endpoints.xml or environment variables to meet specified application scenario, like private cloud.

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