
v2.42.0-RC00 Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 23, 2022 License: Apache-2.0, BSD-3-Clause, MIT



The Apache Beam Go SDK is the Beam Model implemented in the Go Programming Language. It is based on the following initial design.

How to run the examples

Prerequisites: to use Google Cloud sources and sinks (default for most examples), follow the setup here. You can verify that it works by running the corresponding Java example.

The examples are normal Go programs and are most easily run directly. They are parameterized by Go flags. For example, to run wordcount on the Go direct runner do:

$ pwd
$ go run examples/wordcount/wordcount.go --output=/tmp/result.txt
[{6: KV<string,int>/GW/KV<bytes,int[varintz]>}]
[{10: KV<int,string>/GW/KV<int[varintz],bytes>}]
2018/03/21 09:39:03 Pipeline:
2018/03/21 09:39:03 Nodes: {1: []uint8/GW/bytes}
{2: string/GW/bytes}
{3: string/GW/bytes}
{4: string/GW/bytes}
{5: string/GW/bytes}
{6: KV<string,int>/GW/KV<bytes,int[varintz]>}
{7: CoGBK<string,int>/GW/CoGBK<bytes,int[varintz]>}
{8: KV<string,int>/GW/KV<bytes,int[varintz]>}
{9: string/GW/bytes}
{10: KV<int,string>/GW/KV<int[varintz],bytes>}
{11: CoGBK<int,string>/GW/CoGBK<int[varintz],bytes>}
Edges: 1: Impulse [] -> [Out: []uint8 -> {1: []uint8/GW/bytes}]
2: ParDo [In(Main): []uint8 <- {1: []uint8/GW/bytes}] -> [Out: T -> {2: string/GW/bytes}]
3: ParDo [In(Main): string <- {2: string/GW/bytes}] -> [Out: string -> {3: string/GW/bytes}]
4: ParDo [In(Main): string <- {3: string/GW/bytes}] -> [Out: string -> {4: string/GW/bytes}]
5: ParDo [In(Main): string <- {4: string/GW/bytes}] -> [Out: string -> {5: string/GW/bytes}]
6: ParDo [In(Main): T <- {5: string/GW/bytes}] -> [Out: KV<T,int> -> {6: KV<string,int>/GW/KV<bytes,int[varintz]>}]
7: CoGBK [In(Main): KV<string,int> <- {6: KV<string,int>/GW/KV<bytes,int[varintz]>}] -> [Out: CoGBK<string,int> -> {7: CoGBK<string,int>/GW/CoGBK<bytes,int[varintz]>}]
8: Combine [In(Main): int <- {7: CoGBK<string,int>/GW/CoGBK<bytes,int[varintz]>}] -> [Out: KV<string,int> -> {8: KV<string,int>/GW/KV<bytes,int[varintz]>}]
9: ParDo [In(Main): KV<string,int> <- {8: KV<string,int>/GW/KV<bytes,int[varintz]>}] -> [Out: string -> {9: string/GW/bytes}]
10: ParDo [In(Main): T <- {9: string/GW/bytes}] -> [Out: KV<int,T> -> {10: KV<int,string>/GW/KV<int[varintz],bytes>}]
11: CoGBK [In(Main): KV<int,string> <- {10: KV<int,string>/GW/KV<int[varintz],bytes>}] -> [Out: CoGBK<int,string> -> {11: CoGBK<int,string>/GW/CoGBK<int[varintz],bytes>}]
12: ParDo [In(Main): CoGBK<int,string> <- {11: CoGBK<int,string>/GW/CoGBK<int[varintz],bytes>}] -> []
2018/03/21 09:39:03 Reading from gs://apache-beam-samples/shakespeare/kinglear.txt
2018/03/21 09:39:04 Writing to /tmp/result.txt

The debugging output is currently quite verbose and likely to change. The output is a local file in this case:

$ head /tmp/result.txt
while: 2
darkling: 1
rail'd: 1
ford: 1
bleed's: 1
hath: 52
Remain: 1
disclaim: 1
sentence: 1
purse: 6

To run wordcount on dataflow runner do:

$  go run wordcount.go --runner=dataflow --project=<YOUR_GCP_PROJECT> --region=<YOUR_GCP_REGION> --staging_location=<YOUR_GCS_LOCATION>/staging --worker_harness_container_image=<YOUR_SDK_HARNESS_IMAGE_LOCATION> --output=<YOUR_GCS_LOCATION>/output

The output is a GCS file in this case:

$ gsutil cat <YOUR_GCS_LOCATION>/output* | head
Blanket: 1
blot: 1
Kneeling: 3
cautions: 1
appears: 4
Deserved: 1
nettles: 1
sport: 3
Crown'd: 1

See BUILD.md for how to build Go code in general. See container documentation for how to build and push the Go SDK harness container image.


Please use the sdk-go component for any bugs or feature requests.

Contributing to the Go SDK

New to developing Go?

https://tour.golang.org : The Go Tour gives you the basics of the language, interactively no installation required.

https://github.com/campoy/go-tooling-workshop is a great start on learning good (optional) development tools for Go.

Developing Go Beam SDK on Github

The Go SDK uses Go Modules for dependency management so it's as simple as cloning the repo, making necessary changes and running tests.

Executing all unit tests for the SDK is possible from the <beam root>\sdks\go directory and running go test ./....

To test your change as Jenkins would execute it from a PR, from the beam root directory, run:

  • ./gradlew :sdks:go:goTest executes the unit tests.
  • ./gradlew :sdks:go:test:ulrValidatesRunner validates the SDK against the Portable Python runner.
  • ./gradlew :sdks:go:test:flinkValidatesRunner validates the SDK against the Flink runner.

Follow the contribution guide to create branches, and submit pull requests as normal.


Path Synopsis
beamctl is a command line client for the Apache Beam portability services.
beamctl is a command line client for the Apache Beam portability services.
Package cmd contains the commands for beamctl.
Package cmd contains the commands for beamctl.
specialize is a low-level tool to generate type-specialized code.
specialize is a low-level tool to generate type-specialized code.
starcgen is a tool to generate specialized type assertion shims to be used in Apache Beam Go SDK pipelines instead of the default reflection shim.
starcgen is a tool to generate specialized type assertion shims to be used in Apache Beam Go SDK pipelines instead of the default reflection shim.
Package verifies that functions sym2addr and addr2sym work correctly.
Package verifies that functions sym2addr and addr2sym work correctly.
tornadoes is an example that reads the public samples of weather data from BigQuery, counts the number of tornadoes that occur in each month, and writes the results to BigQuery.
tornadoes is an example that reads the public samples of weather data from BigQuery, counts the number of tornadoes that occur in each month, and writes the results to BigQuery.
debugging_wordcount is an example that verifies word counts in Shakespeare and includes Beam best practices.
debugging_wordcount is an example that verifies word counts in Shakespeare and includes Beam best practices.
import is a pipeline example using the fhirio connector to bulk import FHIR resources from GCS into a given FHIR store.
import is a pipeline example using the fhirio connector to bulk import FHIR resources from GCS into a given FHIR store.
read_write_pubsub is a pipeline example using the fhirio connector to read FHIR resources from GCS, write them to a GCP FHIR store, and, if a PubSub topic is provided, read the written resources from the FHIR store and log them based on the PubSub notifications about store updates.
read_write_pubsub is a pipeline example using the fhirio connector to read FHIR resources from GCS, write them to a GCP FHIR store, and, if a PubSub topic is provided, read the written resources from the FHIR store and log them based on the PubSub notifications about store updates.
forest is an example that shows that pipeline construction is normal Go code -- the pipeline "forest" is created recursively and uses a global variable -- and that a pipeline may contain non-connected parts.
forest is an example that shows that pipeline construction is normal Go code -- the pipeline "forest" is created recursively and uses a global variable -- and that a pipeline may contain non-connected parts.
taxi is an example using a cross-language Kafka pipeline to write and read to Kafka.
taxi is an example using a cross-language Kafka pipeline to write and read to Kafka.
large_wordcount is an example that demonstrates a more complex version of a wordcount pipeline.
large_wordcount is an example that demonstrates a more complex version of a wordcount pipeline.
minimal_wordcount is an example that counts words in King Lear, by William Shakespeare.
minimal_wordcount is an example that counts words in King Lear, by William Shakespeare.
multiout is a wordcount variation that uses a multi-outout DoFn and writes 2 output files.
multiout is a wordcount variation that uses a multi-outout DoFn and writes 2 output files.
native_wordcap is a toy streaming pipeline that uses PubSub.
native_wordcap is a toy streaming pipeline that uses PubSub.
Package nativepubsubio contains a Golang implementation of streaming reads and writes to PubSub.
Package nativepubsubio contains a Golang implementation of streaming reads and writes to PubSub.
readavro is a simple Avro read/write Example This example uses a 500 Byte sample avro file [twitter.avro] download here: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/daidokoro-dev/apache/twitter.avro
readavro is a simple Avro read/write Example This example uses a 500 Byte sample avro file [twitter.avro] download here: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/daidokoro-dev/apache/twitter.avro
Package snippets contains code used in the Beam Programming Guide as examples for the Apache Beam Go SDK.
Package snippets contains code used in the Beam Programming Guide as examples for the Apache Beam Go SDK.
streaming_wordcap is a toy streaming pipeline that uses PubSub.
streaming_wordcap is a toy streaming pipeline that uses PubSub.
An example of using a Splittable DoFn in the Go SDK with a portable runner.
An example of using a Splittable DoFn in the Go SDK with a portable runner.
windowed_wordcount counts words in text, and can run over either unbounded or bounded input collections.
windowed_wordcount counts words in text, and can run over either unbounded or bounded input collections.
wordcount is an example that counts words in Shakespeare and includes Beam best practices.
wordcount is an example that counts words in Shakespeare and includes Beam best practices.
Package xlang contains functionality for testing cross-language transforms.
Package xlang contains functionality for testing cross-language transforms.
Wordcount is an example using cross-language BigQuery transforms to read and write to BigQuery.
Wordcount is an example using cross-language BigQuery transforms to read and write to BigQuery.
cogroup_by exemplifies using a cross-language cogroup by key transform from a test expansion service.
cogroup_by exemplifies using a cross-language cogroup by key transform from a test expansion service.
combine exemplifies using a cross-language combine per key transform from a test expansion service.
combine exemplifies using a cross-language combine per key transform from a test expansion service.
combine_globally exemplifies using a cross-language combine global transform from a test expansion service.
combine_globally exemplifies using a cross-language combine global transform from a test expansion service.
group_by exemplifies using a cross-language group by key transform from a test expansion service.
group_by exemplifies using a cross-language group by key transform from a test expansion service.
multi exemplifies using a cross-language transform with multiple inputs and outputs from a test expansion service.
multi exemplifies using a cross-language transform with multiple inputs and outputs from a test expansion service.
partition exemplifies using a cross-language partition transform from a test expansion service.
partition exemplifies using a cross-language partition transform from a test expansion service.
Prerequisites to run sql: –> [Required] Job needs to be submitted to a portable runner (--runner=universal) –> [Required] Endpoint of job service needs to be passed (--endpoint=<ip:port>) –> [Required] Endpoint of expansion service needs to be passed (--expansion_addr=<ip:port>) –> [Optional] Environment type can be LOOPBACK.
Prerequisites to run sql: –> [Required] Job needs to be submitted to a portable runner (--runner=universal) –> [Required] Endpoint of job service needs to be passed (--endpoint=<ip:port>) –> [Required] Endpoint of expansion service needs to be passed (--expansion_addr=<ip:port>) –> [Optional] Environment type can be LOOPBACK.
wordcount exemplifies using a cross-language Count transform from a test expansion service to count words.
wordcount exemplifies using a cross-language Count transform from a test expansion service to count words.
yatzy is an implementation of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yatzy that shows that pipeline construction is normal Go code.
yatzy is an implementation of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yatzy that shows that pipeline construction is normal Go code.
Package beam is an implementation of the Apache Beam (https://beam.apache.org) programming model in Go.
Package beam is an implementation of the Apache Beam (https://beam.apache.org) programming model in Go.
Package artifact contains utilities for staging and retrieving artifacts.
Package artifact contains utilities for staging and retrieving artifacts.
Package gcsproxy contains artifact staging and retrieval servers backed by GCS.
Package gcsproxy contains artifact staging and retrieval servers backed by GCS.
Package core contains constants and other static data related to the SDK, such as the SDK Name and version.
Package core contains constants and other static data related to the SDK, such as the SDK Name and version.
Package funcx contains functions and types used to perform type analysis of Beam functions.
Package funcx contains functions and types used to perform type analysis of Beam functions.
Package graph is the internal representation of the Beam execution plan.
Package graph is the internal representation of the Beam execution plan.
Package coder contains coder representation and utilities.
Package coder contains coder representation and utilities.
Package testutil contains helpers to test and validate custom Beam Schema coders.
Package testutil contains helpers to test and validate custom Beam Schema coders.
Package mtime contains a millisecond representation of time.
Package mtime contains a millisecond representation of time.
Package window contains window representation, windowing strategies and utilities.
Package window contains window representation, windowing strategies and utilities.
Package trigger helps construct aggregation triggers.
Package trigger helps construct aggregation triggers.
Package metrics implements the Beam metrics API, described at http://s.apache.org/beam-metrics-api
Package metrics implements the Beam metrics API, described at http://s.apache.org/beam-metrics-api
Package runtime contains runtime hooks and utilities for pipeline options and type registration.
Package runtime contains runtime hooks and utilities for pipeline options and type registration.
Package coderx contains coders for primitive types that aren't included in the beam model.
Package coderx contains coders for primitive types that aren't included in the beam model.
Package exec contains runtime plan representation and execution.
Package exec contains runtime plan representation and execution.
Package optimized contains type-specialized shims for faster execution.
Package optimized contains type-specialized shims for faster execution.
Package genx is a convenience package to better support the code generator.
Package genx is a convenience package to better support the code generator.
Package graphx provides facilities to help with the serialization of pipelines into a serializable graph structure suitable for the worker.
Package graphx provides facilities to help with the serialization of pipelines into a serializable graph structure suitable for the worker.
Package schema contains utility functions for relating Go types and Beam Schemas.
Package schema contains utility functions for relating Go types and Beam Schemas.
Package harness implements the SDK side of the Beam FnAPI.
Package harness implements the SDK side of the Beam FnAPI.
Package init contains the harness initialization code defined by the FnAPI.
Package init contains the harness initialization code defined by the FnAPI.
Package statecache implements the state caching feature described by the Beam Fn API
Package statecache implements the state caching feature described by the Beam Fn API
Package pipelinex contains utilities for manipulating Beam proto pipelines.
Package pipelinex contains utilities for manipulating Beam proto pipelines.
Package xlangx contains various low-level utilities needed for adding cross-language transforms to the pipeline.
Package xlangx contains various low-level utilities needed for adding cross-language transforms to the pipeline.
Package expansionx contains utilities for starting expansion services for cross-language transforms.
Package expansionx contains utilities for starting expansion services for cross-language transforms.
Package contains interfaces used specifically for splittable DoFns.
Package contains interfaces used specifically for splittable DoFns.
Package state contains structs for reading and manipulating pipeline state.
Package state contains structs for reading and manipulating pipeline state.
Package typex contains full type representation for PCollections and DoFns, and utilities for type checking.
Package typex contains full type representation for PCollections and DoFns, and utilities for type checking.
Package dot produces DOT graphs from Beam graph representations.
Package dot produces DOT graphs from Beam graph representations.
Package hooks allows runners to tailor execution of the worker harness.
Package hooks allows runners to tailor execution of the worker harness.
Package ioutilx contains additional io utilities.
Package ioutilx contains additional io utilities.
Package jsonx contains utilities for working with JSON encoded data.
Package jsonx contains utilities for working with JSON encoded data.
Package protox contains utilities for working with protobufs.
Package protox contains utilities for working with protobufs.
Package reflectx contains a set of reflection utilities and well-known types.
Package reflectx contains a set of reflection utilities and well-known types.
Package symtab allows reading low-level symbol information from the symbol table.
Package symtab allows reading low-level symbol information from the symbol table.
Package errors contains functionality for creating and wrapping errors with improved formatting compared to the standard Go error functionality.
Package errors contains functionality for creating and wrapping errors with improved formatting compared to the standard Go error functionality.
Package avroio contains transforms for reading and writing avro files.
Package avroio contains transforms for reading and writing avro files.
Package bigqueryio provides transformations and utilities to interact with Google BigQuery.
Package bigqueryio provides transformations and utilities to interact with Google BigQuery.
Package databaseio provides transformations and utilities to interact with generic database database/sql API.
Package databaseio provides transformations and utilities to interact with generic database database/sql API.
Package datastoreio provides transformations and utilities to interact with Google Datastore.
Package datastoreio provides transformations and utilities to interact with Google Datastore.
Package fhirio provides an API for reading and writing resources to Google Cloud Healthcare Fhir stores.
Package fhirio provides an API for reading and writing resources to Google Cloud Healthcare Fhir stores.
Package filesystem contains an extensible file system abstraction.
Package filesystem contains an extensible file system abstraction.
Package gcs contains a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) implementation of the Beam file system.
Package gcs contains a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) implementation of the Beam file system.
Package local contains a local file implementation of the Beam file system.
Package local contains a local file implementation of the Beam file system.
Package memfs contains a in-memory Beam filesystem.
Package memfs contains a in-memory Beam filesystem.
Package parquetio contains transforms for reading and writing parquet files
Package parquetio contains transforms for reading and writing parquet files
Package pubsubio provides access to Pub/Sub on Dataflow streaming.
Package pubsubio provides access to Pub/Sub on Dataflow streaming.
Package offsetrange defines a restriction and restriction tracker for offset ranges.
Package offsetrange defines a restriction and restriction tracker for offset ranges.
Package synthetic contains transforms for creating synthetic pipelines.
Package synthetic contains transforms for creating synthetic pipelines.
Package textio contains transforms for reading and writing text files.
Package textio contains transforms for reading and writing text files.
Package bigqueryio contains cross-language functionality for using Google Cloud BigQuery (https://cloud.google.com/bigquery).
Package bigqueryio contains cross-language functionality for using Google Cloud BigQuery (https://cloud.google.com/bigquery).
Package debeziumio contains cross-language functionality for using Debezium (http://kafka.apache.org/).
Package debeziumio contains cross-language functionality for using Debezium (http://kafka.apache.org/).
Package jdbcio contains cross-language functionality for reading and writing data to JDBC.
Package jdbcio contains cross-language functionality for reading and writing data to JDBC.
Package kafkaio contains cross-language functionality for using Apache Kafka (http://kafka.apache.org/).
Package kafkaio contains cross-language functionality for using Apache Kafka (http://kafka.apache.org/).
Package schemaio contains utilities for constructing cross-language IO wrappers meant to interface with the Java SDK's Schema IOs.
Package schemaio contains utilities for constructing cross-language IO wrappers meant to interface with the Java SDK's Schema IOs.
Package log contains a re-targetable context-aware logging system.
Package log contains a re-targetable context-aware logging system.
Package model contains the portable Beam model contracts.
Package model contains the portable Beam model contracts.
Package gcpopts contains shared options for Google Cloud Platform.
Package gcpopts contains shared options for Google Cloud Platform.
Package jobopts contains shared options for job submission.
Package jobopts contains shared options for job submission.
Package provision contains utilities for obtaining runtime provision, information -- such as pipeline options.
Package provision contains utilities for obtaining runtime provision, information -- such as pipeline options.
Package register contains functions for registering and optimizing your DoFn.
Package register contains functions for registering and optimizing your DoFn.
Package runners defines the common "--runner" flag.
Package runners defines the common "--runner" flag.
Package dataflow contains the Dataflow runner for submitting pipelines to Google Cloud Dataflow.
Package dataflow contains the Dataflow runner for submitting pipelines to Google Cloud Dataflow.
Package dataflowlib translates a Beam pipeline model to the Dataflow API job model, for submission to Google Cloud Dataflow.
Package dataflowlib translates a Beam pipeline model to the Dataflow API job model, for submission to Google Cloud Dataflow.
Package direct contains the direct runner for running single-bundle pipelines in the current process.
Package direct contains the direct runner for running single-bundle pipelines in the current process.
Package dot is a Beam runner that "runs" a pipeline by producing a DOT graph of the execution plan.
Package dot is a Beam runner that "runs" a pipeline by producing a DOT graph of the execution plan.
Package flink contains the Flink runner.
Package flink contains the Flink runner.
Package samza contains the Samza runner.
Package samza contains the Samza runner.
Package spark contains the Spark runner.
Package spark contains the Spark runner.
Package universal contains a general-purpose runner that can submit jobs to any portable Beam runner.
Package universal contains a general-purpose runner that can submit jobs to any portable Beam runner.
Package extworker provides an external worker service and related utilities.
Package extworker provides an external worker service and related utilities.
Package runnerlib contains utilities for submitting Go pipelines to a Beam model runner.
Package runnerlib contains utilities for submitting Go pipelines to a Beam model runner.
Package vet is a Beam runner that "runs" a pipeline by producing generated code to avoid symbol table lookups and reflection in pipeline execution.
Package vet is a Beam runner that "runs" a pipeline by producing generated code to avoid symbol table lookups and reflection in pipeline execution.
Package testpipeline exports small test pipelines for testing the vet runner.
Package testpipeline exports small test pipelines for testing the vet runner.
Package passert contains verification transformations for testing pipelines.
Package passert contains verification transformations for testing pipelines.
Package ptest contains utilities for pipeline unit testing.
Package ptest contains utilities for pipeline unit testing.
Package teststream contains code configuring the TestStream primitive for use in testing code that is meant to be run on streaming data sources.
Package teststream contains code configuring the TestStream primitive for use in testing code that is meant to be run on streaming data sources.
Package filter contains transformations for removing pipeline elements based on various conditions.
Package filter contains transformations for removing pipeline elements based on various conditions.
Package sql contains SQL transform APIs, allowing SQL queries to be used in Beam Go pipelines.
Package sql contains SQL transform APIs, allowing SQL queries to be used in Beam Go pipelines.
Package sqlx contains "internal" SQL transform interfaces that are needed by the SQL expansion providers.
Package sqlx contains "internal" SQL transform interfaces that are needed by the SQL expansion providers.
Package stats contains transforms for statistical processing.
Package stats contains transforms for statistical processing.
Package top contains transformations for finding the smallest (or largest) N elements based on arbitrary orderings.
Package top contains transformations for finding the smallest (or largest) N elements based on arbitrary orderings.
Package diagnostics is a beam internal package that contains code for writing and uploading diagnostic info (e.g.
Package diagnostics is a beam internal package that contains code for writing and uploading diagnostic info (e.g.
Package errorx contains utilities for handling errors.
Package errorx contains utilities for handling errors.
Package execx contains wrappers and utilities for the exec package.
Package execx contains wrappers and utilities for the exec package.
Package gcsx contains utilities for working with Google Cloud Storage (GCS).
Package gcsx contains utilities for working with Google Cloud Storage (GCS).
Package grpcx contains utilities for working with gRPC.
Package grpcx contains utilities for working with gRPC.
Package harnessopts defines user-facing entrypoints into Beam hooks affecting the SDK harness.
Package harnessopts defines user-facing entrypoints into Beam hooks affecting the SDK harness.
Package pubsubx contains utilities for working with Google PubSub.
Package pubsubx contains utilities for working with Google PubSub.
Package shimx specifies the templates for generating type assertion shims for Apache Beam Go SDK pipelines.
Package shimx specifies the templates for generating type assertion shims for Apache Beam Go SDK pipelines.
Package starcgenx is a Static Analysis Type Assertion shim and Registration Code Generator which provides an extractor to extract types from a package, in order to generate approprate shimsr a package so code can be generated for it.
Package starcgenx is a Static Analysis Type Assertion shim and Registration Code Generator which provides an extractor to extract types from a package, in order to generate approprate shimsr a package so code can be generated for it.
Package syscallx provides system call utilities that attempt to hide platform differences.
Package syscallx provides system call utilities that attempt to hide platform differences.
Package beamx is a convenience package for beam.
Package beamx is a convenience package for beam.
Package debug contains pipeline components that may help in debugging pipeline issues.
Package debug contains pipeline components that may help in debugging pipeline issues.
Package perf is to add performance measuring hooks to a runner, such as cpu, heap, or trace profiles.
Package perf is to add performance measuring hooks to a runner, such as cpu, heap, or trace profiles.
Package integration provides functionality that needs to be shared between all integration tests.
Package integration provides functionality that needs to be shared between all integration tests.
The integration driver provides a suite of tests to run against a registered runner.
The integration driver provides a suite of tests to run against a registered runner.
Package jars contains functionality for running jars for integration tests.
Package jars contains functionality for running jars for integration tests.
Package ports contains utilities for handling ports needed for integration tests.
Package ports contains utilities for handling ports needed for integration tests.
Package bigquery contains integration tests for cross-language BigQuery IO transforms.
Package bigquery contains integration tests for cross-language BigQuery IO transforms.
Package debezium contains integration tests for cross-language Debezium IO transforms.
Package debezium contains integration tests for cross-language Debezium IO transforms.
Package jdbc contains integration tests for cross-language JDBC IO transforms.
Package jdbc contains integration tests for cross-language JDBC IO transforms.
Package kafka contains integration tests for cross-language Kafka IO transforms.
Package kafka contains integration tests for cross-language Kafka IO transforms.
Package primitives contains integration tests for primitives in beam.
Package primitives contains integration tests for primitives in beam.
Package synthetic contains pipelines for testing synthetic steps and sources.
Package synthetic contains pipelines for testing synthetic steps and sources.
Package wordcount contains transforms for wordcount.
Package wordcount contains transforms for wordcount.
Package xlang contains integration tests for cross-language transforms.
Package xlang contains integration tests for cross-language transforms.
Package regression contains pipeline regression tests.
Package regression contains pipeline regression tests.
fromyaml generates a resource file from the standard_coders.yaml file for use in these coder regression tests.
fromyaml generates a resource file from the standard_coders.yaml file for use in these coder regression tests.

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