
v0.7.2-beta.16 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 8, 2023 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 0 Imported by: 11




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const (
	// config keys used in viper, DON'T refactor the value without careful inspections
	CfgKeyServerInfo                    = "_KUBE_SERVER_INFO"
	CfgKeyCtrlrMgrNS                    = "CM_NAMESPACE"
	CfgKeyCtrlrMgrAffinity              = "CM_AFFINITY"
	CfgKeyCtrlrMgrNodeSelector          = "CM_NODE_SELECTOR"
	CfgKeyCtrlrMgrTolerations           = "CM_TOLERATIONS"
	CfgKeyCtrlrReconcileRetryDurationMS = "CM_RECON_RETRY_DURATION_MS"       // accept time
	CfgKeyBackupPVCName                 = "BACKUP_PVC_NAME"                  // the global persistent volume claim to store the backup data
	CfgKeyBackupPVCInitCapacity         = "BACKUP_PVC_INIT_CAPACITY"         // the init capacity for creating the pvc, e.g. 10Gi.
	CfgKeyBackupPVCStorageClass         = "BACKUP_PVC_STORAGE_CLASS"         // the pvc storage class name.
	CfgKeyBackupPVCCreatePolicy         = "BACKUP_PVC_CREATE_POLICY"         // the pvc creation policy, choice is "IfNotPresent" or "Never"
	CfgKeyBackupPVConfigmapName         = "BACKUP_PV_CONFIGMAP_NAME"         // the configmap containing the persistentVolume template.
	CfgKeyBackupPVConfigmapNamespace    = "BACKUP_PV_CONFIGMAP_NAMESPACE"    // the configmap namespace containing the persistentVolume template.
	CfgRecoverVolumeExpansionFailure    = "RECOVER_VOLUME_EXPANSION_FAILURE" // refer to feature gates RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure of k8s.
	CfgKeyProvider                      = "KUBE_PROVIDER"

	// addon config keys
	CfgKeyAddonJobTTL        = "ADDON_JOB_TTL"

	// data plane config key
	CfgKeyDataPlaneTolerations = "DATA_PLANE_TOLERATIONS"
	CfgKeyDataPlaneAffinity    = "DATA_PLANE_AFFINITY"

	// storage config keys
	CfgKeyDefaultStorageClass = "DEFAULT_STORAGE_CLASS"

	// customized encryption key for encrypting the password of connection credential.
	CfgKeyDPEncryptionKey = "DP_ENCRYPTION_KEY"
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const (
	KBConnCredentialPlaceHolder     = "$(CONN_CREDENTIAL_SECRET_NAME)"
	KBComponentEnvCMPlaceHolder     = "$(COMP_ENV_CM_NAME)"
	KBCompNamePlaceHolder           = "$(KB_COMP_NAME)"
	KBClusterNamePlaceHolder        = "$(KB_CLUSTER_NAME)"
	KBClusterCompNamePlaceHolder    = "$(KB_CLUSTER_COMP_NAME)"
	KBClusterUIDPostfix8PlaceHolder = "$(KB_CLUSTER_UID_POSTFIX_8)"
	KBToolsImagePlaceHolder         = "$(KUBEBLOCKS_TOOLS_IMAGE)"
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const (
	KBToolsImage             = "KUBEBLOCKS_TOOLS_IMAGE"
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const (
	APIGroup = ""

	AppName = "kubeblocks"

	// K8s recommonded well-known labels and annotation keys
	AppInstanceLabelKey  = ""
	AppNameLabelKey      = ""
	AppComponentLabelKey = ""
	AppVersionLabelKey   = ""
	AppManagedByLabelKey = ""
	RegionLabelKey       = ""
	ZoneLabelKey         = ""

	// labels
	BackupProtectionLabelKey                 = "" // BackupProtectionLabelKey Backup delete protection policy label
	AddonProviderLabelKey                    = ""          // AddonProviderLabelKey marks the addon provider
	RoleLabelKey                             = ""              // RoleLabelKey consensusSet and replicationSet role label key
	ModeKey                                  = ""              // ModeKey is in enum of standalone/replication/raftGroup
	VolumeTypeLabelKey                       = ""
	ClusterAccountLabelKey                   = ""
	KBAppComponentLabelKey                   = ""
	KBAppComponentDefRefLabelKey             = ""
	AppConfigTypeLabelKey                    = ""
	KBManagedByKey                           = "" // KBManagedByKey marks resources that auto created
	PVCNameLabelKey                          = ""
	VolumeClaimTemplateNameLabelKey          = ""
	VolumeClaimTemplateNameLabelKeyForLegacy = "" // Deprecated: only compatible with version 0.5, will be removed in 0.7
	WorkloadTypeLabelKey                     = ""
	ClassProviderLabelKey                    = ""
	ClusterDefLabelKey                       = ""
	ClusterVerLabelKey                       = ""
	CMConfigurationSpecProviderLabelKey      = ""    // CMConfigurationSpecProviderLabelKey is ComponentConfigSpec name
	CMConfigurationCMKeysLabelKey            = "" // CMConfigurationCMKeysLabelKey Specify configmap keys
	CMConfigurationTemplateNameLabelKey      = ""
	CMTemplateNameLabelKey                   = ""
	CMConfigurationTypeLabelKey              = ""
	CMInsConfigurationHashLabelKey           = ""
	CMInsCurrentConfigurationHashLabelKey    = ""
	CMConfigurationConstraintsNameLabelKey   = ""
	CMConfigurationTemplateVersion           = ""
	ConsensusSetAccessModeLabelKey           = ""
	AddonNameLabelKey                        = ""
	OpsRequestTypeLabelKey                   = ""
	OpsRequestNameLabelKey                   = ""
	ServiceDescriptorNameLabelKey            = ""
	RestoreForHScaleLabelKey                 = ""

	// annotations
	ClusterSnapshotAnnotationKey                = ""           // ClusterSnapshotAnnotationKey saves the snapshot of cluster.
	DefaultClusterVersionAnnotationKey          = "" // DefaultClusterVersionAnnotationKey specifies the default cluster version.
	OpsRequestAnnotationKey                     = ""                // OpsRequestAnnotationKey OpsRequest annotation key in Cluster
	ReconcileAnnotationKey                      = ""                  // ReconcileAnnotationKey Notify k8s object to reconcile
	RestartAnnotationKey                        = ""                    // RestartAnnotationKey the annotation which notices the StatefulSet/DeploySet to restart
	RestoreFromBackupAnnotationKey              = ""        // RestoreFromBackupAnnotationKey specifies the component to recover from the backup.
	SnapShotForStartAnnotationKey               = ""
	ComponentReplicasAnnotationKey              = "" // ComponentReplicasAnnotationKey specifies the number of pods in replicas
	BackupPolicyTemplateAnnotationKey           = ""
	LastAppliedClusterAnnotationKey             = ""
	PVLastClaimPolicyAnnotationKey              = ""
	HaltRecoveryAllowInconsistentCVAnnotKey     = ""
	HaltRecoveryAllowInconsistentResAnnotKey    = ""
	PrimaryAnnotationKey                        = ""
	DisableUpgradeInsConfigurationAnnotationKey = ""
	LastAppliedConfigAnnotationKey              = ""
	LastAppliedOpsCRAnnotationKey               = ""
	UpgradePolicyAnnotationKey                  = ""
	KBParameterUpdateSourceAnnotationKey        = ""
	UpgradeRestartAnnotationKey                 = ""
	ConfigAppliedVersionAnnotationKey           = ""
	KubeBlocksGenerationKey                     = ""
	ExtraEnvAnnotationKey                       = ""
	LastRoleSnapshotVersionAnnotationKey        = ""

	// well-known finalizers
	DBClusterFinalizerName             = ""
	ConfigurationTemplateFinalizerName = ""
	ServiceDescriptorFinalizerName     = ""

	// ConfigurationTplLabelPrefixKey clusterVersion or clusterdefinition using tpl
	ConfigurationTplLabelPrefixKey         = ""
	ConfigurationConstraintsLabelPrefixKey = ""

	// CMInsLastReconfigurePhaseKey defines the current phase
	CMInsLastReconfigurePhaseKey = ""

	// ConfigurationRevision defines the current revision
	// TODO support multi version
	ConfigurationRevision          = ""
	LastConfigurationRevisionPhase = ""

	// Deprecated: only compatible with version 0.6, will be removed in 0.8
	// CMInsEnableRerenderTemplateKey is used to enable rerender template
	CMInsEnableRerenderTemplateKey = ""

	// IgnoreResourceConstraint is used to specify whether to ignore the resource constraint
	IgnoreResourceConstraint = ""

	RBACRoleName        = "kubeblocks-cluster-pod-role"
	RBACClusterRoleName = "kubeblocks-volume-protection-pod-role"
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const (
	// ReasonNotFoundCR referenced custom resource not found
	ReasonNotFoundCR = "NotFound"
	// ReasonRefCRUnavailable  referenced custom resource is unavailable
	ReasonRefCRUnavailable = "Unavailable"
	// ReasonDeletedCR deleted custom resource
	ReasonDeletedCR = "DeletedCR"
	// ReasonDeletingCR deleting custom resource
	ReasonDeletingCR = "DeletingCR"
	// ReasonCreatedCR created custom resource
	ReasonCreatedCR = "CreatedCR"
	// ReasonRunTaskFailed run task failed
	ReasonRunTaskFailed = "RunTaskFailed"
	// ReasonDeleteFailed delete failed
	ReasonDeleteFailed = "DeleteFailed"
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const (
	DeploymentKind            = "Deployment"
	StatefulSetKind           = "StatefulSet"
	RSMKind                   = "ReplicatedStateMachine"
	PodKind                   = "Pod"
	PersistentVolumeClaimKind = "PersistentVolumeClaim"
	CronJobKind               = "CronJob"
	JobKind                   = "Job"
	ReplicaSetKind            = "ReplicaSet"
	VolumeSnapshotKind        = "VolumeSnapshot"
	ServiceKind               = "Service"
	ConfigMapKind             = "ConfigMap"
	DaemonSetKind             = "DaemonSet"
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const (
	// BackupRetain always retained, unless manually deleted by the user
	BackupRetain = "Retain"

	// BackupRetainUntilExpired retains backup till it expires
	BackupRetainUntilExpired = "RetainUntilExpired"

	// BackupDelete (default) deletes backup immediately when cluster's terminationPolicy is WipeOut
	BackupDelete = "Delete"
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const (
	// Container port name
	LorryHTTPPortName                  = "lorry-http-port"
	LorryGRPCPortName                  = "lorry-grpc-port"
	ProbeInitContainerName             = "kb-initprobe"
	WeSyncerContainerName              = "kb-we-syncer"
	RoleProbeContainerName             = "kb-checkrole"
	StatusProbeContainerName           = "kb-checkstatus"
	RunningProbeContainerName          = "kb-checkrunning"
	VolumeProtectionProbeContainerName = "kb-volume-protection"

	// the filedpath name used in event.InvolvedObject.FieldPath
	ProbeCheckStatusPath  = "spec.containers{" + StatusProbeContainerName + "}"
	ProbeCheckRunningPath = "spec.containers{" + RunningProbeContainerName + "}"
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const (
	ConfigSidecarName        = "config-manager"
	ConfigManagerLogLevel    = "CONFIG_MANAGER_LOG_LEVEL"

	PodMinReadySecondsEnv = "POD_MIN_READY_SECONDS"
	ConfigTemplateType    = "tpl"
	ConfigInstanceType    = "instance"

	ReconfigureManagerSource  = "manager"
	ReconfigureUserSource     = "ops"
	ReconfigureTemplateSource = "external-template"
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const (
	Primary   = "primary"
	Secondary = "secondary"

	Leader   = "leader"
	Follower = "follower"
	Learner  = "learner"
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const (
	KBJobTTLSecondsAfterFinished           = 5
	KBSwitchoverCandidateInstanceForAnyPod = "*"

	KBSwitchoverJobLabelKey      = ""
	KBSwitchoverJobLabelValue    = "kb-switchover-job"
	KBSwitchoverJobNamePrefix    = "kb-switchover-job"
	KBSwitchoverJobContainerName = "kb-switchover-job-container"

	KBSwitchoverCandidateName             = "KB_SWITCHOVER_CANDIDATE_NAME"
	KBSwitchoverCandidateFqdn             = "KB_SWITCHOVER_CANDIDATE_FQDN"
	KBSwitchoverReplicationPrimaryPodIP   = "KB_REPLICATION_PRIMARY_POD_IP"
	KBSwitchoverReplicationPrimaryPodName = "KB_REPLICATION_PRIMARY_POD_NAME"
	KBSwitchoverReplicationPrimaryPodFqdn = "KB_REPLICATION_PRIMARY_POD_FQDN"
	KBSwitchoverConsensusLeaderPodIP      = "KB_CONSENSUS_LEADER_POD_IP"
	KBSwitchoverConsensusLeaderPodName    = "KB_CONSENSUS_LEADER_POD_NAME"
	KBSwitchoverConsensusLeaderPodFqdn    = "KB_CONSENSUS_LEADER_POD_FQDN"

switchover constants

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const (
	KBPostStartJobLabelKey        = ""
	KBPostStartJobLabelValue      = "kb-poststart-job"
	KBPostStartJobNamePrefix      = "kb-poststart-job"
	KBPostStartJobContainerName   = "kb-poststart-job-container"
	KBCompPostStartDoneKeyPattern = ""


postStart constants

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const (
	AccountNameForSecret   = "username"
	AccountPasswdForSecret = "password"

username and password are keys in created secrets for others to refer to.

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const (
	KubernetesClusterDomainEnv = "KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_DOMAIN"
	DefaultDNSDomain           = "cluster.local"
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const (
	ServiceDescriptorUsernameKey = "username"
	ServiceDescriptorPasswordKey = "password"
	ServiceDescriptorEndpointKey = "endpoint"
	ServiceDescriptorPortKey     = "port"
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const (
	BackupNameKeyForRestore          = "name"
	BackupNamespaceKeyForRestore     = "namespace"
	VolumeRestorePolicyKeyForRestore = "volumeRestorePolicy"
	RestoreTimeKeyForRestore         = "restoreTime"
	ConnectionPassword               = "connectionPassword"
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const (
	KBEnvNamespace            = "KB_NAMESPACE"
	KBEnvHostIP               = "KB_HOST_IP"
	KBEnvNodeName             = "KB_NODENAME"
	KBEnvPodName              = "KB_POD_NAME"
	KBEnvPodUID               = "KB_POD_UID"
	KBEnvVolumeProtectionSpec = "KB_VOLUME_PROTECTION_SPEC"
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const (
	// Lorry env names
	KBEnvClusterName     = "KB_CLUSTER_NAME"
	KBEnvComponentName   = "KB_COMP_NAME"
	KBEnvClusterCompName = "KB_CLUSTER_COMP_NAME"
	KBEnvWorkloadType    = "KB_WORKLOAD_TYPE"
	KBEnvServiceUser     = "KB_SERVICE_USER"
	KBEnvServicePassword = "KB_SERVICE_PASSWORD"
	KBEnvServiceRoles    = "KB_SERVICE_ROLES"
	KBEnvServicePort     = "KB_SERVICE_PORT"
	KBEnvDataPath        = "KB_DATA_PATH"
	KBEnvTTL             = "KB_TTL"
	KBEnvMaxLag          = "KB_MAX_LAG"
	KBEnvEnableHA        = "KB_ENABLE_HA"
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const (
	ServiceKindPostgreSQL    = "postgresql"
	ServiceKindMongoDB       = "mongodb"
	ServiceKindClickHouse    = "clickhouse"
	ServiceKindZookeeper     = "zookeeper"
	ServiceKindElasticSearch = "elasticsearch"
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const (
	ComponentStatusDefaultPodName = "Unknown"
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const (
	EnableRBACManager = "EnableRBACManager"
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const (
	FeatureGateReplicatedStateMachine = "REPLICATED_STATE_MACHINE" // enable rsm
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const (
	KBPrefix = "KB"


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func GetClickHouseAlias

func GetClickHouseAlias() []string

GetClickHouseAlias get clickhouse alias

func GetElasticSearchAlias

func GetElasticSearchAlias() []string

GetElasticSearchAlias get elasticsearch alias

func GetMongoDBAlias

func GetMongoDBAlias() []string

GetMongoDBAlias get mongodb alias

func GetPostgreSQLAlias

func GetPostgreSQLAlias() []string

GetPostgreSQLAlias get postgresql alias

func GetZookeeperAlias

func GetZookeeperAlias() []string

GetZookeeperAlias get zookeeper alias


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