
command module
v1.0.0-rc2 Latest Latest

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Published: May 5, 2020 License: MIT Imports: 2 Imported by: 0



An open source serveo/ngrok alternative.


Builds are made automatically on Google Cloud Build and Dockerhub. Feel free to either use the automated binaries or to build your own. If you submit a PR and would like access to Google Cloud Build's output (including pre-made PR binaries), feel free to let me know.

  1. Pull the Docker image

    • docker pull antoniomika/sish:latest
  2. Run the image

    • docker run -itd --name sish \
        -v ~/sish/ssl:/ssl \
        -v ~/sish/keys:/keys \
        -v ~/sish/pubkeys:/pubkeys \
        --net=host antoniomika/sish:latest \
        --ssh-address=:22 \
        --http-address=:80 \
        --https-address=:443 \
        --https=true \
        --https-certificate-directory=/ssl \
        --authentication-keys-directory=/pubkeys \
        --private-key-location=/keys/ssh_key \
  3. SSH to your host to communicate with sish

    • ssh -p 2222 -R 80:localhost:8080

Docker Compose

You can also use Docker Compose to setup your sish instance. This includes taking care of SSL via Let's Encrypt for you. This uses the adferrand/dnsrobocert container to handle issuing wildcard certifications over DNS. For more information on how to use this, head to that link above. Generally, you can deploy your service like so:

docker-compose -f deploy/docker-compose.yml up -d

The domain and DNS auth info in deploy/docker-compose.yml and deploy/le-config.yml should be updated to reflect your needs. I use these files in my deployment of using git-ops.

How it works

SSH can normally forward local and remote ports. This service implements an SSH server that only does that and nothing else. The service supports multiplexing connections over HTTP/HTTPS with WebSocket support. Just assign a remote port as port 80 to proxy HTTP traffic and 443 to proxy HTTPS traffic. If you use any other remote port, the server will listen to the port for connections, but only if that port is available.

You can choose your own subdomain instead of relying on a randomly assigned one by setting the --bind-random-subdomains option to false and then selecting a subdomain by prepending it to the remote port specifier:

ssh -p 2222 -R foo:80:localhost:8080

If the selected subdomain is not taken, it will be assigned to your connection.


If you want to use this service privately, it supports both public key and password authentication. To enable authentication, set --authentication=true as one of your CLI options and be sure to configure --authentication-password or --authentication-keys-directory to your liking. The directory provided by --authentication-keys-directory is watched for changes and will reload the authorized keys automatically. The authorized cert index is regenerated on directory modification, so removed public keys will also automatically be removed. Files in this directory can either be single key per file, or multiple keys per file separated by newlines, similar to authorized_keys. Password auth can be disabled by setting --authentication-password="" as a CLI option.

One of my favorite ways of using this for authentication is like so:

sish@sish0:~/sish/pubkeys# curl > antoniomika

This will load my public keys from GitHub, place them in the directory that sish is watching, and then load the pubkey. As soon as this command is run, I can SSH normally and it will authorize me.

Whitelisting IPs

Whitelisting IP ranges or countries is also possible. Whole CIDR ranges can be specified with the --whitelisted-ips option that accepts a comma-separated string like ",". If you want to whitelist a single IP, use the /32 range.

To whitelist countries, use --whitelisted-countries with a comma-separated string of countries in ISO format (for example, "pt" for Portugal). You'll also need to set --geodb to true.

Demo - At this time, the demo instance has been set to require auth due to abuse

There is a demo service (and my private instance) currently running on that doesn't require any authentication. This service provides default logging (errors, connection IP/username, and pubkey fingerprint). I do not log any of the password authentication data or the data sent within the service/tunnels. My deploy uses the exact deploy steps that are listed above. This instance is for testing and educational purposes only. You can deploy this extremely easily on any host (Google Cloud Platform provides an always-free instance that this should run perfectly on). If the service begins to accrue a lot of traffic, I will enable authentication and then you can reach out to me to get your SSH key whitelisted (make sure it's on GitHub and you provide me with your GitHub username).


  1. This is by no means production ready in any way. This was hacked together and solves a fairly specific use case.
    • You can help it get production ready by submitting PRs/reviewing code/writing tests/etc
  2. This is a fairly simple implementation, I've intentionally cut corners in some places to make it easier to write.
  3. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out via email or on freenode IRC #sish

CLI Flags

sish is a command line utility that implements an SSH server that can handle HTTP(S)/WS(S)/TCP multiplexing and forwarding.
It can handle multiple vhosting and reverse tunneling endpoints for a large number of clients.

  sish [flags]

      --admin-console                               Enable the admin console accessible at http(s)://domain/_sish/console?x-authorization=admin-console-token
  -j, --admin-console-token string                  The token to use for admin console access if it's enabled (default "S3Cr3tP4$$W0rD")
      --append-user-to-subdomain                    Append the SSH user to the subdomain. This is useful in multitenant environments
      --append-user-to-subdomain-separator string   The token to use for separating username and subdomain selection in a virtualhost (default "-")
      --authentication                              Require authentication for the SSH service
  -k, --authentication-keys-directory string        Directory where public keys for public key authentication are stored.
                                                    sish will watch this directory and automatically load new keys and remove keys
                                                    from the authentication list (default "deploy/pubkeys/")
  -u, --authentication-password string              Password to use for ssh server password authentication (default "S3Cr3tP4$$W0rD")
  -o, --banned-countries string                     A comma separated list of banned countries. Applies to HTTP, TCP, and SSH connections
  -x, --banned-ips string                           A comma separated list of banned ips that are unable to access the service. Applies to HTTP, TCP, and SSH connections
  -b, --banned-subdomains string                    A comma separated list of banned subdomains that users are unable to bind (default "localhost")
      --bind-random-ports                           Force TCP tunnels to bind a random port, where the kernel will randomly assign it (default true)
      --bind-random-subdomains                      Force bound HTTP tunnels to use random subdomains instead of user provided ones (default true)
      --bind-random-subdomains-length int           The length of the random subdomain to generate if a subdomain is unavailable or if random subdomains are enforced (default 3)
      --cleanup-unbound                             Cleanup unbound (unforwarded) SSH connections after a set timeout (default true)
      --cleanup-unbound-timeout duration            Interval in seconds to wait before cleaning up an unbound (unforwarded) connection (default 5s)
  -c, --config string                               Config file (default "config.yml")
      --connection-idle-timeout duration            Number of seconds to wait for activity before closing a connection (default 5s)
      --debug                                       Enable debugging information
  -d, --domain string                               The root domain for HTTP(S) multiplexing that will be appended to subdomains (default "")
      --geodb                                       Use a geodb to verify country IP address association for IP filtering
  -h, --help                                        help for sish
  -i, --http-address string                         The address to listen for HTTP connections (default "localhost:80")
      --http-port-override int                      The port to use for http command output. This does not effect ports used for connecting, it's for cosmetic use only
      --https                                       Listen for HTTPS connections. Requires a correct --https-certificate-directory
  -t, --https-address string                        The address to listen for HTTPS connections (default "localhost:443")
  -s, --https-certificate-directory string          The directory containing HTTPS certificate files (fullchain.pem and privkey.pem) (default "deploy/ssl/")
      --https-port-override int                     The port to use for https command output. This does not effect ports used for connecting, it's for cosmetic use only
      --log-to-client                               Enable logging HTTP and TCP requests to the client
      --ping-client                                 Send ping requests to the underlying SSH client.
                                                    This is useful to ensure that SSH connections are kept open or close cleanly (default true)
      --ping-client-interval duration               Interval in seconds to ping a client to ensure it is up (default 5s)
  -n, --port-bind-range string                      Ports or port ranges that sish will allow to be bound when a user attempts to use TCP forwarding (default "0,1024-65535")
  -l, --private-key-location string                 The location of the SSH server private key. sish will create a private key here if
                                                    it doesn't exist using the --private-key-passphrase to encrypt it if supplied (default "deploy/keys/ssh_key")
  -p, --private-key-passphrase string               Passphrase to use to encrypt the server private key (default "S3Cr3tP4$$phrAsE")
      --proxy-protocol                              Use the proxy-protocol while proxying connections in order to pass-on IP address and port information
  -q, --proxy-protocol-version string               What version of the proxy protocol to use. Can either be 1, 2, or userdefined.
                                                    If userdefined, the user needs to add a command to SSH called proxyproto:version (ie proxyproto:1) (default "1")
      --redirect-root                               Redirect the root domain to the location defined in --redirect-root-location (default true)
  -r, --redirect-root-location string               The location to redirect requests to the root domain
                                                    to instead of responding with a 404 (default "")
      --service-console                             Enable the service console for each service and send the info to connected clients
  -m, --service-console-token string                The token to use for service console access. Auto generated if empty for each connected tunnel
  -a, --ssh-address string                          The address to listen for SSH connections (default "localhost:2222")
      --tcp-aliases                                 Enable the use of TCP aliasing
      --time-format string                          The time format to use for both HTTP and general log messages. (default "2006/01/02 - 15:04:05")
      --verify-origin                               Verify the request origin on websocket connections (default true)
      --verify-ssl                                  Verify SSL certificates made on proxied HTTP connections (default true)
  -v, --version                                     version for sish
  -y, --whitelisted-countries string                A comma separated list of whitelisted countries. Applies to HTTP, TCP, and SSH connections
  -w, --whitelisted-ips string                      A comma separated list of whitelisted ips. Applies to HTTP, TCP, and SSH connections


The Go Gopher

There is no documentation for this package.


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL