Go Animate Coin
This script will take a circular image, say a coin, and rotate it in the perspective
towards you as if the coin is being spun around clockwise facing you.
I wanted to create a GIF animation of a new XPMarket.com meme coin called $APARIO and
I couldn't find anything online so I built one.
I used Claude AI to help me debug the transformFrame func, but overall, it was a fun
exercise that took me a few hours to do and I am happy to share it with you under the
MIT License so you may use it as well.
From |
To |
-input sample/apario-xrp-coin@144px.png |
-output sample/apario-xrp-coin@144.gif |
Transparent PNG Image |
Animated GIF Image |
View $APARIO on XRP Ledger via XPMarket.com
go install github.com/andreimerlescu/go-animate-coin@latest
Or use GitLab if GitHub is unavailable (it's now owned by Microsoft, so it happens often now):
go install gitlab.com/andreimerlescu/go-animate-coin@latest
[~/go-animate-coin]$ ./go-animate-coin -help
Usage of ./go-animate-coin:
-input string
Path to input PNG image
-output string
Path for output GIF (default "animated.gif")
-v Show version
-y Override Y/N prompts with Y response
NOTE: You cannot use JPG/JPEG or WebP images with this program.
Override in action
When you supply an -output
path that already exists, you'll receive an error...
[~/go-animate-coin]$ ./go-animate-coin -input sample/apario-xrp-coin@144px.png -output sample/apario-xrp-coin@144px.gif
File sample/apario-xrp-coin@144px.gif already exists. Overwrite? [y/N]: n
2024/12/23 10:39:08 operation cancelled by user
When you pass the -y
flag in this case, you won't get this prompt.
[~/go-animate-coin]$ ./go-animate-coin -input sample/apario-xrp-coin@144px.png -output sample/apario-xrp-coin@144px.gif -y
Animation saved to sample/apario-xrp-coin@144px.gif
git clone git@github.com:andreimerlescu/go-animate-coin.git
git checkout develop
git pull origin develop
git checkout -b feature/my-new-feature
Submit the change as a pull request to the repository. The GitHub way to do it is to fork the repo,
edit the files you need, then submit the commit and the interface will create the PR in this repo
and integrate the changes from your forked repo into this repo automatically.
You can also use GitLab if you wish,
git clone git@gitlab.com:andreimerlescu/go-animate-coin.git
If you use this project for your XRP, SOL, ETH, or other cryptocurrency, please send a tip:
XRP: rK1cJc5Jrhauhae4R84RwPVoRTWcDC3iwS
BTC: 1EKZJRaFrybikUbvJaT8yHP9qzLfoWdiMc
This is released under the MIT License.