SUSE Edge Airgap Tool created to make the airgap process easier for SUSE Edge deployments.
- Read the info from the release manifest file.
- Create a tarball for rke2 release tarball files (required to be used in capi airgap scenarios).
- Upload the helm-charts oci images defined in the release manifest to the private registry .
- Upload the containers images defined in the release manifest to the private registry.
- Helm 3 installed on the machine. You can install it using:
curl | bash
Clone the repository and build the tool using the following command:
make compile
- If your private registry is auth based, create your own registry auth file with the following format:
- If your private registry is using a self-signed certificate, create a CA certificate file and provide the path to the tool.
The following command can be used to generate the airgap artifacts
seactl generate [flags]
-h, --help help for generate
-i, --input string Release manifest file
-k, --insecure Skip TLS verification in registry
-o, --output string Output directory to store the tarball files
-a, --registry-authfile string Registry Auth file with username:password base64 encoded
-c, --registry-cacert string Registry CA Certificate file
-r, --registry-url string Registry URL
seactl generate -i release-manifest.yaml -o /tmp/airgap -a registry-auth.txt -c /opt/certs/ca.crt -r myregistry:5000
seactl generate -i release-manifest.yaml -o /tmp/airgap -a registry-auth.txt -r myregistry:5000 --insecure