Index ¶
- type AccessToken
- type ActionData
- type ActionRequest
- type ActionResponse
- type Algorithm
- type AppleApplicationConfiguration
- type AppleIdentityProvider
- type Application
- type ApplicationRegistrationDeletePolicy
- type ApplicationRequest
- type ApplicationResponse
- type ApplicationRole
- type Attachment
- type AuditLog
- type AuditLogConfiguration
- type AuditLogExportRequest
- type AuditLogRequest
- type AuditLogResponse
- type AuditLogSearchCriteria
- type AuditLogSearchRequest
- type AuditLogSearchResponse
- type AuthenticationTokenConfiguration
- type BaseEvent
- type BaseExportRequest
- type BaseHTTPResponse
- type BaseIdentityProvider
- type BaseIdentityProviderApplicationConfiguration
- type BaseLoginRequest
- type BaseSearchCriteria
- type BreachAction
- type BreachMatchMode
- type BreachedPasswordStatus
- type CORSConfiguration
- type CanonicalizationMethod
- type CertificateInformation
- type ChangePasswordReason
- type ChangePasswordRequest
- type ChangePasswordResponse
- type CleanSpeakConfiguration
- type ClientAuthenticationMethod
- type Consent
- type ConsentRequest
- type ConsentResponse
- type ConsentStatus
- type ContentStatus
- type Count
- type DailyActiveUserReportResponse
- type DeleteConfiguration
- type DeviceInfo
- type DeviceResponse
- type DeviceType
- type DisplayableRawLogin
- type DomainBasedIdentityProvider
- type Email
- type EmailAddress
- type EmailConfiguration
- type EmailPlus
- type EmailSecurityType
- type EmailTemplate
- type EmailTemplateErrors
- type EmailTemplateRequest
- type EmailTemplateResponse
- type Enableable
- type Error
- type Errors
- type EventConfiguration
- type EventConfigurationData
- type EventLog
- type EventLogConfiguration
- type EventLogResponse
- type EventLogSearchCriteria
- type EventLogSearchRequest
- type EventLogSearchResponse
- type EventLogType
- type EventRequest
- type EventType
- type ExpiryUnit
- type ExternalIdentifierConfiguration
- type ExternalJWTApplicationConfiguration
- type ExternalJWTIdentityProvider
- type FacebookApplicationConfiguration
- type FacebookIdentityProvider
- type FailedAuthenticationConfiguration
- type Family
- type FamilyConfiguration
- type FamilyEmailRequest
- type FamilyMember
- type FamilyRequest
- type FamilyResponse
- type FamilyRole
- type ForgotPasswordRequest
- type ForgotPasswordResponse
- type FusionAuthClient
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) ActionUser(request ActionRequest) (*ActionResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) AddUserToFamily(familyId string, request FamilyRequest) (*FamilyResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) CancelAction(actionId string, request ActionRequest) (*ActionResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) ChangePassword(changePasswordId string, request ChangePasswordRequest) (*ChangePasswordResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) ChangePasswordByIdentity(request ChangePasswordRequest) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) CommentOnUser(request UserCommentRequest) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateApplication(applicationId string, request ApplicationRequest) (*ApplicationResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateApplicationRole(applicationId string, roleId string, request ApplicationRequest) (*ApplicationResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateAuditLog(request AuditLogRequest) (*AuditLogResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateConsent(consentId string, request ConsentRequest) (*ConsentResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateEmailTemplate(emailTemplateId string, request EmailTemplateRequest) (*EmailTemplateResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateFamily(familyId string, request FamilyRequest) (*FamilyResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateGroup(groupId string, request GroupRequest) (*GroupResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateGroupMembers(request MemberRequest) (*MemberResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateLambda(lambdaId string, request LambdaRequest) (*LambdaResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateTenant(tenantId string, request TenantRequest) (*TenantResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateTheme(themeId string, request ThemeRequest) (*ThemeResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateUser(userId string, request UserRequest) (*UserResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateUserAction(userActionId string, request UserActionRequest) (*UserActionResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateUserActionReason(userActionReasonId string, request UserActionReasonRequest) (*UserActionReasonResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateUserConsent(userConsentId string, request UserConsentRequest) (*UserConsentResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateWebhook(webhookId string, request WebhookRequest) (*WebhookResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeactivateApplication(applicationId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeactivateUser(userId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeactivateUserAction(userActionId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeactivateUsers(userIds []string) (*UserDeleteResponse, *Errors, error)deprecated
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeactivateUsersByIds(userIds []string) (*UserDeleteResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteApplication(applicationId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteApplicationRole(applicationId string, roleId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteConsent(consentId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteEmailTemplate(emailTemplateId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteGroup(groupId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteGroupMembers(request MemberDeleteRequest) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteIdentityProvider(identityProviderId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteKey(keyId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteLambda(lambdaId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteRegistration(userId string, applicationId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteTenant(tenantId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteTheme(themeId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteUser(userId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteUserAction(userActionId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteUserActionReason(userActionReasonId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteUsers(request UserDeleteRequest) (*UserDeleteResponse, *Errors, error)deprecated
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteUsersByQuery(request UserDeleteRequest) (*UserDeleteResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteWebhook(webhookId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) DisableTwoFactor(userId string, code string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) EnableTwoFactor(userId string, request TwoFactorRequest) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) ExchangeOAuthCodeForAccessToken(code string, clientId string, clientSecret string, redirectUri string) (*AccessToken, *OAuthError, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) ExchangeRefreshTokenForAccessToken(refreshToken string, clientId string, clientSecret string, scope string, ...) (*AccessToken, *OAuthError, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) ExchangeRefreshTokenForJWT(request RefreshRequest) (*RefreshResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) ExchangeUserCredentialsForAccessToken(username string, password string, clientId string, clientSecret string, ...) (*AccessToken, *OAuthError, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) ForgotPassword(request ForgotPasswordRequest) (*ForgotPasswordResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) GenerateEmailVerificationId(email string) (*VerifyEmailResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) GenerateKey(keyId string, request KeyRequest) (*KeyResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) GenerateRegistrationVerificationId(email string, applicationId string) (*VerifyRegistrationResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) GenerateTwoFactorSecret() (*SecretResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) GenerateTwoFactorSecretUsingJWT(encodedJWT string) (*SecretResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) IdentityProviderLogin(request IdentityProviderLoginRequest) (*LoginResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) ImportKey(keyId string, request KeyRequest) (*KeyResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) ImportUsers(request ImportRequest) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) IssueJWT(applicationId string, encodedJWT string, refreshToken string) (*IssueResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) Login(request LoginRequest) (*LoginResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) LoginPing(userId string, applicationId string, callerIPAddress string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) Logout(global bool, refreshToken string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) LookupIdentityProvider(domain string) (*LookupResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) ModifyAction(actionId string, request ActionRequest) (*ActionResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) PasswordlessLogin(request PasswordlessLoginRequest) (*LoginResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchApplication(applicationId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*ApplicationResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchApplicationRole(applicationId string, roleId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*ApplicationResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchConsent(consentId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*ConsentResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchEmailTemplate(emailTemplateId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*EmailTemplateResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchGroup(groupId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*GroupResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchIdentityProvider(identityProviderId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*IdentityProviderResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchIntegrations(request map[string]interface{}) (*IntegrationResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchLambda(lambdaId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*LambdaResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchRegistration(userId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*RegistrationResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchSystemConfiguration(request map[string]interface{}) (*SystemConfigurationResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchTenant(tenantId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*TenantResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchTheme(themeId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*ThemeResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchUser(userId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*UserResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchUserAction(userActionId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*UserActionResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchUserActionReason(userActionReasonId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*UserActionReasonResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchUserConsent(userConsentId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*UserConsentResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) ReactivateApplication(applicationId string) (*ApplicationResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) ReactivateUser(userId string) (*UserResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) ReactivateUserAction(userActionId string) (*UserActionResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) ReconcileJWT(request IdentityProviderLoginRequest) (*LoginResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RefreshUserSearchIndex() (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) Register(userId string, request RegistrationRequest) (*RegistrationResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RemoveUserFromFamily(familyId string, userId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) ResendEmailVerification(email string) (*VerifyEmailResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) ResendRegistrationVerification(email string, applicationId string) (*VerifyRegistrationResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveAction(actionId string) (*ActionResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveActions(userId string) (*ActionResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveActionsPreventingLogin(userId string) (*ActionResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveActiveActions(userId string) (*ActionResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveApplication(applicationId string) (*ApplicationResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveApplications() (*ApplicationResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveAuditLog(auditLogId int) (*AuditLogResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveConsent(consentId string) (*ConsentResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveConsents() (*ConsentResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveDailyActiveReport(applicationId string, start int64, end int64) (*DailyActiveUserReportResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveEmailTemplate(emailTemplateId string) (*EmailTemplateResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveEmailTemplatePreview(request PreviewRequest) (*PreviewResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveEmailTemplates() (*EmailTemplateResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveEventLog(eventLogId int) (*EventLogResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveFamilies(userId string) (*FamilyResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveFamilyMembersByFamilyId(familyId string) (*FamilyResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveGroup(groupId string) (*GroupResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveGroups() (*GroupResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveInactiveActions(userId string) (*ActionResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveInactiveApplications() (*ApplicationResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveInactiveUserActions() (*UserActionResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveIntegration() (*IntegrationResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveJWTPublicKey(keyId string) (*PublicKeyResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveJWTPublicKeyByApplicationId(applicationId string) (*PublicKeyResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveJWTPublicKeys() (*PublicKeyResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveJsonWebKeySet() (*JWKSResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveKey(keyId string) (*KeyResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveKeys() (*KeyResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveLambda(lambdaId string) (*LambdaResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveLambdas() (*LambdaResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveLambdasByType(_type LambdaType) (*LambdaResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveLoginReport(applicationId string, start int64, end int64) (*LoginReportResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveMonthlyActiveReport(applicationId string, start int64, end int64) (*MonthlyActiveUserReportResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveOauthConfiguration(applicationId string) (*OAuthConfigurationResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveOpenIdConfiguration() (*OpenIdConfiguration, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrievePasswordValidationRules() (*PasswordValidationRulesResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrievePasswordValidationRulesWithTenantId(tenantId string) (*PasswordValidationRulesResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrievePendingChildren(parentEmail string) (*PendingResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveRecentLogins(offset int, limit int) (*RecentLoginResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveRefreshTokens(userId string) (*RefreshResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveRegistration(userId string, applicationId string) (*RegistrationResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveRegistrationReport(applicationId string, start int64, end int64) (*RegistrationReportResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveSystemConfiguration() (*SystemConfigurationResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveTenant(tenantId string) (*TenantResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveTenants() (*TenantResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveTheme(themeId string) (*ThemeResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveThemes() (*ThemeResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveTotalReport() (*TotalsReportResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUser(userId string) (*UserResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserAction(userActionId string) (*UserActionResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserActionReason(userActionReasonId string) (*UserActionReasonResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserActionReasons() (*UserActionReasonResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserActions() (*UserActionResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserByChangePasswordId(changePasswordId string) (*UserResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserByEmail(email string) (*UserResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserByLoginId(loginId string) (*UserResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserByUsername(username string) (*UserResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserByVerificationId(verificationId string) (*UserResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserComments(userId string) (*UserCommentResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserConsent(userConsentId string) (*UserConsentResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserConsents(userId string) (*UserConsentResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserLoginReport(applicationId string, userId string, start int64, end int64) (*LoginReportResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserLoginReportByLoginId(applicationId string, loginId string, start int64, end int64) (*LoginReportResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserRecentLogins(userId string, offset int, limit int) (*RecentLoginResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserUsingJWT(encodedJWT string) (*UserResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveWebhook(webhookId string) (*WebhookResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveWebhooks() (*WebhookResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RevokeRefreshToken(token string, userId string, applicationId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) RevokeUserConsent(userConsentId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) SearchAuditLogs(request AuditLogSearchRequest) (*AuditLogSearchResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) SearchEventLogs(request EventLogSearchRequest) (*EventLogSearchResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) SearchLoginRecords(request LoginRecordSearchRequest) (*LoginRecordSearchResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) SearchUsers(ids []string) (*SearchResponse, *Errors, error)deprecated
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) SearchUsersByIds(ids []string) (*SearchResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) SearchUsersByQuery(request SearchRequest) (*SearchResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) SearchUsersByQueryString(request SearchRequest) (*SearchResponse, *Errors, error)deprecated
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) SendEmail(emailTemplateId string, request SendRequest) (*SendResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) SendFamilyRequestEmail(request FamilyEmailRequest) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) SendPasswordlessCode(request PasswordlessSendRequest) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) SendTwoFactorCode(request TwoFactorSendRequest) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) SendTwoFactorCodeForLogin(twoFactorId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) SetTenantId(tenantId string)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) Start(responseRef interface{}, errorRef interface{}) *restClient
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) StartAnonymous(responseRef interface{}, errorRef interface{}) *restClient
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) StartIdentityProviderLogin(request IdentityProviderStartLoginRequest) (*IdentityProviderStartLoginResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) StartPasswordlessLogin(request PasswordlessStartRequest) (*PasswordlessStartResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) TwoFactorLogin(request TwoFactorLoginRequest) (*LoginResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateApplication(applicationId string, request ApplicationRequest) (*ApplicationResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateApplicationRole(applicationId string, roleId string, request ApplicationRequest) (*ApplicationResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateConsent(consentId string, request ConsentRequest) (*ConsentResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateEmailTemplate(emailTemplateId string, request EmailTemplateRequest) (*EmailTemplateResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateGroup(groupId string, request GroupRequest) (*GroupResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateIntegrations(request IntegrationRequest) (*IntegrationResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateKey(keyId string, request KeyRequest) (*KeyResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateLambda(lambdaId string, request LambdaRequest) (*LambdaResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateRegistration(userId string, request RegistrationRequest) (*RegistrationResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateSystemConfiguration(request SystemConfigurationRequest) (*SystemConfigurationResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateTenant(tenantId string, request TenantRequest) (*TenantResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateTheme(themeId string, request ThemeRequest) (*ThemeResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateUser(userId string, request UserRequest) (*UserResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateUserAction(userActionId string, request UserActionRequest) (*UserActionResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateUserActionReason(userActionReasonId string, request UserActionReasonRequest) (*UserActionReasonResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateUserConsent(userConsentId string, request UserConsentRequest) (*UserConsentResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateWebhook(webhookId string, request WebhookRequest) (*WebhookResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) ValidateDevice(userCode string, clientId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) ValidateJWT(encodedJWT string) (*ValidateResponse, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) VerifyEmail(verificationId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- func (c *FusionAuthClient) VerifyRegistration(verificationId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
- type GoogleApplicationConfiguration
- type GoogleIdentityProvider
- type GrantType
- type Group
- type GroupMember
- type GroupRequest
- type GroupResponse
- type HTTPMethod
- type HYPRApplicationConfiguration
- type HYPRIdentityProvider
- type HistoryItem
- type IdentityProviderDetails
- type IdentityProviderLoginRequest
- type IdentityProviderOauth2Configuration
- type IdentityProviderRequest
- type IdentityProviderResponse
- type IdentityProviderStartLoginRequest
- type IdentityProviderStartLoginResponse
- type IdentityProviderType
- type ImportRequest
- type IntegrationRequest
- type IntegrationResponse
- type Integrations
- type IntervalCount
- type IntervalUser
- type IssueResponse
- type JSONWebKey
- type JSONWebKeyInfoProvider
- type JWKSResponse
- type JWT
- type JWTConfiguration
- type JWTPublicKeyUpdateEvent
- type JWTRefreshEvent
- type JWTRefreshTokenRevokeEvent
- type KafkaConfiguration
- type Key
- type KeyAlgorithm
- type KeyRequest
- type KeyResponse
- type KeyType
- type Lambda
- type LambdaConfiguration
- type LambdaRequest
- type LambdaResponse
- type LambdaType
- type LogHistory
- type LoginConfiguration
- type LoginIdType
- type LoginPreventedResponse
- type LoginRecordConfiguration
- type LoginRecordExportRequest
- type LoginRecordSearchCriteria
- type LoginRecordSearchRequest
- type LoginRecordSearchResponse
- type LoginReportResponse
- type LoginRequest
- type LoginResponse
- type LogoutBehavior
- type LookupResponse
- type MaximumPasswordAge
- type MemberDeleteRequest
- type MemberRequest
- type MemberResponse
- type MetaData
- type MinimumPasswordAge
- type MonthlyActiveUserReportResponse
- type Normalizer
- type OAuth2Configuration
- type OAuthConfigurationResponse
- type OAuthError
- type OAuthErrorReason
- type OAuthErrorType
- type OAuthResponse
- type OpenIdConfiguration
- type OpenIdConnectApplicationConfiguration
- type OpenIdConnectIdentityProvider
- type PasswordBreachDetection
- type PasswordEncryptionConfiguration
- type PasswordValidationRules
- type PasswordValidationRulesResponse
- type PasswordlessConfiguration
- type PasswordlessIdentityProvider
- type PasswordlessLoginRequest
- type PasswordlessSendRequest
- type PasswordlessStartRequest
- type PasswordlessStartResponse
- type PendingResponse
- type PreviewRequest
- type PreviewResponse
- type ProviderLambdaConfiguration
- type PublicKeyResponse
- type RawLogin
- type RecentLoginResponse
- type RefreshRequest
- type RefreshResponse
- type RefreshToken
- type RefreshTokenExpirationPolicy
- type RefreshTokenRevocationPolicy
- type RefreshTokenUsagePolicy
- type RegistrationConfiguration
- type RegistrationReportResponse
- type RegistrationRequest
- type RegistrationResponse
- type ReloadRequest
- type RememberPreviousPasswords
- type Requirable
- type RequiresCORSConfiguration
- type SAMLv2ApplicationConfiguration
- type SAMLv2Configuration
- type SAMLv2IdentityProvider
- type SearchRequest
- type SearchResponse
- type SearchResults
- type SecretResponse
- type SecureGeneratorConfiguration
- type SecureGeneratorType
- type SecureIdentity
- type SendRequest
- type SendResponse
- type Sort
- type SortField
- type StatusAble
- type SystemConfiguration
- type SystemConfigurationRequest
- type SystemConfigurationResponse
- type SystemLogsExportRequest
- type Templates
- type Tenant
- type TenantRequest
- type TenantResponse
- type TenantUserDeletePolicy
- type Tenantable
- type TestEvent
- type Theme
- type ThemeRequest
- type ThemeResponse
- type TimeBasedDeletePolicy
- type TokenType
- type Totals
- type TotalsReportResponse
- type TransactionType
- type TwilioConfiguration
- type TwitterApplicationConfiguration
- type TwitterIdentityProvider
- type TwoFactorDelivery
- type TwoFactorLoginRequest
- type TwoFactorRequest
- type TwoFactorSendRequest
- type UIConfiguration
- type User
- type UserAction
- type UserActionEvent
- type UserActionLog
- type UserActionOption
- type UserActionPhase
- type UserActionReason
- type UserActionReasonRequest
- type UserActionReasonResponse
- type UserActionRequest
- type UserActionResponse
- type UserBulkCreateEvent
- type UserComment
- type UserCommentRequest
- type UserCommentResponse
- type UserConsent
- type UserConsentRequest
- type UserConsentResponse
- type UserCreateEvent
- type UserDeactivateEvent
- type UserDeleteEvent
- type UserDeleteRequest
- type UserDeleteResponse
- type UserEmailVerifiedEvent
- type UserLoginFailedEvent
- type UserLoginSuccessEvent
- type UserPasswordBreachEvent
- type UserReactivateEvent
- type UserRegistration
- type UserRegistrationCreateEvent
- type UserRegistrationDeleteEvent
- type UserRegistrationUpdateEvent
- type UserRegistrationVerifiedEvent
- type UserRequest
- type UserResponse
- type UserSearchCriteria
- type UserState
- type UserUpdateEvent
- type UsernameModeration
- type ValidateResponse
- type VerifyEmailResponse
- type VerifyRegistrationResponse
- type Webhook
- type WebhookRequest
- type WebhookResponse
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AccessToken ¶
type AccessToken struct { BaseHTTPResponse AccessToken string `json:"access_token,omitempty"` ExpiresIn int `json:"expires_in,omitempty"` IdToken string `json:"id_token,omitempty"` RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token,omitempty"` Scope string `json:"scope,omitempty"` TokenType TokenType `json:"token_type,omitempty"` UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*AccessToken) SetStatus ¶
func (b *AccessToken) SetStatus(status int)
type ActionData ¶
type ActionData struct { ActioneeUserId string `json:"actioneeUserId,omitempty"` ActionerUserId string `json:"actionerUserId,omitempty"` ApplicationIds []string `json:"applicationIds,omitempty"` Comment string `json:"comment,omitempty"` EmailUser bool `json:"emailUser,omitempty"` Expiry int64 `json:"expiry,omitempty"` NotifyUser bool `json:"notifyUser,omitempty"` Option string `json:"option,omitempty"` ReasonId string `json:"reasonId,omitempty"` UserActionId string `json:"userActionId,omitempty"` }
type ActionRequest ¶
type ActionRequest struct { Action ActionData `json:"action,omitempty"` Broadcast bool `json:"broadcast,omitempty"` }
- The user action request object. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type ActionResponse ¶
type ActionResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Action UserActionLog `json:"action,omitempty"` Actions []UserActionLog `json:"actions,omitempty"` }
- The user action response object. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
func (*ActionResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *ActionResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type Algorithm ¶
type Algorithm string
- Available JSON Web Algorithms (JWA) as described in RFC 7518 available for this JWT implementation. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
const ( Algorithm_ES256 Algorithm = "ES256" Algorithm_ES384 Algorithm = "ES384" Algorithm_ES512 Algorithm = "ES512" Algorithm_HS256 Algorithm = "HS256" Algorithm_HS384 Algorithm = "HS384" Algorithm_HS512 Algorithm = "HS512" Algorithm_RS256 Algorithm = "RS256" Algorithm_RS384 Algorithm = "RS384" Algorithm_RS512 Algorithm = "RS512" Algorithm_None Algorithm = "none" )
type AppleApplicationConfiguration ¶
type AppleApplicationConfiguration struct { BaseIdentityProviderApplicationConfiguration ButtonText string `json:"buttonText,omitempty"` KeyId string `json:"keyId,omitempty"` Scope string `json:"scope,omitempty"` ServicesId string `json:"servicesId,omitempty"` TeamId string `json:"teamId,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type AppleIdentityProvider ¶
type AppleIdentityProvider struct { BaseIdentityProvider ButtonText string `json:"buttonText,omitempty"` KeyId string `json:"keyId,omitempty"` Scope string `json:"scope,omitempty"` ServicesId string `json:"servicesId,omitempty"` TeamId string `json:"teamId,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type Application ¶
type Application struct { Active bool `json:"active,omitempty"` AuthenticationTokenConfiguration AuthenticationTokenConfiguration `json:"authenticationTokenConfiguration,omitempty"` CleanSpeakConfiguration CleanSpeakConfiguration `json:"cleanSpeakConfiguration,omitempty"` Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` JwtConfiguration JWTConfiguration `json:"jwtConfiguration,omitempty"` LambdaConfiguration LambdaConfiguration `json:"lambdaConfiguration,omitempty"` LoginConfiguration LoginConfiguration `json:"loginConfiguration,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` OauthConfiguration OAuth2Configuration `json:"oauthConfiguration,omitempty"` PasswordlessConfiguration PasswordlessConfiguration `json:"passwordlessConfiguration,omitempty"` RegistrationConfiguration RegistrationConfiguration `json:"registrationConfiguration,omitempty"` RegistrationDeletePolicy ApplicationRegistrationDeletePolicy `json:"registrationDeletePolicy,omitempty"` Roles []ApplicationRole `json:"roles,omitempty"` Samlv2Configuration SAMLv2Configuration `json:"samlv2Configuration,omitempty"` TenantId string `json:"tenantId,omitempty"` VerificationEmailTemplateId string `json:"verificationEmailTemplateId,omitempty"` VerifyRegistration bool `json:"verifyRegistration,omitempty"` }
- @author Seth Musselman
type ApplicationRegistrationDeletePolicy ¶
type ApplicationRegistrationDeletePolicy struct {
Unverified TimeBasedDeletePolicy `json:"unverified,omitempty"`
- A Application-level policy for deleting Users. *
- @author Trevor Smith
type ApplicationRequest ¶
type ApplicationRequest struct { Application Application `json:"application,omitempty"` Role ApplicationRole `json:"role,omitempty"` WebhookIds []string `json:"webhookIds,omitempty"` }
- The Application API request object. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type ApplicationResponse ¶
type ApplicationResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Application Application `json:"application,omitempty"` Applications []Application `json:"applications,omitempty"` Role ApplicationRole `json:"role,omitempty"` }
- The Application API response. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
func (*ApplicationResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *ApplicationResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type ApplicationRole ¶
type ApplicationRole struct { Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` IsDefault bool `json:"isDefault,omitempty"` IsSuperRole bool `json:"isSuperRole,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
- A role given to a user for a specific application. *
- @author Seth Musselman
type Attachment ¶
type Attachment struct { Attachment []byte `json:"attachment,omitempty"` Mime string `json:"mime,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
- This class is a simple attachment with a byte array, name and MIME type. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type AuditLog ¶
type AuditLog struct { Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"` Id int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` InsertInstant int64 `json:"insertInstant,omitempty"` InsertUser string `json:"insertUser,omitempty"` Message string `json:"message,omitempty"` NewValue interface{} `json:"newValue,omitempty"` OldValue interface{} `json:"oldValue,omitempty"` Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"` }
- An audit log. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type AuditLogConfiguration ¶
type AuditLogConfiguration struct {
Delete DeleteConfiguration `json:"delete,omitempty"`
type AuditLogExportRequest ¶
type AuditLogExportRequest struct { BaseExportRequest Criteria AuditLogSearchCriteria `json:"criteria,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type AuditLogRequest ¶
type AuditLogRequest struct {
AuditLog AuditLog `json:"auditLog,omitempty"`
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type AuditLogResponse ¶
type AuditLogResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse AuditLog AuditLog `json:"auditLog,omitempty"` }
- Audit log response. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
func (*AuditLogResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *AuditLogResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type AuditLogSearchCriteria ¶
type AuditLogSearchCriteria struct { BaseSearchCriteria End int64 `json:"end,omitempty"` Message string `json:"message,omitempty"` Start int64 `json:"start,omitempty"` User string `json:"user,omitempty"` }
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type AuditLogSearchRequest ¶
type AuditLogSearchRequest struct {
Search AuditLogSearchCriteria `json:"search,omitempty"`
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type AuditLogSearchResponse ¶
type AuditLogSearchResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse AuditLogs []AuditLog `json:"auditLogs,omitempty"` Total int64 `json:"total,omitempty"` }
- Audit log response. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
func (*AuditLogSearchResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *AuditLogSearchResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type AuthenticationTokenConfiguration ¶
type AuthenticationTokenConfiguration struct {
type BaseEvent ¶
type BaseEvent struct { CreateInstant int64 `json:"createInstant,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` TenantId string `json:"tenantId,omitempty"` }
- Base-class for all FusionAuth events. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type BaseExportRequest ¶
type BaseExportRequest struct { DateTimeSecondsFormat string `json:"dateTimeSecondsFormat,omitempty"` ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type BaseHTTPResponse ¶
type BaseHTTPResponse struct {
StatusCode int `json:"statusCode,omitempty"`
* * Base Response which contains the HTTP status code * * @author Matthew Altman
func (*BaseHTTPResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *BaseHTTPResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type BaseIdentityProvider ¶
type BaseIdentityProvider struct { Enableable ApplicationConfiguration map[string]interface{} `json:"applicationConfiguration,omitempty"` Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"` Debug bool `json:"debug,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` LambdaConfiguration ProviderLambdaConfiguration `json:"lambdaConfiguration,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Type IdentityProviderType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
Do not require a setter for 'type', it is defined by the concrete class and is not mutable
type BaseIdentityProviderApplicationConfiguration ¶
type BaseIdentityProviderApplicationConfiguration struct { Enableable CreateRegistration bool `json:"createRegistration,omitempty"` Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type BaseLoginRequest ¶
type BaseLoginRequest struct { ApplicationId string `json:"applicationId,omitempty"` IpAddress string `json:"ipAddress,omitempty"` MetaData MetaData `json:"metaData,omitempty"` NoJWT bool `json:"noJWT,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type BaseSearchCriteria ¶
type BaseSearchCriteria struct { NumberOfResults int `json:"numberOfResults,omitempty"` OrderBy string `json:"orderBy,omitempty"` StartRow int `json:"startRow,omitempty"` }
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type BreachAction ¶
type BreachAction string
const ( BreachAction_Off BreachAction = "Off" BreachAction_RecordOnly BreachAction = "RecordOnly" BreachAction_NotifyUser BreachAction = "NotifyUser" BreachAction_RequireChange BreachAction = "RequireChange" )
type BreachMatchMode ¶
type BreachMatchMode string
const ( BreachMatchMode_Low BreachMatchMode = "Low" BreachMatchMode_Medium BreachMatchMode = "Medium" BreachMatchMode_High BreachMatchMode = "High" )
type BreachedPasswordStatus ¶
type BreachedPasswordStatus string
- @author Daniel DeGroff
const ( BreachedPasswordStatus_None BreachedPasswordStatus = "None" BreachedPasswordStatus_ExactMatch BreachedPasswordStatus = "ExactMatch" BreachedPasswordStatus_SubAddressMatch BreachedPasswordStatus = "SubAddressMatch" BreachedPasswordStatus_PasswordOnly BreachedPasswordStatus = "PasswordOnly" BreachedPasswordStatus_CommonPassword BreachedPasswordStatus = "CommonPassword" )
type CORSConfiguration ¶
type CORSConfiguration struct { Enableable AllowCredentials bool `json:"allowCredentials,omitempty"` AllowedHeaders []string `json:"allowedHeaders,omitempty"` AllowedMethods []HTTPMethod `json:"allowedMethods,omitempty"` AllowedOrigins []string `json:"allowedOrigins,omitempty"` ExposedHeaders []string `json:"exposedHeaders,omitempty"` PreflightMaxAgeInSeconds int `json:"preflightMaxAgeInSeconds,omitempty"` }
- @author Trevor Smith
type CanonicalizationMethod ¶
type CanonicalizationMethod string
const ( CanonicalizationMethod_Exclusive CanonicalizationMethod = "exclusive" CanonicalizationMethod_ExclusiveWithComments CanonicalizationMethod = "exclusive_with_comments" CanonicalizationMethod_Inclusive CanonicalizationMethod = "inclusive" CanonicalizationMethod_InclusiveWithComments CanonicalizationMethod = "inclusive_with_comments" )
type CertificateInformation ¶
type CertificateInformation struct { Issuer string `json:"issuer,omitempty"` Md5Fingerprint string `json:"md5Fingerprint,omitempty"` SerialNumber string `json:"serialNumber,omitempty"` Sha1Fingerprint string `json:"sha1Fingerprint,omitempty"` Sha1Thumbprint string `json:"sha1Thumbprint,omitempty"` Sha256Fingerprint string `json:"sha256Fingerprint,omitempty"` Sha256Thumbprint string `json:"sha256Thumbprint,omitempty"` Subject string `json:"subject,omitempty"` ValidFrom int64 `json:"validFrom,omitempty"` ValidTo int64 `json:"validTo,omitempty"` }
type ChangePasswordReason ¶
type ChangePasswordReason string
- @author Trevor Smith
const ( ChangePasswordReason_Administrative ChangePasswordReason = "Administrative" ChangePasswordReason_Breached ChangePasswordReason = "Breached" ChangePasswordReason_Expired ChangePasswordReason = "Expired" ChangePasswordReason_Validation ChangePasswordReason = "Validation" )
type ChangePasswordRequest ¶
type ChangePasswordRequest struct { CurrentPassword string `json:"currentPassword,omitempty"` LoginId string `json:"loginId,omitempty"` Password string `json:"password,omitempty"` RefreshToken string `json:"refreshToken,omitempty"` }
- Change password request object. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type ChangePasswordResponse ¶
type ChangePasswordResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse OneTimePassword string `json:"oneTimePassword,omitempty"` State map[string]interface{} `json:"state,omitempty"` }
- Change password response object. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*ChangePasswordResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *ChangePasswordResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type CleanSpeakConfiguration ¶
type CleanSpeakConfiguration struct { Enableable ApiKey string `json:"apiKey,omitempty"` ApplicationIds []string `json:"applicationIds,omitempty"` Url string `json:"url,omitempty"` UsernameModeration UsernameModeration `json:"usernameModeration,omitempty"` }
- CleanSpeak configuration at the system and application level. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type ClientAuthenticationMethod ¶
type ClientAuthenticationMethod string
const ( ClientAuthenticationMethod_None ClientAuthenticationMethod = "none" ClientAuthenticationMethod_ClientSecretBasic ClientAuthenticationMethod = "client_secret_basic" ClientAuthenticationMethod_ClientSecretPost ClientAuthenticationMethod = "client_secret_post" )
type Consent ¶
type Consent struct { ConsentEmailTemplateId string `json:"consentEmailTemplateId,omitempty"` CountryMinimumAgeForSelfConsent map[string]int `json:"countryMinimumAgeForSelfConsent,omitempty"` Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"` DefaultMinimumAgeForSelfConsent int `json:"defaultMinimumAgeForSelfConsent,omitempty"` EmailPlus EmailPlus `json:"emailPlus,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` MultipleValuesAllowed bool `json:"multipleValuesAllowed,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Values []string `json:"values,omitempty"` }
- Models a consent. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type ConsentRequest ¶
type ConsentRequest struct {
Consent Consent `json:"consent,omitempty"`
- API request for User consent types. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type ConsentResponse ¶
type ConsentResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Consent Consent `json:"consent,omitempty"` Consents []Consent `json:"consents,omitempty"` }
- API response for consent. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*ConsentResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *ConsentResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type ConsentStatus ¶
type ConsentStatus string
- Models a consent. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
const ( ConsentStatus_Active ConsentStatus = "Active" ConsentStatus_Revoked ConsentStatus = "Revoked" )
type ContentStatus ¶
type ContentStatus string
- Status for content like usernames, profile attributes, etc. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
const ( ContentStatus_ACTIVE ContentStatus = "ACTIVE" ContentStatus_PENDING ContentStatus = "PENDING" ContentStatus_REJECTED ContentStatus = "REJECTED" )
type DailyActiveUserReportResponse ¶
type DailyActiveUserReportResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse DailyActiveUsers []Count `json:"dailyActiveUsers,omitempty"` Total int64 `json:"total,omitempty"` }
- Response for the daily active user report. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
func (*DailyActiveUserReportResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *DailyActiveUserReportResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type DeleteConfiguration ¶
type DeleteConfiguration struct { Enableable NumberOfDaysToRetain int `json:"numberOfDaysToRetain,omitempty"` }
type DeviceInfo ¶
type DeviceInfo struct { Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` LastAccessedAddress string `json:"lastAccessedAddress,omitempty"` LastAccessedInstant int64 `json:"lastAccessedInstant,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Type DeviceType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type DeviceResponse ¶
type DeviceResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse DeviceCode string `json:"device_code,omitempty"` ExpiresIn int `json:"expires_in,omitempty"` Interval int `json:"interval,omitempty"` UserCode string `json:"user_code,omitempty"` VerificationUri string `json:"verification_uri,omitempty"` VerificationUriComplete string `json:"verification_uri_complete,omitempty"` }
- @author Trevor Smith
func (*DeviceResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *DeviceResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type DeviceType ¶
type DeviceType string
const ( DeviceType_BROWSER DeviceType = "BROWSER" DeviceType_DESKTOP DeviceType = "DESKTOP" DeviceType_LAPTOP DeviceType = "LAPTOP" DeviceType_MOBILE DeviceType = "MOBILE" DeviceType_OTHER DeviceType = "OTHER" DeviceType_SERVER DeviceType = "SERVER" DeviceType_TABLET DeviceType = "TABLET" DeviceType_TV DeviceType = "TV" DeviceType_UNKNOWN DeviceType = "UNKNOWN" )
type DisplayableRawLogin ¶
type DisplayableRawLogin struct { RawLogin ApplicationName string `json:"applicationName,omitempty"` LoginId string `json:"loginId,omitempty"` }
- A displayable raw login that includes application name and user loginId. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type DomainBasedIdentityProvider ¶
type DomainBasedIdentityProvider struct { }
- Interface for all identity providers that can be domain based.
type Email ¶
type Email struct { Attachments []Attachment `json:"attachments,omitempty"` Bcc []EmailAddress `json:"bcc,omitempty"` Cc []EmailAddress `json:"cc,omitempty"` From EmailAddress `json:"from,omitempty"` Html string `json:"html,omitempty"` ReplyTo EmailAddress `json:"replyTo,omitempty"` Subject string `json:"subject,omitempty"` Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` To []EmailAddress `json:"to,omitempty"` }
- This class is an abstraction of a simple email message. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type EmailAddress ¶
type EmailAddress struct { Address string `json:"address,omitempty"` Display string `json:"display,omitempty"` }
- An email address. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type EmailConfiguration ¶
type EmailConfiguration struct { DefaultFromEmail string `json:"defaultFromEmail,omitempty"` DefaultFromName string `json:"defaultFromName,omitempty"` ForgotPasswordEmailTemplateId string `json:"forgotPasswordEmailTemplateId,omitempty"` Host string `json:"host,omitempty"` Password string `json:"password,omitempty"` PasswordlessEmailTemplateId string `json:"passwordlessEmailTemplateId,omitempty"` Port int `json:"port,omitempty"` Properties string `json:"properties,omitempty"` Security EmailSecurityType `json:"security,omitempty"` SetPasswordEmailTemplateId string `json:"setPasswordEmailTemplateId,omitempty"` Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` VerificationEmailTemplateId string `json:"verificationEmailTemplateId,omitempty"` VerifyEmail bool `json:"verifyEmail,omitempty"` VerifyEmailWhenChanged bool `json:"verifyEmailWhenChanged,omitempty"` }
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type EmailPlus ¶
type EmailPlus struct { Enableable EmailTemplateId string `json:"emailTemplateId,omitempty"` MaximumTimeToSendEmailInHours int `json:"maximumTimeToSendEmailInHours,omitempty"` MinimumTimeToSendEmailInHours int `json:"minimumTimeToSendEmailInHours,omitempty"` }
type EmailSecurityType ¶
type EmailSecurityType string
const ( EmailSecurityType_NONE EmailSecurityType = "NONE" EmailSecurityType_SSL EmailSecurityType = "SSL" EmailSecurityType_TLS EmailSecurityType = "TLS" )
type EmailTemplate ¶
type EmailTemplate struct { DefaultFromName string `json:"defaultFromName,omitempty"` DefaultHtmlTemplate string `json:"defaultHtmlTemplate,omitempty"` DefaultSubject string `json:"defaultSubject,omitempty"` DefaultTextTemplate string `json:"defaultTextTemplate,omitempty"` FromEmail string `json:"fromEmail,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` LocalizedFromNames map[string]string `json:"localizedFromNames,omitempty"` LocalizedHtmlTemplates map[string]string `json:"localizedHtmlTemplates,omitempty"` LocalizedSubjects map[string]string `json:"localizedSubjects,omitempty"` LocalizedTextTemplates map[string]string `json:"localizedTextTemplates,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
- Stores an email template used to send emails to users. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type EmailTemplateErrors ¶
type EmailTemplateRequest ¶
type EmailTemplateRequest struct {
EmailTemplate EmailTemplate `json:"emailTemplate,omitempty"`
- Email template request. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type EmailTemplateResponse ¶
type EmailTemplateResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse EmailTemplate EmailTemplate `json:"emailTemplate,omitempty"` EmailTemplates []EmailTemplate `json:"emailTemplates,omitempty"` }
- Email template response. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
func (*EmailTemplateResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *EmailTemplateResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type Enableable ¶
type Enableable struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
- Something that can be enabled and thus also disabled. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type Errors ¶
type Errors struct { FieldErrors map[string][]Error `json:"fieldErrors,omitempty"` GeneralErrors []Error `json:"generalErrors,omitempty"` }
- Standard error domain object that can also be used as the response from an API call. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type EventConfiguration ¶
type EventConfiguration struct {
Events map[EventType]EventConfigurationData `json:"events,omitempty"`
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type EventConfigurationData ¶
type EventConfigurationData struct { Enableable TransactionType TransactionType `json:"transactionType,omitempty"` }
type EventLog ¶
type EventLog struct { Id int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` InsertInstant int64 `json:"insertInstant,omitempty"` Message string `json:"message,omitempty"` Type EventLogType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
- Event log used internally by FusionAuth to help developers debug hooks, Webhooks, email templates, etc. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type EventLogConfiguration ¶
type EventLogConfiguration struct {
NumberToRetain int `json:"numberToRetain,omitempty"`
type EventLogResponse ¶
type EventLogResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse EventLog EventLog `json:"eventLog,omitempty"` }
- Event log response. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*EventLogResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *EventLogResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type EventLogSearchCriteria ¶
type EventLogSearchCriteria struct { BaseSearchCriteria End int64 `json:"end,omitempty"` Message string `json:"message,omitempty"` Start int64 `json:"start,omitempty"` Type EventLogType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
- Search criteria for the event log. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type EventLogSearchRequest ¶
type EventLogSearchRequest struct {
Search EventLogSearchCriteria `json:"search,omitempty"`
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type EventLogSearchResponse ¶
type EventLogSearchResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse EventLogs []EventLog `json:"eventLogs,omitempty"` Total int64 `json:"total,omitempty"` }
- Event log response. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
func (*EventLogSearchResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *EventLogSearchResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type EventLogType ¶
type EventLogType string
- Event Log Type *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
const ( EventLogType_Information EventLogType = "Information" EventLogType_Debug EventLogType = "Debug" EventLogType_Error EventLogType = "Error" )
type EventRequest ¶
type EventRequest struct {
Event BaseEvent `json:"event,omitempty"`
- Container for the event information. This is the JSON that is sent from FusionAuth to webhooks. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type EventType ¶
type EventType string
- Models the event types that FusionAuth produces. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
const ( EventType_UserDelete EventType = "UserDelete" EventType_UserCreate EventType = "UserCreate" EventType_UserUpdate EventType = "UserUpdate" EventType_UserDeactivate EventType = "UserDeactivate" EventType_UserBulkCreate EventType = "UserBulkCreate" EventType_UserReactivate EventType = "UserReactivate" EventType_UserAction EventType = "UserAction" EventType_JWTRefreshTokenRevoke EventType = "JWTRefreshTokenRevoke" EventType_JWTRefresh EventType = "JWTRefresh" EventType_JWTPublicKeyUpdate EventType = "JWTPublicKeyUpdate" EventType_UserLoginSuccess EventType = "UserLoginSuccess" EventType_UserLoginFailed EventType = "UserLoginFailed" EventType_UserRegistrationCreate EventType = "UserRegistrationCreate" EventType_UserRegistrationUpdate EventType = "UserRegistrationUpdate" EventType_UserRegistrationDelete EventType = "UserRegistrationDelete" EventType_UserRegistrationVerified EventType = "UserRegistrationVerified" EventType_UserEmailVerified EventType = "UserEmailVerified" EventType_UserPasswordBreach EventType = "UserPasswordBreach" EventType_Test EventType = "Test" )
type ExpiryUnit ¶
type ExpiryUnit string
- @author Brian Pontarelli
const ( ExpiryUnit_MINUTES ExpiryUnit = "MINUTES" ExpiryUnit_HOURS ExpiryUnit = "HOURS" ExpiryUnit_DAYS ExpiryUnit = "DAYS" ExpiryUnit_WEEKS ExpiryUnit = "WEEKS" ExpiryUnit_MONTHS ExpiryUnit = "MONTHS" ExpiryUnit_YEARS ExpiryUnit = "YEARS" )
type ExternalIdentifierConfiguration ¶
type ExternalIdentifierConfiguration struct { AuthorizationGrantIdTimeToLiveInSeconds int `json:"authorizationGrantIdTimeToLiveInSeconds,omitempty"` ChangePasswordIdGenerator SecureGeneratorConfiguration `json:"changePasswordIdGenerator,omitempty"` ChangePasswordIdTimeToLiveInSeconds int `json:"changePasswordIdTimeToLiveInSeconds,omitempty"` DeviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds int `json:"deviceCodeTimeToLiveInSeconds,omitempty"` DeviceUserCodeIdGenerator SecureGeneratorConfiguration `json:"deviceUserCodeIdGenerator,omitempty"` EmailVerificationIdGenerator SecureGeneratorConfiguration `json:"emailVerificationIdGenerator,omitempty"` EmailVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds int `json:"emailVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds,omitempty"` ExternalAuthenticationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds int `json:"externalAuthenticationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds,omitempty"` OneTimePasswordTimeToLiveInSeconds int `json:"oneTimePasswordTimeToLiveInSeconds,omitempty"` PasswordlessLoginGenerator SecureGeneratorConfiguration `json:"passwordlessLoginGenerator,omitempty"` PasswordlessLoginTimeToLiveInSeconds int `json:"passwordlessLoginTimeToLiveInSeconds,omitempty"` RegistrationVerificationIdGenerator SecureGeneratorConfiguration `json:"registrationVerificationIdGenerator,omitempty"` RegistrationVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds int `json:"registrationVerificationIdTimeToLiveInSeconds,omitempty"` SetupPasswordIdGenerator SecureGeneratorConfiguration `json:"setupPasswordIdGenerator,omitempty"` SetupPasswordIdTimeToLiveInSeconds int `json:"setupPasswordIdTimeToLiveInSeconds,omitempty"` TwoFactorIdTimeToLiveInSeconds int `json:"twoFactorIdTimeToLiveInSeconds,omitempty"` TwoFactorTrustIdTimeToLiveInSeconds int `json:"twoFactorTrustIdTimeToLiveInSeconds,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type ExternalJWTApplicationConfiguration ¶
type ExternalJWTApplicationConfiguration struct {
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type ExternalJWTIdentityProvider ¶
type ExternalJWTIdentityProvider struct { BaseIdentityProvider ClaimMap map[string]string `json:"claimMap,omitempty"` DefaultKeyId string `json:"defaultKeyId,omitempty"` Domains []string `json:"domains,omitempty"` HeaderKeyParameter string `json:"headerKeyParameter,omitempty"` Oauth2 IdentityProviderOauth2Configuration `json:"oauth2,omitempty"` UniqueIdentityClaim string `json:"uniqueIdentityClaim,omitempty"` }
- External JWT-only identity provider. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff and Brian Pontarelli
type FacebookApplicationConfiguration ¶
type FacebookApplicationConfiguration struct { BaseIdentityProviderApplicationConfiguration AppId string `json:"appId,omitempty"` ButtonText string `json:"buttonText,omitempty"` ClientSecret string `json:"client_secret,omitempty"` Fields string `json:"fields,omitempty"` Permissions string `json:"permissions,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type FacebookIdentityProvider ¶
type FacebookIdentityProvider struct { BaseIdentityProvider AppId string `json:"appId,omitempty"` ButtonText string `json:"buttonText,omitempty"` ClientSecret string `json:"client_secret,omitempty"` Fields string `json:"fields,omitempty"` Permissions string `json:"permissions,omitempty"` }
- Facebook social login provider. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type FailedAuthenticationConfiguration ¶
type FailedAuthenticationConfiguration struct { ActionDuration int64 `json:"actionDuration,omitempty"` ActionDurationUnit ExpiryUnit `json:"actionDurationUnit,omitempty"` ResetCountInSeconds int `json:"resetCountInSeconds,omitempty"` TooManyAttempts int `json:"tooManyAttempts,omitempty"` UserActionId string `json:"userActionId,omitempty"` }
- Configuration for the behavior of failed login attempts. This helps us protect against brute force password attacks. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type Family ¶
type Family struct { Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` Members []FamilyMember `json:"members,omitempty"` }
- Models a family grouping of users. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type FamilyConfiguration ¶
type FamilyConfiguration struct { Enableable AllowChildRegistrations bool `json:"allowChildRegistrations,omitempty"` ConfirmChildEmailTemplateId string `json:"confirmChildEmailTemplateId,omitempty"` DeleteOrphanedAccounts bool `json:"deleteOrphanedAccounts,omitempty"` DeleteOrphanedAccountsDays int `json:"deleteOrphanedAccountsDays,omitempty"` FamilyRequestEmailTemplateId string `json:"familyRequestEmailTemplateId,omitempty"` MaximumChildAge int `json:"maximumChildAge,omitempty"` MinimumOwnerAge int `json:"minimumOwnerAge,omitempty"` ParentEmailRequired bool `json:"parentEmailRequired,omitempty"` ParentRegistrationEmailTemplateId string `json:"parentRegistrationEmailTemplateId,omitempty"` }
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type FamilyEmailRequest ¶
type FamilyEmailRequest struct {
ParentEmail string `json:"parentEmail,omitempty"`
- API request for sending out family requests to parent's. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type FamilyMember ¶
type FamilyMember struct { Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"` InsertInstant int64 `json:"insertInstant,omitempty"` Owner bool `json:"owner,omitempty"` Role FamilyRole `json:"role,omitempty"` UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"` }
- Models a single family member. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type FamilyRequest ¶
type FamilyRequest struct {
FamilyMember FamilyMember `json:"familyMember,omitempty"`
- API request for managing families and members. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type FamilyResponse ¶
type FamilyResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Families []Family `json:"families,omitempty"` Family Family `json:"family,omitempty"` }
- API response for managing families and members. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
func (*FamilyResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *FamilyResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type FamilyRole ¶
type FamilyRole string
const ( FamilyRole_Child FamilyRole = "Child" FamilyRole_Teen FamilyRole = "Teen" FamilyRole_Adult FamilyRole = "Adult" )
type ForgotPasswordRequest ¶
type ForgotPasswordRequest struct { ChangePasswordId string `json:"changePasswordId,omitempty"` Email string `json:"email,omitempty"` LoginId string `json:"loginId,omitempty"` SendForgotPasswordEmail bool `json:"sendForgotPasswordEmail,omitempty"` State map[string]interface{} `json:"state,omitempty"` Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` }
- Forgot password request object. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type ForgotPasswordResponse ¶
type ForgotPasswordResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse ChangePasswordId string `json:"changePasswordId,omitempty"` }
- Forgot password response object. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*ForgotPasswordResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *ForgotPasswordResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type FusionAuthClient ¶
type FusionAuthClient struct { HTTPClient *http.Client BaseURL *url.URL APIKey string Debug bool TenantId string }
FusionAuthClient describes the Go Client for interacting with FusionAuth's RESTful API
func NewClient ¶
NewClient creates a new FusionAuthClient if httpClient is nil then a DefaultClient is used
func (*FusionAuthClient) ActionUser ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) ActionUser(request ActionRequest) (*ActionResponse, *Errors, error)
ActionUser Takes an action on a user. The user being actioned is called the "actionee" and the user taking the action is called the "actioner". Both user ids are required in the request object.
ActionRequest request The action request that includes all of the information about the action being taken including the id of the action, any options and the duration (if applicable).
func (*FusionAuthClient) AddUserToFamily ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) AddUserToFamily(familyId string, request FamilyRequest) (*FamilyResponse, *Errors, error)
AddUserToFamily Adds a user to an existing family. The family id must be specified.
string familyId The id of the family. FamilyRequest request The request object that contains all of the information used to determine which user to add to the family.
func (*FusionAuthClient) CancelAction ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) CancelAction(actionId string, request ActionRequest) (*ActionResponse, *Errors, error)
CancelAction Cancels the user action.
string actionId The action id of the action to cancel. ActionRequest request The action request that contains the information about the cancellation.
func (*FusionAuthClient) ChangePassword ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) ChangePassword(changePasswordId string, request ChangePasswordRequest) (*ChangePasswordResponse, *Errors, error)
ChangePassword Changes a user's password using the change password Id. This usually occurs after an email has been sent to the user and they clicked on a link to reset their password.
string changePasswordId The change password Id used to find the user. This value is generated by FusionAuth once the change password workflow has been initiated. ChangePasswordRequest request The change password request that contains all of the information used to change the password.
func (*FusionAuthClient) ChangePasswordByIdentity ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) ChangePasswordByIdentity(request ChangePasswordRequest) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
ChangePasswordByIdentity Changes a user's password using their identity (login id and password). Using a loginId instead of the changePasswordId bypasses the email verification and allows a password to be changed directly without first calling the #forgotPassword method.
ChangePasswordRequest request The change password request that contains all of the information used to change the password.
func (*FusionAuthClient) CommentOnUser ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) CommentOnUser(request UserCommentRequest) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
CommentOnUser Adds a comment to the user's account.
UserCommentRequest request The request object that contains all of the information used to create the user comment.
func (*FusionAuthClient) CreateApplication ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateApplication(applicationId string, request ApplicationRequest) (*ApplicationResponse, *Errors, error)
CreateApplication Creates an application. You can optionally specify an Id for the application, if not provided one will be generated.
string applicationId (Optional) The Id to use for the application. If not provided a secure random UUID will be generated. ApplicationRequest request The request object that contains all of the information used to create the application.
func (*FusionAuthClient) CreateApplicationRole ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateApplicationRole(applicationId string, roleId string, request ApplicationRequest) (*ApplicationResponse, *Errors, error)
CreateApplicationRole Creates a new role for an application. You must specify the id of the application you are creating the role for. You can optionally specify an Id for the role inside the ApplicationRole object itself, if not provided one will be generated.
string applicationId The Id of the application to create the role on. string roleId (Optional) The Id of the role. If not provided a secure random UUID will be generated. ApplicationRequest request The request object that contains all of the information used to create the application role.
func (*FusionAuthClient) CreateAuditLog ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateAuditLog(request AuditLogRequest) (*AuditLogResponse, *Errors, error)
CreateAuditLog Creates an audit log with the message and user name (usually an email). Audit logs should be written anytime you make changes to the FusionAuth database. When using the FusionAuth App web interface, any changes are automatically written to the audit log. However, if you are accessing the API, you must write the audit logs yourself.
AuditLogRequest request The request object that contains all of the information used to create the audit log entry.
func (*FusionAuthClient) CreateConsent ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateConsent(consentId string, request ConsentRequest) (*ConsentResponse, *Errors, error)
CreateConsent Creates a user consent type. You can optionally specify an Id for the consent type, if not provided one will be generated.
string consentId (Optional) The Id for the consent. If not provided a secure random UUID will be generated. ConsentRequest request The request object that contains all of the information used to create the consent.
func (*FusionAuthClient) CreateEmailTemplate ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateEmailTemplate(emailTemplateId string, request EmailTemplateRequest) (*EmailTemplateResponse, *Errors, error)
CreateEmailTemplate Creates an email template. You can optionally specify an Id for the template, if not provided one will be generated.
string emailTemplateId (Optional) The Id for the template. If not provided a secure random UUID will be generated. EmailTemplateRequest request The request object that contains all of the information used to create the email template.
func (*FusionAuthClient) CreateFamily ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateFamily(familyId string, request FamilyRequest) (*FamilyResponse, *Errors, error)
CreateFamily Creates a family with the user id in the request as the owner and sole member of the family. You can optionally specify an id for the family, if not provided one will be generated.
string familyId (Optional) The id for the family. If not provided a secure random UUID will be generated. FamilyRequest request The request object that contains all of the information used to create the family.
func (*FusionAuthClient) CreateGroup ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateGroup(groupId string, request GroupRequest) (*GroupResponse, *Errors, error)
CreateGroup Creates a group. You can optionally specify an Id for the group, if not provided one will be generated.
string groupId (Optional) The Id for the group. If not provided a secure random UUID will be generated. GroupRequest request The request object that contains all of the information used to create the group.
func (*FusionAuthClient) CreateGroupMembers ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateGroupMembers(request MemberRequest) (*MemberResponse, *Errors, error)
CreateGroupMembers Creates a member in a group.
MemberRequest request The request object that contains all of the information used to create the group member(s).
func (*FusionAuthClient) CreateLambda ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateLambda(lambdaId string, request LambdaRequest) (*LambdaResponse, *Errors, error)
CreateLambda Creates a Lambda. You can optionally specify an Id for the lambda, if not provided one will be generated.
string lambdaId (Optional) The Id for the lambda. If not provided a secure random UUID will be generated. LambdaRequest request The request object that contains all of the information used to create the lambda.
func (*FusionAuthClient) CreateTenant ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateTenant(tenantId string, request TenantRequest) (*TenantResponse, *Errors, error)
CreateTenant Creates a tenant. You can optionally specify an Id for the tenant, if not provided one will be generated.
string tenantId (Optional) The Id for the tenant. If not provided a secure random UUID will be generated. TenantRequest request The request object that contains all of the information used to create the tenant.
func (*FusionAuthClient) CreateTheme ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateTheme(themeId string, request ThemeRequest) (*ThemeResponse, *Errors, error)
CreateTheme Creates a Theme. You can optionally specify an Id for the theme, if not provided one will be generated.
string themeId (Optional) The Id for the theme. If not provided a secure random UUID will be generated. ThemeRequest request The request object that contains all of the information used to create the theme.
func (*FusionAuthClient) CreateUser ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateUser(userId string, request UserRequest) (*UserResponse, *Errors, error)
CreateUser Creates a user. You can optionally specify an Id for the user, if not provided one will be generated.
string userId (Optional) The Id for the user. If not provided a secure random UUID will be generated. UserRequest request The request object that contains all of the information used to create the user.
func (*FusionAuthClient) CreateUserAction ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateUserAction(userActionId string, request UserActionRequest) (*UserActionResponse, *Errors, error)
CreateUserAction Creates a user action. This action cannot be taken on a user until this call successfully returns. Anytime after that the user action can be applied to any user.
string userActionId (Optional) The Id for the user action. If not provided a secure random UUID will be generated. UserActionRequest request The request object that contains all of the information used to create the user action.
func (*FusionAuthClient) CreateUserActionReason ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateUserActionReason(userActionReasonId string, request UserActionReasonRequest) (*UserActionReasonResponse, *Errors, error)
CreateUserActionReason Creates a user reason. This user action reason cannot be used when actioning a user until this call completes successfully. Anytime after that the user action reason can be used.
string userActionReasonId (Optional) The Id for the user action reason. If not provided a secure random UUID will be generated. UserActionReasonRequest request The request object that contains all of the information used to create the user action reason.
func (*FusionAuthClient) CreateUserConsent ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateUserConsent(userConsentId string, request UserConsentRequest) (*UserConsentResponse, *Errors, error)
CreateUserConsent Creates a single User consent.
string userConsentId (Optional) The Id for the User consent. If not provided a secure random UUID will be generated. UserConsentRequest request The request that contains the user consent information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) CreateWebhook ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) CreateWebhook(webhookId string, request WebhookRequest) (*WebhookResponse, *Errors, error)
CreateWebhook Creates a webhook. You can optionally specify an Id for the webhook, if not provided one will be generated.
string webhookId (Optional) The Id for the webhook. If not provided a secure random UUID will be generated. WebhookRequest request The request object that contains all of the information used to create the webhook.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeactivateApplication ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeactivateApplication(applicationId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
DeactivateApplication Deactivates the application with the given Id.
string applicationId The Id of the application to deactivate.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeactivateUser ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeactivateUser(userId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
DeactivateUser Deactivates the user with the given Id.
string userId The Id of the user to deactivate.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeactivateUserAction ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeactivateUserAction(userActionId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
DeactivateUserAction Deactivates the user action with the given Id.
string userActionId The Id of the user action to deactivate.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeactivateUsers
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeactivateUsers(userIds []string) (*UserDeleteResponse, *Errors, error)
DeactivateUsers Deactivates the users with the given ids.
[]string userIds The ids of the users to deactivate.
Deprecated: This method has been renamed to DeactivateUsersByIds, use that method instead.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeactivateUsersByIds ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeactivateUsersByIds(userIds []string) (*UserDeleteResponse, *Errors, error)
DeactivateUsersByIds Deactivates the users with the given ids.
[]string userIds The ids of the users to deactivate.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeleteApplication ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteApplication(applicationId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
DeleteApplication Hard deletes an application. This is a dangerous operation and should not be used in most circumstances. This will delete the application, any registrations for that application, metrics and reports for the application, all the roles for the application, and any other data associated with the application. This operation could take a very long time, depending on the amount of data in your database.
string applicationId The Id of the application to delete.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeleteApplicationRole ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteApplicationRole(applicationId string, roleId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
DeleteApplicationRole Hard deletes an application role. This is a dangerous operation and should not be used in most circumstances. This permanently removes the given role from all users that had it.
string applicationId The Id of the application to deactivate. string roleId The Id of the role to delete.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeleteConsent ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteConsent(consentId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
DeleteConsent Deletes the consent for the given Id.
string consentId The Id of the consent to delete.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeleteEmailTemplate ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteEmailTemplate(emailTemplateId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
DeleteEmailTemplate Deletes the email template for the given Id.
string emailTemplateId The Id of the email template to delete.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeleteGroup ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteGroup(groupId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
DeleteGroup Deletes the group for the given Id.
string groupId The Id of the group to delete.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeleteGroupMembers ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteGroupMembers(request MemberDeleteRequest) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
DeleteGroupMembers Removes users as members of a group.
MemberDeleteRequest request The member request that contains all of the information used to remove members to the group.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeleteIdentityProvider ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteIdentityProvider(identityProviderId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
DeleteIdentityProvider Deletes the identity provider for the given Id.
string identityProviderId The Id of the identity provider to delete.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeleteKey ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteKey(keyId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
DeleteKey Deletes the key for the given Id.
string keyId The Id of the key to delete.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeleteLambda ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteLambda(lambdaId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
DeleteLambda Deletes the lambda for the given Id.
string lambdaId The Id of the lambda to delete.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeleteRegistration ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteRegistration(userId string, applicationId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
DeleteRegistration Deletes the user registration for the given user and application.
string userId The Id of the user whose registration is being deleted. string applicationId The Id of the application to remove the registration for.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeleteTenant ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteTenant(tenantId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
DeleteTenant Deletes the tenant for the given Id.
string tenantId The Id of the tenant to delete.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeleteTheme ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteTheme(themeId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
DeleteTheme Deletes the theme for the given Id.
string themeId The Id of the theme to delete.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeleteUser ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteUser(userId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
DeleteUser Deletes the user for the given Id. This permanently deletes all information, metrics, reports and data associated with the user.
string userId The Id of the user to delete.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeleteUserAction ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteUserAction(userActionId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
DeleteUserAction Deletes the user action for the given Id. This permanently deletes the user action and also any history and logs of the action being applied to any users.
string userActionId The Id of the user action to delete.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeleteUserActionReason ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteUserActionReason(userActionReasonId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
DeleteUserActionReason Deletes the user action reason for the given Id.
string userActionReasonId The Id of the user action reason to delete.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeleteUsers
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteUsers(request UserDeleteRequest) (*UserDeleteResponse, *Errors, error)
DeleteUsers Deletes the users with the given ids, or users matching the provided JSON query or queryString. The order of preference is ids, query and then queryString, it is recommended to only provide one of the three for the request.
This method can be used to deactivate or permanently delete (hard-delete) users based upon the hardDelete boolean in the request body. Using the dryRun parameter you may also request the result of the action without actually deleting or deactivating any users.
UserDeleteRequest request The UserDeleteRequest.
Deprecated: This method has been renamed to DeleteUsersByQuery, use that method instead.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeleteUsersByQuery ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteUsersByQuery(request UserDeleteRequest) (*UserDeleteResponse, *Errors, error)
DeleteUsersByQuery Deletes the users with the given ids, or users matching the provided JSON query or queryString. The order of preference is ids, query and then queryString, it is recommended to only provide one of the three for the request.
This method can be used to deactivate or permanently delete (hard-delete) users based upon the hardDelete boolean in the request body. Using the dryRun parameter you may also request the result of the action without actually deleting or deactivating any users.
UserDeleteRequest request The UserDeleteRequest.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DeleteWebhook ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DeleteWebhook(webhookId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
DeleteWebhook Deletes the webhook for the given Id.
string webhookId The Id of the webhook to delete.
func (*FusionAuthClient) DisableTwoFactor ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) DisableTwoFactor(userId string, code string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
DisableTwoFactor Disable Two Factor authentication for a user.
string userId The Id of the User for which you're disabling Two Factor authentication. string code The Two Factor code used verify the the caller knows the Two Factor secret.
func (*FusionAuthClient) EnableTwoFactor ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) EnableTwoFactor(userId string, request TwoFactorRequest) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
EnableTwoFactor Enable Two Factor authentication for a user.
string userId The Id of the user to enable Two Factor authentication. TwoFactorRequest request The two factor enable request information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) ExchangeOAuthCodeForAccessToken ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) ExchangeOAuthCodeForAccessToken(code string, clientId string, clientSecret string, redirectUri string) (*AccessToken, *OAuthError, error)
ExchangeOAuthCodeForAccessToken Exchanges an OAuth authorization code for an access token. If you will be using the Authorization Code grant, you will make a request to the Token endpoint to exchange the authorization code returned from the Authorize endpoint for an access token.
string code The authorization code returned on the /oauth2/authorize response. string clientId (Optional) The unique client identifier. The client Id is the Id of the FusionAuth Application in which you you are attempting to authenticate. This parameter is optional when the Authorization header is provided. string clientSecret (Optional) The client secret. This value may optionally be provided in the request body instead of the Authorization header. string redirectUri The URI to redirect to upon a successful request.
func (*FusionAuthClient) ExchangeRefreshTokenForAccessToken ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) ExchangeRefreshTokenForAccessToken(refreshToken string, clientId string, clientSecret string, scope string, userCode string) (*AccessToken, *OAuthError, error)
ExchangeRefreshTokenForAccessToken Exchange a Refresh Token for an Access Token. If you will be using the Refresh Token Grant, you will make a request to the Token endpoint to exchange the user’s refresh token for an access token.
string refreshToken The refresh token that you would like to use to exchange for an access token. string clientId (Optional) The unique client identifier. The client Id is the Id of the FusionAuth Application in which you you are attempting to authenticate. This parameter is optional when the Authorization header is provided. string clientSecret (Optional) The client secret. This value may optionally be provided in the request body instead of the Authorization header. string scope (Optional) This parameter is optional and if omitted, the same scope requested during the authorization request will be used. If provided the scopes must match those requested during the initial authorization request. string userCode (Optional) The end-user verification code. This code is required if using this endpoint to approve the Device Authorization.
func (*FusionAuthClient) ExchangeRefreshTokenForJWT ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) ExchangeRefreshTokenForJWT(request RefreshRequest) (*RefreshResponse, *Errors, error)
ExchangeRefreshTokenForJWT Exchange a refresh token for a new JWT.
RefreshRequest request The refresh request.
func (*FusionAuthClient) ExchangeUserCredentialsForAccessToken ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) ExchangeUserCredentialsForAccessToken(username string, password string, clientId string, clientSecret string, scope string, userCode string) (*AccessToken, *OAuthError, error)
ExchangeUserCredentialsForAccessToken Exchange User Credentials for a Token. If you will be using the Resource Owner Password Credential Grant, you will make a request to the Token endpoint to exchange the user’s email and password for an access token.
string username The login identifier of the user. The login identifier can be either the email or the username. string password The user’s password. string clientId (Optional) The unique client identifier. The client Id is the Id of the FusionAuth Application in which you you are attempting to authenticate. This parameter is optional when the Authorization header is provided. string clientSecret (Optional) The client secret. This value may optionally be provided in the request body instead of the Authorization header. string scope (Optional) This parameter is optional and if omitted, the same scope requested during the authorization request will be used. If provided the scopes must match those requested during the initial authorization request. string userCode (Optional) The end-user verification code. This code is required if using this endpoint to approve the Device Authorization.
func (*FusionAuthClient) ForgotPassword ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) ForgotPassword(request ForgotPasswordRequest) (*ForgotPasswordResponse, *Errors, error)
ForgotPassword Begins the forgot password sequence, which kicks off an email to the user so that they can reset their password.
ForgotPasswordRequest request The request that contains the information about the user so that they can be emailed.
func (*FusionAuthClient) GenerateEmailVerificationId ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) GenerateEmailVerificationId(email string) (*VerifyEmailResponse, error)
GenerateEmailVerificationId Generate a new Email Verification Id to be used with the Verify Email API. This API will not attempt to send an email to the User. This API may be used to collect the verificationId for use with a third party system.
string email The email address of the user that needs a new verification email.
func (*FusionAuthClient) GenerateKey ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) GenerateKey(keyId string, request KeyRequest) (*KeyResponse, *Errors, error)
GenerateKey Generate a new RSA or EC key pair or an HMAC secret.
string keyId (Optional) The Id for the key. If not provided a secure random UUID will be generated. KeyRequest request The request object that contains all of the information used to create the key.
func (*FusionAuthClient) GenerateRegistrationVerificationId ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) GenerateRegistrationVerificationId(email string, applicationId string) (*VerifyRegistrationResponse, error)
GenerateRegistrationVerificationId Generate a new Application Registration Verification Id to be used with the Verify Registration API. This API will not attempt to send an email to the User. This API may be used to collect the verificationId for use with a third party system.
string email The email address of the user that needs a new verification email. string applicationId The Id of the application to be verified.
func (*FusionAuthClient) GenerateTwoFactorSecret ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) GenerateTwoFactorSecret() (*SecretResponse, error)
GenerateTwoFactorSecret Generate a Two Factor secret that can be used to enable Two Factor authentication for a User. The response will contain both the secret and a Base32 encoded form of the secret which can be shown to a User when using a 2 Step Authentication application such as Google Authenticator.
func (*FusionAuthClient) GenerateTwoFactorSecretUsingJWT ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) GenerateTwoFactorSecretUsingJWT(encodedJWT string) (*SecretResponse, error)
GenerateTwoFactorSecretUsingJWT Generate a Two Factor secret that can be used to enable Two Factor authentication for a User. The response will contain both the secret and a Base32 encoded form of the secret which can be shown to a User when using a 2 Step Authentication application such as Google Authenticator.
string encodedJWT The encoded JWT (access token).
func (*FusionAuthClient) IdentityProviderLogin ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) IdentityProviderLogin(request IdentityProviderLoginRequest) (*LoginResponse, *Errors, error)
IdentityProviderLogin Handles login via third-parties including Social login, external OAuth and OpenID Connect, and other login systems.
IdentityProviderLoginRequest request The third-party login request that contains information from the third-party login providers that FusionAuth uses to reconcile the user's account.
func (*FusionAuthClient) ImportKey ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) ImportKey(keyId string, request KeyRequest) (*KeyResponse, *Errors, error)
ImportKey Import an existing RSA or EC key pair or an HMAC secret.
string keyId (Optional) The Id for the key. If not provided a secure random UUID will be generated. KeyRequest request The request object that contains all of the information used to create the key.
func (*FusionAuthClient) ImportUsers ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) ImportUsers(request ImportRequest) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
ImportUsers Bulk imports multiple users. This does some validation, but then tries to run batch inserts of users. This reduces latency when inserting lots of users. Therefore, the error response might contain some information about failures, but it will likely be pretty generic.
ImportRequest request The request that contains all of the information about all of the users to import.
func (*FusionAuthClient) IssueJWT ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) IssueJWT(applicationId string, encodedJWT string, refreshToken string) (*IssueResponse, *Errors, error)
IssueJWT Issue a new access token (JWT) for the requested Application after ensuring the provided JWT is valid. A valid access token is properly signed and not expired. <p> This API may be used in an SSO configuration to issue new tokens for another application after the user has obtained a valid token from authentication.
string applicationId The Application Id for which you are requesting a new access token be issued. string encodedJWT The encoded JWT (access token). string refreshToken (Optional) An existing refresh token used to request a refresh token in addition to a JWT in the response. <p>The target application represented by the applicationid request parameter must have refresh tokens enabled in order to receive a refresh token in the response.</p>
func (*FusionAuthClient) Login ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) Login(request LoginRequest) (*LoginResponse, *Errors, error)
Login Authenticates a user to FusionAuth.
This API optionally requires an API key. See <code>Application.loginConfiguration.requireAuthentication</code>.
LoginRequest request The login request that contains the user credentials used to log them in.
func (*FusionAuthClient) LoginPing ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) LoginPing(userId string, applicationId string, callerIPAddress string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
LoginPing Sends a ping to FusionAuth indicating that the user was automatically logged into an application. When using FusionAuth's SSO or your own, you should call this if the user is already logged in centrally, but accesses an application where they no longer have a session. This helps correctly track login counts, times and helps with reporting.
string userId The Id of the user that was logged in. string applicationId The Id of the application that they logged into. string callerIPAddress (Optional) The IP address of the end-user that is logging in. If a null value is provided the IP address will be that of the client or last proxy that sent the request.
func (*FusionAuthClient) Logout ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) Logout(global bool, refreshToken string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, error)
Logout The Logout API is intended to be used to remove the refresh token and access token cookies if they exist on the client and revoke the refresh token stored. This API does nothing if the request does not contain an access token or refresh token cookies.
bool global When this value is set to true all of the refresh tokens issued to the owner of the provided token will be revoked. string refreshToken (Optional) The refresh_token as a request parameter instead of coming in via a cookie. If provided this takes precedence over the cookie.
func (*FusionAuthClient) LookupIdentityProvider ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) LookupIdentityProvider(domain string) (*LookupResponse, error)
LookupIdentityProvider Retrieves the identity provider for the given domain. A 200 response code indicates the domain is managed by a registered identity provider. A 404 indicates the domain is not managed.
string domain The domain or email address to lookup.
func (*FusionAuthClient) ModifyAction ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) ModifyAction(actionId string, request ActionRequest) (*ActionResponse, *Errors, error)
ModifyAction Modifies a temporal user action by changing the expiration of the action and optionally adding a comment to the action.
string actionId The Id of the action to modify. This is technically the user action log id. ActionRequest request The request that contains all of the information about the modification.
func (*FusionAuthClient) PasswordlessLogin ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) PasswordlessLogin(request PasswordlessLoginRequest) (*LoginResponse, *Errors, error)
PasswordlessLogin Complete a login request using a passwordless code
PasswordlessLoginRequest request The passwordless login request that contains all of the information used to complete login.
func (*FusionAuthClient) PatchApplication ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchApplication(applicationId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*ApplicationResponse, *Errors, error)
PatchApplication Updates, via PATCH, the application with the given Id.
string applicationId The Id of the application to update. ApplicationRequest request The request that contains just the new application information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) PatchApplicationRole ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchApplicationRole(applicationId string, roleId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*ApplicationResponse, *Errors, error)
PatchApplicationRole Updates, via PATCH, the application role with the given id for the application.
string applicationId The Id of the application that the role belongs to. string roleId The Id of the role to update. ApplicationRequest request The request that contains just the new role information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) PatchConsent ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchConsent(consentId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*ConsentResponse, *Errors, error)
PatchConsent Updates, via PATCH, the consent with the given Id.
string consentId The Id of the consent to update. ConsentRequest request The request that contains just the new consent information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) PatchEmailTemplate ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchEmailTemplate(emailTemplateId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*EmailTemplateResponse, *Errors, error)
PatchEmailTemplate Updates, via PATCH, the email template with the given Id.
string emailTemplateId The Id of the email template to update. EmailTemplateRequest request The request that contains just the new email template information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) PatchGroup ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchGroup(groupId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*GroupResponse, *Errors, error)
PatchGroup Updates, via PATCH, the group with the given Id.
string groupId The Id of the group to update. GroupRequest request The request that contains just the new group information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) PatchIdentityProvider ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchIdentityProvider(identityProviderId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*IdentityProviderResponse, *Errors, error)
PatchIdentityProvider Updates, via PATCH, the identity provider with the given Id.
string identityProviderId The Id of the identity provider to update. IdentityProviderRequest request The request object that contains just the updated identity provider information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) PatchIntegrations ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchIntegrations(request map[string]interface{}) (*IntegrationResponse, *Errors, error)
PatchIntegrations Updates, via PATCH, the available integrations.
IntegrationRequest request The request that contains just the new integration information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) PatchLambda ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchLambda(lambdaId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*LambdaResponse, *Errors, error)
PatchLambda Updates, via PATCH, the lambda with the given Id.
string lambdaId The Id of the lambda to update. LambdaRequest request The request that contains just the new lambda information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) PatchRegistration ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchRegistration(userId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*RegistrationResponse, *Errors, error)
PatchRegistration Updates, via PATCH, the registration for the user with the given id and the application defined in the request.
string userId The Id of the user whose registration is going to be updated. RegistrationRequest request The request that contains just the new registration information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) PatchSystemConfiguration ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchSystemConfiguration(request map[string]interface{}) (*SystemConfigurationResponse, *Errors, error)
PatchSystemConfiguration Updates, via PATCH, the system configuration.
SystemConfigurationRequest request The request that contains just the new system configuration information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) PatchTenant ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchTenant(tenantId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*TenantResponse, *Errors, error)
PatchTenant Updates, via PATCH, the tenant with the given Id.
string tenantId The Id of the tenant to update. TenantRequest request The request that contains just the new tenant information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) PatchTheme ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchTheme(themeId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*ThemeResponse, *Errors, error)
PatchTheme Updates, via PATCH, the theme with the given Id.
string themeId The Id of the theme to update. ThemeRequest request The request that contains just the new theme information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) PatchUser ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchUser(userId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*UserResponse, *Errors, error)
PatchUser Updates, via PATCH, the user with the given Id.
string userId The Id of the user to update. UserRequest request The request that contains just the new user information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) PatchUserAction ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchUserAction(userActionId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*UserActionResponse, *Errors, error)
PatchUserAction Updates, via PATCH, the user action with the given Id.
string userActionId The Id of the user action to update. UserActionRequest request The request that contains just the new user action information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) PatchUserActionReason ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchUserActionReason(userActionReasonId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*UserActionReasonResponse, *Errors, error)
PatchUserActionReason Updates, via PATCH, the user action reason with the given Id.
string userActionReasonId The Id of the user action reason to update. UserActionReasonRequest request The request that contains just the new user action reason information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) PatchUserConsent ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) PatchUserConsent(userConsentId string, request map[string]interface{}) (*UserConsentResponse, *Errors, error)
PatchUserConsent Updates, via PATCH, a single User consent by Id.
string userConsentId The User Consent Id UserConsentRequest request The request that contains just the new user consent information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) ReactivateApplication ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) ReactivateApplication(applicationId string) (*ApplicationResponse, *Errors, error)
ReactivateApplication Reactivates the application with the given Id.
string applicationId The Id of the application to reactivate.
func (*FusionAuthClient) ReactivateUser ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) ReactivateUser(userId string) (*UserResponse, *Errors, error)
ReactivateUser Reactivates the user with the given Id.
string userId The Id of the user to reactivate.
func (*FusionAuthClient) ReactivateUserAction ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) ReactivateUserAction(userActionId string) (*UserActionResponse, *Errors, error)
ReactivateUserAction Reactivates the user action with the given Id.
string userActionId The Id of the user action to reactivate.
func (*FusionAuthClient) ReconcileJWT ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) ReconcileJWT(request IdentityProviderLoginRequest) (*LoginResponse, *Errors, error)
ReconcileJWT Reconcile a User to FusionAuth using JWT issued from another Identity Provider.
IdentityProviderLoginRequest request The reconcile request that contains the data to reconcile the User.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RefreshUserSearchIndex ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RefreshUserSearchIndex() (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
RefreshUserSearchIndex Request a refresh of the User search index. This API is not generally necessary and the search index will become consistent in a reasonable amount of time. There may be scenarios where you may wish to manually request an index refresh. One example may be if you are using the Search API or Delete Tenant API immediately following a User Create etc, you may wish to request a refresh to
ensure the index immediately current before making a query request to the search index.
func (*FusionAuthClient) Register ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) Register(userId string, request RegistrationRequest) (*RegistrationResponse, *Errors, error)
Register Registers a user for an application. If you provide the User and the UserRegistration object on this request, it will create the user as well as register them for the application. This is called a Full Registration. However, if you only provide the UserRegistration object, then the user must already exist and they will be registered for the application. The user id can also be provided and it will either be used to look up an existing user or it will be used for the newly created User.
string userId (Optional) The Id of the user being registered for the application and optionally created. RegistrationRequest request The request that optionally contains the User and must contain the UserRegistration.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RemoveUserFromFamily ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RemoveUserFromFamily(familyId string, userId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
RemoveUserFromFamily Removes a user from the family with the given id.
string familyId The id of the family to remove the user from. string userId The id of the user to remove from the family.
func (*FusionAuthClient) ResendEmailVerification ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) ResendEmailVerification(email string) (*VerifyEmailResponse, *Errors, error)
ResendEmailVerification Re-sends the verification email to the user.
string email The email address of the user that needs a new verification email.
func (*FusionAuthClient) ResendRegistrationVerification ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) ResendRegistrationVerification(email string, applicationId string) (*VerifyRegistrationResponse, *Errors, error)
ResendRegistrationVerification Re-sends the application registration verification email to the user.
string email The email address of the user that needs a new verification email. string applicationId The Id of the application to be verified.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveAction ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveAction(actionId string) (*ActionResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveAction Retrieves a single action log (the log of a user action that was taken on a user previously) for the given Id.
string actionId The Id of the action to retrieve.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveActions ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveActions(userId string) (*ActionResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveActions Retrieves all of the actions for the user with the given Id. This will return all time based actions that are active, and inactive as well as non-time based actions.
string userId The Id of the user to fetch the actions for.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveActionsPreventingLogin ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveActionsPreventingLogin(userId string) (*ActionResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveActionsPreventingLogin Retrieves all of the actions for the user with the given Id that are currently preventing the User from logging in.
string userId The Id of the user to fetch the actions for.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveActiveActions ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveActiveActions(userId string) (*ActionResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveActiveActions Retrieves all of the actions for the user with the given Id that are currently active. An active action means one that is time based and has not been canceled, and has not ended.
string userId The Id of the user to fetch the actions for.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveApplication ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveApplication(applicationId string) (*ApplicationResponse, error)
RetrieveApplication Retrieves the application for the given id or all of the applications if the id is null.
string applicationId (Optional) The application id.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveApplications ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveApplications() (*ApplicationResponse, error)
RetrieveApplications Retrieves all of the applications.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveAuditLog ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveAuditLog(auditLogId int) (*AuditLogResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveAuditLog Retrieves a single audit log for the given Id.
int auditLogId The Id of the audit log to retrieve.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveConsent ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveConsent(consentId string) (*ConsentResponse, error)
RetrieveConsent Retrieves the Consent for the given Id.
string consentId The Id of the consent.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveConsents ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveConsents() (*ConsentResponse, error)
RetrieveConsents Retrieves all of the consent.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveDailyActiveReport ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveDailyActiveReport(applicationId string, start int64, end int64) (*DailyActiveUserReportResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveDailyActiveReport Retrieves the daily active user report between the two instants. If you specify an application id, it will only return the daily active counts for that application.
string applicationId (Optional) The application id. int64 start The start instant as UTC milliseconds since Epoch. int64 end The end instant as UTC milliseconds since Epoch.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveEmailTemplate ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveEmailTemplate(emailTemplateId string) (*EmailTemplateResponse, error)
RetrieveEmailTemplate Retrieves the email template for the given Id. If you don't specify the id, this will return all of the email templates.
string emailTemplateId (Optional) The Id of the email template.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveEmailTemplatePreview ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveEmailTemplatePreview(request PreviewRequest) (*PreviewResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveEmailTemplatePreview Creates a preview of the email template provided in the request. This allows you to preview an email template that hasn't been saved to the database yet. The entire email template does not need to be provided on the request. This will create the preview based on whatever is given.
PreviewRequest request The request that contains the email template and optionally a locale to render it in.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveEmailTemplates ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveEmailTemplates() (*EmailTemplateResponse, error)
RetrieveEmailTemplates Retrieves all of the email templates.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveEventLog ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveEventLog(eventLogId int) (*EventLogResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveEventLog Retrieves a single event log for the given Id.
int eventLogId The Id of the event log to retrieve.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveFamilies ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveFamilies(userId string) (*FamilyResponse, error)
RetrieveFamilies Retrieves all of the families that a user belongs to.
string userId The User's id
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveFamilyMembersByFamilyId ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveFamilyMembersByFamilyId(familyId string) (*FamilyResponse, error)
RetrieveFamilyMembersByFamilyId Retrieves all of the members of a family by the unique Family Id.
string familyId The unique Id of the Family.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveGroup ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveGroup(groupId string) (*GroupResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveGroup Retrieves the group for the given Id.
string groupId The Id of the group.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveGroups ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveGroups() (*GroupResponse, error)
RetrieveGroups Retrieves all of the groups.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveInactiveActions ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveInactiveActions(userId string) (*ActionResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveInactiveActions Retrieves all of the actions for the user with the given Id that are currently inactive. An inactive action means one that is time based and has been canceled or has expired, or is not time based.
string userId The Id of the user to fetch the actions for.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveInactiveApplications ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveInactiveApplications() (*ApplicationResponse, error)
RetrieveInactiveApplications Retrieves all of the applications that are currently inactive.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveInactiveUserActions ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveInactiveUserActions() (*UserActionResponse, error)
RetrieveInactiveUserActions Retrieves all of the user actions that are currently inactive.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveIntegration ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveIntegration() (*IntegrationResponse, error)
RetrieveIntegration Retrieves the available integrations.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveJWTPublicKey ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveJWTPublicKey(keyId string) (*PublicKeyResponse, error)
RetrieveJWTPublicKey Retrieves the Public Key configured for verifying JSON Web Tokens (JWT) by the key Id (kid).
string keyId The Id of the public key (kid).
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveJWTPublicKeyByApplicationId ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveJWTPublicKeyByApplicationId(applicationId string) (*PublicKeyResponse, error)
RetrieveJWTPublicKeyByApplicationId Retrieves the Public Key configured for verifying the JSON Web Tokens (JWT) issued by the Login API by the Application Id.
string applicationId The Id of the Application for which this key is used.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveJWTPublicKeys ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveJWTPublicKeys() (*PublicKeyResponse, error)
RetrieveJWTPublicKeys Retrieves all Public Keys configured for verifying JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveJsonWebKeySet ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveJsonWebKeySet() (*JWKSResponse, error)
RetrieveJsonWebKeySet Returns public keys used by FusionAuth to cryptographically verify JWTs using the JSON Web Key format.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveKey ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveKey(keyId string) (*KeyResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveKey Retrieves the key for the given Id.
string keyId The Id of the key.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveKeys ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveKeys() (*KeyResponse, error)
RetrieveKeys Retrieves all of the keys.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveLambda ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveLambda(lambdaId string) (*LambdaResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveLambda Retrieves the lambda for the given Id.
string lambdaId The Id of the lambda.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveLambdas ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveLambdas() (*LambdaResponse, error)
RetrieveLambdas Retrieves all of the lambdas.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveLambdasByType ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveLambdasByType(_type LambdaType) (*LambdaResponse, error)
RetrieveLambdasByType Retrieves all of the lambdas for the provided type.
LambdaType _type The type of the lambda to return.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveLoginReport ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveLoginReport(applicationId string, start int64, end int64) (*LoginReportResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveLoginReport Retrieves the login report between the two instants. If you specify an application id, it will only return the login counts for that application.
string applicationId (Optional) The application id. int64 start The start instant as UTC milliseconds since Epoch. int64 end The end instant as UTC milliseconds since Epoch.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveMonthlyActiveReport ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveMonthlyActiveReport(applicationId string, start int64, end int64) (*MonthlyActiveUserReportResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveMonthlyActiveReport Retrieves the monthly active user report between the two instants. If you specify an application id, it will only return the monthly active counts for that application.
string applicationId (Optional) The application id. int64 start The start instant as UTC milliseconds since Epoch. int64 end The end instant as UTC milliseconds since Epoch.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveOauthConfiguration ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveOauthConfiguration(applicationId string) (*OAuthConfigurationResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveOauthConfiguration Retrieves the Oauth2 configuration for the application for the given Application Id.
string applicationId The Id of the Application to retrieve OAuth configuration.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveOpenIdConfiguration ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveOpenIdConfiguration() (*OpenIdConfiguration, error)
RetrieveOpenIdConfiguration Returns the well known OpenID Configuration JSON document
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrievePasswordValidationRules ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrievePasswordValidationRules() (*PasswordValidationRulesResponse, error)
RetrievePasswordValidationRules Retrieves the password validation rules for a specific tenant. This method requires a tenantId to be provided through the use of a Tenant scoped API key or an HTTP header X-FusionAuth-TenantId to specify the Tenant Id.
This API does not require an API key.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrievePasswordValidationRulesWithTenantId ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrievePasswordValidationRulesWithTenantId(tenantId string) (*PasswordValidationRulesResponse, error)
RetrievePasswordValidationRulesWithTenantId Retrieves the password validation rules for a specific tenant.
This API does not require an API key.
string tenantId The Id of the tenant.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrievePendingChildren ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrievePendingChildren(parentEmail string) (*PendingResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrievePendingChildren Retrieves all of the children for the given parent email address.
string parentEmail The email of the parent.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveRecentLogins ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveRecentLogins(offset int, limit int) (*RecentLoginResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveRecentLogins Retrieves the last number of login records.
int offset The initial record. e.g. 0 is the last login, 100 will be the 100th most recent login. int limit (Optional, defaults to 10) The number of records to retrieve.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveRefreshTokens ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveRefreshTokens(userId string) (*RefreshResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveRefreshTokens Retrieves the refresh tokens that belong to the user with the given Id.
string userId The Id of the user.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveRegistration ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveRegistration(userId string, applicationId string) (*RegistrationResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveRegistration Retrieves the user registration for the user with the given id and the given application id.
string userId The Id of the user. string applicationId The Id of the application.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveRegistrationReport ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveRegistrationReport(applicationId string, start int64, end int64) (*RegistrationReportResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveRegistrationReport Retrieves the registration report between the two instants. If you specify an application id, it will only return the registration counts for that application.
string applicationId (Optional) The application id. int64 start The start instant as UTC milliseconds since Epoch. int64 end The end instant as UTC milliseconds since Epoch.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveSystemConfiguration ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveSystemConfiguration() (*SystemConfigurationResponse, error)
RetrieveSystemConfiguration Retrieves the system configuration.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveTenant ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveTenant(tenantId string) (*TenantResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveTenant Retrieves the tenant for the given Id.
string tenantId The Id of the tenant.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveTenants ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveTenants() (*TenantResponse, error)
RetrieveTenants Retrieves all of the tenants.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveTheme ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveTheme(themeId string) (*ThemeResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveTheme Retrieves the theme for the given Id.
string themeId The Id of the theme.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveThemes ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveThemes() (*ThemeResponse, error)
RetrieveThemes Retrieves all of the themes.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveTotalReport ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveTotalReport() (*TotalsReportResponse, error)
RetrieveTotalReport Retrieves the totals report. This contains all of the total counts for each application and the global registration count.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUser ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUser(userId string) (*UserResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveUser Retrieves the user for the given Id.
string userId The Id of the user.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserAction ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserAction(userActionId string) (*UserActionResponse, error)
RetrieveUserAction Retrieves the user action for the given Id. If you pass in null for the id, this will return all of the user actions.
string userActionId (Optional) The Id of the user action.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserActionReason ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserActionReason(userActionReasonId string) (*UserActionReasonResponse, error)
RetrieveUserActionReason Retrieves the user action reason for the given Id. If you pass in null for the id, this will return all of the user action reasons.
string userActionReasonId (Optional) The Id of the user action reason.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserActionReasons ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserActionReasons() (*UserActionReasonResponse, error)
RetrieveUserActionReasons Retrieves all the user action reasons.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserActions ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserActions() (*UserActionResponse, error)
RetrieveUserActions Retrieves all of the user actions.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserByChangePasswordId ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserByChangePasswordId(changePasswordId string) (*UserResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveUserByChangePasswordId Retrieves the user by a change password Id. The intended use of this API is to retrieve a user after the forgot password workflow has been initiated and you may not know the user's email or username.
string changePasswordId The unique change password Id that was sent via email or returned by the Forgot Password API.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserByEmail ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserByEmail(email string) (*UserResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveUserByEmail Retrieves the user for the given email.
string email The email of the user.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserByLoginId ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserByLoginId(loginId string) (*UserResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveUserByLoginId Retrieves the user for the loginId. The loginId can be either the username or the email.
string loginId The email or username of the user.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserByUsername ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserByUsername(username string) (*UserResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveUserByUsername Retrieves the user for the given username.
string username The username of the user.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserByVerificationId ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserByVerificationId(verificationId string) (*UserResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveUserByVerificationId Retrieves the user by a verificationId. The intended use of this API is to retrieve a user after the forgot password workflow has been initiated and you may not know the user's email or username.
string verificationId The unique verification Id that has been set on the user object.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserComments ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserComments(userId string) (*UserCommentResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveUserComments Retrieves all of the comments for the user with the given Id.
string userId The Id of the user.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserConsent ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserConsent(userConsentId string) (*UserConsentResponse, error)
RetrieveUserConsent Retrieve a single User consent by Id.
string userConsentId The User consent Id
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserConsents ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserConsents(userId string) (*UserConsentResponse, error)
RetrieveUserConsents Retrieves all of the consents for a User.
string userId The User's Id
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserLoginReport ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserLoginReport(applicationId string, userId string, start int64, end int64) (*LoginReportResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveUserLoginReport Retrieves the login report between the two instants for a particular user by Id. If you specify an application id, it will only return the login counts for that application.
string applicationId (Optional) The application id. string userId The userId id. int64 start The start instant as UTC milliseconds since Epoch. int64 end The end instant as UTC milliseconds since Epoch.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserLoginReportByLoginId ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserLoginReportByLoginId(applicationId string, loginId string, start int64, end int64) (*LoginReportResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveUserLoginReportByLoginId Retrieves the login report between the two instants for a particular user by login Id. If you specify an application id, it will only return the login counts for that application.
string applicationId (Optional) The application id. string loginId The userId id. int64 start The start instant as UTC milliseconds since Epoch. int64 end The end instant as UTC milliseconds since Epoch.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserRecentLogins ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserRecentLogins(userId string, offset int, limit int) (*RecentLoginResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveUserRecentLogins Retrieves the last number of login records for a user.
string userId The Id of the user. int offset The initial record. e.g. 0 is the last login, 100 will be the 100th most recent login. int limit (Optional, defaults to 10) The number of records to retrieve.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserUsingJWT ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveUserUsingJWT(encodedJWT string) (*UserResponse, *Errors, error)
RetrieveUserUsingJWT Retrieves the user for the given Id. This method does not use an API key, instead it uses a JSON Web Token (JWT) for authentication.
string encodedJWT The encoded JWT (access token).
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveWebhook ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveWebhook(webhookId string) (*WebhookResponse, error)
RetrieveWebhook Retrieves the webhook for the given Id. If you pass in null for the id, this will return all the webhooks.
string webhookId (Optional) The Id of the webhook.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RetrieveWebhooks ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RetrieveWebhooks() (*WebhookResponse, error)
RetrieveWebhooks Retrieves all the webhooks.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RevokeRefreshToken ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RevokeRefreshToken(token string, userId string, applicationId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
RevokeRefreshToken Revokes a single refresh token, all tokens for a user or all tokens for an application. If you provide a user id and an application id, this will delete all the refresh tokens for that user for that application.
string token (Optional) The refresh token to delete. string userId (Optional) The user id whose tokens to delete. string applicationId (Optional) The application id of the tokens to delete.
func (*FusionAuthClient) RevokeUserConsent ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) RevokeUserConsent(userConsentId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, error)
RevokeUserConsent Revokes a single User consent by Id.
string userConsentId The User Consent Id
func (*FusionAuthClient) SearchAuditLogs ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) SearchAuditLogs(request AuditLogSearchRequest) (*AuditLogSearchResponse, error)
SearchAuditLogs Searches the audit logs with the specified criteria and pagination.
AuditLogSearchRequest request The search criteria and pagination information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) SearchEventLogs ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) SearchEventLogs(request EventLogSearchRequest) (*EventLogSearchResponse, error)
SearchEventLogs Searches the event logs with the specified criteria and pagination.
EventLogSearchRequest request The search criteria and pagination information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) SearchLoginRecords ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) SearchLoginRecords(request LoginRecordSearchRequest) (*LoginRecordSearchResponse, error)
SearchLoginRecords Searches the login records with the specified criteria and pagination.
LoginRecordSearchRequest request The search criteria and pagination information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) SearchUsers
func (c *FusionAuthClient) SearchUsers(ids []string) (*SearchResponse, *Errors, error)
SearchUsers Retrieves the users for the given ids. If any id is invalid, it is ignored.
[]string ids The user ids to search for.
Deprecated: This method has been renamed to SearchUsersByIds, use that method instead.
func (*FusionAuthClient) SearchUsersByIds ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) SearchUsersByIds(ids []string) (*SearchResponse, *Errors, error)
SearchUsersByIds Retrieves the users for the given ids. If any id is invalid, it is ignored.
[]string ids The user ids to search for.
func (*FusionAuthClient) SearchUsersByQuery ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) SearchUsersByQuery(request SearchRequest) (*SearchResponse, *Errors, error)
SearchUsersByQuery Retrieves the users for the given search criteria and pagination.
SearchRequest request The search criteria and pagination constraints. Fields used: ids, query, queryString, numberOfResults, orderBy, startRow, and sortFields.
func (*FusionAuthClient) SearchUsersByQueryString
func (c *FusionAuthClient) SearchUsersByQueryString(request SearchRequest) (*SearchResponse, *Errors, error)
SearchUsersByQueryString Retrieves the users for the given search criteria and pagination.
SearchRequest request The search criteria and pagination constraints. Fields used: ids, query, queryString, numberOfResults, orderBy, startRow, and sortFields.
Deprecated: This method has been renamed to SearchUsersByQuery, use that method instead.
func (*FusionAuthClient) SendEmail ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) SendEmail(emailTemplateId string, request SendRequest) (*SendResponse, *Errors, error)
SendEmail Send an email using an email template id. You can optionally provide <code>requestData</code> to access key value pairs in the email template.
string emailTemplateId The id for the template. SendRequest request The send email request that contains all of the information used to send the email.
func (*FusionAuthClient) SendFamilyRequestEmail ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) SendFamilyRequestEmail(request FamilyEmailRequest) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
SendFamilyRequestEmail Sends out an email to a parent that they need to register and create a family or need to log in and add a child to their existing family.
FamilyEmailRequest request The request object that contains the parent email.
func (*FusionAuthClient) SendPasswordlessCode ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) SendPasswordlessCode(request PasswordlessSendRequest) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
SendPasswordlessCode Send a passwordless authentication code in an email to complete login.
PasswordlessSendRequest request The passwordless send request that contains all of the information used to send an email containing a code.
func (*FusionAuthClient) SendTwoFactorCode ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) SendTwoFactorCode(request TwoFactorSendRequest) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
SendTwoFactorCode Send a Two Factor authentication code to assist in setting up Two Factor authentication or disabling.
TwoFactorSendRequest request The request object that contains all of the information used to send the code.
func (*FusionAuthClient) SendTwoFactorCodeForLogin ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) SendTwoFactorCodeForLogin(twoFactorId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
SendTwoFactorCodeForLogin Send a Two Factor authentication code to allow the completion of Two Factor authentication.
string twoFactorId The Id returned by the Login API necessary to complete Two Factor authentication.
func (*FusionAuthClient) SetTenantId ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) SetTenantId(tenantId string)
SetTenantId sets the tenantId on the client
func (*FusionAuthClient) Start ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) Start(responseRef interface{}, errorRef interface{}) *restClient
func (*FusionAuthClient) StartAnonymous ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) StartAnonymous(responseRef interface{}, errorRef interface{}) *restClient
func (*FusionAuthClient) StartIdentityProviderLogin ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) StartIdentityProviderLogin(request IdentityProviderStartLoginRequest) (*IdentityProviderStartLoginResponse, *Errors, error)
StartIdentityProviderLogin Begins a login request for a 3rd party login that requires user interaction such as HYPR.
IdentityProviderStartLoginRequest request The third-party login request that contains information from the third-party login providers that FusionAuth uses to reconcile the user's account.
func (*FusionAuthClient) StartPasswordlessLogin ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) StartPasswordlessLogin(request PasswordlessStartRequest) (*PasswordlessStartResponse, *Errors, error)
StartPasswordlessLogin Start a passwordless login request by generating a passwordless code. This code can be sent to the User using the Send Passwordless Code API or using a mechanism outside of FusionAuth. The passwordless login is completed by using the Passwordless Login API with this code.
PasswordlessStartRequest request The passwordless start request that contains all of the information used to begin the passwordless login request.
func (*FusionAuthClient) TwoFactorLogin ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) TwoFactorLogin(request TwoFactorLoginRequest) (*LoginResponse, *Errors, error)
TwoFactorLogin Complete login using a 2FA challenge
TwoFactorLoginRequest request The login request that contains the user credentials used to log them in.
func (*FusionAuthClient) UpdateApplication ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateApplication(applicationId string, request ApplicationRequest) (*ApplicationResponse, *Errors, error)
UpdateApplication Updates the application with the given Id.
string applicationId The Id of the application to update. ApplicationRequest request The request that contains all of the new application information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) UpdateApplicationRole ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateApplicationRole(applicationId string, roleId string, request ApplicationRequest) (*ApplicationResponse, *Errors, error)
UpdateApplicationRole Updates the application role with the given id for the application.
string applicationId The Id of the application that the role belongs to. string roleId The Id of the role to update. ApplicationRequest request The request that contains all of the new role information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) UpdateConsent ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateConsent(consentId string, request ConsentRequest) (*ConsentResponse, *Errors, error)
UpdateConsent Updates the consent with the given Id.
string consentId The Id of the consent to update. ConsentRequest request The request that contains all of the new consent information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) UpdateEmailTemplate ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateEmailTemplate(emailTemplateId string, request EmailTemplateRequest) (*EmailTemplateResponse, *Errors, error)
UpdateEmailTemplate Updates the email template with the given Id.
string emailTemplateId The Id of the email template to update. EmailTemplateRequest request The request that contains all of the new email template information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) UpdateGroup ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateGroup(groupId string, request GroupRequest) (*GroupResponse, *Errors, error)
UpdateGroup Updates the group with the given Id.
string groupId The Id of the group to update. GroupRequest request The request that contains all of the new group information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) UpdateIntegrations ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateIntegrations(request IntegrationRequest) (*IntegrationResponse, *Errors, error)
UpdateIntegrations Updates the available integrations.
IntegrationRequest request The request that contains all of the new integration information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) UpdateKey ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateKey(keyId string, request KeyRequest) (*KeyResponse, *Errors, error)
UpdateKey Updates the key with the given Id.
string keyId The Id of the key to update. KeyRequest request The request that contains all of the new key information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) UpdateLambda ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateLambda(lambdaId string, request LambdaRequest) (*LambdaResponse, *Errors, error)
UpdateLambda Updates the lambda with the given Id.
string lambdaId The Id of the lambda to update. LambdaRequest request The request that contains all of the new lambda information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) UpdateRegistration ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateRegistration(userId string, request RegistrationRequest) (*RegistrationResponse, *Errors, error)
UpdateRegistration Updates the registration for the user with the given id and the application defined in the request.
string userId The Id of the user whose registration is going to be updated. RegistrationRequest request The request that contains all of the new registration information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) UpdateSystemConfiguration ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateSystemConfiguration(request SystemConfigurationRequest) (*SystemConfigurationResponse, *Errors, error)
UpdateSystemConfiguration Updates the system configuration.
SystemConfigurationRequest request The request that contains all of the new system configuration information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) UpdateTenant ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateTenant(tenantId string, request TenantRequest) (*TenantResponse, *Errors, error)
UpdateTenant Updates the tenant with the given Id.
string tenantId The Id of the tenant to update. TenantRequest request The request that contains all of the new tenant information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) UpdateTheme ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateTheme(themeId string, request ThemeRequest) (*ThemeResponse, *Errors, error)
UpdateTheme Updates the theme with the given Id.
string themeId The Id of the theme to update. ThemeRequest request The request that contains all of the new theme information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) UpdateUser ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateUser(userId string, request UserRequest) (*UserResponse, *Errors, error)
UpdateUser Updates the user with the given Id.
string userId The Id of the user to update. UserRequest request The request that contains all of the new user information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) UpdateUserAction ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateUserAction(userActionId string, request UserActionRequest) (*UserActionResponse, *Errors, error)
UpdateUserAction Updates the user action with the given Id.
string userActionId The Id of the user action to update. UserActionRequest request The request that contains all of the new user action information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) UpdateUserActionReason ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateUserActionReason(userActionReasonId string, request UserActionReasonRequest) (*UserActionReasonResponse, *Errors, error)
UpdateUserActionReason Updates the user action reason with the given Id.
string userActionReasonId The Id of the user action reason to update. UserActionReasonRequest request The request that contains all of the new user action reason information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) UpdateUserConsent ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateUserConsent(userConsentId string, request UserConsentRequest) (*UserConsentResponse, *Errors, error)
UpdateUserConsent Updates a single User consent by Id.
string userConsentId The User Consent Id UserConsentRequest request The request that contains the user consent information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) UpdateWebhook ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) UpdateWebhook(webhookId string, request WebhookRequest) (*WebhookResponse, *Errors, error)
UpdateWebhook Updates the webhook with the given Id.
string webhookId The Id of the webhook to update. WebhookRequest request The request that contains all of the new webhook information.
func (*FusionAuthClient) ValidateDevice ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) ValidateDevice(userCode string, clientId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, error)
ValidateDevice Validates the end-user provided user_code from the user-interaction of the Device Authorization Grant. If you build your own activation form you should validate the user provided code prior to beginning the Authorization grant.
string userCode The end-user verification code. string clientId The client id.
func (*FusionAuthClient) ValidateJWT ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) ValidateJWT(encodedJWT string) (*ValidateResponse, error)
ValidateJWT Validates the provided JWT (encoded JWT string) to ensure the token is valid. A valid access token is properly signed and not expired. <p> This API may be used to verify the JWT as well as decode the encoded JWT into human readable identity claims.
string encodedJWT The encoded JWT (access token).
func (*FusionAuthClient) VerifyEmail ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) VerifyEmail(verificationId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
VerifyEmail Confirms a email verification. The Id given is usually from an email sent to the user.
string verificationId The email verification id sent to the user.
func (*FusionAuthClient) VerifyRegistration ¶
func (c *FusionAuthClient) VerifyRegistration(verificationId string) (*BaseHTTPResponse, *Errors, error)
VerifyRegistration Confirms an application registration. The Id given is usually from an email sent to the user.
string verificationId The registration verification Id sent to the user.
type GoogleApplicationConfiguration ¶
type GoogleApplicationConfiguration struct { BaseIdentityProviderApplicationConfiguration ButtonText string `json:"buttonText,omitempty"` ClientId string `json:"client_id,omitempty"` ClientSecret string `json:"client_secret,omitempty"` Scope string `json:"scope,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type GoogleIdentityProvider ¶
type GoogleIdentityProvider struct { BaseIdentityProvider ButtonText string `json:"buttonText,omitempty"` ClientId string `json:"client_id,omitempty"` ClientSecret string `json:"client_secret,omitempty"` Scope string `json:"scope,omitempty"` }
- Google social login provider. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type GrantType ¶
type GrantType string
- Authorization Grant types as defined by the <a href="">The OAuth 2.0 Authorization
- Framework - RFC 6749</a>.
- <p>
- Specific names as defined by <a href="">
- OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Protocol - RFC 7591 Section 4.1</a> *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
const ( GrantType_AuthorizationCode GrantType = "authorization_code" GrantType_Implicit GrantType = "implicit" GrantType_Password GrantType = "password" GrantType_ClientCredentials GrantType = "client_credentials" GrantType_RefreshToken GrantType = "refresh_token" GrantType_Unknown GrantType = "unknown" GrantType_DeviceCode GrantType = "device_code" )
type Group ¶
type Group struct { Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Roles map[string][]ApplicationRole `json:"roles,omitempty"` TenantId string `json:"tenantId,omitempty"` }
- @author Tyler Scott
type GroupMember ¶
type GroupMember struct { Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"` GroupId string `json:"groupId,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` InsertInstant int64 `json:"insertInstant,omitempty"` UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"` }
- A User's membership into a Group *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type GroupRequest ¶
type GroupRequest struct { Group Group `json:"group,omitempty"` RoleIds []string `json:"roleIds,omitempty"` }
- Group API request object. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type GroupResponse ¶
type GroupResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Group Group `json:"group,omitempty"` Groups []Group `json:"groups,omitempty"` }
- Group API response object. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*GroupResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *GroupResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type HTTPMethod ¶
type HTTPMethod string
- @author Daniel DeGroff
const ( HTTPMethod_GET HTTPMethod = "GET" HTTPMethod_POST HTTPMethod = "POST" HTTPMethod_PUT HTTPMethod = "PUT" HTTPMethod_DELETE HTTPMethod = "DELETE" HTTPMethod_HEAD HTTPMethod = "HEAD" HTTPMethod_OPTIONS HTTPMethod = "OPTIONS" HTTPMethod_PATCH HTTPMethod = "PATCH" )
type HYPRApplicationConfiguration ¶
type HYPRApplicationConfiguration struct { BaseIdentityProviderApplicationConfiguration RelyingPartyApplicationId string `json:"relyingPartyApplicationId,omitempty"` RelyingPartyURL string `json:"relyingPartyURL,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type HYPRIdentityProvider ¶
type HYPRIdentityProvider struct { BaseIdentityProvider RelyingPartyApplicationId string `json:"relyingPartyApplicationId,omitempty"` RelyingPartyURL string `json:"relyingPartyURL,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type HistoryItem ¶
type IdentityProviderDetails ¶
type IdentityProviderDetails struct { ApplicationIds []string `json:"applicationIds,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` IdpEndpoint string `json:"idpEndpoint,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Oauth2 IdentityProviderOauth2Configuration `json:"oauth2,omitempty"` Type IdentityProviderType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type IdentityProviderLoginRequest ¶
type IdentityProviderLoginRequest struct { BaseLoginRequest Data map[string]string `json:"data,omitempty"` EncodedJWT string `json:"encodedJWT,omitempty"` IdentityProviderId string `json:"identityProviderId,omitempty"` }
- Login API request object used for login to third-party systems (i.e. Login with Facebook). *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type IdentityProviderOauth2Configuration ¶
type IdentityProviderOauth2Configuration struct { AuthorizationEndpoint string `json:"authorization_endpoint,omitempty"` ClientId string `json:"client_id,omitempty"` ClientSecret string `json:"client_secret,omitempty"` ClientAuthenticationMethod ClientAuthenticationMethod `json:"clientAuthenticationMethod,omitempty"` Issuer string `json:"issuer,omitempty"` Scope string `json:"scope,omitempty"` TokenEndpoint string `json:"token_endpoint,omitempty"` UserinfoEndpoint string `json:"userinfo_endpoint,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type IdentityProviderRequest ¶
type IdentityProviderRequest struct {
IdentityProvider BaseIdentityProvider `json:"identityProvider,omitempty"`
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type IdentityProviderResponse ¶
type IdentityProviderResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse IdentityProvider BaseIdentityProvider `json:"identityProvider,omitempty"` IdentityProviders []BaseIdentityProvider `json:"identityProviders,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*IdentityProviderResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *IdentityProviderResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type IdentityProviderStartLoginRequest ¶
type IdentityProviderStartLoginRequest struct { BaseLoginRequest IdentityProviderId string `json:"identityProviderId,omitempty"` LoginId string `json:"loginId,omitempty"` State map[string]interface{} `json:"state,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type IdentityProviderStartLoginResponse ¶
type IdentityProviderStartLoginResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Code string `json:"code,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*IdentityProviderStartLoginResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *IdentityProviderStartLoginResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type IdentityProviderType ¶
type IdentityProviderType string
const ( IdentityProviderType_ExternalJWT IdentityProviderType = "ExternalJWT" IdentityProviderType_OpenIDConnect IdentityProviderType = "OpenIDConnect" IdentityProviderType_Facebook IdentityProviderType = "Facebook" IdentityProviderType_Google IdentityProviderType = "Google" IdentityProviderType_Twitter IdentityProviderType = "Twitter" IdentityProviderType_SAMLv2 IdentityProviderType = "SAMLv2" IdentityProviderType_HYPR IdentityProviderType = "HYPR" IdentityProviderType_Apple IdentityProviderType = "Apple" )
type ImportRequest ¶
type ImportRequest struct { EncryptionScheme string `json:"encryptionScheme,omitempty"` Factor int `json:"factor,omitempty"` Users []User `json:"users,omitempty"` ValidateDbConstraints bool `json:"validateDbConstraints,omitempty"` }
- Import request. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type IntegrationRequest ¶
type IntegrationRequest struct {
Integrations Integrations `json:"integrations,omitempty"`
- The Integration Request *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type IntegrationResponse ¶
type IntegrationResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Integrations Integrations `json:"integrations,omitempty"` }
- The Integration Response *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*IntegrationResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *IntegrationResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type Integrations ¶
type Integrations struct { Cleanspeak CleanSpeakConfiguration `json:"cleanspeak,omitempty"` Kafka KafkaConfiguration `json:"kafka,omitempty"` Twilio TwilioConfiguration `json:"twilio,omitempty"` }
- Available Integrations *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type IntervalCount ¶
type IntervalCount struct { ApplicationId string `json:"applicationId,omitempty"` Count int `json:"count,omitempty"` DecrementedCount int `json:"decrementedCount,omitempty"` Period int `json:"period,omitempty"` }
- Counts for a period. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type IntervalUser ¶
type IntervalUser struct { ApplicationId string `json:"applicationId,omitempty"` Period int `json:"period,omitempty"` UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"` }
- A user over an period (for daily and monthly active user calculations). *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type IssueResponse ¶
type IssueResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse RefreshToken string `json:"refreshToken,omitempty"` Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*IssueResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *IssueResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type JSONWebKey ¶
type JSONWebKey struct { Alg Algorithm `json:"alg,omitempty"` Crv string `json:"crv,omitempty"` D string `json:"d,omitempty"` Dp string `json:"dp,omitempty"` Dq string `json:"dq,omitempty"` E string `json:"e,omitempty"` Kid string `json:"kid,omitempty"` Kty KeyType `json:"kty,omitempty"` N string `json:"n,omitempty"` Other map[string]interface{} `json:"other,omitempty"` P string `json:"p,omitempty"` Q string `json:"q,omitempty"` Qi string `json:"qi,omitempty"` Use string `json:"use,omitempty"` X string `json:"x,omitempty"` X5c []string `json:"x5c,omitempty"` X5t string `json:"x5t,omitempty"` X5t_S256 string `json:"x5t#S256,omitempty"` Y string `json:"y,omitempty"` }
- A JSON Web Key as defined by <a href="">RFC 7517 JSON Web Key (JWK)
- Section 4</a> and <a href="">RFC 7518 JSON Web Algorithms (JWA)</a>. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type JSONWebKeyInfoProvider ¶
type JSONWebKeyInfoProvider struct { }
- Interface for any object that can provide JSON Web key Information.
type JWKSResponse ¶
type JWKSResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Keys []JSONWebKey `json:"keys,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*JWKSResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *JWKSResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type JWT ¶
type JWT struct { Aud interface{} `json:"aud,omitempty"` Exp int64 `json:"exp,omitempty"` Iat int64 `json:"iat,omitempty"` Iss string `json:"iss,omitempty"` Jti string `json:"jti,omitempty"` Nbf int64 `json:"nbf,omitempty"` OtherClaims map[string]interface{} `json:"otherClaims,omitempty"` Sub string `json:"sub,omitempty"` }
- JSON Web Token (JWT) as defined by RFC 7519.
- <pre>
- From RFC 7519 Section 1. Introduction:
- The suggested pronunciation of JWT is the same as the English word "jot".
- </pre>
- The JWT is not Thread-Safe and should not be re-used. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type JWTConfiguration ¶
type JWTConfiguration struct { Enableable AccessTokenKeyId string `json:"accessTokenKeyId,omitempty"` IdTokenKeyId string `json:"idTokenKeyId,omitempty"` RefreshTokenExpirationPolicy RefreshTokenExpirationPolicy `json:"refreshTokenExpirationPolicy,omitempty"` RefreshTokenRevocationPolicy RefreshTokenRevocationPolicy `json:"refreshTokenRevocationPolicy,omitempty"` RefreshTokenTimeToLiveInMinutes int `json:"refreshTokenTimeToLiveInMinutes,omitempty"` RefreshTokenUsagePolicy RefreshTokenUsagePolicy `json:"refreshTokenUsagePolicy,omitempty"` TimeToLiveInSeconds int `json:"timeToLiveInSeconds,omitempty"` }
- JWT Configuration. A JWT Configuration for an Application may not be active if it is using the global configuration, the configuration
- may be <code>enabled = false</code>. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type JWTPublicKeyUpdateEvent ¶
type JWTPublicKeyUpdateEvent struct { BaseEvent ApplicationIds []string `json:"applicationIds,omitempty"` }
- Models the JWT public key Refresh Token Revoke Event (and can be converted to JSON). This event might be for a single
- token, a user or an entire application. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type JWTRefreshEvent ¶
type JWTRefreshEvent struct { BaseEvent ApplicationId string `json:"applicationId,omitempty"` Original string `json:"original,omitempty"` RefreshToken string `json:"refreshToken,omitempty"` Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"` }
- Models the JWT Refresh Event. This event will be fired when a JWT is "refreshed" (generated) using a Refresh Token. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type JWTRefreshTokenRevokeEvent ¶
type JWTRefreshTokenRevokeEvent struct { BaseEvent ApplicationId string `json:"applicationId,omitempty"` ApplicationTimeToLiveInSeconds map[string]int `json:"applicationTimeToLiveInSeconds,omitempty"` User User `json:"user,omitempty"` UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"` }
- Models the Refresh Token Revoke Event (and can be converted to JSON). This event might be for a single token, a user
- or an entire application. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type KafkaConfiguration ¶
type KafkaConfiguration struct { Enableable DefaultTopic string `json:"defaultTopic,omitempty"` Producer map[string]string `json:"producer,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type Key ¶
type Key struct { Algorithm KeyAlgorithm `json:"algorithm,omitempty"` Certificate string `json:"certificate,omitempty"` CertificateInformation CertificateInformation `json:"certificateInformation,omitempty"` ExpirationInstant int64 `json:"expirationInstant,omitempty"` HasPrivateKey bool `json:"hasPrivateKey,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` InsertInstant int64 `json:"insertInstant,omitempty"` Issuer string `json:"issuer,omitempty"` Kid string `json:"kid,omitempty"` Length int `json:"length,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` PrivateKey string `json:"privateKey,omitempty"` PublicKey string `json:"publicKey,omitempty"` Secret string `json:"secret,omitempty"` Type KeyType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
- Domain for a public key, key pair or an HMAC secret. This is used by KeyMaster to manage keys for JWTs, SAML, etc. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type KeyAlgorithm ¶
type KeyAlgorithm string
const ( KeyAlgorithm_ES256 KeyAlgorithm = "ES256" KeyAlgorithm_ES384 KeyAlgorithm = "ES384" KeyAlgorithm_ES512 KeyAlgorithm = "ES512" KeyAlgorithm_HS256 KeyAlgorithm = "HS256" KeyAlgorithm_HS384 KeyAlgorithm = "HS384" KeyAlgorithm_HS512 KeyAlgorithm = "HS512" KeyAlgorithm_RS256 KeyAlgorithm = "RS256" KeyAlgorithm_RS384 KeyAlgorithm = "RS384" KeyAlgorithm_RS512 KeyAlgorithm = "RS512" )
type KeyRequest ¶
type KeyRequest struct {
Key Key `json:"key,omitempty"`
- Key API request object. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type KeyResponse ¶
type KeyResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Key Key `json:"key,omitempty"` Keys []Key `json:"keys,omitempty"` }
- Key API response object. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*KeyResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *KeyResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type Lambda ¶
type Lambda struct { Enableable Body string `json:"body,omitempty"` Debug bool `json:"debug,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` InsertInstant int64 `json:"insertInstant,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Type LambdaType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
- A JavaScript lambda function that is executed during certain events inside FusionAuth. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type LambdaConfiguration ¶
type LambdaRequest ¶
type LambdaRequest struct {
Lambda Lambda `json:"lambda,omitempty"`
- Lambda API request object. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type LambdaResponse ¶
type LambdaResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Lambda Lambda `json:"lambda,omitempty"` Lambdas []Lambda `json:"lambdas,omitempty"` }
- Lambda API response object. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
func (*LambdaResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *LambdaResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type LambdaType ¶
type LambdaType string
- The types of lambdas that indicate how they are invoked by FusionAuth. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
const ( LambdaType_JWTPopulate LambdaType = "JWTPopulate" LambdaType_OpenIDReconcile LambdaType = "OpenIDReconcile" LambdaType_SAMLv2Reconcile LambdaType = "SAMLv2Reconcile" LambdaType_SAMLv2Populate LambdaType = "SAMLv2Populate" LambdaType_AppleReconcile LambdaType = "AppleReconcile" LambdaType_ExternalJWTReconcile LambdaType = "ExternalJWTReconcile" LambdaType_FacebookReconcile LambdaType = "FacebookReconcile" LambdaType_GoogleReconcile LambdaType = "GoogleReconcile" LambdaType_HYPRReconcile LambdaType = "HYPRReconcile" LambdaType_TwitterReconcile LambdaType = "TwitterReconcile" )
type LogHistory ¶
type LogHistory struct {
HistoryItems []HistoryItem `json:"historyItems,omitempty"`
- A historical state of a user log event. Since events can be modified, this stores the historical state. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type LoginConfiguration ¶
type LoginIdType ¶
type LoginIdType string
const ( LoginIdType_Email LoginIdType = "email" LoginIdType_Username LoginIdType = "username" )
type LoginPreventedResponse ¶
type LoginPreventedResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse ActionerUserId string `json:"actionerUserId,omitempty"` ActionId string `json:"actionId,omitempty"` Expiry int64 `json:"expiry,omitempty"` LocalizedName string `json:"localizedName,omitempty"` LocalizedOption string `json:"localizedOption,omitempty"` LocalizedReason string `json:"localizedReason,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Option string `json:"option,omitempty"` Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"` ReasonCode string `json:"reasonCode,omitempty"` }
- The summary of the action that is preventing login to be returned on the login response. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*LoginPreventedResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *LoginPreventedResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type LoginRecordConfiguration ¶
type LoginRecordConfiguration struct {
Delete DeleteConfiguration `json:"delete,omitempty"`
type LoginRecordExportRequest ¶
type LoginRecordExportRequest struct { BaseExportRequest Criteria LoginRecordSearchCriteria `json:"criteria,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type LoginRecordSearchCriteria ¶
type LoginRecordSearchCriteria struct { BaseSearchCriteria ApplicationId string `json:"applicationId,omitempty"` End int64 `json:"end,omitempty"` Start int64 `json:"start,omitempty"` UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type LoginRecordSearchRequest ¶
type LoginRecordSearchRequest struct { RetrieveTotal bool `json:"retrieveTotal,omitempty"` Search LoginRecordSearchCriteria `json:"search,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type LoginRecordSearchResponse ¶
type LoginRecordSearchResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Logins []DisplayableRawLogin `json:"logins,omitempty"` Total int64 `json:"total,omitempty"` }
- A raw login record response *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*LoginRecordSearchResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *LoginRecordSearchResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type LoginReportResponse ¶
type LoginReportResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse HourlyCounts []Count `json:"hourlyCounts,omitempty"` Total int64 `json:"total,omitempty"` }
- Response for the login report. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
func (*LoginReportResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *LoginReportResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type LoginRequest ¶
type LoginRequest struct { BaseLoginRequest LoginId string `json:"loginId,omitempty"` OneTimePassword string `json:"oneTimePassword,omitempty"` Password string `json:"password,omitempty"` TwoFactorTrustId string `json:"twoFactorTrustId,omitempty"` }
- Login API request object. *
- @author Seth Musselman
type LoginResponse ¶
type LoginResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Actions []LoginPreventedResponse `json:"actions,omitempty"` ChangePasswordId string `json:"changePasswordId,omitempty"` ChangePasswordReason ChangePasswordReason `json:"changePasswordReason,omitempty"` RefreshToken string `json:"refreshToken,omitempty"` State map[string]interface{} `json:"state,omitempty"` Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` TwoFactorId string `json:"twoFactorId,omitempty"` TwoFactorTrustId string `json:"twoFactorTrustId,omitempty"` User User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
- @author Brian Pontarelli
func (*LoginResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *LoginResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type LogoutBehavior ¶
type LogoutBehavior string
- @author Matthew Altman
const ( LogoutBehavior_RedirectOnly LogoutBehavior = "RedirectOnly" LogoutBehavior_AllApplications LogoutBehavior = "AllApplications" )
type LookupResponse ¶
type LookupResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse IdentityProvider IdentityProviderDetails `json:"identityProvider,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*LookupResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *LookupResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type MaximumPasswordAge ¶
type MaximumPasswordAge struct { Enableable Days int `json:"days,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type MemberDeleteRequest ¶
type MemberDeleteRequest struct { MemberIds []string `json:"memberIds,omitempty"` Members map[string][]string `json:"members,omitempty"` }
- Group Member Delete Request *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type MemberRequest ¶
type MemberRequest struct {
Members map[string][]GroupMember `json:"members,omitempty"`
- Group Member Request *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type MemberResponse ¶
type MemberResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Members map[string][]GroupMember `json:"members,omitempty"` }
- Group Member Response *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*MemberResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *MemberResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type MetaData ¶
type MetaData struct { Device DeviceInfo `json:"device,omitempty"` Scopes []string `json:"scopes,omitempty"` }
type MinimumPasswordAge ¶
type MinimumPasswordAge struct { Enableable Seconds int `json:"seconds,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type MonthlyActiveUserReportResponse ¶
type MonthlyActiveUserReportResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse MonthlyActiveUsers []Count `json:"monthlyActiveUsers,omitempty"` Total int64 `json:"total,omitempty"` }
- Response for the daily active user report. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
func (*MonthlyActiveUserReportResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *MonthlyActiveUserReportResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type Normalizer ¶
type Normalizer struct { }
- Helper methods for normalizing values. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type OAuth2Configuration ¶
type OAuth2Configuration struct { AuthorizedOriginURLs []string `json:"authorizedOriginURLs,omitempty"` AuthorizedRedirectURLs []string `json:"authorizedRedirectURLs,omitempty"` ClientId string `json:"clientId,omitempty"` ClientSecret string `json:"clientSecret,omitempty"` DeviceVerificationURL string `json:"deviceVerificationURL,omitempty"` EnabledGrants []GrantType `json:"enabledGrants,omitempty"` GenerateRefreshTokens bool `json:"generateRefreshTokens,omitempty"` LogoutBehavior LogoutBehavior `json:"logoutBehavior,omitempty"` LogoutURL string `json:"logoutURL,omitempty"` RequireClientAuthentication bool `json:"requireClientAuthentication,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type OAuthConfigurationResponse ¶
type OAuthConfigurationResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse HttpSessionMaxInactiveInterval int `json:"httpSessionMaxInactiveInterval,omitempty"` LogoutURL string `json:"logoutURL,omitempty"` OauthConfiguration OAuth2Configuration `json:"oauthConfiguration,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*OAuthConfigurationResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *OAuthConfigurationResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type OAuthError ¶
type OAuthError struct { ChangePasswordId string `json:"change_password_id,omitempty"` Error OAuthErrorType `json:"error,omitempty"` ErrorDescription string `json:"error_description,omitempty"` ErrorReason OAuthErrorReason `json:"error_reason,omitempty"` ErrorUri string `json:"error_uri,omitempty"` TwoFactorId string `json:"two_factor_id,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type OAuthErrorReason ¶
type OAuthErrorReason string
const ( OAuthErrorReason_AuthCodeNotFound OAuthErrorReason = "auth_code_not_found" OAuthErrorReason_AccessTokenMalformed OAuthErrorReason = "access_token_malformed" OAuthErrorReason_AccessTokenExpired OAuthErrorReason = "access_token_expired" OAuthErrorReason_AccessTokenFailedProcessing OAuthErrorReason = "access_token_failed_processing" OAuthErrorReason_RefreshTokenNotFound OAuthErrorReason = "refresh_token_not_found" OAuthErrorReason_InvalidClientId OAuthErrorReason = "invalid_client_id" OAuthErrorReason_InvalidUserCredentials OAuthErrorReason = "invalid_user_credentials" OAuthErrorReason_InvalidGrantType OAuthErrorReason = "invalid_grant_type" OAuthErrorReason_InvalidOrigin OAuthErrorReason = "invalid_origin" OAuthErrorReason_InvalidOriginOpaque OAuthErrorReason = "invalid_origin_opaque" OAuthErrorReason_InvalidPkceCodeVerifier OAuthErrorReason = "invalid_pkce_code_verifier" OAuthErrorReason_InvalidPkceCodeChallenge OAuthErrorReason = "invalid_pkce_code_challenge" OAuthErrorReason_InvalidPkceCodeChallengeMethod OAuthErrorReason = "invalid_pkce_code_challenge_method" OAuthErrorReason_InvalidRedirectUri OAuthErrorReason = "invalid_redirect_uri" OAuthErrorReason_InvalidResponseMode OAuthErrorReason = "invalid_response_mode" OAuthErrorReason_InvalidResponseType OAuthErrorReason = "invalid_response_type" OAuthErrorReason_InvalidIdTokenHint OAuthErrorReason = "invalid_id_token_hint" OAuthErrorReason_InvalidPostLogoutRedirectUri OAuthErrorReason = "invalid_post_logout_redirect_uri" OAuthErrorReason_InvalidDeviceCode OAuthErrorReason = "invalid_device_code" OAuthErrorReason_InvalidUserCode OAuthErrorReason = "invalid_user_code" OAuthErrorReason_InvalidAdditionalClientId OAuthErrorReason = "invalid_additional_client_id" OAuthErrorReason_GrantTypeDisabled OAuthErrorReason = "grant_type_disabled" OAuthErrorReason_MissingClientId OAuthErrorReason = "missing_client_id" OAuthErrorReason_MissingCode OAuthErrorReason = "missing_code" OAuthErrorReason_MissingDeviceCode OAuthErrorReason = "missing_device_code" OAuthErrorReason_MissingGrantType OAuthErrorReason = "missing_grant_type" OAuthErrorReason_MissingRedirectUri OAuthErrorReason = "missing_redirect_uri" OAuthErrorReason_MissingRefreshToken OAuthErrorReason = "missing_refresh_token" OAuthErrorReason_MissingResponseType OAuthErrorReason = "missing_response_type" OAuthErrorReason_MissingToken OAuthErrorReason = "missing_token" OAuthErrorReason_MissingUserCode OAuthErrorReason = "missing_user_code" OAuthErrorReason_MissingVerificationUri OAuthErrorReason = "missing_verification_uri" OAuthErrorReason_LoginPrevented OAuthErrorReason = "login_prevented" OAuthErrorReason_UserCodeExpired OAuthErrorReason = "user_code_expired" OAuthErrorReason_UserExpired OAuthErrorReason = "user_expired" OAuthErrorReason_UserLocked OAuthErrorReason = "user_locked" OAuthErrorReason_UserNotFound OAuthErrorReason = "user_not_found" OAuthErrorReason_ClientAuthenticationMissing OAuthErrorReason = "client_authentication_missing" OAuthErrorReason_InvalidClientAuthenticationScheme OAuthErrorReason = "invalid_client_authentication_scheme" OAuthErrorReason_InvalidClientAuthentication OAuthErrorReason = "invalid_client_authentication" OAuthErrorReason_ClientIdMismatch OAuthErrorReason = "client_id_mismatch" OAuthErrorReason_ChangePasswordAdministrative OAuthErrorReason = "change_password_administrative" OAuthErrorReason_ChangePasswordBreached OAuthErrorReason = "change_password_breached" OAuthErrorReason_ChangePasswordExpired OAuthErrorReason = "change_password_expired" OAuthErrorReason_ChangePasswordValidation OAuthErrorReason = "change_password_validation" OAuthErrorReason_Unknown OAuthErrorReason = "unknown" )
type OAuthErrorType ¶
type OAuthErrorType string
const ( OAuthErrorType_InvalidRequest OAuthErrorType = "invalid_request" OAuthErrorType_InvalidClient OAuthErrorType = "invalid_client" OAuthErrorType_InvalidGrant OAuthErrorType = "invalid_grant" OAuthErrorType_InvalidToken OAuthErrorType = "invalid_token" OAuthErrorType_InvalidScope OAuthErrorType = "invalid_scope" OAuthErrorType_ServerError OAuthErrorType = "server_error" OAuthErrorType_UnsupportedGrantType OAuthErrorType = "unsupported_grant_type" OAuthErrorType_UnsupportedResponseType OAuthErrorType = "unsupported_response_type" OAuthErrorType_ChangePasswordRequired OAuthErrorType = "change_password_required" OAuthErrorType_TwoFactorRequired OAuthErrorType = "two_factor_required" OAuthErrorType_AuthorizationPending OAuthErrorType = "authorization_pending" OAuthErrorType_ExpiredToken OAuthErrorType = "expired_token" )
type OAuthResponse ¶
type OAuthResponse struct {
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*OAuthResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *OAuthResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type OpenIdConfiguration ¶
type OpenIdConfiguration struct { BaseHTTPResponse AuthorizationEndpoint string `json:"authorization_endpoint,omitempty"` BackchannelLogoutSupported bool `json:"backchannel_logout_supported,omitempty"` ClaimsSupported []string `json:"claims_supported,omitempty"` DeviceAuthorizationEndpoint string `json:"device_authorization_endpoint,omitempty"` EndSessionEndpoint string `json:"end_session_endpoint,omitempty"` FrontchannelLogoutSupported bool `json:"frontchannel_logout_supported,omitempty"` GrantTypesSupported []string `json:"grant_types_supported,omitempty"` IdTokenSigningAlgValuesSupported []string `json:"id_token_signing_alg_values_supported,omitempty"` Issuer string `json:"issuer,omitempty"` JwksUri string `json:"jwks_uri,omitempty"` ResponseModesSupported []string `json:"response_modes_supported,omitempty"` ResponseTypesSupported []string `json:"response_types_supported,omitempty"` ScopesSupported []string `json:"scopes_supported,omitempty"` SubjectTypesSupported []string `json:"subject_types_supported,omitempty"` TokenEndpoint string `json:"token_endpoint,omitempty"` TokenEndpointAuthMethodsSupported []string `json:"token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported,omitempty"` UserinfoEndpoint string `json:"userinfo_endpoint,omitempty"` UserinfoSigningAlgValuesSupported []string `json:"userinfo_signing_alg_values_supported,omitempty"` }
- OpenID Connect Configuration as described by the <a href="">OpenID
- Provider Metadata</a>. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*OpenIdConfiguration) SetStatus ¶
func (b *OpenIdConfiguration) SetStatus(status int)
type OpenIdConnectApplicationConfiguration ¶
type OpenIdConnectApplicationConfiguration struct { BaseIdentityProviderApplicationConfiguration ButtonImageURL string `json:"buttonImageURL,omitempty"` ButtonText string `json:"buttonText,omitempty"` Oauth2 IdentityProviderOauth2Configuration `json:"oauth2,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type OpenIdConnectIdentityProvider ¶
type OpenIdConnectIdentityProvider struct { BaseIdentityProvider ButtonImageURL string `json:"buttonImageURL,omitempty"` ButtonText string `json:"buttonText,omitempty"` Domains []string `json:"domains,omitempty"` Oauth2 IdentityProviderOauth2Configuration `json:"oauth2,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type PasswordBreachDetection ¶
type PasswordBreachDetection struct { Enableable MatchMode BreachMatchMode `json:"matchMode,omitempty"` NotifyUserEmailTemplateId string `json:"notifyUserEmailTemplateId,omitempty"` OnLogin BreachAction `json:"onLogin,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type PasswordEncryptionConfiguration ¶
type PasswordEncryptionConfiguration struct { EncryptionScheme string `json:"encryptionScheme,omitempty"` EncryptionSchemeFactor int `json:"encryptionSchemeFactor,omitempty"` ModifyEncryptionSchemeOnLogin bool `json:"modifyEncryptionSchemeOnLogin,omitempty"` }
- Password Encryption Scheme Configuration *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type PasswordValidationRules ¶
type PasswordValidationRules struct { BreachDetection PasswordBreachDetection `json:"breachDetection,omitempty"` MaxLength int `json:"maxLength,omitempty"` MinLength int `json:"minLength,omitempty"` RememberPreviousPasswords RememberPreviousPasswords `json:"rememberPreviousPasswords,omitempty"` RequireMixedCase bool `json:"requireMixedCase,omitempty"` RequireNonAlpha bool `json:"requireNonAlpha,omitempty"` RequireNumber bool `json:"requireNumber,omitempty"` ValidateOnLogin bool `json:"validateOnLogin,omitempty"` }
- @author Derek Klatt
type PasswordValidationRulesResponse ¶
type PasswordValidationRulesResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse PasswordValidationRules PasswordValidationRules `json:"passwordValidationRules,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*PasswordValidationRulesResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *PasswordValidationRulesResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type PasswordlessConfiguration ¶
type PasswordlessConfiguration struct {
type PasswordlessIdentityProvider ¶
type PasswordlessIdentityProvider struct { }
- Interface for all identity providers that are passwordless and do not accept a password.
type PasswordlessLoginRequest ¶
type PasswordlessLoginRequest struct { BaseLoginRequest Code string `json:"code,omitempty"` TwoFactorTrustId string `json:"twoFactorTrustId,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type PasswordlessSendRequest ¶
type PasswordlessSendRequest struct { ApplicationId string `json:"applicationId,omitempty"` Code string `json:"code,omitempty"` LoginId string `json:"loginId,omitempty"` State map[string]interface{} `json:"state,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type PasswordlessStartRequest ¶
type PasswordlessStartRequest struct { ApplicationId string `json:"applicationId,omitempty"` LoginId string `json:"loginId,omitempty"` State map[string]interface{} `json:"state,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type PasswordlessStartResponse ¶
type PasswordlessStartResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Code string `json:"code,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*PasswordlessStartResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *PasswordlessStartResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type PendingResponse ¶
type PendingResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Users []User `json:"users,omitempty"` }
- @author Brian Pontarelli
func (*PendingResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *PendingResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type PreviewRequest ¶
type PreviewRequest struct { EmailTemplate EmailTemplate `json:"emailTemplate,omitempty"` Locale string `json:"locale,omitempty"` }
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type PreviewResponse ¶
type PreviewResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Email Email `json:"email,omitempty"` Errors Errors `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
- @author Seth Musselman
func (*PreviewResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *PreviewResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type ProviderLambdaConfiguration ¶
type ProviderLambdaConfiguration struct {
ReconcileId string `json:"reconcileId,omitempty"`
type PublicKeyResponse ¶
type PublicKeyResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse PublicKey string `json:"publicKey,omitempty"` PublicKeys map[string]string `json:"publicKeys,omitempty"` }
- JWT Public Key Response Object *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*PublicKeyResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *PublicKeyResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type RawLogin ¶
type RawLogin struct { ApplicationId string `json:"applicationId,omitempty"` Instant int64 `json:"instant,omitempty"` IpAddress string `json:"ipAddress,omitempty"` UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"` }
- Raw login information for each time a user logs into an application. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type RecentLoginResponse ¶
type RecentLoginResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Logins []DisplayableRawLogin `json:"logins,omitempty"` }
- Response for the user login report. *
- @author Seth Musselman
func (*RecentLoginResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *RecentLoginResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type RefreshRequest ¶
type RefreshRequest struct { RefreshToken string `json:"refreshToken,omitempty"` Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type RefreshResponse ¶
type RefreshResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse RefreshToken string `json:"refreshToken,omitempty"` RefreshTokens []RefreshToken `json:"refreshTokens,omitempty"` Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*RefreshResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *RefreshResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type RefreshToken ¶
type RefreshToken struct { ApplicationId string `json:"applicationId,omitempty"` InsertInstant int64 `json:"insertInstant,omitempty"` MetaData MetaData `json:"metaData,omitempty"` StartInstant int64 `json:"startInstant,omitempty"` Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"` }
- Models a JWT Refresh Token. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type RefreshTokenExpirationPolicy ¶
type RefreshTokenExpirationPolicy string
- @author Daniel DeGroff
const ( RefreshTokenExpirationPolicy_Fixed RefreshTokenExpirationPolicy = "Fixed" RefreshTokenExpirationPolicy_SlidingWindow RefreshTokenExpirationPolicy = "SlidingWindow" )
type RefreshTokenRevocationPolicy ¶
type RefreshTokenRevocationPolicy struct { OnLoginPrevented bool `json:"onLoginPrevented,omitempty"` OnPasswordChanged bool `json:"onPasswordChanged,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type RefreshTokenUsagePolicy ¶
type RefreshTokenUsagePolicy string
- @author Daniel DeGroff
const ( RefreshTokenUsagePolicy_Reusable RefreshTokenUsagePolicy = "Reusable" RefreshTokenUsagePolicy_OneTimeUse RefreshTokenUsagePolicy = "OneTimeUse" )
type RegistrationConfiguration ¶
type RegistrationConfiguration struct { Enableable BirthDate Requirable `json:"birthDate,omitempty"` ConfirmPassword bool `json:"confirmPassword,omitempty"` FirstName Requirable `json:"firstName,omitempty"` FullName Requirable `json:"fullName,omitempty"` LastName Requirable `json:"lastName,omitempty"` LoginIdType LoginIdType `json:"loginIdType,omitempty"` MiddleName Requirable `json:"middleName,omitempty"` MobilePhone Requirable `json:"mobilePhone,omitempty"` }
type RegistrationReportResponse ¶
type RegistrationReportResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse HourlyCounts []Count `json:"hourlyCounts,omitempty"` Total int64 `json:"total,omitempty"` }
- Response for the registration report. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
func (*RegistrationReportResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *RegistrationReportResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type RegistrationRequest ¶
type RegistrationRequest struct { GenerateAuthenticationToken bool `json:"generateAuthenticationToken,omitempty"` Registration UserRegistration `json:"registration,omitempty"` SendSetPasswordEmail bool `json:"sendSetPasswordEmail,omitempty"` SkipRegistrationVerification bool `json:"skipRegistrationVerification,omitempty"` SkipVerification bool `json:"skipVerification,omitempty"` User User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
- Registration API request object. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type RegistrationResponse ¶
type RegistrationResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse RefreshToken string `json:"refreshToken,omitempty"` Registration UserRegistration `json:"registration,omitempty"` Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` User User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
- Registration API request object. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
func (*RegistrationResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *RegistrationResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type ReloadRequest ¶
type ReloadRequest struct {
Names []string `json:"names,omitempty"`
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type RememberPreviousPasswords ¶
type RememberPreviousPasswords struct { Enableable Count int `json:"count,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type Requirable ¶
type Requirable struct { Enableable Required bool `json:"required,omitempty"` }
- Something that can be required and thus also optional. This currently extends Enableable because anything that is
- require/optional is almost always enableable as well. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type RequiresCORSConfiguration ¶
type RequiresCORSConfiguration struct { }
- Interface describing the need for CORS configuration. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type SAMLv2ApplicationConfiguration ¶
type SAMLv2ApplicationConfiguration struct { BaseIdentityProviderApplicationConfiguration ButtonImageURL string `json:"buttonImageURL,omitempty"` ButtonText string `json:"buttonText,omitempty"` }
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type SAMLv2Configuration ¶
type SAMLv2Configuration struct { Enableable Audience string `json:"audience,omitempty"` CallbackURL string `json:"callbackURL,omitempty"` Debug bool `json:"debug,omitempty"` Issuer string `json:"issuer,omitempty"` KeyId string `json:"keyId,omitempty"` LogoutURL string `json:"logoutURL,omitempty"` XmlSignatureC14nMethod CanonicalizationMethod `json:"xmlSignatureC14nMethod,omitempty"` }
type SAMLv2IdentityProvider ¶
type SAMLv2IdentityProvider struct { BaseIdentityProvider ButtonImageURL string `json:"buttonImageURL,omitempty"` ButtonText string `json:"buttonText,omitempty"` Domains []string `json:"domains,omitempty"` EmailClaim string `json:"emailClaim,omitempty"` IdpEndpoint string `json:"idpEndpoint,omitempty"` Issuer string `json:"issuer,omitempty"` KeyId string `json:"keyId,omitempty"` UseNameIdForEmail bool `json:"useNameIdForEmail,omitempty"` }
- SAML v2 identity provider configuration. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type SearchRequest ¶
type SearchRequest struct {
Search UserSearchCriteria `json:"search,omitempty"`
- Search API request. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type SearchResponse ¶
type SearchResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Total int64 `json:"total,omitempty"` Users []User `json:"users,omitempty"` }
- Search API response. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
func (*SearchResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *SearchResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type SearchResults ¶
type SearchResults struct { Results []interface{} `json:"results,omitempty"` Total int64 `json:"total,omitempty"` }
- Search results. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type SecretResponse ¶
type SecretResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Secret string `json:"secret,omitempty"` SecretBase32Encoded string `json:"secretBase32Encoded,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*SecretResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *SecretResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type SecureGeneratorConfiguration ¶
type SecureGeneratorConfiguration struct { Length int `json:"length,omitempty"` Type SecureGeneratorType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type SecureGeneratorType ¶
type SecureGeneratorType string
- @author Daniel DeGroff
const ( SecureGeneratorType_RandomDigits SecureGeneratorType = "randomDigits" SecureGeneratorType_RandomBytes SecureGeneratorType = "randomBytes" SecureGeneratorType_RandomAlpha SecureGeneratorType = "randomAlpha" SecureGeneratorType_RandomAlphaNumeric SecureGeneratorType = "randomAlphaNumeric" )
type SecureIdentity ¶
type SecureIdentity struct { BreachedPasswordLastCheckedInstant int64 `json:"breachedPasswordLastCheckedInstant,omitempty"` BreachedPasswordStatus BreachedPasswordStatus `json:"breachedPasswordStatus,omitempty"` EncryptionScheme string `json:"encryptionScheme,omitempty"` Factor int `json:"factor,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` Password string `json:"password,omitempty"` PasswordChangeReason ChangePasswordReason `json:"passwordChangeReason,omitempty"` PasswordChangeRequired bool `json:"passwordChangeRequired,omitempty"` PasswordLastUpdateInstant int64 `json:"passwordLastUpdateInstant,omitempty"` Salt string `json:"salt,omitempty"` Verified bool `json:"verified,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type SendRequest ¶
type SendRequest struct { BccAddresses []string `json:"bccAddresses,omitempty"` CcAddresses []string `json:"ccAddresses,omitempty"` RequestData map[string]interface{} `json:"requestData,omitempty"` UserIds []string `json:"userIds,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type SendResponse ¶
type SendResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Results map[string]EmailTemplateErrors `json:"results,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*SendResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *SendResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type SortField ¶
type SortField struct { Missing string `json:"missing,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Order Sort `json:"order,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type StatusAble ¶
type StatusAble interface {
SetStatus(status int)
type SystemConfiguration ¶
type SystemConfiguration struct { AuditLogConfiguration AuditLogConfiguration `json:"auditLogConfiguration,omitempty"` CookieEncryptionIV string `json:"cookieEncryptionIV,omitempty"` CookieEncryptionKey string `json:"cookieEncryptionKey,omitempty"` CorsConfiguration CORSConfiguration `json:"corsConfiguration,omitempty"` Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"` EventLogConfiguration EventLogConfiguration `json:"eventLogConfiguration,omitempty"` LoginRecordConfiguration LoginRecordConfiguration `json:"loginRecordConfiguration,omitempty"` ReportTimezone string `json:"reportTimezone,omitempty"` UiConfiguration UIConfiguration `json:"uiConfiguration,omitempty"` }
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type SystemConfigurationRequest ¶
type SystemConfigurationRequest struct {
SystemConfiguration SystemConfiguration `json:"systemConfiguration,omitempty"`
- Request for the system configuration API. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type SystemConfigurationResponse ¶
type SystemConfigurationResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse SystemConfiguration SystemConfiguration `json:"systemConfiguration,omitempty"` }
- Response for the system configuration API. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
func (*SystemConfigurationResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *SystemConfigurationResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type SystemLogsExportRequest ¶
type SystemLogsExportRequest struct { BaseExportRequest LastNBytes int `json:"lastNBytes,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type Templates ¶
type Templates struct { EmailComplete string `json:"emailComplete,omitempty"` EmailSend string `json:"emailSend,omitempty"` EmailVerify string `json:"emailVerify,omitempty"` Helpers string `json:"helpers,omitempty"` Oauth2Authorize string `json:"oauth2Authorize,omitempty"` Oauth2ChildRegistrationNotAllowed string `json:"oauth2ChildRegistrationNotAllowed,omitempty"` Oauth2ChildRegistrationNotAllowedComplete string `json:"oauth2ChildRegistrationNotAllowedComplete,omitempty"` Oauth2CompleteRegistration string `json:"oauth2CompleteRegistration,omitempty"` Oauth2Device string `json:"oauth2Device,omitempty"` Oauth2DeviceComplete string `json:"oauth2DeviceComplete,omitempty"` Oauth2Error string `json:"oauth2Error,omitempty"` Oauth2Logout string `json:"oauth2Logout,omitempty"` Oauth2Passwordless string `json:"oauth2Passwordless,omitempty"` Oauth2Register string `json:"oauth2Register,omitempty"` Oauth2TwoFactor string `json:"oauth2TwoFactor,omitempty"` Oauth2Wait string `json:"oauth2Wait,omitempty"` PasswordChange string `json:"passwordChange,omitempty"` PasswordComplete string `json:"passwordComplete,omitempty"` PasswordForgot string `json:"passwordForgot,omitempty"` PasswordSent string `json:"passwordSent,omitempty"` RegistrationComplete string `json:"registrationComplete,omitempty"` RegistrationSend string `json:"registrationSend,omitempty"` RegistrationVerify string `json:"registrationVerify,omitempty"` }
type Tenant ¶
type Tenant struct { Configured bool `json:"configured,omitempty"` Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"` EmailConfiguration EmailConfiguration `json:"emailConfiguration,omitempty"` EventConfiguration EventConfiguration `json:"eventConfiguration,omitempty"` ExternalIdentifierConfiguration ExternalIdentifierConfiguration `json:"externalIdentifierConfiguration,omitempty"` FailedAuthenticationConfiguration FailedAuthenticationConfiguration `json:"failedAuthenticationConfiguration,omitempty"` FamilyConfiguration FamilyConfiguration `json:"familyConfiguration,omitempty"` HttpSessionMaxInactiveInterval int `json:"httpSessionMaxInactiveInterval,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` Issuer string `json:"issuer,omitempty"` JwtConfiguration JWTConfiguration `json:"jwtConfiguration,omitempty"` LogoutURL string `json:"logoutURL,omitempty"` MaximumPasswordAge MaximumPasswordAge `json:"maximumPasswordAge,omitempty"` MinimumPasswordAge MinimumPasswordAge `json:"minimumPasswordAge,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` PasswordEncryptionConfiguration PasswordEncryptionConfiguration `json:"passwordEncryptionConfiguration,omitempty"` PasswordValidationRules PasswordValidationRules `json:"passwordValidationRules,omitempty"` ThemeId string `json:"themeId,omitempty"` UserDeletePolicy TenantUserDeletePolicy `json:"userDeletePolicy,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type TenantRequest ¶
type TenantRequest struct { SourceTenantId string `json:"sourceTenantId,omitempty"` Tenant Tenant `json:"tenant,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type TenantResponse ¶
type TenantResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Tenant Tenant `json:"tenant,omitempty"` Tenants []Tenant `json:"tenants,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*TenantResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *TenantResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type TenantUserDeletePolicy ¶
type TenantUserDeletePolicy struct {
Unverified TimeBasedDeletePolicy `json:"unverified,omitempty"`
- A Tenant-level policy for deleting Users. *
- @author Trevor Smith
type Theme ¶
type Theme struct { Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"` DefaultMessages string `json:"defaultMessages,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` InsertInstant int64 `json:"insertInstant,omitempty"` LastUpdateInstant int64 `json:"lastUpdateInstant,omitempty"` LocalizedMessages map[string]string `json:"localizedMessages,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Stylesheet string `json:"stylesheet,omitempty"` Templates Templates `json:"templates,omitempty"` }
- @author Trevor Smith
type ThemeRequest ¶
type ThemeRequest struct { SourceThemeId string `json:"sourceThemeId,omitempty"` Theme Theme `json:"theme,omitempty"` }
- Theme API request object. *
- @author Trevor Smith
type ThemeResponse ¶
type ThemeResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Theme Theme `json:"theme,omitempty"` Themes []Theme `json:"themes,omitempty"` }
- Theme API response object. *
- @author Trevor Smith
func (*ThemeResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *ThemeResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type TimeBasedDeletePolicy ¶
type TimeBasedDeletePolicy struct { Enableable NumberOfDaysToRetain int `json:"numberOfDaysToRetain,omitempty"` }
- A policy for deleting Users. *
- @author Trevor Smith
type TokenType ¶
type TokenType string
- <ul>
- <li>Bearer Token type as defined by <a href="">RFC 6750</a>.</li>
- <li>MAC Token type as referenced by <a href="">RFC 6749</a> and
- <a href="">
- Draft RFC on OAuth 2.0 Message Authentication Code (MAC) Tokens</a>
- </li>
- </ul> *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type TotalsReportResponse ¶
type TotalsReportResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse ApplicationTotals map[string]Totals `json:"applicationTotals,omitempty"` GlobalRegistrations int64 `json:"globalRegistrations,omitempty"` TotalGlobalRegistrations int64 `json:"totalGlobalRegistrations,omitempty"` }
- The response from the total report. This report stores the total numbers for each application. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
func (*TotalsReportResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *TotalsReportResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type TransactionType ¶
type TransactionType string
- The transaction types for Webhooks and other event systems within FusionAuth. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
const ( TransactionType_None TransactionType = "None" TransactionType_Any TransactionType = "Any" TransactionType_SimpleMajority TransactionType = "SimpleMajority" TransactionType_SuperMajority TransactionType = "SuperMajority" TransactionType_AbsoluteMajority TransactionType = "AbsoluteMajority" )
type TwilioConfiguration ¶
type TwilioConfiguration struct { Enableable AccountSID string `json:"accountSID,omitempty"` AuthToken string `json:"authToken,omitempty"` FromPhoneNumber string `json:"fromPhoneNumber,omitempty"` MessagingServiceSid string `json:"messagingServiceSid,omitempty"` Url string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
- Twilio Service Configuration. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type TwitterApplicationConfiguration ¶
type TwitterApplicationConfiguration struct { BaseIdentityProviderApplicationConfiguration ButtonText string `json:"buttonText,omitempty"` ConsumerKey string `json:"consumerKey,omitempty"` ConsumerSecret string `json:"consumerSecret,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type TwitterIdentityProvider ¶
type TwitterIdentityProvider struct { BaseIdentityProvider ButtonText string `json:"buttonText,omitempty"` ConsumerKey string `json:"consumerKey,omitempty"` ConsumerSecret string `json:"consumerSecret,omitempty"` }
- Twitter social login provider. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type TwoFactorDelivery ¶
type TwoFactorDelivery string
- @author Daniel DeGroff
const ( TwoFactorDelivery_None TwoFactorDelivery = "None" TwoFactorDelivery_TextMessage TwoFactorDelivery = "TextMessage" )
type TwoFactorLoginRequest ¶
type TwoFactorLoginRequest struct { BaseLoginRequest Code string `json:"code,omitempty"` TrustComputer bool `json:"trustComputer,omitempty"` TwoFactorId string `json:"twoFactorId,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type TwoFactorRequest ¶
type TwoFactorRequest struct { Code string `json:"code,omitempty"` Delivery TwoFactorDelivery `json:"delivery,omitempty"` Secret string `json:"secret,omitempty"` SecretBase32Encoded string `json:"secretBase32Encoded,omitempty"` }
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type TwoFactorSendRequest ¶
type TwoFactorSendRequest struct { MobilePhone string `json:"mobilePhone,omitempty"` Secret string `json:"secret,omitempty"` UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type UIConfiguration ¶
type User ¶
type User struct { SecureIdentity Active bool `json:"active,omitempty"` BirthDate string `json:"birthDate,omitempty"` CleanSpeakId string `json:"cleanSpeakId,omitempty"` Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"` Email string `json:"email,omitempty"` Expiry int64 `json:"expiry,omitempty"` FirstName string `json:"firstName,omitempty"` FullName string `json:"fullName,omitempty"` ImageUrl string `json:"imageUrl,omitempty"` InsertInstant int64 `json:"insertInstant,omitempty"` LastLoginInstant int64 `json:"lastLoginInstant,omitempty"` LastName string `json:"lastName,omitempty"` Memberships []GroupMember `json:"memberships,omitempty"` MiddleName string `json:"middleName,omitempty"` MobilePhone string `json:"mobilePhone,omitempty"` ParentEmail string `json:"parentEmail,omitempty"` PreferredLanguages []string `json:"preferredLanguages,omitempty"` Registrations []UserRegistration `json:"registrations,omitempty"` TenantId string `json:"tenantId,omitempty"` Timezone string `json:"timezone,omitempty"` TwoFactorDelivery TwoFactorDelivery `json:"twoFactorDelivery,omitempty"` TwoFactorEnabled bool `json:"twoFactorEnabled,omitempty"` TwoFactorSecret string `json:"twoFactorSecret,omitempty"` Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` UsernameStatus ContentStatus `json:"usernameStatus,omitempty"` }
- The global view of a User. This object contains all global information about the user including birth date, registration information
- preferred languages, global attributes, etc. *
- @author Seth Musselman
type UserAction ¶
type UserAction struct { Active bool `json:"active,omitempty"` CancelEmailTemplateId string `json:"cancelEmailTemplateId,omitempty"` EndEmailTemplateId string `json:"endEmailTemplateId,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` IncludeEmailInEventJSON bool `json:"includeEmailInEventJSON,omitempty"` LocalizedNames map[string]string `json:"localizedNames,omitempty"` ModifyEmailTemplateId string `json:"modifyEmailTemplateId,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Options []UserActionOption `json:"options,omitempty"` PreventLogin bool `json:"preventLogin,omitempty"` SendEndEvent bool `json:"sendEndEvent,omitempty"` StartEmailTemplateId string `json:"startEmailTemplateId,omitempty"` Temporal bool `json:"temporal,omitempty"` TransactionType TransactionType `json:"transactionType,omitempty"` UserEmailingEnabled bool `json:"userEmailingEnabled,omitempty"` UserNotificationsEnabled bool `json:"userNotificationsEnabled,omitempty"` }
- An action that can be executed on a user (discipline or reward potentially). *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type UserActionEvent ¶
type UserActionEvent struct { BaseEvent Action string `json:"action,omitempty"` ActioneeUserId string `json:"actioneeUserId,omitempty"` ActionerUserId string `json:"actionerUserId,omitempty"` ActionId string `json:"actionId,omitempty"` ApplicationIds []string `json:"applicationIds,omitempty"` Comment string `json:"comment,omitempty"` Email Email `json:"email,omitempty"` EmailedUser bool `json:"emailedUser,omitempty"` Expiry int64 `json:"expiry,omitempty"` LocalizedAction string `json:"localizedAction,omitempty"` LocalizedDuration string `json:"localizedDuration,omitempty"` LocalizedOption string `json:"localizedOption,omitempty"` LocalizedReason string `json:"localizedReason,omitempty"` NotifyUser bool `json:"notifyUser,omitempty"` Option string `json:"option,omitempty"` Phase UserActionPhase `json:"phase,omitempty"` Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"` ReasonCode string `json:"reasonCode,omitempty"` }
- Models the user action event (and can be converted to JSON). *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type UserActionLog ¶
type UserActionLog struct { ActioneeUserId string `json:"actioneeUserId,omitempty"` ActionerUserId string `json:"actionerUserId,omitempty"` ApplicationIds []string `json:"applicationIds,omitempty"` Comment string `json:"comment,omitempty"` CreateInstant int64 `json:"createInstant,omitempty"` EmailUserOnEnd bool `json:"emailUserOnEnd,omitempty"` EndEventSent bool `json:"endEventSent,omitempty"` Expiry int64 `json:"expiry,omitempty"` History LogHistory `json:"history,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` LocalizedName string `json:"localizedName,omitempty"` LocalizedOption string `json:"localizedOption,omitempty"` LocalizedReason string `json:"localizedReason,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` NotifyUserOnEnd bool `json:"notifyUserOnEnd,omitempty"` Option string `json:"option,omitempty"` Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"` ReasonCode string `json:"reasonCode,omitempty"` UserActionId string `json:"userActionId,omitempty"` }
- A log for an action that was taken on a User. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type UserActionOption ¶
type UserActionOption struct { LocalizedNames map[string]string `json:"localizedNames,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
- Models content user action options. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type UserActionPhase ¶
type UserActionPhase string
- The phases of a time-based user action. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
const ( UserActionPhase_Start UserActionPhase = "start" UserActionPhase_Modify UserActionPhase = "modify" UserActionPhase_Cancel UserActionPhase = "cancel" UserActionPhase_End UserActionPhase = "end" )
type UserActionReason ¶
type UserActionReason struct { Code string `json:"code,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` LocalizedTexts map[string]string `json:"localizedTexts,omitempty"` Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` }
- Models action reasons. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type UserActionReasonRequest ¶
type UserActionReasonRequest struct {
UserActionReason UserActionReason `json:"userActionReason,omitempty"`
- User Action Reason API request object. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type UserActionReasonResponse ¶
type UserActionReasonResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse UserActionReason UserActionReason `json:"userActionReason,omitempty"` UserActionReasons []UserActionReason `json:"userActionReasons,omitempty"` }
- User Action Reason API response object. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
func (*UserActionReasonResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *UserActionReasonResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type UserActionRequest ¶
type UserActionRequest struct {
UserAction UserAction `json:"userAction,omitempty"`
- User Action API request object. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type UserActionResponse ¶
type UserActionResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse UserAction UserAction `json:"userAction,omitempty"` UserActions []UserAction `json:"userActions,omitempty"` }
- User Action API response object. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
func (*UserActionResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *UserActionResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type UserBulkCreateEvent ¶
- Models the User Bulk Create Event (and can be converted to JSON). *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type UserComment ¶
type UserComment struct { Comment string `json:"comment,omitempty"` CommenterId string `json:"commenterId,omitempty"` CreateInstant int64 `json:"createInstant,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"` }
- A log for an event that happened to a User. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type UserCommentRequest ¶
type UserCommentRequest struct {
UserComment UserComment `json:"userComment,omitempty"`
- @author Seth Musselman
type UserCommentResponse ¶
type UserCommentResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse UserComment UserComment `json:"userComment,omitempty"` UserComments []UserComment `json:"userComments,omitempty"` }
- User Comment Response *
- @author Seth Musselman
func (*UserCommentResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *UserCommentResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type UserConsent ¶
type UserConsent struct { Consent Consent `json:"consent,omitempty"` ConsentId string `json:"consentId,omitempty"` Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"` GiverUserId string `json:"giverUserId,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` InsertInstant int64 `json:"insertInstant,omitempty"` LastUpdateInstant int64 `json:"lastUpdateInstant,omitempty"` Status ConsentStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"` Values []string `json:"values,omitempty"` }
- Models a User consent. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type UserConsentRequest ¶
type UserConsentRequest struct {
UserConsent UserConsent `json:"userConsent,omitempty"`
- API response for User consent. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type UserConsentResponse ¶
type UserConsentResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse UserConsent UserConsent `json:"userConsent,omitempty"` UserConsents []UserConsent `json:"userConsents,omitempty"` }
- API response for User consent. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*UserConsentResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *UserConsentResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type UserCreateEvent ¶
- Models the User Create Event (and can be converted to JSON). *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type UserDeactivateEvent ¶
- Models the User Deactivate Event (and can be converted to JSON). *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type UserDeleteEvent ¶
- Models the User Event (and can be converted to JSON) that is used for all user modifications (create, update,
- delete). *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type UserDeleteRequest ¶
type UserDeleteRequest struct { DryRun bool `json:"dryRun,omitempty"` HardDelete bool `json:"hardDelete,omitempty"` Query string `json:"query,omitempty"` QueryString string `json:"queryString,omitempty"` UserIds []string `json:"userIds,omitempty"` }
- User API delete request object. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type UserDeleteResponse ¶
type UserDeleteResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse DryRun bool `json:"dryRun,omitempty"` HardDelete bool `json:"hardDelete,omitempty"` Total int `json:"total,omitempty"` UserIds []string `json:"userIds,omitempty"` }
- User API bulk response object. *
- @author Trevor Smith
func (*UserDeleteResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *UserDeleteResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type UserEmailVerifiedEvent ¶
- Models the User Email Verify Event (and can be converted to JSON). *
- @author Trevor Smith
type UserLoginFailedEvent ¶
type UserLoginFailedEvent struct { BaseEvent ApplicationId string `json:"applicationId,omitempty"` AuthenticationType string `json:"authenticationType,omitempty"` User User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
- Models the User Login Failed Event. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type UserLoginSuccessEvent ¶
type UserLoginSuccessEvent struct { BaseEvent ApplicationId string `json:"applicationId,omitempty"` AuthenticationType string `json:"authenticationType,omitempty"` IdentityProviderId string `json:"identityProviderId,omitempty"` IdentityProviderName string `json:"identityProviderName,omitempty"` User User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
- Models the User Login Success Event. *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type UserReactivateEvent ¶
- Models the User Reactivate Event (and can be converted to JSON). *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type UserRegistration ¶
type UserRegistration struct { ApplicationId string `json:"applicationId,omitempty"` AuthenticationToken string `json:"authenticationToken,omitempty"` CleanSpeakId string `json:"cleanSpeakId,omitempty"` Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` InsertInstant int64 `json:"insertInstant,omitempty"` LastLoginInstant int64 `json:"lastLoginInstant,omitempty"` PreferredLanguages []string `json:"preferredLanguages,omitempty"` Roles []string `json:"roles,omitempty"` Timezone string `json:"timezone,omitempty"` Tokens map[string]string `json:"tokens,omitempty"` Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` UsernameStatus ContentStatus `json:"usernameStatus,omitempty"` Verified bool `json:"verified,omitempty"` }
- User registration information for a single application. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type UserRegistrationCreateEvent ¶
type UserRegistrationCreateEvent struct { BaseEvent ApplicationId string `json:"applicationId,omitempty"` Registration UserRegistration `json:"registration,omitempty"` User User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
- Models the User Create Registration Event (and can be converted to JSON). *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type UserRegistrationDeleteEvent ¶
type UserRegistrationDeleteEvent struct { BaseEvent ApplicationId string `json:"applicationId,omitempty"` Registration UserRegistration `json:"registration,omitempty"` User User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
- Models the User Delete Registration Event (and can be converted to JSON). *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type UserRegistrationUpdateEvent ¶
type UserRegistrationUpdateEvent struct { BaseEvent ApplicationId string `json:"applicationId,omitempty"` Original UserRegistration `json:"original,omitempty"` Registration UserRegistration `json:"registration,omitempty"` User User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
- Models the User Update Registration Event (and can be converted to JSON). *
- @author Daniel DeGroff
type UserRegistrationVerifiedEvent ¶
type UserRegistrationVerifiedEvent struct { BaseEvent ApplicationId string `json:"applicationId,omitempty"` Registration UserRegistration `json:"registration,omitempty"` User User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
- Models the User Registration Verified Event (and can be converted to JSON). *
- @author Trevor Smith
type UserRequest ¶
type UserRequest struct { SendSetPasswordEmail bool `json:"sendSetPasswordEmail,omitempty"` SkipVerification bool `json:"skipVerification,omitempty"` User User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
- User API request object. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type UserResponse ¶
type UserResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` User User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
- User API response object. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
func (*UserResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *UserResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type UserSearchCriteria ¶
type UserSearchCriteria struct { BaseSearchCriteria Ids []string `json:"ids,omitempty"` Query string `json:"query,omitempty"` QueryString string `json:"queryString,omitempty"` SortFields []SortField `json:"sortFields,omitempty"` }
- This class is the user query. It provides a build pattern as well as public fields for use on forms and in actions. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type UserUpdateEvent ¶
type UserUpdateEvent struct { BaseEvent Original User `json:"original,omitempty"` User User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
- Models the User Update Event (and can be converted to JSON). *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type UsernameModeration ¶
type UsernameModeration struct { Enableable ApplicationId string `json:"applicationId,omitempty"` }
type ValidateResponse ¶
type ValidateResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Jwt JWT `json:"jwt,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*ValidateResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *ValidateResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type VerifyEmailResponse ¶
type VerifyEmailResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse VerificationId string `json:"verificationId,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*VerifyEmailResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *VerifyEmailResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type VerifyRegistrationResponse ¶
type VerifyRegistrationResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse VerificationId string `json:"verificationId,omitempty"` }
- @author Daniel DeGroff
func (*VerifyRegistrationResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *VerifyRegistrationResponse) SetStatus(status int)
type Webhook ¶
type Webhook struct { ApplicationIds []string `json:"applicationIds,omitempty"` ConnectTimeout int `json:"connectTimeout,omitempty"` Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` EventsEnabled map[EventType]bool `json:"eventsEnabled,omitempty"` Global bool `json:"global,omitempty"` Headers map[string]string `json:"headers,omitempty"` HttpAuthenticationPassword string `json:"httpAuthenticationPassword,omitempty"` HttpAuthenticationUsername string `json:"httpAuthenticationUsername,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` ReadTimeout int `json:"readTimeout,omitempty"` SslCertificate string `json:"sslCertificate,omitempty"` Url string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
- A server where events are sent. This includes user action events and any other events sent by FusionAuth. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type WebhookRequest ¶
type WebhookRequest struct {
Webhook Webhook `json:"webhook,omitempty"`
- Webhook API request object. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
type WebhookResponse ¶
type WebhookResponse struct { BaseHTTPResponse Webhook Webhook `json:"webhook,omitempty"` Webhooks []Webhook `json:"webhooks,omitempty"` }
- Webhook API response object. *
- @author Brian Pontarelli
func (*WebhookResponse) SetStatus ¶
func (b *WebhookResponse) SetStatus(status int)