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Published: May 13, 2022 License: MIT Imports: 0 Imported by: 0



Go-based tooling to check/verify certs (e.g., as part of a Nagios service check)

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This repo contains various tools used to monitor/validate certificates.

Tool Name Description
check_certs Nagios plugin used to monitor certificate chains.
lscert Small CLI app used to generate a summary of certificate metadata and expiration status.
certsum CLI app used to scan one or more given CIDR IP ranges for certs and provide a summary report.

Nagios plugin used to monitor certificate chains. In addition to the features shared with lscert, this app also validates the provided hostname against one of the available SANs entries.

Optional support is available to skip hostname verification if a certificate is missing SANs entries.

  • in version v0.5.4 and earlier, support was available for validating a given hostname against the Common Name field of a certificate, regardless of whether SANs entries were present
    • Go 1.15 marked this support as deprecated
    • Go 1.16 noted that it would be dropped in Go 1.17
    • Go 1.17 dropped this support
  • in version 0.6.0 and later, support is available (if specified) to skip hostname verification if a certificate is missing SANs entries

The output for this application is designed to provide the one-line summary needed by Nagios for quick identification of a problem while providing longer, more detailed information for use in email and Teams notifications (atc0005/send2teams).


Small CLI tool for quickly reviewing the results of replacing a certificate and/or troubleshoot why connections to a certificate-enabled service may be failing.

Certificate metadata can be retrieved from:

  • a remote service at a specified fully-qualified domain name (e.g., or IP Address and port (e.g., 443)
  • a local certificate "bundle" or standalone leaf certificate file

If specifying a host via IP Address, a warning will be emitted unless the IP Address is in the SANs list for the certificate. This warning can be ignored for the purposes of reviewing the cert details. Provide a valid FQDN as the server name or the "dns name" if you wish to apply hostname validation.


certsum is a cert scanner prototype. This tool is currently of "beta" level quality; many of the exposed flags, help text and summary output are subject to change significantly in later releases.

This tool is intended for scanning one or more given IP ranges or collection of name/FQDN values in order to generate a report for discovered certificates. While intended for mass discovery this tool may be used to scan as few as one target.

Performance is likely to be acceptable as-is for smaller IP ranges, but may be adjusted as needed using the rate limit tuning flag (see the configuration options section for details). The current default value is an attempt to balance scanning speed against OS limitations on the number of open file handles. If adjusting this value, start with small increments to determine best results for your environment.

A default inactivity timeout is used to terminate the application if scanning attempts stall for a specified period of time. See the configuration options section for details.

IP Addresses may be specified as comma-separated values:

  • individual IP Addresses
  • CIDR IP ranges
  • partial ranges
    • using partial implementation of octet range addressing (e.g.,
  • Fully-qualified domain names (FQDNs)
    • needed if retrieving a non-default certificate chain
  • Hostnames (fragile)
    • this is highly dependent on your DNS configuration, particularly any configured search list (aka, DNS Suffix Search List in Windows terminology) entries used to qualify short/hostname values

Support is present (though limited) for filtering "OK" status hosts and certs to either increase or reduce the amount of information provided in the generated summary output. Two summary modes are provided to control the level of detail in the provided output.


  • Multiple tools for validating certificates

    • lscert CLI tool
      • verify certificate used by specified service
      • verify local certificate "bundle" or standalone leaf certificate file
    • check_cert Nagios plugin
      • verify certificate used by specified service
      • verify local certificate "bundle" or standalone leaf certificate file
    • certsum CLI tool
      • generate summary of discovered certificates from given hosts (single or IP Address ranges, hostnames or FQDNs) and ports
  • Check expiration of all certificates in the provided certificate chain for cert-enabled services

    • not expired
    • expiring "soon"
      • warning threshold
      • critical threshold
  • Validate provided hostname against Common Name or one of the available SANs entries (see configuration options)

  • Optional support for verifying SANs entries on a certificate against a provided list

    • if SKIPSANSCHECKS keyword is supplied as the value no SANs entry checks will be performed; this keyword is useful for defining a shared Nagios check command and service check where SANs list validation may not be desired for some certificate chains (e.g., those with a very long list of entries)
  • Optional support for skipping hostname verification for a certificate when the SANs list is empty

  • Detailed "report" of findings

    • certificate order
    • certificate type
    • status (OK, CRITICAL, WARNING)
    • SANs entries
    • serial number
    • issuer
  • Optional generation of OpenSSL-like text output from target cert-enabled service or filename

    • thanks to the grantae/certinfo package
  • Optional, leveled logging using rs/zerolog package

    • logfmt format output
      • to stderr for check_cert
      • to stdout for lscert & certsum
    • choice of disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info (the default), debug or trace.
  • Optional, user-specified timeout value for TCP connection attempt


See the file for the changes associated with each release of this application. Changes that have been merged to master, but not yet an official release may also be noted in the file under the Unreleased section. A helpful link to the Git commit history since the last official release is also provided for further review.


The following is a loose guideline. Other combinations of Go and operating systems for building and running tools from this repo may work, but have not been tested.

Building source code
  • Go
    • see this project's go.mod file for preferred version
    • this project tests against officially supported Go releases
      • the most recent stable release (aka, "stable")
      • the prior, but still supported release (aka, "oldstable")
  • GCC
    • if building with custom options (as the provided Makefile does)
  • make
    • if using the provided Makefile
  • Windows 10
  • Ubuntu Linux 18.04+
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7+


From source
  1. Download Go
  2. Install Go
    • NOTE: Pay special attention to the remarks about $HOME/.profile
  3. Clone the repo
    1. cd /tmp
    2. git clone
    3. cd check-cert
  4. Install dependencies (optional)
    • for Ubuntu Linux
      • sudo apt-get install make gcc
    • for CentOS Linux
      • sudo yum install make gcc
    • for Windows
      • Emulated environments (easier)
        • Skip all of this and build using the default go build command in Windows (see below for use of the -mod=vendor flag)
        • build using Windows Subsystem for Linux Ubuntu environment and just copy out the Windows binaries from that environment
        • If already running a Docker environment, use a container with the Go tool-chain already installed
        • If already familiar with LXD, create a container and follow the installation steps given previously to install required dependencies
      • Native tooling (harder)
        • see the StackOverflow Question 32127524 link in the References section for potential options for installing make on Windows
        • see the mingw-w64 project homepage link in the References section for options for installing gcc and related packages on Windows
  5. Build binaries
    • for the current operating system, explicitly using bundled dependencies in top-level vendor folder
      • go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/check_cert/
      • go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/lscert/
      • go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/certsum/
    • for all supported platforms (where make is installed)
      • make all
    • for use on Windows
      • make windows
    • for use on Linux
      • make linux
  6. Copy the newly compiled binary from the applicable /tmp subdirectory path (based on the clone instructions in this section) below and deploy where needed.
    • if using Makefile
      • look in /tmp/check-cert/release_assets/check_cert/
      • look in /tmp/check-cert/release_assets/lscert/
      • look in /tmp/check-cert/release_assets/certsum/
    • if using go build
      • look in /tmp/check-cert/
Using release binaries
  1. Download the latest release binaries
  2. Deploy
    • Place check_cert alongside your other Nagios plugins
      • e.g., /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ or /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/
    • Place lscert, certsum in a location of your choice
      • e.g., /usr/local/bin/

Configuration options

Threshold calculations

The behavior of the check_certplugin differs somewhat from check_http v2.1.2; this plugin triggers a whole day later than check_http does for the same WARNING and CRITICAL threshold values.

For example, if we use the default values of 30 days for WARNING threshold and 15 days for the CRITICAL threshold:

  1. The thresholds are calculated
    • WARNING: Now (exact time in UTC) + 30 days
    • CRITICAL: Now (exact time in UTC) + 15 days
  2. The certificate expiration date is checked and the very first match (in order) determines the status of the service check
    1. if the certificate expires before the current time, the status is EXPIRED
    2. if the certificate expires before the CRITICAL threshold, the status is CRITICAL
    3. if the certificate expires before the WARNING threshold, the status is WARNING
    4. otherwise, the certificate is assumed to have a status of OK

No rounding is performed.

See GH-32 for additional info.

Command-line arguments
  • Use the -h or --help flag to display current usage information.
  • Flags marked as required must be set via CLI flag.
  • Flags not marked as required are for settings where a useful default is already defined, but may be overridden if desired.
Flag Required Default Repeat Possible Description
f, filename No false No valid file name characters Fully-qualified path to a PEM formatted certificate file containing one or more certificates.
branding No false No branding Toggles emission of branding details with plugin status details. This output is disabled by default.
h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags.
v, verbose No false No v, verbose Toggles emission of detailed certificate metadata. This level of output is disabled by default.
version No false No version Whether to display application version and then immediately exit application.
c, age-critical No 15 No positive whole number of days The threshold for the certificate check's CRITICAL state. If the certificate expires before this number of days then the service check will be considered in a CRITICAL state.
w, age-warning No 30 No positive whole number of days The threshold for the certificate check's WARNING state. If the certificate expires before this number of days, but not before the age-critical value, then the service check will be considered in a WARNING state.
ll, log-level No info No disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace Log message priority filter. Log messages with a lower level are ignored.
p, port No 443 No positive whole number between 1-65535, inclusive TCP port of the remote certificate-enabled service. This is usually 443 (HTTPS) or 636 (LDAPS).
t, timeout No 10 No positive whole number of seconds Timeout value in seconds allowed before a connection attempt to a remote certificate-enabled service (in order to retrieve the certificate) is abandoned and an error returned.
se, sans-entries No No comma-separated list of values One or many Subject Alternate Names (SANs) expected for the certificate used by the remote service. If provided, this list of comma-separated (optional) values is required for the certificate to pass validation. If the case-insensitive SKIPSANSCHECKS keyword is provided this validation will be skipped, effectively turning the use of this flag into a NOOP.
s, server Yes No fully-qualified domain name or IP Address The fully-qualified domain name or IP Address of the remote system whose cert(s) will be monitored. This value is used to make the connection to the server in order to retrieve the certificate chain. For hosts with only a single certificate, this value is often the FQDN of the host itself, but for multi-certificate servers the user-specified value will be crucial in order to allow the remote host to select the appropriate certificate (Server Name Indication support (SNI)). For websites hosted on those servers, it is necessary to instead provide the FQDN of the site instead of the server hostname. For example, specify instead of Specify the site FQDN if in doubt. The user-specified value will also be validated against the Common Name and Subject Alternate Names fields unless the dns-name flag is also specified, in which case this value is only used for making the initial connection.
dn, dns-name No No fully-qualified domain name or IP Address The fully-qualified domain name of the remote system to be used for hostname verification. This option can be used for cases where the initial connection is made using a name or IP Address not associated with the certificate. See the server flag description for more information.
disable-hostname-verification-if-empty-sans No false No true, false Whether hostname verification should be skipped if Subject Alternate Names (SANs) list is empty.
Flag Required Default Repeat Possible Description
f, filename No false No valid file name characters Fully-qualified path to a PEM formatted certificate file containing one or more certificates.
text No false No true, false Toggles emission of x509 TLS certificates in an OpenSSL-inspired text format. This output is disabled by default.
h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags.
v, verbose No false No v, verbose Toggles emission of detailed certificate metadata. This level of output is disabled by default.
version No false No version Whether to display application version and then immediately exit application.
c, age-critical No 15 No positive whole number of days The threshold for the certificate check's CRITICAL state. If the certificate expires before this number of days then the service check will be considered in a CRITICAL state.
w, age-warning No 30 No positive whole number of days The threshold for the certificate check's WARNING state. If the certificate expires before this number of days, but not before the age-critical value, then the service check will be considered in a WARNING state.
ll, log-level No info No disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace Log message priority filter. Log messages with a lower level are ignored.
p, port No 443 No positive whole number between 1-65535, inclusive TCP port of the remote certificate-enabled service. This is usually 443 (HTTPS) or 636 (LDAPS).
t, timeout No 10 No positive whole number of seconds Timeout value in seconds allowed before a connection attempt to a remote certificate-enabled service (in order to retrieve the certificate) is abandoned and an error returned.
se, sans-entries No No comma-separated list of values One or many Subject Alternate Names (SANs) expected for the certificate used by the remote service. If provided, this list of comma-separated (optional) values is required for the certificate to pass validation. If the case-insensitive SKIPSANSCHECKS keyword is provided this validation will be skipped, effectively turning the use of this flag into a NOOP.
s, server Yes No fully-qualified domain name or IP Address The fully-qualified domain name or IP Address of the remote system whose cert(s) will be monitored. This value is used to make the connection to the server in order to retrieve the certificate chain. For hosts with only a single certificate, this value is often the FQDN of the host itself, but for multi-certificate servers the user-specified value will be crucial in order to allow the remote host to select the appropriate certificate (Server Name Indication support (SNI)). For websites hosted on those servers, it is necessary to instead provide the FQDN of the site instead of the server hostname. For example, specify instead of Specify the site FQDN if in doubt. The user-specified value will also be validated against the Common Name and Subject Alternate Names fields unless the dns-name flag is also specified, in which case this value is only used for making the initial connection.
dn, dns-name No No fully-qualified domain name or IP Address The fully-qualified domain name of the remote system to be used for hostname verification. This option can be used for cases where the initial connection is made using a name or IP Address not associated with the certificate. See the server flag description for more information.

This tool is in early development. Options for this tool are subject to change, perhaps even significantly, in future releases.

Flag Required Default Repeat Possible Description
h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags.
version No false No version Whether to display application version and then immediately exit application.
c, age-critical No 15 No positive whole number of days The threshold for the certificate check's CRITICAL state. If the certificate expires before this number of days then the service check will be considered in a CRITICAL state.
w, age-warning No 30 No positive whole number of days The threshold for the certificate check's WARNING state. If the certificate expires before this number of days, but not before the age-critical value, then the service check will be considered in a WARNING state.
ll, log-level No info No disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace Log message priority filter. Log messages with a lower level are ignored.
t, timeout No 10 No positive whole number of seconds Timeout value in seconds allowed before a connection attempt to a remote certificate-enabled service (in order to retrieve the certificate) is abandoned and an error returned.
se, sans-entries No No comma-separated list of values One or many Subject Alternate Names (SANs) expected for the certificate used by the remote service. If provided, this list of comma-separated (optional) values is required for the certificate to pass validation. If the case-insensitive SKIPSANSCHECKS keyword is provided this validation will be skipped, effectively turning the use of this flag into a NOOP.
st, scan-timeout No 200 No positive whole number of milliseconds, minimum 1 The number of milliseconds before a connection attempt during a port scan is abandoned and an error returned. This timeout value is separate from the general timeout value used when retrieving certificates. This setting is used specifically to quickly determine port state as part of bulk operations where speed is crucial.
at, app-timeout No 30 No positive whole number of seconds, minimum 2 The number of seconds the application is allowed to remain inactive (i.e., "hung") before it is automatically terminated.
srl, scan-rate-limit No 100 No positive whole number Maximum concurrent port and certificate scans. Remaining scans are queued until an existing scan completes.
ips, hosts No No one or more valid, comma-separated IP Addresses (single or range), hostnames or FQDNs List of comma-separated individual IP Addresses, CIDR IP ranges, partial (dash-separated) ranges (e.g.,, hostnames or FQDNs to scan for certificates.
p, ports No 443 No one or more valid, comma-separated TCP ports List of comma-separated TCP ports to check for certificates. If not specified, the list defaults to 443 only.
spsr, show-port-scan-results No false No true, false Toggles listing host port scan results.
scp, show-closed-ports No false No true, false Toggles listing all host port scan results, even for hosts without any specified ports in an open state.
shwvc, show-hosts-with-valid-certs No false No true, false Toggles listing all cert check results in overview output, even for hosts with valid certificates.
svc, show-valid-certs No false No true, false Toggles listing all certificates in output summary, even certificates which have passed all validity checks.
so, show-overview No false No true, false Toggles summary output view from detailed to overview.
Configuration file

Not currently supported. This feature may be added later if there is sufficient interest.


check_cert Nagios plugin
OK results

This example shows using the Nagios plugin to manually check a remote certificate-enabled port on We override the default WARNING and CRITICAL age threshold values with somewhat arbitrary numbers.

NOTE: Use the --verbose flag to expose further details.

$ ./check_cert --server --port 443 --age-critical 30 --age-warning 50
OK: leaf cert "" expires next with 69d 23h remaining (until 2022-07-04 09:43:40 +0000 UTC) [EXPIRED: 0, EXPIRING: 0, OK: 3]


* None


* CRITICAL: Expires before 2022-05-25 10:28:38 +0000 UTC (30 days)
* WARNING: Expires before 2022-06-14 10:28:38 +0000 UTC (50 days)


3 certs found for service running on ( at port 443

Certificate 1 of 3 (leaf):
        SANs entries: []
        Issuer: CN=GTS CA 1C3,O=Google Trust Services LLC,C=US
        Serial: 50:69:89:19:16:59:07:17:0A:54:D0:54:F5:95:1D:3B
        Issued On: 2022-04-11 09:43:41 +0000 UTC
        Expiration: 2022-07-04 09:43:40 +0000 UTC
        Status: [OK] 69d 23h remaining

Certificate 2 of 3 (intermediate):
        Name: CN=GTS CA 1C3,O=Google Trust Services LLC,C=US
        SANs entries: []
        Issuer: CN=GTS Root R1,O=Google Trust Services LLC,C=US
        Serial: 02:03:BC:53:59:6B:34:C7:18:F5:01:50:66
        Issued On: 2020-08-13 00:00:42 +0000 UTC
        Expiration: 2027-09-30 00:00:42 +0000 UTC
        Status: [OK] 1983d 13h remaining

Certificate 3 of 3 (intermediate):
        Name: CN=GTS Root R1,O=Google Trust Services LLC,C=US
        SANs entries: []
        Issuer: CN=GlobalSign Root CA,OU=Root CA,O=GlobalSign nv-sa,C=BE
        Serial: 77:BD:0D:6C:DB:36:F9:1A:EA:21:0F:C4:F0:58:D3:0D
        Issued On: 2020-06-19 00:00:42 +0000 UTC
        Expiration: 2028-01-28 00:00:42 +0000 UTC
        Status: [OK] 2103d 13h remaining

See the WARNING example output for additional details.

WARNING results

Here we do the same thing again, but using the expiration date values returned earlier as a starting point, we intentionally move the threshold values in order to trigger a WARNING state for the leaf certificate: if the leaf certificate is good for 69 days and 23 hours more, we indicate that warnings that should trigger once the cert has fewer than 70 days left.

NOTE: Use the --verbose flag to expose further details.

$ ./check_cert --server --port 443 --age-critical 30 --age-warning 70
5:29AM ERR cmd/check_cert/main.go:516 > expired or expiring certs present in chain error="1 certificates expired or expiring" age_critical=30 age_warning=70 app_type=plugin cert_check_timeout=10s expected_sans_entries= expired_certs=0 expiring_certs=1 filename= logging_level=info port=443 version="check-cert x.y.z ("
WARNING: leaf cert "" expires next with 69d 23h remaining (until 2022-07-04 09:43:40 +0000 UTC) [EXPIRED: 0, EXPIRING: 1, OK: 2]


* 1 certificates expired or expiring


* CRITICAL: Expires before 2022-05-25 10:29:46 +0000 UTC (30 days)
* WARNING: Expires before 2022-07-04 10:29:46 +0000 UTC (70 days)


3 certs found for service running on ( at port 443

Certificate 1 of 3 (leaf):
        SANs entries: []
        Issuer: CN=GTS CA 1C3,O=Google Trust Services LLC,C=US
        Serial: 50:69:89:19:16:59:07:17:0A:54:D0:54:F5:95:1D:3B
        Issued On: 2022-04-11 09:43:41 +0000 UTC
        Expiration: 2022-07-04 09:43:40 +0000 UTC
        Status: [WARNING] 69d 23h remaining

Certificate 2 of 3 (intermediate):
        Name: CN=GTS CA 1C3,O=Google Trust Services LLC,C=US
        SANs entries: []
        Issuer: CN=GTS Root R1,O=Google Trust Services LLC,C=US
        Serial: 02:03:BC:53:59:6B:34:C7:18:F5:01:50:66
        Issued On: 2020-08-13 00:00:42 +0000 UTC
        Expiration: 2027-09-30 00:00:42 +0000 UTC
        Status: [OK] 1983d 13h remaining

Certificate 3 of 3 (intermediate):
        Name: CN=GTS Root R1,O=Google Trust Services LLC,C=US
        SANs entries: []
        Issuer: CN=GlobalSign Root CA,OU=Root CA,O=GlobalSign nv-sa,C=BE
        Serial: 77:BD:0D:6C:DB:36:F9:1A:EA:21:0F:C4:F0:58:D3:0D
        Issued On: 2020-06-19 00:00:42 +0000 UTC
        Expiration: 2028-01-28 00:00:42 +0000 UTC
        Status: [OK] 2103d 13h remaining

Some items to note (in order of appearance):

  1. logfmt output providing human-readable, structured logging information
    • this is sent to stderr
    • Nagios ignores stderr output from plugins; stdout is for Nagios, stderr is for humans
  2. The one-line status output on the second line
    • this is used by Nagios for display in an overview view for all service checkout for a host
    • this is used by Nagios for text, email and whatever else notifications (if configured)
  3. The ERRORS section notes briefly what is wrong with the cert
  4. The CERTIFICATE AGE THRESHOLDS section notes what (calculated) thresholds were used to determine the current service check status (results)
  5. The DETAILED INFO section contains an overview of the certificate chain
    • this is used by Nagios for display on the detailed service check-specific page (e.g., shows last check time, frequency, current state, etc)
    • as for the one-line output, this is used by Nagios for text, email and whatever other notifications may be configured
  6. The Status field for the leaf certificate changed from OK to WARNING and this plugin set the appropriate exit code to let Nagios know of the state change.
CRITICAL results
Expiring certificate

As with the WARNING example, we use the expiration date values returned from the initial check as a starting point and intentionally move the threshold values in order to trigger a CRITICAL state for the leaf certificate: if the leaf certificate is good for 69 days and 23 hours more, we specify 90 days for the WARNING threshold and 70 days for the CRITICAL threshold. This triggers a CRITICAL state.

NOTE: Use the --verbose flag to expose further details.

$ ./check_cert --server --port 443 --age-critical 70 --age-warning 90
5:35AM ERR cmd/check_cert/main.go:516 > expired or expiring certs present in chain error="1 certificates expired or expiring" age_critical=70 age_warning=90 app_type=plugin cert_check_timeout=10s expected_sans_entries= expired_certs=0 expiring_certs=1 filename= logging_level=info port=443 version="check-cert x.y.z ("
CRITICAL: leaf cert "" expires next with 69d 23h remaining (until 2022-07-04 09:43:40 +0000 UTC) [EXPIRED: 0, EXPIRING: 1, OK: 2]


* 1 certificates expired or expiring


* CRITICAL: Expires before 2022-07-04 10:35:46 +0000 UTC (70 days)
* WARNING: Expires before 2022-07-24 10:35:46 +0000 UTC (90 days)


3 certs found for service running on ( at port 443

Certificate 1 of 3 (leaf):
        SANs entries: []
        Issuer: CN=GTS CA 1C3,O=Google Trust Services LLC,C=US
        Serial: 50:69:89:19:16:59:07:17:0A:54:D0:54:F5:95:1D:3B
        Issued On: 2022-04-11 09:43:41 +0000 UTC
        Expiration: 2022-07-04 09:43:40 +0000 UTC
        Status: [CRITICAL] 69d 23h remaining

Certificate 2 of 3 (intermediate):
        Name: CN=GTS CA 1C3,O=Google Trust Services LLC,C=US
        SANs entries: []
        Issuer: CN=GTS Root R1,O=Google Trust Services LLC,C=US
        Serial: 02:03:BC:53:59:6B:34:C7:18:F5:01:50:66
        Issued On: 2020-08-13 00:00:42 +0000 UTC
        Expiration: 2027-09-30 00:00:42 +0000 UTC
        Status: [OK] 1983d 13h remaining

Certificate 3 of 3 (intermediate):
        Name: CN=GTS Root R1,O=Google Trust Services LLC,C=US
        SANs entries: []
        Issuer: CN=GlobalSign Root CA,OU=Root CA,O=GlobalSign nv-sa,C=BE
        Serial: 77:BD:0D:6C:DB:36:F9:1A:EA:21:0F:C4:F0:58:D3:0D
        Issued On: 2020-06-19 00:00:42 +0000 UTC
        Expiration: 2028-01-28 00:00:42 +0000 UTC
        Status: [OK] 2103d 13h remaining
Expired certificate

Here we use the subdomain to demo the results of encountering one or more (in this case more) expired certificates in a chain. Aside from the FQDN, all default options (including the port) are used.

NOTE: Use the --verbose flag to expose further details.

$ ./check_cert --server
5:36AM ERR cmd/check_cert/main.go:516 > expired or expiring certs present in chain error="2 certificates expired or expiring" age_critical=15 age_warning=30 app_type=plugin cert_check_timeout=10s expected_sans_entries= expired_certs=2 expiring_certs=0 filename= logging_level=info port=443 version="check-cert x.y.z ("
CRITICAL: leaf cert "*" expired 2569d 10h ago (on 2015-04-12 23:59:59 +0000 UTC) [EXPIRED: 2, EXPIRING: 0, OK: 1]


* 2 certificates expired or expiring


* CRITICAL: Expires before 2022-05-10 10:36:26 +0000 UTC (15 days)
* WARNING: Expires before 2022-05-25 10:36:26 +0000 UTC (30 days)


3 certs found for service running on ( at port 443

Certificate 1 of 3 (leaf):
        Name: CN=*,OU=Domain Control Validated+OU=PositiveSSL Wildcard
        SANs entries: [*]
        Issuer: CN=COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA,O=COMODO CA Limited,L=Salford,ST=Greater Manchester,C=GB
        Serial: 4A:E7:95:49:FA:9A:BE:3F:10:0F:17:A4:78:E1:69:09
        Issued On: 2015-04-09 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
        Expiration: 2015-04-12 23:59:59 +0000 UTC
        Status: [EXPIRED] 2569d 10h ago

Certificate 2 of 3 (intermediate):
        Name: CN=COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA,O=COMODO CA Limited,L=Salford,ST=Greater Manchester,C=GB
        SANs entries: []
        Issuer: CN=COMODO RSA Certification Authority,O=COMODO CA Limited,L=Salford,ST=Greater Manchester,C=GB
        Serial: 2B:2E:6E:EA:D9:75:36:6C:14:8A:6E:DB:A3:7C:8C:07
        Issued On: 2014-02-12 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
        Expiration: 2029-02-11 23:59:59 +0000 UTC
        Status: [OK] 2484d 13h remaining

Certificate 3 of 3 (intermediate):
        Name: CN=COMODO RSA Certification Authority,O=COMODO CA Limited,L=Salford,ST=Greater Manchester,C=GB
        SANs entries: []
        Issuer: CN=AddTrust External CA Root,OU=AddTrust External TTP Network,O=AddTrust AB,C=SE
        Serial: 27:66:EE:56:EB:49:F3:8E:AB:D7:70:A2:FC:84:DE:22
        Issued On: 2000-05-30 10:48:38 +0000 UTC
        Expiration: 2020-05-30 10:48:38 +0000 UTC
        Status: [EXPIRED] 694d 23h ago
lscert CLI tool
OK results

This example shows using the CLI app to perform the same initial check that we performed earlier using the Nagios plugin.

NOTE: Use the --verbose flag to expose further details.

$ ./lscert --server --port 443 --age-critical 30 --age-warning 50


- WARNING:      Expires before 2022-06-14 10:38:35 +0000 UTC (50 days)
- CRITICAL:     Expires before 2022-05-25 10:38:35 +0000 UTC (30 days)


- OK: 3 certs found for service running on ( at port 443
- OK: Provided hostname matches discovered certificate
- OK: leaf cert "" expires next with 69d 23h remaining (until 2022-07-04 09:43:40 +0000 UTC)
- OK: [EXPIRED: 0, EXPIRING: 0, OK: 3]


Certificate 1 of 3 (leaf):
        SANs entries: []
        Issuer: CN=GTS CA 1C3,O=Google Trust Services LLC,C=US
        Serial: 50:69:89:19:16:59:07:17:0A:54:D0:54:F5:95:1D:3B
        Issued On: 2022-04-11 09:43:41 +0000 UTC
        Expiration: 2022-07-04 09:43:40 +0000 UTC
        Status: [OK] 69d 23h remaining

Certificate 2 of 3 (intermediate):
        Name: CN=GTS CA 1C3,O=Google Trust Services LLC,C=US
        SANs entries: []
        Issuer: CN=GTS Root R1,O=Google Trust Services LLC,C=US
        Serial: 02:03:BC:53:59:6B:34:C7:18:F5:01:50:66
        Issued On: 2020-08-13 00:00:42 +0000 UTC
        Expiration: 2027-09-30 00:00:42 +0000 UTC
        Status: [OK] 1983d 13h remaining

Certificate 3 of 3 (intermediate):
        Name: CN=GTS Root R1,O=Google Trust Services LLC,C=US
        SANs entries: []
        Issuer: CN=GlobalSign Root CA,OU=Root CA,O=GlobalSign nv-sa,C=BE
        Serial: 77:BD:0D:6C:DB:36:F9:1A:EA:21:0F:C4:F0:58:D3:0D
        Issued On: 2020-06-19 00:00:42 +0000 UTC
        Expiration: 2028-01-28 00:00:42 +0000 UTC
        Status: [OK] 2103d 13h remaining
WARNING results

NOTE: Use the --verbose flag to expose further details.

$ ./lscert --server --port 443 --age-critical 30 --age-warning 70


- WARNING:      Expires before 2022-07-04 10:40:01 +0000 UTC (70 days)
- CRITICAL:     Expires before 2022-05-25 10:40:01 +0000 UTC (30 days)


- OK: 3 certs found for service running on ( at port 443
- OK: Provided hostname matches discovered certificate
- WARNING: leaf cert "" expires next with 69d 23h remaining (until 2022-07-04 09:43:40 +0000 UTC)


Certificate 1 of 3 (leaf):
        SANs entries: []
        Issuer: CN=GTS CA 1C3,O=Google Trust Services LLC,C=US
        Serial: 50:69:89:19:16:59:07:17:0A:54:D0:54:F5:95:1D:3B
        Issued On: 2022-04-11 09:43:41 +0000 UTC
        Expiration: 2022-07-04 09:43:40 +0000 UTC
        Status: [WARNING] 69d 23h remaining

Certificate 2 of 3 (intermediate):
        Name: CN=GTS CA 1C3,O=Google Trust Services LLC,C=US
        SANs entries: []
        Issuer: CN=GTS Root R1,O=Google Trust Services LLC,C=US
        Serial: 02:03:BC:53:59:6B:34:C7:18:F5:01:50:66
        Issued On: 2020-08-13 00:00:42 +0000 UTC
        Expiration: 2027-09-30 00:00:42 +0000 UTC
        Status: [OK] 1983d 13h remaining

Certificate 3 of 3 (intermediate):
        Name: CN=GTS Root R1,O=Google Trust Services LLC,C=US
        SANs entries: []
        Issuer: CN=GlobalSign Root CA,OU=Root CA,O=GlobalSign nv-sa,C=BE
        Serial: 77:BD:0D:6C:DB:36:F9:1A:EA:21:0F:C4:F0:58:D3:0D
        Issued On: 2020-06-19 00:00:42 +0000 UTC
        Expiration: 2028-01-28 00:00:42 +0000 UTC
        Status: [OK] 2103d 13h remaining

In general, the differences between the OK and WARNING output for the two tools is minor. However, unlike the check_cert Nagios plugin where we are limited to one line of summary output, the lscert CLI tool doesn't share the same output requirements and can be more expressive (e.g., such as the summary section to highlight particular items of interest). Like the check_cert Nagios plugin, the lscert CLI tool also displays the thresholds used to determine the state of the checks applied to the certificate chain.

CRITICAL results

Here we use the subdomain to demo the results of encountering one or more (in this case more) expired certificates in a chain. Aside from the FQDN, all default options (including the port) are used.

NOTE: Use the --verbose flag to expose further details.

$ ./lscert --server


- WARNING:      Expires before 2022-05-25 10:40:41 +0000 UTC (30 days)
- CRITICAL:     Expires before 2022-05-10 10:40:41 +0000 UTC (15 days)


- OK: 3 certs found for service running on ( at port 443
- OK: Provided hostname matches discovered certificate
- CRITICAL: leaf cert "*" expired 2569d 10h ago (on 2015-04-12 23:59:59 +0000 UTC)


Certificate 1 of 3 (leaf):
        Name: CN=*,OU=Domain Control Validated+OU=PositiveSSL Wildcard
        SANs entries: [*]
        Issuer: CN=COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA,O=COMODO CA Limited,L=Salford,ST=Greater Manchester,C=GB
        Serial: 4A:E7:95:49:FA:9A:BE:3F:10:0F:17:A4:78:E1:69:09
        Issued On: 2015-04-09 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
        Expiration: 2015-04-12 23:59:59 +0000 UTC
        Status: [EXPIRED] 2569d 10h ago

Certificate 2 of 3 (intermediate):
        Name: CN=COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA,O=COMODO CA Limited,L=Salford,ST=Greater Manchester,C=GB
        SANs entries: []
        Issuer: CN=COMODO RSA Certification Authority,O=COMODO CA Limited,L=Salford,ST=Greater Manchester,C=GB
        Serial: 2B:2E:6E:EA:D9:75:36:6C:14:8A:6E:DB:A3:7C:8C:07
        Issued On: 2014-02-12 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
        Expiration: 2029-02-11 23:59:59 +0000 UTC
        Status: [OK] 2484d 13h remaining

Certificate 3 of 3 (intermediate):
        Name: CN=COMODO RSA Certification Authority,O=COMODO CA Limited,L=Salford,ST=Greater Manchester,C=GB
        SANs entries: []
        Issuer: CN=AddTrust External CA Root,OU=AddTrust External TTP Network,O=AddTrust AB,C=SE
        Serial: 27:66:EE:56:EB:49:F3:8E:AB:D7:70:A2:FC:84:DE:22
        Issued On: 2000-05-30 10:48:38 +0000 UTC
        Expiration: 2020-05-30 10:48:38 +0000 UTC
        Status: [EXPIRED] 694d 23h ago

Some items to note in the CERTIFICATES | SUMMARY section:

  • the certificate which expired first (leaf cert * is listed
    • chain position
    • expiration summary
    • expiration date
  • a quick count of the EXPIRED, EXPIRING and OK certificates
  • future work here might list out all expired certs, but the assumption was that listing the first one to expire and then listing out the chain details in the following section (with explicit notes re expiration status) was sufficient coverage
certsum CLI tool

This tool is in early development and options available are subject to change (perhaps even significantly) in future releases.

Please see the list of available flags/options documented earlier in this README for further options.

Certificates Overview

The following options generate a one-liner, high-level overview for each host with a certificate. Hosts without a certificate are omitted from the results.

$ ./certsum --hosts,, --show-hosts-with-valid-certs --show-overview
Beginning cert scan against 13 IPs expanded from 3 unique host patterns using ports: [443]
Completed certificates scan in 371.6517ms
7 certificate chains (1 issues) found.

Results (all):

Host (Name/FQDN)        IP Addr         Port    Subject or SANs         Status  Chain Summary                           Serial
---                     ---             ---     ---                     ---     ---                                     ---  443          ✅ (OK) [EXPIRED: 0, EXPIRING: 0, OK: 3]        50:69:89:19:16:59:07:17:0A:54:D0:54:F5:95:1D:3B   443          ✅ (OK) [EXPIRED: 0, EXPIRING: 0, OK: 3]        50:69:89:19:16:59:07:17:0A:54:D0:54:F5:95:1D:3B  443          ✅ (OK) [EXPIRED: 0, EXPIRING: 0, OK: 3]        50:69:89:19:16:59:07:17:0A:54:D0:54:F5:95:1D:3B  443          ✅ (OK) [EXPIRED: 0, EXPIRING: 0, OK: 3]        50:69:89:19:16:59:07:17:0A:54:D0:54:F5:95:1D:3B  443          ✅ (OK) [EXPIRED: 0, EXPIRING: 0, OK: 3]        50:69:89:19:16:59:07:17:0A:54:D0:54:F5:95:1D:3B  443          ✅ (OK) [EXPIRED: 0, EXPIRING: 0, OK: 3]        50:69:89:19:16:59:07:17:0A:54:D0:54:F5:95:1D:3B  443     *            ⛔ (!!) [EXPIRED: 2, EXPIRING: 0, OK: 1]        4A:E7:95:49:FA:9A:BE:3F:10:0F:17:A4:78:E1:69:09

Of note:

  • implicitly use the default port of 443/tcp
  • specify multiple given host patterns (which expand to multiple IP Addresses)
  • generate output in the overview or summary format
  • show "OK" hosts alongside problem hosts (usually omitted for brevity)
CIDR range
$ ./certsum --ports 443 --hosts
Beginning cert scan against 254 IPs expanded from 1 unique host patterns using ports: [443]
6:00AM ERR ../../mnt/t/github/check-cert/cmd/certsum/certcheck.go:234 > error fetching certificates chain error="error connecting to server (host: , IP: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer" age_critical=15 age_warning=30 app_timeout=30s app_type=scanner cert_check_timeout=10s filename= host= ip_address= logging_level=info port=443 port_scan_timeout=200ms ports=[443] version="check-cert x.y.z ("

6:00AM ERR ../../mnt/t/github/check-cert/cmd/certsum/certcheck.go:234 > error fetching certificates chain error="error connecting to server (host: , IP: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer" age_critical=15 age_warning=30 app_timeout=30s app_type=scanner cert_check_timeout=10s filename= host= ip_address= logging_level=info port=443 port_scan_timeout=200ms ports=[443] version="check-cert x.y.z ("
Completed certificates scan in 1.007037835s
15 certificate chains (4 issues) found.

Results (issues only):

Host                    Port    Subject or SANs                 Status (Type)                    Summary                        Serial
---                     ---     ---                             ---                              ---                            ---           443     HP Jetdirect 7FE7AF22           ⛔ (leaf; self-signed)          [EXPIRED] 3942d 12h ago         02             443     VMware                          ⛔ (root)                       [EXPIRED] 571d 23h ago          DE:FD:50:2B:C5:7F:79:F4           443     HP LaserJet M506 F2A68A         ⛔ (leaf; self-signed)          [CRITICAL] 1d 7h remaining      -29:25:F5:A8:D5:E2:FC:C3:71:77:F4:48:3A:09:2E:24:0F:0E:37:1A            443     HP Jetdirect 4639304E           ⛔ (leaf; self-signed)          [EXPIRED] 2175d 12h ago         47:F0:56:50           443                   ⛔ (leaf; self-signed)          [EXPIRED] 1519d 7h ago          EF:E5:A3:0E:2F:FA:C1:3A           443                   ⛔ (leaf; self-signed)          [EXPIRED] 1034d 19h ago         F7:A2:CD:4A:F2:A0:63:10

Of note:

  • explicitly specify port 443/tcp (the default)
  • scan the entire range
  • only emit "problem" entries
Partial range

Here we specify a partial range using a syntax intentionally similar to the octet based addressing syntax accepted by nmap (an amazing tool). Commas within an octet (in order to exclude IPs) are not supported at this time.

$ ./certsum --ports 443 --hosts
Beginning cert scan against 7 IPs expanded from 1 unique host patterns using ports: [443]
Completed certificates scan in 200.475679ms
2 certificate chains (2 issues) found.

Results (issues only):

Host                    Port    Subject or SANs                 Status (Type)                    Summary                        Serial
---                     ---     ---                             ---                              ---                            ---           443     HP Jetdirect 7FE7AF22           ⛔ (leaf; self-signed)          [EXPIRED] 3942d 12h ago         02           443     HP LaserJet M506 F2A68A         ⛔ (leaf; self-signed)          [CRITICAL] 1d 7h remaining      -29:25:F5:A8:D5:E2:FC:C3:71:77:F4:48:3A:09:2E:24:0F:0E:37:1A
Partial range and a single IP Address
$ ./certsum --ports 443 --hosts,
Beginning cert scan against 8 IPs expanded from 2 unique host patterns using ports: [443]
Completed certificates scan in 201.044547ms
3 certificate chains (3 issues) found.

Results (issues only):

Host                    Port    Subject or SANs                 Status (Type)                    Summary                        Serial
---                     ---     ---                             ---                              ---                            ---             443     VMware                          ⛔ (root)                       [EXPIRED] 577d 0h ago           DE:FD:50:2B:C5:7F:79:F4           443     HP Jetdirect 7FE7AF22           ⛔ (leaf; self-signed)          [EXPIRED] 3942d 12h ago         02           443     HP LaserJet M506 F2A68A         ⛔ (leaf; self-signed)          [CRITICAL] 1d 7h remaining      -29:25:F5:A8:D5:E2:FC:C3:71:77:F4:48:3A:09:2E:24:0F:0E:37:1A
Partial range, CIDR range and a single IP Address

NOTE: As of the v0.7.0 release, deduping is only applied to literal given host patterns and not when IP ranges overlap.

For example, these given host values are deduped:

whereas overlap is not handled:


In this scenario, will be scanned twice as would

$ ./certsum --ports 443 --hosts,,
Beginning cert scan against 261 IPs expanded from 3 unique host patterns using ports: [443]

Only the lead-in text is included as the output closely matches the other examples.

Single IP Address and a FQDN

Of note:

  • Default HTTPS port (because we did not specify one)
  • We are using a FQDN
$ ./certsum --hosts,
Beginning cert scan against 2 IPs expanded from 2 unique host patterns using ports: [443]
Completed certificates scan in 115.808542ms
2 certificate chains (2 issues) found.

Results (issues only):

Host (Name/FQDN)        IP Addr         Port    Subject or SANs                         Status (Type)           Summary                         Serial
---                     ---             ---     ---                                     ---                     ---                             ---
                   443     VMware                                  ⛔ (root)               [EXPIRED] 577d 0h ago           DE:FD:50:2B:C5:7F:79:F4  443     *                            ⛔ (leaf)               [EXPIRED] 2570d 11h ago         4A:E7:95:49:FA:9A:BE:3F:10:0F:17:A4:78:E1:69:09  443     COMODO RSA Certification Authority      ⛔ (intermediate)       [EXPIRED] 696d 0h ago           27:66:EE:56:EB:49:F3:8E:AB:D7:70:A2:FC:84:DE:22
Show all scan results

We include an additional scan target without a certificate to illustrate what would normally be muted/hidden away with the default scan results.

$ ./certsum --hosts,, --show-valid-certs --show-port-scan-results --show-hosts-with-valid-certs --show-closed-ports
Beginning cert scan against 4 IPs expanded from 3 unique host patterns using ports: [443] (2600:3c01::f03c:91ff:fe18:bb2f): [443: false] [443: true] ( [443: true] ( [443: false]
Completed certificates scan in 114.645878ms
2 certificate chains (2 issues) found.

Results (all):

Host (Name/FQDN)        IP Addr         Port    Subject or SANs                                 Status (Type)           Summary                         Serial
---                     ---             ---     ---                                             ---                     ---                             ---
                   443     VMware                                          ⛔ (root)               [EXPIRED] 577d 21h ago          DE:FD:50:2B:C5:7F:79:F4  443     *                                    ⛔ (leaf)               [EXPIRED] 2570d 11h ago         4A:E7:95:49:FA:9A:BE:3F:10:0F:17:A4:78:E1:69:09  443     COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA   ✅ (intermediate)       [OK] 2483d 12h remaining        2B:2E:6E:EA:D9:75:36:6C:14:8A:6E:DB:A3:7C:8C:07  443     COMODO RSA Certification Authority              ⛔ (intermediate)       [EXPIRED] 696d 0h ago           27:66:EE:56:EB:49:F3:8E:AB:D7:70:A2:FC:84:DE:22


From the LICENSE file:

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2020 Adam Chalkley

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.





This repo contains various tools used to monitor/validate certificates.


See our GitHub repo ( for the latest code, to file an issue or submit improvements for review and potential inclusion into the project.


Monitor/validate certificates.


• Nagios plugin for monitoring certificates of certificate-enabled services

• CLI tool for verifying certificates of certificate-enabled services or files

• CLI tool for generating summary of discovered certificates from given hosts (single or IP Address ranges, hostnames or FQDNs) and ports


See our main README for supported settings and examples.


Path Synopsis
Package certs provides common/shared utility code to support applications in this module which process certificates.
Package certs provides common/shared utility code to support applications in this module which process certificates.
Package config provides types and functions to collect, validate and apply user-provided settings.
Package config provides types and functions to collect, validate and apply user-provided settings.
Package netutils provides helper functions for network related operations such as port scanning or subnet slicing.
Package netutils provides helper functions for network related operations such as port scanning or subnet slicing.
Package textutils provides common helper functions for text manipulation or output used by applications in this module.
Package textutils provides common helper functions for text manipulation or output used by applications in this module.

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